Symptoms of low stomach acidity: what to do. Gastritis with low stomach acidity, symptoms, treatment, normal acidity

Symptoms of low stomach acidity: what to do.  Gastritis with low stomach acidity, symptoms, treatment, normal acidity
Symptoms of low stomach acidity: what to do. Gastritis with low stomach acidity, symptoms, treatment, normal acidity

High and low acidity equally cause a feeling of discomfort and are signs of the same chronic disease - gastritis, which first occurs with high acidity and then gradually turns into hypoacid. In this article we will look at the symptoms of low stomach acid.

What is gastric acidity and why is it needed?

In the initial stages of chronic gastritis, the acidity of gastric juice increases, then, as the mucosal cells die from constant inflammation, it normalizes, and at the late stage of the disease it decreases significantly.

The acidic environment of gastric juice is due to the hydrochloric acid it contains. When undiluted in tea and other drinks, it is a good disinfectant, thanks to which numerous bacteria and viruses that enter the stomach with food die.

An empty stomach contains a small amount of gastric juice, but during the intake and digestion of food, its increased production (secretion) begins, which is about 1.5 liters per meal. The level of hydrochloric acid is measured on the pH scale: normal – 1.5-2.5

In the initial stage of chronic gastritis, special cells of the stomach produce excess amounts of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice, but then some of these cells die due to constant inflammation of this organ, and the acidity becomes normal.

Further death of the cells responsible for the production of hydrochloric acid leads to the fact that the overall acidity of gastric juice decreases even more, and then may disappear completely (the so-called atrophic anacid gastritis).

Types of acidity

There are basal and stimulated acidity. Basal acidity is the level of hydrochloric acid on an empty stomach, and stimulated acidity is the level of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice after a test breakfast that stimulates acid production (for example, cabbage juice) or an injection of the corresponding medication.

Basal acidity levels are slightly higher than stimulated ones. In other words, unstimulated gastric juice is not as acidic. The acidity of gastric juice is considered reduced if the pH of basal acidity is from 2.1 to 6.0, and stimulated - from 2.1 to 3.0.

If basal acidity is more than 6.0, and stimulated acidity is more than 5.0, then such gastritis is considered anacid.

How is the pH of gastric juice determined?

Currently, the following methods are most often used to determine the acidity of gastric juice:

  1. Short-term intragastric pH-metry: a special probe is inserted into the patient’s stomach, with the help of which the acidity is determined. The study lasts several hours.
  2. Daily intragastric pH-metry: allows you to assess the production of hydrochloric acid during the day, including during the so-called “night breakthrough”, when hydrochloric acid begins to be actively produced by special cells of the stomach.
  3. Express pH-metry: carried out for 15-20 minutes in the same way.
  4. Endoscopic pH-metry: performed during an endoscopic examination, corresponds to the level of pH indicators during stimulated secretion.

How to suspect low acidity yourself

Symptoms of low stomach acidity may include dull pain in the abdomen after eating, bloating, and stool disorders.

Since hydrochloric acid is necessary to neutralize food from various microorganisms, with reduced acidity the disinfection process is disrupted, which leads to the growth of various bacteria and additional inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

With a long course of gastritis with low acidity, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • belching that smells like a rotten egg;
  • belching with a putrid odor;
  • discomfort in the oral cavity (unpleasant, metallic taste);
  • after eating in the stomach - a feeling of fullness or heaviness;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • heartburn;
  • dull pain in the epigastrium after eating, immediately or after 15-20 minutes;
  • bloating;
  • rumbling, flatulence;
  • phenomena of vitamin deficiency: dry and brittle hair, as well as split nails;
  • low hemoglobin (anemia).

In severe cases with low acidity, weight loss, general weakness, lethargy, desire for a sedentary lifestyle, hypotension (low blood pressure) are observed. Since low acidity is accompanied by impaired protein digestion, hypoproteinemia (protein deficiency) may occur.

Against the background of reduced acidity or anacid gastritis, gastritis may occur.

Those suffering from gastritis with low acidity are often drawn to eat something sour, as well as something that can increase acid production: black sour bread, hot herbs and spices, cabbage dishes, etc. All kinds of bitterness (for example, plantain juice) also alleviate the condition.

Chronic gastritis occurs with periods of exacerbation and remission. If the acidity of gastric juice is slightly reduced, then during remission these symptoms are practically not observed, but during an exacerbation they intensify or new ones appear.

Which doctor should I contact?

Treatment of chronic gastritis, including hypoacid gastritis, is carried out by a gastroenterologist. To diagnose this condition, endoscopic examination and pH-metry are performed. A nutritionist is involved in the treatment of the patient, according to whose recommendations the menu should be drawn up.

Recently, you can increasingly see advertisements for products that reduce stomach acidity. From TV screens and advertising banners, people are encouraged to buy “magic” pills that will alleviate their condition. They are trying to convince them that increased stomach acidity is common, and it is very dangerous. And most people, believing advertising, purchase these medications at the slightest discomfort in the stomach. But in fact, low stomach acidity is much more dangerous. Its symptoms can easily be confused by the average person with those described in advertising. Taking such drugs without a doctor's prescription can lead to dire consequences. Therefore, everyone who has problems with the gastrointestinal tract needs to know the symptoms of low stomach acidity, the characteristics of the disease and methods of treating it. And medications should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Stomach acidity

This is necessary not only for the normal breakdown of proteins and digestion of food, but also to protect the body from pathogenic bacteria. Most pathogenic microorganisms that enter the stomach die in an acidic environment. Therefore, artificially reducing acidity can be dangerous. In fact, if there is no inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, digestive juice cannot harm health, since there is a reliable mechanism for its neutralization. And heartburn, flatulence, nausea and stomach pain are most often symptoms of low stomach acidity. And only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

How to recognize the disease

Some people may not realize for years that they have low stomach acid. Symptoms of the disease are often so subtle that they can easily be confused with a common illness. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, you need to visit a doctor and conduct a full examination. It is done using special probing of the stomach, ultrasound and blood, urine and stool tests. Based on all the data and a conversation with the patient about his well-being, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. But in many cases, a person himself can understand that he has low stomach acidity.

Symptoms of the disease

Decreased appetite.

Frequent "rotten egg" belching.

Constant bad breath.

Constipation for which conventional remedies do not help.

Nausea and vomiting after eating.

Accumulation of gases, bloating, flatulence and rumbling.

Feeling of heaviness or pain in the stomach after eating.

The presence of undigested residues in the stool.

What does low stomach acid cause?

This condition is dangerous not only because of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Reduced stomach acidity leads to many problems in human health.

1. Due to the slowdown in the digestibility of proteins, decay products accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, poisoning the entire body. This leads to decreased immunity and an increase in the number of viral and fungal diseases.

2. Food with low acidity is not completely digested, which leads to a lack of many vitamins and minerals. Because of this, hair and nails suffer. They become dry and brittle.

3. A decrease in the acidity of gastric juice also affects the condition of the skin. It becomes dry, acne appears on the face, and dilated blood vessels are visible.

4. The consequence of decreased acidity can be anemia, autoimmune diseases and even stomach cancer.

5. Impaired digestion of food leads to intolerance to many foods and allergic reactions.

6. The patient’s performance decreases, sleep is disturbed, or depression develops. Hypotension may occur.

Why does acidity decrease?

Hydrochloric acid is produced by special cells in the stomach. They always produce it in constant quantities. And the level of acidity depends only on the number of these cells or on the degree of neutralization of the acid.

If the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are disrupted, these cells can die. In this case, low stomach acidity is observed, the symptoms of which need to be known in order to begin treatment on time. For what reasons could this happen?

Hereditary characteristics of the body.

Poor nutrition, overeating, consuming large amounts of spicy, sour foods, coffee and alcohol.

Certain medications, such as antibiotics, antidepressants, diuretics, or bronchodilators, can also cause low stomach acid.

Constant stress leads to a decrease in the secretory functions of the stomach.


A large number of people are familiar with this disease. True, not everyone knows that it most often begins with an increase in stomach acidity. But during the process of inflammation of the mucous membrane, the cells that produce hydrochloric acid gradually die off. Therefore, with age, in a person suffering from gastritis, the acidity of the stomach first returns to normal, and then gradually decreases.

If the inflammatory process does not stop, the cells that produce gastric juice continue to die. In this case, gastritis with low acidity develops, the symptoms, treatment and causes of which are few people know. Most doctors believe that in many cases it develops with age due to a decrease in the secretory function of the stomach. This form of gastritis is very dangerous, since it occurs without pronounced symptoms, and without treatment can lead to the development of a malignant tumor.

How to treat the disease

Only a doctor can prescribe medications after making a correct diagnosis. Indeed, often this condition develops due to concomitant diseases, without getting rid of which the low acidity of the stomach severely increases. The symptoms and treatment of this disease are rarely known to anyone other than doctors. There are very few medications for increasing acidity on the market. Treatment for low stomach acid includes:

A special diet that it is advisable to follow constantly;

Folk remedies are often used by those who have low stomach acidity. The symptoms and treatment of the disease, however, are well known only to doctors, and you should not take any decoctions without consultation;

Special medications are taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor. These could be tablets to improve the secretory function of the stomach or herbal bitters.

Folk remedies

Very often in old age, low stomach acidity occurs, the symptoms of which prevent a person from eating normally and interfere with the quality of life. As an aid to the treatment of the disease, you can use folk recipes. But they cannot be used constantly so as not to cause an allergic reaction. What are the most famous remedies?

Half an hour before each meal, take a tablespoon of honey and butter mixed in equal parts.

An excellent acidity booster is plantain. Take juice from its leaves, decoctions, or add fresh leaves to salads and soups.

You should drink whey instead of water. The course of treatment is at least three months.

This decoction works well: mix equal parts of yarrow herb and wormwood. Brew as usual, and take a tablespoon several times a day.

Chinese lemongrass is very useful. You can make juice from its fresh berries or a decoction from dried ones.


If you suspect that you have low stomach acid, the symptoms and treatment methods of which can only be explained by a doctor, it is imperative to take special medications. There are several types of drugs for this:

Drugs that increase stomach acidity: Ortho Taurine Ergo capsules or soluble Plantaglucid;

Juice herbal preparations: infusion of calamus, viburnum, anise, aloe, chokeberry or rose hips;

If the disease is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane, drugs that prevent a decrease in the level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice are indicated. These are, for example, Omeprozole, Ranitidine, various hepatoprotectors and pancreatic enzymes;

To relieve spasms, take "No-Shpu" or "Spazmol", and for nausea - "Metoclopromide".

All medications should be prescribed by a doctor after the disease “low stomach acid” is confirmed. Symptoms, treatment and diet for this disease are quite specific. And it is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations so that the death of mucosal cells does not develop into stomach cancer.

Special diet

Meals should be regular, it is advisable not to take long breaks, it is better to eat little by little. You should not eat a lot of dairy products, fatty cheeses and baked goods. Food should not be too hot and not ice cold. It is not recommended to eat spicy seasonings, sauces, fried and smoked foods with this disease.

You need to add sauerkraut, pickled and fresh cucumbers to your diet. They well raise the acidity of a dish made from beans and boiled white cabbage. It is recommended to eat more grapes and apricots. It is useful to drink juices from vegetables and fruits. Carrot or blackcurrant juice especially increases acidity. In addition, doctors usually recommend special mineral water, such as Essentuki. As for drinks, you should avoid alcohol, tea and coffee. It is recommended to replace them with decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile, mint or St. John's wort.

Statistics show that with low acidity accounts for approximately a quarter of all cases of gastritis with which patients consult doctors. If an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa is discovered for the first time during fibrogastroduodenoscopy in a person, then, as a rule, he is diagnosed with “superficial”. And when the acute inflammatory process becomes chronic, then high acidity levels remain for a long time.

But if chronic gastritis progresses over the years, then in approximately 60% of cases there is a decrease in acidity values. In this case, signs of low stomach acidity appear. That is why this condition is more typical for older people.

Definition of what is gastric acidity , the following: this is the concentration of hydrochloric acid in its composition. This indicator is measured pH units, respectively, during the study is determined pH gastric juice.

How to check the stomach if certain problems appear and there is a suspicion of the development of gastritis? If a patient complains of pain and fermentation in the stomach, then initially a gastroenterologist suggests that he conduct an FGSD study, as well as an analysis . Such an examination makes it possible to determine the state of the gastric mucosa and what the acidity is.

Normal acidity is important for the digestion process. In order for food to be digested as needed, it is necessary. The main such enzyme is pepsin , which is produced and functions correctly exclusively in an acidic environment. But further, for the contents of the stomach to enter the intestines and be properly absorbed, neutralization of the acid is necessary.

That is why two zones of the stomach are defined - the body and fundus, in which acid is formed, and the antrum, in which its neutralization takes place. When examining gastric acid and its concentration in gastric juice, these points must be taken into account.

The work of all organs and systems in the body is interconnected. And therefore, any, even the most minor, disturbances in the processes that occur in the stomach lead to disruption of food digestion as a whole. As a result, symptoms of stomach problems appear

Hydrochloric acid Produced by the cells of the fundic glands, they are called parietal. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach is produced constantly and equally intensively by these cells. What acid is in the human stomach depends on these cells. If they gradually die off, acidity levels decrease; if their number increases, the person is bothered by symptoms of high acidity. Signs of increased or decreased acidity are also observed if the degree of acid neutralization in the antal region of the stomach changes.

If the number of these cells gradually decreases, then over time the fundic glands also atrophy. As a result, the likelihood of developing atrophic gastritis . This condition is unsafe, since in patients with atrophic gastritis the risk of developing oncological processes in the stomach increases sharply. In order to take the necessary measures in a timely manner and prevent such a serious disease, a patient with atrophic gastritis should regularly visit a gastroenterologist.

After all, the patient very often perceives the first signs of stomach cancer as an exacerbation of gastritis or its seasonal manifestations.

Normal stomach acidity

Normal levels of stomach acidity are as follows:

  • Normal fasting levels in the body are 1.5-2.0 pH.
  • The maximum indicator is 0.86 pH.
  • Minimum - 8.3 pH.
  • Acidity in the antal region - 1.3-7.4 pH.
  • Acidity in the epithelial layer - 7.0 pH.

How is acidity determined?

If a person is worried about stomach pain, he is interested in how to find out whether the acidity of the stomach is increased or decreased.

The most physiological method for determining whether a person has high or low acidity is to conduct intragastric pH-metry, which allows you to determine the level of acidity directly in the gastrointestinal tract. This research is carried out using acidogastrometers – special devices with pH equipped with probes and sensors. This method is suitable for determining acidity in different parts of the stomach. Depending on the task that the diagnostician sets himself, determining what kind of environment in the stomach can be:

  • short-term – lasts for several hours;
  • express assessment – for 20 minutes;
  • daily allowance – assessment of acid production throughout the day;
  • endoscopic – the study is carried out during endoscopic diagnosis.

The aspiration method is also used. When using it, the contents of the stomach are taken using a fractional probe, which is used to collect gastric secretions from the stomach and intestines. However, during the process, the stomach contents from different zones are mixed, and as a result, the diagnostician receives a distorted result, which is only approximate.

How to determine stomach acidity at home

If a person is bothered by unpleasant symptoms, it is worth thinking about how to determine on your own, without gastroscopy, the level of acidity in a person. Of course, in any case, you should visit a doctor, but determining the acidity of the stomach at home will help you quickly adjust your diet and help your stomach and intestines function normally.

How to find out stomach acidity at home and check if it is developing antacid gastritis ? First of all, be attentive to the signals that the body gives. With low acidity, the following symptoms appear:

  • The most characteristic symptom is the appearance belching with the smell of rotten eggs and putrid breath.
  • In the stomach, acid provides a bactericidal and antiseptic effect, and if there is not enough acid in the gastric secretion, the defense mechanisms become very weak. As a result, the intestinal microflora changes. As a result, this condition is characterized by frequently recurring diarrhea and.
  • Due to decreased gastrointestinal motility caused by a lack of acid, persistent constipation may develop. And even if the patient strictly follows the diet and understands what not to eat, constipation still continues to bother the person.
  • Due to fermentation, gases accumulate in the intestines, causing bloating and constant rumbling in the stomach.

Since proteins are not completely absorbed, an increased concentration of breakdown products is created in the stomach. They have a toxic effect on the entire body, resulting in poor performance. immune system . As a result, the body's resistance decreases, and pathological processes begin in various organs and systems. Most often, a person with this condition is bothered by various “attacks” - the fungus affects the mucous membranes, skin, and nails. Also, much more often the body is affected by viral diseases. Increased likelihood of developing oncological processes .

In addition to the disrupted process of protein breakdown, the absorption of minerals and vitamins in the intestines also deteriorates. Consequently:

  • A deficiency of a number of vitamins in the body leads to the deterioration of the hair condition - it becomes very brittle and dry. Nails peel and crumble, the skin on the hands and face dries out and peels.
  • Developing anemia – one of the indirect signs that acidity is reduced is. If this condition is combined with atrophic gastritis , then we are talking about development Addison-Beermer disease . With the development of autoimmune gastritis, it is noted B12 deficiency anemia .
  • With low acidity and, accordingly, a lack of vitamins, severe inflammation often develops; dilated blood vessels are visible on the nose and cheeks.

Another characteristic symptom is the regular appearance of undigested food residues in the stool.

Those who are interested in how to determine gastritis should take into account that people suffering from this disease feel heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, and are bothered. Sometimes a dull pain in the abdomen appears either immediately after a meal or 20 minutes after eating.

If the concentration of acid in the stomach decreases, due to the inactivity of pepsin and other enzymes, protein digestion is significantly impaired. This reflects very poorly on the body as a whole.

What diseases cause low acidity?

If a person constantly exhibits the symptoms of low stomach acidity described above, and the study confirms that the acidity is low or zero, then this is fraught with the development of the following diseases:

  • stomach cancer;
  • antacid gastritis or with low acidity. Please note if diagnosed anacid gastritis what is this condition when the acidity in the stomach is more than 5 pH. Signs of low stomach acidity in this condition are accompanied by constant discomfort and pain in the stomach area.

Define , gastritis and other pathological processes can be examined by a doctor after examination.

How to treat low acidity

If a patient is diagnosed with this condition, it is worth learning how to increase stomach acidity at home and cure gastritis caused by this condition.

Provided that the patient is diagnosed with gastritis without erosions, the following treatment is practiced:

  • Replacement treatment helps normalize acidity gastric juice , Pepsidylus ;
  • if there are indications, use antacids ;
  • in order to get rid of Helicobacter pylori according to indications take , .

The diagnosis of “gastritis with low acidity” can only be confirmed by a gastroenterologist. Therefore, those who constantly notice symptoms of gastritis with low acidity should definitely contact a good specialist and describe to him all these signs.

Currently, drugs used to treat gastritis with low acidity are not produced in such a wide variety as drugs for the treatment of high acidity. If not only a diet is needed, but also medication treatment, as a rule, drugs and medications are prescribed that stimulate its production. Herbs are also used for treatment - peppermint, calamus, wormwood.

Treatment must be monitored by a specialist, while periodically monitoring the patient’s condition over time. After all, low acidity causes cancer tension. Self-medication without medical supervision is not allowed, as this can lead to a serious deterioration in the patient’s condition.


It is very important to normalize the condition diet . Nutrition correction is necessary both for low acidity and for those for whom the question of how to reduce stomach acidity is relevant. Nutrition should be dietary, especially at a time when the patient is experiencing periods of exacerbation. At the same time, you need to take the medications prescribed by the doctor.

For those for whom it is important how to reduce stomach acidity, you need to completely exclude very spicy, cold, hot foods from your diet, do not eat too fatty foods, as well as those foods that can provoke fermentation in the body. If you have low acidity, you should not consume milk, fresh baked goods, apricots, grapes, or pears. It is worth excluding canned food, smoked meats, sausages and sausages.

You should eat often and in small portions. At the same time, we should not forget that medications prescribed by a doctor can reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms and, in combination with a diet, alleviate the condition.

It is recommended to eat various cereals for breakfast, especially oatmeal and buckwheat, as well as white bread crackers. For gastritis, you can eat mashed potatoes, soups with vegetable and weak meat broth, lean meat and fish. Consumption of fermented milk products is beneficial; you can sometimes eat cottage cheese and soft-boiled eggs. Among fruits, apples should be preferred, but any fruit except grapes and melon can be eaten periodically and in small quantities. It is better to dilute juices with water. You are allowed to drink coffee and tea, but in small quantities. Moderate consumption of honey is also acceptable. And, of course, it is worth completely eliminating alcohol, which additionally irritates the mucous membrane.

Modern pharmacology has a large number of drugs that can increase the acidity of gastric juice to the required limit. These drugs are taken orally, administered intramuscularly, intravenously, and also in suppositories.

Causes of low acidity

Damage to the stomach and duodenum is caused by: a certain type of hormones (glucocorticoids), iron preparations, zinc sulfate, potassium chloride, reserpine, spironolactone and other diuretics, as well as antidiabetic drugs. But the most significant damage to the digestive system is caused by non-steroidal antipyretics, painkillers, as well as various anti-inflammatory drugs, which are often found in the home medicine cabinet.

Acetylsalicylic acid and products containing it, drugs often used for osteochondrosis, rheumatism and arthritis (Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Naproxen) also help reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Providing the necessary medicinal effect, these drugs provoke a violation of the protective barrier of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, as a result of which it becomes inflamed and covered with erosions, and then ulcers.

Treatment of low acidity

Gastroenterologists recommend, if possible, replacing the above medications with safe analogues or traditional medicine: herbal infusions or warm tea with honey and raspberries. To reduce the adverse effects on the mucous membrane, it is necessary to give preference to medicines or coated tablets and take drugs only on the advice of a doctor.

For low stomach acidity, it is necessary to take infusions and infusions of anise, calamus, dandelion root, aloe, eleutherococcus, red rowan, rose hips, viburnum, black currant juice, lingonberry and chokeberry. It is also very effective to take a quarter glass of warm (boiled water), with half a teaspoon of honey diluted in it, 30 minutes before eating. Apricots (fresh and dried) increase acidity, as well as apricot juice, which is also consumed 30 minutes before eating the main meal. Plantain leaves also have the property of increasing acidity if taken in the form of juice, one tablespoon 10 minutes before meals three times a day. You can add fresh leaves of this plant to salads.

In order to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice in case of low acidity, medications are often prescribed: Limontar, Etimizol, Pentagastrin, Proserin or Histaglobulin. It is also very often recommended to take gastric juice enzymes or dilute hydrochloric acid. An exacerbation of low acidity is eliminated by taking anti-spasm medications “Drotaverine”, “No-shpa”, “Spazmol”, as well as “Cerucal”, “Venter”, “Metoclopramide” or “Clometol”.

The human body is a complex interconnected mechanism, the slightest violation of which results in a global failure. Digestion is a fundamental component of its functioning.

Small deviations in the functioning of the stomach affect the condition of the body as a whole. The well-being of the digestive system is significantly affected by gastric juice levels. According to statistics of visits to medical institutions, gastritis with a low level of acidity makes up a quarter of the registered diagnoses of a chronic disease. This condition of the disease progresses over time and with age, 60% of patients develop symptoms of low stomach acid. That is why the diagnosis is most often given to older people.

What is stomach acidity?

To digest food, the human stomach contains digestive juice, which contains hydrochloric acid and enzymes. A sign that the organ is in order is acidity, or more precisely the amount of acid in the gastric juice. Acidity is measured in pH.

1 pH is a sign of an increase in the parameter (maximum acid content), 7 pH is a neutral balance of alkali and acid, 14 pH is an indicator of low acidity (maximum amount of alkali).

The content of hydrochloric acid in a normally functioning stomach is constant (0.3-0.5% or 160 mmol/l). A healthy organ produces up to 2.5 liters of hydrochloric acid per day. To neutralize it, alkaline components (bicarbonates) are produced in the stomach, thereby maintaining normal, healthy acidity of the digestive juice. The slightest change in the balance of both components in the stomach leads to an increase or decrease in acidity. Hydrochloric acid in the organ performs the following functions:

  • promotes rapid decomposition of proteins;
  • creates therefore food is digested faster;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • breaks down metal molecules for their rapid absorption.

Gastric acidity is determined in two ways: using the aspiration method or intragastric pH-metry.

Causes of stomach acidity

The cells that make up the mucous membrane of the organ produce gastric juice, which supports the digestive processes responsible for the proper absorption of substances. The acid content increases or decreases due to:

  • Wrong diet. Excessive consumption of fatty and spicy drinks, alcohol-containing drinks, irregular meals in small amounts or large quantities of food at a time.
  • Poorly chewed food. The acid balance will be disturbed if a lot of insufficiently chewed food enters the stomach.
  • Medicines. Thanks to aspirin, paracetamol, analgin and hormonal drugs that negatively affect the gastric mucosa.
  • Stress. Under its influence, a person stops eating properly or starts drinking alcohol, which also has a negative effect on the stomach.
  • Smoking. It’s especially hard for a hungry body after cigarettes. Toxins will interact with the mucous membrane with the greatest possible force.
  • Helicobacter pylori. Bacteria that cause gastritis and peptic ulcers. After entering the human stomach, they produce enzymes that can damage the mucous membrane.
  • Infections. Flu can cause complications that affect the stomach lining.

Symptoms and treatments for low acidity depend on the causes of its occurrence.

How to determine low acidity at home?

Few people have the desire to stand in long lines at the clinic to see a doctor to determine their diagnosis. Often, low stomach acidity has the following symptoms:

  1. The most common symptom is rotten breath, accompanied by belching that smells like rotten eggs.
  2. Nausea in the morning, complete or partial lack of appetite, a feeling of heaviness or dull pain in the stomach after eating will also indicate the disease.
  3. Disturbances in defecation, such as constipation or diarrhea, are some of the common symptoms of low stomach acid.
  4. Bloating, flatulence, rumbling, bloating - incomplete digestion leads to the process.
  5. Using chewing gum after eating greatly alleviates heaviness.
  6. Due to a decrease in stomach acidity, the body's resistance to various types of mycoses decreases - fungal infections of the mucous membranes, skin, and nail plates. In addition, there is a high probability of infectious diseases and the development of cancer.
  7. Violation of the digestive process leads to a deterioration in appearance: the appearance of skin acne and dilated blood vessels on the face, brittle and dry hair, peeling and brittle nails, dry skin of the hands and face.
  8. One of the manifestations of low acidity is the presence of undigested food particles in the stool.

Other diagnostic methods

Initially, it is necessary to observe what kind of stimuli the body reacts to, which subsequently secretes gastric juice. In order to avoid a number of unwanted diseases, such as gastritis or stomach ulcers, and simply not resort to medication, it is important to determine low acidity in the early stages.

  1. Distinctive features in a person after eating may be severe heartburn, accompanied by belching with a sour, unpleasant aftertaste.
  2. People suffering from this disease may experience symptoms such as pain in the solar plexus and poor bowel movements.
  3. There is a possibility that ulcers or some other pathologies have formed on the mucous membrane. Therefore, it cannot be said with firm certainty that the disease is at the initial stage of development.
  4. Relative signs of increased acidity, with the exception of heartburn and belching, will also be a deterioration in the well-being of the body as a whole.
  5. Constant desire to eat something sour. Such sensations can occur even with visual attention to foods such as lemon, sauerkraut or apples.
  6. With significant consumption of foods containing large amounts of protein, the same symptoms may appear, this draws attention to the presence of a problem.
  7. When drinking carbonated lemonades, eating fatty and fried foods, drinking alcohol, as well as various sweets, heartburn and severe belching occur.
  8. All this is associated with severe stomach pain and frequent constipation.
  9. After waking up in the morning, there is a taste of copper in the mouth.
  10. After taking anti-inflammatory drugs, cutting pain occurs.
  11. Dishes that previously seemed very tasty begin to disgust.
  12. The state of health completely changes towards deterioration.

Other indicators

In addition to all the symptoms described earlier, there are also indicators that inform a person about low acidity. After eating something spicy or fatty, headaches may occur. Unremarkable surrounding factors force a person to become irritated and nervous, for no apparent reason. A yellow coating forms on the surface of the tongue, an unpleasant smell, which is almost impossible to remove. To avoid various types of diseases and the consequences that they can lead to, the first thing you need to do is review your daily diet. Bad habits, smoking, and alcohol adversely affect the gastric mucosa, so it is better to give them up. If possible, you should formulate and adhere to a diet, excluding from it those foods and drinks that have a detrimental effect on the stomach. Thus, acidity can be predicted in everyday conditions, however, it would not be superfluous to contact a specialist.

Treatment of low acidity

Only careful diagnosis and treatment of low stomach acidity will help identify the problem. Unfortunately, there are not many remedies to combat the problem in the pharmacy assortment. Very often, hydrochloric acid preparations and substances that help acid production are prescribed to increase acidity. In addition, traditional methods of increasing stomach acidity are recommended for use. Herbs such as calamus, wormwood, and peppermint will help improve digestion. For any disease, self-diagnosis and self-medication are unacceptable; you must undergo an examination at a clinic and receive a full doctor’s prescription, according to the disease.

Diet for this pathology

The acid-reducing diet is divided into 2 types:

  • Gentle.
  • Stimulating.

Gentle nutrition creates conditions that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate the inflammatory process. It is prescribed when inflammation has just entered the active phase. For this purpose, foods that can thermally, mechanically or chemically irritate the walls of the gastrointestinal tract are excluded from the diet. Therefore, food should be:

  • A little more than room temperature, boiled and well ground.
  • Fried or over-baked dishes are prohibited; it is recommended to increase the amount of cereal infusions, jelly, soft-boiled eggs, mashed potatoes, and jelly desserts on the menu.
  • Anything containing fiber (it can injure the mucous membranes) or hard connective tissue is prohibited.
  • Limit the consumption of garlic, onions, meat and fish broths.
  • Avoid pickles and alcohol. The duration of this diet is 7 days.

A low acidity diet is administered to stimulate gastric activity. It involves mandatory shredding or slicing of all products, without exception. Eating occurs every 2 - 3 hours. Little by little, food is added to the food menu that affects the secretion of hydrochloric acid, these are: parsley, carrots, raspberries, lemon, orange and crackers. The consumption of fermented milk products in moderation is allowed, but the following are prohibited:

  • butter;
  • fried;
  • containing fiber;
  • canned food;
  • spicy.

Alcoholic drinks and tobacco are strictly prohibited. The duration of the diet is determined by the doctor, based on the patient’s condition.

Recommendations for adjusting acidity (if it is low)

  • First of all, you need to start consuming food in small portions more than 4 times a day, and go to bed at least three hours after dinner.
  • It is important to avoid spicy and sour foods so as not to provoke a surge in the amount of gastric juice.
  • Also, you should not take medications again and get into stressful situations.
  • You need to make sure you get your full protein intake per day.
  • Be sure to regularly consume cereals such as rice, oatmeal, semolina.
  • The meat consumed should be low-fat and not combined with heavy carbohydrates.
  • Coffee, strong tea and carbonated drinks should be avoided.
  • However, you should closely monitor your intake of the required amount of water throughout the day.
  • You should also avoid fried foods. It can easily be replaced by steamed and boiled food.
  • With reduced stomach acidity, fractional food is absorbed much better. The ideal choice would be soufflé and puree.

Healthy foods for this disease include cereal soups, low-fiber vegetables, and mint tea. To get vegetable protein, in addition to salads, you can eat raw nuts. When the condition normalizes, it is useful to drink milk. It will regulate acid levels. You can fix this condition with honey, which will bring life-giving elements and protect the walls of the stomach from damage. Aloe vera tea will be beneficial. It perfectly inhibits the increase and decrease in acidity in the stomach.

Low acidity and psychosomatics

People with low acidity levels are most often childish and indifferent. These are far from aloof, uninitiative individuals, but their level of social responsibility leaves much to be desired.

Low acidity in the stomach kills any anger and determination that help a person overcome difficulties and complete the job he has begun. Thus, at the slightest obstacle, such people leave everything to chance, and also hope that subsequent problems will disappear on their own.

When interacting with such a person, it is important to remember that he is absolutely not aware of the difficulties that will follow him for this or that choice. And even if you explain to him all the upcoming problems, his psyche will crowd out their importance and the person will not take them seriously.

Often there is a sharp decline in acidity - from high to low. Then the person becomes overwhelmed by apathy, drowsiness and weakness. In such a situation, you should take an urgent vacation and go to rest for the period of loss of strength. Active recreation is excluded, but a variety of boarding houses and sanatoriums will help restore the balance of the nervous system. It is important to minimize all incoming responsibilities so as not to get into the habit of quitting halfway through.

Increased acidity and psychosomatics

There is a method to increase low acidity without medications or folk remedies. To do this, you need to change your psychological type. The portrait of people suffering from high acidity is the same in almost all cases. This is an overworked person who has taken on more than he can handle.

The degree of responsibility on him is much higher than the resources of his nervous system. As a result, a person becomes regularly in an aggressive state of mind. However, his anger is not aimed at others, but at himself. Such a person blames only himself for his failures.

This disease has become almost professional among dispatchers, pilots, and machinists responsible for safety at hazardous facilities. It's all about the responsibility they have. Therefore, such people carefully monitor their diet, since they cannot be indifferent to their work - people may die. So you have to work on the verge of gastritis.

In a situation where people’s lives do not depend on you, but the acidity of the stomach regularly increases, you need to learn to be calm. It is important to know that no task assigned by others is one hundred percent binding. If the requirements for completing a task are higher than the available forces, then you need to forget about it. Thus, you should discard all obligations that exceed the available resource, and leave only feasible tasks.