Feedback on the seminar on traffic rules for preschool teachers. Workshop "organization of work in preschools to teach children traffic rules" Courses on traffic rules for preschool teachers

Feedback on the seminar on traffic rules for preschool teachers.  Workshop
Feedback on the seminar on traffic rules for preschool teachers. Workshop "organization of work in preschools to teach children traffic rules" Courses on traffic rules for preschool teachers

Sarmanovsky district, Jalil village,

MBDOU No. 4 “Little Red Riding Hood”

Shaimardanova Liliya Raisovna

Seminar-workshop for teachers on the prevention of DDTT

“Follow the rules and avoid trouble!”

Target: Through a practical lesson, show how basic knowledge in the field of road traffic is formed. To introduce modern game forms in working with children to study traffic rules.

Form: practical lesson.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, presentation, laptop, audio recordings, sheets of paper according to the number of participants, baton, umbrella, raincoat with hood, inspector uniform, pedestrian certificates.


Presenter: Good afternoon, dear colleagues!Our workshop today is dedicated to modern game forms in working with children to study traffic rules.

We live today in the age of speed. Everyone around is in a hurry, in a hurry... One second... Is it a lot or a little? For a pedestrian, 1 second is nothing, just a step. But for a driver, a second is a serious thing.

It is scary when children die at the hands of terrorists, but no less scary when a child dies on the road as a result of the irresponsibility of adults.

Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road? At first glance it seems easy. You just need to introduce him to the basic requirements of the Traffic Rules and there will be no problems.

It's actually very difficult. After all, we, adults, violate these same notorious Rules every day in front of our own children, and do not think that we are setting an impossible task for the child: what is the right way? What do they say or what do they do?

Exercise “Thin Paper”

The presenter gives each participant a sheet of paper. Teachers listen carefully to what the presenter says and follow the instructions.

Fold the paper in half, tear off the top right corner, fold it in half again, tear off the top right corner, etc. (up to five times). Perform the exercise as you understand it.

The presenter sets questions :

Does everyone have the same sheets? What is the difference? How are the leaves similar? What do you think is the point of the task?

The presenter concludes:

Everyone understands instructions differently, we are all different. When reading notations and rules to children, can you be sure that they understood us correctly and understood everything? If there was an example, everyone would have the same thing. We can talk as much as we want about how to cross the road correctly, but if we ourselves do not follow these rules, you can be sure that our children will break them too.

Despite the fact that it is easier to tell the rules of the road (most people do this), it is more correct to do this in the form of a game due to the age characteristics of preschoolers. And secure them on the street, during walks and trips.

Today we will introduce you to a number of games that you can play with children. And the first game is called “Pass the Baton.”

Game "Pass the Wand"

The players line up in a circle. The traffic controller's baton is passed to the player on the left. Mandatory condition: take the baton with your right hand, transfer it to your left and pass it to another participant. The program is accompanied by music. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the baton raises it up and calls any traffic rule (or road sign).

And now, I want to invite you to examine questions that have arisen from practical situations that occur on the streets and roads.

Practical situations

    Grandfather and I approached the roadway.

Grandfather, let's go faster, the cars are still far away, and we will have time to cross the road.

“Don’t rush, grandson, we need to take something into account,” answered the grandfather.

What is there to take into account! – I insisted.

Just think about what needs to be taken into account in such cases!

Question: what must be taken into account when crossing the roadway?

Answer: pedestrian crossing; traffic light signal; at what speed are the cars moving; Are there any special purpose vehicles (ambulances, etc.)

2. It was pouring rain all day. I didn’t want to go out, but towards the end of the day I decided to go to the library. Approaching the road, I looked both ways. It seemed to me that there were no cars nearby. Covering myself with an umbrella, I walked along the roadway - and suddenly there was a piercing squeal of brakes!!! The car skidded so that it began to move in the opposite direction. Frightened, I instantly found myself on the sidewalk. Here a man turned to me: “Do you understand why this happened?”

Question: why did this happen, what mistake did the pedestrian make?

Answer: It is better to use a pedestrian crossing or follow the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign. When crossing the road, you must not block your view with an umbrella, hood, etc.

Presenter: While playing, children take exams like adults, and now I suggest you take exams on your knowledge of traffic rules.

KVN “I know the traffic rules myself, I’ll tell someone else”

The phonogram “We are starting KVN” plays.

We are starting KVN, where there will be no winners or losers. We will simply test our knowledge and share our experience in preparing children for the lifelong “profession” of a traffic participant.

I present the topics of the questions:

    Crossroads of Mysteries

    Bicycle signs

    The smartest

    Talking signs


Crossroads of Mysteries

    For this horse - gasoline, oil, and water.

He does not graze in the meadow, he rushes along the roads.Automobile.

    Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

There are legs and two wheels running along the road.

The riddle has an answer, it's mine...Bike.

Bicycle signs

    At what age can you ride a bicycle on the road?From the age of 14.

    What should you check first on your bike before riding? Brakes.

The smartest

    Which of the following road signs is redundant?

    Other hazards;

    Sharp turn;

    Men at work;

    Overtaking is prohibited.

    Which of the following terms is redundant?

    Mateshaya vysmatika (higher mathematics);

    Regulars of the gamer;

    Znarozhny dock;

    I'm sorry.

Musical pause

We will sing an excerpt from a song using road signs.

Let them run clumsily (“Children”)

pedestrians through puddles, (“Pedestrian crossing”)

and the water runs like a river on the asphalt (“Drinking water”)

And it is unclear to passers-by (“Movement to the right or left”)

bad weather on this day, (“Car Wash”)

why am I so cheerful? ("Other Hazards")

And I play the harmonica (“Sound signals are prohibited”)

in plain sight of passers-by (“Pedestrian crossing”)

Unfortunately, it’s a birthday (“Food Point”)

only once a year... (“Dead End”)

Talking signs

    If you are in a hurry to cross the street on your way,

Go there, where all the people are, where the sign is...Footpath.

    All engines stop

And the drivers are attentive,

If the signs say:

“School is close! Kindergarten!"Children.


    What gift did Uncle Fyodor's parents give to postman Pechkin?Bike.

    Who traveled in the cartoon “Chunga-Changa?”Ship.

Host: Well, our game is over. You have all successfully passed the exam on your knowledge of traffic rules.

The sound of rain is heard and Auntie Bad Weather appears with an umbrella and in a hood, sees nothing, bumps into, slides.

Auntie takes off her cloak and notices the guests.

Auntie Bad Weather: Hello, I’m Auntie Bad Weather, I decided to take a walk around the spring village.

Host: Dear guests, it often rains in spring... Why is this weather dangerous for pedestrians?

Expected answers from guests: (umbrella, hood is in the way, the road is slippery).

Suddenly, Auntie Bad Weather takes off her cloak and turns into a traffic police inspector.

Traffic police inspector:

Well done! You answered everything correctly!

And now that you have learned the ABCs of movement

I'm starting my dedication to pedestrians!

Pedestrian Initiation

Be very careful on the street - I promise! (everything - I promise)

Don't worry car drivers and don't run across red lights - I promise! (everything - I promise)

Traffic police inspector:

And now I will summarize.

Everyone needs to know the rules

No matter who you are, old or young,

Knowing the rules is a valuable treasure!

Let me present you with a “Pedestrian Certificate”.

Leading.I would like to end our master class with words. Philosophers say that “life is measured not by the number of days, months, years lived, but by vivid, memorable events and impressions of them.” I am sure that emotional memory will preserve the atmosphere of our seminar. Thank you! Take care of yourself and your loved ones.


    Barinova E.V. Baby safety: home and yard: a guide for kindergartens and early development schools. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2013.

    Elzhova N.V. Traffic rules in kindergarten: developmental environment and methods for introducing children to traffic rules. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2014.

    Lykova I.A., Shipunova V.A. Road ABC. Children's safety: educational and methodological manual for teachers. – M.: Publishing House “Tsvetnoy Mir”, 2013.

    Kozlovskaya E. Road traffic accidents involving preschool children. Causes and conditions contributing to their occurrence // Preschool education. 2011. No. 10.

    Teaching preschool children the rules of safe behavior on the roads: textbook / author: Akhmadieva R.Sh., Voronina E.E. and others – Publication of the State Institution “NC BZhD”, 2008.

    Traffic rules for children 3-7 years old. / auto/comp. Belyaevskova G.D. and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.

    Saulina T.F. We introduce preschoolers to the rules of the road. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.

Audience: parents of children of the middle age group (25 people).

Number of participants: group teacher, parents, traffic police inspector.


1. Intensification of propaganda activities among parents of preschool educational institutions on traffic rules and safe behavior on the road.

2. To optimize parents’ knowledge about traffic rules for preschool children for the full development of personality.

3. Encourage parents to think that compliance with traffic rules is the most important thing for preserving the life and health of children.

Expected results:

  1. The emergence of parents' interest in problems.
  2. Parents are familiar with the rules of the road that the child should know.
  3. Parents have clear ideas about what children should know about the rules of the road.
  4. Parents themselves and their children comply with traffic rules.
  5. Maintaining family communication with the teacher and traffic police officers.

Information and technical support: Visual information (moving folders, visual materials, traffic rules corner).

Didactic games for learning traffic rules (“Young Pedestrian”, “Traffic Rules for Kids”, “Traffic Lights”, “Traffic Light”, “Domino Road”).

Layout of the city/3D diagram of the city with road signs, zebra crossings, etc.

Materials and equipment:

Group room, tables and chairs according to the number of adult participants,

interactive whiteboard, laptop, presentation, speed bump, traffic lights with different burning colors, pedestrian crossings, pedestrian models or toys.


1. Screening of the video “Child on the Road”, creating the necessary emotional mood.

Dear parents!

You go to kindergarten! On the way, you cover a long path through the streets of our city. Currently, children's injuries on the roads are an acute problem. In order to prevent children from violating traffic rules, we need to know how to behave in a given situation. And for this, let's split into two teams and play a little, "Chain" I will ask questions, and you will be responsible for the answer, we will give you a token. (5 tokens equal 1 point.)

Questions for parents:

Who do you think is to blame for traffic accidents involving children?

Why are injuries most often caused by adults?

Why don't children follow traffic rules?

- How should adults behave towards a child who is walking alone near the roadway?

2. Speech by a traffic police inspector

2.1. Rights and responsibilities of parents(report)

Russian legislation quite precisely defines both the rights and responsibilities of parents. They are entrusted with the responsibility of preparing a complete individual for our society. This responsibility represents the daily, continuous work of both parents aimed at preparing the child for adulthood.

In accordance with the provisions of the Family Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 61-70), the following rights and responsibilities of parents are defined:

  • the protection of the rights and interests of children is entrusted to their parents (in other words, parents defend the rights of their children in all government and other organizations);
  • parents do not have the right to cause harm to the physical and mental health of children, their moral development;
  • provide, within their capabilities, the living conditions necessary for the normal development of the child;
  • all issues related to the upbringing and education of children are resolved by parents by mutual consent, based on the interests of the children and taking into account the opinions of the children;
  • ensuring that children receive basic general education is generally accessible and free of charge, including in educational institutions located at their place of residence;
  • the right to assist parents in providing the family with medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, and social assistance;
  • Parental rights cannot be exercised in conflict with the interests of the children.

For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their parental responsibilities, as well as for committing offenses against their children, parents bear administrative, criminal and other liability, depending on the nature of the actions committed.

2.2. Rights and responsibilities of parent drivers(report, booklets)

Violation of the requirements for the transportation of children established by the Traffic Rules Article 12.23 part 3. Violation of the rules for using seat belts or motorcycle helmets Article 12.6.

Crossing an organized transport or pedestrian convoy or taking a place in it Article 12.15 part 1. Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to stop in front of the stop line indicated by road signs or markings of the roadway, when there is a prohibiting traffic light signal or a prohibiting gesture from a traffic controller.

Article 12.12 part 2. Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way to pedestrians, cyclists or other road users (except for vehicle drivers) who have priority in traffic Article 12.18.

2.3. Rights and responsibilities of a pedestrian(report, booklets)

A pedestrian has the right:

Drive on the roads in accordance with these Rules.

To have priority crossing of the roadway at an unregulated pedestrian crossing, as well as at a controlled pedestrian crossing with the permission signal from a traffic controller or traffic light.

The pedestrian is obliged:

Move along the sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle path, and if there are none, along the side of the road. In the absence of the specified road elements or the impossibility of pedestrian movement along them, pedestrian movement is allowed along the edge of the roadway towards the movement of vehicles.

When driving along the edge of the roadway at night, a pedestrian must identify himself with a reflective element(s). The reflective characteristics of these elements are established by technical regulations.

Cross (cross) the roadway via underground or overground pedestrian crossings, and in their absence, after making sure that exit to the roadway is safe, through a ground pedestrian crossing (if there is no ground pedestrian crossing, at an intersection along the sidewalks or roadsides).

If there are no underground, overground, or ground pedestrian crossings or intersections within sight of a pedestrian, cross (cross) the roadway along the shortest path in a section where the road is clearly visible in both directions, making sure that the exit to the roadway is safe and the pedestrian’s actions do not will create obstacles to the movement of vehicles.

When crossing the roadway outside underground, overground, surface pedestrian crossings and intersections at night, a pedestrian is recommended to identify himself with a reflective element.

A pedestrian is prohibited from:

Move along the edge of the roadway if there is a sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle path, or shoulder along which pedestrian traffic is possible, except for the cases specified in paragraphs 21 and 135 of these Rules.

To linger and stop on the roadway, including on the line of horizontal road markings separating oncoming and passing traffic flows, with the exception of stopping at traffic islands.

Cross (cross) the roadway outside the underground, overground, and surface pedestrian crossings on a section of the road:

With dividing zone, dividing strip;

With a total number of traffic lanes of six or more;

Where are road barriers installed?

Entering the roadway due to a stationary vehicle or other object that limits visibility of the road without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

When approaching a vehicle with blue or blue and red beacons on, a pedestrian is prohibited from crossing (crossing) the roadway, and a pedestrian on the roadway must leave it, observing safety precautions.

3. Speech by the teacher.

In our country, the situation with children's road traffic injuries has been and remains very alarming. Most often, children and pedestrians become participants in car accidents. The concept of preschool education, guidelines and requirements for updating the content of preschool education outline a number of fairly serious requirements for the safe behavior of children in the surrounding reality. In this regard, a problem arose: how to teach a child safe behavior on the road as a pedestrian.

To achieve our goal in the educational field “Safety”, we use the main general education program of the preschool educational institution, and the program of additional education for preschoolers on traffic rules “Good Road of Childhood” author: Shaidulina N.V.; “Traffic Light” program training for preschool children author: Danilova T.I., S. Volkov “About the rules of the road.” All this is aimed at developing this social and personal aspect in children. One of the main forms of children’s development is the organization of joint activities with the teacher through a didactic game (“Learning road signs”, “Traffic light”, “The traffic light says to our eyes”, “The sidewalk and children”, “What first, what then?”, “Be careful of the road”) ").

An outdoor game (“Sparrows and a car”, “Traffic light”, “Be careful”, “Attention pedestrian”);

Story-based role-playing game (We are pedestrians, on city roads, Traffic rules).

4.1.Situations for analysis:

1 slide. A mother and her son are leaving kindergarten, the front road is the road, there is no sidewalk. The boy is running, in front of her, anywhere. Mom doesn't react to this.

Question . What should a mother do?

2 slide. Mom and son walk down the street. On the opposite side, the boy sees his dad and “rushes” to him across the road.

Question . What should mom have done?

4.2 Interactive game.

The teacher offers parents to go through two difficulty levels: first and second.

3 slide. The first level is called "Baby's Mouth." The conditions of this game are similar to the television program of the same name. If the word is guessed on the first try, players receive 5 points. Each subsequent clue deprives participants of one point.

When you're on it, you can't yawn.

Everyone looks around him. (Crossroads.)

This is something so long.

It can be multi-colored, but it can also be one color.

If it is there, it means there is a railway nearby.

If it is raised, then you can go. (Barrier.)

In winter it is not visible, but in summer it is painted.

Someone walks along it, someone stops in front of it.

Looks like a horse.

Like a vest. (Zebra.)

The eyes glow one by one. (Traffic light.)

Educator: Congratulations, you have successfully completed this level.

4 Slide. The second level is called “Collect a picture”.

I will take turns asking questions to one team and then to the other, and you will answer. For each correct answer, the parent receives a part of the picture, then it is collected; the first one to collect it receives 5 points.

  • What kind of transport travels along the streets of our city?
  • Where should a pedestrian move on a country road?
  • Why is it dangerous to cross the road in front of nearby traffic?
  • What is the purpose of a traffic light, what signals does it give?
  • How should you cross the street after getting off the vehicle?
  • What is a pedestrian crossing?
  • How and where should you cross the street?
  • Who is called a passenger?
  • What types of passenger transport do you know?
  • Which traffic lights prohibit pedestrian and vehicular traffic?
  • What does a yellow traffic light mean?
  • In what sequence are the traffic light signals arranged?
  • What should parents do to transport children in a car?

Let's summarize. Who has more tokens... This ends our interactive game. Congratulations! You have successfully passed all tests according to the rules of the road.

4.3 . Educator: And now I suggest you move a little and play a game "Blind driver"

Before the start of the exercise, various obstacles are placed in the group (speed bumps, traffic lights with different lit colors, pedestrian crossings, pedestrians (models or toys).

Parents are divided into pairs, one of them is blindfolded. The goal of the second participant is to control the “blind driver” i.e. promptly report obstacles and traffic signs encountered on a given route.

“The traffic light is our assistant.”

Offer to remember poems or rhymes about the colors of traffic lights (red color - no passage, yellow color - be ready for the journey, and green color - get going!). The game “Be Attentive” is being played. The traffic light is red! The path is dangerous - there is no passage! And if the yellow light is on, he says “get ready.” Green flashed ahead - the way is clear - cross. In the game, all participants are “pedestrians”. When the traffic controller shows a yellow light at the traffic light, all participants line up and prepare to move; when the green light turns on, you can walk, run, jump throughout the hall; when the light is red, everyone freezes in place. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. When crossing the street, follow the traffic lights.

Game “Road, transport, pedestrian, passenger”

Participants stand in a circle, with a traffic controller in the middle. He throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of the words: road, transport, pedestrian, passenger. If the driver said the word “Road!”, the one who caught the ball must quickly name a word related to the road. For example: street, sidewalk, curb, etc. To the word “Transport!” the player answers with the name of a vehicle; to the word “Pedestrian!” you can answer - traffic light, pedestrian, etc. The ball is then returned to the traffic controller. The wrong player is eliminated from the game.

The teacher offers to play a computer game on the interactive board.

4.4. “Vovka the Pedestrian.”(computer game)

Slide no. Actions and possible explanations of the teacher
№1 "Vovka the pedestrian."
№2 “Help Vovka collect the picture”

(Using a manipulator, the child selects a picture and moves it to the desired square; if his actions are correct, he hears a sound signal.)

№3 “Help Vova cross the road.”

(Using a manipulator, the child selects a picture and moves it to the hero’s field; if his actions are correct, he hears a sound signal.)

№4 “Vovka needs to cross the intersection, at which traffic light he can cross the road.” (Using a manipulator, the child selects a picture and moves the hero onto the field; if his actions are correct, he hears a sound signal.)
№5 “Help Vovka determine who is violating the traffic rules.” (Using a manipulator, the child moves the picture into the hero’s field; if his actions are correct, he hears a sound signal.)
№6 “Help Vovka determine which sign should be in this place. (With the help of a manipulator, the child moves objects onto the hero’s field; if his actions are correct, he hears a sound signal.)
№7 “Help Vova hang the sign in place.” (Using a manipulator, the child selects an object and moves the hero onto the field; if his actions are correct, he hears a sound signal.)
№8 “Help Vovka determine which sign is called “Beware of children.” (Using a manipulator, the child selects an object and moves the hero onto the field; if his actions are correct, he hears a sound signal.)
№9 "Well done!"

5. Reflection.

Educator: Develop safe behavior skills in children through:

Parents' answers:

Personal example. Remember, if you break the Rules, your child will do the same! Remember that you are responsible for the life and health of children.

Automate skills when crossing the roadway. The child must develop a solid skill: before taking the first step from the sidewalk, he turns his head and examines the road in all directions. Show! Explain! That the car needs to be noticed from afar, that it moves at different speeds, that it has special beacons by which you can determine the direction of the car’s movement. Teach him to peer into the distance.

In conclusion, we express our deep gratitude to the parents and introduce them to the traffic rules corner, and distribute booklets “Pedestrian Rules”.

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April 19, 2016 In our kindergarten, which for the second year in a row became the winner of the municipal stage of the regional competition "Green Light", a workshop was held on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries (CDTI) "To kindergarten - according to the rules of the road" - exchange of work experience. The results of the city competition “Green Light” for the 2015-2016 academic year were also summed up.

The seminar was attended by inspectors from the propaganda department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city. Podolsk A.V. Petrenko and S.L. Epifanov, deputy heads of pre-school educational institutions, deputy heads of pre-school safety, teachers of school preparatory groups of pre-school educational institutions microdistrict. Klimovsk, a total of 23 people were present.

The participants of the seminar, according to the regulations, were offered the quest trip “Fort Boyard” - a lesson in the senior group, which was conducted by teacher Svetlana Anatolyevna Efimova. Those present became spectators of the exciting adventure of the children, because in order to get the treasures of Fort Boyard, they had to complete many difficult tests on their knowledge of traffic rules. And the children passed this exam with honor and deservedly won the “treasure chest.”

In order to study the methodological support for the prevention of children's road accidents and the content of the subject-developmental environment by the participants of the seminar head MBDOU TsRR - d/s No. 11 “Ryabinka” Svetlana Petrovna Bogoboyazova gave a group tour.

Musical director Ekaterina Dmitrievna Murashova prepared a performance by the propaganda brigade of the young police squad (YPD) “Flickers” based on the fairy tale “New Kolobok”. Participants of the propaganda team not only showed an instructive story about Kolobok, who did not know the rules of the road, but also asked the audience of the performance - children of preparatory groups - questions about their knowledge of the road alphabet.

The work of the seminar continued in the office of educational and information technologies, where an exhibition of methodological and didactic material on traffic rules available in preschool educational institutions was prepared for the participants. Marina Gennadievna Afanasyeva, senior teacher, introduced the seminar participants to the forms and methods of working with children to develop knowledge about traffic rules and skills of conscious safe behavior on the streets of the city, in the process of educational activities in the MBDOU CRR - d/s No. 11 “Ryabinka”. The report and presentation showed a high level of work to prevent children's road accidents in our kindergarten.

Educator Efimova S.A. shared with her colleagues her experience of working with mind maps (mind maps are a technique for presenting any process or event, thought or idea in a comprehensive, systematized, visual (graphic) form), which aroused great interest and approval of its use among the teachers present.

Senior teacher Irina Vladimirovna Pantyukhina conducted a workshop in the office of educational information technologies (EIT) on the topic “Educational information technologies as a means of teaching preschoolers traffic rules.”

At the conclusion of the seminar, Irina Lvovna Baronova, teacher-organizer for the prevention of children's road accidents, MBOU DO "CDOD", summed up the work of the microdistrict. Klimovsk as part of the regional competition “Green Light”.

Irina Lvovna noted that over the past eight years the level of knowledge in this area among teaching staff has increased.

  • Seminars, round tables, master classes held twice a year, where teachers share their work experience, give high results.
  • An important role is played by planning work on the prevention of DDTT, which is designated at the beginning of the school year and is monitored.
  • MBDOU participate in annual city and regional thematic events: competitions “Crossroads”, “PDDshka”, exhibitions of creative works; Conduct parent meetings, conversations, consultations, and surveys.
  • Each MBDOU has a creative folder on road safety, which contains all the forms and methods of working on road safety.
  • In the foyer of the first floors there is a “Security Corner” that meets certain requirements.
  • In preparatory groups for school, young police squads have been created from among the best experts in traffic rules.
  • In recent years, the administration of institutions has paid great attention to methodological support of the educational process on road safety.
  • Together with parents, visual aids, board games, educational banners, traffic lights, and sets of road signs were purchased.
  • Many MBDOUs have purchased educational interactive boards with sets of workbooks and sets of training in the basics of safe behavior on the roads, as well as Automotive Towns for use on the street, which consist of a set of mini cars and scooters.
  • On the territory of all preschool institutions there are transport areas, most of which were made taking into account the recommendations of the propaganda department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the city. Podolsk, where children improve their practical skills as pedestrians and drivers.

The head of GMO, deputy head, summed up the results of the seminar. according to VMR DOU microdistrict. Klimovsk Fedotova Irina Vladimirovna(Deputy Head of VMR of Preschool Educational Institution No. 17 “Cheburashka”), who, on behalf of all participants, highly appreciated the presented experience of our preschool educational institution, offered to approve it and accept it for use.

Inspectors of the propaganda department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city. Podolsk A.V. Petrenko and S.L. Epifanov, regular participants in all road safety events, presented the participating children with reflective elements, reminders and “Young Pedestrian” certificates, thanked the team for the work being done to prevent traffic accidents, highly appreciated the seminar and offered to hold it for the purpose of exchanging experience for other preschool educational institutions in the city. O. Podolsk