Comparative characteristics of the heroes Mark Twain Astrid Lindgren. Genre-thematic originality of work A

Comparative characteristics of the heroes Mark Twain Astrid Lindgren. Genre-thematic originality of work A
Comparative characteristics of the heroes Mark Twain Astrid Lindgren. Genre-thematic originality of work A

The nature of the literature of the period under consideration: the moral maximalism of the heroes, the scale of artistic innovations, attention to the character in his crisis state, to its moral and philosophical searches, deepest psychologism. It is in the 70s - 80s. Create your best works of Norwegian Herrik Ibsen and the Swede Aug Strindberg-Elevate reformers of the Scandinavian Theater, the largest representatives of the European "New Drama".

Scandinavian writers and in the genre of the novel worked in the most active way. It was the expressives of the epoch that such completely different novelists, such as Norwegian Knut Gamsun, Dane Martin Andersen-Nexy, and others.

A feature of the literary process in Scandinavian countries, as in a number of others (for example, Slavic, Belgium, USA), was the coincidence of the time to strengthen the realism with the emergence and development of unrealistic flows, the range of which was very wide and included naturalism, symbolism, impressionism, neoromanthism. Bold artistic innovations, commitment to enlarged, epic forms made itself felt in the works of realist writers. It was very pronounced, as, again, in other literature, interaction, interlacing in the framework of creativity of one author, and often - and one work, elements of realistic and other artistic methods.

Circuit value Scandinavian writers attached to the understanding of folklore and literary traditions - myths, songs of scalds, art of romanticism. A considerable role in the formation of aesthetic views of artists played Russian literature (Turgenev, Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, M. Gorky).

Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren (1907-- 2002). The writer itself always called his childhood happy and pointed out that it was the source of inspiration for her creativity. As a child, Astrid Lindgren was surrounded by folklore, and many jokes, fairy tales, the stories that she heard from his father or from friends, then went into the basis of her own works. Love for books and reading, as she confessed later, arose in Kristin's kitchen with which she was friends. It was Christine who joined Astrid to an amazing, exciting world, in which it was possible to fall, reading fairy tales. The impressionable Astrid was shocked by this discovery, and later herself mastered the magic of the word.

According to A. Donggren, "Peppi Long Stocking" was born primarily thanks to the daughter of Karin. In 41g, Karin got sick with inflammation of the lungs, and every evening Astrid told her all sorts of stories before bedtime. Once the girl ordered the story about Peppy Long Stocking - it was invented right there, on the go. So A. Düdgren began to compose a story about a girl who does not obey any conditions. As the Astrid lagged a new one for that time and caused hot disputes the idea of \u200b\u200bupbringing taking into account child psychology, the call to the conventions seemed to her an interesting mental experiment. If we consider the image of a peppy in a generalized plan, then it is based on innovative ideas in the 1930-40-year-old ideas in the field of child education and child psychology. A new approach to children affected her creative manner, as a result of which she became the author, consistently speaking from the point of view of the child.

In 45, A.ldgren offered the position of editor of children's literature in the publishing house "Raben and Schogren". In the same publishing house all her books went out.

In 46g, she published a 1st storytellor of Calle Blumkivist ("Calle Blumyquist"), thanks to which he won the first award on the literary competition. In 51, a continuation was followed, "Calle Blumkivist risks", and in 53g - the final part of the trilogy, Calle Blumyvysist and Rasmus. Calle Bloomvist Writer wanted to replace the readers who glorify the violence of cheap thrillers.

In 54g A. Londgren composed the first of three of his fabulous stakes - "Mio, My Mio!". In this emotional, the dramatic book, the receptions of the heroic legend and the magic fairy tale are connected, and the story of Bu Wilhelm Ulsson, an unloved and left for the son of the son of receiving parents, is told in it. Astrid Lindgren has repeatedly resorted to a fairy tale and a fabulous story, affecting the fate of lonely and abandoned children. In the next trilogy - "Kid and Carlson who lives on the roof", "Carlson who lives on the roof, flew again" and "Carlson who lives on the roof, leans again" - again there is a fantasy hero of the delicate sense. This "moderately absorbed", infantile, greedy, boastful, inflated, feeling pity for himself, egocentric, although not deprived of the charm of the little man dwells on the roof of an apartment building, where the baby lives. Being an imaginary friend of the baby, he represents a much less wonderful image of childhood than unpredictable and carefree Peppi. The baby is the younger of three children in the most ordinary family of Stockholm Bourgeois, and Carlson gets into his life a very concrete way - through the window, and it does it every time the baby feels an excess, bypassed or humiliated, in other words, when the boy becomes Sorry.

In the 69th, the famous Stockholm Royal Drama Theater put "Carlson who lives on the roof", which was unusual for that time. Since then, the stages of the books of Astrid Lindgren constantly go both in large and small theaters. The first were filmed a story about Calle 47g.

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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Lugansk National University

taras Shevchenko

For subject: "Children's literature"

on the topic: "Creativity Astrid Lindgren"

Performed: Student 4th Course "

Kolomiychenko Natalia.


Astrid Lingren was born on November 14, 1907 in South Sweden, in a small town of Vimmerbu Province of Smoltend (Len Kalmar), in the farm family. Her parents - Father Samuel August Eriksson and the mother of Hannah Jonsson, - met when they were 13 and 9 years old. 17 years later, in 1905, they got married and settled on a rented farm in Nes, the pastoral estate on the outskirts of Vimmerby, where Samuel began to engage in agriculture. Astrid has become their second child. She had an older brother Gunnar (July 27, 1906 - May 27, 1974) and two younger sisters - Styn (1911--2002) and Ingegere (1916--1997).

As Lindgren itself pointed out in the collection of autobiographical essays "My Fiction" (1971), she grew up in the eyelid and cabriolet. The main means of movement was an equestrian crew for family, the pace of life was slower, entertainment is simpler, and the relationship with the surrounding nature is much closer than today. Such a situation contributed to the development of love with the writer for nature - all the creativity of Lindgren is imbued with this feeling, from eccentric stories about the daughter of Captain Peppi Long stocking, before the story of Ronnie, the daughter of the robber.

The writer itself has always called his childhood happy (there was a lot of games and adventures, interspersed with work on the farm and in its surroundings) and pointed out that it was the source of inspiration for her creativity. Astrid's parents not only experienced a deep attachment to each other and to children, but did not hesitate to show her what was at the time rare. About the special relationship in the family, the writer with great sympathy and tenderness told in the only book that was not addressed to children, "Samuel Augustus from Sevenstorp and Hannah from Halt" (1973).

As a child, Astrid Lindgren was surrounded folklore, and many jokes, fairy tales, the stories that she heard from the Father or from friends, then easily for the basis of her own works. Love for books and reading, as she confessed later, arose in Kristin's kitchen with which she was friends. It was Christine who joined Astrid to an amazing, exciting world, in which it was possible to fall, reading fairy tales. The impressionable Astrid was shocked by this discovery, and later herself mastered the magic of the word.

Her abilities have become apparent already in elementary school, where Astrid was called "Vimmerbun Selma Lagerleof"What, in his own opinion, she did not deserve.

After school, aged 16, Astrid Lindgren began working as a journalist in the local newspaper Wimmerby Tidningen. But after two years she became pregnant, not being married, and, leaving the post of junior reporter, went to Stockholm. There she graduated from the courses of secretaries and in 1931. Found a job in this specialty. In December 1926 She had a son Lars. As not enough money, the Astrid had to give a hot beloved son in Denmark, in the family of receiving parents. IN 1928. She got the job secretary in the Royal Autoclub, where he met with Stur Lindgren (1898--1952). They got married in April 1931., And after that, Astrid was able to pick up Lars home.

Years of creativity

After Marriage Astrid Lindgren decided to become a domestic economy to completely devote himself to concerns about LARS, and then about the born in 1934. daughter Karin. IN 1941. Lindgrena moved to the apartment overlooking Stockholm Vasa ParkWhere the writer lived down until his death. Occasionally takes care of the secretarial work, she composed descriptions of travel and pretty banal fairy tales for family magazines and Christmas calendars, which gradually honed their literary skills.

According to Astrid Lindgren, " Peppi Longyolok" (1945 ) Based primarily thanks to the daughter of Karin. In 1941, Karin fell ill with inflammation of the lungs, and every evening Astrid told her before bedtime all sorts of stories. Once a girl ordered a story about Peppi Longyolok - This name she invented immediately, on the go. So Astrid Lindong began to compose a story about a girl who does not obey any conditions. Since Astrid then defended a new one for that time and convicted the idea education with considering children's psychologyThe call to the conventions seemed to her an interesting mental experiment. If we consider the image of peppy in a generalized plan, then it is based on the appeared in 1930 --40-H. years of innovative ideas in the field of children's education and child psychology. Lindgren followed the controversy unfolded in society and participated in it, speaking for education, which would take into account the thoughts and feelings of children and thus showed respect for them. A new approach to children affected her creative manner, as a result of which she became the author, consistently speaking from the point of view of the child.

After the first story about Peppi, who was loved by Karin, Astrid Lindgren over the next years told all the new evening fairy tales about this red-haired girl. In the tenth birthday, Karin Astrid Lindgren made a stenographic recording of several stories, of which then made a book of its own manufacture (with illustrations of the author) for her daughter. This initial manuscript "Peppi" was less thoroughly finished stylistically and more radical in their ideas. One copy of the manuscript writer sent to the largest Stockholm Publisher "Bonnere". After some, the manuscript was rejected. Astrid Lindgren was not discharged by refusal, she had already realized that it was called her vocation for children. IN 1944. She took part in the competition for the best book for girls, announced by the relatively new and little-known publishing house "Rabn and Schogren". Lindgren received the second prize for the story "Britt-Marie strengthens the soul" (1944) and the publishing contract for her. Astrid Lindgren Writer Children

IN 1945. Astrid Lindgren offered the position of editor of children's literature in the publishing house "Raben and Schogren". She accepted this offer and worked in one place to 1970.When officially retired. In the same publishing house all her books went out. Despite the huge employment and combination of editorial work with household responsibilities and writing, Astrid was a fertile writer: if you consider a picture of the picture, from under her feather there was a total of about eighty works. Especially productively work in 40-H. and 50-H. years. Totally agree 1944 --1950 years old Astrid Lindgren composed the trilogy about Peppi Longs, two tales of children from a bullerbye, three books for girls, a detective, two collection of fairy tales, a collection of songs, four plays and two books-pictures. As can be seen from this list, Astrid Lindgren was an unusually versatile author, ready to experiment in various genres.

IN 1946. She published the first story about the detective Calle Blumkivist ("Calle Blumyvysist"), thanks to which he won the first award on the literary competition (more Astrid Lindgren did not participate in competitions). IN 1951. A continuation was followed, "Calle Bloomvist risks" (both stories were published in Russian 1959. called the "Adventures of Calle Blumvista"), and in 1953. - the final part of the trilogy, "Calle Blumyvist and Rasmus" (was translated into Russian in 1986 ). "Calle Bloomvist" writer wanted to replace readers who glorified violence cheaper thrillers.

IN 1954. Astrid Lindgren composed the first of the three of its fabulous leads - "Mio, my Mio!" (Per. 1965 ). In this emotional, dramatic book, the heroic techniques are connected legend and magical fairy tales, but the story of Boo Wilhelm Ulsson, unloved and left without doubtful concern of the son of receiving parents. Astrid Lindgren has repeatedly resorted to a fairy tale and a fabulous story, affecting the fate of lonely and abandoned children (so it was to "Mio, My Mio!"). To bear the consolation to children, help them overcome difficult situations - this task did not last the work of the writer.

In the next trilogy - "kid and Carlsonwhich lives on the roof "( 1955 ; Per. 1957 ), "Carlson who lives on the roof, arrived again" ( 1962 ; Per. 1965 ) And "Carlson, who lives on the roof, refuses again" ( 1968 ; Per. 1973 ) - Again there is a fantasy hero of an unbendable. This "moderately absorbed", infantile, greedy, boastful, inflated, feeling pity for himself, egocentric, although not deprived of the charm of the little man dwells on the roof of an apartment building where the baby lives. Being an imaginary friend of the baby, he represents a much less wonderful image of childhood than unpredictable and carefree Peppi. The baby is the youngest of three children in the most ordinary family of Stockholm bourgeois, I. Carlson It falls into his life a very concrete way - through the window, and it does it every time the baby feels an excess, bypassed or humiliated, in other words, when the boy becomes sorry for himself. In such cases, it appears compensatory alter ego - In all respects "the best in the world" Carlson, who makes the baby forget about the troubles.

The writer died on January 28, 2002 in Stockholm. Astrid Lindgren refers to the most famous children's writers in the world. Her works are imbued with fantasy and love for children. Many of them are translated by 70 with superfluous languages \u200b\u200band have been published in more than 100 countries. In Sweden, she became a living legend, because he entertained, inspired and comforted not one generation of readers, participated in political life, changed the laws and noticeably affected the development of children's literature.

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1. Formation of creative views Astrid Lindgren

Astrid Lindgren (November 14, 1907 - January 28, 2002, Stockholm), Swedish writer. Tale for children "Peppi - a long stocking" (1945-52), about baby and Carlsone (1955-68), "Rasmus-Broadcasting" (1956), about Emile from Lenneberg (1963-1970), "Brothers Lion Heart" (1979), "Ronia, a robber daughter" (1981) are imbued with humanism. The fantastic adventures of her heroes, distinguished by immediacy, toastness and mischief, occur in the real world with its sharp contradictions.

Lindgren was born in the farmers family "in an old red house in the depths of the apple orchard." In school, the future of the writer was propheted at school, calling "Seventh Lagerref with Vimmerby"; She gave themselves the word not to write, just not to be like someone. In 1941, her daughter fell ill and when the mother spent the whole stock of the stories, asked, calling an unexpectedly strange name: "Tell me about the Peppie Long Stoller." The unusual name made you come up with the most unusual heroine. But Lindgren has in no hurry to publish the story.

In 1944, she sick herself and processed her oral stories, giving one copy of his daughter, and the second sent to the publisher. As Lindgren hoped, the publisher shocked by the extraordinary character and the abilities of the heroine, which can raise the horse with one hand and eat a whole cake immediately, and, in addition, laughing at benefactors and generally behaves surprisingly, rejected the manuscript. But in 1945, Lindgren received a premium for the Britt-Marie Book of Lightweight Heart, then next year they removed the recycled option "Peppi." The "Adventures of the famous investigative Calle of Blumvista" (1946) became the next book, a newly marked award.

Lindgren became a professional writer. She believed that childhood gave her the material that then entered her work. The tramps who have repeatedly asked for the night to her parents, forced her to think already in childhood that not all people had their own roof, their narration was expanding her worldview, they learned to see that the world was inhabited not only by good people. The topic of the struggle of good and evil, one of the leading in her works, was born already then. The writer believed that "it is impossible to sit and invent some stories. You need to plunge into your own childhood. " Only then can write what will awaken the child's fantasy. And this she considered the most important task of literature, only her inherent in her, because no cinema, neither television leaves space for imagination.

The imagination is entirely Lindgren, "the most important ability of mankind," because everything is big that ever appeared in this world, he was born first in human imagination. " In addition, a book for children should develop faith of children in the ability to create a miracle, in the very existence of it. But a miracle in the works of Lindgren is always born from the reality itself, as in the story about the baby and Carlsone, who lives on the roof.

Lindgren did not express his program openly, but he tried to assist the democratization of public relations with his work, wanted to see the world without war, where children would not suffer. She wrote for children, and therefore her ideas acquire a form available to children's understanding. So, in the tale story "Mio, my Mio!" The hero opposes the evil knight of Kato, and Brother Lion's heart fights against Tirana Tengel. In the works of Lindgren, about medieval times, it is not only about the struggle of good and evil, as in all fairy tales of all time. In the features of the enemies of the positive heroes of the writer and in the descriptions of the countries that they rule, clearly appear the features of fascism, and the characters themselves are like modern Swedes.

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110 years since the birth of Astrid Lindgren

Astrid Lindgren is probably the most famous Swedish writer in Russia.

Her heroes settle in the heads in childhood - the red-haired girl of Peppi Longs, the daughter of the Robin Rogue, Calle Blumkivist, a diverse man in the heard of the forces, the owner of Propeller on his back and the most common name in Sweden Karlson, flying to the baby when it becomes sad.

Set up and remain up to the most enjoyment - on the rights of the jewel, which we, becoming parents, pass to their children, reading her books for the night. If you have already read all - find a fairly rare autobiographical "We are all from the Bull Bull", in which the writer sketches his own childhood - not very rich, but filled with impressions and adventures.

On November 14, 1907 in the south of Sweden, Astrid Anna Emilia Eriksson was born in the city of Vimmerby. Her first publication was the school essay, because of which classmates began to tease her with army Lagerlef (Swedish novelist.- "Kommersant"). After that, Astrid has shown to compose fairy tales and went to work in the local newspaper Wimmerby Tidningen

"If I managed to make a brighter at least some kind of gloomy childhood, then I am pleased."

"To become the subject of gossip was like to be in the pit, a complete snake, and I decided to leave this pit as soon as possible. Everything happened not at all as some might think - I was not kicked out of the house, as in the good old days. Not at all, I left myself. No one could keep me at home. "
After moving to Stockholm, Astrid graduated from stenograpk courses, but could not find a job and gave his newborn Son Lars in a reception family

"I am writing for myself to entertain that child, which is sitting inside me, - I can only hope that other children will hesitate."
In 1928, Astrid received the secretary of the secretary in the Royal Automobile Club and after three years he married his chief of Lindgren's sture. Entering into marriage, Astrid Lindgren was able to pick up the Son and gave birth to Karin's daughter. After that, the writer broke the stamp and began to write fairy tales for domestic magazines

"The worst thing is when the child does not know how to play. Such a child is similar to a small boring old man, from which an adult elder is growing, deprived of, however, the main advantage of old age - wisdom.
In 1944, Astrid Lindgren ranked second in the competition for the best book for girls announced by the publishing house "Raben and Shegran", and was able to publish a story "Britt-Marie pours the soul"

"You will not find on earth of the true world, perhaps it is just an unattainable goal"
His most famous heroine - Peppi Long-roll - Astrid Lindgren invented during the war and Daughters of Karin's daughter. The first home-made circulation of the writer presented her daughter for his birthday, and in 1945 "Rabn and Shegran" published the book "Peppi settles on the villa" Chicken ""

In 1954, Astrid Lindgren wrote a story "Mio, My Mio", in the 1955th - Kid and Carlson. In 1961, "three stories about the baby and Carlson" reached the USSR: their lifetime circulation in Russian amounted to more than 5 million copies

"I drink summer, like wild bees drink honey. I collect a huge commerce to be enough for ... at that time, when ... there will be another time ... Do you know what kind of com? ...
- It is sunrise and blueberry, blue from berries, and freckles, like you on your hands, and moonlight over the evening river, and the starry sky, and the forest at the midday heat, when sunlight plays in the tops of the pine, and the evening rain, And all that is around ... and proteins, foxes, and moose, and all wild horses, which we know, and swimming in the river, and horse riding. Do you understand? The whole com dough from which summer is baked. "

"Roni, daughter of the robber"

"Journalists are so stubborn. Just leave an empty place in the newspaper and write: "There was to come out something about Astrid Lindgren, but she did not want to participate in it."
From 1946 to 1970, Astrid Lindgren worked as the editor of children's literature in the publishing house "Rabn and Shegran", published all its books, and led quizzes in Swedish radio and television

"Today in our world so many dictators, tyrants, oppressors, tormentors ... What did they have for childhood?"
In 1976, Astrid Lindgren published a fairy tale for adults "Pomperiposs from Montismanion" about the too tough tax policy, and in 1985 he sent a fairy tale about a loving cow to Stockholm newspapers against poor animal handling. As a result, in 1988, the Law on the Protection of Animals Lex Lindgren (Lindgren Law) was adopted in Sweden
Photo: Constantin-Film / Ulstein Bild Via Getty Images

"Get rid of me God from the Nobel Prize! Nelli Zaks died from what he got her, I am sure that it will happen to me "
In 1958, Astrid Lindgren received the Medal of Hans Christian Andersen (she was also called the Nobel Prize in Children's Literature), and in 1969 - the Swedish State Prize in Literature

Astrid Lingren was born on November 14, 1907 in South Sweden, in a small town of Vimmerbu Province of Smoltend (Len Kalmar), in the farm family. Her parents - Father Samuel August Eriksson and the mother of Hannah Jonsson, - met when they were 13 and 9 years old. 17 years later, in 1905, they got married and settled on a rented farm in Nes, the pastoral estate on the outskirts of Vimmerby, where Samuel began to engage in agriculture. Astrid has become their second child. She had an older brother Gunnar (July 27, 1906 - May 27, 1974) and two younger sisters - Styn (1911--2002) and Ingegere (1916--1997).

As Lindgren itself pointed out in the collection of autobiographical essays "My Fiction" (1971), she grew up in the eyelid and cabriolet. The main means of movement was an equestrian crew for family, the pace of life was slower, entertainment is simpler, and the relationship with the surrounding nature is much closer than today. Such a situation contributed to the development of love with the writer for nature - all the creativity of Lindgren is imbued with this feeling, from eccentric stories about the daughter of Captain Peppi Long stocking, before the story of Ronnie, the daughter of the robber.

The writer itself has always called his childhood happy (there was a lot of games and adventures, interspersed with work on the farm and in its surroundings) and pointed out that it was the source of inspiration for her creativity. Astrid's parents not only experienced a deep attachment to each other and to children, but did not hesitate to show her what was at the time rare. About the special relationship in the family, the writer with great sympathy and tenderness told in the only book that was not addressed to children, "Samuel Augustus from Sevenstorp and Hannah from Halt" (1973).

As a child, Astrid Lindgren was surrounded folklore, and many jokes, fairy tales, the stories that she heard from the Father or from friends, then easily for the basis of her own works. Love for books and reading, as she confessed later, arose in Kristin's kitchen with which she was friends. It was Christine who joined Astrid to an amazing, exciting world, in which it was possible to fall, reading fairy tales. The impressionable Astrid was shocked by this discovery, and later herself mastered the magic of the word.

Her abilities have become apparent already in elementary school, where Astrid was called "Vimmerbun Selma Lagerleof"What, in his own opinion, she did not deserve.

After school, aged 16, Astrid Lindgren began working as a journalist in the local newspaper Wimmerby Tidningen. But after two years she became pregnant, not being married, and, leaving the post of junior reporter, went to Stockholm. There she graduated from the courses of secretaries and in 1931. Found a job in this specialty. In December 1926 She had a son Lars. As not enough money, the Astrid had to give a hot beloved son in Denmark, in the family of receiving parents. IN 1928. She got the job secretary in the Royal Autoclub, where he met with Stur Lindgren (1898--1952). They got married in April 1931., And after that, Astrid was able to pick up Lars home.

Years of creativity

After Marriage Astrid Lindgren decided to become a domestic economy to completely devote himself to concerns about LARS, and then about the born in 1934. daughter Karin. IN 1941. Lindgrena moved to the apartment overlooking Stockholm Vasa ParkWhere the writer lived down until his death. Occasionally takes care of the secretarial work, she composed descriptions of travel and pretty banal fairy tales for family magazines and Christmas calendars, which gradually honed their literary skills.

According to Astrid Lindgren, " Peppi Longyolok" (1945 ) Based primarily thanks to the daughter of Karin. In 1941, Karin fell ill with inflammation of the lungs, and every evening Astrid told her before bedtime all sorts of stories. Once a girl ordered a story about Peppi Longyolok - This name she invented immediately, on the go. So Astrid Lindong began to compose a story about a girl who does not obey any conditions. Since Astrid then defended a new one for that time and convicted the idea education with considering children's psychologyThe call to the conventions seemed to her an interesting mental experiment. If we consider the image of peppy in a generalized plan, then it is based on the appeared in 1930 --40-H. years of innovative ideas in the field of children's education and child psychology. Lindgren followed the controversy unfolded in society and participated in it, speaking for education, which would take into account the thoughts and feelings of children and thus showed respect for them. A new approach to children affected her creative manner, as a result of which she became the author, consistently speaking from the point of view of the child.

After the first story about Peppi, who was loved by Karin, Astrid Lindgren over the next years told all the new evening fairy tales about this red-haired girl. In the tenth birthday, Karin Astrid Lindgren made a stenographic recording of several stories, of which then made a book of its own manufacture (with illustrations of the author) for her daughter. This initial manuscript "Peppi" was less thoroughly finished stylistically and more radical in their ideas. One copy of the manuscript writer sent to the largest Stockholm Publisher "Bonnere". After some, the manuscript was rejected. Astrid Lindgren was not discharged by refusal, she had already realized that it was called her vocation for children. IN 1944. She took part in the competition for the best book for girls, announced by the relatively new and little-known publishing house "Rabn and Schogren". Lindgren received the second prize for the story "Britt-Marie strengthens the soul" (1944) and the publishing contract for her. Astrid Lindgren Writer Children

IN 1945. Astrid Lindgren offered the position of editor of children's literature in the publishing house "Raben and Schogren". She accepted this offer and worked in one place to 1970.When officially retired. In the same publishing house all her books went out. Despite the huge employment and combination of editorial work with household responsibilities and writing, Astrid was a fertile writer: if you consider a picture of the picture, from under her feather there was a total of about eighty works. Especially productively work in 40-H. and 50-H. years. Totally agree 1944 --1950 years old Astrid Lindgren composed the trilogy about Peppi Longs, two tales of children from a bullerbye, three books for girls, a detective, two collection of fairy tales, a collection of songs, four plays and two books-pictures. As can be seen from this list, Astrid Lindgren was an unusually versatile author, ready to experiment in various genres.

IN 1946. She published the first story about the detective Calle Blumkivist ("Calle Blumyvysist"), thanks to which he won the first award on the literary competition (more Astrid Lindgren did not participate in competitions). IN 1951. A continuation was followed, "Calle Bloomvist risks" (both stories were published in Russian 1959. called the "Adventures of Calle Blumvista"), and in 1953. - the final part of the trilogy, "Calle Blumyvist and Rasmus" (was translated into Russian in 1986 ). "Calle Bloomvist" writer wanted to replace readers who glorified violence cheaper thrillers.

IN 1954. Astrid Lindgren composed the first of the three of its fabulous leads - "Mio, my Mio!" (Per. 1965 ). In this emotional, dramatic book, the heroic techniques are connected legend and magical fairy tales, but the story of Boo Wilhelm Ulsson, unloved and left without doubtful concern of the son of receiving parents. Astrid Lindgren has repeatedly resorted to a fairy tale and a fabulous story, affecting the fate of lonely and abandoned children (so it was to "Mio, My Mio!"). To bear the consolation to children, help them overcome difficult situations - this task did not last the work of the writer.

In the next trilogy - "kid and Carlsonwhich lives on the roof "( 1955 ; Per. 1957 ), "Carlson who lives on the roof, arrived again" ( 1962 ; Per. 1965 ) And "Carlson, who lives on the roof, refuses again" ( 1968 ; Per. 1973 ) - Again there is a fantasy hero of an unbendable. This "moderately absorbed", infantile, greedy, boastful, inflated, feeling pity for himself, egocentric, although not deprived of the charm of the little man dwells on the roof of an apartment building where the baby lives. Being an imaginary friend of the baby, he represents a much less wonderful image of childhood than unpredictable and carefree Peppi. The baby is the youngest of three children in the most ordinary family of Stockholm bourgeois, I. Carlson It falls into his life a very concrete way - through the window, and it does it every time the baby feels an excess, bypassed or humiliated, in other words, when the boy becomes sorry for himself. In such cases, it appears compensatory alter ego - In all respects "the best in the world" Carlson, who makes the baby forget about the troubles.

The writer died on January 28, 2002 in Stockholm. Astrid Lindgren refers to the most famous children's writers in the world. Her works are imbued with fantasy and love for children. Many of them are translated by 70 with superfluous languages \u200b\u200band have been published in more than 100 countries. In Sweden, she became a living legend, because he entertained, inspired and comforted not one generation of readers, participated in political life, changed the laws and noticeably affected the development of children's literature.