Quatrain on the theme of a match and fire. Fire safety for kids

Quatrain on the theme of a match and fire.  Fire safety for kids
Quatrain on the theme of a match and fire. Fire safety for kids

Poems for children about fire safety will help teachers and educators better conduct life safety lessons and classes on this topic in kindergarten. As illustrations for poems, you can use pictures about fire safety.

Let every citizen know that the firefighter number is “01”

1. Fire service telephone number – 01

Fire and smoke from all sides,
We urgently need a phone.
Dial simple numbers
And give the exact address.

2. Never forget that the iron and other electrical appliances are turned on

Baby bear's favorite girl Mila
One day I decided to iron my pants.
I turned on the iron without my mother noticing
And soon I completely forgot about him.
The iron got hot, my pants caught fire...
The fire destroyed toys and books.

If the device accidentally sparks,
Stopped heating or suddenly started smoking,
Then quickly turn it off!
Only then find out until the end,
What happened and what to do with him,
Can this device be repaired?
The device will remain on -
It is very dangerous to touch it:
Or you'll get a shock
Or a spark will start a fire.
So don't waste your time
And unplug the device from the socket!
Pulled the plug? –
Then it's alright
Feel free to eliminate the shortcomings now!

3. Matches are not toys for children!

In a lighter or match -
Ogonyochek - small
Asks: “Play with me,
I’m timid and tame.”
But he's a bad toy:
Set fire to the sofa, pillow,
Books, table, carpet, wallpaper,
And it will start a big fire.
What should we remember?
Children don't need matches!

Small in stature -
Small matches.
Just touch the matches
Don't have a habit!

I found a box of matches
And he poured it on the table,
I wanted to make fireworks -
Everything went up in flames, the light went dark!
I don't remember anything else!
Only the flame burns all of me...
I hear screams, the sound of water...
How much trouble comes from the fire!
They barely managed to save me,
But they didn’t manage to get the apartment.
Now I'm in the hospital
And I can barely stand the pain.
I want to remind you, friends,
You can't play with matches!

Guys, they tell you for a reason!
You can't play with matches!
Fire is dangerous, unfortunately.
For all people without exception!

4. You cannot set poplar fluff on fire!

The boys set the fluff on fire,
But the fire did not go out.
Poplar fluff is burning,
Flames are running through the yard...
Someone's car caught fire -
A very scary picture!
We must remember, we must know:
It is dangerous to set fire to fluff!

5. You can’t play around with fireworks in your apartment.

Once suggested by Roma
Fireworks at home
Of twelve missiles,
While mom and dad are away.
Roma took the rockets in his hands,
I set four of them on fire.
Didn't have to have fun -
We are both in the hospital.
Noses and cheeks burned.
Fireworks are no joke!

6. Don't light real candles on the Christmas tree!

Candles decorate the Christmas tree -
The lights on it are blinking.
Suddenly a light caught fire
For the silver flag.
The needles flashed at once,
Five minutes - and there is no Christmas tree!
But everyone was warned
Don't light the candles!

7. Don’t light the stove yourself!

It's boring waiting for mom from work,
I really want compote.
Yulenka entered the kitchen,
She lit the gas under the saucepan.
An hour has passed - the pan is boiling,
Our Julia was scared.
There is little water,
It won't be long before trouble...

8. Be careful around the fire!

Children were playing by the fire.
The jacket caught fire on Petya.
He rushed about in fright,
But Nikita helped his friend:
Petya fell on his side
And he doused him with water...
They had to throw earth at
For the flames to subside.

So that the forest is an animal home,
There was no fire anywhere,
So that the insects don't cry,
The birds did not lose their nest,
And only the birds sang songs,
Don't pick up matches!

9. Don’t leave a lit fire in the forest!

We lit a fire in the forest,
We sat and went.
But the fire was not put out,
“It will go out on its own,” we decided.
The wind scattered the flames,
And everything around me felt like it was in an oven.
The fire rose to heaven
And he chased after us.
The forest is dying, the animals have disappeared -
All misfortunes cannot be measured!

10. Don’t hide under the bed if there is a fire in the room!

The apartment caught fire,
Little Ira is crying.
Vanya - the older brother shouts:
“We’re running away, the house is on fire!”
Ira is afraid to run:
“I’d rather hide under the bed,”
But Ivan was not timid
And he managed to save his sister.
Now the baby knows for sure:
Don't play hide and seek with a fire!

11. Use a fire extinguisher correctly!

We have a fire extinguisher
Our most important savior.
Black-red, small
With a rescue tube.
If, suddenly, a fire happens
He will come to our aid.
You'll break the check quickly
And press the handle.
And a magical stream
It will instantly save you from the fire.
And there is also a fire shield
He has a shovel and a hook.
Maybe every child
Find your way around it.
We know how to fight fire
And we will not be afraid in difficult times.
But perhaps what is more reliable is
“01” rings sometimes.

12. Do not dry linen and towels over the gas stove!

Not allowed over a gas stove
Dry wet clothes!
You yourself know which one
A big fire threatens the ignorant!
Do not dry clothes over gas.
Everything will burn at once!


Don't joke with fire!
I am fire! I'm a friend of the guys.
But when they play pranks on me,
Then I become an enemy
And I burn everything around!

Don't pick up matches!
So that the forest, the animal house,
There was no fire anywhere,
So that the insects don't cry,
The birds did not lose their nest,
And only the birds sang songs,
Don't pick up matches!

Look here and here
Fireworks are splashing in the sky...
Great, of course
If everything is successful.

But danger is on the way
It's guarding - you can't get around it!
If anything goes wrong,
If there is marriage in the fireworks,
Or they didn’t run away,
Or someone got hit through the window,
Don't let fireworks go off without asking!

Do you want to arrange fireworks?
Okay, let's not argue
Just so as not to get hurt

Turn off electrical appliances
If guests come to you
Or a friend came to visit you,
Don't forget to turn off the iron!

When leaving, turn off the lights!
Know any wires
Damaged - trouble!
After all, they are too dangerous -
Closing like a flash!

Give your friends this advice
Simply everyone can:
When leaving, turn off the lights
And the devices too!

Very, very important rules!
Guys, remember that
That you can't joke with fire
Who is careless with fire?
There's a risk of fire there.

Advice for adults
Matches are not a toy for children -
Don't forget to remove them!
Don't leave it on the pillow
Don't throw it under the bed!
Will fall into the hands of a child,
And he will start a fire.
Then you will have only torment,
Life will turn into a nightmare!

It can be so different -
Blue and red-red,
Bright yellow and, also,
He can be Olympic.
Of course, everyone really needs it,
But dangerous if it wanders
Of course you're free!
You'll grow up very soon
And you will enter a huge world.
Someone will become a steelworker,
Someone will become a cook
And as firefighters - on shift
You will definitely come.
And a sea of ​​other professions,
Where, making friends and arguing with fire,
You will have to live, friends,
After all, you can’t live without it!
And now, fooling around, out of boredom,
Don't pick up matches
Lighters, candles too,
After all, trouble can happen!

Very important rules!
To avoid fires,
Children need to know a lot.
Wooden sisters
There are matches in the box.
You will remember, friends,
Children are not allowed to take matches!
If you see fire or smoke,
Call quickly, phone number - 01.
If the fire is weak, quickly
Fill it with water.
But don’t you dare pour water
Where there is electricity
TV and iron,
Mixer and socket
Little kids.

If there is fire in the house

And then quickly fill it with water!

And call “01” as soon as possible:
Firemen urgently! They will help!

And choose the accessible way:

Fire hazardous balcony
There is no room on the balcony:
A bag of books, a bag of newspapers,
Shelves that dad didn't make
Bags, slippers and hat,
Wooden chest,
The one that's just beyond the threshold
Throw it in a landfill
Very, very sorry -
Either it is necessary, or it is not necessary...
In general, something like a warehouse
Our loggia, balcony...
Here's the law for you guys:
Help mom, dad,
Dismantle all the rubble!
Remind them guys
There is a price to pay for such a mess:
Extra things and containers
Plus a spark - the fire of a fire!

To understand how to make Fire safety poems for children, we involved our experts with extensive experience to solve this problem, and here are some other options for solving this issue we managed to find, we hope this will be useful to you.

Don't joke with fire!
I am fire! I'm a friend of the guys.
But when they play pranks on me,
Then I become an enemy
And I burn everything around!

Don't pick up matches!
So that the forest, the animal house,
There was no fire anywhere,
So that the insects don't cry,
The birds did not lose their nest,
And only the birds sang songs,
Don't pick up matches!

The dangers of holiday fireworks
Look here and here
Fireworks are splashing in the sky...
Great, of course
If everything is successful.

But danger is on the way
It's guarding - you can't get around it!
If anything goes wrong,
If there is marriage in the fireworks,
Or they didn’t run away,
Or someone got hit through the window,
In general, there are so many questions here!
Don't let fireworks go off without asking!

Do you want to arrange fireworks?
Okay, let's not argue
Just so as not to get hurt
You need to call adults for help!

Turn off electrical appliances
If guests come to you
Or a friend came to visit you,
Before you play with him -
Don't forget to turn off the iron!

When leaving, turn off the lights!
Know any wires
Damaged - trouble!
After all, they are too dangerous -
Closing like a flash!

Give your friends this advice
Simply everyone can:
When leaving, turn off the lights
And the devices too!

Very, very important rules!
Guys, remember that
That you can't joke with fire
Who is careless with fire?
There's a risk of fire there.

Don't touch the matches!
There's fire in the matches!
Don't play with a match, my friend,
Remember, you, she is small,
But from a small match
The house might burn down.

Near the house and barn
Don't you dare start a fire!
Maybe there's a big problem
For buildings and people.

If you want to save your property
Don't leave when the stove is heating up!

When the stove is left unattended -
One ember can set your house on fire.

Don't play with the electric stove.
The quick flame will jump off the tile!

Be careful with gas
Gas can cause a fire!

Not allowed over a gas stove
Dry wet clothes!
You yourself know which one
A big fire threatens the ignorant!

Do not dry clothes over gas.
Everything will burn at once!

Iron your shirt and trousers
The iron will always help you,
Hands must be dry
And the wires are intact.

The iron is on, there are no owners,
There is a trail of smoke on the sheet.
Guys, take action.
Turn off the hot iron!

To avoid any troubles
There is no way for the fire to go to the Christmas tree!

Remember, children,
These rules are:
Have you heard about the fire?
Give a signal about this quickly!

Let every citizen remember
Firefighter number - 01!

Song of matches
Matches are not a toy for children -
Everyone knows it from a young age.
Because we are girlfriends
The lights - without us they don’t exist.

We light the burners
So that dinner is prepared,
And we’ll light the fire deftly,
And a candle, giving her light.

We have been serving people for centuries,
And they are only guilty of that.
That, having accidentally got to the children,
Everything around against your will
We set fire without regret -
And the apartment, and the forests.
And then the children are saved
Only firemen's miracles.

Advice for adults
Matches are not a toy for children -
Don't forget to remove them!
Don't leave it on the pillow
Don't throw it under the bed!

Will fall into the hands of a child,
And he will start a fire.
Then you will have only torment,
Life will turn into a nightmare!

It can be so different -
Blue and red-red,
Bright yellow and, also,
He can be Olympic.

That fire that is friendly with us,
Of course, everyone really needs it,
But dangerous if it wanders
Of course you're free!

You'll grow up very soon
And you will enter a huge world.
Someone will become a steelworker,
Someone will become a cook
And as firefighters - on shift
You will definitely come.

And a sea of ​​other professions,
Where, making friends and arguing with fire,
You will have to live, friends,
After all, you can’t live without it!

And now, fooling around, out of boredom,
Don't pick up matches
Lighters, candles too,
After all, trouble can happen!

Very important rules!
To avoid fires,
Children need to know a lot.

Wooden sisters
There are matches in the box.
You will remember, friends,
Children are not allowed to take matches!

If you see fire or smoke,
Call quickly, phone number - 01.

If the fire is weak, quickly
Fill it with water.

But don’t you dare pour water
Where there is electricity
TV and iron,
Mixer and socket
Little kids.

If there is fire in the house
It is dangerous to handle open flames!
Don’t burn a candle or a match in vain.
And if you light it, don’t drop it anywhere:
The flame is voraciously hot, know this!

But if you happen to drop a candle,
Rush to put out the fire without hesitation:
Cover with a thick, heavy cloth,
And then quickly fill it with water!

Smoke and fire are not good, just know that
Call adults for help quickly,
And call “01” as soon as possible:
Firemen urgently! They will help!

And don’t hide under the bed - remember,
That you can’t just walk away from the fire.
Don't stay in an apartment with fire,
And choose the accessible way:
Cover your nose and mouth with a wet handkerchief,
Hurry to the front door through the smoke!

Fire hazardous balcony
There is no room on the balcony:
A bag of books, a bag of newspapers,
Shelves that dad didn't make
Bags, slippers and hat,
Wooden chest,
The one that's just beyond the threshold
Throw it in a landfill
Very, very sorry -
Either it is necessary, or it is not necessary...
In general, something like a warehouse
Our loggia, balcony...
Here's the law for you guys:
Help mom, dad,
Dismantle all the rubble!
Remind them guys
There is a price to pay for such a mess:
Extra things and containers
Plus a spark - the fire of a fire!

Dangerous forgetfulness
Anyuta stroked the ribbon
And I saw my friends
Got distracted for three minutes
And I forgot about the iron.

This is no joke!
That's what it means - three minutes!
There is no tape, there is a fuss all around,
There was almost a fire.

Flammable toy
Made by Sergei Pugach,
I shot a little.
And now Serezha is a doctor
Treats burns.
From such a scarecrow
The usual path is to the doctor!

To understand how to make Fire safety poems for children, we involved our experts with extensive experience to solve this problem, and here are some other options for solving this issue we managed to find, we hope this will be useful to you.

Fire safety poems for children

Preschool age, Education of preschool children

Website for kindergarten, for kindergarten teachers and parents

Poems for children about fire safety rules

“Fire and Light” poem for children about fire safety

Lyudmila Maksimchuk, poetess, writer, artist, playwright, member of the Moscow city organization of the Union of Writers of Russia

Somehow the children were resting

In a clearing by the river.

They swam all day

Sunbathed and played

And they picked flowers for home,

We were about to go home -

Look, they came running from somewhere

There are lights to that clearing.

These are the glare of the sun

Sparkled here and there

On strawberry leaves,

We went through the flowers.

Suddenly one of the lights

As if he came to life, became brighter,

Between the collected flowers

Shined and sparkled

Became taller -

And then he spoke -

Even more surprising:

"You guys, calm down,

Don't run at full speed.

I've been wanting to be with you for a long time

Have a heart-to-heart talk.”

The oldest boy

"Who are you, and before you

“I am a cheerful Light,

Light, clear firefly.

I've been following you for a long time

And I want to say one thing:

I want to help you,

I don't intend to offend

I'll try to teach you

So that you don't get into trouble,

May you be happy.

Just don't be scared

From my story

Don't get distracted!"

They looked at each other

They sat down on the green grass

Next to Ogonyok.

Chapter I. Ogonyok's story

I am in New Year's garlands,

In the brilliance of the sun's rays,

I am in the spring round dances

And in the flowering fields,

In warm drops of dew,

In the spray by the river spit,

In summer games around the fire,

In winter tales until the morning.

I am obedient to man

I bring warmth and light,

I am needed everywhere, everywhere,

There is no life without me.

I am in the traffic of cars,

Man is my master

I am a helper for people.

Just know from an early age:

I have an older brother,

He was born

Many thousands of years ago.

He is Fire, not Light,

He is cunning and cruel,

Everything is swept away on the way,

Walls, doors and locks -

Don't joke with this brother!

It is not in vain that they assert,

That fire is always dangerous.

So, learn to think

And beware of the elements.

After all, a light flash is enough,

So that from the little sparkle

What do you know about him?

But where did he come from?

Why is he so scary?

And why is he so formidable?

Chapter II. Ancient legend

Everything is not so simple in the world,

On Earth and in Heaven.

Our ancestors used to live

On the plains and in the forests,

They lived hungry and meagerly,

Lived short and hard

They suffered from dampness,

They were shaking from the cold

And there was almost no warmth,

We were waiting for the sun and summer,

Waiting for the sunshine

Their caves were warming

Only in the bright light of day;

But they didn’t light the fire -

There was simply no fire.

But it happened that one day

Very brave and courageous

I felt sorry for ordinary people.

Knowing their sad fate,

He brought with him from Heaven

Getting rid of troubles

The Highest Gift is warmth and light.

Prometheus is a special case

He paid for it.

At a very high price -

So he fulfilled his duty,

I couldn’t live any other way!

Here the Fire came to Earth,

To serve people

And, of course, it was necessary

A gift to cherish and guard.

What did people do?

How was the gift appreciated?

People began to rejoice

And control nature;

After all, with Fire you can see even at night,

After all, with Fire it’s warm and satisfying,

After all, with Fire you will no longer be

Freeze and starve!

It's a pity that people couldn't

Appreciate the gift of Heaven,

But they imagined

That now they are omnipotent,

That now they are free,

Will overcome anything

That the wild beast is not afraid,

That they are kings now.

Left unattended

Stoves, fireboxes and fires,

And the houses of enemies were burned,

Their yards were destroyed.

And what did they wait for?

What did you end up with?

I punished myself forever:

And he suffered for it.

Since then, Fire has been agile,

Bold, greedy, rebellious,

Everything is ready to burn and burn;

Anything in three minutes

Will turn into a large oven;

He promises warmth

But there is a great evil hidden!

Chapter III. Meeting with Fire

We didn’t have time to look back,

Fire itself is right there:

“Who sleeps here? It's time to wake up!

Two minutes is enough for me

Maybe one will be enough. » –

“Brother, you are too angry!” –

“I didn’t immediately become like this,

How to draw a flame.

These are people, my brother,

He stood before them like a shaft,

Breathed with intense heat,

Black smoke was blowing around

And the guys got scared -

But cheerful Ogonyok

“Don’t be angry and give me time -

People will learn a lesson

And the children will be taught for future use

Good and eternal!

In response to Ogonyok:

“Am I dreaming?”

The brother said:"No.

I'll call the kids

I'll tell you everything you need.

Just don't bother me,

Don’t appear before our eyes!”

Fire promised mercy

The one with whom there is no sweetness:

"I have no peace,

I get so angry sometimes -

I despise them all!

And your company

So be it, I won’t convert

Into ashes or soot.

Well, I'll wait for now

I'll look at the kids

I'll sit on the sidelines

In fact, he left

On a dry trail.

Ogonyok decided quickly

He called the children again,

Placed in a circle:

“I am always your friend!

But I want to warn you -

I will teach you strictly!”

At first there were children

Only one girl

I remembered how recently

“Know, children, it doesn’t happen

The flame does not know pity.

Here, listen to me."

Chapter IV. How does this happen? How do fires happen?

And so Ogonyok began,

Light, clear firefly.

Mom turned on the iron,

Suddenly a neighbor came to her.

Mom forgot about the iron,

And the conversation flowed;

We had a heart-to-heart talk.

And the smoke was pouring out thick!

Then they realized

Poisoned by acrid smoke,

We lost a lot of strength.

They didn’t call “01”

And they forgot where the water was.

Fortunately, the children were at school,

They were not touched by trouble.

Well, when there is a flame in the window,

And in the entrance there is smoke and stench,

And above, above the floors,

Burning, and whistling, and black hail -

Those are fire trucks

They themselves can feel where it’s burning,

And the fire brigade

When called, it flies like an arrow.

It's good that they arrived in time,

Okay, people were saved.

Three apartments burned down.

It's good that there are only three.

And the neighbors got hurt

Those that had nothing to do with it.

Previously, they didn’t know grief,

Nowadays they know what they cost!

Dad lit a cigarette in bed -

He was tired at work.

Less than half an hour has passed

How quietly I dozed off.

I was lucky that my son saw

Who jokes with a cigarette?

But dad wasn't joking.

Dad woke up in the morning

The son says to him:

“If someone smokes while lying down -

That means he’ll burn alive!”

The trees are slender and elegant,

The lights are on them.

And the lanterns are colored,

And gifts are miracles!

It's good when it's lucky

Somehow on New Year's Day

There were guests until the morning.

Cake, candy, Fanta, sweets,

Fireworks, laughter, games,

Fables, dances, songs, speeches -

The ceiling almost collapsed!

We summed it all up.

The life of the housewife is in question;

Five were barely saved,

Together with Grandfather Frost

They took me away on a stretcher.

New Year is such a “fable”

Will repeat itself again.

How dangerous is the holiday?

If you meet him like that!

The newest TV

To an electrical outlet

Immediately connected

Or rather, not to the outlet -

To the tee with load:

"So what? Will do for a while -

The heater is next door,

And the computer is through the wall,

There is a heating pad on the sofa

How much equipment is there in the apartment?

Somewhere they said something

And they wrote instructions

To prevent fire

Eh, why didn't anyone listen?

Simplicity sometimes happens

Day after day I got away with it

But one day or suddenly.

Who would have thought

What strange thing will happen? –

On TV outside

Flamed up like straw.

Only grandma and children

The old lady was so scared

That she locked herself in the bedroom.

The story is sad -

And the ending is sad.

Fortunately, the children survived

Because they arrived in time

And other neighbors too

The attack was removed.

Be a little late help -

They would hardly have survived!

There's nothing worse

Than a fire in the kitchen.

The stove is working here

There are a lot of devices here,

Gas burner flame,

Intense heat from electric stoves.

You just have to gape

It will immediately flare up and burn

Either spilled grease or a rag.

That forgotten laundry

Above the oven is a mess

Dries at night, dries during the day.

And then. It is already known

What happens next.

". How are you guys, I wonder?

And I myself, an honest critic,

Didn’t you get bored?”

Children listen to stories

And then vying with each other

“No, my friend, continue,

We need science.

We already understood: fire -

Not a simple joke."

“Okay,” said Ogonyok, “

May your studies be fruitful!

What have we forgotten?

What hasn’t been covered yet?”

And then they list

Light corrects them

And he clarifies the details:

“They lit a fire in the forest,

Here's to putting out the cigarette butts

Or in the trash can

They set it on fire with laughter

They were playing with matches,

Not in a dream, but in reality,

Behind the woodpile.

There’s definitely no time for dreams here.

There was a lighter lying around

Here they gave me a firecracker

Dangerous for people

And children are allowed to see her

Chapter V. How to prevent misfortune?

Lyudmila Maksimchuk, poetess, writer, artist, playwright, member of the Moscow city organization of the Union of Writers of Russia

Instead of an introduction

Somehow the children were resting

In a clearing by the river.

They swam all day

Sunbathed and played

Strawberries were collected

And they picked flowers for home,

We were about to go home -

Look, they came running from somewhere

There are lights to that clearing.

These are the glare of the sun

Sparkled here and there

On strawberry leaves,

We went through the flowers.

Suddenly one of the lights

As if he came to life, became brighter,

Between the collected flowers

Shined and sparkled

Became taller -

Amazed the kids!

And then he spoke -

Even more surprising:

"You guys, calm down,

Don't run at full speed.

I've been wanting to be with you for a long time

Have a heart-to-heart talk.”

The oldest boy

He spoke out boldly:

"Who are you, and before you

What do we care?

“I am a cheerful Light,

Light, clear firefly.

I've been following you for a long time

I quietly watch

And I want to say one thing:

I want to help you,

I don't intend to offend

I'll try to teach you

So that you don't get into trouble,

May you be happy.

Just don't be scared

Move closer.

From my story

Don't get distracted!"

They looked at each other

Children and then

They sat down on the green grass

Next to Ogonyok.

Chapter I. Ogonyok's story

I am in New Year's garlands,

In the brilliance of the sun's rays,

I am in the spring round dances

And in the flowering fields,

In warm drops of dew,

In the spray by the river spit,

In summer games around the fire,

In winter tales until the morning.

I am obedient to man

I bring warmth and light,

I am needed everywhere, everywhere,

There is no life without me.

I am in the traffic of cars,

Airplanes, ships,

Man is my master

I am a helper for people.

Just know from an early age:

I have an older brother,

He was born

Many thousands of years ago.

He is Fire, not Light,

He is cunning and cruel,

Insatiable, merciless,

Everything is swept away on the way,

Walls, doors and locks -

Don't joke with this brother!

It is not in vain that they assert,

That fire is always dangerous.

So, learn to think

And beware of the elements.

After all, a light flash is enough,

So that from the little sparkle

Become a Fire Monster.

What do you know about him?

But where did he come from?

Why is he so scary?

And why is he so formidable?

Chapter II. Ancient legend

On Earth and in Heaven.

Our ancestors used to live

On the plains and in the forests,

They lived hungry and meagerly,

Lived short and hard

They suffered from dampness,

They were shaking from the cold

And there was almost no warmth,

We were waiting for the sun and summer,

Waiting for the sunshine

Their caves were warming

Only in the bright light of day;

But they didn’t light the fire -

There was simply no fire.

But it happened that one day

Very brave and courageous

Famous Prometheus

I felt sorry for ordinary people.

Knowing their sad fate,

He brought with him from Heaven

Getting rid of troubles

The Highest Gift is warmth and light.

Prometheus is a special case,

Amazing hero!

He paid for it.

At a very high price -

So he fulfilled his duty,

I couldn’t live any other way!

Here the Fire came to Earth,

To serve people

And, of course, it was necessary

A gift to cherish and guard.

What did people do?

How was the gift appreciated?

People began to rejoice

And control nature;

After all, with Fire you can see even at night,

After all, with Fire it’s warm and satisfying,

After all, with Fire you will no longer be

Freeze and starve!

It's a pity that people couldn't

Appreciate the gift of Heaven,

But they imagined

That now they are omnipotent,

That now they are free,

Will overcome anything

That the wild beast is not afraid,

That they are kings now.

Left unattended

Stoves, fireboxes and fires,

They feuded, fought,

And the houses of enemies were burned,

Their yards were destroyed.

And what did they wait for?

What did you end up with?

So poor man

Foolish man

I punished myself forever:

I lost my caution

And he suffered for it.

Since then, Fire has been agile,

Bold, greedy, rebellious,

Everything is ready to burn and burn;

Anything in three minutes

Will turn into a large oven;

He promises warmth

But there is a great evil hidden!

Chapter III. Meeting with Fire

We didn’t have time to look back,

Fire itself is right there:

“Who sleeps here? It's time to wake up!

Two minutes is enough for me

Maybe one will be enough...” -

“Brother, you are too angry!” -

“I didn’t immediately become like this,

How to draw a flame.

These are people, my brother,

It's your own fault!"

Scared the kids

Huge giant:

He stood before them like a shaft,

Breathed with intense heat,

Black smoke was blowing around

Treacherous brother.

And the guys got scared -

They immediately ran away

But cheerful Ogonyok

Asked to cool down

Irrepressible brother

Daring, homeless.

Ogonyok objects

To the heartless brother:

“Don’t be angry and give me time -

People will learn a lesson

And the children will be taught for future use

Good and eternal!

Fire grins -

In response to Ogonyok:

“Am I dreaming?”

The brother said:"No.

I'll call the kids

I'll tell you everything you need.

Just don't bother me,

Don’t appear before our eyes!”

Fire promised mercy

The one with whom there is no sweetness:

"I have no peace,

Almighty Fire,

I get so angry sometimes -

I'm afraid of myself

If I fall apart,

If I break up!!!

I know people -

I despise them all!

But I will respect you -

And your company

So be it, I won’t convert

Into ashes or soot.

Well, I'll wait for now

I'll look at the kids

Stupid, incomprehensible

And sloppy.

I'll sit on the sidelines

At the gas station!

In fact, he left

On a dry trail.

Ogonyok decided quickly

Continue the conversation.

He called the children again,

Placed in a circle:

“Are you ready yet?” -

“Get started, buddy!”

Ogonyok smiled:

“I am always your friend!

But I want to warn you -

I will teach you strictly!”

At first there were children

Very inattentive

Only one girl

I listened diligently

I remembered how recently

I saw a fire...

“Know, children, it doesn’t happen

Harmless fire!

The flame of pity knows no...

Here, listen to me."

Chapter IV. How does this happen? How do fires happen?

And so Ogonyok began,

Light, clear firefly.

Story one

Mom turned on the iron,

Suddenly a neighbor came to her.

Mom forgot about the iron,

And the conversation flowed;

We had a heart to heart conversation...

And the smoke was pouring out thick!

Then they realized

They rushed about, spun,

Poisoned by acrid smoke,

We lost a lot of strength.

They didn’t call “01”

And they forgot where the water is...

Fortunately, the children were at school,

They were not touched by trouble.

Well, when there is a flame in the window,

And in the entrance there is smoke and stench,

And above, above the floors,

Burning, and whistling, and black hail -

Those are fire trucks

They themselves can feel where it’s burning,

And the fire brigade

When called, it flies like an arrow.

It's good that they arrived in time,

Okay, people were saved...

Three apartments burned down.

It's good that there are only three...

And the neighbors got hurt

Those that had nothing to do with it.

Previously, they didn’t know grief,

Nowadays they know what they cost!

Story two

Dad lit a cigarette in bed -

He was tired at work.

Less than half an hour has passed

How quietly I dozed off.

I was lucky that my son saw

I put out the cigarette,

Who jokes with a cigarette?

But dad wasn't joking.

Dad woke up in the morning

The son says to him:

“If someone smokes while lying down -

That means he’ll burn alive!”

Story three

The trees are slender and elegant,

The lights are on them.

New Year's garlands

Shine attractively

And the lanterns are colored,

And gifts are miracles!

It's good when it's lucky

New Year's beauty.

Somehow on New Year's Day

There were guests until the morning.

Cake, candy, Fanta, sweets,

Fireworks, laughter, games,

Fables, dances, songs, speeches -

The ceiling almost collapsed!

Overturned candles

We summed it all up.

The life of the housewife is in question;

Five were barely saved,

Together with Grandfather Frost

They took me away on a stretcher.

New Year is such a “fable”

Will repeat itself again...

How dangerous is the holiday?

If you meet him like that!

Story four

The newest TV

Finally we bought it;

To an electrical outlet

Immediately connected

Or rather, not to the outlet -

To the tee with load:

"So what? Will do for a while -

Simply, in Russian!

The heater is next door,

And the computer is through the wall,

There is a heating pad on the sofa

And an electric blanket.

How much equipment is there in the apartment?

But there is no control!!!

Somewhere they said something

And they wrote instructions

They demanded something

To prevent fire

The right approach.

Eh, why didn't anyone listen?

Clever words?

Simplicity sometimes happens

Worse than theft.

Day after day I got away with it

But one day or suddenly...

Who would have thought

What strange thing will happen? -

On TV outside

There was a malfunction.

TV instantly

Burned up like straw...

Only grandma and children

We stayed at home.

The old lady was so scared

That she locked herself in the bedroom...

The story has a sad -

And the ending is sad.

Fortunately, the children survived

(Black, grimy),

Because they arrived in time

Firefighters on time.

And other neighbors too

The attack was removed.

Be a little late help -

They would hardly have survived!

Story five

There's nothing worse

Than a fire in the kitchen.

The stove is working here

There are a lot of devices here,

Gas burner flame,

Intense heat from electric stoves.

You just have to gape

It will immediately flare up and burn

Either spilled grease or a rag...

That forgotten laundry

Above the oven is a mess

Dries at night, dries during the day...

And then... It’s already known

What happens next.

“... How are the guys, interesting?

And I myself, an honest critic,

Didn’t you get bored?”

Children listen to stories

And they worry

And then vying with each other

They smartly answer:

“No, my friend, continue,

We need science.

We already understood: fire -

Not a simple joke."

“Okay,” said Ogonyok, “

May your studies be fruitful!

What have we forgotten?

What hasn’t been covered yet?”

The kids remember

And then they list

Light corrects them

And he clarifies the details:

“They lit a fire in the forest,

But they didn't pay it off...

Here's to putting out the cigarette butts

Forgot in a hurry

Or in the trash can

Decided to throw it away...

They set it on fire with laughter

Last year's grass...

They were playing with matches,

Not in a dream, but in reality,

Behind the woodpile.

There’s definitely no time for dreams here!!!

There was a lighter lying around

At the gas station...

Here they gave me a firecracker

Little sister...

Pyrotechnics in general

Dangerous for people

And children are allowed to see her

Adults are in vain!

Chapter V. How to prevent misfortune?

Ogonyok continues,

Light, clear firefly:

"Fires start

Seems to be by accident

But there are always reasons

And they are not a secret.

Sometimes Fire will be born

From an empty trifle,

Sometimes a fire will happen

But it only touches lightly,

And sometimes there is trouble

Life will be broken forever...

What kids need to know

To avoid misfortune?

Rule one

Don't play with matches, children,

And tell your comrades this.

What useful things have you learned, children?

Don’t hide it, teach others:

Lighters and matches - alarm!!!

Cigarettes and candles - do not touch!

Never even pick it up

So as not to accidentally get hurt!

Rule two

Don't try to make games

With the rebellious Fire - he will not let go:

An angry tiger monster

If he turns around, he won’t let him go alive!

Secretly in barns, in basements,

Near firewood or in attics -

Why do you mess around with Fire?

What if you can do something else?

Let other people's mistakes teach you -

And we need to remember them better!

Rule three

Beware of random objects

And in appearance bright, beautiful:

Behind such and such a “sparkling” secret

There may be an evil danger lurking.

Powders or aerosols

Packed very nicely

But try to set them on fire - you'll be free

An evil element is breaking out!

Rule four

Unattended, Hidden Fire

He sleeps and sees his dream unchanged,

How he will wake up alive and vigorously

And it will fly into the distance!

Children, you are, as always, curious,

But not everything will be open to you.

So what? Everything in life is in order,

You will guess the riddle afterwards,

In the meantime, understand the main thing

And then explain to the kids:

Don't play with the electric stove

Beware of electrical appliances

Don't wake up the Fire, don't let it

Spread across the expanse!

Rule five

What's in the riddle? The canister is empty,

Or maybe the barrel is empty,

Only from under gasoline it:

After all, not only gasoline is dangerous,

But the canister is no less scary!

It’s worth bringing a match to her -

It will be very difficult to save you!!!

How many cases, injuries and burns,

How many people died?

But the mystery remains a mystery...

Get around this barrel quickly!

Rule six

Here we are now - in the clearing,

What seems to be bad about this?

It's okay if we're careful

And we will not become enemies of the living.

People love on their days off

Relax with the whole family in nature.

They are attracted to forest thickets

And lakes in calm weather;

They catch fish, make fires,

Collect forest gifts.

And when they get ready to leave,

They will forget to put out the fire -

Immediately weak sparks will wake up,

Unruly forces will awaken,

They will rush across the lawns

And they will start driving around the forest.

It's been a weekend for people

But the Fire did not disappear anywhere.

And forest fires will start -

The forest may completely burn out!

When leaving, put out the fires!

Protect everything around from fire!

Rule seven

Poplar fluff fluff

Defenseless and very gentle.

Dry blades of grass are harmless

And flowers in forest clearings.

Insects, bees, dragonflies

Every day they scurry about here fervently,

And until the frost comes,

They find shelter in the clearing.

With the breeze they became friends peacefully

And we learned to fear Fire -

This is how nature preserves itself,

Protects from accidents.

But when children appear,

There is no end to their fantasies:

“It’s kind of boring to live in the world,

We are about to surprise the world! ”

They start setting the grass on fire,

Throw lighted matches into the fluff.

It’s clear how this will end.

But you can't go back

And the fire will spread all around,

Regardless of me, Ogonyok!

Animals will have no home

Everything around the area will burn to the ground, -

Black soot, ash, ash...

Acrid smoke - over the clearing of ash,

And the children's burns are severe...

That's why I'm telling you guys:

The stupid match is not to blame

It won’t accidentally light up on its own,

If people are smart enough.

Be vigilant night and day

Don’t joke with cruel Fire!”

Fire itself is right there:

“People are lying about me,

Yes, and you, my dear brother,

Weak, small and frail,

And now, you wicked boy,

You make up lies

You are crossing all boundaries!

Do you want to seem kind?

Do you want to introduce yourself as a teacher? -

“I don’t want to introduce myself,

And I won’t lead you to trouble,

And I teach children

To get around your trouble

The trouble that you are carrying,

You give it away for payment!

You see: there are a lot of us!!!”

Children near Ogonyok

Gathered closer together

And Fire had to again

Leave quickly.

Chapter VI. What to do in case of fire?

Ogonyok continues,

Light, clear firefly:

“If there are no adults at home,

And a fire broke out

Remember my advice:

Every moment matters.

Don't panic

It won't help

And put out the fire ourselves

You don't need either.

You are still small

The flames will destroy you.

Because, my dears,

Gold, dear ones,

From a burning apartment

Choose for yourself.

Those who are older, collect

Clueless kids

Run out with them

From the apartment quickly,

Run away, run away

But don't lose your mind:

Proceed carefully

On the way, if possible,

Quickly wet the rag

And breathe through it;

Close the doors behind you,

To reduce losses!

Drum on your neighbors door

And call for help

The surrounding people

Don't hide in the corners -

Smoke and fire will overtake you there!

Let us now clarify separately,

What is dangerous and deadly:

Windows, stairs and elevator -

What will save your life?

On high floors

Jumping through windows is scary and scary.

That's unacceptable

Run past!

Avoid the worst:

Elevator - no way!

The elevator is a bad solution

Very unreliable:

He gets up and doesn’t move,

You can suffocate;

Or the cables will break,

And the cabin will fall

Straight into the mine, into the dungeon,

Where no one will find you...

The stairs remain

The staircase is a miracle.

Stairs when free

From fire and smoke,

Suitable for rescue

And necessary!

And grasp it firmly,

Correct and precise:

Never come back

To the apartment where it's burning,

And reach out to the neighbors,

Call and get there -

Your main task is

And don't think otherwise!

Adults will help

They will sound the alarm.

They will call at “01”,

The address will be provided

And firefighters to the rescue

They'll hurry right away.

They'll figure it out

What burns and how it burns!

Wait for the firefighters

Meet them with adults -

The call will confirm this.

Before the firefighters arrive

You'll have to be patient

And each other through misfortune

Better help.

From trouble and from fire

We are not insured

What about the firefighters? They

They act riskily.

Every time a fire is like a bomb,

Every time it's war.

And firefighters by right

Earned honor and glory:

Their willingness to help

Risking your life often

To save people from trouble -

I'll push the price!

There's a fire behind...

Will there be something ahead?

Ogonyok finished his speech,

He looks at the guys:

“Did you understand everything, friends?”

And to them from afar

Evil Fire is in a hurry,

Angry - full of heat,

Overwhelms with smoke and fire.

He immediately intervened in the conversation:

"Brother, something is awkward

Can you imagine me?

Ahead is the scope of Fire.

I'll be patient for a bit -

I’ll set the whole planet on fire!!!”

Fire is no stranger to

To object to the evil brother:

“No, that won’t happen;

People won’t allow it!”

The children stood nearby:

“We don’t need Fire!

Go away, villain!

Go away, quickly!”


Ogonyok summed it up:

"I taught you a lesson

And I hope that you

More clarity now

Under very strict rules

Fire safety.

These rules, of course,

All guys should know:

They save you from fire

Rescued from misfortune

Our lives are protected -

That's why they are needed.

These rules are the law

And without them - not a step.

After all, firefighters are not in vain

Wasted paper

And ink and pen, -

Reached out your hand

To the inhabitants of the Earth,

No wonder they invented it

Fire Science:

What, when and with what to stew,

To tame the elements!

And yet - invented

Fire fighting equipment,

And they often show

Legendary valor.

Their fire trucks

They rush to everyone's rescue,

And the fire brigades

They will break through any fire.

They have scope and prowess,

To stand as a barrier to Fire:

Destructive power

Hold with good power.

There are also helicopters

Ships and trains,

So, the evil Fire of victory

He will never win!”

Light is a little tired;

I was silent for three seconds,

And then quite strictly

As a parting word to everyone, he said:

“Do you guys understand everything?

I'm certainly not a speaker,

I am a cheerful Light,

Light, clear firefly.

I hope you give me

You trust completely -

So, learn the rules

And appreciate peace of mind!

I love you and I try

Teach, warn,

So that they don’t suffer in vain,

To protect life

So that we learn to live wisely,

To live together for a long time,

On the plains and in the forests!

Everything is not so simple in the world,

On Earth and in Heaven!

And the guys in a friendly chorus

They answer the Fire,

To the golden firefly:

“Thank you for the lesson,

Well, let's repeat it at home.

The main thing we understood

Forever remembered!

Don't joke with fire!
I am fire! I'm a friend of the guys.
But when they play pranks on me,
Then I become an enemy
And I burn everything around!

Don't pick up matches!
So that the forest, the animal house,
There was no fire anywhere,
So that the insects don't cry,
The birds did not lose their nest,
And only the birds sang songs,
Don't pick up matches!

The dangers of holiday fireworks
Look here and here
Fireworks are splashing in the sky...
Great, of course
If everything is successful.

But danger is on the way
It's guarding - you can't get around it!
If anything goes wrong,
If there is marriage in the fireworks,
Or they didn’t run away,
Or someone got hit through the window,
In general, there are so many questions here!
Don't let fireworks go off without asking!

Do you want to arrange fireworks?
Okay, let's not argue
Just so as not to get hurt
You need to call adults for help!

Turn off electrical appliances
If guests come to you
Or a friend came to visit you,
Before you play with him -
Don't forget to turn off the iron!

When leaving, turn off the lights!
Know any wires
Damaged - trouble!
After all, they are too dangerous -
Closing like a flash!

Give your friends this advice
Simply everyone can:
When leaving, turn off the lights
And the devices too!

Very, very important rules!
Guys, remember that
That you can't joke with fire
Who is careless with fire?
There's a risk of fire there.

Don't touch the matches!
There's fire in the matches!
Don't play with a match, my friend,
Remember, you, she is small,
But from a small match
The house might burn down.
Near the house and barn
Don't you dare start a fire!
Maybe there's a big problem
For buildings and people.
If you want to save your property
Don't leave when the stove is heating up!
When the stove is left unattended -
One ember can set your house on fire.
Don't play with the electric stove.
The quick flame will jump off the tile!
Be careful with gas
Gas can cause a fire!
Not allowed over a gas stove
Dry wet clothes!
You yourself know which one
A big fire threatens the ignorant!
Do not dry clothes over gas.
Everything will burn at once!
Iron your shirt and trousers
The iron will always help you,
Hands must be dry
And the wires are intact.
The iron is on, there are no owners,
There is a trail of smoke on the sheet.
Guys, take action.
Turn off the hot iron!
To avoid any troubles
There is no way for the fire to go to the Christmas tree!
Remember, children,
These rules are:
Have you heard about the fire?
Give a signal about this quickly!
Let every citizen remember
Firefighter number - 01!

Song of matches
Matches are not a toy for children -
Everyone knows it from a young age.
Because we are girlfriends
The lights - without us they don’t exist.
We light the burners
So that dinner is prepared,
And we’ll light the fire deftly,
And a candle, giving her light.
We have been serving people for centuries,
And they are only guilty of that.
That, having accidentally got to the children,
Everything around against your will
We set fire without regret -
And the apartment, and the forests.
And then the children are saved
Only firemen's miracles.

Advice for adults
Matches are not a toy for children -
Don't forget to remove them!
Don't leave it on the pillow
Don't throw it under the bed!
Will fall into the hands of a child,
And he will start a fire.
Then you will have only torment,
Life will turn into a nightmare!

It can be so different -
Blue and red-red,
Bright yellow and, also,
He can be Olympic.
That fire that is friendly with us,
Of course, everyone really needs it,
But dangerous if it wanders
Of course you're free!
You'll grow up very soon
And you will enter a huge world.
Someone will become a steelworker,
Someone will become a cook
And as firefighters - on shift
You will definitely come!..
And a sea of ​​other professions,
Where, making friends and arguing with fire,
You will have to live, friends,
After all, you can’t live without it!
And now, fooling around, out of boredom,
Don't pick up matches
Lighters, candles too,
After all, trouble can happen!

Very important rules!
To avoid fires,
Children need to know a lot.
Wooden sisters
There are matches in the box.
You will remember, friends,
Children are not allowed to take matches!
If you see fire or smoke,
Call quickly, phone number - 01.
If the fire is weak, quickly
Fill it with water.
But don’t you dare pour water
Where there is electricity
TV and iron,
Mixer and socket
Little kids.

If there is fire in the house
It is dangerous to handle open flames!
Don’t burn a candle or a match in vain.
And if you light it, don’t drop it anywhere:
The flame is voraciously hot, know this!
But if you happen to drop a candle,
Rush to put out the fire without hesitation:
Cover with a thick, heavy cloth,
And then quickly fill it with water!
Smoke and fire are not good, just know that
Call adults for help quickly,
And call “01” as soon as possible:
Firemen urgently! They will help!
And don’t hide under the bed - remember,
That you can’t just walk away from the fire.
Don't stay in an apartment with fire,
And choose the accessible way:
Cover your nose and mouth with a wet handkerchief,
Hurry to the front door through the smoke!

Fire hazardous balcony
There is no room on the balcony:
A bag of books, a bag of newspapers,
Shelves that dad didn't make
Bags, slippers and hat,
Wooden chest,
The one that's just beyond the threshold
Throw it in a landfill
Very, very sorry, -
Either it is necessary, or it is not necessary...
In general, something like a warehouse
Our loggia, balcony...
Here's the law for you guys:
Help mom, dad,
Dismantle all the rubble!
Remind them guys
There is a price to pay for such a mess:
Extra things and containers
Plus a spark - the fire of a fire!

Dangerous forgetfulness
Anyuta stroked the ribbon
And I saw my friends
Got distracted for three minutes
And I forgot about the iron.
This is no joke!
That's what it means - three minutes!
There is no tape, there is a fuss all around,
There was almost a fire.

Flammable toy
Made by Sergei Pugach,
I shot a little.
And now Serezha is a doctor
Treats burns.
From such a scarecrow
The usual path is to the doctor!
Authors of poems:
S. Marshak, A. Usachev, V. Merkusheva, E. Gladkova, T. Shorygina, V. Kuzminov, E. Ustinova, L. Vedernikova.

Fire safety for kids

Poems for children: Fire safety rules

Don't joke with fire!
I am fire! I'm a friend of the guys.
But when they play pranks on me,
Then I become an enemy
And I burn everything around!

Don't pick up matches!
So that the forest, the animal house,
There was no fire anywhere,
So that the insects don't cry,
The birds did not lose their nest,
And only the birds sang songs,
Don't pick up matches!

The dangers of holiday fireworks
Look here and here
Fireworks are splashing in the sky...
Great, of course
If everything is successful.

But danger is on the way
It's guarding - you can't get around it!
If anything goes wrong,
If there is marriage in the fireworks,
Or they didn’t run away,
Or someone got hit through the window,
In general, there are so many questions here!
Don't let fireworks go off without asking!

Do you want to arrange fireworks?
Okay, let's not argue
Just so as not to get hurt
You need to call adults for help!

Turn off electrical appliances
If guests come to you
Or a friend came to visit you,
Before you play with him -
Don't forget to turn off the iron!

When leaving, turn off the lights!
Know any wires
Damaged - trouble!
After all, they are too dangerous -
Closing like a flash!

Give your friends this advice
Simply everyone can:
When leaving, turn off the lights
And the devices too!

Very, very important rules!
Guys, remember that
That you can't joke with fire
Who is careless with fire?
There's a risk of fire there.

Don't touch the matches!
There's fire in the matches!
Don't play with a match, my friend,
Remember, you, she is small,
But from a small match
The house might burn down.

Near the house and barn
Don't you dare start a fire!
Maybe there's a big problem
For buildings and people.

If you want to save your property
Don't leave when the stove is heating up!

When the stove is left unattended -
One ember can set your house on fire.

Don't play with the electric stove.
The quick flame will jump off the tile!

Be careful with gas
Gas can cause a fire!

Not allowed over a gas stove
Dry wet clothes!
You yourself know which one
A big fire threatens the ignorant!

Do not dry clothes over gas.
Everything will burn at once!

Iron your shirt and trousers
The iron will always help you,
Hands must be dry
And the wires are intact.

The iron is on, there are no owners,
There is a trail of smoke on the sheet.
Guys, take action.
Turn off the hot iron!

To avoid any troubles
There is no way for the fire to go to the Christmas tree!

Remember, children,
These rules are:
Have you heard about the fire?
Give a signal about this quickly!

Let every citizen remember
Firefighter number - 01!

Song of matches
Matches are not a toy for children -
Everyone knows it from a young age.
Because we are girlfriends
The lights - without us they don’t exist.

We light the burners
So that dinner is prepared,
And we’ll light the fire deftly,
And a candle, giving her light.

We have been serving people for centuries,
And they are only guilty of that.
That, having accidentally got to the children,
Everything around against your will
We set fire without regret -
And the apartment, and the forests.
And then the children are saved
Only firemen's miracles.

Advice for adults
Matches are not a toy for children -
Don't forget to remove them!
Don't leave it on the pillow
Don't throw it under the bed!

Will fall into the hands of a child,
And he will start a fire.
Then you will have only torment,
Life will turn into a nightmare!

It can be so different -
Blue and red-red,
Bright yellow and, also,
He can be Olympic.

That fire that is friendly with us,
Of course, everyone really needs it,
But dangerous if it wanders
Of course you're free!

You'll grow up very soon
And you will enter a huge world.
Someone will become a steelworker,
Someone will become a cook
And as firefighters - on shift
You will definitely come!..

And a sea of ​​other professions,
Where, making friends and arguing with fire,
You will have to live, friends,
After all, you can’t live without it!

And now, fooling around, out of boredom,
Don't pick up matches
Lighters, candles too,
After all, trouble can happen!

Very important rules!
To avoid fires,
Children need to know a lot.

Wooden sisters
There are matches in the box.
You will remember, friends,
Children are not allowed to take matches!

If you see fire or smoke,
Call quickly, phone number - 01.

If the fire is weak, quickly
Fill it with water.

But don’t you dare pour water
Where there is electricity
TV and iron,
Mixer and socket
Little kids.

If there is fire in the house
It is dangerous to handle open flames!
Don’t burn a candle or a match in vain.
And if you light it, don’t drop it anywhere:
The flame is voraciously hot, know this!

But if you happen to drop a candle,
Rush to put out the fire without hesitation:
Cover with a thick, heavy cloth,
And then quickly fill it with water!

Smoke and fire are not good, just know that
Call adults for help quickly,
And call “01” as soon as possible:
Firemen urgently! They will help!

And don’t hide under the bed - remember,
That you can’t just walk away from the fire.
Don't stay in an apartment with fire,
And choose the accessible way:
Cover your nose and mouth with a wet handkerchief,
Hurry to the front door through the smoke!

Fire hazardous balcony
There is no room on the balcony:
A bag of books, a bag of newspapers,
Shelves that dad didn't make
Bags, slippers and hat,
Wooden chest,
The one that's just beyond the threshold
Throw it in a landfill
Very, very sorry, -
Either it is necessary, or it is not necessary...
In general, something like a warehouse
Our loggia, balcony...
Here's the law for you guys:
Help mom, dad,
Dismantle all the rubble!
Remind them guys
There is a price to pay for such a mess:
Extra things and containers
Plus a spark - the fire of a fire!

Dangerous forgetfulness
Anyuta stroked the ribbon
And I saw my friends
Got distracted for three minutes
And I forgot about the iron.

This is no joke!
That's what it means - three minutes!
There is no tape, there is a fuss all around,
There was almost a fire.

Flammable toy
Made by Sergei Pugach,
I shot a little.
And now Serezha is a doctor
Treats burns.
From such a scarecrow
The usual path is to the doctor!

Very, very important rules!
Guys, remember that
That you can't joke with fire
Who is careless with fire?
There's a risk of fire there.

Don't touch the matches!
There's fire in the matches!
Don't play with a match, my friend,
Remember, you, she is small,
But from a small match
The house might burn down.

Near the house and barn
Don't you dare start a fire!
Maybe there's a big problem
For buildings and people.

If you want to save your property
Don't leave when the stove is heating up!

When the stove is left unattended -
One ember can set your house on fire.

Don't play with the electric stove.
The quick flame will jump off the tile!

Be careful with gas
Gas can cause a fire!

Not allowed over a gas stove
Dry wet clothes!
You yourself know which one
A big fire threatens the ignorant!

Do not dry clothes over gas.
Everything will burn at once!

Iron your shirt and trousers
The iron will always help you,
Hands must be dry
And the wires are intact.

The iron is on, there are no owners,
There is a trail of smoke on the sheet.
Guys, take action.
Turn off the hot iron!

To avoid any troubles
There is no way for the fire to go to the Christmas tree!

Remember, children,
These rules are:
Have you heard about the fire?
Give a signal about this quickly!

Let every citizen remember
Firefighter number - 01!

Song of matches
Matches are not a toy for children -
Everyone knows it from a young age.
Because we are girlfriends
The lights - without us they don’t exist.

We light the burners
So that dinner is prepared,
And we’ll light the fire deftly,
And a candle, giving her light.

We have been serving people for centuries,
And they are only guilty of that.
That, having accidentally got to the children,
Everything around against your will
We set fire without regret -
And the apartment, and the forests.
And then the children are saved
Only firemen's miracles.

Advice for adults
Matches are not a toy for children -
Don't forget to remove them!
Don't leave it on the pillow
Don't throw it under the bed!

Will fall into the hands of a child,
And he will start a fire.
Then you will have only torment,
Life will turn into a nightmare!

It can be so different -
Blue and red-red,
Bright yellow and, also,
He can be Olympic.

That fire that is friendly with us,
Of course, everyone really needs it,
But dangerous if it wanders
Of course you're free!

You'll grow up very soon
And you will enter a huge world.
Someone will become a steelworker,
Someone will become a cook
And as firefighters - on shift
You will definitely come!..

And a sea of ​​other professions,
Where, making friends and arguing with fire,
You will have to live, friends,
After all, you can’t live without it!

And now, fooling around, out of boredom,
Don't pick up matches
Lighters, candles too,
After all, trouble can happen!

Very important rules!
To avoid fires,
Children need to know a lot.

Wooden sisters
There are matches in the box.
You will remember, friends,
Children are not allowed to take matches!

If you see fire or smoke,
Call quickly, phone number - 01.

If the fire is weak, quickly
Fill it with water.

But don’t you dare pour water
Where there is electricity
TV and iron,
Mixer and socket
Little kids.

If there is fire in the house
It is dangerous to handle open flames!
Don’t burn a candle or a match in vain.
And if you light it, don’t drop it anywhere:
The flame is voraciously hot, know this!

But if you happen to drop a candle,
Rush to put out the fire without hesitation:
Cover with a thick, heavy cloth,
And then quickly fill it with water!

Smoke and fire are not good, just know that
Call adults for help quickly,
And call “01” as soon as possible:
Firemen urgently! They will help!

And don’t hide under the bed - remember,
That you can’t just walk away from the fire.
Don't stay in an apartment with fire,
And choose the accessible way:
Cover your nose and mouth with a wet handkerchief,
Hurry to the front door through the smoke!

Fire hazardous balcony
There is no room on the balcony:
A bag of books, a bag of newspapers,
Shelves that dad didn't make
Bags, slippers and hat,
Wooden chest,
The one that's just beyond the threshold
Throw it in a landfill
Very, very sorry, -
Either it is necessary, or it is not necessary...
In general, something like a warehouse
Our loggia, balcony...
Here's the law for you guys:
Help mom, dad,
Dismantle all the rubble!
Remind them guys
There is a price to pay for such a mess:
Extra things and containers
Plus a spark - the fire of a fire!

Dangerous forgetfulness
Anyuta stroked the ribbon
And I saw my friends
Got distracted for three minutes
And I forgot about the iron.

This is no joke!
That's what it means - three minutes!
There is no tape, there is a fuss all around,
There was almost a fire.

Flammable toy
Made by Sergei Pugach,
I shot a little.
And now Serezha is a doctor
Treats burns.
From such a scarecrow
The usual path is to the doctor!