Sigger Andrei Igorevich. Andrey Skorokhod

Sigger Andrei Igorevich. Andrey Skorokhod
Sigger Andrei Igorevich. Andrey Skorokhod

Belarusian and Russian stand-comedian and TV host.

Biography Andrei Smeorhoda

Andrey Skorokhod Since childhood, he manifested itself as a creative person. As a child, he invented stories, played in the Children's Puppet Theater, studied at the music school in the Clarinet class. During his studies at school, Kavane became interested in the school.

Having received a certificate, Andrei moved to Minsk and entered the Belarusian State Economic University. Together with the other, he founded the KVN team "Lost Thoughts". The team began to develop rapidly, but the sword himself abandoned his studies and was soon deducted. At that time, he began playing the scene of the Belarusian "Comedy Club" and was engaged in organizing the tour "lost thoughts". In 2010, Glory Commissarenko invited Andrei to work on the scenarios of the KVN team "Triode and Diode", and in 2013 the sword was the resident of the Moscow "Comedy Club A".

Creative path Andrei Spear

On the scene of the most famous standap-project of the country, Andrei often acts in a duet with Demis Carabidis. Another famous role is the role of Rapper Glebati (parody of Timati).

In 2018, the swollen became one of the leading project "

Famous comedian actor. Resident "Comedy Club".

Andrei Skorokhod was born on June 24, 1988 in the small town of old roads. About the early years of humorist knows a little. The performer himself tells that since childhood he loved to attract attention, so the school was a real natural disaster, although he studied perfectly. Andrei's parents were constantly raised to school because of the hooligan behavior of the Son: he was nahamite to teachers, then he enhanced with a classmate.

In his free time, the time of the young sword was engaged in a row. In a small town was not a very wide variety in the choice of creative activity, but Andrew tried almost everything. He was fond of burning, Macrame, played on the clarinet, participated in the circle of sports tourism. And, of course, was involved in the School team KVN.

Having finished learning at school, Andrei left to enter the Belarusian State Economic University. The young man was hard to throw parents, and he did not burn with the desire to continue their studies in the capital, just did not see for himself another choice. The talented height of the competition has passed the competition and began to learn from the specialty "Economic Cybernetics".

Studying at the university, Andrei met Maxim Voronkovoy, and young people created their KVN team at the faculty, which "lost thoughts" called. Newbies quickly reached the highest league of KVN Belarus. From the very first game KVN insection of the Spear so much that he began to carelessly treat study, and eventually was expelled from the university for the disabilities. What, however, not too upset Andrei.

He was engaged in performances and organizational activities as part of a native team, with speeches guys were even in Moldova. In addition, the Belarusian branch of the Comedy Club project appeared at that moment, where they wanted to see the Spear and Voronkov. After more than two dozen programs with the participation of newcomers, it became clear that there was something one between the university and television.

A few years in the life of the comedian came a black strip. "Comedy Club" in Belarus collapsed, the "Lost Thoughts" team was also broken. Andrei stayed in Minsk without work and money. He was afraid to return to his parents, because it meant to confirm his inconsistency as an actor and humorist, so for some time I was interrupted by random earnings, one of which became for a fateful speed. In 2010, Glory Commissarenko, a friend of a young comedian, invited Andrei to help the Smolensk team "Triode and Diode" in working on a scenario for the upcoming game KVN.

Literally a week after this event, the team representatives called the sworn and offered him to join the team on a permanent basis. In the same year, Smolensk guys ranked third in the Higher League of KVN, which helped Andrei to achieve fame and correct financial position. In 2012, the team "Triode and Diode" received the title of Champions of the Higher League, bypassing the "City of Pyatigorsk" and a number of other strong rivals. At the same time, the guys were noted in the KVN music festival in Jurmala, becoming his prize.

In 2013, the paths of the team and Andrei Skorokhod went away. The artist was invited to "Comedy Club". Although the humorist was initially doubted, he still tried himself in the project and eventually remained.

One of his favorite role is "cattle-rapper Glebati". In January 2018, Andrei from his face alter-ego released a debut album "Domosted", in which 11 compositions.

Despite the fact that the comedian very warmly responds about the current place of work, he emphasizes that everything is still ready for moving and open to new proposals.

He has an increased sense of justice, he often suffered since childhood since childhood, the teachers constantly caused parents, because Andrei Skorokhod began a fight, defending her little, or insulted the teacher, detecting the truth. His biography began in 1988, in a small Belarusian town, the old roads in which was the only house of culture. And Andrew studied in all circles immediately - from knitting knots in Macrame to theatrical mug. About when Andrei began to participate in KVN, he does not remember himself. The city competitions of the junior and resourceful clubs have always come out in different age categories and he, the growing, did not miss a single season.

Entering the University in Minsk, he participates in the KVN team of its faculty "Economic Cybernetics". The first chemistry was distinguished by artistry, immediacy and ability to respond quickly to the situation, soon he enters the main structure of the institute team and study goes to the background. When the transition to the Higher Belarusian League was held, the University's leadership deducts the fracture for the abomability of the third coup. In the future, he will attempt to continue their education, but everything will be unsuccessful - time is so little that it is not even possible to come to the exams. Tours, contests, radio records in MP3-format and participation in the television version in the Belarusian Comedy Club - all this becomes his new life.

And suddenly the moment comes when it all collapses everything - the Belarusian Comedy Club breaks down and the slope remains not the lot. He has no profession, there is no housing, it's embarrassing to my parents. He decides to try good luck in the Moscow competition of Stand Up, which will carry out residents on the TNT channel and takes money on the trip. Friends give money, but in exchange they are asked to work on a scenario for the "Triode and Diode" team, so he begins cooperation with Smolensk KVTV and at the same time enters into the ranks of the Moscow Club.

Skorokhod Master of improvisations, his performances are always enchanting, he skillfully combines humor with music,

Andrei Skorokhod is a person resembling a roller field. He was born under Minsk, but never limited activity to the scale of one state. A bright comedian managed to live in Minsk, Kiev and Moscow, and traveled even more.

At one time, Andrei, going to the scene of KVN, literally conquered the audience. Now Spear will be recognized on the street, but he himself considers himself the most ordinary person. The artist is open in communication, willingly respond to questions of journalists and in any situation preserves a sense of humor.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Skorokhod was born in the summer of 1988 in the provincial town of old roads, which is under Minsk. About the early years of humorist knows a little. The performer himself tells that since childhood he loved to attract attention, so the school was a real natural disaster, although he studied perfectly. Andrei's parents were constantly called to school because of the hooligan behavior of the Son: he holds the teachers, he pulls out with a classmate. But the swap claims that the cause of everything was his increased sense of justice and rectinence.

In his free time, the guy did everything in a row. In a small town, there was not such a wide variety in choosing creative activities, but Andrei Skorokhod tried almost everything. He was fond of burning, Macrame, played on the clarinet, participated in the circle of sports tourism. But the most important thing - was involved in the School team KVN.

Having finished learning at school, Andrei left to enter the Belarusian State Economic University. The young man was hard to throw parents, and he was not eager to continue his studies in the capital, but did not see another choice for himself. The talented sword is easy to pass the competition and became a student of the Faculty of "Economic Cybernetics".


Study at the university, Andrei Schoshod met Maxim Voronkov. Young people created at the faculty KVN team, which was called "lost thoughts".

Newbies quickly reached the highest league of KVN Belarus. From the very first game KVN, the focus is so much so that there is no time for studying. As a result, the student was expelled from the university for the absenteeism of classes, which, however, it was not too upset.

Andrei Skorokhod was engaged in organizational activities and acted as part of the native team. With tour of the guys attended even Moldova. In addition, just at that moment, the Belarusian branch of the Comedy Slub project appeared, where they wanted to see Spear and Voronkov.

After more than two dozen programs with the participation of beginners, it became clear that there was something one between the university and television.

Andrey Skorokhod on the scene

In a few years in the life of the comedian, a black band was coming: the Belarusian "Comedy Club" and the team "Lost Thoughts" were broken at the same time. Andrei Skorokhod remained in Minsk without work and money. He was afraid to return to his parents, because it meant to confirm his inconsistency as an actor and humorist.

Therefore, the guy was interrupted by random earnings for some time, one of which became for a fateful speed. In 2010, the buddy of the young comedian, offered Andrei to help the Smolensk team "Triode and Diode" in working on a scenario for the upcoming game KVN.

Andrei Skorokhod in the Team "Triode and Diode"

A week after this event, representatives of the team called the booming and offered him to join the team on an ongoing basis. In the same year, Smolensk guys occupied 3rd place in the High League of KVN, which helped Andrei to achieve popularity and correct financial position.

In 2012, the team "Triode and Diode" received the title of Champions of the Higher League, bypassing the "City of Pyatigorsk" and a number of other strong rivals. At the same time, the guys were noted in the KVN music festival in Jurmala, becoming his winners.

A television

In 2013, the paths of the team and the fourth stage were separated. The young man was invited to Moscow Comedy Club. Although the humorist was initially doubted, he still tried his hand in the project and eventually remained. The public has received the warmth of the former Cavaneshchik, and he quickly joined the team.

Today Andrei Skorokhod - the star "Comedy Club" and one of the most striking residents. Who just did not have to play the artist in the framework of the popular humorous project, he reincarnated in oligarchs, majors, waiters and dancers. High thin artist (Andrei 192 cm growth, weight - 80 kg) with mobile facial expressions quickly challenged the fans of the project.

The creative biography of Andrei Spear after coming to the Moscow "Comedy Club" developed rapidly. The Belarusian actor turned out to be a brilliant master of improvisation, and his speech was remembered to the audience. The artist knows how to sing perfectly, and many rooms with his participation are accompanied by songs from his discography.

Demis Karibidis and Andrey Skorokhod - "Passport Table"

The best jokes of Andrei Spear on YouTube are gaining half a million views. Sketchs are popular with popularity.

In the Duet within the project, the artists appeared in the scenes "Caucasian Pharmacy" and "People's Healer". The repertoire of the Spear over time was replenished with miniatures of "Speed \u200b\u200band Old Roads", where the second participant was the performance, "in the office of the astrologer", "avant-garde painting", which were presented in a pair with. Together with Demis, Karibidis, a humorist released a scene "An ideal woman."

Demis Karibidis and Andrei Skorokhod - "Multidisciplinary Pharmacy"

Popular rooms in which Andrei Schoshod is popular with other residents of the Club. Together with, and he appeared in the Sketch "Exam at the University of Rap". Andrei reincarnated in Student Skvortsov, who came to take the exam on the rap of strict teachers.

Contrary to the expectations of examiners, the Skvortsov is well aware of the first Rapere, and about Gangsta, and the beard.

The best numbers of Andrei Spear

Together with Demis, Karibidis and Andrey, the Schoshod caused a squall of emotions with the Don Carleone number.

Personal life

Andrei Skorokhod is not only a talented and charismatic artist, he is a bright, confident and very attractive man. Therefore, it is not wonderful that he has a huge army of fans who are interested in the personal life of the pet.

Due to the dense work schedule and constant touring the country and abroad, Andrei did not work out to acquire his wife and children, although he had long dreamed of a family.

In 2013, rumors were rumored that Andrei married actress and singer. In "Instagram" Nastasya appeared a "wedding" photo, on which in the role of the bride and the bride saw the fracture and sambourous.

The photo was accompanied by a signed "Hurray! Andreysha and I got married. " But, as soon as it turned out, the information was a joke. In fact, young people simply starred together in advertising.

In early 2018, the topic of the romantic relationship of the resident of the popular project was again presented in the humorous vein. At the premiere of the comedy "Zomboyashik", Andrei was accompanied by Marina Kravets.

Since at that moment the public discussed the joint vacation of Timur Batrutdinov and, holding the Craver and the Skoroshos, also provoked interest in his pair. From direct responses, humorists died, eventually answering that the "budget Buzova and Batrutdinov".

Already in the summer Andrei Skoroshod surprised fans with a message about the wedding. The girl named Evgenia became the elected of the humorist. Familiarity of future spouses took place at the Festival "Naked Kiwin", which takes place annually in Jurmala. At one time, young people met, then began to live together.

The solemn event about the marriage was held in the elite country complex in the Minsk region on the shores of the hosantic reservoir.

Andrei Skorokhod now

In 2018, the slope along with Demis Karibidis pleased the fans of "Comedy Club" with new miniatures "Chemistry in the Cuccushan School", "a person closes a mortgage", "Passport table". Together with Marina Kravets Duet released the numbers of "Muscovites in the Yerevan restaurant", "six in the morning", "Filologist's family."

In 2018, Andrei Skoroshod in the image of Alter-ego Rapper Glebati provoked a scandal. In a personal "instagram", the artist compared the TV presenter with a monster from the Kinetnik film. Olga Buzova instantly reacted to an insult, calling Andrei "subjudice". The artist answered this that the post was not attributed to her, but to the "conviece of cast insta-commentators."

Nevertheless, Ceboribriti returned to go to court. The sword proposed to solve the conflict on Rap-Buttle, but soon deleted this post from the page. Later, the slope brought public apologies to the fair.

In early 2019, the artist visited the US Creative Trip. Together with colleagues in "Comedy Club", the artist visited Boston, Los Angeles, New York.

Awards and achievements

  • 2010 - Bronze medalist of the Highest League KVN
  • 2012 - the winner of the Music Festival "Voting Kiwin" in Jurmala
  • 2012 - Higher League Champion KVN
  • 2013 - KVN Summer Cup owner

Showman Date of Birth June 24 (Cancer) 1988 (30) Place of birth Old road Instagram @andreiskorohod

As you know, laughter prolongs life. But people who know how to cause laughter with their behavior, their jokes and the ability to lightly respond to the created extraordinary situation, very little. And even less those who are not afraid to be funny. One of these - Andrei Skorokhod. The young man made his favorite profession what he knew how and loves most of all in the world - to mix people, despite all the vicissitudes of fate, finding the topics for jokes where they would seem to be, and could not. He made himself and gives his talent to millions of fans.

Biography Andrei Smeorhoda

The humor himself tells himself about his childhood and school years with humor and self-irony.

The teachers considered him a natural disaster, as the boy always tried to be the center of attention. Parents were often at school, but not because of failure to sleep - Andrei studied perfectly. But the behavior of "chrome", and much. He fought with classmates, intermitted with teachers. How he himself says - due to the aggravated sense of justice and inability to vilat its thoughts.

Personal life Andrei Spear

After school classes, everyone was available in a small town - mugs, sections, clubs, and KVN became a favorite activity.

At the end of the school, without any special work, he entered the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics to the Belarusian State Economic University.

Almost from the very first days of the student, together with the new friend, Maxim Voronene, the guys create a university team KVN "Lost Thoughts", she immediately passed to the Higher League of KVN Belarus.

Latest news about Andrei Skorokhod

This was the starting point in the Career of the Showman and the collapse of the career of an economist. KVN held all the free and uncomfortable time and student Andrei Spear soon expelled for systematic absenteeism and unsuitable. But the youngest man did not cause a drop of grief.

He was involved in the affairs of his team, organized a tour, wrote scenarios, he himself performed on stage. And in addition, the Belarusian version of Comedy Club appeared, where two founder of the team became welcome performers. Began to shoot programs and after a series of issues it became clear - study at the university went to the background forever.

But then the "black band" began - the team broke up, ceased to shoot Comedy Club and the artist remained without livelihood. Return home - I am ashamed and hurt. So there began temporary earnings that were fateful.

In 2010, at the suggestion of a friend of Stanislav Comparechenko, Andrei wrote a scenario for the KVN team "Triode and Diode". And just a few days later the author received an invitation for a permanent job as the author. Already in 2012, the team became the champion of the highest league.

And in 2013, Andrei Spear was invited to the Comedy Club already Moscow, the resident of which he is to this day.

The talent and charisma of the young actor make it very attractive for millions of fans. But to say for sure whether his heart is employed today, it is impossible. He is either really in the "active search", or carefully hides the name of the beloved. It is known only one thing - Andrei is not married.

He himself explains this fact very simple and trite - due to a dense touring schedule of time for a personal life, it is simply not left. But he dreams of simple and completely understandable for each thing. Beautiful country house with a well-groomed lawn, beloved wife, kids and a big dog.

And all this will definitely, because dreams have a property to materialize.

Andrei today continues to work in the "Comedy Club". It turned out that he sings quite well and now he speaks with musical numbers. His sketches are always sparkled, cause the explosions of laughter and make not only laugh, but also to think about what has been said from the scene by actors.

He cooperates tightly on stage with Demis Karibidis, blowing always disrupts ovation. Many jokes posted on YouTube are gaining millions of views.

And the Skatch "Exam at the University of Rap", where he plays with Zurab Mutu, Dmitry Sorokin and Andrei Averin, became a revelation for many. In this way, interpret the classics, adjusting it to modern literary trends, no one has not guessed.

The Don Carleone number invariably causes a squall of emotions at every concert.

Shooting on television, touring with artists "Comedy Club", writing new jokes and drawing up numbers - this is what the talented author is doing, performer and charismatic showman.