Omega 6 where the table contains. Omega fatty acids in food

Omega 6 where the table contains.  Omega fatty acids in food
Omega 6 where the table contains. Omega fatty acids in food

Omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids play an important role in muscle gain and fat loss. Learn more about the benefits of these fats and their sources.

When building muscle in the gym, you've probably heard that a diet high in protein and low in fat helps a lot. Indeed, most people believe that limiting fatty foods in their diet will keep their body in excellent physical shape. However, not all fats are bad. Some of them are necessary for your body, and not only to maintain health and build muscle, but also... to burn fat deposits themselves! These substances are called essential fatty acids, or EFA.

EFAs are considered so essential because they are not produced by the body and can only be obtained externally.

The body uses these fats during a variety of biological processes, many of which can greatly improve your workout performance. In this article we will talk aboutbenefits and sources of essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6.

What are omega-3 and omega-6?

There are two varieties of EFA. These are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are considered essential (not synthesized by the body). There are also omega-9 fatty acids, which, although essential, are quite “essential” since the body is able to produce them in small quantities - provided that it receives enough EFA.

It is important to maintain a healthy ratio of omega-6 to omega-3. Ideally, it should be from 4:1 to 3:1 (omega-6 to omega-3), but in the average person’s diet everything is not so rosy - from 10:1 to 25:1.

And even in the diet of serious athletes there is much more omega-6. This not only significantly slows muscle growth, recovery and fat burning, but also leads to health problems.

Omega-3 fatty acids are as follows:

  • alpha-linolenic (ALA),
  • eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA),
  • docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

While each of these acids is important on its own, ALA can be converted into EPA and DHA. This means that consuming enough ALA can satisfy the body’s need for the other two omega acids.

There are four omega-6 fatty acids:

  • linoleic,
  • gamma-linoleic,
  • digomogamma-linoleic,
  • arachidonic

Of these, linoleic, as in the case of ALA, can be converted into other omega-6 acids.

The Importance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 for Gaining Muscle and Burning Fat

How exactly do omega-6 and omega-3 help build muscle? In particular, they (namely alpha-linolenic and linoleic acids) are required for the formation of eicosanoids, of which there are several types: leukotrienes, prostaglandins and thromboxanes. All of them are important for the functioning of the body, but prostaglandins are of particular importance. Why? The fact is that these physiologically active substances

  • increase the secretion of growth hormone,
  • increase muscle protein synthesis,
  • increase sensitivity to insulin,
  • help maintain testosterone levels.

Each of these beneficial effects contributes to muscle gain.

But EFAs don't just help build muscle. They significantly affect metabolism and the formation of fat deposits.

Research has shown that ALA, EPA, and DHA increase lipolysis (fat breakdown) and decrease lipogenesis (fat formation). Accordingly, this has a beneficial effect on body composition. Moreover, these benefits are just the tip of the iceberg, and the entire range of beneficial effects that EFA has on health and athletic performance is extremely wide. So, essential fatty acids

  • reduce inflammation,
  • strengthen the immune system,
  • increase endurance,
  • allow you to train more and prevent overtraining,
  • accelerate recovery,
  • reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood,
  • accelerate wound healing,
  • improve sleep,
  • increase concentration,
  • prevent or treat arthritis,
  • improve the condition of the skin,
  • promote the diffusion of oxygen into the bloodstream,
  • increase the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins,
  • have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Such a long list indicates thatbenefits of omega-3 and omega-6should never be underestimated or ignored. Conversely, a deficiency of essential fatty acids not only leads to a range of health problems, but also negatively affects muscle growth and healthy weight loss (fat burning).

Read also:

Standards of use omega-3 and omega-6

According to generally accepted recommendations, the omega-3 intake is 1.6 g per day for men and 1.1 g for women. However, experiments have revealed the fact that increasing the consumption of these acids can bring additional benefits. Therefore, we recommend the following dosages for optimal muscle growth, muscle burning and health maintenance.


  • Men - 3-3.5 g per day from all sources (i.e. regular food and/or sports nutrition products).
  • Women - 2.5–3 g per day from all sources.


  1. Men - 9–14 g per day from all sources.
  2. Women - 7.5–12 g per day from all sources.

Best sources omega-3 and omega-6

EFA can be obtained both from food and from sports nutrition. Either option will provide the same results, but remember that most foods already contain omega-6 without omega-3. For this reason, many people prefer special supplements.

We consider the following to be the best natural sources of essential fatty acids.


  • fish fat;
  • linseed oil;
  • walnuts;
  • sesame seeds;
  • avocado;
  • some dark green leafy vegetables (cabbage, spinach, mustard greens, etc.);
  • canola oil (cold-pressed and unrefined);
  • salmon;
  • mackerel;
  • eggs.


  • linseed oil;
  • grape seed oil;
  • pistachios;
  • sunflower seeds (unroasted);
  • olive oil, olives;
  • evening primrose oil (evening primrose).

Sports nutrition with EFA

Sports supplements containing EFA will not only help meet the body's daily needs for these substances, but will also allow you to maintain healthy proportions.

For this reason, it is best to choose a supplement with a ratio of 3 omega-3 to 1 omega-6 or higher.

The sports nutrition market includes fish oil, flaxseed oil, and EFA blends. They are available in both capsules and liquid form. Both forms of products have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, capsules are much more convenient than oil and they do not have a taste, which many people do not like. On the other hand, liquid forms of EFA are less expensive and can be mixed into something like a protein shake or oatmeal. Therefore, the choice here depends on your lifestyle and personal preferences.

Necessary substances - vitamins, microelements and fats - come with the consumption of certain products. However, it should be understood that fats can be different. Consumption or abuse of fatty foods (pork, lard, milk, barbecue, fast food, processed foods) is harmful. These fats are saturated. If such food predominates in the diet, the risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system, pancreas, and liver automatically increases.

There are also unsaturated fats - healthy and vital for the body. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of PUFAs 3, 6 and 9 (polyunsaturated fatty acids), and also take a look at the table of their highest content in food products.

Omega 3 is an essential substance that has a multifaceted effect on tissues and organs. The element takes an active part in metabolic processes and contributes to the normalization of the functioning of many organs and systems.

Omega 3 PUFAs are a set of vital substances that have similar biochemical properties. There are more than ten compounds in this group with different chemical compositions. The most useful include alpha-linoleic, decosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids.

The role of Omega 3 for humans is difficult to overestimate. Substances that belong to this group contribute to:

  • significant acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • formation of the central nervous system, endocrine system and brain;
  • formation of cell membranes;
  • preventing the occurrence and subsequent spread of inflammatory processes;
  • improving the condition of hair, reducing its fragility and preventing pathological hair loss;
  • preventing the development of dermatological pathologies;
  • increasing visual acuity, reducing the risk of ophthalmic diseases;
  • minimizing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • improving performance;
  • combating chronic fatigue;
  • prevention of joint diseases;
  • maintaining normal blood sugar levels;
  • improving the condition of the skin, giving it elasticity and firmness.

In order for all organs to work harmoniously and omega 3 to perform their functions correctly, products containing substances must enter the body every day. According to some studies, the imbalance of two types of acids - omega 3 and 6 is widespread and there is often an excess of omega 6 against the background of a lack of omega 3. The optimal ratio is 2:1.

The body's daily requirement for the element is 1 gram. Depending on age and health status, the need for acids may increase up to 5 grams. People suffering from hypertension, depressive disorders, atherosclerosis, hormonal imbalance, oncological pathologies, brain diseases, cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer's disease are recommended to consume 4-5 grams of the element per day.

Foods rich in the compound: table

In order to ensure optimal absorption of acids, the body must receive enzymes that ensure the effective use of PUFAs. In infancy, these components come with mother's milk, but in adults, these enzymes are produced in sufficient concentration.

Product name, 100g Omega-3
in g
fat in g
Common fatty herring 1,8 9,8
Anchovy, canned in oil 1,8 8,3
Regular fatty salmon 1,8 10,5
Chinook salmon fat 1,7 11,4
Common mackerel fatty 1,1 15,1
Rainbow trout is fat 1,0 6,1
White tuna, canned 0,7 2,5
Halibut 0,5 2,5
Flounder 0,5 1,3
Shrimp 0,3 1,0
Light tuna, canned 0,2 0,7
Catfish 0,2 6,8
Cod 0,1 07
Linen, 2 tbsp. spoons 3,2 6
Walnuts, 30 g (14 halves) 2,6 18,5
Canola oil, 1 tbsp. spoon 1,3 14
Soy nuts, ¼ cup 0,7 11

Products containing omega 3 enter the gastrointestinal tract, are digested, and the acid is absorbed in the upper intestine. When creating a menu, several important features should be taken into account.

  1. During food intake, approximately 20% of EFAs are lost. This is why doctors often prescribe fish oil capsules. In this form, the necessary substance and in the required concentration reaches the intestines. It is the capsule that promotes 100% absorption.
  2. In order for the substance to be better absorbed and bring exceptional benefits, it is necessary to properly store food and prepare dishes. NLCs are afraid of oxygen, heat and light. Products rich in the substance should be stored in hermetically sealed containers in the refrigerator. In order to preserve important substances, the cooking process should be carried out in a gentle manner. When deep-frying food, the beneficial qualities of the product are destroyed.
  3. After entering the body, acids interact with vitamin D. A combination of omega 3 and retinol or omega 6 is useful.
  4. Improved digestibility is observed when combining PUFAs with proteins.

The richest sources of the compound are fish and seafood. But only the fish that is caught in the open sea will be useful. Fish products obtained from farms cannot boast of a high content of essential acids.

Fatty acids are also found in sufficient quantities in products of plant origin: flax seeds, walnuts, wheat germ, beans, cereals and herbs.

In order to enrich the body with useful substances, it is recommended to consume: fish oil, hazelnuts, lentils, black caviar, mackerel, salmon, herring, tuna, oysters, shrimp.

Deficiency and excess of omega 3 PUFAs: causes and symptoms

Element deficiency is a fairly common phenomenon. The lack of fatty acids is caused by: refusal to eat food of animal origin; following excessively strict diets; disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; illiterate approach to diet planning; prolonged fasting.

Insufficient intake of unsaturated fatty acids into tissues and organs is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • constant thirst;
  • dandruff;
  • pathological fragility of hair, increased hair loss;
  • deterioration in appearance;
  • brittle nails;
  • skin rashes;
  • drying and peeling of the skin;
  • itching of the dermis;
  • upset stool, frequent constipation;
  • painful sensations in joints, muscles and tendons;
  • disruption of the wound healing process;
  • mental retardation;
  • decreased recovery rate after intense physical activity;
  • susceptibility to colds;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • constant malaise;
  • significant deterioration in attention;
  • decreased performance.

Acute and prolonged deficiency of the substance is fraught with an increased risk of CNS pathologies. In order to eliminate alarming symptoms, it is recommended to enrich the diet with foods rich in PUFAs and take fish oil capsules.

Acid overdose is rare. The main cause of the disease is the excessive accumulation of substances that belong to this group in the tissues of the human body due to the uncontrolled use of medications with EFAs. An excess of an element is as harmful as a deficiency. An overdose of the substance is characterized by: a gradual decrease in blood pressure, stool upset, prolonged diarrhea, disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and decreased blood clotting.

To get rid of these manifestations, you need to seek the help of a doctor. He will either adjust the dose - reduce it, or completely stop taking the medications.

Omega 6 acids: role, benefits and needs

The substance belongs to polyunsaturated fatty acids. This group includes about 11 compounds, but only two are considered especially important - arachidonic and linoleic acids. It is these compounds that have a beneficial effect on the body and are involved in a large number of vital processes.

Omega 6 is inherently the most important component of membranes and other structural elements of cells. PUFAs, when introduced into the body in sufficient quantities, contribute to:

  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improving the condition of hair, skin and nails;
  • preventing the development of cancer;
  • normalization of the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • improving mood;
  • combating depression;
  • normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • increasing the protective properties of the body;
  • increasing the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections;
  • increased brain activity;
  • elimination and prevention of inflammation;
  • cleansing the body of harmful cholesterol, preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • cleansing the body of toxins, toxic substances and poisons.

Scientists have proven that omega 6 is an effective medicine for multiple sclerosis. The maximum result of such therapy is observed with the simultaneous intake of omega 6 and 3 into the body.

The human body is not able to produce PUFAs 6 and 3. Therefore, the only way to compensate for the deficiency of substances is to consume foods and medications rich in them. The need for compounds varies depending on age and gender. The average daily intake of acids for an adult is 7.4-14 g.

In some cases, the need for EFAs may increase slightly. More products with these compounds should be consumed by pregnant women, people suffering from liver and gastrointestinal pathologies, as well as deficiencies of certain vitamins. During the cold season, the need for the substance also increases.

Sources of Omega 6, table

Product name, 100g Omega 6, in g
Peanuts 15
Brazilian nut 20,540-26,600
Mustard seeds 5.3
Walnuts 11
Pine nuts 34
Cashew 7661
Coconut flakes (dried) 0.293
Roasted sesame (without peel) 21.6
Roasted sesame (with peel) 21.6
Raw sesame (without peel) 27.5
Raw sesame (with peel) 22.35
Flax-seed 6
Poppy 28,300-30,500
Macadamia (Australian nut) 1,296
Almonds (blanched) 12365
Almonds (roasted) 12986
Almonds (raw) 12055
European olive 0.9
Pecans 22.48
Palm kernel 1.19
Sunflower 31.8
Sunflower high oleic 11.02
Rapeseed high erucic 9.65
Black chia seeds 5.4
Sesame seeds 102.56
Flax seeds 55.1
Pumpkin seeds 20,703-20,710
Apricot fruit seed (kernel) 10.93
Cherry fruit seed (kernel) 11.58
Seed (kernel) of peach fruit 9.32
Pistachios 13.35
Hazelnut (Lombard nut) 5,500-7,83

Fruits and berries:

Product name, 100 g Omega 6, in g
Apricot 0,059-0,080
Avocado 1,670-1,840
Quince 0.036
Cherry plum 0.11
A pineapple 0.084
Orange 0.168
Watermelon 0.013
Banana 0.035
Grape 0.09
Cherry 0.052
Pomegranate 0,08
Grapefruit 0.086
Pear 0.103
Melon 0.026
Figs (raw) 0.112
Viburnum (fruit) 0.515
Kiwi 0,206-0,250
Dogwood 0.119
Strawberry wild-strawberry) 0.182
Gooseberry 0.174
Corn germ 2100
Lemon (fruit pulp without peel) 0.385
Raspberries 0.473
Mango 0,019-0,026
Mandarin 0.043
Sea ​​buckthorn 1845
Peach 0,084-0,156
Plum 0.044
Red currants 0.398
Feijoa 0,15
Persimmon 0.039
Cherries 0.03
Black currant 0.487
Blueberry 0.09
Chokeberry (chokeberry) 0.11
Mulberry 0,206
Apples 0.154

This group of substances is found in the highest concentration in vegetable oils: grape, poppy, sunflower, wheat, corn, cottonseed, soybean, coconut, palm, flaxseed, mustard.

The element is found in sufficient quantities in fish and seafood: flounder, shrimp, trout, black caviar, salmon, oysters, shellfish, cod.

Interaction of omega 6 and 3: features

The impact of omega 6 fatty acids on the functioning of organs and systems depends on the proportion of substances that belong to this group and omega 3 PUFAs. During clinical studies, it was found that the intake of omega 6 in excess compared to the consumption of omega 3 is more dangerous, since can cause the development of diseases such as asthma, atherosclerosis, arthritis. The optimal ratio of these compounds is considered to be 4:1.

Deficiency and excess: how they manifest themselves

With a healthy and balanced diet, fatty acids enter the body in sufficient quantities. Such a phenomenon as a deficiency of elements is rare. A lack of PUFAs can be caused by: prolonged fasting, refusal to eat fatty foods, poor nutrition, and disruptions in the functioning of the digestive tract.

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • increased risk of developing infectious pathologies;
  • a sharp decrease in the protective properties of the body;
  • an increase in the number of platelets in the blood, active thrombus formation;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • deterioration of the dermis, hair and nails;
  • a gradual increase in the content of harmful cholesterol in the body;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • depressive disorders;
  • memory impairment;
  • development of weeping eczema;
  • increased PMS symptoms;
  • painful sensations in the spinal column;
  • deterioration of bone tissue;
  • development of joint diseases;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • disruptions in the reproductive system, inability to conceive a child.

You can get rid of these symptoms. For this purpose, it is recommended to correct the diet and enrich it with food sources of PUFAs, as well as taking medications that contain the compounds.

Fatty acid overdose is also rarely diagnosed. The main cause of the disease is the abuse of products and drugs with omega 6 FAs. An excess of substances is fraught with the development of thrombosis, cardiovascular pathologies and inflammation in internal organs and tissues.

In order to prevent overdose, as well as eliminate unpleasant symptoms, experts advise monitoring the intake of fatty acids into the body, and, if necessary, quickly making adjustments to the diet and stopping taking medications.

Omega 9: benefits, daily requirement

Omega 9 FAs are monounsaturated fatty acids. It has been proven that compounds of this group play a significant role in maintaining human attractiveness and health. The peculiarity and difference between omega 9 and FA 3 and 6 is that the human body can produce the first group independently.

Without MUFA, the normal functioning of organs and systems is impossible. These compounds take an active part in many physiological processes and contribute to: maintaining the beauty and health of hair, skin and nails; reducing the negative impact of stress, increasing the body’s resistance to various pathological processes; normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; strengthening blood vessels; slowing down the aging process; preventing the formation of blood clots; regulation of muscle function, maintaining muscle tone; normalization of hormonal levels; increasing the protective properties of the body; reducing the risk of developing cancer pathologies; normalization of the cardiovascular system, preventing the development of hypertension; maintaining normal glucose levels and preventing the development of diabetes; normalization of metabolic processes.

The daily requirement for MUFA reaches 18% of the total calorie content of the daily diet. But this indicator, due to certain reasons, may vary somewhat. People who suffer from cardiovascular pathologies and inflammatory processes in tissues or organs need more fatty acids. More omega 9 is also needed during intense physical activity.

In some cases, the daily requirement for an element may be slightly reduced. This is observed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, low blood pressure, malfunction of the pancreas, as well as with active intake of omega 3 and 6 PUFAs into the body.

Source Products

Omega-9 acids are found in foods of both animal and plant origin. MUFAs are found in the highest concentrations in oils: hemp, flaxseed, olive, peanut, mustard, sunflower. A sufficient amount of FA is found in nuts, fish oil, soybeans, chicken, turkey, salmon, flaxseed, avocado, and trout. For more details, see the table:

Product name, 100g Omega 9, in g
Olive oil 82
Mustard seeds (yellow) 80
Fish fat 73
Flaxseed (unprocessed) 64
Peanut butter 60
Mustard oil 54
Rapeseed oil 52
Lard 43
Fish of the northern seas (salmon) 35 – 50
Butter (homemade) 40
Sesame seed 35
Cottonseed oil 34
Sunflower oil 30
Macadamia nuts 18
Walnuts 16
Salmon 15
Linseed oil 14
Hemp oil 12
Avocado 10
Chicken meat 4,5
Soya beans 4
Trout 3,5
Turkey meat 2,5

MUFAs are easily destroyed and are susceptible to thermal effects. Therefore, if you want to keep the maximum amount of compounds in your products, take into account the following recommendations.

  1. The duration of culinary processing of products rich in essential fatty acids should be reduced as much as possible.
  2. Avoid purchasing refined oils. Such products are already processed and contain virtually no essential MUFAs.
  3. Store products in a dark place away from direct sunlight.
  4. When purchasing vegetable oil, give preference to the product that is sold in a dark glass bottle.

Deficiency and excess of MUFA: causes and symptoms

The human body is able to produce Omega-9 FAs on its own, so a deficiency of substances in this group is rarely diagnosed. MUFA deficiency can be triggered by: frequent diets and fasting, as well as a complete refusal to eat fatty foods.

This disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • frequent depressive disorders;
  • depressed mood;
  • emotional instability;
  • development of gynecological ailments (changes in the internal environment of the vagina, painful sensations during intimacy);
  • feeling of dryness in the eyes;
  • constant thirst, xerostomia, the appearance of cracks and ulcers in the mouth;
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • significant weakening of the immune system.

In addition, with insufficient intake of fatty acids into the body, the appearance of malaise, fatigue, absent-mindedness, inattention, disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and the development of joint pathologies are noted.

In order to eliminate these symptoms, experts advise adjusting the diet and enriching it with food sources of MUFA.

Overdose is a rare phenomenon and is caused by inappropriate use of drugs with Omega-9 or abuse of products rich in fatty acids. An excess of compounds of this group in the body is fraught with obesity, disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, as well as the development of cirrhosis.

An excess of the element also has a detrimental effect on reproductive function. An overdose of MUFAs is fraught with impaired fetal development and the inability to conceive a child.

To eliminate such consequences, it is necessary to adjust the diet and seek the help of a doctor in order to select the correct dose of products with fatty acids.

Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids are extremely important for the human body. Sufficient intake of these compounds helps maintain health and attractiveness. If substances are supplied in small or, conversely, excessively high concentrations, sooner or later this leads to serious health problems. Only by observing the measure can you get the maximum benefit from PUFAs and MUFAs.

Omega-6 fatty acids are polyunsaturated. The peculiarity of their structure is double carbon bonds. It is this that determines the basic qualities of acids that are so valued by humans.

What to expect?

Omega-6 acid has a fairly diverse biological effect on the human body. This phenomenon is associated with the conversion of the substance into N-6 eicosanoids, which, in turn, react with receptors. Analyzes can reveal the presence of these compounds in a wide variety of tissues and organs.

Arachidonic acid is believed to have the strongest effect on humans. Once in the body, under the influence of active substances, it is broken down, producing leukotrienes and prostaglandins. They, in turn, are indispensable for inflammation, as they play the role of mediators. The benefits and harms of Omega-3, 6, 9 have been known to science for quite some time. These effects are partly based on the interaction of fatty acids with each other. For example, Omega-6 competes with Omega-3. The mobilization, deposition, and conversion of active substances depend on this. And, of course, due to these compounds, N-3, N-6 precursors have a rather strong effect.

In total, Omega-6 includes about 10 types of fatty acids. The most studied in science are linoleic and arachidonic acids. The benefits of Omega-6 fatty acids of these types have been proven in medicine for a long time - however, only when the concentration in the body is within reasonable limits.

Danger: always there

Relatively recent medical studies have shown that the benefits of Omega-6 for women and men are observed only when the concentration of components in the body is within normal limits. Once the limit value is exceeded, the compounds become much more harmful than beneficial. This is expressed in an increased likelihood of a number of serious diseases.

In recent years, many diets have been designed to be rich in Omega-6 but low in Omega-3. Thanks to this approach, the problem of an excess of Omega-6 in the diet has become quite relevant. It is necessary to eat, maintaining the ratio between these two groups of fatty acids 1:1, but not more than 4:1. In practice, in many dietary products in our time, if you follow their instructions for use, Omega-6 enters the body in an amount that is 20-30 times higher than the volume of Omega-3. This provokes metabolic disorders and initiates various diseases.

Main risks

The use of Omega-6 in such large doses can provoke:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • asthmatic diseases;
  • vascular problems;
  • blood clots;
  • inflammation;
  • immunosuppression;
  • proliferation of tumors.

The situation can be optimized by balancing the amounts of Omega 3, 6 and 9 entering the body. This is done by adding special components to the main menu. You can switch to sports nutrition.

Omega-6: where to get it?

Reviews of Omega-6 vary widely due to both the fact that people do not balance their diet correctly and the sources of this fatty acid. In some cases, compounds enter the body with various foods that provoke negative reactions. Main sources of Omega-6 fatty acids:

  • oils extracted from plants;
  • nuts;
  • meat of various birds.

Benefit: when used correctly - obvious

The debate about the dangers and benefits of Omega-6 and 9 will probably not subside for many years. But there are few scientists willing to take the risk and deny the positive effects achieved by the correct intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids. In particular, Omega-6 includes gamma-linolenic acid, for which it is known for certain that the effect on humans is as follows:

  • the skin retains its elasticity;
  • PMS symptoms pass;
  • nails are strong for a long time.

Acid is useful in fighting diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • sclerosis;
  • skin diseases;
  • arthritis.

So, the benefits and harms of Omega-6 for women are especially noticeable. The first - with correct consumption, the second - with incorrect consumption. But, you see, when so many suffer from monthly manifestations of PMS, choosing a diet with the right ratio of acids is not too high a price to pay for maintaining the peace of both yourself and your loved ones.

Benefits and harms of products

The benefits and harms of Omega-6 directly depend on how the acids enter the body. It was already indicated above that vegetable oils are the main source of compounds. This does not mean that you need to eat more oil in order to saturate your body with Omega-6. In reality, in our country, residents already consume too large volumes of such products, as well as fat and lard.

Consuming sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids in moderation will be beneficial. Let's say, no more than three pieces of lard per week. And it’s not just about acids - this product also contains other compounds that are useful for humans, but are found practically nowhere. But high quality oil is the main criterion for obtaining a sufficient amount of Omega-6 in food. Simply put, even large volumes of a low-quality product will not help, but high-quality food will become a source of all the necessary components. Preference should be given to cold-pressed options. You cannot cook with unrefined oils.

Many or few?

The benefits and harms of Omega-6 directly depend on the amount of components in the food. As soon as the norm is exceeded, there is a strong negative impact on the immune system, blood pressure and the condition of the heart and blood vessels in general. In some cases, an excess of fatty acids provokes oncological processes. This is most obvious if you pay attention to the statistics of American medicine, where residents of the country abuse fast food, fatty meat dishes and fast food. All these dishes contain a high concentration of Omega-6, which leads to an overabundance of substances in the human body.

But the deficiency also leads to bad consequences: hair falls out, nails peel, and the liver cannot cope with its functions. Additionally, people suffer from eczema, and children are often diagnosed with growth retardation.

Effect of fatty acids

The benefits and harms of Omega-6 are directly related to the effects at the cellular level. When taking polyunsaturated fatty acids in food, the blood becomes thicker, more viscous, and metabolism slows down. Accordingly, an excess of components in the blood leads to:

  • excess weight;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • asthmatic disorders;
  • inflammation.

But if you adjust the diet so that the concentration is in the correct ratio of Omega-3 and 9, and also that there are enough substances in general, then blood thickening is assessed as a positive factor. In addition, the concentration of cholesterol decreases. Fatty acids are essential elements of cell membranes.

Scientists have found that Omega-3 is present in fairly high concentrations in living beings leading an active lifestyle. These are birds, some mammals. But if the animal moves relatively little, then Omega-6 predominates. So, its highest concentration is found in elephants, seals and bears.

Omega-6: benefits and harms in combination with other factors

It was stated that the effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids primarily depends on the volume of the components entering the body. In recent years, humanity has been living habits that contribute to an oversaturation of Omega-6. The obvious proof is the map of diseases inherent in our culture. Most often, doctors encounter heart attacks, strokes, excess weight and arthritis.

At the same time, it cannot be said that Omega-6 is the only source of these problems. This is an additional factor that shows the result in combination with a number of others. Thus, our food is a source of large amounts of saturated fats, whose harm to humans has long been scientifically proven. Milk and meat are rich in such components. In addition, people consume enormous amounts of salt. An excess of “white death” has an extremely depressing effect on blood vessels, the heart is stressed, and blood pressure increases. In addition, salt retains water in the body, causing the accumulation of extra pounds. Together, all these factors only increase the negative impact of excess Omega-6.

But the benefits are undeniable!

Of course, the information above can be scary. But it should be understood that negative reactions are only possible when the balance is imbalanced. If you managed to choose the right diet and provide the body with the correct amount of fatty acids without excess and disturbance in favor of Omega-3, 6 or 9, then there is no doubt: your health will be normal for a long time.

Clinical studies have shown that in chronic sclerosis, Omega-6 has a strong positive effect on the patient. This is true both for the onset of the disease and for the progressive stage. The positive effect on diabetes mellitus is no less reliably known. This disease is associated with disruption of nerve fiber connections, which are restored through gamma-linolenic acid.

Omega-6: mental and psychological development under control

If you manage to create a diet rich in Omega-6 to the required degree, this has a positive effect on the condition of the brain. The organ functions more actively, more efficiently, and neurons are protected from harmful influences. It is not for nothing that Omega-6 is considered an effective method of therapy for hypertension, depression and inflammatory processes in a variety of body systems.

By the way, the benefits of fatty acids have been proven for sexual impotence, inability to have children and endometriosis. In addition, they have a positive effect on patients with prostatitis.

As for depression, this situation deserves special attention. If the human body does not receive the required amount of Omega-6, it quickly affects performance, people get tired, experience chronic fatigue, and depression quickly develops. This is especially difficult to bear against the background of memory deterioration and other health problems. But normalizing the diet leads to the fact that the mood returns to normal. As for women who are prone to suffer from PMS, the effect of Omega-6 on mood is noticeable from month to month - hormonal changes do not affect the psyche as much, nervousness and irritability disappear. This makes life easier and more enjoyable not only for the woman herself, but also for her loved ones, friends and colleagues.

Hair and skin: the benefits are noticeable immediately

Visually, the effect of Omega-6 on the human body is most noticeable in the condition of hair, nails and skin. Moreover, it equally reflects the lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids and their excess. The components are necessary for the skin to regenerate, hair to grow, and the nail plate to be strong and healthy. Omega-6 is useful in the regeneration of a wide variety of tissues.

If a person suffers from eczema, regularly eating a normal amount of Omega-6 helps eliminate most of the symptoms of the disease. Inflammation goes away, skin irritation is relieved.

Hair acquires a healthy, beautiful shine. The fragility goes away, the ends stop splitting. Along the entire length of the hair, the scales fit tightly to the trunk. This has a positive effect on the hair as a whole: hair loss is normal, thickness remains with age.

Healthy Ratio - What is it?

For a person to feel good, they need a diet that supplies the body with Omega-3, 6 and 9 in the correct ratio. It must be remembered that the absolute volume of fatty acids entering the blood is much less important than the relative one.

As for Omega-3 and Omega-6, doctors say that these components should enter the human body in approximately equal doses. With normal, nutritious nutrition, exactly this ratio is maintained in the human brain. Within normal limits, the concentration of Omega-6 will exceed Omega-3 by up to four times, but no more.

The reason is that in fact the body is not affected by Omega-3 and 6 separately, but rather by these two types of fatty acids together. They interact with each other, and it is these reactions that benefit all human systems and organs. Omega-3 and Omega-6 individually affect the body in almost opposite ways. Once both are inside, a balancing interaction begins. Already from this explanation it is clear why the optimal balance is one to one.

The human body must daily receive a number of different elements that are extremely important for the normal functioning of organs and systems. Such particles are represented by vitamins, minerals and various acids. Ideally, we should consume them with food. However, it often turns out that the usual diet cannot satisfy all of our body’s needs for nutrients. Therefore, you have to pay attention to various vitamin complexes. One of the quite important elements for our body is Omega 6 fatty acids, instructions for use of which I will now review. I will also say a few words about the benefits and harms of omega-6 for the human body.

What kind of omega 6 fatty acids are these?

Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids are mainly represented by linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid. The first of them is essential, and the other Omega6 polyunsaturated fatty acids are formed in the body directly from linoleic acid.

How to replenish omega 6, what products contain this substance?

A person can obtain such elements from various vegetable oils, for example, hemp, flaxseed, sunflower, corn, soybean and peanut. In combination with healthy Omega3 fats, they form vitamin F, which is essentially a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids that take a particularly active part in many biological processes.

Why do we need to get omega 6, what is it good for?

A proper ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6 helps maintain optimal hormonal balance in our body, because both of these substances are precursors of prostaglandins, also known as tissue hormones. However, if the level of Omega 6 exceeds the level of Omega 3, in this case a predominance of inflammatory processes occurs, a narrowing of blood vessels is observed, in addition, a decrease in the lumen of the bronchi occurs, an increase in blood pressure and a significant suppression of the immune system.

It is believed that gamma-linolenic acid is the most useful representative of Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. At the same time, this substance is quite scarce. With insufficient intake, our body is unable to synthesize prostaglandin E1, which helps it protect itself from the aging process, heart and vascular diseases, as well as cancer, arthritis, allergic diseases, asthma, a number of allergic diseases and other pathological conditions.

If a person receives little linoleic and gamma-linoleic acid, he should take special dietary supplements.

Omega 6 - benefits and harms

Among the beneficial properties of omega-6 are their ability to:

Improving the condition of hair and nails.
increasing brain alertness;
lowering cholesterol levels;
strengthening the immune system;
normalization of the state of the cardiovascular system and bone tissue;
accelerating the removal of toxins from the body;
stopping inflammatory processes in the body;
antidepressant effects;
preventing changes in the body with age;

To obtain such an effect, you need to follow the dosage of nutrients and be patient, because the harm of Omega 6 lies precisely in its excessive intake into the body, which causes blood pressure to rise, the immune system to weaken, and inflammatory and even cancer diseases begin to develop.

Instructions for use

For the most part, polyunsaturated fatty acid preparations contain both Omega 6 and Omega 3. Some formulations are also a source of lesser-known Omega 9 fatty acids.

So on the shelves of pharmacies you can find Omegatrin dietary supplement and some of its analogues. This composition is usually prescribed to patients who have risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, it is prescribed for high cholesterol levels and for coronary heart disease (as part of complex therapy). Possible indications for taking Omegatrin are also considered to be a tendency to hypertension, the likelihood of blood clots and a slight decrease in mental and/or physical performance.

The drug should be consumed two capsules twice or thrice a day directly during meals. The duration of treatment is usually one to two months.

Products that combine Omega-3 and Omega-6 are also very popular. But with due diligence, you can also purchase dietary supplements that are a source exclusively of Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. These include Trimegavital (Borago and amaranth) and Evening Primrose Oil.


Trimegavital is usually prescribed to patients to optimize performance and mental activity, protect the heart and blood vessels, and normalize hormonal levels. In addition, this composition helps to improve the condition of nails and hair, regulate fat metabolism, and reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. Its consumption helps reduce platelet aggregation, increase vitality and performance.

It is recommended to take two or three capsules during meals. Trimegavital is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with individual intolerance to its components. Trimegavital can also be purchased in another form - with Omega 3 fatty acids.

Evening primrose oil

As for Evening Primrose Oil, this medicine is usually prescribed to women to normalize hormonal levels with dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, infertility and frigidity. This composition will also help with various ailments of the cardiovascular system, autoimmune diseases, and migraines. It is recommended to consume it for the correction of endometriosis and mastopathy. Evening primrose oil also helps in the treatment of diabetes, visual impairment (especially retinopathy), eczema, acne and psoriasis. This composition effectively rejuvenates the skin, eliminates brittle hair and nails, and treats dandruff.

It should be consumed one to three capsules per day during meals. Contraindications are standard: pregnancy, breastfeeding and individual intolerance.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Against the backdrop of statements about the incredible benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and the need for their significant predominance over their “brothers” from the omega-6 group, one may get the impression that the latter are the enemies of health, or at least not the most beneficial substances for it. However, this is a misconception: our body really needs omega 6. Why is it useful to use them and where can you get them from?

Unsaturated omega-6 fatty acids include, in particular (there are more than 10 of them):

  • linoleic (the main representative of the family);
  • gamma-linolenic;
  • arachidonic acid - in cell membranes it is present in the largest quantities and makes up approximately 5-15% of all fatty acids.

What do omega 6s do in the body?

Representatives of this omega group:

  • influence the development of the central nervous system during fetal development, and also prevent intellectual underdevelopment. And in adults, these substances determine the correct distribution of impulses in the nervous system;
  • are building materials for cells, take part in the production of many hormones, including neurotransmitters (compounds that ensure communication between nerve cells of the brain);
  • lower the level of total and “bad” cholesterol, but, unfortunately, can also slightly lower the level of “good”;
  • control blood pressure, kidney, heart, and gastrointestinal tract function;
  • contribute to the treatment of hormonal disorders, type 2 diabetes, skin diseases;
  • Arachidonic acid in the body is converted into lipoxin, which has an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. In addition, it counteracts the development and reduces the symptoms of autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis;
  • make immune defense more powerful by strengthening cellular barriers;
  • These substances are useful for reducing PMS discomfort and during menopause.

To better understand why it is useful to consume omega 6, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the problems with which the body reacts to their lack in the diet:

  • increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections;
  • reduced immunity;
  • improper functioning of blood vessels leading to hypertension;
  • reduced functionality of the heart, liver, kidneys, endocrine glands;
  • decreased synthesis of prostaglandins;
  • infertility (in some cases);
  • platelet deficiency;
  • various skin changes.


The best sources of omega-6 fatty acids are cold-pressed oils: soybean, coconut, sunflower, corn (and margarines made from them) and some others. You can use rarer oils as assistants. Thus, a high content of linoleic and gamma-linolenic acids is inherent in evening primrose oil (71% LA and 10% GLA). Supplements with this product are recommended for people with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, because omega-6 deficiency contributes to their development, including atherosclerosis and arrhythmia. The acids contained in primrose oil reduce the degree of platelet aggregation, thus preventing heart attacks and strokes. The deficiency of gamma-linolenic acid that develops during aging can be compensated by borage oil and black currant seed oil. Evening primrose oil, among other things, will help treat skin diseases - atopic dermatitis, erythema, etc.

Important! Vegetable oils rich in these acids should be consumed raw and not used for frying. In addition, in order to preserve the benefits, they should not be exposed to light.

Other sources

  • pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds;
  • most nuts;
  • avocado.

Please note: a medium-sized avocado is as much as 432 kcal.

When does benefit become harm?

Speaking about the properties of omega 6, it is impossible to ignore the relationship with omega 3, because their benefits and harm depend on whether the balance of these acids is maintained in the body. Domestic and foreign sources give different figures for the recommended ratio - 4:5, 1:5, 4:5, 1:2, etc. In any case, there should not be a significant advantage in the direction of omega-6, because they reclaim the “living space » in omega-3, which is already scarce in the average diet. Here's what their excess is fraught with:

  • impaired immunity;
  • increased risk of cancer;
  • problems with blood cholesterol levels;
  • risk of diseases and disorders of the heart and cardiovascular system;
  • tendency to allergies, skin changes;
  • problems of an emotional and mental nature, such as depression;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • digestive problems;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • “stimulating” inflammatory processes.

A person who is concerned about balancing omega acids in his diet will face a rather difficult task, especially considering the “dominance” of omega-6 in modern industrial food products. To help solve this problem, pharmacological preparations that contain omega, including 6, in the “correct” proportions are called upon, thanks to which each of the acids brings maximum benefit to the body.