An original presentation for an alumni reunion evening. Presentation on the topic "Holding an alumni reunion evening"

An original presentation for an alumni reunion evening.  Presentation on the topic
An original presentation for an alumni reunion evening. Presentation on the topic "Holding an alumni reunion evening"

AND THE YEARS QUIETLY FLOAT AWAY, Weaving for us a veil of wrinkles! Meeting classmates is sacred, you, me, and you and I together. This is our Golden childhood, This is a meeting with a timid dream. This is youth with tender eyes, Flapping of exciting eyelashes. This is what seems over the years to have no edges or boundaries.

It's always a little exciting to come to a meeting with the past. What if you can’t recognize Seryozha and talk to him. What if we have changed a lot and can’t find the words? And from such excitement, suddenly your head will spin, your heart will treacherously pinch, and it will become difficult to breathe... And a sign hangs on the door, that the graduate is already 45! Why are you so excited though! We all have something to chat about, We remain young at heart, Although we are no longer 25.

Look back for a moment... And what is there behind us? There swallows hover over the old school wall. There are children's quarrels There are a series of happiest days There are clear eyes No one will let you in there. We are all beautiful there When viewed from these years, But we all have no power to return to where we are not.

And the years... quietly float away, Weaving for us a veil of wrinkles... Only gray hair reminds us that there is only one life! And there is only one chance! There is no intermission on this stage, And the curtain cannot be closed... And time raises prices For the right to live fully, To search, to create and to be happy, As in childhood, to be yourself, To love... and also to be loved And - to rise above vanity! And happy is the one who, at dawn, once managed to realize that he is alive! Hello! That the sun is shining! And there will be a new day again.

“New Year traditions of countries” - Jewish New Year. Watch. New Year. New Year's Eve. A piece of pork head. Children's pipes. New Year's Eve. Full moon. Tradition. New Year's Eve celebration. St. Basil's Day. Midnight. The first seconds of the New Year. National celebration. Celebrating the New Year in Venezuela. Gudi Padwa. New Year in Japan.

“New Year’s traditions from different countries” - Foresters. To the Congo. Gifts for the New Year. New Year in other countries. In Sudan. In Hungary. In Japan. In Iceland. In Germany. In Portugal. In Poland. Gifts are of approximately the same value. In Spain. In China. In Greenland. In Greece. In New Zealand. In Ethiopia. In Turkey. Carp or herring. In Belgium. In Denmark.

“How to celebrate the New Year” - Symbol of 2011. In our country, the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1 by decree of Peter I. Every family prepares a New Year's treat, mochi. New Year is the children's favorite holiday. England. France. Italy. China. The custom of giving New Year's gifts came to us from Ancient Rome. 2011 is the year of the metallic white rabbit.

"New Year's Program" - "New Year's Eve." New Year's festivities! New Year is the most desired and long-awaited holiday for each of us! Let's discuss! Start taking the aperitif! Thank you for your attention! "Winter Vitamin Mania". New Year's detective story. But not a simple one, but a New Year's one. In the program: - paramilitary relay races.

“New Year's Eve” - At half past twelve, the Irish go out to the illuminated and festively decorated central city square. Most of the "star" chefs from all over the world undergo training in Belgium. Burma. At dusk, Vietnamese people light bonfires in parks, gardens or on the streets. Lives with joy in the soul, with a cheerful mood!

“New Year Traditions” - The most interesting things begin at the 12th stroke of the clock. Grapes are placed on each plate. Gott nytt ar! The same surprise cake tradition is common in Romania and Australia. Happy New Year in Bulgaria. Kenourios Chronos! If something goes wrong... you may find not a gift in your shoe, but a potato.

There are a total of 14 presentations in the topic

It's so good that there is such a date,
It's good that there is a place too,

Where can we all gather?
Where can we all meet together?
And it’s like returning to childhood, to youth

Today maybe two friends will meet,
Who haven't seen each other for a long time...

Your teacher will meet someone first,
And someone's first love...

And someone won’t know right away
In a respectable strict uncle
A ring from his classmate...

The teacher will tell you with pride,
That he has matured and that he has grown...

Let there be meetings, surprises,
Let there be jokes, let there be laughter,
And these wonderful moments
Unite everyone at school today



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Alumni meeting 2011.

The school years have flown by, You have not been schoolchildren for a long time, But you will never forget school - The memory of childhood is here for all years.

You broke up a long time ago, scattered in all directions. Only these years remain in my memory forever. And again you are drawn to school, This is very important to you Conversations, cheerful laughter, Sadness and joy in half.

School... here we read the first word, wrote the first letter. Here we cried, laughed, quarreled, made peace, played pranks in class. Here we found our friends, here we met our first love... And what happened within these walls.

New Year.

One day hike. year 2000

Knight Tournament. (2001)

Kolomna Kremlin. 2002

There are no bridges and no fairy tales between adulthood and childhood. What remains for us as a legacy is only the memory of our school years.

Hike. 2003

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Scenario for the alumni reunion evening “Here we are”

School time... So much joy and disappointment, discoveries and mistakes occur in these best years of childhood. Eh, I wish I could start all over again... But time cannot be turned back. All that remains is to remember......

Scenario of the festive evening of the alumni meeting

This development of a festive evening of graduation will allow you to easily hold this event with high school students....

On stage is the Agent and the tied up school principal.

Agent: Name?

Director: Bayarak basic secondary school.

Agent: Date of birth?

Director: 1942.

Agent: Place of birth?

Director: Bayarak village, Belozersky district, Kurgan region.

Agent: Social background?

Director: From commoners.

Agent: First teacher's name?

Director: Menshchikova Feoktista Nikonovna.

Agent: How many directors have there been during the existence of the school?

Director: I...

Agent: What is school like today?

Principal: The school today has 41 students, 12 teachers and 10 school staff.

The school principal speaks.

2 presenters take the stage.

1 – What is happening in the world?

2 – It’s just spring. And there will be an evening of school friends.

1 – Just spring? Just a school friends' night out? Are you sure?

2 – Yes, I’m sure. I already heard the school doors creaking, and soon the cheerful school bell would ring!

1 – And what will happen after all this?

2 – There will be a lesson.

1 – Will there be a lesson? What's just one lesson?

2 – No, a lot, a very long school road awaits us.

1 – Dear graduates, today we invite you to one school day at your home school!

The bell rings for class.

Math lesson ( Annex 1)

The classes of 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977 are invited to attend the mathematics lesson.

  1. How many grandchildren do you have at your graduation?
  2. How many people were you in 1st grade and how many in graduation?
  3. There are 11 kids sitting in the sandbox. 9 kids are making Easter cakes, and the rest are hitting each other with scoops. How many kids hit each other with scoops?
  4. In one apartment, the criminals stole one right slipper and two left ones, and in another - only one right one. How many pairs of slippers were stolen by the criminals in both apartments?
  5. One grandfather was hunting cockroaches in the kitchen and killed five and wounded three times as many. The grandfather mortally wounded three cockroaches, and they died from their wounds, and the rest of the cockroaches recovered, but were offended by the grandfather and went to their neighbors forever. How many cockroaches have gone to your neighbors forever?
  6. Baba Yaga has 3 warts on her nose, and Koshchei the Immortal has 6 more warts. How many warts are there on the nose of Koshchei the Immortal?
  7. How many holes will there be in the oilcloth if you pierce it 12 times with a 4-tooth fork during lunch?
  8. There were 47 flies having fun in the room. Uncle Gosha opened the window, waving a towel, and drove 12 flies out of the room. But before he could close the window, 7 flies came back. How many flies are having fun in the room now?
  9. The goat Lyuska gored the fence, which was supported by 7 posts. 3 posts fell along with the fence, and the rest were left hanging out on their own. How many columns stick out on their own?

Russian language lesson

(Appendix 2)

Graduates of 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 are invited to the Russian language lesson.

  1. How many vowel letters “A” are there in the name of the subject “Russian Language”?
  2. Name your favorite school subject.
  3. Telegram text
    (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ graduates! We, who follow you, are very glad that you are like this (2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. And on this (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day, taking this (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ opportunity, we want to tell you that such (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ people as you are not that much on this (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ earth. We hope that your (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ life will be (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. And every (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ year this (11) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day you will gather in such a (12) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ company.
    Traditionally, we wish you (13) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ health, (14) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ happiness, (15) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years of life!
    (16) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ generation!

Biology lesson

(Appendix 3)

We invite the class of 1983, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989 to attend a biology lesson.

  1. How many biology teachers did you have during your studies?
  2. Which section of biology did you enjoy most? Why?
  3. Place organs on the human body (heart, spleen, brain, spinal cord, right kidney, left kidney, appendix, kneecap, gall bladder, rectum).

History lesson

(Appendix 9)

Graduates of 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 are invited to the history lesson.

  1. Do you remember who tied your pioneer tie?
  2. What were you thinking about, what were you striving for when you were 16 years old?
  3. Are your children different from you as children?
  4. What do you think is the funniest graduation in the history of the school? Prove with examples from school life.

Music lesson

(Appendix 5)

We invite students from the class of 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 to take a music lesson.

  1. What did you want to become when you were in school? Has your dream come true? (telegram from 1997 graduates read out) ( Appendix 10)
  2. What kind of music was played at school discos?
  3. Guess the song based on a few lines:
    – soon I will join the Komsomol (School years)
    – this country is always in the heart (Don’t twist the colorful globe)
    – the era of bright years is approaching (Soar with fires)
    – about the verb and about the dash (They teach at school)
    – for some reason they started loading us more and more (Or maybe it will happen again)
    – remember the song, quail, quail (It’s fun to walk together)

Big change (

game with spectators)

Dear graduates, what are the names of your classmates? Enter these names in order into the text of the prepared prediction. It will turn out funny and fun. And the text could be something like this (the so-called surnames are written in the spaces left):

"Today everyone will say more kind words ______________________________

Today everyone will sing more than ________________________________________.

Everyone will dance more _____________________________________.

Everyone will laugh loudest _____________________________________________

He will tell a funny story from school life.

And __________________ will give the school _________________________ a thousand rubles.

He will gladly give you his TV.

In the summer he will come to help with repairs ______________________________

The most beautiful today is __________________________________________.

The most shy person today is __________________________________________.

The most cheerful person today is _________________________________________________.

In an hour, ________________________________ will say that he (s) is the coolest.

After an hour and a half, ______________________ will say that he sneezed on everyone.

And _____________________ will say a wish to everyone present

Geography lesson

(video tour of the school)

Graduates of 1998, 1999, 2000 are invited to the geography lesson.

  1. How many class teachers have you had during your studies?
  2. Who was your favorite teacher?
  3. Comic geography quiz:

– Which peninsula complains about its size? (Yamal)

– Name the city that crawls. (Uzhgorod)

– Which country occupies the largest area? (Russia)

– Which lake in Russia can you buy bottled in a grocery store? (Lake Baikal.)

– Which lake is admired in the theater (Swan Lake)

– Which state can you wear on your head (Panama)

– Which of the two mountains is higher: Everest or Chomolungma? (These are different names for the same mountain)

– Which island, having lost a letter, becomes a geometric figure (Cuba)

– What peninsula of our country is named after the back rows of desks in the classroom? (Kamchatka).

Physical education lesson

(comic acrobatic combination performed by boys)

For the physical education class, please take the class of 2001, 2002 and 2003.

  1. What sports did you like to play in physical education lessons?
  2. Have you gone hiking? What did you usually cook?
  3. One person from each episode spins a hula hoop (men), and women jump rope, whoever does it longer.

Foreign language lesson

(Appendix 6)

We invite graduates of 2004, 2005, 2006 to take part in a foreign language lesson.

  1. What language did you study at school? What date is it today? What is your name?
  2. How many foreign languages ​​and which ones were taught at our school?
  3. Name 1 word in each of these languages.

Literature lesson

(Appendix 7)

For a literature lesson, we invite you to attend the class of 2007 (11th grade), 2007 (9th grade), 2008 (11th grade), 2008 (9th grade).

  1. What is your favorite work read in literature class?
  2. What topic did you write your essay on? exam?
  3. Poem reversals

– You hate my cow (I love my horse)

– The vegetable gardens are sown, the flower beds are in clothes (The fields are compressed, the groves are bare)

– I’m standing at the wide-open window of a dry room flooded with light (I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon)

– Once the eagle stole a circle of sausage from the eagle (God somehow sent a piece of cheese to the crow)

Proverb reversals

– Happiness moves in heaps (Trouble does not travel alone)

– Baldness – male disgrace (Braid – girlish beauty)

– Hid that it’s algae, get out of the aquarium (Called yourself a milk mushroom – get into the back)

Call to the director

(Appendix 8)

The school day has come to an end, the lessons are over, but not everything went smoothly today... It was noisy during recess, they answered poorly in class... And today the youngest graduates - 2009 and 2010 - are called into the principal's office.

  1. Why and how many times were you called to the director's office?
  2. What would you do if you became a school principal...
  3. Your plans for the coming decade.
  4. I, a graduate of the year 200... in the face of my senior comrades, solemnly swear:
    – to carry the memory of those who taught me and with whom I studied throughout my life;
    – to always be honest and principled, humane and fair, as I was taught at school;
    - carry high the banner of your native school, protect its honor;
    – never stop there, constantly expand your knowledge, remember the wise precepts of our mentors.
    May everything that is planned come true, today and forever.
    I swear!
  • There are holy pages in the history of the school,
    We will always be rightfully proud of them.
    But, of course, there were emergencies and oddities,
    The participants are also unlikely to forget them.

– Dear graduates, we invite you to turn the pages of the school album.

– Dear ones, our former children,
How are you living now?
Almost all over the world
Life has scattered you.

– The school gave you an inheritance
Your very first lesson.
And pioneer childhood,
And a Komsomol badge.

- This is where you learned to work,
Learn books and life.
My favorite teacher was here
And the teacher is like a mother.

– There were hikes and rest,
Holidays and evenings.
The first breaths of lovers...
Everything felt like yesterday.

– The school lives without aging,
New children are growing up.
Here they will be warmed with a smile,
They will lead you into life by the hand.


  1. Graduation ceremonies and last calls: grades 9 and 11 / Compiled by O.E. Zhirenko. – M.: 5 for knowledge, 2005. – 128 p. (To the class teacher)
  2. Last call No. 3, 2007
  3. Scenario for school holidays / Comp. N.N.Romanova. – M.: LLC “TD “Publishing House World of Books”, 2005. – 400 p.
  4. Encyclopedia of collective creative activities (Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers of the Kurgan Region. - Kurgan, 2006. - 64 p.