Death in the dental chair. The clinic administrator, where the cholemaster of Mariins died: the injection of Vikharev made an invited doctor

Death in the dental chair. The clinic administrator, where the cholemaster of Mariins died: the injection of Vikharev made an invited doctor
Death in the dental chair. The clinic administrator, where the cholemaster of Mariins died: the injection of Vikharev made an invited doctor

Balletmaster Sergey Vikharev died in one of the private dental clinics due to the negligence of doctors.

The tragedy occurred at the St. Petersburg Private Clinic "Dr. Livhitz", where the famous artist appealed to the implantation. According to media reports, before installing dental implants it was necessary to remove several dilapidated teeth. It is also known that Sergey Vikharev, like many of us, was afraid of dental treatment. Apparently, due to extensive intervention and the presence of Dantofobia, the clinic has decided to conduct the entire procedure under the "common" anesthesia. In total, three specialists took part in the operation: a dentist surgeon, his assistant and an anesthesiologist. The latter introduced the patient propofol, as a result of the reaction to which, presumably, was death. It is reported that after some time after the administration of the drug, Sergey Vikharev stopped breathing and the pulse disappeared. Prior to the arrival of ambulance, the clinic staff tried to reanimate the artist on its own, but the result did not give: the doctors who arrived at the place of the famous balletmaster.

According to information that some media published, a anesthesiologist's doctor name is Andrei Goltyakov: Previously, he worked in the maternity hospital and at one time changed the surname. Journalists also write that this specialist has a number of negative feedback from former patients, but this information has not yet been confirmed. In addition, on the website of the doctor "Doctor Livhitz" there is no information about the availability of a license for general anesthesia. Perhaps that is why in dentistry were forced to seek this service to specialists from "from the side". This situation for StartSmile commented on Antonina Getzman - Chief Doctor of Dentistry "Dental Fantasy", where for 12 years has been successfully used by general anesthesia and sedation:

"Treatment in general anesthesia conditions is carried out only in clinics licensed for this type of medical intervention. The safety of treatment in anesthesia is provided by orders 909n and 919n. These documents describes in detail the necessary equipment and medical requirements for high-quality medical care. If you even beat the content of these documents, you will see that the requirements for the dental treatment of patients under anesthesia are the same serious as the requirements for non-stationary operations "in a dream".

It is important that experienced professionals work in the clinic. The safety of treatment in this case provides a anesthesiologist-resuscitator and sister-anesthetis. Today, dentists and their assistants are constantly undergoing emergency training (Basic Life Support (BLS)). It also has a positive effect on the quality of treatment and reduces medical risks, which are always present in any form of treatment. Today, our attention also draws the fact that more and more clinics is treated under general anesthesia. This is due to the fact that anesthetic technologies are becoming increasingly safe and, as a result, distributed in dental practice throughout the world. "

This is not the first death case after applying propofol. Despite the fact that it is considered a very effective anesthetic, propofol has a strong impact on the body, and can also cause allergic reactions, so its use requires a physician of great experience and marginal caution. In one of the US states, propofol even is part of the injection used for the death penalty. It is from an overdose that the legendary singer Michael Jackson, as well as the actress Joan Rivers, died. Now this list has been replenished with another celebrity. Sergey Vikharev graduated from the Leningrad Choreographic School, now - the Academy of Russian Ballet. A. Ya. Vaganova, and in 1986 he became a soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. During the work on the posts of Balletmister, Sergey Vikharev became the author of a number of outstanding productions, which were widely recognized in Russia and abroad.

The Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation conducts a predetermined verification on the death of the balletmaster of the Mariinsky Theater of Sergei Vikhareva, who died in St. Petersburg on June 2 during the dental operation. This is reported by the press service of the main investigative department of the SC on the northern capital.

According to the investigation, a 55-year-old man died before the emergence of ambulance. Circumstances and causes of death will establish forensic medical examination. According to the results of the predetermined verification, a procedural solution will be made, reported in the SC.

As it became known, the Honored Artist of Russia died during the operation under general anesthesia in the private dental clinic "Dr. Livvitz" on Torzhovskaya Street. In the Mariinsky Theater, he was one of the leading soloists, and for the past 10 years he worked as a pedagogue-tutor.

According to the "Fontanka", in the morning on Friday, June 2, Vikharev went to the clinic "Dr. Livvitz" to remove teeth from the upper jaw and put implants. In the clinic, which is owned by its founder, general director and chief physician Tatiana Livshits, removal costs from 4000 rubles, the implant is from 30 thousand. The balletmaster wanted to replace several teeth.

Vikhareva served Medikov's team: the only regular surgeon Vitaly Kalinin, senior administrator of Nana Gelashvili (performed the functions of the assistant) and the invited anesthesiologist 55-year-old Andrei Goltyakov. According to Fontanka, it is wanted. Known by the registering authorities of St. Petersburg by changing the name.

According to the publication, Goltyakov made an artist intravenous injection of the drug propofol - a sleeping pills intended for intravenous administration. It is used to maintain anesthesia, as a sedative with artificial ventilation of the lungs and for procedural sedation.

Propofol is allowed to use in more than 50 countries. Side effects of its use is a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate disruption, short-term respiratory stop. There are cases of death from the overdose of medication. So, the singer Michael Jackson died in 2009 from stopping the heart after an overdose of propofol. In the US state of Missouri, propofol is used in injections to bring in the fulfillment of death sentences.

During the surgical intervention, Vikharev, doctors recorded the stopping of breathing and cardiac activity, the absence of a pulse. For half an hour before the arrival of ambulance, the clinic staff conducted resuscitation activities, including indirect heart massage. Doctors quickly recorded death from unknown reasons, but suggested thromboembolism - blockage of the pulmonary artery.

LLC "Clinic Dr. Livshits" was registered in 2008. Tatiana Livshitz - a member of the Russian dental society, previously listed co-owner of LLC Zubastiki Curie-Dent on the Petrograd side. In the clinic "Dr. Livvitz" work 15 people.

Biography Sergey Vikhareva

Sergey Vikharev is a pupil of the Leningrad Choreographic School named after Agrippina Vaganova (Class of People's Artist of the USSR Owned Semenov), winner of international competitions in Varna and in Moscow. As the TASS notes, it was valued in a professional environment as a diverse classic dancer, who had bright artistry.

Born in February 1962. He graduated from the Leningrad Choreographic School named after Vaganova in 1980 and in the same year was adopted in the troupe of the Leningrad Opera Theater and Ballet named after Kirov (Mariinsky Theater).

Performed the leading roles in the ballet "Sleeping Beauty", "Giselle", "Romeo and Juliet". Danced in the performances of independent troupe Alla Cigalova, as well as in Boris Eifman ballet, Alexander Polibentsev, Vladimir Karelina. In 1999-2006, he was the main ballet master of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. Since 2007, Vikharev has worked as a ballet master-tutor of the Mariinsky Theater.

In 1999, Vikharev put the ballet "Sleeping Beauty" in the Mariinsky Theater, reconstructing the performance of 1894, delivered by Marius Petipa, and then His "Bayaderka" in the statement of 1900. In the Bolshoi Theater reconstructed the play of the Mariinsky Theater of 1894 "Coppelia" in the choreography of Marius Petipa and Enrico Cheketti (2009). In the Milane Theater "La Scala" put ballet Marius Petipa "Raymond" (2011).

Among the achievements of Vikhareva - the reconstruction of the play "Carnival", furnished by Mikhail Fokin in 1910. The Golden Mask 2008 premium was awarded his reconstruction of the Ballet Marius Petipa and Lion Ivanov "Awakening Flora".

Farewell to Sergey Vikharev will be held in the morning on Thursday, June 8, in the lobby of the Mariinsky Theater. Artist will be buried at the Serafimovsky cemetery of St. Petersburg.

Last Friday, second June, the website of the Mariinsky Theater appeared information about the fact that the famous balletmaster-tutor Sergey Vikharev left his life. The team, with whom a man worked for a decade, brought sincere condolences to his relatives and friends. However, over the course of several days, nothing reported on the causes of the death of the artist. Today, the investigative department reported that last Friday Vikharev was at the reception at the dentist in one of the clinics of St. Petersburg. According to their information, it was during the provision of medical services a man died.

According to media reports, the body of the balletmaster could not stand the anesthesia introduced into Vienna - doctors could not return it from medication sleep. Vikharev appealed to the clinic to remove the teeth and install implants. Medical assistance man provided a brigade of three. After they noticed that the heart of Vikhareva stopped, he was urgently reanimized. However, they failed to save the patient - after half an hour, death stated.

"Currently a set of verification activities aimed at finding out all the circumstances of what happened. Medical documents seized, prescribed forensic medical examination in order to establish the circumstances and causes of death, "concluded in the investigative committee.

Fans can not believe in the death of a talented balletmaster. Spectators admire its productions in the main theater of St. Petersburg. They hurried to bring their condolences to the relatives of the artist.

"I saw his first productions, good", "Our condolences to the native outstanding ballet masters", "This name says a lot to those who are associated with ballet. And almost nothing, alas, a general public. For ballet as a whole, and for St. Petersburg, and for domestic culture, this loss is intense, "" It's a pity when people die so early, "wrote those who were not indifferent in social networks.

As reported, farewell to Sergey Vikharev will be held eighth of June at 10.30 in the lobby of the Mariinsky Theater (historical scene). A little later, the burial ceremony will take place, immediately after farewell to the Serafimovsky cemetery.

Balletmaster of the Mariinsky Theater Sergey Vikharev died in a dental chair. He introduced anesthesia intravenously, but during the operation the heart of the artist stopped. After half an hour of resuscitation events, death was stated, reports "Fontanka".


Investigative Committee of Russia has already begun to investigate, reports Flashnord. A number of examinations have been appointed. Specialists argue that the tragic case did not occur due to the negligence of doctors or for other reasons associated with the human factor. According to statistics, mortality during the dental operation does not exceed 0.001%.

"I think that mortality is no more than thousandths. Count ourselves: on average, about 15 million visits to the dentist's doctor per year. Last year, two deaths were recorded in the dental chair," says the main dentist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Oleg Yanushevich.

The risk of complications occurs when the patient is under general anesthesia, exists during any operations, he assured. And not only in dentistry.

"In any medicine there is a risk of complications that arise when a person's immersion in deep anesthesia. But the need to use anesthesia today for dental procedures is very dubious. I do not recommend it to use, especially adult people. Because they have much higher risk of complications from anesthesia. "," Said the main dentist of the Ministry of Health in an interview with RT.

The death of the balletmaster did not remain unnoticed by the Russians. Internet users express condolences to close in social networks. Artist's talent fans do not want to believe that it is no longer.

The media learned the details of the sustainable death of the balletmaster-tutor of the Mariinsky Theater Sergey Vikhareva, who died on June 2. According to, the man died during the provision of dental services.

As it became known, the 55-year-old deserved artist of Russia turned to the dentist about the removal of teeth and the installation of implants. He was operated on a brigade of three specialists. During the general anesthesia, the artist stopped breathing, his heart stopped. After half an hour of resuscitation events, death was stated.

The Investigation Committee of Russia has already begun to investigate. A number of examinations have been appointed. While law enforcement officers refrain from commenting about what happened. Meanwhile, experts argue that the tragic case could not happen due to the negligence of doctors or for any other reasons associated with the human factor.

The main dentist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Oleg Yanushevich stated that the risk of complications during general anesthesia is there during any operations.

I think that mortality is no more thousandth. Consider themselves: on average, about 15 million visits to the dentist's doctor per year. Last year, two deaths were recorded in the dental chair. In any medicine there is a risk of complications that occur when a person's immersion in deep anesthesia. But the need to use anesthesia today for dental procedures is very doubtful. I do not recommend using it, especially adult people, because they have much higher risk of complications from anesthesia, "said Yanushevich.

Experts argue that currently local anesthesia is enough to relieve fears and patient pain during dental procedures. Therefore, general anesthesia in dentistry is extremely rare. Why dentists decided to apply it during surgery with Sergey Vikharev, now investigators and experts are interpreted. In the clinic, Livshitz use a popular hypnotic propofol.

The clinic where the artist died is popular with local residents. Sergey Vikharev was their regular customer. There they said that the injection of Vikharev made a guest doctor. In the clinic of Dr. Livshitz do not call the company that sent a anesthesiologist to Vikharev. But the name of the doctor has already appeared in the press - according to preliminary information, we are talking about the 55-year-old Andrei of the media reported that the anesthesiologist after the tragic event did not wait for the police - he left the patient who died in the dental chair and left. Law enforcement officers are trying to communicate with him.

  • Sergey Vikharev graduated from the Leningrad Academic Choreographic School. A. Ya. Vaganova in 1980 in the class of V. Semenov and was adopted in the troupe of the Leningrad Opera Theater and Ballet. S. M. Kirov. Performed the first parties in several well-known productions. In the Mariinsky Theater Vikharev carried the reconstruction of the ballets "Sleeping Beauty", "Bayaderka", "Awakening of the Flora" and others. Honored Artist of Russia and the Laureate of the Theater Prize "Golden Mask".
  • In June 2015, 64-year-old Nadezhda Mikhalev, a German teacher, who received anesthesia before the removal of the tooth, also died right in the chair of the dentist of one of the Moscow clinics. After the injection, anaphylactic shock appeared by an asphylactic drug.