Event is the existence of a custom system. Does India are needed by the XXI century caste? Infeasibility in modern India

Event is the existence of a custom system. Does India are needed by the XXI century caste? Infeasibility in modern India
Event is the existence of a custom system. Does India are needed by the XXI century caste? Infeasibility in modern India

Hello, dear readers - Knowledge Finder and Truth!

Many of us heard about the caste in India. This is not an exotic system of society, which is a remnant of the past. This is a reality in which residents of India live even in our time. If you want to learn about Indian castes as much as possible - today's article for you.

She will tell how the concepts of "Caste", "Varna" and "Jati" relate, why the caste division of society arose, as they appeared as they were in antiquity, and which now. You will also learn how many castes and Varn numbers today, and more - how to determine the affiliation of the Indian to the caste.

Casta and Varna

In world history, the concept of "caste" originally belonged to the Latin American colonies that were divided into groups. But now in the minds of people, the caste is firmly associated with Indian society.

Scientists - Indologists, Orientalists - many years studying this unique phenomenon that does not lose their strength after a thousand years, scientific works are written about it. The first thing they say are: there is a caste, and there is Varna, and this is not synonymous concepts.

Varna is only four, and castes are thousands. Each varna is divided into many castes, or, differently, "jati".

The last census, which took place in the first half of the last century, in 1931, counted more than three thousand castes throughout India. Experts say that every year their number is growing, but cannot call the exact number.

The concept of "Varna" is rooted in Sanskrit and translates as "quality" or "color" - on a certain color of clothing, which representatives of each Varna are worn. Varna is a more extensive term that determines the situation in society, and the caste or "jami" is a subgroup of Varna, which indicates belonging to a religious community, inheritance classes.

You can spend a simple and understandable analogy. For example, take a rather rich layer of the population. People growing in such families do not become the same by the nature of classes and interests, but occupy approximately the same status in the material plan.

They can become successful businessmen, representatives of the cultural elite, benefactors, travelers or people of art - this is the so-called caste, missed through the prism of Western sociology.

From the very beginning to today, the Indians shared only four Varna:

  • brahmans - priests, clergymen; highest layer;
  • kshatriya - Warriors who guarded the state participated in battles, battles;
  • vyachya - farmers, cattle breeders and merchants;
  • studras - workers, servants; lower layer.

Each Varna, in turn, shared on countless castes. For example, among Kshatriys there could be rulers, razhi, commander, warriors, policemen and then on the list.

There are members of society, which cannot be included in any of Varn - this is the so-called caste untouchable. At the same time, they can also be divided into subgroups. So, a resident of India may not belong to any Varna, but to the caste - necessarily.

Varna and Caste combine people to belong to religion, the nature of the activity, professions that are inherited - a certain strictly regulated division of labor. These groups are closed to representatives of lower castes. An unequal marriage in Indian is a marriage between representatives of different castes.

One of the reasons why customsystem So strong is the faith of Indians in rebirth. They are convinced that, strictly observing all the prescriptions inside their caste, in the next birth they can come to the representative of a higher caste. The brahmanas have already passed the entire life cycle and will certainly be realized on one of the divine planets.

Custom characteristics

All castes comply with certain rules:

  • one religious affiliation;
  • one profession;
  • certain property with which they may possess;
  • regulated list of rights;
  • endogamia - marriages can only be performed inside the caste;
  • heredity - belonging to the caste is determined from birth and is inherited from parents, you can not go to a higher Casta;
  • the impossibility of physical contact, co-erected with representatives of lower castes;
  • permitted food: meat or vegetarian, raw or heat treatment;
  • clothes color;
  • bindi and Tilak color - points on the forehead.

Historical excursion

The Basnovy System entrenched still in the laws of Manu. Hinduses believe that we all happened from Manu, because it is he who escaped from flooding thanks to God Vishnu, while the rest of people died. Believers argue that this happened about thirty thousand years ago, but skeptotic scientists call another date - century II BC.

In the laws of Manu with amazing accuracy and calculation, all rules of life are painted to the smallest detail: starting to swaded newborns, ending with how to handle rice fields. It also refers to the division of people by 4 versions already known to us.

Vedic literature, including Rigveda, also says that all residents in the ancient India were divided back in the XV-XII century BC to our era on 4 groups that appeared from the Body of Brahma's Body:

  • brahmans - from the lips;
  • kshatriya - from the palms;
  • vyashya - from the hips;
  • studras - out of the legs.

Clothes of ancient Indians

There were several reasons for this division. One of them is called the fact that the Arias who came to the Indian land ranked themselves to the highest race and wanted to be in the environment of people, their own, abstracting from ignorant poor people who performed "dirty", in their opinion, work.

Even married arias solely on the women of the Brahmansky kind. The rest they divided the hierarchical on the color of the skin, profession, class - so the name "Varna" appeared.

In the Middle Ages, when the Buddhism was wearing the Indian expanses and the Hinduism everywhere, there was even more crushing inside each Varna, and the castes were born, they were jali.

So the rigid public structure has fixed in India even more. She could not interfere with any historical peripeties, nor the Muslims and the Mogul Empire arising from them, nor English expansion.

How to distinguish people of different varn


This is the highest varna, priests, priests. With the development of spirituality, the spread of religion, their role has just increased.

Rules in society prescribed brahmanov to honor them generous gifts. The rulers chose themselves to their nearest advisers and judges, appropriate high ranks. At this time, Brahmans are servants in the temples, teachers, spiritual mentors.

Todaybrahmans occupy about three quarters of all state posts. For the murder of the representative of the brahmancy and then, and now the terrible death penalty has always followed.

Brahmins are prohibited:

  • engaged in agriculture and household (but Brahman women can do the house);
  • to take representatives of other estates;
  • trapes to the fact that a person from another group prepared;
  • there are products of animal origin.


Translated this Varna means "people of power, nobility." They are engaged in military affairs, manage the state, guard the brahmans standing above in the hierarchy, and subjects: children, women, old people, cows - the country as a whole.

Today, the estate of Kshatriiv consists of warriors, soldiers, protection, police, as well as senior positions. Modern kshatriyam can also be attributed to Casta Jatov, which includes famous - these long-working men with a turban on their heads are found not only in the native state of Punjab, but also throughout India.

Kshatriy can marry a woman from the lower Varna, but girls cannot choose her husband with rank below.


Vaishi is a group of landowners, cattle breeders, merchants. They also produced the craft and everything related to profit - for this Vaishi earned respect for the whole society.

Now they are also engaged in analytics, business, banking and financial side of life, trade. It is also the main layer of the population, which works in offices.

Vaishi never loved hard physical work and dirty work - for this they have a shudra. In addition, they are very challenging about the issues of cooking and cooking dishes.


In other words, these are people who performed the lowest work and often were beyond poverty. They are serviced by other estates, work in the ground, sometimes performing the function of almost the slaves.

Speuds did not have the right to accumulate property, so they had no own housing and putors. They could not pray and all the more becoming "twggling", that is, "movement", like brahmans, kshatriya and Vaishi. But the shudras can take even a girl in a divorce.

Motagge - Men who were still in childhood were the dedication rite dropped. After him, a person can perform religious rituals, so dropped is considered to be the second birth. Women and shudras are not allowed to it.


A separate caste that cannot be counted for any of the four varnas - untouchables. For a long time, they experienced all sorts of persecution and even hatred from other Indians. And all because in the representation of Hinduism untouchables in the past life was the wrong, sinful way of life, for which they were punished.

They are somewhere outside this world and are not even considered people in the full sense of the word. These are mainly the beggars who live on the streets, in slums and separate ghetto, turn on the lumps. At best, they are engaged in the most dirty difficulty: remove toilets, sewage, the corpses of animals, work the gravers, tumors, burn dead animals.

At the same time, the number of untouchables reaches 15-17 percent of the entire population of the country, that is, approximately every sixth Indian is untouchable.

Caste "outside society" was forbidden to appear in public places: in schools, hospitals, in transport, temples, stores. They could not be easy to approach others, but also to step on their shadows. And Brahmans offended the presence of unacted in sight alone.

The term "Dalit" is applied to the untouchable, which means "oppression".

Fortunately, in modern India, everything changes - at the legislative level, discrimination against unacceptable, now they can appear everywhere, receive education and medical care.

Worse than born untouchable, can only be born to Pariya - another subgroup of people who are crossed out of public life. They become children of Pariyev and interframe spouses, but there were times when the touch of Paris made a person just the same.


Some representatives of the Western world may seem to be that the custom system in India remained in the past, but it is far from the truth. The number of castes increases, and this is the cornerstone among the representatives of the authorities and the usual people.

A variety of castes can sometimes amaze, for example:

  • ginbar - wear water;
  • bhatra - Brahmans who earn by the alignment;
  • bhang - remove garbage on the streets;
  • darzi - sew clothes.

Many are inclined to the fact that the caste is evil, because they discriminate against the whole groups of people, infringe on their rights. In the election campaign, many politicians enjoy this cunning - declare the fight against caste inequality as the main direction of their activities.

Of course, the division into castes gradually loses its importance for people as citizens of the state, but still plays a significant role in interpersonal and religious relations, for example, in matters of marriage or business cooperation.

India's government makes a lot for equality of all castes: legally equal, and completely all citizens are endowed with election law. Now the Career Indian, especially in major cities, may depend not only on its origin, but also from personal merit, knowledge, experience.

Even Dalitov has the opportunity to build a brilliant career, including in the state apparatus. The president of Kocheril Raman Narayanan from the family of untouchables, elected in 1997, can serve as an excellent example of that. Another confirmation is the confirmation - the untouchable BHIM RAO Ambedkar, who received a lawyer's diploma in England, and later created the 1950 Constitution.

It contains a special caste table, and every citizen will optionally receive a certificate if desired, indicating its caste in accordance with this table. The Constitution prescribes that government agencies are not allowed to be interested in which caste a person belongs if he himself does not want to talk about it.


Many thanks for your attention, dear readers! I would like to believe that the answers to your questions about Indian caustes were exhaustive, and the article told you a lot of new things.

See you soon!

September 24, 1932 In India, the right to participate in the elections is provided by the caste of untouchables. The site decided to tell his readers, as formed and as exists in the modern world, the Indian Custom System.

Indian society is divided into estates, called Caste. Such a division occurred many thousands of years ago and has been preserved until now. Hindus believe that, following the rules established in their caste, in the next life you can be born a representative already a slightly higher and revered caste, take a much better position in society.

Leaving the Indian Valley, Indianaria. We won the country on Gangu and founded many states here, whose population consisted of two classes, discussed by legal and material situation. New settlers-Aria, winners, captured themselves inIndia And the land, and honor, and the power, and the defeated non-invo-european natives were attracted to contempt and derogsion, addressed to slavery or dependent or, pushed into the forests and mountains, led there in the inaction of thought scarce life without any culture. This result of the Aryan conquest and gave the source for the origin of the four main Indian castes (Varna).

Those initial inhabitants of India, who were conquered by the power of the sword, were subjected to the fate of the prisoners and became just slaves. Indians who conquered voluntarily renounced the father's gods who took the language, laws and customs of the winners, retained personal freedom, but lost all land ownership and had to live workers in the estates of the Aryans, servants and porters, in homes of rich people. Caste has happenedshudr . "Speed" - the word is not Sanskrit. Before becoming the name of one of the Indian castes, it was probably the name of some kind of people. The Aryans believed below their dignity to join with representatives of the Caste Shudr in the marriage unions. Women shudras were with the Aryans only concubine.

Over time, there are sharp differences in states and professions between the Aryan conquerors of India. But in relation to the lowest caste - in a dark-skinned, conquered the native population - they all remained a privileged class. Only Aria had the right to read the sacred books; Only they were consecrated by a solemn ritual: on the Aryans, a sacred cord was imposed on the "revived" (or "twice born", moving). This rite served as the symbolic difference between all the Aryans from the Caste Shudr and the preplanted in the forest, despised by the native tribes. Consecration was committed to the laying of a cord, which is carried on the right shoulder and lowering the vocabulary on the chest. The caste Brahmans cord could be imposed on the boy from 8 to 15 years, and it is made of cotton yarn; At Caste Kshatriev, who received him not earlier than 11 years old, he was made from Kush (Indian spinning plant), and the Vaishyev's caste, who received him not earlier than the 12th year, he was woolen.

Indian society was divided into castes many many thousand years ago

"Twice born", the Aryans were divided over time to differences in classes and origin by three estates or caste, having some similarities with three orders of medieval Europe: clergy, nobility and middle city class. The embryos of caste devices among the Aryans existed in those days when they lived only in the Indus basin: the militant princes of the tribes surrounded by people, skillful in military affairs, and priests, which make rites of sacrifices, from the mass of the agricultural and shepherd population.

When resettlement of the Aryan tribes, further deep into India, to the country of Gang, militant energy increased in bloody wars with exterminated natives, and then in a fierce struggle between the Aryan tribes. While the conquest was completed, the whole people were busy military affairs. Only when the peaceful possession began to be conquered by the country, it became possible to develop a variety of classes, the possibility of choosing between different professions appeared, and the new stage of the caste appeared. The fertility of the Indian land excited an attraction to the peaceful production of life. From this, the incident to the Aryans has developed, which is safe to work and enjoy the fruits of their work was more pleasant for them than to do heavy military efforts. Therefore, a significant part of the settlers ("Visha") turned to agriculture, giving abundant yields by providing the fight against the enemies and the security of the country to the princes of the tribes and formed during the conquest to the military nobility. This estate occupied by earth female and partly the shepherds soon went out so that the Aryans, as in Western Europe, formed a vast majority of the population. Because namevaisya "The settler", originally denoted by all the Aryan residents in new areas, began to denote only people of the third, working Indian caste, and warriors,kshatriya and Priests, Brahmins ("Praying"), who have become privileged estates over time, made the names of their professions to the names of two higher castes.

The four of the above Indian estates were made by completely closed caustes (Varna) only when over the ancient ministry of Indre and other gods of nature was raisedbrahmanism - New religious doctrineBrahma , the soul of the universe, the source of life, from which there was and which will return all creatures. This reformed treachery gave religious holiness to the division of the Indian nation on the caste, especially the priestly caste. It said that in the cycle of the forms of life passing by all existing on Earth, Brahman is the highest form of being. According to the dogma of the revival and resettlement of the soul, the creature that born in human form should pass alternately all four castes: being a shudder, Vaisha, Kshatriya and finally, Brahman; Passing these forms of being, it is reunited with brahma. The only way to achieve this goal is that a person constantly striving for the Divine, performed everything to the brahmanic, honored them, pleased with the gifts and signs of respect. Discharge against brahmans, hardly punished and on earth, expose the wicked terrible teachings of hell and revival in the forms of despised animals.

According to the dogma of the resettlement of the shower, a person must pass all four castes

Subject to the dependence of the future life from the present was the main support of Indian caste division and the rule of priests. The more metering the Brahman's clergy, the dogmat of the resettlement of the souls by the center of all moral teaching, the more successful it was filled with the fantasy of the people with terrible paintings of hellish torments, the more honors and influence it acquired. Representatives of the Higher Caste Brahmans are close to the gods; They know the path leading to Brahma; their prayers, victims, the holy feats of their asceticism have magical power over the gods, the gods have to fulfill their will; Bliss and suffering in the future life depends on them. It is not surprising that the power of Bhmanov's caste, the power of Brahmanov increased with the development of religiosity, tirelessly praised the Brahmins as the most reluctal ways to get bliss, who had confused the kings that the ruler must have his advisers and to make Brahmanov's judges, must reward their service with rich content. and pious gifts.

So that the lower Indian castes do not envy the privileged position of Brahmins and did not encroach on it, the doctrine that the forms of life were predetermined that the brachmies are predetermined for all creatures, and that the move in the degrees of human revival is performed only by calm, peaceful life in this person, faithful execution of duties. So, in one of the oldest parts of Mahabharata says: "When Brahma created creatures, he gave them their classes, every caste special activities: Brahmanam - the study of high Vedas, soldiers - heroism, Vaisham - the art of work, shudras - submission to other colors: because Dust the censure of the unstring brahmanas, non-timeling warriors, insecual Vaishi and Naughty Shudras. "

This dogmat, which attributed to each caste, every profession, the divine origin, which consoled humiliated and despised in the offended and deprivation of their real life with the hope of improving their fate in the future existence. He gave a religious sanctification of Indian caste hierarchy. The separation of people for four estates, unequal in their rights, was from this point of view the eternal, unchanged law, whose violation is a crime sin. People do not have the right to overtake caste obstacles established between them by God; Improve your destiny they can achieve only patiently humility.

Mutual relations between the Indian Casters were visually characterized by teachings; That Brahma made Brahmins from the mouth of her (or first Purushet's first), Kshatriyev - from the hands, Vyashe - from the hips, shudr - from the feet blurred in the dirt, because the essence of nature from Brahmanov - "Holiness and Wisdom", at Kshatriys - "Power and Power ", Vaishyev -" Wealth and Profit ", Shenr -" ministry and submission ". The doctrine of the origin of caste from different parts of the highest being is set out in one of the hymns of the latter, the newest book of Rigveda. There are no caste concepts in more ancient songs. Brahmans give this hymn extremely important, and every truly believer Brahman reads him every morning after abamination. This anthem is a diploma, whom Brahmans legalized their privileges, their dominion.

Some brahmins can not be eaten meat

Thus, the Indian people were given its history, with their inconsistencies and customs to the fact that he was under the yoke of the caste hierarchy, which turned the tribes and professions into someone else's tribes that drove all human aspirations, all the deposit of humanity.

The main characteristics of Cast.

Each Indian caste has its own characteristics and unique characteristics, rules of existence and behavior.

Brahmans - Higher Cast

Brahmans in India are priests and priests in the temples. Their position in society has always been considered the highest, even higher than the position of the ruler. Currently, representatives of Bhmanov's caste are also engaged in the spiritual development of the people: they teach various practices, they look at the temples, work teachers.

Brahmins have a lot of prohibitions:

    Men should not work in the field and engage in any manual labor, but women can engage in various household chores.

    The representative of the caste of priests can marry the representative solely on itself similar, but the wedding on Brahman from another community is permitted as an exception.

    Brahman can not have something that he prepared a person consisting of another caste: Brahman will rather be hungry than forbidden food. But it can feed absolutely any caste.

    Some brahmins cannot be eaten meat.

Kshatriya - Caste Warriors

Representatives of Kshatriyev always performed the duties of soldiers, guards and policemen.

Currently, nothing has changed - Ksatriya is engaged in military business or go to administrative work. They can marry not only in their caste: a man can take a girl from the caste level lower, but a woman goes for a man from the lower caste forbidden. Kshatriyam can eat animal products, but they also avoid prohibited food.

Vyachya like none other monitoring the correctness of the cooking


Vyachya has always been a working class: they were engaged in agriculture, diluted cattle, traded.

Now representatives of Vaishiev are engaged in economic and financial affairs, various trade, banking sphere. Probably, this caste is the most scrupulous in matters related to meals: Vyachya, like none other than anyone, the correctness of the cooking of food and will never get to the dedicated dishes.

Studras - Low Cast

Casta Shudrov always existed in the role of peasants or even slaves: they were engaged in the most dirty and hard work. Even in our time, this social layer is the poorest and often lives beyond poverty. Studs can be married even at divorced women.


Separately, the caste is not accepted: such people are excluded from all public relations. They are engaged in the most dirty work: clean the streets and toilets are cleaned, burn dead animals, extract the skin.

Amazingly, but representatives of this caste could not even step on the shadows of representatives of higher estates. And only quite recently they were allowed to enter the temples and approach people of other classes.

Unique features of Custom

Having in the neighborhood of Brahman, he can give a lot of gifts, but it's not worth the response. Brahmins never give gifts: they take, but do not give.

In terms of ownership of land, shudra can even be more influential than the Visia.

Untouchable it was impossible to step on the shadows of people from the highest classes

The underside of the lower layer practically do not use money: they are paid for their food and household accessories.You can go to a low Casta, but get the Casta rank above - it is impossible.

Castes and modernity

Today, Indian castes have become even more structured, there have many different subgroups called Jati.

During the last census of representatives of various castes, more than 3 thousand jati numbered. True, this census passed more than 80 years ago.

Many foreigners consider the caste system with the remnant of the past and confident that in modern India, the caste system no longer works. In fact, everything is completely different. Even the Indian government could not come to a single opinion regarding such a bundle of society. On the separation of society, politicians are actively working on the layers during elections, adding the rights of one or another caste to their election promises.

In modern India, more than 20 percent of the population refers to the caste of untouchables: they have to live in their separate ghetto or beyond the location of the settlement. Such people cannot be found in shops, state and medical institutions and even use public transport.

In modern India, more than 20% of the population refers to the caste of untouchables

In the caste of untouchables there is a completely unique subgroup: it is rather contradictory to it. This includes homosexuals, transvestites and eunuchs who earn the life of prostitution and asking for tourists of coins. But what paradox: the presence of such a person at the festival is considered a very good sign.

Another amazing podcast of untouchable - Paria. These are people who are completely expelled from society - Marginala. Previously, it was possible to be Paris even touching such a person, and now the situation has changed a little: Pariya becomes either born from interground marriage, or from Parents-Pariyev.

"India is a modern state in which there is no place for discrimination and inequality," Indian politicians from the tribune are proactive. "Custom system? We live in the 21st century! Any form of discrimination on the casteat has long remained in the past "- broadcasting in a talk-show public faces. Even local village residents, to the question, whether the caste system is alive, they are inexpensively: "everything is not so."

After watching it with a brief, I set myself a task to watch and make my own opinion: whether the Caste System of India was left only in textbooks or on paper, or lives himself, disguised and hawking himself.

Rustic children from different casters play together.

As a result, living in India 5 months, I can confidently say:

  1. Custom system exists in Indian state and today. People are issued by official relevant documents, which reflect the caste affiliation.
  2. To eradicate discrimination by caste, a lot of efforts of politicians, PR-flaps, television are directed.
  3. In society, the caste system has survived and lives for himself. Elements of discrimination are still present as. Of course, not in the form, as before, but nevertheless. "Caste today is not important," Indians declare, widely opening their naive eyes. And on their own daily actions confirm the opposite.

A bit of theory. What is a custom system.

In India, there are 4 main castes depicting the human body. Russians love to argue about Tom - Caste Lee, Varna, what is that. I do not pretend to scientific treatise and will use the terminology that the "ordinary" Indians use with whom I communicated on the issue. Castes and podcasts they use in an English version. Jati - in the lively used Hindi. If a person wants to know the Casta, they ask only what is his Jati. And if they say, from where it, it is usually called the surname. By the last name, everyone is clear. When the question is what Varna is, simple Indians could not answer me, they did not even understand the words. For them it is ancient and not used.

1st Caste - Head. Brahmans. Priests (priests), thinkers, scientists, doctors.

Married couple from the brahmans caste.

2nd caste - shoulders and hands. Kshatriya. Warriors, police, rulers, organizers, administrators, landowners.

3rd caste - torso or belly. Vaishi. Farmers, artisans, merchants.

Foreign furnaces. 3rd caste.

4th caste - legs. Shudras. Servants, cleaners. Their Indians are called Untouchable - untouchables. They can both perform the lowest work and occupy high posts - thanks to the efforts of the government.

Inside the caste is divided into a large number of podcasts that are located in a hierarchical order relative to each other. Podcast in India several thousand.

No one in Khajuraho could really tell me what the difference between podcasts inside the 1st and 2nd caste, in which, more specifically, their purpose. Today, only the level is obvious - who is higher, who are below relative to each other.

With the 3rd and 4th caster more transparent. Directly by last name, the people determines the purpose of the caste. Stream, sew, cook, cook sweets, catch fish, manufacture furniture, grazing goats - examples of podcast 3rd. Delivery of leather, removal of dead animals, creaming bodies, sewing cleaning - examples of podcast 4th caste.

A child from the caste cleaners - the 4th.

So, in our time, it has been preserved from custom systems, and what has sunk in the fly?

I share my observations of the life of people of Madhya Pradesh. Residents of advanced cities - I know that you are not like this :) You are already much closer to the West. But in our wilderness, as I write :)

Manifestations of the caste system, which today disappeared or changed.

  1. Previously, settlements were built on the principle of separation of castes. Each of the 4 castes had their own streets, square, temples, etc. Today there are somewhere communities, but somewhere in the afternoon. This is not confused by anyone. Only some villages have retained their original organization, with a clear division of the territory. For example, in .

Old village Khajuraho. Preserved the organization of the streets in accordance with the Castle.

  1. All children have equal opportunities upon receipt of education. The question may be in the money, but not in the caste.

A boy at sunset makes buffaloes and teaches a notebook lesson.

  1. All people have the opportunity to go to work in government agencies or large companies. People belonging to the bottom caustes are allocated quotas, jobs, etc. God forbid, talk about discrimination. When entering the university or to work, the bottom caste in general in chocolate. For example, the passing score for kshatriya can be 75, and at the same place for the shudra - 40.
  2. In contrast to the old days, the profession is often selected not in accordance with the car, but as it turns out. Take at least employees of our restaurant. The one who needs to sew clothes and fisherman is working in cooks, one waiter is from the laundry caste, and the second - from Kshatriyev - Caste Warriors. Cleaner and designed to be a cleaner - he is from the 4th caste - shudr, but his younger brother is already washing only the floor, but not a toilet, and goes to school. The family hopes for his bright future. In our family (Kshatriya) there are several teachers, although traditionally this is the patrimony of Brahmanov. And one aunt is professionally sews (this is done by one of the podcast 3rd castes). Brother husband learns to engineer. Grandfather dreams - when someone goes to work in the police or army. But no one has gathered.
  3. Some things were forbidden for castes. For example, the use of meat and alcohol with the first pallet - brahmins. Now many brahmins have forgotten the covenants of ancestors and use everything they want. At the same time, the society fits it, very much, but they still drink and eat meat.
  4. Today people are friends in independence from Cast. Can sit together, communicate, play. Previously, it was impossible.
  5. State organizations - such as schools, universities, hospitals - mixed. There has the right to come anyone, no matter how some of them wrinkle their noses.

Evidence of the existence of a caste system.

  1. Non-suited - shudras. In cities and state, they are protected, but in the outback and are considered untouchables. In the village of Sheuds will not go to the house of representatives of higher castes, or only certain items will be touched. If it serves a glass with water, then he throws out. If someone touched Spear, he will take a shower. As an example, our uncle has a gym. It is located in a rented room. 3 representatives of the 4th caste came to uncle. He said - of course, do. But Brahman, the owner of the house, said - no, I do not allow being in my house untouchables. I had to refuse them.
  2. Very bright proof of the viability of the caste system is marriages. Most weddings in India and today are organized by their parents. These are the so-called arranged-marriage. Parents are looking for their daughter Groom. So, the first thing I look at his choice is on Casta. In major cities there are exceptions when young people from modern families find each other in love and marry her sighs of parents (or simply runs away). But if the parents themselves are looking for the groom, then only in accordance with the cloth.
  3. We have 20,000 in Khajuraho. At the same time, about whom I will ask, from which caste, I will definitely answer. If a person knows a little, then his castle too. At a minimum, the upper - 1,2,3 or 4, and very often know and podcast - where he inside. People can easily say who is higher than whom and how many steps as the castes relate to each other.
  4. The arrogance of people from the highest caste - the 1st and 2nd - very striking. Brahmins are calm, but periodically express light contempt and squeamishness. If a representative of the bottom caste or Dalit works by a cashier on a railway station - no one will ask the question to which caste it applies. But if he lives in one village with Brahmin, and everyone knows what he is caste, Brahmin will not touch him and take something. Kshatriya, candid gabbs and boasts. Representatives of caste lower, they command them, they will command them, and they only giggle stupidly, but they say nothing.

Representative 2nd Caste - Kshatriys.

  1. Many representatives of the 3rd and 4th caste show the demonstrative respect for people from the 1st and 2nd. Brahminov they master Maraj, and Kshatriev - Raja or Dau (patron, defender, elder brother in Bhundelkhandski). There are hands in the namaste to the head of the head, when they greet, and those in response only to nourish their heads. Often jump from the chair when the highest caste is suitable. And, the most terrible, - periodically try to touch the legs. I already wrote that in India, when they greet or during important holidays, there may be feet. Basically, this is done in the circle of your family. Still with Brahmin touch legs in the temple or during the ceremony. So some individuals tormented to touch the feet in people caste above. Previously, it was common, but now, in my opinion, it looks embarrasing. It is especially unpleasant when an elderly man runs to touch the legs of the young to express him respect. By the way, the 4th caste, as oppressed earlier, and now actively protected, behaves more bold. Representatives of the 3rd caste behave respectfully and they ourselves are pleased, and the cleaner can snap. To look very funny, again, on the example of a restaurant, like workers, do not be embarrassed, sing each other. At the same time, make a remark cleaner is given to everyone with great effort, and they are trying to shift this mission to me. He always listens to me, with delight looking widely open eyes. If the rest have the opportunity to communicate with white - the place is tourist, then the shudras is rarely managed, and they kept the reverent trepidation.
  2. Despite the fact that representatives of different castes spend time together, as I wrote before (paragraph 6 of the last block), after all, the inequality is felt. Representatives of the 1st and 2nd caste communicate with each other. And in relation to others, they allow themselves more impudence. If you need to do something, the one who canso below immediately. Even between friends, these maraja and Dow are constantly sounding. It happens, parents can prohibit children friendship with lower castes. Much, over, depends on education. What is more pronounced on the street, at the institute, for example, is no longer noticeable - here we usually communicate with equal and respectfully.

Children of farmers - the 3rd caste.

  1. Above, I wrote about equal and even the best conditions for low castes when receiving public work or in large companies. However, in small cities and villages it does not work. I asked the question to my husband - whether he could take a job as a chef Speud. He thought for a long time, and said, nevertheless, no. Whatever a beautiful cook is not possible. People will not come, the restaurant will have a bad reputation. The same applies to hairdressers, sewing, etc. Therefore, for those who want to escape upstairs, the only way is to leave native places. There, where there are no friends.

In conclusion, I want to say about the new caste, which rules the world. And in India too. This is a caste of money. About the poor Kshatriya everyone will remember that he is Kshatri, but will never express so many respects as the rich Kshatia. It is sad to see how sometimes they are driving and humiliated formed, but poor brahmins before those who have money. The rich sudra will rotate in the "higher", if you can say so, society. But the same respect as Brahmins, he will never get. To him will run to touch the legs, and for the eyes remember that he. What is happening now in India is probably very similar to the slow dying of the European Supreme Society, when rich Americans and local merchants penetrate into it. The lords first resisted, then they were secretly silent, and in the end, they turned into history at all.

Divided people for four estates called Varna. The first Varna, Brahmanov, intended to enlighten humanity and manage them, he created from his head or mouth; second, kshatriy (warriors), protector of society, from hand; Third, Vaishi, the feeders of the state, from the abdomen; The fourth, shudr, out of the legs, paying her to the eternal goet - to serve as the highest varnarm. Over time, Varna was divided into many podcasts and castes called in India Jati. European name - Caste.

So, four ancient caste of India, their rights and obligations according to the ancient law of Manu *, strictly performed in.

(* The laws of Manu - an ancient Indian collection of prescriptions of religious, moral and moral and public debt (Dharma), called today also "Arya Law" or "Code of Honor Arya").


Brahman "Son of the Sun, a descendant of Brahma, God between people" (ordinary titles of this class), according to the law, there is the chapter of all created creations; The whole universe is subject to him; The rest of the mortals of their life must be intercessious and prayers; His almighty curse can instantly destroy formidable commander with their numerous hordes, chariots and combat elephants. Brahman will create new worlds; Maybe even give life to new gods. Brahman must give big honors than king.

The inviolability of Brahman and his life is protected by bloody laws. If the sudra dares to be verbally insulting Brahman, then the law tells him into the throat, for ten vershkov, hot iron; And if he wakes up to make Brahman, some instruction, unhappy poured her mouth and ears with boiling oil. On the other hand, it is allowed to make a false oath or perjury before the court, if these actions can be saved Brahman from condemnation.

Brahman cannot be under any condition nor executed, nor, nor bodily, neither monetary, although it would be fellow in the most outrageous crimes: the only punishment he is subject to, there is a removal from the Fatherland, or an exception from the caste.

Brahmins are divided into laity and spiritual, and are divided into their classes, on various classes. It is noteworthy that between spiritual brahmanas, the priests occupy the lower step, and the highest - those who devoted themselves only to the interpretation of the sacred books. Mirous brahmins are advisers to the king, judges and other higher ranks.

Only Brahman is granted the right to interpret the sacred books, send worship and predict the future; But he is deprived of this last right if it is raised three times in predictions. Brahman can mainly do to heal, for "the disease is Kara gods"; Only Brahman may be a judge, because the civil and criminal laws of the Indians are included in their sacred books.

The entire lifestyle of Brahman is built on the observance of the whole arch of the strictest rules. For example, all the brahmins are forbidden to take gifts from faces of unworthy (lower castes). Music, dances, hunting and gambling, are also prohibited by all brahmans. But the use of wine and all sorts of hottest things like that: onions, garlic, eggs, fish, any meat, except from animals, hammered by the sacrifice of the gods - are banned only by the lower brahmans.

Brahman will defile himself if he sits on one table even with the king, not to mention the members of the lower caste or their own wives. He must not look at the sun at certain hours and leave the house during the rain; He cannot walk through the rope to which the cow is tied, and should pass past this sacred animal or idol, not otherwise as leaving them to the right.

In the event of the needs, Brahman is allowed to ask for alms in people of three higher castes and engage in trade; But under any kind, he cannot serve someone.

Brahman, who wants to award the honorary title of the interpreter of laws and the Supreme Guru, is preparing for this different deprivation. He rejects from marriage, indulges to a solid study of the Vedas in some monastery, in continuation of 12 years, holding back in the last 5, even from conversation and explained only by signs; Thus, he finally reaches the desired goal, and is done by a spiritual teacher.

The monetary support of the Brahmansky caste is also provided for by law. Brahmin's generosity is a religious virtue for all believers, and there is a direct responsibility of the rulers. Over the death of rootless brahman, his property is not drawn to the treasury, but in Casta. Brahman does not pay any taxes. Thunder would kill the king who daring to encroach on the face or property of Brahman; Poor Brahman contains for the state account.

Brahman's life is divided into 4 stages.

First stage It starts even before birth, when Brahman's pregnant wife send scientists for conversations, in order to "thus make a child to the perception of wisdom." In 12 days, the baby gives a name, in three years - he shave his head, leaving only the hair bull, called Kudoi. A few years later, the child is given to the spirit of the spiritual mentor (Guru). Education from this Guru continues usually from 7-8 to 15 years. In the continuation of the time of education, consisting mainly from the study of the Vedas, the student must blindly obey his mentor and all members of his family. He is instructed by the most black homework, and he must fulfill them unquestionably. Will Guru replaize him the law and conscience; A smile is better than award. At this stage, the child is considered one birth.

Second phase Begins after the ritual of initiation or rebirth, which young man passes after the end of the teachings. From this moment he is twice born. During this period, he marries, brings up his family and performs the responsibilities of Brahman.

The third period of life of Brahman - Vanaprastra. Having reached a 40-year-old age, Brahman enters the third period of his life, called Vanaprastra. He must be removed into desert places and make a hermit. Here it covers the nudity of his wood bark or the skin of black antelope; I do not cut nails, no hair; sleeping on a stone or on earth; Must spend days and nights "without home, without fire, in perfect silence, and feeding among the roots and fruits." Brahman holds his days in prayers and the death of the flesh.

Having thus thus 22 years in prayer and post, Brahman enters into the fourth department of life, called sanyasa. Here only he is freed from all external rituals. The old man is deepened into the perfect contemplation. The soul of Brahman, who died in a state of Sanyas immediately acquires a merger with the Divine (Nirvana); And his body in a sitting position falls into the pit and is covered with a circle of salt.

Brahman's clothing color depended on what spiritual way they consisted. Sanyasi, the monks who bred on the world wore orange clothes, family - white.


The second Casta is Csatriya, warriors. According to the law, members of this caste could bring victims, and the study of the Vedas was accumulated in a special duty of princes and heroes; But later, the Brahmins left them one permission to read or listen to Vedas, without disassembling and not interpreting them, but the right to express texts was assigned to themselves.

Ksatriya should hand out alms, but do not take it, avoid vices and sensual pleasures, to live just, "how the warrior is like." The law states that "Caste priestly cannot exist without a caste of warriors, as the last without the first, and that the calm of the whole world depends on the consent of both, from the Union of Knowledge and Sword."

With small exceptions, all the kings, princes, commander and the first rulers belong to the second caste; The forensic part and the management of upbringing were ancient times in the hands of Brahmins (Brahmanov). Kshatriyam is allowed to consume any meat, except for beef. Caste this shared before three parts: all the dominated and innocent princes (Raiya) and their children (Ryanutra) belonged to the highest class.

Ksatriya wore red clothes.


The third Casta makes Vaishi. Before and they participated, both in sacrifices, and in the right to read Vedas, but later, the efforts of Brahmins have lost these advantages. Although Vaichi stood much lower than Kshatriev, but still occupied an honorable place in society. They should have been engaged in trading, bump facility and cattle breeding. Vaishi's rights to the property were respected, and his fields were considered inviolable. He had consecrated religion the right to let the money in growth.

Higher caste - Bramins, Kshatriy and Vaishi, used all three scarves, Senar, every caste - her, and called twice born, in contrast to the born - shudras.


The duty of the shudra says briefly: to serve three of the highest caustes. Total to serve Brahmin, for the Jeement of his Ksatriya, and finally Vaishi. In such a single case, if he does not find the opportunity to join the service, it is allowed to do it with a useful craft. Shoura's soul, with zeal and honestly served Brahmin, when relocation, is reborn into a man of the highest caste.

Shudre is prohibited even to look at the Vedas. Brahman has no right not only to interpret the Vedra vessels, but must and read them about himself in the presence of the latter. Brahmin, which will allow himself to interpret the law, or explain to him the ways of repentance, will be punished in Adu Asamarite.

Speud should eat apologies of his Lord and wear their pickups. He is forbidden to acquire anything, "so that he does not attend to be built into the temptation of sacred Brahmins." If the sudra is offended by verbally, Leishe or Kshatriya, then he has a language; If he dares to sit near the brahman, or take his place, then the hot iron is applied to a more guilty part of the body. The name of the shudra, says the law of Menu: there is a branch word, - and the penalty for killing him does not exceed the amount that is paid for the death of a novable pet, for example, dogs or cats. The killing of the cow is considered much more reprehensible: the killing of shudra - misdemeanor; Killing cow sin!

The capture is the natural position of the shudra, and the Mr cannot release him, giving him a vacation; "For, the law says: who, except for death, can free the shuds from the natural state?"

We, Europeans, are quite difficult to understand such an alien world and we, inevitably, we want to bring everything under our concepts, - and this is misleading. For example, according to the concepts of the Hindus, Speuds make up the class of people known to nature for the ministry at all, but, at the same time, they are not considered slaves, they do not make up the property of individuals.

The attitude of the Lord to Shudram, despite the above examples of inhuman look at them, with a religious point, was determined by civil law, - especially the measure and method of punishments, which in all coincided with the patriarchal punishments allowed by the folk custom in the Father's relations to the Son or Elder Brother Younger, husband to his wife, and guru to the student.

Unclean castes

As almost everywhere, the woman was subjected to discrimination and all kinds of restrictions, and in India, the severity of the division of caste is much more on a woman than a man. A man, when joining the second marriage, it is allowed to choose a wife from the lowest caste, except for the shudra. So, for example, Brahmin can marry a woman of the second and even the third caste; Children from this mixed marriage will occupy an average degree between the castles of the Father and Mother. A woman, going married a man of the lower caste, commits a crime: she defiles and all their offspring. Shudras can only marry themselves.

Mixing any of the castes with a discourse gives rise to unclean castes, of which the most despicable one, which comes from the mixing of a shudra with Bramine. Members of this caste are called Candals, and must be executioners or storage facilities; The touch of Chandel entails the exile from the caste.


Below the unclean caste is still a pitiful genus of the Pari. They are engaged together with Candals the lowest work. Paria is moving out with fallen skin, work out it, and meat eaten; But the cowagoag meat refrain. The touch of them will define not only a person, but also objects. They have their own special wells; The cities are given a special quarter, surrounded by a moat and slingshots. In the villages, they also do not have the right to appear, but should be hidden in the forests, caves and swamps.

Brahmin, desecrated by the shadow of the Paria, should be washed into the sacred waters of Ganges, for only they are able to wash off such a stain of the adhesion.

Even below, the Paria is the polaces living in the Malabarian coast. Slaves of Niors, they are forced to hide in raw dungeons, and do not dare to raise the eyes on the novelnago. Having frightened Bramin or Naira, Pulai emit a loud roar to warn the Lord about their proximity, and while the "gentlemen" will lose on the road, they should hide in the cave, in the thicket of the forest, or climb on a high tree. Who did not have time to hide, that Nairy is destroyed as a unclean reptile. Pulay live in terrible untidiness, eat Padal and any meat, except for cow.

But polats can relax for a minute from the overwhelming universally contempt; There are human creatures still sorry, below it: these are Pariary, - below because, separating all the humiliation of poolas, they allow themselves to eat and cow meat! .. You can imagine how the soul of the Ruthro-Indago Hindu is shuddered with such pity, and therefore Europeans and Muslims who also do not respect the inviolability of fat Indian cows and introduce them to the location of their cuisine, they all in his opinion, morally, completely coincide with the despicable Pariar.

Indian society is divided into estates, called Caste. Such a division occurred many thousands of years ago and has been preserved until now. Hinduses believe that following the rules established in their caste, in the next life you can be born a representative of a slightly higher and revered caste, take a much better position in society.

The history of the caste system

Indian Vedas say that even the ancient Aryan peoples living on the territory of modern India approximately one and a half thousand years before our era, already had a society divided into class.

Much later, these social layers began to be called varna (From the word "color" on Sanskrit - on the color of wearable clothes). Another variant of the name Varna is a caste that is already from the Latin word.

Initially in the ancient India there were 4 castes (Varna):

  • brahmans - priests;
  • kshatriya - Warriors;
  • vaisya - working people;
  • studs - handymen and servants.

Such division on the caste appeared due to a different level of welfare: rich wanted to be surrounded by only like themselves, Successful people and squeezed to communicate with poorer and uneducated.

Mahatma Gandhi preached a fight against caste at night. With his biography, it is truly a person with a great soul!

Castes in modern India

Today, Indian castes have become even more structured, many have many different subgroups called jati.

During the last census of representatives of various castes, more than 3 thousand jati numbered. True, this census passed more than 80 years ago.

Many foreigners consider the caste system with the remnant of the past and confident that in modern India, the caste system no longer works. In fact, everything is completely different. Even the Indian government could not come to a single opinion regarding such a bundle of society. On the separation of society, politicians are actively working on the layers during elections, adding the rights of one or another caste to their election promises.

In modern India more than 20 percent of the population refers to the caste of untouchables: They have to live in their separate ghetto or beyond the location of the settlement. Such people cannot be found in shops, state and medical institutions and even use public transport.

In the caste of untouchables there is a completely unique subgroup: it is rather contradictory to it. These include homosexuals, transvestites and eunuchswho make up the life of prostitution and asking for coins from tourists. But what paradox: the presence of such a person at the festival is considered a very good sign.

Another amazing podcast of untouchables - pariah. These are people who are completely expelled from society - Marginala. Previously, it was possible to be Paris even touching such a person, and now the situation has changed a little: Pariya becomes either born from interground marriage, or from Parents-Pariyev.


The caste system originated for thousands of years ago, but still continues to live and develop in Indian society.

Varna (caste) are divided into podcasts - jati. There are 4 Varna and many jati.

In India, there are society of people who are not incoming in any Castow. It - expelled people.

The caste system gives people the opportunity to be similar to themselves, provides support for fellow and clear rules of life and behavior. This is the natural regulation of society that exists in parallel with the laws of India.

Video on Indian Castam