Sergey Polunin, biography, news, photo. "Snow Show" Vyacheslav Polunina: Reviews

Sergey Polunin, biography, news, photo.
Sergey Polunin, biography, news, photo. "Snow Show" Vyacheslav Polunina: Reviews

The artist of Glory Polunin on the purpose of the parents was to grow an engineer, however, without having extended at the institute and year, began to master the art of pantomime - after a couple of years, his alter ego, clown asyasi, was hardly the most famous mime and clown of Russia. For the art of pantomime and clowns, Polunin replaced extremely seriously: in 1968, the theater of clowns of "Lyedie" was created, in 1982, the Mime Parade collected from more than 800 artists, a few years later brought the main mimes and clowns of the Western world to the USSR, and then Organized the All-Union Festival of Street Theaters, having collected more than 200 artists on a uninhabited island near Leningrad. In the Zenith of Glory were not afraid of "hypocrites", with a scope to bury - in the literal sense, putting the word to the scene - and switched from the pantomime on the clownade. For their lives, they put more than 30 performances, including the "Snow Show", which has passed the world with phenomenal success. Loves to get involved in the seeming unreal projects and dreams of not missing a single holiday.


The city in which I live

planet Earth


Where he was born

Oryol Region

Who was born

ivan Yes Marya

Where and what I studied

love for nature - in the forest;

clownade - in animals, drunks, crazy, children, as well as in the theater library;

persistence - at mom;

analysis - in the Economic Institute;

success - on other people's mistakes;

patience - in time;

merry creativity with friends - in the theater studio;

something about everything - at the Institute of Culture;

scope, passionality and sadness - in Russia;

be happy today and now - in India;

art live - in France;

livestly - granddaughter

Where and how worked

started with scrap on asphalt concrete, and then always on stage and always with pleasure

Scientists and titles

official Ambassador Andersen in Russia,

president of the Academy of Durakov

What made this

created five theaters, put 30 performances, traded 48 countries, 7,000 times went on stage to see 1000 happy people every night


became joyful and happy

Public affairs

i consider the theater with social activities

Public acceptance

Important events of life

First created and invented

clown asysya;

the theater of clowns in Russia;

"Everybody" - a new learning system;

A snowy storm and many other theatrical images;

Academy of Fools;

the moving festival of street theaters "Caravan of the World";

describing the concept of "Modern Carnival, or Life Theatricalization"

Brought to clean water

ship Durakov

Successful projects

all projects are considered successful, even if they failed or have not yet taken place

Knowing that


I'm interested

with Vatagi friends and family to get involved in an unreal project, to carry out, swear, that never more ... then everyone together in the forest, on the lawn with beer and crayfish, think about the next, even more unreal

Well, I do not like

boiled bow and gray life


all reach, everywhere to visit, try everything and not miss a single holiday

And generally speaking

I am a happy man.I was lucky and lucky all my life. It was lucky that I was born on this planet, at this time, in this country, among these stupid and wise, quiet and passionate people.

I adore to work to exhaustion, walk to fatigue, to look at the pain in my eyes, absorb endless kilometers flying to you to meet the fields, forests, mountains. To dive into nature and get lost in it, enjoy the inexplicable and reckless violence of her fantasy.

I tremble from pleasure when I see the amazing and unreal animals of Australia - all these walls and musicals, Kangaroo and Koal, who, like real clowns, everyone has a huge pocket and fold their future there. And these violent colors of everything that around ... And the unthinkable turquoise butterfly in two your palms ...

I envy and absorb tons the energy of the joy of life, which meets with Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Italy, Ireland ...

I admire and soothes a huge power of equilibrium and the calm of Siberians, Canadians and Australians.

And the feminine beauty and the meekness of Tahitians, whose faces do not leave the Jocondian mysterious

Actor, director, clown. People's Artist of Russia (2001).

Vyacheslav Polunina In the West, they call the best clown of peace and era. Polunin - Winner of many prestigious theatrical awards, including: Edinburgh Golden Angel, Spanish Golden Nose, Lawrence Olivier Prize, and others. In Russia in 2000, he was awarded the Triumph Prize.

Vyacheslav Polunin. Biography

Vyacheslav Polunin Born on June 12, 1950 in Orlovshchina, in the city of Novosil. His parents (Polunin Ivan Pavlovich and midnight Maria Nikolaevna) worked in trade. Polunina's wife Elena Dmitrievna - actress, and she works with her husband - famous clown. BUT Vyacheslav Polunina three children: Dmitriy, Pavel and Ivan. (He plays on stage with his parents).

After graduating from school, Vyacheslav went to Leningrad to enter the theater institute, but the attempt failed, and he began to study the engineer. However, Career engineer did not take place. Polunin threw the technical university and entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture. Later he began to teach him.

It was the Leningrad period of the life of the midnight that was marked by the creation of the group in 1968 Lyedie", Which showed rooms in the genre of the pantomime. Tormented for Vyacheslav Polunina1981 became: then a small man of asyssia appeared in a yellow jumpsuit, with a red scarf and in red slippers.

In 1982, Polunin organized in Leningrad " Mime parade", Gathered 800 pantomime artists from all over the country. Also the famous clown became the organizer of the All-Union Festival of Street Theaters in Leningrad (1987). In 1989, the European Festival of Street Theaters "Caravan Peace", which chaser over the cities of Europe for six months. Then it was created " Academy of Durakov", Which began a grandiose project to revive carnival culture in Russia.

Now Polunina and his wife live in London, where they remove the big house, but often come to Moscow.

Vyacheslav Polunin. Filmography

Gentle 3D Show (2012)

Gorboon (2010)

Hofmaniad (2009)

Clown (korometer, 2002)

Hi, foolie! (1996)

Kill Dragon (1989)

How to Become Star (1986)

And now came Boombo ... (1984)

Escape (1983)

Only in Music Hall (TV, 1980)

    Actor, clown, mime; Born on June 12, 1950 in Novosil Oryol region; He graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Culture; In 1968, he created a pantomime studio in Leningrad, which became in the future Cloon Mime Theater "Lyedie", and 1988 was ... ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - (r. 06/12/1950, Novosil, Kursk region), clown, actor. Laureate of the second premium of the All-Union Competition of the Artist Artists (1979); Laureate Promiy "Triumph" (2000). He graduated from the pop branch of Gitis. Actor Mime, Cloown, author and director of the Clown ... ... Encyclopedia of cinema

    - (r. 1950), Russian director, mime. Founder and head of the clown of Mime Theater "Lyedie" (1979 92). The hero of the midnight Asyssia is touching the naive dreamer, fantasy. Under the leadership of the midnight, the performances of "Fantasies", "Lyedie" (both 1979), ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Vyacheslav Ivanovich Polunin (12 June 1950, Novosil, Oryol region) Actor, director, clown, People's Artist of Russia (2001). Contents 1 Biography 2 Filmography 3 Links ... Wikipedia

    Vyacheslav Ivanovich Polunino - In school, he was passionate about clown, but did not receive professional circus education. After school, Vyacheslav worked at the factory, then entered the Faculty of Economics of the Leningrad State University. From the third course left ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers

    - ... Wikipedia

    Vyacheslav Zholobov Name at birth: Zolobov Vyacheslav Ivanovich Date of birth: June 3, 1947 (1947 06 03) (65 years) Place of birth: Moscow, RSFSR ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Men 1.1 A 1.2 in 1.3 and ... Wikipedia

    - "Hi, duralya!", Russia, Goskino / Light / Mosfilm, 1996, CV., 116 min. City fairy tale, melodrama. Yuri Hellors, a conscientious washer of Moscow monuments, and in the recent past a philologist, holding another night under the window of the ex-wife, hard ... ... Encyclopedia of cinema

    Below is a list of folk artists of the Russian Federation by year of assigning titles ... Wikipedia

It is difficult to submit a friend to everyone since childhood asya as a husband and father - but with these roles Glory Glory is coped with the same brilliantly, as with others - clown, Mima, Director of the Theater and the author "Snow Show". Not every woman could withstand his nomadic lifestyle, but Polunina found the one for which it is only joy.


The fate of the Glory of Polunin was predicted by a single evening, when a 10-year-old boy saw a silent movie with Charlie Chaplin on TV. The film was wondering, and my mother did not allow to watch the story to the end - from a sudden return to the reality of Glory paid to the morning, and the next day he already packed in the yard in huge shoes and cane.

After school, Polunin went to Leningrad: according to the official version - to receive a diploma of an engineer, according to an unofficial one - try to enroll in the Theater Institute. But on the introductory failed because of problems with diction and some time still studied at the engineer, without ceasing at the same time trying himself in the pantomime.

This art in the USSR was very fashionable and almost unknown - Polunin turned out to be a pioneer. Very soon, he began to create one after another pantomime studio, in which he improved his skills and taught others. So it appeared "Lyedie".


Mimes enthusiasts under the leadership of the midnight quickly became popular: they were invited to the prefabricated concerts, showed on TV. Glory threw unnecessary studies and dedicated himself to self-education: "We all did improvisationally, but then I immediately ran to the books and disassembled what a comedy del arte, a Chinese theater and so on. My library constantly grew up, "he recalled Polunin. He made a personal life without a separation from the production: the first wife Galina also worked in the "hypocrites", so they did not partitioned for a second.


On the eve of the new 1981, Polunin realized that he had to give the viewer something new - and boldly promised that this "something" will be ready for the shooting of the "New Year's light". "Asyysy" was born quickly and during the first appearance before the public was unnamed. Seeing a funny little man in a yellow jumpsuit, some kind of child cried in the hall: "Asyssia!" Polnina liked the name. "Asyysy" made him truly famous: he first toured in the union with these numbers, and then began to arrange international "mim-parades", festivals of street theaters and fool's congresses. He was in the road all year round - how to organize a family life in such conditions? But halfnina succeeded.

Clown and Cloanes

Lena Ushakov was a clownessee-ballerina - very fragile and elegant. Polunin could not pass by such beauty. Galina's wife saw that their marriage was fascinated by the seams, and left the first one - and from her husband, and from the "hypocrites." And Lena eventually became for glory not only with love of life, but also "left and right hand" in the theater.

They got married on the run: in the break between the tour appeared in the registry office and asked to paint them right now. An employee asked if they were not artists? "We are clowns," was the answer. "If we do not do it now, we do not have time," said Polunin seriously. The whole procedure occupied half an hour from the forces - and for such an express wedding he was a little shame in front of Lena. He promised that one day they would have a real celebration, with guests and a white dress of the bride. She had to wait 20 years for which they managed to become parents of three sons, without stopping touring. "My theater and my family is the same thing. It happened in the old days when the artists nomaded all their lives. The core of my troupe is five people: I, my wife and three sons. Our family is in eternal movement. Most often, we live two years in one country, then, when it is bored, moving to another, "said Polunin in 1997. The event to play the wedding introduced himself in 2005, when the "hypocritic" toured in the Hawaiian Islands. The days were busy with rehearsals and performances, but nights were free!

55-year-old half-one (it continues to call "Glory", despite age) for the first time in his life put on a suit, and Lena is a white dress. The wedding party arranged straight on the beach. One promise he kept maintained, the second remained: one day they will have a place in which it will be possible to unpack the suitcases.

Sergey Vladimirovich Polunin - Ukrainian ballet artist, actor and fashion model. At various times, he participated in the projects of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater, Moscow Music Theater, Royal Ballet, since 2016 is a soloist of the Bavarian Ballet. In 2017, he starred in the Hollywood film "Murder in Eastern Express".


Sergey was born in South Ukrainian Kherson, picturesquely spread on the right bank of the Dnieper.

In 3 years, he came to the submission of the parents in the Gymnastics section of the local sports school. Three years later, it became clear that in addition to excellent physical data, the boy was endowed with an absolute musical hearing and unique plastic. It was decided to transfer it to a choreographic school, where he in a matter of months became the best student.

Parents have seen that their child has every chance to become an outstanding dancer, so they sent an eight-year-old Seryo to the Kiev choreographic school. Mother went with him, and his father was forced to work on a construction site in Portugal to provide his wife and son with everything necessary.

Ballet took almost all the time and strength of the boy, so he did not learn with peers. However, a closure and some extension always helped him better transmit the feelings of romantics and singles.

First steps to glory

In 2002, Sergey became a prize-winner of the prestigious international competition of ballet artists, and in a year, thanks to the Rudolf Nureyev Foundation, he was enrolled in the school of royal ballet in London.

Ballet is for the soul. Something good happens inside a person when he sees the dance.

Four years later, he became the finalist of the International Competition "Lausanne Prize", and at 17 he fell into the Ballet Tarpep "Covent Garden". Two years later, the midnight was entrusted to fulfill the main parties, and he became the youngest prime minister in the entire history of this glorified troupe.

And perhaps the most scandalous. His shocking behavior was discussed no less than outstanding abilities. Sergey decorated his body with numerous tattoos, periodically drove up to the insensitory, dismissed cocaine, for which he deserved the nickname "Enfant Terrible Russian Ballet". Although at the beginning of 2017, he admitted to journalists, which no longer drinks and does not use prohibited drugs, and every morning begins with hard work for a ballet machine.

Further career

In 2012, the young dancer accepted an unexpected decision - to move to Russia. He dreamed of being on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater and was confident that it was in his homeland his talent would be able to reveal to the fullest. Over the young artist, Igor Zelensky, Kryuku, Stanislavsky Theater, took over the young artist. He immediately considered a unique talent in the shuffle young man and made him the premiere of his theater. During this period, Sergey also acted as the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater as a invite soloist.

Sergey Polunino starred in the clip "Take Me to Church" Hozier

In 2014, Sergey starred in the Clip "Take Me to Church" of the Irish Hozier artist. This track produced a furor in the musical world, scored tens of millions of views on YouTube and won a lot of prestigious awards. Shooting in Hawaii produced an indelible impression on the exalted young man, and he decided to gradually move away from the ballet and switch to the cinema.

Trailer for the film "Dancer" about Sergey Polunina

In 2016, the film "Dancer" was released on the world screens, telling about the history of the amazing success of Sergey Polunin, not an easy way to glory and global fame and spiritual torments tearing his contradictory nature.

Personal life Sergey Polunina

The personal life of the artist is as stormy and unpredictable as his career. His first serious love passion was the artist of the London ballet Helen Crawford. She was nine years older than his chosen one and was ready to acquire family and children. However, a fermented young lover did not suit such a prospect, and soon they broke up.

Then Polunino repeatedly appeared in the company of a young ballerina Julia Stolyarchuk, and after a while the fans noticed the Natasha tattoo on his hand. Sergey dedicated her ballerina Natalia Osipova, who met at the La Scala Theater during the rehearsal of Giselle. Soon their relationships from the partnerships turned into love, and the artists stopped hiding their novel.

Sergey Polunin now

In the fall of 2017, the premiere of the painting "Murder in East Express" with Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz and Michelle Pfaiffer starring.

Polunin in this film appeared in the image of the Count Andrew. The main complexity, the artist noted, was to find confidence - at first he could not believe, where and in the company of which people he is. However, the young man managed not to lose control of emotions and perfectly cope with his task, not without the help of the director Kenneth Brana.

In parallel, Sergey was filmed in a spy thriller "Red Sparrow" with Jennifer Lawrence, which will be released on the screens in the spring of 2018.

Evening Urgant. Visiting Ivan Sergey Polunin

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