Template for wall newspaper Maslenitsa. Wide Maslenitsa

Template for wall newspaper Maslenitsa.  Wide Maslenitsa
Template for wall newspaper Maslenitsa. Wide Maslenitsa

Tarabanovskaya Elena

The acquaintance of 3-4 year old children with folk traditions and customs is initially superficial. At this age, kids show curiosity and interest in something new. During the celebration Maslenitsa We told the children about the symbols of the holiday, its meaning and festivities, read chants and poems. Unexpectedly for us, the guys showed great interest, asked a lot of questions, asked to show and tell us something else. Some talked about how they celebrate this holiday in their families. Inspired by this expression of interest from the children, we decided to finally make a collective wall newspaper. Because symbols Maslenitsa are a pancake and a sun, in the center of the Whatman paper we drew a large yellow circle, and the rays were made with prints of children's palms and signed each one. A doll was placed in the center of our sun Maslenitsa. Her outfit was made from corrugated paper, and her face was cut out from a children's coloring book. The clouds and the inscription were painted with paints, and a poem about the holiday was placed in the free space. The children enthusiastically participated in the creation of the newspaper. Everyone had fun and interesting. And that's what we have happened:

Publications on the topic:

Hello, I would like to show you how to make such a Maslenitsa. You will need: *Fabrics of 2 colors. *Threads are thick. *Scissors. Cut from.

“Maslenitsa” The buffoon enters the hall to the music. Buffoon: Attention! Attention! Have fun! Get ready soon, people! There's something interesting for you.

Maslenitsa Ved. Hello, dear guests! Today we have gathered to remember the Old Russian holiday, rejoice, and have fun, as our grandfathers had fun.

Maslenitsa Proskovya, come to us as soon as possible. We will meet you with pancakes and soft pies! Whoever guesses the riddle gets candy. All.

Holiday “Wide Maslenitsa, cheerful Maslenitsa” A joint event for spirit groups: preparatory and secondary. Before the start of the holiday.

Younger mixed-age group (children from 1.5 to 3 years old) The goal is to make the lives of their students interesting and meaningful, to fill them up.

Soon our kindergarten will host the Maslenitsa holiday - the most delicious spring holiday, the noisiest, funniest, favorite folk holiday.

This holiday comes to us in early spring, How many joys it always carries with it... Maslenitsa is an ancient Slavic holiday, inherited.

Maslenitsa is a wonderful holiday loved by many. It comes at the end of winter, when the cold is about to recede, when the warm spring sun timidly peeks through the cold February sky, when all of nature is waiting for the spring revival. Our ancestors rejoiced at the arrival of spring no less than we do, and therefore passed on this cheerful and cheerful holiday to us as an inheritance.

So every year we go out into the street, sing songs, eat pancakes, burn an effigy, dance in circles, and visit each other.

Every city celebrates Maslenitsa in its own way. The experience of the small town of Ukrainka, located on the banks of the Dnieper, 40 km from Kyiv, is interesting. About 14 thousand people live in the city. Mainly power engineers from the Tripolskaya State District Power Plant and members of their families.

In Ukrainka, the mayor's office announces a competition for the most hospitable and delicious festive table for Maslenitsa. Small money is allocated from the city budget, flour and other ingredients for pancakes are bought and all this is distributed to the organizers of each yard that wishes to participate in the competition. It must be said that in Ukrainka the houses are more and more 5- and 9-story, and therefore there are several hundred people living in the courtyards. Among them there are always activists who prepare pancakes and pies, and residents of the yard also bring all kinds of fillings and additives from home - jams, pickles, and vodka, of course. In colorfully decorated tents on the festive square, representatives of the court treat their neighbors, city residents and the jury. Thus, a citywide feast is added to the traditional entertainment program - tasty, fun and... free.

This idea can be implemented in any small locality; it will brighten the holiday and unite the residents.

In the publication of Maslyan in Ukraine. Wall newspaper, decorated in holy Ukrainian style. Just rozdruk, templates (posters) for the design of wall newspapers, posters, postcards or invitations about Maslenitsa in Ukrainian were posted for download.

Here we offer poster cards in Russian. These pictures can be used to make invitations, posters, wall newspapers, and decorate a pancake tent.

These collages were used to decorate one of the festive food tents in Ukrainka. It might be useful to you too.

Click to enlarge and copy the image to your computer

The people are dancing and singing,

Chews pancakes and pies.

And let it be on Maslenitsa

Everyone's heart rejoices!

We sincerely congratulate you
And we cordially invite:
Leave all your worries behind and come visit
Straight to our porch
Come to us for Maslenitsa!
See for yourself: we'll treat you to pancakes!
Let's wave to February
Martha - “Hello!” let's say!

And this is how Maslenitsa was celebrated in Ukrainka. Click on the photo to enlarge.

When winter gives way, a cheerful holiday comes - Maslenitsa. He offers to spend time with round dances and songs, eat delicious pancakes and even burn an effigy. Such celebrations actively take place not only in city squares, but also within the school. Students, together with teachers, think through the script, distribute roles and arrange a fun celebration for everyone who wants to watch it.

Any holiday should begin with developing a plan. The Maslenitsa scenario at school is developed by teachers together with students. Usually this mission falls on the shoulders of high school students.

The script should be rooted in tradition, fun and educational. It is most convenient to hold the event in the school yard. This way there will be more free space for dancing around the large scarecrow. But you shouldn't burn it. It is not safe if there are a large number of children nearby.

The event should begin with the words of the school principal:

“The winter has been harsh, but even it cannot last forever. The first light steps of the girl - spring - can already be heard. Let's meet her with songs, dances and good mood."

Cheerful folk music plays and the presenter takes the floor:

“Our school did not stand aside and is ready to show how fun we can celebrate spring. All our students gathered to see off winter, which means that she, the cheat, cannot escape the mischievous laughter, smiles and jokes of the children.”

Student No. 1 as a buffoon:

“Wish everyone for our frosty holiday

We invite you from the bottom of our hearts

We seriously offer you:

Laugh, rejoice, dance!”

Student #2:

"Attention! Attention! The fun begins, don’t stand still, a fun holiday awaits us all. If you don't know, we'll tell you. We celebrate Maslenitsa and say goodbye to the fierce winter. We will all get to know each other, stand in a circle and invite spring in a cheerful round dance.”

Everyone stands in a circle and dances in a circle to a cheerful tune.

A new character appears - “Spring”. She addresses those present:

"Hello guys! You danced so well that I could not restrain myself and came to your call. But winter does not want to give me its possessions, so I want to ask you for help. I suggest playing the game. But you need to be very careful. I will tell you some news. If she is good, then you should clap your hands as loudly as possible. If you don’t like the news, you will stomp your feet as hard as you can. Let's start".

All the guys express a desire to play the game. Spring continues:

“It’s Vesna’s birthday today (everyone clap)

We help ourselves to pancakes and cookies (everyone claps)

We will put winter to rest (clap)

Blizzards and frosts will be left to you and me (they stomp loudly)

I give you a box of chocolates for the game (clap)

You open it, but there’s nothing there (they stomp)

We celebrate Spring's birthday (claps)

And then we’ll all go to training (stomp)

We congratulate everyone on Maslenitsa (clap)

And we wish you to smile more often (clap).”

Then a loud cry is heard and a girl - Nesmeyana - comes on stage. She says:

“What should I do as a red girl? My Internet was lost and my tablet was broken. Now how can I look at photographs of Elena - beautiful? I was sitting in my room and playing the computer so well, and it broke. What should I do now?

“Nesmeyana, why are you crying so much? We invite you to stay with us and spend a fun Maslenitsa holiday in our company. It will be fun and also very tasty, because soon we will be trying delicious pancakes.”


“Pancakes, treats, fun? It's much more interesting than the Internet. I will be happy to spend the holiday with you."

“So that you, Nesmeyana, and our guys don’t get bored, let’s listen to songs performed by our students.”

School students perform on stage.


“What fun it is with you guys. And the treats are very tasty. Everyone come to the table and try delicious pancakes, wash it down with warm tea from the samovar.”

Everyone comes to the table where they can take a treat. After this the holiday ends. Some options include burning the effigy at the end. If the school management does not mind, then this procedure can be carried out under the close supervision of teachers. In this case, you should follow the safety rules:

  1. The place where the effigy is burned should be 50 meters away from buildings and people.
  2. A working fire extinguisher must be on hand, and all routes to the site must be accessible to firefighters.
  3. When there is a strong wind, burning an effigy is strictly prohibited, otherwise the fire may spread to the building.
  4. After the end of the event, you should make sure that there are no smoldering areas.

Drawings about Maslenitsa at school

On the eve of the holiday, you can organize a competition “Drawings about Maslenitsa at school” within the school. Students must draw a thematic picture. The competition jury selects the best of them and puts them on public display. It is best to use stands for this.

Then, for a fair selection, you can invite students to vote for their favorite drawing, indicating their last name and drawing number on the sheet.

What should be shown in the picture? The theme of Maslenitsa and related topics must be chosen. For example, you can depict mass celebrations, a scarecrow, a plate of pancakes, or a round dance.

Here are some interesting drawings for inspiration:

The drawing included several symbols of Maslenitsa at the same time

Scarecrow on fire

Hostess and treats

Mass celebrations

How to design a wall newspaper for Maslenitsa at school?

School traditions involve coverage of any event. That is why it is important to know how to design a wall newspaper for Maslenitsa at school.

It must cover:

  • the history of the holiday;
  • basic traditions;
  • rules for the event.

Also, the wall newspaper can describe past experiences of holding such a holiday. For clarity, the material can be supported by a photo from the school archive.

It would be useful to indicate the plan of the event, indicating its time, place and main stages. All this should be accompanied by bright drawings, ditties, “Maslenitsa” poems, postcards.

Not everyone knows the traditions that are observed on this holiday. It will be especially interesting for elementary school students to learn about them. Therefore, in the wall newspaper you can pay attention to the main traditions of Maslenitsa.

When creating a wall newspaper, it is important to do everything carefully, without mistakes. Students often make several different copies because it is impossible to fit all the information on one poster.

DIY crafts and souvenirs for Maslenitsa

Similar to the art competition, you can launch the “Do-it-yourself crafts and souvenirs for Maslenitsa” competition. Students can give free rein to their imagination and create any symbol of this holiday.

A simpler craft would be the sun. It is a symbol of the reign of Spring, as well as good weather and mood. This can be done using several practices.

The first is the application. For this you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

First, you need to cut out the elements of the sun from colored paper. In this case, they are cut into small strips and twisted. You also need to cut out small details: eyes, bangs, etc.

On a sheet of cardboard, arrange all the elements in the correct order and glue them using a small amount of glue.

You can also make a sun out of ear sticks. To do this, you need to wrap each ear stick and paste it with colored paper. Then you need to cut out decorative elements: eyes, mouth, butterflies, flowers.

Cut out a circle from yellow cardstock. Place craft elements and rays on it. Secure everything with glue.

The next craft is more difficult to implement, but it will definitely attract admiring glances. You can sew a rag doll. She should look appropriate: in a scarf with rosy cheeks, in ethnic clothes.

You will need a few materials: different types of fabric, matching threads, scissors, decor and stuffing for the doll. But sewing it will be much more difficult. To help you complete the task faster, you can watch the following video:

Such a doll is considered a talisman, so it can be given as a gift to family and close friends.

In a similar way, you can make other souvenirs: various animals from fabric, amulets from straw. If you have the skill, you can even weave a basket from twigs.

Maslenitsa competitions at school

To hold a fun holiday, you need the same fun competitions for Maslenitsa at school. They can be varied. Top most popular competitions that do not require special preparation:

What to wear for Maslenitsa at school?

What to wear for Maslenitsa at school depends on whether the student will be an actor or a simple spectator.

If the student is just watching the performance, then you can wear comfortable clothes to take part in competitions. You can also put an ethical scarf on your head and hang a bunch of bagels around your neck.

If an active student is a participant in an event, then it is imperative to have the appropriate appearance. You should choose a suit (sundress or jacket with trousers), put a painted hat or scarf on your head, red boots on your feet, and a belt on your waist.

If the student gets one of the roles, then the outfit needs to include appropriate decor.

How to decorate a table for Maslenitsa at school?

The school table for Maslenitsa should also be decorated in the same style. You should cover the table with a white tablecloth; if there is embroidery on it, this will only add color.

There should be a samovar in the center of the table. Next to him is a plate with pancakes and other treats. You should not forget about the “companions” for pancakes - honey and jam.

You can also decorate the table with a bouquet of ears of corn, a bereginya doll, and hang a bunch of bagels on the samovar.

You can use wicker baskets to store pancakes and pies. They will add a homely atmosphere and comfort to the event.

When it comes to school Maslenitsa, the festive table can be decorated with school symbols (flags, badges, etc.).

What to bake for Maslenitsa at school?

No one has canceled sanitary and hygienic standards in educational institutions, so the question of what to bake for Maslenitsa at school must be taken seriously.

All products must be fresh. In addition to delicious pancakes, the following pastries can be on the table:

  • pies with fruit or vegetable filling;
  • buns with or without filling;
  • pancake cake;
  • wafer rolls.

You can also think about the topic of pancakes, but in a different interpretation. For example, put curd filling in a pancake bag (tie the ends of the pancake together). You can add fresh fruits and sugar to the cottage cheese or, conversely, make them salty by adding salt and herbs with tomatoes.

You can also bake pancakes of unusual shapes or multi-colored versions.

Riddles, proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa

Riddles, proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa are required if the organizers of the event want to amuse the audience and give a special mood. You should choose original options that have not become boring over time.

For example, you can use the following materials:

"You can't do without him

If you got stuck with the test

Without him, damn it, not damn it

This product is necessary" (Oil)

“My son-in-law came to his mother-in-law at lunchtime

They have no quarrels today,

Because you have to eat

Today..." (mother-in-law's pancakes).

Thematic proverbs and sayings:

“A pancake is not a wedge - it won’t split your belly”

“They don’t like pancakes and kisses”

“There is no Maslenitsa without pancakes, just like there is no name day without pies”

“It’s not all about Maslenitsa, there will be Lent too.”

Maslenitsa is a time of fun and good mood. School times will definitely be remembered on a positive side if such events are held. Getting to know new traditions, competitions and costume shows are as important for children as diligent study.

Cardboard, acrylic paints, napkins,
completed grade 2 "B" Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Builder Revoshin Mikhail

Maslenitsa doll

Straw, fabric.
The student completed 2nd grade. "B" Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1
Mironova Tatyana

"Rolling Down the Mountain"

Paper, watercolor paints.
Completed 2nd grade. "B" Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1
Voinov Maxim

This is the wall newspaper prepared by parents and children for the holiday.

We decided to combine both articles and crafts.

1 History of Maslenitsa (source site "Country of Masters").

2. Maslenitsa calendar (description of the days of the Maslenitsa week in verse) (internet source).

3. Sayings, proverbs about Maslenitsa (internet source)


A festive cycle of 7 days, preserved in Rus' since pagan (pre-Christian) times.

Maslenitsa 2010 will begin on February 8 and will last until February 14.
The ritual is associated with seeing off winter and welcoming spring. After the baptism of Rus', Maslenitsa is celebrated in the last week before Lent, seven weeks before . The main attributes of Maslenitsa are pancakes and folk festivals.

Maslenitsa - this is a mischievous and cheerful farewell to winter and a welcome to spring, bringing revitalization in nature and the warmth of the sun.

This is the time when it awakens Nature And Sun-child Kolyada becomes a youth Yarila. From time immemorial, people perceived spring as the beginning of a new life and revered Sun, giving life and strength to all living things. In honor of the sun, unleavened flatbreads were first baked, and when they learned how to prepare leavened dough, they began to bake pancakes. Also on Maslenitsa You can eat dairy products and fish.

The ancients considered the pancake a symbol of the sun, which grew brighter and brighter, lengthening the days. And since the pancake, like the sun, is yellow, round, ruddy and hot, they believed that with it they eat a piece of the sun’s warmth and power.

Perhaps pancakes were also part of the memorial rite, since Maslenitsa was preceded by “parents’ day,” when the Slavs worshiped the souls of their departed ancestors. Centuries passed, life changed, with the adoption of Christianity in Rus' new church holidays appeared, but the wide Maslenitsa continued to live. She was greeted and seen off with the same uncontrollable daring as in pagan times.

From morning until late evening, honest people had fun. Mummers with a straw effigy (a symbol of the passing winter), dressed in women's outfits, walked along the streets. Previously, it was customary to dress a stuffed animal in a man's caftan and bast shoes, and give the hands the utensils on which to bake pancakes. It was customary to light fires and throw old and unnecessary things into the fire. A high pillar was installed in the center, on top of which, symbolizing the brightly blazing sun, there was a wheel.

Among the people, every day of Maslenitsa has its own name.

(Source: website “Country of Masters”)

We sincerely congratulate you
And we cordially invite:
Give up all your worries,
Come to visit,
Straight to our porch
Come to us for Maslenitsa.
See for yourself:
Let's treat you to pancakes,
Puffs on sour cream,
Lush pies,
Let's wave to February,
Let's say hello to Martha

(internet source)


Wide Maslenitsa – Cheese Week!
You came dressed up to greet us in Spring.
We'll bake pancakes and have fun all week,
To drive the cold winter out of the house!

Morning... MONDAY... Coming "MEETING".
Bright sleds slide down the hills.
All day fun. Evening is coming...
Having skated to their heart's content, they eat all the pancakes.

"PLAYING"» carefree – TUESDAY joy.
Everyone went out for a walk and frolic, as one!
Games and fun, and for them - a reward:
A rich and golden Pancake week pancake!

Here WEDNESDAY fits - "Gourmand" called.
Every housewife casts a spell at the stove.
Kulebyaki, cheesecakes - they succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes - everything is on the table!

And in THURSDAY– razdolny "ROLL UP" comes.
Ice fortresses, snow battles...
Troikas with bells enter the fields.
Guys are looking for girls - their betrothed.

Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!
Eat it with caviar and salmon, maybe a little simpler,
We ate it with sour cream, honey, and butter.

All the relatives meet and dance in a circle.
The holiday continues, general fun.
A nice farewell to Zimushka!

SUNDAY light comes quickly.
All ease the soul "FAREWELL DAY".
The straw effigy - Zimushka - is burned,
Dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt...

The fair crowns the magnificent festivities.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
In a year we will meet Beauty again.
Let's celebrate again and serve pancakes!

Good afternoon friends! Today I want to continue the topic of preparing for the Maslenitsa holiday. Let me remind you that during the entire week, from February 24 to March 1, 2020, it is customary to organize folk fairs, competitions, baking and, of course, eating and burning.

This event also features exhibitions of crafts and various hand-made souvenirs. Kindergartens, schools and other institutions also offer children and their parents a little imagination and take part in competitions.

Therefore, I decided to prepare a separate article on the issue of making various crafts for Maslenitsa. I found the brightest and most interesting ideas, I hope I will be useful and can entice you into joint creativity with your children.

We will start with an overview of what is generally customary to do for this event. Of course, the classics of the genre are straw effigies, which are then burned at the stake. But we have already discussed this issue, if you missed it, read here.

They also make dolls, suns, pancakes and draw pictures. We will dwell on this in more detail.

And first of all, let's consider the question of how you can make small amulets dolls at home.

  • Amulet doll Angel

We will need: fabric measuring 20 by 20 cm, cotton wool or padding polyester, threads to match the fabric and threads of a contrasting color.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take the fabric of the required size and straighten it. Place a tightly rolled piece of cotton wool or padding polyester in the center.

3. Now take the thread and wrap the doll’s head as shown in the photo. Secure the threads with knots, but do not cut them, we will need them later.

Since the doll is not only a toy, but also a talisman, the number of wraps should be even, and the number of knots should be odd.

4. Determine the location of the waist by squeezing it with your hand and spreading your wings with the other hand.

5. Bring the remaining threads out and crosswise, wrap the threads around the body of the doll. You need to wrap the waist in several turns and the torso too. Tie a knot.

6. Take a thread of a different color and wrap it around your head, this will be a halo. Then tie it around your waist and decorate it with beads.

  • You can make such a souvenir from thick fabric of different colors, folding it in half and wrapping thread around the head and arms

  • Or you can use regular knitting yarn

  • This is a more complicated option, crochet is already used

  • And for a gift you can make a couple like this from fabric, cotton wool, ribbons and sticks

Of course, the undeniable attribute of the farewell to winter is the Sun; read the detailed master class on how to make it below. And now I offer a photo selection of crafts with this element:

  • Bright sun made of cardboard and yellow thick threads

  • Sun on a lollipop stick made of colored paper and ribbons

  • An original version of a garland of rings

  • Here's what you can come up with from a plastic plate, fabric and plasticine

  • Sunny card using quilling technique

It’s also very interesting to make fake pancakes, but toy ones, look how beautiful it turns out!!

  • Knitted pancake cake

  • Stitched pancakes

  • Plasticine treat

An excellent decoration and delicacy for any fair are crafts made from real pancakes. Usually they are used to make dolls or houses.

  • Pancake hut

  • Madam Maslenitsa

  • Young lady with a bag

If your children are older and can draw well, then you can offer them these colorful paintings:

Making souvenirs from paper for kindergarten children

You can use colored paper, glue and felt-tip pens to create fun little girlies like this. What do you think of the idea?!

  • Or a great sun made from fluff, glue and felt

  • Madam-Young lady from folding paper into a fan, plus decorate her with an apron and scarf, and draw a face

  • A simple sun made of yellow cardboard and funny bangs made of paper, cut into strips and twisted with scissors

  • And this is a collective work: handprints, glue a circle onto the base, which can be decorated with buttons, plasticine or cereal

  • Here is a doll-amulet made from paper cones, we make the face out of fabric

Now I propose to consider how you can make such lovely “Russian beauties”.

We will need: colored printing paper, glue stick, glue moment, scissors, ready-made eyes, templates, decorations (for example, rhinestones or beads), wire or thread, thin felt-tip pen.

Manufacturing process:

1. First, prepare the required number of templates.

2. Take a blue A4 sheet and fold it like an accordion.

3. Now bend the workpiece in half.

4. Lubricate the inside with glue and glue it together.

5. Now take half a white sheet, all of the same A4 format, and also fold it like an accordion.

6. Fold in half. Lubricate the inside with glue and glue it on top of the blue blank.

7. The upper part needs to be rewound with thread or wire.

8. Now trace templates No. 2 and No. 6 onto blue paper and cut out.

9. We do the same with templates No. 1 and No. 5, only we trace them on white paper.

10. Glue the blue piece onto the white one. This will be a scarf.

11. Make the corners the same way by gluing the blue parts onto the white ones.

13. Glue the circle onto the scarf.

14. Using the template, cut out the hair from yellow paper and glue it on top of the circle on top.

15. Now glue on the eyes, cut out the mouth and cheeks, and glue them too. Or you can draw them.

16. Now draw in the eyebrows, eyelashes and nose with a black felt-tip pen. Decorate the bottom of the scarf with rhinestones.

17. Glue the corners of the scarf under the bottom of the scarf itself. Now glue the head and the outfit of fans together.

18. The outfit can be decorated with any design, for example, making flowers from a figured stapler.

You see how easy and simple everything can be made!! I'm sure the children will be delighted.

Crafts for Maslenitsa for school

In fact, for school-age children, you can offer all the ideas that you saw above, only giving the children more independence, or complicating some aspects.

I also really liked the video about making a candy bowl in the shape of a sun. Look, I think she will conquer you. This product can be performed both with the whole class and in circle work.

As an option, you can suggest running a carousel like this:

Or make a picture like this from salt dough

Don't forget about the dolls, beautiful and bright, and most importantly festive!!

Using available materials, create this truly spring sun

Or you can draw a whole poster or newspaper

Salt dough ideas for students in grades 1-5

It is no coincidence that many souvenirs are made with the image of the sun; apparently everyone is really looking forward to the arrival of spring and bright rays, so they point this out to nature in every possible way. Let us not stand aside.

And as I promised, a detailed master class on making a sun from!!

We will need: salt dough, gouache of different colors, water, water brush, foil, sun template.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a piece of salt dough and stir yellow gouache into it.

2. Now roll out this piece and cut out the sun according to the template.

3. Transfer the workpiece to foil, smooth out the rays with a brush and water and make a hole.

4. Make a three-dimensional circle from a piece of foil.

5. And top it with yellow dough.

6. Carefully place this ball in the center of the rays, after moistening it with water so that everything sticks.

8. Using a stack, make a mouth and insert a tongue.

9. Shape your eyebrows. Let the craft dry and then you can varnish it. And thread a string through the hole.

And if you mix orange and yellow dough, you can make this colorful sun!!

Here's a very simple option:

Now I want to offer a couple more ideas for crafts made from salt dough on the theme of Maslenitsa:

  • Picture of a cheerful girl. We use dough, fabric and a frame where we glue everything.

  • Or you can use your imagination and come up with a whole plot

  • If you don’t have a lot of time, then make simple and funny pendant pancakes))

  • Well, if time allows, then try and make these lovely dolls

This is how warm, in my opinion, today’s selection turned out. By the way, the ideas for these crafts can be used not only for the Maslenitsa holiday, but also related to the spring theme. I wish everyone a great mood, sunny weather and creative success!!