Sicstinskaya Madonna Interesting Facts. Raphael Santi "Sicstinskaya Madonna": painting description

Sicstinskaya Madonna Interesting Facts. Rafael Santia
Sicstinskaya Madonna Interesting Facts. Raphael Santi "Sicstinskaya Madonna": painting description

"The genius of pure beauty" - said about the "Sikstinsky Madonna" Vasily Zhukovsky. Later Pushkin borrowed this image and dedicated his earthly woman - Anne Kern. Rafael also wrote Madonna from a real person, probably from his own mistress

1. Madonna. Some researchers believe that the image of the Blessed Virgin Rafael wrote from his mistress Margerites Lui. According to the domestic historian of the art of Sergey Stam, "in the eyes of the Sistine Madonna, immediate openness and gullibility, hot love and tenderness and, along with the wonderfulness and anxiety, indignation and horror in front of human sins; Indecisiveness and at the same time willingness to make a feat (give the Son to death. - Approx. "Around the world")».

2. Baby Christ. According to the Stam, "his forehead is not childish, and his eyes are not seriously serious. However, in their glance, we do not see any edification, no crowd, nor reconciling ... His eyes look at the world who opened in front of them intently, intensely, with bewilderment and fear. " And at the same time, in the view of Christ, the determination to follow the will of God's father is read, the determination to bring himself sacrificing for the sake of the salvation of mankind.

3. SIKST II.. Very little is known about the Roman Pontiff. In the holy throne, he stayed long - from 257 to 258 - and was executed under the emperor Valeriah through the clipping of the head. Saint Sikst was a patron of Italian Papal Rovere (ITal. "Oak"). Therefore, on his golden manta embroidered acorns and oak leaves.

4. Hands of Siksta. Rafael wrote the Holy Dad to the current right hand on the throne crucifixion (we recall that the "Sicstinskaya Madonna" hung over the altar and, accordingly, behind the altar cross). It is curious that the artist portrayed six fingers on her hand - another six, encrypted in the picture. The left hand of the high priest is pressed to the chest - as a sign of devotion to the Virgin Mary.

5. Papal Tiara Removed from Ponti's head as a sign of respect before Madonna. Tiara consists of three crowns, symbolizing the kingdom of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. It is crowning acorn - a heraldic symbol of the Rove Rove.

6. Holy Varvara There was a patroness of Piacenses. This holy III century secretly from the parent's father appealed to faith in Jesus. Father torture and beheaded daughter-anxcuster.

7. Clouds. Some believe that Rafael depicted clouds in the form of singing angels. In fact, according to the teachings of Gnobs, these are not angels, but not yet born souls who are in heaven and are famous than the Most High.

8. Angels. Two angels at the bottom of the picture are impassively looking to the distance. Their visible indifference is a symbol of the incidence of the inevitability of divine fishery: Christ is the cross, and he cannot change fate.

9. Opened curtain Symbolizes splazed heavens. His green color indicates the mercy of the god of the Father, who sent his son to death for the sake of rescue people.

Pushkin borrowed the poetic formula from the senior contemporary and turned her to the earthly woman - Anna Kern. However, this transfer is relatively natural: Rafael may have written Madonna from a real character - his own mistress.

At the beginning of the XVI century, Rome led a hard war with France for the possession of Italy's northern lands. In general, luck was on the side of the papal troops, and Northernalian cities one after another moved to the side of the Roman Pontifica. In 1512, the Piacenza was also enrolled in the town of 60 kilometers southeast of Milan. For Pope, Julia II Piacenza was something big than just a new territory: there was a monastery of St. Sict - a patron saint of Rovere, to which Pontiff belonged. In joys, Julius II decided to thank the monks (which were actively agitated for joining Rome) and ordered from Rafael Santi (by the time of the Master already recognized), the Saaltic image on which Virgin Mary is a holy Siksta.

Rafaella liked the order: he allowed to saturate the picture with symbols important for the artist. The painter was Gnostly - a supporter of the lateant religious course, based on the Old Testament, Eastern mythology and a number of early Christian exercises. Gnostics from all the magic numbers were particularly honored with six (it was for the sixth day, according to their teaching, God created Jesus), and the sequst is just translated as "sixth". Rafael decided to beat this coincidence. Therefore, a composite picture, according to Italian art historian, Matteo Fitzzi believes, encrypts six in itself: it makes up six figures that together form a hexagon.

Work on "Madonna" was completed in 1513, until 1754, the picture was in the monastery of St. Sict, until she was bought by Saxon Kurfürst August III for 20,000 Zehinov (almost 70 kilograms of gold). Before the second World War II "Sicstinskaya Madonna" dreamed of Dresden Gallery. But in 1943, the Nazis hid the picture in Stolnia, where Soviet soldiers discovered after long searches. So the creation of Rafael fell into the USSR. In 1955, Sikstinskaya Madonna, along with many other paintings exported from Germany, was returned to the GDR authorities and is now in the Dresden Gallery.

Rafael Santia

1483 - Born in Urbino in the artist's family.
1500 - began training in the art workshop Pietro Perugino. Signed the first contract - to create an altar image "Coronation of St. Nikola from Tolentino. "
1504-1508 - lived in Florence, where he met Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Created the first Madonn - Madonna Granduk and Madonna with a Schecheman.
1508-1514 - He worked on the paintings of the Papal Palace (Fresco "Athens School", "Failing to the Apostle Peter from the Tomnov", etc.), wrote a portrait of Pope Julia II. He received the position of scribe of papal decisions.
1512-1514 - wrote "Sicstinian Madonna" and "Madonna di Foligno."
1515 - was appointed the main keeper of the antiquities of the Vatican. Posted by Madonna in the chair.
1520 - Died in Rome.

Photo: Bridgeman /, Diomedia

Raffaello Santi.or Raffaello Sanzio.

Italian painter and architect. Schedule, representative of the Umbral School.

Rafael has lost her parents early. Mother, Marji Charla, died in 1491, and Father, Giovanni Santi, died in 1494.

Rafael, the son of Giovanni Santi's painter, spent early years in Urbino. In 1500-1504, Raphael, according to Vazari's testimony, studied by the artist Perugino in Perugia. The works of this period of creativity of Rafael are marked by a fine poetry and soft lyrics of landscape backgrounds.

From 1504 Rafael worked in Florence, where he met the work of Leonardo da Vinci and Fra Bartolomet, engaged in learning anatomy and scientific perspective. Moving to Florence played a huge role in the creative formation of Raphael. Of paramount importance for the artist was familiar with the method of the Great Leonardo da Vinci.

The first order in Florence comes from Anolo Donon to portraits of his and his wife, the latter was written by Raphael under a clear impression of "Jokonda". It is for Anolo Doni Michelangelo Buonaroti at this time creates a TDO "Madonna Donon".

In Florence, Rafael created about 20 Madonn. Although the plots are standard: Madonna either holds a baby in his arms, or he plays next to John the Baptist, all Madonns are individual and distinguished by a special maternal charm (apparently, the early death of the mother left a deep mark in the soul of Rafael).

Rafael received from Pope Julia II Invitation to Rome, where he was able to get closer to the antique monuments, participated in archaeological excavations.

Having moved to Rome, the 26-year-old master receives the position of the artist of the Apostolic Throne and the commission to paint the paradinary quarters of the Vatican Palace, from 1514 he directs the construction of St. Peter's Cathedral, works in the field of church and palace architecture, in 1515 it is appointed by the Commissioner for antiquities, is responsible for learning and The protection of ancient monuments, archaeological excavations.

In recent years, Rafael was so overloaded with orders, which trusted the fulfillment of many of them to his students and assistants (Julio Romano, Giovanni Da Udine, Perino del Waga, Francesco Penny and others), usually limited to general observation on the work.

Rafael was also an architect. He completed after the death of Bramte Cathedral of St. Peter in the Vatican. In addition, he built a church in Rome, a chapel, several Palazzo.

Pupils at Rafael had a lot, however, the most famous of them acquired glory due to pornographic drawings. Raphael could not transfer his secrets to anyone. In the future, his paintings inspired Rubens, Rembrandt, Mana, Modigliani.

The artist lived 37 years. It is impossible to immediately call the cause of death. Under one, version, due to fever. On the other, - due to the implicitness, which has become a lifestyle. On his tomb in Pantheon there is an epitaph: "The great Rafael rests here, in whose lifetime, nature was afraid to be defeated, and after his death she was afraid to die."

All his paintings, individually - masterpieces. But today we will tell you about the picture called "Sicstinskaya Madonna".

Sistine Madonna

Madonna Sistina.

The painting of Raphael, which since 1754 is in the gallery of old masters in Dresden. Belongs to the number of generally accepted vertices of high revival.

Of all paintings, the most perfect creation of Rafael became the famous "Sicstinskaya Madonna" (1512-1513).

This picture ordered Julius II for the Altar of the Church of the Monastery of St. Sict in Piacense. "Sicstinskaya Madonna" is truly a symphony. Weave and meeting lines and masses of this canvas are amazing with their inner rhythm and harmony. But the most phenomenal in this large canvase is the mysterious ability of the painter to reduce all the lines, all forms, all the colors in such a wonderful match that they serve only one, the main desire of the artist - to make us look, look tirelessly in the sad eyes of Mary. "

"One picture I wanted to be an eternal spectator," said Pushkin about the Sistine Madonna.

This masterpiece of the Renaissance was first written by an artist without the help of his disciples and showed the Mother of God, who literally comes to the viewer, turning his soft look at him.

Many said that the picture was created at the time when Rafael experienced a personal grief, so he invested his sadness into the image of an excellent maiden with sad eyes. In the view of Mother, the viewer is able to read the excitement and humility - the feelings caused by the foresight of the inevitable tragic fate of his own son. Madonna thrills the child to himself, as if she had a minute, when she had to tear off the heart of a gentle baby and to present the Savior mankind.

Initially, the "Sicstinskaya Madonna" was conceived as an altar image for the chapel of the monastery of St. Sict. At that time, for such a work, the master "piled up a hand" on a wooden board, but Rafael Santi depicted the Mother of God on the canvas, and soon her figure was majestically towered over the semicircular church church.
The artist depicted his Madonna with bass, covered in a simple bedspread and deprived of the haziness of holiness. In addition, many viewers noted that the woman holds a child in his arms as simple peasants did. Despite the fact that Virgo is deprived of visible attributes of high origin, other character heroes meet it as a queen.

Young Varvara gaze expresses reverence in front of Madonna, and the holy sequst worsens his knees and stretches his hand, which marks the phenomenon of the phenomenon of Our Lady. If you look attentively, it seems like a stretched sikt's hand "bang" six fingers. Legends walked, thereby Rafael wanted to beat the original name of the Roman bishop, which is translated from Latin as the "sixth". In fact, the presence of an excess finger is just an illusion, and the viewer sees the inner side of the palm of Sict.

The more you look, the more you feel incomprehensible beauty: each trait is considered, the grace expressions are filled with the strictest style. Karl Bromlov.

There are many legends around this picture.

One of them says that the prototype of the legendary Madonna became fornarin - the beloved woman and the artist's simulator. But in a friendly letter to Baldassare Castiglion, the master said that he created an image of perfect beauty not from a particular girl, but synthesized his impressions from many beauties, which were destined to meet Rafael.

According to the Stam, "his forehead (Baby Christ) is not childishly high, and his eyes are not very childish. However, in their glance, we do not see any edification, no crowd, nor reconciling ... His eyes look at the world who opened in front of them intently, intensely, with bewilderment and fear. " And at the same time, in the view of Christ, the determination to follow the will of God's father is read, the determination to bring himself sacrificing for the sake of the salvation of mankind.

Raphael wrote the Holy Dad to the prescribing right hand on the throne crucifixion. It is curious that the artist portrayed six fingers on her hand - another six, encrypted in the picture. The left hand of the high priest is pressed to the chest - as a sign of devotion to the Virgin Mary.

Some believe that Rafael depicted clouds in the form of singing angels. In fact, according to the teachings of Gnobs, these are not angels, but not yet born souls who are in heaven and are famous than the Most High.

The order for writing the canvas Rafael received from Pope Julia II. Thus, the Pontiff wanted to note the inclusion of Piacenses (the town is 60 km south-east of Milan) to the preparation of the papal region. The territory was disheighted from the French during the struggle for the northern Italian lands. In Piacense, there was a monastery of St. Sict - the patron saint of Rod Rovere, to which Pontiff belonged. The monks actively agitated for joining Rome, for which Julius II decided to thank them and ordered the Saaltian image from Raphael, on which the Mother of God is the Holy Sixt.

I must say that Glory came to her much later after writing. Two centuries, she dust in Piacenz, while in the middle of the XVIII century he did not bought her August III, Kurfürst Saxon and the King of Polish, and did not take it into Dresden. Despite the fact that then the picture was not considered a masterpiece of Rafael, the monks traded two years and launched the price. Augustus was not fundamentally - to buy this canvas or other, the main thing is Rafael's brush. It was his paintings that was not enough in the collection of the Kurfirst.

When "Sicstinian Madonna" brought to Dresden, August III allegedly pushed his throne in words: "The road is a great Rafael!", When the porters were tested, bringing a masterpiece through the halls of his palace.

The canvas miraculously survived during the Second World War. Dresden himself was destroyed to the ground. But the "Sisikstinsky Madonna", like other paintings of the Dresden Gallery, hid in the commercial car standing on the rails in an abandoned quarry 30 km south of the city. In May 1945, Soviet troops found pictures and brought to the USSR. The Masterpiece of Rafael was kept in the shops of the Pushkin Museum of 10 years, until he was returned with the All Dresden Assembly of the GDR authorities in 1955.


"Sicstinskaya Madonna" - the mystery of the Great Italian artist Rafael Santi Updated: December 1, 2017 by the author: website

Sistine Madonna. 1513-1514.
Canvas, oil. 265 × 196 cm
Gallery of old masters, Dresden. Wikiglad.

Clickable - 3028px × 4151px

"An hour that I spent before this Madonna belongs to a happy hours of life: everything was quiet around me; At first, with some effort entered in itself; Then it began to feel clear that the soul applies; some touching sense of greatness in her was included; The disadvantaged was depicted for her, and she was where only in the best minutes of life could be. The genius of pure beauty was with her. " So Vasily Zhukovsky described his impressions of the meeting with the masterpiece of Rafael. What is the secret of the "Sicstinian Madonna"?


This is monumental work. Almost two two meters. Just think what impression this picture was produced on people of the XVI century. It seemed that Madonna descends from heaven. Her eyes are not semi-shot, do not look aside or on the baby. She looks at us. And now try to imagine how it looked in the church atmosphere. People just entered the temple and immediately met with a look with the Mother of God - her image was visible in the distant perspective, long before the person approached the altar.

Behind the Madonna, Pope Sikst II and St. Barbara are observed. They were real historical characters, which for the torment the church canonize.

Martyrdom of St. Sicsta II, XIV century

Pope Sikst II long stayed at the throne - from 257 to 258 years. He was cut off his head under the emperor Valerian. Saint Sikst was a patron of Italian Papal Rove Roveness, the name of which is translated as "oak", so on the golden mantle embroidery and leaves of this tree. The same symbol is present on the papal thiara, the three crowns of which symbolize the kingdom of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Raphael first wrote Madonna, who looks at the viewer

The holy barbarian is not accidentally chosen for this canvase. She was a patroness of Piacenses - for the church, Rafael wrote his Madonna in this city. The story of this woman is extremely tragic. She lived in the III century, her father was a pagan, and the girl appealed to Christianity. Naturally, the father was against - for a long time torturing the daughter, and then decapitated at all.

Figures form a triangle. It emphasizes the opened curtain. He also makes the audience an accomplice of action, and also symbolizes the expressed heavens.

Rear background - not the clouds at all, as it may seem, but the heads of the babies. These are not yet born souls, which are still in heaven and are famous for God. Angels below their impassive species speak of the inevitability of divine fishery. This is a symbol of adoption.


The order for writing the canvas Rafael received from Pope Julia II. Thus, the Pontiff wanted to note the inclusion of Piacenses (the town is 60 km south-east of Milan) to the preparation of the papal region. The territory was disheighted from the French during the struggle for the northern Italian lands. In Piacense, there was a monastery of St. Sict - the patron saint of Rod Rovere, to which Pontiff belonged. The monks actively agitated for joining Rome, for which Julius II decided to thank them and ordered the Saaltian image from Raphael, on which the Mother of God is the Holy Sixt.

"Sicstinskaya Madonna" is written by order of Pope Julia II

We do not know who exactly posed Rafael for Madonna. According to one of the versions, it was fornarin - not only a simulator, but also the beloved artist. History did not save even her real name, not to mention the details of life. Fornarina (literally - bull) is the nickname that she was obliged to professions of his father-bake.

"Rafael and Fornarina", Jean Engr, 1813

The legend says that fornarina and Rafael met in Rome accidentally. The painter was struck by the beauty of the girl, paid her father 3000 gold and took to him. The next 12 years - to the death of the artist - Fornarina was his muse and model. What happened to the woman after the death of Raphael, is unknown. According to one version, she became a curtisan in Rome, on the other, "he had grown in the nun and soon died.

But back to the "Sicstinian Madonna". I must say that Glory came to her much later after writing. Two centuries, she dust in Piacenz, while in the middle of the XVIII century he did not bought her August III, Kurfürst Saxon and the King of Polish, and did not take it into Dresden. Despite the fact that then the picture was not considered a masterpiece of Rafael, the monks traded two years and launched the price. Augustus was not fundamentally - to buy this canvas or other, the main thing is Rafael's brush. It was his paintings that was not enough in the collection of the Kurfirst.

Portrait of the King of Polish and Grand Prince Lithuanian August III (1696-1763)
1733. Vikusklad.

When "Sicstinian Madonna" brought to Dresden, August III allegedly pushed his throne in words: "The road is a great Rafael!", When the porters were tested, bringing a masterpiece through the halls of his palace.

For the "Sicstinian Madonna", perhaps, posed the mistress of Raphael

She passed half a century, and "Sicstinskaya Madonna" became a hit. Its copies appeared first in the palaces, then in the bourgeois mansions, and then in the form of tops and in the houses of ordinary people.

The canvas miraculously survived during the Second World War. Dresden himself was destroyed to the ground. But the "Sisikstinsky Madonna", like other paintings of the Dresden Gallery, hid in the commercial car standing on the rails in an abandoned quarry 30 km south of the city. In May 1945, Soviet troops found pictures and brought to the USSR. The Masterpiece of Rafael was kept in the shops of the Pushkin Museum of 10 years, until he was returned with the All Dresden Assembly of the GDR authorities in 1955.

Fate artist

Rafael worked at the time when revival reached the climax of development. He was a contemporary Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarot. Rafael carefully studied their technique, it was a properly selected tool for the execution of artistic designs.

For his life, Rafael created several dozen "Madonn". Not only because they were often ordered. The artist was close to love and self-denial, she was one of the most important in his work.

Rafael Santi. Self-portrait
1506, wood oil, 45 × 33 cm. Wiklad

Rafael began his career in Florence. In the second half of 1508, he moves to Rome, which at that time becomes the center of arts. And this a lot contributed to Juli II, who joined the papal throne. It was an extremely ambitious and enterprising person. He attracted the best artists of Italy to her yard. Including Raphael, who, with the assistance of the architect Bramte, became the official artist of the papal court.

He is instructed to paint the frescoes to the station Della Senyatura. Among them was the famous "Athenian school" - a multifigure (about 50 characters) the composition on which ancient philosophers are presented. In some faces, Rafael's contemporaries are guessed: Plato is written in the image of Da Vinci, Heraclit - Michelangelo, Ptolemy is very similar to the author of the fresco.

The most famous student of Rafael became famous for pornographic patterns

And now a minute for the heading "few people know." Rafael was also an architect. He completed after the death of Bramte Cathedral of St. Peter in the Vatican. In addition, he built a church in Rome, a chapel, several Palazzo.

Rafael Santi. Athenian school. 1511.
Cutting, 500 × 770 cm
Apostolic Palace, Vatican. Wikiglad.

Pupils at Rafael had a lot, however, the most famous of them acquired glory due to pornographic drawings. Raphael could not transfer his secrets to anyone. In the future, his paintings inspired Rubens, Rembrandt, Mana, Modigliani.

Rafael lived 37 years. It is impossible to immediately call the cause of death. Under one, version, due to fever. On the other, - due to the implicitness, which has become a lifestyle. On his tomb in Pantheon there is an epitaph: "The great Rafael rests here, in whose lifetime, nature was afraid to be defeated, and after his death she was afraid to die."

Sicstinskaya Madonna Rafael conquered the whole world. The talent of the best painter of the era of the high revival of Rafael Santi has allowed to create a picture that entails, causes the gamut of feelings and amazes with his liveliness. The canvas is more than five hundred years, but the execution technique is so high, which is perceived as a 3D image. And when you stand in front of the picture, it seems that Madonna will continue to meet.

The picture causes genuine interest. Since "Sicstinskaya Madonna" in 1754 entered the collection of Saxon Kurfürst and placed in, the picture saw millions of people.

Description of the painting and magic of perception

Not very large in size of a canvas 256 cm x 196 cm some magically holds the attention of the viewer. Experts argue that this is a special dynamic circle that manages a man looking at the picture.

The viewer peers into the image of Mother of God with a baby in his arms, then his gaze moves to the golden robes of St. Sicsta, and, most importantly, his hand. Saint Sequust stretches his hand towards the viewer, as if including it in the composition. And the viewer involuntarily follows the gaze of the saint, again sending attention to Madonna and the Baby.

Next, the look slips to the image of sv. Barbara, since the "chemistry" of perception of similar color gamans is connected. The holy barbarian looks down, inviting to proceed to her gaze to a cute angels. But when the viewer's eyes stop at the Cherubis couple at the bottom of the paintings, which sent all their attention up, then invariably continue to move towards the upper center of the canvas - to the image of Mary with a baby.

So puts modern science to the magic of painting of Rafael. It is possible that the look most of the audience is exactly how and slides in the picture. In the hall, where the canvas is demonstrated, always more visitors than in other halls. An inexperienced visitor simply considers the picture and absorbs the message that comes from the composition. Experts are particularly biased. They are also interested in the overall perception of the composition, and the details.

From my experience, I will say that Madonna Rafael affects multifaceted. The picturesque canvas holds in direct view. I want to peer, but questions also appear ... Who wrote the author of a beautiful image? .. How did it happen that the best work of Raphael - the chief artist Vatican - was kept in the church of a small town of Piacenza? .. And why August III acquired for his collection exactly this canvas, While Rafael Santi has dedicated Madonna with a baby? ..

The history of creating a picture of Sicstinskaya Madonna

Some researchers suggest that this masterpiece Rafael created still for the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome. The order came from Pope Julia II. There was also a place for the painting - in a chapel, where Pope Sikst IV was buried. But during the restructuring of the temple, Sicsta IV was reburied, and the gorgeous canvas move to the altar did not allow church canons.

In the main church of the Vatican, these canons were strictly observed, but on the periphery, to which the city of Piacenz was treated, not so committed to such rules. Therefore, the picture of Raphael moved to the church of St. Sict under the monastery in Piacense.

The creativeness of the famous Italian painter did not give rest to the Saxon Kurfürthu Augusti III, who wished to supplement his collection of the Madonna Brush of Rafael. August III looked after the Madonna Foligno cloth, which the author wrote a year earlier - in 1511-12.

This picture was in the Vatican, and the Pope opposed the bargain. In the course of long-term negotiations, interest moved to the Sicstinskaya Madonna's canvas, and the head of the Roman Catholic Church gave way. Moreover, the restoration began in the temple of Piacenza.

So the masterpiece was in Germany, and from the middle of the XIX century a regular place of placement of the picture is the gallery of old masters in.

For modern visitors, it is important to know where the Sicstinskaya Madonna Rafael is located. This is the second floor (in our understanding, not European), where painting belonging to the era of high rebirth is being exposed.

And yet, who was awarded the honor to pose Raphael when creating the image of Madonna. More and more sources confirm that this is the secret beloved painter Margarita Luti. The same features that in the image of Madonna can be seen in the portrait "Fornarina" and in the picture "Holy Cecilia".

Fabulous that a brilliant artist connected with strong uzami with a Vatican was not allowed even to open feelings. His official bride was the nephew Cardinal Maria da Bobbien. It seems that neither marry her nor writing paintings from her face Rafael Santi was not going to ...

Returning to the Sicstinskaya Madonna canvas, it should be clarified that it is in the Dresden Art Gallery that the original is located. There are copies of the picture. In the same city, Piacenza remained a copy created in 1730 by Pierre Antonio Avanzini. And how much there are less known copying!

Gallery Old Masters on the map Dresden

This altar image is the last of the major works of Rafael dedicated to his favorite theme. Even in the early period of creativity, he turned to the image of Madonna with a baby, every time looking for a new approach. The predominant nature of the genius of Rafael was expressed in the desire for the Divine, to the transformation of earthly, human in the eternal, divine.

It seems that the curtain has just spread and the eyes of believers opened the celestial vision - the cloud of Mary's Virgo with the infant Jesus on his hands. Madonna holds a trusting of the student to her Jesus in maternal carefully and carefully. Rafael's genius seemed to concluded a divine baby into the magic circle, formed by the left hand of Madonna, her hopping cover and the right hand of Jesus. Her view, directed through the viewer, is full of anxious foresight of the tragic fate of the Son. Madonna's face is the embodiment of an antique ideal of beauty in conjunction with the spiritualness of the Christian ideal.

Pope Sikst II, who adopted a martyrdom in 258 AD. And the sainted sainted, asks Mary about intercession for everyone, who prays her before altar. Pose of St. Barbara, her face and a disturbed eye express humility and reverence. In the depths of the picture, in the background, barely distinguishable in the golden haze, the faces of the angels are vaguely guessed, reinforcing the overall elevated atmosphere. Views and gestures of two angels in the foreground facing Madonne. The presence of these winged boys, more resembling mythological amusements, gives the canvas special warmth and humanity.

"Sicstinskaya Madonna" was ordered Raphael in 1512 as an altar image for the chapel of the monastery of St. Sict in Piacense. Pope Julius II, at that time, still Cardinal, collected funds for the construction of the chapel, where the relics of St. Sict and St. Barbara were kept.

In Russia, especially in the first half of the 19th century, the "Sicstinskaya Madonna" Rafael was very revered, enthusiastic lines of such different writers and critics, as V. A. Zhukovsky, V. G. Belinsky, N. P. Ogarev. Belinsky wrote from Dresden V. P. Botkin, sharing his impressions about the "Sicstinian Madonna": "What kind of nobility, what the grace of the brush! It is impossible to look! I involuntarily remembered Pushkin: the same nobility, the same grace of expression, with the same rigor of the outlines! No wonder Pushkin loved Raphael so much: he relatives to him by nature. ". Two great Russian writers, L. N. Tolstoy and F. M. Dostoevsky, had the Reproductions of the Sicstinian Madonna in their working offices. The wife of F. M. Dostoevsky recorded in his diary: "Fyodor Mikhailovich above all in painting put the works of Raphael and his higher work recognized" Sikstinsky Madonna ".

Carlo Maratty so expressed his surprise in front of Rafael: "If I had a picture of Raphael and I wouldn't know anything about him, if I had told me that this is the creation of an angel, I would believe it".

The picture "Sicstinskaya Madonna" was written by Raphael in 1512-1513 by order of Pope Julia II for the altar of the Church of the Saint Sict Monastery in Piacense, where the relics of St. Sict and St. Barbara were kept.

In the picture of Pope Sikst II, who adopted a martyrdom in 258 AD. And the sainted sainted, asks Mary about intercession for everyone, who prays her before altar. Saint Barbara's posture, her face and disturbed gaze express humility and reverence.

In 1754, the picture was acquired by the Queen Augustus III Saxon and brought to his Dresden residence. The yard of Saxon Kurfürst paid 20,000 Zehin for her - a considerable amount at the time.

In the 19th and 20th century, Russian writers and artists went to Dresden to see the Sistinian Madonna. They saw in it not only the perfect work of art, but also the highest measure of human nobility.

The artist Karl Bryullov wrote: "The more you look, the more you feel incomprehensible beauty: each trait is considered, the grace expressions are filled with the strictest style."

Lion Tolstoy and Fedor Dostoevsky in the working offices had the reproduction of the Sisikstinsky Madonna. F. M. Dostoevsky's wife recorded: "Fedor Mikhailovich was above all in painting, put the works of Raphael and his higher work recognized the" Sicstine Madonna ".
This picture serves as a litmus paper in assessing the character of the heroes of Dostoevsky. So in the spiritual development of Arcadia ("Teenager") a deep mark leaves the engraving with the image of Madonna. Svidrigaylov ("Crime and Punishment") recalls the face of Madonna, which he refers to the "sorrowful oborudy", and this statement allows you to see the depth of its moral fall.

Perhaps not everyone likes this picture. But, as they say, in many centuries she liked so much great people, which now chooses who likes.

In the Dresden Gallery two years ago they were banned from photographing and shooting. But I still managed to capture the moment of contact with the masterpiece.

From the ornament, I admired the reproduction of this picture, and always dreamed of seeing her in humilion. And so when my dream came true, I was convinced: no reproduction compares with the effect, what happens in the shower when you stand near this canvase!

The artist Kramskaya in a letter to his wife admitted that only in the original noticed a lot of such that not noticeable in any of the copies. "Madonna Raphael really the work is great and really eternal, even when mankind ceases to believe when scientific research ... will reveal the historical features of both of these persons, ... and then the picture will not lose its price, but will change its role." .

"Once the human soul was such a revelation, it could not happen twice," writing Vasily Zhukovsky.

How old legends tell, Julia II, there was a vision of Our Lady with a baby. For the efforts of Raphael, it turned into the phenomenon of the Virgin People.

"Sicstinian Madonna" Rafael created about 1516. By this time, they had already written many paintings with the image of Our Lady. Mostly young Rafael became famous as an amazing master and an incomparable poet of Madonna's image. In St. Petersburg Hermitage is kept "Madonna Concatented", which he created a seventeen-year-old artist!

The idea and composition of the Sisikstinsky Madonna Rafael borrowed from Leonardo, but this is a generalization of his own life experience, images and reflections above the Madonns, a place of religion in the life of people.
"He always worked that others just dreamed of creating," he wrote about Rafael Goethe.

When I looked at this picture, not yet knowing the stories of her creation, a woman with a child in her arms was not a brother for me, but a simple woman, like everyone, giving her child to a cruel world.

It is striking that Maria looks like a simple woman, and that she holds the baby, as they usually hold their peasants. The face of her mournful, she barely restrains tears, as if the sickness of the bitter destiny of his son.
In the background of the picture, if you look closely, the outlines of the angels look in the clouds. These are the souls that are waiting for their turn to be embodied to carry the light of love to people.
At the bottom of the paintings, two guardian angel with bored persons watch the adoption of the new soul. According to their faces, it seems, they are already knowing about what will happen to the baby Mary, and patiently wait for the fulfilled execution.

Can a new baby save the world?
And what can in general, can do the shower in the human body in a short term of his stay on sinful land?

The main question is: Is this a picture of the picture? Or is it icon?

Rafael sought to transform human into the Divine, and the earthly in the eternal.
"Sicstinian Madonna" Rafael wrote at the time when he was experiencing heavy grief. And because all his sadness invested in the divine face of his Madonna. He created the most beautiful image of Our Lady, connecting the features of humanity with the highest religious ideality.

By a strange chance, immediately after visiting the Dresden Gallery, I read an article about the history of the creation of the Sistine Madonna. Contents Article stolen! The image captured by Rafael the image of a woman with a baby, forever entered the story of painting as something gentle, virgin and clean. However, in real life, a woman depicted in the image of Madonna was far from an angel. Moreover, she was considered one of the most depraved women of their era.

There are several versions of this legendary love. Someone tells about the elevated and clean attitudes of the artist and his muse, someone about the low vicious passion of celebrities and girls from the bottom.

For the first time Rafael Santi met his future Muse in 1514, when he worked in Rome on the order of a noble banker Agostino Chigi. The banker offered Rafael to paint the main gallery of his Palace "Farnesino". Soon the walls of the gallery decorated the famous frescoes "three graces" and "Galatia". The following was to be an image "Amur and Psychai". However, Rafael could not find a suitable model for the image of Psyche.

Once, walking along the shore of Tiber, Rafael saw a charming girl who managed to conquer his heart. At the time of dating with Rafael Margarita Lui was only seventeen years old. The girl was a daughter of the bakery, for which the master nickned her fornarin (from the Italian word "bakery").
Rafael decided to offer a girl to work as a model and invited her to his studio. Rafael went on the 31st year, he was a very interesting man. And the girl did not resist. She was given to the Great Master. Perhaps not only because of love, but also for mercenary reasons.
In gratitude for visiting the artist presented Margarita Golden Necklace.

The great mind of Goethe not only appreciated Raphael, but also found a progress for his assessment: "He always worked the fact that others only dreamed of creating".

This is true, because Rafael embodied in his works not only the desire for the ideal, but the most ideal, affordable mortal.

9 secrets that the "Sicstinsky Madonna" of the Genial Raphael.

"The genius of pure beauty," Vasily Zhukovsky spoke out about the Sistinian Madonna.

The picture is already quite famous at the time Rafael Santi wrote by the order of Julia II on request. The artist began to write his masterpiece approximately at the age of 30. It's no secret that there are many symbols in the Sistine Madonna. For example, recently scientists noticed that Rafael, in the main characteristics of the painting coded the first letter of his name.

In addition, it is known that the painter was Gnostly, and they, as we know, honor the number 6. All 9 characters in the picture form a hexagon. By the way, the name of the Saint Sict is also translated as "six". And that's not all six ...

Editorial "Awesome" It offers more detailed to plunge into the symbolism of the brilliant creation of Rafael Santi.

1. It is believed that the image of the Blessed Virgin Rafael wrote ... From his mistress, Margherita Luti.

2. Who became the prototype of the Son of the Lord, it is unknown, but, if you look good, you can see that the baby has no adult look at the kid.

3. The Saint Sicst, depicted in the picture, was the patron saint of the Papal Rover (which translated from Italian means "oak"). That is why the jandeard and oak leaves are embroidered on his mantle.

4. Sikst with his right hand indicates the throne crucifixion. It is interesting to know that the "Sicstinskaya Madonna" hung over the altar and, accordingly, behind the altar cross). Some Necklands believe that the Pontification in the picture shows six fingers (they say, and again the six!), However, this opinion is very controversial. As a sign of devotion to the Virgin Mary, the high priest presses his left hand to the chest.

5. Tiara Sict consists of three crowns, symbolizing the kingdom of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

6. Saint Varvara is captured on the Rafael's canvas. She was a patroness of Piacenses. Varvara secretly received Christianity from the parental father, for which the parent beheaded her.

7. Art historians believe that the artist depicted the clouds in the form of singing angels. True, if you believe Gnostics, then this is not an angels at all, and not yet born souls who are in heaven and praise the Lord.

8. At the bottom of the picture, two angels are striking with an indifferent look. But in fact, this is impassive in the eyes - a symbol of humility before the will of God. Christ is the cross, and he is no longer able to change anything.

9. Revealed green curtain is a symbol of the Father's Mercy, who sent his only son to save all sinners.

10. By the way, Pushkin himself borrowed an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Great Rafael. True, in the center of his work - quite a terrestrial woman Anna Kern.