Sergey cords will help to establish relationships. The talk show "About love" with the leading Sergey Corn starts on the first channel New Transfer with Sergey Shnurov on the first

Sergey cords will help to establish relationships. The talk show
Sergey cords will help to establish relationships. The talk show "About love" with the leading Sergey Corn starts on the first channel New Transfer with Sergey Shnurov on the first

On the first channel there is still not enough bottomchers talk shows about lumpenses, ready to shake dirty shorts on a multi-million-dollar audience for the fee or for the sake of five minutes of glory. "Male / Women's", "Let them say", "let's get married", "alone with everyone", "this is me", "Fashionable sentence" - participants in these programs lost all shame and conscience. They say: "Do something and that way, it's not really, it's a ponaroshka" - and we are watching extended clocks of hair, a face, a blank on relatives and loved ones. This applies not only to the first channel, but also the rest. For example, in the "Patzanka" show on Friday, they showed how a young husband hits a wife in the face - allegedly shooting a hidden camera at the time of a quarrel. My question, how he will now wash the stain of shame with himself after this transfer (he actively hangs out in all publics, where they are discussing "Pattuts"), "Husband" began to justify, they say, this is all the production and in fact nothing was. Well, how was it - when showed? Even if she asked her to beat her for the sake of the rating - why descend on this bottom? Where is human dignity and elementary honor? I'm all to the fact that in the new day talk Show "About Love" The viewers are invited to observe how our fellow citizens are decomposed. Another story was invented with registered roles, the staged scenes were recorded with a hidden camera, "experts" are sitting in the studio and help in solving non-existent problems.

In the program "About love" two leading - Sophico Shevardnadze (37-year-old granddaughter of the former president of Georgia) and Sergei Shnurov (43-year-old musician from the Leningrad group). It seems that without a "cord" this project would not take place. Gordon fully exhausted himself, and other unslated men in the country, of course, no.

The problem is that "about love" is too ladging. Problems of Babski, experts in the studio at 2/3 - women. Co-host. Forces are unequal, and the cords are shy to voice their own opinion (although most likely it is simply not for the cord), may even come up with a control and create a hot atmosphere in the studio. The master is enlivened only when it comes to booze and immoral behavior. It is located aside and more plays the role of furniture, a symbol of a man. In "Male / Women", Gordon behaves aggressively and shows and proves that he leads it here and with his position everyone should be considered. Let us ugly, but brightly. I feel, I'll have to work for two programs soon. And in general, I thought that the "male / female" would close, and they just moved at earlier time.

In short, I did not like about love with a cord and Shevardz - I was transferred for an hour from empty to empty, sacrificing a contrived problem and accompanying staged frames.

Rosa Syabitova, as an expert, does not change himself and his image. I saw a pretty man - will protect him with all truths and untrue and accuse a woman in everything. Lack she is on ... peasants. Also in the studio three psychologist-psychotherapist and one journalist.

The format reminded the light version "Let them say" VS. "Male / female". Why make the same type of simplicity? If I booked a borsch under "about love" - \u200b\u200bhe would immediately proceed. Two stars and won from Ether!

Talk show "About love" with Sergey Shnurov comes on weekdays from Monday to Friday at 16.00 Moscow time. Watch online All releases can be immediately after the ether on the official project page .

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The first channel announced what will be the new daily talk show "About Love", which will be the leader of the Leningrad Group Sergei Shnurov (on the air from September 5, at 16.00). The cord program will help the cord program, the granddaughter of the second president of Georgia Sophico Shevardnadze.

In the show "About love", according to his name, will help to establish life to everyone who is experiencing a crisis in relations: husbands and wives, fathers and children, grandmothers and grandchildren, friends. Promise that they will be calmly and friendly, politely and thoughtfully, attracting the best specialists.

By recognizing Sophico, which on the channel of Russia Today led news, the program "Interview" and Sophieco and worked on the "Echo of Moscow", she always dreamed of conducting a psychological talk show about love: "It's so historically developed that I am a political journalist just because I am a political journalist that I understand well in my politics. And I wanted to just sit on a bench all my life. "I really think that there is nothing steeper and more interesting. We can not be able to understand our problems, talk to each other. With a friend. Unfortunately, we have a little, it is accepted to insult, beat in the face. And our program is a great opportunity to show that there is another way to solve a complex problem. "

Sophician Shevardnadze speaks so: "The cords are very good, a good man, he has a great sense of humor. Sometimes he fantastically saves the situation when you understand that now you need a joke, so that the hero does not die in our hands from grief. Therefore, sellers are ideal for Such a program. He is very sensitive, feeling. He knows a lot about life, but knows on the other hand than me. "

The cords itself believes that love is just a convenient concept: "It is customary with everything in love in modern society." Love is such a comfortable concept. This is a category, a concept built in modern society mainly on Hollywood films. Whatever we Neither twisted, adolescents, and adults, learn about what love is from Hollywood films. This is an imposed concept, that's all. Such a cynical approach. "

Despite the fundamental disagreements, Shevardnadze and cords, everyone is trying to help people confused in love relationships. Sophico does it in female emotionally, Sergey Ernichs. "The general main problem in the world is a violation of communication ties, none hears each other," says cords. "Everyone are writers, but no one reader. This is the main problem and, by and large, all conflicts are due to this: very few listeners. "

Each release of the program "About Love" is carefully prepared. A week before the recording of the program, psychologists begin to work with heroes. In addition, work with them does not stop after filming. Approximately six months later, return programs are planned in which journalists "about love" will again come to visit ex-participants to evaluate changes.

Show with Shevardnadze is not the first television experience of Leningrad leader. Previously, he led the program on the NTV ("cord around the world" and "Equal Life"), "Fifth Channel" and STS. Last year, he became the leading program "Cold Tour" on the "Match TV" and even called to work dismissed with the scandal of the sports commentator Vasily Utkin. Your consent to become a leading talk show on the first channel, Sergei Shnurov explains this way: "I was always tended to change the deal of activity for a while. Apparently, I found another period. I think my appearance on the first channel I give a signal that the impossible becomes possible . Well, even: I have not registered the text, while writing the program, I speak the complete deferment - all this and determined my positive answer. "

Recall that on the first channel some time ago the show "They and we", which Alexander Gordon and Ekaterina Strizhenova. The show was also built on a different approach leading to topics that worry men and women. Zinic Gordon and moral Strizhenova. The project ratings were quite good. Later, together with Julia, Baranovskaya, Alexander Gordon began to lead the program "Male / Women's", which also affects the topic of relationships. Ratings last season were also "at the height." So now on the first will have two programs about relationships.

The last release of the show "About love" on the first channel was broadcast without a rapid leader, the leader of the Leningrad group of Sergey Shnurov, under which this transmission was created. Now, instead of a singer, the heroes helps the co-host show "Let's get married!" Rosa Syabitova.

The fact that, together with Sophico Shevardnadze, who was a partner cord, now "about love" is maintained by the main Swashing country, surprised the viewers. Neither Sergey nor the management of the channel did not explain the situation. But Rosa decided to shed light on the "mystery".


In a recent interview with the portal, she stated that the singer did not leave the show, as many believe. According to her, the artist suggested her program in turn. "We still try to alternate. While they recorded several issues without Sergey, where I worked with Sophico, "said Xiabitov press.

In addition, she admitted that she had a very warm and trust relationship with Sergey. She noted that the singer's pacatable image is exclusively his stage image, and in life he is completely different.

"Sergey from a very good family, it is well educated, has a sophisticated sense of humor. His stage story and the role of the mothershnik are not close to me, but this is just an image. In life, Sergey is completely different - gallant, smart. In this project, it refers to me as a safety belt, which will always help to get out of the most difficult situations, refers to the souflar, to which you can look if you forgot the text. I even shy the feelings of the cord to me - such respectful, trusting, tremble. We are not friends, because very different, but we communicate well, "Rosa told.

Day Talk Show "About Love", where experts disassemble the problems of a man who lives at the expense of their girlfriend or son, constantly sticks with his mother, would be an unpretentious project of the "Channel One", if it were not for one "but" - leads the program leader group "Leningrad" Sergey Shnurov. A musician who has almost no songs without a mat, and clips about "Labuten" and "boobs" collect millions of views on YouTube, on the air of the StateCanal loses almost all his shock, and we see the cord completely ordinary leading. Fans are surprised, why does he need it, and he himself explains his decision by the desire to solve how such programs are arranged.

The leader of the Leningrad Group Sergei Shnurov unexpectedly for his fans became the leading program "about love" on the "First Channel", many feared that an informal musician. The description of the new project stated that the daily talk show would help people who "experience a crisis in relationships": men and women, children and parents. The announcement of the program is removed in the spirit of film teasers. Yes, and the cord looks familiar - with a guitar and in T-shirt-alcoholic.

But in fact it turned out that the channel released another program in the spirit "Let them say" with a very typical for a speech-show set of guests of guests: parents beat children, men drink and do not work, women do not want to lose weight. And the cords in hipster suits and with a neat hairstyle behaves very restrained and only sometimes can joke.

He drank, material parents. What else do you need to be a man?!

Sergei Shnurov

The show of the show took place on September 5, leading Sergey Shnurov and Sophico Shevardnadze, the daughter of the former Georgian president, discussed the problems of a young couple in which the girl works, and the guy wants to build a career in the organization's field, but does not have a stable income and spends a lot of time in social networks.

While the guests swear, the cords convulsely squeezes the folder with the text, and his coordicking calmly speaks without a blank. Sergey rushes in the studio: it will move away, it will come. It seems that the musician who has already led the program on NTV and the "Match TV", on the air "First" worries and does not know what to do.

During the Talk Show, the audience show the captured houses of the episodes of relationships of couples and frames, where they perform tasks designed to improve their relationship. For example, rave lingerie together or try one day to work as well as a partner.

I can not take it anymore…

As a result, the heroes come to understanding and the show ends with Heppi Endom. According to the same fabulous diagram, the second edition was removed, where the husband who beat his wife, at the end handing her flowers. On the instructions of the psychologist, they tell, for which they love each other.

Ksyuha, thanks for being tolerate me. For what you love me so bad. For what we want to save the family. For that I love you.

The guests of the first two issues were couples, and the Son and Mother who regularly appear in the third. "Home" scenes with heroes are very similar to the production, which should add a fuskey and strengthen the effect of Happy End, when at the end everything will be laid and everything is fine. At the same time, the cords are included in the discussion and distributes the heroes of life advice.

Every day, your child will become an adult, stronger and eventually wins in this caming battle.

Sergei Shnurov

Sergey cords, which is known for his rapid behavior and statements, on the "First" ether turns into a pale shadow Andrei Malakhova or Dmitry Nagiyev during the days of the window "Windows" write spectators in social networks.

During the watch release, it utters only a few replicas, much more of them can be heard, for example, from Rosa Syabitova - Swaha from the program "Let's get married", which on the Show Show acts as a permanent expert, along with psychologists and psychotherapists.

Syabitova: Questions of domestic violence, she comes from a woman.

Cords: Now we agree on.

Xiabitova: No normal man can withstand, it is the problem of your upbringing.

The fans of the cord, whose clips "Exhibit", "in St. Petersburg - drink" and "tits" collect millions of views and cause a semi-resistant state in the defenders of public morality, do not understand why an outstanding musician who does not work out without Mata on stage, agreed to participate in such program.

A new daily talk show on the first channel is called Emko and simply: "About love." Here will help to establish relationships to everyone who acutely needs who is experiencing a crisis: husbands and wives, fathers and children, grandmothers and grandchildren, friends. Quietly and friendly, politely and thoughtfully, attracting the best specialists and professionals.

Leading talk shows "About love" - \u200b\u200bTV journalist, granddaughter of the second president of Georgia Sophico Shevardnadzeand rock musician Sergei Shnurov.

Sophico - sentimental and emotional, sincerely believes that everything in our life revolves around love.

"The world holds to love, and nothing without love there is nothing! - Convinced TV presenter. - Love can not not interest, it affects everyone. The meaning of life is in love, without it - unreal! "

According to his own confession, Sophico always dreamed of conducting a psychological talk show about love: "It's so historically developed that I am a political journalist, simply because I understand the politics well. And I wanted to just sit on a bench all my life on a bench and talk for life. It really seems to me that there is nothing more steeper and more interesting, there can be nothing, no summits. "

Leading Show "About Love" Sophico Shevardnadze

Sergey - the scandalous leader of the Leningrad group, rude and hooligan, prone to the shock, is confident that love is just a convenient concept.

"On love in modern society, it is customary to write down everything," says cords. - Love is such a comfortable concept. This is a category, a concept built in modern society mainly on Hollywood films. No matter how cool, teenagers, and adults, learn about what love is from Hollywood films. This is an imposed concept, that's all. Such a cynical approach. "

Leading talk show "About love" Sergey Shnurov

Despite the fundamental differences in matters of love, Shevardnadze and cords, everyone is trying to help people confused in love relationships. Sophico does it in female emotionally, Sergey often heers and Hochmit.

Each release of the program "About Love" requires considerable effort, fine editorial work, integrity of the team of psychologists. A week before the recording of the program, psychologists begin to work with heroes, identifying problems, outstanding possible options for solving them. In addition, the heroes after filming are not thrown, specialists continue to work with them.

Approximately six months plan return programs in which journalists "about love" will again come to visit former participants to find out how things are going on, managed to cope with the crisis, to establish relationships, return love to the family or had to part more Do not hurt each other ...

The leading talk show on the first channel, Sergey Cers, explains his consent to the first channel: "I have always been tended to change the activity for a while. Apparently, the next such period has come. I think my appearance on the first channel I give a signal that the impossible becomes possible. Well, again: I have not registered the text, while writing the program, I speak the fullest discharge - all this and determined my positive answer. "

Talk show "About love"