Sport rates System 2 out of 3. Systems in bookmaker offices

Sport rates System 2 out of 3. Systems in bookmaker offices
Sport rates System 2 out of 3. Systems in bookmaker offices

I think everyone is familiar with the fact that the bets in the bookmakers are the following types:
- Ordar
- Express
- System
- Conditional rate

Everyone knows about the game by the orders and express, the game is somewhat specific, so we will analyze it later. But with what I recently faced. With the fact that even people who play in the bookmaker's office quite a long time, poorly understand the features of the game by the system. Now I will try to talk about her. In the form of questions and answers.

1) What is the system?

You can look into the rules of any bookmaker, and you will find there about such an inscription. "The system is a totality of expressions, which is a complete search for expressing variants of one size from a fixed set of outcomes. It is characterized by the same rate of bet on each express (system option) and the same output in each expression. At the rate on the system, you must specify the total number of outcomes and express dimension (system option). The winnings on the system is equal to the amount of express exemptions (from the rules of the game of one famous bookmaker).

This can be found in the rules of other offices. But it's not enough. Understand this is quite difficult. Therefore, I will try to explain the same simple available language.

We decided to put on. That is, selected for the game several matches. But it's not enough. If they play them ordinaries, what would be good to win, you need to put decent amounts of money for every match. You can do a different: to form an express from the events you like. Put a little, but with a large coefficient. But in this case, if some bet loses, we will not get anything at all. There is a third option. Make several expressions from selected events. And if some event in one of the expressings does not play, then we will get 0 only for this express, and the rest will benefit.

But how to split rates for express? Can play twins (expresses from two events), tees (out of three) or somehow? In the future, I will write how to do it. So, for example, we chose that we all bets we will play twins. But what bids, include in what twins? By and large, they are all equal (there will probably be right here, because there is a superstavor that will win 100%. But remember how many times your superstavor did not play?).

Here we have to help and comes the game by the system. When playing the system, we speak. Here are our events. Make expressions. In each express turn on ... (here we say the dimension of the system) events. In all possible combinations. For example: Our events:

Then the set of twins will be:

1. (Torpedo - Spartak M: Victory 2 Teams) * (Wings of the Soviets - Rotor: Victory 1 Commands)

2. (Torpedo - Spartak M: Victory 2 Teams) * (Ulalan - Lokomotiv M: Victory 2 Teams)

What does it give us? The fact that if the bet did not play (Torpedo - Spartak M: the victory of the 2 teams) and 1 and 2 express we received the winnings of 0. And the third express played. And we won money. That is, if we combined all 3 events in one express, we would lose money. And in the case of a system, even if there is one increasing event, we will win money.

2) I know that when playing on the system, you need to call on what system "how many of how many" I play. What should I call?

You call the number of events that you selected for rates. And how many events you would like to include in each express from these events. Above the system 2 of 3 was dismantled (we chose 3 events and in each express included 2 events). This is called the dimension of the system.

3) What is the number of options in the system?

This is how many expressings can be done if all events are divided into express in accordance with the specified dimension. For example, in System 2 of 3, 3 Express can be made (2 events in each). We understood this case above.

4) What could be the dimension of the system? What restrictions is on the system?

Yes, any. For example, 2 out of 3, 7 out of 9, 4 out of 6, etc ... But then it is necessary to take into account the following.
Contraders can limit:
A) The number of events included in the system.
B) the maximum number of options in the system.
C) the minimum amount per 1 system
D) the maximum coefficient of one express in the system

For each bookmaker, these parameters are yours. You can find them in the rules.
But what are they for? In my opinion: "A" and "B" are associated with obsolete software offices. "B" So that players would put more money. "G" - what would not be ruined if the players are lucky.

5) What are the systems?

- Simple (those who accept all the offices, we disassemble them above)
- complex (those that accept only the most advanced offices (as I understand the offices, which allows you to make their software))
- Invented by various people - a set of ordinary rates arranged in different ways. Wow! And how many of them happen!

5) What is a complex system?

The most ridiculous thing is that I was asked not only simple players, but also some bookmakers. Even asked one very large well-known bookmaker office. Maybe because I think they do not seek to find out and enter something new? So all are big ...

A complex system is a system of each event in which it may consist of expressings. That is, for example, modifying the previously considered example, we used to have 3 events:

1.Turpedo - Spartak M: Victory 2 Teams
2. Board of Soviets - Rotor: Victory 1 Team
3.Ralan - Lokomotiv M: Victory 2 Teams

And we wanted to have the first event with you with you
"Torpedo - Spartak M: 2 team victory", and express
1. (Torpedo - Spartak M) * (CSKA - Rubin Victory 1 Commands)

Then the system 2 of the 3rd will be:

1. ((Torpedo - Spartak M) * (CSKA - Rubin Victory 1 Commands)) * (Wings of the Soviets - Rotor: Victory 1 Commands)

2. ((Torpedo - Spartak M) * (CSKA - Rubin Victory 1 Commands)) * (Ulan - Lokomotiv M: Victory 2 Teams)

3. (Wings of the Soviets - Rotor: Victory 1 Commands) * (Ulan - Lokomotiv M: Victory 2 Teams)

6) And why do these most complex systems do you need? What is not enough for us to play simple systems?

Sophisticated systems are convenient when playing with small coefficients. That is, for example, we have 2 events that have large coefficients. And several events that have very small coefficients. The most optimal method in this case make a complex system 2 of the 3rd. Events with large coefficients will be played as the first 2 events. And the third event will be express from the other events (those with small coefficients).

We will continue to consider systems. In general, what is the goal of the game in the bookmaker? Most will say - win money! And will not be right. The main goal, this money does not lose! As is well known on the statistics losing 90..92% of players. It is at the expense of them who lives the remaining 10% of the players who won, and the Bookmakers themselves themselves.

Therefore, we will analyze today. As you can not lose, using systems.
Take this situation. We play the system 2 out of 3. and guess 2 outcome. Question: Will we get a profit? Or will our losses. Answer: It all depends on the coefficients that we played. If the average coefficient of winning events of the system is large enough (for system 2 of 3 \u003d\u003e 1.73), then we won, we will be returned to money back. If a little less, then we will lose a little.

Therefore, for each system there is a so-called break-even point. We give the table in which these coefficients are described:

2 of 3 \u003d\u003e 1.73
3 of 4 \u003d\u003e 1.58
4 out of 5 \u003d\u003e 1.49
5 of 6 \u003d\u003e 1.43
6 of 7 \u003d\u003e 1.38
7 of 8 \u003d\u003e 1.34
8 of 9 \u003d\u003e 1.31

That is, for example, playing a system of 8 out of 9 and guessing 8 events, we will receive a profit if the winning coefficients in the system will be at least 1.31.

Now. As for other systems.

2 of 4 \u003d\u003e (3) 1.4 (2) 2.45

3 of 5 \u003d\u003e (4) 1.35 (3) 2.15
2 out of 5 \u003d\u003e (4) 1.29 (3) 1.8 (2) 3.15

4 of 6 \u003d\u003e (5) 1.32 (4) 1.97
3 of 6 \u003d\u003e (5) 1.26 (4) 1.71 (3) 2.71
2 of 6 \u003d\u003e (5) 1.22 (4) 1.58 (3) 2.23 (2) 3.87

5 of 7 \u003d\u003e (6) 1.27 (5) 1.85
4 of 7 \u003d\u003e (6) 1.23 (5) 1.63 (4) 2.44
3 of 7 \u003d\u003e (6) 1.20 (5) 1.52 (4) 2.06 (3) 3.27
2 of 7 \u003d\u003e (6) 1.21 (5) 1.48 (4) 1.91 (3) 2.7 (2) 4.7

6 of 8 \u003d\u003e (7) 1.26 (6) 1.74
5 of 8 \u003d\u003e (7) 1.22 (6) 1.56 (5) 2.23
4 of 8 \u003d\u003e (7) 1.19 (6) 1.47 (5) 1.93 (4) 2.9
3 of 8 \u003d\u003e (7) 1.17 (6) 1.41 (5) 1.77 (4) 2.43 (3) 3.83
2 of 8 \u003d\u003e (7) 1.15 (6) 1.35 (5) 1.67 (4) 2.15 (3) 3.05 (2) 5.3

What are the figures in brackets? In brackets, the number of events has been guessed. That is, 3 out of 8 \u003d\u003e (5) 1.77, it is necessary to understand how the game in the system 3 out of 8 when you guess 5 events will be returned to us if the average event of events won will be at least 1.77

Most players seek to find exemplary or at least close to it strategy. Therefore, almost all game tactics are constantly improving the systems trying to introduce the highlights of various theories for competent management of available funds. It is proved that without competent financial management it is impossible to beat the bookmaker. Even experienced forecasts may lose on a long distance, if they are irrational to use capital.

As a result, the search for the optimal strategy is an inevitable process that includes long-term and painstaking work. In order not to spend a lot of time to empty, you can try out and evaluate the effectiveness of the "2 out of 3" strategy. This strategy is the easiest to perceive and at the same time very effective, but do not confuse the system with a strategy.

As a result of an erroneous opinion, many will seem that the strategy "2 of 3" is an analogue of 2/3. In fact, there is no similarity, so the system, by definition, is a combination of pairwise expressions, while the strategy "2 of 3" is a full-fledged capital management methodology and rates.

The system is a type of betting, the profitability of which is possible only with the coefficient of 1.85, otherwise the system will be unprofitable. Strategy "2 of 3" ("Two-Three") begins to profit in the coefficient of 1.51

Definition and terms

If you formulate the definition of a sports essence for this strategy, then you can withdraw the thesis "The set of the same with a certain fixed amount without any time binding." In general, "Strategy 2 of 3" is a model of the game, which is based on the basic rules of Flat. The maximum amount of bets defines a player. Three rates are defined as a "chain", and several chains are allocated to the "series".

The main rule of the strategy "2 of 3" is determined by the title, that is, it is necessary to properly predict two events ("Dublvin"), while the coefficients must be at least 1.51, the outcome of the third event in this case does not matter, since to obtain Profit enough balance + 2-1.


1. Bets should be made only by the same amount. The amount of the amount is determined by the player, but capital should not exceed the initial bank by more than 10%. Optimal are 1-3%, which will reduce the risk.

2. The coefficients of at least 1.51 (the best 1.6-2.1), this rule guarantees profits. For example, three times with a bet of 100 rubles and coefficients of 1.6. Two winning will bring 160 + 160 \u003d 320 rubles, of which "clean" +20 rubles.

3. A bet on the same can be changed only after the completed "chain", consisting of three bets, while the number of "chains" is not limited.

4. In the event that Dublvin has been reached immediately after the first two bets, then you should not do the third, you need to start a new chain.

What should be considered.

The strategy "2 of 3" is checked in practice and is profitable, but it should be remembered that not all "chains" will be advantageous and "Dublvins" will be alternating with the so-called Luz-Series.

For convenience, you can combine individual "chains" in the series. For example, 10 "chains" correspond to 30 rates, the total balance of which in the end should be + 20 / -10.

It should be noted that the strategy itself lates the minimization of risks. Thus, every Dublvin is a guarantee that the Luz-Series will not go bankrupt a bank.

The strategy "2 of 3" is one of the most optimal, both on the part of perception and from capital management. With proper use, the player can get a significant profit by avoiding significant losses.

Success in most cases depends only on the player, which will achieve large heights, spending the minimum of effort. After a careful study of all 4 rules, and the choice of the bookmaker with the best coefficients (for example, SportingBet) can be safely and confidently start earning at rates.

System - This can be said, some complicated variety expresshaving compared to the latter some very important advantages.

Let's remember what express. When we make a bet on some events on some events, then the coefficients of this group are multiplied and constitute a general coefficient.

For example, there are four outcome with coefficients 1.9; 1.4; 1.75; 2.55 . If we bet on express, then the overall coefficient will be 11.87025 that is very attractive. In fact, it is on expressments that the bookmakers earn most of all. Why? I think it is not a secret for you that if at least one outcome in express has not taken place, the bet is considered to be lost. This is the greatest lack of express.

In turn, the type of bet " System"This drawback abolishes. Let's consider more ...

Take system 2 of 4 With the same outcomes (Screen.1). 2 of 4. means that when calculating the rates are taken all options for steam outcomes from the four data. Each pair has its own coefficient, which is calculated by multiplying the coefficients of the incoming pair. Each version of the system is an express (in this case of two outcomes).


There are only 6 such options (Screen.1). The rate made on the system is divided by the number of options. Let's call this bet on the option. When calculating the system (when all events are completed) all options are processed. The coefficient of each option is multiplied by the bet per option. Let's call the resulting option of the option. All results of the options are folded and form the result of the entire system. For example, if the bet on this system 6 U.E., then each option is obtained by 1 U.E. If all the outcomes have played positively (in terms of rates), then all six pairs of outcomes with their coefficients ( 2.66; 3.325; 4.845; 2.45; 3.57; 4.4625 ) Multiply 1 U.E. And fold:

2.66 * 1 + 3.325 * 1 + 4.845 * 1 + 2.45 * 1 + 3.57 * 1 + 4.4625 * 1 = 21.3125,

i.e 21.31 U.E. This is a good result based on the bet in 6 U.E. Of course, if we were not on the system, but for express, then ( 6 * 11.87025 ) would get the result 71.22 U.E.What is much more, but do not rush to the conclusions ...

If one output does not play, the result of express will be ZERO. And now we will consider the case when one outcome will not play in our system (Screen.2).


So, the outcome with the coefficient 1.4 It did not play, then all pairs coefficients in which this outcome is, are reset and, accordingly, the result varies. Let's consider:

0 * 1 + 3.325 * 1 + 4.845 * 1 + 0 * 1 + 0 * 1 + 4.4625 * 1 = 12.6325,

i.e 12.63 USD Please note that we are in the plus (and this is good) and this is not played out. On the one hand, we were lucky that I did not play an outcome with a low coefficient, because if I had not played the outcome, for example, with the coefficient 2.55 then the result would be the system 8.44 cu (but still in the plus, the rate was 6 U.E.). With unsended 2 matches, the result of the system will not be zero either, but we will get a smaller result than the rate on the system, but will reduce losses (compared with the rate on express).

So, it is obvious that the rate on the system has enormous advantages compared with express. Therefore, our recommendations are not to neglect this type of betting, but more often use. By the way, if any of the outcomes in the system took place with a return (often happens on the phoras), then it is considered to be equal to 1 (Screen.3).


Making a bet on the system, many are afraid of large calculations or something terrible. In fact, everything is quite simple, and to make it even easier to understand, choose the purpose of the system, etc. We specifically developed the service " System ", Which allows not only to understand this type of bet, but also successfully use it in the bookmakers.

Fixed - This is a system with rates on the outcomes that are present in all variants of the system. The total number of system variants will decrease with an increase in the number of fixed rates. Usually this type of bets is used by players in systems where there is confidence in the outcomes, so they are chosen as fixed rates. Our service allows you to calculate the system with fixed rates. For example, selecting the "4 out of 8" system initially and noting two bets as fixed, get the system "2 out of 6", all the options of which will be multiplied by fixed rates. Consider if at least one fixed bet loses, then the whole system loses.

Such a type of sports betting as a "system" uses the players less popularity than the most common expressions and orders. This is due to the fact that many players do not always clearly understand what the system is in the bets, how can it be used correctly, and how many advantages and advantages it can give.

What is the system

The system in the bookmaker is a kind of combined set of rates consisting of expressive entertained by a player. The system is fairly attributed to the variety of rates of type "Express", because when using the system, several expressions are formulated.

Repeat again. The system in the rates is when from all the outcomes that are selected by the player, several expressions are formed, and the final coefficient is formed separately for each expression. The amount of the betting itself will be divided between expresss on equal parts, and as a result, the result of the system will depend on the passage of each expression, since they are all calculated separately.

System dimension

The main concept in the rate on the system is system dimension . The dimension is denoted by two digits, for example 2 of 3, 2 out of 5, 3 of 5, etc., where the second digit means the total number of outcomes chosen by the player, and the first shows how many outcomes the player has turned on in one express of this system. For example, with the dimension of the system 3 of 4, we see that the system has four express with three outcomes, if 2 out of 5, respectively, five expresses in two outcome, etc.

System Features

System rates with proper use have certain advantages. . The main advantage is that the player will receive a profit or, in any case, will not leave in minus, if, as a result, one of the events chosen by the player will end contrary to the forecast, as it would happen in the express type rate. The advantage of the system before the order type of the order is that in case of winning all the outcomes, the profit will be more. But if you compare the system and express, then under the same conditions, the potential expression gain will be greater.

Fixed Rate Systems

In some offices, there is an opportunity to create so-called"Complex Systems" . This is a type of betting in which you can add the outcome in which you are confident in all system options. Options where there is no such an outcome will be automatically excluded. Such a type of system may be called differently: Vernock, Banker, etc. The meaning of such a system is that the number of options in it decreases and, accordingly, the likelihood of winning increases.

System calculation

What way system is calculated? For example, if we took the system 2 out of 3, this means that we will choose three events for such a bet and win if in 2 out of 3 cases guess the outcome. The bookmaker office will display us a possible gain, that is, the maximum amount of winnings that we get only if all events from our system are played.

Further imagine that we make bets on the victory of the owners. We place a bet of $ 30, 10 dollars for each outcome. As a result, we will have a system for three double express: 1. The first match + second match, 2. The first match + the third match, 3. The second match + the third match. As a result, if we guess 2 outcomes of 3, then some kind of express will play, and if we guess all 3, "all three options will play.


If you look at the system in general terms, it can be viewed as a certain betting rate between the orders and express. As we have already said, the system is not a popular bet on players, but it is impossible to say that there are some weighty flaws in it.

With proper use, the system will regularly bring a good profit to the boetter. Plus to all, the rates on the system enable the player to try various strategies for the game. But it is also worth remembering that the system still carries minor risks for the player and the chances of getting into minus, so no one has canceled the pre-heart analysis!