Dream Bouquet of white roses dreamed. Dream Interpretation: Roses, why the roses are shot, roses in a dream - the full interpretation of dreams

Dream Bouquet of white roses dreamed. Dream Interpretation: Roses, why the roses are shot, roses in a dream - the full interpretation of dreams
Dream Bouquet of white roses dreamed. Dream Interpretation: Roses, why the roses are shot, roses in a dream - the full interpretation of dreams

We saw white and red roses in a dream warn that in reality I will soon meet a person with whom there will be a close physical and mental connection. The dream book promises, a new acquaintance will turn all your life. But, the dream book advises to maintain the cold mind so that it does not happen. The continuation of these relationships will depend only on your behavior.

Dream interpretation describes what the white roses are shot in a bouquet. A similar plot speaks of mental state. Beautiful fragrant flowers symbolize mental harmony, purity of thoughts and calm. Turn the spikes from the bouquet to the experience of severe emotional shocks in real life. Most likely, the approach for such experiences will give a beloved person or spouse.

The noble dream book N. Hrishina disperses what the white roses dreams in a dream. This interpreter warns the danger that will be in reality to threate your dear person. Looking for a lunchtime for a long period of time is likely. It will not be easy to learn. But, the longing will soon be changed by the joy of the meeting.

Dream interpretation explains in detail how white roses are shot. On this interpreter, such flowers seen in a dream, warn about the disease. Also great probability survive losses, disappointment and crisis situations. A good sign is considered to be droplets of dew on petals. They predict strong health and many years of life.

As for the color of roses, the bouquet of scarlet roses speaks about the execution of desires. White roses - to spiritual and physical health. Pink roses - to wealth and well-being. The blooming roses are a symbol of love, happiness and well-being. If broken roses are shot, then such a dream predicts in vain expectations, unfulfilled hopes. If the roses in the bouquet are old, wondered, then you should take care of your health.

A wreath of roses foreshadows the conclusion of a happy marriage. A bouquet of red roses symbolizes love. Yellow roses are considered a sign of strong friendship. White roses are a symbol of purity. Bouquet of black roses foreshadows disease. You will swim in rose petals - you will have many opportunities, prospects where your talents will help achieve large heights.

Roses in a dream - and this is a sign of secure, and another dream talks about coldness in relationships. It does not mean at all that they do not know how to love, just hiding behind the mask, trying to be stronger, not to show real feelings. White bouquet of faded roses warns of illness.

If a young girl had to give roses in a dream, then in reality it is waiting for a conflict situation with those people who she handed them. But put roses in a dream - this is the foresight of the dream on the embodiment of romantic fantasies.

Dream interpretation in different ways interprets what the rose bushes are shot. In the first case, much depends on the coloring of the buds, and if the flowers on the audio bush - you can hope for the fulfillment of cherished desire.

A business man who in a dream had to buy roses, can confidently expect success in business. If the dreams are a girl, this is the prediction of the dreams that there will be stability and mutual understanding in her relations with the opposite sex.

For a young woman, a dream in which she cuts roses, means a sentence of marriage. If roses are countless and she collects them in an oakha, then the groom will be a rich and respected man. White roses foreshadow a serious illness. Inhale in a dream Aroma of roses - a sign of clean joy.

What the White Roses of Winter is dreaming - see unacceptable white buds - to profit, stabilizing the material situation. Fragrant live bouquet of white roses promises strong marriage or love offer.

A chic bouquet of white roses was dreamed of, exceiving a favorable fragrance - wait for a luxurious offer, from which even very demanding nature would not be able to refuse. Rosa on white roses is also promoting a favorable news, recovery after a long and severe illness.

The Bulgarian famous propheted says: if live white roses have dreamed - this is the approach of great happiness. In her opinion, white color is love, cleanliness of relationships and honesty. The bouquet of these wonderful colors symbolizes dedication and recognition.

This is connected with your health. Do not joke with it, but try to examine the doctor. Remember that white roses warned you about something important. You only need to put a dream correctly.

As a rule, roses are a symbol of love and deep recognition. Therefore, fresh and not faded flowers will take off exclusively to good. Only dried roses can mean insincerability, hypocrisy or illness. Only when you pay attention to your dreams, you can avoid trouble.

White roses in combination with red meant reunion, unity of views and judgments. Such bouquets can be presented on the engagement of the bride from the groom or business partners in honor of the merger of companies and successfully negotiated.

Flowers of light shades are distinguished by restraint and show respect for the recipient, praising rapido love rather than passionate relationships. Thanks to the specified properties, it is perfect as a gift for the ladies of the heart of young age, as well as in the initial period of the novel and will not be able to insult the lightest feelings. Unscrewed buds will emphasize modesty and reverent excitement of the first tender attachment.

For family people, the bouquet has a definitely positive value. Even if at the time of sleep you had some troubles, they will soon pass. Your home will become a complete bowl where mutual understanding and passionate love will be ashamed.

Interesting interpreters interpret your own cut bouquet. It is believed that he speaks of your strong feelings for a person of the opposite sex. But at the same time, your love may not be mutual.

White color is a symbol of integrity and purity. And the interpretation of sleep with white roses is most often favorable for a dream. But to give a more accurate answer to the question of what the episode is dreaming, all its details should be taken into account.

Often to see white roses in a dream, it means to be happy in reality. Live without anxious and difficulty. Be in harmony with your surroundings. Lonely people seeing such a dream can count on a meeting with their second half in the near future. Their happiness is not far off.

According to the dream of flowers, white roses in a dream predict only the disease, disappointment and losses in everyday life. However, dew drops on their petals are a good sign. So, having seen them in a dream, sleeping may not be afraid of his health. He is waiting for a long life and excellent well-being.

If the girl reflects on what the dream is dreaming, in which it cuts stem flowers, then his interpretation will definitely do not like it. So, in reality, it should beware of deception and mercenary motives from their fan. Dried roses in a dream prophesy loneliness. Surely the dreams will not be able to keep what is now, and does not lead new for a long time.

Dreamed that you were presented with a bouquet of white roses in a dream? Do you feel their subtle fragrance? Then, in reality, there is a big joy, a small present, communication with a friend or an unexpected benefit of the news from afar.

What dreams of white roses

Went in a dream just blossomed bush? Wait for material stability everyday. And may be the emergence of new and completely unexpected sources of income. In addition, the dream can expect career growth, which will provoke and increasing the salary. But the dried flower bush in a dream does not promise anything good. So, sleeping in reality overcome sadness, disappointment and loss. Also, seeing such a dream, your own illness or health problems should be feared at the most relatives.

Income, what are white roses in a bouquet shot? Such a vision projects the emotional state of the dream. A fragrant bouquet notes mental harmony and sleeping sleeping. If it happened to proclaim the spikes from a bouquet in a dream, then surely you really feel a serious shock for the fault of the spouse or lover.

Died in a dream Red and white roses? A similar episode Dream interpretation treats like a kind of warning about the ambulance, which will become a fateful for a dream. So, new relationships with the opposite floor will turn over all your life. But you should not lose your head and throw thoughtlessly into the middle of passion. Much now depends on your actions.

To the question of what the white roses dream in a dream, gives the answer and dream of Grishina. According to this interpretation of sleep, you should be more attentive to your loved ones. Surely someone very expensive for you threatens danger. Or will the separation waiting for you for a long time, which will seem like eternity. But you should not fall into the despondency. The joy of the meeting will be the same big as the feeling of longing.

If in a dream, you are given white roses, then in everyday life you have a goodwent that wants to make it easier for you. It is due to his support that you can achieve heights with minor losses for you.

But independently give white roses in a dream means that I will have a pathetic and maintain a person in all pleasant for you. And after all, someone in everyday life you cause genuine sympathy. Very soon, you completely disinterestedly bypay him a hand of help in hopeless situation for him. Such an act definitely deserves sincere gratitude, so get ready to get it with interest.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 01.03.2019

Next night is important for those who are interested in personal life more than work. Sleep from Thursday on Friday prophetic. The thing is, ...

Basically, all the dreams in which white roses appeared are positive interpretation. To get unfolded information, it is worth carefully analyzing the dream, taking into account all the details. In addition, it is necessary to compare the obtained interpretations and events that occur in reality.

What does white roses dream?

Most often, such dreams are stolen by a happy and carefree life in reality. In the future, the period will come when there will be no problems, and with the surrounding people there will be complete mutual understanding. For lonely people, such a dream foreshadows a meeting with the second half. Another dream book offers an absolutely opposite interpretation. According to his information, in the future you can expect losses and disappointment, as well as diseases.

Sleep, in which white roses appeared, predicts with lover and loneliness. If you have seen how the bush of flowers blooms, it means that a stable financial situation awaits you ahead. At this time, you can find a new source of income or to advance through the career ladder. If you were in a dream, white roses were presented - this is a positive sign, soon you will feel immense joy that can be caused by completely different events. Dreaming in which you put white roses in a vase, promises new romantic relationships that storm will give. For a young girl, a dream about such colors foreshadows a happy marriage. Buds of colors foreshadow positive changes in life. Sleep, in which you see a lot of white roses, symbolizes the offensive of a joyful period without problems and adversity.

When white roses are given in a dream, then it means that in surroundings there is a person who worries about your happiness. Thanks to its support, you can achieve the desired without much effort. If the flowers give a familiar person, it means that in real life he is sincere. A dream in which you sniff white roses is a symbol of spiritual torment. The dried bush of white roses can be interpreted as a symbol of sorrow and disease, and this applies not only to you, and relatives.

A bouquet of white roses in a dream is a symbol of spiritual state. If the flowers smelled well, then you feel peace and calm. Night dreams in which you cut roses and make a bouquet of them, symbolize what you are a responsive person, and always assist in need. See white roses in a dream and give them to someone, it means that I want to have any kind of evil, and it may still be a symbol of destruction of existing hopes.

What dreams of one or another sleep is a simple person without extrasensory abilities can learn by looking at the dream book. For example, the flowers are invariably associated with something joyful and positive, however, depending on the context, the plant bouquet can fill and good luck and misfortune. Therefore, many are interested to know what the bouquet of white roses is dreaming. What if there is no simple interior decoration, and a full-fledged plot, tied to collars, or, for example, an act of delivery of such a fragrant gift? Dream interpretation Vanga Providaris focuses on the fact that a white rose is a very noble plant, which means that a bouquet of white roses in a dream, a man seems to be certified in his own purity and innocence. If the vision sleeps in his sleepy cuts off the flowers, then this action is a precursor of a trusting relationship from others.

When setting sleep with the main symbol in the form of a bouquet of white roses, it is important to take into account not only the plot components, but also pay attention to the state of colors. For example, if the bouquet seen in a dream turned out to be faded, then this is an unfavorable sign of pretense from the close, and most likely the partner himself.

A big white rose bud in a dream is a muster of any misfortune, which can very soon occur at a dream of people who are not indifferent to a dream. It is also worth thinking if during sleep sleep used white roses in the quality of the jewelry for the head of the head, since such a plot matters deception, including in vain hopes or expectations.

But any active actions on the watering of white roses or care are the harbingers of very interesting consequences in the form of romantic adventures.

What foreshadows a bouquet of white roses, appearing in a dream? Fragrant, in full strength, flourishing flowers definitely promise their joy from communicating with friends and exceptional loyalty of the second half. It makes sense to alert only if the dual-sized bouquet was drooping and faded - this testifies to secrecy, closetness, coldness, but even such a gloomy sign is not fatal. Most likely, such a bouquet is a reflection of the inner state of the very dream, trying to seem strong and not reacting to trifles and emotions.

You should not stop on the first read of sleep interpretation, but to study several dreams and interpretations, because individual details can significantly affect the value transmitted in the dream. For example, an injection of spikes turns a positive symbol of a bouquet of roses in harbing a dangerous situation.

It should not be about to sleep as an important event that must necessarily occur in life. In any case, the dreams although they warn people about the future events, however, all the possibilities for preventing trouble are within the competence of the Divine itself.


What dreams of white roses?

White roses - a symbol of tender friendship and love, and red - a symbol of passion. Docted in reality, they talk about love and light feelings. And therefore the question is invariably, a flower bouquet - what dreams of? White roses, you can say exactly, do not carry any negative moments.

A presented bouquet of white roses in a dream says that the sleeping man is experiencing tender feelings to someone give them. Either on the contrary, if white roses give a dream, then it means that this person should be attentive to look at the donor attentively. It is possible that this bouquet is symbolizing the fact that relations between people are developing quite well, and may well go to a new level, with a friendly friendly, from friendly on love, with lovers for family, etc. Taking white roses as a gift Dream, you should notice, do they have spikes. The absence of spikes symbolizes that there was no problems in this relationship and there will be no problems that may hurt and offend. If on the contrary, there are spiny needles in a presented bouquet, then this is a reason to think that it is in the relationship to pain and suffering. It is possible that these problems are solved and eliminate without much effort.

In addition to white roses, there are many other colors, but it should be understood that the interpretation of sleep in every such case should be carried out on the basis of which flowers they dreamed of a person. Even roses color is important, not to mention other varieties and types of plants.

Cut white roses means that the dreams wants to complete any relationship, and do it with a minimum emotional burst and losses. If roses are cut carefully, scissors or a secateur, after that put into the water and they care about them, it makes it clear that the person himself understands how it is important to complete the relationship in friendship, without a quarrel and mutual reproach. His behavior shows that he seeks to do exactly as in a dream and in real life. But sometimes it can dreamed and such a dream when roses, instead of being cut, molded, break out of the ground with the root, throw out. This version of sleep uniquely can be interpreted as something that a person is tired of relationships, he is tired of them and he doesn't care how to end. He even agrees to quarrels and insults, if only they ended, as soon as possible. Seeing such a dream, you should carefully think about whether it is necessary to interrupt the relationship in this way, as it can wage a loved one.

Plant White Roses - a very interesting dream, and his interpretation carries a double subtext. On the one hand, planted roses suggest that the dreams are ready for new relations, or even such a situation is possible that the relationship has already started. Just now, subconsciously man is trying to translate them to a new level. Salting and growing rose bush in a dream, the dreams trying to reconcile himself with the world around, show that he is kind and open to everyone who is next to him. If, besides, in a dream, spikes from flowers and stems occurs, this means that a person simply radiates love, good nature and the desire to be with everyone on an equal footing, no one is offended and without giving. There is another interpretation of such sleep. Played white roses can hint that children will soon appear in the family. Especially if such a dream dreams a young girl who wants to get pregnant.

Looking at what roses look in a dream, you should pay attention to their condition, aroma, freshness. All these characteristics describe how the sleepers itself subconsciously assesses the relationship that thinks. Accordingly, than the quality and number of white roses is better, the better the relationship will be stronger.

Dinking white roses is a great reason to change your life. You can start these changes in order to talk with that person who likes. It is possible that these feelings are mutual, and then it turns out that white roses dreamed not in vain, but were almost proper sleep.


Dream Interpretation White Rose, what dreams of a white rose in a dream to see

To see in a dream, a white unspoken rose - soon get an increase in service, to material profits.

Dream Interpretation White Rose dreams lonely guy or unmarried girl - this is a symbol of fast marriage. A white rose in almost all dreams is interpreted as a bright symbol of innocence, wisdom, beauty and femininity.

Men see a white rose in a dream - to a meeting with a beloved. Married men and married women are a white rose to strengthen relations, happiness and harmony in marriage, long and beautiful love.

Female dream book

What is the dream of a white rose? To admire the blooming rose - loyalty of the lover, prosperous news in the near future.

To tear the blooming white rose - soon get the proposal of the hand and hearts, the sign of mutual love, which will turn into strong marriage bonds.

See white rose bud - the birth of a female child.

Dream Interpretation of the psychologist Miller What dreams White Rose in a dream:

What dreams of a white rose, which lifted or dried - sadness, anxiety, unforeseen spending, health problems with a mother or daughter. To see a white faded rose in a dream - a bad sign. Sharp changes in family life, treason or betrayal of a loved one.

Dream interpretation White rose covered with dew droplets - prosperity and success in affairs. The right choice of a partner is possible a proposal of hands and hearts in the coming days.

Modern dream book if a white rose is dreaming:

I solve the dream book: white rose elderly - to recovery, favorable sentence of acquaintances or relatives. To the wedding of children or the appearance of granddaughter.

Widow White Rose dreams as a sign of loyalty to the dead husband. She symbolizes the fortress of their marriage and eternal love.

Repeated married widow - as approval of the deceased husband, his consent to the Union.

Noble dream book N. Grishina

What is the dream of a white rose - mystery, surprise, unpredictable outcome.

Biblical dream book Azara Dream Interpretation: White Rose to see in a dream

What is the dream of a white rose - married happiness, the perfect choice of the second half, pure love.

Dream Interpretation of the Psychologist Z. Freud What dreams White Rose:

White rose on Freud symbolizes the flourishing of love relationships and well-being. A spike, like a phallic symbol, can warn about a dustless distrust of the partner, its betrayal (to proclaim the spike). To proclaim the spike in a dream can also warn that in reality you will soon be subjected to sexual harassment.

Wang's dream book What does it mean if a white rose is dreaming?

To see in a dream what the white rose is dreaming is a symbol of loyalty, devotion, innocence. Write a spike white rose - to betrayal, the desire to conceal a bad act, flour conscience.


What dream of a bouquet of roses?

Many things in a dream may designate something perfect other than in real life. Death, fear, murder and trouble, for example, seen in a dream, may indicate positive events in reality. However, there are images that are pleasant to reveal, and in a dream they become a good omen. One example is a bouquet of roses.

Flowers that a person sees in a dream, in general, possess a fairly positive symbolism. The flower is a sign of love, friendship, spiritual heat, openness, good luck in affairs. Flowers belong to the positive forces of the Earth, they may also testify about bright emotional shocks, about the fragility, the defenselessness of the dream nature. Also, flowers can also be a way for strength, resilience, deep and powerful communication with the real world, the ability to transfer adversity and reborn again from the Earth.

Oddly enough, a bouquet of flowers is an image that does not have a direct relation to love or emotions, on the contrary, it ruling rightly, indicates career prospects and enhanced service. Why? Initially, bouquets did not give girls - collected in many flowers handed over to rulers, triumphs, kings and other important persona as a sign of recognition of their greatness.

From the world of colors, Rose, perhaps, has the most pronounced positive mood. Almost no dreams in which the rose bud would be unfinished. Rose is a flower of a huge symbolic value - one of the symbols of Christianity, she is a heart, love, peace, passion. Seeing a rose in a dream - almost always fortunately.

To understand what a bouquet of roses is dreaming, that it can mean and what a dreamy is hidden, it is useful to remember some details of the dream. As in real life, the symbolism of color is greater importance in dreams. So, a pale pink flower can designate chaste love. Bright red - stormy, "adult" passion. Yellow flowers - a faithful sign of betrayal, cunning. Blue flowers hide dreams and unlucky happiness.

Also, for a thorough understanding of the message of sleep, in which the roses bouquet appears, it is necessary to pay attention to the state of colors. So, faded flowers can become an alarming sign, and dry and dead is completely gloomy. It is necessary to try to notice whether there were flaws on the petals, whether sharp spikes were hidden behind the buds, how the bouquet was a bouquet, the lack of saturated paints could become an unpleasant symbol.

A bouquet of red roses, presented in a dream, can be a symbol of love and passion if a woman gives his favorite - they are waiting for many years of happiness. A pale pink bouquet can denote for a virgin an emergency loss of virginity, and for someone older - the opportunity to deprive virginity the subject of his reeble. A bouquet of juicy, alive, bright red roses may indicate a turbulent passion, a quick romantic adventure, just about great luck. A rose bouquet, the color of which dreams did not remember, may indicate a "classic" raising on a career ladder, good luck in affairs. If the roses are white - the sign is not too pleasant, they promise fast losses, failures.

Also, a bouquet of roses of roses can also be an unkind sign, and even worse - a mourning wreath instead of a bouquet, this is a symbol if not death, then severe illness and emotional shocks. Dry roses donated in a dream with a loved one can be a sign of close relationship. Artificial flowers or a bouquet of yellow roses - a symbol of other people's goat and betrayal.

Many dream symbols associated with a rose bouquet may not be directly related to a bouquet. It is important to pay attention to additional signs of sleep. For example, it is worthwhile about the spikes - to expect dangers. Flowers sucking blood (drinking, for example, spikes) - sign of betrayal of a loved one. Also, it is worth paying attention to the color of the wrapping paper.

Bouquet of roses in a dream - one of the best characters for a person who wants to find love, good luck in affairs, career growth, just succeed. Roses almost always become a kind sign. And if the flowers in a dream bear an unknown sign - you should not despair, it's just that you just pay attention to sleep alert in time, and trouble can be avoided.


Sleeping about roses foreshadows new love, the beginning of an incredible romantic adventure that you will not be able to forget. The blurred fragrant flowers are promised by happy love relationships, the onset of good events.

Who dreamed of dream about roses? What color roses did you dream? How many roses did you dream? How did you get roses in a dream? Did you dream of some fragments of roses? Did you dream of artificial roses? In what condition did you see roses in a dream? What did you do with roses in a dream? What kind of rose did you dream?

Who dreamed of dream about roses?

Roses dreamed pregnant

Rosa is a pregnant woman - it is expected to be easy childbirth, so you can postpone the experiences aside. Ahead is a happy family life, full idyll in relationship with his spouse.

What color roses did you dream?

Red Roses White Roses Pink Roses Black Roses Yellow Roses Blue Roses

Dreamed multicolored roses

If multicolored roses have dreamed, joyful events are approaching, thanks to which life will be filled with bright colors, will play with all the colors of the rainbow. In personal life, happiness will come, not far from the mountains new romantic relationships.

Red roses

Shot orange roses

To see orange roses in a dream - wait for the onset of a joyful event. A cause for positive emotions can serve any thing, in any case it will be a pleasant surprise and a kind surprise.

Dreamed blue roses

Sleeping about blue roses speaks of your ability to crush the old resentment, last failures and start a new page of our own life. Leave in the past bad, start everything from a clean sheet.

Burgundy roses

Dreamed purple roses

Purple Roses Dream Felomena interprets as an indifference of the object of your passion and affection. His mysterious, extravagant behavior every time makes you feel a pleasant surprise.

What dreams of green roses

Green roses were dreamed - you hope to find happiness, believe that you will meet your true love. Keep up the good work, once fate presents you a generous gift.

How many roses did you dream?

Roses bouquet roses bushes

Dreamed a lot of roses

A lot of roses dream of a young girl as a forerunner of a joyful event. Relationships with sweetheart will come to a new level. It is highly likely that the case will reach the wedding.

See a snack of roses in a dream

Dream Interpretation Frothy is considering roses a nut for a young girl as a joyful omen. Your cavalier finally matures for more serious relationships and make a sentence.

Why dream two roses

To see two roses in a dream - a bad sign. Good luck will leave you, and the outlined will not come true. An even number of roses is always a harbinger of sadness, sadness, in some cases - grief.

Two roses

How did you get roses in a dream?

Gave roses

Did you dream of some fragments of roses?

Rose petals

Dreamed buds roses

Buds of roses will dream of disappointment, unnecessary experiences and tears. Probably fall into depression and will become sad for a long time. It is necessary to somehow distract from the routine, to recover a little and calm the nerves.

Did you dream of artificial roses?

Dreamed artificial roses

Dream interpretation interprets artificial flowers as disappointment and longing revenge. A bouquet of artificial roses foreshadows lies and dishonesty. See such flowers - get ready for a family break. Feelings fad, pleasant moments have become ordinary or tired.

If there are live roses

Live roses will dream of gaining happiness and enjoy the fun. Everything will develop according to your scenario and no one can destroy idyll. Flowering live roses symbolize wealth and longevity.

In what condition did you see roses in a dream?

See roses

Walked roses were dreamed - your current chosen one is not the only one with which you will break up to the end of life. This symbol means loneliness, philosophizing, thirst for communication. In love, it promises parting.

To see the roses, being in strong relationships, to learn about the deception from their second half, to experience sadness.

What did you do with roses in a dream?

Buy roses in a dream

Sleep about buying roses Sulit Careerist good luck at work, and the girl is a success in communicating with guys. Also, the dream foreshadows financial stability, income and money growth.

Dreamed that they were moving roses

It dreams that they are moving roses drying and fading, - in reality to survive the wreck of hopes. The soul will become cold and lonely, and the surrounding will only disappoint.

Plant roses in a dream

Plant in a dream of roses - to create difficulties on your way. You can imperceptibly bring the situation to a critical point. In other cases, the dream of promises the implementation of a romantic fantasy.

What kind of rose did you dream?

Dream rose with spikes

Dream interpretation FELOMNA examines roses with spikes as love failures, problems and fears. Stop spike - to survive unexpected disappointment in reality. Perhaps it will concern your second half. In some cases, such flowers symbolize harassment.

Tea rose in a dream

A tea rose has dreamed - get ready for sad news. Often they concern romantic relationships. It is possible that the situation may exit from under control and lead to parting.


If you see in a dream a large bouquet of white roses in your hands, what is it?


G @ lin @

white flowers talk about the purity of your thoughts and foreshadow, health and well-being in the house ..

Anton Grisli

maria Ivanova

Maybe for love?

Blonde in chocolate

Flowering and fragrant roses in a dream promise approximation of some joyful event and loyalty to your chosen. If a girl cuts roses in a dream - it means it will soon make a proposal for marriage, which she will like. Rosie roses say that you do not have the only loved one. If you see in a dream, white roses, which do not fall the rays of the sun and on whose petals there are no drops of dew, means you will have a serious illness. If in a dream you inhale the aroma of roses - it will bring you anything without darkened joy. If the girl is shot by the rose oha or she dreams that she cuts roses and makes bouquets of them, "he also will be very happy, having received a sentence from the person she really appreciated. If you see in a dream, there is not yet a bloomed pink bush - you are waiting for durable material well-being. The dried pink bush foreshadows the disease among your loved ones or other sorrow. The bright Kuste of Scarlet Roses foreshadows the execution of great hopes in your family. If the in love decorates in a dream his hair with a bud of the scarlet rose - it promises her deception. Get a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream - fortunately, in winter - to vain waiting.


1) Rosa
Roses in a dream symbolize a big feeling. Pink color of petals - sign of tenderness. The flowering pink bush promises family happiness and prosperity.
Red rose in a dream means a straded friendship.
White roses - a sign of integrity and defenselessness. If your chosen one gives you white roses in a dream, then in this way your heart tells you about the purity and sincerity of his thoughts.
Black rose foreshadows mental suffering. If her species attracts you, then this dream promises you a fatal passion.
Broken roses - Sliding symbol and tears. Rose spikes injection is a warning of possible treason.
Rosy roses are disappointing. Perhaps, in reality you are trying to revive the feelings that have long burned down. (Winter Dream)

2) Roses
Blooming - joy and happiness; disrupt - a quick maritime; get as a gift - faithful love; with big spikes - troubles and fear; Roses Yellow - treason and fright; White - happy selection of couple; Fading - habits will change. (Dream Khasse)

3) If you have seen roses in a dream, consider that Fortuna smiled at you. Seen in a dream blooming roses promise you approaching some joyful event and the amazing kinship of the souls with your chosen one. If you have dreamed of waggered roses, it means that this love has not come to you. Sleep, in which you see white roses, foreshadows you a spiritual or physical connection that will turn all your life and makes look at the world with other eyes. You will feel true pleasure and experience unexplored feelings. If you have dreamed that you inhale the aroma of roses, then life will be favorable to you and give you your benefits, gives you to taste the fruit of love and recrimine with others.

4) White Roses - Happy Selection Couple, Pure Love (Azara Dream)


Flowering and fragrant roses - approaching a joyful event and loyalty to your chosen;
For a girl - cut roses - you will soon make a proposal for marriage that you will have to do;
Faded roses - you do not have the only loved one;
White roses that do not fall the rays of the sun and on whose petals there are no drops of dew - a serious illness;
Inhale the aroma of roses - no darkened joy;
For a girl - the form of a rose ohaphka or cut roses and one of them is bouquets - you will be very happy about, having received a sentence from the person you really appreciate;
The form B is not yet a bloomed pink bush - durable material well-being;
The dried pink bush is a disease among your loved ones or other sorrow;
Bright bush of scarlet roses - execution of great hopes in your family;
For in love - decorate your hair with a bouton scarlet rose - deception;
Get a bouquet of alch roses in spring - happiness;
In winter - vain expectation.
By dream of Miss Hasse: §
Blooming - joy and happiness;
disrupt - a quick maritime;
get as a gift - faithful love;
with big spikes - troubles and fear;
Roses Yellow - treason and fright;
White - happy selection of couple;
Fading - habits will change.

mila Aidinova.

to the romantic relationship arrange a holiday for two!

Narina Mur.

For love, perhaps about the news of marriage of your loved ones.

What did the bouquet of pink roses dreamed?


This is me

Interpretation by Hasse \u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e

Blooming - joy and happiness; Split - soon
maritime; get as a gift - faithful love; from
big spikes - trouble and fear; Yellow roses -
treason and fright; White - happy selection of couple; Fading
- Habits will change.

Interpretation by Miller \u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e

Flowering and fragrant roses in this promise the approach of some joyful event and loyalty to your chosen.
If a girl cuts roses in a dream - it means it will soon make a proposal for marriage, which she will like.
Rosie roses say that you do not have the only loved one.
If you see in a dream white roses, which do not fall the rays of the sun and on whose petals there are no drops of dew -, it means. You are waiting for a serious illness.
If in a dream you inhale the aroma of roses - it will bring you anything without darkened joy.
If the girl is shot by a rose oha, or she dreams that she cuts roses and makes up bouquets from them - it means that she will be very happy, having received a sentence from the person she is very highly appreciated.
If you see in a dream, there is not yet a bloomed pink bush - you are waiting for durable material well-being.
The dried pink bush foreshadows the disease among your loved ones or other sorrow.
The bright Kuste of Scarlet Roses foreshadows the execution of great hopes in your family.
If the in love decorates in a dream his hair with a bud of the scarlet rose - it promises her deception.
Get a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream - fortunately, in winter - to vain waiting.

White rose - symbol of purity, indisputability and love. Based on this, to interpret the sleep, in which the gentle flowers dreamed, it is possible with a favorable side. But different interpreters advise to pay attention to what the dreams experienced, seeing white roses, as he came with them and at what time of year the flowers had dreamed.

Those who experience difficulties in affairs will finally be able to solve their problems, single - will meet their soul mate, new ways to happiness and mutual understanding will open up in the fate of sleeping.

Which foreshadows Son.

In most cases, white roses in the dream do not cause experiences about the future well-being. To dream of these flowers - a good sign.

By the dream of rose flowers - the Bulletin of all the best, if she dreamed next to the water. Positive changes are awaiting a dream if there were drops of dew on the petals, the flowers were stood in a vase or swam in a reservoir. Very good if the sink in a dream felt the fragrance. This means that he will experience great joy, will get a nice gift or good news.

In all other interpretations, the dream dreams does not promise anything good if roses are shot. For a young girl cut flowers from a bush - to treason and betrayal from the lover. You should look at the young man to avoid deception. Dried roses - a sign of inevitable loneliness. Such a dream foreshadows the final separation and breaking with your beloved.

A girl who has no love relationship at the time when there was a dream, such a vision says that in the near future it is not worth a fateful meeting.

Trying to unravel, which means vision, you need to remember how many roses were harmful:

  • two roses - the relationship of the loving pair does not threaten anything, ahead is a friend of each other and common happiness;
  • three roses - a dream love and respect others, friends and loved ones, they are ready to help at any time;
  • a huge bouquet - for the girl such a dream means the possibility of a quick marriage.

For a married woman, a bouquet of roses, dreaming at night, promises tranquility, stability and peace in a relationship with his spouse.

What roses have dreamed?

An accompanying events affect the interpretation of dreams with white roses, and what kind of dreams are given. Psychologist Z. Freud assures that such visions are always associated with the spirituality of a person, with his internal experiences and have pronounced psychophysics. By what kind of rose was having dreamed, it is possible to determine the mental state of the sleeping, to understand that it bothers him in life. Important and sipping with roses in a dream.

Appearance of colors:

Condition / View Interpretation
Live handicrafts with blossomed buds Relationships with beloved or with her husband are moving to a new level, the period of "quiet" happiness occurs
Rady with shrouded petals There is a trouble or trouble in the life of loved ones and beloved people
Huge, long, large Fate decided to reward a dream with a joyful event, long-awaited rest, new impressions
Dried Someone closely sick
With beautiful decor, ribbons, in wrapping paper Someone from loved ones or colleagues is preparing a conspiracy against the dream, wishes him evil, wants to prevent the achievement of goals
Artificial Bad sign - in the family will soon be mourning and sorrow.

Actions with roses:

How to determine whether the guy is suitable for a girl - the compatibility of names in love and marriage

Interpretation of different dreams

The most famous seams, esoterics and psychologists at different times tried to give their explanation to the vision. Some saw in this flower a symbol of beautiful and interpreted the dream as a harbinger of benevolent news, pleasant changes, success and wealth.

Others were confident that a rose that had spikes was a symbol of cunning, so the external attractiveness of this flower lies cunning, deception, the risk of being compromised or humiliated.

Interpretation of Dream Miller

The famous psychologist recommended the dreams to pay attention to everything that was connected in a dream with white roses. Lighted with bright sunbeams with fresh, sprinkled dew leaves, flowers promise sleeping peace, happiness, well-being. A young girl seeing such a dream, can be sure that a marriage proposal will soon come.

But if roses grow on a bush and look sluggish, and the dream has a feeling of pity for flowers and the desire to put them in water and save, then inevitable the disease, the news of which will be unexpected.

White Roses on Love Dream

Anyone who in a dream saw white roses should be understood that radical changes will soon come in his life. Single people will meet their half, couples will be able to appreciate their relationship in a new way, change in affairs, moving, traveling.

Dream Interpretation predicts that you need to think about your spiritual perception of the surrounding. Looking at what was happening with other eyes, you can see new ways that will lead to success in affairs, the normalization of any conflicts, happiness and mutual understanding.

Predictions of Hasse

A luxury bouquet of flowers symbolizes pleasant impressions of what will happen in the near future. Tear white roses - meet a person who will change life for the better. Perhaps he will be a companion for all the remaining years.

If the buds are withering - a crisis will come in relationships. It can be avoided if you stop being too trusting, pay attention to the opinion of loved ones. A bouquet obtained as a gift is a symbol of loyalty and sincerity with her husband or fiance.

Interpretation of Vangu

If a young girl dreams a white rose and she admires a flower, his aroma, then in the near future she will receive confession in love from the faithful friend.

White color, according to Vangi, promises only a pleasant, elevated and important for a dream. Changes in his life will be completed, but they will not bring negative emotions and strong experiences.

White flowers, as a symbol of purity and impossibility, should not be acknowledged by a dream and upset it. They foreshadow new achievements in different spheres of life, promise joyful news and important events.