Fabulous hare drawing. How to draw a hare pencil phased

Fabulous hare drawing. How to draw a hare pencil phased
Fabulous hare drawing. How to draw a hare pencil phased

Drawing is a very useful occupation. In addition to the positive emotions received during operation, the child also develops intensively.

Writing classes stimulate creative start and fantasy, contribute to the formation of shallow motility, develop attentiveness and prerequisite. Draw love children of all ages.

It's no secret that kids are most like to draw animals. Finding heroes of cartoons or fairy tales cause delight and storm emotions. And with time, in a child, there may be a desire to draw one or another animal, for example or

But still, one of the most beloved animals is the hare. Cute, mischievous and slightly cowardly, so often falling into various redirects.

In order not to be caught by surprise, at the moment when the child asks to help draw a bunny - Consider how easy it is and quickly do it.

Easy way to draw a bunny for children with a pencil

To draw a bunny drawing for children you will need: A4 paper sheets or drawing album, simple pencils, eraser, color pencils or paints and a comfortable table for creativity. Also importantly try to find 15-20 minutes of free time and good mood.

Performing a drawing of a hare for children, do not forget that it is worth it to tremble towards the first steps of the young artist. In no case criticize the flaws and clumsiness in the process of work.

Do not suppress the initiative of the child - let me show your fantasy. Even if his vision, in your opinion, will spoil the drawing. And never make draw through force. It may forever repeal the hunt for drawing.

Help the child to make the first steps - and soon he will enjoy independent work.

Consider the simplest and rapid ways of the hare image.

Drawing a hare pencil for children stages

We bring to your attention the options for step by step drawings. The main principle of work - from simple - to complex. First, the simplest elements are drawn. Then all the rest are executed step by step, until the completed drawing is formed. It is not necessary to try to draw everything at once.

The youngest artists should try to draw a bunny consisting of a small number of elements.

Many girls want to draw a bunny with a bow.

A little more experience will be required when you see others.

Very attractive looks like a step-by-step drawing of a mischievous bunny.

You can try to independently draw a hare from a cult cartoon "Well, wait."

Also, no one will leave indifferent charming rabbit.

If the bunny is already drawn with a pencil - now it remains to revive the drawing. The simplest solution is to draw trees, mushrooms, trees or sunshine. You can complicate and add additional characters - fabulous heroes. It can be a bun, fox, wolf, etc.

Be sure to add color to work. Strip bunny with colored pencils or paint colors (watercolor or gouache). Flomasters are suitable for this purpose.

If you insert the finished job in the frame - it can decorate your interior or become an original gift for grandparents, grandfathers or other relatives.

Joint work on the manufacture of hare drawings for children can be a real event for the whole family. Minutes of creativity will open a new level of mutual understanding and will give the original drawings that will delight not only authors, but also their relatives.

In this lesson, you can gradually draw a hare. We accustomed to believe that the hare is white, but the hare's fur color depends on the time of year. In the summer and in the spring, the hare gray fur, as if the rabbit and only in the winter the hare changes his painting and becomes white so that the fox or wolf could easily distinguish against the background of white snow. You can not paint the hare with colored pencils, and draw a white hare. This drawing of a hare is made on the tablet, but it can be used to draw a hare Simple pencil.

1. Before drawing a hare Let's make simple contours

To draw a hare divide the sheet of a sheet by 9 identical squares. Lines make barely noticeable so that it is easy to remove them easily. Now it will be easier for you to draw three circumference, with the help of which we gradually and beautifully draw a hare sitting on the grass.

2. contours of the paws hare

After you made the initial contours, the lines dividing the pattern on the squares can be deleted and continue to draw a hare without them. Now you need to draw a few circles for the paw. Since they are completely easy to draw them, I will not comment on this step.

3. We start to draw a hut muzzle

Let's first finish drawing the paws. Please note that the rear paws at the hare are quite long and in the figure they almost touch the front paws. Draw all these contours exactly as on my drawing, just not strongly pressing the pencil, as we will delete some of them. On the head loop, draw the area for the muzzle and two mug for the ears.

4. General contour of the torso and head

If you have drawn all the contours before this stage, now we will make a pencil over the pattern and a bunny will appear like a magician in the circus, just not out of the hat, but on paper, in the form of a picture. Draw at the beginning of the contours of the ears of the hare first, then add the eye contour and then circle the pencil all our "geometry". Start bothering your head to the back leg. Draw the contour of the tail and do not forget to draw a stomach hare and add a line in front. Now you can delete all the extra lines and look drawing hare Almost finished.

5. Latest touches pictures

To completely draw a hare It is necessary to draw it in the details of its muzzle and depict a pencil fur skin. Look, as I painted the muzzle of the hare, and repeat also. Be sure to check the eye drawing.

6. Realistic hare drawing

To tell in detail what you need to do at this stage will take a lot of time, I think you yourself know. But to draw the hare is realistic, it is necessary to draw it exactly in the details. Carefully draw the pupil, nose, mouth, ears and, of course, mustache.

7. Drawing a hare on the tablet

If you decide to paint with colored pencils, you can use this picture made by me on the tablet. To revive a picture of a hare, you can draw the surrounding landscape, for example, green grass and sky.

Externally, the rabbit from the hare is almost no different. Therefore, the drawings of a hare and rabbit can be used to draw these animals.

Agree, the squirrel resembles a hare. The same big front teeth, the rear paws are more than the front. But the rabbit has a very small tail, (so that Lisa could not grasp him), and the protein is fluffy and ears with tassels.

Lessons "How to draw a hare" "Drawing Hamster" are intended for children. I hope you will get a hamster from the first time without mistakes.

Lisa for the hare is the most dangerous and cunning enemy. To protect yourself from the chase Fox, the hare even "refused" from the tail and is forced to change the color of his fur in the winter. And even his paws have such great no accident. The rear leg of the bay can easily "knock out" fox.

Look, how does the kangaroo do not hare? The same huge ears, the front paws are small and jumps a kangaroo as well as hare. Probably, after the drawing of the hare, the kangaroo will quite easily draw.

A cat in boots from the beloved fairy tale or a favorite cat, rabbits, hares often become characteristics of children's drawings. But in order to correct the cat, let's go a little.

Drawing a kitten with a simple pencil looks too faded, it is desirable to add some color at least colored pencils. There are no kittens and they are the most unexpected paintings.

What kind of child is not taken to draw the most likely of the heroes of fairy tales or cartoons? A fluffy resident of the forest, which in the winter changes the color of his fur coat, is one of the most popular characters. That is why for children, and for adults will be interested to know how to draw a hare easily and quickly.

Old good friend

Little babes love very much when they are read aloud. Over time, they begin to ask them to draw them their own bunny or chanterelle. However, not all parents possess the abilities to the visual creativity. Therefore, it makes sense to master the most elementary techniques of drawing representatives of the animal world participating in various plots. And in this case, without an omnipresent good, cowardly, who has become a hare as a character's character, just can not do! Moreover, over time, you will be able to show and explain to your karapuza, as stages to draw a hare with pencil or felt-faucers. For some children, this can be the starting point of a new fascinating hobby.

2 merry hare

According to psychologists, children from an early age should hear the right and full names of the objects of the surrounding world. But with the images of this world, the situation is different. If you are going to draw with the child of animals, then better let it be funny and funny cartoon characters. In this case, the kid will not experience fear of some fauna representatives. For beginners there are several schemes describing how to draw a fairy-tale hare pencil.

Scheme number 1.


1. Pencil make a sketch of bunny contours. To do this, we draw two ovala - the head and torso, we indicate the ears head.

2. Now give these geometric figures the natural shape of body parts.

3. Take the tail of the tail and paws. The front limbs draw bent into the elbows, and the rear is in the knees.

6. We carry out the contours. Figure in pencil ready.


1. Draw a horizontally located oval.

2. Take a semicircle to him so that the mushroom is.

3. In the upper figure, we indicate a circle of frills and eyes.

4. Draw columns of the front and rear paws.

5. Detailing eyes, teesting your nose.

6. Add ears.

7. Draw your fingers on my paws, the inner side of the ear, eyebrows, mustache and mouth. Hare is ready.

9 squares hare

If your baby seriously became interested in the animal world, then he will certainly be delighted with the drawing of the "real" hare.


1. The workspace is divided by 9 squares.

2. We have 3 mug - for the head and for the body. Oval-head passes at the lower border of the upper square, one of the figures of the torso - by intersection of 4.5 and 7.8, and the second figure for the body should be at the junction of squares 5.6 and 8.9.

3. We indicate your ears and face on your head.

6. Add a wool. The animal is ready.

"Well, hare, wait!"

One of the most prominent oblique is considered the hero of the cartoon "Well, wait!" How not to learn to portray this yourself?! Especially since the explanation, how to draw a hare from this animation series, is understandable even to a child.


1. Draw an oval for the head, a rectangle with a bevelled upper side for the body, the line for hands and legs.

2. We start from my head. Draw wool on the cheeks, add ears.

3. Establish a muzzle. At half-face painting eyes, detailing pupils and eyelids with eyelashes.

5. Draw eyebrows and mustache.

6. Draw clothes. Dorify T-shirt and shorts.

7. Speakers of the hands and legs in constructing and detailing the fingers and feet.

8. Color drawing. The most famous cartoon hare is ready.

Cartoon bunnies draw very easily, but to draw a hare in his natural form - this is the task much more complicated! But not so everything is difficult, as it seems at first glance. If you have at least small skills in drawing, then you will easily draw such a wonderful animal very beautifully.

Start the first step, where you need to designate the silhouette of the bunny. Next, go to the next step to draw a sketch, and already in the sixth you can breathe and circle your finished work with a marker. Finally, there should be tone. He will give the animal color and beauty at the same time!

Necessary materials:

  • marker;
  • eraser;
  • pencil;
  • colored pink and blue pencils.

Stages of drawing:

1. To realistically portray the hare, you should designate its silhouette with simple form. Let's do it in the form of geometric shapes - circles. Big oval will be a torso, but a small one.

2. Take a pair of long ears at the top of the head with a pencil. But at the bottom I draw the front paws on the left side, which will be folded among each other. Below on the right side, be sure to draw a bunny of the tail.

3. Remove the eraser line.

4. We combine all the patterns of the pattern into a single integer. Create a bunny contour. Detailing ears, paws, tail, muzzle.

5. Now you need to bring the drawing to complete readiness so that you can draw a black outline, and then decorate it. Tyoving the back leg in the foreground, long mustache, big eyes. Once again, going through the silhouette and, if necessary, add small details that will add naturality to the finished pattern.

6. Communicate a silhouette of a hare. Gentle touch marker handle small features on the face so that the lines are neat and thin.

7. Blue pencil deactivate a bunny torso.

8. Strong pressing of the blue tint on the darkened patterns of the drawing. Also add pink strokes. Be sure to apply the color on the spout and the dignity of the ears.

Children's drawing of a cute bunny is ready!

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How to easily draw a hare pencil in stages - for children and adults. Learning to draw a stickered pencil with a beautiful habit with a child. Learn how quickly and easily learn to draw a beautiful bunny.

Many children and adults want to learn how to draw bunnies, squirrels, a variety of animals, for this we offer you in stages to figure out the hare's drawing.

To learn how to draw a hare is not needed a lot of skills, you must imagine a bunny you want to draw and proceed to drawing.

To make it easy for you to draw, we will tell you how easy it is and just draw a bunny.

Take paper and pencil, look at the bunny drawing, which you will now draw.

Bunny is located on the entire sheet of paper, in the middle of the sheet there is a bunny torso, the head of the bunny is drawn to the left, to the right of his tail.

Draw in the middle of the sheet torso bunny, in the form of a large oval, on the left, do the head of the bunny, it will be in the form of a small oval, slightly above the body and intersect with a big oval, that is, with a hare's torso.

On the right in a large oval, draw a circle - it will be the back pair of the hare.

Now draw the bunny's ears, they are located along the body of the bunny, long, ends on the ears are pointed.

Draw a bunny in the form of oval, they are located at the bottom of the picture, under the big oval.

On the right at the end of the big oval, draw a small circle - it will be a bunny's tail.

Will erase the extra lines in the drawing of the bunny and draw the front and rear paws.

Look at what beautiful bunny you got. Bunny you can paint in any color that you like.

Now let's try to draw another bunny and a little different

Look carefully on the drawing, on which the bunny is drawn. Bunny is located on the whole sheet of paper, most of the sheet takes the body of the bunny. The head of the bunny is drawn to the left, right tail.

Take a sheet of paper, pencil and visually positioning the future drawing on a sheet of paper.

You will start drawing a bunny from my head, so look at right where you need to arrange your future bunny's head.

Look at the shape of the head of the bunny, it looks like an oval, a little not even. Draw on the left on a sheet of paper head bunny, in the form of an uneven oval, cut the bow of the bunny below. Look carefully as a bunny nose is drawn.

Now draw a bunny's ears, the ears should be drawn up, standing, with rounded ends at the ends. Do notise the eye of the bunny, in the form of an oval, the top of the eye will be rounded, and the bottom of the eye is a little pointed down. All you have to draw in the picture is highlighted in black.

Dorisite the ear bunny, paint the eye of the bunny, the eye should be black, a small white circle inside the eye. Everything that needs to be drawn is painted in a black figure.

Now draw a bunny torso, it must be painted almost on the entire sheet, in the center in the form of an oval. In the drawing, everything that needs to be drawn is highlighted in black.

Now draw a bunny's legs, the front paws are visible completely, and the rear can be seen partially. Draw a small tail bunny, it must be drawn on the right side.

Draw a mustache, in the form of a small hatching, across the bunny, apply a small hatching. The hatching will give a beautiful shape of a bunny, fluffiness and outlines.

Look at what a beautiful bunny you got. Bunny can be painted or left in this form.

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Learn to draw, because you can always learn, at any age. Learn to draw your children. We wish you good luck.