Tale of Mamaev's after the year of creation author. When and why it was written "Tale of Mamaev Boy"? Questions and tasks

Tale of Mamaev's after the year of creation author. When and why it was written "Tale of Mamaev Boy"? Questions and tasks

I would like to begin with the words of an outstanding domestic historian Georgy Vladimirovich Vernadsky:

"The Mongolian period is one of the most significant eras in all Russian history. Mongols were dominated throughout Russia near the century, and even after the restriction of their power in Western Russia in the middle of the fourteenth century, they continued to control the Eastern Rus, although in a softer form, still century. It was a period of deep change in the entire political and social structure of the country, especially Eastern Russia. Direct or indirectly, the Mongolian invasion contributed to the fall of the political institutions of the Kiev period and the growth of absolutism and serfdom. "

Takes the vile Mongols serfdom on our native Rus. True, for some reason, serfdom with the German roots was delivered, but now it's not about that. We are about the Mongols themselves.

Vernadsky in this case personifies the global yield of Russia in the current state with the depths of Mongol-Tatar yoke. He emphasizes that all the institutes we have - social, legal, powerful and even religious - originated during the three hundred years of their stay under Mongols. In fact, all that we have and good, and bad, carries the imprint of the Mongolian heritage.

Serious statement! Indeed, much more serious? Do the Russians have the right to make sure the veracity of such an approval have. Of course, have. All and sundry. This is probably not even right, but rather a debt. In front of our children, in any case.

Do we are the heirs of Mongolian orders? After all, even in the title "Mongol-Tatar Igo" there is some duality. So after all, Mongolian or Tatar? If mostly Mongolian, then as far as Tatar? And if solely Mongolian, then what does Tatar?

The question of nationality, as we see, is primary. What is still nationality under the basis of our current statehood? After all, if Genghis Khan is more generally believed to Mongols than to Tatars, then, for example, there is no such clarity with such clarity. And with the troops who commanded Mamay about clarity already and speech does not go. Is everything so transparent with our heredity?

Let's try to dig a bit in this matter and for simplicity we formulate it like this: what nationality is the troops of Mamay?

A. N. Sakharov: "In the center of the Tumen Mama, hired shells went. Shock mongolian The cavalry was located on the flanks. " True, the "shock Mongolian office" of the Checky, who went to the battle with Peresvetch, Sakharov is no longer called Mongol, but more modest - Tatarin.

L. V. Zhukova: "According to legend, the battle began to fight Alexander Perevaste with Temir Murhi, then mongolian The cavalry attacked Russian troops, and Mama managed to achieve a reselle. "

N. M. Karamzin: "On the space of ten miles, the blood of Christians fell and wrong. Rows Mixed: Indeed Russians Tested mugol, Inde mogola Russians ... "

It is noteworthy that in a few lines before that, Karamzin in his fifth volume clearly lists the nationality, which was part of the Mogolsky troops. From his words, it consisted of tatars, Polovtsy, Khazar Turks, Circassians, Jases, Armenians, Crimean Genoesers and Caucasian Jews.

Let us blame us in any way, but we laughed in this place before you fall. After all, not every day come across the statement that the Mongolian army consisted of Jews.

In detail describing the nationality of Mamaeva Troops, Karamzin, obviously, tried to imagine big eyes of Armenians, Greek profiles of Crimean Genoesers and curly peys of Caucasian Jews. Having entertaining imaginary warriors in one row, Karamzin dropped doubts: "There may be no mistakes, it is most darling mogs!" And immediately recorded, as we read: "Indeads Russians, Inde mogola».

N. I. Kostomarov: "For ten miles, a huge Kulikovo field was covered with warriors. Blood flowed like rainflows; Everything was mixed, the corpse rolled into the corpse, the body is Russian on tatar, tatar to Russian; there tatar chased in Russian, there is Russian for tatar».

Kostomarov, carefully overshadowing Karamzin, obviously, at first, also wrote "mogla", but, rereading a detailed list of nationalities (as neatly driven), became nervous. The historian of the Turks and Armenians could not be honestly recognized by "mugs".

What to do? Leave everything, like Karamzin or join the dispute with him? Does joke? With the Karamzin itself disagree!

In the afternoon, more and more walked thoughtful. At night, sobbed and often woke up. Long stepped out of the corner in the corner, and only in the morning, bubbling the cold, briefly forgotten a restless sleep. Jumping once among the nights, I could not stand and shouting the households: "What a hell of the Jews of Mogoli?!" Began to cross out, cross out ... And on top to write "Tatars", "Tatars", and first fell asleep calmly.

After reading the morning corrected, Kostomarov again frowned, now already the scarcity of the description of Karamzin of the Great Easy. "Blood flowed", and then "tested" - little and not picturesque. Therefore, I decided to strengthen the effect of the battle, as he introduced himself, and adds: "The Body is rolling into Tatar, Tatar to Russian."

The picture of the traveling was noticeably revived, but I wanted more. Without imaging exactly how battles actually occur, Costomarov strained all fantasy. Perhaps the scene, when "all-input", seemed to him erotic, so still smoking him, he thought: "Oh, well before you fall, they would chase a little behind each other?" In the final version, I recorded: "There, Tatar was chased in Russian, there is Russian for Tatarin."

T. V. Chernikov: "... The battle opened a fight tatarina Checky and Russian Alexander Perevost. Both heroes fell in the duel. Ordans I rushed forward ... "Isn't it more modest? Helpius was a Tatarin, and the rest are the Ordans. Ordans - they, on the one hand, like Mongols, and on the other, it seems like a Mongola. Ordans are closer to Tatars, although not quite the Tatars. They can not be tattars at all. They can simultaneously be anyone and immediately by anyone.

E. V. Pcheles: "meet ordansky Warrior Leaves left the Russian monk Peresvet. The riders rushed towards each other, stuck and fell dead ... Ordans All the Russian rows were tested and tested. " Bees even Checky dubbed the "Ordinets". So calmer.

V.I. BUGANOV: "At about noon, a fight between the Swim and Checky, Russian and ordansky The warriors died in a fight, gave a signal to battle. Ordane Forces wrapped a terrible blow to an advanced regiment ... "What a wonderful word" Ordans ". How clear it demonstrates the device of the mind of professional historians.

P. G. Denichenko: "Mamai scored in his army genoese and north Caucasian mercenaries. " Dayinichenko, undoubtedly, a professional historian, and from the general environment is knocked out: Mahamia only incomprehensible mercenaries. And where is the Mongols? Or, at worst, where is the Tatars?

A. O. Ishimova: "Meanwhile pechenezhsky The Bogatyr Temir-Murza from the troops of Mayami gigid growth caused someone from the Russians to fight him alone. I left the ink Peresvet, they grabbed and fell both dead. " An unexpected turn in history. Helpius was not only not Mongol, but not even a Tatarin. Helpius turned out to be a people and not at all with a lubel. He turned out to be Temir-Murz.

I think we have already worrying you with the game in Mamaevsky nationality. Although you can continue for even long enough. A series of similar versions is very long.

Where does the scatter of views, it would seem simple questions from. After all, all historians use almost alone and the same sources. Rewatch yourself for each other - what is it easier? But this is the secret of scattering. The secret is (no matter how strange it sounds from our mouths) that writing historians, unfortunately, understand what they write. The census "automat" by each other at first it is cobby. Then get used to. Breaks, sink. But everyone in the process of the proceedings involuntarily develops its own version of the events, but how they come, the question is no longer history, but quite modern life.

Historians, including those, whose opinion we presented to you, draw our knowledge or at least they should do this from the original sources, and in the original sources there are no exceeds.

For example, learning at the Institute, all historians read the "Tale of Mamaev Boy." Troika, fours, some even fives for him. This is, by the way, the most authoritative testimony of the Kulikovsky battle. In the 1987 edition it is presented:

"The creation time - mid 1381 - the beginning of 1382, was subjected to recycling at the beginning of the XV century, during the preparation of the so-called Cyprian chronicle criterion; It came to us in several editions and numerous (about a hundred fifty) lists. "Tale of Mamaev Boy" the most significant The work of the Kulikovsky cycle of monuments of ancient Russian culture. This is not only the most detailed, leisurely, powerful, performed by the huge inner strength and dignity of the story, but also the most detailed Description of the Kulikov battle and preparation for it. A number of details in the description of the battle and facts associated with the collection and campaign of Russian troops that are not found in other monuments of this cycle, they say that author "Tales" was not only eyewitness- Partner of the Battle of Battle, but was directly among the persons who were part of the Grand-Room Surroundings and there was a wide access to the information received in the princely bid. "Poem Sia," V. T. Plaksine wrote in 1883, "not only not inferior to" the word about the regiment of Igor ", but in some artistic advantages even surpasses it."

How does the national composition of the troops are the most detailed, authoritative, significant and thorough story? Does he correspond to what they wrote historians in their textbooks? Let's all together and read:

"The prince of the Great soon came from the meal, and Rev. Sergius (Radonezh) sprinkled his sacred water and all the Christ-loving army ... and said:" Look Mr. on pointed Polovtsev…”».

Not only we noticed with you that the Rev. Sergius sends the Don on pointed PolovtsevHistorians also read it many times.

"When Thursday came on August 27, the Prince of Great decided ... and then began the miraculous image of Mrs. The Mother of God, said:" Do not give, Mrs., our cities in ruin poogan Polovtsamyes not defile the saints of your churches and the faith of Christian ... I know, Mrs., if you want, you will help us against evil enemies, these pointed Polovtsevwho do not call on your name ".

"And he ordered the ambassador:" Tell my brother to my prince Andrei: I am ready for your orders now, brother and Mr. How much is my troops, then together with me, because in God's fishery we gathered for the upcoming war with danube Tatars. And I still say my brother: They say that the Grand Duke Dmitry is already on Don, for it wants to wait for evil syridhetsev”».

"After graduating from prayer and sowing to the horse, he became (Prince Dmitry) on the regiments to drive with princes and governors and spoke to each shelf:" ... now, brothers, feel the god of living, as in the morning you do not slow down syridds”».

"The same wicked king (Mamay) ... and commanded pogato his Polovtsam Get ready for battle. "

"A strong shelves are suitable close to each other, and then drove angry pecheneg... I saw him Alexander Peresvet, a monk who was in the regiment of Vladimir Vsevolodovich, and made a row ... "

"... an hour and the third, and the fourth, and the fifth, and the sixth firmly fighting unreasonable Christians with pointed Polovtsy».

« Pointed by Polovtsy They saw their death, shouted in their own language, saying: "Alas we, Rus rejected ..." "

As it is not difficult to see, in the "tale" there is not a single mention of the Mongols, and in fact, from the point of view of the "official" history - a fundamental document. Significant and thorough. Naturally, each of historians, as we, drew attention to "some discrepancies". We thought, and they thought. From this point, the difference between us and them begins.

We set out your version as we see it. And they are forced to customize the version under the "Vision of leading academicians." With your own hands to "deploy" your brain's head in the "laid" side (not paying attention to the neck). With a crunch, turn the joints in accordance with the wishes of the authorities. Unscrew the heels to "watched" in the generally accepted direction. What about? This is the first sign of "professionalism" in history.

For us, the story is to penetrate the mystery. Painful searches and joy of finds. When we approach some kind of rapidness, we have wool getting up on the patch, feelings are exacerbated, as before the throw, and the pulse appears on the tips of the fingers. We grab the tail of this rayfold. He is thinner silk string. Holding hard, we begin to take it carefully to yourself. If it breaks up - this is the greatest disappointment. But it is impossible to relax. It is necessary to try to grope this tail again and again. And again pull out the span on the surface. It happens, of course, that the tail turns out to be a fuse from mine.

For them, the story is primarily an earnings, a service staircase, a public situation, admiring student views. This is their goal. This is their life. Where professionalism begins in history, science ends there. Therefore, running into the primary sources, archaeological reports and dying something new, they do not dare to give it. "Give the move" in itself a danger. It is more profitable to "step on the throat of your own song" than to cause discontent of higher historians.

It looks like this. The applicant is resorted to his project manager, the hands of sweaty, sweaty forehead, the eyes are shiny. The head asks him:

- Well, how is there, Petya, your dissertation?

"So, Andrei Nikolayevich," I worry, says that Maha Mongolian cavalry could be. I am all rummaged. It does not work in any way. Nonsense.

- What are you, Petya, decided that you were smarter? - Brows heads leader.

- No, Andrei Nikolaevich. But only here ... I ... does not come out ... no matter how ... - Petya begins to understand what he frolic somewhere.

- Do you, Petya, is more important a degree or some kind of cavalry there? - As before the execution, the sciences will notice.

- Of course, the scientific degree!

- Then look at me! And then until the end of the life at school, the teacher of history is sitting.

- Well, Andrei Nikolaevich? You can't joke so much. I only accepted the pill. His horseradish with her, with Connection. This is me so, from boredom asked.

- What the elders are advised - this is good. But remember, before you in the story already all the paths protrotal. Therefore, focus. And about Mongolian cavalry do not worry. Do not like Mongolian - write the Ordan. And not to make face for what, and conscience.

- Thank you, Andrei Nikolaevich. I will definitely do it. You will not forget your kindness. Mother's brother for you will not regret.

- Well, then. Learn while I live.

The future candidate of science Petya is sad. Of course, a scientific degree is most important, but if all its scientific works under the copy of the predecessors to rewrite, and your own thoughts along with tears of resentment, how after this it is a real scientist to count. He is already an unreal one that turns out. Like a ponarone. Not about this he dreamed. I did not want to see in the future.

He has to get out: no matter how the truth does not move away, but also the bosses do not freeze? How to get out in big people and stay in a person? How to combine a bold researcher and obedient spinogram? As a result, all sorts of "Ordans" are born by long painful reflections and the fight against conscience. Ordans are an ordinary deal with conscience. Ordans are like nothing, but at the same time is not wrong. After all, it is right - it is definitely suited. Right - necessarily someone will go. And when it is not wrong - it is much more convenient. "Ordans" do not contradict anything, although they do not confirm anything. Over the years, it starts to interest less, where is the right thing. Somehow closer and the words become tastier, referring.

Quite satisfied with degrees, titles, prizes, any individual you want a calm "deserved" rest. That's right and completely becomes dangerous. It can strike an authority, put it in a stupid, funny position. There is no longer enough jokes. Right turns into a deadly enemy. We have to enter with him in a decisive fight. So the former romantic and the maximalist Petya is reborn in Andrei Nikolayevich. And the science history, respectively, is reborn into the garbage.

In about the way, we ended up on different sides of the barricades with "professional" historians. They were departed by the bosses, but the story was guessing. Although continue.

If you do not suck out of your finger, then further than tatar-Polovtsy, Tatar Pecheneg and danube Tatars, It does not work. We do not reach tatar-Mongols.. NUTUTIVE IN "TAKING" about Mongols nor a word, nor a hint.

We offer not to fascinate our own heads to symptoms of sustainable pathology. All before the banality simply - there were no mongols. If the troops and Mamay himself belonged to Mongols, the author of the "legend" would have written so - to Mongols. At least once for the story, such a name necessarily surfaced. And since it did not come up, it means there was nothing to emerge. As Winnie Pooh says: "Why do you want to buzz, if you are not a bee?"

There could be minimal descriptions of these troops on the "detection" of the national composition of the Mamaevsky troops. If the "legend" would somehow noted the features of their clothing, weapons, customs, habits, etc., there would be soil for some particular conclusions. But "Tale" with its text does not give us a single one, even the smallest hook.

For what reasons are the descriptions of the Mamaev soldiers? There can be only two reasons: either such descriptions have never been there (although it seems unlikely to us), or they are withdrawn by Christian chronicists subsequently for reasons, obviously, they are not satisfied. Maybe "Pointed Polovtsy" with their appearance overly differed from the Mongols?

The absence of such descriptions does not give us the opportunity to draw conclusions about national affiliation with a sufficient share of probability, therefore the religious affiliation of the acting persons remains the only indicator for which it is possible to determine. And the religious affiliation of the Mamayev residents, presented in the "Tale," indicates the national very eloquent.

The name "Frozen Sreastrs", used in the "Tale" as the designation of the troops, is not related to the definition of nationalities, so we propose to return to it a little later.

* * *
The following essential inconsistency, which is striking (can not not rush), are the reasons for which the Kulikovsky battle took place. There is a complete difference between the reasons specified by the "professional" historians, and the reasons presented in the "Tale". To begin with, we will submit the causes voiced by "professionals."

A. N. Sakharov: "For the MAI restoration of power and the economic oppression above the Russian lands, it was of great importance ... He wanted to roughly punish Russia and return it to the Igo Mongol-Tatar."

P. G. Dajnichenko: "Leave in the rear, Mamai could not and decided to first oppose Moscow Prince."

V. I. Buganov: "The Horde is preparing a new campaign. His goal is to bleed Russia, again to make it obedient Vassal Khanov, to undermine the growing power of Moscow. "

L. V. Zhukova: "The Horde seeks to prevent the strengthening of the power and authority of the Moscow Prince."

E. V. Pcheles: "Mamai began to prepare a new campaign on Rus. He wanted to fully restore the power of the Golden Horde over Russian Earth. "

T. V. Chernikova: "Mamay announced that he was sent in the footsteps of Batiya to execute the chapel slaves."

N. I. Kostomaraov: "Dmitry did not obey him; Russians provided an obvious neglect of Tatar power; It is irritated to the extremes. He was planned to learn the recalcitable slaves, remind them of Batyevshchina, to put Rus in such a position so that she did not bother for a long time to think about the release of the Hanov power. "

With regard to the causes of the campaign, the opinions of modern (and almost modern) historians converge. The main thing is to restore the economic dependence of Russia from the Mongols and prevent the strengthening of the influence of the Moscow Prince. Causes specific, understandable, having economic and political properties. Well, fine! The easier it will be compared with the reasons shown by the author in the "Tale of Mamaev Boy":

"... the prince of the Eastern Country rose to the devil, named Mamai, the pagan faith, an idolatron and an iconocringers, an evil pursuer of Christians. And he began to instill his devil against the world of Christian, and his enemy said, how to ruin the Christian faith and desecrate the holy churches…»

As you can see, in this passage, economic and political motives do not smell. But maybe this is just the beginning? So to speak, lyrical retreat for entry.

- "And the Prince of Great Dmitry Ivanovich heard that the godless king of Mamay with many hordes was coming to him, tirelessly having a Christian and the faith in Christ…»

"... The Grand Duke began to console in God and called for the hardness of the brother of his prince Vladimir and all the princes of the Russians, saying:" The brothers of the princes of Russian, from the kind we all prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Kiev, who opened the Lord to know the Orthodox faith, as well as Estafia Plakida; He enlightened the whole land of Russian holy baptism, made us from the torment of paganism and commanded us that faith to hold and storing and fighting for her. I, brothers, for faith in Christ, I want to suffer even to death". They answered him: "And we, the sovereign, today are ready to die with you and the heads to put for the holy faith of Christian" ".

Rev. Sergius, instructing the reboot and dock: "Peace to you, my brothers, firmly fight as glorious warriors, for faith in Christ and for all Orthodox Christianity With dirty Polovtsy.

Perhaps, some explanations should be given to the accelerations, which we have given from the "Legend", because in many words and names there is a meaning, adequate for a modern person. So, the "frowning" does not mean "bad" or "mushroom". "Pogatan" refers to religion. Under "Pogan", it is necessary to understand "pagans".

The author at the very beginning informs us the open text that Mama is just "the king of the pagans." He also reports that Mamai is an idolatry. And what is the most unpleasant, you can even say scary for the "historical professors", the author lists the gods whose idols worshiped Mamay. Here we find not only the incompression of the chronicler data with modern historians. The mountain historians are waiting for a blow below the belt, below the back, on the ears and in the language.

The first of the gods, the author calls Perun. Perun - Slavic-Aryan God, whose idol Vladimir I (Baptist Rus) dropped in Kiev during the beating of idols. Perun is a patron of Military Druzhin Rurik, Oleg, Igor, Svyatoslav. His name they swore, entering into government treaties. Also (from history), they were all opponents of Christianity (especially Svyatoslav).

However, if you believe official science, Mamay is a high-ranking official Golden Horde. Consequently, he could only be muslim. According to the same science in 1312, Han Horde with the wonderful Mongolian name Uzbek declared Islam official religion.

Could Mamai in 68 years from the beginning of the official Muslim of Horde to confess another religion? Ruled out. For such things, he not only could not be served before the rank of Datkik, he would not even be allowed to be among the orthodox Muslims.

Nevertheless, the author of "Taken," is not familiar with understandable reasons with the research of modern historical scientists, confidently calls the Penagnik, an idolatry and accurately determines his commitment to the Slavic-Aryan gods. The second, by the way, the author calls the Aryan God Horsa.

Who should you believe, contemporary Mama or monkey-clones living 600 years after it? The answer is obvious.

It's time to figure out whom was called "Syroudtsy". Nothing difficult. According to the intelligent dictionary V. I. Dal, the raw-up week is the carnival, ancient Slavic-Aryan holiday. That is, the crowns are people who celebrate Maslenitsa, simply speaking, recognizing the Vedas. Again, you see, a strange name for Mongolian Ordans and especially for Muslims.

Therefore, they are coming on Russia, more precisely, not on Russia, but to Moscow (modern person understands the differences between Moscow from Russia) troops confessing the Slavic-Aryan faith. And the motivation of the campaign, which is raised by Mama, does not contain economic or political standards. Even from the smell that we managed to lead, it is already clear that the motive is religious. "Tale" shines about the threat of Christian faith. It is quite logical to assume that the army of Maara makes the descendants of Slavs (Rusov), refused to take baptism in 988.

Earlier we expressed that under the mask of the Mongolian invasion, the bloody history of the Baptism of Russia is hidden. This will be able to install only truly professional historians, bold, independent researchers, koi, we hope, will appear in our fatherland. So far, unfortunately, the population of Russia is forced to be content with a low-grade chest supplied by the monkeys admirers.

But we will continue to get acquainted with the reasons of Mamaev the campaign, described in the "Tale". Do our assumptions confirm?

Princess Great Evdokia: "Do not give, Lord, perhaps the preserved ChristianityAnd let her name holy in Russian land! "

It is impossible not to pay attention that the Great Princess allows the possibility of the death of Christianity in connection with the arrival of Maama. And the expression "preserved Christianity" unequivocally indicates the real possibility of his death in the past. It is unlikely that such phrases are inserted into the "legend" by chance, thoughtlessly.

"Hearing, Prince Oleg Ryazansky frightened ..." If I join the wicked king, then truly i will become like the former persecutor of the Christian faithAnd then the earth will absorb me, like Svyatopolka "."

Oleg Ryazansky recalls the Scholyopolka, from the hands of which killed chases of faith Saints Boris and Gleb (later we will focus on this in detail), which was a persecutor of the Christian faith. And if he joins Maama's troops, he will also be a persecutor of faith. Do I need to additionally comment, who is Mama in the eyes of his ally Oleg Ryazansky? He does not call him or an enslave, nor the invader, only persecutor faith.

Andrei brother to his Dmitry: "... Yes, our father with Oleg Ryazansky joined the godless and pursuing the Orthodox faith Christian ... Let's get out of, brother, from the gove of this weed and will be brought to true prolific grapes, cultivated by the HRM, "

Princes Andrei and Dmitry confirm that their father, joining Mama, pursues the goal to destroy the Christian faith. Not a word about anything.

Further, how to understand their words: "Let's get out of, brother, from the gove of this weed and will lead to the true prolific grapes"? "We will lead to the true Christ of grapes" here it is clear. This means: Let's take the Christian faith. But "Let's get out" - That's where?

Undoubtedly, the subsequent church chroniclers adjusted the "legend" to the measure of their forces, but it is impossible to completely change the text. Then it will simply get a completely new story, another "legend," and no one will not trust him. Therefore, in the "Tale" there were defective areas, for which it is quite possible to restore the meaning of the initial option.

In the words "we will choose a brother, from the gulling of this weed" contains a direct indication. The young princes Andrei and Dmitry belong to the religious flow other than Christian (since the Christian is going to "hurt"). We remind you, there is a 1380th year, that is, almost four hundred years have passed since the official baptism of Russia.

Nevertheless, the chronicle of the open text reports that the princes do not belong to the Christian faith. Princes are not some recluses in the forest, which, hiding from people, protect a certain sacred covenant. Princes are the most that there are public people. Princes live in sight. Communicate with the most "vertices". Therefore, for some reason it was permissible to them and their father belong to the non-Christian faith.

What faith can the princes belong to? Undoubtedly, only to the one that existed in Russia before the adoption of Christianity. To the one for which the blood of their father and Mamay go to shed. To the one with which Christianity is fighting four hundred years. In this case, it can only be about the Slavic Vedas, meaning the ideologists of the Christian Church as paganism.

"When the prince, the great moved to the best horse, went on the regiments and spoke of his heart in great sadness, then tears flowed from his eyes:" Fathers and my brothers, Gentlemen, fight the saints for the sake of churches and faith for the sake of ChristianFor this death today is not death, but the eternal life; And nothing, brothers, the earthly do not think, do not depart because, and then the crowns of victorious will crush us Christ and the Savior of our souls. ""

Turning to the warriors before the start of the battle, the commander usually inspired them because they reminded the purpose of the battle. If the invasion war, the commander called on to get an honor, and the prince of glory. If defensive, then they called on to fight for the land, for wives, for their children. For example, Crusaders in Palestine gibbles "to the glory of the Lord", and the Soviet soldiers in the Great Patriotic War "For Motherland". Donskaya calls on the "sake of churches" and "Faith Christian". You can understand these words only as the need to protect the Christian religion, which is threatened with a mortal danger.

Probably, these words of Dmitry Donskoy can be completed by the study of the causes of the Kulikov battle listed in the "Tale of Mamaev Boy."

We presented a small part of them. The remaining statements and appeals fully comply with this. All of them, and especially the appeal to the army, indicate the desire to protect only the Christian religion. No other appeals like "Russian land. For the happiness of the Russian people. Do not let yourself enslave. The death of the aggressor, "there is no" tale ". The presence of economic or political causes of the Maara Math "Legend" does not confirm. All this is immutable, accurate facts that scientists love to rely so much.

Naturally, any war has political and economic consequences. Stress persistently - effects. Due to hostilities, power, territory, material wealth is changing. Naturally, the above refers to policies and economics categories. But this is the consequences. Causes and consequences The essence of different things. Simply, they can be called desires and reality. Desires - this is what people want to implement. For the sake of their desires, they are ready to work, go into battle and bring victims. And the victim is ready to bring not only others, but also themselves. And the reality is that it actually happened after people worked, they went into battle and brought victims. And this sometimes comes out of the opposite desires, for which everything was treated.

A simple example: captured Knights Jerusalem and established in the east politically - this is a consequence. It was actually "freeing up" the Merrian's coffin.

It happened, of course, and vice versa. Nefertiti with her husband Ehnaton managed to push the traditional God of Amon and replace his cult to the cult of aton's God. As a result, Ehnaton became the Egyptian pharaoh, and the Nefertiti of the most influential woman of the ancient world.

Please note: in both cases, the driving force was the religious feelings of tremendous masses of people, and not a policy or economy.

The National Socialist Party of Germany under the leadership of Hitler his exaltation, as we remember, began not with improving the conditions of life and life of workers. She began with the fact that in 1938 in 1938, 267 synagogues were destroyed in Germany. Synagogues, as we understand, warehouses and factories do not resemble.

The number of victims of the Varfolomeev night of 1572 ultimately exceeded 30,000 Huguenots. As a result of the death of thousands of opponents of Catholicism, Catherine Medici managed to prevent France war with Spain, and its sworn enemies Henry Navarre and Heinrich Conde, by passing to Catholicism, have lost their influence among Huguenots forever. There are huge political achievements. But the Paris Catholics, distraught from the blood, cutting into the Guenotov, absolutely not guessed about such consequences. Catholics moved exclusively religious feelings. They cut off the Huguenov for their use in the afterlife. Religious feelings of thousands of people were the driving force of this historical process. The power of religious feelings is the power that historians try not to notice or reject at all.

Professionals-historians with enviable stubbornness ignore another moment - the order that Mamay gives Horde: "Let not plowing not one bread, Be prepared for Russian bread! "

OPA! The warriors are plowing the earth and are engaged in growing grain crops. Can this refer to nomads? No, he can not. And not only to the Mongols, but in general, no to any nomads is not suitable for such an appeal. Nomads on the same nomads so that the land is not to handle. It is quite clear why historians from the last effort are trying not to notice this order. He directly indicates that there were no nomads in the troops.

Maybe this mother of Genoese mercenaries asked her bread not to sow? Who then are these Genoese mercenaries? Judging by the fact that the mercenaries gathered to plow at home at home at the place of registration, then this is for all the signs of a student squad, who came to work on vacation. Although again failure. They did not attract more students to work practice.

If this is not nomads and not travelers of universities, to whom then drawn Mama with a similar order? Who are these mysterious people who are engaged in growing bread? It seems to us that these are ordinary rules, and historians say that this is the Genometers with Mongols. Let the reader himself decide who is right here.

Two simple things are that the army of Maima grows bread and prays the Slavic-Aryan gods, completely stresses the brights of historical dissertations and other academic nonsense, speaking under the larger of scientific perfection.

Naturally, these same simple things completely reject the version of the "legend" himself that Dmitry Donskoy fights with "Pogani Polovtsy", because according to the "legend" he fights precisely with them. Yes, reject. Reject not only Polovtsy. Reject Pechenegov, Danube Tatars, Mongols, and in general, all of them like. Reject one simple reason:

There were no half and the like in the "tale" initially!

Initially, "Tale" were only "Pogatan" (without polovtsy), which means "pagans", and were "Souldants", which again denotes "pagans".

By the way, we met an indirect refutation on this issue from where they were not waiting ... Alexander Bushkov insists that "frowning" is not necessarily pagans. In his book "Russia, which was not" he writes about it like this:

"... I bring the phrase entirely:" ... and the monastery of the Pechersky Most Holy Virgin Zazhli pogato…»

Grabia and igniting Kiev, including monasteries and churches, pogato Pechersk monastery were set on fire. But let me, in the army of Andrei Bogolyubsky, ruining Kiev, there is no single "non-obese" (nomad. - Approx. Bushkova) or other "steppe person." Only Russian warriors eleven princes!

The output is unambiguous: in a word pogato In Russia, it was sometimes called not only the nomads-inverters, but also simply "enemy". Which is completely and there was the same russian, as a Christian. Therefore, other messages like "flew farther and the city of Lyuga" will certainly be interpreted as an attack neighborhood, « non-resident", the same slavs».

No, dear Alexander! You were embarrassed by the fact that the Slavs called the Slavs, Russians. But this is how the whole focus lies. This is the stove from which to dance. The huge number of the Slavs of Russia (most likely at first the larger number) who did not accept the baptism, and were in the expression of the churchmen the most real pagans, that is pogan.

Yes, they were Russians, Slavs, neighbors, non-resident, opponents, but they were not Christians. Therefore, you have noticed correctly: "We were told us that the mention in the chronicles the words" Pogatan "necessarily means a message about nomadic" peckers ".

It is in this way, and only in such a sense of historians make us take this name. Therefore, the Slavs-non-Christians, as it were, automatically fall out of the concept of "frowning". But it is a huge, key misconception.

Pogatar is the Slavs of Russia with a weapon in their hands, opposed Christianization. When in a later century, the ancient legends began to "sharpen" under the "necessary versions" and by the word "Pogatan" add "Polovtsy", "Tatars", etc., "Pogany" acquired the semantic designation of the enemy. And since all the ancient texts (with the exception of one) were ideological processing in the "church workshop", the appointment of the "enemy" was entrenched as the main one. But the initial meaning of the words "Pogani" after all "pagans".

There was no time for this bowl and our "legend," because Kasting was the first to be the first to pass the enemy. Mention of Polovtsy - the initial sluggish attempt to fall on someone responsibility for the attachment of Christianity in Russia through "Fire and Swine". The existence of the Mongols in the XIV-XV centuries of the clergy has not yet known. Mongols seem to have no such thing suspected of themselves at this time. Therefore, in the quality of "peeling nomads-non-obeys" the first and turned up half.

In the same centuries, the myth of "atrocities" of Polovtsy is being supported and stubborn. Under the Polovtsy are real atrocities carried out by the Brests of Russia (by the way, not only Russians by nationality). To make sure that it is enough to take the original sources of the so-called Old Russian literature and read. Although actually we are engaged in this.

The original sources are filled with Polovtsy, and notice - with the dirty Polovtsy. There are no obstructed polovtsy in the ancient standards.

But over time, the Polovtsy become ordinary residents of Russia. The name of the nationality changes slightly, the geographical habitats change slightly, but everything is easily recognizable and calculated. And if it is good for this people to paint, it could well find out that this people did not figure out anything like this. And someone else worked, quite well-known and familiar pain.

You can, of course, it would be all of these Polovtsy as the people to destroy, such a practice in history took place, but that's trouble! The Top of Russia is the princely surnames - it turned out to be simply tied by Polovtsy blood. Blood in the good sense of the word. In which Russian prince is not spitting, and he is half Polovtsy. Who at least a little leafing the story was to constantly stumble on messages like: Svyatopolk II Izaslavich was married to the daughter of Polovtsy Khan Toggang; Princess Polotsk, and not Polovtsaya! Mstislav removed the son-in-law of Polovtsy Khan Kotyan, etc.

Former Polovtsy Princess (daughters of Polovtsy Khanov), going married Russian princes, become "Russian princes", and children of their Russian blood. Who should be destroyed now?

To pour "atrocities" to the Polovtsy, it became completely impossible, as it directly affected the royal surnames. Polovtsy urgently needed to remake someone. Polovtsy along the play were redesigned in the Tatars. By the way, Tatars have been a lot of tatars with their cruel actions themselves contributed to the appearance of the "Tatar" version. Nevertheless, the Tatars, becoming with the time ordinary residents of Russia, ceased to arrange the "Guide". Then there was a need for "the people, about which no one knows exactly who he and where he came from, and what is his language, and what is he tribe, and what faith."

At the beginning of the second half of the millennium, a lot of tribes could approach such parameters, but it was necessary to stop on some. In principle, it is not bad for the "legend", under the "unknown" people were adjusted by Mongols. For several centuries, the Mongolian "version" perfectly coped with the task assigned to it, but at the end of the twentieth century began to endure the collapse.

The basis of the existence of this version was the closeness of the sources, the lack of information about Mongolia, the complete language barriers. The informational explosion of the end of the twentieth century knocked out the foundation from under the Mongolian "version", as a stool from under the Hangman, and the Internet will fulfill the duties of the Mongolian Farce grave.

When each person has the opportunity, without getting up with the PUPPI, to receive almost any information, "inaccessibility and closure" ceased their earthly existence. To depict the keepers of knowledge and rulers of secrets, as the same twenty years ago, the historians are now impossible.

It is necessary to add that there is one weak place in any versions. As convinced monkeys, they are very limited in the possibilities of understanding the inner world of a person and cannot (and do not try) to comprehend the measure of the influence of religion on people. When they face a description of religious cults, they are trying to "slip" these incomprehensible places rather.

Even depicting sentimental and respectful, they are still unable to hide their true attitude towards people who profess any religion. Anyway between the rows they break through: "Well, what to take from these? Just stupid, backward people. Believe in fairy tales, fool! There is really no God! "

It is assumed that entire peoples and ethnic groups consciously went to death, protecting their religious beliefs, they do not allow their own perception of the world. In essence, they are not given. Therefore, they are categorically against the assertion that religion is the same significant factor in history as politics and economics.

And when it comes to the Doharistian religious cult of Russia, here it is generally impossible to disassemble whom they describe: our ancestors or an antique psychic psycho?

This applies not only to modern "profs". This disease has been many years. Here are the excerpts from Kostomarov:

"The religion of their (Slavic-Russian tribes) was in the adoration of nature, in recognizing the thinking human force behind the objects and phenomena of the outside nature, in the worship of the sun, heaven, water, land, wind, trees, birds, stones, etc. and in Different fables, beliefs, festivities and rites created on the basis of nature and established on the basis of this adoration of nature (agree, Kostomarov describes ordinary sentimental idiots). Their religious performances partly expressed in the form of idols; But they did not have neither temples, nor priests, and therefore their religion could not have signs of ubiquitous and immutability. "

It is necessary to realize everything to extreme: this Mandragory is the basis and support of domestic history..

Contemporary Kostomarova A. O. Ishimova also sorted himself a description of the religion of our "stupid" ancestors. Dedicated to this a few lines:

"... all nations to Christianity had special people who only did that they served as idols and brought them victims. They were called priests. Everything that Idolas brought, got it: so it was more profitable for them to remain idolatry.

But the Slavs, fortunately, did not have priests; But they had sorcerers. Especially many such sorcerers had finnov. The sorcerers and walked against the faith of Christ, of course, because it was more profitable for them. The pagans believed that the sorcerers of the gods love and open them the future and other hidden affairs and things. Well, a Christian knows that the sorcerer is either an opponent of God, or a simple deceiver. "

You noticed that a Christian here is much smarter than simple Slavic. Obviously, such an unexpected effect "on Ishimova" occurs with a man during baptism. I went to the church of the asshole, the victim of the scam, after an hour it was already absolutely smart and educated. Is it really convenient?

But not fully clearly with the expression "sorcerer - either an opponent of God, or a simple deceiver." So after all, an opponent of God or a deceiver? This is completely different things. And then Ishimova for some reason dumped all in one pile. And at the same time did not bother themselves no evidence or examples.

We present what messenger can be created in the heads of pagans, sorcerers, deceivers, fraudsters, worship of the bushes and marsh bodies. Perhaps the reader makes the impression that we are engaged in "grinding" some kind of nonsense? No, dear reader. We discus see the most scientific basis of the science of history. And the fact that they are too reminded "not to the end of digested food" is not our fault.

Moreover. This section of the story turned into historians in "Meszanin" is intentionally, since such an attribute, like religious cults, makes it possible to penetrate the deep essence of the story itself. Knowing motifs moving by people on a particular stage, we are able to comprehend the meaning of historical processes. And this can not be allowed. It is dangerous for them!

Views, beliefs, thoughts, the desires of our ancestors were perverted from a century in a century. At the moment, most of the Slavs sees their ancestors really underdeveloped, low-spirited seats. Perhaps it will be quite appropriate to be a description of the ridicraft ritual who behaved for special instructions at the Ober Prosecutor of the Sacred Synod Bubentsov from the artwork of B. Akunin "Pelagiai and White Buldog". The work, of course, has no historical value, but completely conveys the perception of Slavic paganism with modern people.

"Recently, the Forest Sitecas spread the rumor that in a short time, the God of Shishiga was saving on the sacred roaster, a lot of centuries sleeping on the cloud, and it will be necessary to treat him with his beloved food so that the shishi is noticed. And the favorite food of this very shishi, as it is from the chronicles - human heads. Hence my assumption that shishiga has already arrived and at the same time damn hungry.

We are already known from reliable people, as the murder ritual is furnished. At night, the lonely travelers are torn to a lonely traveler, they hide the bag on their heads, tighten the rope and fiber in the bushes or a different secluded place, so unhappy and shout. They cut off his head, the body is thrown into the swamp or water, and the bag with prey is attributed to the chap. "

As far as after such descriptions it is closer to us and clearer Friday from Robinson Cruzo with your relatives. No malignations and ranting. People were killed exclusively to lunch and lunch. Pure of gourmet motivation. Everything is simple, it is clear: "I wanted to eat and eaten cookies." Chinno and noble. No focus with idols, sorcerers, worshipings. Power, in simple. Not as an example: both more and more heart.

Soothes one. With this pace of birth, as now, in the foreseeable future, the descendants of Friday will "dissolve" the Slavic ethnic group in themselves, and then our "already common" grandchildren will be able to be able to not be proud of " naughty"Ancestors, but, in any case, do not shy them.

The most detailed description of the events of the Kulikovsky battle has retained us "Tale of Mamaev Boy" - the main monument to the Kulikovsky cycle. The work was greatly popular with the ancient Russian readers. The legend has repeatedly rewritten and recycled and reached us in eight editions and a large number of options. The popularity of the monument at the medieval reader as a "compelling" of the work testifies a large number of facial (illustrated by miniatures) of his lists.
The exact time of creation of the "Tale of Mamaev Boy" is unknown. In the text of the legend there are anachronisms and errors (on some of them we will focus more below). Usually they are explained by late origin of the monument. This is a deep delusion. Some of these "errors" are so obvious that they could not have places in the detailed narration of the historical event if the author did not pursue this some kind of purpose. And, as we will see further, the deliberate replacement of one name for the other dealt with only if the story was made not in the events described in it. Anachronism and "errors" of the legend are explained by the publicistic orientation of the work.
Recently, the issue of dating legend has attracted a lot of attention. Yu. K. Runners refer to the time of creating a legend for the period between the middle and the end of the XV century., I. B. Greeks - to the 90 m. XIV century, V. S. Mingaliev - to 30-40 m. XVI century, M. A. Salmina - By the period from the 40s. XV century Before the beginning of the XVI century. This question is very hypothetical and it is impossible to consider it. We consider the most likely to date the legend of the first quarter of the XV century. Of particular interest in the Kulikov battle at this time, it can be explained by the newly exacerbated relationship with the Horde, and in particular the invasion of the Event on Russia in 1408. The invasion of one, whose success was due to insufficient cohesion and unanimity of Russian princes, awakens the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to restore unity under the guidance of the Grand Duke Moscow to combat an external enemy. This thought is the main thing in the tale.
The main hero of the legend is Dmitry Donskaya. The legend is not only a story about the Kulikovsky battle, but also a work dedicated to the praise of the Grand Duke Moskovsky. The author depicts Dmitry wisely and courageous commander, emphasizes his military valor and courage. All other characters are grouped around Dmitry Don. Dmitry - the eldest among the Russian princes, they are all - his faithful vassals, his younger brothers. The relationship between senior and younger princes, which are presented to the author ideal and which must follow all Russian princes, are shown in the monument on the example of relations between Dmitry Ivanovich and his cousin Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky. Vladimir Andreevich everywhere draws to the faithful Vassal of the Grand Duke Moskovsky, unquestioning all his commandments. Such an emphasis of the devotion and love of Prince Serpukhovsky to the prince of Moscow clearly illustrated the vassal dedication of the younger prince to the senior.
In leding, the campaign of Dmitry Ivanovich blesses Metropolitan Cyprian, who in reality in 1380 was not even within Russia, and because of the "jam" on Metropolis (see earlier) in Moscow at all at this time of Metropolitan. This, of course, is not a mistake of the author of the legend, but a literary publicistic reception. The author of the legend who had his goal in the face of Dmitry Donskoy show the perfect image of the Grand Duke Moskovsky, it was necessary to submit it to supporting a solid alliance with Metropolitan. In the number of actors from journalistic considerations, the author could introduce Metropolitan Cyprian, although this contradicted historical reality (Cyprian was formally, the Metropolitan of All Russia).
Mamai, the enemy of the Russian Earth, is depicted by the author of the legend in sharply negative tones. He is the complete opposite of Dmitry Donskoy: Dmitry leads all the acts of Dmitry, everything that Mamai does, from the devil. The principle of "abstract psychologism" in this case is manifested very bright. Also straightly opposed to Russian soldiers Tatars. Russian army is characterized as light, morally high power, Tatar - as the power of gloomy, cruel, sharply negative. Even death is completely different for those and others. For Russians, it is fame and salvation for the life of the eternal, for the Tatars - the death of the endless: "Mons of the people from both bearing, seeing the Wob's preventing death. Begins to repay Polovtsi with a lot of stupid darling about the dying of the zhyvota of his, so far the desperation is wicked, and seeing them with noise. And the belief of the person's faculture rejoicing, the taking effect of the erecting promise, beautiful crowns, about them the same prince Rev. Igumen Sergius.
The Lithuanian ally, Mamaama in the tale named Prince of Olgerd. In fact, during the events of the Kulikov battle, the Union with Mama concluded the son of Olgere Yagaylo, and Olgerd was already dead by this time. As in the case of Cyprian, we are not a mistake, but a conscious literary publicistic reception. For the Russian man of the end of the XIV - beginning of the XV century, and especially for Muscovites, the name of Olgere was associated with the memories of his campaigns to the Moscow Principality; It was a cunning and dangerous enemy of Russia, whose military tricks reported in the chronicle of the necrologist about his death. Therefore, to call Olgere ally, Maama instead of Yagail could only at a time when this name was still well memorious as the name of the dangerous enemy of Moscow. At a later time, such a change of names had no meaning. It is not by chance that already in the early period of the literary history of the monument in some of the told editors, the name of Olgere was replaced in accordance with the historical truth name Yagail. By calling the ally Mamaa Olgere, the author of the legend thus increased the journalistic and artistic sound of his work: against Moscow, the most insidious and dangerous enemies were against Moscow, but they also defeated. Replacing the name of the Lithuanian Prince and another shade: the princes of Andrei and Dmitry Olghadovich, the children of Olgere, were performed in the Union with Dmitry. Due to the fact that Olgerd appeared in the tale, it turned out that even their own children were against him, which also increased the journalistic and plot sharpness of the work.
The heroic character of the event depicted in the tale was led by the author's appeal to oral legends about Mamaev's partiousness, to epic stories about this event. Oral legends, most likely, the episode of martial arts is ascebated before the start of the common battle of the Inocher Trinity Sergiyev Monastery of the Retatar with Tatar richra. The epic base is felt in the story about "testing" by Dmitry Volynz - an experienced governor Dmitry Volynets with a great prince on the night before the battle is leaving in the field between the Russians and Tatar troops, and the Volynets hears how the earth cries "Numbers" - about Tatar and Russian warriors: There will be many killed, but still the Russians will overcome. Oral legend probably lies and at the heart of the legend report that Dmitry before the battle was put on the princely armor on the beloved Voyage Mikhail Brenka, and he himself in the clothes of a simple warrior with an iron pan first rushed into battle. The influence of oral folk poetry on the tale is detected to use the author of individual visual funds, ascending to the receptions of oral folk creativity. Russian warriors are compared with falcones and attacks, the Russians beat the enemies "Aki Forest Cloniyu, Aki Grass from Spita fed." As a reflection of folk influence may be regarded by the crying of the Grand Duchess of Evdokia after goodbye from the prince, leaving Moscow to fight the Tatars. Although the author gives this crying in the form of prayer, nevertheless there can be a reflection of the elements of popular crying in it. The description of the Russian military ("Armispeople of Russian Sons, Aki Water to all the winds of the wanders. Sholihi is shaggy on the chapters of them, Aki Dawn Morning in the time of buckets glowing them, Yalovtsiy's sholes, Aki Flame Flame Plows", p. 62-63) , Bright pictures of nature, deeply emotional and are not deprived of the vital truthfulness of individual author's comments. Talking, for example, about the farewell to the battle of warriors from Moscow, the author writes that the wives "in tears and the hear of heart are not a word of saying," and adds that "the prince is the great very little to Udři from tears, without giving Smiling to the sake of the people for the sake of "(p. 54).
The author of the tale of the poetic images and the means of "Zadonshchina" was widely used. The interaction of these monuments was mutual character: in the later lists of Zadonshchina there are inserts from the "Tale of Mamaev Boy".
"The Tale of Mamaev's Boy" represented interest to readers already because it described in detail all the circumstances of the Kulikov battle. Some of them were legendary epic character, some are a reflection of real facts, in any other sources not recorded. However, not only in this attractiveness of the work. Despite a significant rhetoric raid, "the legend of Mamaev Bobin" has a pronounced plot character. Not only the event itself, but also the fate of individuals, the development of the plot of the plot forced readers to worry and empathize the described. And in a number of editions of the monument, plot episodes are complicated, their number increases. All this made the "Tale of Mamaev's Boy" not only the historical journalistic narration, but also the work that the reader could take their story and the nature of the development of this plot.

The beginning of a story about how God gave victory to the sovereign to the Great Prince Dmitry Ivanovich for Don over the disgusting Mama and as the prayers of the Major Virgin and Russian Wonderworkers, the Orthodox Christianity-Russian land God elevated, and godless Agaryan was posing

According to a number of historians, this story was created in the first half of the XV century on the basis of the chronicles. Unlike later "legends about Mamaev Boy," all major actors and sequence of events are true in the story. Attention is noteworthy how the compiler is trying to believe Oleg Ryazansky. It seems that the Ryazan Grand Duke was the main villain of all times and peoples. On his background, even Mamai flashes. Perhaps this story was shortwood soon after in 1427, Ryazan Great Prince Ivan Fedorovich, the grandson Oleg Ryazansky, ripped the contract with Moscow and swore the Lithuanian prince V # X2011; tov. It caused violent indignation in Moscow and, of course, resulted on the pages of the chronicle.
Dmitry Ivanovich Moscow blesses the Bishop of Kolomensky Gerasim. In the story, the pityget of the Grand Duke Moscow is emphasized. Apparently, the prince Vasily Dmitrievich really wanted everyone to forget about the curse imposed on his father Metropolitan Cyprian. Interestingly, the victory was obsessed with Russian princes with the help of heavenly military led by ArchReart Mikhail. /\u003e If the "Tale of Mamaev's Boy" is completed by the defeat of the Tatar and the glorification of Russian troops, the earlier "lengthy story" ends with a safe joint in the Horde of the legitimate king of Tichtamysh and the expression of the joy of Russian princes on this matter. There is no talk about the overthrow of the "Ordan Iga"!

Beginning of the beginning, Kako Darova God to beat the sovereign by the Great Prince Dmitre Ivanovich for Don over Frightess Mama, and the mole of the prechistan of the Virgin and Rusk Chuudtivatsev, Orthodox Christianity, Russian Earth, God, and godless Agaryan

The beginning of a story about how God gave victory to the sovereign to the Great Prince Dmitry Ivanovich for Don over the downtown Mama and as the prayers of the Major Virgin and Russian Wonderworkers Orthodox Christianity - the Russian land of God elevated, and the godless Agaryan satells

Khosca you, brethren, brand to be new to the new things, what happened to the Don Great Prince Dimitri Ivanovich and the Orthodox Christian with the Orthodox Christian with the disgusts of Mama and the godless Agaryans. And the bodies of the genus of Christian, and the fades of the humiliation and the souncers of their essence, is the same in the old manner of Gedeon over Madiam and the Pressenger Moise over the Pharaoh. To approach the Majesty and the mercy of God, how to eat the Lord of the will of those who fear him, why Dmitry Ivanovich Lord and his brother, and his brother, his prince Vladimer Andrѣevich over godless half and Agaryan.

I want to you, the brothers, tell about the new victory in the battle, how the Grand Prince Dmitry Ivanovich and all Orthodox Christians happened on Don, and with godless pagans happened. And God harvested the genus Christian, and Pogani humiliated and posted their wildness, as in the old days helped Gideona over the Madiamals and the Preslav Moses over the Pharaoh. We should tell us about the greatness and grace of God, as the Lord fulfilled the wishes of the faithful to him, as the great prince Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother of his prince Vladimir Andreevich over godless polovtsy and pagans.

Our loss of God for the grine, from the bridge of the diabel invested by the prince from the entrusted of the country, Issue Mamai, Enerlin, and the idol, the ideology and the iconoborets, an evil Christian wardrider. And he started to substitute his devil and his heart to attack him the genus of Christian, and the dusties of him, how to ruin the Orthodox visor and desecrating the holy of the Church and the whole Christianity to KNOVET FROM HIS FROM HIS, ICA wouldn't cry the Lord's name in His name. The Lord is our God, the king and the Creator of all of All Creature, Elico Knobet, T and create.

By the sin of God, for our sins, the prince of the Eastern Country rose to the devil, named Mamai, the pagan faith, an idolater and iconoborets, an evil pursuer of Christians. And he began to instill his devil, and his temptation was included against the world of Christian, and he threw his enemy, how to ruin the Christian faith and desecrate the holy churches, because all Christians wanted to conquer himself, so that the name of the Lord is faithful to God. The Lord is our, God, the king and the Creator of all things, which wishes, then peaks.

He launched a godless Mamai began to praise and eliminated the second Julian to the apostate, the king of Batha, and the beginning of the old Tatar, King, Bati Plunyl, Russian Earth. And he has begun to inform the old Tatarov, how the King Battar, Kar, how to take Kiev and Vladimmer, and all Russia, Slovenian land, and the Grand Dmitry Jury Dmitreyevich killed, and a lot of Orthodox princes beat both the sodres of the Church of the Dexter, and Multi Manastyri and Village , and in Volodimerѣ, the Universal Church of the Most Upgrades delimit. I donkely him the mind, that Bo is not intended, both to the Lord year, Tako and wake. Jacques in the days of Jerusalem Plѣnen to be a Titite Roman and loancharge, Tsar Babylonus for their congruse and small, the Lord will not fully begone, nor in Vos.

The same godless Mamai began to boot and, having possessing the second Julian-apostate, Tsar Batyu, began to ask the old Tatars, as the king of Bati conquered Russian land. And he began to tell him the old Tatars, as the king of Bati conquered the Russian land, as Kiev and Vladimir, and all Russia, Slavic land, and the Grand Prince Yuri Dmitrievich killed, and many Orthodox princes interrupted, and the holy churches declared and many monasteries and sat down , and in Vladimir, the Cathedral Church grabbed the church. And since he was closer, he was not comprehended, that as the Lord, it would be necessary: \u200b\u200bJerusalem was captured by Titov-Roman and Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylonian, for the sovereigns and Maltoriya Jews - but not infinitely angry Lord and not forever punish.

Hearing the godless mother from his old Tatars and began to be delivered to life and Divoko Palm was incessantly, Ratoo on Christianity. And Bѣ in Sezu, the Glagolati to his Eulpat and Yasaul, and the Prince, and the Voivods, and the All-Tatar, Yako: "Az is not a chosen of taco of eating, I am Batya, nyhold to the Dupid of Russia and I kill the prince of them, and who are red hare And that Sit and Rusy Vladuzh, quietly and serenely joy. " And not one okean, Yako of the Lord Hand is high.

Having learned everything from her old Tatars, Mamay began to sleep, the devil was broken inequate, having silent into Christians. And, forgetting, he began to speak to his Alpauta, Esaululami, and Princes, and Voivodes, and all Tatars: "I don't want to do this, like Battoo, but when I come to Russia and kill the prince of them, then what of the best cities will be sufficient for We are here and we ask, and Rus will be convicted, quietly and carelessly heal, "and did not know that damn it, that the Lord's hand is high.

And in Maleh Dnies, the Great River Volga sees with all forces. And the same many of the hordes of the kote of their great enhancement of the sign and the verb of them: "Let's make aide for Russian land and enrich the Russian Gust!" Podee the godless on Russia, the aks of Lev, roar smelting, the acrelas of the unatoligible gentleman breathing. And the Doee is up to Ust Rѣku Voronozh and dissolve all the power of His and Recove $ Tatar with his own way: "Yes, you will not pouch in any one hlѣba, you will be ready for Russian bils!"

And a few days later he switched to the Great Volga River with all their might, and other hordes for the great army joined their own and told them: "Let's go to Russian land and get rich from russian gold!" I went gazezable on Russia, as if the lion roaring having flisfactorily, as if the unatoligible viper was maliciously breathing. And it came to the mouth of the Voronezh River, and dismissed his all over his strength, and he punished with all the Tatars as her: "Let not one of you plow, be prepared for Russian bread!"

I heard the same Prince Oleg Rezanskaya, Iko Mamay to go to the borders, and Khtzet, IT on Russia, at the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich Moskovsko. The poverty is to be the mind of the head of him, the son of his son to a godless mother with a great honor and a lot of gifts and the writings of His Sita to him: "Attachment Great and wave, the king of the king Mama - please! Your plot and tie Oleg, Prince Rezanskaya, a lot to pray. I hears, Mr., Yako Khoshchi ITTi to Russian Earth, on their servant of Prince Dimitia Ivanovich Moskovogglo, loose for him. Today, Mr. Alto the Tsar, Introducts Your Vroli: Zlata and Srebra and Bobatism a lot of Muscovy Land and every sort of intelligence of your kingdom. And the Prince of Dmitry Moscow man, Christian, should hear the name of Yurost of yours, then to refer to the Dalit of Satoka: Anyone in Novgorod is a great, or on Belozero or on Dvina, and a lot of Moscow and Zlato - everything is in your hands to make your eye. I am also a slave of yours, Olga Rezanskago, Drazhava Your spare, king. Az Bo Twells frighten Russia and Prince Dmitry. And still molim, the king, both robies yours, Oleg Rezanskaya and Olgord Lithuanque, the insanity is great from that Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich, and the GDѣ ware on his offense, by the Tsar Tsarovy to him, he is not a radi. And also, Mr. King, hail my kolomna for himself. And about all, the king, the complaint, we create tebѣ. "

Restaled about Tom Prince Oleg Ryazansky, that Mamai wanders on Voronezh and wants to go to Russia, at the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich Moscow. The scarcity of the mind was in his head, sent his son to a godless mother with a great honor and with many gifts and wrote his leads to him like this: "East Great and Free, kings the king Mama - rejoice! Your protege, you swear Oleg, Prince Ryazan, a lot of you pray. I heard, Mr. what you want to go to Russian land, on my servant of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Moscow, you want to eat it. Now, Mr. and the Presfigure Tsar, it is your time: gold, and silver, and the wealth of Moskovskaya land overwhelmed with the wealth and all sorts of jewels to your ownership for the needs. And Prince Dmitry Moscow - the man of Christian - how to hear the word of the rage of yours, it will take away his own limits: either in Novgorod, or on Belozero, or on Dvina, and the great wealth of Moscow and gold - all in your hands will be your army on Need. I am also a slave, Oleg Ryazansky, your power will spill, about the king: after all, I firmly frighten Russia and Prince Dmitry. And also ask you about the king, both servants, Oleg Ryazansky and Olgend Lithuanian: We accepted the Great Dmitry Ivanovich from this great prince, and no matter how our resentment with your name the tsarih threatened him, and he does not worry about that. And also, Mr. Our king, the city of my kolomna he seized himself - and about all that, about the king, the complaint to you. "

And the other ambassador of his visit, Prince Oleg Rezanskaya with his writing, writing as such in grades: "To the great prince of Olgord Lithuanian - pleased the Great Joy! Joom Bo, Yako has long been thought of the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich Moskoskogo, so that its zgonati from Moscow, and Vlad) Moscow. Today, the princess, it is in v. Nasha, Jaco a great king of Mamay to get on him and on his land. Now, princess, we are both put to the king Mama, we are bob, Yako King Destos Tebѣ Grad Moscow, and other hails, who are from your prince, and the Ministry of Destos, Kolomna, and Vladimer, yes Murom, and from my prince . Az the ambassadors of his ambassador to King Mama with a great honor and a few gifts. Also, you went to the ambassador and what are the IMASH Gifts and you went to him, and writing our literactions, Eliko Self Vѣsi, the wake of me is reasonable. "

And the other was sent soon his henger Prince Oleg Ryazansky with his letter was written in a literacy it was: "To the great prince of Olgerdu Lithuanian - to rejoice in the Great Joy! It is known that after all, you have long failed at the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich Moskovsky, in order to expel him from Moscow and to take possession of Moscow. Now, by the princess, our time has come, for the great king of Mamay is coming to him and on his land. And now, the princess, we will join both of the king Mama, for I know that the king will give you the city of Moscow and other cities, which is closer to your principality, but he will give me the city of Kolomna, yes Vladimir, yes Murom, who for my principality We stand closer. I sent my race to the king Mama with a great honor and with many gifts, as well as you went to your mantle, and what do you have from the gifts, then you went to him, writing our letters, but how do you know yourself, for more I understand me in that. "

Prince Olmord Lithuanque, hearing that, by Velmy, pleased for the great praise to his friend to his prince Owra Rezansky. And send the ambassador to King Mama soon with a great gifts and a lot of tsey Tsar. And to write your literactions to Sita: "The withdrawal great king Mama! Prince Olgord Lithuanque, the juror is yours, a lot to pray! I hears, Mr., Yako, Kaznichi His ulus, their official, Moskovskogo Prince Dmitry. And for the sake of I pray, the wave of the king, the slave is yours, I am a great insanity to create the prince of Dmitry Moscow Ulusnik, your prince Olga Rezansky, and MNѣ is great enough. Mr. King Wave Mama! Yes, to get the fruit of your kingdom now to our Mѣsh, and to bring the king, your watching our rudeness from Moskogo Prince Dmitry Ivanovich. "

The prince of Olgerd Lithuanian, who realized all this, was very happy to be a high praise of his prince Oleg Ryazansky and sent quickly to the king Mama with great gifts and gifts for royal fun. And he writes his certificates like this: "The Eastern Great King Mama! Prince Olgerd Lithuanian, swore to you, a lot of you pray. I heard my lord that you want to punish my lot, my servant, Moscow prince Dmitry, therefore I pray you, the free king, the servant of yours: the great insult is the prince of Dmitry Moscow ulusnik, with your prince Oleg Ryazansky, and I also get great harm. Mr. King, Free Mama! Let the power of your board now and in our places, let them turn about the king, your attention to our oppression from Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich. "

It is even thoughtful in Sea, verbal, Oleg Rezanskaya and Olgord Lithuanque: "Icaco to hear the prince of Dmitry Tsarev arrival and the rage of him and our oath towards him, tide from Moscow to a great Novagrada or on Bѣlosero, or on Dvina. And we will sit in Moscowѣ and on Kolomnѣ. Even the king to get the king, and we are hurriedly with the gifts to shaking and with the Great Cement and the mind, and the king will fit their hordes, and we are a jurisdiction of Moscow Tsarev Velѣnia, Sea, OVO to Vilnѣ, OVO to Rezani, and imagine us Dati king Mamay Labels of their own and rhodation by our in us. " It's not a lot of bob, which is crumbling and that it is verbulating, the aks of misfortunes are young datsy, the unfortunate of God's strength and lord of the examination. According to the TRUE, it is more rumored: "In someone who goes to God to God, and the truth is in front of the designer and in God hope to find, and the Lord does not give the Lord in the enemy of life and in the priest."

Oleg Ryazansky and Olgere Lithuanian, saying like this: "When the prince of Dmitry is heard about the parish of the king, and about his rage, and about our union with him, it will run away from Moscow to Veliky Novgorod, or on Beloozero, or on Dvina, And we will sit in Moscow and in Kolomna. When the king comes, we will meet him with large gifts and with a great honor, and the king will come back, and the king will return to his possessions, and we are the Principality of Moscow in the royal order, they divide themselves - then to Wilna, and then to Ryazan, and will give us King Mama's labels and descendants after us. " After all, they did not seem to make and what they say, as unfeigned small children who do not know God's strength and the Lord's destination. For truly says: "If someone who faiths faith with good deeds and the truth in the heart holds and gives God to God, then the Lord does not betray the enemies in rejugation and on the ridicule."

And the prince of the great Dmitry Ivanovich Smireno Man and the image of the Smiresomud, Heavenly Wait and Chaa from the God of Future Bottom, not in the fact that it is angry asking him as angry. About such a prophet commemorate: "Do not eat our energies and not swarm, or dig enemy to your pits. On the God of the Creator Checklady. Lord God can be ghivat and the dead. "

The Sovereign of the Prince Great Dmitry Ivanovich - a peaceful man - the sample was a humbleness, heavenly life wished, waiting for the god of the future eternal goods, not leading the wrong conspiracy to him. About such that, because the prophet said: "Do not coordinate your evil and not swarm, do not dig the enemy to my pits, but on the God-Creator Nading, the Lord God can revive and kill."

Pridhest the ambassadors of King Mama from Olgord Lithuanskago and from Olga Rezanskago and brought him a lot of gifts and written books. The king is the same gift with love and book, and rushed in grarms, and ambassador to let go, and wrote Sitzva's "Olgord Lithuanian and Olga Rezansky. On the gift of yours and for praise your, that I attributed to MNѣ, Elico Khoshchi from Me. Votchiny Russian TѣM will we let you down. And you are on my oath and write me, Elico GDѣ succeed, and overcome your cheap. MNѣ WOTS Your help is not good. It is convenient: nyhlya would be a Great and Az, the ancient Jerusalem and Aza, and Haldѣi. It is worth the honor of your worst, my Issue Tsarsavi and a thunderstorm, and your sneezing and his hand is spreaded by the prince of Dmitry Muscovy, and the name of your in the countries of your watery fell out. MNѣ SBO KING to pretend the king's closer, is similar, then it's not to get to and bring Tsar Tsar. And you go to go from me and Rzita the prince of your verbs. "

Ambassadors came to the tsar Mama from Olgend Lithuanian and from Oleg Ryazansky and brought him big gifts and letters. The king accepted the gifts and letters favorably and, having heard the diplomas and postal sites, let go and wrote the answer to this: "Olgedu Lithuanian and Oleg Ryazansky. For your gifts and for the praise, your facing, what we want from me the possessions of the Russians, the same I like you. And you are in loyalty to me swear and rather, go to me and defend your cheap. After all, your help is not very needed: if I wished now, I would conquer the great power of I would conquer the ancient Jerusalem as before Haldei. Now I want to support you: My name to the royal and power, and the prince of Dmitry Moskovsky will be broken, and your oath and hands will be broken, and Grozny will become your name in your mine threat. After all, if I, the king, to defeat the king, like herself, then it is applied to me and take the royal honor to get. You now go from me and transfer my words to the princes. "

The ambassadors who fit the king to his prince and told them, Yako: "Tsar Mamai Health and Velmy you for praise your great, kind of verb verb." They are scarcily with the mind of the linen about Jewish, they will trust a fear of the king, and not really that, Yako God to give power, herself to bury. Today is one of the same name, the baptism is, and to the godless attitude to the taste of Goni Orthodox to Christ. About such Bo Provest Retch: "Restinu ourselves, who has fallen their kind solid and adding to the diva oil."

The ambassadors, returning from the king to their princes, told them: "The king of Mamay welcomes you and very much for the praise Your great is good for you!" The same, scanty mind, pleased with the bay greet of the godless king, not leading the fact that God gives power to whom wishes. Now - one faith, one baptism, - the AC godlessly connected together to pursue the Orthodox faith of Christ. About such after all, the prophet said: "Truly, they made themselves from the good oil trees themselves and set themselves to the wild oline."

Prince Oleg Rezanskaya started Pospassyvati, South to Mamaevi Ambassador and Right: "Watch, king, coming to Russia." WHO WOMER WOMAN: "The path of the wicked is not spinning, it is picking sedosnya and diarrhea." Today, Olga Okannago Novago Svyatoplika Nareek.

Prince Oleg Ryazansky began to hurry to send ambassadors to Mama, saying: "Speech, the king, rather on Russia!" For the Great Wisdom says: "The path of wicked will perish, for they collect annoyance and renovation." Nowadays this Oleg Olakyanny New Svyatopolk Nazova.

I heard the same prince Great Dmitry Ivanovich, I can sit on him the godless king of Mamay and the events of the hordes and the events of the forces, steadily, and jerky and jealous to Christianity and jealous, the prince of the great Dmitry Ivanovich Velmi was saddened about godless finding. And it is before the sacred icon of the Lord of the Lord, Lazz in Zellavia, and his pad on his own, Grant praying and spectable: "Lord! Az, grindish, how do you pray you, humble your slave? Who comes to the eldest of mine? N is on you, Lord, and sorrow sorrows mine. And you, Lord, Tsar, Vladyko, St.Dutor, do not eat to us, Lord, I'm going to go to the hails of our zlago Baty, and more, Lord, the fear and trembling on them, and the Lord, the fear and trembling in us. And now, Lord, King, Vladyko, do not fully come to us on us, B Boy, Lord, sake, sake, Mr.Shnago, Khoshchi all the land our ruin; Az Bo Craggs, before you there is a patch of the whole person. Congrators, Lord, the tears of my sake, Yako Ezekia, and Ukroti, Lord, the heart of a swirl with a star! " Enlightened and spectable: "On the Lord, Versa - and not exhausted." And the ambassador of his brother in the prince of Vladimer Andrѣevich in Bouloz, and the prince of Russian Svososlav, and on all the governors of Mѣset, and on Duty Boyarskaya, and on all the services. And he led to them soon in Moscow.

And the prince of Great Dmitry Ivanovich heard that the godless king Mamay with many hordes was coming to him and with all their might, tirelessly by Christians and in Christ the faith and jealous of the insane Bat, and the Prince of Great Dmitry Ivanovich was strongly saddened because of the invasion of godless. And standing before the icon of the Lord of the Lord, that he was standing in the headboard, and falling his knees, began to pray and said: "Lord! I'm sinful, I dare to pray for you, humble your slave? But to whom I will turn sorrows my? Just hoping for you, Lord, and I will ask my sorrow. You, Lord, Tsar, Vladyka, the Lord, do not coordinate us, Lord, the fact that our fathers have created, bringing them on them and in their cities of evil Batya, for also now, Lord, that fear and the thrill of the Great lives in us. And now, the Lord, the king, the Lord, do not fully projected on us, I know, God, that because of me, the sinner, you want our entire land to destroy; For I sinned before you most of all people. I will coordinate me, Lord, for the tears of my, like Ezekia, and Ukroti, Lord, the heart fierce this anima! " Bowed and said: "I had fallen on the Lord - and not perished." And he sent him to his brother, for Prince Vladimir Andreevich to Borovsk, and for all the princes of Russian ambulances sent out, and for all the warlords in the field, and for children of Boyari, and for all servilators. And they commanded them quickly in Moscow.

Prince Vladim AndrѣEvich Priide to Moscow to Moscow and VSI Prince and Governor. The prince is the great Dmitry Ivanovich, having a brother of his prince Vladimer Andrѣevich, Pripe to Him and Retributed Metropolitan Cyprian and Retrich Him: "Whether, Father, Introducts, now the innumerable king Mamay, wearing a rigine?" Metropolitan is spectable to the great prince: "Talking Mi, Mr., Chima, before him, not corrected?" The prince is a great rummer: "Testing, Father, Lady, Jaco, all by the Father of our legend, also nypache with him." Metropolitan is spectable: "Whether we see, Mr., the relaxation of God, our for the sake of Congrators to hang out the land of our land, to you to approach, the prince of Orthodox, Tѣh the wicked Darmi is thinned by the Chetverice. So for the sake of the sake of the sake, Io, the Lord to humble him, that for the sake of the Lord, the sakes opposes, and gives a humble grace. Tako sometimes happened to the great Vasily in Caesarea: Faugh, the evil apostate Iulian, goes to the hit, and wanting to ruin His Caesaria, Vasily, and the great praying of Christians, the Lord God and the Cable, a lot of Zlata and Ambassador to him, in order to bear his preside. He is the same Okan wadded, and the Lord Ambassador to Him Wiling of His Mercury ruin him. And invisibly pierced to be in the heart of the wicked, Jehvota his evil chock. You, Mr., Zlatto's bindings, Elico Imashi, and went against him and puchae to be corrected before him. "

Prince Vladimir Andreevich arrived soon in Moscow, and all the princes and governors. And the prince of the great Dmitry Ivanovich, taking his brother of his prince Vladimir Andreevich, came to the pre-liberated Metropolitan Cyprian and told him: "You know, ours, who commemorates us a great test, - after all, the godless king Mamay is moving on us, inexorable rage breaking off?" And Metropolitan responded to the great prince: "We will tell me, Mr. Mr. What did you guilty before him?" The prince is the great said: "I checked, the second; It's all exactly that all in the covenants of our fathers, and even more, paid Dani to him. " Metropolitan said: "You see, Mr. Mr., the boss of God, for the sake of our sins, he comes to the land of our land, but it is necessary to satisfy the princes of Orthodox, those wicked gifts to satisfy at least four times. If it does not accept after that, then the Lord must be aspiring, because the Lord is opposed to the Lord, but the humble grace gives him. Once it happened with the great Vasily in Caesarea: when the evil apostate Julian, going to the Persians, wanted to ruin the Mountains of his Caesaria, Vasily Great prayed with all Christians to the Lord God, gathered a lot of gold and sent to him to quench the greed of the criminal. The same, the appeared, only strongerly haughtily, and the Lord sent the warrior of his own, Mercury, to destroy him. And invisibly pierced in the heart of the wicked, his life severely graduated. You, Mr. My, take gold, how much you have, and went to meet him - once again we are justified. "

The prince of the great Dmitry Ivanovich is chosen to his young man, pleased with the mind and meaning, Issue Zharia Tyutishova and will give him two Tolmach, his tongue is sexy, and send a lot of Zlata to the wicked king Mama with him. Zacharya, Dupid of the land of Rezanskaya and hearing Yako Oleg Rezanskaya and Olgord Lithuanque attached to the brazing tsar Mama, sent soon, secretly secretly to the Great Prince.

Prince Great Dmitry Ivanovich sent to the wicked king Mama's elected his young man, named Zahariy Tyutchev, tested by reason and meaning, giving him a lot of gold and two translators who know Tatar. Zakhariya, having reached the land of Ryazan and learning that Oleg Ryazansky and Olgerd Lithuanian joined the brazing king Mama, sent quickly the messenger secretly to the Great Prince.

The prince is the great Dmitry Ivanovich, hearing that Voste, begun with the heart of Bolѣti and hurt a rage and sorrows, and began praying: "Lord my God, on the truth, the truth is loving. Those of the enemy of the dirtiness to go, then approach Mi Trippѣti, Yako Correspondence is a hater and enemy to Christian; Si my friends sparkling Takso intention on me. Sudi, Lord, between them and me, Az Bo had a single evil eloctors, wave the gift and chokers from them, and they are contradicted to the same gift. Ny Sudi, Lord, for my truth, yes, the malice of the gritsy ".

The prince of the great Dmitry Ivanovich, having heard that the message, reckled the heart, and turned a furious and sadness, and began to pray: "Lord God, I hope for you, the truth of loving. If the enemy harms me harm, then I should endure, because he is a hater and enemy of the genus Christian; But here my friends are intricate about me. Judge, Lord, and me, I didn't cause me any evil, except that I took the gifts and honors from them, but I also gave them in response. The judgment, Lord, is the truth of mine, let the sinful evil cease. "

And we have a brother of His, Prince Vladimer Andrѣevich, and Podis, the second to the reprehensive Metropolitan and Tama, why Olmord Lithuanque and Oleg Rezanskaya lived with Mama at us. High-minded Metropolitan Retch: "Paku himself, Mr., By the offense, Esi Ima?" "The prince is great to take place and spectacle:" In addition to the God of Grozhen or people, and before them the Esmi is neither the features are not crossed by the Father of their law. Vѣsi Bo, the Father, and Samo, I am pleased with my fellow, and I have no strength to disdain and do not even be that in the sake of Multiplying on Mija. Pre-secregnated Metropolitan Right: "My son, Mr. Prince Great, proslusi SI HAPPY HIFE: Law of God, Chutshi and create the truth, Jaco righteous to the Lord and the truth of Vylubi. Today, the usa, Yako Psi Monszy, vsometty and in vain, you will have the Lord's privacy. Lord Truthful and will be truth to assistant. And from the all-seeing eye, Ladychnya GDѣ can make up a hand of his hand? "

And, taking his brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, went for the second time to the previous Metropolitan and told him how Olgend Lithuanian and Oleg Ryazan joined us with Mama. The pre-Secretary Metropolitan said: "And you, Mr., did not inflict any insult to them both?" The prince was also a great breath and said: "If I am sinless before God or in front of people, then neither a single feature did not break down the laws of his fathers. For you know, and myself, that I am satisfied with my limits, and they did not inflict any resentment, and I don't know why they are cheating against me harmful to me. " Metropolitan said: "My son, Mr. Prince Great, let you clarify the eyes of your hearts: you read the law of God and you are doing the truth, as the Lord righteous, and you loved the truth. Now they surrounded you as many kinds; Thought and in vain attempts, you are named the Lord to defend themselves from them. The Lord is true and will be a true assistant. And from the all-seeing eye, the Lord where you can hide - and from a hard hand? "

The prince is the great Dmitry Ivanovich's brother with his brother, the Knights of Vladimir Andrѣevich and the governments of the Russian prince and the voivods of the squeezash, and the watchman firmly vote in the floor. And the ambassador to the watchman, the Rodion of Rzhevkago, Anrria Volochatago, Vasilia Tupika, Yakov, Oshilia, and others with them with them, Youth. And he led to a quiet pine by a watchman DѣAti ads in all sorts of dust and under the Horde of Hoody and the language of mining, the truth of hearing Tsareva Hotѣnia.

And the prince of the great Dmitry Ivanovich with his brother, Prince, Vladimir Andreevich, and with all Russian princes and voivods, they thought out how to make a sturgeon in the field, and sent their best and experienced warriors: Rodion Rzhevsky, Andrei Volodya, Vasily Stupika, Yakova Oslayaeva and others with them hardened warriors. And they commanded them on a quiet pine, the guard service is carried with all sorts of zeal, and go to the Horde, and the language is to get to know the true intentions of the king.

And the prince is great throughout the Russian Earth, the ambulance Gonoslav with her grades in all grades: "Yes, VSI will be preparing for my service, to break the godless half of Agaryan. Wsy's resistance on Kolomnѣ, on the meat support of the Virgin Mary ".

And the prince's greatness itself across the Russian land of fast races sent out with his graters in all cities: "Be all ready to go to my service, on a battle with godless agartians, Tatars; We will connect everything in Kolomna to the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God. "

And the same watchman slowed down in half, the prince is the great second watchman Ambassador: Polyanin's Clement, Ivan Svyatoslav Sveslanina, Grigoria Sudokova and other with them, - Recovered by him. They are the same as Vasilia Shupika: lead the tongue to the Grand Duke, the tongue of the Tsareva yard, sanovitized husbands. And to learn the great prince that there are steadily mom to get on Rus and as they caught up and cried with him Oleg Rezanskaya and Olmord Lithuanian. It is not possible to sit in the king for ITTi - autumn fences.

And since the guard squads were detained in the steppe, the prince of the great second stamping sent: Clementia Polyanin, Ivan Svyatoslavich Svetakanin, Grigoria Sudakov and others with them, - ordered them to return to them. The same was met by Vasily Stupika: leads the language to the Great Prince, the language of the royal court, from sore husbands. And he informs the great prince that the Mamai is inevitably coming to Rus and what they referred to each other and connected with him Oleg Ryazansky and Olgend Lithuanian. And does not hurry the king because the autumn is waiting for the fall.

I heard the prince of the Great from the language as followed by the thought and such an entrance of the Bozage of the Tsar, the beginning of the brother of his prince Vladimir and WSI Prince of Russian and Retreat: "The brothering of the Russian prince, GRSDO Extra Prince Vladimer Svyatoslavich Kiev, Delighted the Lord to know the Orthodox V. , Jacques on-one Eustafia Poskidu, I like the Land of Russian Holy Baptism, waking us from ELLINSKY 'PASSION AND RECEFT TO US TO THE SERVICE HOLY HOLY CHARS AND KEE AND ELACE ON HERE. In someone who is for the sake of chanting, then he is on the sainted holy enticing on VѣRѣ Christ. Az the same, brethren, for the wagon of Christ the worst of suffer even to death. " They are the same to him in the same time, Aki One of the Usts: "Esitinna, the sovereign, the Sovereign, Evitel, and spoiled the Evangelsk State University, commemorate the Lord:" In someone who will affect the name of my sake, then in the future in the future. " And we, the sovereign, you have to prepare the Eat die to you and the chapter of your provod for the holy of Christian and for your great insult. "

I heard from the language of such news about the invasion of the godless king, the Grand Duke began to console in God and called for the hardness of the brother of his prince Vladimir and all the Russian princes, saying: "The brothers of the Russian princes, from the kind we all Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich Kiev, who was opened to know the Lord Orthodox faith, as well as Eustafia Plakida; He enlightened the whole land of Russian holy baptism, faced us from the torment of paganism, and commanded us the same faith to hold and storing and fighting for her. If someone will suffer for her, he will be found in the future life of Holy First Purples for Faith. I, brothers, for faith Christ, I want to suffer even to death. " They also answered him everything as if they were alive: "Truly you, the sovereign, fulfilled the law of God and followed the gospel commandment, for the Lord said:" If someone suffers from the name of my sake, then after the resurrection, the eternal life will receive hundreds after the resurrection. And we, the sovereign, today are ready to die with you and our heads to put on the holy faith of Christian and for your great insult. "

The prince is the great Dmitry Ivanovich, hearing, then from the brother of his prince Vladimer Andrѣevich and from the princes of Russian, Yako drown on VѣRѣ to defend, and led to his everybody to Kolomnѣ to the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God, Yako: "Yes, I will go to fuck the Plika and Kemuto " And all the many people, Yako united ufs of Rosch: "Give us, Lord, the course of CE EVERYTIES, the name of yours for the sake of Saint."

The prince is the great Dmitry Ivanovich, having heard this from his brother of his prince Vladimir Andreevich and from all the Russian princes, that they are solved for the faith to fight, "Kolomna commanded all the arms to be at the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God:" Then I will reconsider the shelves and every regiment to the Voivod. " And all the many people as if allemen said: "Give us, Lord, the decision to fulfill your name for your sake!"

And the prince of Bѣlozersk is attached to him, such a slight thing to battle and Velmi was established by the entry of them: Prince Feodor Semenovich, Prince Semen Mikhailovich, Prince Andreki Kѣmkaya, Prince Glѣb Kargopol, and And'evski Prince; Pri-si-si-sioslavsky prince with their own: Prince Andrѣi Yaroslavsk, Prince Roman Tornovskaya, Prince Lev Kurbjskaya, Prince Dmitry Rostovskaya, and Inna, a lot of princes.

And the princes of Belozerski came to him, they are ready for battle, and beautifully equipped with their army: Prince Fyodor Semenovich, Prince Semen Mikhailovich, Prince Andrei Kemsky, Prince Gleb Kargopol and Andne Princes; Yaroslavl princes came with their shelves: Prince Andrei Yaroslavsky, Prince Roman Prozorovsky, Prince Lion Kurbsky, Prince Dmitry Rostovsky and other many princes.

That is already, brethren, knocking and aki thunder thunder in a famous town of Moscowѣ, then to fuck Silna to Raint the Grand Dmitry Dmitrey Ivanovich, and the Russian sons are gondayed with their shaggy.

Immediately, the brothers, knocking knocks and as if thunder rattles in the glorious city of Moscow - then there is a strong mass of the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich, and Russian sons will rattling their gilded armor.

The prince is the great Dmitry Ivanovich with his brother of his own, prince Vladimer Andrѣevich, and all the princes are Russians, and we are a member of the Svyvontar Troji on a bow to the Father, the reverend elder Sergius, blessing from the holy toa the monastery. And the moths of his reverend igumen Sergius, so that he listened to the Holy Litorgy, Bѣ Bo then the day is the needy and memory of the Holy Martyr Flora and Lavra. On the vacation of the liturgy, the moths of His Saint Sergius, with all the brothers, the Grand Duke, in order to taste Hłba in the house of Jeavdered Trinity, in the abode of him. The great princess you need to eat, I can be attached to him by the village, Yako is already approaching the repayment of a half, praying reverend, in order to let him go. And the reckance of him Reverend Strey: "SEET TO SELECT FORMATION OF PURCHED TIPS. Not already more, Mr., still Vyani Siia's beat, NJ in the past lѣteh, and another feet of the currently weave. " The prince is the great taste of HLBI, Igumen, the same Surgian at that time led the water sanctifying from the relics of the Holy Martyr Flora and Lavra. The prince is the great soon from the meal to fit, the Rev. Sergius Sorry, his sacred water and all the Christ-loving enhancement and the Great Prince of the Cross of Christ - a sign on the person. And spectable: "Go, Mr., on Pogani Polovtsi, calling God, and the Lord God will be a assistant and an intercessor." And he is secretly secret: "Imashi, Mr., beat their own sacrament, Eliko to try your state." The prince is the great speech: "Let Mi, Father, Two Via, from His Plock - Perevіtsu Alexander and Brother His Andrѣa Osh, TJA, and you yourself are with us. Stamen, the monk led it. Ima will soon be prepared with the Grand Duke, Bѣ Bo VѣDomi the essence of the warnitsa in Branѣh, not a single stu riser. Soon, they soon obedience of the edge of the reverend elder and did not stop his head. And to make them in the unwitted weapon, the arms of Christ is invalid in skylles, and led them to them in Sholomov gilded to enhanced themselves. And let them in Ruzѣ Great Prince and Right: "Being my guns, and your eligible", and speeches them: "Peace, my brotherhood, krѣpko hit, Sobercha's Daughty Vyini on VѣRѣ Christ and for all Orthodox Christianity with Pogati Polovtsi! " And the Destus of Christ's sign of the Voincy of the Grand Prince, the world and blessing.

The prince is the great Dmitry Ivanovich, taking his brother's brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, and all the princes of the Russians, went to his spiritual trinity to the father of his spiritual, Reverend Start of Sergia, blessing from the holy of that abode. And he threatened his reverend Igumen Sergius to listen to Holy Liturgy, because there was a Sunday day and the memory of the Holy Martyrs of Flora and Lavra. At the end of the liturgy, he asked the Holy Sergius with all the brother of the Grand Duke, so that he had a bread in the house of the lifty Trinity, in his abode. The great prince was hard, because the messengers came to him, that the faded Tatars were already approaching, and he asked him to be revealed to let him go. And he answered the reverend old man: "This is your delay double for you will be wrapped. For it is not yet now, Mr. My, the mortal crown to wear you, but in a few years, and for many others now the crowns are wearing. " The prince is the great taste of bread from them, and Igumen Sergius at that time ordered the water to sanctify from the relics of the Holy Martyrs of Flora and Lavra. The prince is the great soon from the meal stood up, and the reverend Sergius sprouted him with the sacred water and all the Christ-loving army, and squeezed the Grand Duke Cross of Christ, sign on the brow. And he said, "Go, Mr., on the dies of Polovtsy, calling God, and the Lord God will be your assistant and an intercession," and added him quietly: "Won, Mr., Sugorant of His, as it applies to you, our sovereign." The prince of the great said: "Give me, Father, two warriors from his brethren - to reboot Alexander and his brother Andrei Ollab, the same you will help us." The old man also ordered the same way to go with the Grand Duke quickly, for the warriors were famous in battles, not one attack was met. They immediately obeyed the reverend elder and did not refuse his commandment. And he gave them instead of the weapons of a tween non-dedicated - the cross of Christ, who was on shimas, and commanded them instead of the helmets gilded to place him on themselves. And he handed them into the hands of the Grand Duke, and said: "Here are my warriors, and your choices", "and told them:" Peace to you, my brothers, firmly fight, as glorious warriors for faith in Christ and for all Orthodox Christianity with Pogatan Polovtsy. " And he squeezed with Christ the Great Prince of the Grand Duke - the world and blessing.

The prince is the great drove the heart and do not take the same way, herself spectacle to him Reverend Sergius. And POIDE KICE GLABLE HIS GROUD MOSCOW, RADIED, AKI CONCRESSITY UKRADOVO OBRUE, BRESSULATION OF THE HOLY OF THE SENDER. And when I am in Moscow, Podida with my brother, the Kinaze Vladimer Andreyevich, Kypriaan and to take a single Metropolitan Metropolitan, and there is an old-headed Metropolitan, hedgehogs and some blessing to give him all his Orthodox Vylis. Archepiscopes led to the Sia of the Sounds of Keep, do not take anyone anyone.

The prince was the great sentenced his heart, but did not give anyone that he told him the Rev. Sergius. And he went to the glorious city of Moscow, rejoicing the blessing of the holy elder, as if the treasure was unaclapping. And, returning to Moscow, went with his brother with his brother, with Prince, Vladimir Andreevich, to the pre-liberated Metropolitan Cyprian, and he secretly told everything that he told only the old man of Saint Sergius, and what blessing was given to him and his Orthodox troop. Archbishop also ordered these words to keep secret, not to say anyone.

The days of August 27, hesitate the days of August 27, for the memory of the Holy Father of the Peidine Peternik, on the day of Vykhotnos, the Prince of Great Pretty Tatar. And, with my brother's brother, Vladimer Andrѣevich, and a hundred in the church of the Holy in the Mother of God, preped up the Lord, nagged Rutz on his secret, the source of the sheds, praying, and spectacle: "Lord God, Vladyko is terrible and krѣpkiy , Extract us, the Mr., Although we disappear, to tebѣ a common priber, our Savior and the Savior, Your Higure of Corps Esma. But we are, Lord, Yako Congrely, my forecast is my head, and now you will not leave us, Mr., nor retreat from us. Sudi, Lord, having offended by me and Vybrani, fighting with me, accept, gentle, weapons and shields and stans to help MNѣ. Give them, Lord, the enemy will beat the enemy, and they are learning than your glory. " And the packs are starting to the chudvy-high-handed image of Mrs. Tsaritsi, southerly of Luka Evangelist, Zhvynya writing, and spectable: "About Chudvytnaya Mrs. Tsaritsa, all the creatures of the human intercession, to you more than the truth of our god of our, shaggy and having a bottle. Do not give, Mrs., in the ruin of Gradov, our dies, half, do not desecrate the saints of your churches and v. Christianski. Begotes, Mrs. Tsarice, the Son of His Christ, our God, Twy to humble the heart with the enemy of our yes, do not make a hand high. And you, Ms. Bruzhtya by the Virgin, went to us their help and intensely, the face of the cover of us, but we will not be a terrible to the wounds, on the you boat, I can be establishing. Bo, Mrs., peests, and you can help us on disastrous enemies, Pogani Polovtsi, I'm not calling for your name, we, Mrs. Prechista The Mother of God, are on you and your help. Today, we hide the controversy of the godless liver, frustrated by Tatars, yes, he was choking your son's son, our God. " And Paka Priide to the coffin of the Blessed Chusudtol, Peter Metropolitan, kindly to him, and spectacle: "About the Chudo-Motor Saint Peter, in the grace of God, incessantly Chüdodѣyvishi. And today's bed, we pray to the general dominion of all, the king, merciful save. Nowadays, the recruitment of repayment is rebuilding and the Krѣpko is detained on the degrees of your Moscow. You Bo Lord showed by the following family and burned you to you, the barking bonds, and lidges on the barks of the high spirits of the entire land of Russian. And tever one to make about us, grind, pray, do not to get the hand of Mortal and the hand of Mribsnich and not destroy us. You boasts are the guard of the king from the opposite attacks, Yako Your Esma Escape. " And asked prayer, bowing to the historic Metropolitan Cyprian, Archbickopa bless him and let him go to the opponent's oppression of Tatar and give him Christ the sign - a cross for people and ambulance the glory contest and the saint icons and the saint of the gate, and in Nikolskaya , and in Constitinthino-Yelenska, and everyone Vyin is blessed to be pretty and sacred water from Kroplen.

When Thursday came on August 27, the day of memory of the Holy Father of the Hermit Father, on that day, the prince was decided to meet the godless Tatars. And, taking his brother's brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, became in the church of Saint Virgin, in addition to the Lord, folding his arms on his chest, tears shedding streams, praying, and said: "Lord God, the great, solid, truly you are the king of glory , hunt us, sinners, when we are wearing, to you a single residence, our savior and benefactor, for we are created by your hand. But I know, Lord, that my forelegations are already covering my head, and now do not leave us, sinners, not retreat from us. Sudi, Lord, oppressing me and reverse from struggling with me; Take, Lord, weapons and shield and begin to help me. Give me, Lord, victory over my enemies, let them know your glory. " And then began the miraculous image of Mrs. The Mother of God, who Luka-Evangelist wrote, and said: "On the miraculous Mrs. The Mother of God, all the creation of the human intercession, - because thanks to you, we have learned the true God of our, embodied and generated to you. Do not give, Mrs., our cities in the ruin of the Poogan Polovtsam, do not defile the saints of your churches and the faith of Christian. The mind, Mrs. The Virgin, the Son of His Christ, our God, to humble the hearts of our enemies, and there will be a hand over us. And you, Mrs. Our Most Holy Mother of God, went to us our help and with non-nursing sorcement of us, so that we wondered, we hope for you, for your slaves. I know, Mrs., if you want, you will help us against the evil enemies, these dies of Polovtsy, who do not call on your behalf; We, Mrs. Mrs. The Mother of God, we hope for your help. Now we oppose godless pagans, Poganya Tatars, you are also sick of our son, our God. " And then came to the coffin of the blissful miracle, Peter Metropolitan and, digest to him, said, said: "On the miraculous saint Peter, in the grace of God incessantly wonderful wonders. And now it is time for you for us to pray to the general lord of all, the king and the merciful Savior. For now sacrament sacrifts on me, our Moscow is preparing a weapon on your city. You, after all, the Lord showed generations to our and cast you to us, a bright candle, and put on a candlestick high shining the whole earth Russian. And now it is appropriate for us, sinners, pray, so that I did not find the hand of death and the sinner's hand did not destroy us. After all, you are the guard of our solid from enemy attacks, for your pasties. " And, having graduated from prayer, bowed to the repulse Metropolitan Cyprian, Archbishop also blessed him and let him go against the fanishness of Tatars; and, crossing him the man, squeezed him with Christ the sign, and sent his gloomy cathedral with his crosses, and with sainted icons, and with sacred water to Frolovsky Gate, and in Nikolsky, and in Konstantino-Eleninsky, so that each warrior came out blessed and sacred water sprinkled.

Prince Great Dmitry Ivanovich's brother with his brother, Knince Vladimer Andrѣevich Gidov in the church of the heaven of the holy ArchReart of Mikhail and beat by the holy image of him, and then hit the coffin of the Orthodox princes of his progenitors, and such a tearful reaction: "True Guardians, Russian Prince, Orthodox Varia Christian worships, our parents! It is imperturbed by the Imateness of Christ, then now the prayer for our despondency, IKo greatly entangled today to happen to us, with your children, and now hijacked with us. " And CE CEO, IZIDE OF THE CHURCH.

The prince of the great Dmitry Ivanovich with his brother, with Prince Vladimir Andreevich, went to Church of the Heavenly Governor of ArchReart Mikhail and Beil in the Holy Image of His History, and then he began the coffins of Orthodox princes, his progenitors, so tear: "True guardians, Russian princes, Orthodox faith of Christian chambers, our parents! If you have a keenness to destroy Christ, then pray now about our grief, for the great invasion threatens to us, children, and now help us. " And, this says, left the church.

Princess Great Eordic, and Princess Vladimirov Maria, and other advocates of Princess, and many woevodskaya wovers, and the boyaring of Moskovsky, and the servants of the wife, who are worthwhile, in tears and enclosure, can not be a word of saying, diversely. And other princess and boyari, and the service of his wife gives the ultimate centening and lingering with the Great Princess. The prince is the great, the very few Udrzhi from the tears, without giving the people to the sake of the sake, and his princess, and his princess, and spective: "Women, whether about us, then who are!"

The princess is the great Evdokia, and Vladimir Princess Maria, and other Orthodox princes of Princess, and many widenwood wovers, and the boyar of Moscow, and his wife's servants were standing here, without the tears and cordial clicks, they could not say the words to say the farewell kissing. And the rest of the princes, and the boyfriends, and the wife of the servants also made farewell kissing with their husbands and returned with the Grand Princess. The prince is the great, barely holding away from tears, did not cry with the people, in his heart it was very sacrificed, comforting his princess, and said: "Wife, if God is for us, then who is against us!"

And the lipid on the elected horse, and the VSI Prince and the governors of Viorsa to the horse of their own.

And sat on the best horse, and all the princes and the governors sat on their horses.

The sun is clear to him on the lobster, the path to him to take. Already Bo, then Aki Sokolov Urvasi from the kilty kolodias of the Cameman of the city of Moscow and the lodge of the blue of Heaven and the bells in the Sinia, and want to hit the many herds of swan and goose on many herds; That, brother, not falcons departed by IS Kamenna Grada Moscow, they left Rusk's deletion of the appearance of his sovereign, with the Great Knince, Dmitrey Ivanovich, and want to want on the great power of Tatar.

The sun shines the sun in the east, the path shows him. Then because the falcons fell out of the golden pads from the stone hail of Moscow, and took off to the blue heavens, and threw up with their golden bells, they wanted to hit the large herds swan and goose; That, the brothers, not falcons flew out of the Stone Grade of Moscow, they left Russian units with their sovereign, with the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, and the Tatar wanted to come on the great strength.

Princes of the same Bѣlozeriy Six of their plentic were kept; Syroidice Vyzko Vyzko.

The princes of Belozerskie separately with their army left; The army looks like them.

The prince is the great let go of his brother, Prince Vladimer, on Brishev, expensive, and the Bѣlozerki Prince - Doro, and the prince's great guide on the boiler is expensive. Singing him the sun is kindly to sit down, but it's a lame in it in him. That Boy for the sake of separation of the prince the Great Brother with his brother, I can not be able to understand much.

The prince, the great released his brother of his prince Vladimir is expensive at Brishevo, and Belozersky princes - the Bolvanovskoye expensive, and the prince himself went to the boiler expensive. In front of him, the sun shines brightly, and after him, a quiet breeze blows. Therefore, the prince of the Great with his brother was separated, which was not going to go through one expensive.

The princesses are the greatness of the village with his own way, the princess of Volodyimer, Marieu, and with the Voivodsk wives and the fear of the binder in the crumpler, the squabbles in the embankment and Siad on Urunduts, under the glass windows. Already Bo Firty Right Women On the Grand Duke, Tears of Boles, Aki Rѣstrin. With the Great Sorrow, applied Rutz on my own to my own and spective: "Lord God, Vyshni Creator, a proud of my humility, controversial, Lord, still see my sovereign, Slavnago in the human prince Dmitry Ivanovich. Give him, Lord, helping from his krѣkyuya hand to the beat of the Pogani Polyovtsi. And do not eat, Lord, I am the more preference for little LѣT, Brani was a Russian prince on Kalkov, with a dirty half agaryan; And now Razy, Lord, from Takia Bums and save them, and humbly! Do not give, Lord, wake up the left Christianity, but the name is your holy in Russia. From Toa Bo Galadckya, the Bad and the Great Traveling Tatharskago and now Russian, the land is sad and not to have already we hope for anyone, Tokmo on you, the alertovago of God, you can boil and Maji. Az Bo, Mr., IMѣy Two Industries, still Mladust, Prince of Vasilia and Prince Yejä. Ever hit their clear Sun of the South or VѣTer to challenge the antih of the West - both are not even a trips. Az, then Mr.shnaa, what come? Mr., the Lord, the Grand Duch, and the Land, and the Earth will be saved, and they reign them.

The princess is the great Evdokia with his bride, the princess of Vladimir Maria, and with the Voivodes, and with the haruves climbed into the Zlatörkhiy, his Terem on the shore and sat down on the Runduk under the glass windows. For the last time he sees the Grand Duke, the tears shedding like a river stream. With a great sadness, putting his hands to his chest, says: "Lord God, the Almighty Creator, look at my humility, acknowledged me, Lord, see again my sovereign, a sorry among the people of the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich. Help him, Lord, to defeat the dies of the Polovtsy who came across his hard hand. And no assisted, the Lord, the fact that in many years before this was when the terrible battle was among the Russian princes on Kalka with dashed Polovtsy, with Agaryans; And now to save, Lord, from such a misfortune, and save, and hindle! Do not give the same, Lord, to kill the preserved Christianity, and let your holy name in Russian Earth famous! From the time of that Kalkie trouble and the terrible traveling of Tatar and now the Russian land was sad, and there is no hope of any of anyone, but only on you, the all-storey God, for you can revive and kill. I, the sinner, now have two branches of small, Prince Vasily and Prince Yuri: If the clear sun falls from the south or the wind behaves to the West - neither one will not be able to render any other. What then me, sinful, do it? So return to them, Lord, their father, the Grand Prince, healthy, then the earth will be saved, and they will always reign. "

Prince, the great Podee, I, with my husbands of the deliberate, Muscovy guests Surozhan ten people, the sake of the sake of the sorry, wheezing to him, and they are to go to the domestic lands, Yako guests of the host, Beshem: 1. Vasilia Kapitsa, 2. Sidora Olfereva, 3 . Konstantina Petunova, 4. Goat Kurrew, 5. Semen Ontonova, 6. Mikhail Salayreva, 7. Timofѣya Werezakova, 8. Dimitia Chernago, 9. Dentya Salayreva, 10. Ivan Shikha.

The Great Prince went, capturing with her husbands of noble, Moscow merchants-Surezhan ten people like witnesses: Whatever God would arrange, and they will tell in distant countries, as merchants are notable, and were: the first - Vasily Kapitsa, the second - Sidor Alfaev , the third is Konstantin Petunov, the fourth - Kuzma of the carpet, the fifth - Semyon Antonov, the sixth - Mikhail Salarev, the seventh - Timofey Meshakov, the eighth - Dmitry Black, the ninth - Dementee Salarev and the tenth - Ivan Shikha.

And the prince of Veliky Dmitry Ivanovich in Velikѣi Schyrotzѣ Dorozѣ, and in the middle of the Russian sons succeed, Yako, Media Cholyashi Piti and Skinny Winenago Yarsto, want to hike others and Slavnago name: already bo, breed, knock down and thunder runday Prince Vladimer AndrѣEvich Moscow is transported on red transport in Borhists.

And the prince of Great Dmitry Ivanovich moved along a big wide road, and behind him the Russian sons go soon, as if the brewed bowls of drinking and bunches are grapes, wanting to honor and the glorious name: after all, the brothers, knocking and thunder, rattling at the early dawn, Prince Vladimir Andreevich through Moscow River is transferred to good transportation in Borovsky.

The prince is the great pripe to Kolomna on the subtle, in memory of the Holy Father Moysia Murina. The same Beshem Monszy Voivpets and Warfish and Strongly His Rule on Summer. Archbishupe of gerontes Kolomenskaya Srѣte the Grand Duke in the gratings of the Great Seaghvonosny Crosses and the Sunday Icon of the Celebration of Holy Celebration and the Observation of His Jealous Cross and the Prayer of Congrators "Save, God, people are their own."

The prince of the great came to Kolomna on Saturday, on the day of memory of the Holy Father Moses Moirina. There were already many governors and warriors and met him on the river in the North. Archbishop The same Kolomensky geonants met the Grand Duke in the gate of urban with lively crosses and with holy icons, and painted him with a lively cross, and the prayer created: "Save, God, people are their own."

On the stem, the prince of the great led ourselves to V.Mm skill on the field to the divic.

In the next way, the prince was great commanded to leave all the warriors on the field to the virgin monastery.

In the holy, under the utensil, he has begun a lot of trucks of rational glaces, and Argan's many bears, and the blazes are chosen to chopped up at the Panfilov garden.

In the holy resurrection, after the utility, many pipes combat, and the Litavra began to raise, and the extended banners of the Garden of Panfilov were keen.

The sons of Russian commensity on the great fields of Kolomenskaya, IKO is not able to communicate from the great enhancement, and the virtues of the eyes of the Great Prince of the Grand Prince. The prince is the great, leaving his brother with his brother, with Knyaze, Vladimir Andrѣevich, seeing many people of the urgent, and lodgeing and having a cochojusto jewel. Selya Prince Great to the regiment of Bѣlozerskii Princes, and the right hand of the bang of his brother, Prince Vladimer, will give him to the regiment Yaroslavl Prince, and the Lucky Hand Ceing Ceing Prince Glѣba Bryansky. The best cock - Dmitry Vsevno, yes, I brother Vladim, Vasilyevich, Vladimir, Vladimir Voevod and Yuryevsk - Timophrenia Voluyevich, Kostromskaya Voevoda - Ivan Kwashnya Potivonovichi, Pereslavsky, and Serkizing. And Prince Vladimer Andrѣevich Viaverodes: Danilo Bѣlѣut, Constantine Konanov, Prince Feodor, Hellssk, Prince Yury Meshchersky, Prince Andrei Muromskaya.

The sons of Russian entered into the vast fields of Kolomenskiy, but also not to fit a huge army, and it was impossible to take a nickname to learn Rati Great Prince. The prince is the great, walking on his elevated place with his brother, with Prince Vladimir Andreevich, seeing the great many people of the exalted, rejoiced and appointed every regiment to the voivot. The Prince of Great took himself under the command of Belozerski princes, and in the regiment of the right hand, he appointed his brother of his prince Vladimir and gave him under the command of Yaroslavl princes, and the Prince of Gleb Bryansky appointed to the regiment of his left hand. The advanced regiment - Dmitry Vsevolodovich Yes, his brother Vladimir Vesvolodovich, with Kolomnitsi - Voevod Mikula Vasilyevich, Vladimirsky, Voevod and Yuryevsky - Timofey Voluyevich, and Kostroma Voevoda - Ivan Rodionovich Kvashnya, Pereyaslavsky and Voevoda - Andrey Serkizovich. And Prince Vladimir Andreevich Voevod: Danilo Belyut, Konstantin Kononov, Prince Fyodor Yeletsky, Prince Yuri Meshchersky, Prince Andrei Muromsky.

The prince is the great, having taught the plcquet, and led to the OKU-Rѣka to refer to the foils of the cochojob and Vevodam: "Yes, who are someone to drink on the reisan land, the same does not touch the same Vlas!" And I will take the blessing of the prince of the Great from the Archbishop of Kolomensky, and the OKU's oku, the third watchman selected in the field and release the third watchman, elected to their Vityaze, IKO Yes, I am going to see the tatar seeds in the floor. Oleksina, Petrush Churikov and other many people with them by the Polyanitz.

The prince is the great, distributing the regiments, commanded them through the OKU-River, to transfer and ordered each shelf and graduate: "If someone goes on Ryazan land, - do not touch any hair!" And taking the blessing from the Archbishop of Kolomensky, the prince of the Great moved the river Okaw with all their might and sent the third stamping in the field, the best of his Vityaze, so that they would come up with the warders of Tatar in the steppe: Seeds of Melik, Ignatia Krenya, Foma Tynin, Peter Gorsky, Carp Olequin, Petrush Churikova and other many remote riders with them.

The River Prince Great Brother to his prince Vladimir: "Suggested, brother, anti-godless Polovtsov, Poganya Tatar and not climbing his face from their minds; Through, brother, and death will happen to us, it is not easy, neither madness of us is death, nyuvota vital. " And the Sovereign itself is the great, by means of ѣ, urged the affinations of his assistance - the Saints of Strasttarpet, Boris and Glѣba.

The prince of the great brother was said to his prince Vladimir: "Hurry up, brother, towards godless pagans, Rogan Tatars, and not a hole of his from the arrogance of them, and if, brother, and death was destined to us, then not without good, no sense for us This death, but in life eternal! " And the Sovereign himself is the Great Prince, in the way being, called upon his relatives to the rescue - the saints of Boris and Gleb's sainterpartles.

I heard the same prince Oleg Rezanskaya, Yako Prince Great Hands up with many forces and to walk in the gaze of the godless king Mama, and the nearest lug-free firmly, herself, hedgehog to God alive the Võmny Creator all the hope of Love. And beyond Oleg Rezanskaya and from Mѣsta on Mѣsty conjunction of the OD, and the verb: "There would be more difficult for us to take a multi-minded Olgordu Lithuanian counterfoot, such an adventure, how to have thought, but they caught the way. Az teahouses at the restore, it is not to fit the Russian prince with the contamination of the king of standing, and now it's a matter what is there? Went to him His help to SIA Priide, eating three of us to lug? "

The prince, Oleg Ryazan, heard that the Great Prince joined with many forces and should meet the godless king Mama, and, besides, it is armed firmly with his own faith, which on the god of the Almighty, the Most High Creator, with everything hoping imposes. And Oleg Ryazansky began to be safely and from place to move with like-minded people with his, so speaking: "Nowadow, if we could send the news about this attack to the Multi-Ulgere Lithuanian, find out what he thinks about it, but it is impossible: they blocked the path. I thought on the old manner that he should not rise Russian princes on the eastern king, and now how to understand it all? And where did you come from the prince, what could the three climb against us? "

He was a boyars him: "We are printed, we have taken away from Moscow for 15 dines, we are the uresty, we are saying: I have it in behalf of it, near Moscow, you are torn to Kaluga, Sergiem is called Vermi, Iznay. Twee feels down and from their Kaluga gave him accomplices. " Hearing, the prince Oleg Rezanskaya started fearful and on the boyars his launched fell and yarry: "Waying did not follow the prejudice? T-Az would be sent and dismissed the dishes of the king, but there would be no evil energous! Mount MNѣ, Yako Frozyi Si Mind, not Az Bo One Oskud, Ny and Page Mena RazumnѣE Olgord Lithuanque: Ny Obuchie, to reveal the law Latynsk Peter Gugnivago, Az, Ocan, Razumѣh True Law God! What for the sake of misfortune? And it's zbudsya on the Lord's Marsh: "Insusha, the slave, in his law of Mr. His own, to abandon, Bien's a lot." Nowadays that eats? As well as the law of God, the eater, the sky and the Earth, and the All Warri, and the currently of the unholy king, at least Popach the law of God! Nowadays, who is going to understand myself to my luxury? She would have helped today a great prince, there is still not to attach me - to be changed by my. Whether it will be imposed on the wicked king, the TJA is clearly an ancient persecutor in Christ, TJ, TJs of the Land of Zhiva, Aki Svyatoplika: Do not Tokmo Princely Lained I will, ny and zhyvota gonzna and I am gone to the Genu Fire Foggy. Through Bo Lord for them, no one for them. Also prayer will be rebuilt about him the insurgent Mnich! Is it not a single assistance to a single help, there can be a job from both of them? And today Az is thinking: to whom the Lord will help them, this and Az will be applied! "

His boyars answered him: "We, princess, reported from Moscow for fifteen days to this, - but we were afraid to convey to you, - about the fact that in the victorious of him, near Moscow, the monk lives, Sergius is called, he is very angry. The same measures and armed him, and from his monks gave him assistants. " Hearing the same, Prince Oleg Ryazansky was frightened and sought his boyars and haughtily: "Why didn't they have told me so far? Then I would send to the wicked king and missed it, and no evil happened! Mount me, I lost my mind, but I didn't weaken alone, but more I am a reasonable Olgerd Lithuanian; But, however, he honors faith Latin Peter Huggling, I, the appearances, knew the true law of God! And why did I follow? And I will come true with me by the Lord: "If the slave, knowing his law, will break it, the bit will be strong." For now what did you do? Knowing the law of God, created the sky, and the earth, and all the creature, he joined the wicked king, who decided to teach the law of God! And now what his unreasonable thoughts got himself? If you were now a great prince to offer, then he will not accept me, for he learned about the treason of mine. If I join the wicked king, I will truly become as the former persecutor of Christ, and then the earth will absorb me alive, like Scholyopolka: not only the reign will be deprived, but also lies in life, and I will be abandoned in Geenna. If the Lord is for them, then no one will overcome them, and even the turning that monk will help him with his prayer! If no one would be able to help any of them, then in the future, how can they resist them? And now I think so: Which of them, the Lord will help, to that and I join! "

Prince Olgord Lithuanian, according to the predetermined ate, the Lithuanian and Varyag, and the pearls and Poid to help Mama. And to the city of Odoye, and hearing, Jaco Prince Great Sign Much Much Many Enhances, All Russia and Sloves, and the donent to Don Anti Tsar Mamaa, and hearing, Yako Oleg, - and belday Tutola is still motionless, and , Bѣ Speeding your army Olg Rezanskom Differentially, started rushing and angry, verb: "Elico man does not get his wisdom, Twy Vseu Chusy Wisdom to demand: Nicoli Boy Lithuania was learning from cutting! Today, Oleg's I wanted, and Pazima himself. Nowadays, there is a fear of health, dongezh I will hear Moskovakago to beat. "

The prince of Olgerd Lithuanian, in harmony with the previous idea, gathered a lot of Lithuanians, and Varyagov, and Zhmudtsev and went to help Mama. And came to the city of Odoye, but, having heard that the prince of the great gathered the great many warriors, - all of Russia and Slave, and he went to Don against the king Maama, - he also having heard that Oleg was frightened - and became here since the real estate, and I understood the futility of my thoughts, now I regretted with Oleg Ryazansky, rushed and crushed, saying: "If a person lacks his mind, then in vain of someone else's mind looking for: never happened that Lithuania has learned Ryazan! For now, Oleg brought me crazy, and he himself died. So now I have to do here until I don't hear about the Moscow victory. "

At the same time, hearing the prince Andrei Panish and Prince Dmitry Bryanskaya, Olgormichi, Yako, Tuga and the care of the Great Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Muscovik and Orthodox Christianity from the Gazedo Mamaa. Bassta Bo Tѣ Prince Father's father, prince Olgord, hated, the gamers for the sake of the sake of the soda, the God and the Holy Baptism applied. Bѣsta Bo, Aki Nѣkia Klasa Dobroplovya, Terechi Vasting: Towning between Nonya, does not dwell to the fruit. And send Prince Andrian to Brother to his own, prince Dmitry, secretly lettering Malu, it is written in the same time: "Vѣsi, my brother was admired, Yako Father Our reproach from ourselves, Nit Lord God, Heavenly Father, Page Supplied us and enlightening us saints The baptism, and letting it be a law - go on it, and we are tightly from the puscotigago judge and from the unclean confusion is Brass; We are now, what about God Vydadym? Ny will be brother, brother, the feat of the good devotee Christ, the head of the Christian, let's see, brother, at the help of the great prince Dmitry Moscow and all Orthodox Christianity, greatly to put them from the frightened Izmayaven, Ny and the Father and Oleg Rezanskaya were made by godless and drive Orthodox Viru Christ. To us, brother, approach the holy Scripture of the stretch, the verbal: "Briat, in the bod, we have a manual!" Do not be able to smiling, Brother, Jaco, opposes us, Jike the Evangelist of Luka River Usts of the Lord of our Isus Christ: "Trains will be parents and brethren and unlucky, the name of my sake; Pretched to the end - Tweys will be saved! " Saluing, brother, from the overwhelming Thrnia and adds a true prolific grape, a villain Hero, Christ. Today, the worm, brother, do not hunt the Zhyvota for the sake of Jehvota, the Hispanic Honor willingly, the souther of the Lord give it to the will of his will. "

At the same time, Prince Andrei Polotsky and Prince Dmitry Bryansk, Olghadovichi, that Great trouble and care were agitated by the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich Moscow and all Orthodox Christianity from Godless Maths. There were those princes by their father, prince by Olgere, dislike themselves because of their stepmother, but now God beloved were and holy baptism accepted. They were, as if what ears were prolific, weed suppressed: living among wickedness, could not give rise to the fetus. And the prince Andrei sends to his brother to his, prince Dmitry, secretly a small letter, in him written like this: "You know, my beloved brother, that my father rejected us from myself, but our Heavenly Father, Lord God loved us and enlightened the saints. baptism, giving us your law - to live on him, and deserted us from empty fuss and from unclean food; Now we will pay God for that? So we fix the brother, on the feat of the good for the devotee of Christ, the source of Christianity, go, brother, to the aid of the great prince Dmitry Moscow and all Orthodox Christians, because the big trouble came for them from the friar ismail, and also our father with Oleg Ryazan joined Godless and pursue the Orthodox faith of Christian. We, brother, follows the Holy Scripture to execute, saying: "Brothers, in the troubles of responsive, be!" Do not doubt my brother, as if we will oppose the Father, because here, as the evangelist of Luka handed the words of our Lord Jesus Christ: "They will be betrayed by parents and brothers and die for my name; Pushed to the end - will be saved! " Let's get out of, brother, from the gove of this weed and will lead to the true prolific grape, cultivated by the Hero of Christ. Now, after all, the brother, we rush, not the earthly for the sake of life, but the honors in heaven want the Lord gives the will of him. "

Other prince Dmitry Olgovich's brother's brother of his Stariasago, began to join and poster from joy, verb: "Lordo Lord is a good manner, give the same slave to your desiment of the symptoms of the simply And richer with a brightened ambassador: "Rzi brother to mine, prince Andreyu: I am ready for you to give your punishment, brother and gentlemen. Colikically there is a Vazka of mine, then the WSI is taspted by me, God's fear of the shooting of the sake of the sake of Danube Tatars. And today's rzi brother to my: I have hears, Yako Pridozya to Myshocormci, and see the Grand Prince Dmitry on Don, Tu Bo wait for the evil crowns. And we get to approach the ITTi to Sѣverѣ and that applied us: to preserve the way the way on the Sѣber and TѣM by hiding your father's father, but not to lick the student to us. "

Dmitry Olgeredovich, by reading the letter of his older brother, rejoiced and cried from joy, saying: "Vladyko, Lord Audito, God forbid, God for your desire to make this way this good that you discovered your older brother!" And he ordered the ambassador: "Tell my brother to my, prince Andrei: Ready I am ready for your orders, brother and Mr. How many troops are my troops, then all with me, because on God's fishery we gathered for the upcoming war with Danube Tatars. And I still say my brother: I heard from those who came to me the collectors of honey from Seversk land, they say that the Grand Dmitry Dmitry is already on Don, for it wants to wait for evil criwoods. And we should go to Seversk Earth and connect there: you have to keep the path to Seversk Earth and in this way they hung out of your father, so as not to prevent us in shameful. "

According to Maleh, the same day, both brothers are gladly seed with all their forces, to Sѣverѣ, and sees it, unreliable, sometimes Josepho in vein, visiting the many people, diligently, and a fortune taking warriors. And Borzo's Borzo, and the Great Prince Dmitre Ivanovich Moskovskago, and the country of Don, on Mѣst, the River Berezui, and that applied.

A few days later, both brothers were agreed, as decided, with all the forces in Seversk land and, having happy, pleased, as the once Joseph with Veniamin, seeing with him a lot of people, cheerful and oven skillful warriors. And they reached quickly, and caught up with the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich Moskovsky on this side of Don, on the spot, called Berezui, and here it was connected.

The prince is the great Dmitry Z's brother with his Vladimer's joy of joy Velikotka, Yako Bo is the mercy of God: Yako does not make sure that there is a powerful such life, Yako Dѣty Father is left and pursued, IKo sometimes eating Irod, and Caido to help our. And with many Darmi's kidd, and walk through, rejoicing and having fun about holy DUSѣ, the EDSRAGO already already repurchased, often semi-so-meaningless premium. River to them Prince Great: "BRITY MOA MILAA, KIA for the requirement of ciffine Sѣmo?" They are robosh: "Lord God ambassading us to your help." The prince is the great spectacle: "Vishtinna jequitors eat the forefather of our Abraham, Yako Tyi Vagasorѣ lot is helpful, and still eat jealous of the Valiant Great Prince Yaroslav, Yako Twy Misti's Blood of the Brother's Blood."

The prince of the great Dmitry with his brother with his Vladimir, both joy of such grace of God were refused: because it is impossible to such just to be that the children of the Father leave and overheut him, as the noble Magica, and came to the rescue. And many gifts honored them, and went to his dear, rejoicing and the famous spirit of the Holy Spirit, from the Earth already, expecting an immortal other atonement. He said the grandee's great: "My brothers are cute, what kind of need did you come here?" They answered: "The Lord God sent us to your aid!" The prince was the great said: "You truly like the placenta to our Abraham, who helped the lot, and you still have a valiant Great Prince Yaroslav, who was avenged for the blood of his brothers."

And the ambassador of the Ambassador is the Prince of Moskvyu, Cyprian, Jaco "Olmordovichi Knyazi Pridosh KN Mr. Citizhi, and his father left." Soon the same companion to the reinforced metropolitan. Archbishopa, hearing, and praying, verb in tears: "Lord Vladyko is human-humanucch, and we are caught in the silence of Perelaguashi!" And the ambassador to the whole of the church and in the monastery, she led a prayer for the prayer of the day and the newly of the Great to God. And the ambassador to the abode of Rev. Hegumen Sergia, yes Negili their prayer to obey God. The princesses are the greatness of the village, hearing that the great God of the Mercy and the Arms of Challenges are laughed and the church is incentive and began to pray in the Holy Church.

And immediately sent such a message the prince of Great to Moscow to Moscow to the Holy Metropolitan Cyprian: "Olghadovichi princes came to me with many forces, and left his father." And the Bulletin quickly reached the pre-grateful Metropolitan. The Archbishop, having heard that, stood on prayer, speaking with tears: "Lord Vladyko is a philanthropic, for the winds hostile to us in quiet turning!" And he sent to all the cathedral churches and in the monasteries, commanded the diligence of the prayer to create the day and night to the Almighty to God. And he sent to the monastery to Rev. Igumen Sergius to pray their prayers. The princess is the Great Evdokia, he having heard about the great God of Mercy, began generous alms to distribute and constantly stayed in the Holy Church, praying day and night.

We will leave the same pakings, fit into the low.

It will be left again and still refund.

The great prince formerly on Mѣstѣ, nine Berezue, Yako for twenty and three drinks to Don, enjoyed in 5 days of the month of Septurria, for the memory of the Holy Prophet Zechariah, on the same day the rival of the affection of his prince Glѣba Vladimirovich, and two from the guards of him, Peter's Gorky da Karp Oleksin, and gives the tongue to the troops from the snedom Tsarev yard. Tyy tongue to behave: "Already the king on Kuzminѣ Gati cost, it's not to spit, Littlewater Litovskago and Olga Rezanskago, and your king is not confusting, not to quiet, or the books of Ongovy, and three days old " The prince is the great asking him about the power of the prince, he is spectable: "Unfortunately much many enhancements of his strength, no one is powerful proceedings."

When the prince was great on the spot, called BEREZUY, for twenty-three papers from Don, has come for the fifth day of the month of September - the day of memory of the Holy Prophet Zechariah (on the same day and the killing of the ancestor of Dmitry - Prince Gleb Vladimirovich), and arrived two of his watchdog Forepasses, Peter Gorsky and Karp Oleksin, led a notable language from among the dignitaries of the royal court. Talking tongue: "Already the king in Kuzmin Gati stands, but not in a hurry, Olgenda Lithuanian is waiting for Oleg Ryazansky; According to information received from Oleg, the king does not know about your gatherings and meets with you does not expect; After three days it should be on Don. " Prince Great asked him about the strength of the royal, and he answered: "The uncountable many troops of his strength, no one can count them."

The prince is the great start of thinking with his brother and with the newestine brachia, with Lithuanian prince: "Does the Paks are prieved or do you transport?" His rosh is Olgordovichi: "Inspectorate Krѣcago's church, then he was leaning for the Don, and not to make a uniform crumpled; And I don't think about the Grand Forces, Yako is not in the strength of God, ny, Svyatoplika, Pradѣd, the great prince, Great Alexander, the Neva River Pereshotem, King'wi, and you are blinding the same creature. And she is trampling, TDSI will be saved, whether it will be a common death with the princes and to ordinary people. You are now, the sovereign is a great prince, to leave a deader, buoy verbs of Glagolati and Tѣmi Literass Circling Your Vyzko: We will see the taste, and there are a lot of selected Vityazy in your eyes. "

The prince of the great began to consult his brother with his own and with a newly acquainted brother, with Lithuanian princes: "Do you continue to stay next or don?" Olghadovichi told him: "If you want a hard troops, then the orders for the Don go, so that there is no thought about the retreat; The enemy is not thinking about the great strength, because God is not in force, but in truth: Yaroslav, going the river, the Svyatopolka won, the great-grandfather, the prince of the great Alexander, the Neva River, going, the king won, and you, calling God, follows the same To do. And if we break the enemy, then everything will be saved, if they die, then all the common death we will take it - from princes to ordinary people. You, sovereign a great prince, now you need to forget about death, knowing your bold words that your troops have strengthened from those speeches: we see what great many elected Vityazes in your troops. "

The prince of the great led to the Vgintyness to all the Don.

And the prince the Great ordered the army throughout the Don go.

And at the time of the visor accelerate, it is approaching the Tatars approaching. Mnevosi, the Son of Russkie, who was joying the joy, the Great, the inener of his desired female, the Eagle in Russia he entered.

And at this time, the scouts sweep up, because the faded Tatars are approaching. And many sons of Russian referred to the joy of the Great, tea of \u200b\u200bthe desired her feat, which was still dreaming about Rus.

For many days, the days of Mnzya Vlzi approached on Mѣstly, it is angry, unstained on all the boys, hears the thunderstorm is great. Brave People in Plkѣh, the heart of Ukrѣshes, and in the same way in plco, that heard a thunderstorm, Puchae: In the same time, Mnosi Rati is unusually fussing, do not smacking to verch, Galice has a rather than talking, the eagle of the midst of Ustyuy Klekyut , and Mnosi Zvlírya is terrible to hurt, waiting for the days of Greaty, the god of the corpse of a human, such a bloodshed, the aqa water Morcaa. From talovago borah and thunderstorms of the greatness of the Great, the grass is posted.

And for many days, many wolves have glass in place, howling scary, continuously all nights, the prefabricating thunderstorm. The brave people in the troops of the heart are strengthened, the other people in the troops, that by having heard a thunderstorm, they are completely naught: after all, the unprecedented rhe gathered, they say inadlessly, and the tanks are spoken by their tongue, and eagles, in a set from the mouth of the don, flying through the air. And many beasts fiercely wait, waiting for the day of Grozny, the God of the predetermined, in which human body should lie: this will be bloody, as if the sea is sea. From that fear and horror, great trees bow and grass is bent.

Mnosi People from both beyond, seeing the Woof preventing death.

Many people from both troops are pronounced, anticipating their death.

Begins to repay Polovtsi, a multiple studio darken about the dying of his zhyvot, so far the desperation is wicked, and seeing them with noise. And the law of the same man's patch is a penalty rejoicing, on the tuning of the congregation of it, and the great prince of Rev. Hegumen Sergiy.

Began the dirty Polovtsy in the great despondency to embracing the end of their lives, because if he dies the wicked, then the memory of him with noise will disappear. Orthodox people will still reach joy, waiting for the aspirations treated with them, beautiful crowns, which Rev. Igumen Sergiy told the Great Prince.

Site accelerate, Yako is already moving closely. In the sixth hour, the days of the days of Semen Melik is friendly, and the Monsosi from Tatar persecuted on them. Toliko is safely rushing nubli and Plky Russian Urrѣsha and accustomed soon to King and turn to him, Jaco Knyazy Russian torn down at Don. God's bog fisher is a variety of great people thawed, and the king, Yako "Princes of Russian Enjoyment, the Chetverice of the Bolshai of Our Fit." He is a wicked king, hesitated by a driver on his blow, shouting in vain, let's drink volatile. "Taco of the Forces of Moa, it is not overcome by Russian princes, TJ CJSC imaging the Väsavii? I can't worry, I can't break. And he led to his father's fellow fellow.

Scouts are sweeping, because already closely frown and everything is approaching. And in the sixth hour of the day, Semyon Melik came with his friend, and there was a lot of Tatars behind him; It was branded almost to our troops, but only the Russians saw, returned quickly to the king and told him that the Russian princes were made to the battle at Don. For God's fishery saw the Great Many people are equipped and told the king: "Princes Russian army quadruple more than our gathering." The same wicked king, broken by the Devil on his way, screeching suddenly, said: "These are my forces, and if you do not overcome Russian princes, then how to return the ravoisi? My shame will not suffer! " - And she commanded his Poinov to her Polovtsy to prepare for battle.

Semena Melik is a great prince, Yako: "Already Mama Tsar on Gusin Brod Priide, and one of the northhights themselves, in the extension, it is better to come to the urgent. You, the same, sovereign a great prince, approves the day to take off, and not to prevail. "

Semyon, Melik told the prince Great: "Already the Mama-King on Gusin Rod came, and one night between us, because by the morning he comes to unsuitable. To you, the sovereign is a great prince, you should now make it, so as not to be caught frowning. "

To begin the prince of the great Dmitry Ivanovich, with his brother with his prince Vladimer Andreyevich and with Lithuanian Prince Andrem and Dmitrey Olgordovichi to the pedeptago chasis Palci. Nѣkto Vaveroda with the Lithuanian Prince, Issue Dmitry Bobroklogov, a family of Volyn lands, and the deliberate to be the shovel, Velmi settled Plci for dosenia, Elico GDѣ who should be faced.

Then the Prince of Great Dmitry Ivanovich began with his brother, Prince, Vladimir Andreyevich, and with the Lithuanian princes Andrei and Dmitry Olgeredovichi until the sixth hour shelves arrange. A certain governor came with the Lithuanian princes, the name Dmitry Bobrock, originally from the Volyn land, which was notable to the commander, well he put the shelves, as well as where to be faithful.

The prince is the great, we sing with his brother of his prince Vladimer and Lithuanian Prince and WSI Prince Russian and Verovperse and Veriekhav in highly mѣstly and saw the images of the saints, and the day of the attack in Christian signs, the acousts of the Svätilnicnia Sunshine bolt in vroluch And they are gilded to choke, ascending, the aquies are quietly trembling, wanting to say quietly; The warriors are Russian and their temples, Aki Zhivi plowed, the Arms of Russian sons, Aki Water in all VѣTra Kholysya, the sholes are shaggy on the chapters of them, Aki Zarka eliminating the Bucket Buckets, Yalovtsiy, Scholomov, Aki Flame Flames, plowing.

The prince is the great, taking his brother of his, Prince Vladimir, and Lithuanian princes, and all the princes of Russians, and the governor and walked into a high place, saw the images of the saints, shied on Christian banners, as if that lamps were solar, glowing in the rays of sunny; And their gilded themselves were noisy, spreading like clouds, quietly tremble, as if they want to moderate; The bogaties are the Russians stand, and their Horugwi, exactly the living, pegs, the armor of Russian sons as if the water is that in the wind, the helmets are gilded on their heads, as if the Morning Morning in clear weather, they glow, the Yalovets of their helmets like a flame fire, Drawing.

It was mounted by Bo typeni and a fourth of those of such Russians. I'm confusting and establishing them, Wsi Bo indifference, one for a single, friend for a friend Knit Dream, and VSI unanimously verbily: "God, from the height of the pride at us and give the Orthodox prince to our, Yako Contest Conquer under nose. His amalic enemies, I am sometimes meek david. " I will be surprised by the Lithuanian prince, the reaction in Semѣ: "Then there was a prejudice of us, nor with us, nor by us to make such a lingerie thawed. Like Alexander Tsar Makidonskago Vynocha, courage to be the Gedeonovs of Snuznitsy, Lord Bo would linger them! "

It is too sad to see and threaten to talk about such Russian assembly and the device, because everyone is unanimous, one for the other, they want to die each other, and everyone unanimously speaks: "God, with a height of a look at us and give the Orthodox prince to our as Konstantin, Victory, let down the enemies-amalicyan's enemies, as the noble meek David. " All this was divided by Lithuanian princes, saying to themselves: "There was no such troops with us after us after us. Like Alexander, Tsar Macedonsky, the army, the courage is similar to Gedeon Horsemen, for the Lord armed them with his force! "

The prince is the great, Virgin Plci is adequately taped, and seshed from his horse and Pad to Kolѣni his straight great plenty of Chernago Bannama, the image of the Lord of our Isus Christ, from the depths of the soul, begun at Vladyko Vladyko! Waving a loosened approach to the people of Yiya, the fact of the essence of the essence and your blood of the opening of the work of the enemy. The inspiration, Lord, the prayer of our prayer, turn his face on the wicked, and it is also creative than creating your slave. And now, Lord Isus Christ, I pray and twist the image of your holy and the most of your mother and the Holy Saints, and a friend and the need for our concession, and the solesteen about us, to tebѣ, the Russian saint, the new Chusualtner Peter, on his grace We hope, dust the appeal and the Sacred and the greatness of your name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are dying and in Vѣkuy! Amen".

The prince is great, seeing his shelves worthily arranged, got off his horse and fell on his knees, right in front of a large shelf with a crimson banner, on which the image of the Lord of our Jesus Christ was embroidered, and from the depths of the soul he began to call loudly: "About Vladyka Almighty! A look at the insightful approach on these people, that your desnice is created and your blood is redeemed from the service of the devil. Listen, Lord, in the sound of our prayers, referring the face on the wicked, which are creating an evil slaves yours. And now, Lord Jesus Christ, I pray and worship the image of your holy, and the Mother of Your Mother, and all the saints who have hired, and a strong and needed intercession to our and soles for us, you, Russian saint, a new Wonderworker Peter! Your hoping for the mercy of yours, I dare to appeal and praise the holy and excellent name yours, and the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are constantly and in the eyelids! Amen".

Corresponding to the prayer and BPD to the horse and launched the prince and viscosity. CHEMUZODO The regiment is spectable: "BRITE MOA MILAA, SON RUSSIA, MALA AND TO GREAT! Already, brethren, northa, and the day of Grozny approach - in this nost, and pray and prayes, and the crown, the Lord with us, Silen in Brane. He is preducing, breeding, on Mѣstech of his own. It is necessary for now, the uteros of you are increasingly difficult to meant: it's already our guests are approaching, stand on the repetition, the Kulikova field is having a common bowl, Mourdies with them with them a common bowl, my friends, and my friends enjoyed . Now, of the brothers, feel on the god of Zhiva, the world you wake about Christ. Especially utering accelerate on us to rebind the crown.

After graduating from the prayer and sowing on his horse, he became the regiments to drive with princes and warlords and spoke every shelf: "My cute brothers, the sons of Russians, everything from Mala and to Great! Already, the brothers, night came, and the day of Grozny approached - this night awake and pray, be resting and attached, Lord with us, strong in battles. Here stay, brothers, on the places of their own, without confusion. Each of you can now be made, in the morning it will not be possible to cook: For our guests are already approaching, stand on the river on the river, the Kulikov field was made to battle, and in the morning we drink a common bowl, each other, after all, friends My, still in Russia we walked. Now, the brothers, feel on the god of the living, the world will be with Christ with Christ, as in the morning they will not slow down the friar crowns. "

Already more than the holiday of the Christmas Holy Nativity of the Virgin. Osāni, then, having born and the days of the two still eating, to be the same in that new heat and quietly, and Mrzi Russia. Correspondingly Boy Retrum The Prophet: "Nosta did not bother unprecedented, and I will be asked."

For the night of the Christmas Holy Mother of God has arrived at night. Autumn was then delayed in the days later, he was still happy, there was a big and very quiet that night and very quietly, and the fogs from dew got up. For the Prophet truly said truly: "The night is not light for the wrong, but for the faithful it is enlightened."

River Dmitre Volynets is a great prince: "Khoshchu, sovereign, in a nosta, we will accept my test." And already dawn the donkey, novains, Dmitry, Dmitry, and I, with my Grand Duke, and Valika Kulikovo and, becoming in the middle of the covers and turns to the plck Tatharskaya, to hear the knock is great and click, and the cry, Aki Troki are removed, Aki Grad is silent, and Aki thunder great runday; Congratulations of Tatarskago Voloki lure Grozno Velmi, on the des's the same countries. The covers of the Tatar Voroni clichuchi and to be trembling the bird, great Velmi, and on the same countries, Aki Mountains playing - the thunderstorm is great. On the recent, the geese and swans wing with wings, unusual thunderstorms. River Prince Great Dmitry Volyntz: "I hear, brother, the thunderstorm is Velmy". And the spectacle of Volyniec: "Call, prince, God for the rescue!"

And Dmitry Volynets said the Great Prince: "I want, the sovereign, in this night I will notice myself," and already dawn. When there was a deep night, Dmitry Volynets, taking the Grand Prince only, drove on the field of Kulikovo and, becoming between the two troops and turning to the Tatar side, heard the knock loud, and clicks, and the cry, as if the Breastings converge, as if the city was built as if Thunder Great rattling; With the rear of the troops of the Tatar wolf, the Tatar Crow's troops are very, on the right side of the troops of Tatar crows and Gomon Bird, loud, very much, and on the left side of the mountains are walking - the thunder is terrible, on the river, the geese and swans the wings should have splash, unprecedented thunderstorms. And the prince said the great Dmitry Volyntz: "I hear, brother, - the thunderstorm is terrible very." And the Volynets answered: "Call, princess, God for the rescue!"

And turning to the Plk. Russian - and the silence is great. River Volynets: "Do you see what, princess?" - He is spectable: "I see: the many fires are scolding removing ..." And the spectacle of Volynets: "Rejoice, the sovereign, Dobry the essence of the banner, the Tokmo of God is calling and do not look around!"

And he turned to Russian troops - and there was a great silence. Then Volynets asked: "Do you see anything, princess?" - The same answered: "I see: a lot of fiery zorah rises ..." And Volynets said: "Rejoice, the sovereign, good of signs, only God call and do not seek faith!"

And the packs are spectacled: "And there is a place of artisati." And reduce from the horse and printed to the ground with a duty for a debt. Insection, and ponce and peeper from the heart. And the Renuch is the Great: "What is, brother Dmitry?" He is mistaken and not although they say to him, the prince is the great many nudy him. He is spectable: "one is more than a plus, and the other is scrabna. I'm crying in the hears of the earth: one is a country, Aki Nѣka's wife, in vainly crying about Chadѣh His Helly Glory Glory, a Country, Aki Nѣka Maiden, Actuisii by Velmy Skaching Glory, Aki in the Svirel. Az is the same, the set of TѣMi Prims of Battoo Beat, this is the for the sake of the grace of God, the prayer of the Sainty Strastotril of Boris and Glѣba, the Snodniki of Ours, and other Chuudtoles, Russians, Aza, the Plogany of Tatar. And your Christobivago Vynchy is to fall a lot, nyuchach your breath, your glory will be worse. "

And said again: "And I also have a sign of checking." And came down from the horse, and the student to the ground with the right ear for a long time. Rising, droke and sighed hard. And the prince asked the Great: "What is there, Brother Dmitry?" The same was silent and did not want to tell him, the prince was the great for a long time he argued him. Then he said: "One is good for you, the other is to grief. I heard the land, sobbing two: one side, exactly some kind of woman, shines loudly about his children in someone else's language, the other side, as if some kind of Virgin, suddenly screamed a loud voice, exactly in a sweat, so what to hear highly. After all, I have checked a lot of those signs of the battles, because now I expect the mercy of God - the prayer of the saints of Boris and Gleb, and other wonderworkers, the Russian keepers, I am waiting for the defeat of the dies of Tatars. And your Christ-loving troops fall a lot, but, however, your top, your glory will be. "

Hearing, the prince is great to take place and spectacle: "The Lord God is all inserted: we have a breath in Rutz!" And the spectacle of Volynets: "Do not get tease, the sovereign, in the plenty, Tamnati, Tokamo Komujo Vyuin led to God to pray and the saints of His Hodgepiece to help. And sooner the morning led them to hurt on Horse, every Vyin, and enjoyed Krѣpko and Cross trimmed: Tyy Bo there is a weapon on dishthe, uteros Khuztut with us seey. "

Hearing this, the prince was great and said: "Lord God is everything possible: all our breath in his hands!" And the Volynets said: "You should not tell you a sovereign, this army, but only every warrior orders God to pray and the saints of his ascension to help. But early in the morning, order them to sit on the horses of their own, each warrior, and armed with a hard and cross to put themselves: this is, there are weapons on opponents who are witness with us in the morning. "

In the same junk, the husband, Issue of Thomas Katsibѣi, the robber, was delivered to be guarded from the Grand Duke on the recent on the churchur, the courage to the sake of Krѣptsѣ Watchman. This ukhuyaa, God open to him in a nosta, the sight of Veliko. On the vigil of Mѣste standing, the type of clouds from the insight is greatly pretty, Aki Nѣkaka Plik, to the west, go. From the midday of the country of the Caidosh two Uanoshi, the seams on semi bugs, the face of their Siaumen, Aki Sun, in both hands they have sharp swords, and the wischable as the embankment: "Who did you learn about Trebit Otherechvo, the Eagle to us Lord Darova?" And he has begun, their seds and all of them are, nor one of them is not overcome. The same Thomas Zlomludr and the Ottol Ottol Ohѣrene can, and then the species on the extension of the Great Prince one. The prince is the great rummer to him: "Not the verbs of that friendly, nobody", and, input Rutz on the sky, bend poster, the verb: "Lordyko Lord, human! Prayer for the sire of martyr Boris and GLѣB Pomping, I am Moisy to Amalik and the saint Yaroslav to Svyatoplik, and my great prince Alexander on the praising King of Rimkago, at least to ruin his eduction. I don't give my mi, nasya for our Merity, sending your prostruck for us, do not give us to the enemy of our enemy, but they will not be happy about us, and the country's unprecedented river: "GDѣ there is god of them, on ny? " Ny Pomso, Lord, Christian, they are the name of your holy! "

On the same night, the Grand Duke put some husband, named Thoma Katsibie, the robber, for his courage is guarded on the river on Churov for a strong security from the fried. Correcting him, God honored him in the night of this see the spectacle. At a high place standing, he saw a cloud, from the east, walking, very very, as if, what troops to the West were sled. From the south side, two young men came, dressed in bright bugs, their faces shone, as if the sun, in both hands, sharp swords, and told the leaders of the troops: "Who ordered you to destroy the fatherland, which the Lord gave us?" And they began to chop them and united everyone, none of them escaped. The same Thomas, since then, the chaden and prudence, believed in God, and the vision of Vision was told by the world's great princess alone. The prince was the great told him: "Do not say that friend, anyone," - and, having aroused his hands to the sky, began to cry, saying: "Lord Lord is a humus person! Prayers for the saints of Boris and Gleb holy martyrs help me, like Moses on Amalikeyan, and as the old Yaroslav to Svyatopolk, and his great prince Alexander on the praiseing King of Roman, who wished to ruin his fatherland. I don't give my sins, but I am sighing your grace for us, send your mercy on us, don't give us to our enemies, so that our enemies do not mock us, did not say the countries of the wrong things: "Where are the god to which they So hoped? " But help, Lord, Christians, they are famous for your sacred! "

And let go of the prince's great brother, Prince Vladimer Andrѣevich, inwards on Don in Dubrov, Jaco, and Tamo is completely covered with him, giving him worthy of His yard, delative to Vityazy, Crosky Vgyn. And with him let go of the wagon of his europe Dmitre Volynskago and other many.

And the Prince of the great brother of his brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, up the Don in Dubravu, so that he was hidden there, giving him the best warriors from his sweat, removed by Vityaze, solid warriors. And with him, the famous Dmitry Volynsky and other many people sent him.

I will enjoy the same, month of septuria in 8 day, the great holiday of Christmas saints of the Virgin, wheeled the heel, enjoyed the sun, the morning of the morning, Introducing Christian shards to prove and the pipes are good for a lot of pic. Already bous Russian horses are overgrown from the reading of the pipeline, and Koyzho Vøin to go under his banner. And the kind of kind is despicuously plcked by the teaching of the Croskago venge of Dmitre Bobrokov Volynz.

When it came, the month of September in the eighth day, the great feast of the Christmas of the Saint Virgin, at dawn on Friday, when the sun was boated and the misty morning was, the Christian twists began to wave and the pipes of combat in many sound. And now the Russian horses cheered up from the sound of the tube, and each warrior goes under his banner. And happily was to see the shelves, built on the council of solid governor Dmitry Bobrot Volynz.

I will brake the second whose days, and I have begun the state of the tube of both covers to remove, the Tatarish of the same pipes are jaco, and the Russian pipes are wrapped up. The plcs are not yet seen, the morning is mild. And at the same time, the brothers, the land moaning Velmi, a thunderstorm is great for the use of unall to the sea, and to the west to Duna, the Great, then the field of Kulikovo is driving, the rods of the same protrusion from MѣSh, Yako Nikolizh to be a tolikine man on Mѣst Tom.

When the second hour of the day came, the sounds of the pipes began to crawl into both troops, but Tatar pipes like numbings, and Russian pipes raised louder. The shelves still do not see each other, for the morning was foggy. And at this time, the brothers, the earth moans scared, thunderstorms are a great preinteble to the east until the sea, and to the west to the Danube, and the huge Kulikovo field begins, and the rivers spoke out of their own coasts, because there were never so many people on the spot .

Great Prince Prescription on the chosen horse, as well as the eyes and the vercolate from the greatness of the heart of his heart, the tears of Aki Rѣcche from the Cleansing His: "Otti and Briah Moa, gentlemen for the best and saints for the sake of churches and v. For the sake of Christian Half death, nyvota vital; And nothing, brethren, the Earthly think, do not decounded the workman, yes, we have suffered from Christ's God and Savior Sun soul. "

When the prince of the great moved to the best horse, I went to the regiments and spoke of my heart in great sadness, then tears flowed in streams from his eyes: "Fathers and my brothers, gentlemen, fight the sires for the sake of churches and faith for Christian, for this death to us now not death, but the eternal life; And nothing, brothers, the earthly do not think, do not depart because, and then the crowns of victorious will crush us Christ God and the Savior of our souls. "

The utensils of the cock, and the Paka pripe under their banner black and CZPE from the horse and on the Inj horse all the sameness from themselves with themselves the conclius of the King and in Inu. Tyi horse Dad to Mikhail Andrѣevich under the broom and put on it to him, I like it, I love the mѣry, and the banner of black led to his banner. Under TѣM, we knew and killed for the Grand Duke.

Stripping the shelves, again returned to his banner black, and came down from his horse, and sat down on another horse, and dropped his clothes to the royal clothes, and in a simple embrace. The same horse gave Mikhail Andreevich Brenka and that clothes on him put on it, for he loved him over the measure, and the banner had commanded his crimsor to keep her whites over the Breno. So the banner was killed instead of the Grand Duke.

The prince is the great one on Mѣste, and, having gone out of the nadrod, the Passion of Christ, in the midst of the Passion, in the same way, the jigsposnoye druly, and choking and spectacle, In addition to the Greek king, Constantine, albeit, he is escalating with wicked and chewy ways to beat them. I do not might safely repay dishusting sex against your image of the status, Taco, Lord, Surprise His mercy on your slave! "

The prince of the great became in his place in his place and, with his chest, his lively cross, at which the sufferings of Christ were depicted and in which there was a piece of a lively tree, I gaze bitterly and said: "So, we hope for you, the lively Lord's cross, in the same way Konstantin's Greek King, when he went to battle with wonderful and wonderful views of them won them. For the dishonest wicked Polovtsy can withstand your image; So, Lord, and show your grace on your servant! "

At the same time in pride to him, the ambassador with the books from the pretended elder of Hegumen Sergia, publishes: "The Great Prince and the Russian Prince, and the Orthodox Environment and the blessing!" The prince is the Great, hearing the Scripture of the pretended elder and the community of the Embassy is kindly, the Scriptures of the Wiscurs, across the rods. Also, the duty sent by Stamet from Hegumen SERGIA Khlѣbeets Prechisti The Mother of God, the prince is the great Snad of the holy holy and stretcher the Rutz on his own, Vizhiba Troitz, about the Most Major Motherod, help us with the Prayers and Rev. Hegumen SERGIA, Christ God, Have mercy and save our soul! "

At the same time, Hegumen Sergius was sent to him at the same time, and in grades it was written: "Great Prince, and all Russian princes, and the Orthodox troop - peace and blessing!" The prince is the great, listening to the Scripture of the St. Elder and kissing the messenger with love, the letter was strengthened, exactly some solid armor. And he also gave a sent old man from Hegumen Sergius Lapey Major Mother of God, the prince took the Grand Male Holy Loaded and stretched his hands, screaming loudly: "On the great name of the Allweight Trinity, about the Most Mistress of the Mother of God, help us with prayers of that monastery and St. Hegumen Sergius; Christ God, have mercy and save our souls! "

And in all on the chosen horse, and, with a copy of my and the shuttless, and the movement of IC, the shelf, and the vygotos of all the very soul of the soul of his soul, for his great insult and the saints of the Church and the Christian of the Christian. Monsosi Russian warriors, leaving him, lubbing him, verbally: "Don't like you, the great prince, you behave myself in the insanity, you like to like the same thing and see us, and we like to beat our and courage to your braveness. The Lord will packed with his ownness, and you are intelligent to whom you can give. We are preparing the Eat in the day of the chapter of our position for you, the sovereign, and for the saints of the Church and for the Otlavian Christianity. You also appreciate, a great prince, a slave for his own, Eliko who will earn his head, the memory of eating, I. Leontius King Theodore Tiron, in the book of congrun to write us, memory for the sake of the Russian son, and in order to take us. Is it one more to you to go to you, TJA from Imama Caiaty, who is the memory of us to erect? Highely VSI spend, and you will be united, tzya us? And we will be aka flock of sheepy, not a shepherd is the wet in the wilderness, and the village of Divia Vlci will be dispersed and, and the Ovtsi Koi Kuda is spread. Tebѣ, sovereign, bring yourself to save and us. "

And I sat down on my best horse, and, taking my spear and the Rock's Palce, I left the ranks, I wanted to fight my soul myself earlier than everyone, for my great insult, for the holy churches and faith Christian. Many Russian warriors, kept him, prevented him to do this, saying: "You should not be a great prince, before all in battle himself, you should stand aside and look at us, and we need to beat your courage and courage before To you to show: If the Lord saves you by grace, then you will know who to reward than. We are ready for all on this day our heads for you, sovereign, and for the Saints Church, and for Orthodox Christianity. You should, the Grand Duke, the slaves with your own how to deserve our head, the memory will create as Leontius-king Feodoro Tiron, in the book Cathedral record our names, to remember Russian sons who will be after us. If you destroy you, then from whom to wait for us, what makes us a commemoration? If everyone is saved, and you leave you alone, what is your success? And we will be like a flock of sheep who has no shepherd; It keeps on the desert, and the playful wild wolves will dispel it, and the sheep runs out who is where. You, sovereign, follows yourself, and us. "

The prince is the great fit and spectacle: "The Briat of Moa Milaa, Russian Sons, good of your Rasie Az, I can't donate, I'll praise you, you bless you are injecting Brisya of God. Pagazy is the ultra of the torment of Christ's Strasttarpet Aref. Faithfully muchens, and led the king to lead and the disgrace and the swords of the studies, and Dobrus him, one, one before the mild, Kojezo, to clone their chapter for the row to the row, the womb of his own. Area Same Vexa Retrum Viain: "In the village, BRITAYY, IS, I have a king, who is not a member of the village, the earthly one and the gifts are vims? And now the prediction of the ITI and to the Heavenly King, and the chapter of my excellence, it is sulky, the most sacred. " And the seizure of the swordsman and the head of him, the following chapter and Vyin, his head. Butter and az, brethren. Who is a member in Russian sons of Pozen Bѣ and beneficia to inspire cottages from the Lord? And now evlaua Kidosho on me, I can not have a tripѣti: Mena Bo for the sake of one-sigh alone all injected out. I can not see you, beat, and so on, I can not tripѣti, and the worst with you the same general bowl of spinning and the death of death for the holy of Christian! Does it die whether it is with you, whether he will be fed - with you! "

The prince of the great thing was assisted and said: "My cute brothers, Russian Sons, I can not answer the good speech, but I thank you, for you are truly goodwheat slaves of God. After all, well, you know about the torment of Christ Strasterpaca Arefa. When he was tormented and ordered the king to lead him before the people and a sword bore, the valiant his friends, one in front of the other in a hurry, each of them won his head under the sword instead of the Arefa, the leader of his own, understanding the glory of his own. Area, the leader, said to the soldiers: "So know, my brothers, the earthly king is not me any more killed, earthly glory and giving gifts? So now there is ahead to go, I also apply to the heavenly king, my head should be the first cut off, or rather say - crowned. " And, looking, the executioner cut off his head, and then the warriors of his head compartment. Just me, brothers. Who is more from the Russian sons of the Muchie and the good carelessly accepted from the Lord? And now evil found on me, can I not be able to undergo: because because of me, this is all erected. I can not see you defeated, and everything that will follow, I can not postpone, because I want to eat the same whole cup with you and the death to die for the holy faith of Christian! If you die - with you, if you can save - with you! "

Already bo, the brotherhood, in the dark plcquer to lead: Advanced Plkd to lead the prince Dmitry to allocate, but his brother - Prince Vladimer to Verevolodit, and with the right hand, the plenty to lead Mikula Vasilyevich with Kolomnichi, and Luke Wasili to lead Timof Voluyevich with Kostromichi. Mnososa Pokhni's squared to wander both gender: from the great strength of the power of Nѣst Mѣsta, Gdѣ be laid out. The godless king of Mamai, taking a highly mѣstly with the three of the prince, in vain humorous bloodshed.

And now, the brothers, at the time the shelves lead: the advanced regiment leads the prince of Dmitry Vsevolodovich yes brother, Prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich, and with the right hand, the regiment leads Mikula Vasilyevich with Kolomnitsi, and with the left hand the regiment leads Timofey Voluyevich with Kostromichi. Many of the shelves of fucked brave from all sides: from many troops there are no place where it goes away. The godless king Mamay, having left for a high place with three princes, observes human bloodshed.

Already more than a converging Sulfur Plky, Void Horing Pecheneg from the Great Plik Tatarskago, before all the courage, is like Boy to see the height of him, and the three seeded is his width. His Alexander Perevuѣt, Stamet, izh, Bѣ in the plenty of Vladimer Vsevolodovich, and, moving the misfortune, and spectacle: "This person is looking for seen, Az Khoschet with him." Bѣ And on the heads of his guard Arkhangelskago image, lined up by the head of the Heguman Sergia. And spectable: "Otti and Britia, forgive me Mr.Shnago! Brother Andrei Osleba, moths of God for me. Chad my Jacob - peace and blessing. " Sculpt on the liver and speak: "Igumen Sergius, helping mi prayer!" Pechengi as far as possible to him, the Christians of the DSI involutionary: "God, Pomopod Slave your own!" And I hit the Copies krѣpko, barely not climb under them, and resembles both horses on the ground and the died.

I'll make the third hour, see the same, the prince is great and spectacle: "CE now, our guests are approximately approaching and led by their behavior, the premises are already drinking and having fun and asleep, already borals are like, and the hour of the courage has witness." And I won all the Vyin in his horse and cliking unanimously: "God is with us!" - And the packs: "Obak Christian, Pomping to us!", Reviving myself half of the gods, begun to urge.

Seeing that the third hour of the day came, the prince of Great said: "Here are our guests closer and passed to each other a circular bowl, the first were already sanging her, and they were arranging, and fell asleep, for the time it came and the hour has come to her every show." And he sled every warrior of his horse, and exclaimed everything unanimously: "God is with us!" - And also: "God's Christian, help us!", And the fanish Tatars of their gods began to call.

And he laughed in Groznaya, the forces of Great, krѣpko beats, vainly the waso on themselves, not to the weapon, ny, and from the Velika TѣNOT, under the horse's legs, Yako is weakly bhamnoty on that half of the Kulikov: Bѣ mѣstly. On that bo half-giving Plci, the blood dawn performed from them, and in them Swanii Milli from the firm of the swords. And the brush and the sound is great from Kopeynago's breakdown and from the swords of the grocery, Yako is not powerful than the Grochka of Around the hour of Around North and this is Mr. Growney. In one year, in Megnovnia Oka, about picking up the shower of the human, the Corps of God! The will of the Lord rises: an hour is the third, and the fourth, and the fifth, and the sixth krѣpko beating with a relaxed Christian with a feast of half.

And the great strengths were concerned about the great, firmly fighting, brutally destroyed each other, emitted the Spirit not only from weapons, but from terrible cramped - under the horse hooves, because it was impossible to fit everything on that field Kulikov: there was a field that was close between Don and Mesia . At that time, the field of strong troops agreed, the bloody dawns protrude from them, and sparkling lightning from the brilliance of swords trembled. And there was a crackle and the thunder the great from refracted copies and from the blows of swords, so it was impossible to be in this hurt one in any way, it is so ferocious. For in one hour alone, in the fishing Oka, how many thousands of the shower of human, creatures of God died! The will of the Lord is happening: an hour and the third, and the fourth, and the fifth, and the sixth firmly fights with unreasonable Christians with the dirty Polovtsy.

I will put the same seaside for the day, God's relatives of our for the sake of Mrѣhov, he began to repay ododasvati. Already Bo from the snewned husbands of Monszy beats the essence, the warriors are Russian and the governor, and the remote people, Aki Drova Dubravna, are bluntfully to the ground under the kind of the hooves: the monosius of the Son of Russian is erected. The most grand prince vulnerable and from the horse of his zbizh, he tagged with the closer, and it was not powerful for him to beat him, and she was tested in the Debresii, God's power was caught. Malls of the gaze of the Grand Duke Snokhukh, N are not destroyed by God's love, Nypache Ukrѣsya.

When the seventh hour of the day came, according to God's easier, and for our sins began to overcome. Already from noble husbands, many are interrupted, the warriors are Russians, and the governors, and remote people, as if the trees are dubber, are bluntfully to the ground under the horse hooves: many sons of Russian are crushed. And the most grand prince wounded strongly, and with his horse they dropped it, he hardly got out of the field, for he could not beat, and she was hiding in more often, and the God's help was preserved. Many times the twins of the Grand Duke were counted, but did not destroy them with God's mercy, they were even more established.

I have a hearing from VNNago Self-Selfness, izh, Bѣ from the plenty of Vladimer Andrѣevich, the taught the great prince, the verb: "In the sixth annunation of this day, the sights of the sky will rapidly, from no one to the liberty cloud, Yako Bagryana dawn over the plenty of the Grand Prince, drove low. Tyy the same cloud is spoiled by the hands of human, Like the hand, the drift of the Plovennikov, OSO props. In the middle of the day, the days of the cloud Twy a lot of Ventsevs and lower over the plenty, on the head of the Christian. "

We heard from the right eyewitney, who was in the regiment of Vladimir Andreevich; He told the great prince, saying: "For the sixth hour of this day I saw the sky, from which the cloud came out on you, as if the crimson dawn over the troops of the Grand Duke, sliding low. The cloud was filled with human hands, and those hands spread over a great regiment as if preaching or prophetic. In the seventh hour of the day, the cloud then many crowns kept and lowered them on the army, on the heads of Christians. "

The beginning of Obzvati, the Christian of the Plci Oskud - already little Christians, but all repayments. Virgin also Prince Vladimer AndrѣEvich the fall of Russian sons is not a Moga Trippѣti and Retreat Dmitre Volyntsu: "What kind of Plza is standing by our? Who is successful to us? Who will all go? Already our princes and boyars, VSI Russian sons are in vain, see from the frivol, Aki Grav is bent! " And the rumor Dmitry: "Bad, princess, great, did not already come by Goodina: Begin without time, it is harmful to accept; Clasty borals are supervised, and stinging growth and turbulently over noble. And little worm is trying to take time, in the same time, Imay Vydari's hour at the opponent. Today, Tokamo led everyone to God to pray for a pronsemary and call the saints to the rescue, and from this hour to make the most grace of God and help by Christian. " Prince Vladim AndrѣEvich, input by Rutz on the sky, and take care of Horco and Right: "God's father, an eloquent sky and earth, give the same to the genus Christian! Do not give the same, Lord, pleased with our enemy about us, little showing, and a lot of survivors, the abyss of blesso and mercy. " The sons of Russian in the regiment of his grazing is crying, seeing friends of his broods from frustrated, incessantly sewing, sitting on the marriage of Sladkago Wine Piti. Volynetsa Vybranhashcheh them, verb: "Just a little, Bouavia Son Russian, wake up your vroli if you get used, there you are with whom you are expelled!"

The foam began to overcome, and the Christian shelves were keen - there are already little Christians, but all the faded. Seeing the same destruction of Russian sons, Prince Vladimir Andreevich could not resist and told Dmitry Volyntz: "So what is the benefit in our standing? What success do we have? Who can we have? Already, our princes and boyars, all Russian sons, are cruelly dying from the frivol, as if the grass is bent! " And Dmitry replied: "The trouble, princess, is great, but not yet come to our hour: the harm of the harm to himself will bring himself; For wheat ears are suppressed, and weeds grow and buffet over well. So it will be a little afraid of the time convenient and at that time we will repay our merits to our opponents. Now they only led to every warrior to God to pray diligently and call the saints to the rescue, and from now ones will decrease the grace of God and help Christians. " And Prince Vladimir Andreevich, having aroused his hands to the sky, she got bitterly and said: "God, our father, created the sky and earth, help the people of Christian! Do not allow, Lord, rejoice in the enemies to our over us, have little punished and a lot of survivors, for your mercy is infinite! " The Sons of the Russians in his regiment were crying bitterly, seeing their friends, amazed by Pogan, was constantly rummaged into battle, as if sought at the wedding of sweet wine to eat. But the Volynetsa forbade it, saying: "Wait a little, the rusty sons of Russians, your time will come when you comfort, for you have you to have fun with anyone!"

Also, the mid hour of the day, the spirit of South I will pull the Correction to us, the vancts of the same voice is great: "Princess Vladimer, our vroli, and an hour, such a pripe!" - And spectable: "Brothers Moa, friends, Draise: The strength of the Holy Spirit helps us!"

And now it came to the eighth hour of the day, when the wind south pulled out of his back, and exclaimed Volynets with a voice loud: "Prince Vladimir, our time has come and the hour has come comfortable!" - And added: "My brothers, friends, bolder: The power of the Holy Spirit helps us!"

The binding friends are highly from the oakvala of green, Aki Falcons were sophisticated from the malicious koloditis, they hit the greatness of the herd of fat, on that great strength Tatar; And they are directed by the Krѣpky Viavero in Dmitrey Volynz: Byyu Bo, Aki Davidovi Otrozi, the heart of the heart of Aki Lwov, Aki Lyutia Vlzi on the ochiy of the herd of Podvosh and the beginning of the Outcomes of Tatars are long enough.

Communions and friends jumped out of her oakwood green, as if the falcons tested were broken from the golden pads, rushed to the endless herds faded, on that great strength Tatar; And they are directed by the firm governor Dmitry Volynz: And they were, as if Davidova, who had a lion's hearts, exactly the lion's wolves on the sheep's herds attacked and became a lot of agony. Tatars.

It seems to be repayed by half a walk, clicking with enerous voice, verbally: "Alas to us, Rus Paku managed: I'm scratching with us, and the DSI is satisfied!" And give up to your repayment, and Dasha's shoulders, and beat. The sons of the same Russian, power of the Holy Spirit and helping the Holy Martyr Boris and Glѣba, chasing, schuhah them, Aki Lѣs Clonikhu, Aki Grass from Spita fastens from Russian sons under the cossing hooves. Screaming, I scream, verbally: "Alas to us, honest to our king Mama! High-grade is high - and I went to hell! " Inspection of our closure, and Tѣ Pomagha, Skuchin dirty without grazing: One Rusin One hundredmen to chance.

Pointed the same Polovtsy saw their death, shouted in their own language, saying: "Alas to us, Russia again overwhelmed: the younger were fought with us, and the best everything was preserved!" And they turned fucked, and showed backs, and ran. The Sons are Russians, the power of the Holy Spirit and the help of the Holy Martyrs of Boris and Gleb, accelerating, struggle them, precisely the forest burned down - as if the grass under the oblique goes around the Russian sons under the horse hooves. Rogged on the run shouted, saying: "Alas to us, the king of Mamai readily! You are high - and you went to hell! " And many wounded ours, and those helped, the rubbing of the fucked without gravity: one Russian one hundred digits drives.

The godless king Mamai, see his loybeel, began to see the god of his: Perun and Salavat, and Raklia, and Gource, and the Great His accomplice of Mahmet. And he does not have help from them, the strength of the Holy Spirit, Aki Loggy, fade them.

The godless king Mamay, having seen his death, began to call the gods of his: Perun and Salavat, and Raclia, Horsa, and the Grand Delivery of Mahomet. And there was no help from them, because the power of the Holy Spirit, exactly the fire, burns them.

Mamai, Virgin Novya People, Yako Lutia Zvklie Ristaja and Zraisuha, Aki Ower's herd, and rummaged with his own: "We will bring anything more than B. Imam Cathia, I will carry our chapters!" And Abiye Psbѣzh Pogged Mother with four husbands in Lukomorie, scragling your teeth with their, crying grains, verb: "We are already, breeding, in our earth, and Katun is not trepatini, and your children do not see, quaint us cheese earth, kissing We are green Murov, and a friend of his friend, we already have no choice, nor the caszy nor of the alpauta! "

And Mamay, seeing new warriors, that, as if a lightened beasts, rummaged and ruined the enemies, like sheep herd, said to her: "Being, for nothing to wait for us, so at least my heads will be carried out!" And immediately ran the frown mother with four men in the emissions of the sea, the teeth crossed his teeth, crying bitterly, saying: "You can't can't can't caress our brothers in the earth, and do not see their wives, but they do not see their children, caress Kissing us a green game, and with my friend, we will not see for us or with princes, nor with boyars! "

Mnosza is also hammering them on them and no ododes of them, so horses are tired of them, the Mother and the essence of His horses, and Ubѣzh.

And many fell asleep behind them and did not catch up, because their horses were tired, and Maama is fresh horses, and he left the chase.

This is the essence of the Almighty of God and the Mother of God and the Mother of God and the prayer and helping the saints of the Strastotril Boris and Glѣba, the siege of Thomas Katsibѣev Robber ,, stand on the watchman standing, and there is a piscer. ETERIY ETERY SERVICE, FAVORES ALL ADVANTABLE AND FAVORITE, KOYUZE under his banner.

And this all happened by the grace of God of Almighty and Mother Mother of God and the moles and the help of the saints of Boris and Gleb, who saw Foma Katsibey-Robber when he was on guard, as already written above. Some chased behind the Tatars and, all the achievements, returned, each under their banner.

Prince Vladimer AndrѣEvich a hundred on the bins under the black banner. Grozno, brethrency, sight then, and a pity of the kind and grain look at the human bloodroita - Aki Morska water, and a man's body - Aki Sѣnnah Gromadov: Borz Horse can not be crowded, and in the blood of the Broadbands, and rods for three days blood techah.

Prince Vladimir Andreevich became on the battlefield under the criminal banner. Scary, brothers, intense, and frankly see and bitterly look at the human bloodshed: as a maritime space, and human corpses are like a hay stack: a quick horse can ride, and Brenels are in the blood, and the rivers three days tende.

The prince of Vladimer AndrѣEvich is not around his brother, the Grand Duke, in Plik, nytoko Lithuanian Prince Olgordovichi, and led the pipes into the collected pipes. Just an hour and not around the Grand Duke, the beginning of poster and screaming, and on the plenti of ѣzditi himself started and not around and the verb of all: "Brothers Moa, Russian Son, who is kind or who is hearing the shepherd of our and head?" And spectable: "Shepherd is amazed - and the sheep will be played. Who is this honor to be, who will beat this? "

And the Roshova Lithuanian Prince: "We are Him Mimnoy, Yako Zhv, I wounded Velmy; Always in the dead body is lying? " Inquo Vyin's speech: "Az's species on him on the student hour Krѣpko sprinkling with his pancakes with his paletse." Inquo and spectacle: "Az's species of him late; Four tatar rod to him, he was kingly tickled with them. " Nѣkto Prince, Issue Stefan Novosilskaya, Ty Retch: "Az's species of him before your coming, poking and walking with the partiousness, vulley. For the sake of non-aging Az to him - he is driven by three of the Tatarina, it's a pleasure of God, it is barely, and a lot of evil from them, and crosses of the victims. "

And they said Lithuanian princes: "We think he is alive, but wounded hard; What if the term of dead corpses lies? " The other warrior said: "I saw him in the seventh hour firmly beating with his pancakes with his palette." Another one said: "I saw him later: four Tatarin attacked him, he firmly beat them." A certain prince, named Stefan Novosilskiy, he said: "I saw him in front of your arrival, he was walking with the closer, wounded all. That was why I could not help him that the three Tatarar pursued me and the grace of God was barely escaped, and a lot of evil accepted and was very angry. "

Prince Volodimer Retch: "BRITY AND DOMES, RUSSKY SYN, ACCESS WHICH WHICH WILL OF BRAKA MOE ENVIRONY, TLY DINNED WELLY WELLED WITH NAY!" And VSI swollen on great, Sulna and Grozna, I will be careful, I will seek the defendant. OVI ORSHA KILLOGO Mikhail Andrѣevich Brenka: Foot in the drivers and in the shell, that he gave him the great; On the same, on the same time of the killed prince Feodor Semenovich Bѣlozerovskago, which is taking His Grand Knince, Znezh is applied to him.

Prince Vladimir said: "Brothers and friends, Russian sons, if someone in the living brother of my brother, will be the first to be the first to the midst of us!" And everything was scattered in the great, mighty and terrible field of battle, seeking winner victories. And some came across the Killed Mikhail Andreevich Brenka: Lies in clothes and in the helmet that the Prince of Great gave him; Others came to the killed prince Fedor Semenovich Belozersky, finding him for the Grand Duke, because she looked like him.

The two Ethers Vnain decorned on the gum of the country in Dubrov, the Oneodor Sabura, and the other Grigoria Holopichev, both of the Kostromichi. It is not enough with the closures and Nasha's Grand Prince Bit and Jazvena Velmi and difficult, resting to him under the sch) of Serves Berezov. And his sight and, declining with horses, bowed to him. Saburgy will soon be admitted to the prince of Vladimir, and spectable: "Prince Great Dmitry Ivanovich Holy to May and reign in V.Ky!"

The two sides of the warrior were rejected on the right side of the Dubravu, one named Fyodor Sabur, and the other Grigory Huropeshev, both of course Kostromichi. Slightly moved away from the point of battle - they came across the Grand Duke, beaten and wounded everything and tired, he lay in the shadow of the condensed tree of birch. And they saw him and, tear with her horses, bowed to him. Sabuba immediately returned to tell about the prince Vladimir and said: "Prince Great Dmitry Ivanovich is alive and reigns forever!"

DSI also prince and viscosity, hearing, and soon put in his feet on his leg, verbally: "Rejoice, to our prince, Jaroslav, the new Alexander, the defendant of the enemy: Siam will beat the honor tobѣ." The prince is the great hard time: "What is there, Radyati Mi." River Prince Vladimer: "By the grace of God and the prechistan of his mother, the benefit and prayers of the Snorry of our holy martyr Boris and Glѣba and the moles of the Russkago St. Peter and the accompaniment of our and the muzzle of Iguman Sergia, - and Tѣx of the holy prayers of the gazes of our bones, we are essential "

All the princes and the governors, glancing about it, quickly rushed and fell into his feet, saying: "Rejoice, the prince of our, like the still Yaroslav, the new Alexander, the winner of the enemies: the victory of this honor belongs to you!" The prince was bare barely said: "What is there," tell me. " And said Prince Vladimir: "By the grace of God and the exact mothers, the help of the affinities of our holy martyrs of Boris and Gleb, and the prayers of the Russian saint Peter, and the accomplicice of our and inspirers of Hegumen Sergius, - our enemies prayers are defeated, we were saved" .

The prince is the great, hearing that and the deposit, spectable: "Siy Day of the Privacy of the Lord, we enhable and fit, people!" And the packs are spectable: "Siy Day of the Merry is fun, people! Veliy Yes, Lord, and Chyudna Dѣ of Your Essence: The evening will fall on the cry, and the Schura is joy! " And the packs are spectable: "I praise you, my God, my God, and I read the name of your holy, Yako did not betray us with our enemy, and did not give them to praise, siy on my intention of evil: nyudi them, Lord, Az Same, Lord, I hope for you! "

And he loses his horse and, at the horse and Veliko, Sokilly and Grozno, and seek Vyzka, a lot, and Pogany Tatar Chetverice, and Polat Beato and, turning to Volyn, Rather: "Vishtin, Dmitry, not false There is a succession of yours, it is always entreprenered to life. "

And they led him a horse, and, sowing on the horse and leaving the great, terrible and terrible place of the battle, I saw a lot of killed in the troops, and the fourth of the Tatars four more than those killed, and, turning to Volyntz, said: "Truly, Dmitry, Not lying on your sign, you always apply to you to be award. "

And the beginning of the brother, with his brother, with the rest of the opposite, the heart painfully painfully painful, and we were wearing tears, and spectacle: "BRITA, RUSSIA Son, Prince and Boyar, and Velodes, and Duty Boyar! We judge the Lord God by the death of death. They put the chapters of their sibi and for Orthodox Christianity. " And there is little by little, we are walking mѣstly, on the superior to break the taste of the prince of Bѣlozerski: Tolm Krѣpko Bisha, Yako, one for one united. The same close was killed Mikhail Vasilyevich; Over the same prince's great, over cost-seeing visits, and begun poster and vercolati: "Brothers Moa Prince, the sons of Russian, wheezing to the Imateness of God from God, prayed for us, bless you, I will listen to you God, and the Lord God task We will! "

And I went with my brother and with the remaining princes and warlords at the place of battle, exclaiming my heart pain and tears pouring out, and so said: "Brothers, Russian Sons, Princes, and Boyar, and Governor, and Boyar's servants! Lord judged you God to die so death. You put our heads for the holy churches and for Orthodox Christianity. " And some weather drove up to the place, on which the Knuckles were killed together, the princes of Belozerski: so firmly fought that one after another died. Immediately nearby lay the murdered Mikhail Vasilyevich; Becoming above them, the kind of warlords, the prince of great began to cry and say: "The brothers are my princes, the sons of Russian, if you have a courage before God, pray for us, so that we have the Lord God with you, - for I know that she listens to you God!"

And the packs are at a different mѣstly and on his painting of Mikhail Andrian Brenka, and near his guard, Semen Melik, close to Semen Vueliyevich, was killed. Over the same name, the prince is great and spectacle: "My brother was admired, my for the sake of the image was killed by ESI. Kiy Bo slave you can Mr. Mother's servant, I can sake me for death, sense to Groische? Initinna Ancient Avis is similar, izh, Bѣ from Daryaev Pickless, I also like this. Lying the same Melik, rumor over him: "Crosy my custody, Pasomy's Pasomy, I am guasure." At the same time, on a different MѣSho, the species of reversal of the Cathers, and before him there was a faded liver, angry Tatar, Aki Mountain, and that chosen fond of the deliberate boys Grigorea Kapustin. Turning the prince is great and spectable: "You see, the brotherhood, the wigner of his own, Yako Sii Alexander Perevāt, the accomplice to our, blessed by Iguumen Sergius and beat, Silna, Evil Tatarin, who had a lot of Mortifying Mortifying Mortifyingly.

And then I went, and I found my forehead of Mikhail Andreevich Brenka, and about him there was a resistant Guard Semen Melik, nearby Timofey Voluevich killed from them. Because of them, the prince of Great was slandered and said: "My beloved brother, because of the similarities you killed. What a slave could serve as this, like this one, for me for death voluntarily coming! Truly ancient Avis is similar, which was in the troop Darius of Persian and just as you did. " Since I lay here and Melik, the prince said over him: "My resistant guard, I was guarding firmly I was guarding." I came to another place, I saw a monk, and in front of him there was a frown peeland, an evil Tatarin, as if Mountain, and immediately near the famous Bogatyr Grigory Kapustin. Prince Great to his own and said: "You see, the brothers, the poverty of their own, for this Alexander Peresvet, the accomplice of our, blessed by Igumen Sergius, and defeated the great, strong, evil Tatar, from which many people would have a mortal bowl."

And drove to another mѣstly, and led the pipes into the selected pipes, press people. Herbria of Vityazhi, predically experiencing its weapon over the dirty half-offs, the seasons of the country wandered under the tube voice. The coming fun, fadingly, Pѣsni, Poyua, Ovia, Poam of the Virgin, Druys - Martyrchi, and the same - Psalm, - that is, Christian Podnia. Kiyzho Vyun rides, rejoiced, on the tube voice.

And having left for a new place, he commanded to cut into the precast pipes, convening people. The bravest horses, finding our weapon over the tatars on all sides, brave on the pipe sound. There were fun, snoozy, sang songs: those who sang the Virgin, others - martyrs, other - Psalms, - all Christian songs. Each warrior goes, rejoicing, on the sound of the pipe.

We have a foul language in the middle of them, the prince is a great one in the midst of them, crying and rejoiced: about the killed crying, but about commonly happy. The verb is the same: "BRITY MOA, KNASHES RUSSIA AND BAAR MѣNET, and servants of all the earth! To be suitable to serving, and MNѣ - on downturn to praise you. Even to take the Lord's Lord and I will be on my table, on a great reign, in hay of Moscowѣ, then imaming to give you. Now SIA will help; Kojzho Middle Summary of his borony, but not to expect a star to the sleep of Tel Christian. "

When all people gathered, the prince of Great became in the midst of them, crying and rejoicing: about the dead crying, and about common rejoices. He said: "My brothers, Russian princes, and the boyars are local, and serve people of the whole earth! Approaches you to serve so, and I - praise you. If the Lord will save me and I will save me on my throne, on the great reign in Grada Moscow, then I appreciate you. Now this is what we will do: every neighbor to be borony, so as not to get beasts to the egregious of the body of Christian. "

Stood Prince the Great for Dan on the bombing of the dynamic, Dongezh Robrezhen Christians with wicked. Christian Thaws in the land of the jam, and the unholy Telavs are rebuilt with the star and birds on the disk.

The prince was the great don on the battlefield of eight days, until Christians were separated from wicked. The bodies of Christians in the ground buried, the wicked bodies were thrown by the beasts and birds on the tightness.

And the Renuary is the Great Dmitry Ivanovich: "Customary, Brohen, sorrows, sulpny people?" Talk Boyaro Moscow, Issue Mikhailo Alexandrovich, and was in the plenty of Mikula in Vasilyevich, Razchivoy to be a Viemy: "NѣTH, sovereign, 40 Boarinov Muscovy, yes 12 princes of Bѣlozersky, yes 13 Boarinov Pames Novgorod, yes 50, yes 40 Boarins Serpokhovsky, yes 20 Boarins Pereslavs, yes 25 Boarins Kostromskaya, yes 35 Boarinov Vladimir, yes 50 Boarinov Suzdalaski, yes 40 Boarinov Muromskaya, yes 33 Boarinov Rostovskaya, yes 20 Boarins Dmitrovsky, yes 70 Boarinov Mozhaisk, yes 60 Boarinov Zvenigorodsk 15 Boarins of Uglettsy, yes 20 Boarinov Galittski, and the young people are NѣT accounts; Nъ Tokmo wept: we were driving a squad all half a hundred thousand and three thousands, and the rest of our squads are fifty thousand. "

And said Prince Great Dmitry Ivanovich: "Count, the brothers, how many governors do not have how many servants." Says Boyar Moscow, named Mikhail Alexandrovich, and he was in the shelf of Mikula in Vasilyevich, the counter was much: "We have no sovereign, forty boyar Moscow, and twelve princes of Belozerski, yes thirteen Boyar - Posgorodov Novgorod, yes fiftyay Boyar Novgorod Nizhnya , yes, Soroki Boyar Serpukhovsky, and twenty Boyar Pereyaslavsky, and twenty five boyars Kostromsky, and thirty five boyar Vladimir, yes fifty boyar of Suzdal, yes, Soroki Boyar Muromsky, and thirty-three boyars Rostov, and twenty boyar Dmitrovsky, yes seventy boyar Mozhaisk, yes Sixty boyars Zvenigorodsky, yes fifteen boyar Uglichsky, and twenty Boyar Galichsky, and there is no younger warriors and accounts; But only know: we died with a squad of all two hundred and fifty thousand and three thousand, and we had a squad of fifty thousand. "

The same prince is the great: "The glory of Tebѣ, the Vyshny Creator, the king of Heavenly, graciously saved, Yako pardoned us, Mr., did not betray us in Rutz, by our enemy, Rogan. And you, the brothers, Prince and Boare, and the visa, and young people, Russian sons, narrowed mѣstly lie between Don and the pebble, on the floor of the Kulikov, at the rchka it is not possible. They put our heads for Earth Russian, for Viru Christian. Forgive me, brethren, and bless it in Sez and in the future! " And to fit for a dlgy hour and spectacle to the prince and evaivodami: "We will, by the brothers, in our land, the lounge, to the glorious city of Moscowѣ and sit down on his delta and Dudains: Cement of the Eum Section has accessed Slavnago name!"

And the prince said the great: "Glory to you, the highest Creator, the king of Heavenly, the merciful saved that he pardoned us, the sinners, did not give the enemies of our, dies of Sreyadtsev. And you, brothers, princes, and boyars, and the governor, and the youngest squad, Russian sons, destined to place between Don and unscrewing, on the field of Kulikov, on the river it is not possible. You put our heads for Earth Russian, for the faith of Christian. Forgive me, brothers, and bless it in this life and in the future! " And she cried for a long time, and said to Princes and Voivods: "We will go, the brothers, in their land the Zalesskaya, to the glorious hail of Moscow, will return to their faiths and Dedins: we have gotten myself and the glorious name!"

Mother's frightened, then closer with the closures and pribe a hail of the café and, Potaive his name, pribrous in his land and not the Moga Tripѣti, seeing himself to be overwhelmed and confused, and crowded. And the packs are broken, having said it, and an even evil thought to Russian land, Aki Lev River and Aki Neatolyamaa Echidna. And the elimination of the residual strength, and even even at least the ITTI hint at the Russian Earth. And Sita to him to think, offset to him. Wheel, Yako, the king Incens Taktamamama, the Navy from the Blue Horde, to go on it. Mamai, Laja, I didn't care, His had a Russian land to him, and he was with a donut of the king Taktamysh. And pantry on Kalka, and the fight is great for them. And Tsar Taktamat, beat the king Mamaa, and his foreman, Mamaev, the same prince and rice, and Yasovly, and Alpauta Bisha Brom's tsar Taktamusha. And camp them and take the Horde, and on the kingdoms. Mama and the same packs in Cafu one; Potaive his name, predicate, and Posnan to be a one-person merchant and that was killed by the mayor and the edge of his zhvot. SIA will leave here.

The dirty Mother then ran from the closer, and reached the city of Kafa, and, having hollowed up his name, returned to his land, not able to endure, seeing herself defeated, disassembled and defined. And again he was angry, having fading heavily, and still evilly plotted into Russian land, as if the lion was tricking and as if the unatolya is Echidna. And, having gathered his remaining forces, again wanted to go to Russian land. And when he was so planned, suddenly came to him the news that the king named Tukhtamysh from the East, from the very blue horde, goes to him. And Mamay, who made an army for a hike to Russian land, with that army came against the Takhtamysh king. And met on Kalka, and there was a big battle between them. And Tsar Tukhtamysh, defeating the king Mamaa, drove him, Mamaev, the princes, and the allies, and Esulyu, and the boyars beat the man Tukhtamysh, and accepted them, and captured the Horde, and sat down in the kingdom. Mamai ran away again in Cafa one; Having hiding his name, hiding here, and was identified by some kind of merchant, and it was killed by fryagami; And so evil lost his life. About the same end here.

Hearing Olgord Lithuanian, Yako Prince Great Dmitry Ivanovich defeated Mamaa, to admire Villasi with stud. Oleg and Rezanskaya, hearing, Yako Knight the Prince of the Great Selling to Him to Raint, Snow and Employed from his hemp and cigarette and s boars; And the cruciani to see him the great prince, and the prince is great put on cut their nasteners.

Olgerd Lithuanian, having heard that the prince of the Great Dmitry Ivanovich won Mama, returned to the elevation with his shame. Oleg Ryazan, learning that he wants the prince of the great send the army on him, scared and ran away from his princess with the princess and with boyars; Ryazantsy beat the great prince, and the Prince of Great was put in Ryazan his governors.

Read in 8 minutes

The beginning of a story about how God gave victory to the sovereign to the Great Prince Dmitry Ivanovich in the Don over the disadvantaged Mama and as the prayers of the Major Virgin and Russian Wonderworkers Orthodox Christianity - the Russian land of God elevated, and godless Agaryan was posing.

Prince of the eastern country of Mamay, the pagan and the evil pursuer of Christians, decides to go to Russian land for the admission of the devil. Prince Oleg Ryazansky, Maama, and Prince Olgerd Lithuanian, also sworn by Mama, learning about this, send ambassadors with rich gifts to his mother and declare their willingness to join his army, for they hope that Mamay will give Olgedu Moscow and nearby cities, And Oleg Ryazan Kolomna, Vladimir and Murom. Oleg and Olgere are confident that Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Moscow will not decide to speak against Maama and will run away from Moscow, leaving his lands to the enemy. He having heard that Mama with a countless army comes to Russia, Prince Dmitry sends to Borovsk for his brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, as well as all Russian princes, warlords and serunel people. Prince Dmitry tells Metropolitan Cyprian, which he did not guilty in front of Mama and paid him a tribute, as he followed a persuasion and even beyond that. Cyprian advises the prince to come to terms and send so much gold as much as Mama, and if Mamay and after that he will go to Russia, the Lord himself will be amazed, who will be shattered, and humble helps.

Prince Dmitry is listened to the Council and sends the mother of Mama Zecharia Tyutchev, giving him a lot of gold. However, Zakhariya, coming to Ryazan, finds out that the princes Oleg Ryazan and Olgerend Lithuanian joined Mama, and secretly sends to Dmitry the messenger with this news. The prince informs about all Metropolitan Cyprian and calls for himself to the service of warriors from all over the Russian Earth, so that they arrive in Kolomna on the Assumption of the Holy Virgin. Prince Dmitry himself, together with his brother and all Russian princes, goes to the Life-Glush Trinity, to his spiritual father of the St. Start of Sergia. He sprinkles his water consecrated from the relics of the Holy Martyrs of Flora and Lavra, and tells him so that no one hear that the prince will defeat the enemy. At the request of the prince, Igumen Sergius gives him two warriors from Monastic Brahria - Alexander Perevota and Andrei Oll.

The prince returns to Moscow and, showing before Metropolitan Cyprian, secretly informs him that the elder of Sergius is a victory to him over the enemy and blessed the entire Orthodox man. The blessing of the prince for a campaign against the Tatars, the Metropolitan sends the God-rich cathedral with crosses, sainted icons and consecrated water to Frolovsky, Nikolsky and Konstantino-Elegenian gate, so that each warrior came out of them blessed and sprinkled holy water.

Reaching Kolomna, the prince distributes the shelves, prescribes them a governor and, taking a blessing from the Archbishop of Kolomensky Geronia, passes through Oku with all the army, in prayer calling for the aid of his relatives, holy passion recorders Boris and Gleb. The princes of Oleg Ryazansky and Olgerd Lithuanian, having learned that Prince Dmitry with a big army goes to Don against Maama, they begin to doubt the success of the Maama's campaign: they are not in a hurry to join his army and wait for the outcome of the battle. At the same time, the princes Andrei Polotsky and Dmitry Bryansk, Olghadovichi, who dislike their father because of their stepmother and the holy baptism, learn that the Tatars go to Russia and decide to join the Orthodox Aviation of Prince Dmitry.

The prince, rejoice, sends Metropolitan Cyprian to Moscow that Olghadovichi came to him with their troops, and their father was left. Prince Dmitry consults with Brother Vladimir and with Olgeredovichi, whether to cross him Don or not. They convince him that if he wants solid troops, then it is necessary to go don, because then no one will have thought about the retreat. The Russian army is transferred through Don, and the scouts report that the Tatars are already close and know that Prince Dmitry gathered great strength against them. The prince goes on the shelves with the voivods and calls on Warriors to stand up for Russia and the Orthodox faith, without sparing life.

On the night of the uniform holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Thoma Katsibey, the robber, whom the prince Dmitry for the courage distinguished and put on the Churov River to protect against the Tatars, is honored to be a wonderful vision. God, wanting to fix the foma, shows him how a large cloud moves from the east, as if some troops go to the West, and two young men come from the south, with shining lips and keep sharp swords in their hands. The young men are terrible to answer the leaders of the troops, asking them who allowed them to attack their Fatherland, and all of them chopped with swords, so that no one was saved. Thomas Nutro talks about his vision to the prince and since then it becomes prudent and believes in God.

Prince Dmitry sends his brother Prince Vladimir along with Dmitry Volynz up the Don in Dubravu, so that they hid themselves with their shelves. And on the eighth day of September, on the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, at dawn, both troops, Russian and Tatar, rose against each other on the field of Kulikov. The Earth is scary moaning, predicted thunderstorm, and the field of Kulikovo begins, and rivers come out of the banks, because it has never been in that place of such an intent number of people. The messenger from the St. Elder, Sergius transmits the prince of diplomas with the blessing and loaf of the Major Virgin, and the prince loudly assisted the prayer to the Holy Trinity and to the Virgin and asks them to help and intercession. Then the prince, contrary to all persuasion, sits on the horse and gets up ahead of his warrids to beat in the forefront. The third hour of the day steps.

From the Tatar troops, the evil pepiege of five seats growth, and from the Russian side, at the order of Hegumen Sergius, the monk Alexander Peresvet, armed with Schima. They rush to each other, hobs with spears and both fall with horses of death. Prince Dmitry calls his warriors to show his braveness, and both troops converge and begins the battle.

In the seventh hour, Tatars begin to overcome. Prince Vladimir, hawided with his warriors in Dubrav, rustles to get out to his brother, but Dmitry Volynets holds him, saying that there is still no time. When the eighth hour comes, their fresh strengths attack the Tatars, and they cannot withstand the onslaught and run from the battlefield. Mamay calls on his gods: Perun, Salavat, Raclia, Horse and his accomplice Magomet, but there is no help from them. He runs away, and he managed to leave the chase.

So the Tatars defeated the prince of Dmitry by the grace of God and the Mother of God and the help of the Holy Boris and Gleb, who saw Foma Katsibie. Prince Dmitry is found in the Dubrava, beaten and wounded, and he commands the warriors to bury the comrades to make the bodies of Christians not become the prey of wild animals.

The Russian army stands on the battlefield eight days until the warriors bury their neighbors. And Mamai returns to his land, collects the remaining forces and wants to go to Russia again, but he learns that Torchtysh's Tsar goes to him. Tohtamysh breaks the army of Mamay on Kalka, Mamay runs away in Cafa, pulling his name, but it identifies and kill. Olgend, having heard about the glorious victory of Prince Dmitry, with shame returns to his possessions. Oleg Ryazansky, afraid that the prince Dmitry will send his army to him, runs away from his fault, and when Ryazan women beat the great prince, he puts his governors in Ryazan.