Too busy to enjoy life? That's what it will help you.

 Too busy to enjoy life? That's what it will help you.
Too busy to enjoy life? That's what it will help you.

"Man is the highest creation of nature. But in order to enjoy her treasures, he must at least respond to one requirement: be healthy. " A.A. Leon.

Healthy lifestyle

Take care of health by expellence according to the official definition of the World Health Organization, health is a physical, mental and social well-being. Health is an invaluable heritage of not only every person, but also in the whole society. At meetings, partings with close and expensive people, we wish them good and good health, as this is the basic condition and guarantee of a full-fledged and happy life.

Health depends: by 20% - from the environment, by 20% - from hereditary factors, by 10% - from medical care, by 50% - from the lifestyle.

Health is that we are little appreciated, but for what we pay more expensive. The maximum duration of watching TV shows: for preschoolers and younger students - 1 hour, for middle-aged schoolchildren - 1.5 hours, for older -2 hour. Viewing may be no more than 2-3 times a week.

Health Reliable - New You will not buy limitation of mobility leads to a decrease in violation of vital functions. Children's body requires from 6 to 13 thousand movements per day. Lovely children have very weak muscles. In order to prevent diseases, 1,5-2 hours stay outdoors is of great importance. Lake the body without a case.

Who smokes tobacco, the enemy itself: smoking parents increases the risk that the child is sick of asthma, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases. Smoking parents increases the risk that their child will start smoking at a young age. Life expectancy in smokers is reduced by about 8 years

All vices from idleness in women, alcoholism acquires a chronic form much faster than in men. Alcoholism leads to premature aging of the whole organism. Alcoholism causes constant anxiety and fear, depression. In 94% of drinking parents, children suffer from mental disorders or become alcoholics

Drug addiction - Disease of the 21st century since the occurrence of drug addiction, a person lives for no more than 3-4 years. In our country, about 7 million drug addicts

Observe the day of the day! Wash and clean your teeth in the morning and in the evening.

More often remove and ventilate the room. Read and write with good lighting.

Execute sports and do exercises. Check out.

My hands before meals, after the street and communicating with animals. Walk on the street every day.

Swim every evening. Stone for posture, keep your back smoothly.

Eat healthy food.

Do on your computer and watch half an hour's TV a day. Go to sleep on time.

We are for a healthy lifestyle!

Be healthy thanks for your attention

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Teach the use of knowledge gained in everyday life. In the game form to reveal the creative abilities of students. The goal of the health-saving educational technologies: to provide students in the context of comprehensive informatization of education the possibility of conservation of health for the period of training in the education institution, to form the necessary knowledge, skills and skills not only educational nature, but also a healthy lifestyle. Means of health-saving educational technologies: elements of movements, physical and dance exercises, physical attacks and moving changes, emotional discharges and "Minutes of Peace", gymnastics, medical physical education, mobile games. Massage, self-massage. Psychogympics, trainings.

"An explanatory note is the highest creation of nature. But in order to enjoy her treasures, he must answer at least ... "

Explanatory note

Man is the highest creation of nature. But to enjoy her

treasures, he must answer at least one requirement: to be

healthy and friendly with sports.

By definition of the World Health Organization, Health -

the natural state of the body characterized by its balance with

the environment and the lack of any painful changes;

the state of full bodily, mental and social well-being.

Training movements affects health, general physical development, development of cognitive abilities, volitional qualities, child emotion, i.e. on his inner world. Training movements contributes to the harmonious development of the personality, improving both physical and mental, intellectual, spiritual - moral qualities.

Studying movements, the child acquires the knowledge necessary for his conscious motor activity, acquires the experience of their implementation, including creative.

Training movements contributes to the awareness of the child himself as a person, produces the need to improve his own nature, creates prerequisites for the realization of his individuality.

By carrying out a variety of movements, the child gets the possibility of self-improvement, and love for physical culture is formed.

The program is aimed at forming an interest in a child to his personal health, to improve all types of movements and the development of physical qualities.


Considered under a healthy aspect.

Accent recreation work is on the development of the motor activity of the child.

Classes are built taking into account age criteria.

Using the technology of Chinese gymnastics wushu.

It is held in close cooperation with families of pupils.

Objectives and tasks of the program:

Purpose: The formation of muscle structure, the development of body flexibility, improving the functionality of the body, increasing the physical fitness of children, the level of health while developing their mental abilities.


preservation and strengthening of children's health;

formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle;

formation of motor skills and skills;

development of psychophysical qualities (speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, dexterity);

development of motor abilities (equilibrium functions, coordination of movements);

prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, colds;

forming the need for daily motor activities;

development of attention, concentration, organization, imagination, fantasies, skills to manage their actions, feelings.

maintaining interest in Wushu classes;

implementation of the physical possibilities of each child through further improvement of previously acquired motor skills and skills;

creating conditions for the manifestation of children of their creative potentials and the beginning of work on the purposeful development of conditioned motor and coordination abilities involved;

determine the actual level of features of each child.

predict trends to the implementation of these opportunities in the ability and bring the "bar" of the physical fitness of children to the level necessary to start targeted WASHA classes;

psychologically configure students and engaged in children to the upcoming long-term training process;

familiarize with the simplest elements of primary equipment and the initial basic technique of blows with hands, main racks and movements;

To perform the improved health and educational tasks of the program, the following structures are provided:

Corrigative, rhythmic, psychomotor gymnastics with elements of Chinese wushu

Dynamic and wellness pauses

Relaxation exercises

Horics, various types of games

Entertaining workouts

Various types of massage

Fingering gymnastics

Respiratory gymnastics with qigong elements for successful implementation of software tasks are used in content:

Traditional front-class gaming exercises Classes - Travel Educational and Educational Cognitive

Program Construction Principles:

The principle of systematic and sequence involves the relationship of knowledge, skills and skills.

The principle of communication of theory with practice forms children's ability to apply their knowledge to preserve and promoting health in everyday life.

The principle of repetition of skills and skills is one of the most important, since as a result of multiple repetitions, dynamic stereotypes are produced.

The principle of an individual-personal orientation of education involves the fact that a child becomes the main goal of education, and not the world.

The teacher, relying on the individual characteristics of the child, is planning its development, it is planning ways to improve skills and skills, building a motor regime.

The principle of accessibility makes it possible to eliminate the harmful effects for the body of children as a result of overpriced requirements and physical exertion.

The principle of success is that at the first stage of health formation, the child receives the tasks that it is capable of successfully executed.

The principle of active learning obliges to build a learning process using active forms and methods of training that promotes development in children of independence, initiatives and creativity (game technologies, work in pairs, subgroup, individually, organizing research activities, etc.).

The principle of communicativeness helps to bring up the need for communication in the process of which social health motivation is formed.

The principle of interaction between the teacher and family, continuity in the transition to school is aimed at creating conditions for the more successful implementation of the abilities of the child and ensuring the ability to preserve health with further training in school.

The principle of performance involves obtaining a positive result of recreational work regardless of age and the level of physical development of children.

Principles of interaction with children:

the child himself is well done, he has everything, the difficulties arising are overcome;

permanent encouragement of all the efforts of the child, his desire to learn something new and learn to be new;

elimination of a negative assessment of the child and the results of its actions;

a comparison of all the results of the child is possible only with his own, and not with the results of other children;

each child must move forward with its pace and with constant success.

The program implementation period is 1 year:

* Periodicity - 2 times a week * Duration of classes:

For medium, senior and preparatory groups 25 minutes a day, two classes with a break of 10 minutes * per month - 16 lessons * The number of children in the group is not more than 15

Methodical Program Support:

Classes for this program consist of practical activities of children.

Held under the guidance of the coach.

Forms and teaching methods:

Verbal - explanation;

Visual - show;

Search - search for new ideas, materials;

Creative - creative approach.

Performance of the program:

Development of physical qualities of preschoolers through sports workforce.

Increasing the level of physical fitness (increase in the development of physical qualities).

A variety of fascinating, joint classes along with children provide the motor activity of children, contribute to their emotional rise and forms their communicative skills.

The main movements walking. Walking the usual, on socks with different positions of hands, on the heels, on the outdoor sides of the stop, with a high knee lifting (hips), a wide and small step, an appropriate step back and forth, a gymnastic step, roll from the heel on the sock; Walking in the half-grace (goose step), in the half-headed jumps on the socks (frogging jumps), leaning on the hands of the legs (bear step), on the hands and legs of the stomach up (cocktails), getting up on the floor (crocodile pitch). Walking in different directions: in a circle, in a straight line with turns, snake, swarming. Walking in combination with other types of movements.

Exercises in equilibrium. Walking on a gymnastic bench right, left and right side by an appropriate step, back forward; with a stuffed bag on the back; Squeezing on one leg and bringing another feather ahead on the side of the bench;

raising the straight leg and making cotton under it; Walking along a narrow rail, on the rope straight and sideways, the stand on one leg with a highly raised knee (Zhuravl's posture), jumping on one leg in place and with moving.

Run. Running ordinary, slow, fast, with acceleration; Running with a high knee lifting, with an overwhelming leg back, with throwing straight legs forward, a small seed and a wide step, with closed legs on the socks, the appropriate step left and right sideways, backward, "shuttle" run.

Crawling, climbing. Crawling on all fours, on the back and on the stomach by a gymnastic bench, tightening your hands. Turning into the hoop in different ways: straight, sideways, back forward. Lazagne on the gymnastic wall up, down, on the parties using cross-shifting and the same movement of hands and legs, climbing from the span on the span directly and diagonally.

Jumping. Jumping on two legs: in place (in different ways) in alternation with walking, with a turn around the clockwise and against, moving forward with the subject shed between the legs. Jumping through obstacles consistently through each; On one leg through line, rope and back and back, right and left, in place and with Promotion. Jumping up of deep squats. Jumping from a height of up to 40 cm, in length, length from running out, up from the place, getting the object suspended by 25-30 cm above the baby's raised hand, from a runway (at least 50 cm). Bouncing on two legs, standing on the bench, moving forward; Jumping on two legs with moving forward over the inclined surface.

jumping on a soft coating with a gymnastic bench height up to 40 cm.

Throwing, catching, throwing. Right of the lung ball to each other from below, because of the head, from the position of the sitting legs scratch, through an obstacle. Throwing the ball up, about the ground and catching it with two hands, one hand, with cotton, turns.

Balling the ball with right and left hand alternately in place and in motion.

Throwing a light sword to the left and right hand, throwing into a target from different positions (standing, standing on the knees, sitting), throwing into a moving target.

Machion of printed balls, throwing them to the range of construction exercises. Building (independently) on the team in a column one by one, in a circle, in a row with the observance of the installed interval and distance.

Calculation on the first - second and rebuilding from one rank two and back;

equality in the column, rank, opening and closing with an appropriate step from the guide, from the middle of the building; Turns to the right, left, circle.

Outdoor exercises (OFP).

Exercises for hands, development and strengthening of the muscles of the shoulder belt.

Raise hands up, forward, to the sides, getting on the socks (from the position standing, heels together, socks apart), setting down the leg back on the sock; Raise hands up from hand position to shoulders. Breed and cut fingers Alternately connect all your fingers with great. Lift and lower the shoulders; Energetically blends the arms bent in the elbows (fingers are compressed in fists), forward and sides, rotation forearms and backwards; Discover the elbows back (arm arm) and straighten your hands to the sides of the hand before breasts; Perform circular motions bent into elbows with hands (brushes at the shoulders). Rotation straightened hands back and forth. Holding the position "stop lying" on the palms and fists.

Exercises for the development and strengthening of abdominal muscles and backs. Tilt heads back and forth, left and right, turns to the sides. Turns of the body on the hand side by head or adhesive in front of the breast; The slopes forward, raising the hands up and touching the floor in the slope, the tilt back is a deflection, hands on the belt, the slopes on the sides left and right, rotation to the upper part of the body, the legs are widely placed, the thighs, the head, is motionless.

From the original position lying on the back: at the same time raise and lower both legs up and down, moving your legs, rotating, like when driving a bike, at the same time bend and blending the legs, attracting them to the chest and lowering on the floor, raising both legs at the same time, trying to touch Lying for the head of the subject, fold, pulling the knees to the chest and lifting the body, hands behind the head (box).

From the source position lying on the stomach: at the same time raise and lower closed hands and legs (boat,) bending and blending legs (alternately and together), turn from the back on the stomach and back; Boot, raising shoulders, spreading hands to the sides. From the stop crouching the jump to move to the stop lying.

Exercises for the development and strengthening of abdominal muscles and legs. Squat, holding hands behind his head; Alternately flexing the legs (standing, the legs apart);

line from the position of the leg apart, carrying a body weight from one leg to another, not rising. Perform step forward, to the side; to the sock of the straightened leg (max ahead) palm stretched forward hands (the same name and variepete); Free to wave a foot forward - back, holding the support.

Exercises: "Goose step", "Frog jumps", "Run cockroach", jumping out of the crotch.

Outdoor games. Moving Games of the Field of Directivity - the foundation for the target type of programs, for the assimilation and development of physical qualities, not only overall endurance, but also a certain physical activity related to specific tasks, which contributes to mastering specific skills and skills, as well as their solid consolidation.

Sports activities are sent to the development of high-speed and powerful qualities, speed and dexterity, reactivity and accuracy, body flexibility and mobility of joints, coordination and consistency in movements, as well as physical endurance.

Breathing exercises.

Development of respiratory muscles, speech apparatus, movement and respiratory coordination. Performing proper rhythmic breathing when pronouncing sounds. Restoration of breathing after load and reset voltage, restoration of forces after power exercises, calm through breathing.

Special physical preparation (SFP).

Flexibility. A complex of exercises for stretching the muscles and tendons, the development of the flexibility of the back and the spine, strengthen the ligament, increase the mobility and developing the twist of the joints.

Exercises SFP. Stand and "push-ups" in the position "stop lying on fists", walking in hand with the help of a partner - "car".

Elements of basic technology.

Brush shape: the formation of a brush in the "palm" - Zhang and "Kulak" - Quan.

Hand appliances: straight punch cat - Chongquan.

Positions: The initial position of the stand "Smirno", heels and socks together - binbu, the original position "Expectations" legs on the width of shoulders, feet parallel to Kaylib.

Racks: "Horseman" - MABU, "A man shooting from Luke" Gunbu, "Stand on one leg" - Duliba, "twisted stand" - Cebu.

Building racks. Rebuildings from left-sided rack in right-hand in place. Rebuildings from one rack to another in place.

Moral and volitional qualities and etiquette.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, (1849-1936), physiologist, creator of the teachings on higher nervous activity, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the USSR Academy of Sciences. Laureate of the Nobel Prize 1904

Everything is not going without real passion and love.

The essence of scientific work is in the fight against reluctance to work.

Human happiness - somewhere between freedom and discipline.

If I argue logical, it means only what I am not crazy, but does not prove at all that I am right.

Life is just for that Krasnos, who seeks to be permanently achieved, but never achievable target.

Dreams are a daily combination of unprecedented impressions.

The one who wants to develop his will must learn to overcome obstacles.

Alcohol much more hurts grief than joy, all of humanity, although it is used for joy. How many talented and strong people died and died because of him.

Be passionate in your work and in your quest.

My whole life I loved and I love mental work and physical and, perhaps, even more than the second. And especially felt satisfied when the latter made some good guess, that is, joined his head with his hands.

Genius is the highest ability to focus on the subject studied.

If there is an excessive and exceptional passion for food there is an animation, then the arrogant inattention to food is inside, and the truth here, as everywhere, lies in the middle: Do not be keen, but provide due attention.

Every time, starting a challenging work, never hurry, give time, looking at work to enter this difficult work, mobilize in order, and not meaningless, fussily.

My faith is a faith that the happiness of mankind gives the progress of science.

... Science requires the whole of his life from man. And if you had two lives, they would not have enough for you. Large tension and great passion requires science from man.

Does not store sciences - people? And the more the intelligentsia from this storeroom takes, the more fruitful the historical life of nations.

There is nothing more powerful in the life of the human body than rhythm. Any function, especially vegetative, has a constant propensity to move to the mode imposed on it.

Never think that you already know everything. And no matter how highly appreciated you, always have the courage to say yourself: I'm ignorant. Do not give pride to master you. Because of it, you will persist where you need to agree, because of it you will refuse a useful advice and friendly assistance, because of it you will lose the measure of objectivity.

Never try to cover the shortcomings of your knowledge at least the most bold guesses and hypotheses. No matter how teschil is your eyes with their overflows, this soap bubble - it will inevitably burst, and you will not have anything but the confusion.

Rest is a change of classes.

Only withdrawing all the causes of diseases, this medicine will turn into medicine of the future, i.e. in hygiene.

Joy, making a person all more sensitive to each bias of life, strengthens the body.

The most important thing in any business is to raise the moment when you do not want to work.

Only empty people do not experience a beautiful and elevated feeling of their homeland.

Physical work under certain conditions is "muscle joy."

Man is the highest product of the earthly nature. Man is the most complicated and the finest system. But in order to enjoy the treasures of nature, a person must be healthy, strong and smart.

A person can live up to one hundred years. We ourselves are inappropriate, with their rawness, with their ugly appeal with their own organism, we reduce this normal period to a much smaller figure.

"Is it possible to waste time when so much has not yet been done?" - These thoughts every day are a dense ring envelop each of us. But you did not think, why is it so difficult for us to slow down your pace and spend a little more than your precious time to just live and enjoy life? Are we unworthy of this?

Recently, "search space" remains the most popular topic in my life: I decided to clean the space of my house from unnecessary things, constantly looking for the opportunity to take breaks in work in order not to overload yourself, and even striving to leave empty space between thoughts (i.e. free from the chaos of their continuous uncontrolled flow). Agree, not so bad. But even such good intentions do not save me from the fact that now, while I am sitting and write these words, in my head sweeps: "Purplus!", "You lose your time!", "It cannot be considered work", "how much You still need to do! " etc.

Such experiences with a dense ring often envelop each. The chest is compressed, breathing becomes more frequent, and you practically begins panic, mixed with a feeling of irritation. Is it possible to spend time when so much is not yet done? ..

Why is it so difficult for us to slow down your pace and spend a little more precious and extremely limited time to just live and enjoy life? The story of each of us is unique, and therefore the reasons for the fact that we cannot afford to relax are different. For example, I think my problems began in childhood.

It began in childhood ...

The generation of my parents was brought up at work. They worked all day to ensure their family to achieve some material purposes and to be confident in their future after retirement. They taught me with their example that the slowdown in the tempo and enjoyment of life should go after a long years of work and improving the well-being of the family, and, accordingly, it often happens when health is no longer the vital forces and their own interest in life began to dry out. Is there justice here? And this life position of my parents automatically became part of me. I was the first child in the family, so I learned from childhood to be responsible and disciplined. My future was predictable: it included long and hard work. That is how I thought from my childhood.

Nevertheless, today I have practicing slowdown and relaxation and often felt how many fear and anxiety arises in me. But it is clear that to me (like you) just need to be desperate to indulge in this pleasure, because we all want to truly be in our body (that is, to fully feel it) and really live your life, the moment for The moment, and not repent in the future about the moments of the beautiful and bright life, which passed by.

But how? Can we learn how to slow the tempo of your activity? Can we be again to become the excellent version of ourselves, not absorbed by the long grueling events that are filled with our days?
I believe that we can, but the path that we must choose will not be easy. We should not be distracted: neither books, no phone, no computer, nor TV, no food, no music. It will be hard work, but not physical and not mental, but emotional and spiritual.

At every minute of each day, we have a choice: to fill your life temporary space by many distracting things or accept it and truly to experience the current moment. Somewhere in the subconscious we all know that the slowdown will give answers to each of us. And I want to present you my recommendations of how to start walking on this path:

Step 1: Share a minute to sit in silence

In the noise filled days, staying in silence is the last thing (literally), which we can think about. We do not think that it deserved and consider such a pastime of a waste of time. So it is partly due to the fear of what during this time can come to our head. After all, when we work - we are getting distracted by what is happening inside us, and a minute of silence is able to release all demons outside. Yes, your thoughts can start appearing in an absolutely chaotic and incoherent order. At this point you will understand how many concerns have accumulated in you lately. But gradually you will notice that more space begins between thoughts, and that even better, you will begin to feel a feeling of peace and tranquility.

Step 2: Do not give doubts to lead you from the right track

We live in the culture of immediacy and pleasure. The practice of silence literally throws us a challenge because of the risk of potentially painful thoughts and thoughts that "we will dramatically lose time." If you listen to experienced meditating and keeping people's silence, they will tell you that they are doing this for many years and sometimes they seek only a few seconds of pure and complete silence. Remember that if the peace does not come to you right away, it does not mean that you are doing wrong. You are not mistaken. Minutes of dreams, slowdowns and controlled deep breathing will help you to plunge into your inner world, where you will find those spiritual wealth and forces that are constantly looking out.

Step 3: Fill your life with love

Become a loving, compassionate, patient man, a kind of healer for his life. "Relax; Stay as you have, rest, spend a few extra minutes in the shower, do everything your soul. " Do not forget to fill in these words every day. You can offer radical assistance to yourself right now; Can there be the best gift?

If you fill yourself with love, care and attention, this positive energy will fill all your work and the case of those surrounding you. You can choose how to be today and every subsequent moment of your whole life, and I hope you make the right choice.

In such a way, it is not necessary to learn to really enjoy the life of a lot: it is worth only to stop rushing along it with a gallop, spend a couple of minutes a day in silence, not only in the house, but also in your thoughts, and most importantly, fulfill yourself, all Your views, things and feelings with love! Enjoy every moment, because he will not happen again!