"Fairy tales live among us." Family game - KVN

"Fairy tales live among us." Family game - KVN

Speech therapy entertainment KVN in the preparatory group between teams of children and parents.

Integration of educational areas:

“Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.

Types of children's activities:


  • Speech Target: Fostering mutual assistance, collectivism, the ability to work together, help each other, the ability to listen to each other, and a sense of responsibility to one’s team.


    “Speech development”: systematize the knowledge acquired by children in the classroom; develop the grammatical structure of speech; enrich vocabulary, develop memory, speech attention, imagination; develop the ability to learn to think, draw conclusions, analyze; develop phonemic hearing, auditory attention, visual memory.

    "Physical development": develop correct posture, coordinate movements, navigate in space, develop graphic skills, fine motor skills and a sense of rhythm.

    “Artistic and aesthetic development”: develop interest in the artistic word, in speech, expand knowledge and horizons;

    “Social and communicative development”: cultivate independence, self-control, mutual assistance. Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and parents from a joint event. Encouraging children and parents to actively participate. Involving parents in a joint event to establish a good, trusting relationship with the child.

Equipment: KVN letters, cut-out pictures, letters for making words, circles: blue, red, green, hoops (baskets), object pictures, emblems, autumn leaves for the jury.

Progress of entertainment:

I. Participants in the game to the music “We are starting KVN...” enter the hall.

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Let's start our KVN. Today there are two teams participating in it. Your opponents, dear parents, will be your children – the “Umnikov” team. “Wise Men”, and your opponents are the “Wise Men” team. I suggest players choose captains. So here we go! I invite the teams to take their places. Our competition will be assessed by a competent jury (the name and patronymic of the head of the kindergarten’s structural unit will be announced).

1. The first task is warm-up (Logic, memory, thinking). Find the extra word:

1) Bagel, pan, cup, ladle.

2) Sausages, spoon, fork, knife.

3) Pot, frying pan, milk, cup.

4) Teapot, milk jug, cup, boots.

5) Frying pan, pear, sugar bowl, slotted spoon.

6. Coffee pot, candy, saucer, tureen.

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition

2. We continue KVN.

Second competition Minus - plus, Fire - water, Daring - cautious. All antonyms are always opposite.

Game "On the contrary".(Questions are asked alternately to one and the other team). The sugar is sweet, and the pepper The road is wide, and the path... The plasticine is soft, and the stone... The tea is hot, and the ice cream... The jelly is thick, and the fruit drink... The sandpaper sheet is rough, and the sheet of paper... The hare runs quickly, and the turtle crawls... It’s light in the daytime, and in the evening ... The porridge is cooked thick and ... Animals can be brave and ... Carrots can be eaten raw and ... Apples can be small and ...


3. Third competition.

Who wants to talk he must pronounce everything correctly and clearly so that everything is clear. Therefore, the next task is “Who will talk to whom.” (The task is to remember the tongue twister, pronounce it quickly and clearly). From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field. Forty forty ate the cheese in a short time. The cuckoo bought a hood. The cuckoo put on a hood. He looks funny in a hood. The spruce looks like a hedgehog, and the spruce with needles also looks like a hedgehog. The crow missed the crow. On a marsh hummock in the dark night, a bird duck drank some water. Thirty-three cars in a row chatter and rattle. The bells are ringing near the stake. The owl advises the owl that the neighbor should sleep on the sofa. On the sofa you will have such a sweet dream about the owls.

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury gives marks and comments on the competition.

4.Fourth competition"Tell a poem." For this task I invite team captains. I ask the captains of both teams to come to me. The task for you is very simple: you need to recite poems using gestures and facial expressions. The opponents’ task is to guess the “told” poem. For the “Wise Men” team - the poem “Teddy Bear” For the “Wise Men” team - the poem “They dropped the bear on the floor...”

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come. Giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

5. The fifth competition is “Knowledge Competition”. It consists of 4 tasks.

- 1. First task “Choose pictures with the sound K from the tray “Parents look for the sound K in the middle of the word, and children look for the sound K at the beginning, and then the captain calls the player who tells why he collected these particular items. For example: “Pan, in this word the sound “K” is at the beginning of the word.”

- 2.Second task “Guess the encrypted word.” (They name the word by the sounds of the team and guess) For parents, the word is KNIVES, and for children, SPOONS.

- 3. Third task “Cryptographers” (sound analysis of a word)“Lay out the circles” and overtake the team of wise men . We remember that hard consonants are indicated by a blue circle, and soft consonants by a green circle. Vowel sounds are circled in red. Each team makes words from the circles. Children say CUPS, and parents. MUGS.

- 4 Task “Guess the word by the first sounds of the words. Pictures are displayed first for the first team, and then for the second. U mniki LADLE - saucepan, hoop, bucket, slotted spoon. Smarties Sages. TEAPOT – stocking, watermelon, iodine, thread, needle.

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury gives marks and comments on the competition.

6. Sixth task “Say a word.” We start this task with the parents. There is one game for you:
I'll read the poems now
I'll start, and you try,

Necessary words
Add in unison.

1. And in the fall everything is green

It’s thick, pine…(forest)

2.If the sun is hot

Or the rain wets the lawn,

It won't scare us

The umbrella will cover you and me

3. Along the river, along the water of the clouds, a caravan

It's spreading white, autumn... (fog)

4. To keep us warm,

We wear it in the fall...(coat)

5. There are gray autumn clouds

Your angry leader,

Shoots arrows all day - Silver (rain)

6. Everyone is happy about such a miracle - autumn gives us (leaf fall)

7. The fields are empty,
The ground gets wet
The rain is pouring down.
When does this happen? (autumn)

8. The garden in the village is empty,
Cobwebs fly into the distance,
And to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes arrived.
School doors opened.
What month has it come to us? (September)

9. Nature’s face is becoming increasingly gloomy:
The gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are fading,
The bear fell into hibernation.
What month did he come to us? (October)

10.The field became black and white;
Now it rains, now it snows,
And it got colder -
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
The winter rye is freezing in the field.
What month is it, tell me? (november)

11. It is unknown where he lives.
It will fly and bend the trees.
Whistles - there is a shiver along the river
You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop. (wind)

12. Sacks with holes are wandering around,
And it happens sometimes
Water flows from the bags.
Let's hide better
From the holey...(cloud)

13. Came without paints and without a brush,
And I repainted all the leaves. (autumn)

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury gives marks and comments on the competition.

7.Seventh task “Collect a picture.” Tell me what parts the object consists of.

8. Eighth task: “Find the answer” It happens in the mornings and evenings; because of it you can’t see anything ahead. When he walks, he never ceases to feel sad in his soul and wet on the street. It is very beautiful and solemn that the trees shed their golden outfit... He can whisper, whistle, rage, get angry, push passers-by in the back, tear leaves from the trees. It looks like snow needles that decorate tree branches. She floats across the sky, dark, threatening, and then suddenly bursts into tears with bitter tears.

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury gives marks and comments on the competition.

9. Ninth task. "Find the error" I will name words denoting objects and phenomena related to autumn, but I will deliberately make mistakes. Your task is to find them.

Leaf fall, the beginning of the school year, snowdrops, wind.

Fog, frost, mushroom picking, ice drift.

Santa Claus, harvest, birds flying away, first snow.

Clouds, opening of the swimming season, rains, colder temperatures.

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

10..Tenth task. Working with matches. It often rains in autumn, and therefore we cannot do without an umbrella. Look how the picture of an umbrella made of matches is drawn on the piece of paper. I give both teams a few seconds to remember the image. Now I’ll turn the leaf over, and you can repeat it from memory too...

Now let's complicate the tasks. Arrange just two matches so that you get three identical triangles. Which team can handle it faster?

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

11. Presenter (speech therapist): Assignment - “Learn the word.” Children are called: 6 people, the speech therapist speaks 1 sound in each ear, then they pronounce these sounds in turn and learn the word P-O-B-E-D-A (VICTORY); Then parents - 6 people - the word D-R -U-Z-B-A (FRIENDSHIP)

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition. In the meantime, while the jury is deliberating and summing up the final results, I announce a musical break (the tape recorder turns on). Now comes the most important moment. No matter who is ahead, we can say with confidence: friendship, ingenuity and resourcefulness won today.

Meanwhile, the jury summed up the results. Leading: We thank our jury members for their creative work in judging our competitions. And we thank the team members for their resourcefulness, ingenuity and perseverance in achieving fame and success. Prizes or certificates are awarded.

Leading: We hope for new tournaments, games, meetings!

A child reads a poem

We thought and had fun

And sometimes they even argued

But we became very good friends

Behind our game.

Game is replaced by game,

Game over!

But the friendship doesn't end there. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

The final countdown.

We are finishing our holiday

And let's count it all together:

May everything work out for you in life!

May you always be healthy!

To warm the soul from the inside - three!

May everyone live in love and peace - four!

To never lose heart - five!

So you can’t count your friends – six!

To give warmth to everyone - seven!

May the autumn be fruitful - eight!

That everything will be fine, believe - nine!

And finally, more

Ten good songs!

More kindness, patience, effort...

Well, let's say goodbye and tell everyone...



Leading.: Hello! Today I propose to travel around the Land of Childhood. Children are our tomorrow. All of us, in turn, were also residents of this amazing country, we wanted to quickly understand the world around us, we were in a hurry to grow, we dreamed of becoming adults as soon as possible. Now we are adults, but the further we move away from this country, the more often we want to look into it. In childhood, a person becomes acquainted with many phenomena for the first time, and the first ones are the most striking. Scientists say that in the first five years of life a person receives most of all life information. And what a little person learns from us, what he learns, will depend on what he will become. When a child appears in the house, our childhood, games, fairy tales, songs that are passed on from generation to generation emerge from the storehouses of our memory. There are no trains going to the Land of Childhood, no planes flying, you can get there only with the help of memory. Today, on the day (of family or child protection), we will hold a competition. And let’s call it, according to tradition, KVN.

RECORDING WITH KVN SONG IS TURNED ON(We are starting KVN. For whom?..) By tradition, KVN can never do without a jury. (Imagine it). And without commands. (Introduce) You and I, dear friends, will have several competitions. Our tasks will not be difficult, but everyone will have to think, and we will try to make sure everyone has fun. Let's remember where our childhood begins (pause)

A LULLABY SOUNDS" Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word". That's right, with a lullaby. Who is the author of this lullaby? (People) So I offer you 1 competition - perform lullabies. One team starts...and the other picks up...etc. 2 competition : But there are not only folk lullabies, but also others. I suggest you listen to excerpts with audio recordings. You must recognize the song. If you also name the author and performers, you get additional points. Lullabies: “Bears and elephants are sleeping” (music by Isaac Osipovich Dunaevsky), “Sleep, my joy” (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart), “Sleep, my Svetlana” (Tikhona Nikolaevich Khrennikova), “Bai-bai, baby” (Anzhelika Varum ), “Bai-bai” (Tatyana Bulanova), “Tired toys are sleeping” (music by Ostrovsky, lyrics by Z. Petrova), lullabies from the cartoons “Bremen Town Musicians”, from “Umka” (music by Evgeny Krylov, lyrics by Yu . Yakovleva), “Pug-nosed noses are sniffling” (Spanish: Valentina Tolkunova) I also suggest that everyone remember the film where the lullabies were played. While the jury is deliberating, I invite the “fans” to play with us too.

1. I have envelopes: I suggest you choose an envelope for yourself. You see letters in them: one “K”. in another “M”, in another “S”. You need to create a menu for the whole day, starting with this letter.

2. Memory test: try to remember the animals that are depicted here (interactive board). The cubs of the same animals are depicted here. But one thing is missing. Which one? Game “Mom, Dad, Cub” So, the correct answer was given by the fans from the team... We ask the jury to take into account.THE JURY SUMMES UP THE RESULTS1.2 competitions. Host: We continue our competition. Competition 3: The name of the lullaby song comes from what words? You need to choose the correct answers (underline) WORDS: cradle, swing, oscillate, tales, baize, lull, talk, whisper, tell. (all words are suitable)

GAME FOR FANS.Questions: 1.Which animal was the first to become a pet? (dog) 2. Which animal is still worshiped in India today? (cow) 3. How much milk can an ordinary cow produce per year? (3-5 thousand l) 4.What kind of poultry was brought from Europe? (turkey) 5. What kind of down are Orenburg down scarves made of? (goat) 4 competition : Here is a child who has grown up a little and comes to our nursery. Many of them do not know how to speak yet. You need to understand him. The task for each team is to show something interesting, and the other team must guess what the “child” is saying or asking. Competition “UNDERSTAND ME” “What we do, we won’t tell you, what we do, we’ll show you.” While the teams are preparing, I invite fans to make a drawing using geometric shapes.

THE JURY'S WORD Evaluations of 3 and 4 competitions. MENU REPORT (read out) Competition 5: “CALM THE CHILD”Proverbs, sayings, songs, etc. can help with this. - Russian folklore. (You can use literature, attributes)MODE MOMENTS: while eating, dressing, undressing, feeding, washing, walking, playing, getting up, exercising, etc.FANS ARE OFFERED THE NEXT GAME “PICK UP THE WORDS”(Insert letters into the missing cells to make words. (For example, brownie, box, funnel, spikelet, rhinoceros, etc.) Presenter: Now the child has grown up and asks to tell something funnier. The next 6th competition “TELL A JOKING FAIRY TALE- SKETCH" (homework)

KVN for children and parents of the senior group on speech development with elements of sand therapy.

Entertainment in the senior group “Journey to the Sand Country”. Scenario

Target: strengthening the connection between family and kindergarten in order to ensure the unity of speech influence on preschoolers.
Equipment: two basins with sand, dummies of vegetables and fruits, a basket, cut-out pictures, blank sheets of paper, pens, wet wipes, a winner’s diploma (2 pieces) and a participant’s diploma, prizes.


Leading. I inform everyone, everyone, everyone, we are starting our KVN! I ask you to welcome our teams: the “Friendship” team and the “Smile” team. (music from KVN sounds, teams enter and take their places at the tables). Today we have gathered here to play, have fun, show ourselves and look at others. It’s great that we succeeded, because a very exciting and interesting journey to the sand country awaits us. But in order for us to get there, I suggest you close your eyes and say the magic words:
We close our eyes tightly
And we all count to five:
One two three four five
You can open your eyes now.
Hello dear guests, I am the sand fairy. I am very glad to welcome you to my country. As in any other journey, there will be difficulties and obstacles on your way, and in order to overcome them you will need courage, bravery, ingenuity and, of course, knowledge. To begin with, I would like to introduce you to our jury, which will evaluate your success. (I represent the jury). well,
I introduced you to the jury, and now I invite the teams to meet and greet each other. This is our first competition task, which is called “Greeting”. Let's start with the "Friendship" team, please. (the team captain stands up, says the team name, motto and greeting to the opponents).
Host: Thank you. And now the “Smile” team, please. (the team captain stands up, says the team name, motto and greeting to the opponents).
Host: Well, we move on to the second competition task “Warm-up,” which is called “Complete the sentence.” I will say the beginning of the sentence, and you must finish it with one word. For example, I will say “One chair, but many...”, and you should say “... chairs.” I will read out
proposals to each team in turn; if one of the teams finds it difficult, the opponents can answer. Is everyone clear? Well, okay, then be careful, we are starting with the “Friendship” team.
One table, but many...(tables)
One wardrobe, but many...(cabinets)
One sock, but many...(socks)
One shoe, but many...(shoes)
One bed, but many...(beds)
One bow, but many... (bows)
One coat, but many...(coat)
One chair, but many...(chairs)
One car, but many...(cars)
One boot, but many...(boots)
One dress, but many...(dresses)
One stocking, but many...(stockings).
Host: Well, you did a great job with the warm-up, let's see what happens next. The next competition is called “Collect a picture.” Now I will tell you about the rules of this competition. Please note that here (I draw the attention of those present to the basins with sand) there are two mini-sandboxes, each team has its own. There are parts of a cut picture hidden in the sand that need to be found and put together. For this competition you have a certain time, exactly as long as the hourglass shows. You must complete the task before all the sand is poured out. Is everything clear to everyone? (Yes) Well, okay, then I turn the clock over and the time has gone. (Teams begin to complete the task).
Host: Dear viewers, while our teams are busy, I suggest you play a little, practice your quick thinking and speech. I will ask riddles, and then you will guess them. So, let's begin.

He is kinder than everyone else in the world,
He heals sick animals,
And one day a hippopotamus
He pulled him out of the swamp.

He's famous, famous
This is the doctor... (Aibolit)

Escaped from the dirty
Cups, spoons and pans.
She is looking for them, calling them
And on the road she sheds tears. (Fedora)

What a weird one
Wooden man
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key?
He sticks his long nose everywhere
Who is this? -...(Pinocchio)

I didn’t tremble before the wolf,
Ran away from the bear
And the fox's teeth
Still got caught... (Kolobok)

A girl appeared in a flower cup,
And that girl was no bigger than a marigold.
Who has read such a book?
Knows a little girl. (Thumbelina)

We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let a wolf into the house...
Who were these
Small children? (seven kids)

Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (three Bears)

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,
And in this swamp, someone raised her.
Who, having said goodbye to green skin,
Did you instantly become beautiful and comely? (Princess Frog).

Host: I hope you liked this game. But it's time for us to return to our teams. There is very little sand left in our clock, it’s about to run out... That’s it, time is up, let’s see what our teams did. Let's start with the “Smile” command. Sasha, please tell me what is shown in your picture and what is it for? (child answers).
Absolutely right, well done. Now it’s your turn, Team “Friendship”, Olya, please answer. (child's answer).
That's right, well done. You can go to your seats. Both teams completely coped with the task, but how you did it will be assessed by our respected jury, who watched you closely. And we will move on to the next competition, the captains’ competition called “Plant Vegetables and Fruits.” I ask you, captains, come to me. So, guys, imagine that these are your small garden plots and you need to plant vegetables or fruits on them. And here is a basket with these same vegetables and fruits. In order for everything to be fair, we will choose by lot who will plant what. I have two cards in my hands, one says “vegetables” and the other says “fruits”. I suggest you choose any of them. (children take cards). Well, let's see who got what. Masha, the captain of the “Friendship” team, has the word “vegetables” written on it, which means Masha plants vegetables. And Dima, the captain of the “Smile” team, has the word “fruit”, and therefore he will plant fruit. Other team members can support their captains, and
root for them. So, guys, get ready and start. (captains complete the task, team members cheer for them).
Host: So, both captains completed the task, well done guys. Now let's check if you did it correctly. I give the floor to the captain of the “Smile” team. Dima, tell us what you planted on your plot. (apple, pear, orange, etc.). How can you call it in one word? (fruits). You are right, well done. Well, now let’s check whether the captain of the “Friendship” team coped with the task. Masha, please tell us what you planted (carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.). How to call it in one word? (vegetables). That's right, these are vegetables, well done. Well done guys, I congratulate you, you did a great job, you can go to your teams, and we will continue our journey through the sandy country. We have a final competition ahead of you, called “Homework”. The teams had to come up with a game with sand and today tell us about it, that is, the purpose of the game and how to play it. Dear teams, you have a few minutes to get ready and present your game to us. You can start. And I again appeal to you, dear viewers. So that you don’t get bored and suddenly fall asleep while our teams are getting ready, I suggest you play a little more. The game is called “Come up with a proposal”. The rules of the game are simple: I will say a word, and you will quickly come up with a sentence using this word. For example: I will say the word “nearby”, and you will quickly answer “I live next to the kindergarten.” So, attention.
Travel (I like to travel the world)
Kindergarten (I really love going to kindergarten)
Sand (Yesterday they brought sand to our kindergarten)
Mom (My mom is the best)
Family (We have a friendly family)
Children (Children are the flowers of life).
Host: Great, your quick thinking is well developed. It was a pleasure to play with you, but we need to return to the teams, they are already ready, aren’t they? (Yes). Well, let’s begin and I give the floor to the “Friendship” team. Please, we are listening to you. (One of the adults tells the goals and course of the game).
Thank you, well done, and now we give the floor to the “Smile” team. Please, you have the floor. (One of the adults tells the goals and course of the game). Great, well done.
Host: As a rule, everything in this life ends someday, so our journey has come to an end. You are all great guys, you completed all the tasks and showed your good knowledge and skills. And now I want to turn to our distinguished jury: are you ready to announce the results or do you need time? (We're ready) Then the floor is yours. (the jury announces the results). And now we move on to the most solemn and joyful event: the award ceremony. (I present prizes to the teams). I congratulate everyone, I wish you that parents spend time with their children as often as possible, because this is so important.
We were born to live joyfully,
To play together, to be strong friends.
To give each other smiles and flowers,
May all our dreams come true in life.
Thank you for your participation and see you again.

Publications on the topic:

KVN script for family teams of older preschoolers and their parents “What do we know about nature and its protection” Leading. Today we have gathered to test your knowledge about nature and its conservation. Three teams will compete, consisting of:

Round table with parents “Cultivating a conscious and effective attitude towards nature” The aggravation of environmental problems in the modern world dictates the need for intensive educational and educational work on the formation.

KVN with parents “Native Village” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about their native village as a part of our Motherland; cultivate love for the small Motherland; develop interest and desire.

Methodological development of integrated environmental activities in preschool educational institutions in the form of KVN “Be a friend of nature” Ecological KVN "Be a friend of nature" (for children of the preparatory group for school and their parents)

Memo for parents on ecology “Touch nature with your heart!”“I picked a flower and it withered. I caught a butterfly and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can only touch nature.

Project on environmental education of preschool children “Touch nature with your heart” 1 slide: MADOU DS No. 15 Project in the preparatory group: “Touch nature with your heart” 3 slide: GOAL: Formation of primary ideas.

Scenario of the winter reading competition “Touch nature with your soul” Scenario of the winter reading competition “Touch nature with your soul” Presenter. Good afternoon dear friends! The most long-awaited holiday has arrived.

Environmental consultation for parents “Touch nature with your heart” Everything good in people comes from childhood! How to awaken the origins of goodness? Touch nature with all your heart! Be surprised, learn, love! We want,.

Environmental KVN with parents Goal: To create conditions for parental interest in environmental education for children and ecology in general. Objectives: Creating conditions for attraction.

Intellectual game - KVN for older preschoolers and parents.

Ryazanova Anastasia Viktorovna, teacher of the first qualification category of the educational non-profit organization "Children's Center "Orangereya" in the city of Obninsk.
Description of material: This material is intended for children in the senior cognitive development group. It will be useful for preschool teachers and parents.
Target: equipping the family with pedagogical knowledge and skills in joint activities organized in a certain way.
- bring children joy and pleasure from joint activities with parents;
- introduce proverbs that contain numbers;
- consolidate the composition of numbers;
- develop logical thinking, intelligence, ingenuity in children,
counting skills, ability to solve riddles, use measurements;
- cultivate a desire to play educational games, perseverance, determination, respect for each other.
Material: two Whatman paper, markers, 2 sets of numbers from 1 to 10, 2 envelopes with geometric shapes, 4 ribbons of different lengths, 4 measurements, 2 trays, chips and a box, audio recording, reward.

KVN progress:

Today is an unusual day for us,
We are sincerely glad to welcome you!
We gathered in this hall for a smart game,
The moment to start it has come!

So, today two teams are competing in the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful - these are “Smart Guys” (children) and “Knowledgeable People” (parents).
Teams, greet each other!

Bunnies know everything in the world
Questions are answered.
And we want to tell you -
We will win in KaVeeNe!

"Smart Guys"
One two three four five,
We came here to play;
We will quickly shortchange you,
We know math!

Both teams (addressing fans):
You fans, cheer
But don't take the pills.
Clap your hands
And stomp your feet!

We are starting a mathematical intellectual game among children and parents.

Competition No. 1. “Geometric shapes.”
The winner of this competition is the team that quickly completes the geometric shapes to create an image without repetitions. Each team is given one sheet of whatman paper on which geometric figures are drawn, and one colored marker. Music sounds, participants draw figures, creating one or another image.

Competition No. 2.
"Riddles about numbers."
(for children)
1. I am more important than everyone because
I can confuse you.
If I turn over
Then I’ll turn into someone else. (Six, nine.)

2. A number like the letter “O”,
But it doesn't mean anything. (Zero.)

3. The number looks like a toy -
Tumbler rattle.
Don't hit it on the ground.
Everyone understands this. (Eight.)

4. Nolik, stand behind one,
For my own sister.
It's the only way when you're together
They will call you... (Ten.)

5. Neither the crane nor the tit.
But just... (One.)

6. With a light stroke of the pen
A number appeared... (Two.)

7. This figure is simply a miracle.
She has relatives everywhere.
It's even in the alphabet
She has a twin sister. (Troika.)

8. Either a number or a fork,
Or a fork in two roads.
In a student notebook
I know for sure - everyone is happy with her. (Four.)

9. Mom looks on impatiently
On the pages of the diary.
Waiting for the coveted assessment
A mischievous son.
But again only fours.
There is no beauty... (Fives.)

10. The braid curls in the wind,
And in the middle of the back there is a stripe. (Seven.)

“Name proverbs and sayings that contain numbers.”(for parents)
Zero without a stick.
Zero attention.
Nothing comes for free.
One mind is good, but two are better.
There is safety in numbers.
One for all and all for one.
One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.
One bee will make a little honey.
You can't clap your hands with one hand.
Only truth lives in the world.
Alone at sea is not a fisherman.
One hand does not knit a knot.
One is plowing, and seven are waving their arms.
One leg here, the other there.

The hedgehog has one strength - its spines.
Once you lie, you become a liar forever.
One is in the harrow, and everyone is to the side.
Alone, like a month in the sky.
One about Thomas, the other about Yerema.
One chops, and the other blows a trumpet.
One misfortune does not go away: misfortune will give birth to misfortune.
One head it's good, but two better.
One swallow does not make spring.
One fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey.
Sleep with one eye and watch with the other.
One ear is deaf.
Birds of a feather.
Where there are more than two, they speak out loud.
Two of a Kind.
As two drops of water.
He who helped quickly helped twice.
Between two fires.
Can't put two words together.
Not two, not one and a half.
Sit between two chairs.
Miser pays twice..
Grandma said in two.
Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.
For one beaten, they give two unbeaten.
Choose the lesser of two evils.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
Two bears will not get along in the same den
You can't wear two pairs of sandals at once.
Two fools, each with two fists.
Two Demids, but both cannot see.
Don't die twice.
Two dogs are fighting - don't bother the third one. Two fight - the third one doesn't interfere.
The price for a braggart is three kopecks.
Get lost in three pines.
They've been waiting for the promised thing for three years.
Cry in three streams.
Bend over to death.
He walks as if he hasn’t eaten for three days.
Three hairs are laid in 6 rows.
He talked like three boxes.
If you work for two, you eat for three.
Without the Trinity, a house cannot be built, without four corners a hut cannot be built.
The horse has four legs, and even he stumbles. (Everyone can make a mistake, find themselves in a difficult situation. It is said to justify someone’s mistake.)
On all four sides. (Wherever you want to go, get away, drive away, let go.)
Live within four walls. (Without communicating with anyone, being alone. Without leaving the house.)
In an open field there are four wills (either this way, even here, even equally).
Four stakes are driven in, and the sky is covered.
The jury has four eyes, and more than one conscience.
Four hard millstones will not grind good flour.
Like the back of my hand. (To know very well, thoroughly, thoroughly.)
The fifth wheel in the cart. (An extra person, unnecessary in any matter.)
From fifth to tenth. (An expression used instead of a detailed listing or name of something.)
It’s spacious for five, but cramped for two.
He who gives receives 5 much; whoever takes it, even 6 is not enough (Karakalpak).
He has six tricks and five deceptions.
It is better to forgive six guilty people than to execute one innocent person.
The six of us will go - we will go far.
Seven Fridays a week.
Seven deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Seven on the benches
Seven miles to heaven and all through forest.
Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
We ate seven times but did not sit at the table
To sip jelly seven miles away.
Seven don't wait for one
Seven gates and all into the garden.
Onion - from seven ailments
Seventh water on jelly.
Seven troubles - one answer
Seven spans in the forehead
Measure 7 times - cut 1 time.
For a beloved friend, seven miles is not the outskirts
A secret sealed with seven seals.
For a mad dog, seven miles is not a circle
Seven sweats dropped. Martok, put on seven parkas.
Autumn - eight changes.
The eighth wonder of the world. (Used to mean something extraordinary, grandiose, but sometimes in an ironic sense).
He was silent for seven years, and cried out on the eighth.
If you lose once, you will win nine times.
The ninth death is bothering the cat.
Everyone is seven, the owner is eight, the hostess is nine, which divides evenly.
Nine mice pulled together and pulled the lid off the tub.
Nine people is the same as ten.
Nine circles of hell (pass) - “The Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri.
Case ten. (Not that important; not at all significant).
Not the cowardly ten. (Brave, fearless).
The bear has ten songs and all about honey.
In a house with 10 maids, the floor cannot be swept (Tatar).
Ten knowledgeable people are not worth one who does the work.
Other numbers:
Better to see once than hear a hundred times.
Twenty-five again.
Forty years is a woman's age.
Forty years is not forty turnips.
A fool will throw a stone into the water, but two smart people will not pull it out.
They drag seven people up the mountain, but they push one down the mountain.
Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends
One brave man and a thousand cowards cannot replace.
A thousand friends are few, one enemy is many (Turkish).
And a thousand rumors are not yet true (Mongolian).
A thousand talents, but no heart (Japanese).
He who is learned is protected from a thousand troubles (Tatar).
Now let's rest a little and warm up.

Physical exercise “Numbers”.

While the music is playing, the participants are having fun and jumping. As soon as the music stops playing, the presenter raises a card with a number. The figure shows that the participants must unite and join hands.

Competition No. 3. "Geometric Fantasy"
Each team receives an envelope with geometric shapes.
Task: collect an animal from them while the music is playing and name it.

Leading: Raise your hand and answer quickly!

Competition No. 4. “Entertaining problems.”

"Smart Guys"
1. Five guys played football.
One was taken home.
He looks out the window, thinks,
How many of them are playing now?
(5-1 =4)
1. Two fathers and two sons were walking.
We found three oranges.
Didn't cut, didn't saw,
but divided equally.
How can it be?
(Answer: they were grandfather, father and son.)
"Smart Guys"
2. A rooster flew up onto the fence
Talking out loud:
- Help me friends,
I suddenly lost count:
I ate three grains yesterday
And today there are only two
Help me count
How many grains did I eat?
2. There were 50 candles burning in the room,
20 of them blew out.
How many will be left?
(Answer: 20 candles will remain,
and not blown out 30 will burn out.)
"Smart Guys"
3. The hedgehog went mushroom hunting
And I found 6 saffron milk caps
3 he put in the basket,
The rest are on the back.
How many saffron milk caps will you take?
A hedgehog on its needles?
3. The table has 4 corners.
If you saw off one,
how many corners will remain?
"Smart Guys"
4. Nadyusha has five notebooks,
There are blots in them and a mess.
Nadya needs a draft.
Vasya, first student,
He also gave Nadya a notebook
How many notebooks does she have?
4. The hare invited for the New Year
two bears, three hedgehogs.
How many appliances should he keep?
(None - the animals do not eat from plates. The hedgehog and the bear sleep in winter.)
"Smart Guys"
5. 6 baby bears
Mom put me to bed.
One can't sleep.
How many people have good dreams?
5. What year lasts one day?
(Old New Year.)
"Smart Guys"
6. Four ripe pears
Swung on a branch
Pavlusha picked two pears,
How many pears are left?
6. How to divide 5 apples between
five children so that
everyone could get an apple,
and one left in the cart?
(Give one apple along with the basket.)
"Smart Guys"
7. The squirrel sisters were sitting
Six of us in a hollow tree.
Another one rushed towards them -
She was fleeing the rain.
Everyone is staying warm now.
How many squirrels are there in the hollow?
7. When we look at
number 2, but we say 10?
(Answer: When we look at a clock that shows 10 minutes
any hour.)

Competition No. 5. “Measure the tape.”

All participants in the competition have ribbons of different lengths, but to measure them, teams receive the same measurements.