Tales and stories about animals (V. Bianki, Ill

Tales and stories about animals (V. Bianki, Ill
Tales and stories about animals (V. Bianki, Ill

The book is just Chu-Desa-Naya! :))
Book of large format. I did not expect that the book would be large enough and will come to me packed in a protective film.
Coated paper, dense, but at the same time she matte (that is, it practically does not glare).

The author's father was scientist and worked in the entomology department of the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences. Mostly Bianca discovered his native nature at his dacha in the Swan. In the country, representatives of the scientific community of St. Petersburg often gathered. Bianki played a significant role in the fate of the children's writer S. V. Sakhardov. Sugarnov considered Bianca his teacher. The student and follower of Bianki is also N. I. Sladkov. Biianki books reveal the world of nature, learn to penetrate her secrets.

The book is simply wonderful drawings of birds and other inhabitants of the animal world. Just mini encyclopedia for small bird lovers! On pages, which tells about a certain bird (Woodpecker, Drozd, etc.), there are varieties of this bird with its image. (See photo under the cut).

Separately pleased the support of the text by the pictures of famous Russian artists (for example, Alexey Komarov. "Rysi and roofing in the summer", Vasily Vatagin "Bear in OVE", Alexander Makovsky "Book House"). So, in addition to the cognitive text, there is still the opportunity to get acquainted with the most beautiful works of fine art.

Relatively large font (oh, my mom was pleased - I read without glasses!) I have a double impression: on the one hand, it is good for the first independent reading, but on the other hand there are quite complex words for the first reading (Breasther, Wideline, Pelican-Mashikon and others). But I even liked it something, I look at it as a kind of "pull-up" the child to a new level of reading.

Story for young children. Moscow, Oziz-Young Guard, 1931. 12 s. With IL. Price 50 kopecks. In color Publishing lithographic cover. Big ramp!

Book Vitaly Bianki "Baloto" occupies a special place in the work of Yuri Vasnetsov. Claimed in 1931, she became the third book decorated with a novice illustrator. The first was: Karabash / V. Bianki; Fig. Yu. Vasnetsova. - Moscow; Leningrad: Giz, 1929. - 70, 2 s. : IL.Vhutein's diploman (so in Soviet times, the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts) Yuri Vasnetsov was renamed in the 1920s in the 1920s. In the 1920s, I have already completed the advanced training courses. Comrades - Charushin, Kurds - hooked: found their place in illustrating books for children - they fell to Lebedev to the children's department of Lengiz. What Vasnets showed, did not like Lebedev. True, then he still made two books - "Karabasha" of Bianki (with the help of artists) (1929) and "On how dad shot me a ferret" Harms (1930). But they did not express themselves. "I did not surprise anyone, no one shook." And Kurdova with a book book behind the book: one is better than another. He went to his native Vyatka ... then to his brother ...

"There it happened there. Somehow came across a small forest branch and became interested in: a wonderful life, unlike our. Made sketches. Then nlowing herbs and different twigs, caught dragonflies, spiders, bugs, female, still a flying and floating trifle without a name, scored snails, headastrics, frogs, big and small. The house made them housing between the window frames, the grass was placed. In jars with water, the little thing was intense. Homemade laughing on him, and he painted and painted. First, on Watman and on Alexandrian paper, then what will have - on the wallpaper, on the newspaper, on book pages ... continued in Leningrad. Painted enthusiastically, to all that they will get on hand, and mixed completely unthinkable: and color pencils, and watercolor paints, and oil, and pastel, and gouache. Where it did not work, redrawing over or stuck patch and Dorivova; I drew something separately and also twisted into the right place ... it took him to hold the contour - he pinched my finger into the oil paint and spent. It was fun to work. There were compositions from the marsh life - weird, but were obtained; He showed many, everyone also liked these kind and lined sheets ... Before Lebedev, he was used to robbed from the very first meeting and every time before climbing the sixth floor of the house of the book and enter the room where Lebedev was sitting, bluished, suffered for a long time The reclining of the Kazan Cathedral, and "the whole back was wet from fear." And now - all the more. Now to offer, in essence, there was still nothing: what illustrations? for what? However, the secret hope was still, because it was not randomly the results of his torment, he arranged on sheets of the same size and just for proportions, very suitable for the bookpoint ... "

And now it turned out a unique case. The book came out. The text is simple - it was invented by Vitaly Bianki - Thank you, reversed - especially in order to somehow "explain" these strange illustrations.

"A short insurgent attached at the beginning of the book, for which another two drawing had to do - with Ivashka. And the remainder of the text fit on two pages at the end: not quite deftly, but it just had nowhere to nove. They came up with the name, too, without clauses - "swamp", and Vasnetsov drew a cover under him. "

Why did it happen? Drawings Vasnetsov to the swamp - antipoligraphic. But Lebedev always hardly demanded compliance with this very polygraphic of artists. Just Vladimir Vasilyevich "Too well knew how to be flawlessly professional and hard to bring professionalism in his students, so as not to focus on it, when it came across something uncomfortable: professionalism will come, this is a profitable thing, and uncommonness is rarity."

Yuri Vasnetsov, over all of his long creative life, was inspired primarily with samples of folk culture, the colorful paintings of the fairs, Balagans, folk festivities, first seen in childhood: "I remember Vyatsky toys, willow, bazers of horses, arcs painted, baskets, boxes, painted sleigh " The artist did not immediately find his topic and his graphic manner. The earliest works - illustrations to the poem of D. Harms "On how dad shot me a ferret" (1930) and to the "Babo" V. Biianki (1931) - Westernly about the intensive search for original design stylistics, about trying to reconcile the peculiarities of their own worldview with The lessons of the Academy and Malevich. Approximately by the mid-1930s, the role of a storyteller is firmly fixed behind Vasnetsov. His approach to this genre is highly highly original: in decorative compositions, an element of shortness is necessarily present; An important role is played by ornamentics, a newly studied on the basis of historical samples; Even the most familiar household belongings are transformed by the fantasy of the artist, because "everything should be different in a fairy tale." The master turned to Russian folk fairy tales ("Rust", 1936), and to the classics of children's literature ("Konk-Gorboon" P. Ershova, 1935; "Three Bear" L. Tolstoy, 1935), and to the works of K. Chukovsky ( "Putanaca", 1934; "Stolen Sun", 1936; "Fifty piglets", 1936). It is extremely simple and clear on composition, bright and elegant on color, full of mischievous fantasy and naive faith in the reality of the events depicted, Vasnets articles are created as if in one breath, they caused a lot of superficial imitation. Meanwhile, the organic connection of folklore traditions and discoveries of modern aesthetics required from the graph of the greatest tact and serious creative efforts. The emergence of each new cycle was preceded by a large preparatory work. And the creativity of Vasnetsov, and his manner of communicating with colleagues was often misleading contemporaries. "Few who know that the entire life of the artist was sheepdown by rebellious concern of his soul, he remained hidden for people who saw a cute fun and Balaguar in him." The master, who never broke down with painting, was merciless to himself, in dozens of options, seeking the desired sound of color. However, the difficulties were given to the artist an additional creative impulse: "I love scary when I do not go. I have anger, and I can work without end. I love such a zeal. I rarely happen to get a book easy. " Lebedev's authority was for his student by continuing. "These different and even opposite people turned out to be connected for life. Cold Lebedev loved Vasnetsov-artist. Their symbiosis remains inexplicable for me ... Lebedev enslaved Soft Jura, made his novice from him. Stroyti Vasnetsov wore drawings and books for approval to his teacher. Lebedev jealously followed all the actions of his ward and in the last years of life only communicated with Vasnetsov. So there was a union of two incompatibilities. "

Our Bibliophiles Graphic Graph Yuri Vasnetsov is known primarily as illustrator of the book of Daniel Harms about ferret:

Vasnetsov, Yuri Alekseevich (1900-1973) - Russian Soviet artist; Painter, schedule, theater artist, illustrator. Winner of the USSR State Prize (1971). Born on March 22 (April 4) 1900 (according to the old style) in the family of a priest in Vyatka (now the Kirov region). His father served in the Cathedral of Vyatka. Far relative of artists A.M. Vasnetsova and V. M. Vasnetsova and Folklorist A.M. Vasnetsova. With youth, and throughout life, he was friends with those born in Vyatka and who later lived in St. Petersburg by artists Evgenia Chamushin. In 1919 he graduated from a single school second stage (the former Vyatka first men's gymnasium). In 1921 he moved to Petrograd. Entered the picturesque faculty of Vhutein, then - PGSHUM, where he was engaged in five years, Pedagogov A.E. Kareva, A.I. Savinov. Vasnetsov wanted to be a painter, and sought to acquire all the skills necessary for work in painting. From the experience of their teachers Vasnetsov did not adopt anything that would affect him as a painter - with the exception of the influence of M.V. Matyushina, who has not directly studied, but he was familiar with him through his friends - Artists N.I. Kostrova, V.I. Kurdova, O.P. Vaulina. Through them, he received an idea of \u200b\u200bthe theory of Matyushin, and met with the "organic" direction in Russian art, the closest to its natural tissue. In 1926, in Vhutein, the course on which the artist studied was released, without a diploma. In 1926-27 Some time was taught visual art in Leningrad School No. 33. In 1926-1927. Together with the artist V. I. Kurdov, he continued the training of painting in Ginhuke from K.S. Malevich. He was adopted in the Department of Picturesque Culture, led by Malevich. He studied the plastic cubism, the properties of various picturesque textures, created "material seabilities" - "counter-relief". The artist spoke about the time of his work in Ginhuk: "All the time the development of the eye, form, construction. To seek materiality, the texture of the objects, color. See color! ". Work and training Vasnetsov from K.S. Malevich in Ginhuk lasted for about two years; During this time, the artist studied the meaning of pictorial textures, the role of contrast in the construction of the form, the laws of plastic space. Picturesque works made by Vasnetsov during this period: counter-relief "Still-life with a chessboard", 1926-1927; "CUSTOMIC AGREE", 1926-28, "Composition with a pipe" 1926-1928; "Still life. In the Malevich workshop "1927-1928; "Composition with violin" 1929, and others.

In 1928, the art editor of the "Detgiz" publishing house, V.V. Lebedev brought Vasnetsov to work on a children's book. The first books illustrated by Vasnetsov - "Karabash" (1929) and "Boloto" V.V. Bianki (1930). In the design of Vasnetsov repeatedly, mass essays, many books were published for children - "confusion" (1934) and "Stolen Sun" (1958) K.I. Chukovsky, "Three Bear" L.N. Tolstoy (1935), "Teremok" (1941) and "Koshkin House" (1947) S.Y. Marshak, "English People's Songs" translated S.Ya. Marshak (1945), "Cat, Rooster and Fox. Russian fairy tale "(1947) and many others. Illustrated "Skate-Gorbunk" p.p. Yershova, books for children D.N. Mine-Sibiryaka, A.A. Prokofiev and other publications. Children's books Vasnetsov became a classic of Soviet book art. In the summer of 1931, together with his Vyatsky relative, artist N.I. Kostonov, made a creative trip to the White Sea, in the village of Soroki. Created a cycle of picturesque and graphic works "Karelia". In 1932 he entered into members of the Leningrad branch of the Union of Soviet artists. In 1934, he was married to Artist Galina Mikhailovna Pinayeva, in 1937 and in 1939 two of his daughters, Elizabeth and Natalia were born.

In 1932 he entered the graduate school with the picturesque Faculty of the All-Russian Academy of Arts, where he was engaged in three years. In the thirties, the painting Vasnetsov reaches high mastery, acquires a distinctive, unique character, not similar to the work of the artists close to him. His painting of this time compares with the works of V.M. Yermolaeva and PI Sokolova - according to the strength and quality of painting, on the organic element of the color: "Vasnetsov retained and multiplying the achievements of the original national picturesque culture." In 1932-1935 Vasnetsov wrote canvas "Still-life with a hat and with a bottle", "Miracle-Yudo Fish Kit" and other works. In some of these works, the "lady with the mouse", "Church Starosta", "the image of Kupei-Meshchansk Russia, who is well acquainted with the images of Kuchih at A. Ostrovsky and B. Kustodiev arises.

Some researchers (E.D. Kuznetsov, E.F. Kovtun) include these works by vertex achievements in the artist's work. In 1936, it was developed for the Big Drama Theater in Leningrad costumes and scenery to the play on the play of M. Gorky "Moisan". In 1938-40. He worked in an experimental lithograph workshop at Losch. By greeting card (1941-1945). The pre-war and post-war style of Vasnetsov in the book graphic was created under pressure from ideological circumstances. Having survived the stubborn pressure of socialism, Vasnetsov changed it with a style associated with Russian folk art, in any case, it was thought, although it was much from the market sample. Some stylization was acceptable. Clear and unrelated to formalism, it was not perceived conditionally ... People's, market embroidery.

All this together with the real scenery gradually lost it from the cliche of the formalist. In 1941, he entered the team of artists and poets "Battle Pencil". At the end of 1941 was evacuated to Perm (Mr.). In 1943, he moved from Perm to Zagorsk. He worked as the main artist of the Research Institute of Toys. Created a series of landscapes Zagorsk. At the end of 1945, returned to Leningrad. In 1946 he received the title of Honored Arts Worker of the RSFSR. In 1946, the summer creates a number of scenery of Posnosovo, in 1947-1948. - Mill Creek, in 1949-1950. Sivevskaya, in 1955, Meruva (under the meadow), in 1952 he writes a number of Crimean landscapes, in 1953-54. Writes Estonian landscapes. From 1959, he traveled annually to the cottage in Roshchino and writes the views of the surroundings. Since 1961 and until the end of life lived in the house number 16 on the sandy embankment in St. Petersburg. In 1966 he received the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR. In 1971, Vasnetsov was awarded the USSR State Prize for two collections of Russian folk fairy tales, a song, "Ladushka" and "Raduga-arc". In the same year, the cartoon "Terem-Teremok" was removed according to its drawings. Picturesque works of the 1960-70s. - mainly, landscapes and still lifes ("Still-life with the Verba", "Blooming meadow", "Roshchino. Cinema" Change "). Throughout the life of Vasnetsov worked in painting, but due to the accusations of formalism, did not exhibit his works. They were presented at exhibitions only after his death. He died on May 3, 1973. He was buried in St. Petersburg at the Bogoslovsky Cemetery.

Ekaterina Margin

"How many hours of patient spent

In the light chalats from the ship baskets,

Dried tires and branches - birds watching

Birds invisible! "

(Vitaly Bianki.)

Books Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki About the forest and its inhabitants, cognitive, kind and poetic, as nature itself. For several decades, they bring up children Love for our smaller brothers, careful attitude towards the native nature - the quality that is laid in childhood and give good shoots in mature years.

For 35 years of creative work Bianki. Created more than 300 stories, fairy tales, stories, essays and articles. All his life he conducted diaries and naturalistic notes, answered many readership letters. His works were published by a total circulation of more than 40 million copies, translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

We offer you several stories by stories"Eyes and ears", "Where is the crayfish", "Foxes and Mouse", "Sly Fox and Smart Duck", "Momens Peak", "Kuzyar-Burunduk and Inaka-Bear"

Color with pleasure!

On the 1st page. Covers: a drawing to the story of V. Zhuravlev "flying through the universe." On the 2nd page. Covers: Figure P. Pavlinova to the story of Yu. Popkov and V. Smirnova "Believe Lighthouses!". On the 4th p. Covers: "Semillets". Photo by V. Dunin from the exhibition "Semillets in action".

ESID - Machine on checking Loyalty Stanislav Lem

The first publication of S.Loma in Russian. Drawings to the story - E.ewnikov. The title is exactly what is written - "Loystility". According to the dictionary Ushakov (1935-1940), this is the main correct option, in the BSE dictionary (1969-1978) already as a permissible second version of writing. © Fantlab.ru.

World of Adventure 1962. Annual Collection of Fantastic ... A. Kazantsev

The world of adventure №7: a collection of fantastic and adventure ages and stories / Moscow: Children's literature, 1962. Contents: A. Kazantsev. Grandchildren of Mars. Figures G.Makarova ...... 3. G. Golubev. In the footsteps of the wind. Drawings E.Meshkov ...... 81. E. Riss. Island sorcerer. Pictures M. Khablenko ...... 131. O. Berdnik. Titans paths. Figure O. Korovina ...... 205. S. Gansovsky. The owner of the bay. Figure I.Prager ...... 253. A. Kuleshov. Woven rings. Figure L.Durasova ...... 264. Yu. Davydov. Forgotten travelers. Drawing Y.Rakutin ...... 285. N. Kitoev. On the other side of the fire. Figure L.Durasova ...... 301. ...

The world of adventure 1961. Annual Fantastic Collection ... Arkady Strugatsky

The annual collections of adventure and science fiction ages and stories of Soviet and foreign writers were produced by the publishing house "Children's literature" since 1955 for middle and older age. Content: al. Pillow. Error engineer Alekseeva. Scientific fiction story. Figure N.Kolchitsky ... 3. Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky. Lowned planet. Scientific fiction story. Figure A.ITkina ... 64. Victor Mikhailov. Black brother. Tale. Figures G. Makarova ... 78. S. Gansovsky. Steps to an unknown. Fantastic story. ...

Tale and stories Vitaly Bianki

In the book that you hold in your hands, the world-famous, invariably and popular "Forest Gazeta" Vitaly Biianki is merged with its best stories and stories created by the writer for children and adults, "preserved themselves in the soul." Truthful and entertaining stories about forest residents and hunt are touching and instructive. What do the tracks in the snow mean, why white partridges are going at night by the fire and where the Golden Seagull came from - these and many other mysteries of nature will help you to solve Vitaly Bianki.

Trail of man Nikolai Moskvin

Some time ago I went through the trail of one person. Having reached almost to the end, I learned that I was not alone: \u200b\u200bsomeone else sneaks through the same way. I returned to go now for two trails, considering that one and another interesting for myself. I had to go slower than before, and peering ... That's what I want to tell. N. M.

Canterbury Stories Jeffrey Choseer

"Canterberian stories" of the English poet Jeffrey Chosera (1340? - 1400) is one of the first literary monuments in a single general-money language. The book brightly showed the wonderful qualities of Choseer's humanism: optimistic life approval, interest in a particular person, a sense of social justice, nationality and democratism. "Canterberian stories" are a framed collection of the novel. Taking a pilgrimage to the coffin of St. Thomas Beketa in the city of Kenterbury, Choseer painted a wide web of English reality ...

Life of wonderful people: Stories and stories Vyacheslav Piezuhu

Everyone is nice to talk with a wonderful person, even if his (or her) is no longer on white light. You can talk to mentally talk, and then write a letter ... so to speak, into space and eternity. But, most importantly, it should be remembered that wonderful people occur sometimes in completely unexpected places. For example, in the next apartment. And the fact that we have every village is wonderful - the fact is tested. Want to make sure? Read stories that recorded Vyacheslav Piezuch for you - too, by the way, completely wonderful! The collection includes the following ...

Stories Yuri Sotnik

The book includes well-known stories written by Yuri Centnik in different years. These stories sometimes have fun, sometimes sad, but always very instructive. The collection includes the following stories: - Unprecedented bird - "Archimedes" Vovka Grushina - "Feodal" Dimka - Trainers - Researchers - A man without nerves - Newsreel - Bela Rat - Teacher of Swimming - Gaduka - How I was independent - all hope - Dudkun Edit - mask - granddaughter of artillery

Bad signs (story) Victor Pronin

The master of the acute plot, twisted intrigue, accurate, and therefore convincing details, just remember the famous "Voroshilovsky Arrow" or the unsurpassed criminal saga "Banda", Victor Pronin greatly owns a difficult magnitude of the story. In his stories there is a place for the cunning "raw" puzzles, and for a lyrical narration about the difficult relationship between a man and a woman, and for the study of human paradoxes. In short, life - the thing is unpredictable, because you never know what awaits you in any ...

Adventure World. Annual collection of fantastic ... Cyrus Bulychev

The world of adventures: a collection of fantastic and adventure ages and stories / Sost. I.B. Shustova; Artist V.M. Lykov. - Moscow: Children's literature, 1988. - 607 pp. Contents: Evgeny Wellists. New electronics adventures. Fantastic story ... 3. Cyrus Bulychev. Guy-to. Fantastic story ... 82. Eleanor Mandalian. Tsutu, who called Angela. Meeting on Galactoide. Fantastic stories ... 199. Lilia Nemenova. Bent from the constellation of the racing pieces. Fantastic story ... 261. Love Fomintseva. Sungir horse. Adventure story ... 348. ...

World Adventure 1959. Annual Fantastic Collection ... undefined undefined

Stories from Right Boot (Collection) Alexander Rudazov

There is a topic on which writers do not like to speak. Namely - where does the ideas and plots come from? Usually, either overcoming that they simply invent all themselves, or begin to navigate about some inspiration coming over. But the truth is that no writer does not write anything at all. There are very different creatures. For example, a part of the books dictated a terrible type in a yellow mask, a part was twisted a kitten with a gold chain on the neck, and the stories entered into this collection, composed a small green goblin, living in my right boot. ...

CONSTELLATION. Collection of scientific fiction ... Alexander Zhitnsky

Constellation. Collection of science fiction stories and leads. Compiled by A.I. Plusnin. Afterword by E. Brandis and V. Dmitrevsky. Figures L. Rubinstein. Leningrad, "Children's literature", 1978. - 351 p., Il. The authors of the works included in the collection are investigating the moral problems of the Society of the Future, reflect on alien civilizations, about the powerful technique of tomorrow. For middle and older

The world of adventure number 3. 1957 (annual compilation ... Ivan Efremov

The annual collections of adventure and science fiction associates and stories of Soviet and foreign writers were produced by the publishing house "Children's literature" since 1955 for older age. Content: Nikolai Atarov. Death under the pseudonym. Novel. Figures V. Trubkovich ... 3. E. Riss and L. Rakhmanov. House on the swamp. Tale. Pictures A. Volkova and E. Gavrinkevich ... 109. G. Grebnev. Missing treasures. Tale. Pictures of N. Polyivanova ... 187. N. Roshchin. Between Niger and Senegal. Tale. Figures I. Archipova ... 265. Ilya Zverev. Emergency circumstances. Tale. ...

The world of adventure 1959. Collection of fantastic ... Matveyev

The world of adventure №5: A collection of fantastic and adventure ages and stories / Leningrad: children's literature, 1959. Contents: Matveyev. After a storm. Tale. Pictures V. Allova .... 3. E. Andreeva. Treasure Island. Feature article. Pictures of A.Skalosubova .... 81. F. Zubarev. On the way. Story. Pictures of L. Selizarova .... 95. In the country of animals. Translation V.Golane .... 104. F. Zubarev. Andreyka. Story. Pictures of V.Skirmabine .... 105. Contemporary dinosaurs. Translation V.Golang .... 114. In the wilds of New Guinea. Translation V.Golang .... 116. Angry rhinos. Translation V.Golane .... 118. Martynov. Sister of land. Tale ...

Quinx, or the story of Laurence Darrel

"Quinx, or the story of the Ripper" (1985) - the fifth, the final book of the Avignon Quintet cycle of the recognized classic of English literature of the 20th century Laurence Darrel, whose work found numerous admirers and in Russia. Using individual techniques and motives of the famous "Alexandrian Quartet", the author completes the story of the fate of his heroes. Contrary to all disappointments and tragedies, sometimes shrouded mystical secrets, they try to gain peace of mind and lost meaning of life. Answers to many questions are hidden in prophecies ...

Tatyana Shcherbinina

Dear Colleagues! I am glad to welcome you in my blog!

Within events In the year of ecology and dedicated to the date of birth of a wonderful children's writer, the themed day was held in our group " Bianks - love and know". We and the children issued a mini-exhibition of works Bianki B.. B., read his stories and fairy tales, learned a lot of interesting things about the life of the forest and its inhabitants.

Love for nature is a natural feeling of every person. But there are people with some special love: In their presence, the most capricious plants grow better, they are not afraid of the most shameful animals. It seems that nature itself is just waiting for the moment to reveal their secrets. So man was Bianki. Vitaly Valentinovich, he revealed the secrets of nature and told them to us!

Works of Vitaly Bianki. Different with bright ecological oriented. Based on its fairy tales and stories, you can educate love and respect for nature, learning to understand nature, its laws and features.

Together with the parents, an exhibition of drawings on the works of B was organized. Bianki..

I told the children about the writer, or rather, children listened to the story about life again and interest creativity of the children's writer in. IN. Bianki.. Our conversation took place near the exhibition of joint drawings of children and adults by the author's books.

In his books, we can meet funny fairy tales and complete drama fabulous stories, stories about animals with a skillfully built plot and stories are almost completely without a plot, full of poetry and lyrical meditation. In his fairy tales, humor is intertwined, simplicity and naturalness of speech, a juicing of the tongue, the rapidness of action. But this is not just fairy tales. These fairy tales teach not only to watch nature, but also to rejoice at her beauty, protect her wealth.

IN. Bianki. Able to cause interest among the reader to the surrounding nature, to an acquaintance with animals and birds. The writer attracts a child to an independent solution of issues and mysteries, teaches to observe nature and disclose its secrets. The writer creates his works on accurate scientific facts, all his heroes have concrete peculiarities.

Therefore, Books B. Bianki. About Nature - Encyclopedia of Biological Knowledge for Children. This encyclopedia, created by a scientist and a writer, clearly understand the requests of their small reader.

And, indeed, the children really like his stories and fairy tales. On this day, they shared their impressions and about the read works of the house, and how they themselves chose the plot for the drawing of the story favorite.

purpose: Create conditions for development creative potential of children, parents and teachers in creating drawing on books Bianki..

Tasks: To educate sincere interest, respect for the world of nature based on works by V. V. Bianki.; To form in children emotionally - figurative perception of works Bianki. about nature through an artistic description of images; Through the works of the writer, promote education in children of good feelings, interest and love for animals, sympathy for cubs that fell into trouble.

And daily replenished with new works.

Artem Gorshkov shares his impressions after family reading the story of the "Muscular Peak".

Artem Kalinichenko together with mom created an image favorite Birds - Dyatla from the story "Teremok".

Children examined the drawings with interest and recognized the characters from books V. V. Bianki..

Ulyana Uphelakova really liked the fairy tale "Whose nose is better." Based on works Bianki. You can not only bring up moral, ethical and moral qualities, but to give knowledge about the structure, habits, habitat of birds.

Dasha Chernobrova and Mom chose the image of birds for drawing from the fairy tale "Wizard without an ax", where the main thought is that in nature everything is completely. And birds learned how to use the capabilities of their body to the maximum and sometimes only with the help of paws and beak craft Architectural wonders. The fairy tale teaches us that it is necessary to carefully study the surrounding world, which can tell a lot of useful ideas to a person.

Karina Fedulova and Brother Kirill tried very hard, drew a drawing from the story of "Owl".

At the exhibition was the work of Viti Glushchenko together with the grandfather, they took the story of the "First Hunt" story. Vitya with special interest retell the work of children. One of the most amazing properties of books V. V. Bianca is thatthat they not only expand the horizons. They teach to watch, see and understand. They lead to themselves in the forest, in the field, even on the swamp. And if you give yourself a little (until) Forest journey, it will be able to become the most important discovery for the child.

But Angelina Makarova really liked the tricky fox from the fairy tale "like Lis Herge overwhelmed".

Artem Gorshkov told his peers why he chose a story "Mouse Peak". This is a story about the adventures of the brave mouse, which fell into different alterations. His boat was trying, Owl attacked him, but the little mouse did not lose their self-control and with dignity suffered all the tests. At the end of his adventure, the mouse hit his brother and sisters. This is not only an interesting, but also a cognitive story, as it allows us to look at the world through the eyes of our smaller brothers.

Yaroslav Shirshov and Mom also chose the story of the "Master without an ax", they drew swallows.

In fabulous works there are no magic sticks or boot-boosters, but miracles there is no less. About the very noncase sparrow Bianki could tellthat we are only surprising: It turns out that it is not simple. I managed to find the writer to find the magic words that the mysterious forest world showed.

In order to respond to endless children's questions, it is necessary to know about the world around us. And here it is impossible, by the way, the works of Vitaly Valentinovich will come Bianki..

Read books of children's writers about nature! Take care and guard your nature!

Thank you very much!

Publications on the topic:

An abstract classes using the presentation "Children about Vitaly Bianki" State Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Children's Garden No. 4 of the Outlooking Type of Petrodvorets District of St. Petersburg.

Our city is famous for samovars. In Tula, there is a samovar museum, where there is a Samovar from sugar, and the biggest samovar where you can.

The abstract of an open integrated classes in a fairy tale V. Bianki "How the Murauka home in a hurry" Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 36 Kostroma Abstract Integrated classes (preparatory for school.

Abstract Chatting Chatting About Books Illustrations. Reading the story V. V. Bianki "May" video The abstract of the educational field of "Speech Development" in the preparatory group agent: a conversation about book illustrations. Reading a story.