Blue monster Satirikon about what. "Blue Monster" Carlo Gotszi

Blue monster Satirikon about what. "Blue Monster" Carlo Gotszi

Carlo Gotsci

Blue monster

Tragicomic fairy tale in five actions


Dzelu - Blue monster

Dardane - Princess Georgian, beloved Taer

Taer - Prince Nanjing

Fanfur - Tsar Nanzinsky, Drying Father Taer

Gulindi - Slave, second wife Fanfura

Smeraldine - servant Dardane

Pantalon, Tartalla - Ministers Fanfura

Brigella - Captain Guard

Torugaldino - servant Taer.

Enchanted knight In antique weapons, chained in the lats

Semi-head hydra




Slaves Without speeches.

The action takes place in Nanjing and its surroundings.

First action

Forest. In the depths of the mountain of the cave.

Phenomena I.

Dzelu - Blue monster It comes out of the cave.


About stars! Stars! Thanks!
That moment has come, happy for me,
When I cut this terrible appearance
At the price of someone else's grief. In this forest
Georgian Princess Dardane
Must with his beloved by his Taerm,
Crown Prince Nanjing, arrive.
There should have been a couple of lovers,
To each other faithful as these two:
Such a woman so that
Not for a moment but one
Did not think; And such a man,
To a woman alone in the world
Experienced excitement of love;
And so that it fell into this forest:
Then, and only then, the term will happen
My torment. And about the miracle! In the world
Similar lovers were found.
And soon they will be here - and I am free.

(For the scene.)

Forward, forward, ill-fated!
I am hard that you should enjoy
I am so much disasters so that
Freamed. Yes but who is able
Love suffering suffering for
Kohl on another can stick them?
Many terrifying monsters
Will seen this forest, thick and dark.
Times come - and transforming,
Which happened may become
Beautiful allegory; and people
Like me the monsters will
Seeking to regain a wonderful appearance
And turn others, since they can only
In monsters.

(Looks behind the scene.)

Here are two royal servants:
They precede the unhappy
To bring lime to the capital
About the imminent return of Taer.

(Takes a flask and cup.)

Drink Out! Make to forget
They are all the past ... their Lords ...
And to the courtyard so that they no longer returned.

Phenomena II.

Trofaldino, with an umbrella, cares for Smeraldina Both are dressed in Chinese.

Truffaldino He says that it is necessary to give horses to get on the grass, they just fall from fatigue. After all, their Lord is still so far away, etc. They can relax in the shade of these nice trees, listening to the murmur of the stream and twitter birds, etc., and then go to Nanjing, who is visible from here. Here are all two hundred steps. He sings the famous folk song:

What could be sweeter
And what is my mile for us,
Walk in green
With his beloved.
Ah, ah, I'm dying,
Dying from love
Beauty Mo.
I L & Yu B and L and Yu

Smeraldine. He is right, this place is able to awaken love moods, etc., but he is not constant and will soon forget her for some other maiden, etc.


I l and y and b and l and yu,
What does it mean - I love,
Love I will forever
My beauty.
I L & Yu B and L and Yu

His oaths. He will follow the example of the prince of Taer, his lord, whose serve he did, having met him, fortunately, in Georgia. The prince is in love with Tsarevna Dardan and never glanced in any other woman - it seems to him ugly, etc. He, Trofaldino, saw the beauties who were hopelessly in love with the prince, and he despised them, simply - they wanted to spit on them! Ah, his Dardan! His Dardan! Etc.

Smeraldine He says that if there is an example of Taer, his lord in front of him, then in front of it, as in the mirror there is her Mrs. Dardan. What loyalty! Smeraldin does not think that even in a dream ever seen another person as Prince Taer, and so on.

Trofaldino, "In truth, Taer deserved her love by the great feats that he committed to save her from the persecution of Bisegel's wizard. Does Smeraldine remember about his battle with a fiery monkey, and then about the battle with the donkey, who tied her ears and chopped his tail, and then about the battle with a bird that he resized him in the face of boiling oil? And everyone is overcome, and he won all thanks to his love! Oh, great love! Great constancy! Great love! Etc.

Smeraldine Replies that this is all true; But isn't there anything that Dardan retained the loyalty to the tair even when the wizard of Bisegel threw her on his shoulders, then enchanted bedspread, which instills in women madness and the desire to have all the men they see? What a loyalty was needed to overcome the spells of this covered from love to one taeru, etc.

Trofaldino, - Of course, it is a lot. And was it on the shoulders of Smeraldin someday it covered?

Smeraldine "Never, but even if she had it, she would still remain true to him."

Truffaldino joking about this enchanted bedspread. It seems to him that now all covers who sell women in fashionable shops, have the same magic properties as Bisegel's covers, etc. He expresses his feelings of Smeraldine, romantically sighs and so on.

Smeraldine Truffaldino meets the same. He says that she is hot and want to drink.

Truffaldino Worried - ... Ah, my princess, etc. Looking for water, finds a flask and the ZELU Cup. His considerations: some shepherd left it here; sniffs: it smells good; Aroma of Cyprus Wine, etc. He is proud that he can treat his princess in this deserted place to such a drink. Makes her cup.

Smeraldine Drink. Shows gestures that she forgot everything; He asks Truffaldino, who he is.

Truffaldino - I am L & Y and B, etc. He is her dear Truffaldino, her passionate lover, equal to his faithfulness of Tauru, Prince Nanjing, and so on.

Smeraldine drives it; She does not know anyone of such a Trofaldino, no one is taurus, etc.


Ah, ah, I'm dying,

Dying from love etc.

Circus (3h) 12+

K. Gotsci
Producer:Konstantin Rikin
Dzel:Anton Egorov, Sergey Sotnikov
Dardane:Evgenia Abramova, Alena Rasivine, Mariaan Spivak
Taero:Alexey Bardukov, Yakov Lukkin
Fanfur:Alexey Yakubov
Gulindi:Julia Melnikova
Smeraldine:Elena Berezov, Marina Drovoskin, Polina Raykin
Pantalon:Anton Kuznetsov, Artem Osipov
Tartalia:Igor Gudeev, Sergey Klimov
Truffaldino:Georgy Lyzhava
Brighella:Alexander Gunkin, Ivan Ignatenko
Guard:Alexey Koryakov S. 29.07.2015 No dates for this performance.
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Review of "Posters":

Karlo Gotszi's fairy tale "Blue Miracle Winter" is a rare guest, especially on the Russian scene. But Konstantin Ray-Kene loves Western playwriths and past centuries, and present. Today, the great Italian playwright gave the opportunity to the director as if merged together what was once, with what is now, and, apparently, to hint with mischief that at the moment Shakespeare's saying that the whole world is the theater And people in it are actors, if not outdated, then lost their relevance. The whole world is a circus, and people in it are acrobats, jugglers, illusionists, tamers, enclosure. Everyone turns out to be a participant in a talk show, the topics of which are inexhaustible, as well as life itself.

With the mild and talented hands of Alla Kozhenkaya Scene "Satiron" really turned into a circus arena. How else? After all, the program stated that the "blue monster" is a circus in 2-parts. Yes, and the entire circus props from the trapezium to the "magic boxes" is obvious. Artists fly under grate, show focuses, dance and sing, and four clowns, they are Pantalon (Artem Osipov), Truffaldino (Georgy Lyzhava), Tartalia (Igor Gudeev) and Brigalla (Ivan Ignatenko), the audience mixes and periodically explain They are still happening in Circus Venice. What passions will be in this phantasmagoric world?

The following occurs. The blue monster Zelu (Anton Egorov) dreams of freeing from the magic captivity. For this, he needs lovers in each other, a young man and a girl. They naturally are located. This is Taeron (Alexey Bardukov) and his young wife Dardan (Alena Razzhevina). Under the influence of the necessary witchcraft, Taer is turned into a blue monster. And now, if Dardan does not love him in this appearance, it is waiting for an inevitable death, especially since he should not call his real name anyone. The genuine Zell disappears forever, and Dardane and Taer must, by all means "to see" each other in this insane carnival, whose actors are changing their masks with virtuoso speed.

The fabulous plot of Gotzzi did not appear for "Satirona" in itself. This itself revealed completely in another - brightly, catchy and temperamentally demonstrate the physical capabilities of young theater artists who, passing through the "blue monsters", are able to embody the most time-consuming plastic problems on the stage of "Satiron", which will put the director in front of them .

Director K. Raykin. Artist A. Kozhenkova. Director-consultant Circus rooms E. Morozova. Decor of the stage battle V. Rybakov.

Theater notes. "Blue monster", tragicomedy on the play of the Italian playwright Carlo Gotszi. T. Shipkina-Cupernik

Staging - Konstantin Rikin
Scenography and costumes - Alla Kozhenekova
Director-consultant of circus numbers - Ekaterina Morozova

Light - Anatoly Kuznetsov
Sound - Ekaterina Pavlova
Scenic Fight Leader - Vyacheslav Fishermen
Music design - Konstantin Rykin
Assistant Director - Elvira Kekeev

In the play "Blue monster" Satirikon theater. Arkady Raykin sounds Music Shostakovich, Strauss, Fall, Celler, Italian Music Topics In the Arrangement of the Kesseda Orchestra, the Soundtrack fragment from the film "2046".

Carlo Gotszi is an Italian playwright, the author of fabulous plays (Fiaba; Fiabe) using folklore elements of the plot and the principles of Comedy del Arte in the choice of characters-masks. "Blue monster" was written by the author in 1764. Many play of playwright regularly demonstrated on the famous Venetian festivals. It is worthwhile to be surprised that in the formulation of Konstantin Arkadyevich the theme of Venice passes the red thread through the entire performance.

Spring. Wonderful season! Time of updates, new hopes and new discoveries. Time of new love. And also a great time to refreshing long-standing feelings. What can be this? Test. Yeah why not! The test of the sincerity and strength of love between Prince Nanjing Taerome and Princess Georgian Dardan underlies the plot of this enchantment.

Zell, a blue monster was enchanted and was doomed to live in the forest more often near the city of Nanjing. But the time comes when he can remove the spell from himself, get rid of the blue mask and become a man again. But for this, he must shift the spell on someone else. At this time, there is nothing suspected of a happy married couple - Taer and Dardan entering the forest trap. Dzel has a cunning plan to shift the spell at the taer, which in the end it is possible. Lovers must pass through the brutal tests, appointed by him Zell, risking forever lose not only each other, but also life itself. But if they manage to overcome everything, they will again be together and returned their love.

The play "Blue monster" is dynamic, saturated with humor and drama. A sharp tense plot, a lot of music and transformations. The moments of the "Failure of the Heart", improvised arena in the center of the scene, acrobatic tricks, the participation of the four traditional characters of the Italian Comedy masks in the form of clowns relate to this performance with a circus. The inquisitive viewer for all the brightness and diversity can easily be able to catch thin allions for the day today. But the classics therefore began to reckon with them, which wrote works for all times. And this play undoubtedly refers to those.

And in the final, when good and love of course win, the audience expects a magnificent pyrotechnic show.

At the end it is difficult to stay from the famous quotation of Gotszi, which is part of the text of this play: "We are not all those who sometimes see each other." Therefore, do not always trust your eyes, but believe the voice of the heart. It will definitely not deceive you.

Dzelu - Blue monster

Dardane - Princess Georgian, beloved Taer

Taer - Prince Nanjing

Fanfur - Tsar Nanzinsky, Drying Father Taer

Gulindi - Slave, second wife Fanfura

Smeraldine - servant Dardane

Pantalon, Tartalla - Ministers Fanfura

Brigella - Captain Guard

Torugaldino - servant Taer.

Enchanted knight In antique weapons, chained in the lats

Semi-head hydra




Slaves Without speeches.

The action takes place in Nanjing and its surroundings.

First action

Forest. In the depths of the mountain of the cave.

Phenomena I.

Dzelu - Blue monster It comes out of the cave.


About stars! Stars! Thanks!
That moment has come, happy for me,
When I cut this terrible appearance
At the price of someone else's grief. In this forest
Georgian Princess Dardane
Must with his beloved by his Taerm,
Crown Prince Nanjing, arrive.
There should have been a couple of lovers,
To each other faithful as these two:
Such a woman so that
Not for a moment but one
Did not think; And such a man,
To a woman alone in the world
Experienced excitement of love;
And so that it fell into this forest:
Then, and only then, the term will happen
My torment. And about the miracle! In the world
Similar lovers were found.
And soon they will be here - and I am free.

(For the scene.)

Forward, forward, ill-fated!
I am hard that you should enjoy
I am so much disasters so that
Freamed. Yes but who is able
Love suffering suffering for
Kohl on another can stick them?
Many terrifying monsters
Will seen this forest, thick and dark.
Times come - and transforming,
Which happened may become
Beautiful allegory; and people
Like me the monsters will
Seeking to regain a wonderful appearance
And turn others, since they can only
In monsters.

(Looks behind the scene.)

Here are two royal servants:
They precede the unhappy
To bring lime to the capital
About the imminent return of Taer.

(Takes a flask and cup.)

Drink Out! Make to forget
They are all the past ... their Lords ...
And to the courtyard so that they no longer returned.

Phenomena II.

Trofaldino, with an umbrella, cares for Smeraldina Both are dressed in Chinese.

Truffaldino He says that it is necessary to give horses to get on the grass, they just fall from fatigue.

After all, their Lord is still so far away, etc. They can relax in the shade of these nice trees, listening to the murmur of the stream and twitter birds, etc., and then go to Nanjing, who is visible from here. Here are all two hundred steps. He sings the famous folk song:

What could be sweeter
And what is my mile for us,
Walk in green
With his beloved.
Ah, ah, I'm dying,
Dying from love
Beauty Mo.
I L & Yu B and L and Yu

Smeraldine. He is right, this place is able to awaken love moods, etc., but he is not constant and will soon forget her for some other maiden, etc.


I l and y and b and l and yu,
What does it mean - I love,
Love I will forever
My beauty.
I L & Yu B and L and Yu

His oaths. He will follow the example of the prince of Taer, his lord, whose serve he did, having met him, fortunately, in Georgia. The prince is in love with Tsarevna Dardan and never glanced in any other woman - it seems to him ugly, etc. He, Trofaldino, saw the beauties who were hopelessly in love with the prince, and he despised them, simply - they wanted to spit on them! Ah, his Dardan! His Dardan! Etc.

Smeraldine He says that if there is an example of Taer, his lord in front of him, then in front of it, as in the mirror there is her Mrs. Dardan. What loyalty! Smeraldin does not think that even in a dream ever seen another person as Prince Taer, and so on.

Trofaldino, "In truth, Taer deserved her love by the great feats that he committed to save her from the persecution of Bisegel's wizard. Does Smeraldine remember about his battle with a fiery monkey, and then about the battle with the donkey, who tied her ears and chopped his tail, and then about the battle with a bird that he resized him in the face of boiling oil? And everyone is overcome, and he won all thanks to his love! Oh, great love! Great constancy! Great love! Etc.

Smeraldine Replies that this is all true; But isn't there anything that Dardan retained the loyalty to the tair even when the wizard of Bisegel threw her on his shoulders, then enchanted bedspread, which instills in women madness and the desire to have all the men they see? What a loyalty was needed to overcome the spells of this covered from love to one taeru, etc.

Trofaldino, - Of course, it is a lot. And was it on the shoulders of Smeraldin someday it covered?

Smeraldine "Never, but even if she had it, she would still remain true to him."

Truffaldino joking about this enchanted bedspread. It seems to him that now all covers who sell women in fashionable shops, have the same magic properties as Bisegel's covers, etc. He expresses his feelings of Smeraldine, romantically sighs and so on.

Smeraldine Truffaldino meets the same. He says that she is hot and want to drink.

Truffaldino Worried - ... Ah, my princess, etc. Looking for water, finds a flask and the ZELU Cup. His considerations: some shepherd left it here; sniffs: it smells good; Aroma of Cyprus Wine, etc. He is proud that he can treat his princess in this deserted place to such a drink. Makes her cup.

Smeraldine Drink. Shows gestures that she forgot everything; He asks Truffaldino, who he is.

Truffaldino - I am L & Y and B, etc. He is her dear Truffaldino, her passionate lover, equal to his faithfulness of Tauru, Prince Nanjing, and so on.

Smeraldine drives it; She does not know anyone of such a Trofaldino, no one is taurus, etc.


Ah, ah, I'm dying,

Dying from love etc.

Thinks that Smeraldin is joking. He says that it is time to go to the city, because about the way their Lord and Dardan can get angry at them, etc.

Smeraldine - daring! She does not know any Lord, no Dardan; Let it be removed, etc.

Truffaldino He asked whether Bisegel's wizard was covered on it, and whether she wanted to her other lovers, etc. Take her hand to lead her to horses and go to Nanjing.

Smeraldine gives him a slap and runs away towards Nanjing.

Truffaldino. I l and y and b and l and y. His amazement. He feels that it is about to faint. Must be reinforced. Drinks from the flask. Shows gestures that everything forgot everything: he does not know where he, as he got here. It must be riding, because the buttocks hurt. He does not remember anything. Sees the city and leaves to look for her shelter and pr.

Phenomena III

Dztel - One monster one.


Unhappy! Cock. If only
Your lords have
Pretty strength to defeat fate
You still have a meeting and love,
But closely taer and dardan
Split, clouds! Heaven, Rummit!
Lay lightning fiery arrows,
So that the horses of royal couple in fright
Disconnected! Life leave them.
Let each spit appear here;
Everything else I achieve the mind.

Gray, Thunder, Lightning.

Disconnected scared horses.
We fly - one to the mountain, the other in the valley.
Fallen Skakun Unhappy Dardan
Scared, she hurries here
Hanging hurried. Remove.

(Goes out.)

For some time, thunder and lightning continues, then everything clarifies.

Phenomenon IV.

Dardan later Dzel.

Dardane (in fright)

My God! Where to run? Who will help me?
How I did not die! Of course, Miracle
I was saved. But what am I saying?
I am saved on g about re: My favorite
Died, probably! Oh, Taer, Taer!
Where are you, my friend, a united joy
Unhappy and persecuted merciless
Hostile star?


Dztel (appearing)

From the stars of hostile little, you suffered:
I still have to undergo much.

Dardane (frightened)

My God ... Who are you, the monster? I'm scared…
Where to escape? .. My God ...

(Wants to escape.)

Dztel (stops it)

You will not be saved from me. I'm that one
Who commanded the clouds and separated
Taer with Dardane


Start, cruel!
Take my life. I lost
Of who I lived.


I feel sorry for you,
Unhappy; Taer your alive, but more
You will not see him. Trephantic
For your life, but not now. All thoughs
Taer and yours from the minute of this
Only started.


I will no longer see


No, you will see, but lost
He is for you. Tried cruel rock
Both you danger, death, perhaps.
Subjected to cruel tesry
And maybe, happiness will come back.


Monster! What w testing
Is it still fate prepares me unhappy?
I suffered so much for my beloved.


Don't so be afraid, dardan
Here is the first - now you will see it.

(Hit the foot to the ground.)

Dardan turns out to be dressed as a man-warrior, with oriental luxury.


Why did you change my clothes?
Oh, that with me will ...


So little,
And you already tremble? But listen: Want
Return Taero?


Okay, go
You're in Nanjing, to the alert fanfura,
Father Taer. Admission to service
Under the guise of a young man; Take yourself
Alien name. There you will meet
Those servants you sent forward;
Unrecognized you will be them:
You will be considered a man.
But you do not open the truth to anyone:
When you give yourself the slightest word,
Taer Your Forever died.


And this
Do you think you think?
You ask me a slight task.
The monster, swear, will not be issued.


Self! You are an easy task
Do you think this? But I warn
I feel sorry for you. Male outfit to you
Big dangers will be the reason
Cruel disasters ... as perhaps, only
Hide your gender and life do not right
In the dangers of terrible upcoming
Although would be the price of death, Ile Taer
Forever lose ...


You threaten me
Cruel monster; Threats
And the secrets are scary, like you. Probably,
You want to scare me; But again
I swear: I am ready to transfer everything,
I will not give yourself. Tell me only
What tester waiting for Taer.


Terrible. I'm sorry for me
But I can not open you all.
About my daughter, we will be silent about him.
It's about you. So if you are able
All to win what you have to
And if your life you will save
And you will not look like a heart
On all others you are women, then believe
That will not pass and day, as you find
With his spouse cute joy and peace.


Wizard hellish, we were happy
Why was there clouds to send
To divide lovers? And what
Change my clothes on men's?
Why be silent about what's waiting for Taer?
Why put me in danger
And terrible secret to climb fate?
Monster! So that maybe
Silent, hide your floor. I swear to you,
Danger Any meeting boldly;
Will help the sky of a woman unhappy -
Let weak, yes, but loving and faithful.

(Wants to leave.)


(holds it)

Stop, my daughter.


What else will you tell me?


You are your harsh star
Again to this grove soon will lead.



I still didn't tell you ...


But what else?


Look, my daughter,
On my terrible look.


I look ... With difficulty, I do not assume the look.
Your face is terrible, the worst is your image,
Do not make me watch me.

(Shows disgust and horror.)


Self! Do you tarer your roads?


Do not ask! How am I myself,
So the roads to me Taer.


I feel sorry for you.
Looking more on a terrible look my
And do not be scared.


Gods! Protect.
From the spectacle of terrible get rid.
Why do I need to watch you? My opinion
Unable to make ...


I feel sorry for me.
So far - silence. Go to Nanjing
Give yourself to the power of your misfortunes
Which i have to be on you
Send humble rock. Do not forget the same
All you said. Oh my daughter,
Of course, this feat is not possible,
Which you do not dare to open you.
Taer you lose but not in power
I save you from the feat.


Do not fall in spirit, Dardane! In confusion
My mind from the words of the monsters of terrible ...
I boldly cut into the fatal sea
Unheard of mysterious misfortunes.
Everything will undergo; let my spouse knows
That I achieved everything that was in the forces;
And if death should take him away,
I call me death: I do not need another.

(Goes towards Nanjing.)


Go unhappy! I didn't bother more
Tell you to better prepare
And cause the strength of the Spirit in order
To bear unheard of troubles.
Here and the spouse, taer your ill-fated,
Hurry up to meet the sorrowfully.

Phenomenon V.

ZELU, Taer.


Came after so many torments and disasters,
About Dardan, I will lose you?
Where did your horse be guilty?
Perhaps you died, Dardan ...
About the thought of terrible! I'm dying!




Do not cry, taero!


Monster! Who are you?
Do not think my life is easy to take away!

(Wants to rush to him.)


Leave, Taer! The sword is useless yours
There is no speech about the battle or death.
I really should be your enemy
Then, that I should be something else.
But still I can, I want to be
You useful.



She fell her horse, she is unharmed.
She is named Dardan. Her power
Terrible troubles and in the abyss of evil torment
Sent Zel.


About Mount, what I hear!
But who is Zell?


Zel is before you.
Yes, I zelu, the Great Spirit; Once
I blindly blinded. But Derzko
The root of the sages of the mountain sacred
In China and for that was turned
In the monster one hundred years ago.


Well, the vile monster, farewell.
Terepi will come out his own. Just give me a trace
My beloved. You sent her
On flour and sorrow? But why?
Tell me, the villain, where I look for her?
My proximity is yours; not in power
Carry your vile view.

(Wants to escape.)


(holds his hand)

Kohl you want a beautiful dardan
Again master, then listen: very soon
You won't call me neither frozen
Neither vile.


As you want. Away ... let me!

(Freed up.)


Taer, not so apparently! Before listening to:
Your father, king Phanfur, when passed
Five years with your disappearance
Which for all the mystery was
For the absence of the West,
As the dead, flipped finally.
Stayed without the heir to the throne,
And the good king took Guldi's wife,
Slave with passionate and vicious heart.
Full of sins and low lines
Her soul - and for her sins
Commanded me from the cave of this
Send to the state punishment.
Hydra appeared here.
Still scary, monstrous than me.
And the tower of a city some knight,
Born fairy, mastered, and now
I go out of my cave,
I destroy the harvest in the fields,
Gulf of herd and poisoning the soil;
A knight enchanted, whose power
Invincible every day goes
From the tower, and passersby kills
And keeps the city in fear. But just
Horror Hydra, Beach is inevitable!
She is a smunkey people poison
And in order not to let her
She is sacrificed daily
Having gained in lots, unfortunate virgins.
Fanfur, about the poor old man, crying crying,
Not realizing that his wife -
Cause of disasters ...


Okay. Pretty.
I'll take revenge on my father.
Monster not causing us more
Harm or learn how you hurt
My rolls sword. I go to the trail of my beloved;
Nasty intimacy i'm not in power
I make your vile, frozen look.
Where Dardane, tell me, I will find me.

(Wants to leave.)


(holds it)

Kohl love Dardan, so listen.
Unhappy! Very soon you will not
Neither gnus call me nor frown.


I was pretty listened, goodbye, let them.


Taer, not so apparently! Not threatening
Someone who wants to reduce
Your misfortune. Kohl will not listen,
Do not conquer me - Know, you died
And Dardan, your love, died.
Now you will see it in an unusual
Clothes; One given to you
Learn her. You will not know
Your spouse; Even your voice
Your own other people will be. Beware, see
Do not open her, Taer, remember:
Do not open anyone and listen -
Since the truth you will open, do not hope
Someone possess your wife.


The monster, what do these secrets mean?
And how my spouse does not recognize
When will he see?


Everything is all yours
Doubts end, Taer.
For Dardane do not follow. Stay
In this cave. You will find a book in it;
There is described all the misfortunes of yours.
Read When Dardan comes,
I advise her as the book teaches.
Polaishov Speak with her; to the councils
Add all tenderness, sigh, all art,
What can only wake
In love favor in the female heart,
In which hate lives; Dove
Any humiliaries, molubs,
In Dardan, love was lit to you.


Mad monster! Achieve
So love in Dardan to me love,
When she has long been an example of love
And loyalty to your spouse?
You are a stupid monster!


Oh soon
You will find out, to your misfortune,
That I am not stupid. Ask her, moths
Love you, love fuck her
Kohl can, but do not tell who you are.
From all, from small even insects
Hide you taer. Horrible trepid
Feel the creature in all
Fire is fatal in the veins, and on the heart -
Touch of an ice hand
Even before the onset of dawn, -
When you do not achieve her love,
And you go dead; And the same will
When you open - in anger or grief -
She is Ile to another mortal who you are.
I swear by the gods I, Taer, and hell,
What truth is saying. Do not open,
Who are you; It's affectionately talking with her;
Happy love from her - then
All your malicious will be completed.


Dzel, you scare me; And death,
And secrets, and love, and turning ...
I do not understand! Strict silence ...
Your threats ... Books and caves ...
I do not believe anything! I love her -
And I hurry in search of it.

(Wants to leave.)


(holds it).

Stop unhappy! You'll see,
What, we encourage pity, I did
Possible, so that your fret is cruel
Soften. - Oh Mountains of the mountain sacred!
Your verdict rucks me on flour,
But finally I am now free. -
Taer, enter the cave; With a wonderful book
Follow; read it and remember
What did I say. See you later,
Kohl spend everything; Do not spend - never
Do not quit. Now forgive me
But to get away from my misfortune,
I am put on you all afraid.

(Keeps his foot.)

It follows the wonderful transformation of Taer in a blue monster, which was Jelu, Zell - in a beautiful young man.

Barely a friend, owning himself. Sorry!

(Runs away.)

Phenomenon VI

Taer One in the image of the monsters.


About grief to me! What is it? Sleep Ile Yav?
Dzelu, cruel, return. Oh Gods!
You truth said. About Dardan!
You must save me from MUK,
In the guise of this vile loved?
Come here, but I must be
Keep quiet that i'm your husband's favorite
Fucked in such a chart of grief!
When you reveal me who I am,
Or when you do not love me, -
Even before the onset of dawn
I will die and forever lost you!
About the stars evil! What is it for?

(Crying. Angry.)

Run more like in the city, to the palace,
To the unfortunate father, ask for protection
And help. Deceives the spirit;
You can not lose me now for a minute!
(Wants to run, but stops.)
What is saying? Dead hopes
My wife! About Mount! Obey
Cruel zhel. No doubt
He told me the truth. Everything confirms
The meaning of dark speech: on himself, ill-faced,
I experienced a unheard of a miracle.
I'll go read i'm a fatal book
And all withdraw, so that happiness to return
And Dardane return. And you, cave,
You, the son of the royal shelter is poor,
I'm covered with a terrible look mine.

(Goes to the cave.)


Second action

Throne hall in Nanjing. On the throne - Fanfur, Aged king. In the middle of the hall of the urn, near which sits boy. Two rows sitting velmazby Pantalon and Tartalla Sit on both sides of the throne. The elevation from which the name is removed from the urn.

Phenomena I.

Fanfur, Pantalon, Tartalia, Velmazby, boy.


Ministers! Know you look sad
On your king: broken over
I'm on the trouble to my people.
My hand trembles, powerless body.
But if you could look into the soul
Then hate me without me.
I lost my sole son;
I got married again to leave
Heir. But the desire came true.
Monster inspired by horror
In the country appeared, seized her
And ruins everything around and destroys.
Ominous knight, out of hell,
Elected the housing of the Nanjing Tower,
Everyone kills, threatens the city;
To fight it in vain: he will not win.
And finally, the monstrous hydra
Threatens to dy all of my subjects!
Oracle orders obeying
She, insatiable, sacrificing daily
We must give innocent virgins,
In the escape worst affairs. Oh my God!
How do I deserve such executions?
My Velmazby! If anyone
From you to my throne wishes
The throne of sorrows and tears, oh, how willingly
I'll go away with him! But tell me:
What troubles are preparing
Monster, terrible knight, hydra?
Will ever know peace?

Pantalon. Your Majesty, to the Great Miscellaneous, Wine is becoming more expensive. This is a damned monster in one of the morning, more than ten thousand vineyards spoiled. It's hard to believe, but after it ruined so much grace of God, it began to have fun in that it cut out all the sheep and rams under the city and sent them to the river. In general, if we do not cut themselves, then this year we will not have a shine of wool, neither for the mattress, nor for the fault and, moreover, there will be no wine drop. Magnates, Velmazby, who does not want to cry, let it not cry.

Tartalia. I saw travelers today killed today between the twelve hours and a half second knights of the tower. Your Majesty, there are only hundred and twenty-five people: sixty-eight scams, plus twenty-two peasants, it turns out ninety, then fifteen doctors, five lawyers, and a hundred ten; Fourteen poets, and a hundred twenty-four and, worst of all, one respectable comedian, whom I will never stop mourning. (Crying.)

Pantalon. To tell you the truth - I do it with a cramped heart, it is impossible to endure more, Your Majesty. The subjects are scattered as ants, and are given to the patronage of other sovereigns; As soon as hens, it begins robbery and robbery, property confiscation occurs. The city is completely detected. What did our capital look like? Some kind of rotten place, like Caorle, Mazorbo, Portobhoff.