An essay on the topic: three truths in the play of Gorky "at the bottom." Three truths and their tragic clashes (on the play m

Writing on the topic: three truths in the play of Gorky
An essay on the topic: three truths in the play of Gorky "at the bottom." Three truths and their tragic clashes (on the play m

One of the most fundamental issues of Russian literature is the question of man, its place in the world and its genuine value. The humanism problem becomes especially relevant at the end of the XIX - early XX century, when history begins to develop in such a way that the real value of a person is lost. Many writers of that time appealed to the theme of the person, tried to find the truth, to understand the purpose of human life. One of these writers was Maxim Gorky.

The writer reveals his ideas about a person already in the first romantic works. The first story of Gorky - "Makar Mirara" - was published in 1892, then there were other stories about "Bosiaki": "Grandfather Arkka and Lenka" (1894), "Chelkash" (1895), "Konovalov" (1897), "Malva "(1897). The main characters of these stories are tramp, "former people", but contrary to the literary tradition, they are depicted not as rejected, "humiliated and offended", but as the people who themselves rejected society with his morality and social laws. These heroes despise the bullshit to peace and satiety, any restriction of freedom. This is a winsnoube, which "even hungry, be free." "Bosyaki" proud, merry, they hate suffering, they have no fear of life, but there is a sense of self-esteem. Therefore, the thieves of Chelkash looks much more attractive than the greedy peasant Gavrille.

At the same time, the narrator does not hide the fact that the level of self-consciousness of these "bosiaks" is low. Only some of them began to truly think about their own fate and sense of human life (Konovalov). But "The severity of their dum increased by blindness of their mind." In addition, Gorky has perfectly seen the danger of a limitless personary of such people, the tragedy of their loneliness. N. Minsk wrote about this: "Gorky depicts not just bosias, and some kind of super-shortcots and superhort, preachers of some new provincial nice ... The strongest is the strongest, because it requires more from life, but a weak one is to blame that he cannot stand up for herself. It is necessary to confess that in our literature, through the impregnated teaching about love and good, such a bright preaching of the right of strong is rather new and risky. "

The search for the truth of life The writer continued throughout the entire creative path. This search was reflected in the images of the heroes of many later works. But the most acute dispute about the truth of life sounds in the play "On the bottom". The peculiarity of this work is that all the characters have their truth. And each of them openly speaks of his truth. Bubnov approves the truth of the fact, Luka preaches the truth of the comforting lies, satin defends the truth of faith in man. Whose truth is actually true?

"Everyone will tell you so much, live out and die. And I die, and you ... what to regret," in these words of Bubnov, the landed, the meshmanskaya ideology, however, the horns, the truth of Baron and the tick. Bubnov is not able to understand the truth of such people like satin. Luke's stories about people who believed in righteous land: "All fiction ... too!" He exclaims. "Ho! Ho! Righteous Earth! There!" Ho-ho-ho! " It reduces the "elevator deception" to "low truths". He recognizes only the truth of the facts and cruel laws of life.

Baron recognizes only the truth of the past, so it is indifferent to the world, all remaining in the past. Past is his only true. But what did she give him? "You will argue ..." he says Satina, "... it must be heating a heart ... I don't have it ... I don't know how! .. I, brother, I'm afraid ... Sometimes .. . Trusha ... Because - What's next? .. I never understood nothing ... it seems to me that I just changed it all my life ... Why? I do not remember! I studied - I wore the uniform of the noble institute ... He studied? I do not remember ... I got married - Dold Frak, then - a bathrobe ... And I took a bad wife ... I lived everything that was, - I wore some gray jacket and red pants ... And how did you go? I did not notice ... served in the treasury ward ... Mundir, she cleared the stateless money - they put the arrest bathrobe on me ... and everything ... as in a dream ... And ... because I was born ... eh? " Baron does not believe in illusion. But faith in the truth of facts ultimately does not bring satisfaction, does not show it the meaning of life. This is its main tragedy.

Like a Bubnovaya and Baron Tick, he does not want illusions: he voluntarily assimilated the truth of the real world. "What am she really to me? What am I to blame? .. Why do I really need to live?" Here it is true! .. "He is proud of the fact that he is a man, and therefore the inhabitants of the survival refers with contempt. . The owner he hates and the whole soul seeks to escape from the night. But he is waiting for disappointment. The death of his wife handed over the tick, deprived him of faith in the truth, whatever she was. "There is no work ... There is no strength! That's the truth! Neighborhood ... No! I need to frown ... Here it is, true! .. What is she, right? .."

This ideology opposes his truth of Luka. He calls for everyone to respect the person: "Man, what is it either, always stands for its price." The position of Luke is the idea of \u200b\u200bcompassion, the idea of \u200b\u200bactive good, exciting faith in a person who can lead him further. He promotes the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonal improvement and even sublime deception.

But in the views of Luke strike notes of adaptation and duality, which he choses in the form of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe freedom of a person's consciousness: to the question of ash, there is God, Luke answers: "If you believe, - there is; you don't believe, - no ... what you believe , That is ... "

Thus, he does not deceive people, he sincerely believes in them, believes in his truth. The only question is that this is true, it turns out to be different - depending on the person himself. "Man is true. He understood it!" - So interrupts the ideology of Luke Satin. And with all the differences in views, he admires an old man: "He is smart! .. He ... I worked on me, like an acid on an old and dirty coin ..." It is under the influence of Luke's views, under the influence of conversations with him Satin subsequently said My monologue about a person: "Man is free ... He pays for everything himself, and therefore he is free!"

Satin proves that "man is above a satiety" that the person has high goals, there are higher needs than care about being full: "I always despised people who are too careful about being satisfied. Not in this The point! The man is higher! Man is above satiety! "

Satina is independent. He is not afraid of the owner of the night. It can sometimes seem cynical: "Give me a penny," he turns to the actor - and I will believe that you are talent, hero, crocodile, private attracting. " The same cynically sounds his replica in response to the message of Barona about the death of the actor: "Eh ... spoiled a song ... Fool." Such a position is due to the disappointment of the hero in his life itself. He is no longer believed. He considers his life and the life of the remaining inhabitants finished: "You can not kill twice." But he is not really alien to compassion, he is a good comrade surrounding him with a sympathy.

It was the monologues of Satin that summarizes the entire originative and formulate the ethical position of the author: "A person is true! .. Who is weak soul ... And who lives in other people's juices - the lies are needed ... And who is the owner himself ... who is independent and Does not wait for someone else's - why a lie? Lies - the religion of slaves and owners ... True - God's free man. " He expresses the author's confidence that "man ... it sounds proudly! We must respect a person!"

True, Luke fell out the inhabitants of the night. However, false, comfort can not be helped by anyone, even people "bottom", claims bitter. True, Luke, facing the realities of the life of the inhabitants of the night, with the truth, Bubnov, Baron, tick, leads to tragic consequences. The actor hanged himself when I realized that the wonderful hospital for the "organisms" is the fiction of Luke.

The mental crisis is experiencing Nastya. A splash of illusions overshadows the true position of things from the unfortunate inhabitants of the night, which in the end leads to a complete crash of their hopes, and then the chain reaction of the tragedy begins (the beating of Natasha Vasilisa, the arrest of the ash, who killed Kostyleva in the fight, the shock of the mites and so on) . Comprehension of truth "Everything - in man, everything for a person" fascinates Satina and other heroes of the play. Moreover, for them, the incompatibility of this discovery with reality ...

Thus, in the play "At the bottom", M. Gorky sought not only to image the terrible reality to draw attention to the fate of disadvantaged people. He created a truly innovative philosophical and journalistic drama. The content of the scattered episodes of masterfully organized by it into the overall picture of the tragic clash of the "three truth" about life. It makes us think and make certain conclusions. If the position of Baron, Tick and Bubnova for us is unacceptable, then with the positions of Luke and Satina we can agree, and argue.

The thing is that in the image of satin with his undoubtedly - the truth person - the image of a person of the future appears before us. His high ideas are still only declarative. Then Luke, despite the duality of ideas, confirms his beliefs to the case. And therefore is more man of the present. And Luka, and satin sought to open people a real truth - the truth of the human person. But while the world will not be ready for understanding this truth - humanity will be doomed to death.

In the play "At the bottom", M. Gorky seeks not only to bring the picture of terrible reality to draw attention to the fate of disadvantaged people. He created a truly innovative philosophical and journalistic drama. The content at the first view of the scattered episodes is a tragic clash of three truths, three ideas about life.
The first truth is the truth of Bubnov, it can be called the truth fact. Bubnov is convinced that a person is born for death and there is no need to regret it: "Everything likes this way: they will call, live out, die. And I die ... And you ... what to regret ... You are unnecessary everywhere ... and all people on Earth are extra. " As you can see, the Bubnov completely denies itself, and others, his despair is generated by challenge. For him, the truth is a cruel, murderer blowing inhuman circumstances.
True Luke is the truth of compassion and faith in God. Looking at Bosyakas, he finds the word consolation for everyone. He is a bit, kind to those who need help, he instills in every hope: tells the actor about the hospital for alcoholics, advises ashes to go to Siberia, Anna talks about happiness in the afterlime world. What Luke says cannot be called just a lie. Rather, he inspires faith in the fact that from any hopeless situation there is a way out. "Everyone is looking for people, everyone wants - how best, give them, Lord, patience!" - Luka sincerely says and adds: "Who is looking for - finds ... help only need it ..." Luka carries people a saving faith. He thinks that pity, compassion, mercy, attention to a person you can heal his soul, so that the last thief understands: "It is better to live! We must live like that ... so that you can ... it was respect ... "
The third truth is the truth of satin. He believes in a man, as in God. He believes that a person can believe in himself and hope for his strength. He does not see the meaning in pity and Sostra-Denmark. "What is the benefit to you if I regret you?" - He asks the tick. And then I says my famous monologue about a person: "There is only a person, yet the rest is the case of his hands and his brain! Human! It's great! It sounds - proudly! " Satin is not just a strong personality. He talks about a person who is able to rebuild the world at his discretion, create new laws of the universe - about man and God.
Three truths in the play are tragically faced, which necessitates just such a final of the play. The problem is that in each of the truth there is a part of the lies and that the very concept of truth is multidimensively. A vivid example of this - and at the same time the time of the collision of different truth is a monologue of Satin about the proud person. This monologue utters a drunk man. And the question immediately arises: this drunk, the desired person is the same, which "sounds proudly"? A positive answer is doubtful, and if negative - how much to deal with what "there is only a person? So satin talking to this monologue - does not exist? It turns out that in order to perceive the truth of the words of Satin about the Gordeau Man, it is necessary not to see satin, the appearance of which is also true.
It is terrible that inhuman society kills and cripples human souls. But the main thing in the play is that M. Gorky made contemporaries even sharper feel the injustice of the public device, made him think about man, his freedom. He says his own play: you have to live, not mirous with a false, injustice, but not to destroy kindness, compassion, mercy.

Writing on literature on the topic: three truths in the play "On the bottom"

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Three truths in the play "On the bottom"

In the play "At the bottom", M. Gorky seeks not only to bring the picture of terrible reality to draw attention to the fate of disadvantaged people. He created a truly innovative philosophical and journalistic drama. The content at the first view of the scattered episodes is a tragic clash of three truths, three ideas about life.

The first truth is the truth of Bubnov, it can be called the truth fact. Bubnov is convinced that a person is born for death and there is no need to regret it: "Everything is like this: they are called, wait, die. And I die ... And you ... what to regret ... You are unnecessary everywhere ... and all people on earth are extra. " As you can see, the Bubnov completely denies itself, and others, his despair is generated by challenge. For him, the truth is a cruel, murderer blowing inhuman circumstances.

True Luke is the truth of compassion and faith in God. Looking at Bosyakas, he finds the word consolation for everyone. He is a bit, kind to those who need help, he instills in every hope: tells the actor about the hospital for alcoholics, advises ashes to go to Siberia, Anna talks about happiness in the afterlime world. What Luke says cannot be called just a lie. Rather, he inspires faith in the fact that from any hopeless situation there is a way out. "Everyone is looking for people, everyone wants - how best, give them, Lord, patience!" - Luke sincerely says and adds: "Who is looking for - finds ... help only need them ..." Luka carries people a saving faith. He thinks that pity, compassion, mercy, attention to a person you can heal his soul, so that the last thief understands: "It is better to live! We must live like that ... so that you can ... it was respect ... "

The third truth is the truth of satin. He believes in a man, as in God. He believes that a person can believe in himself and hope for his strength. He does not see the meaning in pity and Sostra-Denmark. "What is the use of you if I regret you?" - He asks the tick .. and then says his famous monologue about man: "There is only a person, yet the rest is the matter of his hands and his brain! Human! It's great! It sounds - proud! " Satin is not just a strong personality. He talks about a person who is able to rebuild the world at his discretion, create new laws of the universe - about man and God.

Three truths in the play are tragically faced, which necessitates just such a final of the play. The problem is that in each of the truth there is a part of the lies and that the very concept of truth is multidimensively. A vivid example of this - and at the same time the time of the collision of different truth is a monologue of Satin about the proud person. This monologue utters a drunk man. And the question immediately arises: this drunk, the desired person is the same, which "sounds proudly"? A positive answer is doubtful, and if negative - how much to be with what "there is only a person? So satin talking to this monologue - does not exist? It turns out that in order to perceive the truth of the words of Satin about the Gordeau Man, it is necessary not to see satin, the appearance of which is also true.

It is terrible that inhuman society kills and cripples human souls. But the main thing in the play is that M. Gorky made contemporaries even sharper feel the injustice of the public device, made him think about man, his freedom. He says his own play: you have to live, not mirous with a false, injustice, but not to destroy kindness, compassion, mercy.

Maxim Gorky's play genre "On the bottom" can be defined as a philosophical drama. In this work, the writer managed to raise many problematic issues about the person and the meaning of its existence. However, the dispute about the truth in the play "At the bottom" became the key.

History of creation

The play was written in 1902. This time is characterized by serious as a result of which, due to the closure factory workers, the workers were not deeds, and the peasants were forced to be disappeared and born. All these people, and together with them and the state, found themselves at the very bottom of life. To reflect the whole degree of decline, Maxim Gorky made his heroes by representatives of all segments of the population. I became an adventurer, a former actor, prostitute, a locksmith, a thief, a shoemaker, merchant, dealers of the night, a policeman.

And precisely, the decline and poverty are given the key eternal issues of life. And the basis of the conflict was the dispute about the truth in the play "At the bottom". This philosophical problem has long been unresolved for Russian literature, Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and many others were taken for it. However, Gorky was not at all scared of this state of affairs, and he created a work, devoid of dodactism and morality. The viewer himself has the right to make his choice by listening to different points of view that heroes express.

The dispute is about truth

In the play "At the bottom," as already mentioned above, bitter did not simply portrayed a terrible reality, the most important for the writer was the answers to the most important philosophical issues. And in the end, he manages to create an innovative work that did not know himself equal in the history of literature. At first glance, the story seems fragmented, immutable and fragmented, but gradually all the pieces of mosaic add up, and the collision of heroes unfolds in front of the audience, each of which is a carrier of its truth.

A multifaceted, ambiguous and inexhaustible such a topic as a dispute about the truth in the play "On the bottom". A table that could be drawn up for a greater understanding, would include three characters: Bubnova, it is these characters that are roast discussions about the need for truth. Understanding the impossibility of a response to this question, the bitter invests in the mouth of these heroes different opinions that are equivalent and equal to the viewer. It is impossible to determine the position of the author itself, so these three images of criticism are interpreted in different ways, and there is still no uniform opinion on whether the point of view is true of the truth.


Entering the argument about the truth in the play "At the bottom", the Bubnov adheres to the opinion that the key to everything is the facts. He does not believe in the highest strength and the high purpose of man. A person is born and lives only to die: "Everything is like this: they will call, live out, die. And I diries ... And you ... what to regret ... "This character is hopelessly desperate in life and does not see anything joyful in the future. The truth is that a person cannot resist the circumstances and cruelty of the world.

For Bubnova, a lie is unacceptable and incomprehensible, he believes that it is only necessary for the truth: "And why do people lie like?"; "In my opinion, Vali all the truth as it is!" He is open, without constraint expresses his opinion on others. The philosophy of Tubnova Truthful and ruthless to a person, he does not see the meaning in helping the neighbor and care for him.


For Luke, the main thing is not true, but consolation. In an effort to bring in the hopelessness of the daily life of the inhabitants of the night at least some meaning, he gives them false hope. His help lies in lies. Luka understands people well and knows what everyone needs, based on this and gives promises. So, he tells the dying Anna that after death she was waiting for peace, the actor inspires the hope of cure from alcoholism, the ashes of the best life in Siberia.

Luke appears one of the key figures in such a problem as the argument about the truth in the play "On the bottom". Replica him is full of sympathy, calm, but they do not have the words of truth. This image is one of the most ambiguous in the drama. For a long time, literary crowns were evaluated by him only from a negative side, but today many are seen in the actions of Luke and positive moments. His lies console the weak, unable to resist the cruelty of the surrounding reality. The philosophy of this character in kindness: "A person can teach a good ... While a man believed - he lived, but he lost his faith - and she walked." An indicative of this regard is the story about how the old man saved two thieves when he treated them in kind. True Luke - in pity for man and desire to give him hope, albeit illusory, on the possibility of a better, which would help live.


Satina is considered the main opponent of Luke. It is these two characters that lead the main dispute about the truth in the play "At the bottom". Satin quotes contrast sharply with the statements of Luke: "False - Religion of slaves", "True - God's free man!"

For satin, false is unacceptable, since in man he sees strength, resistance and ability to change everything. Pity and compassion is meaningless, people in them do not need. It is this character that says the famous monologue about a man-God: "There is only a person, yet the rest is the case of his hands and his brain! It's great! It sounds - proud! "

Unlike Bubnova, which also recognizes the truth only and denying a lie, Satin respects people, believes in them.


Thus, the argument about the truth in the play "At the bottom" is the plot-forming. Gorky does not give a clear resolution of this conflict, to determine who is right, should every viewer for himself. However, it should be noted that the Satina final monologue is heard at the same time a hymn man and a call to actions aimed at changing terrifying reality.

Three truths in the play "On the bottom" of Gorky occupy a special place in the narration. Bubnov, Luke and Satin have their own idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is true.


True for Bubnova is the truth of the fact. The character claims that no one should lie that all people must "throw" only the truth, even if it is heavy for a person who hears it. The statements of each person, according to Bubnov, should be built as an indisputable fact. The hero does not perceive a lie in any manifestation.


Luka believes that a lie can give a man hope. The hero adheres to the position of lies to salvation. Drunkets Akter Luka speaks of a special city in which he will cure from alcoholism and change for the better. The dying Anne Luka says that she will find real peace after death. Nastya, striving to find love, Luka says that she will definitely achieve what believes. The hero appeared at the night is trying to support everyone who is on the "day".

True Luke lies in mercy and compassion. It is built on love for all mankind. The hero seeks every resident of the night to give hope for the best life, and the lie becomes an instrument. Luke disagrees with the position of Bubnov, he believes that it is impossible to cure a human soul alone.


Satin does not agree with the position of Luke. He is a 3 truth expressive. Satin believes that the lies are the religion of only slaves and owners. It is opposed to her truth, it is she "the God of a free man." Satin does not support the pity of Luke in relation to the residents of the night, the hero believes that the lie, covered with pity, will not help anyone that a person needs not to regret, but respect.


To understand the difference in understanding the truth with different heroes, consider the table "Three truths (" at the bottom ")", built on quotes.




"And here I ... I do not know how to lie!"

"She, truth, is not always a fellow man ... not always the truth soul will cure"

"Man is true!"

"In my opinion - Vali all the truth as it is! What to be shy? "

"Love - Alive I need ... Live"

"Lies - religion of slaves and owners! True - God's free man! "

"Human to climb - never harmful"

"Human! It's great! It sounds ... proud! "