Sleep Oblomov. Tools of speech expressiveness

Sleep Oblomov. Tools of speech expressiveness

The little prince is a symbol of a person - a wanderer in the Universe, looking for a hidden meaning of things and his own life. The soul of a small prince is not condensed with ice indifference, deaderness. Therefore, it opens the true vision of the world: he will recognize the price of true friendship, love and beauty. This is the topic of "dowel" of the heart, the ability to "see" with the heart, understand without words. The little prince does not immediately comprehend this wisdom. He leaves his own planet, not knowing that what he will search on different planets will be so close - on his native planet. Little prince is a few - about himself and his planet, he speaks very little. Only little by little, from random, by the passion of obdicted words, the pilot learns that the baby flew from a distant planet, "which is the whole size of the house" and is called an asteroid B-612. The little prince tells the pilot about how he fights with Baobabs, which are allowed such deep and strong roots that can break his small planet. You need to pour first sprouts, otherwise it will be too late, "this is very boring work." But he has a "firm rule": "... I got up in the morning, washed, led myself in order - and immediately bring my planet." People must take care of the purity and beauty of their planet, to take care of and decorating it, not to die all the lives. The little prince from Saint-Exupery's fairy tales does not think his life without love for gentle sunsets, without the sun. "Once I saw the sunset forty for one day!" - He says the pilot. And some weather adds: "You know ... When it becomes very sad, look good, as the sun comes ..." The child feels like a particle of the world of nature, he encourages adults to unity with her. Baby active and hardworking. He polivagg rose every morning, talked with her, cleaned three volcanoes on his planet so that they give more heat, smeared the weeds ... And yet he felt very lonely. In search of friends, in the hope of finding true love, he goes on his journey to other people's worlds. He is looking for people in the endlessly surrounding desert, for in communicating with them, it hopes to understand himself and the world around, to acquire the experience that he so lacked. Visiting sequentially six planets, the small prince on each of them is faced with a certain life phenomenon embodied in the inhabitants of these planets: power, vanity, drunkenness, fluid ... images of the heroes of the fairy tale A. SENT-Exupery "Little Prince" have their own prototypes. The image of a small prince simultaneously and deeply autobiographies and as if removed from an adult author-pilot. He was born of longing to dying the little Tonyo - the descendant of the impoverished noble family, who was called in the family for his blond (first) hair "co-role-sun", and in college nicknamed Lunatic for a habit to look at the starry sky for a habit. The phrase "Little Prince" is found, as you probably noticed, still in the "Planet of People" (like many other images and thoughts). And in 1940, in the breaks between battles with Fascists, Exupery often painted on a sheet of a boy - when the winged when the cloud is riding.

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov to disclose the characters of his heroes and the creative expression of the plan used a variety of artistic techniques and means. However, the main features of the creative manner of the writer is:

"I wrote only what was worried about what I thought and felt that I loved that I saw and knew and knew, I wrote my life, and the fact that I am killed" (I.A. Balov)

Artistic means of disclosing characters characters in the novel

Goncharov very in its own way uses the following expressive artistic agents, revealing the characters in the "Oblomov":

  • Portrait - allocation of the main feature

"It was a man of thirty-two-three years old, ... a pleasant outfit, with eyes that walked carelessly on the walls, on the ceiling, with the uncertain thoughtfulness, which shows that nothing occupies him, nothing worries. Sometimes the look was poured by an expression of fatigue or boredom. But neither fatigue, nor boredom could not move the softness from his face, which was the dominant and main expression, not the face only, and the whole soul. "

  • Direct characteristic of the hero to another character

Olga about the main character:

"This is a crystal, transparent soul; There are few such people; they are rare; These are pearls in the crowd! "

  • Double images and antagonists (see section :);
  • Attitude towards other people (the history of love for Olga Ilinskaya).
  • Speech character

"Do not fit, do not fit: you from the cold!", "What are you? God is with you! Skate cold ... ".

  • Author's commentary on the actions of the hero, including internal speech

"Is it easy? I had to think about the means to make any measures, "what am I really me? It is necessary to know the conscience: it's time for the work! ... "," ... But, after thinking a little, with a caring face and with a sigh, slowly again lay down in my place. "

  • Details - Symbols:

Robe as a symbol of dump

"The bathrobe had in the eyes of Oblomov the darkness of unpleasant advantages: he is soft, flexible; Do not feel it on my shoulders; He, as a obedient slave, conjugates the self-playing of the body ",

The lilac branch is a symbol of nascent love, the motto "now or never" as an incentive for the awakening of the character.

  • Acts of the hero. On the moral forces laid down in the Oblomov - the village of Tarantyev, when he illuminates about the gallery; A decent answer to the gallez, when he calls Tikhonovna "this woman," - "wife."

In the novel of "Oblomov" with full force manifested the skill of Goncharov-Prosaik. Gorky, who called Goncharov, "one of the giants of Russian literature", noted its special, plastic language. Goncharova's poetic language, his talent for figuratively reproducing life, the art of creating typical characters, composite completion and a huge artistic force presented in the novel of the painting painting and the image of Ilya Ilyich - all this contributed to the fact that the Roman "Oblomov" took a worthy place in a number of masterpieces of world classics.

The portrait characteristic of the heroes is playing great importance in the work, with which the reader meets the characters and is an idea of \u200b\u200bthem and the features of their characters. Roman's protagonist of Roman - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - a man of thirty-two-thirty-three years old, medium height, pleasant outfit, with dark gray eyes, in which there is no idea, with a pale face color, chubby hands and a raised body. Already on this portrait characteristic, we can make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe lifestyle and spiritual qualities of the Hero: the details of his portrait talk about the lazy, the still lifestyle, about his habit for an aimless time. However, Goncharov emphasizes that Ilya Ilyich is a nice man, soft, kind and soulful. Portrait characteristic as it would prepare the reader to the life crash that was inevitably waiting for Oblomov.

In the portrait of Oblomov Antipode, Andrei Stolz, the author used other paints. Stolz - the same manner Oblomov, he already has thirty. It is in motion, the whole is composed of bones and muscles. I get acquainted with the portrait characteristic of this hero, we understand that the gallery is a strong, energetic, purposeful person, who is alien to dreaminess. But this almost ideal person reminds the mechanism, not a living person, and that pushes the reader.

Olga Ilinskaya portrait is dominated by other features. She "was not beautiful in the strict sense of the word: there was no whiteness in it, nor a bright flavor of the cheeks and lips, and her eyes were not burning with the rays of the inner fire, there was no pearl in the mouth and corals on her lips, there were no miniature hands with fingers in the form of grapes. " Some high growth strictly corresponded to the magnitude of the head and oval and the size of the person, all this, in turn, harmonized with the shoulders, shoulders - with a lot ... The nose formed a slightly noticeable graceful line. Lips are thin and compressed - a sign of seeking, as directed to any thought. This portrait suggests that we have proud, smart, a little vain woman.

In the portrait of Agafa Matveyevna, wheat, such features appear as softness, kindness and bravery. She is about thirty years old. She almost did not have eyebrows, the eyes are "grayish-obedient", like all the expression of the face. Hands are white, but tough, with protruding nodes of blue lived. Oblomov takes her such as it is and gives her a label rating: "What ... Easy". It was this woman next to Ilya Ilicich before his last minute, the last breath, gave birth to him the Son.

As important to characterize the characteristic of the interior description. In this goncharov is a talented successor of Gogol's traditions. Thanks to the abundance of objective details in the first part of the novel, the reader can make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe characteristics of the hero: "How did a house suit of Oblomov for the late features of his face ... It was a robe from Persian matter, a real Eastern robe ... there were shoes Long, soft and wide, when he, without looking, lowered his feet from bed to the floor, did certainly got into them at once ... "Describing items in detail, the objects surrounding Oblomov in everyday life, Goncharov draws attention to the indifference of the hero to these things. But indifferent to everyday life, all over the novel remains his prisoner.

The image of a robe has been deeply symbolic, repeatedly appearing in the novel and indicating a certain state of Oblomov. At the beginning of the narrative, a convenient bathrobe is an integral part of the identity of the hero. In the period of Love, Ilya Ilyich, he disappears, and returns to the owner's shoulders that evening when the hero's gap with Olga took place.

Symbolized and branch of lilac, torn by Olga during her walk with a broom. For Olga and Oblomov, this branch was a symbol of the beginning of their relationship and at the same time heavily ended the end. Another important item is a divorce of bridges on the Neva. Bridges were divorced while in the soul of Oblomov who lived in the Vyborg side, there was a fracture towards the Widow of Wheat, when he fully realized, what consequences a life with Olga was bothering, was afraid of this life and began to dive into apathy again. The thread, connecting Olga and Oblomov, was broken, and it can not be forced to grow, so when bridges were convicted, the connection between Olga and Oblomov did not recover. Symbolized and falling flakes snow, which marks the end of the hero's love and at the same time the sunset of his life.

It is not by chance that the author describes in such a detailed house in the Crimea, in which Olga and Stolz settled. The decoration of the house "wore the thoughts and personal taste of the owners," it had a lot of engravings, statues, books, which speaks of education, High culture Olga and Andrei.

An integral part of the works created by the Potted artistic images and ideological content of the work as a whole are the names of their own heroes. The surnames of the heroes in the novel "Oblomov" carry a large semantic load. The main hero of the novel on the original Russian tradition received his name from the generic estate of the crushing, whose name dates back to the word "debris": a fragment of the old lifestyle, Patriarchal Russia. Reflecting on the Russian life and its typical representatives of his time, Goncharov One of the first noticed a failure of internal national traits, fraught with a break, or a bug. Ivan Alexandrovich predicted a terrible state in which Russian society began to be paid in the XIX century and which by the 20th century was a massive phenomenon. The lack of a certain goal in life, burning and desire to work has become a distinctive national feature. There is another explanation of the origin of the name of the main character: in folk fairy tales, the concept of "Sleep-Oblon" is often found, which he enters a person, as if presses his gravestone, condemn the slow, gradual fuss.

Analyzing the modern life, Goncharov was looking for among Alexei, Petrov, Mikhailov and other persons of the antipode of Oblomov. As a result of these searches, a hero has arisen with the German surname. Stolz (Translated from German - "Proud, fulfilled self-esteem, conscious of its superiority").

Ilya Ilyich, all his conscious life sought to live, "which would be fulfilled by the content, and would flow quietly, day after day, a drop around the day, in a mute contemplation of nature and quiet, barely creeping phenomena of family peaceful life." He found such existence in the wheat house. "She was very white and full in his face, so the blush seems to not break through the cheeks (like a" wheat bun "). The name of this heroine - Agafya - Translated from Greek means "kind, good". Agafia Matveyevna - a type of modest and meek women-mistress, a sample of female kindness and tenderness, the vital interests of which were limited only by family concerns. Servant Oblomova Anisaya (Translated from Greek - "Performance, benefit, Completion") in spirit, Agafier Matveyevna is close, and therefore they made friends so quickly and became inseparable.

But if Agafya Matveyevna loved Oblomov thoughtlessly and unless, then Olga Ilyinskaya literally "fought" for him. For his awakening, she was ready to sacrifice his life. Olga loved Ilya for the sake of himself (hence the surname Ilinskaya).

Last name "Friend" Oblomov, Tarantyevcarries a hint of a word ram. In relations, Michea Andreevich with people, such qualities as rudeness, arrogance, synthesis and unprincipledness are detected with people. Isai Fomich Luredwho gave a power of attorney to managing the estate, turned out to be a fraudster, ground Kalach. In collusion with the Tarantyev and Bratz Wheat, he wrapped around Oblomov and well tread His tracks.

Speaking about the artistic features of the novel, you can not get around the landscape sketches: for Olga Walking in the garden, lilac branch, blooming fields - all this is associated with love, feelings. Oblomov also realizes that is associated with nature, although it does not understand why Olga constantly pulls him to walk, enjoys the surrounding nature, in spring, happiness. Landscape creates a psychological background of the entire narrative.

For the disclosure of feelings and thoughts of heroes, the author uses such a technique as an internal monologue. The most vividly this technique is disclosed in the description of the feelings of Oblomov to Olga Ilinskaya. The author constantly shows thoughts, replicas, internal arguments of heroes.

Throughout the novel, Goncharov fits thinly, itchs over their heroes. Especially this irony is noticeable in the dialogues of Oblomov and Zakhar. This describes the scene of the waters of the Kolata on the owner's shoulders. "Ilya Ilyich almost did not notice how Zakhar partitioned him, pulled his boots and threw a bathrobe on him.

What is it? He asked only, looking at the bathrobe.

The hostess today brought: washed and repaired a bathrobe, "said Zakhar.

Oblomov as sat down, and remained in the chair. "

The main compositional reception of the novel is antithesis. The author opposes images (brooms - gallery, Olga Ilinskaya - Agafya Pshetitsyn), feelings (love Olga, selfish, proud, and love Agafa Matveyevna, selfless, all-friendly), lifestyle, portrait characteristics, character traits, events, concepts, details (branch Lilac, symbolizing hope for a bright future, and a robe as a bog of laziness and apathy). The antithesis makes it possible to brighter the individual features of the characters of heroes, see and understand two incomparable poles (for example, two stalking states of Oblomov - rapid temporary activities and laziness, apathy), and also helps to penetrate the inner world of the hero, show the contrast, which is present not only in the external But in the spiritual world.

The start of the work is built on the collision of the Peace World of St. Petersburg and the isolated inner world of Oblomov. All visitors (wolves, Sudybinsky, Alekseev, Penkin, Tarantyev), which caused the visits to Oblomov, are bright representatives of the society living under the laws of false. The main character seeks to burn himself from them, from the dirt that his acquaintances bring in the form of invitations and news: "Do not fit, do not fit! You from the cold! "

At the reception of the antithesis and the whole system of images in the novel is built: Oblomov - Stolz, Olga - Agafia Matveyevna. Portrait characteristic of heroes is also opposed. So, the brooms are plump, full, "With the lack of any definite idea, any concentration in the features of the face"; Stolz, the whole consists of bones and muscles, "he is inconspicuous in motion." Two completely different types of character, and it is difficult to believe that there can be something in common between them. And nevertheless it is. Andrei, despite the categorical rejection of the lifestyle of Ilya, managed to see in it the features that are difficult to preserve in a stormy vitality: naivety, gulfancy and openness. Olga Ilinskaya loved him for a good heart, "pigeon tenderness and internal purity." The bugs are not only inaccessible, lazy and apathetic, he is open to the world, but some invisible film prevents him from merge with him, to go one expensive with a gallery, live an active full-fledged life.

Two key women's images of Roman - Olga Ilinskaya and Agafia Matveevna Pshenitsyn - are also given in opposition. These two women symbolize two life tracks that are provided with a breakdown in the quality of choice. Olga - Strong, proud and purposeful nature, while Agafia Matveyevna is kind, simple and economic. It would be worth it to make one step towards Olga, and he could plunge into the dream that was depicted in the "dream ...". But Communication with Ilinskaya became the last test for the personality of Oblomov. His nature is not able to merge with a cruel external world. He refuses the eternal search for happiness and chooses the second way - immersed in Apathia and finds peace in the cozy house of Agafa Matveyevna.

Roman I.A.Gongcharov "Oblomov"

1 option

Remove the trails and figures in the proposed passage.

Where are we? What blessing corner of the Earth moved us a dream of Oblomov? What a wonderful edge!
No, however, there are sea, there are no high mountains, rocks and the abuse, nor dense forests - there is nothing grand, wild and sullen.
And why is it, is it wild and grandi? Sea, for example? God bless him! It brings only sadness per person: looking at him, I want to cry. The heart is confused by timidity in front of the unbarrous watering of water, and nothing to relax the view, exhausted monotony of an endless painting.
Ryv and mad rolls of the shafts are not unlohant of weak hearing: they all say their own, from the beginning of the world, the same song of gloomy and incomprehensible content; And everything hears in it the same moan, the same complaints of the monster's doomed on the flour and someone's piercing, sinister voices. Birds are not twitched around; Only silent seagulls, as convicted, sadly worn from the coast and spin over the water.
Clemented by the beast in front of these screams of nature, insignificant and the voice of a person, and the person himself is so small, weak, so imperceptibly disappears in small details of a wide picture! ... In the fluctuations of the water mass, the person sees the same immense, although sleeping force that Sometimes so poisonously mocks his proud will, and so deeply hesitate his brave ideas, all his troubles and works.

Compiled by Panfilova S.V.

Tools of speech expressiveness
Roman I.A.Gongcharov "Oblomov"
"Sleep Oblomov" (Part 1, Chapter 9)
Option 2

1. Resect the trails and figures in the proposed passage.
What are the functions of speech expressive tools?

The sun was so descended for the forest; It threw a few slightly warm rays, which dispersed the fiery stripe through the whole forest, brightly dining the top of the top of the pine. Then Raychi Gasli one by one; The last beam remained long; He, as a thin needle, stuck in the branches; But that ground.
The singing of birds gradually weakened; Soon they were completely silent, except for one stubborn, which, as if albeit all, among the total silence, one monotonously tweet with intervals, but less and less
All smalcot. Some grasshoppers are stronger in bulk. White couples rose from the ground and disseminated in the meadow and on the river. River also reconsidered; Some of the time in her suddenly someone splashed the last time, and she became stationary.
It was getting darker and darker. Trees were grouped into some monsters; It became scary in the forest: there someone suddenly creaks, exactly one of the monsters moves from his place to another, and the dry knuckle seems to crust under his foot.
In the sky brightly flashed like a living eye, the first asterisk.
The minutes of the universal, solemn silence of nature, those minutes, when the creative mind works more harder, the hotter boils the poetic Duma, when the passion flashes in the heart, the passion is larger or more so much, when in the brutal soul, calm and stronger grain the grain of criminal thought, and when everything in the broom Write so hard and deceased.

Compiled by Panfilova S.V.

The content of the novel Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharova "Oblomov" I was familiar from childhood, and when I had the need to read himself, I took the book without much desire, because I thought that it would be boring, because this work was not born by external events, there are no unexpected Accidents, spectacular adventures. But very soon I realized that my concerns were in vain. From the very first pages, I got under the charm of a slow, smooth and at the same time expressive Goncharovsky Sloga, how the lives got up in front of me the heroes of the work. Later, studying the novel in the literature lessons, I tried to figure out how to manage the writer to achieve such a reliability in the image of my characters, so even we living in a century and a half, they seem close and clear.

The effect of the novel is really not saturated with events, but it seems to me that it is due to the fact that all the attention of the writer focuses on the inner world of a person, his psychology, the originality of his character. The main reception of the character disclosure at Goncharov is a portrait. The portrait in the novel, extremely detailed and thorough, sometimes takes several pages, but it gives an idea not only about appearance, but also about the lifestyle, the character, the life position of the hero. For each part of the portrait of Oblomov, from which the novel begins, there is any psychological trait. Details such as "the absence of any definite idea", "indifferent" complexion, a bathrobe, similar to obedient slave, long, soft, wide shoes and a remark that Ilya Ilyich "Freshly not in the summer", draw a man of lazy and apathetic . It is these portrait strokes that are striking at the first reading. But when you carefully read the first pages of the novel, notice and "pleasant appearance", and "smooth light", and "softness" and you begin to understand that this nature is not so unequivocal. Attention to detail is a prerequisite for reading Roman Goncharov. Sides that or another portrait item repeatedly repeated in the text, emphasizing the most significant trait. In addition to the already named Kolata Oblomov, these are movable, speaking eyebrows and a small fold over one of them in the portrait of Olga Ilinskaya, naked elbow with a smell of Agafa Matveyevna, the nose of Anice, as if behind the face, the Mukhoyarov is a characteristic movement of the finger to the nail down.

The addition to the portrait serves the interior to the portrait. Especially expressive description of the Cabinet Oblomov: there is the same duality as in the portrait. Here is beautiful furniture, and carpets, "several paintings, bronze, porcelain," and in general the room "at first glance seemed perfectly removed." However, "The view of the office, if inspecting everything more closely, hit the neglence and negligence in it." Pictures covered with web, on mirrors - dust, carpets in stains. Of particular importance, in my opinion, there are the following details: the dust covered pages of deployed books, last year's issue of the newspaper and the inkwell, in which "if to dip the pen, would have broken a frightened fly with a buzzer." All this indicates that the house of Oblomov stopped not only physical, but also spiritual life: he did not read anything for a long time, he does not write anything (and meanwhile we find it just at the moment when he must write a letter to the old and make a letter Plan of reorganization of estates).

Interestingly, all changes in the mental state of the hero will be reflected in the portrait and interior. In those months, when the life of Oblomov is filled with love for Olga, his room will be transformed, and its appearance: "On either sleep, nor fatigue, no boredom. Even paints appeared on it, in the eyes of shine, something like courage or at least self-confidence. Kolata does not see on it: Tarantyev took him to Kum with other things. " The disappearance of the Kolata, the symbol of the Oblomovskaya apathy, very remarkable, as noteworthy and the fact that a new meaning of the novel appears on these pages - the lilac branch is a symbol of hope, love, resurrection of the soul.

The mental state of heroes is reflected in the landscape, whose changes also accompany changes in their lives. When Olga and Oblomov are in love, "Summer is in full swing; July passes; wonderful weather". But love remains in the past, and already "the snow shakes with flakes and dense the earth."

The novel is written by an amazing language, simple, easy and expressive. It has many ingenious comparisons that give an extremely accurate and bright characteristic of the hero. Recall, for example, that the life of the Oblomovtsev is compared with the course of the "River", and the life of the Oblomov itself in the Wentycian house - with a "simple and wide coffin." But, as the table on the stone was sang, it was drawn, it was open to everyone and every life of the old gallery. " Such deep and meaningful Goncharovsky epithets. Take for example, at least those belong to Olga and Oblomov. Eyebrov from Olga "Talking", the mind "Restless", the heart "alarmed", the imagination "irritated", the movement of the thought of "eternal". Ilya Ilyich's heart "honest", "faithful", shower "Crystal", "transparent", "clean". Often, the writer uses the characteristics of the heroes and the "Metal People's Russian Word", which he inspired so inspired Gogol in the "dead souls". This is how Zakhar Alekseeva characterizes; "And this neither skin, nor facets or reference!" And it seems that this phrase is more accurate and expressive than those previously preceding two pages characteristics of this hero. Another reception of the character disclosure at Goncharov is a speech of the character himself. Even the minor heroes, it is emphasized by individual: the speech of the sullen Zakhara is rude and a ripple, in a word of thoughtful Anius, on the contrary, the dictionary of the Agafa Matveyevna is rich, Tarantyev's speech is filled with rude expressions and shouts, tricky flies in conversation with a breakdown almost every word adds Oddranny "-s", but in a business conversation with Tarantiev expresses his thoughts briefly and definitely. Metacually characterizes the heroes friendly-familiar Language of Volkova, carefully-regulating intonation of the Sudybinsky, affectionate-incoming manner of Penkina.

With all the individual uniqueness of the Goncharovsky heroes, they are all typical characters. This is emphasized by a detailed image of the social and spiritual atmosphere, in which these characters were formed. It is in order to explain how one or another type arose, Goncharov often appeals to the prehistory of their characters. Such is * Sleeping Oblomov, "in which the origins of the Oblomovsky in the poetic form are given. It is he who gives us an answer to the question, from where in the hero of his duality, why, possessing a crystally pure soul, he is absolutely not capable of any decisive act. Pictures of childhood hero, filled with author's irony and lyricism, paint the world of 0 Blomovka, poetic in its immobility. The Biography of the gallery is less poetic, but she unequivocally testifies that it was the father's education and Russian soil that created an active, kipuchi, but calculating and rational.

Thus, it can be said that Goncharov appears before us in the novel and as a brilliant artist, and as the finest psychologist. A whole complex of fine-expressive means uses in order to create a character of the hero, bright, volumetric and deeply typical. The ability to draw a psychological portrait of a man, look into the caches of his soul, without missing any little things, not one more detail, and, as the Dobrolyubs wrote, "to cover the full image of the subject, to inhibit it," it seems to me the most valuable in the work of this writer and quite Speaks the absence of plot dynamics in the novel.