Agreement on the exchange of electronic documents of the Organization with the FIU. How to make an application for connecting to electronic document management with the FIU

Agreement on the exchange of electronic documents of the Organization with the FIU. How to make an application for connecting to electronic document management with the FIU
Agreement on the exchange of electronic documents of the Organization with the FIU. How to make an application for connecting to electronic document management with the FIU

To date over 80% Insureders moved to electronic document flow with the Pension Fund of Russia. Electronic document flow is convenient for both the policyholder and the FIU. It saves time, paper and helps to quickly identify and correct errors in reports.

  • The organization in which the average number of employees is 25 people and more must be reported to the Pension Fund only e-mail.
  • If employees are less than 25, the leader has the right to choose - to donate reporting in paper or electronic form.

The FIU recommends that all organizations go to electronic document exchange. At the same time, reports can be brought to the FIU in electronic format with electronic signature to personally or forward through telecommunication channels.

What information to submit to the FIU?

The insureders are obliged to provide in the FIU to compulsory pension and medical insurance, as well as for all employees for the unified reporting form, approved by the RF Management Board, which is registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 18.02.2014. Reporting by uniform quarterly.

Decree of the FIU of the Russian Federation of 1.02.2016 No. 83P was introduced new form reporting in the FIU is information about the insured persons. It is assumed that from April 2016, organizations are obliged to monthly provide the following information for each employee:

  • insurance number of the individual personal account;
  • surname, name and patronymic;
  • the identification number of the taxpayer.

Software for filling out reporting forms is available on the Internet resources of the Russian Pension Fund. Program data allows not only to create reports, but also to check them for errors, which greatly facilitates organizations to prepare and reporting.

Information Personalized Accounting On Insured Persons

Individual (personalized) Accounting is the maintenance of information about the insured persons to implement their pension rights in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. All insured persons must be taken into account in the OPS system, that is, to have a personal account and get an insurance certificate.

Information on wages, accrued and paid insurance contributions for insured persons, is submitted about their insurance facilities according to accounting and personnel documents confirming the working conditions of the insured person.

Present each quarter In the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund for the forms approved by the PFR Board.

Organizations provide all insured persons the following information:

  • insurance number of the personal account (SNILS);
  • surname, name, patronymic;
  • the conclusion of the contract;
  • dismissal date;
  • periods of activity related to certain working conditions;
  • the amount of income on which insurance premiums were charged;
  • the amount of accrued insurance premiums on the OPS;
  • other information necessary for the correct accrual of insurance and accumulative pensions.

Insurance Contribution Reporting

Employers who pay wages to individuals should calculate and transfer insurance premiums to state extrabudgetary funds. Calculation of contributions is carried out as wages accrued, and the list of contributions must be produced next month. until the 15th.

According to the results of the reporting period, the insureders are obliged to report to the Pension Fund on the accrued and paid contributions, that is, quarterly. Receipt of the report 1 carry out the pension fund authorities of the Russian Federation at the location of the organization.

The report of the RSV-1 of the FIU will hand over those policyholders who pay salary and other remuneration on the basis of labor contracts or civil-law agreements.

So, the reporting on the contributions of the OPS and the OMS to the Pension Fund should take:

  1. All organizations Regardless of the tax regime.
  2. Separate units of organizationswho have a separate balance, an account in a bank, independently charge the remuneration of labor to individuals and are located in the territory of the Russian Federation. In the case where the unit is outside the country, the report is surrendered to the main organization at the place of registration.

    It is important to know that organizations and their divisions are obliged to report to the FIU, even if in the reporting period, the salary and other remuneration were not charged.

  3. Individual entrepreneursIf they concluded with individuals the following types of contracts:
    • labor contracts;
    • copyright agreement;
    • civil law contracts;
    • agreement on the alienation of the right to works of literature, science, art;
    • licensed contracts.
  4. Lawyers, Notarieswho are engaged in private practice and conclude employment contracts with employees.
  5. Individualsnot decorated as individual entrepreneurs, but concluded employment contracts with other people to get help in everyday life.

Form provided documents

Decree of the Management Board of the FIU dated June 4, 2015 N 194P approved RSV-1 PFR - new unified form of calculation on accrued and paid. The organizations have begun to submit a new form of RSV-1 of the FIU, starting with the reporting for the second quarter of 2015. The unified form of reporting RSV-1 of the FIU was introduced for all categories of insurers who produce payments and other remuneration to individuals. The report covers information on contributions to OPS and OMS, accrued and paid in the reporting period. Also included in the form of personalized accounting data.

  • The unified form of reporting made it possible to reduce the amount of reporting information and prevent discrepancies between the information provided by the organization and insurance premiums provided by the Organization.
  • Unified reporting is rendered to the FIU bodies every quarter no later than the 15th of the 2nd calendar month, in paper form, and in the electronic no later than 20 numbers of the 2nd calendar month, which comes in the reporting period.

If the last day of the term of delivery falls on a weekend or a festive day, then the last day of delivery is considered next working day.

Exchange of electronic documents with PFR

Passing to electronic document flow, the insured receives a number of the following advantages:

  1. Privacy guarantee of the transmitted information.
  2. Increasing the speed of work, as the system makes it possible to send reporting on any day and any time.
  3. Accounting time saving, because it disappears the need to visit the Pension Fund.
  4. The ability to check reports before sending to the Fund, which allows you to transmit reports from the first time.
  5. The ability to quickly correct errors found by the FIU authorities in the reports.
  6. When sending documents, the insured electronically receives information on the reception of reporting, and the results of its verification.
  7. The ability to create in the organization of archives in electronic format throughout the document flow with the FFR authorities.

To provide reporting in electronic form required electronic signature (EP) Head of the Organization. The use of EP face, which is not its owner, is unacceptable.

Electronic Document Exchange Agreement

In order to go to the electronic document management, the organization should contact the pension fund and arrange "An agreement on the exchange of electronic documents in the electronic document management system". Also need to do the following:

  • Purchase software to create reports.
  • Purchase cryptographic software for encryption and working with EP.
  • Conclude an agreement with the certifying center providing services to create and support the keys of EP.
  • To appoint a responsible person from among the organization's employees for using the EP keys.
  • Provide protection against unauthorized access to the equipment on which the programms are installed, and the magnetic carriers of keys.

To test readiness for the beginning of work, it is necessary to carry out a test exchange of messages with a pension fund, after which it is already proceeding to permanent work.

Reporting in the FIU electronics

Order of electronic document exchange By telecommunication channels of communication with the FIU lies in the following:

  1. The policyholder, passing electronic documents, before sending, signs them with an electronic signature and encrypts using special software.
  2. Then the policyholder sends documents to the territorial body of the FIU.
  3. Confirmation of the delivery of an electronic report is considered to be a delivery notification.
  4. Employees of the FIU perform actions on receiving and sending electronic documents throughout the working day.
  5. FIU employees necessarily check the presence of EP in the received files, and the signature should not be distorted. After authorized persons, the completeness is checked, the correctness of the information received, the document verification protocol is issued and sent by the Insured with an electronic signature.

If necessary, the territorial bodies of the FIU and the policyholder have the opportunity to exchange letters and requests through telecommunication channels of communication in arbitrary form. These documents are also signed by EP and the confirmation of their delivery is the receipt (notification).

All documents with EP, including notifications, remain in the archive of electronic document management.


Today, each insurer, it is important to submit a timely and efficiently as unpresentation of reporting on timethreatens him considerable Finments.

Electronic document flow is a very reliable, fast and economically favorable way to communicate with the FIU, which significantly facilitates the reporting process in the Pension Fund.

The operation of the electronic document management system with the FIU in our country is well debugged. Despite this, the Russian Pension Fund recommends insured not to send reporting on the last day, but to carry out its delivery in advance, which will eliminate errors, if any.

_________ "__" _________ 20_

State institution - the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on ______________________ (hereinafter referred to as the FIU's management) in the face of ________________, acting on the basis of the situation, on the one hand, and ____________ (the full name of the policyholder and the registration number in the territorial bodies of the FIU) are represented by ____________, The existing on the basis of ____________, hereinafter referred to as the "Subscriber of the System", on the other hand, concluded this Agreement on the following:

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The FIU and the system subscriber monitor documents in electronic form within the framework of the FIU SED on telecommunication channels (hereinafter referred to as the system).

1.2. The parties recognize that the electronic documents received by them, certified by the electronic digital signature (EDS) of authorized persons, are legally equivalent to documents on paper media certified by the appropriate signatures and prints of the stems of the parties.

1.3. The parties recognize that use in the system of means of cryptographic protection of information (SCJ), which implement encryption and electronic digital signature, sufficient to ensure the confidentiality of the information interaction of the parties to protection against unauthorized access (hereinafter - NSDs) and the safety of information processing, as well as to confirm , what:

the electronic document comes from the side, it has passed it (confirmation of the authorship of the document);

the electronic document did not undergo changes in the information interaction of the parties (confirmation of the integrity and authenticity of the document) with a positive result of the EDS inspection;

the fact of delivery of an electronic document is to form the receipt of the receipt of the delivery of an electronic document.

1.4. To work in the system, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory acts of the FIU.

1.5. This Agreement is free.

2. Technical conditions

2.1. The subscriber of the system at its own expense acquires, establishes and ensures the performance of the software and means of cryptographic information protection and the EDS necessary for connecting to the system.

2.2. The system subscriber pays for communication tools and communication channels necessary for work in the system.

2.3. Manufacturing and certification of encryption and EDC keys for the system subscriber is carried out by one of the service providers, the list of which is provided to the subscriber of the system by the territorial bodies of the FIU.

3. The procedure for making electronic documents

3.1. Each party has the right to transmit the other party to the other party and receive electronic documents from the other side in accordance with the Federal Law of 01.04.1996 N 27-FZ "On Individual (Personalized) Accounting in the System of State Pension Insurance", by the Federal Law of 30.04.2008 N 56-FZ "On additional insurance premiums for the accumulative part of the labor pension and state support for the formation of pension savings", federal law of 24.07.2009 N 212-FZ "On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Fund of Social Insurance of the Russian Federation, Federal Fund Compulsory medical insurance and territorial funds of compulsory health insurance ", as well as other documents that ensure the functioning of the system.

3.2. The information exchange of the party is carried out in accordance with the technology of document exchange in telecommunication channels in the system of electronic document management of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Regulations for Security Protected by the exchange of electronic documents in the system of electronic document management of the FIU on telecommunication channels of communication, posted on the GU website - the FIU Department for ____________ .

3.3. In cases where the owner of the key certificate of the system subscriber is not the leader, in accordance with the Federal Law of 10.01.2002 N 1-FZ "On Electronic Digital Signature" by its order, the head appoints an authorized representative, which should notify the management of the FIU, submitting a copy of the order about Encourage the owner of the key certificate to the right to sign the submitted documents established by the Federal Law of 01.04.1996 N 27-FZ, the Instruction on the procedure for conducting an individual (personalized) accounting for information on insured persons for the purposes of state pension insurance approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.03.1997 N 318, federal law of 30.04.2008 N 56-FZ, federal law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ.

4. Rights and obligations of the parties

4.1. The FIU Administration assumes the following rights and obligations:

Ensure the functioning of everything necessary for the exchange of electronic documents with the subscriber of the equipment system by the FIU management;

When changing the requirements for transmitted electronic documents, the FIU body undertakes to notify the subscriber of the system about these changes in the period established by the laws of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the PFR management has the right to unilaterally change the forms and a list of transmitted documents.

4.2. The subscriber of the system assumes the following rights and obligations:

Ensure the functioning of the entire necessary electronic documents to exchange with the management of the FFR equipment from the system subscriber;

To conclude an agreement on the provision of services for the manufacture and certification of encryption keys and the EDS for a subscriber of a system with one of the service providers of the UC, a list of which is provided by the subscriber of the system by the territorial bodies of the FIU.

At the same time, in order to ensure the safety of processing and confidential information, the system subscriber must:

Comply with the requirements of operational documentation for the means of cryptographic information protection;

Do not allow the appearance in a computer environment where the system is functioning, computer viruses and programs aimed at its destruction. When a malicious code is detected in the electronic document received from the subscriber of the system, the reception is blocked by issuing a notice of this subscriber of the system;

Terminate the use of a compromised encryption key and electronic digital signature and immediately inform the management of the FIU and the service provider of the UC, SCJi, the software product for providing information about the insured persons to the PFR authority in the telecommunications communication channels, with which the service agreement has been concluded about the fact of compromising the key;

Not to destroy and (or) do not modify the archives of open key electronic digital signatures, electronic documents (including electronic receipts and magazines);

Transfer electronic documents with confidential information only in encrypted form.

4.3. In case of impossibility of fulfilling obligations under this Agreement, the parties immediately inform each other to suspend obligations.

4.4. In the event of disputes associated with acceptance or non-acceptance and (or) with the execution or non-fulfillment of the electronic document, the parties are obliged to comply with the procedure for harmonizing differences in accordance with the procedure for exchanging electronic documents in the FIU SED on telecommunication channels of communication.

5. Responsibility of Party

5.1. The parties are responsible for the use of information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. The FIU is not responsible for damage due to non-compliance with the subscriber of the requirements of the requirements in the provision of information about the insured persons to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on telecommunication channels in terms of late notice of compromising the keys of the subscriber's EDS.

5.3. The system subscriber is responsible for the safety of the system software, the archives of certificates of public key digital signatures and electronic documents posted on their computers.

5.4. If one of the parties places the other party to the electronic document in the presence of a confirmation of the other party to obtain such a document, and the other party cannot submit a disputed electronic document, the party not submitted to the controversial document is guilty.

5.5. The Party interacting with the FIED, in accordance with the instructions for the organization and security of information with limited access, approved by the FAPSI orders from 13.06.2001 N 152, performs under this agreement the indication of the coordinating body of cryptographic protection - the FFR branch to ensure the safety of information interaction using SCJ.

6. The procedure for changing the encryption keys and electronic digital signature

The procedure for issuing, replacing, destruction of keys, including in cases of compromising their compromise, the exchange of open keys is determined by the Supplier of the UC services, SKZI.

7. Term of the Agreement

7.1. This Agreement enters into force from the date of its signing by the Parties and is indefinite.

7.2. In case of termination of the exchange of electronic documents between the parties within 36 months, the agreement terminates automatically.

7.3. In case of violation of one of the parties to the obligations provided for by this Agreement, the other party has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement, notifying this in writing the other Party within 30 (thirty) calendar days.

7.4. In case of intention of one of the parties, to terminate the agreement unilaterally, it is necessary to notify the other side of at least 30 calendar days.

8. Additional conditions

8.1. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies, each of which has the same legal force.

8.2. With the requirements of the procedure for providing information about the insured persons to the territorial departments of the FFR branch in telecommunication channels, posted on the site, acquainted and agree.

9. Legal addresses and details of the parties

Subscriber System Management PFR

Source - "Personnel Question", 2012, No. 4

Similar documents

In this article we will talk about agreement with the FIU on electronic document flow. We will tell you in what cases such agreements are concluded, with which objectives this document is issued, what are the subtleties and nuances of creating an agreement with the FIU. Among other things, you will have the opportunity at the end of the article to download a sample agreement on connecting to electronic document management of the FIU so that you can clearly make sure that the form is competent and correctly filling out the form. But first we will deal in the basic concepts that will help us build the canvas of the narrative logical and complete.

Agreement with FIU on electronic document flow

To begin with, we will analyze all the incomprehensible concepts of our question. What is the FFR? The FIU is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Why need this agreement on electronic document flow? If you, let's say, discovered their company, then be prepared for what you will need to contact with many third-party organizations and structures. The pension fund of the Russian Federation will necessarily enter your permanent contacts. Agreement with the FIU on electronic document flow is needed so that you can officially exchange data with this structure through electronic information exchange tools. What are the advantages of such a transition to electronic document proof? First of all, in saving money, time and strength. It's no secret that paper red tires is tiring, and tires very much. Electronic document flow will facilitate this difficult wear and improve communications with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Where to get a form of agreement with the FIU to electronic document flow?

To get a form of an electronic document management form, you just need to go to the FIU, which oversees the area or the city where you live. If it is not possible to go to the pension fund, then download the Agreement Blanc from the FIU on electronic document flow from the official website of this institution. The agreements are created in the number of two pieces, because one copy remains at the Pension Fund staff of the Russian Federation, and the other - who has written a statement. By the way, both written instances of the agreement must be certified and signed by the staff of the FIU.

Drawing up an agreement with the FIU on electronic document flow

So, let's now dwell directly on the completion of the agreement with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on Electronic Document Driver. Immediately make a reservation that the incorrectly written agreement staff will simply do not accept you, so it's especially important to do everything right right away, because it will save you time and nerves. To do this, we recommend you download a sample agreement with the FIU on electronic document flow, which is located at the very end of our article.

The most popular mistake in the preparation of an application for electronic document flow from the FIU is a negligence and inaccurate provision of details of its company

Rehend to this carefully and scrupulously. If any nebulae arise and incomprehensible moments in the agreement, then boldly contact the Pension Fund for the Russian Federation. You have such an opportunity, because both instances of the statement you will need to attribute to the FIU.

In an agreement on electronic document flow, please indicate the details, the name and contact information, which concerns the separation of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in which you appeal. All the insured data should be prescribed. If you do not have in the hands of this information, then you can get it in the local PFR department. In the case when the policyholder is a company employee, whose name is written by an agreement, here we give a complete information display about the organization.

If we carefully read the form of an agreement with the FIU about electronic document flow, we will see the following conditions there: with the signing of this paper you can count on the exchange of information with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation through the Internet, fax and other modern communication systems. But there is one condition: you need to have EDS. What is EDS? The EDS is abbreviated called an electronic digital signature. That is, this is the form that in electronic document flow replaces the "paper". Immediately warned that the electronic digital signature for his company is better to do immediately after the discovery, because it may noticeably ease the lives to their employees.

But, like all the good in this world, this tool is not a free option. On average, specialists take thousands of six or seven rubles for the creation of electronic digital signature. Naturally, the cost may differ, depending on the region of residence, as well as depending on the financial situation in the country.

Many are asked, is whether electronic document flow is a safe way to exchange information? The question is understandable, because no company does not want to show the wrong company, whether it is a major trading concern or be a beer stall. By law, all information, all data that is transmitted in the form of electronic document management between any company and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is not subject to third parties. That is, in simple words, the FIU does not have the right to disclose your transmitted data in any form.

Features of the agreement with the FIU on electronic document flow

Now we will analyze several nuances that relate to electronic document management between the company and the FIU:

  • Digital data can be sent through electronic means of communication only from the company or from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  • Data that are transmitted as text files cannot change and correct during the transfer process.
  • Electronic digital signature is the guarantor of the correctness and correctness of the input data.
  • The addressee to which the data is sent is obliged to make a certain document in which the fact of receiving information will be reflected. Usually this document is a receipt

In order to facilitate the work of the accountant, in particular, to connect a document management with the FIU, it is necessary to perform a number of actions: Fill out an application for connecting to electronic document management of the FIU and the Agreement with the FIU on electronic document flow 2019. More information about these intricacies in the material.

Due to the very rich information flow, it is very important to optimize the work of the accountant. One way to achieve this goal is to connect to electronic document flow with a pension fund. The advantages of this interaction are obvious - there is no need to visit the Pension Fund and to donate reporting, in addition, it is possible to quickly identify and correct errors.

Digital document flow with a pension fund is safe. By law, all information participating in document flow is not subject to third parties.

What you need to connect electronic document management

Organizations To start document management from the FIU, you must complete the following documents:

  • application for connecting to electronic document flow in 3 copies;
  • agreement on connecting to electronic document flow in 2 copies.

The above documents must be transferred to the separation of the Pension Fund, with which, in fact, an agreement will be concluded. You can provide them either by the head, or another person, on the basis of power of attorney from this organization. A power of attorney can be drawn up in arbitrary form, it should contain information that this individual has the right to deliver and receive documents related to the design of the electronic exchange of papers with the pension fund. Such a power of attorney must sign the head, it is also necessary to put the register of the organization-insurer.

Before filling out the statement and agreement, it is necessary to determine the choice of an accredited certification center or its authorized representatives who take on the technical side of the connection through telecommunication channels. Today, more than enough.

With regard to the agreement on connecting to the electronic exchange of documents, its form can be downloaded on the PFR website.

How to fill out an application for electronic document management with PFR

The essence of the statement is that the institution organization intends to establish the exchange of documents with the Pension Fund. In the application header, you must specify which separation you submit a statement, and below the date you need to connect the service. The following data is filled:

  • name of company;
  • INN, CAT;
  • registration number in the FIU;
  • data on the bank in which this organization is served;
  • legal and actual address;
  • the average number of employees.

After the legal entity data is filled, it is necessary to make information about the selected certifying center or his authorized representative.

At the end, the applicant signs the document and puts printing on it, thus confirming its consent to the conditions.

Employees of the department after receiving the application must provide an agreement on connecting electronic document management in telecommunication channels. This document also needs to be filled. For consideration of the statement, the Pension Fund can spend from one week to a month. If there are errors in the details of the insured, the application will not accept.

Agreement on connecting to electronic document management with the FIU

The incorrectly filled form of employees of the Pension Fund will be returned to the correction, so be careful. If you received a form in the pension fund, then usually the details of the desired department of the department are already filled. If you have downloaded an agreement on connecting to electronic document management without the details of the Pension Fund, then you need to register the name and contact information of the Fund's branch where you turned. You must also fill out all the insured data. After that, you need to sign the document and put the print. The sample of the caps of this document is presented below.

Please note: in the Agreement on connecting to the electronic exchange of documents of the FIU, it is indicated that you can count on the exchange of information with the Pension Fund through the Internet, fax and other modern communication systems. After receiving all documents, the Office may consider them from two weeks to a month.

Attention! When moving to another special operator, the contract must be renewed. It happens that not all UPFR require renewing the agreement, but according to the regulations it must be done.

After the applicant receives back signed application instances and agreements, you can start setting up a program with which the data is encrypted and transmitted to the Pension Insurance Department. Upon completion of the procedure, you can start the exchange.

Sample of filling out an application to the FIU on the connection of electronic reporting

Statement of standard form

I continue a series of publications of answers to questions in the framework of the action.

I am an entrepreneur, decided to take reporting via the Internet, faced the fact that the system asks me "date and number of the contract with the Pension Fund." What is this contract and how to conclude it? Why can I pass in the tax and FSS reporting without any contracts?

I will, perhaps, with a response to the second question, which is rather commonly philosophical and refers to rhetorical. Yes, the system is precisely such that, for reporting in the FTS and FSS, no additional actions are required, just connecting to any system of electronic document management. Why everything is wrong with the pension fund, but I can not answer, however, I can report that the regulation of the interaction of the Pension Fund with insurers (that is, by employers, payers of contributions for compulsory pension insurance of their employees) approved (now the document is approved as a wording of the order from 06/10/2009 No. 116R, from 19.03.2010 No. 75 p), and there it is indicated that the electronic document flow between the pension fund and the insured is carried out on the basis of the relevant agreementsthe typical form of the agreement was approved by the same order.

How to conclude an agreement?

The easiest way to download a sample form from the PFR site, fill it, print it, assure an authorized person's signature, put the seal and bring two copies to the Pension Fund office at the place of registration of the entrepreneur (well, or the location of the Organization).

Inspector responsible for organizing electronic document management takes you both copies of the agreement, registers in some of its special journal and gives you a date and number of the agreement that you can use during the reporting. The agreement itself, signed by the Pension Fund, is issued a little later, but it is no longer fundamentally, I do not remember in practice a single case, so that its instance of the agreement would need the policyholder. The main thing for you is to get the date and number of the agreement, and you get them immediately.

Added: After publishing from my friends, two useful comments were received, which I found it necessary to reflect in this article.

First, the comment from the technical specialist Alexander Kolybelnikova, who gives an answer to the question "Why such a procedure is provided only for the FIU".

... Because in the tax and FSS reporting with the help of certified electronic signature funds, and there is no reports in the FIU. These are the features of the technical solution, they affect the legal significance of document management.

To be honest, I as the most uninitiated in these technical details, the differences are not very clear, and I directly pointed out there in the comments that I did not get any additional keys for passing reporting in the FIU, I personally have one access in System "Contour" and no additional keys. But if the technical regulations have different departments, let us just need to take this note and perform. Separately, I pay attention to that if someone wants to figure out in detail in technical procedures, I add to Alexander (by clicking on the link above, you will find both the text of his comment, and his profile), he promised to tell something else on this topic, so How he does this question professionally.

And the second important addition from Marina Mishukovka, it concerns the practice of making agreement:

Unfortunately, in Moscow and the Moscow region, you need to take an agreement in your UPFR (you can record on the USB flash drive). In the Typical Agreement, the Fund staff would personally have to personally enter the details of their UPFR, and in the "their" version, these data were already printed.

Taking into account this comment, it seems that there is no point in printing the text of the agreement itself, but it is necessary to directly go to the pension fund, and there or - to speed up the procedure - from hand to fill out an agreement with its details, or to take the electronic version from them, fill out and then will be printed bring

Thanks to my expensive commentators. I really appreciate any participation in my activity.