The average population density of the Mountain Andes. Andes (Mountains)

The average population density of the Mountain Andes. Andes (Mountains)
The average population density of the Mountain Andes. Andes (Mountains)

Of course, to the question where the Andes are located the only correct answer. South America is the country where such unique mountains are presented, which are the only in the world. The peculiarity of their structure since ancient times was the object of study for all scientists and researchers. They are unique and still still, not solved. The usual person perceives this mountain system as a natural phenomenon as a symbol of the power of nature.

They stretch around the outskirts of all South America and have a length of thousands of kilometers. It has been established that the length of the entire embossed transformation is more than 9000 km. For our country, such numbers are incredible, and therefore Andes are the real dream of our compatriots. It is necessary to note that not only the length becomes amazing, the width of some sites comes from 500 km to 700 km, which is a unique natural conversion.

Fragments of the story that you need to say

Sometimes Andes are called a "natural barrier", which protects America's climatic space. Being a single mountain complex, each site has its own characteristics, features, differences. Conditionally, three clearly defined areas can be divided, which the names of the same name have the corresponding location:

  • Northern Andes;
  • Central;
  • Southern.

When a person hears the question - where the Mountains of the Andes are located, then the correct answer is very inaccurate. They are located in the seven different states, and therefore should always be denoted by the exact coordinates or the area of \u200b\u200binterest.

It is necessary and useful to know ...

The name of the mountains has a countertime story. Even experienced researchers cannot answer and answer, but there are many legends and facts. To go on this continent, it is very useful to know the most interesting moments. So, there is an opinion that the name "Andes" takes their name from the first settlements, but the history of the other type is more likely to create theory of the Italian scientist. The name went from the appearance of these transformations, initially "Andes, o Cordilleras" was called the eastern ridge, and after - the name spread over the entire territory of these magnificent mountains.

In addition to the name, these transformations are peculiar in everything. They are unique and called them "reborn again." It is especially interesting here is a vegetable and animal world, which is diverse and unique. The main value of this natural wealth is minerals.

It is very interesting that according to the location, each state is rich in its natural wealth and fossil, which leads to a unique market relations. The main activity, within the location of the mountains, is the mining industry.

If you are interested in where the Andes are on the map - then you can see them, even without certain knowledge of geography. They are defined by a special white-green color, and the exact coordinates are always fixable.

The feature of the mountains and in the fact that every single line of the mountain connection of the same line was formed in, the so-called, different geological periods, so you can observe the natural zones here, the landscapes, of course, mountain reliefs.

The Andes really have many places to watch - snow-covered peaks and glaciers, rocky low and high gorges, plateau.

Mountain chain is the largest watershed between the rivers of the Atlantic and Pacific.

What do we know about earthquakes?

Here and now there are various kinds of earthquake forces, which are the most important complexity for tourists. Also within the mountains, the most famous, the greatest acting volcano, which residents refer to as the "God of volcanoes", its height varies within 6722 meters.

Why are the Andes consider the important heritage of the world?

In the era, when people choose an active lifestyle for themselves, Andes are becoming the goal that should be achieved. This is the real paradise for those tourists who love mountains and climbing, who is ready to risk life for adrenaline for the sake of adrenaline, and get real pleasure.

There are always many amateurs of active recreation, for which the mountains are the best place for pastime. That is why, every extreme person knows exactly what continues are Andes and which point of these transformations is particularly interesting. Here come from different parts of the world and enjoy unforgettable feelings. One such trip is equal to this event, this is invaluable experience and the sea of \u200b\u200bimpressions.

But the main thing is still the fact that the unified system of the mountains is diverse. In each state there is a heritage that presented nature. Various climatic conditions, various designs of the mountains - they are so contrasted and peculiar. It is not surprising that it is impossible to describe them in one word, these mountains are a complex of diversity and various faces. In school, children will find out where Andes are located, and over time, they begin to dream of seeing them in reality. At the self, visit South America, as it is a completely different world, here you will never see something ordinary and understandable.

A few words about the route

If you decide to make an interesting trip to the beautiful and charming South America, remember that it will not be able to see everything, it will not be possible to visit all the place. Since even on the map, these mountains are quite extended, and the diversity of architectural monuments, natural zones and landscapes, unique routes and cultural doors makes them completely immense.

The music mining system is in fact, it is impossible to describe with the help of words and proposals, because they are not only "very, very long" or "the oldest", any terms and concepts will not describe all the beauty and uniqueness.

The Subcontinent of Andiy West takes the entire western part of the mainland. It is the most extended (9 thousand km) and one of the highest mining systems of mainland sushi. The width of this mining system comes up to 500 km. In general, Andes occupy an area of \u200b\u200babout 3370000 km². Andes Mountains with a wide front go to, in the north - to the Caribbean Sea. The eastern border with the countries of the Offandian East is held at the foot of the Andiy Ranges. The unity of the physico-geographical countries of the subcontinent is due to the fact that they are within the folded belt on the boundary of the lithospheric plates of the Pacific Ocean and South America.

The complex system of orotectonic zones is predominantly submeridional stretching from the northern coast of the mainland. Miscellaneous ridges of the coastal, Western and Eastern Cordiller are stretched throughout the Andasy Andes Mountain System. Sorious, especially active in Paleogen and Neogene, continue today, accompanied by volcanic processes and earthquakes.

Combines the region and the situation in the west of the continent, which limits the effect of the Pacific Ocean on the internal areas of the system and creating the contrast of the natural conditions of Western and Eastern macroscone.

A high-mountainous relief is dominated in Andes, which determines the pronounced high-rise explanation and the formation of significant modern glaciation. A huge length from the north to the south causes a large difference in the heat supply and in moistening of individual parts of the system: the Mountains of the Andes are located in several climatic belts, therefore the structure of the altitude explanation varies. Various and orotectonic structure.

Despite the mountain nature of the subcontinent, its territory has long been and rather thickly populated. The peoples of Andiyan countries have mastered the basins, intermore valleys and high plains within the Almighty Anda and adapted to life under these conditions. Andes are located the most high mountain cities, villages and processed lands.

Within the limits of the Anda, a number of physico-geographical countries are distinguished: Caribbean, Northern (Equatorial), Central (tropical), Chilean-Argentine (subtropical) and southern (Patagonian) Andes. Some special features are distinguished by fiery ground - this region is either considered as a separate country, or include in the composition of southern Andes.

Caribbean Mountains Andes

The Caribbean Mountains of the Andes are the northernmost part of the Andes and the only one, where the ridges have a subshir strike. Here Mount Andes reach 800 km along the northern coast of the Caribbean from Delta R. Orinoco to the lowland Maracaibo. In the south, the region borders with the plains of Orinoco, in the West, the ridges of the Caribbean and the Andes are separated from Cordillera de Merid in the system of the eastern Andient and tectonic valley occupied by one of the tributaries p. Apour. Unlike other parts of the Andiy Mountain System, the Caribbean Andes are formed within the Caribbean-Antilles folded area, which may be the western part of the ancient Ocean Tethys and moved here as a result of the disclosure of the depression of the North Atlantic. The region is located on the border of tropical and subequatorial belts in the zone of the Northeast Passyats. His nature is significantly different from the rest of the Andes of Andes. This is the territory of Venezuela.

The relief of the country compared to other Andei regions is simple in structure: these are young folded mountains consisting of two parallel anticline ridges (Cordillera-da Costa - the coastal ridge and the Sierranya del Interior - the inner ridge), separated by the synclinal longitudinal depression. It is located in it Lake Valencia - one of the few sleeveless lakes of the continent.

Folded structures are divided into transverse and longitudinal faults, so the mountains are divided into blocks with tectonic and erosion valleys. Of the youth and incompleteness of the property, frequent earthquakes are evidenced, but there are no existing here. The height of the Caribbean Andes does not reach 3000 meters. The highest point (2765 meters) is located in the coastline Cordillera near Caracas - the capital of Venezuela.

The region is exposed to the tropical air masses throughout the year who come here with the Northeast Passat. Only the southern slopes of the mountain in the summer fall into the zone of influence of the equatorial monsoon.

In winter, when the Passat stream is somewhat weaken, and the southwest monsoon is replaced by the winter northeast, it comes on a dry period. Since the precipitate is mainly the orographic, their number on the coast and leeward slopes of the mountains are small - 300-500 mm per year. Harvested slopes are obtained in the upper belts to 1000-1200 mm. In the region, there are very small amplitudes of temperatures - 2-4 ° C. Caracas, located in the transverse valley at an altitude of 900-1000 meters, is called the city of "Eternal Spring".

The Andes Mountains are cut through numerous deeply embedded valleys of short turbulent rivers, bringing on the coastal plain a mass of debris material, especially in the summer during the rain. There are closed areas, practically devoid of surface waters.

Xerophytic vegetation prevails in the region. At the foot of the mountains and in the lower belt are common for the formation of Monte (Meskite bush, cacti, mochads, chopping, etc.). On the lowland coast are ordinary mangroves over the shores of the lagoon. On the slopes of the mountains above 900-1000 meters, rare-resistant mixed forests from evergreen, deciduous and coniferous trees are growing. In places they are replaced by xerophyte shrub thickets such as Chaparal. Bright stains stand out palm groves. Above there are meadows, often stubborn. The upper border of forests is artificially reduced, since the meadows are used as pastures, and in the cross-border part of the forests in conditions extreme for wood vegetation, it gradually disappears and is not restored.

Coastal strip and intergressive deflection of the Caribbean and Ophthenetsna. The entire coast of the Caribbean Sea with sandy beaches, a hot dry climate with sustainable weather conditions - a beautiful resort area. On the gentle slopes of the mountains and in the valleys, coffee, cocoa, cotton, sisal, tobacco and others grow in the mountain meadows.

This part of Venezuela is quite densely populated. In the region of Caracas, the population density is over 200 people / km 2. Here are large cities and ports. Nature is largely modified by a variety of people's activities: plain sections and more or less gentle slopes, forests destroyed, converted the coastline. A network of national parks used to protect landscapes and tourism has been created here.

Northern Mountains Andes

This is the northernmost part of the Andiian system itself, extending from the Caribbean coast up to 4-5 °. sh. The eastern border with the plains of Orinoco goes along the foot of the Andes, and the southern spend on transverse tectonic faults. Approximately in the same area there is a border of climatic belts - tropical and equatorial with sharp differences in the conditions of moisturizing and the structure of high-altitude expectation on the slopes of the Western Exposition. Within the region are Western regions of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. The lower belts of Western mountain slopes and coastal plains are characterized by a wet hot climate of equatorial type. But in areas with the subequatorial climatic conditions at some height above sea level, constantly wet forests are growing - hyilets, so the North Mountains of Anda are called equatorial.

Mount Andes within the region consist of several chains separated by deep depression. A particularly complex structure has the northern part of the country.

Along the Pacific Ocean, a narrow low strongly dissected coastal cordiller, separated from the neighboring zone (Western Cordillera) of the Tectonic Valley p. Atrato. Western Cordillera begins at the Darya Bay and stretches to the borders of the region. Eastern Cordillera within the northern Andes branches: approximately 3 ° C. sh. It is divided into central with an array of Sierra Nevada de Santa-Martha (up to 5800 meters high) in the north and eastern, which, in turn, two branches (Sierra Periha and Cordillera de Merida) covers extensive depression with the lagoon Marakaybo. Graben-like valley between Western and Central Cordillera are busy r. What, and between Central and Eastern - r. Magdalena. The entire mountain region has a width of 400-450 km. South 3 ° C. sh. Western and Eastern Cordillera come closer, and within Ecuador, the system narrows up to 100 km. There is a powerful fault area between mountain chains. The main vertices of the ridges are, as a rule, extinct and acting volcanoes (Kotopakh, Chimborazo, Sangai, etc.), covered with snow and ice. The region is also characterized by high seismicity. Epicenters of earthquakes are usually confined to the faults of the intergonous depression.

The region is distinguished by a hot constantly wet climate. The slopes of the Andes of the Andes addressed to the Pacific Ocean receive 8,000-10,000 mm per year.

Unstable stratified, formed over the warm currents of the ocean's eucavatorial latitudes, dominates throughout the year. Lifting through the slopes of the ridges, he gives moisture in the form of plentiful rains. Oriental slopes are under the influence of monsoon circulation, but the orographic sediments fall here and in winter, although the annual sums are slightly less - up to 3000 mm. Even the internal areas do not differ in dryness. The short dry period in winter only in the northeast of the region.

In the northern Mountains, the Andes are most clearly and fully expressed a system of altitude belts.

The lower belt - Tierra Caliente ("hot land") with constantly high temperatures (27-29 ° C) and a large amount of precipitation is engaged in pile, almost not differ from Amazonian Selvia. Because of the conditions unfavorable, the conditions belly is weakly populated. Only in places at the foot of the forests of the forest are reduced under the plantation of sugar cane and bananas. Above 1000-1500 m begins Tierra Temple ("Moderate Earth"). It is cooled here (16-22 ° C), precipitation up to 3000 mm on winding slopes and 1000-1200 mm - on leeward. This is an evergreen lines of mountain hygyley or deciduous-evergreen forests with the best conditions for life. It is quite tightly populated. The majority of the population of the northern mountains of the Andes live here, there are large cities, such as the capital of Ecuador - Quito. More or less gender slopes are rapping, grown coffee tree, corn, tobacco and others. The belt is called the "coffee" or the belt "Eternal Spring". Above 2000-2800 meters is located Tierra Fria ("Cold Earth"). The average monthly temperatures here - 10-15 ° C. It is at these heights that the orographic, therefore the high-mountain pile of low-speed evergreen trees (oaks, myrtov, some conifers) with an abundance of ferns, bamboo, plauines, moss, lichens are called oil rigs ("Misty Forest"). There is a lot of lian, epiphytes. Cool weather with permanent mist and frosting rains are unfavorable for life. The few Indian tribes live in the basins where they grow corn, wheat, potatoes, legumes, are engaged in cattle breeding. From a height of 3000-3500 meters, Tierra Elad begins ("Frosty Land"). The average monthly temperatures in this belt is only 5-6 ° C, daily amplitudes - more than 10 ° C, night freezes and snowfall may be all year round. In the subnivalny belt, the vegetation of mountain meadows (paramos) from cereals (bearded, nicknames), low shrubs and high (up to 5 meters) is strongly pubescent with bright colors are formed. In the releger zone, rocky placers are common, sometimes covered with mkhami and lichens. The nival belt begins with a height of 4500-4800 meters.

Among the natural resources of the Northern Mountains of the Andes are highlighted by large oil reserves in the depressions. Especially rich in the oil and gas pool of the depression Maracaibo, where there are several dozen large deposits, and the tectonic valley Magdalena. In the valley r. Kauki mining stone coal, and on the Pacific coast - marching gold and platinum. Also known deposits of iron, nickel, molybdenum, copper ores and silver in mountainous areas are also known. Near Bogota mined emeralds. The region also has good agro-climatic conditions that allow growing tropical cultures. In the mountain gylya, many valuable tree breeds, including a fry tree, a cola, balsa with light non-burning wood. On balsal rafts once performed long-term marines. Nowadays, the expedition of the Tour Heyerdal passed on such a raft along the Pacific Ocean several thousand kilometers.

Intergorenta valleys and northern Andes of the Andes at altitudes 1000-3000 meters thick populated and mastered. Fertile soils are rapping. Large cities, including the capital of Ecuador (Quito - at an altitude of about 3000 meters) and Colombia (Bogota - at an altitude of about 2500 meters) are located in the Grabenas and Basin. The nature of the Valley, Kotlovin and the mountain slopes of the belt of Tierra-Templad with favorable conditions for a person are strongly changed. In the 60-70s. XX century In Ecuador and Colombia, reserves and national parks were created for the protection and study of natural landscapes.

Central Mountains Andes

The Central Mountains of Andes are the largest of the Andiy physico-geographical countries. It begins south of 3 ° sh. The mountain system is expanding here, between the chains of Western and Eastern Cordillers, highland plains are located on the median array. The total width of the mountain region reaches 800 km. The southern border is carried out at about 27-28 ° YU. Sh. where the Eastern Cordillera is seduced, and the tropical climate, characteristic of the central and the Andes, is replaced by subtropical. Within the region there are mountainous part of Peru, Bolivia, Northern Chile and North-West Argentina.

The orotectonic structure is distinguished by the presence of high mountainous (3000-4500 meters) plateau and plane - PUN (in Bolivia they are called altiplano). Hard median massia, within which these plains were formed, divided into blocks, the cracks of the magma and the outpan of Love occurred.

As a result, the areas of penpetlelen, accumulative plains in lowering relief and lava plateau with volcanoes are combined. From the west of the plains are limited to high young folded chains of Western Cordillera with plenty. The East Cordillera ridges on the Mesozoic and Paleozoic folded structures on the Mesozoic and Paleozoic folded structures are rummaged, many tops of which above 6,000 meters are covered with headers of glaciers and snow. In the south (within Chile) along the coast, a low coastline Cordillera rises, separated from Western depression. In one of them is the attack desert.

The climate for most of the territory of the central Andes is ambulance. In the coastal part of the region, the extremely arid and cool tropical climate of the Western coast of the mainland (climate of coastal, "wet" or "cold" deserts are often called). At 20 ° sh. The average of the warmer months is 18-21 ° C, the annual amplitude is 5-6 ° C. The flow of cold air from the south passes away to the north above the Peruvian flow, reducing summer temperatures. The precipitation is very small. Within the center of the central and the Andes, this climatic area has the greatest length from the north to the south (from 3 ° 28 ° YU. W.) and rises high on the mountain slopes of Western exposure.

The largest squares in the region occupy the areas of a high-altitude arid climate with deserted and semi-desert landscapes.

The average temperatures of the summer months at the Central Andy High Plains are 14-15 ° C, during the day they can rise to 20-22 ° C, and in the night to fall to negative values. This is explained by the affability and transparency of mountain air. In winter, the average monthly temperatures are positive, but a large daily amplitude is maintained, and at night there are frosts up to -20 ° C. A major lake Titicaca has some consecutive effect. Not far from him is La Paz - the capital of Bolivia is the most high-altitude capital in the world (3700 metro). The amount of precipitation on the Puna is small and increasing from the west to the East - from 250 mm to 500-800 mm. Highlighted slopes of Eastern Cordillera are obtained up to 2000 mm due to the influence.

The soil and vegetable cover of central Andes is formed, respectively, the distribution of precipitation and temperature regime.

In the coastal deserts, the plants adapt to the innocent regime and get moisture from growing and fogs. Rare xerophytic shrubs and cacti make up a meager vegetation cover. It is characterized by peculiar bromellese with rigid gray leaves and weak roots and lichens. Places vegetation is absent, the moving sands with a barhant and a bug-rope spread. Where the annual precipitation (in the form of fogs) reaches 200-300 mm. Vegetable Lomas formations appear, represented by ephemers and few perennial herbs and cacti. Lomas come to life in winter when evaporation decreases, and dried in summer. In the internal plains, Pune is dominated - the steppe with the predominance of oatmeal, the beef, other poppies and separate low shrubs and trees, such as barbed pools from Bromelia and Kena, growing in valleys. In western arid areas are common with rigid cereals, tall shrubs, pillow-shaped liarette plants, cacti. At saline sites, which there are a lot of wormwood, ephedra. The Eastern slopes are expressed high-rise explanation characteristic of the wet areas of the Andes of the Andes. Even where the bottom belt of the mountains is adjacent to the Grand Character's dry savannas, above, at the level of formation of orographic clouds, the Wet Mountain Gileses of the Tierra-Templade belt appear, which are replaced by the formations of Tierra-Fria and Thierra-elada belts.

The animal world of the Central Andes of Andes is interesting and unusual, rich in endemic species.

From hoofs - Guanaco and Vicuna, almost disappeared by Peruvian deer. Many rodents (whisching, chinchilla, acodon, etc.), birds (from tiny hummingbirds in Lomas formation to giant predatory condors). Many animals, including birds, live in Norah, like the inhabitants of High Tibet.

The subtropical climate of the Pacific coast and the slopes adjacent to it is distinguished by well-pronounced features of the Mediterranean type: dry summer and rainy winter with average monthly positive temperatures. As the degree of continentality is removed from the ocean, the climate becomes land.

In the Western slopes, the main cordillera rainfall more, the eastern slopes facing the Pampi Sierrar and Dry Pamppa, quite dry. On the coast, the seasonal temperature amplitudes (7-8 ° C), in the longitudinal valley of temperature fluctuations more (12-13 ° C). The mode and the amount of precipitation change from north to south. On the border with tropical climatic areas, the climate is extremely dry - 100-150 mm per year, and in the south, where the influence of the South-Pacific Bariac Maximum is weakened and the western transfer of moderate latitudes is enhanced, the annual precipitation reaches 1200 mm with a uniform mode.

The nature of the surface runoff is also varied and varies both from the west to the east and from the north to south. In the northern regions of the country, river watercourses are mostly periodic. In the central part, a pretty thick network of rivers with two lifts of water is developed - in winter, when it is rained, and in the summer, when snowing snow and ice in the mountains. Especially thick river network in the south of the region. The rivers here are full-time all year round, and the maximum of the runa falls on the winter. Sometimes they give rise to rivers. In the south, at the foot of the main Cordillera there are end lakes lidden by lavami or sea.

Natural vegetation in the region has been preserved badly. Under the formations of a Mediterranean type, similar to McVisu or Chaparal, brown soils were formed, suitable for the cultivation of subtropical crops, so everywhere, where possible, the lands of steaming. Even more fertile dark color black soils are developed in the longitudinal valley on volcanic rocks. These lands are engaged in agricultural crops.

Only on uncomfortable mountain slopes are preserved overgrown evergreens xerophytic shrubs - Espinal. On the main Cordillera up the slopes, they are replaced by deciduous and mixed forests, where a ticker tree, liter, was growing, cargo, notofagus, honey palm and dr. Above forests (from a height of 2500 meters), the belt of mountain meadows begins, within which ordinary and For the Alpine meadows of old light, buttercups, stamps, primroses, etc. On the arid oriental slope of the forest are practically absent. Semi-desert landscapes are characteristic of both the northern part of the region, including the North of the Longitudinal Valley. In the extreme south, hemigilets appear with the predominance of evergreen Noto-Fagius on brown forest soils. In the forest belt of volcanic arrays, many plants delivered from other areas of the world. Artificial wood plantings surround the village and fields.

Land and agroclimatic resources are the main natural wealth of the Chilean-Argentine Andes. They allow culture to grow here, ordinary for the Mediterranean (grapes, citrus, olives, etc.). Extensive wheat and corn fields. In a longitudinal valley, where the capital of Chile - Santiago is located, half the population lives (the population density here comes to 180 people / km 2), despite the fact that this is a seismic area where strong earthquakes are not uncommon. Nature here is changed to the greatest extent. In Chile and Argentina, there are national parks and natural reserves created for the protection of mountain and cooked landscapes and remaining natural vegetation and animal world.

Southern (Patagonian) Mountains Andes

This is the southern part of the Andiy system, bordering on the East with.

South 42 ° sh. Mountains Andes are decreasing. Coast Cordillera goes to the islands of the Chilean Archipelago, the longitudinal tectonic depression forms bays and straits along the shores. The territory of the Patagonian Andes, like Chilean-Argentine, belongs to Chile and Argentina. The population processes in the region are still ongoing, as evidenced by modern active volcanism. The main (Patagonian) Cordillera is low (up to 2000-2500 meters, rarely - above 3000 meters) and is very fragmented.

It is a chain of individual arrays, within which the glacier morphoskulface is widely developed. Unusual for South America type of coastline is fjords of glacial and tectonic origin. In the Patagonian Cordillera a lot of extinct and existing volcanoes.

The region is located in moderate latitudes. In the west climate sea with abundant precipitation (up to 6000 mm per year). Eastern mountain slopes also receive a large amount of precipitation. Here on extensive decreases separating mountain ranges, penetrate the Pacific Ocean.

The average monthly temperatures on the coast in the winter - 4-7 ° C, in the summer - 10-15 ° C. In the mountains, at an altitude of 1200 meters, the temperature of the summer months is reduced to negative values. The snow line lies very low: in the south of the region it descends to 650 meters.

For Patagonian Andes is characterized by a large area of \u200b\u200bmodern glaciation - more than 20,000 km 2 (out of 33,000 km 2 - all Andes). Wet climate and low temperatures in the mountains contribute to the development of mining type glaciers.

The North and South Ice Plateau form solid glacier fields overlapping intermountain decrees. The output glaciers on the Western slopes are descended to the ocean level, producing icebergs. On the eastern slopes, the cooler of the mountain type, and the glacial languages \u200b\u200bend with lakes located at the foot of the mountains at an altitude of 180-200 meters above sea level. Mountain ridges and nunataki rise above the glacial purposes, dismembering them into separate fields. It is assumed that the severity of huge masses of ice contributes, the total reduction of the surface of the region. It is an indirect confirmation of this that the circumstance is observed that there is a similar decrease in the heights and the similar structure of the coastline in those regions of Cordiller North America, which are located in abundantly moistened latitudes of the moderate belt and carry large masses of ice.

Glaciers and abundant precipitations are powered by a variety of full-flower rivers. Their valleys are deeply cut into the surface, increasing the dismemberment of the mining relief. To unique for South America, nature features can be attributed to the abundance of lakes, which are not enough on the mainland. In the southern Andes there are many small and several large glacial lakes formed, mainly as a result of binding river fluxes by Morami.

The slopes of the southern Andes sworn forests.

In the north, where warmer, the lower parts of the slopes to a height of 500-600 meters are covered with wet evergreen subtropical forests with liaans and epiphyts. In them, along with teak tree, Carelo, Persem, Notophagus, and others. Bamboo grow, tree fern. The above domination proceeds to notophagus, sometimes form clean dark areas without a undergrowth or grove with admixture of conifers (gumports, fizroy and other types of Antarctic flora). Even above, crosses are raised from deciduous notophagus and mountain meadows, often wetlands. By the south, the vegetation is replaced by the Magelfland subnutrctic forests from notophagus with an admixture of some conifers. Such forests grow on the eastern slopes of southern Andes. At the foot of the mountains they are replaced by shrub thickets and steppes characteristic of the Patagonian plateau.

The main natural wealth of the Patagonian Andes - hydropower resources and forests. Natural resources are used slightly. This contributes to the good preservation of natural landscapes of this part of the Andes. On the territory of Chile and Argentina there are several national parks, which are taken under the protection of mountain, lake, glacial landscapes, fjord coast, forests from Notofaguses, Fitzroy, etc., endangered species of animals (deer Pudi, Chinchilla, Viskash, Guanako, Pampas Cat and DR .).

Fire Earth

This island physico-geographical country on the southern outskirts of the mainland, separated from him a narrow winding magtellane strait. The archipelago consists of dozens of large and small islands with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 70 thousand km 2. The largest - oh. Fire Earth, or Big Island, occupies almost 2/3 of the Square of the Archipelago. Islands belong to Chile and Argentina.

The western part of the region is the continuation of the Mountain System of Andes. In many ways of nature - according to the geological structure and relief, the nature of the coastline, modern glaciation, mountain vegetation, etc., this part of the archipelago is similar to the southern Andes. In the east of the Great Island, hilly plains are a continuation of the Patagonian plateau.

The western part of the archipelago is strongly disseminated. Many mountain ranges with a height of up to 1000-1300 meters are separated by intermore valleys, often flooded waters of the ocean, - fjords, straits. The highest point of the mountains (2469 meters) is located on a large island. The ancient and modern glacial relief dominates. Many lakes pitted by Seorami.

Moderate marine climate. Moisturizing changes from west to east.

The western part of the region receives abundant precipitation (up to 3000 mm) throughout the year, mainly in the form of drizzling rains. Rainy days a year to 300-330. In the eastern part, washed with cold folkland flow, precipitation is much smaller (up to 500 mm).

Summer cool, average monthly temperatures 8-10 ° C, winter is relatively warm (1-5 ° C). It is said that summer is here, as in Tundra, and winter (at temperatures), as in subtropics. With the rise in the mountain mountains, it is quickly reduced, and already from a height of 500 m negative values \u200b\u200bare dominated.

Wet climate and relatively low temperatures contribute to the development of glaciation. The snow line in the West lies at an altitude of about 500 m. The output glaciers reach the level of the sea, the icebergs are chipped away from them.

The border of forests covering the Western slopes of mountains, sometimes reaches almost the snow line. Forests of the same composition as in southern Andes. Notofagsus dominate them, Carelo (from Magnolia), some conifers. Places above the forest belt, and in the east and on the plains, the subnutrctic meadows with peat beams resembling tundra are common.

The animal world is similar to the southern Andes (Guanako, Magellanov, the dog, rodents, including the Norny Tuco-Tuco, living in Patagonia). The most southern islands of the archipelago are inhabited by birds, and from mammal there are only a few species of volatile mice and one species of rodents. One of the islands ends with Cape Gorn - the southern tip of the entire mainland.

On the fiery ground, it was found, but the main occupation of the population, which has long been populated the East of the region, is sheep. Despite the winter nonsense, sheep give good income. Pastures here is richer than on the Patagonian plateau. In places they degrade due to the destruction of natural vegetation. Several national parks have been created on the islands.

The length of the Andes - 9000 km

Andes or Andiy Cordillera, in the language of Inca - Copper Mountains. They form the longest mountain chain in the world. Their length is 9000 km away - from the Caribbean to the fiery land. The highest mountain of this mountain chain is Akonkagau (6962 m). There are places where Andes have a width of 500 km, and the maximum width of the longest mountains in the world is 750 km (Central Andes, Andiye Highlands). Most of the Andes takes the Pune plateau. There is a very high snow line, which reaches 6500 m, and the average height of the mountains is 4000m.

Andes are relatively young mountains, the process of the property ended much of millions of years ago. The origin began in the Precambrian and Paleozoic periods. Then, on the site of the vast ocean, the land of sushi began to emerge. Throughout the time, the terrain, where the current Andes are located, then the land.


Ended the formation of a mountain chain by raising rocks, as a result of which huge stamps made of stone on a very large height. This process continues, and to this day. In Andes there are eruptions of volcanoes and earthquakes.

The longest mountains in the world are also the largest interconnection watershed. Amazon takes his beginning to the Andes and its tributaries, as well as the tributaries of other large rivers of South America - Paraguay, Orinoco, Parana. Andes serve for the mainland with a climate barrier, that is, isolate landing from the west of the influence of the Atlantic Ocean, from the East - Pacific Ocean.

Climate and eye relief

Andes lie in 6 climatic belts: northern and southern subequatorial, southern tropical, equatorial, subtropical moderate. On the western slopes of the mountains, up to 10 thousand millimeters of precipitation per year falls. As a result of the length, landscaped parts differ significantly from each other.

According to the relief, Andes are divided into three regions: the central, northern, southern. The Caribbean and Ecuadorian Andada, North-Western Andada, belong to the Northern Andada. The main Cordillers are divided by the valleys of the Magdalena and Kauki rivers. In this valley there are many volcanoes. This Wiel is 5750 m, Ruis - 5400 m, and now the current Cumble is 4890 m.

Characters of And.

The composition of Ecuadorian Andady and the highest volcanic chain with the highest chimborace volcanoes - 6267 m and Kotopakhi - 58967 m. They stretched through seven states of South America: Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile. Central Andam includes Peruvian Andes. The highest point is Mount Uscaran - 6768.

The longest mountain system

The Inca Empire in Andes is one of the most mysterious disappeared states. The tragic fate of the highly developed civilization, which appeared in far from the most favorable natural conditions and the victims of the casual aliens, still worries humanity.
The era of the great geographical discoveries (the XV-XVII centuries) gave the opportunity to European adventurers quickly and fabulously get rich in new lands. Most often, brutal and unprincipled, conquistadors rushed to America, not for the sake of scientific discoveries and cultural exchanges between civilizations.
The fact that the Papal Thicket in 1537 recognized the Indians spiritualized beings, did not change anything in the methods of conquistadors - they were not interested in theological disputes. By the time of the "humane" papal solution, Konkistador Francisco Pisarro has already managed to execute the emperor Inca Ataualpu (1533), defeat the army of the Incas and seize the capital of the Empire Cusco (1536).
There is a version that at first the Indians accepted the Spaniards for the gods. And it is possible that the main reason for this error was not white skin of the aliens, not the fact that they were sacrificed with riding unprecedented animals, and not even what they had a firearm. Inca struck the incredible cruelty of conquistadors.
With the first meeting of Pisarro and Ataalpi, the Spaniards who organized an ambush killed thousands of the Indians and captured the emperor, who did not expect anything like that at all. After all, the Indians, whom the Spaniards condemned for human sacrifices, believed that human life was the highest gift, and it was because the human victim was the highest form of worship. But so that it's so easy to destroy thousands of people who came at all at war?!
The fact that the Incas could have serious resistance to the Spaniards, no doubt. After the murder of the captive ataalp, for which the Indians paid the monstrous ransom - almost 6 tons of gold, the conquistadors began to rob the country, mercilessly interpret on the ingots of the work of jewelry art of the Inca. But the brother Ataalp Manco, appointed by the new emperor, instead of collecting gold for the invaders, fled and headed the fight against the Spaniards. The last emperor, Tupaca Amaru, the vice-king of Peru Francisco de Toledo could execute only in 1572, and even after that, the leaders of new uprisings were called his name.
From the civilization of the Inca to this day, it came a little - after the death of hundreds of thousands of Indians, both from the hands of Spaniards and from work on mines, hunger, European epidemics, there was no one to maintain in the order of irrigation systems, alpine roads, beautiful buildings. Much Spaniard destroyed to get building material.
The country whose residents are accustomed to supplying from public warehouses, in which there were no beggars and vagrants, for many years after the arrival of the conquistadors became a zone of human disaster.


Andes pass through all climatic zones, so Flora and the fauna of these mountain ranges are very diverse.

Different theories are determined by the age of the High System from 18 million years to several hundred million years. But, more importantly for people living in Andes, the process of forming these mountains is still continuing.
Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, the gathering gatherings in Andes do not stop. In 1835, Charles Darwin watched the eruption of the Volcano Osorno from Chilo Island. The earthquake described by Darwin destroyed the city of Concepcion and Talcauano and took numerous sacrifices. Such events in the Andes are not uncommon.
So, in 1970, the glacier in Peru literally buried the city of Jung in almost all the inhabitants under him, about 20,000 people died. In 2010, the earthquake in Chile took several hundred lives, left no longer millions of people and caused tremendous material damage. In general, serious disasters occur in Andes with frightening cyclicity - once every 10-15 years.
The most severe climate is marked on the central and the Andes, where the sediments are falling out, even in the summer in the form of snow. It is believed that these are these highlands are the most barren and dry in the world, which is fully explained by the combination of rarefied dry air, ferocious winds and the dazzling sun.
Andes perform the function of the inter-cooked watershed: rivers belonging to the Atlantic Ocean basin, flow to the east of the Andes and many of them take the beginning in the mountains, the source of the Amazon itself, the largest river of the world is located in Andes. Rivers belonging to the pool of the Pacific Ocean are usually short, and they flow to the west of the Andes.
Also, and the length of which the largest in the world is the climatic barrier, isolating the Pacific Coast of South America from the influence of the Atlantic Ocean, and most of the continent - from the influence of the Pacific Ocean. As a result of the high length of the Andes, their landscape parts differ significantly, the Nordic Andes (up to 5º Yu. Sh.), Central Andes (5-28 "Yu. Sh.) And South Andes (28-41º30º Yu. Sh. ). Another feature of this mining system is a clearly pronounced high-altitude explanancy, according to which three belts are distinguished - Tierra Callent - the lower high-rise forest belt, Tierra Fria - the upper forest belt and Tierra Elay - a belt with a harsh climate.
Depending on the remoteness from the equator and from the height above sea level in Andes, they grow as equatorial, tropical and subtropical forests with their abundance of vegetation (palm trees, bananas, ficuses, cocoa wood, bamboo, evergreen trees and shrubs) and the forests of moderate climate. Subarctic forests and tundra vegetation are characteristic of large heights and southern latitudes. It is believed that many of the most important agricultural crops, such as tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco, - come from the Andes.
In the animal world, the Andes are a lot of unique species. So, the Andean camels of Lama, Alpaca, Wigoni and Guanako nowhere else are found in the world. More than 900 species of amphibians live in Andachs, about 600 mammalian species and more than 1,700 species of birds. Among them are many endemics.

general information

Andy, Andiy Cordillera - The most extended mountain system in the world, the southern part of the Cordiller.

Location: Furize from the North and West Continent South America

States in whose territory are the Andes: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina

Peoples inhabiting Andes: Indians, Europeans, methuses, African Americans, Mulati, people from Asia

Languages: mainly Spanish, as well as Kechua, Aimar, Guarani and other languages \u200b\u200bof Indian tribes

Religion: mainly Catholicism

Main seaports: Guayaquil (Ecuador), Valparaiso (Chile).

The most important airports: Simon Bolivar International Airport (Caracas, Venezuela); Eldorado International Airport (Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia), Mariskal Sucre International Airport (Quito, Ecuador), Jorge Chavez International Airport (Lima, Peru), El Alto International Airport (La Paz, Bolivia), Santiago International Airport (Chile).

The most important rivers: Orinoco, Maranyon, Watti, Medera, Pilkomoyo, Bermecho, Parana, Rio Salado, Colorado, Rio Negro.

The largest lakes: Titicaca, Popo.


Leading industry - mining: Tungsten, silver, tin, oil, oil, Bolivia, Venezuela, Chile are being developed; Copper (Chile), Gold and Emeralds (Colombia), Iron (Bolivia).

Agriculture: bananas (Ecuador, Colombia), potatoes, coffee (Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador), corn, tobacco, wheat, sugar cane, olives, grapes; Sheep flowering, fisheries on large lakes.

Climate and weather

Because of the high length of the Andes, there is a huge variety of climate, this mountain system stretches for six climatic belts (Equatorial, northern and southern subequatorial, southern tropical, subtropical and moderate).

Most of the precipitation (up to 820 mm per year) falls from May to November.

In the high-altitude Quito, the temperature is held within + 13ºС ... + 15ºС, but the differences between the day and night are great.

Precipitation (up to 1200 mm per year) - from September to May.

In La Paz, the average monthly temperature of November is about + 1 ºС, July - about + 7ºС.
In Chile, the average temperature in the north of the country - from + 12ºС to + 22ºС, in the south - from + 3ºС to + 16ºС.


Lake Titicaca;
Lauka National Park;
Chiloe National Park;

National Park Cape Gorn;
Santa Fe de Bogota: Catholic churches of the XVI-XVIII century, National Museum of Columbia;
Quito: Cathedral, Museum of Musical Instruments, Museum of Del Banco-Sentral;
Cusco: Cathedral Cusco, Church of La Campa Naya, Heitun-Rumiyok Street (Rests of the Incas Buildings);
Lima: Archaeological zones of Uak Waplemarka and Uak Puklyan, Archbishop Palace, Church and Monastery of San Francisco;
Archaeological complexes: Machu Picchu, Pachakamak, Ruins of the city of Karale, Tambo Temar, Pukapukar, Kenko, Pisak, Olitantambo, Morai, Pikillock Ruins.

Curious facts

■ Bolivia's capital La Paz is the most high-mountain capital in the world. It is located at an altitude of 3600 m above sea level.
■ 200 km north of the city of Lima (Peru) are the ruins of the city of Kararal - temples, amphitheaters, houses and pyramids. It is believed that Kararal belonged to the ancient civilization of America and was built about 4000-4500 years ago. Archaeological excavations showed that the city led trading with extensive territories of the continent of South America. It is especially interesting that archaeologists did not find any evidence of military conflicts for about a thousand years in the history of Karala.
■ One of the most mysterious historical monuments in the world - the monumental archaeological complex of Saksayuaman, located north-west of Cusco, at an altitude of about 3,700 meters above sea level. The same fortress of this complex is attributed to the Inca civilization. However, it was not yet possible to establish how the stones of these walls were treated, weighing up to 200 tons and fitted to each other with jewelry accuracy. Also, the ancient system of underground strokes is not fully investigated.
■ Archaeological complex Morai, located 74 kilometers from Cusco at an altitude of 3,500 meters, still causes admiration not only archaeologists. Here, huge terraces, falling, form a kind of amphitheater. Studies have shown that this construction was used by the Incas as an agricultural laboratory, since different height of the terraces made it possible to observe plants in different climatic conditions and experiment with them. It used for different soils and a complex irrigation system, in total incons grown 250 species of plants.

Andes (Andes, from Ant, in the language of Inca Copper, Copper Mountains), Andiy Cordillera (Cordillera de Los Andes), the longest (estimated, from 8 to 12 thousand km) and one of the highest (6959 m, Mount Akonkagua) mountain systems of the globe; Frames from the north and west South America. In the north, the Bore of the Caribbean Sea is limited, in the West addressed to the Pacific Ocean, in the south is washed by the Strait of Drake. Andes are the main climatic barrier of the mainland, isolating the eastern part of the influence of the Pacific Ocean, Western on the influence of the Atlantic Ocean.

Relief. Andes consist mainly of submeridional ridges Western Cordillera Andes, Central Cordillera Andes, Eastern Cordillera Anda, Coast Cordillera Andes separated by inner plateales and depressions (see the map).

The aggregate of natural features and the orography allocate the Northern, Peruvian, Central and South Andes. Northern Andes include Caribbean and Colombian-Venezuelan and Ecuadorian Andadores. Caribbean Andes are stretched laitting and reach a height of 2765 m (Mount of Nigath). Colombian-Venezuelan Andes have northeastern stretch and are formed by Western, Central and Eastern (height up to 5493 m) Cordillera. The ridges are fanlikely diverge to the north of 1 ° north latitude and divided by the valleys of the Kauca and Magdalena rivers. The northern branches of Eastern Cordillera cover the Maracaibo interhongistan. A separate array of Sierra Nevada de Santa-Martha (height of 5775 m, the Mountain of Cristobal-Color) is cool climbing the coast of the Caribbean. Along the coast of the Pacific Ocean is located lowland up to 150 km wide, with low (up to 1810 m) ridges separated from the Western Cordillera Valley of the Atrato River. Ecuadorian Andado (1 ° Northern Latitude - 5 ° South latitude), a width of less than 200 km (the minimum width of the Andes), stretched submeridionally and are formed by Western (height up to 6310 m, the Mountain Chimborace) and Eastern Cordillera, separated by depression - Kitto Raben. Along the coast - lowland and low mountains. Peruvian Andes (5 ° -14 ° of southern latitude), up to 400 km width, have the northwestern stretch. The coastal plain is almost absent. Western (height up to 6768 m, Mount Wascaran), Central and Eastern Cordillera are separated by the valleys of Maranton and Ualaga Rivers. In Central Andes (Central Highlands, 14 ° 28 ° Southern Little), the stretch varies from the north-west to submeridional. Western Cordillera (height up to 6900 m, Hosh-del Salado Mountain) is separated from the central and cordillera-real extensive brand altiplano. Eastern and Central Cordillera shares narrow depression with the upper reaches of the Beni River. Along the coast, coast Cordillera stretches, from the east, framed by the longitudinal valley. South Andes (Chilean-Argentinean and Patagonian Andes), 350-450 km wide, are located south of 28 ° southern latitude and have mainly submeridional strike. They are formed by the coastal Cordillera, the longitudinal valley, the main Cordiller (height to 6959 m, the Akonkagua Mountain) and the precorder. To the south of height decrease to 1000 m (on the fiery ground). Patagonian Andes are strongly dissected by modern and ancient (quaternary) glaciers on numerous arrays and ridges. Coast Cordillera goes into a chain of the islands of the Chilean Archipelago with deep valleys and fjords, and the longitudinal valley is in the system of straits. Andes are included in the Pacific Volcanic Ring, and the appearance of the relief is largely determined by volcanic forms - plateau, lava flows, volcanic cones. There are up to 50 major active, 30 extinct volcanoes and hundreds of small volcanic buildings. In the northern Andes - Kotopakh volcanoes (5897 m), Wyla (5750 m), Ruiz (5400 m), Sangai (5230 m), etc.; in Central Andes - Lulylyalya (6723 m), Misty (5822 m) and others; In the southern Andes - Tupungato (6800 m), Llaima (3060 m), Osorno (2660 m), Corcovado (2300 m), Bernie (1750 m), etc.

Geological structure and minerals. Andes as the newest mountain structure was formed at the Alpine stage (in Cenozoa) in connection with the evolution of the active outskirts of South America. In its position, Andes inherit the Andean folded system of the largest system of the eastern part of the Pacific moving belt. Modern Andes are a typical outbreak-continental volcano-plutonic belt. At earliest stages of development (the end of the Triassa - Mel) there were insiano systems of the Western Pacific Type. According to the geological structure of the Andes have transverse and longitudinal zonality. From the north to south, three segments are distinguished: Northern (Colombian-Ecuadorian), central (with Peruvian-Bolivian and Northern Chilean-Argentine subsegments) and South (South Chilean-Argentinean). The most eastern element of the Andes is the band of subband advanced defunitions, gradually narrowing to the south and consisting of individual units separated by transverse lifters. The deflection was made by weak-formed Eocene-Quaternary Moless. The Orogens of the Andes, taking to the east, consists of several large raised lifts with a folded structure (expressed in the relief by mountain ridges in cordillers) and separating their narrower intertemers or a plateau (altiplano), made by powerful non-co-quaternary moles. Eastern (external), partly the central orogen zones are composed of fragments of the Rannedokembry Metamorphic Foundation of the Platform, its Paleozoic Cover, lateokbreak (Brazilides) and Hercinsky metamorphic folded complexes. In the structure of Western (internal) zones, Mesozoic (partly - Paleozoic) sedimentary, volcanogenic and sedimentary, volcanogenic complexes, which have formed in volcanic island arcs, stagnaya basins on the ancient active outskirts of South America, as well as ophiolitis of various origin. These formations were attached (accreted) to the outskirts of South America in Late Chalk. At the same time, there was an introduction of giant multiphase granite baatoliths (Bath Cordillera Peru, the main Cordillera Chile, Patagonsky). The chains of large terrestrial stratovulkanes were formed along the active continental outskirts along the active continental outskirts. These three volcanic groups are active: North (South Columbia and Ecuador), Central (South Peru - North Chile) and South (South Chile). Andes retain high tectonic mobility, are characterized by intense seismicity associated with making (subduction) Nasca plates under the South American Plate.

Andes are extremely rich in minerals. South America's copper belt deposits are connected with granite batroliths. The Cenozoic volcanic and submulcanic formations are confined to the fields of silver, copper, lead, zinc, tungsten, gold, platinum and other rare and non-ferrous metals (deposits in Peru and Bolivia). With a strip of advanced deflection, made by Cenozoic Molesami, especially in the north (Venezuela, Ecuador, Northern Peru) and the extreme south of the Andes (South Chile, Argentina), are connected by the deposits of oil and natural fuel. Large deposits Selitra, iron ores in Chile, Emeralds in Colombia.

Climate. Andes crossed 6 climatic belts (equatorial, northern and southern subequatorial, southern tropical and subtropical, moderate), distinguished by sharp contrasts in moistening of Western (viscous) and oriental (led) slopes. In the Caribbean Andes there are 500-1000 mm of precipitation per year (mainly in summer), in Equatorial Andes (Ecuador and Colombia) on Western slopes - up to 10,000 mm, to the eastern - up to 5000 mm. Western slopes of the Peruvian and Central Andes and the internal areas of central Andes are characterized by a tropical desert climate, the eastern slopes receive up to 3000 mm precipitation per year. To the south of 20 ° south latitude in Western slopes, the amount of precipitation increases, on the eastern - decreases. The Western slopes to the south of 35 ° south latitude are obtained in a year 5000-10,000 mm of precipitation, and the eastern is 100-200 mm. Only in the south, with a decrease in heights, there is some leveling in the moisturization of the slopes. The snow line is located in Colombia at an altitude of 4700-4900 m, in Ecuador - 4250 m, in the central Andes 5600-6100 (in Pune 6500 m - the highest on Earth). It decreases to 3100 m to 35 ° south latitude, 1000-1200 m - in Patagonian Andes, 500-600 m - on the fiery ground. South of 46 ° 30 'South latitude of glaciers go down to the ocean level. Large centers of glaciation are located in Cordillera de Santa-Martha and Cordillere de Merida (total ice volume about 0.5 km 3), in Ecuadorian Andes (1.1 km 3), Peruvian Andes (24.7 km 3 ), in Western Cordillera Central Andes (12.1 km 3), in the Central Cordillera (62.7 km 3), in Chilean-Argentinean Andes (38.9 km 3), Patagonian Andes (12.6 thousand km 3, in including the Ussala glacier). The Patagonian glacial shield form two extensive fields with a total length of 700 km, width of 30-70 km, with a total area of \u200b\u200b13 thousand km 2.

Rivers and lakes. The Andama passes the inter-worn watershed, they take the beginning of the components and influx of Amazon, as well as the tributaries of the Orinoco, Paraguay, Parana and the Patagonia River. In the Northern and Peruvian Andes in narrow depressions located between the ridges, large rivers flow: Kauca, Magdalena, Maranyon (Iston Amazon), Ualaga, Mantaro, etc. Most of their tributaries and the rivers of central and southern Andes are relatively short. The Western and Coast Cordiller rivers between 20 ° and 28 ° of southern latitude almost do not have permanent watercourses, the river network is cleaned. In the central Andes there are extensive fields of internal flow. Rivers flow into lakes Titicaca, Popo and Solonchaki (Kupaas, Uyuni, etc.). In the southern, especially Patagonian, Andes, many large lakes of Ice Origin (Buenos Aires, San Martin, Viedma, Lago-Archntino, etc.) and hundreds of small (finitely frosic and carriages).

Soil, vegetable and animal world. The situation in several climatic belts, contrasts in moisturizing the western and eastern slopes, the significant heights of the Andes cause a large variety of soil and vegetation cover and a pronounced high-rise explanancy. In the Caribbean Andes - Falls (for the Winter Drought) Forests and Shrubs on Mountain Red Soils. On the eastern slopes of Colombian-Venezuelan, Ecuadorian, Peruvian and central Andan and Central Anda - Mountain Wet Tropical Forests (Mountain Guyae) in the latic soils, including the Natural Area of \u200b\u200bJungas. On the Western slopes of the Peruvian and Central Andes - the deserts of Tamarugal and Atakam, in the internal highlands - Pune. In the subtropical Andes of Chile - evergreen dry forests and shrubs on brown soils, south of 38 ° southern latitude - wet evergreen and mixed forests on brown forests, in the south - apodoline soils. For high plane, special high-alpine vegetation types are characteristic: in the north - equatorial meadows (paramos), in Peruvian Andes and in the northeast of Puna - Dry cereal steppes (Hulk). Andes are home to potatoes, frying wood, coca and other valuable plants.

Animal world of Andes are similar to the fauna of the adjacent plains; Among endemic species is a relic of spectacular bear, Lama (Vicuna and Guanaco), Magellanova Dog (Culpio), Azarov Fox, Deer Pudi and Wemul, Chinchilla, Chilean Oposatum. Numerous birds (especially in the coastline Cordillera): Condor, mountain partridge, geese, ducks, parrots, flamingos, hummingbirds, etc. It is possible that the horse's horse, sheep and goat delivered to South America contributed to the desertification of the landscapes of Andes.

In Andes, 88 national parks with a total area of \u200b\u200b19.2 million hectares, including: Sierra Nevada (Venezuela), Paramilo, Cordillera de Los Picacham, Sierra de la Macaren (Colombia), Sangai (Ecuador), Wascharan, Manu (Peru), Isborney Secrere (Bolivia), Alberto-Agostini, Bernardo O'Higshns, Laguna - San Rafael (Chile), Naplel-UAP (Argentina), as well as numerous reserves and other protected areas.

Lit.: Lukashova E. N. South America. Physical geography. M., 1958; Cordillera America. M., 1967.

M. P. Lodine; A. A. Zaroshnikov (geological structure and minerals).