Scotsman with a habit. Pushka: Interesting Facts, Video, Story, Photo, Listen

Scotsman with a habit. Pushka: Interesting Facts, Video, Story, Photo, Listen
Scotsman with a habit. Pushka: Interesting Facts, Video, Story, Photo, Listen

The most famous symbols of Scotland, perhaps, are thistle, kilt, whiskey and loud swag sounds. With the first three more and more or less understandable. But the idea of \u200b\u200bScotland, as about the homeland of the bagpipes, absolutely wrong.

The story of the bagpipes is rooted in the darkness of the centuries. Roman legionnaires believed in Scotland. There is evidence that the Roman Emperor Nero Nero Volyanka was one of his favorite musical instruments. According to another version, the Vikings did it.

Leather bag

However, the mention of the "bag with tubes" can be found in the works of the Greek comedograph of Aristofan, who lived in the V-IV centuries to our era. Also, the remains of the tool similar to Volyn were found during the excavations of the capital of the Sumerian kingdom, the city of Ur, and dated about III Millennium to our era. For many centuries, the boil "was spent" in the territory of almost the entire Eurasian mainland.

In her, they are called the gail, in Belarus and - Dudoy, \u200b\u200bin -coming, in Russia - actually, with a violence (since the leader's skin was used for the production of the tool). And in Russian folklore, even preserved a surcharge: "Volyanka da bit - collect our bodies." There were similar tools for Armenians, Mariers, Chuvash, Mordvoy and Ossetians. But a violence was especially taken around in Scotland, where he received a simple name Highland Bagpipe. In the literal translation - "Mountain bag with tubes." And often the tool is also called even easier - Pipes ("Tubes").

At the same time, the design of the bolery is similar everywhere. This is a bag of calf, bull or goat skins. It is inserted from 2 to 5 tubes. One of them, "stonker", serves to fill fur with air. Other - bourdons that create a continuously stretching tone, against the background of which the melody unfolds, which the pile of the right hand removes with one or more solo tubes (sewers). Elm the left hand at the same time the musician presses on the bag with air.

However, sometimes some technical improvements are introduced into the design. For example, in the Irish cheat for air injection, not light musicians are used, and fur. In Armenian "Parkazuka" and Chuvash "Sharpe", instead of leather Burdyuk, a bullish or cow bubble was used. The wooden tubes-Burdons are sometimes replaced with cane tubes, reed or even goose feathers. And sometimes they, like a melodic cane, were cast from tin.

Music special purpose

The permanent residence in Scotland has received a voyage somewhere in the middle of the XVI century, when a special musical style "Pibrok" \u200b\u200bbegan to be formed - puller melodies with an employed form. Powerfuls have always been in demand on holidays or funerals, since it was believed that the music was guarding those present from the evil eye and task spirits. And also - on the battlefield. There was even a saying: "The mountaineers do not surrender while the bool is played."

Indeed, the melody of a big boil, which was heard up to 16 kilometers, frightened enemies and raised the spirit of warriors. This 2nd century was taking into account British monarchs during the rebellion of Jacobites (who rather renewed on the throne of the Scottish Stuart dynasty), and the parliament banned not only a voyage, but also kilts that traditionally wore musicians.

True, the ban continued for a long time - until that moment until the royal authorities needed elite parts formed from fearless horses. Representatives of the Maklaudov clan, as well as cheriars and drummers of the McCrimonov family played a special role. And there were legends about them. For example, one of them reads the following: The founder of the Maclaud family of the Mountain River fairy gave a silver Chanter, who allowed the owner to play without false. But I put the condition: it is impossible to talk badly about your instrument.

Chanter was transmitted from generation to generation, and so somehow Maclaud ships went to the expedition. But the storm began, and the booler began to raise the morale comrades, began to play. However, at some point, the musician's hand slipped from Chanteter, and he, sfalchiviv, broke out by curses addressed to the flushing. At that moment, the Chanter fell out of the rod and was swallowed by the puchin.

Subsequently, during the time of colonial wars, the British continued to use the combat experience of the Scottish regiments in hot spots, and the buyne became the official tool of British military orchestras.

In the same lady, which has a limited range and functionality, was ousted by garmon and accordion. But still she is popular in Bulgarian rhodics and in Western Belarus.

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Musical Instrument: Wrink

Wrinkle ... What associations do you have when mentioning this tool? Surely - Fabulous Scotland with its picturesque plains and old castles, a man in a checkered skirt, holding a kind of "bag" with the tubes sticking out of it ... Many consider Volyn to be an invalid Scottish tool. However, this is not quite so - where and when it appeared, today it remains a mystery. It is only the fact that the lady is a traditional tool of many nations of Europe and Asia, but the Scottish is extremely popular, which is a symbol of his country.

Pushka is a bunch of brand musical instrument.


Friedrich Nietzsche said: "How little is needed for happiness! Break sound. - Without music, life would be delusion. German represents even the god sinking songs. "

Some believe that the voice of the bagpipes has magical properties, and her sound is similar to the gastal singing of a person. A sharp continuous timbre of a tool, which is heard a few miles, invariably attracts attention.

In essence, the lady is a polyphonic tool that performs the melody against the background of monotonous harmony, published by the bardon tubes. Its deep and piercing strong sound, with a bell and the buzzing column color is created as follows. The boiler with the help of a mouthpiece tube fills the bag with air and, pressing the elbow, distinguishes it to the tubes, while pressing the fingers to the chunter sound holes (ringtone tube). An episodically musician can handle under the background sound of the bardon tubes, in the interruptions, performing on the instrument of the nailers. Music of boils is characterized by the abundant use of frioretic or short trills.

Range The tool is very limited, depending on the type of boobs, it ranges from one to two octaves.

It's pretty difficult to play on Volynka, it was believed that only strong men with a strong physique can be musicizing on it, but at the present time the woman is also fond of execution on this tool.


Interesting Facts:

  • The Scots is called "Highland Bagpipe", that in the literal translation - "Mountain bag with tubes". In other countries, the hairy is called: in Ukraine - "Goat; in Belarus - Dudoya; Bulgaria - "Hydea"; In Russia - "Volynka; in Georgia - "Sviri" or "Gudenia"; In Armenia - "Parkabzuk" and "Tik"; In Estonia - "Torupilla"; in Moldova and Romania - "Chimpa"; in Chuvashia - "Shabr" and "Shapar"; In Mari El - "Shvwir"; In Germany - "Zakapfife" and "Dudelzak"; In England - "Bagpip"; In Holland - "Dudelzak"; In France - "Koremoum".
  • The biggest Scottish cheese is called Highland, it is the most popular today and is used in the Scottish military orchestras.
  • There is information that the ancient Roman emperor Nero, who was fond of the game on Volyn, during the Great Roman Fire Muzitsy on the tool.
  • Scotland has no state hymn. An unofficial anthem of the country is considered the folk song "Flower of Scotland", which is traditionally performed on the boils.
  • Scottish shelves have always walked into battle under the sound of the bagpipes. Wriashlers walked in the forefront, raising the warlike spirit of soldiers. During World War II, more than 500 cheraners died on the battlefields, as they were a light target.
  • In the capital of Scotland Edinburgh at the railway station, Waverley coming meets the fascinating sound of the bool. In this city, performed by the honorary guard, the Volyanka sounds and the Negotic world-famous monument dedicated to Walter Scott.
  • The Scots endow the magical forces, for example, it can scare rats. There is also a belief that the tool begins to sound beautifully at the cheeseman only in a year when accustomed to the owner.

  • Pipes in Scotland were banned in 1560 during church reform, as well as in 1746 after the Yakobitov uprising.
  • The only copy of the Russian boil, which was recreated by descriptions in the ancient documents, is kept in Moscow at M. Museum. Glinka.
  • Very significant collections of Villanes are located in the Metropolitan Museum in New York (USA), in the International Museum of the Village in Hichon (Spain), the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford (United Kingdom), Museum Mourpat Morpsum Museum in Northumberland (United Kingdom) and Museum of Musical Instruments In Phoenix (USA).
  • At the first festival of the Kremlin Star military orchestras, held in Moscow in 2008 on Red Square, a consolidated orchestra of doomles and drummers from around the world, consisting of 350 performers participated.
  • In St. Petersburg for several years there is an orchestra "Volyanki and the drums of St. Petersburg". He performs at all events related to British culture.
  • Some fasteners are made of ivory, which is prohibited in many countries, so traveling with such a tool is very problematic.
  • March 10 is celebrated by the International Village Day.
  • The English Queen Elizabeth wakes up at 9:30 am under the sounds of the military marches. It serves as an ensemble of violers dressed in a parade form. Her husband Philip does not share such love of the queen to the sound of the cheol.
  • The development of the voyage led to the creation of electronic keyboards MIDI tools, on which the sound of violence of various species.
  • The largest global manufacturer of Volyn is Pakistan, who was a British colony for a long time. For soldiers constantly quartered in this country, the Scottish military units, Pakistanis have learned to produce boils. Having gained freedom, the locals did not leave this fishery, but today there are no good quality tools from Pakistan.


Each people have a bagpipe with its design, but the principle of the device is always the same. This is a reservoir made from animal skins or their bubble, and several tubes are one for filling the fur with air and several playing to create a polyphony.

  • The air tank is called a bag and is usually manufactured from a calf, goats, moose, sheep, cows, and even a kangaroo. The bag must be a hermetically retaining air.
  • The mouthpiece tube (inspirable) is designed to fill the fur chamber with air. It is inserted into the bag from above and attached to it with wooden cylinders - drains. The frown tube is equipped with a locking valve that does not allow air to go back.
  • The melodic tube looks like a flute similar to the flute, called Chanter, on it a cheriath performs the main musical theme. A tube having several gaming holes is attached to the bag below. Inside it has a cane, which is hidden in stock and, when exposed to air, begins to fluctuate.
  • Burdon tubes or drones create a constant background sound and configured on tonic and dominant of the tonality in which the main melodic topic sounds. The number of drones in the instrument varies from one to four, and they are also inserted with the help of drain, in which the canes inserted into the tubes are hidden.


Magnifying a very popular folk instrument around the world and its varieties are an incredible set. In almost every country there is a version of the tool that is made from all kinds of materials, with a different number of tubes. The principle of the booby device is always the same, but each people have a tool has its own design features, for example:

  • Irish - a distinctive feature of the instrument lies in the fact that the filling of the bag by air is by means of fur.
  • Spanish - a feature of the tool is a chunter with a double cane and a drone with a single. On Chantter eleven holes, eight gaming, one of which is located on the back side and the three non-closing in the lower part of the termination.
  • Bulgarian - differs from other tools in that there is a hole in the bag, which the performer closes the index finger.
  • Mariyskaya - has two melodic tubes, which makes it possible to perform a blessing melody. The air reservoir is made of a bull bubble.
  • Mordovskaya - the height of the sound of the bouron on the instrument can be changed during the game, as there are three playing holes on a bardon tube. Playing tubes are removable and can be used as separate musical instruments.
  • Chuvashskaya - All pipes of the bagpipes are not made of wood, but from metal.


Black Bear (Listen)

Highland Laddie (Listen)

Flower of Scotland


The bagpipe was originally used as a solo tool, but subsequently it began to apply in ensemble and orchestral musication. Today, the lady is the official tool of military and police orchestras of countries such as United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Canada. In the orchestras, the bagpipes are played accompanied by drums.

Being an ideal musical instrument for performing ceremonial melodies, the boils traditionally sound during the solemn royal dinners in the UK.

In connection with the increase in the popularity of the tool, the lady is increasingly used at weddings, holidays and dance parties.

In the ensemble with other instruments, the flolycy is very problematic: first, it has a very loud sound; Secondly, the tuning of the boil does not coincide with the build of piano, violin and wind instruments. However, the sound of the tool is sometimes used to decorate compositions in musical genres such as metal, hip-hop, punk and rock.

Or the Great Mountain Village - Great Highland Bagpipe. - the most famous and popular floly in the world. The word "Volyanka" in many are firmly associated with a Scots designed to the checkered fabric, in the hands of which a musical instrument, which has very loud and fascinating sounds. Many are confident that cheese - a purely Scottish tool and is a Scottish invention. In reality, the lady, as well as many other musical instruments, came to Europe from the east. According to one of the existing versions, the lady turned out to be in Scotland thanks to the Vikings. It was taken there by Norman, the detachments of which were carried out by sea travel throughout Europe and reached the British islands. Another version states that the boil was brought to the territory of Scotland with ancient Romans.

Magnia - a brass instrument, known in antiquity. The story of the bagpipes has probably several thousand years. The first tool identified as a boil is dated 3000 a year before our era. It was found in the excavations of the ancient city of the UR in the territory of the Kingdom of the Sumer. The Roman Emperor Nero was known as a master of the game on various musical instruments, including he played on Volynka. Different types of boils were widespread on the lands of the ancient Slavic states, some of the like dohlocks have been preserved up to the present day. "Volyanka da bit - collect our bodie" - says the Russian proverbian-gyrovka. The history of the tool called "Volyanka" includes an extensive collection of archival materials: chronicles, frescoes, bas-reliefs, figurines and chest pictures with images of violence of various periods of time. For details, see the gallery of the bagpipes.

The big Scottish boil received its development in the XVI-XIX centuries in the North-West of Scotland. In the Middle Ages, Scottish cheese was used as a functional tool. In the clans of the Scottish Highlanders there was a special position "Clantympicker". The responsibilities of the clan violence included sound support of all ceremonies and events (including ritual), solemn dates, calanms and various household signals. At about the same time, the first executive skill championships among the cherachists began to be held. In the old days, Scottish cheesecakes played pulled melodies with a difficult-tooth form. This type of musical works is called "Piobaireachd" ("Pibrok") and today is a textbook material written for Scottish boils. Later there were marching and dance forms of music for a large Scottish boil.

The sound of the Scottish Village has condensed enemies and raised the strength of the Spirit of Scottish Highlanders. Therefore, it is not surprising that for a long time, the boil was under the ban of the British kingdom. However, later, the British were formed by the shelves of the Scottish Highlanders, who traveled with the whols of Polmir, participating in the colonial campaigns of the UK.

The Great Mountain Village received its world popularity in the second half of the XX century. The orchestra of doomles began to form not only in states that are part of the British Dominion (Canada, Australia, New Zealand), but also in other countries. Pipe Bands (Pipe Bands - Volyniers orchestras) appeared in Germany, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Czech Republic, Japan, United Arab Emirates, etc. Such a large-scale increase in interest in Scottish Volyn was largely due to the International Festival of Military Owls Edinburgh Military Tattoo.. Starting from 1947, this festival is held annually in Scotland on the Plateau of the Medieval Edinburgh Castle. The solemn yield of the Great Britain of the Royal Troops of the Royal Troops of the UK is recognized as one of the largest and colorful Svokes of the Military Owls in the world. This bright event could not remain unnoticed in different parts of the world.

A great contribution to the development of world interest in Scottish Volyn, one of the best military orchestras of Scottish Volyshchikov, famous for his joint works with Paul McCartney, Mark Nopfler, as well as many rock and pop stars of Great Britain and Hollywood. Exactly Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Pipes & Drums For the first time, performed on boys in the British radio broadcast "Amazing Grace". This work in due time broke all records of popularity, and then became unfading classics. The song "Amazing Grace" performed at one time the King of Rock and Roll Elvis Presley.

Scottish cheese today is made in the tonality of a Barol Major, PLA - Mixolidian. The sound pressure is 108 dB, in the mountains or in the open space, the radius of the sound distance can reach 6 km. Structure of modern Scottish Village - 446 Hz, unlike all classic musical instruments that are configured in 440 Hz. It turns out that the tonality of the Scottish bool is located almost in the middle between the SI BIMOL and SI BECAR, which gives the feeling of the appearance of the 25th tonality, in addition to the 24-class known us. It acts on the listener as "the effect of the 25th frame." The fact is that since childhood from all television, radio and compact carriers, we hear any of the 24-tonalities of a well-tempered building. We are accustomed to these consonents. The 25th tonality sounds for us as news or as a signal that on the subconscious and conscious level attracts our attention. Hearing him once, you never confuse this sound with anything. Some craftsmen today make a version of Scottish boils with authentic, low-line A \u003d 440 Hz.

The magic of the sound of the Scottish boil is in the piercing debron, the volume and constant accompanied by the main melody of a bardon tone, which comes from three pipes lying on the performer's shoulder. Another feature is a natural system inside the Lada Chanter (melodic pipe) of the bagpipes. Well templar system would give the flat consonance of intervals relative to the bardon tone, the natural system gives a very strong feeling of the disposal. All these qualities make Scottish Volyn to the perfect musical instrument for ceremonies, parades and creating a solemn mood, as well as for a mental attack. Scottish cheese took part in all the British Army Military Campaigns over the past 300 years.

The Scottish Village has passed a long evolutionary path of development - over time, the system changed, the way, the tonality of the instrument and its appearance changed. In the old days there were Scottish violets with a dual chunter, with a different number of drones. The final version of all the well-known and now popular Scottish boil appeared in the XVII century. SI BIMOL is a major Chanter of Mixolidian Lada and three drones, fixed in the sky - in this form, a large Scottish cheese has reached this day with almost no external and technological changes.

Pushka ... The sounds of this unique tool invariably cause images of green slopes of Scotland, checkered skirts and fabulous locks. Most suggests that this multi-eyed tool has original Scottish roots. However, historians lead a dispute about where this unique tool originated.

Where does the sound come from?

It is difficult to determine the time and place of the emergence of the musical instrument - the progenitor of modern violence. Historians talk about China, ancient Greece and Rome. Mention of the instrument can be found on stone plates in a few centuries before the Christmas of Jesus Christ. Magnia is a mysterious tool that can be found in the history of Europe and Asia. No one can definitely determine when the tool has become traditional for Scotland.

Presumably, the Volyn was brought with them the Romans, whose troops were doomed. According to the available historical data, she loved the sounds of the bagpipes and knew how to play the instrument. But even before the emperor Nero, the lady was mentioned in verses of Vergil. Currently, it is impossible to determine reliably, it was brought or the Romans took advantage of the tool in the country. Magnia is a musical instrument with multinational roots, each of which put a fingerprint on her sound. Whatever way she fell into Scotland, there she was somewhat modified and became the tool as we used to see it.

Making tools

Traditionally, the bagpipes are handmade tools. The use of traditional materials is still very common, the modernization of the production of boils led only to the improvement of the method of manufacturing a tool, and not to deterioration or loss of any important quality.

Scottish boil from the first days has been made of marsh oak, but then began to use wood hardwood from exotic countries. The sound tonality of the boil depends on the quality and type of wood used. Interestingly, different parts of the boil can be made from different types of wood. In the manufacture of the tool, the humidity of the climate of the country is also taken into account, where it will be used.

For example, bourons can be made of ebony black wood, which is very suitable for wet and not suitable for dry regions of the United States. Therefore, in most cases, plastics for pipe production is used to avoid climate influence.

Bag of boil - the most important part of the instrument, which is traditionally manufactured from sheepskin, but in different countries of the world, the material varies. In the United States Elk, and in Australia - Kangaroo.

A good hacker always has not only parts that are responsible for sound, but also decorations. In the former time, the Scottish boil was decorated with elements from ivory or bevel of walrus. But to preserve these species of animals, decorations are made of horns or artificial materials.

Pushka is a tool consisting of several parts, so it will never be the subject of mass production. Traditional methods of production will always prevail.

Music boils

Pushka is a historically very important tool for the UK. In the sounds of the bagpipes, all events occurring in the clans of Scotland were reflected. Chelyzers composed music about joys and sorrows, battles and victories.

Creating a boil, as well as a game on it, for a long time was considered the prerogative of men, since some models have a lot of weight. Breaks can be small and large, but any has a fur bag and five tubes of various purposes. There is a boiler through which the air is in the bag. Three more tubes called Burdoni create a unique sound. The musician can move them, change the height. All this allows you to enjoy different tones and overflows. The ringtone is created by the Tube Chanter. It is on it that there are holes, clamping who get the motif of music.

The sound of the bool loud, sonorous. Its in the Middle Ages was used as signals between clans. And at present, its sound is well combined with electronic and rock music. Pushka is a national tool that is harmonious sounding in the modern world.

Vintage sounds in modern processing

In the UK there are many orchestras with boils, such as a British military orchestra. And even the queen herself listens every morning the delightful, unforgettable sounds.

A variety of sounds that are able to publish a cheese, musicians are used in modern music. One of the best combinations is a drum and a play on a voyage. Speeches in such a combination are pierced to tremors. Concerts of Chotesta Consumer Orchestras, who come around the world, conquer the hearts with their musical masterpieces.

We use the demand of cheraners at wedding celebrations, banquets and dinner dinner.

Once he heard, do not forget the music of the lady. She can like or not, but indifferent will not leave anyone.

In Scotland, they say that the voice of a person with a voice of the animal must be combined in the sound of the voyage and heard it should be for three miles. Ancient Scots, as well as representatives of other cultures that use the Volyn, from time immemorial, were awesome by its long and continuous sound. We have reached the fairy tales of the doras from the island of Skye - the clan poppy crimmon, about the magic voyage and about the cave, where you can still hear her sounds ...

Volyanka - an ancient branching brass instrument. This thumbnail (eng. Bagpipe) is known in many nations under different names: Gaita, Duda, Dudeszak, Goat, Sarnai, Chimpet, Shvwier, etc. Nevertheless, the Scots consider Volyn to be a national tool.

Scottish cheese today is the most famous, most popular and most loud. It developed in the XVI-XIX centuries in the mountainous regions and on the Western Islands of Scotland and is a air tank (fur) from goat or sheep skins, which has a small tube for injection of air, a game tube Chanter with a meal and nine gaming holes for the melody execution and three bardon tubes for continuously pulling and not changing in height of sounds. When playing, the habit is kept in front of them or under the arm. The musician blows the air through a special tube and, pressing the elbow of the left hand on the reservoir filled with air, right begins to play on the game tube. When interrupted in air injection, the booler presses the fur to the case, and the sound continues.

Who, where and when invented this unusual tool is unknown. Traces are lost in the depths of centuries. Some sources say that the bagpits from South-West Asia, others - that the cheating invented in India in order to play and sing at the same time. There are assumptions about its Egyptian and Greek origin. The first historical information relate to the Rome of the first century of our era: the notorious emperor Nero played on Volynka. It is also known that the British Islands of Volyanku brought the Romans.