Sweet gifts for school graduates. Unusual gifts for graduates

Sweet gifts for school graduates.  Unusual gifts for graduates
Sweet gifts for school graduates. Unusual gifts for graduates

Before writing this article dedicated to unusual gifts for graduates for the last call, we carefully reviewed dozens of reviews on congratulatory websites, evaluated the offers of gift stores and read advice on forums. We studied the information and realized that the offers are the same everywhere. Every second author seems to borrow the idea of ​​the previous one, proposing to give schoolchildren photo frames, books, homemade certificates and alarm clocks.

No, the ideas themselves are not bad. But they lack the “zest.” And what modern teenager admires his photo in a frame on the table? The guys now have all their pictures on social networks. Therefore, such a gift is more likely for a teacher.

And today you won’t be able to impress anyone with an alarm clock. Even if it is presented with care that the future student does not oversleep. This will not happen anyway, since every smartphone supports an alarm function. So such a gift is obviously doomed to be given to your beloved granny.

What to give to a graduate? An original gift that will be memorable and useful for a future student for studying, active recreation, or leisure with friends!

Just in this article we have collected the TOP 13 unusual gifts for schoolchildren from first-graders, teachers and parents. Admire, order and impress graduates!

Inexpensive gifts for school graduates from first-graders

Live card “Good luck”

Giving memorable gifts to graduates from first-graders has long become a good tradition. And, as usual, the tradition turned into “Groundhog Day,” when smartly dressed kids present high school students with the same cards, mugs, and bells.

How to break this circle and make an original present? Choose the same postcard, but “live”. For example, here is a “Good Luck” set, where the postcard is a container for growing basil and mustard. Fresh and unconventional in every sense!

Chalk Mug

And instead of a cup with the inscription “Graduate”, you can give a mug for drawing with chalk. And to make it really impressive, write a wish from a first-grader on it. Such a gift will definitely take its place among any teenager’s favorite things.

Original gifts for school graduates from teachers

Ballpoint pen “Torpedo”

The classic stationery, which is usually given as a gift from teachers to graduates, easily becomes a multidisciplinary assistant for studying. The main thing is to choose a gift wisely and immediately go to the department of original pens.

Just look at the “Torpedo” handle. Its body has two built-in USB connectors, allowing you to use two devices simultaneously. Cool? Then order quickly as a gift for high school students!

Original notebook “For original ideas”

The next classic gift for a future student is a good-quality diary. We approve of this option, but, again, we insist that even a diary can be unique and unusual.

For example, such as the notebook “For original ideas”. Its colorful cover and intriguing title encourage you to write down something new, interesting and creative!

Stressball "Zhmyaka"

Who told you that students only need pens, pencils, diaries and desk organizers to study? What about pleasant little things to relieve stress? Yes, they are simply irreplaceable in our crazy times!

Do you agree? This means that your gift to the graduate is a bright “Zhmyaka” stressball, which will endure everything from its owner, if only he quickly restores his peace of mind and dives into reading notes with renewed vigor.

Unusual last call gifts for graduates from parents

Today Wall Clock

Dads and moms! Do not give graduates albums with photographs, as is advised to do in every article devoted to preparing for the prom. Albums are a wonderful gift for teachers, principals or head teachers. But not for a modern teenager who uploads his photos to Instagram.

And since memorable photographs haunt you, it’s better to buy an original Today wall clock for your child’s room, complemented by four frames for photographs. The peculiarity of the watch is not only in the photo frames, but also in the snow-white dial, on which you can leave marks with a marker on a magnet.

Piggy bank "Gold Ingot"

A symbolic memorable gift, striking in its originality, can be an ordinary piggy bank in an unusual design. Like this “Ingot of Gold”. Give it to a graduate and let him learn how to manage his budget wisely. More precisely, he spends less on nonsense and saves more on useful, high-quality things.

HD Evolution Set

Girls are such girls. They have time to take a photo against the backdrop of everything that surrounds them, but they don’t have time to charge their phone. And then parents worry about where their favorite student has disappeared.

Although, you won’t have to worry if you give your daughter a HD Evolution set for her school graduation, consisting of a selfie stick and an external battery for a smartphone. This stylish powerbank is made in the shape of a sea pebble, so a girl will be happy to carry it in her purse.

Thermal mug Gems Red Rubine

To drink or not to drink - that is the question... And drink not just what you thought, but your morning tea, being catastrophically late for classes.

This is the dilemma facing every modern student. And this can be easily and quickly solved by having a convenient sealed thermal mug, which allows you to enjoy your drink on the go.

Our offer is an exclusive Gems Red Rubine model with a case that imitates the facets of a precious stone. Stylish, beautiful and unusual.

Folding LED lamp in the shape of a handbag

Reading or writing notes at night without disturbing your dorm neighbors is easy if you have an unusual Frisco LED lamp in the shape of a handbag on hand. The gadget easily fits into a girl’s real bag and allows you to comfortably “gnaw on the granite of science” wherever there is a problem with lighting. A useful gift for an excellent student.

Creative gifts for guys

Flash drive "Robot"

Returning to the topic of photographs with school friends, we decided to tell you what to give your son as a memory of school and for the benefit of future studies. This is a USB flash drive for storing everything your heart desires, including pictures from the prom.

And since we are giving a gift to a boy, we choose the design of the gadget accordingly - in the form of a cool robot!

Puzzle "Rubik's Cube"

Men of any age love puzzles. Moreover, love for them can be noticed from a child’s early years, when he enthusiastically disassembles an alarm clock or tinkers with his dad’s flashlight.

It is better to give “long-lasting” puzzles to an adult son. For example, an improved Rubik's Cube, consisting of five elements. This upgrade completely changes the algorithm for assembling the cube and perfectly develops the logical thinking of a teenager.

Compass Mystery

To give your son an expensive watch, you don’t have to wait until graduation at school. For such gifts there is a birthday, New Year, February 23. But for the last call, it is better to present a symbolic souvenir that motivates the teenager not to give up on his goal.

We're talking about the exclusive Mystery Compass. This luxurious brass item is both a spectacular interior decoration and a precise working mechanism. Any boy will be absolutely delighted with such a gift!

Giving gifts on graduation day is a long-standing and good tradition that has been followed by more than one generation of people.

We will give you tips that can help you choose an original gift for graduation from school, kindergarten and university in this article!

Graduation is perhaps one of the most memorable events in the life of every person.

Such a solemn day, many guys and girls are simply overwhelmed with feelings and emotions, sometimes quite contradictory, and for good reason!

On the one hand, this is graduation, you are holding a fresh certificate/diploma in your hands, and on the other hand, you are very upset that you will have to part with your friends and favorite teachers.
All graduates of schools, colleges and universities prepare graduation gifts for their teachers or curators. But besides this, the graduates themselves deserve a graduation gift on this significant day.
So let's look in ascending order: what and to whom to give.

Gifts from parents to school graduates

Gift from parents to child for graduation from 9th grade

The end of 9th grade is the first serious graduation in the life of every teenager.

Most often, after 9th grade, teenagers have chosen their future profession and perhaps even decided which educational institution they want to go to.

But even if such an event is planned only 2 years later (after graduation in 11th grade), it is still worth congratulating your student on the transition to adulthood and receiving a certificate.

Whether it's a guy or a girl, a variety of good graduation gifts for them will be PC accessories.

Let's say:

If you choose a gift, it will never be superfluous folder for drawings, abstracts and other things And new, stylish and comfortable bag.

The young men will rejoice new tracksuit or sneakers, and the girls will be happy with the new ones hours, bright umbrellas or also new bag, which will be individual for study.

Gift from parents to child for graduation from 11th grade

- This is the last event in the child’s life that will be held within the school walls.

Would be appropriate as an original graduation gift memorabilia.

Let’s say a girl who has just received her certificate will be pleased to receive jewelry (ring or pendant) as a reminder of this bright and joyful day.

It would be a good gift for a guy expensive watch, which will be his symbol of success and advancement.

If you take a more pragmatic approach to choosing a graduation gift, then here are some graduation gift ideas for future students:

Gifts from parents to a student for graduation after graduation

The long and thorny path to knowledge and the coveted diploma can exhaust a student. So that your son or daughter can relax before fully entering adulthood, you can give a trip to a resort or an excursion to different cities.

If we take from inexpensive, but really necessary gifts, eBook It will be the best graduation gift option.

A good one for a music lover MP3 player, quality pen.

Inexpensive but original graduation gifts for fellow students and classmates

Gifts with humorous content are very common among young people.

It can be alarm clocks that run away from you until you turn them off, or a piggy bank in the form of a beautiful figurine.

Would be a good gift quality pens(girls in the form of lipsticks, guys in the form of a rifle).

If you are preparing a gift in advance, then order mugs or T-shirts with a humorous inscription, reminiscent of being a student.

Anyone who goes to a computer store will be on the right track in choosing an original graduation gift. Mouse pads, mug warmers or USB powered mini fridge Your classmates will be very pleased.

Graduation gift from parents and students

The curator of each group (class teacher) puts a lot of strength and a piece of soul into his students. And leaving the walls of your favorite educational institution, of course, you want to give a nice gift to your second mother, which will remind you of all the years spent together.

What to give to graduates of grades 9 and 11

Everyone is preparing for graduation: both adults and “children”, who have long become taller than their parents. Moreover, the active part of adults experiences much more than the graduates themselves. If “children” are more concerned with the question “What will I wear?”, then their parents have been tormented by vague doubts “How much?” since the beginning of the school year. A modern graduation event is expensive: gifts and flowers for teachers, souvenirs for graduates, a cafe or restaurant, video and photography, photographs, decoration, limousines, ships, gold and diamonds…. The options may differ significantly, but even saving on everything results in a decent amount. The parents of today's graduates did not have such opportunities. Everything was ten times more modest. However, this did not make the holiday worse. Romance! Remember and smile!

Graduation should be remembered for many years to come. If everything is normal, familiar and like clockwork, then it will soon be forgotten. Something has to happen so that “WOW!!!” For example, rain. Cool, but better not! But seriously, everything will be at the highest level, because the parents have everything under control. And it is the parents who should receive the Oscars in all categories, because they wrote the scripts, directed, taught roles, did makeup, voiced and financed their children for all these long 9 or 11 years!

What's a graduation without surprises? Naturally, the main gift is holiday events. That is, a formal part, a banquet, fireworks, fireworks, walks, and so on. An active group of parents is puzzled by how to meet the planned amount without offending or forgetting anyone. Everything should be on the level. And the heroes of the occasion, the graduates, the main heroes of the day, should receive original souvenirs for their hard work over many years.

It is advisable that gifts be personalized: first name, last name, school or lyceum number, year of graduation. This will naturally appear in the photographs. Souvenirs can and should be made not faceless, but personal. It will be very nice!

Gifts for graduates 9th, 11th grade

The most interesting gifts below

ATTENTION! After composing the text and uploading photos, click PREVIEW and you will see what happened.

Personalized flash drive "KEY" with engraving. Memory 8/16/32 GB. Useful with pleasant! A flash drive in the shape of a key has a symbolic meaning as a means of opening all doors. And this is exactly what they wish for graduates. The flash drive will be engraved with a name and a wish. This “key” can be worn on a bunch or on a cord. The “Silver Key” will definitely come in handy. If there are active children who are ready to start preparing gifts, then it would be nice to record photos or videos from the life of the class on flash drives. After all, there are a lot of unofficial interesting videos and photos that are left only on phones. Over time, everything will be erased and lost. Or you could keep it as a souvenir for all your classmates.

Personalized external battery with engraving. Charging is also a stand. Gadgets from the “useful and enjoyable” series. Young people really like these things. The stand is equipped with Velcro suction cups, which allows you to hold your smartphone in an inclined position. Very convenient to watch movies. A cute packaging box will not spoil the impression. The kit includes a universal microUSB cable, all iPhones and instructions. The originality of such a device will lie precisely in the fact that it is personal!

Personalized “Oscar” (ceramics). Wonderful gifts! They deserve it. “Oscar” made of ceramics is a budget option. Size (length×width×height): 85 mm × 85 mm × 284 mm. That is, almost 30 cm in height. In general, not small. Weight about 400 grams. The artificial stone Oscar version is heavier. But it also costs more. Will be packed in a cardboard box. A memorial inscription at your discretion: in addition to the first and last name, any phrase will be engraved. For example, a suitable nomination.

Personalized “Oscar” (artificial stone). This option is heavier than ceramic. Weighs just over 600 grams. Dimensions: (length×width×height): 100 mm × 100 mm × 270 mm. Packaging: cardboard box. Silver plated with 999.9 silver and varnished. The nameplate will be engraved with your first and last name, as well as the text of the nomination at your request. For 9 or 11 years of studying at school or lyceum, the guys really deserved such awards.

The nominal “Oscar” is big. Made from artificial stone. Maximum resemblance to the Hollywood original. The height of the figurine is 35 cm. Weight is 1.6 kg. Silver plated 999.9 silver. It is varnished, which guarantees the durability of the coating. A good option for both students and teachers. No one will be disappointed with such personalized, weighty awards. In addition to your first and last name, any nomination will be entered at your request. It would be appropriate for subject teachers to indicate their specialties.

Photo wall clock “Graduation evening”. To make it in time for graduation, you can use photos from the last bell for the clock. White aprons and white shirts with scarlet ribbons, and most importantly, happy faces will be forever imprinted on the original wall clock. Folders with photographs are usually put away on shelves. And the clock will definitely find its place on the walls in the rooms.

Personalized photo mug "Certified Specialist". Not a problem for one graduate or graduate. But for the whole class? But even this task can be easily solved if desired: you need to involve active guys in this (secretly). Otherwise there will be no surprise. But if you pull off this big deal and give everyone mugs with their photos, the surprise will be great. You can order the “chameleon” option, then it will be even more interesting. Standard volume: 300 ml. The print is excellent. The only negative: it is not recommended to wash in the dishwasher. A good last call option.

Pen with name engraving. When ordering, you can immediately see how it will look. “preview” allows you to see the result in a few seconds. An inexpensive memorable gift for every graduate. Soon almost everyone will become applicants. A new stage begins in everyone’s life: studenthood. This pen is sure to bring good luck! Both in exams and in sessions. In general, writing instruments very often tend to be accidentally carried away. An inscription that does not belong to the person who took it away will immediately attract attention. In general, your personal pen will be carefully guarded. That's for sure. It is very difficult to surprise modern young people with anything. By hand for sure. But with beautiful personal engraving for sure.

Personalized postcards for graduates. Try writing “Class of 2019.” A good option for the last call and for graduation. In general, beautiful postcards for all winners graduating from school. You can't call it anything else. And every graduate is like that. Years of studying are behind us, and most importantly, exams. And it is unknown who was more worried - the students or the parents. Yes, and the teachers got it. Hooray! Behind is the school, and ahead are universities and colleges. But that's a completely different story.

Lamp "Medal" with engraving. The inscription glows beautifully in the dark. Battery included. A great gift from parents. He or she deserved it, even if he or she did not receive a gold or silver medal at school. Effort, striving, victories and defeats, joys and sorrows, experiences - all this is behind us. And there are new goals, a new life ahead. But that's a completely different story. And now we need to share the joy and give a gift. It may be small, but memorable. For many, many years.

Lamp "Diploma" with engraving. The same thing, only the inscription will be different. Which one is up to you. The lamp runs on a battery (included). The inscription glows beautifully in the dark. The height of the souvenir is 13 cm. Graduating from school and successfully passing exams is an important event not only in the lives of students. The parents also deserve awards. This is their merit. And there is a new stage ahead - further studies. Now let’s wish you success in passing exams at school or lyceum and think about what to give. A souvenir lamp is a good idea!

Personalized mug "Graduation" with the name of the educational institution. An excellent option for every graduate. A good keepsake. Not only the hero of the occasion, but also all relatives, friends and acquaintances will like it. The money raised is quite enough for inexpensive personal mugs. Graduation is a consumable event. Everyone needs to be given gifts. Therefore, organizers have to find the most acceptable options to meet the budget.

Personalized mug with school number, years of study, graduation date, city, first name, patronymic and last name. Excellent memory. As a rule, such mugs are protected for fear of breaking. Orders are not fulfilled quickly, but very quickly. The idea is good: both graduates, their parents, and teachers will like it. No one will be offended. The gifts are the same, and at the same time different. Each mug will be packed in a cardboard box. There are a lot of mugs. Perhaps you will like something different.

Thermal glass personalized "Graduate". There is also "At the Graduation". The price is the same, the color and design are slightly different. You can order both for variety. For example, girls are white, boys are blue. However, decide for yourself. Volume 450 ml. Sealed lid with valve. The thing is useful, and most importantly memorable. There are also several options for teachers. And one more thing: orders are fulfilled very quickly. Considering the pre-release hype, such products are selling like hot cakes. Personalized thermal glasses are simply an excellent option.

Medal with individual inscription in a velvet case. A well-deserved reward for those who tried. And let the certificate not be “Round Five”. If we remember with what tenacity high school students overcame the most difficult school programs, then a personal medal is the least that can be done to express respect and sincere admiration. Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone. But if you think that your graduate or alumna is worthy of such an award, then let him have a medal!

Engraved pens from RUB 290. Even the most inexpensive models look very presentable. Quite an affordable option. You can also find more expensive models for teachers here. Not often in their lives did young people receive personal gifts. Graduation is a great occasion. And when presented, you can say that the pen is happy. And it is with her that you need to go to further exams. Such instruction will give confidence, and further entrance exams will be passed successfully.

Diaries and notebooks with name engraving from 790 rub. If your budget allows, consider this as one of the options. Almost all graduates will have further studies. You will need a diary. And the memorable inscription on the cover will remind you of the school for a long time. It’s only later that we realize how great it was at school. Nostalgia for good times. You can also spoil the diaries a little. It would be nice for the class teacher to write some parting words. To each. That would be cool.

Name notebooks. A lot of different colorful covers. You don't have to buy the same ones for everyone. You will have to sit a little to choose the right ones. But the gifts will be interesting and very original. The quality is excellent. Each notebook will be packed in a separate cardboard box. Photo notebooks are an equally interesting option. It is not necessary to upload photos of each graduate. On the cover you can place a photo of the class teacher, the school building, or something else.

Personalized fortune cookies for "Graduate". 10/15/20 pcs. to choose from. Inside each goodie there is a piece of paper with an inscription. The predictions are, naturally, the best. Adult life after graduation is a completely different world: new acquaintances, a new place of study, new victories and defeats. “Children” need to be supported and instilled with confidence! In general, the option is excellent. Each cookie is packed in a bag. All you have to do is create the inscriptions on the boxes. You will see the result instantly.

Personalized "Sweet Diploma for the Graduate". Fortune cookies. In principle, the same as the previous version, only the box design is more “strict” and the inscription will be a little longer. The kindest and most optimistic predictions. Forward to new victories and a happy life! Each cookie is packaged in a separate bag. Determine the quantity yourself. The gifts will be original and unusual. All that remains is to wish the graduates that all their predictions will come true. Shelf life: 12 months.

Personalized diary "Graduate 2019". Three colors. Both memory and benefit at the same time. If your finances allow you to make such cool gifts, do it. Your choice will probably be supported by other parents. If you are looking for something interesting for your child, then this is also a great option. And one more idea! Ask your class teacher to write a few lines for each. Such things are stored especially carefully. In general, think, decide and don’t be late! There is a real rush for graduation now.

T-shirt "Graduate 2019". Sizes: women's from 42, men's from 44. Excellent soft knitwear pleasant to the body. Minimum polyester content. Parents who ordered T-shirts in large quantities were satisfied. I am satisfied with everything: quality and fast delivery. Discounts for orders over 10,000 rubles. Graduation happens once in a lifetime. I really want this day to be bright and memorable. And gifts should be memorable.

Personalized engraved dishes for graduates. Don't be confused by the fact that the glass is called "whisky". Think of it as a regular juice glass. However, you can find many other interesting dishes here. Personalized thermocups are also an option. In general, parents who have taken on the responsibility of preparing for graduation deserve sympathy and respect. Thank you! It is unlikely that you will hear anything more than “Thank you.” Well, that's a completely different story. In the meantime, keep looking!

Unusual personalized diaries from 790 rub. They will need them! Necessarily! The engraving is applied either directly to the cover or to a metal plate (shield). There will also be something interesting for teachers. Orders are fulfilled quickly. You will be satisfied with the level of service. For your graduation, you want to choose something not just memorable, but also useful. Personal diaries are what you need. There are many models, look at them all.

Personalized stars for graduates and teachers. For such an award the price is quite reasonable. I would like to find such gifts that “wow!” Is it true? And it won’t cost you too much money. So, a little more detail. The size of the “star” is 20 x 20 cm, weight 450 g, stand included. Everything will be packed in the best possible way, so you don’t have to worry about its safety and integrity. There will be no problems with names. There may be difficulties with the photo, but you will be offered options. In general, take a look. Everything is as simple as two and two. And graduation is getting closer and closer... Don't forget about prestige. Joke!)

Personalized set of honey "Honorary Graduate"(4 jars of 150 g each). An ironic version with meaning: all school worries are behind us, the exams have been passed successfully, and now you can calmly drink tea. With unusual honey! The taste of floral and buckwheat is familiar to almost everyone, but the new cream honey with fruit flavors is worth trying. The set includes 4 jars of 150 g each. Personalized labels will be on all jars and the cardboard tube. “Honey, if it is there, it is immediately gone.” Winnie the Pooh said so. In general, the idea is even very original. Well, why not?

Personalized terry towels. As an option. Towel size: 140 x 70 cm. Natural 100% cotton. Several colors: white, blue, peach and turquoise. A good idea for graduates involved in sports. (A personalized towel will definitely come in handy). The quality of the embroidery is excellent. A branded cardboard box will add solidity to the gift. You can safely present it to both graduates and teachers. In general, “long live the scented soap and the fluffy towel.”

Photo plates. Any photo! Ceramics. Diameter 21 cm. Stand. Cardboard box. All that's left to do is figure out what photo... There are plenty of options. Tips: the class teacher, the entire class, the school building, the first teacher... Or maybe it will just be personalized plates? To each his own? In short, the idea has been submitted. The asking price is quite reasonable. The gifts will be extraordinary, and most importantly, memorable. After all, the plate is a souvenir. It will stand in a prominent place and bring joy.

Flash drives and chargers with personalized engraving. Both are necessary things. Personalized gifts have special advantages: they are identifiable, returnable and virtually unlost. Because they are valued. By the way, you can make flash drives with a surprise! Write down a mini congratulations! Photo or video, or maybe both. Or maybe this will be the class teacher's farewell speech? Basically, this is just another idea. It is up to you to decide and implement it, those who have taken upon themselves such (search for gifts) responsibility.

Last call gifts

These are purely symbolic inexpensive gifts, because after passing the exams there will be a graduation party. The main funds collected will go there. In the meantime... To make the holiday fun, the main serious gifts can be diluted with inexpensive comic sweets and more.

Personalized chocolate card "Graduation". Any photo: you can have a photo of a teacher or your home school. Milk chocolate “Fidelity to Quality”, weight 100 g. Only instead of the usual picture there will be a congratulatory individual wrapper. On one side is the name and surname of the graduate, on the other - warm wishes in connection with graduation from school or lyceum. The chocolate is packed in a cardboard box. As an addition to the main gift, it is a very good option. Will definitely be eaten.

Personalized chocolate card "iPhone". Each graduate gets an iPhone! Chocolate... With a personalized SMS especially for everyone! These inexpensive "gadgets" are sure to bring smiles, which is exactly what we want. The holiday should be fun, so the kids will like such cool surprises. They will definitely be eaten. Delicious milk chocolate "Alenka", turned into Apple products. As a wish for a sweet life, an ordinary chocolate bar in an unusual personalized wrapper. A standard 100-gram chocolate bar will additionally be packaged in an individual box.

Delicious help "For genital ideas" personalized. A cool sweet gift with detailed instructions for use. 200 g of sugar lozenges in different flavors: lemon, orange, apple, blueberry and strawberry. As soon as the lozenge gets into your mouth, you immediately feel the desire to study, study and study again. The older generation remembers who said it. By the way, the product is Russian. In general, a cool joke option for graduates. They have more than one year to gnaw on the granite of science. Candy is a good incentive to continue.

Self-adhesive wall poster "A Journey Down Memories" with 12 photos. With your text. Surely, over the years of study, I have accumulated a lot of school photos. If you have the desire and time, you can make a good selection as a souvenir for each graduate. You will have to work a little to create it, but what a result! A real surprise! The quality of the poster is excellent: special thick paper and impeccable photo printing. You can make your own inscription under the photographs: either one for all graduates, or for each individual.

Personalized jars of honey "Honored Graduate". 250 g. Flower honey. This is cheaper than the previous set, but the meaning is the same: for the future sweet life. Personalized labels are the main feature. Such gifts certainly delight and impress. Even if someone doesn’t really like honey, they will still eat it sooner or later. Family is what family is for, to help. In short, decide for yourself. Are you tormented by vague doubts? This is fine. Getting ready for graduation is a big responsibility. In general, for the parents!

Personalized chocolates "For successfully passing exams". As per wish! Eat after the last exam! Classic "Alenka" weighing 100 g. Each chocolate bar will be packed in a cardboard box. Such sweet cards won't last long. Everything will be eaten in one moment. But the bright wrapper will remain as a keepsake. Such things are not thrown away. Great idea, by the way! Just like in childhood: get goodies for good grades. And then the Unified State Exam (or whatever they are called now...) The ministries come up with it, but we have to adapt. In general, the exams have been passed! Hooray! Get a personalized chocolate bar.

Cool mugs. For graduates and teachers. Personalized ones cost 100 rubles. expensive. There are a huge number of mugs. This means that here you can pick up gifts for the whole class. Different for the same price. There are great lettering options for both girls and boys. It won't be a big deal if someone doesn't like it very much. They will change! By the way, don’t be lazy to scroll through a few pages: there are clubs for subject teachers here. In general, good luck in your search. And, yes. Orders are fulfilled not just quickly, but very quickly.

Personalized set "Plant a tree and more". Of course, such sets are intended for guys. School is over, it's time to start doing equally important things. There are not many of them, but they are so great! You can start by planting a cedar tree, especially since you don’t need a shovel, watering can or other complications for this. The jar contains special soil and real cedar seeds. All that remains is to plant, water regularly, wait for germination, transplant into a large container, plant wherever you want and wait thirty years. And by this time the house will have been built and the son will have been raised. And the time will come to harvest the pine nuts. A cool graduation gift for a young man!

Lots of original graduation gifts! Namely: glasses, glasses, chocolate, mugs, diaries, pens, posters and more. Graduation is a special event. I would like to make original surprises not only for graduates, but also for teachers. And at the same time keep within the collected amount. So watch and evaluate. Lots of gifts here.

What doesn't happen at school!??? Smile!

Let the RONO know that the girl has parquet flooring.

Well, he knows better...

It doesn't matter...as long as it doesn't hurt...

Probably around the corner.....every day.

Good boy....

Let's not be fooled, graduation is a huge relief for students. Finally! Adulthood. End of torment.

We have the most valuable thing - experience. Therefore, who, if not us, should know what to choose as a gift for graduation and how to organize this day so that it remains in the memory of children for the rest of their lives.

What to give to a graduate: 5 smart decisions

Any parent considers the most important thing that a child should do from the age of 7 to 21 is to study. Not every child, of course, agrees with this. But we know better. Again, we have experience.

Moreover, not any training immediately after school will be a burden for the graduate. Eg, driving school. Why not spend your summer holidays doing this?

Driving lessons

Online courses can become a real impetus in choosing a future profession. Modern trends in education dictate new paces and forms of learning. Yesterday's student will be able to learn the development of web pages, the basics of design and Internet marketing much faster and with more pleasure than the profession of an engineer or builder. Such skills, if they do not become his life’s work, will help him earn extra money during his student years.

Give a music fan a modern multifunction radio or music center.

A useful acquisition for a young man - smartwatch. These devices synchronize with a mobile phone, transmitting notifications about calls and SMS, help control the quality and quantity of sleep, determine physical activity and the number of steps taken per day.

Gifts for a graduate: 5 ideas for a girl

The same options are suitable for a graduate as for a guy, plus specific, purely feminine ones. Eg, large-scale shopping for a complete wardrobe change. The clothes of a schoolgirl are strikingly different from the style of an adult student.

Offer the young applicant a change in hairstyle and overall image. Successful passing of the Unified State Exam is a good reason to give a graduate a trip to Spa?

For future successful studies at university, a new handbag and laptop bag.

With school, as a rule, all kinds of sports sections and clubs come to an end, and if institute physical education is not enough to keep in good shape, then give the graduate fitness membership. A fitness bracelet will be a useful gadget for a sporty girl.

Gifts for graduates:

To the Parents Committee: 6 ideas for a graduation party

If you are a member of the parent committee or simply help with organizing the holiday, think about how your children will spend their graduation. This evening should be remembered as one of the most important events in life.

With large budgets, you can go all out and rent for kids motor ship, banquet hall or even have a graduation party at a holiday home.

For a non-standard graduation venue, consider quests and paintball clubs, they often organize special programs for this occasion.

Among the interesting places it is worth highlighting aqua parks. Many of them offer special conditions for graduation: show programs, water attractions, a bar, a buffet table. Here it is worth taking into account the fact that the girls will have to show off in swimsuits, and not in prom dresses; will they make such a sacrifice?

If the possibilities are more modest and the most accessible place for celebration is the school assembly hall, it is in your hands to make this day unforgettable: be sure to agree on a professional photo or video shooting High school prom.

Prepare commemorative video: it could be just a slide show of class photos for all 11 years, interviews with teachers with humorous characteristics of the children, video congratulations from parents, in a word, everything that relates to the wonderful school years. Expect that it will take at least a month to make such a film yourself.

Chocolate cards for graduates or candy sweet help- an excellent solution for inexpensive souvenirs for children.

We will try to cover this entire exciting and joyful topic - graduation gifts. If you don't know what to give to your favorite teacher, friend, son, daughter, or what memorable gift to give to school, then our gift guide is waiting for you!

Graduation is, first of all, a holiday for such already matured children, so first of all, let’s turn all our attention only to them!

So, what can you do to please your friend, girlfriend, daughter, son, brother or sister if they have successfully completed the next class or are saying goodbye to school altogether:

  • personalized mug “Bye, school!”;
  • graduate's personalized diary;
  • “Tasty help” for a schoolchild;
  • personal apron “Certificate of Maturity”;
  • commemorative photo magnet;
  • thermal mug with custom inscription;
  • school fortune cookies;
  • personalized “flash drive”;
  • custom designer keychain;
  • photo plate with school photos;
  • wall clock with photos from school years.

  • Custom event-appropriate phone bumper;
  • gift certificate for tailoring a suit for graduation;
  • order, diploma or medal, custom-engraved for the “Best Graduate”;
  • photo frame-clock;
  • “Oscar” for the graduate – a custom replica statuette;
  • a set of personal fountain pens with custom engraving;
  • a book by your favorite author with a personalized cover (you can easily make it yourself in Photoshop and wrap it around any selected edition);
  • personalized Hollywood star in a case;
  • external battery.

  • multifunctional USB splitter;
  • portrait based on a school photo to order;
  • photo mosaic of school photographs;
  • 3D light from school photos;
  • multifunctional stand for school supplies;
  • personalized set of sweets or other favorite sweets;
  • photo book/photo album with a set of school photos.
  • for boys: bow tie and cufflinks;
  • for girls: necklace for prom dress.

We have looked at the most common universal options. And now - specifics.

Graduate of 3-4 grades

Farewell to elementary school - overcoming the first serious stage of adult life, a slightly sad holiday. Encourage your student with a pleasant and cute gift.

What to give for graduation in 4th grade:

  • School supplies for the next school year - find out his favorite characters and choose gifts of this theme - he will definitely be pleased!
  • Educational board game, construction set, set of encyclopedias.
  • Favorite delicacies and sweets.
  • Personalized souvenirs useful in children's games.
  • A gift for a child’s room – a horizontal bar, an exercise machine, a new study table, a lamp, a table lamp.
  • Sports gift - from a bicycle to a soccer ball.

Ninth grader

Some of the kids stay at school, while others already go to college or technical school. In any case, the ninth grader will have to make, perhaps, the first serious choice in his life.

The gift should therefore be practical, durable, but at the same time original and youthful:

  • PC components: wireless mouse and keyboard, original design headphones or speakers, necessary hardware.
  • Accessories: wristwatch, belt, briefcase, genuine leather bag, stylish umbrella.
  • Certificate to your favorite shoe or clothing store– a girl or a young man can already choose comfortable clothes for the next school year.

Eleventh grader

How to please a “capital” graduate? Let's look further:

  • Jewelry: rings, pendants, bracelets, earrings for girls, chains and men's bracelets for boys.
  • From parents– “serious” electronics: smartphone, laptop, tablet, e-reader, smart watch.
  • Tourist trip– the last school holidays need to be enjoyed!

Gift for a friend

The cash balance of a schoolchild or student is sometimes very limited, but you really don’t want to leave your girlfriend or boyfriend without a gift on such a significant day!

What you can choose:

  • An original pen, notebook, pencil case or any other fun stationery.
  • The flash drive has a “cool” design – it will clearly come in handy in further studies.
  • A personalized mug/pillow/T-shirt with a design that suits the occasion.
  • A poster, statue, pendant, CD or other memento somehow related to his or her idols.
  • A set of your favorite “snacks”.
  • You can please a girl with a bouquet of her favorite flowers.
  • Cute USB gadgets: fan, mini-fridge for drinks, vacuum cleaner for cleaning the keyboard, warmer for a mug or hands.

Advice! A good option would be to give a homemade gift. Its price is your attention and creativity. Or you can make a touching card or packaging with your own hands for a gift purchase.

Gift for teacher: serious, playful, practical

It is wrong to get by with a banal gift “for show” on this day for the class teacher. A person who has gone through thick and thin deserves an appropriate, useful and impressive present. So, what can you stop at when choosing a gift for your curator for graduation:

  • A picture of a class. It can be painting, graphics, embroidery or photo collage.
  • If you have an unofficial photograph of a teacher, you can make a custom portrait based on it. Or a figurine. If the teacher is aged, then she will certainly be warmly surprised by a drawing depicting her in her youth! An excellent option would be a photo mosaic - a portrait of a teacher, laid out from small photographs of grateful students.
  • A themed wall clock with your school photos. You can order such a miracle in almost every city.
  • A certificate of appreciation or medal for your teacher. Again, this personalized gift is made to order - so you need to find a suitable craftsman long before the celebration in order to avoid incidents.
  • Congratulations video. For a winning effect, it is broadcast in the celebration hall to suitable music using a projector. And the teacher is then given a “flash drive” with this video file. This could be clips of congratulations from each student, a video series of school photos, or even a staged scene.

Did you find out about the teacher's hobbies and preferences? Perfect!

We rely on them - what you can give to your class teacher for graduation:

  • Owners of personal plots will appreciate a certificate to the appropriate store, or seeds/seedlings of plants of rare varieties.
  • The best hobby is school. Does your teacher consider his work the main task of his life? Then he will be delighted with voluminous flash drives, sets of high-quality fountain pens, a leather-covered diary, a desk set, or even a new comfortable teacher’s chair. Don’t forget about his subject - a gift for a history teacher at graduation will be different from a gift for a physicist. Perhaps the teacher needs additional materials, CDs, subscriptions to professional magazines.
  • For a lover of goodies, present a large cake with congratulations, lined with cream or mastic. Why not give a sweet bouquet of sweets, chocolate or a wonderful basket of exotic fruits? This will be your graduation gift to your teacher!
  • If the teacher is a romantic person, then you cannot do without an impressive bouquet of flowers. Nowadays, by the way, it is fashionable to give fresh flowers in cute pots. Such a teacher will definitely be brought to tears by a song or dance in his honor - as in the video in this article.
  • For those who like to travel - a trip! The best thing is a certificate to a travel agency - this way the teacher can choose the time and direction of travel that is convenient for himself, and you don’t have to give him a ticket to a local holiday home if the teacher’s soul aspires, for example, to London.

Advice! If 4th graders cannot quite understand the character and preferences of their teacher and parents have to choose a gift based more on tradition and their idea of ​​the teacher, then older students can already conduct serious “reconnaissance” and find out what they need most “second mom” (or “dad”) and choose a gift for your teacher for graduation that will pleasantly surprise him.

Gift to school: memorable, useful, durable

Often, graduates themselves or their parents decide to give their home school something that leaves a good memory of them and is useful for other younger generations. We propose to express this kind gesture this way - take a look at the table where we discussed what a gift to the school from graduates could be.

Tree and shrub seedlings The kindest tradition that exists. Talk to the caretaker about where and what trees are best to plant. Gather together the day before prom and the whole class will start a new shady alley. Don’t forget to visit your charges at first, water them, fertilize them, and cultivate them. Every time you pass by the school, you will now remember your graduation, and maybe someday your children will rush past these plants to class.
Projector with screen A gift to the school at a reunion evening from graduates may well be a modern projector with a screen. A very necessary thing for the class - the teacher can introduce the children to a presentation on the lesson, an educational film. More than once in his work he will remember his beloved graduating class with a kind word for this gift.
Music system School is not only about lessons, but also about student activities. A high-quality music system will not be superfluous in any school - it will make holidays and events richer and more interesting.
Educational media library So that the future generation does not pore over textbooks, but acquires knowledge in step with the times, choose educational licensed discs as a gift. However, in this case, first of all you need to consult with subject teachers.
Renovating your classroom It all depends on your budget - if the graduates are quite adults (9th, 11th grade), then you can completely entrust the repairs to them themselves. As an alternative, a graduation gift to the school could be as follows: order work from a professional team that will do the job “from start to finish” - from purchasing everything necessary for repairs to hanging curtains.
Blackboard Again, the decisive point will be the amount collected for the gift. You can opt for a classic wooden, metal or magnetic board, or you can give the school a modern interactive board - a large touch screen. The last option can be presented from the entire line of graduating classes - so as not to completely empty the wallets of parents.

Computer, laptop, netbook for a teacher or computer science classroom The gift is expensive, but also very useful. Do not forget to attach to it a package of necessary documentation, which should contain instructions with a warranty card.
Books The best gift is, as you know, books. Talk to your school librarian and students about what printed materials your school urgently needs.
Gift for the school museum What should graduates give to the school in this case? Leave a memorable artifact of your class in the school museum - for example, a class album with your photos, so that all generations coming after you can admire the handsome and serious graduates.
Classroom lighting Not all schools are equipped with modern energy-saving lighting, which also emits a comfortable color and non-irritating glow - this may be the most valuable gift for your former classroom.
Sports equipment From basketballs to wall bars, talk to your PE teacher about what equipment your gym needs most.
Decor, flowers It's nice to come to school, where it feels almost like home. Again, contact the caretaker to see if you need additional green spaces in the corridors, artistic or informational posters, paintings, or maybe any decorations specifically for the holidays.

Advice! When choosing a gift, take a look at your school from the outside - as a rule, educational institutions in big cities are already equipped with all modern equipment and are regularly renovated - a more symbolic, memorable gift would be appropriate here. But for a number of rural schools that do not have generous patronage, the best gift would be the purchase of some equipment or renovation of a classroom.

That's our entire selection for today. We hope that it will help you decide what to give your class teacher for graduation, how to make your child, boyfriend or girlfriend happy, and also what kind of good memory to leave about yourself at school. Have a nice journey in life!