Violie Masters Italy. Viypical Masters: Antonio Stradivari, Nikolo Amati, Giuseppe Gwarnerty and other report about the Italian violin master AMATA

Violie Masters Italy. Viypical Masters: Antonio Stradivari, Nikolo Amati, Giuseppe Gwarnerty and other report about the Italian violin master AMATA
Violie Masters Italy. Viypical Masters: Antonio Stradivari, Nikolo Amati, Giuseppe Gwarnerty and other report about the Italian violin master AMATA

These three masters are considered the creators of the first violins of modern type. However, it would be an exaggeration to see in them the first masters, which made a nine-quality bone tools. They inherited the tradition of manufacturing VIOL (and Lyuten), represented by a few preserved tools. There are documentary evidence of the existence of the violins, which were used for 30 years (and maybe earlier) before the first well-known tools of Andrea Amati, dating from 1546.

On the other hand, the visual materials indicate that during the lifetime of Andrea in the go there was a tool model, distinguished from the one that was approved as the AMA standard in Cremona and his colleagues in Brescia. This last type of tool has not significantly changed the century later the Great Antonio Stradivari. AMATA for the first time set the type of violin as a tool approaching its expressiveness to the timbre of a human voice (soprano).

Andrea Amati made violins predominantly small, with low sides and a rather high set of Dec. The head is large, the masterfully carved. For the first time, the selection of wood, characteristic of the creamian school: Maple (lower decks, sides, head), spruce or fir (top decks). On cello and double bass, the lower decks are sometimes of pear and plane. I achieved clear, silver, gentle (but not strong) sound. Andrea Amati highly raised the value of the profession of a violin wizard. Created by him Classic type of violin (model outlines, processing of decoctions Dec) remained mainly unchanged. All subsequent improvements made by other masters mainly concerned sound strength. Currently, Andrea Amati tools are rare. Its works are characterized by a large grace and perfection of geometric lines.

Amati brought the type of violin, produced by its predecessors, to perfection. In some violins of a larger format (364-365 mm) of the so-called Grand Amati, it has strengthened the sound while keeping the softness and tenderness of the voice. With the grace of shape, his tools produce a more monumental impression than the work of its predecessors. Golden varnish lacquer with a light brown tint, sometimes meets red. Forest and cello Nikolo Amati. Violins and cello, created by the most famous of the masters of the Amati family - Nikolo, has been preserved very little - a little more than 20.

Amia violins have a pleasant, clean, gentle, although not strong, tone; Violins these small size, beautifully separated, from above and below are significantly deployed, as a result of which they do not have a wide and sonic tone.

Amati, Guardari, Stradivari.

Names for eternity
In 16-17 centuries, large schools of violin masters have developed in several European countries. Representatives of the Italian violin school were the famous families of Amati, Gwarnerty and Stradivari from Cremona.
Cremona is located in Northern Italy, in Lombardy, on the left bank of the river. This city from the X century is known for the center for the production of piano and bow. Cremona officially coats the world capital production of string musical instruments. Nowadays, more than one hundred violin masters work in Cremona, and their products are highly appreciated by professionals. In 1937, in the year of the two hundredth anniversary of the death of Stradivari, the city was founded by the School of Making Violins, now well-known. It is trained in 500 students from around the world.

Panorama Cremonic 1782

In Cremon, many historical buildings and architecture monuments, but the Museum of Stradivari, perhaps the most interesting attraction of Cremona. In the museum, three departments dedicated to the history of the development of a violin business. The first - is dedicated to the Stradivari himself: some of his violins are stored here, samples of paper, wood, with which the master worked. The second department contains the works of other violin masters: violins, cello, double bass manufactured in the 20th century. The third department tells about the process of making string tools.

An outstanding Italian composer Claudio Monteverdi was born in Cremona (1567-1643) and the famous Italian Cutter on Giovanni Beltrami Stone (1779-1854). But most of all the creams glorified the violin masters Amati, Guardari and Stradivari.
Unfortunately, working for the benefit of mankind, the great violin masters did not leave their own images, and we, their descendants, are not able to see their appearance.


Amati (ITAL. Amati) - family of Italian masters of the brook tools from the ancient creamous genus Amati. Mention named after Amati is found in the chronicles of the creams already in 1097. The founder of the Amati dynasty - Andrea - was born about in 1520, he lived and worked in Cremona and there he died around 1580.
The two famous contemporaries Andrea - Masters from the city of Brescia - Gasparo da Salo and Giovanni Madzhini were also engaged in a violent case. The Breschansk school was the only one who was able to compete with the famous Cremya school.

From 1530, Andrea, together with Brother Antonio, opened his own workshop in Cremona, where they began to make altas, cello and violins. The earliest reached us tool dated 1546. He retains some other features of the Breschan School. Stripping from the traditions and technology of manufacturing string instruments (Viol and Lyuten), Amati was the first among the fellows on work created a violin of modern type.

Amati created the violins of two sizes - large (Grand Amati) - 35.5 cm in length and smaller - 35.2 cm.
Violins were with low sides and a rather high set of Dec. The head is large, the masterfully carved. Andrea for the first time determined the selection of a tree, characteristic of creamous school: maple (lower decks, sides, head), spruce or fir (upper decks). On cellos and double bass, the lower decks sometimes been made of pear and plane.

Having achieved clear, silver, gentle (but not strong) sound, Andrea Amati highly raised the value of the profession of a violin wizard. Created by him Classic type of violin (model outlines, processing of decoctions Dec) remained mainly unchanged. All subsequent improvements made by other masters mainly concerned sound strength.

At the age of twenty-six years, the talented violin master Andrea Amati already "made" a name for himself and put it on the labels attached to the tools. Solva about the Italian master quickly spread over Europe and reached France. King Carl IX invited Andrea to himself and ordered him the manufacture of violins for the court ensemble "24 Violin King". Andrea manufactured 38 tools, including the distant and tenor violins. Some of them are preserved.

Andrea Amati had two sons - Andrea Antonio and Dzhirolamo. Both grew up in the father's workshop, all their lives were partners of the Father and, probably, the most famous vicious masters of their time.
The tools made by the sons of Andrea Amati were even more elegant than the father, and the sound of their violins is even more gentle. The brothers slightly increased the arches, began to make a deepening along the edges of Dec, the corners were lengthened and a little bit, completely slightly, the ephards bent.

Nikolo Amati

Son Dzhirolamamo - Nikolo (1596-1684), grandson Andrea reached special success in making violins. Nikolo Amati created a violin intended for public speeches. He brought the shape and sound of the violin of his grandfather to the highest perfection and adapted it to the requirements of time.

For this, it has slightly increased the size of the housing ("big model"), reduced the declarations of Dec, increased the sides and deepened the waist. He improved the Dec Setup System, paid special attention to the impregnation of Dec. Pick up a tree to the violin, focusing on its acoustic properties. In addition, he achieved that the lacquer covering the tool was elastic and transparent, and the color is golden-bronze with a reddish brown tint.

Constructive changes made by Nikolo Amati made the violin sound stronger, and the sound spread further, without losing its beauty. Nikolo Amati was the most famous of the Amati family - partly due to the huge amount of tools made by him, partly due to their glorified name.

All tools Nikolo still values \u200b\u200bviolinists. Nikolo Amati created a school of violin masters, among the students there were his son Girolamo II (1649 - 1740), Andrea Gvarnery, Antonio Stradivari, who created her own dynasties and schools later, and other students. The son of Girolamo II could not continue the case of the Father, and it was faded.


Guarneri - family of Italian wizards of brook tools. The ancestor of the family, Andrea Gvarnery, was born in 1622 (1626) in Cremona, there he lived, worked and died in 1698.
He was a student Nikolo Amati, and his first violins created in the style of Amati.
Later, Andrea developed his own model of a violin, in which the ephards had the wrong outlines, the decline set is flatter, the sides are quite low. There were other features of Gvarnery violins, in particular, their sound.

Andrea Gvarnery's sons - Pietro and Giuseppe - were also large crap masters. Senior Pietro (1655 -1720) worked first in Cremona, then in Mantua. He made tools on its own model (wide "breast", convex vaults, ephys rounded shape, a rather wide curl), but its tools were close to the manufacture and sound to the violins of the Father.

The second son of Andrea, Giuseppe Gwarnetri (1666- Ok. 1739), continued to work in a family workshop and tried to unite the models of Nikolo Amati and Father, but, yielding to the strong influence of his son's work (famous Giuseppe (Joseph) Del Jesu) began to imitate him in developing Strong and courageous sound.

Senior Son Giuseppe - Pietro Gwarnery 2nd (1695-1762) worked in Venice, the younger son is also Giuseppe (Joseph), nicknamed Guardari Del Jesu, became the largest Italian violin master.

Guardarry Del Jesu (1698-1744) created his own type of violin, designed for the game in the Great Concert Hall. The best violins of his work are distinguished by strong voices with dense, filled with tones, expressiveness and variety of timbre. The first who appreciated the advantage of Violins Gwarnerty Del Jesu was Niccolo Paganini.

Violin Guarnery Del Jesu, 1740, Cremona, Inv. №31-A.

Belonged to Ksenia Ilinichna Cow.
In the state school accepted in 1948
Main dimensions:
Case Length - 355
Top Width - 160
Lower width - 203
The smallest width - 108
Menzura - 194.
Shaka - 131.
Head - 107.
Curl - 40.
The lower deck is from one piece of maple-javor semiradial cut,
A shelter of five parts of maple-javor, the upper deck - from two spots of ate.

Antonio Stradivari

Antonio Stradivari or Stradivavius \u200b\u200b- the famous master of string and brook tools. It is believed that he lived and worked in Cremona, because on one of his violins there is a stamp "1666, Cremona." The same stamp confirms that Stradavari studied Nikolo Amati. It is also considered that he was born in 1644, although the exact date of his birth is unknown. The names of His parents -alexandro Stradivari and Anna Moroni are known.
In Cremon, since 1680, Stradivari lived on Sv. Dominica, there he opened the workshop in which began to manufacture string instruments - guitars, alta, cello and, of course, violins.

Up to 1684, Stradivari built small violins in the style of Amati. He diligently reproduced and improved the violin of the teacher, trying to find his own style. Gradually, Stradivari was freed from the influence of Amati and created a new type of violin, different from the violins of Amati timbre wealth and powerful sound.

Since 1690, Stradivari began to build tools of larger size, in contrast to the violin of its predecessors. A typical "elongated violin" Stradivari has a length of 363 mm, which is 9.5 mm larger than violin AMI. Later, the master reduced the length of the tool up to 355.5 mm, while making it somewhat wider and with more arched arches, "the model of unsurpassed symmetry and beauty, which entered the world history as the" violin of Stradivarii ", and the name of the master was covered by a disadvantageous glory.

The most outstanding tools were manufactured by Antonio Stradivari in the period from 1698 to 1725. All violins of this period are distinguished by a wonderful finish and excellent characteristics of the sound - their votes are similar to a ringing and gentle female voice.
For life, the master created more than a thousand violins, alto and cello. Until our time, it came about 600, some of his violins are known under their own names, for example, the violin "Maximilian", which was played by our contemporary, an outstanding German violinist MIHEL Schwalbe - Violin is given to him in life use.

Among other famous violins Stradivari - "Betts" (1704), stored in the library of the US Congress), "Viotti" (1709), "Alard" (1715) and "Messiah" (1716).

In addition to the violins, Stradivari created guitars, alta, cello, and created at least one harp - according to current calculations of more than 1,100 units of tools. Cello, published from Stradivari's hands, have a wonderful singeling tone and external beauty.

Stradivari tools are distinguished by a characteristic inscription in Latin: Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis Faciebat Anno Translated - Antonio Stradivari Cremonian made in a year (such).
After 1730, some Stradivari tools were signed Sotto La Desciplina d'Antonio Stradivari F. IN CREMONA)