School of Audioroo - all issues, participants who won someone won in the project School of Audio. "School" Audioralo ": Who will take the place of Elena volatile? Who won in the School of Audio

 School of Audioroo - all issues, participants who won someone won in the project School of Audio.
School of Audioroo - all issues, participants who won someone won in the project School of Audio. "School" Audioralo ": Who will take the place of Elena volatile? Who won in the School of Audio

Once she dreamed of becoming a "cloud", but still became a lawyer that did not prevent her to conquer the blue screen. Connect its legal knowledge and media is her old dream. She came true. Now Olga connects pleasant in his professional activities with useful - and people helps, and develops creatively.
Not so long ago, she tried herself in the new role - an expert on the transfer of the audio show. I tried, and as a result, I got to the "School of the Vorizorro", in which the new audioralo of the country was preparing. On June 28, the transfer finale took place, Olga took the second place on it, but the point in the show was not supplied. The producer of the Elena Batchaya project prepared another test for the participants, according to the results of which, it is possible that our countryman will become the winner. Why not?
In the meantime, the girl with the hunt is divided by secrets: how to become a famous lawyer in the capital leading, and why she wanted to become an auditorroo. By the way, dear hoteliers and restaurateurs of pine boron! If Olga wins, she promised to come to our city and check the service, and even knows where.

"- If you become a new auditorroo, you will arrive in the pine forest?
- Of course I will come (laughs). I even know where. But I will not say yet! "

- Olga, discover the secret: as a girl, in general, from the province, managed to become little famous in the capital of a lawyer, and even leading on television?
- I dreamed of becoming a lawyer from 5 years. When the parents asked who I want to become - I answered the "cloud" ... who didn't have any idea, but the "cloud" was clearly associated with someone powerful, very fair, creative and necessarily a beautiful person (smiles - approx. ed.).
Parents transformed my explanations and dreams in the "lawyer" and I did not arise more questions. In the 11th grade I was engaged in Jurfak in St. Petersburg State University at paid courses of preparation for admission. The fact that we were taught, in the evenings retells at mini-lectures in a kind of school younger classes so that they have already had the opportunity to prepare for adulthood. Then the studies began.
As a student, at the age of 17, the fate brought me with a lawyer from a fairly known since Soviet times Consultation No. 10 on Flytein Avenue, 33 - Irina Evgenyevna Adaptel. I came to her practice and ... I liked it, she took me to assistants. His first earned 200 dollars spent on teaching driving, because I began to draw cars to your dolls at the same time, when I decided on the "cloud", not knowing where and how I will take money for the car (we did not have a car in the family, yes in pine Boru machine is not needed, there is beautiful nature).
I am very glad that he grew up in a pine forest: Hanging many countries and cities, I believe that my hometown is one of the most beautiful and strong energy places in the world. Incredible verakans, white sand, Finnish bay, birch groves. And coniferous forests - I love to walk there, and, of course, Anderson Grad (smiles).
Still, I want to tell about the car ... Parents decided to give me a car grandfather - an old cherry nine, I worked for a year without increasing the salary, and it was very cool, although the car broke no less than once since a month. The evacuatorists of St. Petersburg still congratulate me from March 8, I really remember them.
In 19 years I received the status of a bachelor, the rights and possibility of registration in the artists. I went to the apprentices to the Head of Consultation Gennadia Lebedev and ... Spread! At 21, she passed the exam on the status of a lawyer (so far, no one has broken this record in Russia) and began the practice.
By the way, it happened that I was drawn in creativity, since childhood. No performance did without my participation in the school, but studying at the university, I sometimes starred in the TV shows, and it enjoyed it. And a little later, this passion helped me to be realized in another field ...
After the end of study, my friends went away who to: in Moscow, Los Angeles, London. We met already rarely, but aptly. Once we crossed in France the most closely beloved company. Girls asked me: What would I like most? And I replied that I dream to unite my legal knowledge, real help people (honestly, years of practice, of course, showed imperfections of laws and judicial system, and my desire for justice for some reason I didn't go anywhere) and ... the media! After this conversation, literally the next morning, as if on the magic, when I ran along the sea, the call rang. The girl asked: Is I really Mitrofanov and I have a lawyer status, and do I not want to participate in a new project on NTV to combat the rights of people? The answer was on my part predictable - of course, yes!
I flew to Moscow with things for three days. And stayed on the shooting of the program "Check Call" for two weeks. Then he flew over the suitcase more ... And now I have been in Moscow for three years. The first transmission premiere came out on August 30 in my birthday, when I was 27.
I believe that this project is a huge gift of fate. It so happened that I feel and acquire the meaning of life when I create something useful. And so it happened that for 25 issues of this program, we really helped the huge number of people really solve their problems: to settle emergency houses, provide apartments to veterans and large families and even build bridges, where it is vital.
At first he was blood: every day, when we came to officials to demand the observance of the rights of people, police came, Riothe. Castle more than once, after two weeks I already wanted to surrender, but when we were able to achieve in the city of Lobnya, that a large decent family moved from the destroyed dangerous housing, and the father of the family went to me, shook his hand and said with tears in his eyes: "Thank you You, I thought this was not this. "... then I realized that I would not leave anywhere. Eight months in the cities and villages of Russia. It was complicated. And they beat, and tear up clothes, and threatened constantly, hid and even released the instructions in the "What to do if a" check call "arrived to you. Then we closed us. I believe that I did then as much as a lawyer and a couple of lives could not. Then I resumed the law practice in Moscow, but focused only on family matters.

"Olga Mitrofanova:" For me, the auditorroo is organic. This is another chance to do something useful and have fun at the same time. ""

- And yet, who is easier to be: the leading transmission of the "Control call" or the participant of the "School of Auditorro"?
- There is no such thing - easier. All these pieces of one mosaic, one life - lawyer Mitrofanova. It's Complicated. Life in Moscow is very complex and extinguishing. I love this town. True, I do not know what. After all, he takes health, energy and beauty.

What made you still to become a member of the "School of Audio" - a traction for creativity or the desire to make the service of Russians more comfortable?
- It so happened that I worked as an expert on all the issues of the Revioral Show program on the "Friday" channel and disassembled the eligibility of Elena volatile. Before that, I confess, "Audioralo" did not look, and it seemed to me that this transmission is not so important compared to what we did earlier, but seeing what Lena took place, having learned what was going on in the kitchens of restaurants, I understand the total legal legal and legal illiteracy of people.
I have imbued with the idea of \u200b\u200bthis program. It is better to do the world - that's, in fact, that always motivates and inspires me. I believe that it depends on each of us, in which world we live.
Therefore, for me to become an auditorroo - organically. This is another chance to do something useful and kayfood on the road, because I really enjoy the overcoming of difficulties.

- What was the most difficult in the shooting "School"?
- the most difficult thing in the shooting is the feeling of unknown. I always thought that realistic on TV staged. It turned out - no. It is a pity that you have to prove it. If he had not worked in the "checklist" on NTV and here, probably would not believe. But, friends, it is. This is our reality, our life, our country.
From us carefully hid it, what awaits us further. It was so unexpectedly, so unpredictable that it was simply impossible to have been prepared somehow. And emotionally squeezed trees very much.

- What is remembered on the project?
- Each test I remember: from the detector of lies and a jump from the bridge, before returning from the forest to Moscow and the first checks that were produced, the actors were involved in them, but still everything that happened not in favor of us, and beat us in the kitchen for real.

- How to evaluate competitors on school if you consider them?
- Competitors are all strong. The relationship was different, but mostly good. With the snow, we immediately became friends. With Julia, it turned out to get close to unexpectedly and rather sincerely and deeply. Funny and always positive Nikulina and Ruslan always charged the filming pad and created the promises for laughter. With the Kozyritsky evenings played the old Soviet machines and went through the cafes. With Erdman, they chatted in the car after the shooting and revised what happened to us.
My favorite Perelman causes me admiration: calm, purposeful, very sincere and kind. Just a buzz, as if Million is familiar, and he is a businessman from nature! These qualities are so lacking me, I tried to get business skills and finished business youth, headliner, Skolkovo, but I still creative man.

- If you become a new auditorroo, you will arrive in the pine forest?
- Of course I will come (laughs). I even know where. But I will not say yet!

- Suppose you are already an auditorroo, go to check, what do you first pay attention to?
- Well, first of all - the refrigerator and the ration is the most dangerous for consumers and guests of the restaurant. Here, for example, recently there was a holiday - 10 years of release from the university. I did not go, because we just got the semifinal. And the part of the guys pokeled, and left at the "ambulance". We draw conclusions ...

Finally, you always want to ask about the plans, but you see them, and there is enough of them, therefore I will ask the question of interest to many fans of the "Auditorro" question: What kind of she, Elena Banya, and this is her real name?
- But I do not know about the surname (laughs), but in general it is cool. He produced me from the paw of a successful Dmitry Potapenko on the "Audio Show". The most important thing in it is that it admires it is its workolism and purposefulness, she is a big one. Few such people. Not only women, but also men - strong, clear and with such a margin of vital energy. Well, of course, stylish.

By the way

Despite the fact that the project finale took place on June 28, the points in the transmission were not supplied. Participants will have to go through new tests, so that residents still have the opportunity to support Olga. This can be done in the official group of the project -

Already on Wednesday, June 7, on the TV channel "Friday!" The premiere of the "School of Audio" is the project - a project that will help determine the name of the new leader's most equitable television show. And immediately after him, the channel will show a new reality, where the same Elena Bat will make lifestyle participants in the project "Construction".

Snakes, spiders and burial alive: so test participants "School of Auditorro"

Ploy fear in eyes

Three years Elena Banyawas the flagship of the All-Russian struggle for high-quality service. She checked hundreds of hotels and restaurants across the country and honestly showed what was happening there, much easier to enter the entry. And now she is gone. Restaurateurs and hotel rooms sighed with relief: there will be no more sudden checks and uncomfortable requests to open a refrigerator, a strict estimate of purity in hotel rooms and a cruel verdict "does not recommend."

But Elena Bat will personally take care of a decent successor. Among the hundreds of applicants, only the best fell on the bench of her students. They think they are waiting for success and glory, but "School of Auditorro" Prepared for recruits serious tests, exhausting training and testing for stress resistance in the most unforeseen circumstances.

From the first day of the project, the recruits felt how difficult and thorny would be the way to cherished white gloves and a suitcase "Audioralo."First of all, the heroes had to pass a serious check on a lie detector, which made it possible to check the business reputation of a person, learn about his past, as well as to identify fears and phobias that could prevent the heroes in future work.

Participants of the "School of Audio": Snezhana Samokhin, Olga Mitrofanova, Veronica Nikulina, Natalia Erdman, Julia Kovaleva, Tatiana Kirilyuk, Ruslan Ivanchenko, Alexey Kozritsky, Vladimir Perelman.

Students "School of Audioralo" honestly admitted in their fears, without even suspecting that they would soon have to face their phobias face to face. So, one of the project participants, the famous metropolitan restaurant Vladimir Perelman, I was waiting for a harsh test for strength - burial alive. Another hero was connected, and even closely with snakes. To overcome the fear of reptiles, a young man managed only from the second attempt.

The beautiful half of the "School of Auditorro" is not worth waiting for its address to their address. It understood I. Tatyana Kirilyuk,which was in a closed space with spiders, insects and rats, in hostility to which the girl confessed to the polygraph. AND Snezhana Selfin, which spent 20 seconds literally spanning on fire.

Evaluate the composure and skills of students of the Verizorro Schools are designed by professionals. Competent jury led by Elena volatile, Dmitry Levitsky and Andrek Korystov Selects the most worthy of the participants' finals. But only the viewers will decide who will get the gloves of the main "audioral" of the country.

See new editions of Elena Baiste School "School of Audioralo" and "Slim" on Wednesdays

Weight exchange for money

Acute emotions are tested not only by the participants of the School of Audioroo, but also the heroes of the show "Slim"who are disposed of unnecessary kilograms on the dispute. Elena Banya forces gambling participants to go to the very least measures to achieve the goal - victory in the project. The flying will experience not only the students of the "School of Auditorro", it will seriously become upbringing the will of the will of the heroes of the "Slintashki" project. From June 7, Elena will take control of those who are not able to lose weight independently.

Elena Banya takes the control of those who want to lose weight, but does not know how. The most fair referee announces a fight of two gambling and not to the measure of the fastened people. A whole month of the heroes of the show will get rid of extra kilograms on the dispute. After all, there is no better motivation than the tears of the opponent.

For four weeks, a fly will replace their conscience to the participants. It will strictly monitor weight loss and will conduct a revision of refrigerators to save heroes from harmful temptations. It will tell about healthy nutrition and determine the complex of physical exertion. The winner will get everything: praise bat and competitor's monetary rate.

It will act as a fair referee in the duel of two gambling and not to the measure of the fastened people. A whole month Heroes of the show will get rid of excess kilograms on the dispute. Motivation will serve as a bet, which everyone will do at the beginning of the project and non-saturated control of Elena volatile. Actress will help in this lead Valentina Mazunina, famous role in the series " Cool guys". On the TV channel "Friday!" Already led the project "Friday News".

The Heroes of Slintashek and School of Audiory "with complex and dangerous tests, TV viewers" Friday! "Create or do not cope They will see today. See the Prime Minister of the School of the Vorizorro Wednesday, on Wednesday, June 7, at 19:00, and the real estimates of the Constitutes immediately after - at 20:20.

From 7 to 28 June on the channel "Friday" showed show "School of Auditorro" In which Elena Banya, with the help of the viewers, tried to identify a new leader for the Verizorro program from 10 participants, allegedly past casting.

School of Auditorro - Participants of the show and jury

Total in the show "School of Vorizorro" 10 participants: (Bachelor-5), (winner of the first season of Pazonok), (Dom-2), (actress, lawyer for family issues), (actress), (actress), (actor, participated In House-2), (chef), (restaurant) and (led the Ukrainian version of "Auditorro").

In the jury "School of Vorizorro" three people: TV presenter Elena Banya, Restaurate Dmitry Levitsky, Hotel Andrei Korystov.

Auditorroo 2017 with new leaders - pilot issues

The shooting of pilot issues of auditorroo with new leaders took place in early August. A couple of Olga Mitrofanova / Vladimir Perelman caught in the following Moscow dots of the catering:

Restaurant Kon-Tiki (Moscow, ul. Christmas, 5/7) - the auditorroo does not recommend

Cafe Dida (Moscow, ul. Myasnitskaya, 24)

On Friday, pilot editions of the new auditorroo should appear in September 2017.

School of Vorizorro 4th graduation 28.06.2017 Final and who won

Voting for the new leading auditorroo on Friday's website ended on Friday, June 23, 2017. The results of the audience voting: 5th place - Vadim Abramov, 4th place - Vladimir Perelman, 3rd place - Natalia Erdman, 2nd place - Olga Mitrofanova, 1st place - Alexey Kozritsky.

Elena Batya as the producer of the audio -roro show decided: Top-4 will be united into pairs and remove the pilot editions of the new season of the audioral show. Spectators vote and choose the best pair of leading.

New pilot issues of the auditorroo will lead: Alexey Kozritsky with Natalia Erdman and Olga Mitrofanova with Vladimir Perelman.

School of Vorizorro 3 release 06/21/2017

Began with the fact that the tenth participant in the project "School of Audio" -, the former leading Ukrainian "auditor". Then the participants of the show went on a new test. Lena Batya prepared them a draw in order to verify the ability to behave in an emergency. The roadside café, where the auditor should be held, armed conflict was taken and shot at one of the members of the film crew. The actions of the project participants commented on the psychologist. Next check - Orientation on the terrain. The students of the "School of Auditorro" knit eyes and were taken into a minibus in an unknown direction. In the place of Elena Bataly, explained the essence of the task: in 3 hours it is necessary to get rid of the form of the School of Audio, get to Moscow, find a suitcase of the audioralo and come to the Kazan station. Use phones, money and approach each other closer than 50 meters, is prohibited. The latter who came to the station will be automatically excluded from the School of Audio. Olga Mitrofanova came first to Kazan station. The latter was Julia Kovaleva - she was late for almost an hour and did not find a suitcase. "School of Audio" left.

The following test took place in the forest - theoretical exam in an emergency situation. Dmitry Levitsky asked questions to one participant on knowledge of the fundamentals of the inspection, and the rest of the participants prevented him in every way - they shot him from a paintball rifle.

Elena Batua arranged the participants of the School of the Auditorro master class in the restaurant. They checked the refrigerator in the kitchen of the restaurant for overdue products, purity in the kitchen, etc., flying remained unhappy with his students. Worst of all showed himself and he left the "School of Audio".

Katya Gershuni took up the appearance of the finalists of the "School of Audio". They were given a task: pick up the image for the role of the lead in 25 minutes. Best of all coped with the task of Alexey Koyritsky. Olga Mitrofanov criticized for a short skirt, pink shoes and extra kilograms. After parsing the students of the school students, the audioralo was sent to the beauty salon for transformation.

The most important exam "School of Audio": a real check in real restaurants in Moscow. Finalists gave out press cards and medical records. Olga Mitrofanova checked the Todasu restaurant. Result: The auditorroo does not recommend the restaurant "then yes Syo" due to numerous violations. Vladimir Perelman checked the cafe "Mizandari" in the Red October. Total: Auditorroo does not recommend Cafe Miskandari. Natalia Erdman checked the restaurant "Beverly Hills Diner." On Arbat. Verdict: "Audioralo" does not recommend cafe "Beverly Hills" on Arbat. Alexey Kozritsky gave up with a check in the Pub "Doolin-House". There was a lot of violations in the Irish Pub, "Dulizerro" does not recommend "Dulin House" in Moscow. Vadim Abramov checked a chinkal on color boulevard. Most products did not have labeling, "Audioralo" does not recommend chinking on color boulevard.

After the meeting, the jury members made a decision: all five participants are allowed to final voting.

School of Vorizorro 2 Issue 06/14/2017

First task: in 15 minutes to find 6 violations in the hotel room and cope with the non-standard situation. Olga Mitrofanova and Tatiana Kirilyuk found only a condom under the sofa. Ruslan Ivanchenko, Natalia Erdman, Vladimir Perelman and Veronica Nikulina did not find anything. Alexey Kozritsky found 2 violations. Yulia Kovaleva found 1 violation (no light bulb).

The second task is the passage of the bar of obstacles in 3 minutes and the march. Participants were divided into two teams. Students of the School of the Audioralo staged a master class on the study of devices from the suitcase Elena Vieta, after which they sent them to check the devices in Moscow restaurants. Also, the future audioralo was taught a self-defense lesson, at the end of which the participants waited a new test - a band of obstacles from aggressively configured waiters, and medical instruction.

The third task is the passage of the team quest under the supervision of the psychotherapist.

The worst according to the results of the issue were and - both girls left the project "School of Audio".

School of Vorizorro 1 release 07.06.2017

Elena Batya met with the participants of the School of Audio-Room. First task: Find the form hidden in the mansion and change clothes into it. The first was Natalia Erdman. Olga Mitrofanova and Ruslan Ivanchenko did not find a form.

Second task: Checking on the detector of a lie to find out the dark spots of the biographies of participants, assess the degree of sincerity and the most important fears. After the detector, the participants of the "School of Audio" passed individual tests to overcome their fears. Snezhans Selfiened was the average level of sincerity, and the main fears are fear of fire and blindness. Test: Snezhan Selfieted setulated. Ruslan Ivanchenko has a high level of sincerity, he is afraid of snakes. Test: Ruslan Ivanchenko put in a bath with Python. Olga Mitrofanova has a high level of sincerity, it is afraid of heights. Test: jump from the railway bridge. Alexey Kozritsky is afraid to lose credibility and face in the eyes of others. Test: Alexey Kozritsky needed to pull the chips without the help of the hand from the plate with worshipers. Natalia Erdman is afraid of awkward situations, she was given a task in 15 minutes on the street to take pictures with five passersby in underwear. Veronica has a high level of sincerity, it is afraid of pain and be injured. The participant was forced to fight in the mud with a professional athlete. Yulia Kovaleva also has a high level of sincerity. Lady-Pazonka is afraid of his death and the death of loved ones. In Yulia Kovaleva Metali knives. Tatiana Kirilyuk has a low level of sincerity, it is afraid of insects and rodents. Tatiana Kirilyuk's test - her head was placed in three cube with spider, mice and cockroaches. Vladimir Perelman is afraid of loneliness and closed spaces. He was buried alive in the forest.

The third task is to perform in the kitchen. Participants of the School of Audio-Rooms have entered the conflict with actors imitating restaurant workers. Dmitry Levitsky observed for the test. Some participants passed the test, others are not.

The fourth assignment is the evening at the School of Audiory. Elena Banya congratulated everyone with the beginning of the project. The show participants waited for a buffet, during which everyone was taken to the kitchen and showed who they prepared food for a banquet and what. The main rule "Auditorro" is not to try the food until the institution is checked. Food on the buffet did not try Vladimir Perelman and Alexey Kozritsky.

The best on the results of the first release were: Vladimir Perelman, Alexey Kozritsky and Olga Mitrofanova. The worst: Snezhana Samokhin, Ruslan Ivanchenko and Veronica Nikulina.

From the "School of Audio" excluded.

Questions from the Question Casting School of Audio

In addition to specifying personal data (name, email and phone number) and applications, candidates must be answered by a number of questions. Here is a complete list of questions from the questionnaire:

1. Age?
2. Place of birth (area, city)?
3. Place of actual accommodation?
4. What do you do? Where do you work, learn?
5. Education? Specialty?
6. Marital status?
7. Do you have children?
8. Why do you need to become a leading "auditorro" instead of Elena volatile?
9. Describe the brightest conflict in your life.
10. smoke? Drink (what, how often)? Drugs (what, how long)?
11. What do you most want to change in yourself?
12. What do you disagree to change anything?
13. What do you do in your free time? Where do you like to hang, relax, tear off?
14. Injuries - physical and not only? Are there chronic diseases?
15. What are the five qualities in you talk about what exactly you should become a student of the School of the Auditorro?
16. What conflict are you willing to go for the project?
17. Are you ready to go against the system?
18. Is there TV experience. What?
19. Is there experienced video recruitment (any)? Give a link to YouTube.
20. Written with what injustice you encountered and how do you want to win it?
21. What fee would you like to get for the work of the leading "audioral"?
22. Where did you know about Casting?
23. Your social networks (VK, FB, Insta, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, etc.)
24. Phone number (preferably yours and friend (girlfriends) so that we can get through)
25. Hobbies? Do you do sports?
26. How did you study at school - willingly or not? How many classes graduated?
27. At school, you were the leader, outsider or victim?
28. Your favorite photo with you (link).
29. Send any video with you. The roller in the style of "Audioralo" will become a huge plus. Attach links to YouTube.
30. Imagine that you have become the leading "Auditorro" and you, together with the film, are expelled from the restaurant. What are you going to do?
31. Do you have friends? Tell me who they are?
32. What can be touched by, touch your emotions / soul?
33. What would you like to learn from the auditorro school?

Video for casting "School of Vorizorro"

Judging by the number of video posted on Youtube with the "School of Auditorro" and "Casting Audio", who want to participate in the project very little. Some users even criticized the application item 6 for participation in Casting, as it contradicts the current legislation. See for details / Listen in this video:

From the video announcement of the casting published since the announcement of the casting, I chose the most interesting. Why so - I chose everything that was! I propose to get acquainted with the possible future participants of the School of Auditorro (if it takes place):

Alina from Nizhny Novgorod walked around the local stalls with Shawarma. The girl is unnecessarily polite and not very confident in herself, but the attempt is not bad.

A completely idiotic story when two teenagers paid out with the driver's driver's trifle and he refused to pay for the passage, saying that he would take them for free. The authors of the roller began to drive and to travel to the driver and demand that he take the money. This comrades are a place on the channel LifeNews, but not on Friday!

Elena examined the children's clinic with wet antiseptic napkins. The girl looks good in the frame, but the plot is inconclusive. Where is Trash, tears, fights and that's all this?

Polina removed the humorous version of the Casting application. On Mosfilm. Yes.

Stepan considers himself a worthy candidate, because many years work in the service sector and knows all the subdigabit.

Oleg from Riga invites everyone to download the app "Revision" and there to share their experiences.

Michael from St. Petersburg for 7 years already works in the catering and knows where to look for a rice! Dreams to learn the beautiful diction of Elena volatile.

Azat is dissatisfied with the state of the equipment and working conditions in the computer class in the Ulyanovsky Aviation College. He wrote a letter to Rospotrebnadzor and received an answer.

Olga from Krasnoyarsk checked the Solarium "Cleopatra" in the style of the auditorroo. In the role of white gloves - cotton wheels.

Ksenia from Yekaterinburg decided to reduce the son on the ballet "Nutcracker". The son is punished and a woman instead of passing tickets, agreed with someone on the phone that she would miss on another day on free places. However, then she did not want to start, because There were only places in the first row (the most expensive). Tedric chimes began with the leadership of the Ekaterinburg State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Xenia went to meet, although in theory could simply send "to the sky for the stall", and she is also unhappy.

Maria bought smoked fish in the store and after her use noticed on the back of the packaging of two crushed flies. The next day, she went to the shop "Swing" rights.

Victoria violated the rules of the parking lot, received fines, paid the receipt, but the payment was not fixed by the system and the fines were unattended. The girl appealed to Mosparking and there she was suggested by a plan of action. On the struggle for justice, this story does not pull. Victoria, do not violate parking rules!

The lion came to the clothing store, specifically threw a T-shirt on the floor, and the security officer answered links to the articles of the Civil Code. It is good that the video is staged, and it would not cost without tumakov and the tears of injustice in Russia.

Sergey, together with her friend, examine public toilets in the center of Moscow. Everything is in the best traditions of "Audioralo", including campaigns.

Alina exams native gymnasium №28 in Kostroma.

Comic video from Mary. Girl together with a little daughter played in "Audio" in her kitchen.

Nelli checked the kitchen of her mother, while that was not at home.

Elena's business coach gives advice to improve the Audioral Program, reflects on the socio-economic text of developed countries and tells the history of the fight against HCEC.

In September 2015, Victoria appealed to the dental clinic to remove wisdom tooth. It did not work to remove the tooth. The girl put the seams and sent home. A few days later, Victoria was on the operating table - she had an abscess of the brush region. In a year, Victoria came with the inspection of the most ill-fated dental clinic within the framework of the casting for the School of Audioralo with the journalistic task and the operator. Outcome: Classic Issue "Audioralo" with guards, police and clarifying relationships. At the moment, this is the best video for the casting "School of Audio".

Anastasia checked one of the restaurants "Eurasia". Estimated service, cleanliness in the hall and in the toilet. I did not break into the kitchen. When viewing, do not put the volume level at the maximum (Anastasia barely audible), for the risk of ignition from the rye of the operator, the candidate girlfriend for the position of Auditorro.

Semen checked the quality of services of the Moscow beauty salon. The young man came to make a manicure and what came out of it - look in his video for casting School of Audio.

Well, who wants to make a little more to gauge, then I attach another video of Semyon, in which he talks about himself, his plans and desired salary as an auditorroo country.

On the channel "Friday!" The "School of Audio" started, where they will choose a new fighter for purity. Who will replace on the project Elena Break?

Project motto: Choose a new face of justice! One of the bright contenders is the ex-participant of the telestroy "Dom-2", a journalist and writer Tatiana Kirilyuk. The girl does not hide that he will be glad to continue his TV career. She has already been familiar with television from the inside for more than 10 years: four years led the program on Ukrainian TV, then participated in the "House-2" show. Now Tatiana writes women's detectives and engaged in journalism.

Spider sat on Tatiana's head three minutes!

"During participation in the project I already had to experience a lot: friendship, enmity, the joy of success, disappointment from the defeat," Tatiana shares the impressions. - A memorable example - I had to face my fears: fear of darkness, heights, fear of communication with creeping values. But now I am much calmer than feeling when I climb the height of three meters funny for me or if I hold the spider's hand.

In addition to the testing of fear, participants had to be a real lead, to get into the clock of the unwriting team of the restaurant.

- In the institution I was not hospitable at all. Cooks were specially prepared to prevent the work of "Auditorro". Of course, there was a dirt, and a mess, and Branu - I got into the most hell. In the kitchen were found burnt cutlets, overdue products. I left the restaurant with tears in my eyes, because huge cookies, strong aunts, threw rags in me, saucers. It was a terrible check, but I passed it.

Another team was waiting for a cohesion check, on an individual work, where it was necessary to show its physical strength, "continues Tanya. - Honestly, I am not very pleased with the result, because I expected more from myself more, because I regularly engage in the gym and consider myself a hopeless girl. It was hard, but I reached the end, gathering the will in a fist.

In the memory of the audience and fans of the project at the helm stood a breathtaking blonde Elena bat. Perfectionist by nature and by profession, the girl personified natural purity. Then I found our fans Olga Romanovskaya. Slender brunette chlestically parried all excuses of employees of restaurant kitchens and remembered the owners of institutions for a long time.

The styles of both leading are unique, and it does not make sense to imitate it, "said the participant. - The only thing that should be adopted, knowledge and professionalism, which demonstrated Elena and Olga. In addition, the project was already a blonde, brunette, now there was a time to redhead! Moreover, I differ in realness, courage, sociability. I think that I will look great on site leading. From my attention and my perseverance, no one will leave - neither unfinished cook, nor Tarakashka.

Tatiana admits that it is not frightened by the difficulties that you have to meet the lead project. Without them, life seems not interested party. The fact is that the girl on temperament is a choleric and needs an emotional shake. She likes to prove his righteousness and listen to another point of view, Tatiana is not afraid of conflicts. It is important for her to get to the truth, justice.

The most difficult thing for me was the situation when I summed up during a collective task, I coped worse than everyone with him, "Kirilyuk recalls. - Therefore, we got a sentence. Another difficult test was the situation in which I had to explain what I was better than the participant, with whom I managed to go. It was humanly unpleasantly voiced by the negative sides of his character. I must say, all 10 participants have the advantages of each other: someone animator, someone's restaurant, someone is physically stronger than me. But my journalistic experience, sociability and fearless conflict, I consider my indisputable advantage. This is a useful quality for the project "Audiozorro"! School "Audioralo" for me - akin to training in special forces. Who passed her, ready for everything.

By the way, to support Tatiana, as well as other participants, you can already on June 7, voting on the website of the TV channel or in social networks.

From June 7, on the channel Friday, a loud premiere - School of Auditorro, in which Elena Bat will find his successor and will give him the post of chief verifier of Russia. Bat has repeatedly declared in an interview, which will no longer lead the "audioralo", but the program is not going to leave and remain in the position of producer. Last year, casting was announced in the "School of Audio". Friday's viewers were asked to independently check any institution or tell about the fight against the injustice of commercial and state organizations, write it on video and send them to their website. I closely watched the videos for the castings that actively appeared on YouTube, as I was interested, could any of them get into the project. The shooting of the "School of Audio" began at the end of April, and in early June the names of the participants appeared on Friday's website and I was very upset - did not take a single real person "all the actors and already disappeared in other TNT and Friday projects. On this in principle It would be possible to complete the feedback and put one star, but it is necessary to bring the case to the end and decompose the "School of Audio" on the bones.

So, Lena Bat (or the scenario producers, which is more likely) sat down and remembered which tests had to go through the scandalous show "Audio". Let me remind you that in the media there were reports of beating the bat and its shooting team in the Tamutarakani, in social networks, there were alleged letters in social networks, which were concluded by the appearance of volatile in their institution and demanded a rollback. The scandalous moments regularly appeared in the transmission itself - the hosts of the institutions were resorted and the scandal was arranged with a police challenge. In general, the student "School of Lady" of the Verizorro school will be held through the same meat grinder.

The difference from the Letuchinsky fate is only one thing, but significant - applicants for the post of new leading "audioral" will be held not to be tested, but staged. That is, actors participating will go into battle with other actors. In my opinion, this is complete nonsense. There is a reasonable question: what if the "audioralo" itself was staged, and all the scandals are agreed?

The participants of the "School of Audio" are a gathering of the actors of episodes and people who do not want to get out of the screen. I propose a closer look at them, for Friday and the show represents them quite differently than it is really.

# Vorizorosimokhina - Snezha from "Bachelor" (season 5 on TNT). In the "School of Auditorro", she suddenly became a guide. In fact, the former wife of one of the member of the Board of Directors of TNT.

# Verizorroivchenchenko - The actor episodes, was a week at home-2. And very bad, judging by the participation in the School of Auditorro. Scene with snakes and shouts "Oscar!" (not really). As the actor acts under the other name.

# Audioromitrofanova - Another actress, which is sitting in the "live broadcast" in Russia-1, then allegedly conducts some kind of cases (the lawyer's website is buggy and with errors - which is worth one "recovery of alimony" in the service column). Wheels in any Gap, just to light up. One thing in it is beautiful.

# Auditorrokozyritsky - Chef. Apparently, he needed a springboard to stand in one row with media chefs such as Ivleva, Levitsky and others.

# Audorroeardman - Actresly. She has another last name and she had to come up with a pseudonym, because the real name coincides with the name of the former leading "audioral" (not a bat, and the other)

# Audorronikulin - Another actress. Here it is accurately used to lying like ... The girl actively participates in the staged shows under other names.

# Audorrokovoya - Yulek, winner of the first season of Russian "Patzenok". Oh, I really do not know who the brains entangle her that she imagined Lady and Beauty. Looked in her instagram and long ago. Yuleuk, let's goodbye already, eh? In you zero charisma, you are boring. Here the Queen of Christina would be a worthy candidate, and Yulek about nothing!

# Audoroorilyuk - participant at home-2, writer, journalist. I found her video on YouTube on the topic of Ukraine and Russia - we can say that she is also a sofa political hatch (she herself is Ukrainian, former)

# Audorroperellman - Restaurate. Once he participated in the "Battle of Restaurants", it still seemed to be in some kind of culinary transmission on TNT. Also can't say goodbye to tele-ester and is actively friendly with Levitsky, a member of the jury.

By the way, about the jury. There are three people - concierge, cooks and bat. In each issue, they decide who was the best, and who will give pink under the ass. Elena Banya in the role of the leading show greatly disappointed. She is talking like a teacher on paperhouse. My internal lie detector shouts do not believe!

Who will become the winner of the School of Auditorro? If someone does not know, on the Friday website they promised that the participants would be 10, and not 9. The secret tenth participant will appear later and I am confident of 99.99% that it (a) will become the leading "audioral". The current 9 participants do not pull for many reasons. First, leading can not be an actor. Secondly, the master can not be a chef or the owner of the institution. Yulek remains from the "Patzenok" - but she will have his own show, so the more not the option.

The show "School of Auditorro" has greatly disappointed me with its stage and insincerity. First, "Friday" deceived the audience with casting. Secondly, "Audioralo" became popular thanks to the truth that sharply contrasted with the rest of the content on television, and now the truth factor was removed and there was nothing left, from what did the "audioral" Wooddow. Well, thirdly, Lena is terrible in the role of the host, if it communicates not in the video cherry mode. I put two stars and do not recommend to view!

Sincerely yours, Andy Goldred

From 7 to 28 June on the channel "Friday" showed show "School of Auditorro" In which Elena Banya, with the help of the viewers, tried to identify a new leader for the Verizorro program from 10 participants, allegedly past casting.

School of Auditorro - Participants of the show and jury

Total in the show "School of Vorizorro" 10 participants: (Bachelor-5), (winner of the first season of Pazonok), (Dom-2), (actress, lawyer for family issues), (actress), (actress), (actor, participated In House-2), (chef), (restaurant) and (led the Ukrainian version of "Auditorro").

In the jury "School of Vorizorro" three people: TV presenter Elena Banya, Restaurate Dmitry Levitsky, Hotel Andrei Korystov.

Auditorroo 2017 with new leaders - pilot issues

The shooting of pilot issues of auditorroo with new leaders took place in early August. A couple of Olga Mitrofanova / Vladimir Perelman caught in the following Moscow dots of the catering:

Restaurant Kon-Tiki (Moscow, ul. Christmas, 5/7) - the auditorroo does not recommend

Cafe Dida (Moscow, ul. Myasnitskaya, 24)

On Friday, pilot editions of the new auditorroo should appear in September 2017.

School of Vorizorro 4th graduation 28.06.2017 Final and who won

Voting for the new leading auditorroo on Friday's website ended on Friday, June 23, 2017. The results of the audience voting: 5th place - Vadim Abramov, 4th place - Vladimir Perelman, 3rd place - Natalia Erdman, 2nd place - Olga Mitrofanova, 1st place - Alexey Kozritsky.

Elena Batya as the producer of the audio -roro show decided: Top-4 will be united into pairs and remove the pilot editions of the new season of the audioral show. Spectators vote and choose the best pair of leading.

New pilot issues of the auditorroo will lead: Alexey Kozritsky with Natalia Erdman and Olga Mitrofanova with Vladimir Perelman.

School of Vorizorro 3 release 06/21/2017

Began with the fact that the tenth participant in the project "School of Audio" -, the former leading Ukrainian "auditor". Then the participants of the show went on a new test. Lena Batya prepared them a draw in order to verify the ability to behave in an emergency. The roadside café, where the auditor should be held, armed conflict was taken and shot at one of the members of the film crew. The actions of the project participants commented on the psychologist. Next check - Orientation on the terrain. The students of the "School of Auditorro" knit eyes and were taken into a minibus in an unknown direction. In the place of Elena Bataly, explained the essence of the task: in 3 hours it is necessary to get rid of the form of the School of Audio, get to Moscow, find a suitcase of the audioralo and come to the Kazan station. Use phones, money and approach each other closer than 50 meters, is prohibited. The latter who came to the station will be automatically excluded from the School of Audio. Olga Mitrofanova came first to Kazan station. The latter was Julia Kovaleva - she was late for almost an hour and did not find a suitcase. "School of Audio" left.

The following test took place in the forest - theoretical exam in an emergency situation. Dmitry Levitsky asked questions to one participant on knowledge of the fundamentals of the inspection, and the rest of the participants prevented him in every way - they shot him from a paintball rifle.

Elena Batua arranged the participants of the School of the Auditorro master class in the restaurant. They checked the refrigerator in the kitchen of the restaurant for overdue products, purity in the kitchen, etc., flying remained unhappy with his students. Worst of all showed himself and he left the "School of Audio".

Katya Gershuni took up the appearance of the finalists of the "School of Audio". They were given a task: pick up the image for the role of the lead in 25 minutes. Best of all coped with the task of Alexey Koyritsky. Olga Mitrofanov criticized for a short skirt, pink shoes and extra kilograms. After parsing the students of the school students, the audioralo was sent to the beauty salon for transformation.

The most important exam "School of Audio": a real check in real restaurants in Moscow. Finalists gave out press cards and medical records. Olga Mitrofanova checked the Todasu restaurant. Result: The auditorroo does not recommend the restaurant "then yes Syo" due to numerous violations. Vladimir Perelman checked the cafe "Mizandari" in the Red October. Total: Auditorroo does not recommend Cafe Miskandari. Natalia Erdman checked the restaurant "Beverly Hills Diner." On Arbat. Verdict: "Audioralo" does not recommend cafe "Beverly Hills" on Arbat. Alexey Kozritsky gave up with a check in the Pub "Doolin-House". There was a lot of violations in the Irish Pub, "Dulizerro" does not recommend "Dulin House" in Moscow. Vadim Abramov checked a chinkal on color boulevard. Most products did not have labeling, "Audioralo" does not recommend chinking on color boulevard.

After the meeting, the jury members made a decision: all five participants are allowed to final voting.

School of Vorizorro 2 Issue 06/14/2017

First task: in 15 minutes to find 6 violations in the hotel room and cope with the non-standard situation. Olga Mitrofanova and Tatiana Kirilyuk found only a condom under the sofa. Ruslan Ivanchenko, Natalia Erdman, Vladimir Perelman and Veronica Nikulina did not find anything. Alexey Kozritsky found 2 violations. Yulia Kovaleva found 1 violation (no light bulb).

The second task is the passage of the bar of obstacles in 3 minutes and the march. Participants were divided into two teams. Students of the School of the Audioralo staged a master class on the study of devices from the suitcase Elena Vieta, after which they sent them to check the devices in Moscow restaurants. Also, the future audioralo was taught a self-defense lesson, at the end of which the participants waited a new test - a band of obstacles from aggressively configured waiters, and medical instruction.

The third task is the passage of the team quest under the supervision of the psychotherapist.

The worst according to the results of the issue were and - both girls left the project "School of Audio".

School of Vorizorro 1 release 07.06.2017

Elena Batya met with the participants of the School of Audio-Room. First task: Find the form hidden in the mansion and change clothes into it. The first was Natalia Erdman. Olga Mitrofanova and Ruslan Ivanchenko did not find a form.

Second task: Checking on the detector of a lie to find out the dark spots of the biographies of participants, assess the degree of sincerity and the most important fears. After the detector, the participants of the "School of Audio" passed individual tests to overcome their fears. Snezhans Selfiened was the average level of sincerity, and the main fears are fear of fire and blindness. Test: Snezhan Selfieted setulated. Ruslan Ivanchenko has a high level of sincerity, he is afraid of snakes. Test: Ruslan Ivanchenko put in a bath with Python. Olga Mitrofanova has a high level of sincerity, it is afraid of heights. Test: jump from the railway bridge. Alexey Kozritsky is afraid to lose credibility and face in the eyes of others. Test: Alexey Kozritsky needed to pull the chips without the help of the hand from the plate with worshipers. Natalia Erdman is afraid of awkward situations, she was given a task in 15 minutes on the street to take pictures with five passersby in underwear. Veronica has a high level of sincerity, it is afraid of pain and be injured. The participant was forced to fight in the mud with a professional athlete. Yulia Kovaleva also has a high level of sincerity. Lady-Pazonka is afraid of his death and the death of loved ones. In Yulia Kovaleva Metali knives. Tatiana Kirilyuk has a low level of sincerity, it is afraid of insects and rodents. Tatiana Kirilyuk's test - her head was placed in three cube with spider, mice and cockroaches. Vladimir Perelman is afraid of loneliness and closed spaces. He was buried alive in the forest.

The third task is to perform in the kitchen. Participants of the School of Audio-Rooms have entered the conflict with actors imitating restaurant workers. Dmitry Levitsky observed for the test. Some participants passed the test, others are not.

The fourth assignment is the evening at the School of Audiory. Elena Banya congratulated everyone with the beginning of the project. The show participants waited for a buffet, during which everyone was taken to the kitchen and showed who they prepared food for a banquet and what. The main rule "Auditorro" is not to try the food until the institution is checked. Food on the buffet did not try Vladimir Perelman and Alexey Kozritsky.

The best on the results of the first release were: Vladimir Perelman, Alexey Kozritsky and Olga Mitrofanova. The worst: Snezhana Samokhin, Ruslan Ivanchenko and Veronica Nikulina.

From the "School of Audio" excluded.

Questions from the Question Casting School of Audio

In addition to specifying personal data (name, email and phone number) and applications, candidates must be answered by a number of questions. Here is a complete list of questions from the questionnaire:

1. Age?
2. Place of birth (area, city)?
3. Place of actual accommodation?
4. What do you do? Where do you work, learn?
5. Education? Specialty?
6. Marital status?
7. Do you have children?
8. Why do you need to become a leading "auditorro" instead of Elena volatile?
9. Describe the brightest conflict in your life.
10. smoke? Drink (what, how often)? Drugs (what, how long)?
11. What do you most want to change in yourself?
12. What do you disagree to change anything?
13. What do you do in your free time? Where do you like to hang, relax, tear off?
14. Injuries - physical and not only? Are there chronic diseases?
15. What are the five qualities in you talk about what exactly you should become a student of the School of the Auditorro?
16. What conflict are you willing to go for the project?
17. Are you ready to go against the system?
18. Is there TV experience. What?
19. Is there experienced video recruitment (any)? Give a link to YouTube.
20. Written with what injustice you encountered and how do you want to win it?
21. What fee would you like to get for the work of the leading "audioral"?
22. Where did you know about Casting?
23. Your social networks (VK, FB, Insta, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, etc.)
24. Phone number (preferably yours and friend (girlfriends) so that we can get through)
25. Hobbies? Do you do sports?
26. How did you study at school - willingly or not? How many classes graduated?
27. At school, you were the leader, outsider or victim?
28. Your favorite photo with you (link).
29. Send any video with you. The roller in the style of "Audioralo" will become a huge plus. Attach links to YouTube.
30. Imagine that you have become the leading "Auditorro" and you, together with the film, are expelled from the restaurant. What are you going to do?
31. Do you have friends? Tell me who they are?
32. What can be touched by, touch your emotions / soul?
33. What would you like to learn from the auditorro school?

Video for casting "School of Vorizorro"

Judging by the number of video posted on Youtube with the "School of Auditorro" and "Casting Audio", who want to participate in the project very little. Some users even criticized the application item 6 for participation in Casting, as it contradicts the current legislation. See for details / Listen in this video:

From the video announcement of the casting published since the announcement of the casting, I chose the most interesting. Why so - I chose everything that was! I propose to get acquainted with the possible future participants of the School of Auditorro (if it takes place):

Alina from Nizhny Novgorod walked around the local stalls with Shawarma. The girl is unnecessarily polite and not very confident in herself, but the attempt is not bad.

A completely idiotic story when two teenagers paid out with the driver's driver's trifle and he refused to pay for the passage, saying that he would take them for free. The authors of the roller began to drive and to travel to the driver and demand that he take the money. This comrades are a place on the channel LifeNews, but not on Friday!

Elena examined the children's clinic with wet antiseptic napkins. The girl looks good in the frame, but the plot is inconclusive. Where is Trash, tears, fights and that's all this?

Polina removed the humorous version of the Casting application. On Mosfilm. Yes.

Stepan considers himself a worthy candidate, because many years work in the service sector and knows all the subdigabit.

Oleg from Riga invites everyone to download the app "Revision" and there to share their experiences.

Michael from St. Petersburg for 7 years already works in the catering and knows where to look for a rice! Dreams to learn the beautiful diction of Elena volatile.

Azat is dissatisfied with the state of the equipment and working conditions in the computer class in the Ulyanovsky Aviation College. He wrote a letter to Rospotrebnadzor and received an answer.

Olga from Krasnoyarsk checked the Solarium "Cleopatra" in the style of the auditorroo. In the role of white gloves - cotton wheels.

Ksenia from Yekaterinburg decided to reduce the son on the ballet "Nutcracker". The son is punished and a woman instead of passing tickets, agreed with someone on the phone that she would miss on another day on free places. However, then she did not want to start, because There were only places in the first row (the most expensive). Tedric chimes began with the leadership of the Ekaterinburg State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Xenia went to meet, although in theory could simply send "to the sky for the stall", and she is also unhappy.

Maria bought smoked fish in the store and after her use noticed on the back of the packaging of two crushed flies. The next day, she went to the shop "Swing" rights.

Victoria violated the rules of the parking lot, received fines, paid the receipt, but the payment was not fixed by the system and the fines were unattended. The girl appealed to Mosparking and there she was suggested by a plan of action. On the struggle for justice, this story does not pull. Victoria, do not violate parking rules!

The lion came to the clothing store, specifically threw a T-shirt on the floor, and the security officer answered links to the articles of the Civil Code. It is good that the video is staged, and it would not cost without tumakov and the tears of injustice in Russia.

Sergey, together with her friend, examine public toilets in the center of Moscow. Everything is in the best traditions of "Audioralo", including campaigns.

Alina exams native gymnasium №28 in Kostroma.

Comic video from Mary. Girl together with a little daughter played in "Audio" in her kitchen.

Nelli checked the kitchen of her mother, while that was not at home.

Elena's business coach gives advice to improve the Audioral Program, reflects on the socio-economic text of developed countries and tells the history of the fight against HCEC.

In September 2015, Victoria appealed to the dental clinic to remove wisdom tooth. It did not work to remove the tooth. The girl put the seams and sent home. A few days later, Victoria was on the operating table - she had an abscess of the brush region. In a year, Victoria came with the inspection of the most ill-fated dental clinic within the framework of the casting for the School of Audioralo with the journalistic task and the operator. Outcome: Classic Issue "Audioralo" with guards, police and clarifying relationships. At the moment, this is the best video for the casting "School of Audio".

Anastasia checked one of the restaurants "Eurasia". Estimated service, cleanliness in the hall and in the toilet. I did not break into the kitchen. When viewing, do not put the volume level at the maximum (Anastasia barely audible), for the risk of ignition from the rye of the operator, the candidate girlfriend for the position of Auditorro.

Semen checked the quality of services of the Moscow beauty salon. The young man came to make a manicure and what came out of it - look in his video for casting School of Audio.

Well, who wants to make a little more to gauge, then I attach another video of Semyon, in which he talks about himself, his plans and desired salary as an auditorroo country.

Anna is another lovers of Vocal Shawarma. It was disturbed to the lack of hats and gloves from sellers. In her place, I would take the purchased products to expertise. Also looked into the toilet in the Children's shopping center. Even I am not pouring, what is all so pulling to check toilets and shaver?

Ether time: On Wednesdays at 19:00 (repeat - on Friday at 16:00).

Famous bat in the project « School of Vorizorro"Personally will be selected by someone who can replace it and go to check cafes, restaurants and hotels, - a person who canfearless to deal with justice.

The beginning of the casting in the "School of Auditorro" was announced by the TV channel "Friday!" November 30, 2016. All those wishing to fill out a questionnaire published on the "Friday!" Website. Applicants for participation in the project were asked to revise the video in which the story would be attacked about how the candidate wins life injustice. As a result, the 10 best applicants were selected.

About the project School of Auditorro

In project " School of Vorizorro»Chief" Audioralo "of the country Lena Banya And the team of experts in the field of restaurant and hotel business will take care of the complex task: they should prepare a worthy change of volatile. pupils "School of Auditorro"must know all the wisdom and subtleties of the profession of the auditor. With the participants of the show will work representatives of the restaurant and hotel industry, business coaches, psychologists and, of course, flying herself. Candidates for the place of "audioral" are waiting for complex trainings and cruel tests.

Student "School of Audioralo", which showed the best results, will be not only the winner of the project, but also the successor Lena volatilewhich has long been carrying the proud title of "Queen Checks".

From other TV shows "School of Audio" differs from the fact that the winner will be chosen by the voting of viewers in social networks and on the website of the TV channel "Friday!".

Elena Banya, the leading show "School of Audio": "If our students think that they are waiting for a rapid dizzying career with minimal efforts, they still did not understand where they fell. "School of Audioralo" is not a resort, here each participant is waiting for complex tests and a real test for strength. The project can be compared with the special assembly conveyor that are thoroughly prepared and instructed. Until the end of the study, not all are capable of reaching, but not just a good agent, but by this James Bond and can units. "

Project School of Auditorro. Participants

On the eve of the start of the project " School of Vorizorro"On the air, his creators reported that among ten participants there will be person, who are already well known to the viewers. However, there were no entrusions from the volatile and organizers to tele-players. They on a par with other participants entered into the struggle for the possibility of becoming the leading "audioral" and passed the test for strength.

Winner of the Realistic Show "Patzanka" Julia Kovaleva decided to try his hand in the project and try to change his life, becoming a TV host. "Patzanka" was at the military polygon and passed the bar of obstacles. Julia has tried to be cold-blooded even when sharp objects around it around it.

Competition, Yule amounted to the former participant of "Dom-2" Boykaya Tatyana Kirilyuk, who, after leaving the telestroy, was a frequent guest in various talk shows, and also took up writing activities. However, in the "School of Audio", Kirilyuk received a different experience, for example, Tanya experienced "hospitality" of catering workers.

The third girl, which the viewers knew even before the exit to the Screens of the Verizorro School was the bright blonde Snezhana Selfin, who fought in the project "Bachelor" on the TNT television channel for the heart of Ilya Glinnikov. In the School of Vorizorro, Snezhana faced his main fear of having fire.

One of the participants of the show "School of Auditorro" the 32-year-old restaurant from Moscow Vladimir Perelman, whose account only fashionable and successful projects. A bright, purposeful and very eloquent leader, Vladimir does not like intrigues and boring people, I am sure that becoming the leading "audioral", will be able to add a project of creativity and novelty. It is afraid of loneliness and closed spaces, and project creators prepared forPererelman Hard test: His burial was expected alive.

Show School Audioroo. The final

Until the show "School of Audio", which came out on the channel "Friday!" June 28, 2017, reached five participants. The audience solved the fate of the participants, and it was in the final who had to know who from the project's heroes was the favorite of the Audioroo fans: discreet Alexey Kozritsky, charming Olga Mitrofanova, Big Natasha Erdmanextraordinary Vladimir Perelman. Or experienced Vadim Abramov. Charming, but strict Elena Bat in the final was ready to announce the results of the audience vote.

Elena Batulya openly declared the finalists that she personally has personal preferences, but the decision in the School of Audio-Rooms will take all the same viewers. The favorite of the bat was Vadim Abramov: as an experienced leading lead, according to the famous blonde, could claim the role of a new audioralo, therefore was also allowed to popular voting.

Elena Vadima about Vadim Abramov: "I didn't just have decided to enroll you in the" School of Audio ". In my opinion, your participation added a show of a competitive struggle. I think the audience liked that you are professional and impartial ... "

But Alexey Kozyritsky from the very beginning of the project did not inspire a bat, what she told in the finals of the show. However, during training in the "School of Auditorro", Kozyritsky highly grew.

Elena Banya about Alexei Katritsky: "You were closed, unavigible. Now I see a ready-made leader ... "

The brand-chief of several metropolitan restaurants Kozritsky admitted that he actually felt at first cowardly. During the project, he established himself as a discreet, erudite and successful student who works in the field of restaurant business for about 20 years and knows the kitchen from and to.

According to the results of the audience voting, Natalia Erdman, the second - Olhag Mitrofanova occupied the third place. Alexey Kozritsky became the winner of the show "School of Auditorro". However, Lena Banya said that at the very beginning of the project she warned: as a producer of the show, she can influence the results of the national vote. After a short meeting with colleagues, the fly declared its decision: the finalists are divided into pairs, each of which will remove the pilot issue of the audioralo show. And after the release of all the issues, the final decision, who will become the lead, will take the viewers.

On Wednesday, June 28, TV channel "Friday!" Show the final of the School of Audioroo. Spectators will learn who will become the successor to Elena Vieta.

Three years Lena Banya was the flagship of the All-Russian struggle for high-quality service. She checked hundreds of hotels and restaurants across the country and honestly showed what was happening there, much easier to enter the entry.

And now she is gone! Restaurateurs and hotel rooms sighed with relief: there will be no more sudden checks and uncomfortable requests to open a refrigerator, a strict estimate of purity in hotel rooms and cruel verdict "does not recommend" ...

But very soon they are waiting for a meeting with the new leading the most equitable project of the TV channel " Friday!».

From the very beginning to " School of Vorizorro"Received ten beginners who wish to become the main headache of the directors of cafes, restaurants, hotels in the near future. Participants in the program during the tests have already happened to meet with the bold and arrogant hosts of the institutions, to get acquainted with alive spiders and even lie in the bath with a snake.

Eventually until the final reached, being the most persistent and cold-blooded, five contenders - this is Vladimir Perelman, Alexey Kozritsky, Natalia Erdman, Olga Mitrofanova and Vadim Abramov. Which of these will be a new auditorroo country, spectators will decide.

Do not miss the Final "School of Audio" on the TV channel "Friday!" On Wednesday, June 28. According to the results of the show, we will learn the name of the program's winner, and therefore a new leader of the most honest check of public institutions. Start of the fourth release - today at 19:00.