Modern content of the comedy Griboyedov Mount from the mind. Modern Lee comedy A.S.

Modern content of the comedy Griboyedov Mount from the mind. Modern Lee comedy A.S.
Modern content of the comedy Griboyedov Mount from the mind. Modern Lee comedy A.S.

    Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" does not lose its relevance here's the second century. Time is different, and people are all the same. Modern society is characterized by all the problems that were so close and then.
    Nowadays, we are the same as the heroes of the play, not alien to the problem of "fathers and children." It sounds extremely topful in that unstable time in which we live. Now increasingly increasing misunderstanding between generations, the relationship between parents and children is becoming increasingly aggressive, and in fact, in fact, the reasons remain the same that several centuries ago. Just like Magazov, any modern parent is ready to do everything possible for a good life of his child, sometimes completely ignoring the dreams and desires of the child himself. Famuses seeks to successfully give the sophia marriage. No one else like cliffs, a successful military, according to a caring father, is suitable for the role of the future spouse of Sofia. But the Sophie itself needs a completely different person, she found a man's ideal in Molchalin. We observe a similar situation in the modern story of Galina Shcherbakova "Door in someone else's life."
    Often, two generations face their political and ideological views. In our country, everyone also remains in honor of the couch, sinopping and low-planicism. That Pharmuses is recognized as the mind, Chatsky seems madness. In the Famovskogo society, "he was famous, whose neck was bent", the Chapskom, the sameness of the length of service and protection, and he answers the Radious Council of Famusov: "It would be glad to serve. Nothing changed, the ministry of Fatherland is still ambiguous. The ball rule all the same officials for whom a relative is more important than any professional worker, and the lets is first in the list of employees. Because of all this bureaucratic, the country loses the minds - more and more people seek to leave abroad, because only there they will be assessed by merit. Perhaps also did Chatsky, having left Moscow with the words: "Here I am no longer a ride!"
    The problem of upbringing and education raised in the comedy remains key and in modern times. The society will always need an enlightenment, because it does not stand still, it is always evolving. As then, Magovsov read the newspaper "The Ochakovskiy and Conquering Crimea", and now the main source of judgment for the older generation is the Soviet ideology.
    We should not stand still - we have to grow and develop, so we do not need "Teachers of the shelves, a number of more, price cheaper," it is necessary to eradicate coumenchery and give the way to the new generation of purposeful and educated people. Thus, reading the comedy "grief from the mind," we feel those sentiment that are so close to a modern person, precisely because the play has not lost its relevance and in our time.

Comedy and S. Griboyedov still does not lose its relevance. Modern society has the same problems as the past. People remained the same, despite the fact that there has been a lot of time.

We all also have a problem between the understanding of fathers and children. Every parent, like the Sami himself, wants to provide a good, happy life to their children, but often does not pay attention to the desire of his child, on his dreams.

For example, in this comedy Famusov wishes to marry his daughter sophia for the scalosis. Scalozub is a former military. Therefore, Famusov believes that he will be a good Sofier, but at the same time he ignores what his daughter likes a completely different person. Sofya loves silence, and it is in him that she sees the ideal of his man.

Now, as in the work, two different generations are faced in ideological views, challenges their right. In our country, everything remained in honor of lowlands and sinovation. For example, only the ranks and wealth are revered in the Famówovsk society, and it does not matter that they were achieved by flattery, lowlands, which is transmitted in the Montologist of Famusov: "That's the fact that you are all pride." In this monologue, a case with Uncle Famusov is described, in which Maxim Petrovich stumbled upon worship of the sovereign than Catherine launched. Enter in 2019? Our team will help save your time and nerves: We will select the directions and universities (according to your preferences and recommendations of experts); We will issue a statement (you will only sign); We will provide an application to the universities of Russia (online, e-mail, courier); monitor competitive lists ( Let's automate tracking and analyzing your positions); tell me when and where to submit the original (we estimate the chances and define the optimal option). The routine of professionals - more.

The sovereign for it awarded him by hein. Maxim Petrovich began to issue pensions and take into ranks. Thus, this chin was deserved. Chatsky despises such actions. For him in the foreground is the honor. He is a mess of the thought of serving and bowl, which can be noticed in his statement: "It would be glad to serve, sick," he wants to "serve the case, not to persons." To benefit the country.

So nothing has changed. The same officials will also rule the same officials who, instead of a professional worker, will put on the position of their relative or a loved one. Kumanship and remained in honor. For this reason, the country loses many professional and intelligent people who leave abroad where they are assessed. Just like Chatsky, at the end left Moscow to look for a place where it will understand

We must develop and give the way to new minds, eradicating coumenchery

Society needs education, as it never stands still

Reading the comedy "grief from the mind," we see and feel the moods that are experiencing a modern person, because the play has not yet lost its relevance.

Useful material

The political comedy "grief from the mind", whose winged phrases today often use people in their speech, was relevant in the time of Griboedov and remained in the 21st century. The author with the help of bright statements, which invested the main characters in the mouth, conveys a description of adaptors, careerists, unprincipled people who constituted the majority in Russian society, and those who oppose them.

The image of Chatsky

A representative of progressive youth seeking changes, knowledge and reforms is the main character of that time - Chatsky. It is to him in the drama "Mount from the mind" of the winged phrases, exposing the cossy of royal system.

"It would be happy to serve, sichenly serve" - \u200b\u200bthis is the position of a smart, educated, who has the desire to benefit, but not demanded in the retrograde society of a young man.

In one this phrase, the meaning of the life of contemporaries Griboedov is revealed. People cannot make a career with their mind and achievements in the service. To get new titles, you need to serve the highest ranks and be underfali. In modern society, the same thing happens - the courage, corruption, buying ranks, as if the author only wrote his work yesterday.

For Chatsky, freedom of personality is the main criterion to which people should strive for, but, having arrived from abroad to Russia, he sees that "the houses of the New, and the prejudices of the old people." It was very characteristic of Griboedov's contemporaries, relevant today.

Under the cover of beautiful facades in society, there are no visible changes, there is no desire to change, grow professionally and spiritually. The chapter is all the money and power.

The image of adapts

In the play "Mount from the mind", the winged phrases and expressions characterize not only Chatsky, but also its antipode of Molchalin.

Griboedov was remarkably transferred His "Growth" from the rooted Tver Bezanin before the secretary of Famusov in the rank of Assesser: "... He will come to the degrees of famous, because they love victims today," Griboedov is described.

Adaptableness, feement to the highest ranks - nothing has changed since the time of writing comedy. In the work of "grief from the mind", the winged phrases (2 Action) are very clearly transmitted by the characteristic of the words all want change, but at the same time condemn those who seek them. "Fresh legend, but hard with difficulty," they say today, when they hear the reasoning about the need for reforms with full inaction of the power of the property.

Griboedov in his comedy in the form of Molchalina revealed the category of people who are ready to humiliate themselves for the sake of honor, and having achieved them, humiliate and destroy others in their path.

Modern careerists are not much different from the Scalozub, Molchalin and Famusov. "The wines are given" - so in the "grief from the mind" the winged phrases (3 of the action) transmit the possibility of obtaining titles, ranks and privileges.

Famusovskoe Society

An individual in the comedy "grief from the mind" is considered, as on the selection, consists of careerists, adaptors, hypocrites and thieves.

Such bright images like rockozub, Magazov, Molchanin and Prince Toguhovsky, are representatives of the environment in which Griboedov lived. "Protection from the court as a contemporary and a modern public elite.

In the play "Mount from Wit", the winged phrases of which are relevant today, Griboedov pushed in the same house of various representatives of society, starting his "scray". Chatsky turns out to be alone with his fiery desire of society for the better. He has followers, which is indirectly mentioned in comedies, for example, a cousin of a rockozub, who threw a military career and went to the estate to equip life

But such people are too little to affect public opinion. The same happens in modern society. "Volnodumtsy" are considered outcasts and persecuted both by the public and power.

Hero of Time

In his comedy, Griboedov, the first of the writers created the image of the "extra" person in Zarazhenniy Society. Much later, Pechorin, Bazarov, Onegin will appear. Therefore, for the first time in the "grief from the mind", the winged phrases characterize the mental state of a person who cannot apply their talents for the good of the country and society.

To understand that no one needs change, but only power and money, difficult to smart and enlightened person, ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of the Motherland.

"And who are the judges? Where, specify us, Fatherland fathers, whom we must take for samples? " In this, who became the winged, the phrase Chatsky is trying to find his like-minded people, but they are not. No one to take an example and continue the started reforms. All society froze in her desire to change anything.

It is also relevant in modern society. Personal interests in the issues of prosperity, profit and authorities are put in front of the needs of the country and society.

Modern heroes

Unfortunately, in the material world, where money is a big impact on people, in any society, those who seek to "climb" to the top of the authorities at any cost, and those who oppose them will appear.

It is the quantitative advantage of progressive members of society develops. Without the "Chatsky" there would be no changes in the social, cultural and personal social sphere. They pushed other people to take a step towards lifetime changes for the better.

Great Woland said that manuscripts are not burning. The proof of this is the fate of the brilliant comedy Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov "Mount from the mind" - one of the most ambiguous works in the history of Russian literature.

The comedy with a political bias, continuing the traditions of such Masters of Satira, like Wings and Fonvizin, quickly became popular and served as a precursor of the coming take-off of Ostrovsky and Gorky.

Although the comedy was written back in 1825, but they came out only eight years later, surviving her creator. Despite the fact that the manuscript was subjected to the royal censorship, the people of Russia appreciated it to the comedy admired both ordinary people and representatives of the nobility.

The comedy reveals all the ulcers and vices, which the Russian Empire suffered, primarily serfdom.

The main character is Alexander Chatsky - the personality is bright, as tragic.

What made it possible to log in to the number of immortal creations of the pen? First, the live style of writing, the sharp criticism of all the bad and ugly, which was in those times. Almost every phrase of the book became a winged and firmly entered into a modern language.

A lively language is just one of the numerous advantages of the book that she has a lot.

The struggle of the heart and mind and its influence on the flow of ideological battles is the central moment in the comedy. After all, the protagonist was pierced by an arrow of Amur, which prevents him from soberly to assess the situation. His erudition and brilliant intelligence were unable to notice the changes that occurred in his beloved Sofye. Emotions were blinded by Chatsky, forcing him to look silent in the eyes of society.

After reading the comedy, the reader sympathizes Chatsky, dividing his spiritual flour.

Almost two centuries passed, and WHO did not move. Modern silent, scalosis and others like the same on top of power. And decent people are forced to stubbornly fight for the place under the sun.

The Chiller Taurus rules the ball today - the power and the presence of millions in the bank are valued higher than the brass development. To be an intelligent today means persecute yourself.

The last cry of the soul of the hero purses the reader to the depths of the heart and can only be admired by the prophetic gift of Griboyedov, who foresee the future. It hurts to see that in 174 the society did not change its priorities.

What is the cause of such inertia, which remains in centuries? One of the heroes - Magovyov sees the answer in that, madmen became greater than ever. Madly and they themselves, and things that they do, and the beliefs followed.

This comedy will always be relevant until the attitude towards culture and education is changed in Russia - two pillars of moral development.

The hidden meaning of "grief from the mind" encourages people to fight with dirty - ignorance, indifference to problems and cosnosis of thinking.

For the current youth, it is important to follow the principles of Chatsky in relation to education and their activities. Chatsky knew how to have fun when he rested, but in affairs was serious and called for never mixing fun and work.

    • The name of the comedy "grief from the mind" is significant. For enlighteners, convinced of the omnipotence of knowledge, the mind is synonymous with happiness. But serious tests have fallen into all the epochs. New advanced ideas are not always accepted by society, and the carriers of these ideas are often declared crazy. It is not by chance that Griboedov also draws to the theme of the mind. His comedy is a story about the advanced ideas and reactions of society on them. At first, the name of the play "Mount Maew", which the writer will then replace on the "grief from the mind." Yet […]
    • Hero Brief description Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov The name "Famuses" comes from the Latin word "Fama", which means "Molva": This Griboedov wanted to emphasize that Mizhsov is afraid of molts, public opinion, but on the other hand, the word "Famuses" is root Latin Words "Famosus" - the famous, famous rich barain-landowner and a major official. He is a famous person in the circle of Moscow nobility. Rooded nobleman: in relationship with noble, Maxim Petrovich, closely familiarized [...]
    • After reading the comedy A. S. Griboedov "Mount from the mind" and articles of critics about this play, I also thought about: "What is he, Chatsky"? The first impression of the hero that he is perfection: smart, kind, cheerful, wounded, passionately loved, faithful, sensitive, who knows the answers to all questions. He for seven hundred luxurious rushes to Moscow to meet with Sofia after a three-year separation. But such an opinion arose after the first reading. When we disassembled a comedy in the literature lessons and read the opinion of different critics about [...]
    • The name of any work is the key to his understanding, since it almost always contains an indication - direct or indirect - on the main idea, which is based on the creation, a number of problems comprehended by the author. The name of the comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" contributes to the conflict of the plays an unusually important category, namely the category of mind. The source of this title, such an unusual name, besides, initially sounded as "Mount the mind," dates back to the Russian proverb, in which the confrontation between smart and [...]
    • The image of Chatsky caused numerous disputes in criticism. I. A. Goncharov considered the Hero of Griboedov "sincere and hot figure", superior to Onegin and Pechorina. "... Chatsky is not only smarter than all other persons, but also positively smart. Speech boils by mind, witty. He also has a heart, and moreover he is immaculately honest, "the critic wrote. Approximately the same responded about this image of Apollo Grigoriev, who considered the Chatsky with a real fighter, honest, passionate and truthful nature. Finally, such an opinion was adhered to himself [...]
    • "Public" comedy with the social clash of the "century of the past" and "century of the present" called Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit". And it was built so that about the progressive ideas of the transformation of society, the desire for spirituality, only Chatsky speaks about the new morality. In his example, the author shows readers how difficult it is to bring new ideas to the world that are not understood and not accepted by Zakozhnaya in their views. The one who begins to do it is doomed for loneliness. Alexander Andreevich [...]
    • A. A. Chatsky A. S. Molchanin character is a straight-line, sincere young man. Forky temperament often interferes with the hero, deprives the unnecessant judgments. Secretive, cautious, helpful person. The main goal is a career, position in society. The situation in society is a poor Moscow nobleman. Gets a warm welcome in a local society due to origin and old connections. Provincial intention by origin. The rank of college assessor according to the law gives him the right to the nobility. In the light […]
    • Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" consists of a number of small episodes-phenomena. They are combined into larger, such as the description of the Bala in the Famous House. Analyzing this stage episode, we consider it as one of the important stages of the permission of the main drama conflict, which lies in the confrontation of the "century of the present" and the "century of the past". Based on the principles of the writer's attitude to the theater, it is worth noting that A. S. Griboedov represented it in accordance with the traditions [...]
    • In the comedy "Woe from Wit" A. S. Griboedov depicted noble Moscow on the 10-20s of the XIX century. In the society of that time bowed to the uniform and rank, rejected books, enlightenment. About the person was judged not by personal qualities, but by the number of fortress shower. Everyone was striving to imitate Europe and worshiped someone else's fashion, language and culture. For the "century of the past", presented bright and full in the work, is characterized by the power of women, their great influence on the formation of tastes and the views of society. Moscow [...]
    • Chatsky - Hero Comedy A.S.Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" (1824; In the first edition, writing the name - Chadsky). Probable prototypes of the image - P. Sadayev (1796-1856) and V.K-Kyhehelbecker (1797-1846). The nature of the actions of the hero, his statements and relationships with other people of the comedy give extensive material to disclose the topic declared in the title. Alexander Andreevich Ch. - One of the first romantic heroes of Russian drama, and as a romantic hero he, on the one hand, is categorically not a consecutive plane, [...]
    • Rarely, but still happens in the art that the creator of one "masterpiece" becomes a classic. That is what happened with Alexander Sergeyevich Griboedov. His only comedy "grief from the mind" became the national property of Russia. Phrases from the work entered our daily life in the form of proverbs and sayings; We do not even think about who they are put into the light, say: "That's not enough, you note you note" or: "Friend. Is it possible for walking // To choose the shock? " And such winged expressions in comedy [...]
    • The name of the comedy is paradoxically: "grief from the mind." Initially, the comedy was called "Mount Human", from which Griboedov was subsequently refused. To some extent, the title of the play is "flourishing" of the Russian proverb: "Fools happiness." But isn't Chatsky surround alone fools? Look, is there much fools in the play? Famusov recalls his uncle Maxim Petrovich: a sharper look, the temper. When it is necessary to rely, and he bended backward ... ... and? How do you think? In our opinion - it is silent. And himself [...]
    • The famous Russian writer Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov said the wonderful words about the work of "grief from the mind" - "There would be no comedy without Chatsky, there would be a picture of morals." And it seems to me that this is a writer right. It is the image of the main character of the comedy Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich "Mount from Wit" is determining the conflict of the whole story. Such people like Chatsky - always turned out to be incomprehensible society, they carried progressive ideas and views to society, but the conservative society did not understand [...]
    • The comedy "grief from the mind" was created in the early 20s. XIX century The main conflict, on which the comedy is built, is the confrontation of the "century of the current" and "century past". In the literature of that time, the classicism of the era of Catherine is also power. But obsolete canons limited the freedom of playwright in the description of real life, therefore Griboedov, taking as the basis of a classic comedy, neglected (as necessary) by some laws of its construction. Any classic work (drama) had to [...]
    • In the comedy "grief from the mind" Sofya Pavlovna Famusov is the only character conceived and fulfilled, close to Chatsky. Griboedov wrote about her: "The girl herself is not stupid, prefers a fool to a clever man ...". Griboedov refused to farce and satire in the image of Sophia. He introduced the reader a female character of great depths and strength. Sofye "Not lucky" in criticism for quite a long time. Even Pushkin considered the failure of the author the image of the Famusa; "Sophia is nottening unclear." And only in 1878 Goncharov in his article [...]
    • The famous comedy AS.Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" was created in the first quarter of the XIX century. The literary life of this period was determined by the obvious signs of the crisis of the autocratic-serf system and the ripening of the ideas of noble revolutionism. The process of gradual transition from the ideas of classicism was made, with his addiction to "high genres, to romanticism and realism. One of the bright representatives and ancestor of critical realism and became A.S.Griboyedov. In his comedy" grief from the mind ", successfully combining [... ]
    • Age characteristics of the current age of the past attitude to wealth, to the ranks "The defense against the court asked friends, in relationship, the magnificent coaster of the Chamber, where they bloom in feasts and motorcycles, and where the clients of foreigners last resurrected to live like", "and those Who is higher, flattery, like a lace spin ... "" Be bad, yes, if you want, the shower of thousands of two birth, that and the groom "attitude to the service" To serve would be happy to serve nauseous "," Mundir! One uniform! He is in their former life [...]
    • SLOLLLIN - Characteristic features: the desire for a career, hypocrisy, the ability to sympathize with a little climb, the poverty of the lexicon. This is explained by his fear to express his judgment. He speaks mostly short phrases and selects words depending on who he says. There are no foreign words and expressions in the language. Molchanin chooses delicate words, adding adorable "-C." To the Famowov - respectfully, to the chleerstorm - flattering, ingratiatingly, with a sofa - with special modesty, with Liza - it is not shy in expressions. Especially [...]
    • Gallery of human characters, successfully noticed in the comedy "Woe from the mind" is relevant today. At the beginning of the play, the author introduces the reader with two young people, in all opposite to each other: Chatsky and silent. Both characters are presented to us in such a way that there is a deceptive first impression about them. About Molchalin, Secretary Famusov, we judge from the words of Sony, as about the "enemy of audacity" and a person who "for others to forget". Molchanin first appears in front of the reader and in love with Sonya [...]
    • At the sight of a rich house, a welcoming owner, elegant guests are unwittingly admire them. I want to know what these people are talking about what they are interested in what is close to them, which is alien. Then you feel that the first impression is replaced by a bewilderment, with contempt for both the house of the house, one of the Moscow "Tuzhov", and to his surround. There are other noble families, the heroes of the war of 1812, the Decembrists, the great masters of culture (and if great people came out of such houses, which we see in the comedy, then not [...]