School newspaper. Categories

School newspaper.  Categories
School newspaper. Categories

Project theme:

"School newspaper"

Educational institution:

Vishnevsky branch of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary School No. 4" in the village of Prokhori, Spassky District, Primorsky Territory

The absence of a printed publication at the school.

Relevance of the project

School is a living, rapidly changing organism. During the academic year, a lot of events, bright deeds, promotions, holidays take place. All this I want to remember and save. And also to acquaint the residents of the local community, schoolchildren of the district with what is happening in our school, what activists and schoolchildren are doing. Until now, the school did not have its own printed edition. Therefore, this project was developed, which involves the creation of the Shkolny Mayak newspaper and the education of schoolchildren, acquaintance with the basics of the journalistic craft, appearances in the press, coverage of all school affairs, actions, as well as school problems, fostering an active life position of creative thinking in students.

The important role of the school newspaper is noted by the schoolchildren themselves.
A survey on the topic “Is there a need to publish a school newspaper at school?”, Conducted in grades 5-11, showed the following results:

a) positive answer - 89%

b) negative answer - 4%

c) were undecided with the answer - 7%.

Project subject

Creation of a school newspaper.

Putting a hypothesis

As a result of our work, we want to create an interesting school newspaper for the entire school community.

At the same time, we set ourselves purpose: involve school students in volunteering, develop student self-government through the creation of school media.

- to promote creative self-realization;

Learn the basics of journalism, newspaper layout, article writing, reporting, photography;

Implement the principle of cooperation and co-creation;

Develop communication skills;

To foster patriotic feelings, to enable the project participants to feel their personal significance;

Develop students' independence and initiative.

When creating the project, we, first of all, hoped for the active participation of schoolchildren and teachers in its creation.

Project participants:

a group of students from grade 7; assistants - school students, teachers.

Duration of the project :

long term

Expected Result:

    Increasing the social activity of students.

    Development of value orientation of students.

    The development of cognitive activity.

    Increased interest in knowledge.

    Development of students' aesthetic tastes.

    Development of partnerships: students - teachers - parents.

    Conscious choice of profession.

Project implementation mechanism:

This project involves the organization of publishing activities on the basis of our school by students with the support of teachers, school specialists.

During the implementation of the project, the participants are divided into working groups: correspondents - collecting information; editors - preparation of materials, control over the work of journalists, screening out unnecessary information; layout designers - acquisition of computer printing skills.

Taking into account the opinions of readers, the further work of the press center will be adjusted. The implementation of this project is necessary, first of all, for the formation of students' knowledge, skills and abilities to work with various types of information, to accept, edit material, the ability to reason, the ability to communicate with people, analyze events, process graphic information, look for the necessary information in various publications, as well as on the Internet. The newspaper will present material both from school life and information taken from the Internet, from various sources.

Project implementation plan:

Stage of the project

The timing

Event, form

Intermediate result


December 2013

Questioning students in grades 5-11 "Is there a need to publish a school newspaper?"

Revealed urgent problems of the school community

Building a creative team.

December 2013

Group work, interviews with students, business game.

A project group was formed from among the students of the 7th grade, the concept of the newspaper was developed, the regulation on the newspaper, the functionality of each participant was determined.

Defining the style of the newspaper.

Work in a project group, work with literature, Internet resources.

Determine the content, style of the newspaper, its form, name, with what frequency the newspaper will be published, what is the expected format and volume of the newspaper.

Development of a work plan for the press center.

January 2014

Practical work with programs: MS Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, MS Paint, AABBYY Fine Reader; with equipment: digital camera, scanner, computer;

Press center work plan.

Scheme of the organization of the issue of the newspaper.

Definition of the topic. Combining students' articles with a common idea, and making their work focused.

Creating the layout of the first issue of the newspaper

Work on the release of the newspaper

March 2014

Processing of materials, preparation of publications, layout of the newspaper (creation of 1 page, magazine genres, modern newspaper design, layout principles), newspaper printing.

Issue of the first issue of the newspaper.

Issue of subsequent issues of the newspaper


Processing of materials, preparation of publications, layout of a newspaper, printing of a newspaper.

Issue of current issues of the newspaper

Stages of project implementation.

Stage 1 - Preparatory.

Identifying a problem, formulating a topic, goals and objectives, collecting and studying the necessary literature, including regulatory documents. Student survey, business game.

Stage 2 - Creation of a creative team. Distribution of functional responsibilities for the publication of the newspaper .

To publish and distribute a newspaper, first of all, you need a strong team. The editorial board includes a group of 7th grade students. All assignments are distributed on a voluntary basis, are changeable during the creative process. The founder of the newspaper is grade 7.

Allocation of editorial responsibilities.

1. Teaching staff (curator of the school newspaper project)

2. Chief editor.

3. Designer (carries out practical work on creating a layout of the newspaper according to the theme of the issue; accepts materials prepared by correspondents, selects illustrations (photos, drawings, graphics, diagrams); copies the newspaper on paper and electronic media).

4. Journalists (correspondents, guys who love and know how to write articles).

5. Photojournalists (students who are fond of photography and know how to work with a digital camera).

6. Proofreaders (students who know Russian well, teachers of the Russian language).

7. Layout designers (students (teacher) who can work on a computer, knowledge of programs is required: MS Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, MS Paint, AABBYY Fine Reader).

Stage 3 - Defining the style of the newspaper . Before starting the publication, it is necessary to think well and come to a common opinion as to which newspaper we are going to publish? Determine the content, style of the newspaper, its form, name, with what frequency the newspaper will be published, what is the expected format and volume of the newspaper.

Stage 4 - Development of a work plan for the press center.

    hold a constituent assembly to create a journalistic association;

    to develop and create the structure of the editorial office of the school media;

    to develop regulations on the school newspaper;

    choose the name of the newspaper;

    to provide an opportunity for novice journalists to daily use a computer, a scanner, a digital camera for typing, editing materials, preparing materials, preparing photographs, for their further processing and layout of the newspaper;

    presentation of the first issue;

    contribute to the expansion of the school newspaper (number of pages and copies, members) - constantly;

    regular issue of the school newspaper 1 time per quarter.

Stage 5 - Scheme of organizing the issue of a school newspaper.

Each issue of the newspaper presents a kind of challenge associated with the need to cover a specific topic. The topic allows you to combine students' articles with a common idea, and make their work focused.

List of headings of the newspaper:“From the director’s office” - wishes and parting words of the school director for the next month; "Message from the Editor"; "School news" - heading - an overview of the events and events of the school that have passed over the past month; "A coward does not play hockey" - covering sporting events and achievements; "Do not pass by" - sots. polls of students and teachers on various topics, because you always want to know the opinion of your comrades; the section “Everything is going according to plan”, which introduces students to what events await them; "Coffee with Cream" - telling about different interesting people of our school, it's great to see your comrades on the pages of the school newspaper, it's even better to learn something new about them; “Today is a schoolboy, tomorrow is a genius” - one must not allow the talents of students to go unnoticed; "Congratulations" - where everyone can congratulate their teacher or classmate on the holiday; page for parents "Educated parents - successful children"; "Jokes" - jokes, funny quotes. Many headings are aimed at ensuring that all students can take part in the creation of the newspaper - these are contests, and congratulations, and greetings through the newspaper.

Stage 6 - Work on the release of the newspaper (creation of the front page, journalistic genres, modern newspaper design, layout principles). "What should be placed at the beginning of the issue?", "How are we going to open the issue?" Answers will vary depending on the focus of the publication. You can adhere to different criteria in the choice: give priority to the most "fresh" (ie the most recent) information; bring to the fore some particularly striking event; tell about the decision of the administration, the authorities. The front page headline is fundamental: it should grab the reader's attention and make them want to read the article. Illustrations (photographs, drawings) and color are additional elements that enhance the appeal of the title. The front page of a newspaper is its showcase.

Layout of the rest of the newspaper: materials are distributed according to topics (reports, poetry, readers' mail, school life, etc.), each of which has a permanent place in the newspaper so that the reader can easily find the heading he is interested in. A hierarchy is defined for each page: more significant materials are placed at the top, and photographs, various kinds of frames and decorations, font combinations should give all parts of the newspaper a harmonious form that is pleasing to the eye.

Articles have their own structure: heading, and sometimes additional subheadings; "header", giving the main content in several lines for a quick acquaintance; "attack", i.e. the first shock phrase designed to surprise, shock, attract attention, arouse the desire to continue reading; inserts, the purpose of which is to maintain the interest of the reader, to lead him further; and, of course, the ending - a bright final part.

Financial and logistical support of the project.

Technical means for work:

Computers, printer, scanner, digital camera.

Used media resources

Working with programs: MS Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, MS Paint, AABBYY Fine Reader resources, Internet, school site.

Estimate (for 1 academic year).

Description of goods.


Paper for printer

Printer consumables:


File folder


III... Final (the final) part

Conclusions: The creation of a school newspaper is one of the ways to increase the cognitive and creative activity of children and, at the same time, the result of the project activities of schoolchildren.

The release of the next issue of the newspaper becomes a report on the work done. During the period of work on the project, we learned how to communicate, collect and process information, got acquainted with the laws on the media, learned how to work with reference literature, gradually master the skills of the profession of a journalist, develop a culture of speech and increase literacy. Created favorable conditions for personal development.

Painstaking work on the creation of a school newspaper develops communication skills, increases students' interest in their native language, and increases the information culture of the project participants.

project development.

The school press center is quite young, but the main steps towards the creation of the newspaper have already been taken. The name has been determined - "School Lighthouse", the format of the newspaper (volume - 4 pages, comes out every quarter).

The plans are to publish a newspaper once a month.

The circulation of the newspaper is limited, so it may be necessary to make the school newspaper more accessible to students and parents. To this end, with the help of a computer science teacher, a page will be created on the school's website under the name "Press Center" in the main menu in order to expand the circle of communication, post operational information on the website, familiarize everyone with the archive of the electronic school newspaper .

Newspapers are different - serious, smart, funny. Before you start publishing a newspaper, you need to decide on the content: either it will be just a photo newspaper with a minimum of text, or, for example, a literary almanac.

Publishing a newspaper is a creative work, it cannot be squeezed into a certain framework, even if your own one. Be sure to first define the goals of the newspaper. What should she give to students, teachers, parents? A resourceful reader will immediately answer this question, grasping the pedagogical component of this question: “Of course, a newspaper is needed to educate the younger generation, so we will conduct our ideas through the newspaper, let them read! And a newspaper in a school is also needed to unite the teaching and student teams, because they will have one goal. And what! Your own newspaper! It's great! " Take your time, reader. If everything were that simple, then each school would publish its own newspaper.

Perhaps your newspaper, having gotten stronger, will become the hallmark of your educational institution, but at first a lot of troubles and ambiguities await you. I was lucky, I once worked for two years in a regional newspaper, where I could observe the “newspaper kitchen” from the inside. But your school does not have an editorial office. It is in the editorial office that people, working as correspondents, receive a salary for their work. This will be an additional burden for you and your colleagues, and if you are paid something extra for your righteous labors, this, of course, will not cover your costs - it takes a lot of time to publish a newspaper! And basically it will be your strength and your free time. In a normal editorial office, all positions are distributed, as are the responsibilities: editor, proofreader, correspondent, typesetter. Anyone who dares to publish a newspaper must be one in many persons. In addition, the newspaper will still need to be printed. Therefore, you need to decide where and how you will print it. We had a situation at school when all the printers just broke down. And you need to worry about paper, because your newspaper will have a certain circulation. And the most important thing is that your newspaper should be read! And it should be interesting!

And in our school, over the years, repeated attempts have been made to revive the wall printing. There were bright pages on this difficult path, back in the 70s XX For centuries, several copies of the wall newspaper were issued, then a typewriter and carbon paper were used. I am sure that in order to implement the idea, a person is needed who will lead everyone, take on most of the work and all responsibility for the publication of the newspaper. It so happened that in our school I became the editor of the newspaper. Now, looking back in time, I can explain my desire to publish a newspaper. Everything is trite - during the years of my apprenticeship in our school, and in all schools in a huge country, political information was held every Tuesday. We took this matter seriously, and history teacher N.I. Lyubimova asked to prepare political information based on materials from newspapers. I remember with a kind word my teacher, who taught us to read newspapers. For a good story about political life in the world, we could get a five in history.

This habit of reading newspapers, and sometimes cutting out the material he liked, was the first rush to publish his own newspaper. “It would be nice to publish your own newspaper, about your school, about your village!” - I dreamed, while still a student. And without thinking twice, I pasted articles from different editions on the pages of my student notebook - this was my first newspaper. I showed it to my family, everyone liked it, and I started to publish such a “Digest” every day, but on issue 20 I suddenly encountered the problem of collecting material. There was nothing to write about the village, and I stopped publishing my home newspaper.

Computers came to cities earlier, they took a long time to get to our outback and did not immediately become available to teachers. In 2005, I still managed to buy a computer and a printer. My first creation, created using modern technology, was a newspaper. I just remembered my childhood and tried to publish a home newspaper. And I did it easily. I have written a dozen different notes about my children and their activities. About the weather, about my life. All the text was divided into columns. I inserted pictures (we didn't have a digital camera then, and we didn't even know what it was). I checked the errors, edited a few things and hit the "print" button. After a few seconds, I was holding my newspaper in my hands. The dream has come true! I was immensely happy, but I realized that this was not the newspaper that I wanted to publish. The International Day of March 8 was approaching and I, asking the permission of the headmasterGalina BorisovnaKirillova, dared to issue the essays of the students of our school about mothers in the school newspaper. The school administration agreed, and the first issue of our school newspaper came out on March 7, 2006. They did not use the name of the newspaper for a long time - everyone liked Big Change. Each reputable newspaper has its own slogan, we put the slogan lines from the poem of the poet-fellow countrymanNikolai Petrovich Kirillov: "Good luck comes to the fun!". This did not mean that we were planning to publish a humorous publication, on the contrary, we wanted to make the newspaper serious. But soon there was a hunger for information. Although we worked on the newspaper with the school administration, there were no good articles about school life. It's one thing to do something interesting for yourself, and quite another to try to "incite" others to do it. At the beginning, we went the wrong way - we tried to force class teachers and subject teachers to write articles using an administrative resource. They pressed on pedagogical councils: "Write to the newspaper, colleagues!" Some took it with hostility. You can understand them, this is an extra job. Once the teachers began to slow down the publication of the newspaper, they turned to the children, but the children, too, were not enthusiastic about the news of the obligation to write an article for the newspaper. After all, the initiative to publish the newspaper came from the teachers.

Our newspaper was announced as a weekly one, and time dictated its terms: "Either we publish the newspaper, or we close it!" Some of the teachers suggested publishing one newspaper issue a month or even a quarter. And then, as a history teacher, I suddenly received an answer to the very question I had posed: “Why do we need to publish a newspaper? What's the point of all this work? " After all, it cannot be reduced only to the imposition of new duties on students and teachers? And so it was decided to turn the newspaper into a chronicle of the school's events. The newspaper contains material about class hours, competitions, contests. You can also use material already written by children and teachers. Students write essays in literature lessons - please, give them to the newspaper. Gradually the children and teachers got used to the newspaper. We distributed part of the circulation free of charge to the organizations of the village. Therefore, the locals also knew about the newspaper. We were asked to post material about the anniversary of the kindergarten. We decided to collect news, materials about the history of the village and the fate of fellow villagers. And before the Victory Day, a new plan matured - it was decided on May 9 to present the veterans of war and labor at the festive issue of the newspaper. This is how traditions were born. For six years now we have been publishing a festive issue of the newspaper completely dedicated to our fellow countrymen. The golden rule of our newspaper is to write only about fellow countrymen, to submit only local material to the newspaper.

After a while, it became clear why some teachers did not write to the newspaper. But it turns out that teachers, like all normal people, are afraid of criticism. After all, any article published in a newspaper is meticulously read and re-read by colleagues. And colleagues are strict judges! If someone once heard a remark addressed to him, he may not write anything else. Indecision, false shyness must be overcome, and there is only one way to do this - write more, write more often, write better! I went through such a "big wash". Then the teacher of the Russian language and literature provided me with great helpEkaterina Alfeyevna Konanova, and later Ekaterina Vasilievna Burakova and Elena HeliosovnaPushkin. Sometimes there was nothing left of my articles. I had to rewrite it again. But gradually the articles became clearer and more competent. Thanks for this to my colleagues - teachers of the Russian language and literature. And later I ventured to publish my stories and stories.

There are teachers who gladly respond to the offer to give materials on events and competitions.Alexander ViktorovichPushkin, a physical education teacher, likes to tell on the pages of the newspaper about regional competitions in which our students take part. Places in the newspaper his articles and addresses of the school directorElena Anatolyevna Alyoshicheva.

The newspaper helps to reveal their creative potential not only for teachers, but also for children. A school newspaper cannot be published without responding to the opinions of children. They are also readers and artists of the newspaper. The best part is that the students offer their own stories. Well, the simplest method of creating an article about a school event is to ask the student to express their opinion, and write down, edit everything that he says. It doesn't take much time for this. Some of the students can be given the task to write an article or essay on their own. Each class has learners who can talk about the event in an interesting way. But alas, usually students are good storytellers, but not very good writers.

Our primary school teachersMaria Veniaminovna Maltseva, Yulia Valerievna Konovalova, Alla Vasilievna Ryazanova, together with the children, create materials about school days and holidays. Children can beautifully tell about the event, but when they see the paper, they do not know how to express their thoughts on it. Here teachers should come to the rescue. Do I need to edit articles written by the same author? This is another opportunity to talk with the student about the Russian language and literature. I think it’s necessary, but having corrected what was written by the student, we need to explain to him why this is done.

Children should take part in the publication of the newspaper, but it is better to involve them in the work gradually, without imposing certain responsibilities on the students. Children can submit their photographs for the newspaper. In elementary grades, kids are almost not ashamed to be photographed, and older students sometimes flatly refuse to be filmed for the newspaper, this also needs to be taken into account. You can ask schoolchildren for those photos that they like. It is best to take pictures of students doing something without forcing the children to pose. Then the pictures are more vivid and the children will look more relaxed in them.

Thanks to the newspaper, we have carried out a number of school projects. The first is the "Electronic Book of Memory" for the Darverans, our fellow countrymen, on the 65th anniversary of the Victory. We agreed with the teachers in advance that they would start collecting data on labor and war veterans of our village. We had some of the material in the school museum. It was decided to publish all the collected material on the pages of the newspaper. During the academic year, the material was collected, passed through the newspaper and was posted on one of the Internet sites. A former student of our school, and now a teacher of computer science at one of the schools in the city of Kingisep, helped us in this.Galina Viacheslavovna Svanidze.

In addition, the newspaper publishes scientific works of students with whom they participate in regional, regional and all-Russian competitions. Our school still has a tradition of holding thematic weeks, for example, "Health Week" or "Bird Week". All these events resonate with the newspaper.

Even the political life in the village is reflected in the pages of our newspaper. Suppose the head of the district administration arrives at the school - everyone will know about it! The newspaper will tell you what he promised and what he called for. Our newspaper also covered the topic of elections. But it seems to me that the school newspaper should be outside of politics. Teachers have different political preferences, and everyone has a right to do so. And the publication in the newspaper of material against any political party can lead to a split in the teaching staff.

In any case, the newspaper should not be a "bone of contention" either for teachers, or for students and parents. In the newspaper, we do not write about the failures of our students, we do not scold them, we do not shame, but we try to display their best features, their talents and talents. And therefore, the students are happy to look at the new number, which tells about another past school week! The publication of the newspaper helps in the work on the school website - there is always a ready-made material. Information from the school newspaper can be used to compile a portfolio for teachers and students. The electronic version of the newspaper is kept on the school computer. Through the newspaper, you can congratulate the veterans of the pedagogical work on their birthday, and all the inhabitants of the village on the holidays. The newspaper is like a mirror reflects the entire life of the school. Now, thanks to the newspaper, another joint project is being carried out - "Preparation for the 50th anniversary of the Novokemskaya school". The idea is to collect all the material about the teachers of the school, about the activities of the school and its students and graduates, put through the newspaper, and publish it in a book version by the anniversary of the school in August 2012.

Now about the technical side of the issue. The newspaper is published on four pages of A4 paper size, that is, on two sheets with double-sided printing. Font size 10, Times New Roman ... The font can be changed at your discretion. Usually the text on the page is split into two columns, photographs are inserted. It would be nice to typeset the newspaper with the help of a special program, but we do not have such a program. I tried to download from the Internet, but I couldn't do it. Typing is done mainly on a home computer, this job is not difficult. It is more difficult to come up with a design, work on the content of the material, select interesting facts, write a poem on a topical topic. We print the newspaper at school on a black-and-white printer, in exceptional cases we issue a color number. For us, printing color numbers is very expensive and inconvenient, because we can buy paint only in the regional center or in the regional center, which is far from our village. The circulation of the newspaper is 10 copies. Two issues for the school: one goes to the archive, the other is posted instead of the wall newspaper. We distribute the rest of the numbers to the organizations and institutions of our village: the library, the House of Culture, the administration of the settlement, the kindergarten, the Kemsky raid. The newspaper is distributed free of charge.

Our newspaper "Big Change" won the regional competition"More magazines, good and different"in 2010, but that doesn't mean you can rest on your laurels!

The problem for our newspaper is its printing performance, ordinary printers do not print very well. I would like to see a colored newspaper in the future. I would like to thank all the teachers and students of our school for their cooperation in publishing the newspaper. As long as the school lives, the school newspaper will also live, reflecting all the important events in the school country. And I wish everyone who wants to do this interesting business patience and creativity.

Valery Mitrofanov , teacher of history, social studies, economics, Novokemskaya secondary school, Vashkinsky district, Vologda region

You can see the issues of the school newspaper of the Novokemskaya secondary school of the Vologda region by following this link:


Make newspaper modern. This can mean anything. The main rule is - forget about a regular newspaper. Not a single child will tell you that the newspaper "Kommersant" or "MK" have a beautiful design. So do the opposite. Give your publication a vibrant, free style and fill it with graphics and images. The easiest way to make a front page is using photographs and students.

Consider the shape of the newspaper. The student is unlikely to appreciate the delights of a wide, uncomfortable A3 or larger newspaper. A4 format is best suited. It is close to a magazine one, printing can be done on a regular printer, it will easily fit into.

The smaller format is also acceptable, but it causes layout problems. If you are going to publish long, complex ones, it can stretch over several pages.

Use effects to decorate text and photos. The popular genre of manga is a good one, "with text". Do not use conventional newspaper columnar ways of presenting material. Arrange information on the page in small oval boxes, like clouds in the sky. The final version is similar to a blog or news feed, which will attract and make the material easy to digest.

Process photos with shadows, light, gloss. Create interesting photo collages. This will help save space and use more photos on one page.

Ask students for advice. As a rule, young talents can find brilliant ideas that will allow not only to attract new students to the newspaper, but also to establish various kinds of awards for the work done.

Useful advice

Remember that you have to start not from your understanding of what the newspaper should be, but from the needs of the student. By meeting these needs, you can be successful.

How to make a newspaper? There are countless different publications on the Internet where you can publish your own creations. Some even argue that the press will soon die out altogether, as an obsolete element. But somehow they have already argued about something similar.

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  • how to make your own newspaper in 2019

So you've decided to do it. It doesn't matter what it will be: a wall newspaper for colleagues, a small school bulletin printed on a large-format printer, or a full-fledged periodical. We have decided on the topic, materials have been collected. How to arrange a newspaper? Whatever newspaper you make, pay attention to the following points.


Any newspaper should have its own recognizable style. Feel free to experiment and get away from templates.

Photos and drawings serve not only as additional illustrative material, but also often "pull" the information blanket over themselves. Make sure the photo grabs attention. It is not necessary that it contains any incriminating evidence. Just place it on the strip.

The correct font is the key to your success. He shouldn't be too popular, but it should be easy to read what he's written. Don't show all the fonts you know in one number. It's funny, of course, but the reader is unlikely to like it.
The font is the "face" of the publication. Make it recognizable.

Designing the structure of a newspaper is hard work. Your task is so that the reader navigates through the headings and understands why you have arranged the material in this way and not otherwise.
For example, if serious analytical material appears on a newspaper page, the reader will never open the middle of the newspaper to read the latest news. If only because it is simply inconvenient.

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Start your blog it's never too late, as well as arrange it to your liking. if you have blog in LiveJournal, check out the existing methods of designing your online diary.


If desired, a page of your blog and in LJ can be changed beyond recognition. The Livejournal platform allows you to design your blog however you like: change styles, colors, background, fonts, menu items, etc. It is important to note that you do not need to do this - the status of your LJ account does not depend on how the magazine will look. To arrange blog, you can go in two ways: choose a style to your liking or create your own style yourself.

If you follow the path of least resistance, you can choose from hundreds of ready-made design styles and customize it the way you want. To do this, go to your profile and select "Journal Style" from the "Journal" menu. You will be taken to the magazine design selection menu. Using the navigation on the left side of the page, choose a style that suits you, click the Preview button to see how your page will look, and then click the Apply Design button to change the style.

Now you can make more detailed adjustments by going to the "Customize your style" section. Here you can customize colors and fonts, select on the page, change the names of headers and menu items, or hide tags, set a picture as a background, and also make other settings for your design. blog a.

If you are not satisfied with any of the suggested styles, you can try another option. LiveJournal is a community where users post exclusive magazine styles. Http:// is very popular. You can see ready-made styles in the community publications, choose the one that suits you and apply it to your magazine. Before you choose one or another style, read the rules for its use.

Well, if you decide to try yourself in the role of a designer, but do not have work with HTML, use the design generator for LJ In addition, find the questions you have about the design of your blog and you can in the community

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How to start a blog in LiveJournal

Today write, typeset and print a school newspaper much easier and less expensive than, for example, 20-30 years ago. Having in your arsenal the basic skills of a writer and a computer with Word installed, you can safely develop the idea of ​​a school "bulletin". Also, when creating a school newspaper, you cannot do without like-minded people and support from adults.


Talk to the class teacher, and preferably right away, for any support in creating a school newspaper. It is better if you put together an initiative group that will offer numerous ideas and topics for newspaper materials. Project support includes: providing computers and layout software, providing Internet access, helping teachers or students in checking texts for spelling and grammatical errors, helping to develop a promotion and design plan.

If it is not possible to find support from the school, try to get the parents interested. Some of them are planning to send their own to receive higher philological or journalistic education, and this is a good springboard for writers and journalists. If you have a good command of a computer and are familiar with the Internet, it is quite possible to save on the cost of printing a newspaper by publishing your pearls on the global network on your own school website. Involve not only as writers and journalists, but also teachers and students.

Brainstorm and come up with a catchy title for your school newspaper. Develop the design of the main page, the logo of the publication, the rating of the headings. Come up with headings and topics, style and concept for the entire newspaper. You can publish news and texts related to school life: about the Olympiads, about sports, about teachers and the educational process, about summer vacations and the school curriculum, puzzles, cartoons, photographs, announcements, horoscopes, comics and much more. This is all useful for the electronic version. Decide if your newspaper will be weekly or monthly.

Distribute topics to volunteers and announce deadlines for finished materials. Be sure to make a list of requirements: the presence of a photograph, handwritten or electronic form of articles, the amount of text, the presence of headings.

Make up materials using the developed home page design and electronic templates. Typically, the most important news is on the front page, analytics and opinions are in the middle of the newspaper, and entertainment headings are on the back pages.

Print several copies and give them to editors for proofreading. Make edits in the layout as suggested by your editors.

What an interesting and varied school life. This is a small country in which it is not so easy to keep track of the flow of events, and even more so to keep in memory the most unusual, interesting and important ones. For this, two years ago, a group of high school students decided to organize the publication of a school newspaper, which has always been the dream of boys and girls, teachers and parents. Our junior team is very young, but over these two years, we have learned a lot and are ready to share our successes and interesting school life.
Communicating with the children of the schools of the republic, where the work of publishing the school newspaper is well established, we learned that the school print edition provides an opportunity to better know oneself, learn to express one's thoughts. In addition, in the process of joint activities to create a school newspaper, good and friendly relations are established between all participants in the school process.

« Where to begin? How to make the newspaper relevant, interesting and readable? "- such questions are asked by everyone who starts a new business.
The first thing we did was to look for interested guys to create a team of like-minded people... At the school leaders' council, it was decided that the newspaper would be published once a quarter... For whom will the newspaper be published? Of course for us: for boys and girls, teachers and parents, for everyone who cares about our school and who wants school life to be remembered as in the song "School years are wonderful ...."

We know what matters to the newspaper title... There were many ideas. It was suggested to name the newspaper “Our school country”, as the informational school stand was named. We decided that this is a single whole, which reflects the events of school life.
Before the guys - juniors was given purpose:
Informing all participants in the educational process about school life and creating a chronicle for the school museum, as about the happiest days spent together e.
And in order to achieve this goal, you need to work on tasks:
- to involve children, teachers and parents in cooperation in the coverage of school life in the newspaper;
- to reveal the creative personalities of students through the newspaper.
Room planning, collection of material, photo processing, work on the layout and design of the newspaper, printing numbers in the printing house- there was enough work for everyone in the school asset of high school students. A lot of help was provided by correspondents from different classes, teachers and parents who sponsored the release of the school newspaper.

The headings became popular in the newspaper:
"Cool news", "Beauty will save the world", "Attention: COMPETITION!" , "How good it is to study at school!" "I am proud and remember!", "Guest of the room", "Security Island"
“In secret to the whole world!”, “It's great to be healthy!”, “Congratulations!”, “We say thank you!”
Were made two special issues dedicated to Victory Day and school graduates.

Subject articles in the newspaper reflect our school life: studies, important events at school, holidays, competitions, sports competitions, excursions, trips, meetings with interesting people.
What is the use of a school newspaper? We will proudly answer:
“Thanks to the newspaper, we get to know the profession of a journalist, learn to find unusual and unforgettable moments in everyday life. The newspaper brings together, unites schoolchildren and adults into one whole. The guys discover talents in their classmates and rejoice for the successes of the students and teachers of our school. "

The school newspaper can be called "The Red Horse" Remember Petrov-Vodkin, hey, in the Tretyakov Gallery there is a painting "Bathing a Red Horse" there is either a boy on a horse, or ... Yes, a boy on a horse in the river. Himself tanned, blue eyes, red horse. And Valentin Serov has a canvas about bathing a horse. For me, as for many generations of children, friendship with a horse was the ultimate dream. This dream has not left me even now.
I worked at one time in high school, and we published a large wall newspaper "Red Horse", which came out even more on April 1 and was called "Pink Elephant". And for the New Year, we had an attachment (three more Whatman paper was glued to the “end”) of the type “Iron Mouse” or “Blue Piglet”, depending on which year of which animal came according to the Eastern calendar. So, there were several headings: Advanced - more often "Danish", what holiday is on the nose, and congratulations on that, went into the history of the issue. The second is news from the directorate. An interview with the director on burning topics: about the canteen, legal issues, for example, the process of dismissing a student, vacation plans - what the school organizes, whether it will be necessary to help with repairing something there, etc. With such or similar questions it was possible at least to pester the janitor and explain the answers. Such a rubric also helped the director to focus on the educational, educational or health care process, and the children knew that they were "in danger." And the people got to know their leaders and even the cleaning ladies better. They just had a lot to tell about the colorful episodes of school life after school. There was also a heading, sort of statistical: which class from the parallel studies better: the elders did this. They calculated the average scores in the subjects, and then supposedly discussed it together. Of course, it was not always possible to discuss. Members of the editorial board could also do this, but stat. the material was obtained from the class leaders. Now you can calculate the "middle class" IQ, that is, the intelligence quotient.
Then, for example, the literature teacher made an extract of the most interesting passage from any work according to the program and anonymously (without the title of the book or work) published in the newspaper "Secret Room" it is no secret that many books to read at school are interesting, but children have no incentive read them. And after reading a tidbit, some get carried away or simply want to answer a question from a writer like “How will the hero get out of the situation? Continue the story or look in such and such a book and get a prize! “Well, there's a pack of gum or a chocolate bar. But it's still nice.
In the section “Check it out! »The chemist tells how to make safe experiments in the kitchen and how to express it in formulas on paper. The physicist reads a special book and suggests doing the corresponding experiment at home. I know such a wonderful book, all experiments in which are absolutely safe, they are not carried out with an open flame, electricity is exclusively from batteries and in general - beauty! This is for all subjects - biology and geography are included, chemistry too). This is once a month.
So this is: a series of greetings. One class (the person on duty at the newspaper) sends humorous greetings to his friends, opponents, sports rivals: this is not so that very evil cartoons. More poetry and homemade prose. Then calls to make a photo exhibition or crawl to the open air of such and such a date with sandwiches to the nearest dump ... to take pictures of nature in a clearing. Or the call of local musicians to come to their concert in the recreation near the women's (men's) toilet on the 3rd floor on such and such a date at such and such. The reporter on duty speaks a little bit with each one so that the people understand and become interested in the process and persons. And to come.
In short, according to this type, my team and I made a wall for 6-8 Whatman paper (with a title drawing for 2 Whatman paper, called a "splash screen") by students at the university and, taking into account the mistakes of the student period, by a waste of time, at the school where I worked for 3 years ... The children really enjoyed making the newspaper, because I first prepared a field for them to apply efforts. So, here Lyuska draws this big polo