Dictionary East Slavic folklore gives. Slavic paganism

Dictionary East Slavic folklore gives. Slavic paganism

Folk traditions as residual religiosity

Our interest in research and writings Yuri Mirolyubova (1892-1970), which are presented in his recently published book "Sacral Russia", is associated with the fact that peaceful people, perhaps, one of the first Russian scientists, who spoke about popular Russian customs , folklore and language as residual vintage religiosity. Mirolyubov, in accordance with the tradition adopted by tradition, calls this ancient Russian religiousness or "Slavic mythology" or "paganism", but invests in these concepts already a new meaning. He does not act as a mythologist-materialist, but as a religious person. He sees in the customs of his ancestors, primarily a genuine faith, and draws the attention of his readers to the fact that the form of beliefs of the ancient Slavs was monotheism. The proximity of Slavic languages \u200b\u200bSanskrit should naturally come out on the search for the proximity of the worldview systems of Vedic Ariyev and Slavs of antiquity. The existence of such a relationship is obvious, but the research of the ideology of Slavs in this direction for various reasons did not receive development. It was even a pessimistic idea that there was little from the pre-Christian religion of Slavs, or even that this religion was generally extremely primitive. Mirolyubov, illustrating their arguments with historical, philological and religious arguments, argues that the religion of Slavs was, on the contrary, very advanced and was a "spoiled loan", and Vedic Arias, it became, was the great-grandchildren of Slavic peoples.

The main and original material used by peace-loving for their arguments is the Ukrainian folklore, which he heard and collected at the beginning of the 20th century. Among the Vedic sources of Mirolyubov used mainly Rig-lead. Pauluming with Slavists of the 19th and 20th centuries, peaceful in the spirit of Lomonosov patriotism enthusiastically defends an ancient Russian tradition. Naturally, scientists at present there is a significantly greater choice of information sources. This concerns and translated into Russian and other European languages \u200b\u200bof Old Indian sources, the same applies to the materials in Slavic mythology.

This material with the Slavic-Vedic parallels lay in reality in the most prominent place, but it was suddenly visible, peaceful and some other scientists for the following reasons. The ideological attitudes of the official pre-revolutionary Russia and the atheistic attitudes of the Soviet state did not allow to show that the concept of "folk traditions" is an euphemism that hides the residual religiosity. But Russian scientists in emigration and in the post-Soviet Russia could afford to look at folk traditions with other positions free from ideological shore. Nothing prevented the peacefulness to conduct a bold, but completely natural comparison of the "Vedica" and Slavic mythologies, and detect "almost identity." Of course, Soviet Indology and Soviet Slavs always stipulated the relatives of Slavic and Vedic spiritual crops, but fragmentary, and in the anonym of invisible, artificially reconstructed "nrarergia". Mirolyubov uncompletely stops that there is no need to do any reconstruction of Indo-European and Praslavyan religions. Literally he says like this: "Why do we appeal exactly to Vedia? Because it is an ancient Praiado-Ropic religion. She no need to look for how German scientists are doing, it is" (2, 18).

Pagan and Orthodox folklore of eastern Slavs

"Old people" - writes Mirolyubov, - Speaking about any plans for the future, these days were added: "Yak Did wants!" ... It is clear that "Did" is Svarog, the grandfather of the Universe. "It turns out to be astounding in the views of Mirolyubov The fact that the meaning of the "relic" ideology was not dead at all, the meaning was completely preserved, and it was lost only by the atheistic writers of the "Soviet era". "Grandfather and Baba" is Slavic God-Selyan from the places where he lived and recorded his folklister observations. Peace-loving, understood that the grandfather is a grandfather of the Universe, Svarog. Of course, these are taboo, "conspiracy" names. But the material assembled and studied by peace-loving shows that the "old men" remembered and intimate, "sacred" names and not just remembered , but also put on their ancient gods "Brozu" (sacrificial treats). That is, the so-called "oral folk creativity" at the beginning of the present century in its archaic rustic "genres" did not simply contain the remnants of ancient religiosity, but even it was an ancient religious Astay. The other party of this discovery of Mirolyubov is his view of the Orthodox Folklore. It devotes a whole monograph "Russian Christian Folklore. Orthodox legends."

It is no secret that under many Orthodox rites and holidays scientists discover the "pre-Christian" ritual. Usually, scientists talk about the Christian compromise with Russian paganism. "Ilya Garcae, and Dazhu Raine" (1, 142). In this Ukrainian saying, almost completely Dazhbog remains, and Puranu's thumbnail replaces Ilya. Scientists considered such a "paganism" of Orthodox rites as proof of their natural scientific interpretations of the origin of religion. The clergy could look at it, as an ignorant people's prejudice. But peace feels, understands and interprets naturally, remaining "on the side of the people." For example, he writes: "The cult of Nicola Milosive to Russia cannot explain anything else, as the fact that he blocked another belief, even more ancient, even more pagan. Being a welcome, a collage, Perun, he is at the same time, probably still And Lado, and it can have been bathing, a blue and striding, he at the same time Savitri, Varuna-Soma, for the grass is lucky, green power. He is Khosor, for he shows two semi-chairs, and except, he is Indra, for Protects, stores like Vishnu, and helps like a nice "(1, 396).

Along with the fact that the Miroralubs discovers in the beginning of the 20th century (!) The direct and conscious forms of the worship of the "old people" the ancient "Vedica" deities, he does not discover (about it it was known), but shows that Orthodox common worshiped holy, understanding them as well as their ancient Slavic gods. Thus, the "lower" Orthodoxy was syncretic and remained also to a certain extent "Vediy". Apparently, such an understanding of the Orthodox saints was a well-known "compromise" of the initial spread of Christianity in Russia. Mirolyubov is the advantage of a folklorist who saw and gave a fundamentally religious understanding of the phenomena found. But in his arguments about this, he does not seek to preserve "scientific" suspended objectivity. He, in general, for many Russian thinkers, philosophists and is illosities, sincerely emphasizing her ethnic motivation. And although MiroLubov does not build any slender and any wide philosophical or theological systems, nevertheless, he has a fairly holistic spiritual worldview, on the basis of which and leads its scientific search.

Folklore is an oral folk creativity. It is the main part of the culture, plays a huge role in the formation of Slavic literature and other arts. In addition to traditionally popular fairy tales, proverbs, there are also genres of folklore, at the moment almost unknown to modern people. These are texts of family, calendar rituals, love lyrics, social type creativity.

Folklore existed not only in the Eastern Slavs, to which Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians include, but also in Western and South, that is, Polyakov, Chekhov, Bulgarians, Serbs, other peoples. If desired, you can detect general features in the oral work of these peoples. Many Bulgarian fairy tales are similar to the Russians. The community in folklore lies not only in the identical sense of works, but also in the style of presentation, comparisons, epitheats. This is explained by historical and social circumstances.

First, all Slavs have a kind language. It belongs to the Indo-European branch and comes from Praslani language. The division of people to peoples, the change in speech was due to the growth of the number, the resettlement of Slavs to neighboring territories. But the community of languages \u200b\u200bof the Eastern, Western, South Slavs is also observed. For example, any Pole can understand the Ukrainian.
Secondly, a general geographical position was influenced by the similarity in culture. Slavs were engaged in mainly agriculture and cattle breeding, which was reflected in ritual poetry. The folklore of the ancient Slavs contains for the most part of the Mention of Earth, the Sun. These images still take place in the Mythology of Bulgarians, Serbs.

Thirdly, the similarity of folklore is due to the general religion. Paganism personified the forces of nature. People believed in spirits guarding housing, fields and harvest, reservoirs. In the epic, there were images of mermaids, a kimoro that could harm or help a person, depending on whether he followed the laws of the community or lived dishonestly. The image of the snake, the dragon could occur from lightning phenomena, meteors. Majestic nature phenomena found an explanation in mythology, in ancient heroic fairy tales.

Fourth, the similarity of folklore influenced close economic, public, political ties. Slavs have always been fighting the enemies together, so some characters of fairy tales are the collective images of all the eastern, southern, western peoples. Close cooperation was also promoted from one people to another techniques, epic plots, songs. That is what more influenced the related similarity of the folklore of the ancient Slavs.

All folk works, known today, arose in ancient times. People expressed in this way the vision of the world surrounding them, explained natural phenomena, transferred to descendants experience. They tried to transfer the epic to the next generation unchanged. Quantizers tried a song or a fairy tale to remember and retell another exactly. Life, lifestyle and labor of the ancient Slavs, the laws of their soda centuries were formed in people their artistic taste. This is exactly what the constancy of the works of oral creativity, which have come down to us through the century. Thanks to the invariance and accuracy of playing folklore, scientists can judge the lifeguard, the worldview of the people of antiquity.

The feature of the folklore is that despite amazing stability, it constantly changes. Genres arise and die off, the nature of creativity changes, new works are created.

Despite the general similarity in the plots and images, national customs and details of life have a huge impact on the folklore of the ancient Slavs. Epos of each Slavic people are peculiar and unique.

The folk creativity of the Eastern Slavs is a huge and special area of \u200b\u200bresearch. Within the framework of the general course, you can only touch over its main phenomena. The diversity of the forms of the folk art of Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians and the high artistic perfection of many of his works are that only a few other nations of the Soviet Union can argue with them in this regard.

Oral folk art (folklore, people's literature) of Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians reveals a complex combination of old, traditional and new forms. The former folklorists considered oral folk creativity solely as a monument of antiquity, believing that in the newest era, starting with the penetration of capitalism to the village, it is doomed for decline and disappearance. But the Soviet folklorists found that this is incorrect: the folk art does not dry out in our days, moreover, some traditional genres of folklore are being revived in the Soviet era, penetrating new content, and completely new develops. "Folklore," says one of the prominent Soviet folklorists Yu. M. Sokolov, is the echo of the past, but at the same time and the loud voice of the present. "

The traditional genres of East Slavic folklore belongs to: ritual songs, lyrical songs, people's theater, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings and riddles, epic poetry - epic and historical songs, spiritual poems.

The ritual songs can be the most ancient appearance of folk poetry. They accompanied various rituals from the cycle of calendar, from Christmas to znicker. Together with these rites, they arose in the remote era on the basis of the naturally materialistic labor relations of the agriculture to the natural environment, but were painted and magical ideas. Other ritual songs were associated with family ritual - these are wedding songs, funeral bales (bids, patchworks); Of the last most interesting northern. Currently, this ritual poetry, for few exceptions, departed into the past.

Lyrical folk poetry is extremely diverse. It predominates sad motives generated by the difficult share of the labor people in the past. Love and family-household songs are allocated, then songs about recrucine and soldier, about fortress law, born, yamchchitici, prison, comic and satirical and other. In addition to the songs of peasant origin, from the XVIII century. The factory poetry of the workers who retained, however, have been born, which remained close connections with rustic poetry.

The People's Theater was once quite widespread. Eastern Slavs has a puppet theater
Famous in several types. Russians are most famous for the parsley theater (dolls, worn and moving on the fingers); The main character of performances - Parsley, a bold, resourceful, witty hero, who comes into fighting merchant, police officers, Lekarek and all whining; In this image, I found an expression of a spontaneous protest of the people against the social oppression. Ukrainians and Belarusians have more known another type of theater - "Vertel", where the dolls moved through slots in the floor of the scene; The content of the representations were part of church plots, part of household satirical scenes. The third view of the theater is "Rajak" among the Russians: these are different pictures that showed the audience by rewinding between the two rollers, and the Rajushnik gave frozick explanations.

Theater of living actors was much less common. It is known only a few plays of this folk theater arising around the XVIII century: this is "Tsar Maximilian", "Boat", "Naked Barin", etc.

In the old days there were stray professionals-actors - the so-called scrocers. But the government and the church pursued them for satirical performances against the power of the property, and already in the XVIII century. Skomori translated.

The fabulous Epos of the Eastern Slavs is extremely rich. It is customary to share folk tales of types: fairy tales about animals, magic, fairy tales, legends, domestic, fairy tales, anecdotes, fairy tales - Novels. Fairy tales with a wonderful element are generally more ancient. But the erroneous opinion of the previous researchers, especially supporters of mythological school, as if at the heart of everyone, and above all, a magic fairy tale lies myth or religious representation. Soviet folklorists and ethnographers came to the conclusion that the fabulous creativity of the people from the very beginning existed independently from religious and mythological ideas, although mutual crossing of the other, of course, was. It is noted that (P. G. Bogatyrev), images of fairy tales in the Eastern Slavs - such as Baba Yaga, Koschey Immortal, Firebird - are not at all found in folk beliefs (i.e., the people do not believe in their existence) and On the contrary, the items of folk beliefs are led, water, house, etc. - almost never appear in fairy tales. Fairy tales of household content are associated with social topics, often have a satirical color and almost do not enter into themselves the elements of fiction: there are plots about the pop and his employee (Pop is always drawn by negative features), about the stupid Barine and Baryn, about the soldiers, etc. in these Fairy tales people imprinted their hostility to exploiters and sympathy for disadvantaged.

Proverbs and sayings are extremely numerous. They are also expressed by popular wisdom, folk ideas about morality, critical attitude to the exploitative system. It is known how widely used and enjoy folk proverbs of the classics of literature, how often their political figures are used in their speeches.

One of the most specific species of Russian folklore is a heroic epic, the so-called epics. Unlike other types of folklore, their distribution is limited: they have been preserved almost exclusively in the north - in the Karelian ASSR, Arkhangelsk, Vologda regions, on Pechora, in some places of Siberia. But by origin, their epics are associated with the ancient centers of Russia - most accurate with Kiev, Novgorod, less with Moscow. They were created, according to most professionals, between the XII and XVII centuries. Soviet folklorists found that the epics, like other types of folk poetry, are not a semi-forgotten fragment of the antiquity, and they live and now full-blooded life, change, are even enriched with new details. However, the main content of the epics is the feats of the ancient heroes. Of these, the most favorite is the peasant hero Ilya Muromets, next to him are Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Volga Svyatoslavich, Mikula Selyaninovich, and others. This is the warriors of the Kiev cycle. Of the Novgorod cycle, especially Sadko stand out, Vasily Buslaevich. The word "epics" is not popular, the folklorists were introduced, of which the first I. I. Sakharov. The people call these works more often by the "Starns". They are fulfilled by special specialists - "Speakers", talented singers who have great memory, because thousands of lines of text should be remembered. The most famous narrowers are the Ryabinin Family, the hook family (the deceased, in 1954 Marfa Kryukov - Oddennee and Member of the Union of Soviet Writers). The eponymists are fulfilled, their motives are often heard in the works of Russian classical music.

To the episodes are close "historical songs". They are devoted to historical figures - Ivan Grozny, Stepan Razin, Pugachev, and others, and closer transmit historical events. In size, they are usually shorter.

Ukrainians also have historical songs. But they got great importance to the special genre of people's historical poetry - the so-called "Duma". In content, most of the DUM are devoted to historical events, the struggle of the Ukrainian people with Tatars, Turks, Poles; But there are homewood Duma. A characteristic feature of the DUM is the presence of elements of the book, intellectual writing in them along with purely folk creativity. Duma's swear are usually blind lyrics, cockets, bandulystami.

Spiritual poems - who said the appearance of folk poetry. In the Middle Ages, they reflected the mood of the displeased segments of the population, adjacent to different "Heries"; But afterwards this "heretical" spirit disappeared. Spiritual poems sang with different wanderers, layer-beggars, mantis holding near monasteries. It was the type of religious propaganda, the foaming consciousness of the people.

But the bulk of the works of traditional East Slavic folklore represents greater ideological value. To them with interest was V. I. Lenin. After reading the records of Russian folklore texts, he said once from the interlocutors: "What an interesting material ... I beat all these books and see that there is not enough, obviously, hands or desire to generalize all this, all this is viewed under the social and political angle of view . After all, on this material it would be possible to write a wonderful study on the aspirations and expectations of folk. Look ..., in the tales of Onchukov, which I shifted, because there are wonderful places. That's what it would be necessary to draw the attention of our literature historians. This is genuine folk creativity, such a necessary and important for the study of folk psychology in our days. "

Tradition about the Novgorod snake. "Fire Zmiy about seven chapters over Novgorod" ...

In 1728, "Fiery Zmiy Osoumy chapters" appeared above Novgorod the Great. Feofan Prokopovich, Archbishop Novgorodsky, Donets Synod, which contained "in some case" in Moscow, in the Clasels office, "Valdaya Pop", Mikhail Iosifov, announced next. When he was kept "in the same case" in the Novgorod Archbishop House, "at the discharge, in the office of solo deeds under arrest," it came to him Clacer Jacob Alekseev "and told him such words:" What did it have a new vision in the sky, Yako would fly over the Novgorod Cathedral Church of St. Fire about seven chapters, who took away from the Ladoga and woven-de over the Church and over the house of our house (Feofan Prokopovich - M.V.) and over Yuriev and over Klopsky monasteries, and then flew To the old ruse. And in Tom de will be both home and the monastery is not for no reason; which de vision and many citizens saw ", and who exactly did not say" ... ...

Genuine history of princess frogs? Scythian version ...

Will there be many fairy tales in the world, whose heroes would be another thousand years ago are married from stone or minted in metal? Incredibly, but the fact: it is the images of the princes - half-milestones found several decades ago by domestic archaeologists in the Black Sea and Azovye in the Scythian Kurgans dated V-III centuries BC. So, this character is two and a half thousand years. Why are fabulous heroes, as if gods, were captured by an ancient master? Or maybe they existed in reality? ...

How do you know if there is a house in the apartment?

In our crazy world of nanotechnologies, people completely stopped believing in the otherworldly worlds. We are so interested in the screens of our gadgets, sometimes we forget to notice the amazing and extraordinary things that happen to us. In this article we will try to deal with some myths that quietly live in our dwellings ...

According to one of the legends, unclean forces spread on Earth after the Lord, having accepted on the construction of the Babylonian tower, mixed people's languages. "The instigators, having deprived the image and similarity of the human, God for eternal times sent watershed water, mountains, forests. Who at the time of the curse was at home - became the house, in the forest ... ". The slave began to manage in the forest; Water, shrovers, kimair dwell in rivers, swamps, lakes; The house, assigning into an open chimney, since then lives next to people ...

Siberian Healer Natalia Stepanova teaches that it will certainly do you and your children, and all your kind ...

The origin of the image of the blasphemy!

Koshchei (Koshye, Kraschya, Kashing, Shelivy Bunyaka (on Volyn), Sully Bunio (Podolia)) - God of the Underground Kingdom, Underground Sun. Opponent of the dazboga. Spouse Mary. Hading immortal in the East Slavic mythology of an evil magician, the death of which is hidden in several embroidery animals invested in each other and subjects: "There is an island on the ocean on the ocean, on the island of Oak standing, under the oak, the chest burned, in the cheese trunk, in the hare - a duck, in a duck-egg", in the egg - the death of the immortal. The main feature of the blasphemy of the immortal, distinguishing it from other fabulous characters, is that his death (soul, power) is materialized in the form of an item and exists separately from him ...

What do we know about this character? According to Russian epics, this is almost monster of fabulous times. He flew himself on the twelve oaks of the nest and, sitting in him, whistled so much and loudly that everything left his penny. He laid a straight way to Kiev exactly for thirty years: no man didn't get it, the beast did not break through, the bird did not spit ...

Women have long been used in family magic various conspiracies for a family, such as a conspiracy on the love of her husband. Very strong conspiracies are made if the wife wants to make peace and peace in the family and makes a conspiracy on her husband only with love for him. It often happens that the husband is unreasonably angry and arranges permanent quarrels. To do this, you can use a conspiracy to love, which is also suitable if the husband has lost interest in his wife ...

Hut on cook legs - a real house from the world of the dead? (Folklore as a historical source) ...

In the Museum of the History of Moscow, in addition to any spoons, there is an exposition on which the reconstruction of the so-called "house of the dead" of the Dyakovsky culture is presented ... "Dead house" is the same hut Baba Yaga, on those chicken legs! True, they are actually drilling. Ancient funeral rite included smoking the feet of "hut without windows and doors in which the corpse was placed or what remains of it ...

Who is he, this, this? And where does it lead?

It is difficult to find in the works of Russian classics the character is more impressive and mysterious than Gogol Wiray. In the note to his story, Gogol wrote that he only retells the national legend almost unchanged - "Almost in the same simplicity, as heard" ...

Full options for famous sayings!

Neither fish, nor meat, [neither caftan, no row]. Sobaku eaten, [the tail was fed]. The chamber, [yes the key is lost] ...

Who was the Koschey immortal actually? A new version.

In the book of Viktor Kalashnikov "Russian demonology" an attempt was made to systematize the heroes and the plots of Russian folk fairy tales. This is not done because of the desire to create encyclopedia of the folklore, but in order to see how the ancient Slavic epos was dissolved in children's fairy tales (Christianity, a secular state) in children's fairy tales, the ancient Slavic epic was dissolved, whose heroes were the pagan gods and spirits ...

Werewolves in the presentation of the Slavs ...

Wolfodlak, Volkolak, Volkulak, WCVLula, in the Slavic mythology of a wolf; werewolf; The sorcerer, capable of turning into a wolf and turn into wolves of other people. Legends about the root of common to all Slavic peoples ...

Slavic magic. Where are the pagan characteristics and healers?

Mages, Magitis, sorcerers and Languations were surrounded by a halo of mystery and superstitious fear, but at the same time used tremendous respect and worshiped by a simple people of small villages and settlements long before Russia became a Christian state. The legends who have been held by the people about the amazing abilities and skills of Slavic sorcerers formed the basis of many fairy tales, many of which were almost unchanged to this day ...

The best conspiracies for love for men and women!

Among the magical traditions of all peoples, there are a lot of conspiracy on love: a conspiracy of the love of a man, a conspiracy for the love of a girl, a conspiracy to attract love. People have long considered it very important to meet and correctly identify their beloved person with whom you can live a happy and long family life. Family and family values \u200b\u200bare important at all times ...

Who is who in the epic world? Guide to the main characters (Sadko, Dobrynya, Svyatogor, Ilya Muromets, Khotyn Bluudovich, Vasilis Mikulichina, Alyosha Popovich, ox Veslavievich, Stavr Godinovich and others ...).

Guide to epic characters. Biographies, hobbies and character traits of all major Russian epic heroes - from Ilya Muromets to Wyen Bludovich ...

Real prototype Ivan Tsarevich!

Do you know who is the historical prototype of the fairytale hero Ivan Tsarevich

On February 15, 1458, Ivan III was born the firstborn, whom Ivan was correct. All contemporaries referred to him the throne of the Moscow kingdom after the death of his father - Ivan III. He accompanied Ivan III in the campaigns to Kazan Khanate, and from 1471 he was already a companion of his father ...

Conspiracies and rituals for a wedding and marriage!

Very often, when there are already serious relationship between a man and a woman, a man is in a hurry to make an offer and officially take over the duties of her husband. In order to speed up the desired event and feel yourself a beautiful bride at your own wedding, girls can use a wedding conspiracy or a conspiracy on marriage ...

This is a very famous and easy way to independently remove the evil eye. After sunset, sit at the table together with the man from which you need to remove the evil eye. Type into a glass or a cup of water. Put in front of nine matches and boxes ...

Who is Baba Yaga? Opinions of scientists.

According to scientists, the image of Baba Yaga firmly sits in our memory not by chance, reflecting the deep fears that originate in the ideas of our ancestors about the frightening device of the universe ...

How did the French knight become the epic rich?

Bova Koruvich, he is - Bova Gwidonovich, he - Bova, he - Bovo from Antona (Buovo d'Antona). Today, this name (names) is unlikely to say something even fans of Russian folklore. And just a century ago, Bova Korolevich was one of the most "iconic" characters, which in popularity among the people was far away by other "epic" heroes Elijah Muromsz, Dobryny Nikitich and Alyosh Popovich ...

Agrapan Bucanitsa (July 6) and Ivan Kupala (July 7). Ritals, signs and mystical essence!

On July 6, the folk calendar is called the Agrafena-swimsuit. The people about Agraphene say that she is sister Ivan Kupala, and therefore on this day all ritual actions are a kind of prelude to the rites following the day of Ivan Kupala ...

Where is the Russian paradise of Belovodye?

In the representation of the Old Believers, Belovodye - Paradise on Earth, enter which can only one who is puzzled. Belovodye called the country of justice and prosperity, but about where it is located to argue so far ...

How to celebrate the Trinity? Rites, conspiracies, signs ...

Holy Trinity is one of the main Christian holidays. It is customary to celebrate on the 50th day after Easter. In Orthodox religion, this day falls into the number of the two-month holidays, which extol the holy Trinity ...

Myths about Russian mythology. Alexandra Barkova.

The mystery of the life and death of Ilya Muromets!

In 1988, the Interdepartmental Commission conducted a study of the relevance of Ilya Muromets. The results were striking. It was a strong man who deceased at the age of 45-55, high growth - 177 cm. The fact is that in the XII century, when Ilya lived, such a person was considered rather high, because the average growth of a man was 165 cm ...

Red Gorka - It's time for gadas and rites for a wedding and marriage!

The holiday is a red hill - this is an ancient rite that was performed by lonely guys and girls in order to meet their scene or narrowed - a close beloved man, his native soul. The red hill in 2016 is celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter, that is, May 8th. A red hill has a different number every year, depending on the date of Easter. A red hill is the first spring walking of young girls. The red hill carries signs: if you get married to a red slide, you will be happy all my life ...

Good Friday: What is it possible, and what is impossible?

Good Friday, signs of customs conspiracies ...

Folk magic: charming sleep ...

I suggestthree reliable ways to protect yourself during night sleep.

Sleep with a nice icon - This is your charm (in this case, already lying in bed before bedtime, read in a whisper or mentally once the prayer "Our Father") ...

Pitch by first: Do not believe it, but in the old school student pupils every week, no matter who is right to blame. And if the "mentor" overrects, then such a spanking was enough for a long time, until the first day of the next month. All Tryn Grass

The mysterious "Tryn-grass" is not at all a plant drug, which is drunk to not worry. At first she was called "Tyn-Grass", and Tyn is a fence. It turned out "The Bathing", that is, not necessary for anyone, to all the indifferent weed ...

The oldest Slavic conspiracies and rites!

Slavic rituals and conspiracies are an ancient and very effective magic that our distant ancestors enjoyed. The rituals helped a person in all aspects of his life, with their help, heart problems were solved, protection was established from the evil eye and any other evil, a variety of diseases were treated, luck and welfare in the family, and much more ...

Ritals and Magic Maslenitsa ...

If you exaggeratedly praised or envied, and maybe they said something thin, and you assumed a person, read the on the eve of the carnival this charm ...

Who is the house?

The house is a good spirit, the keeper of the home hearth. One of the ancestors, the founders of this kind or home. Scientists call the home energetic substance of the house or apartment. The house is everywhere where people live. He looks at the household and order in the house. Pictured the houses in the form of an elder, wouted experience. Figurines made from wood, clay and most often with a bowl in hands for demand. Maximum size - Arshin height. And the minimum is two tops ...

Monetary conspiracies for baptism!

On the eve of the Epiphany (January 18), all households should consider money with the words:

, Lord God of the world will appear

And in my wallet the money will be announced.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

Who was the real Ilya Muromets?

At the very beginning of October, the legendary Ilya Muromets was born according to legend. But this is only a legend, in historical annals, his name is not mentioned, it is not known exactly the exact place of his birth, there is no data and the day of death. However, the bogatyr existed really, and was buried in the deep caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra along with another 68 holy floors ...

Forest spirits of the ancient Slavs ... What do we know about them according to the folklore?

Our ancestors considered a forest area, where, according to ancient beliefs, the souls of ancestors, sacral, mysterious. Therefore, in the views of the Slavs, it was populated by a variety of spirits ...

Rites, fortune telling and conspiracy on Paraskeva Friday ...

On November 10, the Day of Paraskeva Friday is celebrated in the People's Tradition, which was a patroness of women, marriages and a healer of diseases, especially those taking place from witchcraft. Holy Paraskeva Friday was especially honored by women. They visited the Church of Paraskeva Friday and prayed for her soon marriage. Parashen Friday had its own special prayer for marriage. The female holiday of Paraskeva Fridays fell on the feast of the female Slavic goddess Macoshi, who has nailed the threads of fate and which also asked for marriage ...

Who is the kimoro and how to get rid of it?

Where did the stones come from on Earth, they are talking in different ways. Most often believe that the stones were previously alive creatures - they felt, multiplied, grew up like grass, and were soft. From those times on the stones, traces of the feet of God, the Virgin, Saints, Sainful Force ...

Who was and when did the Boyan lived - the ancient Russian poet-singer?

Boyan (XI century) - ancient Russian poet singer. As the "Creator of Songs", Boyang is named in the inscription "Words about the regiment of Igor" (see the author "Words about the regiment of Igor"): "Boyanbo prophetic, whom to whom the Song of Creatitties is thoughted, then thoughts on the tree, gray covert over the earth, Shizum Eagle under the clouds ...". Seven times recalls the author of "Words" Boyan in his work ...

We arena about Vasily Buslaev in Icelandic Saga!

The study of the so-called "Norman period" in Russia meets large obstacles, as the sources at our disposal are relatively small; And these few monuments are most often separated from events with a large geographical distance or a significant chronological interval ...

Ancient secrets of "Lysa Mountain" ... and how many of them are generally "bald mountains"?

Bald Mountain is an element of East Slavic, in particular Ukrainian, folklore associated with witchcraft and supernatural forces. According to legends, witches and other fabulous creatures were regularly gathered at the "Bald Mountains", where the Shabashi arranged ...

Where is Lukomorier?

Lukomorier is one of the first geographical names that we learn in life. On modern maps it is not found, but it is on the XVI century cards. The mention of Lukomorye is in the "Word about the regiment of Igor", and in Russian folklore ...

Folk magic: strong plots from dental pain ...

Fast conspiracies are often in demand, in which you can quickly stop unbearable pain, such as a toothache. Conspiracies can help people in difficult situations - for this there are strong conspiracies, such as a conspiracy against illness and conspiracy on health. Conspiracy from dental pain will help calm the tooth until you get to the doctor ...

What does the phrase mean: "first pancake comormed"?

Everyone knows the meaning of this proverb - it means that the first attempt in the new business comes out unsuccessful. But not so many people know about the origin of this phrase ...

Historical prototypes of the epic heroes: who are they?

We know them from childhood, we want to be similar to them, because they are real superheroes - epic vents. They commit inhuman feats, but they also have Russian richiters, there were their real prototypes ...

Modern person folklore images seem fabulous, fantastic and unreal, the actions of the heroes mysterious. This is understandable: After all, talking about folklore, we are talking about a different level of thinking, about another presentation by the person of the world around him, whose roots go to mythological past.

The word folklore is literally translated from English means folk wisdom. This is a poetry created by the people and extensive in the people's masses, in which he reflects its career, public and household text, knowledge of life, nature, cults and beliefs. In Folklore, the views, ideals and aspirations of the people are embodied, his poetic fantasy, the richest world of thoughts, feelings, experiences, protest against operation and the oppression, dreams of justice and happiness.

Slavs created a huge absolute literature (wise proverbs and cunning riddles, magic fairy tales, funny and sad ritual songs, solemn epics, which were called strings of Naraspov), which became the dignity and mind of the people. She put and strengthened his moral appearance, was his historical memory, his soul's festive clothes and filled with a deep content all its measured life, current on customs and rites associated with his labor, nature and admirement of fathers and grandfathers.

Unfortunately, in the school program, the study of folklore in the lessons of literature and music is given too little. In this regard, through the integration of objects, we tried to show areas of contact of academic disciplines, and through their organic communication to give students an idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the world around us. An example of the implementation of integrated tasks can serve as an abstract of the lesson "in the world of Slavic Folklore" for students of grade 6 of the secondary school.


Show the meaning of Slavic folklore in the life of the people;


· Education of moral and aesthetic feelings: love for homeland, pride for achieving domestic musical art, respect for the history and spiritual traditions of Russia;

· Formation of the foundations of musical culture through emotionally active perception;

· Development of artistic taste, interest in musical art and musical activity;

· Implementation of your own creative ideas in various types of musical activity (in singing and interpretation of musical and plastic motion and improvisation);

· Formation of the integrity of perception and presentation of the world around the interprecotement of literature and music lessons.

Equipment:multimedia equipment, presentation, sound files, folk suits.

During the classes:

Music sounds (Naigrysh Vladimir Rozhkov)

Literature teacher:

We enter the amazing and beautiful, mysterious world of folk wisdom - the world of folklore. It sounds a fairy tale and a song, a mystery and a proverb ... they play here, sing, they tell and listen ... Here you can learn a lot, think about a lot, to understand a lot ...

In ancient-ancient times, when people still could not write, they passed each other their knowledge of life, playing games, making rites, singing songs ....

Each people had their own songs, rites, games - their folklore.

· Question student:

We have already heard the word "folklore" several times. And what does this word "folklore" mean? (Folklore - folk wisdom, folk creativity.)

We want to learn as much as possible about Russian folklore - folklore of our ancestors. These were strong, beautiful, kind people. They were attentive to nature, noted every movement of it, and according to the signs they knew how to maintain the economy.

The life of Russian people has always consisted of a series of everyday life and holidays. Weekdays are the time filled with works and worries. A distinctive feature of everyday life was the usualness of home existence, moderation in food, simple, comfortable clothes, calm and benevolent relations, the closure of the family world.

Weedness is opposed to the holiday - the time of rest, fun and joy, the alternation of everyday life and holidays was considered the necessary component of the normal flow of life, and failures could even lead to the death of the world.

Festive days a year was a lot. They arose in different historical epochs.

The most ancient were holidays associated with the agricultural calendar. They were called calendar or annual holidays, as they continued the whole year, ending in late autumn with the completion of harvesting.

The main points were considered to be related to the four most important natural-astronomy phenomena: winter and summer solstice, spring and autumnal equinox.

Along with the ancient pagan agricultural holidays in Russian life there were many holidays of the Orthodox Church. They began to be installed since the end of the 10th century in Russia with the adoption of Christianity.

Music teacher:

The most revered people were Christmas, baptism, the Annunciation of the Most Holy Virgin, Holy Trinity, Easter.

Among the holidays ascending to the ancient agricultural tradition, Maslenitsa was revered.

Each holiday had his own tradition program, verbal formulas, songs. The program of festive days included the implementation of rites and customs of the annual cycle associated with the economic activity of the Russian farmer.

· Question student:

What does the "rite" mean, "ritual songs"?

(Ritual- A combination of established by the usual actions in which some religious representations or household traditions of the people are embodied.

Ritual songs - These are songs that were performed during a wide variety of rituals and were an important component and necessary part of them).

Music teacher:

Ritual songs are a special musical world. If there are Russian fairy tales, epics, proverbs, then ritual songs are called Russians - not correct. Their name is Slavic ritual songs. This is due to the fact that the baptism of Russia occurred only in the 10th century, and the rites dedicated to a good crop, in time the spilled rain, were the warm sun and before that. And the territory of then Russia was completely different than now. Analysis of ritual songs from different parts of our country, as well as Ukraine and Belarus showed the similarity of the language and the road and intonational basis.

The ritual songs are closely connected with the pagan rituals, the main melodic turns, the bulk base remained from the same pagan times. Since some pagan deities and rites were delivered to the parallel Christian saints (Perun - Ilya, Velos (hair) - Mills, Yarilo - Yuri, Georgy), it is quite obvious that the musical basis of such religious pagan songs has influenced the Slavic Early Christian Cultural Melos. In particular, the melodies of many spots and chains are intonationally close to the simplest types of church singing of ancient Russia.

· Question student:

What types of ritual songs do you know? (calendar, family-household and church)

Literature teacher:

The attitude of the Russians to the holiday was extremely serious.

"We work all day for the holiday." "Although everything will be put, and I spend the carnival." "Life without a holiday that food without bread" - loved to say the peasants.)

Russian people believed that any holiday requires respect.

Autumn holidays of the Russian peasant agricultural calendar

deals with the summary of the labor year. In other words, this is a harvest holiday.

Music teacher:

Among them are highlighted holidays associated with the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

Studentstell the history of the holiday "Pokrov".

Music teacher:

In the people's consciousness, the Most Holy Mother of God is a loving mother for all people, a defender, comforter, an intercession. Its image is closely associated with the "Mother of the Mother of Raw Earth-Kormilitsa", the native land and ultimately with the way the Motherland. The church chants of the "Virgin Delo" are heard performed by the brothers from the Valaam Monastery and the "Most Him" \u200b\u200bin the performance of the Children of the Choir of the Most Holy Mother of God (Novosibirsk). Students analyze musical fragments and make a comparative analysis.

An interesting feature of autumn rituals was not a coincidence of them with a conventional calendar. Autumn rituals began in August since the beginning of the harvest. Each rite had its intonation feature, his special sound, which was very different from song speakers dedicated to other times of the year. Many ritual songs are the character of the chain, spots built on 3-4 notes and wearing magic power to represent people. The simplest form went to autumn ritual songs. People worked a lot, they were tired and they wanted peace and rest. Sometimes the autumn ritual songs were called the ingredients. But they did not always have a sad temper.

Studentsshow staging:

Women-jissing gathered in the field at the uncompressed strip. The eldest most respected of the jum, climbed and twisted the stalks of the plants so that they concern the earth, in the form of a harness or wreath, taking them with colored ribbons. Girls water dance and sentence:

Field - you smell,

We - Legta!

This year gave birth, and for the next year, do not forget!

The execution of the autumn ritual song "Autumn Do not marry".

(Children with ears read on roles)

Jalled we, taught

Jali-reed, -

Just young,

Gold sickles,

Niva debt

Post a wide one;

By the month of Jali,

Sickles broken,

In the edge there were not

People did not see.

And he said and rye lively,

In the pure field standing,

In the pure field standing:

I do not want, and rye lively,

Yes, in the standing field, yes in the standing field.

I do not want, but rye live

Yes, in the field of standing - Mahaty Colosum!

I want me, but rye lively,

In a bundle to ride

In the song to join

And to me, and rye lively,

In a bundle weighed

From me rye chose

Decorated the last sheaf with songs carried to the village, where the festive meal was preparing: pies, porridge.

Literature teacher:

To Christmas, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the date of which coincided with the Day of the Autumn Equinox, was timed, autumn was timed (from the word of Song, the place where the hay was kept) - a meeting of autumn. Women were going early in the morning and went out on the shores of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet "Mother Ovnaina". For this holiday, the hospitality is characterized, the batch of relatives in the particular newlyweds to the parents is young. These days sang songs, drove dance, arranged playing.

Strusting a song-game "Autumn"

Music teacher:

The topic of Slavic folklore is relevant now. Many modern composers use quotes from folk ritual music in their works. Sometimes there are works written in a very unexpected style.

Listening to the song "oxen" of the group "Neum".

At the end of the lesson, after summing up, the girls put apples, pears, ladies on the dish and distribute them to students and guests.