How many strings on the usual bass guitar. Frequency Bass Guitar Range

How many strings on the usual bass guitar. Frequency Bass Guitar Range

Bass-guitar is a relatively young tool that appeared in the early 1950s. The main purpose of the bass guitar in the music team is a game in the low-frequency range in the rhythm section.

Since bass guitar is the closest relative of the double bass, in classical performance it also has four strings. Training is the easiest way just on the four-stream instrument.

The four-string bass guitar has a quart room: mi (the lowest string), la, re, salt. These strings fully correspond to the four lower strings on the usual six-string guitar, only the sound of them is octava below.

Sometimes some bass guitarists rebuild the lower string on the tone below - in re. Thus, the interval between the two lower strings turns from quarts in the Quint. In such a way, it is very convenient to perform the so-called Power Cords (quint chords), simply by pushing them with one finger. To quickly reconfigure the bass guitar during the game, a special mechanical D-TUNE mechanical device is applied to another to another, allowing you to quickly lower or raise the fourth string to the tone with the lever.

D-TUNE mechanism to lower the structure of the strings

Among the world stars playing on the four-string bass guitar, you can call such names as Stanley Clark, Victor Vuten, Markus Miller, Jaco Pastorius, Billy Shikhan.

Recently, five-stringed bass guitars have gained great popularity with an extended sound range. In this case, another, lower string is added to the standard four strings, tuned in C. Thus, in the "fivestast" all strings still have a quart system.

The game on a five-stringed bass guitar is very comfortable in some tonsillia, and allows you to remain in a low range without using the upper notes. In addition, the "fivestast" also appreciated the lovers of the game "heavy" styles: the lower string of C gives very energetic and saturated "bottoms".

When playing such a bass guitar, it should be borne in mind that the neck is wider than on the four-stream tool, but the distance between the strings is slightly smaller.

Stars like Nathan East, Tony Levin, Richar Bona play on five-stringed bass guitars.

In addition to five-standing bass guitars, six-string bass guitars received some popularity. These are real monsters with a wide vulture and the widest bass range. Stroy the six-string bass guitar corresponds to the "five toast" with the added high string to. As can be seen, a quart system is still fully preserved in the six-string bass guitar, since the quart's interval is present between all strings.

Beginner guitarists are not recommended to study the game immediately on the six-string bass guitar. It is much more complicated in the development of the game techniques than the standard four-string guitar. Sixtrock is needed mainly by those bass guitarists who often perform solo parties.

Sixtrean bass guitars are used when playing Steve Bailey, John Patituchci, John Mayung.

Of all the types of guitars are most often confused, and compare the bass guitar and the electric guitar. For lovers and professional musicians, this is wildness - different tools and it is obvious! But for a foreign listener and the observer, they seem very similar, and sometimes, at all identical. So what's their difference and is it at all?

Invented in 1951, Leo Fander, becoming almost instantly the most popular and common bass instrument, first of all, in rock music. This is a type of guitar for playing a bass range and a direct heir to double bass. Most often used as accompaniment and only occasionally, like a solo. Made from wood of different breeds, depending on the manufacturer and other features.

This is a kind of guitar in which there is a solid body and electronic pickups. The latter transform the sound of the strings into electric current oscillations. After such a conversion, the sound can be processed to give it features, get any additional effect on a computer or other devices, and then it goes straight to sound amplifiers.

Electric guitars are made, contrary to universal opinion, not from plastic or acrylic, and from wood. Just during the manufacture, it attaches a special form, and the additional covering varnish completely transforms it. Most often as raw materials use alder, red tree, maple or ash. Pads on the neck are made of ebony, maple or rosewood.

What common?

  • Reliability with guitar. The electric guitar is the appearance of the guitar, and the bass guitar of her subspecies.
  • Design. This moment refers to similarities, because it is due to the similarity of the designs, these tools are always confused and compared. In fact, if you consider them not from the scene, but near, they differ, but from the side are really similar.
  • The consignment. More recently, the bass guitar was used only as accompaniment. Thanks to the development of new musical currents, at the moment there were already cases of using it as solo. Moreover, such experience is very successful. The electric guitar is also used as solos, which is observed by their undoubted similarity.
  • Importance. As if the musician did not like his instrument, he always knows about his shortcomings and remembers them during the game. Thanks to this, groups and orchestras appeared. Play any song Only on one tool can be, but his sound will not be complete. This applies to the use of these types of guitars. The bass guitar gives a deaf sound, and the melody will be the same deaf, and the electric guitar will make it an incredible call, which is also not good. But if you combine them, it turns out a bright and full sound, such a loved one.
  • On both tools you can play with your fingers or mediator. But since the part of the electric guitar is usually complex, most often the mediator is used.
  • Material for making tools - wood. In principle, even the wood may be the same, but American linden is often used for bass guitars, but for electric maple, red tree, alder. Type of wood affects the future sound, this is caused by the difference.


  • Number of strings. The classic bass guitar has only four strings. There are modern types with five and even six strings, but they will, for example, a narrow application profile. Yet 4 strings are a classic and it is our professional musicians, lovers and teachers in music institutions. Electric guitars with 6 strings are most common.
  • Type of strings. The bass guitar strings are thick, thanks to which the low sound is obtained. And on the electric guitar there are strings of different thickness so that you can give out the sounds of different heights.
  • Weight. The bass guitar weighs significantly more than the electric guitar.
  • Game type. For beginners, the use of any type of guitar will be difficult and similar, but if we talk about professionals or even lovers, then all of them in one voice say that the game on the bass guitar is radically different from the electronic game. Music teachers agree with this opinion.
  • Sound. Those who at least once heard the sound of both tools will definitely never confuse them. The bass guitar is deep, languid sound. It definitely gives only low sound. The electric guitar can take different notes, high or low - it is not fundamentally for it, and yet it is not technically able to play below the bass. In many respects, there is an electrical component of the electrical component and more strings.
  • The consignment. Most often, the bass guitar is used simply as a accompaniment. Its importance no one is shortening, because without a bass part, any music becomes superficial. Basin attached to her depth, allow you to completely reveal the sound of each note and the meaning of the composition. And yet, hard solo is almost never "entrusted." At the same time, the electric guitar takes on the role of the "head" in any party. She, a kind, center of instruments on stage - solo, which the rest only complement. It is not surprising, it is huge. Due to the fact that the sound can be recorded in parallel and process during execution, you can get a completely unexpected effect and sound.
  • The bass guitar is much longer than the vulture. It can be seen with a naked eye. Such a length is needed to get the desired sound.
  • Heirs. Let these tools and are "relatives", but they have a completely different history of creation. And if the progenitor of the electric guitar is an acoustic guitar, then the bass guitar is the heir of double bass.
  • Pickup. There is a bass guitar in which there is a pickup, but this is not necessary. They can work without it, and the sound from this will not suffer. But the electric guitar without the pickup is nowhere - it is its component.

Bass guitar is used in various modern music styles. It creates a rhythmic foundation in the composition, as well as the feeling of "fullness". It is very important to know certain foundations of this tool to make the right choice when buying.

In this post we will talk about how to choose a bass guitar .. You will learn about the design of the bass guitar, electronics, types of hull, pickups and many other things.

Goals and budget

Bass guitars vary widely variables as price and quality. So before you start buying something, ask yourself a question: "How much money am I ready to spend on it?".

For beginners of bass guitarists who are insecured in their talent or target training for training there are many good, affordable bass guitars for beginners. These tools are aimed at meeting all the needs of the novice bass guitarist, although they have certain disadvantages. For example, in order to save on production, the manufacturer can equip the guitar not very high-quality electronics or in the manufacture of the tool housing, save on wood. Money is the cornerstone, from which the quality of the tool directly depends.

However, if you are a more experienced or dedicated guitarist, then you may want to invest in a guitar that is made of better wood, good electronics and which has a more attractive design. More expensive tools will better sound, they will be more comfortable to play and they will serve much longer.

What to choose to you - depends only on you.

Design bass guitar and design

Before buying a bass guitar, it is very important to have a certain presentation and understanding of how it is designed, as individual parts of the tool are called, etc. All this will help you ask the right questions to the seller and make informed decisions.


The bass guitar neck includes a grid head, a lining and an internal anchor rod that connects to the bass guitar housing.

Head of Grifa

The griffon is mounted directly to the genuine guitar. It is installed on it so-called slices (spinning, clamping mechanisms) that hold strings in due tension. Also, with the help of rings, the tool is set. On the grip head places the upper threshold, which separates the head of the grid from the lining.

Grinding pad

The pad on the genuine is usually made from the rosewood, cock or black tree. The highest quality overlays are made based on their smoothness, hardness and rigidity. The higher the processing of the wood, the higher the level of these variables, respectively, the higher and its cost. Metal frets are pasted into the lining, which form all the notes known to us.

There are also bass guitars in which there are no frets. They allow you to create a smoother "sliding" when playing, but at the same time require a guitarist of certain skills.

anchor bolt

It is located inside the Guitar Grifa and prevents the grid to twist in the temperature and humidity drops. In addition, the bass guitar strings are much thicker (compared with the strings of the electric guitar or acoustic guitar), as a result, they create a lot more voltage on the rig of the instrument, which can also lead to twisting and the deflection of the griff. The anchor helps the tree not bent under the tension, as well as allows you to adjust the height of the strings relative to the grid.

Types of Gray Bass Guitar

There are three types of Bas Guitar Grid:

  • Own
  • Intended
  • Through

Each name is a method with which the rifle is attached to the case.

Scorched It implies a compound of a grid with a housing using bolts. This type of compound is budget, it is less costly in the implementation. The advantages of this method is the simple replacement of the grid in case of repair. Minus is a lower sustain compared to the inclined and solid vulture.

Inserted vulture -it implies the gluing of the grid into the guitar case using epoxy resin. This mount transmits the acoustic properties of wood much better than the bolted, which gives the tool a leaper sound and good sustain.

Cross-cuttingit is the richest on the sound due to the fact that the neck takes 1/3 of the housing. The vulture is placed along the entire length of the housing, after which it is inserted into it. This mount transmits the greatest essential compared to the previous two and is an indicator of the high-cost tool.

Length of Menzura

Length of Menzura - This is the distance between the upper pitpopor and the bridge. The most common length of the menzura is considered to be 34. " This size is considered standard for most guitars.

Tool models such as: Fender Mustang, Hofner Violin Bass and Gibson EBO have a length of about 30. They are great for young guitarists with small hands who have problems with standard-dimensional models.

There are also 35 "tools that have a large number of frets. Usually, the length of the menzura can be found on 5-6 string bass guitars. They have large dimensions, but also have greater sound capabilities.

Types of housing

Bass-guitars, the case of which is made from a solid piece of wood, are considered the most common. In more expensive tools, the housing is usually made of alder, cock, swamp ash, mahogany or from a different type of wood, which perfectly transmits vibrations generated by strings. In the tools from the low price category, the housing is usually made of sheet or pressed wood, which negatively affects the sound.

There are also bass guitars with a hollow body (such as acoustic guitars), which are equipped with the same pickups as whole-housing. This type of guitars is preferably used jazz, folk guitarists, as well as in music that requires acoustic-like sound. For example, the bass guitarist legendary The Beatles used Hofner Beatle Basswhich also has a hollow case. The advantage of such guitars are their ease. The minus is that they are very limited in volume and can cause a response.

Another type of hollow bass guitars is electric acoustic. In fact, this is an acoustic tool with a hollow case, which is equipped with a piezo sensor. This type has pronounced acoustic properties, compared to all the others.

There are also semi-acoustic housings that have a solid body, in which two cavities of certain sizes are cut out at the preparation phase. This adds the sound of a guitar of certain stability and increases sustain.

Bridge or bass guitar strip

Bridge is placed on the bottom of the bass guitar case. The strings are trained through it and are attached to special grooves, which are called "sudles". When the guitar player extracts sound with strings, the vibrations generated by strings are transmitted through the bridge to the body, where the pickup can catch them, strengthen, change and then output through the speaker on the combider. The most high-quality breeches are made from brass and covered with chrome or nickel-plated silver.

Most stringers for bass guitars fall into one of the three types:

  • Through Bridge
  • Through the housing
  • Combination of Bridge and Strine

In the first type "through Bridge", the strings are drawn through the back of the bridge and are placed in the sidel.

The second type of "through the building", the strings are drawn through the back of the body, where they are also fixed in the sidel.

The third type "Combination of Bridge and the Strine", the strings are used through a separate stripper, which is not connected to the sides.

Sickness: Singles or Hambackers?

The pickups are electromagnetic devices that capture sounds created by string vibrations and guitar housing, after which it converts these sounds into an electrical signal. Most bass guitars have two pick-up sets, which provides a larger sound range. The pickups that are located near the Guitar Grifa have a smooth, low-frequency sound, while the pickups are located near Bridge, have a sharp, medium-high sound range.

The most common types of pickups are:

  • Singles
  • Hambackers

There are also others, but they are variations of data types.

Singles were the first and easiest view of the pickups. Each pickup has only one coil and one magnet that create a bright, focused sound. The only drawbacks are the noises that they catch and transform together with the sound of your bass guitar. However, it was for this that humbackers were invented.

Hambackers were created in order to get rid of annoyless noise and dirt created by singles. The idea of \u200b\u200bchambackers is two coils wound consistently and the polarity of magnets that are located opposite each other. It is this design that helps almost completely get rid of unnecessary interference and noise. Hence his name (Humbucker from English. Noise-voltage). Hambackers have a more fatty sound, compared to singles and practically do not function when connecting to an amplifier.

Split-Coil is one of the popular medal variations that can be found on Fender Precision Bass. This type of pickups are a single that functions as a hambaker. It is achieved by the fact that the pickup is divided into two halves, each of which has different polarity. So, they form a sound, which very much resembles the sound of a single without interference and noise.

Electronics: Passive and active

The terms "active" and "passive" refer to the preamplifting scheme of the bass guitar. The preamplifier increases the output signal from the pickups and ensures control of the formation of the sound.

Passive preamplifiers function without an additional power source and have several control levers:

  • Volume
  • Pickup switch (if more than one)

Plus of the passive bass, you can assume the fact that it does not depend on the battery that can die right in the midway. Another advantage is easy operation. Passive electronics generates more traditional sound, while active electronics - more modern.

Active electronics requires additional power, which usually provides an embedded battery. The advantages of the active electronics is that it displays a more powerful signal and has a large control over the formation of the tone. Active bass guitars are often equipped with a built-in equalizer, which is divided into three frequency groups: low, medium and high. They can also have a special switch that instantly changes the profile of the equalizer. On some bass guitars, you can find a switch for a pick-up coil, which turns off one of the coils of Hambacker, thereby causing it to sound like a single.

How many strings?

Four string bass guitar

Most bass guitars have four strings and in my opinion, novice bass guitarists should be started with a four-stream instrument. Such bass guitars fully comply with most musical styles and compared to five and six-stringed instruments, have a smaller vulture, which makes them an excellent option of beginners.

Five and six-string bass guitars

An additional string is added to the five-stronger bass guitar, which is customized in b (s), thereby endowing the tool to the wider range. Five-standing bass vulture is much wider compared to the quadruple, and therefore it will be more difficult on it. Five-standing bass guitars are popular in such genres as: hard rock, metal, fusion and jazz.

The six-string tools have a broader range compared to the two previous, due to the fact that two additional strings are added to their arsenal, which are usually adjusted to B (C) and C (up to). Sixtrean bass guitars require even a wider griff, which can cause inconvenience for many guitarists. Despite the difficulties, they are ideal for musicians who play a lot of solo batches and which are needed a wide range for creativity.

Basian bass guitars

Standard bass guitars are equipped with metal lads, which are pasted into the grinding overlay and divide it into parts. Ladnes help with ease to navigate the genuine guitar and see notes.

Basia bass guitars have a smooth overlay, which is very similar to the double bass or violin. Intelligence in proper notes with due intonation is not the task of not simple and not for beginners. Bass guitarists who play on such tools rely on muscle memory and well-trained ear. They choose this tool because of his smooth and special effect of Glissando, which can usually be heard from the doubles and violinists.


Wood, which is used in the manufacture of the housing and the bass guitar grid, effectively affects its sound, and resonance. The beginners do not necessarily pay attention to this fact, since they simply won't notice the difference between expensive varieties or say leaf wood. Nevertheless, if you are waiting for a certain sound tool, you should not forget about this fact.


Olha is usually used in the manufacture of the housing. It creates a very balanced, clear and solid sound.


Very popular tree, because of its relative cheapness. Agatis is used in the manufacture of hulls for bass guitars. It has a very balanced sound, with minor accents in the lower range, which gives a very rich sound.


There are several types of ash, which is used for the manufacture of bass guitar cases. They all have minor differences, but if we speak in general, then the ash has a bright, one-piece tone, which is very reminded by its properties of alder. Swamp ash is most popular due to its excellent structure.


It is often used on inexpensive tools, as Lipa is "soft" wood. It does not produce sufficient resonance as other species. Some bass guitarists think that it creates a "flat" sound while others think that short sustain is ideal for fast and complex music passages.

The Red tree

A red tree is a very popular wood, because it produces a soft, warm sound that emphasizes the low and medium tone range, as well as creates a long sustain. The red tree is very dense, and consequently heavily.


Klyon, like a red tree, create good sustas, but at the same time, it produces bright and clean sound. Many musicians consider it ideal for the studio.
Expensive BAS-Gitar models can be made of exotic rocks as: African rosewood, wenge, coach or cooker.

What bass guitar will suit me?

Here are some tips (not rules) that will help you with a choice:

  • Buy the best bass guitar, which you can afford. With a good bass you will be easier to learn how to play and serve you for a long service.
  • Do not share the beauty of the infant bass, it is not easy to learn on it, especially if you have never played string tools. Choose those bass guitars that are equipped with frets and good marking.
  • Give your preference to the bass guitar with a smaller length of the Menzura (if you are a young guitarist or if you have small hands).
  • To simplify your life, choose a tool that has four strings.
  • Choose a tool with simple volume control tools and tone so that you can focus only on strings, and not distracted by all sorts of levers, buttons and twisters.
  • Choose a bass, the color and form of which satisfies all your desires. Perhaps he will not sound perfectly, but the appearance can motivate you to play more.

Bass guitar is an excellent tool.

Being a rhythmic and melodic tool, it is used in almost any style of music, so bass players can easily find a group. Bass Funny, because, not being such a showing as a guitar, he directs music, gives her drive. Bass is also relatively simple, understanding and easy to learn. However, our guide will help learn several basic moments when choosing a tool for the first time.

Parts of electrical bass guitar

Style Questions

All bass work equally, regardless of style. You want a bass that is easy for your shoulder and has a sound suitable for music you play. The most important thing for bass, what you like in it. The more it fits you and your music, the more you will play and enjoy.

Bass for beginners

In recent years, many bass "for beginners" have become available. Many of them can be played, although they are not so carefully made as more expensive. They have sensors and equipment not the highest quality, nevertheless, they are quite acceptable to play in the early stages of training. For musicians confident in their abilities and interest, these cheaper tools give to try bass without much costs. If you are confident that your interest will be long-term, it would be better to go a little higher in price and quality. You will not turn into a tool too fast, and not the best bass can make the learning process a little easier.

How many strings

There are, and even bass guitars. If you start, start with a 4-string. You can play anything on the 4-string bass guitar and it is better not to complicate the case when you just start. The advantage of the 5-string is that the 5th string lowers the system to b (s). Modern styles pop and funk often use notes from this range. The 6-string bass guitar expands the range of the tool and from above, and below.

Guitars with hollow case and incomplete

The bass with an incomplete body is the most common type among. In more expensive tools, the housing is often made from a solid piece of wood - alder, maple, ash, a red tree or any other wood that sounds well. In cheaper guitars, the housing can be made of glued or pressed plywood, soft wood. There are even electrical bass with plastic enclosures.

Basin with a hollow body, like an acoustic guitar, use the same magnetic sensors as non-combat. They are used mainly in jazz and folk music, which is quieter and requires more acoustic sound. The famous Hofner bass with a hollow case with cutouts F (used by Paul McCartney). He is an example of such a guitar in rock music. Basin with hollow hulls have the advantage in the fact that they are easier, but, as a rule, are more limited in volume, because feedback occurs faster than the guitars with an incomplete building. There are also semi-hollow enclosures with a solid center and hollow parts.

Another type of hollow bass is. This is a really an acoustic tool with a piezo sensor that allows you to be reinforced. Most often a piezo sensor will be under the bridge (stand), and the preamplifier installed on the guitar allows you to adjust the tone when connected.

Guitar neck

Most of the vultures are made of solid maple or mahogany, because it is a durable tree that will withstand the tension of the strings. Usually, the vulture is made from one whole piece of wood, but sometimes from several pieces of different types of fragrant together for greater strength and rigidity.


Any vulture is a bit bend from tension. For this reason, as a rule, the rod is inserted into the rod, sometimes two, which allows you to straighten the neck.


The linings are usually made from rosewood, maple or black wood. This is an excellent wood, but it may vary in quality. The best linings are smooth, solid and dense, so they wear out very slowly. The pad, as a rule, has a small radius in cross section. On some guitars, the lining will be flat, while others can have a radius of up to 25 cm. The less radius, the stronger the pad has an arcuate form.

Fastening the Grid Bolt.

Most bass have a vulture that is attached to the bolt to the body. The amount and material of the bolts require consideration. You need the bolts to keep the neck not shifted during the game. You also need a link between the neck and the hull to be a Zhetskaya. In addition, it would be nice if the high length of the neck lay on the housing for greater stability and better vibration transmission.

Fastening the griff

There are bass whose ridge is attached to a special cutout in the case, which gives additional strength. This gives an advantage in terms of sound having a good resonance. However, it is more difficult to regulate it than fastening with a bolt.

Solid vigra

In this case, the vulture passes the solid part through the case. Two halves of the housing are attached to the neck. In this case, there are no elements that prevent the decrease in sustaine.


Menzura is the distance between the threshings. Most often Length is 863.6 mm. There are bays with a smaller Menzure (for example, such as Fender Mustang or Gibson EBO) - about 750 mm. These short-acting bass are a good choice for young musicians with small hands, which may have problems with a standard size tool. Long-average tools have a length of about 875 mm. It has more lands and most often on it 5 or 6 strings.

Floor and mandory

If you are a novice, it is likely to better postpone the purchase. To play them requires well-trained rumor. To begin with, it is better to have frets to take notes for sure. After you have developed basic skills, you may want to buy a heartbone bass as a second tool. As soon as you have a mowing bass, you will feel the game as if on Konrabas, which is wonderful for certain styles of music.


The best breeches are made of brass, and often covered with chrome or nickel with silver. The idea is that a more massive bridge will better transmit vibration from the string to the tree. The gear part through which the string passes is called a saddle; It must be adjustable both up and down and back-back. Adjusting the saddle up or down, you can change the distance from the string to the grid. By changing the length of the string (moving the saddle forward or backward), you can improve the intonation of the tool.


There are two main types of sensors: single (from English. "Single"), representing a single electromagnetic coil and a humbucker - a dual coil, as well as their combinations. Single coils are the initial and most simple sensors. They are thinner, the tone is clearer, which cuts over in the general mixer very well. On the other hand, they are noisy than hambkers.

One of the common types of sensors is split coils (for example, Fender Precision Bass). This is the only single sensor capable of functioning as a hambaker. Two halves of the sensor are separated, and one side is inverselyolar other. Thus, you will get a tone that is closer to Singla, but in the absence of noise - like a hambaker.

The Hambaker sensor was created in order to weaken noise, it has a more "fat" sound. Hambaker, however, can sound dirty on high volume.

Most bass have two sensors, and not one that gives a greater tonal range. The sensor located closer to the neck will have a more smoothed, bass sound, and the sensor closer to Bridge - will have a sharper sound saturated with high and medium frequencies.

Electronics: Active and Passive

To determine the active or passive, see the instrument amplifier circuit. Active bass need nutrition, as a rule provided by the battery. The advantage of the active system is a more powerful signal output and greater control over the tone. Active bass can have a separate equalizer dividing the range on the frequency bands - low, medium and high. Some of them even have controls that allow switching sensors.

Passive systems work without a power source and have less control, as a rule, the volume control, tone handle, and the sensor switch, if there are several of them. One of the benefits of passive bass is that it does not depend on the battery that can die in the middle of the concert. The other is easy to operate, and they have more traditional low frequencies.

Main essence

Here are some principles for buying the first bass:

    Buy the best that you can afford. A good bass will make learning easy and you will not turn it quickly.

    Select a tool with freaks if you are not ready to beam.

    Choose a bass with a conventional Menzure.

    Choose a bass with a short Menzure if you are young, small, or have unusually short hands.

    For simplicity, select a tool.

    Choose a bass with simple electronics so that you can focus on the strings, and not distracted by the handles.

    Choose bass colors and forms that like you. Its appearance will not make better sound, but can inspire you more to play.

Dictionary Terminos

Action: The distance from the string to the Grid. The less, the easier it is to play, because the strings should not be strongly clamped.

Piezodatchik:Some crystals of ceramics and polymers exhibit electrical effects. Piezo means pressure (in Greek language), and piezoelectric materials directly convert mechanical oscillations into electrical signals.

Kernel: Metal pin located inside the grill. It allows you to keep the neck from being bent in the arc under the tension of the strings. To access the adjusting screw, some designs require the removal of PickGuard. Sometimes the adjusting screw is in the upper part of the grid, sometimes in the bottom.

An experienced performer, competently using a bass guitar, can significantly enrich the harmony even if there is a developed keyboard or orchestral party and decorate the work of a beautiful solo in the lower case, played in such a pace and with such nuances that are absolutely unavailable for any other bass instrument. There are various types of bass guitars and with them I would like to introduce you today.

Quadruple bass guitars

Standard option - bass guitar with four strings, tuned in quarts from mi to salt (system of four-bundled bass guitar E (MI) - A (la) - D (RE) - G (salt)). Such a tool is absolutely enough to play in any style, and, in addition, the newcomer should begin to learn from the four-edge bass for the production of classical executive equipment. One of the classic bass guitar models is Fender Precision Bass.

Sometimes in the "alternative" music use the so-called Drop - a building setting down the lower string on a note of re (that is, adjusting the lower strings to the Quinta interval). This allows you to use the so-called Power Chord when playing, I use either open third and fourth strings, or clamping them with one finger as Barre.

This setting is not used often, and to facilitate and speed up the "restructuring" at the concert, the rod of the fourth string is sometimes supplied with a special device called D-TUNER or XTender.

This is a kind of "latch", when transferring from one position to the opposite changing system on tone down.


Pyatrunny bass guitars

Five-standing bass guitars have a streak extended by quart down (the fifth string gives a note SI), which makes it easier for the game in some tonalities, such as Mi-Beleol and La-Beleol, which are very comfortable for the artist on the four-string bass guitar. Although it is in fact only a musician running in the ensemble with wind instruments, which are just used in the mainly bramole tonality, in reality the Pentastual Bass loved by the performer of the "heavy" music because of the completely inimitable "meat", which gives the string.

Six-string bass guitars

In the six-stringed bass guitars, the range is expanded in both directions - this is the lower s (quart down from the mi) and the top to the (quart from the salt). They have a very wide vulture, which has to withstand a very significant string tension. The beginners are not recommended to acquire such a tool - rather, it is intended for a jazz or "Slap" (from progressive rock) of the artist who often has to play solo.

With "Ladas" and without "Lady"

Well, finally, the last difference that can have almost all the above tools varieties. This is the presence or absence of lands on the jiff. The hearty bass requires a very accurate coordination of the left hand, like the double bass, which sometimes scares newcomers.

Basian bass guitar