Message about Composer Beethoven. Ludwig Van Beethoven: Biography, Interesting Facts, Creativity

Message about Composer Beethoven. Ludwig Van Beethoven: Biography, Interesting Facts, Creativity
Message about Composer Beethoven. Ludwig Van Beethoven: Biography, Interesting Facts, Creativity

Name: Ludwig Van Beethoven (Ludwig Van Beethoven)

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: Bonn, Germany

Place of death: Vienna, Austria

Activity: composer, violinist, pianist, conductor

Family status: not married

Ludwig Van Beethoven - Biography

The most unusual composer, who studied the game on a violin and piano, managed to conduct a whole orchestra, being absolutely deaf.

Children's years, family

Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in the German Bonn harsh winter. The fate and grandfather and his father were connected with music, and therefore the entire biography of the conversion of Beethoven's clan was obviously defined. Senior men from the genus of the famous composer had excellent vocal data, which they used in their work. Men found the use of their talent in a chapel at the court. Ludwig's father often came home drunk, spooking half of what he earned. And the rest of the money lacked to ensure the family.

In the so-called child's room, there was no furniture, except for the iron bed and old harpsichord. Yes, and the room itself was located on the attic at home. Father traveled and there to beat his son, although the mother always got a good part of the mother. Maria Beethoven hotly loved Ludwig, he was not the only child in the family, the seven was born, but only three remained alive. Mother as she could, made their childhood happy.


The father of Johann immediately noticed that the child had an excellent musical hearing and there were certain abilities. Amadeus Mozart became Meril for the envious chapter of the family. He conceived from his son to make genius. Every day the boy was engaged in violin and piano. The father had to know, to which musical instrument nature, giving him a son with a talent, preferred. Ludwig had a rich choice: organ, harpsichine, alto, violin and flute. Punishment followed each mistake in muizitization. Teachers who hired Johann were labeled.

Mother in the life of the composer

The father was eager to make a gifted child at the expense of a gifted child. In Kapella, he increased his salary, but all the efforts were in vain, since all the money was spent on alcohol. Ludwig gave his first concert for 6 years. I liked him by Cologne's listeners, but the money from the concert was reversed a little.

Mother, unlike the Father, was wiser and farshot. Her son began to compose the melodies, which he conisted with Mom with Mom. The boy was absorbed by the music, sometimes an extraneous intervention was required to bring it out of the submersible state. The biography of the composer stubbornly led the young Beethoven in the laid path.

Comprehensive development of Beethoven

In the newly appointed Director of Capella Louis gained the teacher. Christian Gotlobu noticed the talent of the boy and began to teach him everything that he owned himself. One music is not enough for writing good music, you need to draw feelings and emotions from literature, from ancient languages \u200b\u200bwith their singer, and philosophy. Ludwig was read by Goethe and Shakespeare, listens to Baha, Handel, Mozart.


Still, Ludwig Beethoven came to Vienna and met the great genius of music. Wolfgang heard the improvisations of the young man. Mozart predicted Louis global glory. The composer promised to give a few lessons. Suddenly the mother fell ill, and Ludwig hurriedly left the one who sought all his youth.

Mother died, leaving the children and drunkard father. Ludwig was forced to seek help to the prince. The family began to receive benefits. The young man managed to achieve permission to visit musical assemblies. The future composer gave private lessons. One of these families helped Beethoven. Their daughter was a student at a talented musician.


It was hard to communicate with the Austrian luminaries of science. Genendel could not find a common language with Ludwig. I am pleased to do with young Beethoven and even introduced it to titled musicians and noble individuals.

Ludwig writes music for the work of Schiller, which heard and appreciated only after 39 years. In 25 years, the fame of the most fashionable pianist came to the musician. After three years, Tinnitus begins to develop. Nobody guess for ten years about the presence of this disease. The deafness of Beethoven was attributed to the scattered composer.

The most fruitful moment of creativity

Fear of Fearful finally developed an incredible performance from the composer and takeoff of creativity. The second symphony is written, "Pastoral Symphony". During this period, Beethoven began to be in nature, leaving for remote places. In this privacy with nature, real music masterpieces were born. The Theater Directorate suggested a composer to write music to the Drama Goethe. Music was created, and in passing the rehearsal of the performance, which was attended by Maestro.

Ludwig Van Beethoven - Biography of Personal Life

Ludwig never took to know, it means that he could not marry a girl from the highest society. A young man fell in love with a young countess, which did not share his feelings and soon married a man of his circle. The anthem of all unspoken and unrelated feelings was the "Moon Sonata" of the composer.

The next love of Beethoven to the widow of the Graph Daim also ended in failure, in the impulse of feelings makes an offer to the third girl - and again the refusal. The composer was disappointed and decides the remainder of life not to offer his hand and heart. Ludwig decides to take on the upbringing of the child of the deceased brother. The child inherited from his mother to the addiction to alcohol than delivers a lot of trouble to his native uncle.

Recent years Beethoven

The rumor begins to disappear completely, but Beethoven does not lose hope to hear and compose music. He recognizes the sound of vibration.

Beethoven was born in Bonn, presumably December 16, 1770 (baptized on December 17). In addition to German, the Flemish Blood: the grandfather's grandfather's grandfather, also Ludwig, was born in 1712 in Malina (Flanders), served as a singing in Ghent and Luerman and moved to Bonn in 1733, where he became a court musician in the Koyling Archbishop Caerem . It was a clever man, a good singer, a professionally trained instrumentalist, he retired before the court of court chapelsuser and enjoyed the respect of others. His only son Johann (the rest of the children died in infant age) from childhood sang in the same chapel, but his position was shaky, because he drank himself and led a messy life. Johann took Maria Magdalene Lime, a chef's daughter. They had seven children, of whom three sons remained alive; Ludwig, the future composer, was the eldest of them.

Beethoven rose in poverty. Father drank his scarce salary; He was engaged in the son of a violin and piano in the hope that he would become a welded, new Mozart, and would provide a family. Over time, the Father added a salary based on the future of his gifted and hardworking son. With all that the boy was unsure of the violin, and on the piano (as in the violin), he loved more improvise than to improve the technique of the game.

The general formation of Beethoven was as unisexual as musical. In the latter, however, the practice played a big role: he played an alte in the court orchestra, performed by the artist on keyboard tools, including on the body that managed to quickly master. K.G.Nefe, with 1782 Bonn Court Organist, became the first real teacher of Beethoven (among other things he passed with him the entire well-tempered key I.S. Bach). Responsibilities of Beethoven as a court musician have significantly expanded when Erzgertzog Maximilian Franz became Könnechist Cologne and began to take care of the musical life of Bonn, where his residence was located. In 1787, Beethoven managed to visit Vienna for the first time - at that time the musical capital of Europe. According to the stories, Mozart, having listened to the game of the young man, highly appreciated his improvisation and a prediction of him a big future. But soon Beethoven was supposed to return home - his mother was lying at death. He remained the only breadwinner of the family, consisting of a disturbed father and two younger brothers.

The gentlemanship of the young man, his greed to musical impressions, dusty and susceptible nature attracted the attention of some enlightened Bonn families, and brilliant piano improvisations provided him with a free entry into any musical assemblies. I especially made a lot of brooded family, which took care of a clumsy, but the original young musician. Dr. F.G.Vegeler became a friend of all his life, and Count F.E. G. Waldstein, his enthusiastic admirer, managed to convince the Ertzgerce to send Beethoven to teach Vienna.

Vein. 1792-1802. In Vienna, where Beethoven came for the second time in 1792 and where he remained until the end of his days, he quickly found titled Metzenate Friends.

People encountered with young Beethoven, described the twenty-year composer as a Conguest young man, inclined to the scope, sometimes daring, but good-natured and cute in a relationship with friends. Understanding the insufficiency of his education, he went to Josef Hyidna, recognized by Vienna authority in the field of instrumental music (Mozart died a year earlier) and some time brought him to check the exercise in counterpoint. Haydn, however, soon cooled to the challenge student, and Beethoven secretly began to take lessons from I.Sheka and then more solid I.G. Albrechtsberger. In addition, wishing to improve in a vocal letter, he visited for several years the famous Opera Composer Antonio Salieri. Soon he entered the circle, uniting titled lovers and professional musicians. Prince Karl Likhnovsky introduced a young provincial in the circle of his friends.

The question is how much the environment and the spirit of time affect creativity is ambiguous. Beethoven read the works of F.G. Klopshtok, one of the predecessors of the motion "Storm and Natiska". He was familiar with Goethe and deeply read the thinker and poet. The political and social life of Europe of that time was anxious: when Beethoven arrived in 1792 to Vienna, the city was agreed by the Westons about the revolution in France. Beethoven enthusiastically took revolutionary slogans and chased freedom in his music. Volcanic, the explosive nature of his creativity is undoubtedly the embodiment of the spirit of time, but only in the sense that the character of the Creator was to some extent formed by this time. A bold violation of generally accepted norms, powerful self-affirmation, the thunderstorm atmosphere of Beethoven Music - all this would be unthinkable in the era of Mozart.

Nevertheless, early Beethoven essays are largely followed by canons 18 W .: This refers to a trio (string and piano), violin, piano and cello sonatas. The piano was then for Beethoven the closest tool, in the piano works, he expressed the most intimate feelings, and the slow parts of some Sonatas (for example, Largo E Mesto from the ero. 10, No. 3) are penetrated by a romantic volume. Panthetic Sonata OR. 13 is also an obvious anticipation of later Beethoven experiments. In other cases, its innovation is the character of a sudden invasion, and the first listeners perceived it as an obvious arbitrariness. Published in 1801 six string quartets. 18 can be considered the largest achievement of this period; Beethoven clearly did not hurry with the publication, conscious, what high samples of the quartet letter left Mozart and Haydn. The first orchestral experience of Beethoven is associated with two concerts for piano with the orchestra (No. 1, to major and No. 2, Si-Barol Major), created in 1801: In them, he apparently was also not sure, being well acquainted with the great The achievements of Mozart in this genre. Among the most famous (and least causing) early works are the Septhet OR. 20 (1802). The next opus, the first symphony (published in late 1801) - the first pure orchestral essay of Beethoven.

Approach of deafness.

We can only guess, to what extent the Beethoven deafness affected his work. The ailments developed gradually. Already in 1798, he complained about the noise in her ears, it was difficult for him to distinguish high tones, to understand the conversation led by a whisper. In horror, from the prospects to become an object of pity - a deaf composer, he spoke about his illness to a close friend - Carlo Amente, as well as the doctors who advised him if possible to take care of his hearing. He continued to rotate in the circle of his Viennese friends, took part in the musical evenings, composed a lot. He was so well able to hide the deafness that up to 1812, even the people who often encountered him were not suspected how serious his illness was. The fact that when you conversation, he often answered the nefple was attributed to poor mood or scattered.

In the summer of 1802, Beethoven retired in a quiet suburb of Vienna - Highigensteadt. There appeared a stunning document - "Highigenstadt will", painful confession of the tantwichared musician. The testament is addressed to the Bethoven brothers (with an indication read and fulfill after his death); In it, he speaks of his spiritual suffering: painfully, when "a man standing next to me, hears the infidental from published a naigry flute, not heard for me; Or when someone hears the singing of the shepherd, and I can't distinguish any sound. " But at the same time, in a letter to Dr. Weregeler, he exclaims: "I will take fate for a sip!", And the music he continues to write, confirms this decision: at the same summer, a bright second symphony, ORs appear. 36, Magnificent Piano Sonata Op. 31 and three violin sounds, op. thirty.

Second period. "New way".

According to the "three-period" classification, proposed in 1852, one of the first researchers of the creativity of Beethoven V. Von Lenz, the second period approximately covers 1802-1815.

The final gap with the past was rather implementation, the continuation of the trends of the early period, rather than a conscious "Declaration of Independence": Beethoven was not a theoretical reformer, like a glitch to him and Wagner after him. The first decisive breakthrough to the fact that Beethoven himself called "new way," occurred in the third symphony (heroic), the work on which belongs to 1803-1804. Its duration is three times more than any other symphony written earlier. The first part is the music of the extraordinary force, the second is a stunning outpouring of the sorrow, the third is a witty, whitewashing scherzo, and the final - variations in a smoking, festive topic - the traditional finals in the form of Rondo, which composed by Beethoven's predecessors. Often they claim (and not without reason) that at first Beethoven dedicated heroic Napoleon, but learning that he proclaimed himself with the emperor, canceled dedication. "Now he will pour human rights and satisfy only his own ambition," such, according to the stories, were the words of Beethoven, when he broke the title page of the scores with dedication. In the end, heroic was dedicated to one of the patrics - Prince Lobkovitsa.

Writings of the second period.

During these years, brilliant creations came out from under his pen one after another. The main compositions of the composer listed in the order of their occurrence form an incredible flow of ingenious music, this imaginary sound world replaces his creator from him the world of real sounds. It was a victorious self-affirmation, a reflection of the tense work of thought, evidence of a rich inner life of the musician.

We will be able to name only the most important essays of the second period: a violin sonata of a major major, OR. 47 (Creceraova, 1802-1803); Third symphony, op. 55 (heroic, 1802-1805); Oratoria Christ on Omal Mountain, OR. 85 (1803); Piano Sonata: Waldshtein, OR. 53; Fa Major, OR. 54, Appassionate, OR. 57 (1803-1815); Piano concert number 4 Salt Major, OR. 58 (1805-1806); The only opera Beethoven - Fidelio, OR. 72 (1805, second edition 1806); Three "Russian" quartet, op. 59 (devoted to Count Razumovsky; 1805-1806); Fourth Symphony Si-Bf Major, OR. 60 (1806); Violin concert, op. 61 (1806); Overture to the tragedy Crowl Coriolan, OR. 62 (1807); Mass to Major, OR. 86 (1807); Fifth symphony to Minor, OR. 67 (1804-1808); Sixth Symphony, OR. 68 (pastoral, 1807-1808); Cello Sonata in A Major, OR. 69 (1807); Two piano trio, op. 70 (1808); Piano concert number 5, op. 73 (emperor, 1809); Quartet, op. 74 (harp, 1809); Piano Sonata, OR. 81a (farewell, 1809-1910); Three songs on the poems Goethe, OR. 83 (1810); Music to tragedy Goethe Egmont, OR. 84 (1809); Font Minor Quartet, OR. 95 (1810); The eighth symphony of F Major, OR. 93 (1811-1812); Piano Trio Si-Bembol Major, OR. 97 (Ertzgercog, 1818).

The second period includes the highest achievements of Beethoven in the genres of the violin and piano concert, violin and cellular sonatas, operas; The genre of the piano sonata is represented by such masterpieces as Appassionate and Valdshteinovskaya. But even the musicians were not always able to perceive the novelty of these writings. It is said that one day someone from colleagues asked Beethoven: I really consider music one of the quartets dedicated to the Russian Messenger in Vienna, Count Rumumovsky. "Yes," the composer replied, "but not for you, but for the future."

The source of inspiration for a number of writings was the romantic feelings, which Beethoven experienced to some of his large-minded student. This may refer to two Sonata "Quasi Una Fantasia", OR. 27 (published in 1802). The second one (later the name of the "lunar") is devoted to the Countess Juliet Gwitchchadi. Beethoven even thought to make her proposal, but in time I realized that a deaf musician was an inappropriate couple for a flirtatious beauty. Other familiar ladies rejected him; One of them called him a "freak" and "half-handed". Otherwise, it was the case with the Brounswick family, in which Beethoven gave music lessons to two senior sisters - Teresa ("Tezi") and Josephine (Pepper). It was long ago a suggestion was discarded that the addressee of the message to the "immortal beloved" found in Beethoven's papers after his death was Teresa, but modern researchers do not exclude that Josephine was this addressee. In any case, the idyllic fourth symphony is obliged to stay by Beethoven in the Hungarian estate of Bruntsvikov in the summer of 1806.

The fourth, fifth and sixth (pastoral) symphony were composed in 1804-1808. The fifth is probably the most famous symphony in the world - opens with a brief motive, about which Beethoven said: "So fate knocks on the door." In 1812, the seventh and eighth symphony were completed.

In 1804, Beethoven willingly adopted an order for the writing of the opera, since in Vienna, success on the opera stage meant fame and money. The plot briefly was as follows: Bold, an enterprising woman, changing into men's clothing, saves her beloved husband, imprisoned with cruel tyrant, and exposes the latter before the people. To avoid confusion with the already existing Opera on this plot - Leonor Warvo, the Beethoven work was named Fidelio, by the name that he takes a disrepair of the heroine. Of course, Beethoven had no experience experience for the theater. The culmination moments of the melodrama are marked by excellent music, but in other sections the lack of dramatic alone does not allow the composer to rise above the opera routine (although he was very striving for this: Firodio has fragments that were alone until eighteen). Nevertheless, the opera gradually won the listeners (during the life of the composer, the three her performances took place in various editions - in 1805, 1806 and 1814). It can be argued that in any other essay the composer did not have so much labor.

Beethoven, as mentioned, deeply read the creation of Goethe, composed a few songs on his texts, music to his tragedy of Egmont, but he met Goethe in the summer of 1812, when they were together at the resort in the greenhouse. The exquisite manners of the great poet and the sharpness of the behavior of the composer did not contribute to their rapprochement. "His talent struck me extremely, but, unfortunately, he possesses an integrity, and the world seems to him hated creation," says Goethe in one of the letters.

Friendship with Erzgertzog Rudolf.

The friendship of Beethoven with Rudolph, Austrian Erzgertzog and the emperor's consolidated brother, is one of the most curious historical plots. At about 1804, the Erzgertzog, who then was 16, began to take the piano lessons at the composer. Despite the huge difference in social status, the teacher and the student experienced sincere pleasant to each other. Being lessons to the Palace of Ersgertzog, Beethoven was supposed to pass by countless Laces, to call his student "Your Highness" and fight his amateur attitude towards music. And all this he did with amazing patience, although he never shy to cancel the lessons if he was busy writing. According to the order of the Archduke, such writings are created as the piano Sonata Farewell, a triple concert, the last and most grandiose fifth piano concert, a solemn Massa (Missa Solemnis). It was originally intended for the ceremony of the construction of Erzgertzog in San Archbishop Olmyutsky, but was not completed on time. ERCGERSOG, Prince Kinsky and Prince Lobkovitz established something like scholarships for the composer, who glorified Vienna, but did not receive support from the city authorities, and the Ertzgerce turned out to be the most reliable of three patrons. During the Vienna Congress in 1814, Beethoven extradited a considerable material benefit from communication with the aristocracy and kindly listened to the compliments - he managed to at least partially hide the contempt for the court "brilliance", which he always experienced.

Last years. The material position of the composer has improved markedly. Publishers hunted his scores and ordered such, for example, essays, such as large piano variations on the theme of Waltz diabelli (1823). His caring friends, especially deeply devotee Beethoven A.shindler, watching a random and full of deprivation of the musician's lifestyle and hearing his complaints about the fact that His "revolved" (Beethoven became unfortunately suspicious and was ready to blame in the worst of almost all individuals from his surroundings. ), could not understand where he would reveal money. They did not know that the composer postpones them, but does it not for himself. When his brother Kaspar died in 1815, the composer became one of the guardians of his ten-year nephew of Charles. The love of Beethoven to the boy, the desire to ensure his future entered into a contradiction with the distrust, which the composer experienced Karl to Mother; As a result, he just quarreled with both, and this situation was painted the last period of his life tragedy. In the years when Beethoven sought full guardianship, he composed little.

The deafness of Beethoven has become almost complete. By 1819 he had to go entirely to communicate with the interlocutors using a stylist board or paper and a pencil (the so-called. Conversation notebooks Beethoven). Fully immersed in work on such writings as the majestic solemn Massina Major (1818) or the ninth symphony, he behaved strangely, inspired to unauthorized people: he "sang, howled, hooked his feet, and in general it seemed that he was committed to death with Invisible opponent "(Schindler). Brilliant recent quartets, the five last piano sonatas - ambitious on-scale, unusual in shape and style - seemed to many contemporary works of crazy. Nevertheless, the Viennese listeners recognized the nobility and the greatness of Beethoven Music, they felt that they were dealing with the genius. In 1824, during the fulfillment of the ninth symphony with her choir finals, Beethoven was standing next to the conductor. The hall was conquered by powerful culmination at the end of the symphony, the audience was rampant, but Beethoven did not turn around. I had to take it over the singers for the sleeve and turn the face to the listeners so that the composer bowed.

The fate of other late works was more difficult. Many years have passed after the death of Beethoven, and only then the most receptive musicians began to fulfill its last quartets (including a large fugue, or. 33) and the last piano sonats, opening people of these higher, the most beautiful achievements of Beethoven. Sometimes the late style of Beethoven is characterized as a contemplative, abstract, in some cases neglecting the laws of prowness; In fact, this music is an inconsistent source of powerful and reasonable spiritual energy.

Beethoven died in Vienna on March 26, 1827 from inflammation of the lungs complicated by jaundice and water.

The contribution of Beethoven to world culture.

Beethoven continued the overall line of development of the genres of symphony, sonata, quartet, scheduled for its predecessors. However, his interpretation of well-known forms and genres differed in great freedom; We can say that Beethoven pushed their scope in time and in space. He did not expand the composition of the symphony orchestra who prevailed to his time, but his scores demand, firstly, a larger number of performers in each party, and secondly, of each orchestrant in his era; In addition, Beethoven is very sensitive to individual expressiveness of each tool tone. Piano in its writings is not a close relative of elegant harpsichord: the entire extended range of the instrument is used, all its dynamic capabilities are used.

In areas of melody, harmony, Rhythm Beethoven often resorts to the reception of a sudden shift, contrast. One of the forms of contrast is the opposition of decisive topics with a clear rhythm and more lyrical, smoothly current sections. Sharp dissonances and unexpected modulations in distant tonality are also an important feature of the Beethoven harmony. He expanded the range of the pace used in the music and often resorted to dramatic, impulsive change in the dynamics. Sometimes the contrast acts as a manifestation of the Beethovensky of Beethovensky, a somewhat rude humor - it happens in his frantic scherzo, which in his symphony and quarters often replace more power-made minuet.

Unlike its predecessor of Mozart, Beethoven composed with difficulty. Handbook books Beethoven show how gradually, a grandiose composition arises step by incremental sketch, marked with convincing logic of construction and rare beauty. Only one example: in the original sketch of the famous "Motive of Fate", which opens the fifth symphony, he is entrusted with flute, which means that the topic had a completely different figurative meaning. Powerful artistic intelligence allows the composer to draw a lack of dignity: Mozartt spontaneity, an instinctive sense of perfection Beethoven opposes unsurpassed musical and dramaturgical logic. It is she who is the main source of Beethoven's grandeur, its incomparable ability to organize contrast elements into a monolithic integer. Beethoven erases traditional cesuras between shape sections, avoids symmetry, merges parts of the cycle, develops extended construction from thematic and rhythmic motifs, at first glance that do not contain anything interesting. In other words, Beethoven creates a musical space of the strength of the mind, his own will. He anticipated and created those art directions that were decisive for musical art 19 V. And today, his works are among the greatest, most revered creatures of human genius. Beethoven.
Soshenkov S.N. 2009-02-18 17:40:24

Cool man. His musical and dramatic (just like that!) Works, especially the first and second part of the ninth symphony, are not equal in the global art in the depth, beauty and purity of the content.

2 2007-11-13 13:00:01

norms wrote to come

Beethoves with us!
Reward 2010-05-14 20:01:08

Nature put a barrier between her and mankind: morality. A person always aware of his social level challenges fate with his work and the highest strength looks close to his rebellion. However, they are preparing talent for such a protest. They form him as much as required to accomplish the main affairs of his life, in the case of Beethoven - his music, for to present humanity without his symphony, it's not like to pull out Columbus, to flood the fire presented with promoter or return mankind from space. Yes, there would be no Beethoven to Cosmos, I would have to make hands on the starts: something is missing, something slows down, somewhere we "Mahu Dali" ... But - everything is in order, friends! Beethoven with us. With humanity forever, this Buntar, this single, who sacrificed with a successful cozy spallet, a comfortable family nest and despite the respectable burgher morality, it is he who has a shoulder of any breakthrough of mankind into the future, he, this breakthrough, without Beethoven unthinky.

Good article, thank you. Whether the Beethoven was looking for children and found this article. Just today I wrote a thought that if people were not so obsessed with sex and reproduction, they could approach the greatness of the geniuses of humanity, whose bright sample is Beethoven. When I fall in spirit and life is ready to crush me when I am trying to intimidate death - I always remember the sounds of his 9th symphonies heard in his youth and I understand that the one who passed and survived the 9th symphony with Beethoven to the end - that invincible and displeasure. 9 Symphony - This is my personal nuclear weapon, the nuclear button turns me into the Beethovensky superman. His spirit comes to life and lives in me in the tact of moments and my weak body and the mind for it and not the burden. Feelings are such as if the engine was put on the car from Belaz, and even from the reactive aircraft)) this is a unique experience. But, however, I cannot listen to the Beethoven music for a long time. She boils the heart order and you start to climb on the wall, to quarrel with everyone .. In this regard, Tchaikovsky more harmoniously affects the spirit and mind. In Tchaikovsky's music there is not only a fierce struggle, but a lot of things that touches the heart, melts him and makes crying is incomprehensible from what. From the fact that Tchaikovsky awakened your soul and showed you yourself .. And the symphones of Beethoven are well suited for some titanic efforts and accomplishments. Or to pull out itself from a complete swamp, like the Baron Munhausen for the Cule .. Tchaikovsky gives a mind, thanks to which you can not go alroc, but with the mind, which eliminates the titanic overvoltage. However, not everyone thinks so. Some told me that the music of Tchaikovsky compared to the Beethovenskaya waters. I do not think so. Not a single note will throw out. In general, these 2 composers are my teachers in life. Who listened and lived 6 Symphony Tchaikovsky, he considered he lived a whole life and his soul became wiser on this life ..

In the distant 1770, a boy who was destined to become a brilliant composer was born in the family of German musicians. Biography Beethoven is unusually interesting and fascinating, the life path contains many peripetias, falls and ups. The name of the greatest Creator of ingenious works is known even to those who are far from the world of art and is not a fan of classical music. Biography of Ludwig van Beethoven will briefly be presented in this article.

Family musician

Biography Beethoven has gaps. So it was not possible to establish the exact date of his birth. But it is known for certain that on December 17, the sacrament of baptism was accomplished. Presumably, the boy was born a day before this rite.

He was lucky to be born in a family that is directly related to music. Ludwig's grandfather was Louis Beethoven, who was the head of the choral chapel. At the same time, he was distinguished by proud moral, enviable efficiency and perseverance. All these qualities were transferred to his grandson through the father.

Biography Beethoven has sad sides. His father Johann Van Beethoven suffered alcohol addiction, this imposed a certain imprint on the character of the boy, and for all his further fate. The family lived in poverty, the head of the family earned money only on his own pleasures, at all, not believing with the needs of children and wives.

A gifted boy was a second child in the family, but fate ordered otherwise by making him senior. Firstborn died, living only one week. Death circumstances are not established. Later, the parents of Beethoven were born five more children, three of whom did not live before the age of adulthood.


Biography Beethoven is full of tragedy. Childhood was overshadowed by poverty and despotism of one of the closest people - Father. The latter caught fire a fantastic idea - to make a second Mozart from his own child. After reviewing the actions of Pope Amadeu - Leopold, Johann sat her son for Harpsichin and made music for many hours. Thus, he did not try to help the boy realize the creative potential, unfortunately, he simply searched for an additional source of income.

In four years, the childhood of Ludwig ended. With unusual enthusiasm and inspiration, Johann began to fly a child. To begin with, he demonstrated to him aza games on the piano and violin, after which, "encouraging" the boy with the patches and the climbers, forced to work. Neither the sobbing of a child nor noises of his wife managed to shake the perseverance of the Father. The educational process crossed the boundaries of the permitted, the young Beethoven did not have the right to even walk with friends, he immediately walked into the house to continue musical classes.

Intensive work at the instrument took another opportunity - to get a general scientific education. The boy had only superficial knowledge, he was weak in spelling and oral account. Fill the gap helped a great desire to learn and learn something new. Throughout his life, Ludwig was engaged in self-education, coming to the work of such great writers as Shakespeare, Plato, Homer, Sophokl, Aristotle.

All these adversity failed to stop the development of the amazing inner world of Beethoven. He was distinguished from other children, he did not attract fun games and adventures, the eccentric child preferred loneliness. Having devoted himself to music, he really realized his own gifold and, despite anything, moved forward.

Talent developed. Johann noticed that the student surpassed the teacher, and instructed classes with her son more experienced teacher - Poffera. The teacher was changed, but the methods remained the same. Late at night, the child was forced to climb from bed and playing the piano until early morning. To withstand such a rhythm of life, you need to have truly outstanding abilities, and Ludwig they were.

Mother Beethoven: biography

A bright spot in the boy's life was mom. Mary Magdalina Kevterich possessed meekly and good temper, so she could not resist the head of the family and silently looked at mockery of the child, unable to do anything. The mother of Beethoven was an unusually weak health and soreness. Biography of her little known. She was a daughter of the court chef and married Johann in 1767. Her life path was underworld: the woman died from tuberculosis at 39 years.

Beginning of the Great Path

In 1780, the boy finally found the first real friend. Pianist and organist Christian Gottlieb Nefop became his teacher. This person pays a lot of attention to Biography Beethoven (brief content you are reading now). The intuition of the neopa suggested that the boy is not just a good musician, but a brilliant person who can conquer any vertices.

And workout began. The teacher creatively approached the learning process, helping the ward to develop impeccable taste. They auditioned the best works of Handel, Mozart, Bach. The nef is strictly criticized the boy, but the gifted child was distinguished by self-love and self-confidence. Therefore, sometimes there were stumbling blocks, nevertheless, Beethoven's later appreciated the contribution of the teacher to the formation of his own person.

In 1782, Nefop went to a long vacation, and he appointed eleven-year-old Ludwig with his deputy. The new position was not easy, but the responsible and intelligent boy perfectly coped with this role. Very interesting fact keeps Biography Beethoven. Summary says that when the nefop returned, he discovered with how his protégé coped with hard work. And this contributed to the fact that the teacher left him next, giving him the position of his assistant.

Soon the organist has gained duties, and he shifted the part on the young Ludwig. Thus, the boy began to earn 150 guilders a year. Johanna's dream turned out, the son became support for the family.

Significant event

Biography Beethoven for children describes an important moment in the boy's life, perhaps the turning point. In 1787, he was waiting for a meeting with a legendary personality - Mozart. Perhaps Extraordinary Amadeus was not in the mood, but the meeting was upset by young Ludwig. He played a recognized composer on the piano, but heard only dry and restrained praises to his address. Nevertheless, he said to his friends: "Pay attention to him, he will make it talk about himself the whole world."

But there was no time to upset about this, because it came to the news about a terrible event: a mother at death. This is the first real tragedy that the Biography of Beethoven says. For children, the death of the mother is a terrible blow. The weakened woman found the strength to wait for his beloved son and died shortly after his arrival.

Great loss and mental torments

Mountain, comprehended by the musician, was immeasurable. He had a huge life of the mother before his eyes, and then he witnessed her suffering and painful death. For the boy, she was the most close man, but this was the fate that he did not have to sadness and longing time, it was necessary to contain a family. In order to abstract from all the troubles, iron will is needed and steel nerves. And he possessed all this.

Next, the biography of Ludwig Van Beethoven briefly reports his inner struggle and mental torments. The abstract power attracted him forward, the active nature demanded changes, feelings, emotions, fame, but because of the need to provide relatives had to part with dreams and ambitions and retract into daily exhausting work for the extraction of money. He became hot-tempered, aggressive and irritable. After the death of Mary Magdalene, his father dropped even stronger, expect that he would be a support and support, the younger brothers had not had to.

But it is the tests that have fallen to the share of the composer, made it works by such penetrated, deep and allowing the unimaginable suffering that the author had a chance to survive. Biography Ludwig Van Beethoven Pestrite similar events, but the main test for durability is still ahead.


The work of the German composer is considered the greatest value of world culture. He is one of those who participated in the formation of European classical music. The invaluable contribution is determined by symphonic works. Biography Ludwig Van Beethoven puts additional emphasis on time when he worked. It was hectic, the Great French Revolution, Bloodthirsty and Cruel. All this could not not affect music. In the period of residence in Bonn (native city), the composition of the composer is difficult to call fruitful.

The brief biography of Beethoven talks about his contribution to music. The works of him became the precious heritage of all mankind. They are played everywhere and love in any country. His Peru owns nine concerts and nine symphony, as well as countless other symphony works. You can allocate the most important works:

  • Sonata number 14 "Moon".
  • Symphony number 5.
  • Sonata № 23 "Appassionate".
  • Piano play "To Elise".

In total it was written:

  • 9 symphony,
  • 11 overture
  • 5 concerts,
  • 6 Youth Sonatas for Piano,
  • 32 Sonata for Piano,
  • 10 Sonatas for Violin and Piano,
  • 9 concerts,
  • opera "Fidelio",
  • ballet "Creation Prometheus".

Great deaf

A brief biography of Beethoven cannot but affect the catastrophe that happened to him. Fate was unusually generous for grave tests. In the age of 28, the composer had health problems, there were a huge amount, but they were all Merkley in comparison with the fact that deafness began to develop. It is impossible to convey words what it was for him a blow. In his letters, Beethoven reported suffering and that he would humbly accepted such a share if it was not for the profession implying the presence of an ideal hearing. The ears buzzed in the afternoon and at night, the life turned into torture, and every new day was given with great difficulty.

Event Development

The biography of Ludwig Beethoven reports that several years he managed to hide his own flaw from society. It is not surprising that he sought to preserve it in secret, because the very concept of "deaf composer" contradicts common sense. But as you know, sooner or later all the secret becomes clear. Ludwig turned into a hermit, the surroundings considered him Mizanthropy, but it was far from the truth. The composer lost confidence in himself and every day I became greasy.

But this was the great person, one day he decided not to give up, but to resist evil fate. Perhaps the life rise of the composer is the merit of a woman.

Personal life

The source of inspiration was the Countess of Juliet Gwitchchardi. She was his charming student. The subtle soulful organization of the composer demanded the greatest and fervent love, but the personal life was never destined to work out. The girl gave her preference to the graph named Wentsell Gallenberg.

A brief biography of Beethoven for children keeps little facts about this event. It is only known that he all sought her location and wanted to marry her. There is an assumption that the parents of the decline responded to the marriage of his beloved daughter with a stuffed musician and she listened to their opinion. This version sounds fairly plausible.

  1. The most outstanding masterpiece - the 9th symphony - was created when the composer was already absolutely deaf.
  2. Before composing another immortal masterpiece, Ludwig dipped his head into the ice water. It is not known where this strange habit came from, but perhaps it was she provoked a hearing loss.
  3. Beethoven challenged his appearance and behavior, but he, of course, did not put such a goal. Once he gave a concert in a public place and heard that one of the audience had a conversation with the lady. Then he stopped the game and left the hall with the words: "I will not play such a pig."
  4. One of his best students was the famous Fens Leaf. Hungarian boy inherited a unique player of the game of his teacher.

"Music should carve fire from the human soul"

This statement belongs to the virtuoso composer, his music was just such an affecting the thinnest strings of the soul and forcing the heart to burn fire. The brief biography of Ludwig Beethoven mentions his death. In 1827, March 26, he died. At the age of 57, the saturated life of a recognized genius was cut. But years live no in vain, his contribution to art is impossible to overestimate, he is colossal.

To whom "Moon Sonata" is dedicated

One of the most famous in the history of the Music works of the Great, unsurpassed Beethoven, who received the name "Moon Sonata" was devoted to the young Juliet Guichchardi.

The girl conquered the heart of the young composer and then brutally broke it. But exactly Juliet, we are obliged to the fact that we can listen to such a deeply penetrating the music of the best sonata of the ingenious composer.

Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827) was born in the German city of Bonn. Years of childhood can be called the most severe in the life of the future composer. The proud and independent boy was difficult to survive the fact that his father, a rude and despotic person, noticing the musical talent of his son, decided to use it for mercenary purposes.

Forcing little Ludwig in the morning to night to sit behind Claviersin, he did not think that her son was so necessary childhood. At eight years, Beethoven earned his first money - he gave a public concert, and for twelve years, the boy played a violin and organ. Together with success with the young musician, a closure, the need for loneliness and unimustitiousness came.

At the same time, Christian Gotlib Nefa appeared in the life of the composer, his wise and kind mentor. It was he who instilled the boy a sense of lovely, taught him to understand nature, art, to understand in human life.

Nefa taught Ludwig ancient languages, philosophy, literature, history, ethics. Subsequently, being deep and wide-minded person, Beethoven became an adherent of the principles of freedom, humanism, equality of all people.
In 1787, young Beethoven left Bonn and went to Vienna.

Beautiful Vienna - the city of theaters and cathedrals, street orchestras and love serenad under the windows - conquered the heart of a young genius. But it was there that the young musician struck deafness: first the sounds seemed muffled to him, then he asked the non-painted phrases several times, then realized that he had finally losing his hearing. "I whatened bitter existence," wrote Beethoven to his friend. - I'm deaf. With my craft, nothing could be terrible ... Oh, if I got rid of this disease, I would hug the whole world. "

But the horror of the progressive deafness changed happiness from the meeting with the young aristocrat, Italian by the origin of Juliet Guichchardi (1784-1856). Juliet, daughter of the rich and noble Count Guichchardi, arrived in Vienna in 1800. Then she did not have seventeen, but the vitality and the charm of the young girl conquered the thirty-year-old composer, and he immediately admitted to his friends that he fell in love with dust and passionately.

He was confident that the same gentle feelings originated in the heart of mocking coquette. In a letter to his friend, Beethoven emphasized: "This wonderful girl is so much loved by me and loves me that I am watching a striking change in myself precisely because of it."

A few months after the first meeting, Beethoven suggested Juliet to take a few free playing lessons on the piano. That he gladly accepted this proposal, and in exchange for such a generous gift presented to his teacher a few embroidered shirts. Beethoven was a strict teacher.

When he didn't like the game of Juliet, he was filming, he shocked the notes to the floor, dismissed from the girl, and that silently collected notebooks from the floor. After six months, at the peak of feelings, Beethoven began to create a new sonata, which, after his death, be called "lunar". It is devoted to the Countess Guichchardi and was begun in a state of great love, delight and hope.

He angry, asked the young Countess no longer coming to him. "I despired her," remembered a lot later Beethoven. "After all, if I wanted to give this love my life, what would be left for noble, for the highest?" And the student is an aristocrat, becoming a countess Gallenberg, left Vienna and went to Italy.

In the spiritual confusion in October 1802, Beethoven left Vienna and left for Galeegenstadt, where he wrote the famous "Galeegenstad Testament": "Oh you, people thinking as if I am malicious, stubborn, Nevostpitan, - as you are unfair to me; You are an unaware of the secret reason for what you think. Since childhood, my heart is predisposed with his own and mind, I have always been ready for the accomplishment of great things.

But think only that for six years now I am in a gloomy state ... I'm completely deaf ... "
Fear, the wreck of hope is generated in the composer of thoughts on suicide. But Beethoven got together with the forces and decided to start a new life and great masterpieces created in almost absolute deafness.

Several years have passed, and Juliet returned to Austria and arrived at the apartment to Beethoven. I cry, she remembered a great time when the composer was her teacher, told about the poverty and difficulties of her family, asked for forgive her and help with money. Being a man of good and noble, Maestro gave her a significant amount, but asked to leave and never appear in his house.

Beethoven seemed indifferent and indifferent. But who knows what was happening in his extruded numerous disappointments. At the end of his life, the composer will write: "I was very loved by her and more than ever, was her husband ..."

Trying to endure the beloved from the memory forever, the composer met with other women. One day, seeing Beauty Josephine Brunswick, he immediately admitted to her in love, but in response he was only polite, but unequivocal refusal.

Then in despair Beethoven made an offer to the eldest sister Josephine - Teresa. But she acted in the same way, inventing a beautiful fairy tale about the impossibility of meetings with the composer.

The genius repeatedly recalled how his women humiliated. One day, one young singer from the Viennese theater on the proposal to meet her with a mockery replied that "the composer is so ugly in appearance, but also it seems to her too strange," she does not intend to meet him.

Ludwig Van Beethoven did not actually follow his appearance, often remained untidy. It was unlikely that it could be called independent in everyday life, he needed a constant care of a woman.

When Juliet Gwichchardi, being still a maestro's student and noticing that Beethoven did not like a silk bow, told him, while kissed at the forehead, the composer did not shoot this bow and did not change himself a few weeks until his friends hinted at the wrong appearance Costume.

Too sincere and open, contemptuously related to hypocrisy and waters, Beethoven often seemed rude and uncompatible. Often he expressed indecently, why many considered his plebem and ignorant Ham, although the composer just said the truth.

In the autumn of 1826, Beethoven fell ill. Gruel treatment, three more complex operations could not put the composer on his feet. All winter, he, without getting up from bed, absolutely deaf, suffered because ... he could not continue to work. On March 26, 1827, the Great Genius of Music Ludwig Van Beethoven died.

After his death, a letter "To the Immortal Beloved" found in the box of a written table<Так Бетховен озаглавил письмо сам (авт.)>: "My angel, my all, mine I ... Why deep sadness where the need dominates?

Is our love can only resist the price of the victims by refusing from completeness, don't you change the situation at which you are not fully mine and I'm not fully? What a life! Without you! So close! So far! What a longing and tears for you - you - you, my life, mine everything ... ".

Many then will argue about who is addressed to the message. But a small fact points to Juliet Guichchardi: A tiny portrait of Beloved Beethoven believed next to the letter, made by an unknown master.

March 26 - the day of memory of the Great Composer Ludwig Van Beethoven. Many considered his music gloomy and sullen, since she did not knit with trendy at that time directions. But no one could challenge the genius of the composer. Moreover, Beethoven was so talented that he composed his works, even being completely deaf.

When the future composer was three years old, then because of the pranks and disobedience, his father locked it in a room with Clauser. However, Beethoven did not pound the tool in protest, and sat down for him and improvised with the hobby with two hands. One day, his father noticed this and decided that the little Ludwig could become the second Mozart. After that, diligent classes on the game on the violin and Clavesis were followed.

Because of the current difficult situation in the family (the father suffered from alcoholism) Ludwig Van Beethoven had to be quitting school and go to work. This fact is associated with his inability to fold and multiply the numbers. Many contemporaries laughed for it over the composer. But Beethoven could not be called inherent. He read all sorts of literature, loved Schiller and Goethe, knew several languages. Perhaps the genius was just a humanitarian mindset.

Ludwig Van Beethoven quickly reaches fame and recognition. Despite its disheveled and sullen appearance, unsuccessful character, contemporaries could not not celebrate his talent. But in 1796, the worst thing happened to Beethoven, which only can happen to the composer - he hears the ringing in the ears and begins to stroke. He develops inflammation of the inner ear - tinit. Doctors bind this disease with the habit of Beethoven dip the head into the icy water every time he sat for writing. At the insistence of the drug, the composer moves to a quiet town of Heiligentadt, but he does not get better from this.

It was then that the most brilliant works of the composer appear. Beethoven himself calls this period "heroic" in his work. In 1824, his famous ninth symphony was performed. The admiring public has long applauded the composer, but he stood, turning away, and did not hear anything. Then one of the actors turned Beethoven to the audience, and then he saw how they were waving his hands, scarves, hats. The crowd welcomed the composer so long that the police standing nearby began to take the audience, since such violent ovations could be demonstrated only to the emperor.

Being in his deafness, Beethoven, nevertheless, was aware of all political and musical events. When friends came to him, communication took place with the help of "spoken notebooks." The interlocutors wrote questions, and the composer answered them orally or writing. All Music Works Beethoven rated, reading their scores (music records).

On the day of the colors of the composer, on March 26, an unprecedented storm with snow and lightning was played out on the street. Weekly composer suddenly raised from his bed, shook heaven with his fist and died.
Beethoven's genius was so great that his works are still considered the most executable among the classics. In addition, very often it can be heard in modern reading. Some time ago, Furior produced