Shows of lighting patterns and a sandy show Aurum. Light paintings show light paintings Aurum

Shows of lighting patterns and a sandy show Aurum. Light paintings show light paintings Aurum
Shows of lighting patterns and a sandy show Aurum. Light paintings show light paintings Aurum

Light show - make a holiday unique!

Laser, or light, show, or differently, the lighting is a creative process of creating paintings by fixing the radial streams on a special screen - a light-gluable canvase. Their unsurpassed entertainment and effectiveness makes any triumph bright and unforgettable. These images are available for viewing no more than 5-7 minutes, so the master, creating them, should be a real fan and a virtuoso of its case.

Show light paintings - Now you know what shake the audience!

The education studio and the organization of children's holidays "DCART" offers its customers unique programs of light show. Copyright developments of the brainal cerebral officers who do not like to copy other people's ideas, but preferably the creation of their own, supported by the daily practical activities of artists, artists and animators.
There are no particularly complex preparations for such an event.

Show light paintings for the wedding. Love Studio DCART

New Year's show of light patterns measnitsky row

Show light paintings "Graduation"

It is only necessary to provide a dark room, a room, a room or scene, and the equipment in the form of a large screen and the special equipment we will install themselves.
The following elements are present in the standard performance program:
- The artist draws pictures to the themes given by the customer. For example, if it is a children's matinee, then the main characters of the images can be popular cartoon characters, children's film or computer games. To participate in it, we invite the most talented painters of Moscow, professional actors and artists of the circus genre.
- In the second part of the presentation, the leading conducts interactive training and offers those present to try its own forces on the visual field. And this stage for children becomes even more exciting and fascinating. Everyone wants to hold unusual ultraviolet lanterns in the hands and see your picture on a huge canvase! Their joy and interest are so genuine and genuine that adults are instantly convinced - they made the right decision!

Show light paintings for the wedding.

Tell me "no" banality! For a wedding, the story of the love of newlyweds or interesting scenes from their lives can be the main motive. This will fill with gentle emotions one of the most important holidays of your life.
Tell me "No" banality! For a wedding, the story of the love of newlyweds or interesting scenes from their lives can be the main motive. This will fill with gentle emotions one of the most important holidays of your life.

A great spectacular show that can tell the company's story. The light paint shows will suit both minle companies that develop and large corporations.

Such a show can please the most sophisticated viewer.

It is difficult to organize a corporate party if employees of different ages. After all, everyone has different preferences. Lighting is perfectly suitable for everyone without exception!

The advantages of cooperation with the studio "DCART".

Order a show of light paintings for children or for any other celebration with us - it means to get an experienced assistant and a reliable partner in the organization of the holiday:
- We are mobile - and in a short time they are able to arrange departure and in Moscow itself, and in its area;
- We are not wearing crowns on the heads and with the same pleasure we speak at home, in the small halls of the restaurant, and in prestigious scenes;
- We are conscientious, responsible and law-abiding - so you will easily get the reporting documents!
Celebrating with dreams together, you can stay careless and fun, all the problems of guests entertainment we take on yourself!


The individual program is preparing in accordance with the wishes of the customer, are drawn, for example, events from life, the history of love or the history of the company. The musical accompaniment is also selected in accordance with the preferences of the customer.

You can recall, for example, how the clock with the "phosphoric" dial looks like: a special substance phosphor accumulates the light, and then begins to emit it. Our screens accumulate the light very quickly, just instantly. To achieve this, we have long developed the ideal model of light brush and light-sensitive screen coating. Now there is enough easy waving the hand of the artist of the light animation so that a dazzling stroke will be lit on the canvas!

Light Painting technology was invented in Japan, but this perfection reached only in Russia. No wonder the Light Animation Masters Aurum is invited to perform in other cities and countries. In the list of our tour Austria, Azerbaijan, Italy, Spain, Greece. And, of course, numerous shows in different regions of Russia!

Technical requirements of show of light painties in Moscow

  • Darkness on the scene and in the hall. The decorative backlight of the room will also need to pay off. If the performance of light paintings is planned in a truly day, it is also necessary to close windows with dark curtains.
  • Sound equipment. It is necessary to play the phonogram of the drawing room. We assume that the equipment is on the site, but if there are problems with it, contact us, we solve them.
  • Ban on photo flash and shooting with backlit. This spoils the impression of the audience and prevents the artist to draw. Without outbreaks and backlights - take off, please!
  • Place for our screen. It can be 2-3 species, depending on the number of viewers and the hall configuration: - small, 1.5 meters in height, 2 in length - standard, 2 meters in height and 3 in length - increased, 2 meters in height and 6 in length

Can the screen be higher than 2 meters in height? Theoretically, yes, but practically it is useless, since in this case the artist will not be able to reach the top of the canvas.

Formats of performances show light paintings

  • The program from our repertoire: "Happy Wedding" "Walk around Moscow" "Symbols of Russia" "Future" "New Year" "Alice in Wonderland" and more than 20 plots for different topics!
  • Creating an individual show: You ask the topic and your wishes, we write a script and create an absolutely new program for you!
  • Interactive master class: Within an hour or two guests, under the direction of the artist of the light animation, try themselves in drawing by light on the real professional screen and special individual mini-canvas.
  • Films in the light animation technique. Just as in the case of a sand show, we can write drawing with light on video. It can be a congratulation for a colleague with a holiday, a film-gift for a loved one or the presentation of your company for partners.

The show number of light patterns at the event may be not alone. For example, at the AUTO BEST 2018 Award Ceremony in Austria, we had 7 outputs, according to the number of persons

How to order a show of light paintings on a new scenario?

To begin with, we will send you a list of questions, as we need to get the most complete information about the event, the wishes of the customer and the tasks of the show. Based on the information received, we will write a script, you will come to coordinate. After approval, proceed to the creation of a storyboard. Stripping is a sequence of key frames, the artist draws them with light on canvas and takes pictures one by one so that we can reincut them to appreciate them. If necessary, we refer to the storyboard in accordance with your comments. Then we reduce the musical phonogram and the artist starts the rehearsals so that the appointed day of the show light paintings has passed perfectly.

Excellent way to evaluate our drawing with light - reviews of our customers. Among them are those who ordered light paintings for several years!

Is it possible to see the ordered show of light patterns on the video or photo in advance?

  • If we talk about ready-made programs From our repertoire, then almost all of our light paintings are on video. These are short demo rollers, which can be evaluated by the entire program, its plot, imagery and music.
  • If we are preparing an individual plot, then in this case we remove each keyframe and present light paintings through the photo of the full screening of the show. We do not send a storyboard in a pencil, as this is a completely different technique and it does not give ideas about the future show!

Can I write a light picture on the video during the performance?

Yes, but the chamber installed in the middle of the hall will interfere with the audience to watch. And if you put it away, it will not be able to focus and transfer the show with the desired brightness and contrast.

If you want to get a video in the technique of Light Painting, or drawing with light, we recommend ordering a separate video. We will perform professional shooting from multiple cameras, make installation and tetra. You will receive a present completed work, and not a technical entry, as in the case of shooting a live speech.

Children's show of light patterns in Moscow

This is dedicated to a separate page on our website. With us you can choose a drawing show with light based on famous fairy tales, cartoons and even computer games. For example, the Michekraft program is very popular for the game of the same name. And after the speech, we will definitely invite the audience to take into the hands of light brushes and pursue with us!

Safety of show light paintings

A frequent question that we hear: "The screen for the light paint show contains phosphorus? This is not dangerous?!" No, of course! There is no dangerous phosphorus in the screen. Luminofor, which we use is absolutely harmless. And this is confirmed by the certificates of the state sample that we provide on the first requirement. Also, our equipment has fire safety and security certificates for children.

Is it possible to draw light patterns on the usual screen for the projector or video wall?

No, only a special screen is suitable for the light paint show. However, you can broadcast the show on your screens while performing. This is useful for very large halls, where several thousand spectators are going. Either for the halls of a complex configuration, where not everyone is equally visible to the scene. If you need this service, we will be pleased to recommend our permanent video broadcast contractor.

7 and 8 2018 Aurum light paintings show was broadcast on the historic building of the Exchange in St. Petersburg as part of the Fire Festival. In 2015, a special darkened studio was created at the International Exhibition in Innoprom in Yekaterinburg in Pavilion, a special darkened studio was created for us. From it, the broadcast was carried out outside, and inside a master class for VIP guests stand.

What is the complexity of the technology of the light show "drawing with light"?

Repeat exactly the same image is impossible, such as, for example, perform two absolutely identical things manually. Also, the special skill of the artist is to combine light paintings with music. Each turn of the plot responds with changes in the phonogram and on the contrary, the melody supports the plot.

What is the complexity of drawing with light?

  • In a very short time, you need to create a detailed picture. People, appliances, cars should not be too "cartoon". If the artist draws Bently, then it must be Bently, and not an "abstract machine".
  • Do not abuse items, develop the plot. It is not interesting for anyone to look at the perfect pattern of the butterfly wing, except this pattern on canvas, it does not happen.
  • Always remember about the harmonicity of the composition. To the final of our show, all fragments of history create one large beautiful canvas, and not a mester from the whole thing.

Order shows light paint shows, touch the miracle!

Light paintings and sandstone Aurum shows are performances of real masters of their business!
Each performance is unique and unique, it is created right in front of the public.

Show light painties

The ultra-modern genre, only gaining widespread popularity in the world. We can proudly argue that at the moment we are among the discovers! In complete darkness, the artist draws light brushes, and the light remains on the canvas. In the final on stage shines a beautiful picture created here and now!

Advantages of Aurum light paint shows:

  • The show is suitable for any events! You can order as one of the many ready-made programs (Wedding, New Year, Children's, "Types of Moscow Show completely ... s "," Traveling around Russia ", etc.) and develop shows on an individual scenario
  • Show absolutely autonomic: No electricity connection is required, hardware is required to play video, as for a sand show
  • Experienced artists of our team can create Absolutely unique showdevoted to a specific event (even in a short time!)
  • Show does not requirefrom the site No lighting equipment, on the contrary, a complete darkness gives the best effect!
  • Thanks to powerful equipment of its own development, it is possible to hold a show even with incomplete darkening!

We spent a lot of time and effort on improving technology and technology, thanks to which our equipment is the most powerful in Russia, and our artists are invited to tour not only throughout the country, but also beyond her!


Shortstone - one of the genres that became almost traditional. This unique technique was first tested in creating cartoons, but later developed to his own direction - a living performance revealing the specified plot.

Advantages of Aurum Sandy Show:

  • Professional artists can embody in their original technique any plotEven very complicated. Also, if necessary, we will help you arrange your wishes for the show to the serial script!
  • We offer large selection of ready-made thematic programs: Wedding, children's, graduation, New Year, programs about Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • We are ready to provide our video equipment - Powerful projector and screen
  • Ability to produce master classes and video clips

As there are no two identical snowflakes, there can also be two identical living drawings! Even the ready-made thematic programs from our portfolio imply the inclusion of individual details - after all, each performance is dedicated to a specific event! Well, when the artist draws on an exclusive scenario, here the fantasy is not completely limited!

Average duration of the art show - 10-15 minutes, depending on the plot. This is the optimal timing, which on the one hand gives the artist the opportunity to tell the story, and on the other it does not delay the performance

Before 84 000 rubles

Finished program - 72000 rubles.
The individual program on the customer's scenario - 84,000 rubles.
Cost when working within the city of Moscow, 1 Light Show:
- 2 artists - 18000 rubles;
- 3 artists - 24,000 rubles;
- 4 artists - 30000 rubles;
- 5 artists - 37500 rub;.
- 6 artists - 45000 rubles.
Different details are involved in the rooms, light suits, smoke machine.
From December 10, New Year's prices are valid:
- 2 artists - 27,000 rubles;
- 3 artists - 36000 rubles;
- 4 artists - 45000 rubles;
- 5 artists - 55000 rubles;
- 6 artists - 65,000 rubles.
- Light robot-woduli - 15,000 rubles / h, ordinary day, 20,000 rubles / h - in the pre-New Year period, 30000 rubles / h - on New Year's Eve.
Programming of individual content - from 5000 rubles.
- Ebru, finished solo program (10 min.) - 28800 rub.
Solo program according to the script of the customer (up to 20 minutes) - 33600 rubles.
Master class for guests (suitable for children), up to 2 hours - 20400 rub.
Finished program + master class (1.5-2 hours) - 36,000 rubles.
New Year's prices (from December 16):
- Finished solo program - 34800 rubles;
- solo program according to the customer's scenario - 42000 rubles;
- Master class for guests (suitable for children), up to 2 hours - 34800 rubles;
- finished program + master class (1-1.5 hours) - 45600 rub.
Fire-pyrotechnic show:
- 2 artists - 19200 rubles;
- 3 artists - 28800 rubles;
- 4 artists - 36,000 rubles;
- 5 artists - 45000 rubles;
- 6 artists - 54,000 rubles.
Pre-New Year period (from December 10 to December 30):
- 2 artists - 31200 rubles;
- 3 artist - 46800 rubles;
- 4 artist - 57600 rubles;
- 5 artists - 66,000 rubles;
- 6 artists - 72,000 rubles.
New Year's Eve - by agreement.

Light paintings, ready solo program with interactive, duration 10 min. - from 40000 rubles. (Depends on the date).
- Light show, individual customer script program, duration up to 20 min. - 54000 rubles.
From December 10, New Year's prices (light show):
Ready ...


Aurum presents real magic - glowing patterns arising from the dark of the screen under the easy hands of the wizard. The scenario of the speech is developed taking into account all the wishes of the customer, the sketches are agreed in advance. The event shows a presentation that fully appropriate customer expectations. The repertoire is also a fiery, light show and ebru (drawing on water).


Staged performance on the scenario agreed with the customer
- improvisation show in the format of guest meeting
- master class on drawing light
- Fire show
- Light robot combination
- Light show