Make a detailed plan for the poem Vasily Terkin. Tvardovsky, analyzing works by Vasily Torkin, plan

Make a detailed plan for the poem Vasily Terkin. Tvardovsky, analyzing works by Vasily Torkin, plan
Make a detailed plan for the poem Vasily Terkin. Tvardovsky, analyzing works by Vasily Torkin, plan

The most famous work of A.Ttvardovsky became a favorite Russian people since the time of the Went of the Poem "Vasily Terkin". This is already proved by the fact that in 1995, a monument was established in the homeland of the writer, in the center of Smolensk. As if alive, they are talking about cast from bronze Alexander Tifonovich and his famous hero with a harmonica in his hands. These sculptures are a symbol of memory of a strong Russian character, capable of going through the sake of salvation of the Motherland.

Genre features of the work

In the literature, it is customary to attribute "Vasily Terkina" to poems. However, the writer itself was not so categorical in this matter.

First, you need to pay attention to the subtitle "Book about the Fighter", made by the author. It already suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bsome non-traditional work. Indeed, there is no maintenance of the main plot of chapters, there is no climax, and the question of completion is quite controversial. The main reason is that the work of "Vasily Terkin" was written on the chapters that became instant response to the events on the front.

Secondly, the records of the TVardovsky were preserved, where he expresses relatively genre: "... the chronicle is not the chronicle, the chronicle is not a chronicle ...". This confirms the fact that the basis of the work was real events from the author.

Thus, this is a unique book, which is an encyclopedia of the life of the people in the war years terrible for him. And the main thing in it is that the writer managed to workshk to outlide the hero, which embodied the best traits of Russian.

Composition and plot

The poem "Vasily Terkin" had a special purpose: she was written in 1942-45 and was addressed, first of all, an ordinary soldier who fought in the trenches. This determined her composition: independent chapters (the author left 29 in the post-war edition, including 5 "copyright" chapters) with a separate plot. "Without start, without end, without a special plot" - so determined the features of the "Books about the fighter" Tvardovsky. This approach was explained quite simply: in conditions of wartime, there was no possibility to fully read the poem "Vasily Terkin". The chapters that united the image of the main character, always rendered in the center of events, told about some important moment of soldiers. This made a work valuable in terms of its scale and nationality.

Vasily Terkin: Analysis of the image

The first chapters appear in 1942. They arise the image of an ordinary soldier, who appears with a tailed and a merryman, then the master for all hands and a skillful harmonist, then a man of courageous and devoted homeland. Tvardovsky does not give a detailed hero: his features are most realistic and is characteristic of most people. There is no clear indication and the place of his residence, although on the author's retreats it can be understood that the Twardovsky and Terkin are countrymen. Such an approach deprives the Hero of Individuality and gives the image of a generalized character. That is why each reader found familiar features in Terkina and accepted him for his.

The hero, the former worker of the earth, perceives the war as important work. It is shown on a privala, then in the peasant hut, then the thrilling river, then what a well-deserved award, then playing the accordion ... It does not matter, in what situation it turned out to be a lot of others (the connection of the name with the word "grated" is obvious) for his life Vasily Terkin. An analysis of his actions and behaviors shows that even in such difficult conditions preserves life and the best sacred believes in victory and in comrades. Interesting and rhymes "Vasily-Russia", which is used in the text several times and emphasizes truly folk traits of the created image.

Image of war

A special approach was from the author and to the description of the place of action of the poem "Vasily Terkin". Analysis of text shows that it is practically no specific geographical names and accurate event chronology. Although it is definitely indicated by the genus of the troops - infantry, as it was that it was more likely to experience all the tights of the front life.

An important role is played by a description of the individual details and items of the soldier's life, which add up in one live and large-scale picture of the war with the fascists. At the same time, quite often the image of Terkin is associated with the warriors-hero of all "companies and times".

The image of the author

An important person in the poem is not only Vasily Terkin. Analysis of the heads "from the author" allows you to submit a narrator and at the same time an intermediary between the hero and readers.

This is a person who fell in full war of war (A.T. Tvardovsky from the first days went to the front as a correspondent). In his reflections, the characteristic of the hero (in the first place is the psychological aspect) and the folk assessment of terrible events. The latter is especially important, especially since the recipients of the poems and front-line soldiers (L. Ozerov described it as an assistant book in war), and those who remained in the rear. The appearance of new chapters was waiting with impatience, and their individual parts memorized by heart.

Language and style of the poem "Vasily Terkin"

The topic of the war is usually revealed through the use of sublime vocabulary. Twardovsky departs from this tradition and writes the poem about the usual soldier, a person from the people light, in simple language. This gives everything narrative and the image of the hero naturalness and warmth. The author skillfully combines the colloquial, sometimes even a spurant, and literary speech, resorts to turnover and oral creativity, paraphrases small, these are numerous sayings and booms ("Your current hut with the edge"), words with a decreasing value (son, sokolik), constant epithets ( "Godina Gorky"), the expressions of the "Clear Sokol" attracted "," to hive-chew ".

Another feature is an abundance of dialogues in which many shorts they easily recreate pictures of everyday soldiers' life and make heroes simple and close to the reader.

Monumental work about the fate of the people

The poem became a decisive event not only in the work of A.Ttvardovsky, but also in the entire literature of the military period. The author managed to show in her the heroic path of the ordinary fighter, which was Vasily Terkin. Analysis of combat events by their direct participant makes the story believable. Three parts of the poem talk about the decisive stages of the war: a retreat, a fracture and a victorious procession on Berlin.

The action of the work ends simultaneously with the victory, since the main task is to tell about the incredible courage of the Soviet people during the war with fascism - A.T. Tvardovsky fully performed.

Analysis of the work

"Vasily Terkina" is rightfully considered one of the most significant works of literature of the second half of the XX century.

The poem consists of twenty nine chapters. Each chapter is an independent work. There are many lyrical deviations in the book. Its content and form are close to folk. It is the alloy of the genres of lyrics and epic. It has everything: Humor and Pautics, sketches of front-line life and heroic battles, a relaxed joke and tragedy, high oratory and folk language. it

not a poem, but a folk book. The Tvardovsky came up with a universal genre and called him a "book about the fighter". The theme of this work is war. The author shows it from beginning to end.

Basic strings visible image of the author. We learn about him from lyrical retreats and understand that he loves his hero very much. The work wears a high ideological meaning. Proximity to the popular poetic language, simplicity - all this makes the poem with a truly popular work. Not only fighters in the war began to heat from these poems, but now, more than years, they emit an inexhaustible warmth of humanity.

The nature of Vasily is revealed

Describing what is happening in the war, the author emphasizes that the soldiers are not heroes from birth, they are young guys. Some participate in military events for the first time, but on their faces heroism. The author emphasizes that the feat of these young soldiers is the continuation of their fathers and grandfathers' fellowships - the warriors of the past centuries. On the participation of Terkina in the war, the author tells in a half-form. He tells about the dreams of Terkina about returning home. Terkin dreams of awards, but manifests modesty "No, I don't need an order, I agree to the medal." He wants the impression of girls:

... and girls on the evening forgot all the guys

Only listened b girls,

How straps will creak on me.

In this scene, Terkin looks cheerful and simple. But the author replaces strings full of humor, on strings with a description of a terrible fight:

Scary battle is bloody

The death fight is not for the sake of glory -

For life on earth.

This author shows that the path to happiness passes through the struggle, the unity of the fate of the people with the destiny of the country, and that the happiness of a separate person is impossible without happiness of his people. Terkin is able to raise the mood of the soldier, he seeks to look at the world with other eyes.

Two tankers in memory of the killed commander give terkin harmonic. Terkin plays a cheerful melody, and the soldiers begin to dance.

Lose brisket with mahors

If some seas -

I do not argue - also bitterly,

Hard, but you can live

Survive trouble-drup

In the fist hold tobacco.

But Russia, the Mother Old,

We can not lose any way.

Tvardovsky tells about love. Fighters with tenderness remember their mothers, wives, girls who are waiting for their return.

I dreamed of destinying miracle:

So that of my fiction

In war, living people were

maybe warmth.

Plan 1. Monologue Hero of the Poem. 2. Crossing. 3. The wounded terkin falls into Medsanbat. 4. The argument of the hero about returning home. 5. Comparison of the hero of the poem with a veteran of the past war. 6. Fight Terkina with German. 7. Terkin knocks the plane from the rifle and gets an order for it. 8. Fight. 9. Hero's dreams about rest. 10. The platoon goes to the offensive. 11. Conversation with death. 12. Meeting with an old man and old woman. 13. Road to Berlin. 14. Farewell to the hero of the work.


  • vasily Terkin Analysis
  • analysis of the work of Vasily Terkin
  • vasily Terkin Analysis of Work
  • tvardovsky Vasily Torkin Analysis
  • analysis of Vasily Terkin

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Theme lesson: "Roads of Vasily Terkina."

Type of lesson:a generalizing repetition lesson.

Purpose: To summarize the study of the poem: from the history of the creation of a work to the characters of heroes.

A task - Show knowledge of the text, understanding the ideological and artistic wealth of the poem, to penetrate the author's intention, learn to understand the feelings, experiences of a person, to imbued pride for the Russian people-winner.



Dongak Elena Nikolaevna

russian language and literature teacher

MBOU SOSH S. Balgazin.

Literature lesson in the 8th grade "Roads of Vasily Terkina".

Theme lesson: "Roads of Vasily Terkina."

Type of lesson: a generalizing repetition lesson.

Purpose: To summarize the study of the poem: from the history of the creation of a work to the characters of heroes.

A task - Show knowledge of the text, understanding the ideological and artistic wealth of the poem, to penetrate the author's intention, learn to understand the feelings, experiences of a person, to imbued pride for the Russian people-winner.

During the classes.

Song "Roads" sounds (Sl. L. Oshanin and Muses A. Novikova)

1. Slovo teacher. How many roads are crying how much boots worn by the Russian warrior. He says about him with respect and love, the people say: "Coulder! Everywhere visited, everything was obeyed. Tell a lot maybe. " And today we will go through the roads of such a hero (the teacher refers to the topic of the lesson placed on the board). This, of course, Vasily Terkin from the poem of the same name A.T. Tvardovsky (Slide No. 1 Portrait of Terkina), which he wrote: (the teacher appeals to the epigraphic, placed on the board)

Terkin was for me my lyricist, my joke, song and a teaching, anecdote and a promotion, talking on souls and a replica for occasion. "(Slide number 2)

2. We will have a trip from the oral description of the monument to A. Tverdovsky and his hero V. Tökkin (a prepared student introduces a photo monument) (Slide number 3)

Student. On one of the quiet and cozy corners of Smolensk there is a monument to the participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The names are carved on the pedestal: Alexander Tvardovsky, Vasily Torkin. (Slide №4)

Conveniently sitting on the log, they are passionately talking, they remember the roads dusty, crossing, fighting combat, their friends ... Tvardovsky sits, thinking deeply. He carefully listens to the story about the next Boy, where our victory won, and, perhaps, reflects on their future chapter "Books about the fighter". Turkin, as always, cheerful and cheerful. That's how I will finish my speech and "will lead another song": I will play on a three-stroke, forgetting everything in the world ... And tomorrow again in the path-track path.

3. Reader: Let's listen and we will listen to the conversation of two contemporaries, two combat comrades - the author of the famous "book about the fighter" Alexander Törkina, and the National Hero of Vasily Torkin. They fused together along the roads of the war, devotedly fulfilling the debt to the homeland and, in spite of any difficulties and trials, survived, because they loved life, their native land, their people and the country.

Tvardovsky : I went to the front on the second day of the war. Participated in the battle for Moscow, and later - in the victorious campaign of our army for liberation from the German fascists of Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and reached Berlin. All these years worked as a military correspondent. Wrote essays, poems, feuille, flyers, notes. Meetings with soldiers, tested and seen with their own eyes on the roads of war influenced my creativity. All the latest news from the front was recorded in military notebook and the material was placed in a newspaper. Gradually there was a "book about the fighter" and the universal favorite of Torkin.

I dreamed of destinying miracle:

So that of my fiction

In war living people

It may be warm ...


Credited a year, Cherry came

Now we are responsible

For Russia, for the people

And for everything in the world ...

The fight is holy and right,

The death fight is not for the sake of the fense

For life on earth.

Conclusion of the student

The poem "Vasily Torkin" consists of 25 chapters, each of which has its name.

The names of the chapters detect a soldier view on the course of war. The book tells about how a man lived in the war. This side of the poem content is reflected in many sketches, for example, "on the privala", "before the fight", "two soldiers" and others. About how he fought, told in the chapters "Crossing", "On War!", "Fight", "Trikin Ranned", "On the award".


Let's see how our soldiers, such as Vasily Terkin, went to battle not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of life on earth. The first question will be so.

1. "Trikin - Who is he"? What do you think about what is the name of the Hero of the Poem?

(Törkin means a grated life, experienced. There is a saying "Curly Kalach". "Life is a grated person," the author determines it. At the same time, the surname sounds common, briefly, brightly.)

2.What did you find out about the military biography of Vasily Torkina from the reads of the heads?

(He begins to fight during the Finnish campaign, in June 1941 again comes into operation, together with the whole army retreats, it turns out to be surrounded several times, it turns out alive, although it is wounded. We add that the path of his author traces up to Berlin.)

3. How the feat made terkin in the chapter "Cross"

The output makes the student. The Twardovsky in the head of the "Cross" showed battle, blood, losses, a fatal cold of the night and the great courage of people going to death for their homeland. (Slide No. 5)

4. Why is the terkin meet in the chapter "Two Soldiers"? (with an old man and old woman).

5. What is the question asks Sant Terkina? ("Answer: We will beat the German, or maybe not beat)

6. What is the answer gives Terkin grandfather? ("Fought, father"). (Slide number 6)

7.And says grandfather about himself and about terkin

("That's what we, soldiers ..."). Slide number 7.

8. What is the meaning of the name of the chapter "Two Soldiers"?

The output makes the student.And grandfather, and terkin are real soldiers. Grandfather fought in the first world war, and Terkin is now. Both-rods of their time.

9. What a reward got a terkin for a shot down plane? (Order and vacation). Slide number 8

5. Conduct work on chapters by groups

Groups get cards with text. You should know well to know the chapter and now check how you know it. Your task is to insert the missed word correctly.

1.Vide-smeared point

It seemed in the distance:

Or chock, or ...

Sleeps along the river? (barrel)

2.-No, alive. Without gymnaster.

And not Fritz? Is it not for us in the rear?

Not. Or maybe this ....? -

Someone timidly joked. (Terkin.)

3. -Support to report

Right shore

Alive-healthy called the enemy!

Lieutenant just asks

.... Did you throw. (Light)

4. "These pieces in our life, -

The grandfather glanced, - trifle!

We ... .. Disclaw in Cashe

Came across. Exactly.

Fall, throw off the spoon,

And in you - both dead. " (fragments)

5. And who ... .. guys?

Yes, she is here, the brief

Looked like a guilty

On the driver of the shooter. (Harmonic)

6.Slov teacher. Vasily Terkin is a born harmonist. About how the harmonica, who belonged to the killed on the eve of the commander of the tankers, we learn from the head of the "Harmonic". These tank workers remembered the Terkina, whom they were injured, delivered once to Sanbat.

The drainage of the head of "Harmonic" (Turkin comes to 2 tankers, takes a harmonica in the hands and makes a conversation with them) Slide number 9

Terkin, how to play on the track?

Soldier - yes to play - it is not harm.

That is what is the case? Whose harmonica?

S.- SKY was, that brother, no ... (filming the caps)

That can not be so impossible

I can understand myself,

I am a second, brother, war ...

And again, suggest

Maybe tomorrow - from place to battle ...

S.- You know what. Well, play you, the jester with you.

(Trikin sits down the harmonica and starts playing)

7. Sounds audio cassette with a record of a fragment of the head "Harmonic". Slide number 10

And from that harmonica old

What remains orply,

Somehow suddenly the warmer became

On the front road.

8. In the poem "Vasily Khorkin" there are a lot of lines that have become aphorisms and are pronounced quite often. Slide number 11.

Now the initial string will be pronounced, and you must continue the famous phrase.

1. We wage, so break through …. (We will be alive - do not die)

2. Cross, crossing! ….. (Shore left, shore right)

3. To whom the memory, whom Glory, who is dark water, - ... .. (Neither signs, no trace)

4. The fight goes, the Holy and Right, the death rate is not for the sake of fense…… (For the sake of life on earth)

5. I did not play…… (Sorry I can't)

6. At least that the guys with this, from the place -...... (in water and fire)

7. Death is death. Her arrival……... (We all wait for the foreman)

  1. In battle, forward, in the fire is pitch

He goes, holy and sinful, …… (Russian wonderful man)

  1. Mines are torn. Sound familiar

Spoke in the back.

It means terkin at home,…… (Terkin again in war)

9. Work with reproduction. Slide number 12.

What moment of front-line life was the artist? (The life of the soldier in the war is dedicated to the artist's fabric - Frontovik Yu.M. Nakttsyva "Rest after the battle" ("Vasily Terkin", 1951). The painting of Nakutsev echoes the poem A.T. Tedrodovsky "Vasily Terkin". The picture shows a group of soldiers ( Who lies who is sitting and so on), probably who have just left the battle. In the center, surrounded by soldiers, a fighter with a bright red brishe in his hands. This is your "Vasily Terkin". He is also tired, just as long as deadly danger, But he is having fun attending something attending, trying to cheer them.)

What is the central figure resembles the hero of the poem Vasily Turkina? "It's serious, then funny, it is not necessary that the rain is that snow, in battle, go ahead, in the fire, he goes, holy and sinful. Russian wonderful man. "It seems that these lines of Vasily terkin resemble this person.

What mood handed the artist with my picture? How does this characterize people who gathered around Terkina?

(People whose life is in constant danger, appreciate every minute, they do not fall in spirit, believe in victory and in the rare moments of rest are trying not to think about death. It was necessary to live, survive in these terrible conditions. And when the moments of rest were falling out, People sincerely rejoiced that they were alive, which was returned by the span of their native land. The surrounding stopped for a moment, heaven and move on.)

Why exactly the fighters gathered around Terkina?

(Apparently, he again tells some kind of bike, trying to support the spirit of soldiers. They know how to rejoice at that low joy, which fell on their share in short minutes of rest).

The withdrawal of the teacher. The unanswered managed to create an artistic work, reflecting optimism and patriotic rise of the defenders of the Motherland, although the time was heavy.

10. Now let's pick up the adjectives that characterize Vasya Törkin, for each letter of his name and surname. Slide number 13.


A - kus


I - ry

T - Perepelova

E - dinny

P - Astoropic, - Extreme

K - Repka

And - notherery

N - accommodating

11.Urter: Our wagons participating in the war were the same courageous and fearless as the legendary Trikin. From Balgazin went to the front and 46 fighters-single-bedrooms were returned. Speaking about the collective image of Torkin, the modern writer G. Baklanov rightly noticed: "Only large artists are able to accommodate the fate of the entire people in one destiny; Because everyone, reading the book, finds in it and himself "In our library, materials on the participants of the war are collected, the memories of loved ones and relatives of the fighters are stored. Now we read the memories of the participants of the war, which they told their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They probably also had a meeting with Turkin.

What have learned about the war from the stories of grandparents and grandmothers?

Generalization of the teacher: Each soldier of the Great Patriotic War, who fell into his share, and in his heart she left the ever-minded scar. In some, it is contusion and injured, with the other loss of a beloved person, a native home ... The poets are inspirational and penetrated lines. They also sound solemnly, weighty and significantly:

The output does a student: Tvardovsky from the first chapter introduces us with a platoon of young soldiers. They are not heroes at all from birth, but the simple guys with "swirl whiskef" and boyfriends. Thurkin is no different from them, only maybe a bit of bold, resourceful. This is its usual. Trikin is a real patriot of the land of his native, like most Russian soldiers. His love for his homeland proves to beware of relentless labor and exploits. Blood, death, the tests could not drown the power of life, the vigor of the spirit of the hero. It is clear that Törkin is worthy of award. But a modest person is not even trying to talk about his merit. This is its simplicity and usability. Drawing the image of Vasily Turkin, the author embodied in it the best features of the Russian warrior: courage and self-control, spiritual openness and generosity, impexity and unprotected delets. We want to be the same strong, courageous, brave, like Vasily Terkin, like our great-grandfathers.

Teacher's withdrawal : On the example of the bright, distinctive personality of V. Törkin Tvardovsky showed a man "In war, in everyday life, in a difficult life in war." The author head for the head argues that without which it is impossible to live in war and win, walking "on the holy battle and right": field kitchen, soldier coin, harmony, dugout, jokes, friendship.

Poem "Vasily Torkin" - a real story of a fiery suffer, which made it all:

What was died hump,

What is chosen by legs,

What is tested by hand

What is obraded to the eyes ... such brazed fighters "from Ryazan, from Kazan, from Siberia, from Moscow, from Balgazyna"

Homework: Reading and analyzing the head of "Cross", "Harmony"


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I.A.V. True Tuva ...................................................2

Tuvinskaya sculpture -sert on Chonar-Dasha .. .................................... 3

II. Main part.

2.1. Sound sculptures with rites and rituals ....................................... ..3

2.2 The image of Arzilana, fabulous lion .............................................................. ... 4

2.3. Odshpay S.K- Member of the Union of Artists and the Russian Federation.5

2.4. Exhibitions Masters of Stamnese Art .................................... ... 6

2.6. Labor and art ............................................. ... ................................... ..7

III. CONCLUSION. FORWATS S.K - famous in Tuva Kamneris .........................8

Used literature ............................................................ ..9

Our Tuva is unique in national treasure - the art of folk masters-cutters on stone. Tuvine clinner fishery develops deep and robust traditions of creating a sculpture of small forms from agalmatolite. This type of soft rock stone has a very calm pastel shade, in which light gray and pink-brown colors are softly mixed. Depending on the finishing method, the sculpture actively shows the color shades of the stone.

Tuvinian sculpture of small forms - Chonar-Dasha carving is an interesting and original phenomenon, a kind of symbol of folk culture. Here, the traditions of the art of carving on the stone are in the conditions of nomadic life. Folk masters made toys, cult accessories, chess figures, using wood, different metal alloys, more conventional images were performed from felt. The masters of modern art fishery prefer a stone, and the creation of sculptures from agalmatolite became a tradition. In the conditions of the new household, the stone plastic was one of the most expressive genres of folk art. An important feature of the Tuvinian plastics is a bold violation of the proportions of the body of an animal, when the decorative sculpture of Tuvinian masters is subordinated to the principle of a silfoo decision, which helps its expressiveness and clear perception even in very small sizes. The traditional treatment of the surface treatment of the stone is also promoted: a comparison of smooth surface surfaces with parts worked by enlarged cutting, brought to severe ornamentation.

Tuvinian sculpture at first glance is simple, static. But such an impression is only in advance acquaintance. The features of staticness here are really traced. However, Tuvinian masters and recent years have achieved significant success in the transfer of the internal dynamics of the movement of the figures. This is achieved by dismembering the volume, making the silhouette of the pictured animals of a certain rhythm. Masters-Kamnenes depict well-friendly pets - camels, rams, horses, goats. These are friends and assistants of a man, the owner of the steppes, herd. And therefore they are endowed with the features of naturalness. Cutters love to depict animals by resting, nursing their cubs. Then the humane attitude of the master to animals is especially clearly revealed, and through it to the native nature. The plot - the thematic range and the iconographic nature of the Tuvinian folk sculpture is fixed with a long tradition and is detected quite definitely. First of all, it is an image of animals and animals living in the mountains and the steppes of Tuva. Most often you can find an image of a horse, a mountain goat - Serge, a characteristic Tuvinian Yak - Sarlyca, camel, bull, deer. In all these figures, decorative stylization and realistic accuracy are accurately combined. People's masters are inherent magnificent knowledge of animals, their habits, features of the body structure: after all, each of the cutters is a hereditary hunter, a cattle breeder, day-to-day animals. But in the sculpture of the master they give the will of thought, fantasies do not just depict the beast, but seek to express his condition, the mood: the stubborn strength of the bull, the mighty beauty of the Sarlyc, the elegance of the deer or roofing, anxious sensitivity or willingness to escape, patient slowness or the recalcitable passion of the young beast. The figure is covered with rich carved ornamental pattern, in a stylized form by reproducing wool or mane.

The works of Tuvinian masters retain the attachment of sculptural images to the ancient rituals and rites. The frequent motifs of their sculptures are dragons, perfumes, similar to Lviv and other predators. Their images are canonized, but have many options. Dragons are strictly subordinated to the silhouette solution of the composition and are often abundantly covered with ornamental carvings. The real world of animals, who know the masters well, is most of the Tuvinian low plastics. Bulls and camels, horses and steppe rams, rider-workers and children are depicted in free, natural movements that demonstrate the observation of masters, their ability to reflect through the sculptural image an important particle of life.

The image of Arzilana, a fabulous monstrous lion is a special place in Tuvinian carving on the stone. This image has an analogy in Chinese art, as well as in the work of other nations of the East. In the exact translation from Tuvinsky Arzinen means Lion, but the real lions did not see live Tuvinian masters, and they create their arzilanes as fabulous characters. Later, the image of Arzilana acquired in Tuvinian folk art, independent, independent of religion character, became a plastic embodiment of force. Probably, in Tuva, this iconographic type penetrated from China and partly was associated with the decor of the Lamisian temples. The execution of them in stone is noted by extraordinary thoroughness and clarity. In the sculpture, the ratio of carved parts with a smooth surface is always expressive, which creates decorative sharpness even in the works of small size.

A significant place in folk art is occupied by the creation of a stone decorated with a carved sculpture of utilitarian items, such as chess, ink devices, ashtrays, carvings and even state coat of arms. Static images of man and animals serve as the basis for creating chess pieces. Chess have especially widespread. They do not look like European types of chess, the traditional iconography of chess figures here is originally: Arzilan - Queen as the strongest chess figure appears in the appearance of this fabulous monster, camel - elephant as a light chess figure is associated with this hardy animal capable of passing the long distance on the roads and The off-road of the Tuvinian steppes, the horse is depicted not in the halffigur, but completely, quietly standing on the board, like a pasture, on four legs. The king in the appearance of the ladies of high rank is extremely interesting, dressed sophisticated and rich. It is organically used when carving a chess color of agalmatolite: black stone - for black shapes, all shades of light - for white. Many chess created by the hands of Tuvinian folk cutters have a great artistic value, in the global market, it is expressed in gold weight.

There are two legendary fields of agalmatolithol in our republic, where the masters are mined soft stone Tuvinian craviers. In the western district of Tuva, in the Bai Taiga Kozhene, in the Saryg-Haya - Yellow Rock is extracted by agalmatolite of light shades. Scents from the dark depth, from under the strata of the soil found a sunny stone who owned him secret and knew how to see the magical image enclosed in it. Only in the hands of a true master, bizarre figurines were converged, leaving the moments of life in eternity. The deposits of the stone of dark shades of agalmatolithol - serpentinite are located on the hillocks of Argalga and Shettig Arga, p. Ak-Torov, Ulug-Hemskoye Kozheuna Republic Tuva.

From November 28 to the end of December 2013, the second exhibition of Kamneris of Sergey Kashpik-Oolovich, Dyashepaya, dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the birth of a folk master of my native uncle, opened in the National Museum.

The exhibition in the shop windows presents 24 stone-stone works of the author from the funds of the museum and its partial collection, which characterize all the theme of the creative activity of Kamneris.

Odashpay Sergey Kashpik-Oolovich - famous in Tuva Kamneris, member of the Union of Artists of the USSR and the Russian Federation since 1991. He participated in many local republican, zonal, All-Russian, All-Union and International Exhibitions since 1984.

S.K. Okraspay was born on January 21, 1958 in the village of Caa-Hemsky district of the Tuvinian ASSR in the family of workers. Sergey Odoshepay from school years was engaged in folk creativity, carving on a tree and stone. After graduating from high school, he entered the art department of the Kyzylsky School of Art, which was successful in 1984.

In the 1980s, Sergey Odoshpay seeks to more professionally master the stone-sided art, it happens in the Republican Museum of Museum. Aladan Maadyr, from the People's Master-Kamnezes in the Union of Artists of Tuva, where the traditional culture and art of the nomadic people who preserved the ancient origins of the people creativity.

His sculptural works since 1984 are exhibited at large exhibitions of the Union of Artists of Russia such as Siberia Socialist Kemerovo 1985, "Soviet Russia" Moscow 1985, "Young Artists of Russia" Moscow 1989, "Artists of autonomous republics, regions and districts of the RSFSR Moscow 1989 "Artists of Russia - Moscow" Moscow 1997, "Russia" Moscow 2004, "Popular Art of Russia" Vologda 2008, Russia "Moscow 2009, zonal exhibitions -" Siberia "Krasnoyarsk 1991," Crafts of Siberia "Tomsk 1997," Siberia "Irkutsk 2003, "Siberia" Novosibirsk 2008, Crafts Siberia "Tomsk 2011," skillful master "Naryan-Mar 2011," 90th anniversary of the TNR "Kyzyl 2011," By the native land "Kyzyl 2012

After the end of the Kyzylsky School of Arts, he began to work by the artist - a designer in Kyzylsky Promtorge, then an artist-approvers in the experimental enterprise of national artistic fields and souvenirs of the Ministry of Industry of the Tuvinian ASSR.

In 1991, for active participation in the zonal, All-Russian art exhibitions, S.K. Oktvpay was adopted by the Union of Artists of the USSR, then Russia.

S. Okhapay in the majority, its stone sculptures performs in bright agalmatolite. His favorite image themes in stone are single-minded sculptures of domestic, wild animals and mythical animals (Arzin, horse, mountain goat, Sarlyc-Yak, Dragon). Ethnographic compositions are very interesting - "on the chillery", "sacmanber", "stubborn goat", in which he with knowledge of the nomader depicts the daily life of Tuvinian shepherds.

In the exposition of the exhibition, its multifigure compositions of horsemen riders in a dynamic movement are wonderful in the plastic solution - "horse racing", "horse rays", horse-in-law orchestra. It also cuts from the agalmatolithic group of animals in a rapid movement - "Running dzerna", "Running boars". His historical composition "Red Towing", consisting of two parts, especially attracts attention. It is devoted to the friendly assistance of the Tuvinian People's Republic parts of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War.

Currently, S.K. Okhapay is in the flourishing of creative forces, he is full of future creative ideas and always seeks new achievements in the visual art of the Republic of Tyva. For many years of age, creative work in honor of the 55-year-old anniversary of Odshpay S.K Awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

In the development of the traditions of its national sculpture art, the master boldly expands the topics of plastics with small forms and updates expressive means of artistic stone processing.

A feature of Tuvinian clinker fishery is the solid continuity of traditions and skill. The art of processing the stone is transmitted from generation to generation within the same family, traditions go from fathers to children. Odoshepay S.K. Two children: the son of Ertine ends the Novosibirsk university, it will be a programmer, but the Cheyan's daughter went in the footsteps of the Father, next year he finishes the Kyzyl School of Arts, will become like a father - artist. I am proud of them and I want to learn from him clinker art.

The work is devoted to the study of Cocherza Camneza Castle-Oolovich Sergey Kashpik.
The relevance of research It is also determined by the fact that Tuvinian stone-haired art has passed a big way in its development, reached the paths of considerable success, in particular, many works of the epic genre, different animal figures, items, chess; These works were widely known not only in our republic, but also in other cities of Russia. They saw many art lovers.
Object of study - Creative Way of Uncle - Odshpayy S.K.
Subject of study - study of materials on the stone art of Tuva, their features, genres and species, trace the process of creating a master; Examine and get acquainted with some of his works.
purpose It consists in a systemic study and a comprehensive description of the creativity of the wizard of the stone-mounted art. Touchpay of Sergey Kashpik-Oolovich.
To achieve it, the following tasks were delivered:
- clarification of the concepts of "Chonar-Dasha" and "Konneza Art";

Studying the book of Toybuhaa "Right Stone";

A visit to the second exhibition of Kamneris Sergey Tyshpayy in the museum. "Aldan-Madyr".
As a material of the study, drawings of his work from the exhibition were used, which was held at the Museum. Aladan-Madir at the end of 2013.
Research methods appeared - the observation and description method.
Novelty of work It is that I first conducted a study and study of the stone art of Tuva for the first time, and most importantly, it is a study of the creative path of my native uncle - Cocherza Dyashepaya Sergey Kashpik-Oolovich.

Memorial they built with all the village, each made their small contribution.

- These shops made firefighters together with district policemen, bushes planted forester, but these silvery poplars were brought from somewhere students. Thought, they do not come together, watch how well began. The road builders from DRSU were laid asphalt ... In a word, we were equipped and ennobled by the Memorial to the whole world, "the head of the administration of the village of Ayan Ouzzhak summarizes. - They took a fence, and for convenience there were two passages with stairs, because people were already accustomed to walk here. And nearby even a small sandbox for children arranged ...

To the 70th anniversary of the victory, not only the facing of the main stele was replaced, but also installed two more new ones: the names of those balgazians who were called to the front were carved on the marble and returned, and on the second, those who folded their heads on the Brani field. In total, in the lists of 86 people. All this became possible only thanks to the perseverance and the association of the honorary resident of the village of Antonina Peshelya, who had long anywhere to enter the idea to capture the names of all Balgazyntse-Frontovikov in marble. An excellent student of the USSR, Honored Teacher of the Republic of Tyva Antonina Pepliaev arrived in Balgazyn in 1948. 60 years worked at a local school. Almost 40 years led by school forestry. The collection of materials on the participants of the war was engaged practically all his life.

"After all, then, before the restructuring, it was easier, not what now," says Antonina Semenovna. - The village council was still in which all documents on the front-line was kept. And then, at the time there were Komsomolskaya, Pioneer organizations, - Red traps. So collected the material. Everything, thank God, has saved. This is how it's all useful. "Every Balgazynsky Frontovik, she knows almost everything:

- Here Pakhorukov performed the same feat, like noise. Berezikov is the only one who came to Berlin. And, by the way, alive returned. Already in peacetime, he drowned in Yenisei, saving his nephew. The tribe saved, and he himself did not get into the boat, drowned. But Tyryshkin in the 44th was called up, and in the spring of the 45th already died under Berlin. All the guys from Balgazin were called mainly in 1942-1943. And Tyryshkin was called up later, so for some reason he did not get into the "Book of Memory". By the way, in the "Book of Memory" it is said that Leonte Pokletyev in the hospital from the Russian Academy of Sciences died. And we found out that his instrumental settlement under Kursk German Tank crushed ... She learned about the feat of Vladimir Pakhaukov, he learned from correspondence with Leningrad Liures. They reported that during the battles near Leningrad, he was captured. But he managed to run to the partisans. One day, the partisan detachment received from the center of the task: by all means to destroy the German composition with ammunition. He walked to reinforcement parts departed. And the fascists' railway were guarded hard. Partisans could not get to him. Then Pakhorukov rid of themselves with grenades, supprehensible unnoticed to the embankment and rushed under the train. For the price of his life, he stopped the composition. - When President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev signed a decree on the assignment of Kechil-ool the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, we also petitioned Pakhaukov, "recalls Antonina Semenovna. - But we were answered that you need to find eyewitnesses, witnesses from the partisan detachment. So it is stiff. Most frontovikov, whose names are captured on steles, relatives and loved ones in Balgazyn no longer left. Today they were found and invited to a parade, which in Balgazyna for the first time spent on May 9th. Who could come. At the updated memorial, as it should be rally. And in the parade, except for firefighters, foresters and police officers, schoolchildren took part. Even first-graders, who themselves stitched for themselves drummer costumes passed slim Shangoy. Local Proftechili's students published a colorful album, which was transferred to a rural library.

As part of the "My Victory" campaign, at the graves of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the monuments were established, the Balgazyn "Young Guards" and the students of the senior classes of MBOU Sosh village of Balkazyn are engaged in the arrangement of the graves and to this day.

Vasily Terkina is rightfully considered one of the most significant works of literature of the second half of the XX century.

The poem consists of twenty nine chapters. Each chapter is an independent work. There is a lot of lyric retreats in the book. Its content and form are close to the people. It is the alloy of the genres of lyrics and epic. It has everything: Humor and Pathetics, sketches of front-line life and heroes, a relaxed joke and tragedy, high oratory and folk language. This is not a poem, but a folk book. Twardovsky came up with a universal genre and called him "book about the fighter." The theme of this work is war. The author is still calling it from beginning to end.

Basic strings visible image of the author. We learn about him from lyrical retreats and understand that he loves his hero very much. The work wears a high ideological meaning. Proximity to the popular poetic language, simplicity - all this makes the poem with a truly popular work. Not only fighters in the war began to heat from these poems, but now, more than years, they emit an inexhaustible warmth of humanity.

The nature of Vasily is disclosed gradually. Throughout the book, the author shows Terkina from different sides. The hero is real courage and courage in the chapter "Crossing".

Describing what is happening in the war, the author emphasizes that the soldiers are not heroes from birth, they are young guys. Some participates in military events for the first time, but on their faces heroism. The author emphasizes that the feat of these young soldiers is the continuation of the exploits of their fathers and grandfathers - soldiers of the rolling centuries. On the participation of Terkina in the war, the author tells in a half-form. He tells about the dreams of Terkina about returning home. Terkin dreams of awards, but there is no modesty "No, I don't need an order, I agree to the medal." He wants the impression of girls:

... And the girls on the evening forgot from all the guys, only listened to the girls, like straps on me creak.

In this scene, Terkin looks cheerful and simple. But the author replaces strings full of humor, on strings with a description of a terrible battle:

The terrible battle is bloody, the death fight is not for the sake of glory - for the sake of life on earth.

This author shows that the path to happiness passes through the struggle, the unity of the fate of the people with the destiny of the country, and that the happiness of a separate person is impossible without happiness of his people. Terkin is able to raise the mood of the soldier, he seeks to look at the world with other eyes.

Two tankers in memory of the killed commander give terkin harmonic. Terkin plays a cheerful melody, and the soldiers begin to dance.

Lose the brisket with Machore, if some seas - I do not argue - it is also bitter, it's hard, but you can live, survive trouble-fruit, keep tobacco in a fist. But Russia, the mother of the old woman, we can not lose anywhere.

Tvardovsky tells about love. Material from site. Fighters with the tenderness of the pupils of their mothers, wives, girls who are waiting for their returns.

I dreamed of destinying miracle: So that of my fiction In war living people It was,maybe warmth.


  1. Monologue Hero of the poem.
  2. Crossing.
  3. The wounded terkin falls into Medsanbat.
  4. The argument of the hero about returning home.
  5. Comparison of the hero of the poem with a veteran of the past war.
  6. Fight terkina with German.
  7. Terkin knocks the plane from the rifle and gets an order for it.
  8. Dreams of the hero on vacation.
  9. The platoon goes to the offensive.
  10. Conversation with death.
  11. Meeting with an old man and old woman.
  12. Road to Berlin.
  13. Farewell to the hero of the work.

1. Features of military literature.
2. Image of war in the poem "Vasily Terkin".
a) "Vasily Terkin" as a bible of a front-line person.
b) The features of the character of terkina in Russian fighters.
c) the role of the hero in the upbringing of the patriotic spirit of soldiers.
3. Evaluation of the poem critics and the people.

For a long four years, in which the war continued between the USSR and the fascist Germany, a lot of literary works were written, on the right of Russian literature that became in the treasury. Among them, the poem of the Poem of the Basydovsky "Vasily Terkin" occupies a special place. Ivan Bunin wrote about her that "This is a truly rare book." A question may arise: what is the difference between this book from others?

The main difference is to dislike for the literature of the military years. Where else can you meet the poem, permeated by humor, in which there is not a single missesmism? War is a tear, grief, mental pain. Simple workers, fighters, and there was difficult. If the poem had revealed only fear and horror of what was happening, she would not make such a bright impression. The Tvardovsky set as a goal that his poem revived the Soviet people in difficult times.

"Vasily Terkin" - the work is very original. The image of the fighter-merryman was so liked by Soviet soldiers, that even the newspapers in which the poem was printed on the chapters, they were kept, burned as Zenitsa Oka, and not used on self-workers. It was a kind of frontal bible. What happiness for the soldiers were parcels from the rear and letters from their relatives, the new chapter of the poem was the same joy. The poem was a road, because the history of the main character is the biography of them themselves, the whole army, millions of Soviet soldiers. Everyone could see in Terkina some trait of character and exclaim: "So this poem is written about me!". Many sought to be like him.

"Vasily Terkin" is an interesting, exciting work. Truthfulness, simplicity, people's speech conquer the reader. The humorous stories of the terkina soldier serve as a means of maintaining a combat spirit. The main character never leaves optimism. He raises the mood of the infantrymen and relieves fatigue, playing harmony. Probably the author does not accidentally use this tool, because the harmonica is a symbol of happiness, well-being, harmony. This Russian miracle will play a simple melody - immediately ends with something relative, it will be warm in the soul, and faith will light up with bright fire in the victory. As Vasily Terkin raised his stories, the game on the harmony was set to desperate comrades, and the poem herself raised the martial spirit from the soldier, gave the strength to fight further. Perhaps this is precisely the main value of the poem.

Vasily Terkin is a really rare book. It does not have a glorification to Stalin, which was the usual phenomenon of works of military years. The Tvardovsky himself noted that the mention of the leadership role of the party would not allow the poem of People. "The book about the fighter" was quite highly appreciated, and the Twardovsky was awarded the Stalin Prize for his work, although she had never mentioned the leader of the people in the poem. Not every work is awarded such award and high evaluation of critics. Even this fact confirms the significance of this work in Russian literature. "Vasily Terkin" is a national work that loved millions.

Characteristics of the characters: The relationship between Vasily Terkina with front-line comrades

"Terkin, Terkin, kind small ..." - the author to his hero in the poem of the same name appears. Tvardovsky very loved the image of this removed fighter, a magnificent comrade, a wonderful man. But not only one Tvardovsky penetrate sympathy to the hero invented by him: all Soviet soldiers loved him very much, they tried to be like him.

Back in the first chapter, all soldiers notice in their company a new friend who "guy at least where". This characteristic is already enough so that in the future it was clear how well the relationship is being collapsed.

This kind and cheerful man was trusted. So, tankers gladly lent terkin the harmonica of their deceased commander. Vasily immediately begins to fulfill the perky song, for which even more begins to like combat comrades. Tankists decided to give the harmony to their new acquaintance - he is the most worthy owner.

Terkin finds a common language not only with his own peers, but also with the people of the older generation. He can't pass by the hut, in which they live not familiar an old man with an old woman. He reaches an old man all that they are faulty: saw, clock. He is pleased to be in the company with these cute people, but the military debt obliges to go on. On the threshold, the grandfather asks Terkina, whether the Russians will be able to win over the fascists, to which Terkin confidently answers what they can. The same old terkin meets a little later, being an officer. Having learned that the clock, which he pissed himself, stole the German, he promises to bring new ones.

In the hospital, Terkin meets the Tambov boy, who, despite his young age, has already managed to become a hero and demonstrated his order to Vasily. But Terkina has more modest desires: "Why should I order? I agree to the medal. " However, it hurts the predetermined tone of the boy, and he tries to prove in fact that heroes can be in Smolensk.

The most mysterious interlocutor in the poem at Terkina is oblique, or death. The wounded fighter lies in the snow and loses its strength, but it was worth the oblique to declare his parish, Terkin drives her, saying that he would not surrender under any circumstances, even in a frosty night, crying from pain and powerlessness.

That was the glorious fighter Vasily Terkin. He always helped his comrades, helped the old and poor, in the war they led an honest battle, and on the "citizen" was an ordinary perky man. During the war, there were few such "terkins" in the country, but every soldier had at least one of the features of this wonderful hero, so it can be argued that this character, though the Wardowski is invented, but his prototype, "Russian miracle," you can probably find and now.

Mini essay

The victory in the Great Patriotic War is the main achievement of the Soviet people in the 20th century. It would seem how much adversity the inhabitants of this big state carried out, but they are all nipple! The key role in the victory approximation was played not only by the skilled fighters, bravely standing for their birthplace, but also persons who worked in their rear in their own way. Writers and poets made a lot to the victory, as they raised the military spirit of the soldiers, creating ideal images to which everyone sought. The war is the tragic event, but the life-affirming pathos of the military songs and the poems set the soldiers to the optimistic way.

The main work of the War Years of Alexander Tvardovsky - "Vasily Terkin". I was looking forward to the publications of the new chapter in the newspaper, they gladly read and thereby raised their military spirit. Everyone wanted to be like the main character of Vasily Terkina, who adopted the features of the heroes from the Russian epic. No one is insured by a crazy bullet in the war years, but not everyone finds the strength to fight for life. Heavyly wounded terkin does not fear death and drives her when she comes to him: "I didn't call you, Kosy, I am still alive," says Vasily and wins the fight with death.

Such an optimistic, life-affirming pathos is imbued with each chapter in the poem. Soldiers, reading such works, could not but beat after that, because even after the end of the war they had a stimulus - to strive to become like their favorite hero, Vasily Terkina.

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    • 1. Introduction. Personal attitude of the poet to the topic. There is not a single poet who would not write about love, although each of them has its own attitude towards this feeling. If love for Pushkin is a creative feeling ", a wonderful moment," "Divine gift", prompting creativity, then Lermontov is a confusion of the heart, pain loss and, ultimately, skeptical attitude towards love. Love ... but who? It is not difficult for a while, but always to love impossible ..., ("and boring and sad", 1840) - reflects lyrical [...]
    • Introduction Love Lyrics occupies one of the main places in the work of poets, but the degree of its study is small. There are no monographic works on this topic, it is partly revealed in the works of V. Sakharov, Yu.N. Tynyanova, D.E. Maksimova, talk about it as a necessary component of creativity. Some authors (D.D. Good and others) compare the love theme in the work of several poets at once, characterizing some common features. A. Lukianov considers a love theme in Lyrics A.S. Pushkin through the prism [...]
    • 1 version of the chart quality lisa quality lisa table; shy; timid; kind; Not only appearance, but also soul; gentle; tireless and hardworking. The courteous, with a kind of nature, a rather reasonable, a dreamer, also calculating, frivolous and reckless. Appearance Beautiful girl with pink cheeks, blue-eyed and blonde (worked, not sparing "rare beauty, without sparing its tender youth"). Lisa did not resemble the peasant, rather to the air [...]
    • 1 version of the Table of Kalashnikov Kiribayevich Position in the poem Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov is an exceptionally positive, albeit a tragic hero. Kiribayevich is a faint of a negative character. To show it, M.Yu. Lermontov does not call him by name, but only gives him the nickname "Basurmansky Son" the situation in the society of Kalashnikov was engaged in merchants, that is, trade. Had his own shop. Kiribayevich served Ivan Grozny, was a warrior and defender. Family life Stepan Paramonovich [...]
    • On the ball after the ball feeling the hero, he "very much" in love; admired a girl, life, ball, beauty and the grace of the surrounding world (including interiors); Notes all the details on the wave of joy and love, is ready to die and make it possible to make any trivia. Without wine - drunk - love. He loves Varai, hopes, trembling, happy to be elected her. It's easy, does not feel your own body, "PARI". Delight and gratitude (for the pen from Were), "Cheerful and satisfied", happy, "Blessed", kind, "unearthly creature." FROM […]