Death Oleg Yakovleva: The discussion in the program Malakhov caused an ambiguous opinion from fans. Oleg Yakovlev made himself for years Oleg Yakovlev Leader

Death Oleg Yakovleva: The discussion in the program Malakhov caused an ambiguous opinion from fans. Oleg Yakovlev made himself for years Oleg Yakovlev Leader

The hype around the sudden death of Oleg Yakovleva does not subside. Only lazy was spoken about the death of a popular artist. It turned over to the former director of T.a.t.u Leonid Dzynika. Producer directly stated that Yakovlev died due to addiction to alcohol.


Moreover, according to him, the dependence of the artist was many years. "How much I saw Oleg, he was always a subeer, it began in his life in the group" Ivanushki ". At the events, tours - let's say, fly in the plane - he always drank. All sleep on board, tired, and he is champagne , then Cognac. Oleg was lucky, he was accepted into a popular group. And then he began alcohol. And he was asked from the group on this occasion, "the Komsomolskaya Pravda will quote the revelations.

Producer developed his thought. "Oleg was a rather closed man, held a mansion." Green Zmiy "is his trouble. And the fact that after the" Ivanushka "he did not receive the popularity of which he expected, only aggravated his bad habit. He had a sick liver, cirrhosis And it was categorically impossible to drink it. But he failed to overcome alcohol addiction. Although he tried. This is the reason for his early death, "the man stated.

It should be noted that the widow of Yakovleva Alexander Kutsevol says nothing about the harmful habit of her beloved. "Hard, coughed, considered it a cold. Engaged in self-medication - drank pills from cough. And it turned out that he had bilateral pneumonia. He was running. He was connected to the fits of the lungs, but did not help," said the artist's chosen to the grief.

Meanwhile, the question arises with the inheritance of Oleg Yakovlev. According to Kutsevol, he has no living relatives left. However, while Alexandra did not think, whether Yakovlev left the testament. "Of course, he was not going to die!" She said.

Close ex- "Ivanushki" told about the cause of the death of Oleg Yakovleva: he was in the hospital for 10 days, but only a girl and Igor Matvienko knew about it [video]

Photo: Mila Stryzh

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On Thursday, April 29, in one of the Moscow hospitals, not coming into consciousness, oleg Yakovlev died, Former soloist of the group "Ivanushki". He was 47 years old. His heart stopped at 7 am. According to the civilian wife of the singer Alexander Kutsevol, he died from bilateral pneumonia with severe complications.

We contacted Oleg's friends to try to understand how it could happen?

For us, this is a big shock and big grief! Before his death, he did not come to himself, he was in a coma, "says Oleg Anna Kalashnikov, singer, model. "As far as I know, he lay on 10 days in resuscitation, in fact it all lasted from June 18. He did not come in the last few days. He denied the lungs, he refused the liver. We learned yesterday that he was bad. Alexandra did not speak to anyone, including, and what he is he Hospital. Only Igor Matvienko came to him. He was the most authoritative man for him, so only he was told. We were all in ignorance, where he is what and how. And we hoped that Igor Igorevich had great opportunities, connections, thought that he would help to solve the issue, would find some doctors, clinics. In one day, losing a person.

Oleg Yakovlev and Anna Kalashnikova Photo: Personal archive

Yesterday it was still hoping that he was scattered. Such a big loss that is difficult to say something ...

- It is difficult to imagine, in what condition his girl ...

Yesterday, Alexander was on the verge, said that it was possible to pray. Oleg was for her meaning of life, she was his fan, 10 years around him went ... And he finally noticed her, the last 5 years they were together. She helped him a solo career to develop, fully engaged in him as a piercer ... He was such a vibrant bright, he loved his life so much! He had so many plans, he was so charged on a positive! And at 47 years old it was not ... There was no prerequisites for this tragedy. What happened is in no way connected with a cold.

Another close to Oleg Yakovleva man was Egor Ivaschenko, a leading "MUZ-TV".

Everything was clear yesterday, because the situation was severe. The device of artificial ventilation of the lungs is already serious things, "said Egor. - Oleg left behind a huge number of songs, video materials. I never heard him shouting, nervous, somehow myself inadequately led. He could be proud that he is a big star, a big artist. And, as practice shows, the higher the artist, the smaller he has a star disease, complaints about others. So, it was probably destined. Very sorry for Sasha, who spent many years with him. I even offered her to live with us or offer some kind of job. She can not be alone alone, because she was next to him 24 hours a day ...

- No one can understand about the diagnosis? How could this happen in the summer? Man burned out in two days?

No, he lay in the hospital for the last 10 days. And he became bad yesterday morning. He was under IVL. As for the diagnosis, it is necessary to talk to Sasha. I have my reflections on this matter, but I do not want to talk about them, I'm not a doctor. But in any case, there was some serious reason why Sasha, when will find strength, tells.

Although we met at events, congratulated each other with the holidays, Oleg - was a fairly secretive man. But they had a position not to take sorry from the hut. Perhaps there was some reason that developed lately ... Maybe something launched, somewhere something made a failure. But I do not medicine, I have my thoughts, but I have no right to voice.

- Alexandra said that at first there was just a cough, then self-proof ...

These are the people of old hardening. It's like a love polishchuk, who had problems with his back, but she worked until the latter.

Oleg Yakovleva knew Evgenia Kirichenko well, a journalist and a PR manager.

These are not drugs, do not think, "says Evgenia. - He had difficulties, health problems, as, probably, from any 47-year-old man. Still, not a boy. He had a very heavy touring schedule with flights, with moving. Before he came to the hospital 10 days ago, he had a large number of speeches: in Tver, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

- How could this happen?

What happened is a ridiculous chance. Oleg always fell on his health. They have always had a huge employment, Ivanushki plowed five concerts per day. And they learned not to pay attention to some health problems always. They have a concert in Tver, they are with a temperature of 40 go to Moscow or Rio de Janeiro. They did not pay attention to the fact that they had something hurts. What I'm talking about? They gave concerts during the death of their close relatives. Oleg with temperatures 40 galloped in frost 30 degrees. In this regard, he was an absolutely awesome man.

- Does he have relatives?

He had little relatives. He did not know his father, they were never familiar. He has a mother died at a fairly early age. Oleg also buried his sister five years ago. He worried very hard. When her diagnosed the disease, she had 4 stage of cancer.

Oleg was so closed that when the sister fell ill, he did not speak anyone. We about her illness were two conversations: at the beginning and at the end. Imagine my sister dies from cancer, and he comes to the air and tells where he will go to rest, while a person ruined from pain.

He was very responsible, never threw his own, paid the treatment of his sister. He was a very good man! But admit that he is bad, he did not like. The only time he allowed himself to give slack, he cried at the 15th anniversary of Ivanoshek - so he loved the group and public. And then I was very worried that I showed some feelings, emotions. Maybe Sasha did not speak about his hospitalization, because he did not want it?

- They say that he had cirrhosis of the liver, is it true?

As for the cirrhosis, I can not say anything. But what exactly - he worked for wear. Naturally, like any artist, he was familiar with alcohol. He treated her healthy health, silent all these stories, because he had such a character.

- Stas Sadalsky believes that this is an evil rock. He was not afraid when Igor Sorina came to the place?

Not! He loved this work! What are you? He adored Ivanoshek! He was proud that she sings in Ivanushki. There was a proud that he sang the fourth soloist at a concert in honor of the 20th anniversary. He was not afraid of any rock. He was superstitious, but not about Ivanoshek. He had a framework with photos of "Ivanushki" throughout the apartment: how they get a "golden gramophone", as we went to China, photographed with some star. He had a bunch of photos!

His career was not easy. Before he got into a group, he had a period when he worked as a janitor in Moscow?

He had a very complicated family, extremely poor childhood. Mom raised him alone. He had three sisters, he is the youngest child in the family. He from early childhood was forced to work, help her mother. He has a specialized education that he received after grade 8, he actor theater of dolls. And then he began to work. As a child, he felled the boots if my memory serves me. Then he moves to Moscow, reassigns in Gitis, then begins to work in the theater, it does not develop on ambitions and goes nowhere. I took and psychulin, went to work as a janitor. When I worked as a janitor, he was lucky - they took working in Ivanushki. Then he quarreled with Ivanushki, Pretchul, left. Very worried about this. He loved the "Ivanosha", it's true.

- They have not been registered with Sasha, they did not think about children?

Yes, they were not registered. I think he did not want children due to different circumstances. He loved his work more than anything else. He was most afraid that all the wonderful, associated with "Ivanushki" will end. He came to the group of 29 years, quite late. Him at 40 years old attended the thoughts that there would be nothing better. He was inclined to perfectionism, he needed a stadium. If half - already bad, already worries. "Ivanushki" began to feel bad when they had 10 concerts per month. For someone, this is a success, and for them it is bad.


In Strame, Oleg appeared a message about a farewell with a singer: "Today at 7:05 am, Oleg has stopped the heart ... We all prayed for his recovery. Now - about the rest of his soul ... Farewell to the other and the artist will take place on July 1 in 12 : 00 In the Troekurovskoe house necropolis. "


Possible cause of the death of Oleg Yakovleva: where did the heart failure from the ex-soloist "Ivanushki International" came from

Now, probably, it is difficult to introduce an excitement around the group "Ivanushki International." In the late 90s, they were real gods of our pop, and in the absence of instagram and paparazzi in those times, which is almost inaccessible, because of which the forbidden fruit was made even sweeter. The first shock happened at the fans when Igor Sirin left in 1998 - he was quickly replaced by a new "small Ivanushka" - Oleg Yakovlev


Soloist "Ivanushki" Kirill Andreev about the death of Oleg Yakovlev: a close friend went

Oleg Yakovlev did not become in the morning on Thursday, June 29th. He died in one of the Moscow hospitals, not coming into consciousness, from the severe form of pneumonia.

Soloist Music Group "Ivanushki International" Kirill Andreev said that his former colleague was a good and open person

Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonts about Oleg Yakovlev: "This is a musty death"

The soloist "Ivanushki International" said that still can't move away from shock

Moscow Leading

Singing Leading Oleg Yakovlev

23 years in the field of entertainment. More than 1000 celebrations as an entertainer (Tamada). He graduated from the Moscow College of Improvisual Music. Professional vocals. More than 2000 songs in the repertoire (constantly updated). Director-director. Individual approach.
Improvisation is my horse.

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In the studio of the program "Let them say" - the death of Oleg Yakovlev, the ex-soloist of the group "Ivanushki", reports the site.

The program turned out to be ambiguous. Negative feedback on their idol fans of Oleg Yakovlev were perceived in the bayonets.

One of the main topics of discussion was the cause of the death of Oleg Yakovlev. In the studio, they have repeatedly mentioned that, allegedly little Ivanosch, alcoholism thugs.

Deinega: Oleg was not an alcoholic

For example, the producer Bary Alibasov noted that after leaving the "Ivanushki", the singer began the depression, which it was necessary to "foul out."

Andrei Malakhov did not remain aside and the leading program.

"I saw the guys on one of the domestic speeches. And I think to go 20 years from" clouds like people ", you need to drink to do it with pleasure and every day," he said.

The honor of Yakovleva tried to defend the leading Milena Deinega. She stated that Oleg did not suffer from addiction, and in the domestic show-business, everyone drinks a little.

The discussion was hot, but most of all the viewers outraged the behavior of Andrei Malakhov.

At the beginning of the air in response to the word guests about the fact that Yakovlev should have helped, he answered: "He could help himself, today it is not difficult," in the end already acknowledged that Oleg really needed support: "Yes, it was necessary to help . And I could ... "

"I know that Sasha (widow) will watch this program, I want to ask for forgiveness. When Oleg called and said:" Andryush, I have a presentation, come, "you know, in what condition we sometimes leave work, and Probably, if he was an artist who was in all the hit parades and did not go with the pages of the press, I would not want to go there, but since it seems to be no most important artist, then you go home after work . And sometimes artists who are not on top of glory, really need such support when you don't want to come through. I apologize for the fact that I am sorry or depicted fatigue and did not come myself. Forgive us, forgive us all, "looking Straight to the camera, said Malakhov.

The rating is most important

But even these apologies of Andrei Malakhov, at the very end, the special issue "let them say" did not smooth the unpleasant impression of the audience. Many of them noted that the television is important not to experience loved ones and friends of Yakovlev from loss, but first of all - ratings.

Joinfomedia Marina Kornev journalist reminds that Oleg Yakovlev's colleague on the group Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov is a ridiculous tragedy.