Modern dream interpretation ostrich. Interpretation of sleep with an ostrich

Modern dream interpretation ostrich. Interpretation of sleep with an ostrich
Modern dream interpretation ostrich. Interpretation of sleep with an ostrich

The ostrich that was led to see in a dream, according to Dreamnoy, is considered precursor of unexpected obstacles, smacking with unpleasant personalities. Also, what is the dream of this bird, can reflect the bad features of the nature of the very dream, which prevent him from finding a common language with the surrounding people.

Dead bird - to good or loud?

The dream of a wanderer characterizes what this dead bird is dreaming, as a testimony of small troubles, which will soon be solved by themselves. To see the dead ostrich, on the interpretation of Loffa, means twread failure, the decline of strength and spirit.

Esoterics are inserted into sleep interpretation of a completely opposite value. Having dreamed of the dead ostrich, whom the dream was led to kill with their own hands, means victory over his own laziness and short-sightedness. If, in a dream you had a chance to kill an ostrich - be careful in communicating with others.

Give up important things

Those who had the opportunity to see a lot of ostriches, the dream book of the White Magian advises to wait with the adoption of important decisions. Having dreamed of ostrich, surrounded - pay attention to its loved ones. Running bare in a dream - a sign of chaos in the thoughts and actions of a sleeping person.

What does dream of Miller mean

Those who do not like to seek the causes of failures in themselves will be disappointed in explanation, what dreams of the ostrich in the dream of Miller. So:

  • see him - indicates your spiritual uncleanness;
  • watch in a dream behind the running ostrich - your secret desires can harm reputation;
  • catch him - promises a pleasant journey;
  • ostrich feathers - evidence of false illusions;
  • dinking an ostrich egg - a sign of an embodiment of ideas.

Tune in to positive

Favorable for women is considered a vision in which he was led to see an ostrich egg. The girls who dreamed of becoming mothers may not doubt what to dream such a plot is the foresight of the fast conception. But Ptahi feather symbolizes insincerity and lies in a relationship with a man.

Running ostrich, according to a small dream book, is considered to be spectature of success. Do not doubt, all efforts will pay for a hundredfold. Ambitious people such a picture announces an increase in the career ladder.

Be a bow

I dreamed that the animal pecks you or beats my feet, it means that in reality, be extremely careful in communicating with others. Your words or actions at this stage will be perceived critically. If you witnessed how Ptah eats - pecks food or grass, then, in the near future, financial affairs will be applied and will go uphill.

Love moments

According to Dreamniest Freud, the ostrich in a dream indicates the hypocrisy and the nonsense of a dream in relations with the second half. You are deliberately looking for a reason for discord with a love partner, preferring to console your ego and self-sufficiency fleeting intrigues.

Modern combined Dream Dream of Ostrich in a dream compares with a subconscious fear of sleeping person to go beyond the scope of psychological comfort. You intentionally avoid situations in which you feel uncertain.

Dream Khasse

  • See him - unpleasant obstacles; Feathers - deception.

Dream Khasse

  • Ostrich see him - unpleasant obstacles; feathers - Deception.

Children's dream book

  • Ostrich is that you do not want to face the truth, I will not free you from responsibility.

Children's dream book

  • Ostrich - The fact that you do not want to face the truth, will not free you from responsibility.

Noble dream book N.Grishina

  • Ostrich is all the kind and prosperous.

Noble dream book N.Grishina

  • Ostrich - All the kind and prosperous.

Dream Deniz Lynn (Detailed)

  • Is there something in your life, what you don't want to watch? Do you hide your head in the sand so as not to see what happens around?


  • You avoid seeing something in your life.

Dream Longo

  • To see in a dream of ostrich - in real life you are inclined to exaggerate and exaggerate. You constantly find it difficult in an objective assessment of the established adverse situation, and your perception often suffers from fray. To see in a dream, like an ostrich hides his head in the sand, "soon you are destined to become an eyewitness of an unusual scene, which will open your eyes on a lot. To see in a dream of a running ostrich - in life there is some kind of fear that does not have a real basis. You yourself cultivated it and now fuel with sensations. Masochism is clearly expressed in you.

Dream Stranger

  • Ostrich - domestic, worldly, "landed" well-being.

Dream Stranger

  • Ostrich - domestic, worldly, "landed" well-being.

Egyptian Dream of Pharaoh (Kenherhevetef)

  • If a person sees in a dream of ostrich, "bad," the bad will happen to him.

Dream Ezopa

Dream Ezopa

  • At the time of danger, the ostrich lowers his head in the sand "Therefore, a person who leaves problems, and does not try to find a way out of a difficult situation, called ostrich. Perhaps in real life you reproach yourself in idle, indecision, because of which more and more comes in problems, and in a state of sleep, these reflections come to you in a symbolic form in the form of an ostrich image.
  • In a dream to see running ostrich - You will have to make a lot of effort to correct the situation that has developed around you at work.
  • See ostrich hiding head in the sand "You only exacerbated with your left-time care of your departure from the already difficult situation, so you will have to configure it in the near future.
  • Sleep, in which you are driving on an ostrich - foreshadows troubles because of communication with a unwell man, which will bring you to the most responsible moment.
  • If you dreamed of an ostrich egg - This means that you are poting your friend's weakness or acquaintance instead of helping him, support the Word and Del.

Dream Cleopatry

  • At the time of danger, the ostrich lowers his head in the sand, so a person who leaves problems, and not trying to find a way out of a difficult situation, called ostrich. Perhaps in real life you reproach yourself in idle, indecision, because of which more and more comes in problems, and in a state of sleep, these reflections come to you in symbolic form - as an ostrich image.
  • In a dream to see a running ostrich - you have to make a lot of effort to correct the situation that has developed around you at work.
  • To see Ostrich, hiding his head in the sand, - You only exacerbated with your leaving so long ago, you only exacerbated, so in the near future you will have to tune in to fight.
  • Sleep, in which you are driving on an ostrich, foreshadows troubles because of communication with a unwell person, which will bring you to the most responsible moment.
  • If you have dreamed of an ostrich egg, then this means that you are poting your friend's weakness or acquaintance instead of helping him, support the Word and Del.

Vintage french dream book

  • If you have dreamed of ostrich - you will suffer an unexpected misfortune. A lot of ostriches are the foresology of a dangerous enterprise or a trip.

Modern visible dream book

  • Sleep, in which you saw Ostrich, hiding head in the sand - Says about your fear of responsibility, the desire to always stay in the shade and shy away from important affairs.
  • See running ostrich - The sign of your dedication and the presence of fighting qualities in your character.
  • If you dreamed ostrich egg - Soon you will find a pleasant surprise. Woman such a dream - foreshadows long-awaited pregnancy.
  • In a dream to pull the pen from Ost - Means to get the desired, attaching only a little effort.

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    « Dream book ostrich Egg dreamed, for what dream in snow ostrich Egg".For what dream ostrich Egg in snow by dream InterT? In snow have you seen eggs ostrich Read completely

    Dream "Sonnik-Enigma"

    Eggs by dream InterT. If a in snow You saw egg, No matter, chicken, goose or quail, be sure to remember the plot in detail. So it will be much easier to express what dream This dream. Dream book it says that similar night dreams can predict loose dreamed birds eggsIn the near future you will have to go on a business trip. Most likely, the road will be long. Yet eggs birds dream To change. Miller extracts also, which means greeted ostrich eggs.Read completely

  • Dream ""

    Interpretation sleep Egg in different ways dreamnies. What does it mean if dream Egg?Ostrich egg in snow Symbolizes false illusions about the current state of affairs or their prospects. The plot also includes signs: Ostrich . Bird flew from nest with broken eggs. Sleepin which the bird flew out of the nest, leaving in it eggs, promises disappointment. Total fully

    Dream Interpretation "Magiachisel"

    if you dreamed ostrich egg You constantly find it difficult in an objective assessment of the established adverse situation, and your perception often suffers from fray. See in snow, as ostrich hides their head in the sand - soon you are destined to become an eyewitness of an unusual scene, which will open your eyes on a lot to you. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    Dream book Longo. See in snow ostrich Sleep ostrich dreamed ostrich egg - This means that you are poting your friend's weakness or acquaintance instead of helping him, to support the word and affair. Total

    Dream "K-Chemu-Snitsja"

    Eggs ostrich in snow For reality interpreted as large eggs And it does not matter their origin. If in your snow of ostrich eggs Little chick hatched ostrich - In fact, expect some ordinary miracle associated with family weekdays. If an adult bird distilutes you from your yaitz - In reality, someone has good reasons for you not to trust. Total

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    English dream book. Value sleep Ostrich: You dreamed Ostrich what is it Ostrich - Huge strong birds. It is believed that, feeling a threat, they hide their heads in the sand. dream running ostrich - Exceptionally because of the target-aspiration and perseverance, you will achieve much in life. You pulled the feather ostrich - Already so much, you will get the desired. You see in snow egg ostrich - sleep suggests that you are waiting for a big surprise. Total

    Dream ""

    « Dream book ostrich Egg dreamed, for what dream in snow ostrich Egg".For what dream ostrich Egg in snow by dream InterT? In snow have you seen eggs ostrich - You should read more responsibly to the problem of a loved one, do not go about his whims and do not be afraid to be sharp, otherwise you will not help him, but only aggravate the problem. Total

    Dream "Sonnik.bun"

    Dream book White Maga Ostrich "\u003e. See in snow ostrich: In real life, you are inclined to exaggerate and exaggerate. Sleepin which you are driving on ostrich: foreshadows troubles because of communication with a unwell person, which will bring you to the most responsible moment. if you dreamed ostrich egg: This means that you are poting your friend's weakness or acquaintance instead of helping him, support the word and affair. Total

    Dream "Prisnilos"

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    if you dreamed ostrich eggSee in snow Ostrich. Ostrich - If you dreamed ostrich - You will suffer an unexpected misfortune. Lots of ostrich - forever the dangerous enterprise or trip. Dream book White magician Yu.Lugo. Total

    Dream "Junona"

    if you dreamed ostrich egg in snow, as ostrich It hides their head in the sand, "soon you are destined to become an eyewitness of an unusual scene, which will open your eyes on a lot. See in snow running ostrich - in life you have some kind of fear that does not have a real basis. Total

    Dream "Vedunica"

    In snow see running ostrich - You will have to make a lot of effort to correct the situation that has developed around you at work. See ostrich, hiding head in the sand, - You only exacerbated by a difficult situation with your leaving from those who have arisen so long ago, so you will have to tune in to fight. If you dreamed ostrich egg, then this means that you are poting the weakness of your friend or acquaintance instead of helping him, support the word and affair. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    Dreamed Eggbut the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream Interpret dream Egg in snow in snow Dreamedthat the kitten stole from me ostrich egg and hid on a tree, and another kitten hurt him and it began to fall and I caught it and it did not break it all

    Dream "SuperSonnik"

    Eggs, egg in snow symbolize the origin and the beginning of the development of processes, feelings, trends. Sleepin which you dreamedWhat did you find eggs, egg wild bird or snake, and at the same time not crushed and did not take them - a good sign. Wide, buy, collect in snow Chicken, goose, ostrich eggs (egg) - To wealth, good affairs, news in real life. Sleepin which you dreamed Broken or rotten eggs (egg), foreshadows loss or deception in reality. Total

    Dream "AstroKey"

    Sleepin which you are driving on ostrich dreamed ostrich egg, then this means that you are poting the weakness of your friend or acquaintance instead of helping him, support the word and affair. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    ostrich egg.Dreamed Great Eggbut the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream Interpret? Our experts will help you find out what dream Great Egg in snow, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if in snow Seen this symbol. Try! Read completely

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    Dream book Meridian. For what dream Eggs in snow: Break eggs - deterioration of financial condition, quarrels with homework dream Eggs Tue FEBruary 16, 2016, 03:58:39. Many people carry big as ostrich eggs For some ritual, I also give me one egg And they say to make a desire and throw into the sky, I look all the fun to be thrown into the sky and I did not have time to make anything, too, I throw it padot and smashes, but not the shells don't have anything like snow everything disappeared. Total

    Dream "ListName"

    Sleepin which you are driving on ostrich, foreshadows troubles because of communication with a unwell person, who will bring you to the most responsible moment. if you dreamed ostrich eggThis means that you are catching your friend's weakness or acquaintance instead of helping him, support Word and Del. Dream book White Mage Yu.Lugo. See in snow ostrich - In real life, you are inclined to exaggerate and exaggerate. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Mirkosmosa"

    Sleepin which you are driving on ostrich, foreshadows troubles because of communication with a unwell person, who will bring you to the most responsible moment. if you dreamed ostrich egg, then this means that you are poting the weakness of your friend or acquaintance instead of helping him, support the word and affair. Total

    SnitSyason Dream

    Sleepin which you are driving on ostrich - foreshadows troubles because of communication with a unwell man, which will bring you to the most responsible moment. if you dreamed ostrich egg - This means that you are poting your friend's weakness or acquaintance instead of helping him, to support the word and affair. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Esonniki"

    if you dreamed ostrich egg, then this means that you are poting your friend's weakness or acquaintance instead of helping him, support the word and affair. And what does it mean sleep Ostrich If you really see in snow Ostrich And what to expect from sleep - If you find yourself similar questions, the answer to them and the interpretation of these snov You will find exactly from us. Dream book Ostrich will help you learn everything about snow in which you saw Ostrich.Read completely

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Dream book If a ostrich decreased dreamed, for what dream in snow If a ostrich decreased?Sleepin which you are driving on ostrich, foreshadows troubles because of communication with a unwell person, who will bring you to the most responsible moment. If you dreamed ostrich egg, then this means that you are poting the weakness of your friend or acquaintance instead of helping him, support the word and affair. Total

    Dream "Sunhome"

    to me dreamed ostrich eggs yaitz, In one of them I see yolk and protein, and in the other (!) Sucking chick. selected in snow Eggs.Read completely

    Dream "Sonnikonline"

    For what dream ostrich by dream InterT. Sleep about ostrich foreshadows you unusual events or getting amazing news. Ostrich egg to find in snow - Sign of extraordinary luck and big profit. For what dream ostrich by dream InterT. If a dreamed ostrich - to a quiet life without change; if a dreamed Fishing ostrich - to unpleasant obstacles; Find feathers ostrich in snow - to deception. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Isonniki"

    Ostrich in snow dream book Dreamed Ostrich - See - unpleasant obstacles - feathers - deception. Sleepin which you are driving on ostrich, foreshadows troubles because of communication with a unwell person, who will bring you to the most responsible moment. if you dreamed ostrich egg, then this means that you are poting the weakness of your friend or acquaintance instead of helping him, support the word and affair. Total

    Dream "Sunhome"

    See Eggs in snow. Interpretation snov Eggs online for free, dream book - Interpretation snov Sun houses dreamedThat I am with one of my friends I go through an abandoned house (dirty house, everywhere broken glass, window frames, dust), which is happening in daylight. We go and collect big, in my opinion, ostrich eggs, and we do not take everything, leave on the spot. I consider each of yaitz, In one of them I see yolk and protein, and in the other (!) Sucking chick. selected. Total completely

    Dream "Sunhome"

    to me dreamedThat I am with one of my friends I go through an abandoned house (dirty house, everywhere broken glass, window frames, dust), which is happening in daylight. We go and collect big, in my opinion, ostrich eggs, and we do not take everything, what ... to abundance. eggs - Unfortunately eggs - To the gossip eggs - To the danger to life. Aid eggs - to the crime. Cobbing birds eggs in snow - Your desire to do everything in new way. Highly egg - become dependent.


Find out what you say cards about your dream


Ostrich in a dream means a special event that should happen soon.

The dream in which you see Ostrich can mean the elimination of competitors towards success in personal business, work or business. The same value has a dream in which you saw his feathers.

An ostrich egg that you find in a dream means a special remuneration on the life path and extraordinary luck.

Yuri Longo

The dream in which you are watching ostrich from the side is a symbol that you are too exaggerating the failure, the value of other people's words and your own mistakes. You cannot give an adequate assessment of our own actions, and all the time scolding yourself for the perfect missions. A dream in which this animal hides his head into the ground - a symbol of the fact that you will soon see an unusual act.

But the most important thing is that he will clarify the previously confusing situation. Sleep, in which you saw the run of ostrich - a symbol of what you suffer from fiscal fears. You are so accustomed to them that you are not even trying to figure out the problem. The secret is that there is no problem. She is just the fruit of your imagination.

Want to know if your dream will come true, how exactly is his interpretation on this day of the week or month? Choose the desired date and learn whether to trust the seen in a dream.

1st 2-E 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17- e 18th 19th 20th 21st 22-E 23-E 24-E 25-E 27-E 28th 29th 30th 31-E Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 0-1 hours 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3-4 hours 4-5 hours 5-6 hours 6-7 hours 7-8 hours 8-9 hours 9-10 hours 10-11 hours 11-12 hours 12- 13 hours 13-14 hours 14-15 hours 15-16 hours 16-17 hours 17-18 hours 18-19 hours 19-20 hours 20-21 hours 21-22 hours 22-23 hours 23-24 hours

Dream Interpretation: Deniz Lynn Deniz (Detailed)

Dream Stroce

  • Is there something in your life, what you don't want to watch? Do you hide your head in the sand so as not to see what happens around?

Dream Interpretation: Nobyansky Dream N.Grishina

In a dream to see an ostrich

  • Ostrich is all the kind and prosperous.

Dream Interpretation: Vintage French Dream Interpretation

What dreams of ostrich

  • If you have dreamed of ostrich - you will suffer an unexpected misfortune. A lot of ostriches are the foresology of a dangerous enterprise or a trip.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Ezop

Dream Stroce

  • At the time of danger, the ostrich lowers his head in the sand, so a person who leaves problems, and not trying to find a way out of a difficult situation, called ostrich. Perhaps in real life you reproach yourself in idle, indecision, because of which more and more comes in problems, and in a state of sleep, these reflections come to you in symbolic form - as an ostrich image.
  • In a dream to see a running ostrich - you have to make a lot of effort to correct the situation that has developed around you at work.
  • To see Ostrich, hiding his head in the sand, - You only exacerbated with your leaving so long ago, you only exacerbated, so in the near future you will have to tune in to fight.
  • Sleep, in which you are driving on an ostrich, foreshadows troubles because of communication with a unwell person, which will bring you to the most responsible moment.
  • If you have dreamed of an ostrich egg, then this means that you are poting your friend's weakness or acquaintance instead of helping him, support the Word and Del.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Longo

Dream Stroce

  • To see in a dream of ostrich - in real life you are inclined to exaggerate and exaggerate. You constantly find it difficult in an objective assessment of the established adverse situation, and your perception often suffers from fray. To see in a dream, like an ostrich hides his head in the sand, "soon you are destined to become an eyewitness of an unusual scene, which will open your eyes on a lot. To see in a dream of a running ostrich - in life there is some kind of fear that does not have a real basis. You yourself cultivated it and now fuel with sensations. Masochism is clearly expressed in you.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Hasse

In a dream to see an ostrich

  • See him - unpleasant obstacles; Feathers - deception.

Dream Interpretation: Egyptian Dream of Pharaohov (Kenherhevetef)

Dream Stroce

  • If a person sees in a dream of ostrich, "bad," the bad will happen to him.

In Dream Interpretation, the site is the largest dream book, contains 75 best dreams: Vintage French Dream Interpretation, Dream Svuvalova, Italian Dream Interpretation Meneghetti, Wanderer Dream Interpretation, Russian Dream Interpretation, Medieval Daniel Dream Interpretation, Dream Longo, Dream Interpretation for Women, Men's Dream Interpretation, Vintage English Dream Interpretation Zeshel), Dream Dream Danilova, Erotic dream book Danilova, Dream Interpretation Maya, Children's Dream Interpretation, snorker (1829), Dream of winged phrases, Culinary dream book, Numerological dream book Pythagora, Dream Nostradamus, Russian Dream Interpretation, Dream Rohes, Dream Miller, Noborsky Dream N. Hrishina , Tutorial-Dream Interpretation (Wrorevskaya Dream), and others.

See - a certificate of your secret uncleanness - or whether you like to start small intrigues, or a sniffer copy money, one layer-in, you do something that you are ashamed to confess myself yourself;
Catch the ostrich is a pleasant journey that will affect the increase in your educational status.
Also, see Birds.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

What does the sleep of ostrich mean

You will suffer an unexpected misfortune. A lot of ostriches are the foresology of a dangerous enterprise or a trip.

Interpretation of dreams from French dreams

See in a dream ostrich

In real life, you are inclined to exaggerate and exaggerate.

You constantly find it difficult in an objective assessment of the established adverse situation, and your perception often suffers from fray.

To see in a dream, like an ostrich hides a head in the sand: Soon, you are destined to become an eyewitness of an unusual scene, which will open your eyes on a lot.

To see a running ostrich: in life there is some kind of fear that does not have a real basis.

You yourself cultivated it and now fuel with sensations.

Masochism is clearly expressed in you.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Longo

Sleep about ostrich

At the time of danger, the ostrich lowers his head in the sand, so a person who leaves problems, and not trying to find a way out of a difficult situation, called ostrich. Perhaps in real life you reproach yourself in idle, indecision, because of which more and more comes in problems, and in a state of sleep, these reflections come to you in symbolic form - as an ostrich image.

In a dream to see a running ostrich - you have to make a lot of effort to correct the situation that has developed around you at work.

To see Ostrich, hiding his head in the sand, - You only exacerbated with your leaving so long ago, you only exacerbated, so in the near future you will have to tune in to fight.

Sleep, in which you are driving on an ostrich, foreshadows troubles because of communication with a unwell person, which will bring you to the most responsible moment.

If you have dreamed of an ostrich egg, then this means that you are poting your friend's weakness or acquaintance instead of helping him, support the Word and Del.

Interpretation of dreams from ancient dream

That in a dream means ostrich

To see the ostrich, chinno-enveloping in the desert, - such a dream says that the efforts you spent are not in vain. If the ostrich runs very quickly - you will achieve your goals in a record time.

Imagine quickly running over the ostrich desert.

Interpretation of dreams