Overall on the topic: Pechorin and Pereshnitsky, comparative characteristics of heroes (according to the novel "The hero of our time" M.Yu. Lermontov)

Overall on the topic: Pechorin and Pereshnitsky, comparative characteristics of heroes (according to the novel
Overall on the topic: Pechorin and Pereshnitsky, comparative characteristics of heroes (according to the novel "The hero of our time" M.Yu. Lermontov)

In the chapter "Princess Meri", Lermontov shows us a relationship between the Pechorin and Grushnitsky, their friendship, gradually passed into hostility and ending duel.

Two images of heroes

Gregory Alexandrovich Pechorin is the main character of the novel. The work shows us the relationship of the hero with other people, in different life situations.

Grushnitskiy is very young, he is romantically set up, wants to achieve glory, waiting for fiery love, loves to pose into public. Pechorin, the proportion of society of that time, is an egoist, tired of life, he is a skeptic, most often pessimistic. Grigory is endowed with the power of the Spirit, which he cannot find application anywhere, as a result of which he suffers from a temporary flow of life. If the pearshnitsky is not sophisticated in the life of the peripetia, then Pechorin has been hardened in psychological battles.

From friends to enemies

The relations of the two of these heroes are developing from positive to complete rejection of each other. It is in this interaction that the dark sides of Pechorin's character are revealed.

Having met Pechorina on the waters, Grushnitsky tells him about his love in the young princess, thereby pointing his weak points. Pechorin has no deep attachments in friendship, so he decides to entertain himself with a ugly game with a juncher and prince. He is pretty infant telling some situations from the life of Grushnitsky, tries to make himself sad and incomprehensible to other romantic scholars. An inexperienced girl falls in love with the fatal hero, and the Pechorin in the meantime quietly divides with the Werner with his adventures and ridicule over the former friend.

The coldness and indifference to other people break the appearance of friendship between two young men. The hot-tempered pearshnitsky rigidly and dirtily takes Mary.

Duel as a mirror of heroes

At the time of the fight, the heroes reveal their true essence. Hushchnitsky suddenly shows that in fact the cowardly - he agrees not to charge the gun with bullets, knowing that this will definitely lead to the death of Pechorin.

At the moment of the duel, the dual character of Pechorina is revealed. Holding a former friend on the fly, he says that he will forgive him if he takes back his subsidence. He actually was ready to stop the duel, but without rapidly shoots the Juncker, the refusal to correct the situation. Even preparing to accept the words of forgiveness, Pechorurn is not thinking about for a moment before making a fatal shot.

Product of his time

Friendship, and then enmity of two heroes ended with the death of one of them. Pechorin cannot calmly accept the shortcomings of others - the near and Paphos of Hushchnitsky will clarify the eyes and ear. Do not know how to forgive and adapt to others, the hero ruins many people. The cruel higher light, he himself is cruel, as a result of which Grushnitsky killed.

These relationships show the dark depths of Pechorin's souls - the inability to be friends, the inability to love, indifference to life and death. Without afraid to die, he lives only with a mind, rejecting feelings. This provision leads him to the greater the abyss of despair and longing.

That she will never be up. The way it is. Roman, written in 1840, and in our time causes interest and does not lose life acute. This is a story about the tragedy of man, which did the unfortunate all surrounding, including himself. Creating his main character, the writer resorts to the admission of opposition. So, opposing the main character of the Pechistan, another acting person in the image of the Grushnitsky, the author can more clearly allocate the main characteristic features of the main character, revealing more accurately. We, getting acquainted with the characters of Pechorin and Grushnitsky, can now make their characteristic in their composition comparison.

Overall Pechorin and Grushnitsky briefly

Pechorin and Grushnitsky met in Pyatigorsk. This happened in one of the parts of the work called Princess Mary.

Image of Pechorin.

So, Pechorin is a young officer, having leadership traits, could affect people. Pechorin is formed, Galanten, and at the same time selfish and malicious. All in it contradicts. It would seem that he was disappointed in life and apatic, but immediately we see a person action. It has a lot of vital energy. He appreciates friendship, but at the same time it can easily betray those who are not indifferent to it. Pechorina can be easily injured and offended, although he himself is not averse to step over the moral foundations and easily wounds others.

The image of Grushnitsky

Grushnitsky - Junker, dreaming of love and stars on the pursuit. He very much wanted to be like Pechistan, so his life is a game and reincarnation. It was very rare to see his true nature. Grucnitsky invented his image and followed him having one goal - to impress. He is a hub, who spoke a lot and no more. Having fallen in love with the princess, the Grushnitsky is trying to achieve its location by all means, while Pechorina did not make difficulty falling in love with Mary. Only this was not needed, he just plays. The woman is increasingly interested in the peopling, and this fact spreads the abyss in the relations of Pechorin and Pereshnitsky. And the events that developed according to Pechorin's plan showed the real nature of the Pereshchnitsky. He turned out to be a cunning and pious person who is capable of revenge and dishonest.

The result of the acquaintance of two heroes was a duel and the death of Grucnitsky. Just on the eve of Duele, Pechorin tried to understand why he lived and for what purpose came to this world. He is trying to rethink his life.

Summing up, you can say easier. The image of Grushnitsky is a parody of the main character. By opposing two personalities, the author emphasized the brightness of the character of Pecherin, its strength and hardness of nature. At the same time, this acquaintance helped to understand the character of the hero as cruelty and hypocrisy. We saw the duality of Pechorin's Nature, which during a duel allegedly is ready to forgive a friend, but at the same time with ease it kills him. We saw that Pechorin could not take sacrifices for the sake of others, as the way was not capable of romantic feelings. Maybe therefore, he can easily be recognized Mary, which just laughed at Prince, thereby making a morally killing heroine.

Pechorin and Grushnitsky in the novel "Hero of our time"

The main character - Pechorin - the personality is bright, however, to reveal many of its qualities helps the appearance on the scene of the Grushnitsky.

The confrontation of Pechorin and Pereshnitsky is shown in the chapter "Princess Mary". The story is conducted on the face of Pechorin. He is inclined to analyze situations, people and himself, so his story is more or less considered objective. He knows how to make characteristic features in people and in two-three words pass them. But at the same time all flaws and flaws are ruthless.

There are both heroes as old buddies.

Pechorin is confident, judged, selfish, mercilessly peeled (sometimes over measures). At the same time, he sees the pears through, and laughs at it. And he, in turn, is too exalted, enthusiastic and verbose. He speaks more than doing, and too romantizes people (first of all - himself). Nevertheless, this dissimilarity and rejection of each other do not interfere with them to communicate and spend a lot of time together.

They almost simultaneously saw the princess Mary for the first time. From that moment on, a thin crack passed between them, which eventually turned into the abyss. Grucnitsky is a provincial romantic - the prince is not joking. The eternal enemy of Pechorina - boredom - forces him to bring him a princess into rabies with various small leans. All this is done without the shade of hostility, but exclusively from the desire to have fun.

The behavior of both heroes in relation to the princess Mary does not cause special sympathy. Grushnitsky - a hollow, he loves beautiful words and gestures. He wants life to resemble a sentimental novel. That is why he attributes to others those feelings that he would like them to experience. He sees life in some foggy haze, in a romantic halo. But there is no false in the feeling of him to Princess, though, maybe he exaggerates him somewhat.

On the other hand, Pechorin is a sensible person who studied women, besides Cynic. He is amused with Mary. He gives pleasure to this game, as it gives pleasure and observing the development of the relations of the Hushchnitsky and Princess. Pechorin, in contrast to the Pereshnitsky, perfectly foresee the further development of events. He is young, but managed to be disappointed in humans and in life as a whole. Send the princess Mary for him was not difficult, it was worth only seemingly incomprehensible and mysterious and being bold.

Pechorin leads a double game. He resumed his relationship with faith. This woman is undoubtedly stronger and tougher than Princess Mary. But love for Pechorin broke her. She is ready to trample his pride, reputation. She knows that their relationships are only pain and disappointment. And still strives for him, because otherwise can not. Faith is capable of much stronger feelings than Mary. Her love is stronger, and the grief is hopeless. She self-disseminates for love and does not regret it.

Grushnitsky will never cause such feelings. He is too soft and does not have bright features of character. He could not make Mary love himself. He lacks energetic and self-irony. His pompous speeches can only make an initial impression. But speeches begin to repeat and become in the end unbearable.

The more Princess is fond of the peopling (after all, it is much more interesting with him than with an alcoholic boy), the wider becomes. The abyss between him and Grushnitsky. The situation is heating, mutual dislike grows. Prophecy of Pechorin, that they someday "will face a narrow road," begins to come true.

Duel is the dissection of the relationship of two heroes. She approached inevitably because the road became too narrow for two.

On the day of Duele, Pechorin is experiencing a cold malice. He was trying to deceive, and he could not forgive this. The sad, on the contrary, is very nervous and is trying to dismiss inevitable with all their might. He behaved lately unworthyly, the rumor bluntly about Pechorin, and tried to put it in black light in every way. You can hate a person for it, you can punish it, despise, but it is impossible to deprive his life. But it does not worry Pechorin. He kills the Pereshnitsky and, without looking around, leaves. The death of the former buddy does not arouse in it any emotions.

So the story of Pechorina and Pereshnitsky relations is ends. You can not judge who is right, and who is to blame. And it is unknown who are more sorry for: the deceased Grushnitsky or who left Pechorina. The first will never be able to carry out his romantic dreams as well. The second of them never happened. Pechistan is better to die, as he does not see the meaning of his existence. This is his tragedy.

Relationships of Pechorin and Grushnitsky in the Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" ended in that Pechorin kills the Hushnitsky for a duel. What are the reasons for this tragic finale?

The first reason is the lowness, petty and limitations of the pearshnitsky, its landing values, his desire to impress the "victim". All these features of the nature of Grushnitsky caused disgust by Pechorin, because what kind of sadly play, Pechorin lives this, then the pearshnitsky is trying to appear, the Pechorin really is.

Grushnitsky marked in the heroes of the novel, and Pechorin himself is the hero. That is why Pechorina had a desire to swear above his "friend", to prove that the Grushnitsky is not at all the one that builds himself. Thus, Pechorin seeks the location of the Princess Marya called and envy to Grushnitsky, in response to this, the latter with the gang of criminals adjusts the duel, who is more likely to murder, but Pechorin learns about the conspiracy and turns out the outcome of the duel in their favor. However, Pechorin did not want the death of Grushnitsky, despite all his meanness, he gives him the last chance: "Grushnitsky! - I said, - There is still time, refuse your slander, and I will forgive you everything. You did not manage to think of me, and my pride is satisfied: remember - we were once friends ... "But the Pereshnitsky and this time shows his pompous pride, for which he pays life.

The second reason is the conspiracy of the Dragun captain and his gangs against Pechorin. Their desire to teach Pechorin practically does not have justifications, except that it does not look like others. Pechorin himself does not understand the reason for this hatred: "For what they hate me? ... For what? Did I hurt anyone? Not. Do I belong to the number of those people whom one species already gives rise to ill-advocacy? " But, nevertheless, this "honest company" is experiencing so strong hatred of Pechorin, which adjusts his murder within the duel and thereby predicts the tragic finale.

Thus, the reasons for the tragic final of the relationship between Pechorin and the Pereshnitsky are concluded both in the characters of the pears and Pechorin itself and in the plans of the "water" officers with whom the unlucky Juncker came closer.

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One of the acting persons opposed in the Roman Lermontov are Pechorin and Grushnitsky. The characteristics of their personalities makes it deeper to penetrate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

The image of the main character

Pechorin, whose life is described in the novel, lived in the 1930s of the XIX century. This is a man from the aristocratic circle, the reader sees that the hero is educated and non-nell. Like many siblings of rich families, he leads idle life. Due to serious misconduct, it refers to the Caucasus, in the existing army.

Despite the aristocratic origin, Pechorin is a very strong person with a tempered soul. Unlike many of his contemporaries, the hero is inclined to analyze his being, trying to understand himself.

He knows how to feel people, understand the motives of their actions, so most often his attitude towards the surrounding society is very critical. His personality shows his inner "I" in the chapter "Princess Mary", in which friendship is described, and then the clash of the hero with Pereshnitsky.

The image of Grushnitsky

Juncker is a rigorous descent, from a poor family. This is a romantic young man who dreams of love Princess Mary, who wants to always be the center of attention. He is poorly educated, which is trying to compensate for the porch. His soul is empty and is engaged in small funeral affairs. Grushnitsky loses Pechorin in many parameters.

Confrontation of heroes

This head of the novel is built on the resulting rivalry of two heroes. Initial friendship quickly goes into hostility. False, emptiness and spraying of the Pechishnitsky annoy Pechistan. In response, Grushnitsky hates Pechorin for the fact that everything is just given to him, for the fact that he is much better and smarter.

From boredom to get into this confrontation, Grigory Pechorin decides to fall in love with the princess Mary, according to which the pearshnitsky dusty sighs. He does not feel any feelings to her, but sees a wonderful chance to bite the former friend once again.

Relationships with Mary of both characters became the catalyst that provoked the further development of events. Hearshnitsky captivated by a notable girl, and Pechorin just wants to dispel boredom and asserted, having walked in love with himself.

The young horse, spoiled by the attention of women, knows how to draw attention to the girl inexperienced in love intrigues. His outstanding personality is immediately interested in many of the "Water Society". Cave with love Mary, Pechorin almost immediately forgets about it, switching to faith.

Duele becomes an intercourse

Gregory understands well that he brings his opponent to rabies, but he even like it. The premonition of the collision is bridged. The tension of the situation is allowed by an explosion - jealousy and envy pushing the pears on a duel.

Mortal fight even more clearly shows us how in the depths of the soul are the characters of the novel. Pechorin behaves calmly and noble, and his opponent, without thinking, goes to a dishonest deception, wanting to destroy the enemy even the price of the bearer.

Pechorin and the Pereshnitsky in the book are opposed, which makes it possible to see - whatever they are different, in fact they are missing links in each other's fate. The life of Grigory Pechorin is a distorted reflection of the life of the Grucnitsky. The same can be said about the pears. They are both negative heroes of the time that spawned them