How many degrees can not go to school. At what temperature, you can not go to school, kindergarten and to work: Extreme Temperatures, Useful Tips

How many degrees can not go to school. At what temperature, you can not go to school, kindergarten and to work: Extreme Temperatures, Useful Tips
How many degrees can not go to school. At what temperature, you can not go to school, kindergarten and to work: Extreme Temperatures, Useful Tips

Strong frosts put parents before choosing, sending a child to kindergarten and school or leave at home.

Classes at school are not canceled even in frost weather, but strong frosts and especially with the wind make it possible to abandon learning not only in primary school students, but students of the middle and older learning step.

In which frosts, children do not go to school: who decides where to find out?

Low temperatures are a legal reason not to go to school.

If local authorities decide on the release of schoolchildren from classes, the child on official grounds may not go to school.

There are no clear instructions in the educational SanPiN, at what temperatures, schoolchildren may not learn.

The decision to cancel occupations is made by a local department of education, given the weather conditions specifically for its region or the city at the current time. The message that children may not attend lessons, is officially in the media.

Information about the cancellation of classes can be found on the city site, a decay educational institution or simply call school.

In which frosts, children do not go to school: temperature scale

So, for the central part of Russia, the temperature of -23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees serves as a reason for cancellation of classes. Students of secondary classes may not attend classes at -26-28, and high school students - from -31 degrees and below. Such temperature frames operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk and other cities of the middle strip of Russia.

Accordingly, for the northern regions of the country, these temperature limits are lower, and for the southern above.

So, in the Urals the following scale is applied:

25-28 - The kids do not go to school,
-28-30 - do not study students of grades 5-9,
-30-32 - may not come high school students.

In Siberia, the reason for the cancellation of classes in schools is even lower temperatures. So, for example, in Omsk and Irkutsk, the initial classes do not study at -30 degrees. Schoolchildren of 5-9 classes may not come if the thermometer column is lowered to -32 and -35 degrees. Omsk high school students do not go to school, if on -35, and Irkutan at -40.

In the northern regions of Russia, temperatures for cancellation in schools achieve such values \u200b\u200bthat the Russians from other regions cannot even imagine what it is to go outside to such a frost, not to mention the children to send children somewhere. So, in Yakutia, so that students of the 1-4 grades go to school, the thermometer must fall to -40 degrees! For the middle school, the temperature should be -48, and high school students do not go to study only if on the street -50. True, the inhabitants of Yakutia say that -50 in daytime is rarely a few separate days in the entire winter.

As for the southern regions of Russia, the probability of canceling school classes due to low temperatures is unlikely. Frosts here is extremely rare phenomenon. Even in winter themes, the average air temperature in the south of Russia fluctuates in the area of \u200b\u200b7-8 degrees above zero, and sometimes it reaches +15 and +20 degrees! But in this warm region of Russia, children's institutions may cancel classes due to other weather popsicles: floods, hurricanes, storms. These phenomena here, unlike frost, happen very often, regardless of the time of year.

To cancel classes in schools, due to frosts, not only the temperature on the street and region are taken into account: the strength of the wind is important.

As it is known, with windy weather, the frost is felt stronger, so if the weather was installed in the region not only with low temperatures, but also a strong wind, then the probability of cancellation above. Typically, the temperature threshold of the cancellation of school classes is reduced by 2-3 degrees.

For example, in Altai in the frost, kids do not study at -30 degrees, and if a strong wind is added, then at -27. Schoolchildren of medium and older classes do not go to classes at -35, and if the weather is windy, then in -32 you can stay at home.

Some regions share the temperature limits of classes for rural and urban schools. Usually, city schools are closed with stronger frosts than rural. The difference is the same 2-3 degrees. For example, in Udmurtia, students of primary classes of rural schools may not attend classes at -25, but urban - at -27 degrees. Schoolchildren of the middle and senior link may not go to study at -30.

By the way, it is worth noting that whatever the temperature on the street, in the training classes the thermometer should show no lower than +18 degrees. If in the school building is colder, then it is impossible to conduct classes. The school should either promptly take action, or release children home.

And once again we remind you that the temperature values \u200b\u200bare approximate. Each region annually before the onset of frosts itself determines the temperature at which children may not attend school classes.

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The temperature in which the school is canceled may vary from -25 to -35 degrees. For more information on this topic, you will learn from the materials of the submitted article.


As you know, children and adolescents are carried out in educational institutions almost all their time. That is why the conditions in which they abide are very important for their parents. After all, the lighting of the room and sanitary and hygienic indicators play a huge role for children and immunity. This is due to the fact that the peculiarities of a small organism are such that even minor changes in the microclimate are reflected in thermoregulation. Therefore, all schoolchildren are in dire need of ensuring maximum comfort and appropriate if such conditions in an educational institution are not respected, then the heat of the growing body increases significantly. This often leads to a supercooling that in most cases contributes to the emergence of colds.

In connection with all of the foregoing, it should be noted that almost every parent of a schoolchildren is interested in the question of which temperature should be at which the school is canceled? To respond to it, you should contact the sanitary standards.

Sanitary norms

Surely every child is known, with what weather canceled school. After all, such changes allow "legal" stroll classes. But in addition to the general condition ("strong cold"), there is a more specific temperature at which the school is canceled.

As you know, the microclimate of any room depends on the humidity, air temperature and the speed of its movement. Some of these indicators adjust fairly easy. However, the air temperature in schools depends on several factors. One of them is the heat transfer system of heating. Thus, if the general educational institution is connected to the central heating system, then for a comfortable stay in the building, its guide may additionally install radiators that will have a high efficiency.

It should also be noted that it is quite effectively helping to maintain a normal temperature at school and high-quality glass windows. If such measures are not provided, then the Temperature Journal is recommended in the educational institution. To fill it, it should be measured every day. In the future, the results should be submitted to the heat supply enterprise.

Existing regulations indoors

What is the temperature at which the school cancel? This question concerns not only air temperature on the street, but also indoors. According to current standards, you can visit the general educational institution in the following mode:

  • from 15 degrees in school workshops and shops;
  • from 17 degrees in ordinary training offices;
  • from 15 degrees in the hall for physical culture;
  • from 16 degrees in the general library of school;
  • from 19 degrees in wardrobe and locker rooms;
  • from 17 degrees in restrooms;
  • from 17 degrees in the halls for cultural development (assembly halls);
  • from the 21st degree in the Medical Cabinet.

If the existing temperature in the cabinets and other institutions of the educational institution below said norms, it may well be a question of the abolition of all classes.

Nature has bad weather?

When will cancel classes at school? By asking this question to schoolboy, you will hear the answer that most often it happens in the winter. Indeed, the temperature inside the educational building cannot independently depend on the external temperature. After all, as practice shows, even the thick and high-quality doors and windows cannot save from the strongest cold. That is why winter frosts are very often a reason for the "legitimate" passage of school classes.

Existing standards

In our country, there are the following standards: if the temperature outside the window varies within -25 ...- 40 degrees, then all general educational institutions are required to cancel classes.

By the way, often parents of schoolchildren are interested in the question and what wind will cancel school. After all, this parameter is also of great importance. So, if the wind is less than 2 meters per second, then all training sessions are canceled with the following mode:

  • -30 degrees for those children who are studying in 1-4 grade;
  • -35 degrees for those children who are studying in grades 5-9;
  • -40 Degree for those who are studying in the 10-11 grade.

Cancellation of occupation with very strong wind

If the street exceeds 7 meters per second, then classes in schools are canceled at the following temperature values:

Why cancel classes?

Some people are perplexed why sometimes in winter, classes in schools are canceled. As you know, such approximate standards are introduced in order to protect the health of schoolchildren, the prevention of hypodded and frostbite.

How to learn about the extreme air temperatures?

About unusual for certain regions of our country, local television channels, printed publications and radio reported. Sometimes with the help of the media, the population is informed about the closure of general educational institutions for a certain period of time. However, the best way to learn about whether studying at school is canceled, is a phone call to the teacher, a teacher or a class teacher.

It should also be noted that parents need to be guided and common sense. After all, if the street is the strongest frost, and the road to an educational institution turns into an extreme path, then you should not let go of your child to classes, even if they are not officially canceled. It is better to learn with your children trained in its absence, rather than treat it later after hypothermia.

Will the six days cancel in school?

Talk about the introduction in our country is carried out for quite a long time. And now quite recently, the party "Fair Russia" contributed to the State Duma the relevant bill. As you know, it provides for a mandatory five-day school week, but only for schoolchildren who are trained from the 1st to the 9th grades. As for older students (10 and 11 classes), it is to cancel it six days or not - only the school administration has the right to solve, relying at its discretion.

As is known, the data of the Ministry of Health was promoted to such a bill. After all, as practice shows, recently the load in general educational institutions has grown so much that the children began to hurt much more often.

So when will cancel the six days in schools? Such a school week is offered to introduce the current (2014) year from September 1.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the fact that schoolchildren will receive an additional day off and can be more time to be with their parents, is the most important advantage of this change. However, he has and substantial flaws. Now all learning load will be distributed not for six days, as before, and five. In other words, the number of lessons will noticeably increase. Moreover, students will have to perform more homework.

According to weather forecasters, the air temperature will be somewhere ten degrees below the climatic norm. Ministry of Emergency Situations recommends refraining from a long stay outside

Abnormal frosts are expected in Moscow. On the last week of February, from the 23rd number of nights there will be almost 30 degrees. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Capital and Moscow region advises whether to refrain from long staying on the street and warmly dressing. Drivers recommend abandoning long journeys.

The thermometer will fall to what values \u200b\u200bwill fall, Business FM told the leading expert center of the weather center "Phobos" Evgeny Tishovets:

Evgeny Tishovetsleading Specialist of the Weather Center "Phobos" "The next night, the champions of the thermometer in Moscow will devote up to minus 20 degrees. Well, then - more. 23, 24, 25, February 26, frosts are expected to minus 21-26 in Moscow, and in places and minus 29 degrees. In the afternoon, a maximum of which will have to count on, it is minus 11 - minus 16. A 26, on Monday, even the day the temperature is unlikely to exceed the mark in minus 20 degrees, which is not a record value, but an extremely low indicator and, in general That is ten degrees colder than the climatic norm. "

Mosenergo and MOCE switch to enhanced operation. But predicted frosts are not so strong that classes in schools are canceled. This is what the director of Moscow School No. 117 Irina Baburina:

Irina Baburin director of Moscow School No. 117 "The school itself has no right to cancel classes. In order to cancel classes, you need the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, which on the basis of this data makes a decision. Typically, according to an existing position, if the morning temperature is below 25 degrees, classes are canceled in elementary school. If even lower, then and the whole school. Moreover, classes are canceled, but this does not mean that the school does not work. All teachers in the field, and you understand, not all parents have the opportunity to leave their child at home. Not every employer will liberate a parent from working under the pretext of what has canceled classes in schools. Therefore, the teachers in the field. "

In the Department of Education of the city from comment refused. It is worth noting that in early February, immediately after heavy snowfall, Moscow schoolchildren were allowed for one day a free schedule for visiting classes.

As for the occurrence of spring, it should be expected in the 20th of March, the director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Wilfand said. At the same time, he said that on March 8, the air temperature will be higher than zero, though Fahrenheit.

At what air temperature in the winter can not go to work?

Editor's response

Many Russian regions came severe frosts. January stop may be a legitimate reason not to go to work and to school. Given the weather conditions in a specific region, the decision to cancel classes is made by a local department of education, and at the production of the company's management, taking into account the requirements of TC and sanitary standards.

Workers in production

With extremely low temperatures, the work of specialists of some professions is stopped, and the working day has a working day from employees of those offices that are badly heated. Work in the cold time in the open air or in closed unheated rooms is regulated by Article 109 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the document, open-air persons should be provided for drying for heating, which are necessarily included during working hours. The duration and number of interruptions is determined by the company's administration in conjunction with the trade union organization.

The operation of masonry ceases at a temperature of -25 ° C with the wind more than three points or temperatures -30 ° C without wind.

The work of representatives of other professions related to the outdoor stay is stopped at a temperature -27 ° C with wind more than three points or temperatures -35 ° C without wind.

If activities are related to technology, which during the cold weather, the time of forced downtime should be paid from the calculation of two oxlands.

Office workers

For office workers, weather conditions, according to legislation, do not affect work. Only the temperature in the workplace is taken into account. Working conditions are governed by the Saanic rules and the norms of SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for a microclimate of industrial premises".

According to the document, those who work in the premises are conditionally divided into five categories.

* 1A - sedentary work. This includes managers, office workers, workers sewing and watchmaking. For them, the most comfortable room indoors + 22 ° C - + 24 ° C.

* 1b - If the whole day passes on the legs. For example, these are controlles, sellers consultants. They must work at + 21 ° C - + 23 ° C.

* 2A. - Work involves some physical tension. For example, guides, employees borgsky workshops on machine-building enterprises. The optimal temperature for them is + 19 ° C - + 21 ° C.

* 2B - Work associated with walking and transfer of weights up to ten kilograms. Basically, these are work factories - locksmiths, welders. For them, the room temperature should be + 17 ° C - +19 ° C.

* 3 — Ensures heavy physical work, for example, in foundry and blacksmithing shops. The same category includes movers who carry furniture and technique harder ten kilograms. For them, the temperature is slightly lower - + 16 ° C - + 18 ° C.

When the temperature in the workplace is reduced by 1 degree below the norm, the working time is reduced by 1 hour. Thus, at a temperature of + 19 ° C, the working day of the office worker will be 7 hours, +18 ° C - 6 hours and so on. At a temperature of + 12 ° C and below, the work is terminated and according to article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the working time is in this case paid by the employer in the amount of at least two thirds of the tariff rate.


Kindergarten works at any air temperature on the street. But according to sanitary standards of SanPiN, at an air temperature below -15 ° C and wind speed more than 7 m / s duration of the walk is reduced. The walk is not carried out at the air temperature below -15 ° C and wind speed more than 15 m / s for children up to 4 years, and for children 5-7 years at air temperature below -20 ° C and wind speed more than 15 m / s (for middle strip).


Standards that act today regarding the visits to the children of the school into severe frosts are as follows:

- at a temperature of -25 ° C does not study schoolchildren 1-4 classes of rural schools
- at a temperature of -27 ° C - schoolchildren 1-4 classes of urban and rural schools
- at -30 ° C and all schoolchildren are not learn below - from 1 to grade 11

At the occurrence of the above temperatures, the Ministry of Education issues relevant orders. But the decision to terminate the classes in connection with frosty weather takes the leadership of each educational institution independently. If this decision is made, the child on its foundation can rest from study.

On the abolition of classes in schools, not only the temperature is influenced, but also the strength of the wind. Typically, the temperature threshold of the cancellation of school classes is reduced by 2-3 degrees.

Cancellation in school in the regions

For the northern regions of the country, temperature borders for cancellation lessons are lower. In the Urals, the following scalation is applied:

25 ° С - -28 ° С - kids do not go to school,
-28 ° C - -30 ° C - Students of 5-9 classes are not learn,
-30 ° C - -32 ° С - no high school students may not come.

In Siberia, initial classes are not learn at -30 ° C degrees. Schoolchildren of 5-9 classes may not come if the thermometer column is lowered to -32 ° C and -35 ° C. High school students do not go to school, if on -35 ° C - -40 ° C.

In Yakutia, so that students of 1-4 grades go to school, the thermometer column should fall to -40 ° C of degrees. For high school schoolchildren, the temperature should be -48 ° C, and high school students do not go to study only if on -50 ° C.

At what temperature, you can not go to school, kindergarten and to work: the cold fell to Russia - winter confidently entered into their rights. The inhabitants of the country had an important question - at what temperature, the legislation permits to remain home to children. Recall that for adults there are temperature norms under which the working day is reduced.

At what temperature, you can not go to school, kindergarten and to work: in case of lowering the temperature of the air to minus 25 - 29 degrees, it is allowed not to send to the educational organizations of students from the first to the fourth grades of educational organizations located in the city and students to the ninth grades Educational organizations located in rural areas.

At what temperature, you can not go to school, kindergarten and to work: in case of a decrease in temperature to a minus 30 degrees and is allowed to not be sent to educational organizations of students from the first to the ninth classes of educational organizations located in the city, and all school students from rural educational organizations.

At what temperature, you can not go to school, kindergarten and to work: when specified temperatures, the Ministry of Education issues relevant orders. However, the decision that classes should be discontinued in connection with frosty weather, the leadership of each educational institution accepts independently. On the abolition of classes in schools, not only the temperature is influenced, but also the strength of the wind.

At what temperature, you can not go to school, kindergarten and to work: in the northern regions of the country, the threshold is canceled by Other classes. At a temperature of minus 25 - 28, students from the first to the fourth grade are inclusive. Minus 28 - Minus 30 allow you to rest at home with students of grades 5-9. At a temperature of minus 30 and lower school students are not coming to school. In Siberia, classes at the elementary classes are canceled for minus 30 degrees, 5 - 9 classes do not come to school with minus 35 - 39, and high school students are sitting at home for minus 35 and lower. In Yakutia, the kids stay at home for minus 40, the secondary school cancels classes for minus 48, and high school students can not go to study at minus 50 degrees Celsius.

At what temperature, you can not go to school, kindergarten and to work: kindergartens are required to operate at any air temperature. Sanpin limits only children walks. At air temperature below minus 15 degrees Celsius and wind speed more than 7 m / s Walking are shorter, and at a temperature of minus 15 degrees Celsius and wind speed more than 15 m / s canceled walks for children up to 4 years. For minus 20 degrees Celsius and wind speed more than 15 m / s do not go to walk children 5 - 7 years old.

At what temperature, you can not go to school, kindergarten and to work: at very low air temperatures, the work of some open-air professionals are stopped and the working day is reduced for office workers. Article 109 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation suggests that people operating in the open air should be provided with additional time for heating included during working hours. Masonry stop working at a temperature of minus 25 ° C with wind more than three points, or in minus 30 ° C without wind. For office employees, the law proposes to reduce working hours if the air temperature in the workplace is significantly reduced. When the temperature in the workplace is reduced by 1 degree below the norm, the working time is reduced by 1 hour. The optimal temperature for work depends on the category of positions.