Spyings - kind of crime. Types of espionage

Spyings - kind of crime. Types of espionage
Spyings - kind of crime. Types of espionage

The spy is usually called the one who produces information about the enemy or various secret ways (peasing, listening, including with the use of special technical means), or by introducing on the opponent's side, that is, representing itself as his supporter or a combination of both of these paths. The spy can be called as a regular worker of foreign intelligence and a citizen of the state, published by foreign intelligence and transmitting secret information known to him thanks to work, service or personal relations.

Spy m. - G. Franz. Balayatay, caster, secretarial scout and carrier, South. Zap. Swine, Polish. Spy, -nut, - to be heated, climb, squeeze; pempulty, overheard, dismiss that at the one hand and transmit nasty; Razzutchik. He has all spy techniques. Spyware, in wartime, is considered permitted.

In Russian, the word "spy" has a negative connotation that binds it with behavior (listening, pending, entry into trust and abuse of them, cunning, deception) condemned by the ethics condemned in society. The verb "spying", in addition to the basic meaning - "engage in intelligence work," has one more thing: "Watch, peep with bad intentions." As a result of this agent of foreign exploration of their own country, which produce the same methods in other states, is customary to be called non-spy, but "scouts".

Other similar concepts

Usually the word "spy" is used in cases where we are talking about the transfer of information to another state. In the case when the same actions are committed in order to transfer the information collected by the authorities of their own country (for example, the message to the authorities about the illegal activities of friends) are used by other, similarity, terms: "informant", "Informant", "Agent". In the official documents of the powerful departments, in addition to the terms "Informant" and "Agent", a neutral "secret employee" can be used, a shortened "sexot" or simply "employee". The agent, which is a direct starting point for one or another information, may be referred to as the "source".

The difference between the informants and spies is not always obvious. The legality of the existing structures of power is not always generally recognized, especially in the face of prolonged wars, the weakening of state power, frequently changing borders, the uncertainty of the population in the future and so on. For example, in Ireland, the informants were used by the British government in combating the Irish Republican army, which has the ultimate goal of achieving the state independence of Ireland. In such cases, such an informant can be considered "intelligence", "informant" or "spy", depending on the political convictions of a particular person.

Along with the concept of espionage as a crime against the state, there is a concept of industrial espionage, which can be both domestic and foreign commercial organizations.

Spy and scout status in international law

Thus, on Russian legislation, the subject of espionage may not only be the information constituting a state secret, but also any information from open sources (newspapers, magazines), if such information is collected on the task of foreign intelligence and can be used to the detriment of Russia's foreign security. Of course, the guilty must be aware of the last two circumstances at the time of the commission, otherwise in his actions will not be a crime.

The Stati existed a special department for the preparation of such agents.

In works of art

Works of art, as a rule, clearly distinguish the concepts of "spy" and "scout." It is noteworthy that such a division is "our intelligence officers, other people's spies," it was characteristic during the years of the Cold War for works of both Western and Soviet (Soviet) authors, and the same techniques, artistic, were used to describe both parties. Stamps, types, and the difference consisted only in which side a priori was considered right.

"Spy" is always an enemy agent. It is depicted as a two-faced, unprincipled, cruel (sometimes just a sadist), working exclusively due to material benefits or from fanaticism.

"Scout" is your intelligence worker. As a rule, a positive and cute character, characterized by an outstanding mind, dexterity, hectrum and a variety of skills. Examples - a well-known Stirlitz, or, in Western culture, James Bond, to everyone in the USSR. Both are presented as definitely attractive (albeit differently) characters, both rely on other agents and their own skills and skills to perform the assigned tasks.

In literature

Juliana Semenova's novels about the fictional colonel of the state security of Vitaly Slavina:

  • "Intercontinental node" (1986)

To the cinema

  • "Black Eagle" (USA, 1988), where Jean-Claude Van Damm played the KGB scout, and Syu Roshogi - agent CIA
  • "Double" (Canada, 1997), telling about the fight against international terrorism
  • "The rate is greater than life" (Poland, 1965-1968, 18 episodes) "Shield and Sword" (1968, USSR, 4 films)
  • "One chance of thousands" (1968, USSR, Odessa film studio)
  • "Seventeen moments of spring" (1973, USSR, 12 episodes)
  • "Special Details" (1978, USSR, Odessa Film Studio)
  • "Spy" (2012, Russia, Studio TritE)

see also

  • Charges of the Russian Federation in espionage and disclosure of state secrets



  • Peter Sloteredike The theory of double agents // Criticism of the zinic mind. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of Urals UN-TA, 2001. P. 144-146
  • Evgeny Zhirnov Russian folk spyware magazine "Money" No. 48 (655) dated 10.12.2007

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


Watch what is "espionage" in other dictionaries:

    Spyware, galance, surveillance, observation, intelligence, intelligence, underestimated eye, supervision of the dictionary of Russian synonyms. Spying essence. Intelligence Dictionary of Russian Synonyms. Context 5.0 informatrary. 2012 ... Synonym dictionary

    espionage - A, m. Espionnage m. Spy activities. Bass 1. If it is kitchen ... literature, then its content of the robbery feats of the most vile nature. If these are the feats of the detective, then this is the struggle of a clever criminal and even more agile spying. Con ... ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

    Espionage, espionage, mn. No, husband. (it. SPionage). The criminal activity of the spy. To spy. Execision shooting. Economic espionage in favor of a foreign state. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

I was always surprised in the language that the word "spy" has a negative meaning, and "scout" is positive. But it's not honest! And that and the other overhears, peeps, it gets into trust and abuses them, angry causing, deceiving.

As a rule, the word spy is used in cases where it comes to the transmission of secret information by the enemy side. And when the same thing is done for its part - for example, the message of the authorities about the illegal activities of acquaintances are used by other terms: "informant", "provocateur", "Informant", "Agent", and the first two have a definitely negative connotation and the last two - Actually neutral.

According to the norms of international humanitarian law, any person from the composition of the armed forces of the parties in the conflict, which falls into the power of the warrant side at the time when it is spying, has no right to the status of the prisoner of war (!!!), and with it they can contact him As with a spy, that is, it can be criminal prosecution - in accordance with applicable law. Looks like this is the legal difference!
Unlike the spy, the scout, that is, the face of the armed forces of the parties in a conflict, which, on behalf of this party, collects or trying to collect information on the territory controlled by the opposite party, is not considered a person who is spying, if, acting in this way, is he wears shaped clothes his armed forces. Thus, in the event of a captivity, the scout has the right to the status of a prisoner of war. Remember the anecdote about Stirlitz, followed by parachute and there were epaulets and the Order! Germans could not shoot him in their laws;))

The difference between the informants and spies externally is noticeable - like espionage and counterposage. It often happens that the legality of the existing power structures is not always generally recognized or legally supported, especially in the face of prolonged wars or revolutions, the weakening of state power, changing borders, the uncertainty of the population in the future. For an example in Northern Ireland, the informants were very actively used by British Scotland Yard. Such an informant was considered "intelligence", "informant" or "spy", depending on the political beliefs of the speaker.
According to the hair dryer, these are called "stukach" or "bitch" - these terms are no negative options. In the official papers, in addition to the terms "Informant" and "Agent", a secret employee can be used, a shortened "sexot" (the word launched by the Stalinist period) or simply "employee". In addition, such a "man" can be simply referred to as the "source".

Together with the usual espionage, there is a concept of industrial espionage, which can be both domestic and foreign industrial commercial organizations. I wonder - and there who is a scout, who is a stukach, and who is a spy?

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Since our website www.Site is dedicated not only information security, which is somehow related to intelligence and espionage, but also the exploration itself. I would like to help the visitor to deal with the terminology related to this topic. And so in this article I will try to answer the questions:

  • What are the scouts.
  • Who is a spy.
  • Who is an intelligence agent.
  • Who is such a resident reconnaissance.

An intelligence or spy is usually called a person for whom the intelligence serves as the main profession. The scout has a special intelligence education and is a regular employee of one or several intelligence bodies.

Famous Soviet Scout Richard Zorge (Ramzay)

Fulfilling its orders, the reconnaissance professional may be in a foreign country under the guise of a journalist, diplomat, entrepreneur, etc.

What are the scouts?

Scouts are:

  • Legal
  • Illegal

"Legal" scout Speakers in other countries as a citizen of his country working in one of its representative offices (for example, the embassy).

"Illegal" scout It works under the guise of a citizen of the country in which he is located, or a foreigner from another, third country.

Who is an intelligence agent?

An intelligence agent is an assistant reconnaissance, which is not a professional intelligence, but which performs the tasks of intelligence agencies.

In some cases, the importance of the agent in the extraction of the necessary information is even higher than the role of a professional scout, as such people can have access to secret data that are not available to intelligence.

Who is a spy?

Now let's deal with who is a spy? And who do we call spies?

In one of the first books of initiate exploration, this wording is given: "All our employees are scouts, and all enemy are spies."

The word "spy" is always, worldwide was considered a thoughtful word. It is believed that these are people who for money sold the interests and secrets of their country.

Red Capella

But there is a deep distinction between spelling-heroes and bribery spies, although one and others, as if pursue a common goal: learn the secrets of the enemy. But it is unlikely that we can call spies caught and executed during the 2nd World War in Germany, the participants of the Red Capella, which helped intelligence. They were bold and fierce anti-fascists, ready to give their lives as well as those soldiers who fought with the enemy at the front.

These people did not receive any money remuneration for their work, their goal was alone - to protect the people of Germany from fascism. Similar cases in the history of intelligence were a lot.

Who is such a resident?

Another term that can meet you in the world of intelligence: resident. This is an employee of intelligence management, leading the residency, that is, the group subordinate to the agents and intelligence officers.

And of course, you need to know who such counterintelligents. Counterintelligence is available in each country. This organization designed to fight and protect against enemy intelligence, interfere with the collection of classified data. Counterintelligencers carry out difficult operations on the exposure and detention of enemy spies.

Our espionage experts tell that it is from their arsenal you can apply in the office. Attention - no exploding handles!

1. Not split at the interrogation
Use when ... the boss is running at you

"Use Stanislavsky's system: fully enjoy the role, believe in what they say," the former British intelligence agent MI-6 Harry Ferguson shares the secrets of the crafts. "Think about the" legend "and to drive it in advance," Dave Thomas ends him, a former secret service officer and a hidden observation consultant (Spy-games.com). Watch your gesticulation: for example, the face touch is the first sign of the lies. Well, or allergies on washing powder.

2. Create alliances
Use when ... Going to Enhance

Harry Ferguson is confident - the principle "You - I, I - You" is simple and always reliable. "In the KGB, this technique was used during the Cold War. A promptly present gift makes weaken the protection, and this is the first step towards manipulation, "he says. Good relationships are priceless during a combat operation - for example, a march of a career staircase. So there are gifts to your colleagues so that they become better to treat you. Get trifles such as chocolate, circus tickets or simply delometrics for work. "And do not forget about flattering," adds a former agent Mi-6.

3. Protected information
use when ... notice the tracks

A good agent does not fight problems, and try to avoid them, says Dave Thomas. "Limit the access of foreign to your working computer and a mobile phone with the help of passwords and teach yourself to keep your desktop in perfect clean: no sticker monitor, he advises. - leaving the cabinet, always put the cursor in the same place on the screen. If, returning, you will see that he moved, "hence, there was someone here." It's easier than shooting fingerprints from the keyboard, right?

4. Learn the enemy
Use when ... Eliminating a competitor

Find out who among others is your main opponent. We define that it causes its lowest, primitive emotions, especially greed, anger or narrowing. And give these buttons. "Most people love to boast their social status, success or family, so take advantage of this, - advises military intelligence officer, the author of the book" Sugagare Guide "Barry Davis. - To force people to reveal their secrets - the basis of spy skills. Information is more precious than gold. "

5. Manipulate agents
Use when ... Tell the team

In the relationship of the recruiter with agents it is important to avoid rectilinear dominance. "The agent should feel that he can make friends with his recruiter, and it gives the last serious advantages," the Ferguson agent assures. "Watch your behavior and appearance to seem closer to the team." Enter confidence in employees, creating such an artificial "I" with which they will be comfortable nearby. For this, they will facilitate your career staircase for their support. And, perhaps, even carbonate drinking.

6. Get rid of the tail
Use when ... Collect valuable corporate gossip

As a collection of operational information, the main thing is not to undermine the nonsense. You have to do everything to merge with the team, whether it is an office, corporate or conference. "The first rule: no emotions, regardless of what you heard or found out," emphasizes Dave Thomas. - And do not ask any extra questions. " Thomas also advises carefully to pick up clothes: "We never use an attractive woman in operational events. And you, too, do not stand out, dress defiantly and attract attention. Best blue or black colors are suitable.

Draws us by a person with high intellectual and physical data, withdrawn special training skills. And this is not by chance, espionage is always the risk of being discovered calculated and caught. Therefore, the spy is vitally need to be smarter, inventive and more priciting. Such were Stirlitz and James Bond, Spy Mata Hari.

Articles 275 and 276 of the Criminal Code provide for the serious deadlines for the prison sentence for spyware in favor of foreign countries and foreign organizations.

Those who from the young age decided to prepare themselves to intelligence activities, it is necessary to learn perfectly, develop their horizons and, in sports. Excellent will help in the future to get a good education and become an intelligence of FSB or GRU. The ability to calculate situations a few steps forward give chess. The horizon, erudition will help the spy to understand all the spheres of human activity. Physical training and knowledge of hand-to-handing techniques will help in a critical situation. Very help to know the knowledge of two or three foreign languages.

Military intelligence

One way to become a spy and work for the benefit of your country is an intelligence service. As a rule, army intelligence officers are prepared at the level of fighters of special forces, only with their specificity. Physical training, masking and monitoring skills, hand-to-hand fight - All this is taught at a very good level.

A more serious approach to business will be admission to the Higher Military Education Institution in the specialty "Intelligence". Such specialists are preparing the Novosibirsk Military University. After graduation, graduates are received, and the best invite to work in the foreign intelligence service (CVR RF) and the main intelligence management (RF RF).

Spy on the territory of a foreign state

The main state bodies of Russia, carrying out intelligence and espionage on the territory of foreign countries - CVR and GRU. The FSB is more controlled by counterintelligence, but also performs intelligence functions.

To become a Russian spy, you can enter any higher educational institution specializing in the preparation of spies.

1. Academy of GRU on the basis of the Military Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Defense, located in Moscow, on the street. Folk militia, 50.
2. The Academy of External Intelligence of the CVR RF, located in the Khlebnikovsky Forestry of Moscow.
3. The FSB Academy, located in Moscow, on Michurinsky Prospekt, 70.

At the Academy of FSB take immediately after school. At the Academy GRU and the Academy of External Intelligence - already ready officers.

Industrial spy

Industrial spyings are engaged in private detectives or security officers. As a rule, the former operatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which retired becomes. Operational work in the police gives good skills behind people, collecting information, impact on certain persons with certain goals.

Spies can be not only in films. Oddly enough, you can meet them in your office. The spy can work with you side by side, and you do not even suspect anything. They may be a harmless neighbor, who sits in front of you, or a girl who recently got a job for you. And how to recognize them?


Spying In the modern world, not only large companies. Any organization has its own competitors - yours can also become a victim of a unclean rival. Naturally, it is very difficult to recognize - it's a spy. He will try to behave carefully and carefully. But your suspicion can reveal it on clean water. To do this, you just need to be very attentive.