"Death in Venice", artistic analysis of the novels of Thomas Mann. Theme of the artist and art in Novella T

"Death in Venice", artistic analysis of the novels of Thomas Mann. Theme of the artist and art in Novella T

Three Great Man - Thomas Mann, Lukino Wisconti, Gustav Maler -
can not help us understand the image, soul and spirit of Venice ...

We have to attempt to comprehend the image, soul and spirit of Venice. How will we do it? I propose to build a parallel from the text of the novel and the corresponding visual series, if necessary, connecting frames from the same name of the film Lukino Wisconti. And also: "hear" the emerging images in the music of Gustav Maler used in the Wisconti film. This is a symphony number 3 in Minor.

Three Great Man - Writer, Director and Composer -
will strengthen, believe me, our contemplative abilities
to the level of comprehension hidden ...

Please do not exclude Male's Symphonies. She is the most "talking." The composer was assumed to give a symphony of the subtitle "Cheerful Science", borrowed from Nietzsche. "Cheerful Science" in Nietzsche - "Saturnia of the Spirit, who patiently rebelled against the terrible long oppression ... And which is now immediately illuminated by the hope - the hope of recovery, intoxicating recovery ... That is the recovery of the returning force, awakened faith in tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

It seems the secret of the third symphony in these words.
Mahler does not ask why a person lives, and is looking for an answer.
The third symphony is him, not Nietzsche, "Merry Science".

Pierre Narsis Genne. Aurora and Kefal. 1810.

I repeat: Ashshbach is a recognized writer and an essayist. He is a cold estret, inside which a fervent romantic hides. He is a person capable of self-discipline to maintain a carefully said sense of self-esteem that protects him from all temptations.

This made absolute beauty,
Improved in "Beautiful Munich".
This did the imperial spirit, due to the city,
Which he considers his homeland.

In Venice, he sent a thirst for wanderings, which arose unexpectedly, suddenly. Some vision, to him who were, forced to suggest that this is the work of the hands of Vakha (Bahus, Dionysus), who wishes to free his feelings from the oppositeness.

Ashshbach succumbed to vision of ignition,
because he belonged to culture
For which the currently lost
Mythopoietic perception of the world.

Professor Gustav von Ashshbach according to his soul-spiritual device is fundamentally different from us - carriers of the so-called modern culture, which came to replace the classic after its crash. Thomas Mann allows you to see how this wreck occurred in the life of the main hero of the novel, and hence his generations. About the affinity of shower of one and many ...

Watch for the development of action.

Italy. Venice. Lido - Chain of the Sand Islands,
separating the Venetian lagoon from the Adriatic.
The main island of the archipelago (Lido) is located
just a 20-minute drive from the city, famous for beaches.

The location is the island of Lido, half of which from the side of the Adriatic Sea consists of sandy beaches. Most of them belongs to various hotels. In the northern and south sides of the island there are two huge public beach. The Adriatic Sea, pretty clean and warm, is ideal for children, and only from time to time jellyfish interfere there to swim there.

Here, in 1911, the main hero of Novels of Novosa Manna is coming in 1911 - the famous ("recognizable" in the international resort) The German writer Gustav von Ashshbach, who worries spiritual and creative crisis.

Lido Island is famous for luxury hotels, parks and beaches -
that is, all that you can wish on vacation.
If it were not for Sirocco - Oriental Wind from Africa!
Excelsior and Grand Hotel Des Bains hotels are described in Novella Manna Death in Venice.

Lido Island is divided into three parts. The northern part where are the Grand Hotel Des Bains and Excelsior hotels (pictures), as well as casino, is assigned to the Venetian Film Festival. Located in the center of Malayokko - a village with a population of about 20 thousand people. He was at the same time home for the Venetian Dige. In the southern tip, Fort San Nikolo and Golf Club are located.

Syrocco - suffocating, burning (up to + 35 ° C at night), very dusty wind of the southern, southeastern or east (sometimes even south-west) direction, sometimes reaching storm power. Typical for North Africa and the entire Mediterranean basin. In the foci of formation - on the plateau of North Africa and on the slopes of the mountains - has a character of a hair dryer. Sirocco is intensified after noon, and in the evening and weakens at night. Usually blowing 2-3 days in a row. Affects people in depressing.

Grand Hotel Excelsior is assigned to
Venetian film festival. Gustav von Ashbach
stopped in Grand Hotel Des Bains nearby.

"In the extensive hotel Ashshbach, not from the main move, but through the garden terrace ... and began to look at the beach, almost deserted in this watch, and on the cloudy sea, which, as always during the tide, sent low, long, deceased and Uniformly running waves. "

Ashchenbha could not even come to mind that he entered
not in a comfortable hotel room, but in a "cage with a tiger".
How did such an assumption arose? Hotel guests
threatens Sirocco - Wind blowing from Africa ...

"Meanwhile, he welcomed the eyes of the eyes and rejoiced that so close now, so reaches Venice. Finally, he moved away from the window, refreshing his face with water, gave an additional disposal of the maid, because he wanted to be as conveniently arranged as possible, and told the lifter in the green livery to take him down. "

He could not assume that she was waiting for "trap"
what is about and collapses, caught his soul in full ...
In the film, the main roles perform: Dirk Bogard - Ashshbach,
Bjørn Andresgen - Tadzio, Silvana Mangano - Mother Tajio.

"For the bamboo table under the supervision of the governess, a company of adolescents was sitting, completely green youth. Three young girls, years, apparently, from fifteen to seventeen, and a boy with long hair, on the species of fourteen years old. " That was Tajio - a miracle that flies in the XX century from the Renaissance era.

There is every reason to think, then the evil rock as an object of absolute beauty - the temptation - seeded an angel-like adolescent to the world of Ashshbach with a barely noticeable vicious smile on gentle mouth. Professor Lone: He lost his wife, his daughter somewhere far away. "Poet" calls Thomas Mann Professor. If there is a feeling even from simple admissions as an object, Ashshbakh not to withstand passions! He falls under the power of Dionysus ...

So, for the experiment, the evil rock could not choose the addressee more precisely. Genuine Nakhodka: Initially split person with a very developed aesthetic taste, which will make him see perfection - the phenomenon is exhausted for life alive.

According to Platon, "who saw the beauty of the sidelines,
He is already marked by the death sign "...

After the film Wisconti "Death in Venice" in the beauty of Tajio
the face of Angel from Andrea Vokkio "Baptism of Christ" began to see.
Of the same angel, who was written by a masters's student -
another young Leonardo da Vinci.

"Ashshbach with amazement noted his impeccable beauty. This face, pale, elegantly outlined, in the frame of golden-sophisticated hair, with a straight line of the nose, with a charming mouth and an expression of the adorable divine seriousness, resembled a Greek sculpture of the best times and, with the purest perfection of the form, it was so unique and peculiarly obsessing that Ashshbach suddenly understood: nowhere, nor in nature, nor in plastic art, has not met anything happily created. "

Mark for yourself: Ashshbach saw a boy's face in his face ...

The boy's face reminded him -
Expert of classical art -
Greek sculpture of the best time ...

Professionalism did not let down (or, on the contrary, failed): Ancient Greece arose in the judgments of Ashshbach, and, together with her, even in the most infirmary form, admirement with him on the floor, happily endowed perfect shape.

Try, get rid of such sensations if they are overflowing literature and art of ancient Greece, ancient Rome, Renaissance, Baroque, classicism, romanticism. At the time of the silver century, in which Aushenbach remains, the homoerotic perception is again activated, forcing the descendants to see at this time not unity with the previous worldview, but a "decline".

About the Silver Age, who drove all questions,
reasonable and feeling, in a dead end,
What have one "output" - even more deeper deadlock.

Lorenzo Lotto is an Italian artist of the Renaissance.
Archangel Michael from "Annunciation." Angel from the "Holy Family".
And with them identified readers of the novels of Thomas Manna
and spectators of the film Lukino Wisconti Young Tajio ...

Angels are wonderful creatures of faith in Divine purity and beauty. Their images are consecrated, and therefore cannot cause homoerotic associations. Not that man ... A person cannot become absolute perfection and the feeling for him is not able to be impassive. We reveal the arrangement of forces in the duel, which cannot but turn into a struggle not for life, but to death ...

One side - just felt a beauty.
Another - survived all creative ups of maturity.
At one side, all the possibilities are ahead.
In another ahead, despair loss of all opportunities.

Life and death, where beauty and love -
The same death that binds all together.

Pythagoras region. A boy eased. 480-450 BC e.
Sculpture is known in the Roman copy of the i century. From the Greek earlylassic original. Marble copies are widespread.

Ashshbach watches the beautiful teenager. Accuracy requires to give the said other form: Ashshbach is observing the absolute beauty that appeared in front of him in the image of a teenager ...

"His life apparently proceeded under the sign of gentle indulgence. No one decided to touch the scissors to his wonderful hair; Like the "boy, pulling off the city", they curly declared him on his forehead, on the ears, descended from the nape on the neck. "

This is a purely aesthetic observation in the measure of abstract
From the immediate feeling, participation-sympathy.
Ashshbach will get out of the "trap"! Not rush.

Venice. Lido Island. Infinite strip of coastal beaches.
The first signs of approaching Syrocco ...

"Tomorrow the weather did not become better. Shovel coastal wind. Under the sky, tightened by whitener, the sea stretched in a stupid calm, with an prosaic close horizon and so far rejected from the shores that sandy shames were exposed to rows. Ashshbhah, when he opened the window, it seemed that he hears the shroud smell of the lagoon.

He was hard on his soul. He immediately thought about his departure. For a long time, many years ago, after the joyful spring days he was covered here the same weather, and dewented, upset, he fled from Venice. And now didn't she embrace his same attack, do not again knock on his temples, do not have a lot of eyelids? Again to change the location too troublesome, but if the wind does not change, there is nothing to think about to stay here. "

What happened why everything is devoid of poetry? "Dumb serenity of the sea", "prosaic close to the horizon", the "shuttle smell of the lagoon", - from this, indeed, it remains only to escape. Or maybe everything is not at all so ... Ashshbach felt irritation due to the fact that he sees beauty, but does not feel any feelings for her: his imagination is still cold?

Sirocco ... Yes, Sirocco acts, but I think,
In the second plan, as a reason for flight, no more.
Ashchenbach already "leads" something, the presence of which
He previously did not suspect and now does not notice.
He is annoyed, because he does not understand himself ...

Benjamin West. Venus consotes the Amur, the bee. 1802.
Etienne Maurice Falcon. Thoring Amur. 1758. Eros (Amur) was traditionally depicted by a boy, blonde and winged, capricious and cunning. His attributes are arrows and roses with spikes.

"The boy entered the glazed door and among the complete silence, he crossed the hall, heading towards her ... Ashshbach, having seen his clear profile, again wondered and even scared the god-like beauty of this day ...

In incomparable beauty, the flower of his head grew - the head of the erotic in the yellowish flickering of the Paros marble, - with thin harsh eyebrows, with a transparent shadow on the temples, with ears, closed soft waves at the right corner of the Kudrey. "How beautiful!" - thought Ashshbach with the professionally cold approval, into which the artist in front of the face of perfect creation risen sometimes his excitement, his delight. "

A comparison with Eros is foreshadowed by the emergence of love.
And maybe love for aesthet-romantic is already coming,
But still hiding for "cold approval",
Outstanding his emotion and delight into fright.

Apollo Bust Belvedere. Ser. IV century BC e.
Mask Dionysus (Vakha) of the era of Hellenism.

Ashshbach saw in the subject of his aesthetic admiration of Erota (Amur, Cupid), that is, the God of Love. Take this observation of the testimony that an apollonic beginning, symbolizing order, clarification, light, harmony in a person, threatens to give up their positions to the Dionysian beginning, which is responsible for the depths, natural, the first-part sides of the human soul. What's the matter?

Ashshbach wonderful teenager deified.
The admiration can come to replace the worship
and then - the release of all spontaneous,
instinctive, sensual man.
Beware, Professor Gustav von Ashshbach!

Than everything will end, it is impossible to say right away
Since each person has its own will -
The ability to make your own choice.
So do it, I ask you ...

Film Lukino Wisconti "Death in Venice". Bathing scene.

In the real life of the suffering of a torid soul
Gustava von Ashshbha did not show themselves ...

"Tajio bought, Ashshbach, who lost him from sight, noticed a suddenly far into the sea his head and hands, which he flooding, alternately threw forward. The sea probably was fine there, but on the shore there were already alarmed, female voices were heard from the cabins, shouting his name, and it flooded with all the seaside with my own consonants with the standing "y" at the end, the name, sweet and wild at the same Time: "Tadziu! TADZIU! "

He returned, he fled with his head thrown back, foaming the water resisting water, and see how this living creation in his strict preference, with confused wet curves, suddenly appeared from the depths of the sea and the sky, coming out of the water element, runs away from her It was meant to imbued with mythical ideas. As if it was the poetic news of the original times, about the emergence of the form, the birth of the gods. Ashshbach, with closed eyes, listened to this song, sprouted inside it, and again thought that it was good here and that he would stay here. "

So Lido turned into the "island of blissful shadows",
Where was the golden age in the glory of mythical ideas.
And he is a professor from Munich, writer, poet, Estette -
was sent "poetic news about initial times,
On the emergence of the form, about the birth of the gods. "

"Tadziu-U-y! Tadziu-U-y! Tadziu-U-y! "
Be blessed!

Film Lukino Wisconti "Death in Venice". Meditas von Ashshbha (English actor Dirk Bogard)

"And even when Ashshbach did not look at him, and read the page-other of the books taken with his own book, he always remembered that he was nearby," it's only slightly turn the head to the right, and you will open something wonderful wonderful. At the time of Ashshbha, it was even miracle that he was sitting here as the guard of his rest, let him be engaged in his affairs, but a man's vigilantly guarding the noble child, there is quite nearby. And the delicate favor, the roasting tenderness of the one who eagerly sacrifice himself, the Spirit of his beauty, to the one who is granted beauty, filled and captured his heart. "

Ashchenbahu is furious that, contemplating one who is endowed with beauty,
He "the Spirit of His Beauty works." What?!
High-industry, divine, not earthly,
Not subject, not temporary - universal, eternal ...
"Protecting the noble child of man",
He becomes the guard of Divine Beauty,
Daring all other appointments ...

View of Venice from Lido Island

"Two hours he spent in his room, and in the evening went to the Vaporetto on the lagoon, smelling the rot, in Venice." Vaporetto, I remind you - a river tram.


Lord, why did Ashshbach go to Venice? Judging by the further, he did not go "why", but "because" ... because Wakhu (Dionysus) needs help, which would allow to defeat the oppression of the Apollonic start in the experimental subject.

Not in that - welcome Dionysus - the direction began to develop an experiment. Issued, I repeat, Apollors of the Saving Mind Games, manifested in slender theories and artistic images, leading a person in creative activities.

Dionysus had to release all the spontaneous, instinctive, sensual in man, lead him into the frenzy of the animal acting unconsciously, that is, beyond the control of the mind and culture.

What does Venice do? It is she, only she
able to make such a "release" ...

At the top, on the left - the piazzette flanked by two columns: with St. Theodore and Lv Vol. Brand. Below, on the left - customs on the max opposite from the large channel part of the city. On the right - the lion itself.

"On St. Square Mark he drank tea and, faithful to his usual way, went to wander through the streets. But this time the walk brought with him a complete change of mood and plans for the near future. "

The way was promised to Ashbach African lions attacked, brought in the "Queen of the Seas" by the wind of Syrocco? No, for now, perhaps, the lions are painted with him, successfully displacing the gods of ancient Eldla from his consciousness and from the streets of Venice ...

Lions on San Marco Square:
golden Lion in the Central County of the San Marco Cathedral;
lion above the cardboard gates leading to the Palace of the Doings;
two more lions on the scenic area of \u200b\u200bthe square.
Cat, do not doubt, also Venetian.

Lviv in Venice is not reading. Even on Sv. Brand
Where Ashshbach drank tea, many lions.
They are imprinted in the Decor of the Cathedral, the Palace of the Doge, Campanil,
Clocky tower. And on the stage of the Square itself, they are squeezed on the pedestals.

What are the lions? We teacher ...
Tell a similar reason how to live,
so that prosperity in Venice was eternal
and therefore the diseases do not pursue the citizens,
And did not torment anyone disgusting old age.
Venetian lions beauty is good ...

Venetian lion, crowned with crown of fame.
Vibration of standing air on Venetian embankments.
Tesne in the streets, squares and canals, truly summer.

In any case, tourists who were in captivity of the squares and streets of the city, the Venetian lions did not help ... "Sticky, unbearable heat stood on the streets, the air was so carved, that smells that penetrated from houses, shops, Harchevien, Oil Chad, Spirit Clouds and So on, it was smoking in it without scattering. Smoke from cigarette hung motionless and only for a long time started to disperse. Talling on close sidewalks annoyed, and not entertained Ashshbach. "

Can you imagine something more disgusting?
Judging by the description, in Venice already hosts Sirocco?
No, these are the first signs of wind approach from Africa.
In order for Sirocco to have full force, consequences are necessary:
Walking on the streets of Venice corpses ... you need to run !!!
Need to…

Sutol on the Grand Channel.
From above, on the left - the grudge of the Church of Santa Maria della Salute.
Below, on the left - summer algae on the steps of descents to water.
Right - Church of Santa Maria della Salute (photoeff).

"The further he walked, the annoying was mastered that an overlooking state, which can cause only sea air and sirocco, - excitement and at the same time the decline of the forces. The sticky sweat spoke on his body, the eyes refused to see, the chest was shy, he threw it in the heat, then in the cold, the blood was told in the temples. "

"Subraser of Venice" (according to Thomas Mannu) is the infinite vych of channels connected by bridges.

"Flowing from the loaf of business Ulichek, he leaving the bridges in the blocks of the poor. There, he overcame the beggars, he chuckled from nauseous evaporation of the channels. "

"Subraser of Venice" - endless lick not only channels,
but the streets, each of which leads to a dead end. This is not a cable.
In standing, putrid air for each turn
doctor's death can not see. Here are two of them.

Reference ...

By the will of the evil rock, Ashbach joined the "transpar path", which leads to Golgotha \u200b\u200b- spiritual self-destruction, and then death. So, Cirocco, forcing him to leave, acts in good? Or is it also obsession? Or sirocco and evil rock provoke a poet on an independent decision?

Do not be weak, Professor von Ashshbach!
It is enough that you "poet the weak" call.
Leaving from Venice. Or and and she seduces something?
From his "subsoil" does not allow to get out: exists?

I remember how I fled in fear for these streets,
that the stone will not let the dead end,
Becoming a labyrinth, from which there is no exit.
Leave, Professor Background Ashshbach, at least on Lido!

Comparison of lifeless impasses from the "Subsoi Venice"
and Venetian masks - the dead in the perfect rice of their ...

Venice - the image of "excellent death": fascinating,
to yourself attracting and tightening in a circle-loop,
From which run there, run here - still there is no way out.

Venice looks at you from the "subsoil" of his
Eyes of carnival masks: there is a look, no man,
Because the mask is dead, like all the perfect, crossed ...

Venetian fountains ... recent with clean drinking water
for quenching thirst for tourists and the rescue of the city from plastic bottles.
The fountain in the charming patio - the courtyard is also recent.
The dog is a lover of fountains - I do not know if it is alive.

"On a quiet little area, in one of those forgotten and enchanted corners, which are still a lot in the submarines of Venice, he sat down on the edge of the fountain, Pot from his forehead and understood: it is necessary to leave."

Ashshbach accepted such an important decision for him at the fountain, near which his life would be considered. I remember, I saw this "sign" fountain. On the Internet did not find his "portrait". Nevertheless, I ask you, remember: the most important events during the stay of the main hero of Novella in Venice took place at the fountain - the source of cleansing force.

Ashchenbha Fountain did not help.
Is the water in it already infected?
Casicko's consequences have already shown?

Below is one of the channels (Canaletto) in the "Subsor of Venice".
Upstairs - a large canal, decorated with buildings like pearls.

Having got the decision to leave, "he rose, at the nearest parking lot in Gondola and on the dawn labyrinth of the canals, under elegant marble balconies with lions, richly slippery angles of buildings, past the sad palaces with branded signs on the facades, the reflections of which were fluctuated in the mirror of water, swam to Square of St. Mark.

The return path of Ashshbha began in the "departments of the city" -
In the dawn labyrinth of the channels,
Among buildings with slippery corners.
Further path passed by sad palaces,
The reflections of which were lying in the waters mirror.

A truly mystical picture ...
Not that already hell, not yet purification ...

Slowing on the gondola in the narrow canal - Canaletto, he had to turn right and sail along the large channel under the supervision of Lviv, which this time he was released, apparently approve of the effort of the will, to which he turned out to be a capable hero ...

At the top of the most beautiful panorama of Venice,
shot from customs cape.
Below is a view of the shop in the "depths of the city".

"It was notarently given to him this way, a gondoller, Radel, about the interests of glass-capacity workshops and lace factories, now I tried to move it to inspection or purchase, and if the whimsical beauty of Venice was already fascinated again, the mercenary trading spirit of this fallen queen sled and angry him "

Remember: Hometown - Munich -
We speak by two demons-spirits ...
Absolute beauty, indifferent to everything,
besides his own speculative perfection,
and the Imperial Spirit subordinating the will of residents
Implemented hail order, rules ...
Munich is incurred: does not distinguish between borders
between good and evil, truth and lies.
Everything is possible in it: the highest, and the lowest ...

Ashshbach, not yet lost aesthetic township,
Sees that Venice is torn apart by two other demons ...
It is characterized by whimsical beauty: capricious,
Fancy, intricate, playful and, at the same time,
Overly demanding, thirsty of enthusiastic attention.
It is peculiar to her mercenary trades.
As a result of the unity of these two forces
Tsarina Seas becomes a fallen queen,
Fascinating even with all its immorality.

Unexpected interpretation?
There are countless clarifications ahead of us ...

The most beautiful panorama of Venice with the vertical of Campanis,
the arcades of the Palace of the Doh, the silhouette of the Church of Santa Maria della Salute.
Outside the photo - Green Lido Island. Only winporetto -
river tram - should run not to him, but from him ...

What happiness back from the stone Venice with standing air and the disgusting smells rotted the green island of Lido, blowing winds from the Adriatic !!!

About the happiness of stay on the green island there is no speech.
Ashshbach decided to leave ... because of Sirocco.
Yes, because of Sirocco, which will not make himself wait.
"Farewell, Tajio! For a long time I saw you! "

"He bought a ticket, sat down in place - and the fact that he was followed, there was a godpody, the sorrowful journey along the depths of repentance. The steamer fled on a familiar road through the lagoon, past the square of St. Brand, up the Grande Channel. Ashshbach sat on a round bench on a steamer's nose, leaned about the handrail and hand protecting his eyes from the light. Public gardens stayed behind, once again arose a Piazzette in their royal charms and immediately disappeared from the eyes, a long series of palaces reached ... "

Venice. Big canal. Arch bridge Rialto.
Venice. Big canal. The dome of the Church of Santa Maria della Salute.

"When the waterway turned, the Marble Arch Rialto seemed, magnificent and rapid. Ashshbach looked, and his heart burst. The atmosphere of the city, given to the rot, the smell of the sea and the swamp, who drove it from here, he was now inhaled slowly, with tenderness and pain. Is it possible that he did not know, did not think about how close it was his heart? The fact that this morning was a light regret, a well-known uncertainty that he comes correctly, now turned out to be despondent, genuine pain, such a spiritual longing that the tears came to his eyes, and he was all the crash of himself for did not foresee. "

"The atmosphere of the city, who gavenit,
He inhaled slowly, with tenderness and pain. "
"Fallen Queen" stunned him
Forced to go blind and not see
The actual position of things.

Under the inevitable parting pressure
The heart of Ashbach opened love and longing.
To whom? For what? The main thing that opened ...

Stunning view of Venice from a bird's eye view ...

"Heavy, just intolerable, seemed to him that he would never again see Venice that was a farewell forever. For the second time this city has been making him sick, the second time he is forced to find his head out of him and, it means that he should continue to treat him as something forbidden, unauthorized and unbearable, which is not even worth the dream.

Moreover, he felt that if he left now, shame and stubbornness would no longer allow him to return to the favorite city, in front of which he turned out to be physically insolven, and this gap between mental deposits and bodily opportunity suddenly seemed an aging person so heavy and important, And the physical defeat is so shameful and invalid that he could not understand the frivolous bravery, which yesterday helped him without a serious struggle to accept and recognize this defeat. "

Do not seem to you, the verbose hides the essence?
Yes, Ashshbach - Estet and Romantic - can not not love Venice.
And however, the main thing is "physical defeat"
Between "spiritual depiction and physical inability."
"Shameful and unacceptable defeat" ...
Ashshbach was frightened to confirm the old age:
There was only a "shameful and unacceptable" for him.
Full wrapping of representations!
By the way, what or about the HOM age-old Ashbach says?!

Wind, hitting the waves about stones to crush all obstacles ...

Ashshbach did not go anywhere. He returned to Lido, because "The Excelsior Expedition Hotel along with another stranger luggage sent his chest in a completely wrong direction. From time to time he was still laughing at this failure, which, as he said to himself, would be poles and the most successful. "

He "consoled himself, everything will be fine again, the misfortune after all, he escaped, a terrible mistake corrected, what should have stayed behind, now it opens up again, and he will enjoy it as much as he wants" ...

What is this - someone deceives someone?
Or the wind blew up from the sea, having deprived the hero of the novels of reason?

Sea, like a mirage ...

In fact ... "The sea took a greenish tint, the air seemed more transparent and cleaner, the beach was a variety of cabins and boats, although the sky was still frowning. Ashshbach looked out the window, pleased that he was again here, and dissatisfied, even shattered with his indecision, ignorance of himself. " He saw what no ...

His soul was eager to "enjoy how much wants."
So it will be, if ... the comic way to him
Created to go bend the goalle - that biblical mountain
on which all - and the gods and people are citing ...

Film Lukino Wisconti "Death in Venice". Hope Ashshbach. English actor Dirk Bogard plays facial expressions, he has almost no monologues.

"So he sat down from a good time, resting, indulging in mindless Greets. Around noon, he saw Tazio in a striped suit with a red bow, returned from the sea along a long wooden pavement. Ashchenbach recognized him, in fact, even earlier than he saw, and was going to think something like: "Ege, Tajio, that's why you again!" But at the same second I felt that a careless hello to the heart and silence before the truth of his heart, "felt violently exciting blood, joy, mental pain and realized that the departure was so difficult for him because of Tajio."

He understood: his soul captured by beauty.
Human soul - Psyche,
The beauty of her beauty is similar to Erot or Amur.
What will be the myth of Amur and as often in this case?
She will raise him to the highest sense of love,
will overthrow in the puchins of passion -
Look, foreseen at least something ...

Venice. Lido Island. White Beaches - Golden ...
That - Elysium: Paradise on Earth, open for clean soul ...

"In a pleasant dimensionality of the existence of Ashbach has already been drawn; The peaceful, although not deprived of the brilliance of such an image of his lifestyle soon fascinated. Yes, and the truth, what is the beauty of this combination of a comfortable life among the southern sea with the proximity, with the constant availability of a mysterious-wonderful city!

Ashshbach did not like to enjoy. Celebrate, indulge yourself, looking for careless pastime was alien to him and unusual. Even in the younger years, he was alarming and disgusted leisure, hurried back to high efforts, to the sacred-reasonable ministry of his everyday life. Only this corner of the earth relaxed him and gave happiness. "

Mediterranean Gold Sand Beaches ...
Despite the obvious legendality of the image of Eliasum,
it relates quite real geographical objects.
Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean.

"It seemed to him that he escaped into the Elisium, to the most edge of the earth, where people are destined to the lightest life, where there is no winter and snow, there are no storms and shower, where the ocean is completely refreshing with cool breathing and days flow in blissful leisure, serene dedicated to Only the sun and his festivities. "

In the ancient mythology, Elysium is a country of blissful, located far in the West, in which the eternal spring reigns. In the elicide without sorrow and worries, the outstanding heroes of antiquity are spent, as well as people who led the righteous lifestyle.

My soul, Elysium Shadows,
Shadows of silent, bright and beautiful,
Neither the thoughts of the rusty of this,
Neither joys, nor griefly involved, -
My soul, Elysium Shadows,
What is common between life and you!
Between you, the ghosts of the past, the best days,
And this insensitive crowd? ..

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev
Beginning of the 1830s

Guido Reni. The famous plafof "Aurora" in Palazzo Rospillosie. 1614.
Reni is a fan of antiquity and Raphael, which connected idealism and naturalism in the image of graceful figures, radiated sensual beauty - high and earthly, also in unity.

"His sleep was a non-national; Perfectly monotonous days were divided by short nights, filled with happy alarms. True, he rose early to himself, since already at nine o'clock, barely just disappeared Tadzio, the day seemed to him lived. But it was just beginning to light, as he was already a piercing sweet fright, a memoir about a heart adventure. He got up, fleeing from the morning trembling, and sat down at the open window to wait for the sunrise. His soul, sanctified by bed, was fond of this wonderful event. The sky, the earth and the sea were still resting in a whitish smoke of early morning; I also sailed in the infinity of a fooling star. But there was a light blow, the winged message from the impregnable monastery that Eos had risen from the marriage lodge, and already the first, slightly noticeable gentle anger in the far gave painting the sky and the sea, the sign that the world begins to wake up. "

Why "the sign of the fact that the world begins to awaken", serves "a little noticeable gentle anger in the far gave, staining sky and the sea"?! I do not hear the answer yet. We wait…

Pierre Narsis Genne. Aurora and Kefal. 1810. Geren is a French historic painter of academic directions, a fan of antiquity and versery. "Purple fell on the sea, and it slowly suffered him forward, to the shore" ...

"The goddess is approaching, the kidnapper of the young man, it was she stole a clay and kefala, it is she, on the envy of all Olympians, enjoyed the love of beautiful Orion. Someone is a rack of roses on the edge of the world, an incredulously gentle glow and flowering, clouds, enlightened from the inside, transparent, accurate amuras of the servants are hired in pink, in a blunder of fragrance; Purpur fell on the sea, and it slowly suffered him forward, to the shore "...

Ashshbach Rights: Eos is known for his eternal and unattricible passion for mortal boys. I inspired her the desire of Aphrodite in retaliation for the fact that Eos was divided by a bed with Ares. Since then, she, embarrassed and tall, seduces the young men by one after another - steals to enjoy love with them on the envy of the Olympians. From this shamelessness, the dawn was overwhelmed once a blush, and it remained Punchov.

Kefal was married when attracted the favorable attention of the goddess. Eos opened him, but he politely refused her, not wanting to deceive the spouse with which he was bound by an eternal fidelity. Eos objected that she would easily break the oath in exchange for gold. When the temptation was accomplished, Kefal became the beloved Eos, who had moved him to heaven ...

The myths about the morning dawn are pronounced by issuing the secrets of Hellinskaya, and therefore a classical European culture. The gods of Eldlats do not act unconsciously. On the contrary, they know such concepts as, for example, vice or shamelessness, which is captured in the sky with the color of the morning dawn: a swarm of shame, covering the cheek "robberry" EOS. Plenying the beauty of the dawn, people stopped seeing the original meaning of the color, soaring in the morning in the sky. People believed: the gods cannot be vicious because they are gods. Transfer this belief to the world of people and see what the permissiveness of the elected ...

"Purpur fell on the sea, and it slowly suffered him forward,
To the shore, "hiding the wake of the world under the" gentle anger "...

EOS and Titon. The author ordained. I will find the link - put.

Another mystery hides in the myth of EOS and Titon. Seeing the Titon's height of Titon, the son of the Trojan Tsar Priama - Eos loved him and carried him into his panels on the edge of the earth and heaven. Wanting to divide happiness with Titon forever, Eos has simplified Zeus to give him immortality, but at the abutation I forgot to ask for eternal youth. There was time, and faded the beauty of the Titon. On his forehead, the chronos, like a cutter cut the deep wrinkles. The voice voice became hoarse and rattling. Eos Cormal Titon Nectar, rubbed ambrosia, but everything is in vain: Titon decreased, pushed. He could not love old EOS. She kept only pity for him, and therefore kept in their pacles behind the curtain, trying to see as much as possible in order not to suffer from bitter memories. One day the trenches visited the gods. Hearing because of the curtains hoarse old breathing, understood Zeus that the Eos Dar had become a source of suffering and for her, and for unfortunate titon. Hasting, he took a human appearance in the senior and turned it into cricket. Since then, there is a cricket in old houses and sings his sad rattling song.

All acted as it is impossible. Output:
immortality is not equivalent to eternal youth,
What is the mortal transient, instant ...
Old age - staying in the dignity (Love devised)
Gorgeous, mortal, fortunately, having the end.

If this understood Ashshbach, he should not have allowed in his heart attachment to a young creature that believes in his beauty as in eternal dality. They will both be punished, only an aging professor will have to first survive the arrival of the inevitable one. Survive consciously and painfully ...

The appearance of Helios (Sun) in the sky), which his sister EOS (Morning Zarya) opened the gates ...

We return to the events taking place in the "Elysium" on Lido. There, "Days flow in blissful leisure, serene devoted to the sun and its festivities." The climax in the festivities - the sunrise ... "The golden spears darted from the bottom in Heavenly, the shine became a fire, silently, with the Divine, Intritical Power Spot, Fire; The flames of the flame leased the sky, and the sacred horses of the brother (EOS), shaking the maneers, took over the earth. "

"A lonely man watched unrefell Ok
On this divine splendor "...
What a correlation is delightful!
Lonely man and universal shine!
Brother Eos Helios in fire burned
Vices, with the memories of whom the world woke up?
Maybe he burned ... until next morning ...

Sunset at the sea, after which the night comes, and after it will begin
New day. Dawn - Day - Sunset - Night. And again, and again, and again ...

"The day that began so firm and festively, all remained raised, mythically transformed. Where did this tremor come from, fleeting and complete meaning, what does the urchi and ear concerned? White cider clouds crowded in height, like the herd of Olympus on the pasture "...

"Former feelings, early, invaluable gusts of the heart, faded in continuous harsh service and now returned to such a strange guise - he recognized them and welcomed the embarrassed, confused smile. He thought, Grezil, his lips slowly francmed someone's name. He was smiling for a long time, raising her face to the sky. "

I have no doubt, many, and more than once, the sunrise and sunset have been observed. Some photographed magical paintings to show friends what beauty they managed to catch, and only. Others plunged into the holy process - meditated, "lifting a face to the sky." I am sure, no one perceived what is happening as unfolding in time and the space of an ancient Greek myth. Why do I think so?

We lost the "mythical consciousness",
Our imagination also ceased to be mythical.
"Sustained whisper does not concern our temples and ear" ...

Children's tracks on the golden sand seach of the sea ...

I grind about the loss of mythical consciousness and imagination? Not at all. A cold look of aesthetics and theoretics of architecture I state that the period of classical culture, which began, in the expression of one of the classics, in ancient Eldead, has expired, and we live in another type of spiritual culture, called us modern.

It's neither good nor bad, just humanity
On his life path made the next step.

Novella Thomas Manna "Death in Venice"
It has several levels of reading understanding.
One of them talks about the death of classical culture,
that in her time laid time began to degenerate
Like the hero of his philosophical poetic essay ...

We return to the problems of Professor Ashshbach,
What are threatened from the aesthetic to become moral.

Frame from the film Wisconti "Death in Venice."
Ashshbach in a cage of unspoken feelings ...

"There is no weird relationship and taper than the relationship of people who know each other only visually - they are found daily and hourly, they are watching each other, forced, due to the generally accepted rules or their own whim, to maintain an external indifference - not a bunch or a word. Anxiety, excessive curiosity is vitiated between them, the hysteria of unsatisfied, unnaturally depressed need for communicating, in interconnection, but above all something like excited respect. For a person loves and respects the other, as long as he cannot judge him, and love longing is a consequence of insufficient knowledge.

Handsome boy was not in a hurry to catch up, it was worthwhile anything, some words, friendly, the French phrase, already spinning him in his tongue, - and then he feels that his heart, perhaps, from fast walking, knocks him like a hammer, his breath It is difficult and talking, he may except with a siled, trembling voice; He hesitates, wants to master himself, he suddenly becomes scary ...

"Too late! He thought. - Too late!" But is it too late? After all, this step, whom he did not, could lead to kind, joyful and easy - to a healing stem. But he, an aging man, was true and did not strive for him, too much treated with a cross his own state. "

Please note: "Love Tosca -
Consequence of insufficient knowledge. "
Know the intellectual Ashbach does not want anything:
It is in the full power of "Crown feelings",
born of homoerotic associations,
peculiar to the culture to which he belongs ...

Portraits Tajio, say the connoisseurs of the Wisconti film,
so beautiful that everyone wants to insert in the frame
and admire them infinitely ...

For "drinking feelings" misunderstanding - the benefit ...

"Ashshbach did not understand the word from what a boy spoke, and if he pronounced the most ordinary words, for Ashshbha they merged into some foggy fragrant. So a strange speech of the boy turned into music, the perky sun generously poured him with his glitter, and the elevated cauldiction of the sea served as a refined background of his beauty.

Soon Ashshbach knew every line, every turn of this beautiful, no cramped body, every time he greeted him a familiar feature of beauty, and there was no end to his admiration, joyful emotion of feelings. "

Berper Torvaldsen. Gamornad, feeding Zeus Orel. 1817.
Torvaldsen - Danish sculptor and artist,
representative of late classicism.
Gamenad with a rooster and wheel. Ancient Greek vase.

"Suddenly he wanted to write. True, they say that Eot loves idleness, for her only created. But at this point of the crisis, the excitation of the wounded arrow turned into creativity. The reason, strictly speaking, is indifferent. The need for openly and securely speak of a significant, burning problem of culture and taste took possession of his intellect, so to speak, caught up with a fugitive. The subject was familiar to him, was an integral part of his being; The desire for him to break in the light of his words, suddenly become inspirement. The second one was joined - to work in the presence of Tajio, to take a picture of the boy's face, to force his style to follow the lines of this body, which was god-like him, and to raise his beauty into the world of the Spirit, as the Orel Overall asked the Trojan. "

"Trojan Shepherd" - Gamornad, Son of the Trojan Tsar and Nymphs. Because of his extraordinary beauty, he was abducted by Zeus, who turned into an eagle, and was carried to Olympus. There, Ganymed performed the duties of Vinorperpia, spilling nectar in feasts. The myth of Gamiree has always enjoyed extremely popular for several reasons. In it is justified by the ton of: Zeus itself becomes an eagle. It dedicates same-sex love. And most importantly - in it the most beautiful young man gets immortality: turns into the zodiacal constellation of Aquarius.

For Ashshbach myth about the "Trojan shepherd" - the "point of crisis" in the disease caused by love excitation. At this point, the Apollonic beginning is a creative thirst - returns a leading role. Professor wants with the help of a brilliant style of his having a beauty of a boy into the world of perfume.

Everyone should become god like:
And he himself in his creative efforts,
And the perfect subject of his admiration.
All, the disease goes into a new phase:
instead of immersion in the depths of self-awareness
There will be ascension to height ...
Mountain Golgotha, which, now for sure
Ashshbach can not get around?

Viscontiev "Portrait" Tajio in the interior of Modern style,
confirming that the boy is a jewel,
priceless in his high art ...

"What selection of blood, what exact thought was embodied in this youthful body! But isn't the harsh and pure will, which created in the darkness and then brought the light of this divine creation, was not familiar, inherent in him, the artist? Didn't she acted in him when, who closed a reasonable passion, he released a slim uniform from the marble lingerie, which he loudered and was the world as an image and reflection of a human spiritual beauty?

Image and reflection! His eyes saw a noble figure at the edge of the blue, and he thought in an enthusiastic emphasis that he was glad to see the most beauty, the form as a divine thought, the only and clean perfection, the world inhabiting the world, and here, who appeared to him in the image and similarity of the human, in order to induce his lovely To reverent worship. It was a cross delight, and an aging artist thoughtlessly, with greed of himself betrayed him. "

Like this: cold-unstained aestheticism
replaced by "reverent worship",
And "an aging artist betrayed him mindlessly, with greed."
The exhausted soul wanders go in one direction ...

Michelangelo Buonotti. Statue of slave. 1546. Unfinished statue -
an incomprehensible sample "Forms released from marble boulder".
Leo background Klenze. Valhalla. 1830-1842. MOT - Pantheon of the German People
near Regensburg.

Exhausted soul wanders go in one direction
But, if you read written by Thomas Mann text
at a higher level of generalization, suddenly, suddenly
will open the meaning of the tragedy that is experiencing
Classical culture at its final stage ...

In the perfect body embodied the accuracy of the thought of the Creator!
What Creator is God? Not only God, but also a person - the artist,
harsh and clean will whose whales worked in the darkness,
And then he brought his god-like creation light.

No matter who this artist is sculptor, poet, musician,
For they all release out of marble shape
and show it as an image and reflection of spiritual beauty.
If the form is a divine thought that has become perfection,
That is a grievous and artist-creator, and his work.
They both worthy of reverent worship ...

The one who remembers the architecture of Munich
will see her postulates of non-Collicism canons
encroached on the creation of absolute beauty,
extra-spatial, timeless, extraravous,
Aspectable to its perspective - the authorities over the world ...

Of great importance in the minds of Ashbach attached to the myth of Amur and the psychhea, who, passing through obstacles, acquire the highest, eternal love.

"The Spirit worried him, all the recognized and lived and lived, the memory suddenly brought the old-pretty thoughts to the light, traditionally assimilated by the Smoloda and their stay not warmed by their own fire. Didn't he read somewhere that the sun distracts our attention from intellectual and aims him on sensual? It is so dope and fascinates, also said there, our mind and memory that the soul in Uznivaa forgets about himself, her eyes are shed to the most beautiful of the objects lit by the sun, moreover: only with the help of the body it can then rise to true high contemplation. "

What is this "old-pretty thoughts,
Traditionally learned by the Smoloda "?
About the miracle of love, of course, genuine:
"When the soul forgets about himself" ...

Neoclassicist Antonio Canova. Amur and Psyche. Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

Former intellectual cannot but develop theories,
How to "make a spiritual visible using the image and the color of youth." In the assistants, he chooses the myth (legend, fairy tale) about Amur and Psyche, for ... "Cupid, the right, like to mathematicians, which are learnably children, showing them tangible images of clean forms - so this god to make spiritual for us Visible, willingly use the image and the color of the human youth, which he makes an instrument of memory and adorns with all the reflections of beauty, so that at the sight of her pain and hope they light up in us. " We will pass a given lesson using the Writing of the Apuleua - the Roman Writer II century of the new era. The history of Amur and Psychia enters his famous novel "Golden Donkey". The old woman-maid, before you start talking to this story, says: "I know a lot of interesting fairy tales of good old time." Surprisingly, in the fairy tale of ancient Greek, the motives of Russian folk fairy tales sound in full force. So the problem in them is covered in a number of fundamental in the history of the Human Spirit ...

Adolf Etienne Bugro. Abduction of Psyche. 1882.
John William Waterhauses. Psyche, entering the Gardens of Amur. 1905.

In a certain country, the king and the queen lived. They had three beauty daughters, and the youngest - psychhery - was so good that Venus himself was superior to the charm. The goddess decided to severely show the death beauty, called on her son - the god of the love of Amur - and told him: "Do so that psychotica fell in love with the most insignificant of people and all his life would be unhappy with him."

Amur flew to perform the task of the mother, but, seeing Psyche, was struck by the beauty of the princes. The God of Love decided that the beauty should become his wife, and began to lead all the grooms from her.

The king and the queen wondered: the two senior daughters had already married, and psychhery still lives in the parent house. The king turned to Oracle, and Oracle announced (for the admission of Amur) that the princess was destined to be unusual fate. He commanded to have a psyche in the wedding outfit, take away the high mountain and leave there in anticipation of an unknown spouse destined to her.

The soul endowed with the best properties
Divided into the body - female, perfect.
The body has become an object of admissions.
The soul was craving for an inaccessible love ...

The king and the queen did not dare to disobey the will of the gods and fulfilled everything as she ordered Oracle. In horror, the unfortunate psychhery in the wedding dress looked around, waiting for that some monster would appear. But suddenly someone suffered it from an unsuccessful rock in the green valley and lowered her grass.

In the shady grove stood a white palace. The doors themselves opened themselves, and Robust, the princess entered inside. Never have ever made enough to see such luxury. The walls were shone with gold and silver, the ceiling was made of ivory, and the floor was laid out of precious stones.

Unexpectedly, a friendly voice was heard from somewhere: "Hello, Tsarevna! Be here the mistress. " The whole day walked psychhery on the palace, but I could not get around all his rooms. The invisible servants accompanied the princess, fulfilling any desire, barely managed to think about him.

Learned the fairy tale "Scarlet flower"?

Francois Eduar Pico. Amur and Psyche. 1817.

In the evening, tired, the psychhery went to bed, and under the cover of the darkness to her on her bed, Cupid went. The psychhery did not see, but only touched her unknown spouse, but, nevertheless, he loved him warmly. In the morning, before Rawtling, Cupid retired to come again when he washem.

Love came, but in the first stage of his
sensual, clarified touch
and the execution of all desires.
That was dark - the Does - Love,
In which the beloved remained unknown.
The soul thought he would love, but loved only the body.

And one more did not know the soul's thirsty love:
Wealth is not happiness, but what brings grief,
For, becoming the source of envy for others
It will certainly destroy love ...

Psychia's sisters, seeing the fairy-tale palace in the gardens of luxurious, it was removed to destroy the happiness of the younger sister, making a cunning plan ... Seeing the psyche once again, the sisters were depicted on their faces a feigned grief and exclaimed: "Oh, unfortunate! Your husband is a disgusting and evil snake. The local farmers have seen more than once how he climbs on the belly across the river and hides in your palace. Behold! Once he is horrified by you - and you will die a terrible death! " And both loudly buried.

Peter Paul Rubens. Amur and Psyche.
Eduard Burng-Jones. Psyche and Pan. 1874.

Frightened and confused psychhery asked: "What should I do?" The sisters said: "Hiding under the bed a sharp knife, and when now your spouse will come to you, kill him." After reflection, Psyche doubted the words of the sisters and decided before killing her husband, take a look at him to make sure he was really a snake. She filled the lamp with oil and hid him near the bed.

When Cupid fell asleep, Psyche got up, he lit a lamp and, having silent from horror, looked at the spouse. What were her amazement and joy, when, instead of a disgusting snake, she saw the ceremony god of love.

The hand of Psychai trembled, the lamp leaned, and the drop of hot oil fell on the sleeper's shoulder. Amur immediately woke up. Seeing Psyche with a lamp in his hands, he exclaimed in anger and sorrow: "You have obeyed the Council of our envious sisters and destroy our happiness. I could severely shout you, but I will punish only a separation with me. " He waved the wings and flew away.

Love is a personal matter of two.
Following the advice of others is dangerous and punishable.
Just destroy love with a challenge.
Return of love requires incredible efforts ...

There is one more clarification, perhaps the most important thing.
Happy love - earthly - can continue
A certain period: while the body is beautiful and desirable.
Genuine - Heaven - love eternal,
But she is achieved by suffering ...

John William Waterhauses. Psyche, opening the golden casket. 1903.
Francois Gerard. Cupid and Psyche. First kiss. 1798.

Four tasks ordered to fulfill the focus of Aphrodite.
Separate one grain from the other -
Learn to understand genuine.
The ants helped a kind princess.
Collect the wool of gold rams -
Learn to get your happiness itself.
Helped by the board of Pan - the Forest, multi-communion creature.
Bring water from the source on top of the rock -
Climb the strength of the Spirit.
Helped an eagle - the king in the family of birds of all-powerful.
Go down underground - in the kingdom of death -
And to ask Prosarpina a casket for Venus.

Psyche decided to take death on Earth, not going down in the depths of Aida, rose to the high tower to rush to it down and put an end to his torments. Cold stones, of which the tower was built, pity was penetrated. They pointed out the path to the underground kingdom, learning how to bribe the carrier with two coins through the river, separating the world of the world of the dead, and draw the PSA, guarding the entrance to the underground kingdom, two slices of bread.

Psyche made impossible -
overcame the fear of death in the name of love.

But ... I could not pure to cope with curiosity. I barely choose from the underground kingdom to the light, it opened the lore cover, fell to the ground and fell asleep. Amur found it immersed in the enchanted dream, and woke up a kiss.

The dark band in the life of Psychia ended.
She gained the love of heaven - not earthly.
And here, as it was ...

Pompeo Batoni. Marriage of Amur and Psychia. 1756.
Batoni - famous Italian painter Rococo
and neoclassicism, a very recognized European aristocracy.

Amur flew to the Jupiter himself and began to ask that he gave the world between his mother and his wife. Jupiter urged Venus and told her: "Oh beautiful! Do not complain that your son chose not a goddess to my wife, but mortal. I will give her immortality, and it comes with the gods. " He filled the cup of ambrosia - the beverage of the gods - and gave a drink as much as.

Psyche became immortal, like her spouse.
The gods sang the praise of her beauty and good moral,
Venus had to admit the psyche with his daughter-in-law.
Soon, Amur and Psychia had a daughter,
The name of which is a pleasure.

Rafael Santi. Psyche take on Olympus.
Fresco on Villa Farnesina, mainly made by the masters.

The fairy tale about Amur and Psyche - a diamond, which can be viewed infinitely, in every facet finding the refraction of the plot in accordance with the questions of the loving soul ...

Love earthly industrial?
Love heaven off-hungry?
Love-suffering - means to achieve divine love:
The time is boundless, which acquires immortality ...
Where is not here, and there?

Questions multiply, encountering two sides of the whole: intellectual and sensual. Away nature, let me know?! According to Ashshbha, the god of love Cupid - a teacher, showing how "make a spiritual visible using the image and color of youth" ...

Eternal youth, time is beyond!
Creating immortality in the efforts of the Creator!
In ancient Eldead, the beauty was raised to Olympus ...
Is it truth or fiction? It's good or evil
Requiring parting with life alive?

Questions multiply, confronting among themselves
two sides of the whole: intellectual and sensual -
Apollonic and Dioniskoye.
How to go between Scylla and Charibda? In any way ...

"The sacred transformed world, a complete trepidation of life, hugged the enchanted, and the heart was dreaming of adorable fairy tales ... He saw Hyacinth in front of him, who should die, for his two God loved. He even tormented by the acute envy of Marshmallow to the opponent, forgot the oracle, onions and kifara to play with a beautiful young man; He saw a disc that a merciless jealousy mercured into a wonderful head, and picked up, even pale at the same time, a drooping body, and on a flower, increased from sweet blood, his infinite complaint was inscribed. "...

Yes, Hyacinth died, his soul flew into the kingdom of Aida. And according to Apollo, the scarlet, the aromatic flower - hyacinth rose from the blood of Hyacinth, and on the petals it was captured by a moan of the sorrow of God Apollo: "Oh, Mount, Mount! You died from my hand! Why I am immortal, why can't I follow you! ".

Giovanni Antonio Brittroughfo
(Student Leonardo da Vinci). Narcissus at the stream. 1467-1516.

Ashshbach not only reflects, he plays a fairy tale in the soul to mythical topics, experiencing in them what happened to himself. Myth about Narcissus he did not play. Left for later? That's it…

Narcissus is a wonderful young man, the son of the Beotica River Kefis God and the Nymph Liropes. Narcissus has grown up to young women, and his love sought many women, but he was indifferent to everyone. When Nymif Echo fell in love, Narcississ rejected her passion. From burning Echo dried, so only a voice remained from her. The women rejected by Narcissus demanded to punish it. The goddess of Justice Nemoxid won their plea. Once, returning from the hunt, Narcissus looked into an unlosage source and, having seen his reflection in the water, fell in love with him. He could not break away from the disrepair of himself and died of love for himself. At the place of his death, the flower grew, named by Narcissa.

In the times of Ashbach, a mental illness was already known, named narcissism - the extreme degree of self-love.

Masquerade image of a white bird.
Look killing? For someone's agony observing?
Sunset on the beach island Lido ...

Ashshbach about his ...

"The bliss of the word never was sweet him, never felt so clearly that Eros is present in the Word, as in these dangerous, the precious clock, when he, under the awning, behind an unpacked table, seeing his idol, hearing his voice to his voice, Formed its prose on the beauty of the beauty of Tajio, - these exquisite one and a half pages whose transparency, nobility and inspirational tensions of feelings soon had to cause admiration for many.

Strange clock! Strange exhausting efforts! Extremely fruitful communication of the Spirit and Body! When Ashshbach folded the sheets and was going to leave the beach, he felt exhausted, devastated, he even tormented the conscience, as after unauthorized carelessness. "

He creates, connecting both starts in his work:
and Apollonic - rational, speculative,
And Dionyskoye - sensual, emanating from reality.

Why the unity of the spirit and body, which everyone is eager,
Ashchenbha is exhausted, empty, torments,
How is "unauthorized care?"
Because of the erotic, that, "attending in the Word",
gives sweet bliss? If so…
This is not a job. It is love ecstasy
expressing himself in prose to one and a half pages.
Poor Ashshbach! Do not break out of his loop!

Sunny phantasmagoria on the seashore ...
Is it a reality or mirage, woven from sunlight?

I quote Thomas Mann: "The happiness of the writer is a thought that the whole go into the feeling, and turning into the thought. This pulsing thought, this exact feeling in those days was subject to and submissively lonely Ashshbakh, the thought that the nature throws into a shiver from bliss when the Spirit in the sacred trembling is inclined before beauty. "

Thought - feeling, feeling - thought ...
Spirit - Nature, Nature - Spirit ...
Spirit in the sacred trepidation comprehends the beauty of nature.
Nature throws in a shiver from the bliss of comprehend.

There would be no comprehension - there would be no beauty ...
And this is true: there are people living outside beauty,
He does not need beauty - and beauty dies ...
There are people who can see beauty in the smallest,
not the thought of her life without her, -
And beauty comes to life, beauty blooms ...

Everything is so wonderful, and suddenly - "Lonely Ashshbach"!
Actually no relationships?
This is an empty cage caused by ecstasy,
Someone induced, as in the hypnotic session?

Ashshbach - a lonely man, contemplating a mirage ...
Ah, translating thoughts-feeling in the words of Ashbach, ah ...

Twilight lighting in Venice, hearing the arrival of blue night ...

Ashshbach drove "to Venice, where he always delayed, returning to Lido in the gondola from St. The brand under the largest light, when the motley lights and the sounds of Serenad sounds as if sailed by him. " Oh, what a miracle. Remember Orpheus anthem?

Night - the beginning of everything, blissful,
In the star rays, in shine blue!
Holidays Love Night ...
Mother of dreams ... Your light is mysterious.
Woven night, overclock my fears of night!

Venice "Sounds melting in the air"
and "under the majorly called the sky" - black ...

Stars, Peplos Night Imbred
You made a breath available.
Black Night - Hecata Roadside:
The goddess of empty intersections.
Hecata is a diphoma
What buzzes with the souls of the dead.
Queen Night with a piggy dog
Not Okoyacean, with a rod of animal ...

Ashshbach can not know Ellin's myths. Why is he not afraid of night demons? He does not see them, is immersed in his inner world, which is bloomed by all the paints of hopes? Then why is it still detained in Venice? The city does not let him go, is trying to explain something?

San Georgio Maggiore island in the night,
all illuminating other - mysterious - light ...

Slowly rides across the sky in his chariot, shaped with black horses, goddess Night - Nyutka. She closed her dark cover. Darkness enveloped everything around. Around the chariot of the goddess night crowds the stars and pour on the ground their wrong, shimmering light. Many of them, they drank all the night dark sky.

It seems that the only thing about what Ashbach did not think, peering
In "Largely called the sky" that night is also a goddess named Nyukta, and about the fact that there is a goddess of the night two sons - Tanatos and Hynosta ...

Tanatos - the personification of death. Lives on the edge of light.
It has an iron heart and hated gods.

Not then his twin brother Hinos ...

Highness - God of sleep and dreams, the son of the goddess of the Nyukty (Nights),
the younger twin brother of the death of Tanatos,
the goddes of the fate of Moyer, the goddess of the Retribution of Nemoxides, Music Love ...

According to the Gesiod, the sleep and death never looks like Helios, and therefore both brothers - Gins and Tanatos - live in Aida, deep underground. Hynos is calm, quiet and favorable to people as opposed to merciless tanatos. Highness with a poppy can sleep and bring a sweet calm to everyone, even a great Zeus. With the sacrifices of mysts, they are invoking Fimiam with Poppy ...

Highness, Lord of the Blessed Gods and Mortal Father,
Equally and livestock all that the expanses of the earth inhabit!
About the discontinuger of worries, the delivering sweetness is sweet,
Every grief carrying holy one's consistency
The fear of death saves you from the shower ...

The participation of hypnos in what is happening with Ashshbahh is definitely: otherwise he would certainly come to his senses and began to act, as his social situation tells him. But no, Ashshbach is inactive in harm. And this is not only with him, with all people there are, who forget that there is nothing unequivocal in the life of the earth.

In the assembly of gods and demons - too ...
The hypnos acts - Tanatos will appear.

"Many times when the sun came in Venice, he sat in the park,
to watch Tazio. In that meeting he did not take time
fasten the expression of calm dignity on the face.
Tajio opened in a smile Narcissus, loving only himself. "

"The one who was intended to have a smile, took her with him as a gift, who fieces. Ashchenbach was so shocked that he ran from the light of the terrace and the garden to the dark, to the far corner of the park. Strange words, guards, angry and gentle, broke off from his lips: "You should not smile so much! Understand, no one can smile so much! "

He rushed to the bench and, beside himself from the excitement, inhaled night smells of flowers. Having leaning back, insistently, the arms of his hands, depressed - frost, and then running around his skin - he whispered with the eternal formula of the desire, despicable, inconceivable here, absurd, funny and still sacred and contrary to everything worthy: "I love you!"

"Lonely Ashshbach", seeing a smile Narcissa,
I realized that he was alone: \u200b\u200bthere is no one,
Who would need his feelings, thoughts, words.
This discovery made an explosion of feelings unbearable!
And he "ran from light into darkness",
Where did the death of the death of Tanatos waited for him!

Fled from lost light into inevitable darkness,
already depressed - on Calvat,
Whispering pronunciation of unthinkable, absurd words,
Eternal and sacred: "I love" ...
Who? There is no one who love would be worthy ...

Antonio Rosanelli. God of death. 1910.

Everything happened, as it should: Tadzio doubles ...

In the event world, he is a fourteen-year-old teenager from the Polish aristocratic surname, endowed with angelic beauty with some signs of pain, forcing Ashbach to peel, that his favorite creature will not live for a long time. Wakes, obeying the law written for mortals. In the existent world, the truth looks different ...

Tajio, endowed with absolute beauty,
It is indifferent to earthly realities, they are inspirious.
Transforming, he performs the sentence of higher strength ...

Tajio - Dark Demon, which was at the soul
man, to death convicted.
He is a lines of cholera who came to Venice.
He is the image of death that visited the earthly yudol.
He is Sirocco, Tanatos, Holness, fascinating,
Executive, destroying ...

Ashshbach could make Tajio long account,
If I woke up and shook the marrow induced him.
Instead, he goes to the execution for happiness to see
Only see the favorite divine image ...

Writer Gustav Ashshbach, referred to from the date of its fiftieth anniversary, the background of Ashbach, the hot May evening goes for a walk through the streets of Munich in the hope of relaxing and gathering with the forces for fruitful creative work. On a tram stop near the northern cemetery, he sees a person of unusual outdoor - white-eyed, spring, red-haired, with naked guys and white long teeth, with a backpack behind his shoulders and a stick with an iron tip in his hands. Having accepted him for the wanderer, Ashshbach feels inside unpretentious craving for wanders. Before the eyes of the hero, the colorful visions of tropical swamps rush, but he quickly curbs dreaminess, realizing that he needed to finish his creation as soon as possible, and not fumble without a case. At the same time, Gustav feels that the endless closure in a small house in the mountains does not give him to move on, and hence it is necessary to go somewhere to return to himself the former joy of creativity.

The author of the Maja novel, telling the life of Friedrich Prussian, the story of "insignificant" and the treatise "Spirit and Art" was born in L. - the district city of Silesian province, in the family of a judicial officer. He rose a painful child, studied at home and dreamed to live to old age.

At the age of fifty years, Ashshbach pays a lot of attention to the self-discipline - it is disappeared in the mornings of cold water and immediately starts working in order not to waste for nothing accumulated in a dream. The central theme of their works writer makes the heroism of weak. In the literature, he equally well understands the needs of both the bourgeois majority, loving the spiritual publicity, and modern young people - cynical and accustomed to see around himself. To the mature age of Ashbach writes more officially, in a grapped-traditional style. Some pages from his books include schoolchildren. In fifty years, he gets a nobility from the hands of the German sovereign.

In his youth, the background of Ashshbach was married to the daughter of the professor, who went too quickly from life, leaving his daughter after himself - now married.

Two weeks after the walk described above, the writer goes to search for adventures. At the beginning, it stops on the island in the Adriatic Sea, but quickly understands that he does not like surrounded by numerous vacationers and wet, rainy climate. The new goal of Ashbach becomes Venice, where he rides on a small steamer. In my favorite city, always encountered by his pure blue sky, the writer is under the rain veins. Passengers are waiting for customs and sanitary inspection for more than an hour, after which they are glad to go ashore.

Ashshbach hires Gondola to get to St. Mark's Square and transfer there to Vaporetto, but the unpleasant species of the Gondolier himself takes him towards Lido. The writer is thinking for a moment about what has been dealing with the criminal, but the soft shocking of the waves brings to him serenity, and he ... quietly reach the hotel. While Ashshbach changes money, the gondolier with gondola disappear.

After a short walk, the writer is disguised and descends to dinner. In the lobby, he meets other hotel guests - people of different nationalities, but predominantly Slavs. Atention Ashshbach attracts a Polish family, in which strictly dressed older girls behave very primarily, and only their brother - an unusually beautiful boy with golden curls looks extremely free and aristocratic.

Windy cloudy weather stands in Venice and the next day. Ashshbach begins to be sad and think about the departure. At breakfast, he again observes young Poles. The boy, as it should be a generally pet, sleeps longer than everyone and comes to the restaurant last.

Day Ashshbach is resting on the beach. It enjoys the view of the sea, bathripes, sellers of sweets and fruits and decides that he does not find better. The writer sees how a handsome boy walks towards the sea and his face is thrown away from hatred at the sight of the Russian family. The name of the adorable child, who came to the hearing of Ashshbach, through the rake of the waves, sounds like Ajio, that is, Tadzio - Tadeush.

Ashshbach again resting on the beach, from time to time admiring the beauty of Tajio. At noon, he goes to the room, studying his reflection in the mirror and thinks about his own writer glory. After the second breakfast, he meets Tazio in the elevator, sees how imperfect the teeth of the boy, with satisfaction notes his pain and the fact that the latter is likely to live to old age.

The evening of Ashshbach spends in Venice. Stone along the streets filled with sticky heat and thrust, he again decides to leave. Even before dinner, he asks the hotel at the hotel administration, but the next morning notes that the air seemed to be fresh, and begins to regret his act.

During breakfast, the writer is indignant to the waiter trying to pay it from the hotel ahead of time. Getting out of the table, he faces Tajio and mentally blesses the charming boy. At the steamer Ashbach flows into the despondency: he is very difficult to part with Venice. Driving to the station, writer Coruse himself for weakness and is afraid that if he goes out of his beloved city now, he will never see him again. Posted not in the direction of the chest permits the aging Tomorrow of Ashbach and allows him to return to Lido.

Two days of Ashshbach walks in a roadside costume. Upon returning baggage, he moves into the usual things and does not even think to leave the hotel. Sunny days a writer conducts, shelter on the beach and making trips to the city, and in each of them he meets with the beautiful Tajio. The more Ashshbach watches the boy, the stronger the beauty conquers. He begins to experience sensual attraction to the child.

Under the influence of love, Ashbach creates a miniature literary work. Once, he goes for a long time for Tazio, but he lacks determination to get acquainted with the subject of his adoration. Gradually, a man with a boy begins to overlook. Accidentally having met Tazio, Ashshbach did not have time to hide his joy. Boy smiles in response.

At the fourth week of his stay at Lido Ashshbach, it begins to notice that the number of vacationers in the hotel has decreased significantly. In Venice, he feels a strange smell of disinfection.

The writer becomes little random meetings with Tazio. He begins to walk behind him in the city, defends the service in the temple, pursues him on the gondola. From German newspapers Ashshbach learns the epidemic spreading along Italy. The people around him are a waiter, a singer - everything as one, they say that Venice is disinfected due to heat and sirocco, and only a young Englishman from the travel agency says that the Asian cholera came to the city.

The disease came out of the Delta Delta was brought to Italy by water. The first victims of the infection became the port worker and seller of greens. Then the number of strange deaths increased to several tens of cases. Austrian who returned from Venice died from the disease at home, giving a reason to the German newspapers to argue about the epidemic. Gradually, the infection spread throughout the city. People have become a hundred to die in heavy torment. A terrible disease spoiled Venetian morals: the city is mired in a barbed lifestyle, robber attacks and murders. According to the Englishman from the travel bureau, the authorities will declare quarantine from day to day.

Ashshbach thinks that if he preserves the mother of Tajio about what is happening in Venice, he will be allowed to touch his head of his beloved. However, this means a return to the former lifestyle, and this writer is afraid of the most in the world. Ashshbach says nothing to the Poles. At night, he dreams of a mad dance around a huge wooden phallus, ending with violent copulation and murder of animals.

Thomas Mann.

Death in Venice

Gustav Ashshbach, or the background of Ashshbach, as he officially called from the day of his fiftieth anniversary, in the warm spring evening 19 ... years - year, who looked at our continent to our continent for such many months, - came out of his Munich apartment on PriniregentStrass and alone He went to the long walk. Excited by daily labor (grave, dangerous and just now required from it maximum thoroughness, diligence, penetration and accuracy of will), the writer and after lunch, could not suspend the work of the producing mechanism, that Totus Animi Continuus, in which, According to Cicero, the essence of eloquence is; Saving daytime sleep, sharply necessary with all the incurious decline of his forces, did not go to him. So, after tea, he went to walk, in the hope that the air and movement would fit it, will give a fruitful evening.

It was the beginning of May, and after raw and diverse weeks, a hot summer was deceptive. In the English garden, just dressed in a gentle early foliage, it was stuffy, both in August, and in the part that flew to the city, and full of crews and pedestrians. In the Aumester's restaurant, where all the quiet and secluded tracks were conducted, Ashshbach a minute, a minute looked at the lively people in the garden, the fence of which stood a few carriage and remuneration, and in the light of the setting sun went on the way back, but not through the park, but not through the park, but not through the park, And the field, feeling fatigue. In addition, thunderstorm gathered over Fering. He decided to sit at the northern cemetery to sit in the tram, which straight will deliver it to the city.

By strange chance at the stop and near it, there was not a soul. Neither in Ungroertraße, where shiny rails stretched along the pavement in the direction of Schwabinga, no crew was visible on the Fering Highway. Nothing laughed and for the fences of the stone workshops, where the crosses designed for sale, the tombstones and monuments were formed as if the second, unanished cemetery, and the Byzantine structure of the chapel was silent in the reflections of the outgoing day. On his facade, decorated with Greek crosses and the heaten images weathered in bright colors, there were still symmetrically arranged inscriptions, derived by gold letters, - Rides concerning the afterlife, like: "We will bring in the abode of the Lord" or: "Yes, the eternal light shines . In anticipation of the tram of Ashbach, it was entertained by reading these formulas, trying to immerse themselves with spiritual eyes into their transparent mysticism, but suddenly woke up from his dreams, noting in portica, more than two apocalyptic animals guarding the staircase, a person whose unusual appearance gave his thoughts to a completely different direction.

Whether he came out of the bronze door of the chapel, or comes closely and rose to her from the street, remained unexplained. Especially without deepening this question, Ashshbach rather leaned towards the first assumption. Middle height, skinny, impossible and very smoky, this man belonged to the red-haired type with a characteristic milk-white spring-skinned skin. It was not Bavarian, and he was not Bavarian, and a broad-breeding hat, which covered his head, gave him the kind of alien, the aliens from distant edges. This impression, however, was contrary to the backpack behind the shoulders - like the Zaina Bavarians - and the yellow coarse jacket; From the left hand, he had a pounded, whistled some gray flap, must think, the rain cloak, he had a stick with an iron tip in his right; He stood, obliquely overlooked her in the floor, crossed legs and a thigh leaning on her handle. Turning his head, so on his thin neck, who protrudes from the postponed collars of a sports shirt, clearly and sharply marked Kadyk, he watched his whites in his whites, with red eyelashes, between which, in a strange correspondence with a welded nose, lay down two vertical energetic folds. In position, it was possible, it was facilitated by an elevated and elevating location - there was something arrogantly contemplative, bold, wildly even. And whether he made a grimace, blinded by the setting sun, whether his face was generally peculiar to some oddity, only his lips seemed too short, drawn up and down to such an extent that the gums were exposed, from which white long teeth stuck.

It is possible that Ashshbach, scattered, although inquisitive, looking at the stranger, was not delicate enough, but suddenly he saw that he was responsible for his eyes and, moreover, so militant, so in emphasis, so obviously wanting to force him to take her eyes, which is unpleasant He turned away and walked along the fences, deciding no longer paying attention to this person. And instantly forgot about him. But either because the stranger looked like a wanderer, or by virtue of any other mental or physical impact, Ashshbach, to his surprise, suddenly felt his soul inevitably explicitly. The inexplicable tomression took possession of them, the youth thirst for change of places, feeling, so living, so new, or rather, so long ago, not tested and forgotten, that he, having laid his hands behind his back and look at the ground, froze in place, trying to understand the essence And the sense of what happened to him.

It was a desire to wander, that's all, but it flew out to him as an attack of fever, wrapped his misty passion. He was eager to see his fantasy, who had not yet understood after a long hours of work, embodied in a single image all the wonders and all the horrors of the motley of our Earth, for it was sought to imagine all the contractions. He saw: I saw the landscape, under the sky, cracked from evaporation, tropical swamps, incredible, raw, abundant, similarity of the debrian of the original world, with islands, tops, with carriers with water ducts; Sevel, from thick thickets of ferns, from the ground, covered with juicy, pillow, colorful blooming plants, close and distant, raised hairy trunks of palm trees; I saw the bizarre the ugly trees that the air was thrown into the soil in the soil, in the stagnant, green shimmering water, where there are unknown birds with ugly beaks with ugly beaks, and, notic than the floating colors, milk-white, stitching, watched somewhere in the sidelines; I saw the sparkling lights among the knocked bamboo stems - the eyes of the tiger joining the eyes - and his heart beat from horror and incomprehensible attraction. Then the vision went out, and Ashshbach, shaking his head, again staging along the fences of the stone workshops.

For a long time, in any case, since the means began to allow him to ride around the world, when he wonders, he looked at travels as a kind of hygienic measure, and knew that she had to spend time from time to time, even contrary to desires and inclinations. Too busy tasks that have put the European Soul and his own I, I don't know the duties of creativity, which fled the scattering and therefore unable to love the noisy and the motley world, he was unconditionally content with the contemplation of what lies on the surface of our Earth and why he does not There is no need to go beyond your usual circle, and never felt the temptation to leave Europe. Since then, how his life began to tear up to the sunset and he could not be as if from an empty mobbies to catch off from the fear of the artist, do not have time, from anxiety that the clock will stop before he committed him appointed and will give out himself, his external being Whether it was not entirely limited to an excellent city, which became his homeland, and a simple housing, which he built himself in the mountains and where he spent all the rainy summer.

And the fact that now so late and so suddenly found on it, soon it was curled by the mind, ordered by the resin of the learned self-discipline. He decided to bring his creation for which he lived, to a certain point, before moving to the mountains, and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe slanting in the light and, therefore, about the break in work for many months it seemed to him very bless and destructive; There was nothing serious about it and think. Nevertheless, he knew too well for which the soil was adulthood is an unexpected temptation. I glowing to escape, he spoke herself, there was this longing in the distant edges, on novelty, this thirst to free himself, drop off the burden, forget - he runs away from his work, from everyday life, postpone and passionate

Thomas Mann.

Death in Venice

© S. Fischer Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt Am Main, 2005

© Translation. S. APT, heirs, 2017

© Translation. V. Kurlell, Heirs, 2017

© Translation. N. Mans, heirs, 2017

© Translation. M. Rudnitsky, 2017

© Translation. E. Shukshina, 2017

© Edition in Russian Ast Publishers, 2017

After all that happened, under the curtain, like, by God, the decent finals of all this life, my life is "all this", a squash - inspires me one disgust; It shares me, pursues, leads to shudder, presses, and, how to know, sooner or later, it may give the necessary impetus to bring me a line under this before the indecent ridiculous comedy and get out of here to a match. And yet it is quite likely that I still stretch for some time, for three months or six I will continue to eat, sleep, something to do something - as mechanically, orderly and serenely, how my exterior life flowed this winter - in a monstrous contradiction The devastating decay process inside. The internal experiences of the person are the stronger, the more acute, what is the most, serene, it lives outlessly - isn't it? But there is nothing to do: it is necessary to live; And if you refuse to be a person action and go to the most peaceful shutter, then the vital troubles will hit you from the inside and you will have inevitably to show a character there, whether you are at least a hero, at least a jerk.

I prepared this clean notebook to tell my "story". I wonder why? To do something to do something? Or from passion to psychology? To experience this pleasure from the need? After all, the need gives such consolation! Or to get a second pleasure from some superiority over yourself, something like indifference? For the indifference is a kind of happiness, I already know ...

He is in such a wilderness, this old town with narrow loop streets, over which high frontones rise, with gothic churches, fountains, challenging, solid, simple people and a large part-to-old patrician house, where I grew up.

The house stood in the city center and survived four generations of wealthy, respected merchants. ORA ET LABORA was the entrance door, and when you left behind a wide stone hallway, which was covered with a wooden white gallery on top of a wide staircase, you needed to still go through a spacious front and small dark colonnade, only then by opening one of the high white Doors, you found yourself in the living room, where mother played on the piano.

She was sitting in the twilight, because the windows were dandped with heavy dark-red curtains, and the white figures of the gods on the wallpaper, as if moving, separating from the blue background, listened to the heavy, deep the first sounds of one of the Chopin's Nctures, which she loved most and played very Slowly, as if to enjoy the sadness of each chord to the bottom. The piano was old, and the completeness of the sound was somewhat dressed, but with the help of the pedal, muffled the high notes, that they resembled a sweat silver, the performer could achieve an unusually strange impact.

Sitting on a massive lady sofa with a high back, I listened and looked at my mother - low, fragile addition, usually in a dress made of soft light gray fabric. The narrow face was not beautiful, but under the combed on the sample, slightly wavy, timid blond hair it seemed like a quiet, gentle, dreamy, childish, and, slightly bowing her head over the keys, mother resembled touching angels, which often diligently move the strings guitars at the feet Madonna in old paintings.

When I was a little, my mother, with a touchy voice, often told me a fairy tale, which no one knew, or putting my hands on his head, which lay on her knees, just sat silently, motionless. This watch seems to me the happiest and restless in life. She was not saddled and, as I saw, not older; Only the appearance became more larger, the face is all already quieter, dreaming.

My father was a high major lord in the Black Surctuka of Thin Sukna and White Resident, where Golden Pensna hung. There was a smoothly shaved, like the upper lip, chin, and the top lip, chin, and there were two deep vertical folds between the eyebrows and firmly. It was a mighty man who had a great influence on public affairs. I saw how I left it: Some - easily, silently breathing, with a radiant eyes, others - durable, very desperate. Occasionally, I happened, and the mother, and both my older sisters happened to attend with such scenes: whether the father wanted to inspire me ambitious thoughts to achieve in the life of the same thing as he, whether I needed incredulously I thought, he needed a public . He had such a manner, leaning back on a chair and laid his hand for the lamp of the surpetuka, look after the dissected or destroyed person, that I already had such suspicions as a child.

I was sitting in the corner, looked at my father and mother and, as if choosing between them, I thought how best to spend my life - in dreamy feelings or acting and concerned. Finally, my opinion was stopped on a peaceful face of the mother.

Not to say that I externally looked at her, because my classes mostly were not peaceful and silent. I remember the one, which I displeasantly preferred to communicate with peers and their games and which today else, when I, well, suppose, thirty, gives me fun and pleasure.

We are talking about a large, perfectly equipped with a puppet theater; With him, I was alone and put on myself and put the thrust musical plays. My room on the third floor, where two dark portraits hung, on which ancestors were depicted with a valenonstein beard, immersed in darkness, lamp moved to the theater: artificial lighting seemed necessary to enhance the mood. Since I myself was a dropmeister, I took a seat in front of the scene itself and hoisted my left hand on a large round cardboard box, which was the only visible instrument of the orchestra.

Then the artists who participated in the action besides me, I painted them with a pen and ink, cut out and pasted on the specks so that they could stand. These were men in capes and cylinders and women unthinkable beauty.

- Good evening, gentlemen! - I said. - I hope everyone feel beautiful? I am ready, you needed to give a few more orders. And now I ask for a dressing room.

Everyone went to the costume, which was behind the scene, and soon returned completely transformed, colorful theatrical characters. Through the hole, cutting out in the curtain, they observed how the hall is filled. He was filled and really thoroughly, and I, giving a call to the beginning of the performance, raised the conductor wand and some time enjoyed the complete silence caused by this silent. Soon followed another wave, a sinister deaf drum fraction was heard, who was the beginning of an overture (I was performed with my left hand on a cardboard box), the pipes joined, clarinets, flutes (their characteristic sound I disgraced vote), and the music played until The curtain was not raised under powerful bassdo and the drama in the dark forest or the luxurious hall began.

The sketches were made in the head, but the details had to improvise, and in passionate, sweet arias, under the trolls of the clarinets and the thunder of the cardboard box they sounded strange, solven verses, performed by high, daring words, sometimes rhymed, but rarely had intended content. However, the opera continued, I sang and depicted an orchestra left handed a drummer, and the right with a great caution was driven by the acting figures and everything else, so at the end of each act, enthusiastic applause was distributed, I had to open the curtain again and again, and sometimes the dropleter even was forced to rotate And proudly, but at the same time it is funny, to express a gratitude room.

Gustav Ashshbach in a warm spring evening 19 ... years left his Munich apartment and went on a long walk. Excited daily labor, the writer hoped that his walk would attend him. Returning back, he was tired and decided to sit on the tram at the northern cemetery. At the bus stop and near it was not a soul. On the contrary, in the reflections of the outgoing day, the Byzantine structure was silent - a chapel. In the portica of the chapel of Ashbach, he noticed a man whose extraordinary appearance gave his thoughts to a completely different direction. It was a medium height, skinny, beild and very smoky man with red hair and dairy-white spring-haired skin. A wide-headed hat attached to him the appearance of the aliens from distant edges, in his hand he had a stick with an iron tip. The appearance of this person awakened the desire to wanted in Ashbach.

Until now, he looked at the journey as a kind of hygienic measure and never felt temptation to leave Europe. His life was limited to Munich and a hut in the mountains, where he spent rainy summer. The thought of the journey, about the break in work for a long time, it seemed to him a bless and destructive, but then he thought that he was still needed. Ashshbach decided to spend two or three weeks in some corner on a gentle south.

Epopea's Creator about the life of Friedrich Prussian, the author of the Maja novel and the famous story "insignificant", the creator of the treatise "Spirit and Art", Gustav Ashshbach was born in L. - the district city of Silesian province, in the family of a prominent referee official. He was still a gymnasium. Because of weak health, doctors forbidden the boy attending school, and he was forced to learn at home. From the side of the Father Ashbach inherited a strong will and self-discipline. He began the day with what was dreamed of cold water, and then in continuation of several hours honestly and jealously sacrificed the art accumulated in a dream. He was rewarded: on the day of his fiftieth anniversary, the emperor gave him a noble title, and the Folk Enlightenment Office included the elected Pages of Ashshbach to school hostels.

After several attempts somewhere to settle, Ashshbach settled in Munich. The marriage in which he joined another young man with a girl from the professorial family was terminated by her death. He had a daughter, now married. The son has never happened. Gustav Ashshbach was a little lower than the middle height, brunette with a shaved face. His tested back, almost gray hair framed a high forehead. The handling of gold glasses crashed into a large, noble nasal bridge. He had a big mouth, thin, in wrinkles, chin shared a soft chest. These features were carved by a cutter of art, not heavy and disturbing life.

Two weeks after a memorable walk of Ashshbach, he left the night train to Trieste, to take the next morning to take a steamer going in the floor. He chose to relax the island in the Adriatic Sea. However, rains, wet air and provincial society annoyed it. Soon Ashshbach understood what made the wrong choice. Three weeks after arrival, a fast motorboat had already taken him to a military harbor, where he sat down on a steamer going to Venice.

Leaning his hand on the handrail, Ashshbach looked at the passengers who were already on board. On the upper deck stood a bunch of young people. They chatted and laughed. One of them, in the too fashionable and bright suit, stood out of the whole company with its carcacking voice and exorbitant excitement. Looking at him an extremely, Ashshbach understood with horror that the young man was fake. Under the makeup and russes, an old man with wrinkled hands was visible. Ashshbach looked at him, shuddering.

Venice met Ashshbach, Chmurym, Lead Sky; From time to time he dried rain. The disgusting old man was also on the deck. Ashenbach looked at him frowned, and they were mastered by a vague feeling that the world is slowly transformed into nonlapitsa, in the caricature.

Ashshbach settled in a big hotel. During the dinner, Ashshbach noted in the neighboring table of the Polish family: three young girls fifteen-seventeen years old under the supervision of the governess and a boy with long hair, on the appearance of fourteen years. Ashshbach with amazement noted his impeccable beauty. The boy's face resembled a Greek sculpture. Ashshbhah rushed into the eyes of an obvious difference between the boy and his sisters, which was even thought of clothes. The outfit of young girls was extremely simple, they kept them so, the boy was dressed in elegant and his manners were free and relaxed. Soon the Cold and Gloomy Woman joined the children, the strict outfit of which was decorated with magnificent pearls. Apparently, it was their mother.

Tomorrow the weather did not become better. It was raw, heavy clouds closed the sky. Ashshbach began to think about the departure. During breakfast, he again saw the boy and again wondered his beauty. A little later, sitting in a lounger on a sandy beach, Ashshbach again saw a boy. He together with other children built a castle from the sand. The children were dying him, but Ashshbach could not disassemble his name. Finally he found that the Boy is called Tadzio, a decreasing from Tadeusch. Even when Ashshbach did not look at him, he remembered all the time that Tadzio somewhere nearby. Faifica fuel fill his heart. After the second breakfast, Ashbach rose in the elevator along with Tazio. For the first time he saw him so close. Ashshbach noticed that the boy is fragile. "He is weak and painful," said Ashshbach, "right, he will not wait until old age." He pretended to not delve into a sense of satisfaction and tranquility that swept it.

Walk in Venice did not bring Ashshbahu fun. Returning to the hotel, he stated the administration that he was leaving.

When Ashshbach opened the window, the sky was still overcast, but the air seemed fresh. He repented of hasty deciding to leave, but it was already too late. Soon Ashshbach was already driving on a wagon on a familiar road through the lagoon. Ashshbach looked at the excellent Venice, and his heart burst. The fact that in the morning was light regret, now turned out to be a spiritual longing. When the steam trune approached the station, the pain and confusion of Ashshbach increased to spiritual confusion. At the station to him, the emission came up to him and reported that his luggage mistakenly was sent almost in the opposite direction. With difficulty hiding joy, Ashshbach said that she would not go anywhere without baggage and returned to the hotel. At about noon, he saw Tazio and realized that the departure was so difficult for him because of the boy.

The next day the sky was cleared, the bright sun poured the sandy beach with his radiance, and Ashshbach no longer thought about his departure. The boy he saw almost constantly, met him everywhere. Soon Aushenbach knew every line, every turn of his beautiful body, and there was no end to his admiration. It was a cross delight, and an aging artist with greed looked to him. Suddenly, Ashbhah wanted to write. He formed his prose on the beauty of Tajio's beauty - these exquisite one and a half of the page, which should soon cause universal admiration. When Ashshbach finished his work, he felt empty, he even tormented conscience, as after unauthorized carelessness.

The next morning, Ashshbach had a thought of bringing a merry, relaxed acquaintance with Tajio, but he could not speak with the boy - they took a strange timidity. This acquaintance could lead to a healing sentence, but an aging man did not strive for him, he was too much treated with his crown. Ashchenbach no longer care about the time of the holidays, which himself arranged. Now he didn't give all his strength to art, but the feeling that hexicated him. He rose early to himself: barely disappeared Tazio, the day seemed to him lived. But just began to light, as he was already a memories of a heart adventure. Then Ashshbach sat at the window and patiently waited for dawn.

Soon Ashshbach saw that Tajio noticed his attention. Sometimes he raised his eyes, and their views met. One day Ashshbach was awarded a smile, he took her with him as a gift, which is a stitching misfortune. Sitting on a bench in the garden, he whispered words, despicable, unthinkable here, but sacred and contrary to everything worthy: "I love you!"

On the fourth week of his stay here, Gustav von Ashbach felt some changes. The number of guests, despite the fact that the season was in full swing, clearly decreased. In German newspapers, rumors about the epidemic appeared, but the hotel staff denied, calling the disinfection of the city with warning measures of the police. Ashshbach experienced unable satisfaction from this unkind mystery. He worried only about one thing: no matter how Tazio did not leave. With horror, he realized that he did not know how to live without him, and decided to be silent about the secret that he accidentally found out.

Meetings with Tajio now did not satisfy Ashbach; He pursued, drove it. And yet it was impossible to say that he suffered. The brain and the heart of his inxicane. He obeyed the demon who trampled his mind and dignity. Verminated, Ashshbach wanted only one thing: relentlessly pursue the one who burned his blood, dream of him and find the tender words of his shadow.

One evening, a small troupe of stray singers from the city gave presentation in the garden in front of the hotel. Ashshbach sat at balustrade. His nerves were drunk by vulgar sounds and vulgar-languid melody. He sat at ease, although internally was tense, because the steps five from him near the stone balustrada stood Tajio. Sometimes he turned around through the left shoulder, as if he wanted to make the surprise of the one who loved him. Shameful fear forced Ashbach to lower his eyes. He has repeatedly noticed that women who taught Tajio responded to the boy if he turned out to be near him. It forced the pride of Ashshbach to publish in the unknown leopards. Street actors began to collect money. When one of them came to Ashbakha, he again felt the smell of disinfection. He asked the actor, why disinfect Venice, and in response only heard the official version.

The next day, Ashshbach made a new effort to learn the truth about the external world. He went to the English travel bureau and turned to the clerk with his fateful question. Clerk told the truth. An Asian cholera epidemic has come to Venice. The infection has penetrated the food products and began to mow people on close Venetian streets, and premature heat as it should not be favored anymore. Cases of recovery were rare, eighty and hundred of the fallen dies. But the fear of rupture was stronger than the honest compliance with international treaties and forced the city authorities to persist in the politics policy. People knew it. In the streets of Venice grew crime, professional debauchery accepted unprecedented arrogant and unbasified forms.

The Englishman advised Ashbakhi to leave Venice to urgently. The first thought of Ashbach was to warn the danger of the Polish family. Then he will be allowed to touch the head of the head Tajio; Then he turns and runs out of this swamp. At the same time, Ashshbach felt that he was infinitely far from seriously to desire such an outcome. It would have done this step again Ashshbach himself - that he was now afraid of this. On this night, Ashshbach had a terrible dream. He dreamed that he, the humble authorities of the alien God, participates in Shameless Vakhanlia. From this sleep, Ashbach woke up broken, confused by the Demon's authorities.

The truth was floating on the light, the hotel guests hurriedly drove around, but the lady with pearls still remained here. Ashshbha, an arcmed passion, sometimes it might that escape and death would sweep everything around him, and he alone along with the beautiful Tajio will remain on this island. Ashshbach began to pick up bright, young details for his suit, wearing precious stones and spray in spirits. He moved several times a day and spent a lot of time on it. In front of the face of a voluptuous youth, he was opposed to his own aging body. In the hairdresser at the Ashbahu hotel painted her hair and put on the face of makeup. With a beating heart, he saw a young man in the mirror in the color of the years. Now he was not afraid of anyone and openly pursued Tazio.

A few days later, Gustav von Ashshbach felt like an unhealthy. He tried to overcome the attacks of nausea, who were accompanied by a feeling of hopelessness. In the hall, he saw a pile of suitodas - it was leaving the Polish family. On the beach it was intensely and silently. Ashshbach, lying in a chaise lounge and covering his knees with a blanket, looked at him again. Suddenly, as if obeying a sudden impulse, Tadzio turned around. The one who contemplated him was sitting just like a day when this twilight-gray look first met his gaze. Ashshbach's head slowly turned around, as if repeating the movement of the boy, then rose to meet him and fell on the chest. His face accepted sluggish, addressed inside the expression, like a person who was immersed in deep dormant. Ashchenbahu mounted that Tajio smiles at him, nods and worn into the unbarrous space. As always, he was going to follow him.

A few minutes have passed before any people rushed to Ashshbha's help, slipping on his side in her chair. On the same day, a shocked world with awe took advantage of his death.