Lesson summary on the topic: "Air" in the preparatory group. Abstract "Properties of Air" preparatory group for school Preparatory group the air around the world

Lesson summary on the topic:
Lesson summary on the topic: "Air" in the preparatory group. Abstract "Properties of Air" preparatory group for school Preparatory group the air around the world

Gulnaz Sagitova
Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Air and its properties”

Lesson summary for the preparatory group

« Air and its properties»

Educational task:

Systematize and clarify children’s ideas about properties of air.

Expand children's understanding of significance air in human life.

Learn to work in a team and individually during experiments.

Developmental task:

Develop cognitive interest in the process of experimentation.

Develop the ability to draw conclusions and inferences.

To develop in children the ability to find connections between inanimate nature and living nature and the objective world.

Develop thinking, imagination, curiosity, observation.

Educational task:

Cultivate an interest in learning about nature through the elements air.

Form an emotional positive attitude towards the surrounding world and nature.

Progress of the lesson

Hello guys. I am very pleased to see your friendly faces and kind eyes.

Let's start the journey

It's interesting here

Try to understand everything

Lots of new things to learn!

Guys, today you and I will work in an experimental laboratory and become researchers. And to find out what we are going to get acquainted with, we must guess the encrypted word, I will name the word, and you must find the sound in the word and say what it is.

Children choose the given cards from the cards lying on the table.







What word, we got it, let's read it together « AIR» . That's right, well done, word « AIR» .

Please tell me what is it air? (air, this is what we breathe)

And where it is air? (everywhere)

And who is breathing? air? (people, birds, animals, insects, plants).

Now try not to breathe. Take a deep breath and hold your breath.

How did you feel when you weren't breathing? Were you comfortable? (Badly) You can live without air?

(children's answers)

What would happen if I disappeared on earth? air? (there would be no life on earth)

That's right, our planet Earth is surrounded on all sides by a thick layer air. This amazing shell is called the atmosphere. If it were not for it, all living things would die in the scorching rays of the Sun during the day, and at night they would die from cosmic cold. Without air our planet Earth would be a dead desert.

Guys, where and how do people use air? (air helps people: fly on planes, launch Balloons, move sailing ships, turn mill wheels).

Today on class we will try to answer questions: "Whether there is a air where and how to find it". And for this, I invite you to become scientists and invite you to our experimental laboratory. And for this we will glue on the explorer badges.

(Children approach the table)

1 experiment with a plastic bag.

Let's start researching. Take the package, what's in it? (it's empty)

It can be folded several times. Look how thin he is. Now let's catch air bag and hide it inside; to do this, twist the bag.

Look, the bag is full air, He took up all the space in the package. Now let's untie the bag and let it out air. The package became thin again.

Why? (it doesn't have air)

Here we have discovered the first secret air: it is invisible, transparent, to be seen, you need to catch it. And we were able to do it! We caught air and locked him in a bag, and then released him. 2 experience "Movement air»

Do you think it could air move?

Let's check

Take a fan. Wave at yourself. How did you feel? (wind)

Conclusion: Means, air can move.

Wave your fan again and tell me what kind of wind it is? (cold)

Where do you think the warm wind occurs? (near the stove, fire, if you turn on the hairdryer)

Conclusion: the air is cold, warm and hot.

3experience with a glass

For the next experiment, go and sit at the tables.

Guys, do you think this glass is empty? Look carefully, is there anything in it?

Now we will check it. Everyone take the glass upside down, hold it straight (children perform) and lower slowly into a cup of water.

What did you notice (water does not fill the glass, but only part of it)

Why doesn't water get into the glass? What's stopping you from lowering your glass? (there is in the glass air, he doesn't let water in there)

And now I again propose to lower the glass into the water, but hold the glass not straight, but slightly tilted.

What do we see in the water? (bubbles)

Why did they appear? (air comes out of the glass, its place is taken by water)

Why did we first think that the glass was empty? (Air is invisible, it's transparent)

That is why air is called invisible.

4 experiment with water and a straw.

For the next experiment we will need a glass of water and a straw. Place a straw in a glass of water and blow into it.

What's happening? (bubbles come out)

How did they appear? It's coming out air from our lungs. The more air, the more bubbles.

-Here is our discovery: there is air inside us too. We blow into the tube and it comes out, but in order to blow again, we first inhale a new one. air, and then we exhale through the tube and bubbles appear.

Guys, what bubbles can you play with? (with soapy ones)

Now we will blow soap bubbles.

Fizminutka "Bubble" to the music.

Take a glass of ordinary water,

We will blow bubbles from soap foam.

He, inflated with air, By floats in the air,

But he doesn’t live even one minute in the world.

Great, guys, you blew a lot of bubbles. Close the jars and put them in place.

A soap bubble is a thin film of soap foam, inside which air. The air is light, that's why bubbles "fly".

I propose to continue our research.

5 experience: "Candle in a glass" Invite the children to figure out how to extinguish a candle (flame without touching the candle or the flame or blowing it out. Do this together with the children following: Light a candle, cover it with a jar and watch until it goes out.

Lead the children to the conclusion that combustion requires oxygen, which turns into gas.

6 experience: "Trained Raisins"

Pour sparkling water or lemonade into a glass and put a few raisins in it - let them be fish. The fish will fall to the bottom. Now make the passes hands: “Crible, crable, boom! Highlights - you're swimming fish!. And before the eyes of the amazed children, the highlights will begin to emerge. Is it really true that the raisins have become fish? Yes, of course not.

First, the raisins sink because they are heavier than water, then the bubbles air from lemonade(they look like small Balloons) raisins stick around and they float to the surface.

Conclusion: Air is lighter than water, That's why air bubbles and bring the raisins to the surface.

7experience: can you hear air?

Guys, ah the air can be heard? We'll check it out. I invite two of you who wish to play wind instruments (kids are playing).

What do we hear? (sounds)

Children blow into the hole of the instrument, air trembles and a sound is produced, sounds spread throughout air. For example, on the Moon, where there is no air, nothing can be heard, it is useless to talk - sounds are not transmitted.

8 does he have experience? air smell

Let's continue our research.

Guys, what do you think? the air smells? Smell it. (No)

If clean Air, then it has no smell. But he is good at appropriating other people's smells. I'll take a tangerine and peel it. How did you feel? (smell of tangerine).

Therefore, your own smell air has no, absolutely clean the air doesn't smell like anything. The substances surrounding it give it its smell.

We conducted a series of experiments and learned: what air has properties and how it can be detected. And now let's summarize our research. I ask you to, take their places on the chairs.

From the study air we came to the conclusion:

-invisible air; -colorless;

Tasteless; -without smell;

He is everywhere; and main purpose air in that that we breathe it.

Breathe easily and freely when clean Air, But air may become contaminated with harmful substances, and then such breathing air is harmful. As a result, people get sick, leaves turn yellow and fall off, and trees dry out.

How can a person contribute to the air was clean?

Plant more trees, flowers, and care for them;

Water streets and paths with water to reduce dust;

Do not throw garbage;

Drivers must ensure that their cars are in good working order and do not emit a lot of harmful soot.

Install treatment facilities in factories and filters on pipes.

We have worked fruitfully, thank you for your work. And finish our class I would like to smile again. Let's smile at each other with the kindest smile.

Lesson summary for the preparatory group

"Air and its properties"

Educational objective:

Systematize and clarify children’s ideas about the properties of air.

Expand children's understanding of the importance of air in human life.

Learn to work in a team and individually during experiments.

Developmental task:

Develop cognitive interest in the process of experimentation.

Develop the ability to draw conclusions and inferences.

To develop in children the ability to find connections between inanimate nature and living nature and the objective world.

Develop thinking, imagination, curiosity, observation.

Educational task:

Cultivate an interest in learning about nature through the element of air.

Form an emotional positive attitude towards the surrounding world and nature.

Progress of the lesson

Hello guys. I am very pleased to see your friendly faces and kind eyes. The guys came to our lesson today. Let's say hello. (Welcoming guests)

Now let's stand in a circle and say hello to each other.

(communication game) communication

Let's stand side by side in a circle

Let's say "Hello!" each other,

We are not too lazy to say hello

"Hello1" and "Good afternoon" to everyone;

If everyone smiles.

Good morning will begin.

Good morning!

(sit down on the chairs)

We're starting class

It's interesting here

Try to understand everything

Lots of new things to learn!

(Music playing, viewing slides while reading a poem)

There is a huge house on Earth

Under the roof is blue.

The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

The cheerful sound of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead,

You will always be in it.

The nature of my native land

This house is called.

What is the name of this house?(nature)

What is the natural world?(people, animals, birds, plants)

What kind of nature is there?(living, non-living)

What is living nature? (That which eats, reproduces, breathes)

What about living nature?(slide wildlife)

Now name what belongs to inanimate nature?(snow, air, stones, water.) (slide inanimate nature)

Why do we classify them as inanimate nature?

Guys, listen carefully to the riddle about one of the factors of inanimate nature:

We need him to breathe

To inflate the balloon,

With us every hour,

But he is invisible to us!

What is this? (air)

That's right, it's air. What is air for? (to breathe)

Yes, we are so used to it that we don’t even notice. Well, let's first take a deep breath and then exhale.

What did you and I inhale?(air)

Now try not to breathe. Take a deep breath and hold your breath.

How did you feel when you weren't breathing? Were you comfortable?(Badly)

What conclusion can be drawn?

- Air is necessary for breathing; a person cannot live without air.

Who else breathes air?(birds, animals, plants).

What would happen if the air disappeared on earth?(there would be no life on earth)

That's right, then planet Earth would become a lifeless celestial body.

Guys, where and how do people use air?(air helps people: fly airplanes, launch balloons, move sailing ships, turn the wheels of a mill).


How do we use air in games?


How does air help plants and animals?


Can anyone see air now?

Or maybe it doesn’t exist at all?

Today In this lesson we will try to find out how real scientists and researchers can find out: “Is there air, where and how to detect it.” Scientists work in a room where there are many instruments for experiments, what is this room called? (Laboratory)

In the Laboratory you must follow certain rules: maintain silence, do not interrupt each other, do not disturb each other, work quietly and carefully, attentively.

Today I have organized a small laboratory for you in the group (hall). Let's go to our laboratory to conduct experiments (sit down at the tables)

To become nature's friend,

Find out all her secrets,

Solve all the riddles

Learn to observe

Together we will develop quality - attentiveness,

And it will help you find out everything

Our powers of observation .

So we found ourselves in a real scientific laboratory. So let's start our experiments:

1 experiment with a plastic bag.

Let's start researching. Take the package, what's in it? (it's empty)

It can be folded several times. Look how thin he is. Now let's catch the air with the bag and hide it inside; to do this, twist the bag.

Look, the bag is full of air, it has taken up all the space in the bag. Now let's untie the bag and let the air out of it. The package became thin again.

Why? (there is no air in it)

- Now we have discovered the first secret of air: it is invisible,transparent, you have to catch it to see it. And we were able to do it! We caught the air and locked it in a bag, and then released it.

2 experience.

Pick up a glass with a strip of paper inside. Touch it, is it wet or dry? (children's answers) Lida, what is she like? Turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into the water. The most important thing is that the glass must be held straight, without tilting, until it touches the bottom. Do you think the strip will get wet or not? (children's answers) Take the glass out of the water, check whether the strip of paper is wet or not.

Let's try again, but now we tilt the glass a little. What appears in the howl? (bubbles visible) Where did they come from? (air comes out of the glass and water takes its place) Check the strip of paper. What has she become? (wet, the water has displaced all the air from the glass and taken up all the space. Conclusion: there is air in the glass, so it prevented the strip of paper from being wet, which means the air is taking up space.

3 experience:

Do you think air can move?

Let's check

Take a fan. Wave at yourself. How did you feel? (wind)

Conclusion: So air can move.

Wave your fan again and tell me what kind of wind it is? (cold)

Where do you think the warm wind occurs? (on the face, near the stove, fire, if you turn on the hairdryer)

Conclusion: air can be cold, warm and hot.

Physical education minute

The wind blows from above
The wind is blowing from above.
Herbs and flowers bend.
Right-left, left-right
Flowers and grass are bowing. (Tilts to the sides.)
Now let's get together
Let's all jump on the spot. (Jumping.)
Higher! Have fun! Like this.
Let's move on one step at a time. (Walk in place.)
So the game is over.
It's time for us to get busy. (Children sit down.)

4 experiment with water and a straw.

Air surrounds us everywhere. Do you think there is air inside us? Let's check. For this experiment we will needa glass of water and a straw.Place a straw in a glass of water and blow into it.

What's happening? (bubbles come out)

How did they appear?

Here is our discovery: there is air inside us too. We blow into the tube and it comes out, but in order to blow more, we first inhale new air, and then exhale through the tube and we get bubbles.

Guys, what bubbles can you play with? (with soapy ones)

Now we will blow soap bubbles.

Fizminutka "Soap bubbles" to music.

Take a glass of ordinary water,

We will blow bubbles from soap foam.

He, inflated with air, floats through the air,

But he doesn’t live even one minute in the world.

Great, guys, you blew a lot of bubbles. Close the jars and put them in place.

A soap bubble is a thin film of soap foam containing air. The air is light, so bubbles “fly.”

I propose to continue our research.

Experiment 5: Does air have weight?

How do you think, “Does air have weight? »

We'll check this now.

Objects are laid out on the table: a rubber toy, a piece of rubber

Take a piece of rubber and put it in water. He drowned. Now let’s lower the rubber toy into the water. She doesn't drown.

Why? After all, a toy is heavier than a piece of rubber? What's inside the toy?


Conclusion: Correct. Because air is lighter than water.

Experience 6: can you hear the air?

Guys, can you hear the air? We'll check it out. I invite two of you who wish to play wind instruments(kids are playing).

What do we hear? (sounds)

Children blow into the hole of the instrument, the air trembles and a sound is produced, sounds travel through the air. For example, on the Moon, where there is no air, you can’t hear anything, it’s useless to talk - sounds are not transmitted.

7experience whether the air has a smell

Let's continue our research.

Guys, what do you think the air itself smells like? Smell it. (No)

If the air is clean, it has no odor. But he is good at appropriating other people's smells. I'll take a tangerine and peel it. How did you feel? (smell of tangerine).

Consequently, the air does not have its own smell; absolutely clean air does not smell of anything. The substances surrounding it give it its smell.

We conducted a series of experiments and learned what properties air has and how it can be detected. And now let's summarize our research. Please take your seats on the chairs

From the air study we came to the conclusion:


The air is invisible;



Without smell;

He is everywhere;

And the main purpose of air is that we breathe it.


Without air, nothing living can live.

It is easy and free to breathe when the air is clean, but the air can be polluted with harmful substances, and then it is harmful to breathe such air. As a result, people get sick, leaves turn yellow and fall off, and trees dry out.

What causes air pollution?


What city would you like to live in?


How can a person contribute to keeping the air clean?


Plant more trees, flowers, and care for them;

Water streets and paths with water to reduce dust;

Do not throw garbage;

Drivers must ensure that their cars run smoothly and do not emit a lot of harmful soot.

Install treatment facilities in factories and filters on pipes.

We have worked fruitfully, thank you for your work. And I would like to end our lesson with a smile again. Let's smile at each other with the kindest smile.

Completed by: Educator O. V. Simachenko, Ramenskoye, 2017

Topic: “The amazing properties of air”

Target: to form children’s ideas about the properties of air.



Systematize and clarify children’s ideas about the properties of air. Create conditions for independently establishing connections and relationships between systems of objects. Expand children's understanding of the importance of air in human life. Learn to work in a team and individually during experiments. Expanding children’s ideas about the world around them through their own experimental activities, Introducing children to a new type of non-traditional drawing technique “blotography” and the “imprint” method - finishing drawings using crumpled paper.


1. Develop the ability to act independently in accordance with the proposed algorithm.

2. Develop the respiratory system.

3. Develop observation and curiosity.

4. Develop cognitive interest in the process of experimentation.

5. Develop the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions.

6. Develop color perception and a sense of composition.

7. Develop the prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of music.

8. Develop imagination, attention, memory and thinking.


To arouse the desire of children to convey their impressions of the perception of objects in artistic activities, to bring them to the awareness of an expressive image. Cultivate accuracy in work.

Objectives of the integrated areas:

Speech development:

Improve speech as a means of communication. Improve the ability to accurately characterize an object, make assumptions and draw conclusions. Activate and enrich children's vocabulary. To teach children to make independent judgments.

Social and communicative development:

Develop communication and interaction of the child with peers and adults. To develop children’s readiness for joint activities.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Develop the ability to convey colors. Improve children’s ability to depict objects using the “blotography” and “print” techniques. Teach to actively and creatively use previously learned methods of depiction in drawing.

Preliminary work:

- Conversation: “Living and inanimate nature”

Excursion through the autumn park.

Looking at illustrations on the theme “AUTUMN”

Games with water and a cocktail straw “battleship”

Blowing air through a straw

Making a background using the “Wet on wet” technique


Tinted sheets



Cocktail straws

Water in jars

Paper for making fans

Paper for finishing the drawing with a “print”


Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Children enter the hall together with the teacher.

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to our guests and introduce ourselves to them:

There is always fun here

The air breathes magic

This is why our group

Together we call it “Fairy Tale”!


Curious children

Everyone wants to know in the world!


Why are there clouds in the sky?

Why are hedgehogs prickly?

Why does a snowflake melt?

Reaching your palm?

Why do dunes crawl?

Why are there fogs?

Why land and sea

A whole century of arguing with each other?

Why did the star fall?

Why do I know little?


Apparently you shouldn't be lazy,

And study and study!

Educator: Guys, you are real why! Are you interested in learning something new and unknown?

Children: Yes!

Educator: You are on the right track, because real wizards must know a lot in order not to accidentally mess something up.

And today we will learn something interesting about one familiar natural phenomenon. Guess which one:

Passes through the nose into the chest

And the return is on its way.

He's invisible, but still

We cannot live without him.

Children: About the air?!

Educator: Absolutely right! - Do you think the air has its own secrets? Let's check if this is true or not! I invite you and our guests to our Pochemuchka laboratory. (Children pass and sit at tables)

Educator: Children, do you believe in magic?

2. Main part.


Experiment No. 1

Educator: Guys, today two fabulous balloons flew to us, their names are Oh And Oh.

Balloon Oh, Which? (Cheerful, elastic, big).

Balloon Oh. Which? (Small, thin, sad).

Guys, why do you think? Oh small? (There is no air in it, it is deflated).

What needs to be done to make the ball round and elastic? (Inflate him harder).

Is it true? Now I'm inflating it (inflating it). That's how beautiful he turned out! I wonder what’s inside, look?

Children: Air?!

Educator: What other air? I can not see anything! (answers)

Do you see air? (answers)

Why do you think? (answers)

It turns out that the air is transparent, colorless and invisible? (answers)

Guys, to see the air, you need to catch it. I figured out how we could catch the air and see what it was like.

Take a plastic bag. Look what's in it? (it is empty).

Yes, it is empty, it can be folded several times. Look how thin he is. Now we fill the bag with air and twist the bag. What happened to the package? Indeed, the package has changed shape, it is full of air. What does it look like? (answers).

It looks like a pillow. The air took up all the space in the bag. Now let's untie the bag and let the air out of it. What changed? The package became empty again. I wonder why? (answers)

Yes, guys, you are right, the air is transparent, and in order to see it, you need to catch it. And we were able to do it! We caught the air and locked it in a bag, and then released it. This means there is air around us. But I wonder if there is air inside us, what do you think? (answers)

Educator: Let's check it out!

Educator: Guys, let's blow into a tube lowered into a glass of water, quietly, quietly. And let's see what happens.

Experiment No. 2

Educator: Guys, there are glasses of water in front of you and cocktail tubes lying nearby, let's blow into a tube lowered into a glass of water and blow quietly, quietly. And let's see what happens.

Educator:- Oh, guys, what's happening to the water?

Children: Bubbles come out.

Educator:- Bubbles? How did they get there? There was only water in the glass. (this is air).

Educator:- That's right - this is the air that is inside us. We blow into a tube and it comes out in the form of bubbles.

Let's blow harder and see what happens... Wow, the bubbles rise so quickly. This reminds me of what it's like guys? (answers - to the storm)

Educator:- Exactly, it looks like a storm. When there are clouds in the sky and heavy rain, bubbles also appear in the puddles.

We can draw the second conclusion: air is lighter than water, it always rises to its surface! Using a straw and a container of water, you saw air.

Experiment No. 3

Guys, can you hear the air? I suggest you play the ancient musical wind instruments-whistles (children blow whistles).

What do we hear? (sounds)

That's right guys, we hear sounds. The air trembles and sounds are produced; sounds travel through the air. For example, on the Moon, where there is no air, nothing can be heard, it is useless to talk - sounds are not transmitted.

Experiment No. 4

Do you think we can feel the air? (Yes)

In order to feel it, we need a fan. We take a sheet of paper and begin to fold it like an accordion. Now let’s wave the fan at ourselves. What do you feel? (wind). That's right, wind is the movement of air.

Educator: And now I invite everyone to play the game “The Wind Blows.”

Physical education lesson “Morning exercises”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We are funny guys

We are preschool children, (walk in a circle)

We do sports

We are not familiar with diseases.

One - two, two - one,

We have a lot of power! (arms to the sides, to the shoulders)

We'll bend down now, (tilt down)

Look at us!

One - two, don't yawn!

Squat with us! (squats)

One - jump, two - jump!

Have fun, my friend! (jumping on both legs)

Take a deep breath through your nose - (inhale through your nose without raising your shoulders)

“Sh-Sh-Sh” - We’ll say everything later.

Educator: Guys, the wind often blows in the fall. Today it has been blowing since the very morning, I met him on the way to kindergarten, and he gave me a magic ball.

The ball is autumn and magical,

He will jump into your arms and ask questions.

What time of year is it now? - Autumn.

What is autumn like? - Early, golden, late, rainy, warm, dull, joyful, fruitful, sunny...

Leaves in autumn (what do they do?) - Leaves turn yellow in autumn, fall...

Birds in the fall - Birds in the fall fly away to warmer climes... (specify - migratory!)

Animals in autumn - Animals in autumn prepare for winter, change their coats...

Trees in autumn - Trees in autumn drop their leaves and fall asleep...

Educator: Well done boys!

Autumn is definitely a fairy tale, incomparable to anything,

I wish everyone to remember this autumn!

Guys, do you know that you can draw with air? (children's answers). Want to try?

Then you and I are going to a magical drawing school.

Educator: Today, I suggest you guys, with the help of air, paints and a cocktail straw, draw autumn trees and not just draw, but blow them out of a blot. This method of drawing is called blotography.

Guys, which of the fairy-tale characters put an ink on the sheet? (Pinocchio). Right! Let's invite him to visit us and show him that you can draw with blots.

The children call Buratino. (Music from the film “The Golden Key” sounds). Pinocchio comes in.

Pinocchio: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Pinocchio: Did you call me?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Pinocchio, today the guys and I are drawing using blots and we decided that you would be interested in joining us, because you like to make blots?

Pinocchio: Yes, making inkblots is my favorite pastime! Otherwise, Malvina only scolds me for the blots. It would be great to learn how to draw using blots.... I’ll draw the most beautiful drawing and give it to her, will you teach me, guys?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Sit down with us, Pinocchio! Guys, look what's on your table.

(album sheets with a prepared background, cocktail tubes, on the first table - diluted gouache, a spoon.)

As I already said, we will draw trees using air, paint and a straw. First, I will take the paint with a spoon and make a blot at the place where the tree trunk will begin, (show). Then we begin to inflate the blot with a straw, without touching either the paint or the paper. The leaf can be rotated to create a tree trunk and branches. (show). Let's begin our magic.

(Calm music sounds) Independent activity of children.

Educator: Our tree drawing needs to dry so we can paint the autumn leaves. In the meantime, you and I will rest. (Children and Pinocchio leave the tables).

Physical education lesson “Leaves”

Autumn leaves are quietly spinning, spinning on tiptoe, arms raised up

The leaves quietly fall under our feet - they crouch

And under your feet they rustle, rustle, - movements of the hands to the right - to the left

As if they want to spin again - they get up and spin around

Educator: Guys, let's restore our breathing - raise our hands up - inhale, lower and exhale. Come on guys, breathe through your noses. Great. And the bear, the hare, the fox also have noses. How do plants breathe? Where do they belong?

did you hide your nose?

(children's answers).

Pinocchio: And plants don't have any noses.

Educator: Yes, Pinocchio, but there are small holes on the leaves - holes, they are difficult to see. It is through them that birch, maple, and dandelion breathe.

Pinocchio: This means that the bluebell, the birch tree, and everyone else needs air?

Educator: Absolutely right!

Pinocchio: Guys, who else needs air?

Children: Animals, plants, insects

Educator: That's right guys, every living thing on our Earth needs air.

But how do I know that I’m breathing? Maybe I'm just opening my mouth? (children's answers).

Place your palm first to your mouth, then to your nose and breathe. What do you feel?

(Children's answers: palms become warm from breathing)

Now, guys, let's check how long we can go without breathing. Try to cover your mouth and nose with your palm and not breathe. How did you feel? (Children’s answers: it’s not comfortable, it’s impossible not to breathe for a long time).

Pinocchio: The air did not enter our body and we could not breathe.

Educator: That's right, life is impossible without breathing. The air should be clean, rich in oxygen. And green plants help enrich the air with oxygen. That is why it is important to protect nature, plant greenery in gardens, streets, and parks. And take care of the plant world!

Educator: Guys, we had a rest, and your drawings are already dry, let's

Let's continue drawing our autumn trees!

Look what's on your table. (Paints, a glass of water, a brush, paper, a palette, a napkin).

We will draw leaves using crumpled paper (we take paper, crumple it and dip it in paint and draw leaves using the imprint method.

Then the children complete their drawings (the music continues to play)

Pinocchio: Look how great I did! (shows to children). Can I see your drawings? (walks through the rows and looks at the children’s drawings,

admires). What a great fellow you are! Thank you for teaching me, I think, Malvina

love my masterpiece! And now it’s time for me to return to my fairy tale! Goodbye, see you again!!! (leaves with his drawing)

Children: Goodbye!

Lesson summary:

Educator: Guys, your drawings are so beautiful! Well done! We did a lot today - who can tell me what we did?

Children: Conducted experiments. They were drawing.

Educator: What new things have you learned about air?

Children: Air is invisible. Air movement is wind. Air has no form. The air can be heard and felt. It is everywhere and the main purpose of air is that we breathe it. Plants provide oxygen. Nature must be protected. Without air, nothing living can live.

Educator: What unusual ways did we draw autumn trees?

Children: 1. "Blotography". 2. "Imprint".

Educator: What did you like most? (children's answers)

Educator: We will organize an exhibition of your works so that your parents can see your beautiful drawings! This concludes our lesson. Let's say goodbye to our guests.

Children: Goodbye!

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The aggravation of the environmental problem in the country dictates the need for intensive educational work to develop environmental consciousness and a culture of environmental management among the population. This needs to start in kindergarten - the first link in the lifelong education system, because... It is at preschool age that the child begins to develop such forms of sensory knowledge of nature that are important not only for the present period of his development, but also for his future adult life.

Nature is of great importance for nurturing the whole range of human feelings: a sense of beauty, a sense of kindness and compassion for the weaker and solidarity with all life on the planet.

To cultivate a conscious attitude towards nature, emotional perception is not enough for preschoolers; they also need knowledge about nature, about the role of man in it, therefore I base my work on the principles of developmental education. I give priority in teaching not to simple memorization and mechanical reproduction of knowledge, but to understanding and assessing what is happening, the joint practical activities of the teacher and children. I use an integrated approach to teaching. Children gain environmental knowledge and skills not only in specially organized classes to familiarize themselves with the world around them, but also during walks, excursions, reading books, art, music and other activities.

I attach great importance to the moral aspect: the development of ideas about the intrinsic value of nature, an emotional positive attitude towards it, the development of the first skills of environmentally literate and safe behavior in nature and in everyday life. Children acquire initial skills that allow them to participate in feasible practical activities to protect the nature of their native land.

I bring a regional component to my work on environmental education of children. Together with the children, we collect collections of seeds, stones, and minerals characteristic of our region.

The process of educating the principles of ecological culture should be interesting, rich, aesthetically developing, as close as possible to objects of living and inanimate nature, which will allow us to educate socially active, creative individuals who are able to understand and love the world around them, nature and treat them with care.

Summary of a generalizing game-lesson on the topic “Air”
for children in the pre-school group.

(Based on N. Ryzhova’s program “Our Home is Nature”)

SOFTWARE CONTENT: generalize and clarify children’s knowledge about air; consolidate basic ideas about the sources of air pollution, the importance of clean air for our health, and some rules of environmental safety. Develop thinking, memory, speech, interest in cognitive activity, express an assumption, opinion, justify it. Arouse interest in completing tasks together and create a friendly atmosphere. To instill in children a caring attitude towards the world around them.

EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: emblems /blue, green, red balloons/ according to the number of children, arrangement of equipment in the group "Fig. 1", 6 glasses, 3 paper napkins, an aquarium with water, 3 plastic bags, a lump of earth, a piece of brick, a sponge, an easel , an exhibition of drawings on the topic “How a person uses air”, a tape recorder, a recording of “The Thunderstorm” by Vivaldi, numbers 1,2,3 on stands, pyramids according to the number of children, a cup of water, a jar of water, 2 drawings: a clean city, a polluted city , colored pencils, album sheets, medals.

PRELIMINARY WORK: conducting a series of classes about air, elementary experiments to get acquainted with the properties of air, research walks, observations, excursions, drawing on the topic “How a person uses air,” memorizing poems about the wind, reading fairy tales.

Children stand in a semicircle in a group room.

Educator: Guys, tell me what is not visible in the room?

Children: Air.

Educator: What do you know about air? /It is invisible, transparent, colorless/.

Educator: How did you then know that there was air in the room? /If there was no air, we would not be able to breathe/.

Well done! Now, imagine that you are scientists, and they work in laboratories. We also have three laboratories. We need to divide into three groups, think about how best to do this. /By emblems/.

Divided? Well done!

Scientists are faced with the following task: to try to detect air in their laboratory using experiments, and then prove it.

I ask air researchers to go to their laboratories /Children disperse, sit at tables, conduct experiments with air, using the prepared equipment and material/.

Educator: So, let's start the meeting of the academic council. Scientists from Laboratory No. 1 will talk about their discovery.

Child:- We took a glass and put a paper napkin at the bottom, then, turning the glass with the hole down, we sharply lowered it into an aquarium with water, and then quickly took it out of the water and touched the napkin, it turned out to be dry. This proves that there was air in the glass, which prevented water from entering the glass. And since there is no water, it means she cannot wet the napkin.

Educator:- Does anyone have other opinions? Congratulations on your opening!

We listen to laboratory number 2.

Child:- We took a plastic bag and began to twist it from the side of the hole. But as we twisted, we saw that it inflated and became convex. This proves that there is air in the bag, which inflates the bag.

Educator:- Any other opinions? Well, congratulations to you on the opening!

Educator:- We listen to the scientists of laboratory No. 3.

Child:- We took a lump of earth, a piece of brick, a sponge and lowered it all into the water. We noticed that air bubbles appeared in the water. This proves that there is air in the earth, in the brick, in the sponge.

Educator:- Any other opinions? Congratulations on your opening!

Educator:- Well done, guys, you proved that air is everywhere around us.

Guys, come to the exhibition of drawings. Look and tell me how people use air? /Children's answers/.

Educator:- Now close your eyes, listen to the music / the recording of “The Thunderstorm” by Vivaldi is playing / and tell me what it reminded you of? /Rain, thunder, wind/.

Educator:-Where did the rain come from? /It was the wind that drove the clouds/.

Educator:- What is wind? /This is air movement/.

Educator:- Show with your palm how you can feel the wind. /Children wave their palms in front of their faces/.

Educator:- How do you feel about this? /Coolness, freshness/

Educator:- The wind in fairy tales was endowed with magical powers, it was compared to a hero, affectionately called a mischief-maker, and people often turned to the wind for help. Why do you think? /Because the wind can fly quickly around the world, can look into any corner of the earth/.

Educator:- Let's remember the poets' poems about the wind / Children read A.S. Pushkin's poems "The wind walks on the sea", "Wind, wind, you are mighty!" A. Orlova "Wind Shepherd"/.

Educator:- Guys, is wind good or bad for humans?

Educator:- Why is it good? /Sailboats float, people hang glider, etc./

Educator:- What's bad? Prove your answer /The game “Good-Bad” is played/.

Educator:- You know a lot about air, let's hold a competition of experts among scientists. I ask the scientists to restore order in the laboratories and take their places at the tables. / The children clean up the tables, put everything on a separate table, and sit down. /.

Educator:- So, let's start the competition of experts. I remind you of the rules of the game: I will ask a question, whoever knows the answer must raise his hand. While answering, you cannot interrupt your friend; you can add something if the answer was not complete. For each correct answer, the participant receives a ring chip for his pyramid.

Educator:- First question. In which fairy tale did the main character fly in and fly away with a fair wind? /"Mary Poppins, goodbye!" P.L. Traversa/.

Educator:- Second question. What fairy-tale characters flew through the air? /Serpent-Gorynych, Baba Yaga, Carlson, the Elves to whom Thumbelina flew had small wings, she also received such wings, etc./

Educator:- The third question is a story with an error. Listen carefully and find as many inaccuracies as possible, explain your point of view. The story of the famous traveler Baron Munchausen:

“Once we were sailing across the ocean on a sailing ship. The weather was calm and windless, and our wonderful ship was sailing with full sails to distant mysterious shores.” /Children's answers/.

Educator:- The fourth question is a story with a question.

“One day Katya and her mother were walking down the street and admiring the floating clouds. And suddenly Katya shouted: “Mom, mom, look, a dandelion has grown on the roof of this two-story house. Who put him there?"

Educator:-Who really planted a dandelion there? /Wind/

Educator:- How could he get there?

Educator:- Fifth question. What other plants with flying seeds do you know? /Birch, maple, poplar, ash, elm, pine, spruce, linden, reed/.

Educator:- The sixth question is a story with a question,

“One day, tourists were going on a hike. One of them, named Pyotr Ivanovich, loved butterflies. He watched them everywhere. “I wish I could get to the top soon!” There are probably so many butterflies, dragonflies and beetles that I have never seen in my life!" he thought. But the higher and higher the tourists climbed, the butterflies and dragonflies became fewer and fewer. And those that were, in Basically, they crawled on the ground, and did not fly. At the very top, no one flew at all. Pyotr Ivanovich was surprised and thought: “Why don’t extraordinary butterflies and bugs live here?

/The higher we rise in the mountains, the stronger the wind becomes. In strong winds, insects cannot fly; the wind blows them away and carries them away.

Educator:- Seventh question. Name a science that uses air to build its “house”? /Spider-diver; silver spider/.

Educator:- Eighth question: Why was the plant “tumbleweed” called that way? /Because the wind can tear this plant off the ground and roll it across the field for a long, long time, like a bun./.

Educator:- Guys, we did an experiment: we took clean water into a plate and put it on the window near the balcony. They also filled a jar with clean water and placed it on an area near the fence on the side of the road. Let's see what happened to the water over the weekend? /She became dirty/.

Educator:- Why? /Children's answers/.

Educator:-Which water is cleaner?

Educator:- That’s right, in our group the air is relatively cleaner than near the road.

Name other places where there may be dirty air that is dangerous to breathe. /Near factories, next to garages, next to a parking lot, near a road where a lot of cars pass, near garbage dumps that are usually on fire, at a gas station, etc./

Educator:- Guys, look at these drawings and tell me: what city would you like to live in? Why? Two drawings are exhibited: a clean city: everything is blooming, growing, green nature, etc., the other - a factory chimney is smoking, everything is clouded with smoke, etc. "rice. 2” /Children’s answers/.

Educator:- Now Anya will read a poem.

Child:- Let's take care of the planet.

There is no other one like it in the world.
Will scatter fires and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her!”

Educator:- You are small and cannot make sure that factory chimneys do not smoke, there are no huge landfills, but you can take care of your health. How? / Do not walk near roads, garages, parking lots, factories, landfills, do not take long walks on a windy, dusty day, etc. /

Educator:- Well done! Now let’s sum it up, let’s count who has more rings on the pyramid. /Children count rings on pyramids/.

Educator:- Let's all congratulate the winner and be happy for him.

Educator:- Guys, are you satisfied with your game? /Children's answers/.

Educator:- Now, if your mood were rated from 1 to 10, what rating would you choose for yourself? /Children's answers/.

Educator:- Thank you for playing, with today’s game you proved that you are real experts.

Educator:- Guys, you know so much, but the younger children don’t know this yet, so let’s help them: we’ll come up with and draw signs that will help the kids learn to take care of their health, and after sleep we’ll give it to them and tell them. I came up with this sign: don’t walk near the road. And you come up with your own. /Children in their free time draw special signs warning about the danger of breathing polluted air/. "Fig. 3"


1. I.A. Ryzhova “Invisible Air”

2. N.N. Poddyakov “Mental education of preschool children”

3. V.A. Marfidina, G.V. Kharkhan, G.I. Shevchenko "Methods for the development of creative thinking."

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
“Combined kindergarten “Ogonyok”, Kyzyl-Ozek village”

GCD in the educational field "Cognition"

in the preparatory group


Prepared by:
preparatory group teacher

Volkova N.A.


Integration of educational areas: cognitive, speech, social-communicative, physical development.

Target: formation of ideas about air and its properties.

Software tasks:

Educational objectives: exercise the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, develop logical thinking; teach how to find the right solution in a problem situation.

Developmental tasks: develop thought processes: attention, thinking, memory; introduce the properties of air; develop fine motor skills in the process of research activities.

Educational tasks: cultivate the desire to achieve goals in a problematic situation; cultivate a desire to help each other in completing a collective task.

Ways to organize children: sitting in a semicircle.

Materials and equipment: cocktail straws, glasses of water, plastic bags, rubber toys, toothpicks, glass, napkin, container of water, 2 candles, matches.

Preliminary work: experimentation in a group; learning a physical education minute; discussion of the rules of conduct in the group during the experiment.

Methods and techniques:
1. Practical (Experiments, experiments, didactic games)
2. Visual (Looking at pictures)
3. Verbal (Questions, explanations, conclusions)

GCD move:

Educator: Guys, today we will go to the experimental laboratory. Today we will study the mysterious invisible substance. It cannot be seen with your eyes or touched with your hands, guess the riddle:
The Invisible Man is naughty
Lives next to you
He is invisible and inaudible,
And wherever we go,
We will find the invisible man.
Children: Air.
Educator: Tell me, please, what is air? (air is what we breathe)
Educator: Where is the air? (everywhere)
Educator: Who breathes the air? (people, birds, animals, insects, plants).
Educator: Is it possible to live without air? (children's answers)
Educator: Why? (children's answers)
Educator: Today we have a very difficult task ahead of us: to find out what air is, how it can be detected, what properties it has. Let's go to our laboratory and start research.
Experience 1. What is this? Cup. Look, is there anything in it? (no, it's empty). Guys, do you think it’s possible to put a glass in water and not wet the napkin lying at the bottom? (children's answers). Okay, let's check. Look first. In front of me is a basin of water. Look, I attached a piece of plasticine to the bottom of the glass, and I attach a napkin to the plasticine so that the napkin does not fall out. I turn the glass upside down, carefully and carefully immerse it in the water, without tilting the glass, to the very bottom of the container, then immediately lift it out of the water and let the water drain without turning the glass over.

Educator: Dear scientists, what do you think happened? Did water get into the glass? (children make sure that the napkin at the bottom of the glass is dry).
-Is the napkin wet? (no, I didn’t get wet)
-What prevented the water from getting it wet? (children's answers - air in the glass)
-What happens to the napkin if you tilt the glass? (children's answers - air bubbles will come out, and water will take its place, the napkin will get wet).
Conclusion: Air takes up space
Breathing exercises:
We took a deep breath
We breathe easily.
(slow inhale and exhale for 4 seconds)
Breathe through one nostril
And peace will come to you.
(long inhalation and exhalation through one nostril, close the other nostril with your index finger)
"Pump" (deep inhalation - arms up, long exhalation - arms down through the sides.)
Educator: Experience 2. How many of you guys see air? I don’t see it either, but I know that it is around us.
-How can you detect it? (answers)
-And I suggest trying to catch him. How can this be done?
Take the bags and try to catch the air. Twist the bags. What happened to the packages? What's in them? (air) What is he like? Do you see him? (No).
Let's make sure that there is air there. Take a stick and carefully pierce the bag. Bring it to your face and press on it. What do you feel?
So, if we can't see air, what can we do? - Feel it! Feel like a light breeze on the skin of your face.
Conclusion: The air is transparent, colorless;
The air can be felt on the skin.
Educator: Experience 3. The air can not only be felt, but also heard. How is this possible? Where can we hear the air? (Wind, pump, etc.)
Pick up rubber toys. Can you hear the air?
-Now try to pinch the hole with your finger. What's happening? (no sound is heard, the toy does not compress, the air inside the toy interferes).
We were once again convinced that there is air, it fills everything around.
Conclusion: The air can be heard; air does not have its own form, it fills other objects.
Educator: Experience 4. Let's continue our research. The air is very light and always tends to the surface. Air is lighter than water.
-Let's make sure of this. On the table, everyone has a glass of water and straws. Blow softly into the tube.
-What's happening? What do you see? Air particles rise to the surface of the water.
Hence the conclusion: Air is lighter than water.
Educator: What is wind?
Children: Wind is the movement of air.
Educator: Come on, now let's all stand quietly for a physical minute. It's called "Wind".
Physical exercise “Wind”
The wind blows in our faces, waves our hands in our faces
The tree swayed, hands up, bends
The wind is getting quieter, quieter, squatting
The tree is getting higher and higher, rising up on its tiptoes
Educator: Experience 5. Let's play. Which of these items do you think helps a person use air? (on the table there is a set of cards depicting various objects, including a hair dryer, pump, vacuum cleaner, fan). Select the ones you need and explain why they are needed.
Children choose and explain the purpose of these objects.
- Guys, now we know that air is everywhere, and we breathe it. A person breathes all his life, he needs air for life every second.
Try holding your nose with two fingers and closing your mouth. Don't breathe! Easily? Why did you remove your hand and open your mouth? What were you missing? How did you feel? How should you breathe correctly?
-By breathing through the nose correctly, the air in the nose warms up, is cleared of impurities and enters the lungs. Only clean air is good for health. Scientists - ECOLOGISTS - monitor the cleanliness of the air on Earth. They study how people influence nature, what they can do to reduce air pollution.
Educator: Experience 6. What will happen if the earth runs out of clean and healthy air? (answers) I suggest you see what happens to a candle flame if you suddenly run out of clean air. I light two candles and cover one of them with a jar. The candle went out quickly, i.e. the fire goes out without fresh air.
-What's happening? Why did the candle in the jar go out? (The jar ran out of clean air. The flame went out because it was burning due to clean air). Let's smell what's left in the jar. There remains air that is unpleasant not only to inhale, but even more so to breathe.
Educator: Human health depends both on how we breathe (Inhale through the nose) and on what we breathe. Is the air we breathe in the city different from the air in the forest?
Bottom line. Now guys, let's remember everything we learned about air. I suggest you take 2 mugs from the table. One red and one green. I will say statements, and instead of answering, you will show circles. If you agree with me, raise the green circle; if you disagree, raise the red circle. Let's try. Be careful.
Air surrounds us on all sides. Yes, green.
People and animals breathe air. Yes, green.
The air is transparent, so we don't see it. Yes.
A person can live without air. No, red.
Air is a substance that has no color. Yes.
Air is heavier than water. No.
You can feel the air. Yes.
The air can be heard. Yes.
Air has its own shape. No.