Download the presentation on the topic of the biography of Lion Tolstoy. Biography L.N.

Download the presentation on the topic of the biography of Lion Tolstoy. Biography L.N.
Download the presentation on the topic of the biography of Lion Tolstoy. Biography L.N.
One of the first editions of the story A.N. Tolstoy "Russian Character" (library of the Red Army)
  • Already at the end of life, Tolstoy had to survive hardly the most severe shock - the Great Patriotic
  • war. The writer neither the moment was not doubted that Russia would be and wins in this terrible tragedy, but grieving about those sacrifices that had to bring victory altar. During this period, Tolstoy writes stories, subsequently combined into a cycle called "Stories Ivan Sudarov".
  • Using the form well known in the literature "Story in the story", Tolstoy tells about wonderful Russian people: Egor Dreovye, his parents - Egorover and Marie Polycarpovna, about the bride Kate. Each acting story story - personality.
  • July 5, August 23
  • 1943.
  • Kursk battle occupies a special place in the Great Patriotic War.
  • She lasted 50 days and nights, from July 5 to August 23, 1943 According to its fierce and perseverance, this battle is not equal.
Our troops did not flinch. They met the tanks and infantry enemy with unprecedented persistence and courage. Offensiveimpact groups
  • Our troops did not flinch. They met the tanks and infantry enemy with unprecedented persistence and courage. Offensiveimpact groups the enemy was suspended.
On the evening of August 5, in honor of this major success in Moscow for the first time in two years of war a victorious salute was given. From this time, the artillery salutes were constantly announced about the glorious victories of the Soviet weapons.
  • On the evening of August 5, in honor of this major success in Moscow for the first time in two years of war a victorious salute was given. From this time, the artillery salutes were constantly announced about the glorious victories of the Soviet weapons.
August 23 kharkov was released.
  • August 23 kharkov was released. So the victoriously ended the battle on the Kursk fiery arc.
For courage and heroism over 100 thousand Soviet soldiers - participants in the battle of the fiery arc, were awarded orders and medals.
  • For courage and heroism over 100 thousand Soviet soldiers - participants in the battle of the fiery arc, were awarded orders and medals.
  • The battle under Kursk ended with a radical fracture in the Great Patriotic War.
  • The lieutenant of Dremov is a bold, but a modest man. The star of the hero and the Order speak for themselves, but the lieutenant never fade forward, does not pride in front of his comrades with his feats. "He did not like talking about military exploits." "About such matters to remember reluctance!" "Frowned and snacks."
But it happened misfortune with Lieutenant, burned in the tank and has changed a lot. "After eight months, when the dressings were removed, he looked at his own and now - not his face. Nurse, who served him a small mirror, turned away and cried. He immediately returned the mirror: "It happens worse," he said, "you can live with it."
  • But it happened misfortune with Lieutenant, burned in the tank and has changed a lot. "After eight months, when the dressings were removed, he looked at his own and now - not his face. Nurse, who served him a small mirror, turned away and cried. He immediately returned the mirror: "It happens worse," he said, "you can live with it."
  • Kursk battle appeared for Egor the border between the life where he is - young, brave, beautiful outwardly, and the other, where he is a young, brave, but ugly outwardly.
  • Indeed, he did not lose sight, could continue to fight, and did his job quite well and skillfully. Awarded holiday, Dreov went home.
Mother and Father Egor Dlimova
  • Under youth and inexperienced, Dremov thought, which will refuse him the bride that his parents will be frightened. Mother's heart suggested She, that son this is arrived. And here father It is not to understand that a man can be ashamed of such a person: "In such a face, like this who came to us, you need to be proud," says Yegor Egorovich, assessing the feat of the soldier.
Katia Malysheva, Bride of Egor
  • For the bride, the inner beauty of Dreov was more important. Katya came to the front (you can imagine how much it was worth it to achieve this trip!) To confirm your word to the groom: "Egor, I was going to live forever with you. I will love you right, I will love to love ... Do not refer me ... "
  • The mouth of his hero - Ivan Sudard, the writer admires Russian characters, persistent and faithful, loving and gentle. In a harsh time, it fell to live these people, but they are worthy of their fate.
« Yes, here they are, Russian characters! It seems simple person, and a harsh misfortune will come, in large or small, and rises in it a great power - human beauty. "
  • « Yes, here they are, Russian characters! It seems simple person, and a harsh misfortune will come, in large or small, and rises in it a great power - human beauty. "
  • A.N. Tough

The historical truth and the mighty fantasy of the writer, connected, create the illusion of the full life of the long-lasting time. Peter's personality was extreme and in itself began to influence the era. Peter becomes the center of the applications of the current forces, it turns out to be at the head of the class struggle between the local nobility and the emerging bourgeoisie. The epoch needs such a person like Peter, and he himself searched for its use to his forces. There was interaction here.

The historic novel "Peter 1" is an inexhaustible source of detailed and very interesting information about Petrovsky, about social conflicts, state and cultural reforms, about life, ineffs and people of that turbulent era. And what is most important is the source of the shape of the long-lasting life, lively generous and cheerful talent. The print of the unique talent of the writer lies on the whole narrative of the Peter's era, so along with historical knowledge and directly artistic impressions from the novel we have a bright idea of \u200b\u200bthe writer itself, his creative personality, about the features of his approach to life.

Presentation "Biography of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy" Designed to show a wide circle of viewers. Literature teacher may include a presentation in his occupation. The guys will be able to independently browse its content and prepare a report to the lesson. Slideshow can also be used on extracurricular activities. Colorfully decorated work contributes to better perception and mastering the material. The teacher brings to the screen a quotation of the writer students will be able to find out the attitude of the writer himself to certain events of his life. This design of slides makes it possible to better assimilate the material presented.



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Biography of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy

L.N. Tolstoy (1828-1910). BIOGRAPHY.

L.N. Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the estate of the Casual Polyana, near Tula, in the noble family. Without his clear clearing, I can hardly imagine Russia and my attitude towards it. Without a clear clearing, I can see the general laws necessary for my fatherland ... L. Tolstoy, "Memories in the village"

Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya (1790-1830). Family L. Tolstoy. I don't remember my mother at all. I was a year and a half, when she died ... Everything I know about her, everything is fine ... L. Tolstoy "Memories"

Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy (1795-1837) .OTez L. Tolstoy. First place ... occupies, although not on the influence of me, but in my sense to him, ... my father. L. Tolstoy "Memories"

In 1851, L. Tolstoy went to the Caucasus and entered the volunteer in artillery. Finally, today I received an order to go to my battery, I am a 4th grade feverver. You will not believe what kind of pleasure gives me. L. Tolstivaya T. A. Yergolskaya. January 3, 1852

Twenty-six years I came after the war in St. Petersburg and came up with writers. I was accepted as my ... L. Tolstoy "Confession" Group of Writers of the magazine "Contemporary". L.N. Tolstoy, D. V. Grigorovich, I. A. Goncharov, I.S. Turgenev, A. V. Druzhinin, A. N. Ostrovsky. From the photograph of 1856.

Sofya Andreevna Bers in 1862, L. Tolstoy married a doctor's daughter. The choice has long been made. Literature-art, pedagogy and family. L. Tolstoy, Diary, October 6, 1863 she is a serious assistant. L. Tolstoye A. A. Fetu. May 15, 1863

L.N. Tolstoy opened 26 national schools, where 9,000 guys were studied. When I enter the school and see this crowd of torn, dirty, thin children, with their bright eyes and so often angelic expressions, it finds me alarming, the horror that would have experienced at the sight of sinking people ... I want to form a people ... to save those drowning there Pushkin, ... Lomonosova. And they are sissed in every school. L. Tolstoye A. A. Tolstoy. December 1874.

Tolstoy, Tolstoy! This ... not a man, but a humanity, Jupiter. Maxim Gorky Tolstoy is really a huge artist who are born in centuries, and his creativity is crystal clean, light and fine. V. G. Korolenko ... No man more worthy of genius, more complex, contradictory and in all beautiful ... A. P. Chekhov

Museum-Manor L. N. Tolstoy "Khamovniki"

Tolstoy died ... But in his inheritance there is something that has not moved into the past, which belongs to the future. Demonstration in St. Petersburg on the death of L. N. Tolstoy. 1910 The grave of L. N. Tolstoy in the Casual Polyana.

State Museum of L.N. Tolstoy in Moscow

Many years sounded a harsh and truthful voice, who twisted everyone and everything; He told us about Russian life almost as much as the rest of our literature. The historical importance of the work of Tolstoy ... - The result of everything is experienced by the Russian society for the entire 19th century, and the books will remain in centuries, as a monument of hard work made by the genius ... M. Gorky

Biography Tolstogol Nikolayevich (1828 - 1910)

Praded Andrei Ivanovich served as president of the Magistan Magistrate. His two sons served to Fatherland: Peter Andreevich - the companion of Peter I, Ilya Andreevich - officer of the Preobrazhensky regiment. He married the daughter of Military Minister Pelagae Nikolaevna Gorchakova.

The son of Ilya Andreevich, Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, a participant in the war of 1812, in 1820 he married Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, a retired daughter, an approximate Ekaterina II. Children Nicholas, Sergey, Dmitry, Lev (August 28, 1828) and Maria were born in the family

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born in a clear glade 28.08.1828. When Levushka was 2 years old, mother died. The closest man was the distant relative of Grandma Pelagiai Nikolaevna, Tatiana Aleksandrovna Yergolskaya.

Moving to Kazan in 1841. Here in 1844, L. Tolstoy enters the Kazan University. The year he attends classes at the Faculty of Philosophy (separation of Arabic-Turkish literature) and two years on legal. In 1847, L.N. Tolstoy left the university

Caucasus and Crimean War
In 1851, together with the elder brother, Nikolai L. Tolstoy leaves for the Caucasus in the current army, where it serves as a volunteer first, and then the younger artillery officer.

With the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war, L. Tolstoy submits a report on the transfer of it to the Danube Army. As an artillery officer, the fourth bastion participated in the defense of Sevastopol. Home returned at the end of 1855 with the Order of St. Anne "For courage" and medals "For the protection of Sevastopol".

The literary activity of the first half of the 1850s.
1852 - the story "Childhood", printed in the "contemporary", later published "Defense" (1854) and "Youth" (1856). In 1855, L. Tolstoy finished work on "Sevastopol stories"

The literary activity of the second half of the 50s.
Returning from Sevastopol, L.N. Tolstoy plunged into the literary Wednesday of St. Petersburg. In 1857 and 1860-61, L.N. Tolstoy made overseas travels by European countries. However, I did not find heart calm here. 1857 - Tale "Albert", "From the notes of Prince Nehludova", the story "Lucerne" 1859 - the story "Three deaths"

Pedagogical activity
Back in 1849, L.N. Tolstoy began classes with peasant children. In 1859, he opened a school in a clear Polyana. In 1872, L. Tolstoy wrote "ABC", which during the life of the writer was published 28 times.

Life and creative maturity (1860-1870)
1863-69 - "War and Peace" of 1873-77 - "Anna Karenina". According to the writer, in the first work he was the road "Folk Thought", in the second - "Family thought". Shortly after the publication, both novels were transferred to foreign languages.

Spiritual crisis
1882 year. The autobiographical work "Confession" is completed: "I ran away from the life of our circle ..." In 1880-1890, L.N. Tolstoy created a number of religious work, which outlined his understanding of Christian verbation. In 1901, His Holiness Synod excreted L.N. Tolstoy from the Church.

Literary activities 1880-1890
In the early 1889, the views of L.Nolstoy on art have changed significantly. He came to the conclusion that he should not write "for the Lord", but for "Ignatov and their children" 1889-1899 - "Resurrection" 1886 - "Death of Ivan Ilich" 1887-89 "Creicherova Sonata" 1896 1904 - "Haji Murat »1903 -" After Bala "

In 1862, Lev Nikolayevich marries the daughter of the Moscow doctor Sophie Andreevna Bers. After the wedding, young people immediately leave for a clear clearing.

Sophia Andreevna in the Casual Polyana for many years becomes a keyboard-economy, the secretary of his husband, the educator of children and the custodian of the hearth.

From 13 children survived seven remained. (In the photo: Mikhail, Lev Nikolayevich, Vanechka, Lev, Sasha, Andrei, Tatiana, Sophia Andreevna, Maria) Two losses were especially noticeable: the death of the last child of Vanechki (1895) and the beloved daughter of the writer Mary (1906).

Last years.
Relations with his wife and children were stressful. Finally spoiled after the secretly written will, according to which the family was deprived of the right to the literary heritage of the writer.

On the night of October 27-28, 1910, Leo Tolstoy secretly left his home and went to the south of Russia, where he assumed to stay at the familiar peasants. He died in the house of the head of the station Astapovo on November 7, 1910 in 6 hours 5 minutes in the morning.