Night games. Unity games for children's camp Logic games for camp in a squad

Night games.  Unity games for children's camp Logic games for camp in a squad
Night games. Unity games for children's camp Logic games for camp in a squad

Games and training exercises for unity will help you in solving the problem of uniting the squad.

It is advisable to conduct these games throughout the entire camp shift (from the first to the last day), taking into account the logic of its development.

During the organizational period, games for unity should be of an educational nature, contain simple tasks and take a short time. Examples of such games could be:

    Atoms-molecules (all)

Participants wander “in chaotic Brownian motion.” Each of them is an atom. The presenter announces how many atoms they should form into a molecule.

    Person to person (all)

Participants are divided into pairs. Galyaschaya gives commands that are carried out by each pair. For example: hand to hand, back to back, ear to ear, etc. The figure becomes more complicated. After this “Person to Person” command, each participant looks for a new pair. The galling's task is to find a mate. The one left without a mate becomes the new one.

    Formation (all)

The squad is divided into 2 teams, which must line up as quickly and accurately as possible according to some parameters: height, eye color, hair length, leg size, number of pockets, birthdays, arm length, etc.

    Formation – 2 (senior, middle)

Game in a circle. Everyone closes their eyes.

Instructions: in complete silence, build a circle, triangle, square, rhombus, etc.

    Crocodile + (all)

It is necessary to depict something using all team members, for example: various letters, figures; orchestra, train, centipede, tank; fans whose team is losing; spectators watching a cool action movie; people queuing for sausage; patients at the dentist's office; famous paintings, etc.

    Prostitute (all)

The driver turns away. The participants, standing in a circle and holding hands, begin to get tangled with each other, forming a living tangle (the counselor himself can get tangled while playing with the children). The driver’s task is to unravel this tangle without breaking hands.

    Caterpillar (all)

The squad stands one after another in a column, holding the neighbor in front by the waist. After these preparations, the leader explains that the squad is a caterpillar, and now cannot be torn apart. The caterpillar should, for example, show how it sleeps; how he eats; how to wash; how he does exercises, etc.

    Impulse (all)

The players form a circle and hold hands; the person playing passes the “impulse” - a handshake - in one direction. The time during which the “impulse” returns to it is recorded. We need to increase the pace.

  • 33 (Senior, middle)

Game in a circle. The squad counts up to 33 in order, and the person who gets a number containing 3 or a multiple of 3 must say his name instead of the number. If you make a mistake, the game starts again with that person.

    Sit on your knees (senior, middle)

Participants stand in a circle, looking at the back of each other's heads. Their task is to sit on each other’s laps and hold in this position for 30 seconds.

    Gatherings (all)

When the leader claps, the players form pairs: one of the participants squats halfway so that the other can sit on his lap.

The last 2 people leave the game (or join the leader). The game continues until there is only one pair left.

    Hooray! They love me (senior)

Participants form a circle. They look at the toes of their shoes. When the leader claps, they must look one of those present in the eyes. If the pair matches, they say the words “Hurray! I am loved!!!" and leave the circle. The game continues until all pairs match. The game is played with an even number of players.

    Group rating (intermediate, senior)

Material: pens, paper.

Participants are divided into two groups. Everyone’s task is to guess (make an estimate)

    total weight of the opposite group,

    the total length of the shoes of the opposite group,

    the total number of pets of the opposite group,

    total age of the opposite group,

    overall growth of the opposite group.

Approximately on the 3rd day of the shift, you can hold a camp-wide event “Path of Trust”, where units are asked to perform various tasks (not for speed, but for quality) while moving around stations.

Each station is a teaming game, selected based on the age characteristics of children and safety precautions. You can come up with some interesting idea. This game will work well at night, when each station will be marked with a burning candle.

You can also move between stations in a special way: holding hands, putting your hands on your waist, etc.

You can complicate the task and, based on the legend, declare that there is one blind person on the team (the person is blindfolded), a lame person (the leg is tied up), etc.

Assignments should be aimed at the interaction of children in the squad and their joint creative solution of various types of problems, for example:


A rather winding path is drawn on the ground. One person from the squad is blindfolded. The task of the detachment is to show him the path in such a way that he walks the path from beginning to end without ever stumbling.


At a short distance from each other, 4-5 “islands” are drawn from large to small; the children need to move to the last island. Condition: first everyone must gather on the island, and only then move on.

    The Blind Engine

“Locomotives” (a column of guys of 3 people, only the last one has his eyes open) must get to a certain object in the room without talking. (“Locomotives” of senior squads may be “longer” and there may be obstacles on their way).


For this game you need a parapet, a long bench or a pool edge. Children line up along the edge shoulder to shoulder, facing the counselor. Their task is to move from one end of the line to the other, one at a time, facing the guys and holding on to them, with their backs to you.


A “minefield” measuring 5 by 5 or more is drawn. The leader has a map of the minefield. The task of the detachment is to cross the minefield with the least losses. If a person steps on a mine, the leader claps. The man stands at the end of the column.


It is proposed to build a pyramid with as small a base as possible (determined by the number of legs of the entire detachment).


Ropes are stretched between pillars or trees at the level of the neck and ankles, and between the ropes there are elastic bands imitating a spider web.

Only one person can pass through one cell. It is forbidden to touch the rubber bands, it is forbidden to talk. The goal is to get through the web without hitting it.


The squad is divided into groups of several people who form a ring, facing inward, holding hands and leaning back. Their task is to sit down together and stand up together

    Save the little men

A line is drawn on the asphalt, on one side of the line there are players standing, on the other there are pencils (men) scattered. The players’ task is to save the little men, without using any available means and without stepping over the line.

During the main period of the shift, you can increase the duration of the cohesion games and complicate their tasks. Games of the main period can be:

    Quiet mail (middle, senior)

Materials: 2 sheets of paper, 2 markers.

A group of players sits fairly close to each other in single file. The first and last players each receive one piece of paper and markers. The last player draws some kind of image (object, living creature, etc.) on a piece of paper. At the same time, other players should not see what is drawn. After this, the last player draws with his finger on the neighbor’s back exactly the same image as on the piece of paper. The neighbor, even if he didn't quite understand what it was, draws with his finger on the back of his next neighbor what he thinks was drawn on his back. The first player, after having something drawn on his back, must transfer this image onto paper. As a result, two options are compared.

    Brownian motion (senior)

Everyone closes their eyes and begins to move randomly around the room, colliding, diverging again. At the leader’s signal, the participants, without opening their eyes, grab the partner closest to them and try to determine who got caught.

    Get to know me (everyone)

One or more participants sit in a circle with their eyes closed. The remaining players approach him/them and extend their hands. The task of “fortune tellers” is to guess a person by his hand. Modifications of this game are possible. For example, you can recognize a person by their voice, knees, etc.

    Games for passing an object (middle, senior)


To play this game, you need to divide into 2 - 3 teams and prepare 2 - 3 boxes of matches. More precisely, you don’t need the entire box, but only the upper part of it. The inner, retractable part along with the matches can be put aside. To start the game, all teams line up in a column, the first person puts the box on his nose. The essence of the game is to pass this box from nose to nose to all members of your team as quickly as possible, with your hands behind your back. If someone's box falls, the team starts the procedure again. Accordingly, the winning team is the one that completes the transmission faster.


This game again involves the passing of an object by two or more teams. This object will now be an apple, and you will need to hold it, holding it between your chin and neck. You can replace the apple with an orange or a tennis ball.


A similar game, but you need to pass a match, gradually breaking it off circle by circle.

    Running gnome (middle, senior)

Children stand in a circle and close their eyes (this is important). The counselor starts the game: loudly stomps first with his right foot, then with his left. The neighbor standing on the left, having heard the stomp, transmits the signal further, also first with his right, then with his left foot. At first, the gnome’s running will “slow down” and “crash” on someone, but gradually the speed of transmission of the stomp will increase and the effect of a gnome running in a circle will appear.

    Japanese theater (all)

In this theater there are only three roles: the beauty (defeats the knight, is defeated by the dragon), the knight (defeats the dragon, is defeated by the beauty) and the dragon (defeats the beauty, is defeated by the knight)

The squad is divided into two teams. Teams agree, secretly from the other, who they will portray (one team shows one role). Next is the demonstration. The winning team gets 1 point.

    Counting to twenty (middle, senior)

The participants disperse around the room. They should be evenly distributed throughout the room and in no case form a row or circle. As soon as everyone finds a comfortable place for themselves, they close their eyes.

Purpose of the exercise: The group must count from one to twenty. (With a small number of players, it is enough to count to ten.) The following rules apply: one player cannot name two numbers in a row (for example, four and five), but during the course of the game each participant can name more than one number. If several players call the same number at the same time, the game starts over. Participants do not have to agree on a game strategy in advance. You cannot talk while performing the task.

At the end of the main period, which marks the peak of children’s mood and activity (day 12-15 of the shift), you can start a long (2-5 days) game “Wish Tree” or “Your Secret Friend”

    Wish tree

To start this game you will need to divide the children into 2 groups, write the children's names on pieces of paper and give each of them the opportunity to draw. In this case, one group draws out the names of people from another group. Next, the teams choose a name and draw lots to see which team will start the game. A tree is created at the detachment site, with branches on which the names of the children are written, but the tree does not yet have leaves. Then each child writes his wish on a piece of paper and attaches it to his branch. One group becomes wizards for two days, fulfilling the wishes of the children of the other group. If the child liked how the wizards fulfilled his wish, he paints his piece of paper with a bright color. Then the roles change.

    Your secret friend

This game is similar to the previous one, but here each member of the squad draws out the name of another person and does not tell anyone. For several days, each child secretly gives someone (so that this someone does not guess) gifts, surprises, in general, something pleasant. The counselor here plays a big role as a mediator. At the end of the game, secrets are revealed and children find out who their secret friend has been for several days.

At the final stage of the shift, you can play previous games and see how the quality of task completion has changed. The peculiarities of this period are that children have learned to understand and accept each other as much as possible; they need almost no words to complete tasks together; in solving problems, the squad acts as a single whole. The games themselves for the unification of the final period are of a more serious nature, for example:

    Rhythm (all)

Performed in pairs. Two people stand facing each other and agree on their roles: one is the leader, the other is the mirror. The participants’ hands are raised to chest level and palms are turned towards each other. The presenter moves his hands arbitrarily, and the one playing the role of a mirror tries to reflect these movements in the same rhythm. The roles change several times.

    Transferring feelings through touch (middle, senior)

One of the participants stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. He knows that now the rest of the participants will approach him in turn and try to convey one of the 4 feelings with their touch: fear, joy, curiosity, sadness. The participants agree on what kind of feeling will be conveyed to him in secret from the driver, whose task is to determine by touch what feeling was transmitted to him.

    Magnet (all)

The guys stand in a line against the wall, they are told that they are “stuck” to it. One goes to the center. This is a "magnet". He closes his eyes, concentrates and begins to “attract” people to him. The one who feels that he has been “pulled out of the glue” joins the magnet and they begin to pull together. By observing the order in which people will “unstick” from the wall, one can look at the attitude towards the “magnet” person, and by the speed of “unsticking” one can judge the degree of cohesion of the squad.

At the farewell bonfire, along with “Caterpillar”, “Clown”, “Crocodile +”, you can play the following games:

    My neighbor (middle, senior)

Invite the players to take turns naming what they like and don’t like about their neighbor. Then they kiss what the neighbor likes, and bite what they don’t like.

    Dirty dancing (all)

You need to stand in a column, holding the neighbor in front by the waist. To the music (can be performed personally), everyone begins to dance together, for example, lambada (any other dance can be done). After a while, the music stops and you need to hug the waist of the neighbor who is standing in front of your neighbor in front, the music plays again and everyone dances again, but in a more uncomfortable position. Then everything repeats, only you need to reach the person who is two, then three, and so on, in front of you.

    Tangle (all)

Children sit in a circle. The presenter takes a ball, winds the end of the thread around his palm, then throws the ball to any participant with the words: “I like you because...” or “I like the way you...”. Next, this participant also winds the thread around his palm and throws the ball to another person, continuing the phrase “I like you because...”.

“Cool how! In my squad there are only “old men”, you don’t even need to get acquainted!” the counselor rejoices. “Let’s play a snowball game!” suggests the counselor. “Oh, I’m tired of it!” the sophisticated “old men” mumble.

So that you, dear fellow counselor, do not encounter “oh” and “ugh,” I, always looking for something new, took on the function of a magnet and attracted dating games suitable for a children’s health camp. Find out, remember, use!

Dating games for junior squads

Younger guys, as a rule, don’t know each other. The games offered here are age-appropriate and, when played emotionally, will arouse interest.

“Snowball” (where would we be without it, dear?)

The presenter says his name. The next player says the leader's name and his own name. The third player calls the names of the previous ones and his own, and so on in a circle. The most difficult thing will be for the last player - he will have to name the names of everyone present.

  • Please note that sometimes children try to memorize just a sequence of names in order to repeat them accurately, like parrots. To avoid this, during the game, focus their attention on the remarkableness of each player (“This is such a smiling Igor”, “Very nice, Sveta - with wonderful hairpins”).
  • The game can be lengthened and complicated if, on the second round, each participant says not only his name, but also what he will need on the desert island. It's long but fun. With one of my squads, we came up with something like this:

“This is Kostya, on a desert island he can cook food for everyone. This is Lesha, he will light a fire for us. Denis will give us a clown show, Sasha will boss everyone around, Anya and Nastya will make our home beautiful, Ksyusha will tell us what happened before, Ignat will organize sports competitions, Vera and Masha will chat on the phone, and Partridge will provide medical assistance to everyone.” It turned out funny, and everyone quickly remembered each other.

"Envelope of Revelations"

The counselor passes around an envelope or hat containing pieces of paper with questions. Each participant in the game draws out any question and, saying his name, answers it. On the second round, you can draw out questions for the one the player chooses (“I’ll ask Dasha this question”), so the children will remember each other’s names.

"My shaggy gray dog"

Participants form two circles - outer and inner - and begin to spin to the words:

My shaggy gray dog ​​sits by the window,
My shaggy gray dog ​​is looking at me.
Bingo! Bingo! Yes, his name is Bingo!

At the word “his,” those who at that moment find themselves in a pair opposite each other join hands. These people shake hands and say their names. The game continues until everyone gets to know each other.


The group sits or stands in a circle, the leader comes out to the center of the circle. At his command, everyone says in unison:

If, brother, he came out into the circle,
Tell us what our name is!
One two Three!

After these words, everyone says their names in chorus. The driver must name several of them (two, three, or, as an option, everyone he remembers).


Everyone stands in a circle, shoulder to shoulder. The driver, passing behind the players, touches one of them with his hand. After this, the driver and the one who was hit run in opposite directions along the outside of the circle. When they meet, they must say “Hello” and state their name, after which they run further, trying to take an empty seat. Those who did not have time to do this become the driver.

  • When meeting, you must stop and state your name clearly.
  • If one child constantly does not have time to take a seat, the counselor can say: “We remember this driver of ours. What's his name? (Everyone will answer, since the driver mentioned the name several times). Now let’s choose another driver!” Thus, the counselor will save the child from having to drive all the time.


All participants stand in a circle. The presenter approaches any player and says: “Hello, I’m a locomotive. What is your name?" The participant says his name. The “Locomotive” must repeat the name with the same intonation with which the player said it. After this, the player joins the “locomotive”. On the next “race”, the name of the next player is repeated by all the “cars”. The game is simple, but fun, because children copy each other’s intonations, and they themselves come up with intonations that even a real artist cannot copy!


Everyone sits or stands in a circle. The first player introduces himself and “gives a gift: “I’m Vanya.” I give you a flower,” while Vanya “holds” the “flower” in his hand and “passes it on to everyone.” The next player repeats: “Vanya gave you a flower (“took” a “flower” from Vanya), and I am Katya. I give you a ball (shows the ball). After everyone has introduced themselves and “given gifts,” the counselor invites everyone to give each other handshakes and smiles. Below I will tell you how, by complicating this game, it can be played with older children.

Dating games for senior squads

Senior detachments are usually rich in “old men” - guys who come to the camp all the time. Therefore, the senior squad leader must take into account several points:

  • Dating games should be quite challenging and include an element of cohesion.
  • Older children will be very pleased not only to learn the names of their squad comrades, but also to position themselves as individuals.
  • Even though you know the old guys, they may not know each other.
  • There will always be new guys in the squad!


This game can be carried out as a free interview by all participants with each other. If the counselor feels that the atmosphere in the squad is still tense, then you can use the following technique: a sheet of paper is attached to the back of each participant, on which the guys write questions to each other during the allotted time. Then the sheets are removed, everyone sits in a circle and takes turns answering the questions written on the sheets.


Participants are divided into two teams, with a blanket stretched between them. From each team, one of the participants, who should not see each other, approaches the blanket. As soon as the blanket goes down, participants must say the name of the person they see on the other side of the blanket. The one who did it first takes the loser to his team. Thus, out of two teams, by the end of the game there is one.

"Dating in couples"

All participants are divided into pairs (preferably by lot) and get to know each other, asking each other any questions. When the allotted time comes to an end, the participants introduce each other, talking about the person they met in pairs.

  • So that no one feels deprived, if there is enough time, you can ask the participant who was introduced to add about himself what the presenter did not say and what the person himself wants to convey about himself to his comrades.
  • As an option: you can invite the participants to exchange names and introduce themselves on behalf of the partner, talking about him as about himself (this option was suggested by Tanya Veselova).

"Poetic metaphor"

The game is played according to the “Snowball” type, but participants are invited to characterize themselves in a metaphorical, poetic form (“When I become a cat”, “Ice and Fire”, “Beauty, excellent student, athlete”).

"Gift - 2"

It is carried out in the same way as with younger ones, but the participants do not say what exactly they are giving, but show it through pantomime. The rest must guess and “accept” the gift - also in pantomime.

"Truth and lie"

Participants take turns introducing themselves, and then tell three facts about themselves, two of which are true, and one of which is a lie. The rest must guess what exactly is a lie.

  • The counselor needs to carefully monitor the microclimate in the group, focus on the game moment and exclude emotional comments from particularly active and critical participants (“You’re lying,” “Don’t flood,” “Think for yourself,” etc.).

With that, colleague, let me take my leave. Meet, think, create! And sociable squads for you!

Material used: site
books by Afanasyev and Kamorin
“What to do with children in a country camp”,
and also a huge personal experience!!!


Age: 12 - 14 years Playing: from 10 to 20 people Terrain: slightly hilly, with sparse forest Aids: two electric flashlights

Two players leave the camp. They follow the path indicated by the game leader and return to camp in a semicircle. Each of them has an electric flashlight, which gives light signals approximately every minute. The rest of the players leave 10 minutes after this pair. They try to follow the light and catch the will-o'-the-wisps before they return to camp. If they succeed, they win, otherwise the will-o'-the-wisps win.


Age: 12 - 14 years Players: any number Terrain: wooded Aids: squares of white paper, size 60*60 cm

The leader of the game places squares of white paper in different places in the forest during the day. Those present note for themselves the placement of each sign.

With the onset of darkness, the players gather in a certain place and from here they go to look for signs using their notes. The winner is the one who brings the most symbols in a set time.

THE ROAD TO THE LIGHT Age: 12 - 14 years old Players: group competition Terrain: open Aids: lantern

The game leader assigns the groups their parking places so that they cannot see each other. Then he moves away almost 1 km, stops and starts from here at regular intervals to send signals with a flashlight in different directions. All groups leave at the same time in order to find the leader of the game. The group that approaches him in full strength before the others wins.


Age: 14 - 18 years old Players: 6 - 8 teams of 10 people Terrain: wooded Benefits: You must have several cut legends depending on the number of units, paper tokens on strings symbolizing “life force” (for each participant)

Purpose of the game: kill Woe-Misfortune by searching for the legend. A number of fires are lit in the forest. The detachment, in a free search, focusing on the points marked on the map, looks for fires. Some of them are “false” (the squad will not find anything there). But there are fires where the elders sit. Each elder has 3 questions of varying difficulty. He asks them all from the easiest to the most difficult. Depending on the complexity of the question, the elder gives a green, yellow or red sparkle when answered correctly. Having visited the required number of elders (there can be from 5 to 7), the squad from the last elder receives a legend (orally or in writing) about where grief and misfortune can be found. If the squad has all the sparks (flame petals) red, then the squad members (4 people) can go to the zone of Grief-Misfortune (it is indicated by a marker). And if a squad’s flames are not all red, then they look for another squad with which they can team up to obtain the required number of red flame sparks. (This number is set by the organizer of the game). Squads can unite in groups of 2, 3, 4 or more, but the number of people entering the zone decreases: 2 squads - 3 people, 3 squads - 2 people, 4 squads - 1 person.

In the zone, the units must find a bag with the “life” of Grief-Misfortune. Those who are the first to enter the zone and find the bag win. During the game, a “dark force” walks through the forest, helping Misfortune and organizing attacks on the units. If at least half of the squad was killed in one of these skirmishes, then it leaves the game. If most of the squad remains alive, it remains in the game, but the “dead” cannot enter the zone of Grief and Misfortune. Each detachment has an independent observer.


Age: 12 - 17 years Players: 25 - 30 people Terrain: wooded, playing area 300 * 300 meters Aids - special tags (3 pieces of leather or cardboard), multi-colored paper tokens for drawing lots.

All players are divided into three groups: vampires, civilians and garlic. The division by team takes place through a draw (you can use multi-colored tokens). Vampires (5 people) move away from the group at a distance of 20 - 30 meters. After which, all civilians and players playing the role of garlic (3 people) are given in-game names or nicknames. Garlics receive additional marks confirming that they are garlic. After that, everyone except the vampires hides.

Vampires go hunting for civilians. While searching for them, the game leader, standing in the main clearing, must shout out someone's name from time to time. The player whose name was pronounced must respond with some kind of sound. Thus, vampires, focusing on sound, must kill as many civilians as possible. If a civilian is possessed by a vampire, then he also becomes a vampire. And the next time the host says his name, he must shout: “Vampire.” Then the presenter no longer mentions the name of this player; the player went over to the side of the vampires. If one or more vampires insult a player, and he shows him the “garlic” tag, then the vampire who cannot stand the smell of garlic “dies” - is eliminated from the game. Garlic takes the vampire to the game leader in the clearing, and he himself returns to the gaming ground. The “garlic” tag can be presented only once, after which the garlic hands over its tag to the leader, and he himself becomes an ordinary civilian.

The game lasts for a certain time, agreed upon in advance. After this time, the presenter gives a signal to end the game. If the vampires caught more than half of the civilians, then they won, if less, they lost.

Dwarfs, elves, giants

Age: 13 - 17 years Players: 3 teams of 10 -12 people Terrain: wooded, playing area - square 500 * 500 meters Aids: 6 sheets of Whatman paper (2 for each team) with team identification marks, 3 pairs of scissors, scarves with team identification marks for each player.

The participants of the game are divided into 3 teams of equal numbers. Some will be gnomes, others - elves, others - giants. Each team has its own logo that distinguishes it from others (everyone knows it).

Elves and gnomes hide in a game square of 500 * 500 meters. All elves, as well as all gnomes, must be close to each other. Each of the two teams has the right to occupy a square of 100 * 100 meters. The elf square and the dwarven square are marked with small sheets of white paper along the perimeter of the square every 10 -15 meters. At any point in their squares, elves and gnomes are required to install at a height of 2 - 2.5 meters an identification “tower” (a piece of Whatman paper rolled into a cylinder) with the team’s “brand name” applied to it.

20 minutes after the start of the game, the giants go out in search of gnomes and elves. Moving through the forest in a free direction, the giants look for any of the two squares. (The team moves as a whole, without breaking into groups). All teams play silently. Having noticed the markings of a team, the giants can enter the team’s playing square and attack it.

As soon as the giants have seen the identification tower and the sign on it, or have insulted at least one player on the opposing team, they can shout out the team name (“Elves” or “Dwarves”). From this moment on, the members of the team that was attacked can only hide from the attackers in the territory of their square, they are prohibited from attacking in response, they can only defend themselves. Defending elves or gnomes can run away from the enemy, moving only within their square. The player who was hit is considered killed. Such a player gives his scarf to the winner and leaves the game.

Hearing the sound of battle, the second team of those hiding can run to the square where the battle is taking place to help the defenders. As soon as team players cross the square markings, they can shout out their name. From this moment on, both the team that just came to the rescue and the one that was defending can attack the giants. And the giants have the right, without attacking, only to flee, moving within the square in which they are located.

The game lasts from 40 minutes to 1 hour (depending on the level of preparedness of the teams and the nature of the terrain on which the game takes place, the time can be reduced). The winner is the team that caught as many opponents as possible, and at the same time lost fewer of its own lives in the allotted time.

It is better to organize three rounds of the game so that each team can try themselves in all roles: giants, gnomes, and elves.


Usually “Dragon” appears with us at the end of the first week of the camp, when the guys have already become familiar with the surrounding area, have managed to get involved in the camp schedule, when they have already coped with the buildings and are properly settled in the tents. At this time, it is possible without risk to disturb the sleep in the detachments due to the benefit that, in my opinion, the guys will receive from serious reconnaissance training at night in the forest. In addition, in the first week of our camps we always have moonless, dark nights when only the bright stars shine high in the sky.

On the day of the game, the leader who will conduct it together with the senior leader, whose scouts will be “dragons,” quietly leave the camp in order to explain to the leader the rules of the game and choose a place for the game. The place should be no further than half a mile from the camp, so as not to waste time on the road at night. It should be in a forest without ravines, cliffs, and not dangerous. It is good that there are no thickets of thorny blackberries, etc. on it.

In the evening, according to the schedule, there is a regular camp fire. The guys shouldn't know what awaits them. Towards the end of the fire, when the flock has already gone to bed, the leader, chosen by the main “dragon”, approaches the leader and tells him something “in secret”. The leader feigns surprise and fear and, calling the children to their attention, tells them approximately the following story:

“Our intelligence has just reported that an evil dragon has appeared in the camp area along with his dragonets. They have terrible death rays that kill all living things in their path. The dragons stole the most precious treasure and, while guarding it, swore that they would not give the treasure to anyone. But We are brave scouts, knights, we must take away the treasure... etc. - etc. "!

Those who have played before understand perfectly well what is going on here. Newbies succumb to the unexpected. Both of them, no matter how skeptics they are, indifferent to everything mysterious and unknown, will still at least somehow respond to a well-presented story and the mood needed for the game will be achieved.

During the leader’s conversation, the “dragon” team quietly leaves to take off their uniform, get into long pants, grab jackets / our nights are very cold!/, arm themselves with bright electric flashlights / “death rays” /, take a kerosene lamp / “precious treasure” "/ and run away into the forest in order to light it in advance, somewhere in a more or less accessible place, having previously camouflaged it, so that the weak light from it would still be visible a hundred paces away on all sides.

At this time, the leader conducting the game explains its conditions and rules to those remaining, then sends the children to their tents so that they prepare to fight for the treasure. Then, when the guys are all assembled again, they need to be accurately counted and their first “life” given to each one. “Life” is a cardboard circle, a card, maybe a button or an elastic band that you put on your hand so as not to lose it. If a player is “killed”, as described below, then he gives the first “life” to the one who killed him, but in order to be able to continue the game, he receives a second “life” from the main referee at the “base” - the starting place near the game. and starts the game again. The number of “lives” depending on the time assigned to the game.

If the game lasts an hour and a half to two hours, you can have two or three “lives” for each player. But not all “lives” will necessarily be used - a good player will not give up any!

Finally, the links go to the “base”. It’s good if the person conducting the game has two or three assistants, again depending on the number of guys.

The assistants must be judges to ensure that the conditions are carried out correctly. Arriving at the base, the leader indicates the approximate direction where the dragons can store the treasure, the whistle is blown, the time is noted and the game begins. He himself remains at the “base”. He must have a traveling pharmacy with him and a lot of patience so as not to run off to play with the guys.

At the beginning of the game, the guys always go out in twos, or in whole units, to reconnaissance, surrounding the forest on all sides, and then to attack, as soon as the “treasure”, the light of the lamp, is not discovered by any of them. Only scouts, female scouts and novices can participate in the game. Only those who want to play can play. Under no circumstances should you force those who are afraid.

The number of dragons protecting the “treasure” is one per five to seven attackers, but this is approximately, since it is difficult to predict in advance who will be stronger, who will play better.

Attackers can disguise themselves, smear their faces so that they are difficult to recognize. They can change clothes by changing their clothes, they can camouflage themselves with greenery, branches, ferns, etc.

They can, upon detecting the light of a lamp or the beam of a dragon's lantern, sneak up, crawl, hide from danger, but they can also break through while running, but not headlong! They can run back, change the location of the attack, and come in from all sides. Dragons “kill” their attackers by catching them with a “death ray” and correctly calling them by name. In this case, the “killed” person gives up his “life” and runs for the second one. Having lost the last one, he remains at the “base”.

If the attacker is not recognized under the lantern's beam, he can lie down, hiding his face, and run away as soon as the dragon stops shining on him. Dragons do not have the right to “recognize” the enemy by force, they do not have the right to touch the attackers. The game must be played fairly, the deceiver goes to the “base”. The judges have the right to take away the lantern if the dragon violates this rule. Dragons must be no closer than 50 steps from the “treasure”; the judges monitor this, depriving the dragons of “death rays” if they do not comply with this rule. The game must take place in complete silence. It is allowed to make oneself known only in the language of the forest.

Extinguished lamp - loss of dragons - selected treasure. But when counting the lives lost by the attackers, it may turn out that not all of the “treasure” was taken. The fewer “lives” are lost, the greater part of the “treasure” is saved, and vice versa. In general, it is not so important to win, but it is very important to play well! About 15 minutes before the end of the game, you need to blow the second whistle so that the guys know that the end of the game is approaching, and also by the sound they can more easily find the base. The third whistle is the end of the game. Everyone must immediately gather together and after the judges are convinced that there are no lost people, everyone goes to the camp one by one. It would be nice if the kitchen had hot cocoa ready with a couple of hearty sandwiches by the time the guys returned! Having satisfied your hunger, do not forget to pray for the coming sleep.

Analysis of the game the next day, before classes, with a loud “hurray”! in honor of the winners and especially in honor of those who played for real!!!

Interaction games

During the organizational period, it is very important not only to introduce children to each other, but also to include them in interaction. And what could be more useful than a game in which each participant can show their best side!


Create a dream layout using stationery supplies offered by teachers. Moreover, each group continues the work of the previous one.

sitting circle

The team forms a close circle (the guys stand shoulder to shoulder). Then ask them to turn 90 degrees to the right. Assignment: you need to slowly sit on each other’s laps and touch the shoulder of the person behind you with your hand.


Holding hands, participants enter the water and line up. When the whistle blows, they must release their neighbor's hands and run out of the water. The fastest one wins.


While swinging the suspended pillow, participants must collect objects placed on the ground. The participant who gets hit by the pillow is eliminated.

crooked wheel

Everyone stands in a circle. It is necessary, holding hands, to walk from one football goal to another.

Portrait of a counselor

The guys must collectively draw a portrait of the counselor, passing the felt-tip pen around.

Pass it along the chain

Participants lined up in a line pass an object to the person standing next to them using different parts of the body (chin, elbows, knees, etc.)


The same number of girls and boys stand opposite each other. The girls, having conceived a gesture, clap to the beat of the music and approach the boys, show this gesture, turn around and go back to their place. The young men demonstrate their gesture in response. The team that is the last to demonstrate its gesture before the end of the melody wins. Variants of gestures: touch the tip of the nose of the players of the opposing team, send an air kiss, wink, etc.

Dancing balls

Conventionally, the circle of dancers is divided into two halves. 1-3 balloons are released, which the players throw to each other in a dance. The half that has fewer balls on it by the time the music ends wins.

Dancing cap

The dancer in the center of the circle takes off his cap and places it on the head of any of the dancing children. The dancer in the cap must step into the circle and show several movements, which all the guys dancing in the circle repeat after him. Then he passes the cap to another dancer, and everything is repeated.

Slow dance invitation ribbons

The presenter asks a group of girls and boys to stand separately. He takes several ribbons in his hand (in the middle of the ribbon). Girls take the ribbons from one end, and boys from the other. The presenter releases the tapes and moves away. Boys and girls wind up the ribbons and meet, forming pairs for a slow dance.

Name in the center

During a disco, the dancers form a circle. They call him to his center one by one, for example. Sasha or Lena. The circle begins chanting their names to the beat of the music. This continues until all players are in the circle. This way everyone gets a chance to dance and learn other names.

Say hello with your noses

Say hello to as many people as possible in 1 minute. You can greet with your hands, noses, knees, etc.

Hugging tulle

A game similar to tag, but with one new rule: you cannot tag those who are standing tightly hugged. But you can stand like this for no more than 7 seconds.

Determine by touch

The group stands in a circle. You need to go through and determine who has the warmest hands (noses, ears...).


The group stands in a circle and, taking each other by the arms and stretching their arms forward, throws a bag of peas around the circle. The main thing is not to drop it, since in this case the game starts all over again. Then the bag is thrown over one, then through two.


The driver turns away and covers his ears. The players wish for one person sitting in a circle and call the driver. The driver asks what the player they have guessed is associated with, thus trying to determine who they have guessed. The number of questions is not limited, but the driver only has three attempts to name the hidden player. Example of questions: the hidden player is associated with such a flower, with such a time of day, etc.

Cat dog

The players sit in a circle. The presenter offers the game for attention. He says to the neighbor on the right in narrative form: “Dog,” and to the neighbor on the left, “Cat.” The neighbors ask again in a questioning manner. Neighbor on the right: “Dog?” Neighbor on the left: “Kosta?” The presenter answers affirmatively to the neighbor on the right: “Dog.” To the neighbor on the left: “Cat.” After this, the neighbor on the right addresses his neighbor on the right, saying in a narrative form: “Dog.” He asks again: “Dog?” The neighbor to the right of the leader again asks the leader: “Dog?” The presenter answers in the affirmative: “Dog.” Neighbor on the right: “Dog.” The procedure is repeated in a circle. Similarly, the word “Koshta” is transmitted on the left side. The players' task is not to get confused. The game will end when the word “Cat” comes to the leader on the right side with a narrative intonation, and the word “Dog” on the left side.


The players sit in a circle. The presenter will pass the pen to his neighbor and say: “I am passing the pen correctly.” Next, the pen is passed around each other in a circle, and the presenter comments on whether the pen is passed correctly. The players' task is to guess how to pass the handle correctly. The presenter can think of a variety of options. For example: the one who smiled at his neighbor correctly conveys the message, looks at the neighbor, etc.

Find a pen

Two teams of 3 to 12 people play. Players of one team leave the room or close their eyes. The second team's task is to hide the pen so that it is visible (that is, it is not hidden by any object), but so that it does not catch the eye. The presenter monitors compliance with this condition. The opposing team is invited. The presenter times the time. In complete silence, the players look for the pen. The person who notices it should sit quietly on a chair without revealing where he found the pen. The last player must take it and sit on a chair, after which the leader announces the search time. The teams change roles. The team that spends the minimum amount of time searching for the pen wins.

Find this without knowing what, do that without knowing what

A driver is selected from the group of players and leaves the room. Players think of any object in the room and the action that needs to be done with it (for example: a rag, wipe the window sill). A driver is invited. He searches for an object, focusing on the strength of applause. If the applause is quiet, he is far from the subject, loud applause is close to it. A flurry of applause means that the item was found correctly. In the same way, you have to guess what to do with the object. Quiet applause means an incorrect action, loud applause means you are approaching the intended action, a flurry of applause means the action is guessed right.

Build a fortress

The players sit in a circle on chairs. The driver is blindfolded in the center of the circle. He is a guard protecting the territory. Those sitting are enemies who must build a fortress on the territory, for which they need to be able to form all the others on one chair (the number of chairs is equal to the number of players). The driver seeks to stop the builders. With his hand he shows where he hears the sound from, saying: “Here.” If he managed to point to the builder, then the builder is eliminated from the game; if he pointed to the construction site of the fortress, it must be rebuilt in another place. If the fortress is built, the builders win.


Translated, “zhovzhelit” means to do something. Having chosen a driver who leaves the door, players think of any verb. The driver must guess the hidden word. To do this, he asks questions to the players, clarifying the attitude of the players themselves to the implementation of the hidden action, replacing the hidden word in the question with the verb “zhovzhelit”. For example: Rita, do you like to chew? Vasya, is it better to live your life alone or in a group? etc.


Having chosen a driver who leaves the door, players make a wish for any public institution. The players ask the driver questions about his attitude towards the mysterious institution. Not knowing what they are talking about, the driver answers at random, but based on the reaction to his answers and the content of the questions, he must guess and name the hidden institution.


Those who know the game invite those interested one by one. Before this person comes in, they make a guess about the situation. For example, a person who has just entered has been bitten by a dog (or has just returned from China). But the person entering is not told about the situation, but rather, with small comments, they monitor his reaction to what is happening, comparing the situation and the behavior of the person entering.

Three musical words

The players are divided into three groups, choose a driver, and he steps aside. The presenter thinks of a word of three syllables. Each group gets a syllable and sings it to their own tune. The driver guesses this word in the general chorus. For example: MO-LO-KO. MO - "Katyusha", LO - "Lambada", KO - "Moscow Evenings". Or you think of a phrase, for example, “I love you,” and at the command of the leader, all groups simultaneously say (shout) their words. The driver's task is to guess the phrase.

Shadow running

One participant makes funny movements and gestures while walking. The other portrays his shadow and tries to exactly repeat all the steps and actions.

21 games

Camp games

Life zone NEW

Field: a rectangular field with three marked zones. The dimensions of the field are 80 by 30 meters, the width of the first zone [for each team there is its own “Bowl of Saints’ Prayers”] and the last zone [there is the “Source of Life” and “Gehenna of Fire”] - 10 meters, the width of the middle, aka " Life zone" - 60 meters.

"Believers"- children.
"Angels"- counselors with a white headband or wearing white T-shirts.
"Demons"- counselors wearing a black headband or wearing black T-shirts.
"Church"- a team of "believers". Several “Churches” participate in the game at the same time.
"Life source"- a large container with water - “prayers” [which “believers” will carry to their “Chalce of Saints’ Prayers”].
"Bowls of Saints' Prayers"- one container per team. Before adding “prayers” to the “Chalice of Saints’ Prayers,” the “angel” checks with the “believers” the level of filling of their vessels. "Limp prayers" are not accepted.
"Fiery Gehenna"- a place of punishment for guilty “demons”. An "angel" oversees the punishment.
"Life Zone"- playing field. “Believers,” “angels,” and “demons” run on it at the same time. "Demons" interfere with the "Churches". The number of "Churches", "believers", "demons" and "angels" is determined "on the spot".

Rules of the game:
Believers fill their vessels with water from the “source of life” - these are the “prayers of the saints.” They must transfer them to their "Prayer Bowl of the Saints."

Along the way they are met by “demons”, whose task is to prevent the “believers” from bringing their vessels to their “Chalice of Saints’ Prayers”. If the demon has torn off a piece of cloth hanging from the belt of the “believer,” the “believer” must allow the demon to scoop up water from his glass with his palm. If after this “attack” the glass is less than half full, the “believer” is obliged to return to the “Source of Life” and refill his vessel. If there is more than half of the water in the vessel, the “believer” can kneel down and wait until the “angel” comes to him and fills his vessel. Angels walk around the “zone of life” [sticking to the right half of the “Zone of Life”] with bottles and fill the vessels of the praying “believers” as much as they deem necessary. In addition, the “angels” monitor the “demons” so that they do not break the rules. If the “demon” violates the rules of the game, he is sent to “Fiery Gehenna” for punishment: push-ups, squats, jumping on one leg.

When the “believer” runs with his vessel to his “Cup of the Prayers of the Saints,” the “angel” checks the state of his “prayers.” If the water in the glass is less than half, the “believer” must return to the “life zone,” kneel down, and wait for the “angel” to fill his glass. If there is more than half of the water in the glass, the “believer” can pour his “prayers” into his command “Cup of the Prayers of the Saints”. Moreover, if the “believer” brings his vessel for the second [third] time, he receives an additional vessel, which, when filled, he can throw out on the approaching “demon.” The “demon” struck by the “prayer” must go to “Fiery Gehenna” for punishment - half a minute or a minute of waiting. The winner is the “church” whose “Cup of Saints’ Prayers” will be filled faster than others.

After this, the “demons” are gathered in a circle, and the winning team pours water from the “Bowl of Saints’ Prayers” over the “demons.”

If “Churches” consisting of small children participate in the game, then a special “angel” is attached to their team, which can hit the “demons” with a touch and they remain motionless for 5 seconds.

Road of trust
Rules of the game: Line up each squad in a column one behind the other, give everyone one rope in their hands and blindfold them. All teams take turns on an exciting journey, overcoming various obstacles along the way. The main condition of the game: everyone must listen carefully to the mentors walking nearby and warning about obstacles.
Obstacles may be:
o windbreak (boxes and bottles);
o tunnel (raised crossbar);
o thick fog (wet sheets billowing overhead);
o rattlesnakes (rattling bottles with pebbles);
o Niagara Falls (spray);
o cleft (narrow passage).

Frisbee football
Field: rectangular in shape with zones at each end. The dimensions of the central part of the field are 65 by 35 meters, with zones of 22 meters adjacent to the short sides of the field.
Beginning of the game: The beginning of each point begins with the teams lining up on the lines of the zones that the teams defend. The defending team throws the disc towards the attacking team. Teams, according to the rules, have 7 players each.
Check: Every time a player on the offensive team catches the disc in the opponent's zone, the offensive team scores a point. The game restarts after each point.
Disc movement: the disc can be moved by passing to a teammate in any direction. The player holding the disc (“thrower”) has 10 seconds to pass. The defender covering the thrower (“blocker”) counts from 1 to 10 with a break per second.
Change of ownership: if the pass is incomplete (i.e., touches the ground or something out of bounds or is intercepted), then the defending team takes possession of the disc and becomes the attacking team.

Substitutions: Player substitutions can be made after a point, or during a break due to injury.
Contactless: physical contact between players is not allowed. It is prohibited to interfere with the movement of players. Physical contact is against the rules.
Violations: a violation occurs as a result of physical contact between players of opposing teams. If the violation results in a loss of the disc, the game restarts as if there had been no change of possession. If the player who broke the rules believes that he did not break them, then the disc is returned to the player who threw it.
Judging: Players are responsible for violations of the rules and boundaries of the field. The players themselves resolve any controversial issues that arise.
Spirit of the game: Frisbee emphasizes fair play and skill.

Capture the Flag
Rules of the game: Two teams are participating. The camp territory is conventionally divided into 2 equal halves (you can draw a line or mark landmarks). Each team hangs its flag in an accessible, visible place. The task of both teams is to capture the enemy's flag and carry it into their territory without being greased. If the flag is captured by several players, the flag is allowed to be transferred.
The flag can be guarded by no more than three people, but not in the immediate vicinity of it, but at a distance (4-5 meters from the flag), i.e. in a circle with a radius of 4-5 meters, the guards do not have the right to influence (kill) the enemy if he is already inside this circle. The guards can only not let the invaders back when they try to leave the rescue zone. Each team has a prison on its territory, where the caught (salted) players of the opposing team are taken. You can only salt on your own territory. In the prison, the prisoner is closely guarded, but he can be freed if a player from his team sneaks into the prison and touches him. In this case, they return to their territory without hindrance, and no one can salt them.

Green heel
Rules of the game: Each employee has his heel marked with black, blue, red or green and wears as many socks as possible. The guys' task is to find a person with a green heel (only one employee has one). As each sock is removed, participants perform sports challenges or answer Bible questions.
The game takes place throughout the day. The first 3 units that find the “green heel” are noted. Units that find a “green heel” do not reveal it.

Golden fever
Rules of the game:
The gold diggers' task is to collect marked cones and exchange them at the bank for money. After this, the gold miner has the right to buy goods in the store.
The thieves' task is to rob gold miners, catching up and spotting them. When thieves take the pine cones, they also exchange them for money in their thieves' bank and can then buy goods in the store.
The sheriff's job is to catch thieves in the act. Having stained the thief, the sheriff scatters cones throughout the territory, and the thief is sent to prison, where the judge assigns a punishment (jumping, push-ups, squats, etc.), then releases him. If you want to play longer, the bullion that has accumulated in the bank can be scattered around the camp again, and the seller must return the proceeds to the bank.
If you have a lot of money on hand, you can create inflation and raise prices for goods, and you can also lower prices. The game ends when the banks and store close.
Game participants: Gold miners - all units; thieves - one squad; two bankers: for an ordinary bank and for a bank of thieves; sheriff with whistle and water pistol; in prison - a judge; in the store there is a salesman. At the signal, the game begins.
Equipment and materials: Cones marked with paint (act as gold bars); goods for the store; money for the bank.

Winnie the Pooh (night game)
Rules of the game: Winnie the Pooh - employees dressed in dark. The number of Winnie the Poohs depends on the number of units taking part in the game. At the beginning of the game V.-P. are located outside the camp territory (where children do not have the right to go; violators are fined).
The game starts at the signal. Problem V.-P. - sneak into the base unnoticed and have a meal, then get out of there (V.-P. score points for this). The bases are located in a secret location. In the center there is a table fenced with a rope, and there are sweets on the table. At the base behind the rope there are 3 guards - teenagers. They are one of the obstacles that V.-P. must overcome to get to the base and leave it.
The guards' task is not to let V.-P through. to the base and not to let them out if they got through. Having stained V.-P., the guard receives points. The task of the other players with flashlights is to search the territory of V.-P.’s camp. (players do not know which employee is V.-P.). Players have the right to ask a direct question: “Are you Winnie the Pooh?” any employee. The question must be answered correctly. Having caught V.-P., the squad receives 20 points. Caught V.-P. continues the game.
The game starts at 23:00. Game duration is 1 - 1.5 hours.
Equipment: 4 bases, table, treats for Winnie the Pooh, rope, flashlights for game participants.

The first Christians
Rules of the game: All players are divided into 2 groups: Christians and Romans. There should be 4 groups of Christians and 1 group of Romans. Each group of Christians is located at its own base (the bases are located in secret places). The Romans are hiding in the forest between the bases. One group of Christians receives a message from a leader and they memorize or repeat the message. Then they hide the message on themselves. The task of the Christians is to get to the next base unnoticed to the second group of Christians and convey the message. The second group of Christians, in turn, carries the message to the third base, and the third to the fourth base; the fourth group carries a message to the base of the first group of Christians. This is where the game ends.
The Romans' task is to intercept the message. The Romans stain Christians and search them. If the message is discovered and seized, the Romans are awarded points.
If a group of Christians is left without a message, but they have memorized the message and remember it, the group continues to make its way to the next base and there restores the message from memory. But if a group of Christians does not remember the message, they need to return to their base and get a copy of the message from the leader (they teach it again).
For the original message delivered to the base, a group of Christians receives 20 points, for a copy (from memory or a second copy) - 10. The team with the most points wins.
Participants: Christian team, Roman team, 4 Christian leaders who are at the bases.
Necessary materials: A “message” written on paper: “Lord, teach me to do your will” (Ps. 143:10), “The heart of the righteous ponders the answer” (Prov. 15:28), or any other place from the Bible, at your discretion.

Rules of the game: This game is best played at dusk, after an evening meeting or assembly. From a general camp event, a “criminal group” (consisting of counselors) kidnaps three or four children and carefully hides them on the camp grounds. All the other guys split up into groups of three (bring flashlights with them) and set out to search for the kidnapped. You can only search with the whole team. If during the search the troikas are divided into 1 and 2 people, then the criminals hiding in the area have the right to catch the “loners” and turn them into hostages. The game lasts from 1 to 1.5 hours.

Kidnapping ("Terrorists" variant)
Rules of the game: All employees dress up as pirates and hide in different places to make it difficult for children to find them. The whereabouts of “mom” and “dad” are known only to the ataman who “captured” them. The children are informed about it when all the pirates are caught. Children, coming to the line, see a man tied hand and foot, “beaten”, with a gag in his mouth. He tells what happened: “Our sinking ship was attacked by pirates who kidnapped “mom” and “dad”. The pirates are demanding a ransom! I was beaten and tortured, but I managed to escape. On the way, I wrote a wanted poster indicating the special signs of the pirates to catch them and find out where “dad” and “mummy” are hidden. Only you can free them! The group that scores the most points for capturing the pirates, as well as the first liberators of “Dad” and “Mother”, wins.
1. Present the abduction of “mom” and “dad” as one of the consequences of sin.
2. Promote emotional and physical rest for children.
Children's tasks:
1. Find as many pirates as possible.
2. Free "Dad" and "Mom".
Note: The announcement indicates not only the signs of the pirates, but also the number of points for the capture of each (a larger point is awarded either for the “position” (chitaman, chieftain’s right hand, etc.) or for the fact that the search was long - the pirates hid well) .
Necessary materials: Wanted poster for pirates.

Big hunt
Rules of the game: The camp is divided into three or four teams. Everyone’s task is to collect a sufficient number (for example, 50) of toothpicks or any other small identical objects. Some counselors have toothpicks, but none of the teams knows which ones. The players themselves must find out this, because... these counselors do not give themselves away, try to be inconspicuous or may even disguise themselves. Among the counselors there are also “killers,” whose task is to take a participant out of the game by drawing a stripe on an open area of ​​his body.
A wounded player is not allowed to search for toothpicks until he runs back to base and is “healed.” At the base he is cured by crossing out the black stripe with a red one. After that, he continues to collect toothpicks. The team that has collected the required number of toothpicks receives a plan (all teams receive this plan after collecting the required number of toothpicks), using which they are the first to be given the opportunity to find the real camp treasure - a box of sweets.

Rules of the game: It is better to play this game at the beginning of the shift; it helps you get used to the camp and the area. Tasks can be varied by sending children to different places or people (children, perhaps) with whom they need to meet.
Purpose of the game: Get to know the camp staff and each other. Contents of worksheets:
1. Write the names of all camp staff (mentors, director, coordinators, music worker, sports instructor, librarian, etc.).
2. Find out who is the oldest in our camp.
3. Find out who is the youngest in our camp.
4. Find something edible (not from the cafeteria).
5. Bring the strangest item.
6. Find out your favorite activity... (any one from the camp).
7. Find out the shoe size of the coordinator - “dad”.
8. Find out what the last book the librarian read.
9. Find out in which pocket the sports instructor carries his whistle.
10. Find out how many letters are in the coordinator’s full name - “mother”.
11. In what shortest time can you run from your dacha to the dining room?
12. Who is the camp director's best friend?
13. Who is the tallest in your squad?
14. What trees grow around?
15. Find out the date of birth of the sports instructor.
16. Bring 3 feathers.
17. Find out the music worker's favorite song.
18. Bring a handkerchief.
19. Find out your favorite flower... (any one from the camp).
20. Find out the director's favorite dish.
21. Bring a bouquet of flowers.
22. Find out the color of the librarian's eyes.
23. Find out the weight of the sports instructor.
24. Make the word “Bible” from auxiliary materials on the ground.
25. The coordinator's favorite activity is "dads."
26. Find out the date of birth... (of anyone from the camp).
27. Favorite animal... (any one from the camp).
28. Favorite Bible verse... (anyone from the camp).
29. Bring the item that is most important to you.
30. Find out how many family members... (anyone from the camp) has.
Required equipment: Sheets with tasks and questions for each team.

Plane crash
Rules of the game: Several bands are playing. Objective: find the victims (mentors), documents and the black box.
Each group is given: a Bible, a bandage, cotton wool, a bottle of water.
For each mentor - 100 points.
For the document - 50 points.
For a black box - 200 points. Every victim must receive assistance. In the black box (opened in front of the entire camp after the end of the game) there is a tape on which a conversation between two employees is recorded (about the impossibility of a plane crash).
Conclusion: God is challenged.
Purpose of the game:
1. Imagine a plane crash as a consequence of sin - a challenge to God.
2. Promote physical and emotional rest for children.
Necessary materials: Black box, audio cassette (with a recording of the conversation), tape recorder. Bible, bandage, cotton wool, bottle of water.

Running through stations
Rules of the game: This game tests your ability to complete tasks quickly and well. The route goes along a forest road. The groups depart one after another. Each has its own waybill, where the start and finish times are noted, and notes are also made at stations (if necessary).
100 - tennis balls are buried in the sand. You need to find as many as possible in 30 seconds;
200 - bandage the unfortunate wounded;
300 - read the passage from the Bible Ezekiel 2:8 (“But you, son of man, listen to what I say to you: do not be stubborn like this rebellious house, open your mouth and eat what I give you”), guess, what needs to be done (eat), find the necessary item nearby (cookies) and do what needs to be done with it;
400 - the whole group blows out a candle standing at a certain distance;
500 - find a familiar person in nearby bushes;
600 - in 1 minute, throw cones at as many balls as possible hanging on a tree, the balls should burst;
700 - write as many qualities of a person as possible in 30 seconds;
800 - collect a certain number of scattered peas in 1 minute;
900 - stand in a circle and say something pleasant to each other in a circle;
Necessary materials: Tennis balls, bandages, Bible, cookies, burning candle, balloons, paper, pen, peas.

Hunt for a mentor
Rules of the game: The mentors dress up so that they are as difficult to recognize as possible and disperse throughout the camp. Each mentor has a number attached to them. The squads go around to all the mentors and find out “who is who” by writing down their versions on sheets of paper. You cannot approach the mentor closer than 1 meter. The winner is the team that, having fulfilled the basic rule, recognizes as many mentors as possible.
Necessary materials: Costumes and numbers for mentors, sheets of paper and pens for teams.

Seven bureaucrats
Rules of the game: Bureaucrats are counselors who are located in different parts of the camp. The teams' task is to find each counselor and get his signature on the "document." Those who do it the fastest win. The task of the counselors is to delay the signing of documents, coming up with various tasks and sending teams to other bureaucrats for signatures.

Secret friend (game during a certain time, day or even shift)
Rules of the game: In the morning at the general meeting the start of the game is announced. Each participant in the game draws lots (sheets of paper are prepared in advance on which the names of all the players and the names of their squads are written down). Thus, each player recognizes his secret friend.
Throughout the day or another period, the player’s task is to please his secret friend, but so that he does not guess who is doing it.
Note: as a pleasant thing, you can send a “live letter” (ask someone to convey it in words), ask for music. leader to sing a song, present a gift. At an evening club, secret friends meet, who then all sing songs to “friendship” together.

Treasure search
The whole camp participates in this game. Before the game starts, you must draw an accurate map of the camp and make 4 copies. Then you should divide one of the cards into 4 parts, hide them on the camp territory, and indicate the hiding places on the remaining four cards. All participants must be divided into 4 teams. Each team is given a whole map indicating where to look for one part. When players of one team find their part of the common map, they see some point on it. When all 4 teams have found their pieces, they must guess to connect the indicated dots, because... At the intersection of these lines, a treasure is hidden. Then everyone runs to look for this place. You will need 5 cards: one is cut and hidden, the other four are given to the teams.
Rules of the game: The game begins at post A, when each player receives a note with their name. After this, the players try to quietly reach post B so that the employee hiding in the game space does not highlight them with a flashlight. If a player is highlighted, the employee may say one name. If this is the player’s name, then the player gives his note with the name and takes a new one for himself at post A. If the guard says the wrong name, then the player can continue moving. If a player reaches post B without being noticed, then he gives his note to post B, receives a new one at post A, and starts the game over. The player receives one point for each note carried and loses one point for each note taken. The winner is the player with the most points at the end of the game.
Preparation: For two posts, A and B, 2 strong light sources are needed to give the players their positions (since the game takes place in the forest, it is impossible to use an open light source, i.e. candles or kerosene lamps). Each employee must have a flashlight. In addition, you need to make 6-8 small notes for each player.
Participants: This game requires at least 4 employees, 2 employees are located at posts A and B on opposite boundaries of the playing space. Post A gives players notes with their names. Post B collects the notes brought. Other employees disperse and hide in the gaming area, trying to highlight the players.
Game groups: Everyone plays alone, but individual results can be summed up as group results.
Playing space: A square area of ​​forest with visible boundaries and without dangerous obstacles, such as holes, slopes, fences, fallen trees, thorny bushes, etc.
Game duration: Approximately 1 hour.
Purpose of the game: Move as many notes as possible from point A to point B, while remaining unnoticed by employees - “catchers”.

Trespasser (forest game)
"The new aircraft collided with a reconnaissance aircraft during a test flight and fell into the territory of a neighboring state. The wreckage of a foreign aircraft also ended up on foreign territory - in the state that owned the new aircraft. The first search teams of both countries are sent to the crash area in order to ensure safety of top-secret debris...".
Rules of the game: Each player who has lost his “thread of life” receives a new one from the “Ministry of Air Transport”. Until he possesses the "thread of life", he has no right to take part in the game.
Players are trying to find the wreckage of their plane on foreign territory and transport it to their “Ministry of Air Transport”. It is prohibited to touch or hide the wreckage of another team’s plane on your territory. Players can prevent the removal of the wreckage of someone else's plane by taking the "thread of life" from the enemy. If the player with the fragment loses his life thread, he immediately puts the fragment down and goes for a new “life thread”.
For each fragment delivered to the ministry, the team receives a number of points corresponding to the number indicated on the fragment. For each “thread of life” captured, the team receives an additional point. The team with the most points wins.
Preparation: You will need 40 boxes or cardboard cards of two colors (these are “fragments”). "Wreckage" of each color is numbered in order from 1 to 20. Before the start of the game, "wreckage" is divided by color and distributed on two halves of the playing space. In addition, you will need the so-called. “threads of life”, giving the right to look for pieces of any material.
Employees: 2 employees take over the post of “Ministry of Air Transport” in each half of the game area. Other employees monitor the progress of the game in the gaming area.
Game groups: Players are divided into two equal teams.
Playing space: A section of forest divided by a rope or strip of sawdust into two equal halves.
Game duration: Approximately 60 minutes.
Purpose of the game: Find the wreckage of your plane on someone else’s territory and remove it, while simultaneously preventing the removal of the wreckage of someone else’s plane from your territory.

Rules of the game: Each detachment receives a plan map of the camp area, on which particularly important objects are indicated (canteen, first-aid post, club, shower, etc.). Signs with schematic symbols are attached to objects in advance. Objects are visited by teams in a strict sequence indicated on the map. When visiting an object, its name is written down and a schematic designation is drawn on it. The speed of the distance and the presence of a schematic image are assessed.
Target: Getting to know the camp area.

Rules of the game: The camp is divided into 2 teams. A list of the books of the canon of the Old and New Testaments is made, five copies each. They are marked with two colors for teams. The cut lists are scattered throughout the territory.
The players' task is to find all copies of their color and create a canon.