Message about yes Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci - the most interesting and mysterious of his life

Message about yes Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci - the most interesting and mysterious of his life
Message about yes Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci - the most interesting and mysterious of his life

Leonardo, nicknamed da Vinciat the place of its birth, the mountain village of Vinci, the blizzards of Empoli, in the province of Florence - a brilliant painter of Italian revival, architect, engineer and scientist. He was born in 1452, in the family of the Notary Florentine Señoria Piero. Initial art education Darovytoy Boy received from the Florentine artist Andrea del Verrrojo (1435-1488), on the painting of which depicting the baptism and located in the Florentine Academy, the first work of Leonardo da Vinci was preserved - the figure of the angel.

The baptism of Christ. Picture of Verrocko, written by him with students. The right of two angels is the work of Leonardo da Vinci. 1472-1475

Between 1472 and 1478. Leonardo is repeatedly mentioned in the news of contemporaries, but from his youthful works only the following, undoubtedly belonging to his brushes, are preserved: the submarine "worship of the Volkhvov" in the gallery of the Palace of Uffizi in Florence, "Holy Jerome" in the Vatican gallery in Rome. "Annunciation", which also in the Gallery of the Uffizi and earlier, also attributed Leonardo da Vinci, at present, Ridolfo Girlandyo (1483-1561) is attributed with a great probability (1483-1561). Many youthful sketches and the Leonardo pictures made by Feather and Chalk are kept in the Windsor Library, in the Louvre, in the Venice Academy, in the Uffizi Gallery, in the Ambrosian library in Milan, in the British Museum and Albertinsky Gallery in Vienna. Between them, a separate group is caricatures representing the result of physicalism and observations of Leonardo and responds by several affected originality. They were published several times in engravings, by the way, in the excellent performance of the famous Czech engraver of the XVII century, Wallaslaw Hollar.

Leonardo da Vinci. Self portrait, approx. 1510-1515

In addition to painting, Leonardo da Vinci studied plastic, architecture, mathematics, physics, physics and mechanics in Florence, and early excited the surprise of the surrounding multilaterality of his ingenious nature. An outstanding musical talent and the gift of poetic improvisation complemented its widespread development and harmonized with beauty, power, dexterity and brilliant wit.

Milan period of creativity Leonardo da Vinci

Soon after 1480, Leonardo Da Vinci left Florence, took a trip to the east and held for some time in the service of the Cairo Sultan. Around 1484, the Duke of Lodovico Il Moro called Leonardo to Milan, where he lived until 1499, indulging in broad and fruitful artistic activities. One of its main works of this milan periodthere was a colossal equestrian statue of the Duke Francesco Sforgetz, which contemporaries recognized a miracle of art and which until the end of his was destroyed by French arrows during the invasion of 1499. Projects and drawings of this monument were preserved in the Windsor Library. At the same time, Leonardo was led by the construction of the Milan Cathedral and engineering work on the holding of the Martisan Canal.

Leonardo da Vinci. Beautiful Ferronier, OK. 1490.

From the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci to the Milane period include: a male waist portrait in a natural magnitude and a small female portrait in the profile (in the Ambrosian Library); Beautiful female portrait known under the name "Beautiful Ferronier" and located in the Louvre; Madonna with bas-relief (whose original belonged to Lordon Warwick), "Madonna in the rocks" (two copies, in the Louvre and in the gallery of Lord Suffolk); Resurrected Christ between the Holy Leonard and Lucia (in the Berlin Gallery, apparently unfinished).

Leonardo da Vinci. Madonna in the rocks, 1480-1490

Leonardo da Vinci - Last Supper

With all his rare advantages, these pictures of Leonardo da Vinci are overshadowed by the main artistic work of the Milane period - written before 1499. "The Last Supper". This is a great product of a brush that occupies the main wall of the Records of the Dominican Monastery Santa Maria Delle Grazie, has 28 feet lengths, contains figures one and a half times enlarged. It is performed by oil paints, over time, strongly affected by negligence and coarse restoration, so the initial editorial office of the picture is better known on copies of the student Leonardo da Vinci, Marco D "Ojonno (of which one is stored in the London Gallery) and on the pictures of the apostles, written Pastel and belonging to the Great Duchess of Saxen-Weimar. In the "secret evening", an unusually rich and distinct reproduction of the main motives of the human soul and a strict beauty of lines penetrating all forms are striking. Everything is typical, resembling a portrait, discarded, and created an ideal group that is the same The degree of life and truthful, as the elevated and deeply conceived. In addition, the Milane period has a significant amount of different types of drawings and cardboard, sketched Leonardo for his students and in their execution sometimes adopted for its authentic works.

Leonardo da Vinci. Last Supper, 1498

Art Theories Leonardo da Vinci

The custodian of the art theories of Leonardo da Vinci and the focus of his widespread influence on modern painting was the Academy founded by him in Milan, the head and the crying of which he was. His theoretical views on painting Leonardo expressed in the written "Trattato della Pittura" written for his students. Leonardo recommends that they adhere to nature, not ancient samples, and attaches great importance to the study of perspective and anatomy. Around 1494, he published drawings of various parts of the body, which served as anatomical atlas in his teaching practice; Tom of 235 large anatomical tables Leonardo is stored in the London Library. The further development of the theoretical views of Leonardo Da Vinci contains the elastics of the Mathematics of Pachet's wisdom about the prospect and proportional structure of the human body, equipped with 60 Leonardo drawings and published in 1509 under the title "De Divina Proportione". The closest students and followers of Leonardo da Vinci were: Cesare yes Sesto, Francesco Meltsi, Marco D "Ojonno, Andrea Salaino, Bernardino Falsolo, Gaudenzio Ferrari and others.

Florentine period of creativity Leonardo da Vinci

After the dukes of Sforza in 1499 Leonardo, Da Vinci left Milan and settled in Florence at the invitation of Gelfaloner Pietro Soletro, who had an illustrated artist with a glad reception and his annual content. The first work of this second florentine periodthere was an unfinished cardboard for the throne image of a servic church, depicting Madonna with a baby, young preported and St. Anna and stored in the London gallery. By the same time, the portrait of Mona Lisa, known by the beauty of the wife of Francesca del Jokonda (Louvre), and the lost portrait of Ginevar, Amerigo Benchi wives.

Leonardo da Vinci. Mona Lisa (Joconda), OK. 1503-1505

By order of the city council, Leonardo da Vinci wrote to the competition with his famous contemporary Michelangelo a big picture for the hall of the Council depicting the battle between Florentines and Milanians at Angiari in 1440. Work on this work, started in 1503, was often interrupted in circumstances and was not over; For a long time, her cardboard was preserved, who was considered a masterpiece of battle paintings, but only the central group of the painting was survived from him, representing the equestrian battle around the standard. A copy of this painting is preserved in the Louvre, attributed to Rubens. In the meantime, the fame of the artist spread far beyond his homeland; In 1509, the King of French Louis XII granted Leonardo the title of court artist with a content. The outcome of the second period of Leonardo's activities belongs to "Holy Anna with Madonna and Baby Christ" and "John Baptist" (in Louvre).

Holy Anna with Madonna and Baby Christ. Picture Leonardo da Vinci, OK. 1510.

From 1515, Leonardo da Vinci consisted in a retinue of the French king of Francis I, which in 1518 followed France, where he worked little, and died on May 2 of the new style of 1519 in the Klock Castle, near Amboise.

Meaning Leonardo da Vinci

The artistic genius of Leonardo da Vinci argued with his scientist glory and attense. The story knows some examples of such a complete and rich development of the human person. The main artistic merit of Leonardo da Vinci in front of the European painting is that he put it on the solid foundations of the anatomy and the first drew attention to the illumination of bodily forms. He sought to make the possible perfection of modeling and to a half-tone tone, trying to achieve this with gentle transitions of contours and tones (SFUMATO). A peculiar semi-coulter peculiar to his female people was one of the beauties of his brush and subsequently inspired Korredjo. Leonardo skillfully portrayed the most original combinations of human forms with animals and used these bizarre connections for political satire.

Leonardo da Vinci. Battle of Angiari, 1503-1505 (Detail)

But Special Perfection reached Leonardo da Vinci in portrait painting: the correct transmission of the smallest mental movements on the persons portrayed them was unparalleled, and in his works, portrait painting for the first time achieved independence and spirituality. The power and depth of his creative spirit especially relief expressed in his "secret evening" and in the battle stage in angiary, while his brushes had a charming grace and the charm improved on the face of his saints. Strictly attributed to their work and constant thirst for complete perfection explain why Leonardo da Vinci left relatively few works and including many unfinished.

Leonardo as a scientist and inventor

Almost least paintings Leonardo da Vinci are remarkable and its physical and mathematical works are valuable. And in this regard, he was ahead and led his time forward, in the mechanics he was known to him, by the way, the laws acting on the arm of the lever in the indirect direction, mutual opposition of the arm of the lever, the laws of friction, the influence of the center of gravity on the body moving and in a state People, etc. In optics, he used to give a description of the so-called Camera Optica, explained the essence and properties of colored shadows, the movement of the iris, the effect of the sensation of the visual apparatus.

Leonardo da Vinci. Portrait of Jinestic de Bencie, 1474-1478

The rich scientific and artistic treasures of Leonardo da Vinci in the form of 16 large volumes of his manuscripts and drawings until 1796 were kept in the Ambrosian library in Milan. In 1796, the French took all 18 books in Paris, where they were in the library of the French Institute, with the exception of the 1st volume returned to Milan after the deployment of Napoleon I, and 3 volumes stored in the British Museum and the Windsor Library.

There are people who seem to be ahead of their time came from the future. As a rule, they are poorly understood by contemporaries, they look eccentrics among those around the people. But it takes time, and humanity is aware of -, the forerunner of the future. In this article we will talk, where Leonardo da Vinci was born, what he was known, what heritage it was left.

Who is Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci is known to the world, first of all, as an artist whose brushes belongs to the legendary "Jokonda". People, a little more in-depth in the theme, will call other masterpieces with world fame: "The Last Supper", "Lady with Mornosta" ... In fact, being an unsurpassed artist, he left the descendants not so many of his paintings.

And this happened not because Leonardo was lazy. He was just a very versatile man. In addition to painting, a lot of time gave the study of anatomy, worked on sculptures, deeply fond of architecture. For example, so far in Norway has a bridge built on the Italian project. But he calculated and discharged this project for more than five centuries ago!

But Leonardo da Vinci himself considered himself a scientist, engineer and thinker. A huge number of his records and drawings came to us, testifying that this man was ahead of his time for a long time.

For the sake of justice, it should be said that not all of its inventions belongs exclusively by Leonardo. It seems often he used and guesses other people. His merit is that he knew how to notice an interesting idea in time, to hone it, embody in the drawings. Here is just a brief list of those ideas and mechanisms that he managed to describe or make graphic sketches of their designs:

  • aircraft resembling helicopter;
  • self-deviating wagon (prototype of a car);
  • military car protecting warriors inside it (analogue of a modern tank);
  • parachute;
  • arbalt (the drawing is equipped with detailed calculations);
  • "Rapid machine" (idea of \u200b\u200bmodern automatic weapons);
  • searchlight;
  • telescope;
  • apparatus for scuba diving.

The most interesting thing is that the vast majority of the ideas of this person did not receive practical use during his life. Moreover, its development and calculations were considered ridiculous, stupid, they dust in libraries and book collections hundreds of years. But when their time came, it turned out that often only the absence of necessary materials and manufacturing technologies prevented them to gain their real life.

But we started your story with reference to the place of birth of genius. He was born near Florence, in the small village of Ankiano, actually suburb of the town called Vinci. Actually, he gave the genius known for now, because "Da Vinci" can be translated as "Rod from Vinci." The present name of the boy sounded like "Leonardo di Sir Pierro da Vinci" (his father was called Pierrot). Date of birth - April 15, 1452.

Pierrot was a notary and tried to introduce his son to office work, but he did not give any interest to him. In adolescence, Leonardo turned out to be a student of the famous artist Andrea del Vokkio, from Florence. The boy turned out to be unusually talented, so much that in a few years the teacher understood: his student surpassed him.

Already in those years, the young artist pays special attention to the human anatomy. He first of medieval painters began thoroughly draw a human body, returning to the forgotten antique traditions. Looking forward, it should be said that Leonardo left behind the most valuable records on the anatomy of the human body with the exact sketches, for which doctors were trained for several centuries.

In 1476, the young man was in Milan, where he opened his own painting workshop. After 6 years, he found himself at the courtyard of the ruler of Milan, where, in addition to painting, he served as the organizer of the holidays. He made masks and costumes, created decorations, which made it possible to combine painting classes with engineering and architectural activities. At the court he spent about 13 years, heavily, besides other, the glory of a skilled culinary culinary!

In recent years, Leonardo da Vinci was in France, at the courtyard of King Francis I. Monarch settled his guest in Clo-Lyus Castle, near Amboise - Royal Residence. This happened in 1516. He was entrusted to him by the position of the main royal engineer and architect, and they gave out a huge salary at that time. At the sunset of life, the dream of this person came true - completely surrender to his beloved business, without thinking about a piece of bread.

At this time, he completely stopped drawing, engaged in architectural and engineering activities. But after a year, his health was strongly shaken, the right hand refused to work. He died in April 1519, in the same Clo-Lyus, among students and their manuscripts. In the castle of Amboaz still there is a grave of the painter and.

This man is not only a symbol of the era, but also its greatest heritage and mystery. A brief biography of Leonardo da Vinci is filled with inspired work on the most different projects. One of the most unique people of our planet, he was the greatest artist, sculptor, researcher, scientist, an anatom, an engineer, a chemist, a philosopher, a botanist, a musician, a poet ... Yes, what only the Great Florentian did not do! And at the same time, on each field, he achieved tremendous success.

Leonardo da Vinci biography began in Italy on April 15, 1452 in a small town near Florence. On the mother knows only that she was a peasant, he did not in marriage and independently brought up his son, until he turned 4 years old. After that, Father Piero Vinci, a rather rich citizen, took him to himself. Leonardo got at home. Already then the teachers noted the unusual abilities of the boy. For example, he wrote not only traditionally, but also from left to right in Leonardo, it was equally worked as his right hand and left.

The brief biography of Leonardo da Vinci tells that in 1469 the Father takes him with him to Florence, where he moves on there, he studies on the artist, despite the desire of Pierrot to make her son notary. Already in 1472 he was taken to the local guild of painters. This largely influenced the development of a career of the Renaissance of the Renaissance. In 1481-1482, Leonardo worked as Lovojik Moro, the ruler of Milan, as an organizer of the court holidays, and also - hydraulic engineering, architect and military engineer. Already then he developed several projects of the perfect city, the Central-Dome Temple.

A brief biography da Vinci is an amazing and fascinating story about the search for truth, about the inquisitive mind of a scientist who saw the world with other eyes. It is a pity that his scientific research was not claimed in native Italy. Therefore, he is happy to respond to the invitation and leaves for France to take the position of the court painter there. With you, he took many of his works of both finished and sketches. Many of them are stored today in the most prestigious museums of the world and private collections, causing delight.

The brief biography of Leonardo da Vinci tells that he died on May 2, 1519, near Amboise, in Clo-Lyus Castle. Everything htored good, he bequeathed his disciples and friends, but did not forget their relatives. In Italy, in one of the temples, he kept several hundred ducats, which were transferred to his brothers.

A brief biography of Leonardo da Vinci cannot transmit the entire depth of the brilliant mind of this person. Contemporaries described it as a very attractive man, very thoughtful, eloquent and active. However, for all mankind, he remains a mystery: can so many talents in one person can connect? Some consider it an aliel from extraterrestrial civilization, others by the inhabitant of the parallel world, and the third - the wanderer in time. However, anyone would be, he gave us his amazing masterpieces, which people will always admire.


The house in which Leonardo lived in childhood.

Workshop Verrocko

Defeated teacher

Picture of the Verrocko "Baptism of Christ". Angel on the left (left lower corner) - the creation of the brush Leonardo.

In the XV century in the air, there were ideas about the revival of ancient ideals. In the Florentine Academy, the best minds of Italy created the theory of new art. Creative young people spent time in lively discussions. Leonardo remained aside from the turbulent social life and rarely left the workshop. He was not to theoretical disputes: he improved his skills. Once the Verrocko received an order to the painting "Baptism of Christ" and instructed Leonardo to write one of the two angels. It was the usual practice of art workshops of that time: the teacher created a picture with the assistants-students. The most talented and diligent was instructed by the execution of a whole fragment. Two Angels, written by Leonardo and Verrocko, unequivocally demonstrated the superiority of the student over the teacher. As Vasari writes, the prudent Verrocko scored a brush and never returned to painting again.

Professional activities, 1476-1513

At the age of 24, Leonardo and three more young people were brought to the legal proceedings on a false anonymous accusation in Sodomy. They were justified. After this event, it is known very little about his life, but it probably had his own workshop in Florence in 1476-1481.

In 1482 Leonardo, being, according to Vazari, a very talented musician, created a silver liru in the form of a horse head. Lorenzo Medici sent him as a peacemaker to Lodoviko Moro, and Liru sent him as a gift with him.

Personal life

Leonardo had many friends and disciples. As for love relationships, there is no reliable information on this score, as Leonardo carefully hid this side of his life. He was not married, there are no reliable information about novels with women. According to some versions, Leonardo had a bond with the Barlerani, the favorite of Lodovico Moro, with whom he wrote his famous painting "Lady with Mornostham". A number of authors, after the words of Vazari, assume intimate relationships with young men, including students (Salay), others believe that, despite the homosexuality of the painter, the relationship with the students were not intimate.

End of life

Leonardo was present on a date of the King of Francis I with Pope Lvom X in Bologna December 19, 1515. Francis instructed the master to construct a mechanical lion capable of walking, from whose chest a bouquet of lilies would appear. Perhaps this lion welcomed the king in Lyon or was used during negotiations with dad.

In 1516, Leonardo received an invitation to the French king and settled in his castle Clo-Lyus, - Francis I spent my childhood, is not far from the Royal Castle Amboaz. In the official rank of the first royal artist, engineer and architect, Leonardo received an annual rente in a thousand ecu. Never before in Italy, Leonardo had no title of engineer. Leonardo was not the first Italian master, the grace of the French king received "freedom to dream, think and create", "Andrea Solaryo and Fra Giovanni Jocondo shared this honor.

In France, Leonardo almost did not paint, but masterfully engaged in the organization of the court festivals, planning the new palace in Romrantan with a planned change in the river bed, the project of the canal between Laurea and Sona, the main two-way spiral staircase in the chamber castle. Two years before death, the master of the middle of the right hand, and he struggled with difficulty without any assistance. The third year of life in Amboise 67-year-old Leonardo spent in bed. On April 23, 1519, he left the testament, and on May 2, he died surrounded by students and his masterpieces in Clo-Lose. According to Vazari, yes Vinci died on the hands of the King of Francis I, his close friend. This minor, but distributed in France legend was reflected in the canvases of Engra, Angelic Kaufman and many other painters. Leonardo da Vinci was buried in the castle of Amboise. On the gravestone, the inscription was knocked out: "Leonardo da Vinci, the greatest artist, engineer and the architecture of the French kingdom is resting in the walls of this monastery.

The main heir was accompanied by Leonardo's student and friend Francesco Meltsi, who in the next 50 years remained the main manager of the master's inheritance, which included the tools, library and at least 50 thousand original documents on various topics, of which only a third remained to this day. To another student of Salay and the servant got half the vineyards of Leonardo.

Main dates

  • - Birth of Leonardo Ser Piero da Vinci in the village of Ankiano near Vinci
  • - Leonardo Da Vinci enters the workshop of the Verrocko Movement of the artist (Florence)
  • - Member of the Florentine Guild of Artists
  • - - Work on: "The Baptism of Christ", "Annunciation", "Madonna with a Vaza"
  • The second half of the 70s. Created "Madonna with Flower" ("Madonna Benua")
  • - Scandal with Saltarelli
  • - Leonardo opens his own workshop
  • - According to the documents, this year, Leonardo had her own workshop
  • - Monastery San Donato and Systo orders Leonardo, the large altar image of "worship of the Magi" (not completed); Work has begun on the picture "Saint Jerome"
  • - United to the court of Lodovico Sforza in Milan. Work has begun on the equestrian monument to Francesco Sforza.
  • - Created "Portrait of a Musician"
  • - Development of an aircraft - ornithopteer based on bird flight
  • - Anatomical drawings of skulls
  • - Picture "Portrait of a musician". A clay model of the monument to Francesco Sforza was performed.
  • - Vitruvian man - the famous drawing, sometimes called canonical proportions
  • - - Finished "Madonna in Grote"
  • - - Work on the fresco "Last Supper" in the monastery of Santa Maria Delle Grazie in Milan
  • - Milan is captured by the French troops of Louis Xii, Leonardo leaves Milan, the model of the Sforza monument is badly damaged
  • - Coming to the service for Cesare Bordjia as an architect and military engineer
  • - Cardboard for fresco "Battle in Andjaria (with angiary)" and the picture "Mona Lisa"
  • - Return to Milan and service at the King of France Louis XII (at the time controlled North Italy, see the Italian Wars)
  • - - Work in Milan over the equestrian monument Marshal Trivulzio
  • - Painting in the Cathedral of St. Anne
  • - "Self-portrait"
  • - Moving to Rome under the patronage of Pope Lion X
  • - - Work on the picture "John Baptist"
  • - Moving to France as a court artist, engineer, architect and mechanics
  • - dies from the disease



Our contemporaries Leonardo is primarily known as an artist. In addition, it is possible that Da Vinci could be a sculptor: researchers from the University of Perugia - Giancarlo Gennelnie and Carlo Sisi - argue that the terracotta head found by them in 1990 is the only sculptural work of Leonardo da Vinci. However, yes Vinci himself, in different periods of his life, considered himself primarily an engineer or scientist. He gave pictorial art not a lot of time and worked quite slowly. Therefore, the artistic heritage of Leonardo is not quantitatively large, and a number of his works are lost or badly damaged. However, his contribution to the world artistic culture is extremely important even against the background of the cohort of the geniuses, which the Italian revival gave. Thanks to his work, the art of painting passed on a qualitatively new stage of its development. The preceding Leonardo artists of Renaissance strongly refused many conventions of medieval art. It was movement towards realism and much has already been achieved in the study of the prospects, anatomy, greater freedom in composite solutions. But in terms of painting, work with paint, artists were still quite conditional and apparent. The line in the picture clearly outlined the subject, and the image was the kind of painted pattern. The most conditional was a landscape that played a minor role. Leonardo realized and embodied new picturesque technique. He has the line has the right to blur, because so we see it. He realized the phenomena of the scattering of light in the air and the occurrence of Sphumato - hassle between the viewer and the object shown, which softens the color contrasts and lines. As a result, realism in painting moved to a qualitatively new stage.

Science and engineering

His only invention that received recognition in his life is a wheel lock for a pistol (keys started). At the beginning, the wheel pistol was not enough, but by the middle of the XVI century, it became popular with the nobles, especially in the cavalry, which even reflected on the design of the lat, namely: Maximilian armor began to make gloves instead of gunpowters. The wheel castle for a gun, invented by Leonardo da Vinci, was so perfect that he continued to meet in the XIX century.

Leonardo da Vinci was interested in flight problems. In Milan, he did a lot of drawings and studied the flying mechanism of birds of different breeds and bats. In addition to observations, he conducted experiments, but they were all unsuccessful. Leonardo very much wanted to build an aircraft. He said: "Who knows everything, he can do everything. If only to know - and the wings will be! ". At first, Leonardo was developed by the problem of flights with the help of the wings given in the movement of the muscular power of man: the idea of \u200b\u200bthe simplest devil and Ikara. But then he reached the thought of the construction of such a device to which the person should not be attached, but should maintain complete freedom to manage it; The device should lead themselves in motion with its own power. This is essentially an airplane idea. Leonardo da Vinci worked on the vertical takeoff and landing apparatus. On the vertical "Ornitottero" Leonardo planned to place a system of retractable stairs. An example was Nature: "Look at the stone stride, who sat on the ground and cannot take off because of his short feet; And when he is in flight, pull out the ladder, as shown in the second image from above ... So you need to take off from the plane; These stairs serve as legs ... ". As for landing, he wrote: "These hooks (concave wedges), which are attached to the base of the stairs, serve as the same goals as the tips of the fingertips of the feet of the person who jumps on them and all his body does not shock at the same time as if he were Jumping on heels. " Leonardo da Vinci offered the first scheme of the visual tube (telescope) with two lenses (known now as the auditorium of the Kepler system). In the "Atlantic Code" manuscript, a list of 190a, there is an entry: "Make speaking glasses (Ochiali) for the eyes to see the LEONARDO DA VINCI." LIL CODICE ATLANTICO ... ", I TAVOLE, S. A. 190A),

Anatomy and medicine

During his life, Leonardo da Vinci made thousands of notes and drawings dedicated to anatomy, but did not publish their work. Making an autopsy of people and animals, he definitely passed the structure of the skeleton and internal organs, including small details. According to Professor of the clinical anatomy of Peter Abrams, the scientific work of Da Vinci overtook his time for 300 years and largely exceeded the famous "Gray Anatomy".


List of inventions, both real and attributed to him:

  • Light portable bridges for the army
  • Double-litical telescope


... empty and full of delusions those science that are not generated by experience, the father of any reliability, and are not completed in visual experience ...

None of human research can be called true science, if it has not passed through mathematical evidence. And if you say that the sciences beginning with and ending in thought are true, then this cannot be agreed with you, ... because there are no experience in such purely mental arguments, without which there is no reliability.


The huge literary heritage of Leonardo da Vinci came to the present day in chaotic form, in the manuscripts written by the left hand. Although Leonardo da Vinci did not print from them either a line, but in his records he constantly turned to the imaginary reader and all the last years of his life did not leave thoughts about the publication of his works.

Already after the death of Leonardo, Da Vinci his friend and a student Francesco Meltsi chose out of them excerpts related to painting, of which was subsequently composed of "Tracto Della Pittura, 1st ed.,). In the full form, the handwritten heritage Leonardo da Vinci was published only in the XIX -XX centuries. In addition to huge scientific and historical significance, it also has an artistic value due to a compressed, energetic syllable and an unusually pure language. Living in the era of the heyday of humanism, when Italian was considered minor compared to Latin, Leonardo da Vinci admired contemporaries by the beauty and expressiveness of his speech (according to legend he was a good improviser), but did not consider himself a writer and wrote, as he said; Its prose is therefore - a sample of the spoken language of the intelligentsia of the XV century, and it has lost its entirety from the artificiality and the veleability inherent in the prose of humanists, although in some Passages didactic Scripture Leonardo da Vinci we find the extension of the humanistic style pathos.

Even in the least "poetic" design fragments, the syllable of Leonardo da Vinci is characterized by bright imagery; Thus, his "treatise on painting" is equipped with excellent descriptions (for example, a famous Flood Description), striking the skill of verbal transmission of pictorial and plastic images. Along with the descriptions in which the manner of the painter's artist is felt, Leonardo da Vinci gives in his manuscripts a lot of samples of narrative prose: fables, fakes (joking stories), aphorisms, allegories, prophecies. In the fables and fakes, Leonardo stands at the level of prosaikov of the XIV century with their incentive practical morality; And some of his favorites are indistinguishable from Novel Saketyi.

More fantastic character have allegory and prophecy: in the first Leonardo da Vinci uses the techniques of medieval encyclopedias and bastiaries; The second is the character of humorous mysteries, characterized by the brightness and the accuracy of phraseology and imbued with a vascular, almost Voltaire irony, aimed at the address of the famous preacher Dzhirolamo Savonarola. Finally, in Aphorisms, Leonardo da Vinci is expressed in the epighogrummic form of his philosophy of nature, his thoughts about the inner essence of things. Artistic literature had a purely utilitarian, utility value for him.

Diaries Leonardo

To date, about 7,000 pages in different collections survived from the Leonardo diaries. First, invaluable notes belonged to the masters's favorite student, Francesco, but when he died, the manuscripts disappeared. Separate fragments began to "pop up" at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. At first they did not meet due interest. Numerous owners did not even suspect what treasure hit them into their hands. But when scientists established authorship, it turned out that both barn books, art historical essays, and anatomical sketches, and strange drawings, and research on geology, architecture, hydraulics, geometry, combat fortifications, philosophy, optics, pattern of figure - the fruit of one person. All entries in the Leonardo diaries are made in the mirror image.


Leonardo's workshop came out such students ("Leonardes") as:

  • Ambrogo de Preis
  • Jammeterino

His many years of experience in the upbringing of young painters, the famous Master summarized in a number of practical recommendations. The student must first master the prospect, explore the forms of objects, then copy the drawings of the master, draw from nature, study the works of different painters, and only after that they are taken for their own creation. "Learn formerly adjacent than speed," Leonardo advises. The master recommends developing memory and especially fantasy, prompting to peer into unclear contours of the flame and find new, amazing forms. Leonardo calls on the painter to explore nature, in order not to become like a mirror, which reflects the items without possessing knowledge about them. The teacher created the "recipes" of the face, figures, clothes, animals, trees, sky, rain. In addition to the aesthetic principles of the Great Master, his notes contain wise everyday advice to young artists.

After Leonardo

In 1485, after the terrible epidemic of plague in Milan, Leonardo offered the authorities a project of an ideal city with certain parameters, layout and sewer system. Milan Duke Lodovico Sforza rejected the project. Passed century, and the London authorities recognized the Leonardo plan for the perfect foundation for the further development of the city. In modern Norway there is a valid bridge, created by the project Leonardo da Vinci. Tests of parachutes and deltaplanov made according to the sketches of the master, confirmed that only the imperfection of materials did not allow him to rise into the sky. In the Rome airport, the name of Leonardo da Vinci, is established by the giant, leaving the Statue of the scientist with the model of the helicopter in his hands. "Do not turn around the one who is fixed to the star," wrote Leonardo.

  • Leonardo, apparently, did not leave any autoportist who could be unequivocally assigned. Scientists doubted that the famous self-portrait of Sangina Leonardo (traditionally dated -1515), depicting it in old age, is such. They believe that, perhaps, this is just an etude of the head of the apostle for the "secret evening". Doubt is that this is a self-portrait of the artist, spoke from the XIX century, the last of them recently expressed one of the largest specialists in Leonardo, Professor Pietro Maleão.
  • He playedly played on Lira. When the Leonardo case was considered in the court of Milan, he appeared there exactly as a musician, and not as an artist or inventor.
  • Leonardo first explained why the sky is blue. In the book "On Painting", he wrote: "Skynese sky occurs due to the thickness of the illuminated particles of the air, which is located between the ground and is at the top of the black."
  • Leonardo was ambidexter - to the same extent well-owned right and left hands. They even say that he could simultaneously write different texts with different hands. However, most of the work he wrote to his left left right.
  • Leonardo in his famous diaries wrote to the right left in the mirror reflection. Many people think that in this way he wanted to make his research secret. Maybe it is. According to another version, the mirror handwriting was his individual feature (there is even the information that it was easier for him to write so than normal); There is even the concept of "Handwriting Leonardo".
  • Among the hobbies of Leonardo there were even cooking and the art of serving. In Milan, for 13 years, he was a manager of the court pearls. He invented several culinary devices that facilitate the work of the chefs. The original dish "from Leonardo" is finely sliced \u200b\u200bstewed meat, with topped with vegetables, has become very popular on court feasts.
  • In the books of Terry Pratchett there is a character named Leonard, whose prototype was Leonardo da Vinci. Pratchetovsky Leonard writes to the right left, invents various cars, engaged in Alchemy, writes paintings (the most famous - portrait of Mona Yagg)
  • The considerable number of manuscripts Leonardo was first published by the keeper of the Ambrosian library Carlo Amorretti.



  • Natural scientific essays and aesthetics work. ().

About him

  • Leonardo da Vinci. Selected natural science works. M. 1955.
  • Monuments of world aesthetic thought, t. I, M. 1962.
  • I. Les Manuscrits de Leonard de Vinci, De La Bibliothèque de L'Institut, 1881-1891.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci: Traité De La Peinture, 1910.
  • Il Codice di Leonardo Da Vinci, Nella Biblioteca del Principe Trivulzio, Milano, 1891.
  • Il Codice Atlantico Di Leonardo Da Vinci, Nella Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milano, 1894-1904.
  • Volynsky A. L., Leonardo da Vinci, St. Petersburg, 1900; 2nd ed., SPb, 1909.
  • Universal art history. T.3, M. "Art", 1962.
  • Gukovsky M. A. Mechanics Leonardo da Vinci. - M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1947. - 815 p.
  • Dental V. P. Leonardo da Vinci. M.: Ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1962.
  • Pater V. Renaissance, M., 1912.
  • Seiler G. Leonardo da Vinci as an artist and scientist. Experience psychological biography, St. Petersburg, 1898.
  • N. F. Leonardo da Vinci, 2nd ed., Kharkov, 1900.
  • Florentine readings: Leonardo da Vinci (nationals. Articles E. Solmi, B. Kroce, I. Del Lungo, J. Paladina, etc.), M., 1914.
  • Geymüller H. Les Manuscrits de Leonardo de Vinci, Extr. De la "Gazette des Beaux-Arts", 1894.
  • Grothe H., Leonardo Da Vinci Als Ingenieur und Philosophh, 1880.
  • Herzfeld M., Das Traktat Von Der Malerei. Jena, 1909.
  • Leonardo da Vinci, Der Denker, Forscher und Poet, Auswahl, Utemsetzung und Einleitung, Jena, 1906.
  • Müntz E., Leonardo Da Vinci, 1899.
  • Péladan, Leonardo Da Vinci. Textes Choisis, 1907.
  • Richter J. P., The Literary Works of L. Da Vinci, London, 1883.
  • Ravaisson-Mollien ch., Les Écrits de Leonardo de Vinci, 1881.

Genius in the series

Among all the films about Leonardo "Life Leonardo da Vinci" (1971) Director Renato Castellani, perhaps the best sample, which was compromised between entertainment and cognitive. The film begins the scene of the death of Leonardo in the hands of Francis I. And then the announcer (reception used by the director, to give historical explanations, without breaking the common canvas of the film) interrupts the sequence of the story in order to tell us that this is nothing but the artistic version of "Besties »Vasari. Thus, already by the Prologue of the film Castellani affects the problem of mystical puzzle of the personality, incredibly rich and multifaceted ("What, in the end, we know about the life of such a famous person? Very little!") Critical moments of the biographical film Castellani steel scenes when Leonardo makes the sketch of a man who was over for participating in the conspiracy of Pazzi in 1478 by shocking his friend Lorenzo di Credit, and another episode where Leonardo prepares the corpse in the hospital Santa Maria Nudi to find out the "cause of easy death," both episodes are filed as The metaphor of the irrepressible thirst for the knowledge of the artist who does not know any moral obstacle even in the face of death. The first years of life in Milan are marked by projects for Navigli and incredibly passionate work on the same and not written treatises for the anatomy, but there were few creations of art, among them - an amazing "Lady of Mornosta", shown so convincing. In that Leonardo, who organized lush festivals and empty glorification of Ile Moro, we see the fate of the artist (it seems that it is hinting Renato Castellani) - and yesterday, and today - to be forced to drive a hacktur or to do what is required from helpful court to Be able to do what I want the artist.


see also


  1. Georgio Vazari. LIVE OF LEONARDO DA Vinci, Florentine painter and sculptor
  2. A. Makhov. Caravaggio. - M.: Young Guard. (ZhZl). 2009. p. 126-127 ISBN 978-5-235-03196-8
  3. Leonardo da Vinci. Masterpieces graphics / I. Padik. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - P. 182. - ISBN 978-5-699-16394-6
  5. White, Michael (2000). Leonardo, The First Scientist. London: Little, Brown. p. 95. ISBN 0-316-64846-9
  6. Clark, Kenneh (1988). Leonardo Da Vinci. Viking. PP. 274.
  7. BRAMLY, SERGE (1994). Leonardo: The Artist and The Man. Penguin.
  8. Georges Goyau, François I., Transcribed by Gerald Rossi. THE CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA, VOLUME VI. Published 1909. NEW YORK: Robert Appleton Company. Checked 2007-10-04
  9. Miranda, Salvador The Cardinals of The Holy Roman Church: Antoine Du Prat (1998-2007). Archived from the original source August 24, 2011. Checked October 4, 2007.
  10. Vasari Giorgio. Lives of the Artists. - Penguin Classics, 1568. - P. 265.
  11. Reconstruction of Mechanical Leo Leonardo (Italian). Archived from the original 24 August 2011. Checked January 5, 2010.
  12. ICI Léonard, Tu Sera Libre de Rêver, De Penser et de Travailler, "- Francis I.
  13. Art historians found the only sculpture of Leonardo. (March 26, 2009). Archived from the original source on August 24, 2011. Checked on August 13, 2010.
  14. How accurate is the anatomical drawings of Leonardo da Vinci? ,, 01.05.2012.
  15. Jean Paul Richter. The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci. - Dover, 1970. - ISBN 0-486-22572-0 and ISBN 0-486-22573-9 (Paperback) 2 Volumes. A REPRINT OF THE ORIGINAL 1883 EDITION (English), Cited by
  16. Leonardo Da Vinci's Ethical Vegetarianism
  17. NTV television company. Official site | News NTV | Another riddle yes Vinci


  • Azheliovich E. S. Leonardo da Vinci: elements of physics. - M.: Stockedgiz, 1955. - 88 p.
  • Volynsky A. L. Life Leonardo da Vinci. - M.: Algorithm, 1997. - 525 p.
  • Dityakhkin V. T. Leonardo da Vinci. - m .: Detgiz, 1959. - 224 p. - (School library).
  • Teeth V. P. Leonardo da Vinci. 1452-1519 / V. P. Tooth; Ot. ed. Cand. Art history of M. V. Zubov. The Russian Academy of Sciences . - ed. 2nd, extra. - m.: Science, 2008. - 352 p. - (scientific and biographical literature). - ISBN 978-5-02-035645-0 (in per.) (1st Edition - 1961).
  • Camp M. Leonardo / lane. from English K. I. Panas. - M.: Ast: Astrel, 2006. - 286 p.
  • Lazarev V.N. Leonardo da Vinci: (1452-1952) / Design of the artist I. F. Rerberg; Institute of Art History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. - m.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1952. - 112, p. - 10,000 copies. (in per.)
  • Mikhailov B. P. Leonardo da Vinci architect. - M.: State Publishing Literature on Construction and Architecture, 1952. - 79c.
  • Mogilevsky M. A. Optics from Leonardo // Science of first hand. - 2006. - № 5. - P. 30-37.
  • Nikall Ch. Leonardo da Vinci. Flight of mind / lane. from English T. Novikova. - M.: Eksmo, 2006. - 768 p.
  • Seaille Leonardo da Vinci as an artist and scientist (1452-1519): experience of psychological biography / per. With Fr. - M.: Komkniga, 2007. - 344 p.
  • Philippov M. M. Leonardo da Vinci as an artist, scientist and philosopher: biographical essay. - St. Petersburg., 1892. - 88 p.
  • Cerenner F. Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519. - M.: Taschen; Art Rodnik, 2008. - 96 p.
  • Cerenner F. Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519: Full Collection of Painting and Graphs / Per. from English I. D. Glubina. - M.: Taschen; Art Rodnik, 2006. - 695 p.
  • "100 people who changed the course of history" Leonardo da Vinci weekly edition. Issue No. 1.
  • Jessica Tais, Tracy Barr Leonardo da Vinci for "kettles" \u003d da Vinci for dummies. - m .: "Williams", 2006. - P. 304. -

Leonardo da Vinci is the greatest artist and a brilliant scientist whose merits are difficult to compare with whose either. Born on April 15, 1452 near the city of Vinci (from where the prefix of his surnames occurred).

His artistic hobbies are not limited to painting, architecture and sculpture. Despite huge merit in the field of accurate sciences (mathematics, physics) and natural science, Leonardo did not find sufficient support and understanding. Only after many years of his work was truly evaluated.

Drogling the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an aircraft, Leonardo da Vinci developed first the simplest apparatus (Grandfather and Ikara) based on wings. The new idea became an airplane with full control. However, it was not possible to implement it due to the lack of a motor. Also, the famous idea of \u200b\u200bthe scientist is the device with a vertical takeoff and landing.

Studying the laws of fluid and hydraulics in general, Leonardo made a significant contribution to the theory of gateways, sewage ports, checking ideas in practice.

The famous paintings by Leonardo da Vinci are "Joconda", "Last Supper", "Madonna and Mornostham", "Mona Lisa" and many others. Leonardo was demanding and accurate in all his affairs. Even fond of painting, he insisted on the full study of the object before the start of the drawing.

Manuscripts Leonardo da Vinci are priceless. They were fully published only in the 19th and 19th centuries, although after life the author dreamed of publishing part of Z. In his notes, Leonardo noted not just reflections, but complemented by their drawings, drawings, description.

Being talented in many areas, Leonardo da Vinci made a significant contribution to the history of architecture, art, physics.

End of life

Two years before death, the master of the middle of the right hand, and he struggled with difficulty without any assistance. The third year of life in Amboise 67-year-old Leonardo spent in bed. On April 23, 1519, he left the testament, and on May 2, he died surrounded by students and his masterpieces in Clo-Lose.


To date, about 7,000 pages in different collections survived from the Leonardo diaries. First, invaluable notes belonged to the masters's favorite student, Francesco, but when he died, the manuscripts disappeared. Separate fragments began to "pop up" at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. At first they did not meet due interest. Numerous owners did not even suspect what treasure hit them into their hands. But when scientists established authorship, it turned out that both barn books, art historical essays, and anatomical sketches, and strange drawings, and research on geology, architecture, hydraulics, geometry, combat fortifications, philosophy, optics, pattern of figure - the fruit of one person. All entries in the Leonardo diaries are made in the mirror image.

Great art

"Mona Lisa", she is "Joconda". Full title - Portrait of Mrs. Liza Del Jocondo- Pattern Leonardo da Vinci, located in Louvre (Paris, France), one of the most famous paintings in the world.

More The first Italian biographers Leonardo da Vinci wrote about the place that took this picture in the work of the artist. From working on "Mono Lisa", Leonardo was not shied - as it was with many other orders, but, on the contrary, he was given to her with some passion. She was devoted to her all the time remaining from his work on the "Battle of Angiari". He spent a considerable time at him and, leaving Italy in a mature age, brought with him to France, among some other selected pictures. Da Vinci experienced a special attachment to this portrait, and also thought a lot during the process of its creation, in the "Treatise on painting" and in those notes about the technique of painting, which were not included in it, you can find a lot of instructions, with a certainty related to "Joconde "

After life

In 1485, after the terrible epidemic of plague in Milan, Leonardo offered the authorities a project of an ideal city with certain parameters, layout and sewer system. Milan Duke Lodovico Sforza rejected the project. Passed century, and the London authorities recognized the Leonardo plan for the perfect foundation for the further development of the city. In modern Norway there is a valid bridge, created by the project Leonardo da Vinci. Tests of parachutes and deltaplanov made according to the sketches of the master, confirmed that only the imperfection of materials did not allow him to rise into the sky.

  • Leonardo first explained why the sky is blue. In the book "On Painting", he wrote: "Skynese sky occurs due to the thickness of the illuminated particles of air, which is located between the earth and is at the top of the black."
  • Leonardo was ambidexter - to the same extent well-owned right and left hands. They even say that he could simultaneously write different texts with different hands. However, most of the work he wrote to his left left right.
  • Leonardo in his famous diaries wrote to the right left in the mirror reflection. Many people think that in this way he wanted to make his research secret. Maybe it is. According to another version, the mirror handwriting was his individual feature (there is even the information that it was easier for him to write so than normal); There is even the concept of "Handwriting Leonardo".
  • According to one of the extended versions, "Mona Lisa" - a self-portrait of the artist.