Family Netrebko. Biography Anna Netrebko

Family Netrebko. Biography Anna Netrebko
Family Netrebko. Biography Anna Netrebko

Anna Yurevna Netrebko - One of the most talented Russian opera singers. Her brilliant lyrical dramatic soprano leaves no one indifferent. Anna Netrebko's singing leads to the delight of people, not even interested in opera art. Anna Netrebko - People's Artist of Russia (2008), Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2004). In 2006, the singer received the honorary title of "Hero of Labor Kuban".

Childhood and education Anna Netrebko

Father - Yuri Nikolayevich Netrebko - geologist. Mother - Larisa Ivanovna Netrebko - communications engineer. Also, Anna Netrebko has an older sister Natalia.

The girl began to develop her vocals at an early age. In school, Anna Netrebko took into the "Kuban Pioneria" ensemble. Anna became his soloist. This choir spoke not only in the local Palace of Pioneers, but also toured around the country.

In addition to singing, Anna Netrebko in school years was engaged in acrobatics (received the title of CMS), athletics, horse riding and drawing. Anna was dreamed of becoming a surgeon, then the artist, and sometimes even Cascader.

And in his youth, Anna Netrebko participated in the beauty contest Miss Kuban-1988 and ranked second. As a prize, she was handed a color TV. In some biographies, Nesrebko reports about the victory of Anna on this beauty contest.

Nevertheless, in the middle classes of the school, Anna Netrebko realized that her whole would be connected with music and singing.

Having received the certificate of maturity, the girl went to Leningrad. Anna Netrebko without any problems entered the music school and was credited to the course Tatyana Lebed.

After graduating from the school, Anna Netrebko continued his studies in the conservatory. Roman Corsakovwhere 4 years worked with the teacher of academic vocals Tamara Novichenko.

There was not enough money. And to make money on life, the girl worked as a cleaner in Marinka, without seeing nothing reprehensible in it. Anna always knew how to work. In the material "10 of the most interesting facts about Anna Netrebko," it is said that she also worked in a statistical in Mariinsky.

Even the head of Netrebko Tamara Novichenko noted that anne's singer heights helped primarily inhuman dedication and perseverance, and only then congenital talent.

The first years of study Anna Netrebko almost did not stand out among the rest of the students, but at the third year passed the exam in the specialty for excellent. A year later, in 1993, Netrebko became the winner of the premium to them. Glinka.

Career Anna Netrebko

Anna Netrebko in 1993 won the competition to them. M.I. Glinka and it turned out to be a breakthrough for her career. Victory brought Anna not only by praise chairman jury Irina Arkhipova, but also the first serious reward. And among the listeners was Khudruki Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev, while looking for new faces. He invited Anna to rehearse Barbarina's party in the "Figaro Marriage". But after several rehearsals, Netrebko "raised" to the role of Suzanne.

As reported in the biography of Netrebko on the site "Find out everything", Suzanne performed by Anna became, according to Opera lovers, the main event of the year. In a short time, Anna Netrebko became so in demand that he could not attend classes in the conservatory. After "Figaro's marriage", she was instructed to learn Kavatina Lyudmila from the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila, with which in 1995 the girl spoke to the residents of San Francisco. And after that, she was invited to a three-month internship to the local opera house. Even before, Anna Netrebko his debut on the Riga scene in the opera "Queen of the night".

Success and glory raised a young singer on an unprecedented height. For several years, Anna Netrebko, being involved in the Operators "Boris Godunov", "Tsarist Bride", "Engagement in the Monastery", "Seville Barber", "Somnambula", "Rigoletto", "Lucia di Lammermur", "Bohemia", "Don Juan" and others became one of the leading soloists of the theater. Together with the corpus of the Mariinsky Theater Netrebko visited Finland, Germany, Israel, Latvia, the United States.

Extreme success Anna Netrebko

Anna Netrebko became a star of international level. You can select the next event in Anna's career - in 2002, Netrebko sang in the play "War and Peace", which was put on the Metropolitan Opera scene with the participation Dmitry Khvorostovsky. In the same 2002, Anna at the Festival in the Austrian Salzburg performed at the Don Juan opera.

Anna Netrebko in 2003 conquered the public on the stage of the Munich Opera in the "Traviata" Verdi (The role of Violetta) and on the stage of London Covent Gardena as Donna Anna. At the same time, the first studio album was released with the parties performed by Anna (Opera Arias). Next year, he had already glorified himself Netrebko appeared with Kameo in the Hollywood film "Princess Diaries" with Ann Hataway, then introduced to the listeners a new album "Semple Libera" and sang a duet with a Mexican opera star Rolando Villason In Romeo and Juliet.

In 2006, Anna Netrebko received Austrian citizenship. The singer planned to move to Salzburg. However, Russian citizenship has been preserved.

Since 2008, Anna Yuryevna Netrebko has the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Anna does not often change classical music, but in 2010 at the competition "New Wave" performed in a duet with Philip Kirkorov Song "voice." Netrebko reported that she was "just curious to try something completely unexpected for himself and for others."

Anna Netrebko performed the anthem of Russia at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in February 2014 in Sochi.

Anna Yurevna in August 2017 made his debut at the Salzburg Festival in Opera "Aida", fulfilling the title party. Anna Netrebko has contracts from the Metropolitan Opera, Zurich Opera, the Vienna Opera, the Bavarian Opera and the Royal Opera London.

In July 2018, Netrebko debuted as a model at Fashion Week in Paris.

Revenues Anna Netrebko

Anna Netrebko is extremely popular, her name on the poster is a reason for the tickets to cost much more expensive. Among the fans of Netrebko prominent businessmen, politicians and cultural figures.

The performances with its participation are always going with the marriage. True, the dealers are often combined on the tickets. In this regard, Anna Netrebko somehow expressed his indignation: "Dear Concert Organizers! Managers and dealers - if I once again hear that the prices of my concerts are excavated for 100 thousand rubles, I just don't come more ... Thank you all! "She wrote.

The incomes of Anna Netrebko are of interest from the Forbes magazine, and the singer itself disputes this information. Netrebko was the leader of the top 10 rating of world-famous Russian artists compiled by Forbes magazine for 2011. When drawing up the rating, the income of the defendants, as well as the frequency of their mention in the Google search engine, was taken into account. Income Netrebko compiled according to Forbes, $ 3.75 million, she received from 50 thousand dollars for one speech.

In the summer of 2017, Forbes magazine published the ranking of the most highly paid domestic musicians. The list was headed by Anna Netrebko with an annual income of 7.5 million dollars. The singer itself called these data false.

Charitable activities Anna Netrebko

Anna Netrebko donated one million rubles for the restoration of Donetsk theater "Donbass Opera", announced this chairman of the NOVOROSSII Parliament Oleg Tsarev. This happened during a meeting in the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum.

"I said that in Donetsk artists played under the shelling and without salary all this time, as well as artists in the blockade Leningrad. And just like a blockade Leningrad, Novorossia did not give up and surrendered. And I am pleased that it is here, in St. Petersburg, the opera artist, the star of the first magnitude, begins the marathon to support culture in the Donbas, "described Oleg Tsarev meeting on his page in Facebook.

According to politics, the art-rods did not share the Donetsk opera party, the warehouse of theatrical scenery, garages with transport, and also destroyed part of the scenery to the most famous stage of the theater - Opera Richard Wagner "Flying Dutchman" and Ballet "Spartak".

Personal life Anna Netrebko

All fans are interested in men who conquered the heart of the singer and beauties Anna Netrebko. But not always with a personal life of the singer was as good as in the opera career. In 2003, Nesrebko was a fervor with Uruguayan Bariton Erwin Schrottom. They lived in a civil marriage, and in 2008 their common son of Thai appeared. Unfortunately, the baby was diagnosed autism. Anna Netrebko did not give up the "special" Son, and courageously demolished all the burden related to the upbringing of a complex child.

When Thai was 5 years old, Anna and Slott diverged. In the biography of Netrebko to "find out everything" reported, according to Anna, what was the reason for the divorce: "Sex is beautiful, love was. But a very big role was played by the distinction in cultures. We talked in different languages. Could not explain to each other that we feel. "

New love Anna Netrebko became Yusif Eyvazov, tenor from Azerbaijan. Yusif loved to be like a native son. December 29, 2015 Anna and Yusif got married in Vienna.

Thanks to the efforts of the parents, the boy learned to feel comfortable in society and even went to an ordinary school, where more than twenty guys studied in the classroom in the classroom. He travels a lot with her mother and grows smart, inquisitive child.

In the face of her husband, Anna Netrebko found not only true love and reliable support in everyday life, but also a partner in creativity. Their duet opened the theatrical season 2017/18 in the opera "La Scala", and on February 7, 2018 in the concert hall. Tchaikovsky Passed their big concert.

As of 2017, Anna Netrebko lives in Vienna and New York. Most of the time opera diva holds in Europe and the USA.

Anna Netrebko in his apartment in New York suits the evenings of Russian cuisine, and herself prepares the guests the dishes as the Kuban Borsch, Olivier Salad, pancakes with meat and cutlets.

Scandals with Anna Netrebko

In 2017, a small scandal arose after some Russian media reported that Anna Netrebko Vienna Opera assigned the title "Austrian Chamber Singer". So our news agencies transferred the Press Service of the Opera into Russian.

Then Netrebko could not stand and wrote in his instagram: "Dear media! Thanks for the information, but Kammersingerin is not a chamber singer. This is an honorable title, according to the significance of an equalizing to our folk artist. Chamber singers are those who sing romances to the piano ... And yet, when I managed to sing 66 roles in the Vienna Opera !!! Good request! - Before printing, check the information. Thank you".

Then, without sustaining, Anna added in the hearts: "That's how they hurt in the opera and in 25 years you are assigned the title of chamber singers. - I'll go drink ... joke "(ORFography stored).

In the spring of 2018, Anna Netrebko per minute before the start of the show was expelled from the theater in London. Celebrity family went to the children's show "Alladin". However, in a minute before the beginning of the presentation, they were asked to leave places. The fact is that the show tickets were invalid.

On the page in Instagram Anna Netrebko, a video appeared in which she told that the tickets were sold to someone else. Meanwhile, tickets were bought on the eve of 600 euros at the checkout on the leather Square. Later, the opera singer told that not only her family was injured - brought and mother with her daughter, the child was crying hard.

Her teachers vocal respond about her as a person of exceptional performance and purposefulness. The first teacher Anna on vocals always remembers his student and says that if it were not for its performance, then she did not reach such heights with one talent.

It must be said that music has become for Anna everyone. She gave her fame and recognition. She brought her happiness in his personal life, because Anna's husband is Nesrebko also a opera singer. For the first time they met on the scene of the legendary la-rock in Milan.

Music related

The name of her husband's opera diva diival Yusif Evazov was made to the book of the best opera singers of the world. For his career, he has repeatedly honored prestigious awards. He performed on the best scenes of the world, and his teachers were the most famous opera singers of Italy and other countries. Euvazov was awarded the honor to perform in front of the Pope.

Tenor met in 2014. At that time, she was already famous for the opera singer and performed on the best scenes of the whole world. Their acquaintance was useful to Yusif and gave his career a new round. After the duet of two opera singers, suggestions on participation in various performances and solo performances fell on the duet.

But it was not the most important thing in the starting relationship. A year after dating, the couple celebrated a gorgeous wedding on which many guests were invited. Tamada at the wedding of Yusif and Anna was the Philip Kirkorov himself, and decorations with diamonds for the bride were made to order and cost it in a large sum.

His novels

Euvazov never loved to spread about his personal life. There are practically no information about the relationship before the wedding with Netrebko. But journalists managed to get some information.

As it turned out, for a singer is a second marriage. His first wife was a millionaire Adel Ferrari. The woman was older than her husband for 40 years. They got married when a man was 30 years old, and the bride is already 70.

As for Anna, she was not going to hide or demonstrate their relationship to show. She later began to be interested in the boys and turned out to be very in love. This quality brought pain and disappointment in the first way.

Her novels

Anna met his first love while studying at the conservatory. At that time, the girl was only 22 years old. Her chosen was older and also turned out to be married. In order not to think about a loved one, the girl was completely given to work and study.

New relationship in the girl arose when she went to an internship in San Francisco. There she met the opera singer, whose name was Ted. But the relationship between them was not charged almost from the very beginning.

The young man rustically treated Anna's successes. After she returned to Russia and found a new beloved at all. It was a strong blow to Netrebko.

Anna's consolation found in new relationships. This time it was the grandson of Ballerina Nikolay Zubkovsky. The guy was younger than his chosen one for 4 years, but such a difference at the age did not prevent the relationship to last a relationship for several years. Further in the life of the singer, Italian tenor Simone Albergini.

For the sake of Anna, he sacrificed the previous relationship. But the girl was in no hurry to marry him. She was the freedom road. But despite this together they were about six years old.

In 2003, the life of Anna cool changed. In her, a opera singer from Uruguay Herwin appeared. He was like a hurricane who demolides everything in his path.

Despite this love vortex, their relationship began only after 4 years. As a result of their love, the son was born a son, whom they called. Unfortunately, the child was diagnosed autism. But Anna and did not think to abandon her son. All the concern for him lay on her shoulders.

With the father of the child, the girl lived for five years. After they sought peacefully. Anna called the reason for the break. According to her, these were different cultures, they talked in different languages \u200b\u200band could not explain to each other about problems in relationships.

Family life

With the arrival of Anna Yusif Evazov, she gained not only her husband, but also a friend, as well as a partner in the scene. Their duo undoubtedly causes Furore. Listen to two stars of global value comes many people. Tickets for their performances are bought out for a matter of hours.

Interesting notes:

Now the married couple lives and works in two countries. Most of the time they spend in Austria, where Anna has an apartment. But the singer does not forget about his homeland. She continues to regularly give concerts in Russia and record songs together with other singers.

As for Yusif, he immediately joined the Anna family. He made friends with the singer's son and this had a positive effect on his health. Now the boy began to communicate more with his peers and even went to a regular school, where in addition to him in the class there are about 20 student.

Top loves to travel along with his parents. They gladly take him on tour to various cities and countries. All familiar couples in one voice say that if marriages conclude in heaven, then for Anna and Yusif exactly the case. They are similar in everything, and, most importantly, in their love for music.

Despite the fact that 40 years is usually not accepted to note widely, Yusif Euvazov timed to the anniversary of a large interview. The opera artist told not only about work, but also about his personal life. "Since I met Anna, there was a lot of things and good on me, and bad. At the beginning, of course, there were a lot of bias, there are a lot of opinions in advance:" Here the Priaudonna diluted her husband, "Tenor said.


According to Yusif, after each big premiere, this prejudice gradually subsides. However, the artist tries only to increase power. "I will have a heart attack if I appear on the first musical rehearsal, not knowing the whole game thoroughly. And from the play to the play, I take everything good, getting rid of bad. It's scary to imagine what I would have done the world press with me if I permits Although the slightest insion, "the opera executor noted.

Euvazov said that he also gave him (and rather, deprived) marriage with Netrebko. "I felt that some people turned away from me, began to look with a fright. Although I absolutely did not change in my human qualities. Apparently, therefore, I can survive marriage with Anna Netrebko so easily and joyful. Because I and she - we are absolutely normal People. But society needs "Santa Barbara". And seeing us, it comes up with him, "the singer" Russian Gazeta "quotes.

She was talking about his relationship with meat. "We are three - one family. Honestly, I never thought it was able to love someone else's child. Our first meeting occurred in Vienna. He just got down and went to me at the airport so small-small, very tired. I took it on my hands And from the moment we became native people. It was the end of April 2014. Although the first six months he treated me a little bit with suspicion. I will not say that I replaced him with my father. I do not like this phrase. And he has a father ( Uruguayan opera singer Erwin Slott. - Approx. Ed.), no matter how rarely he appeared in his life. But Tisch fully trusts me and listening to me unquestionable. Because Mom does not show rigor to him: he pisses him, cares. While he is a child , of course, he is a mother's boy. But I can boast that he loves me very much. Just like me. This is a wonderful child, "the Jusif boy crumbled in compliments.

Of course, Netrebko and Euvazov very much miss the child when they are away from him. In general, they adore free time together: visit museums and ride bikes. By the way, Yusif admitted that they were dreaming about her daughter with Anna.

"I hope I am responsive by any to work in a little more calm, so that we have a little longer on the family. Although, of course, I understand that she is born for the scene, she is a great singer and actress. But she is also a wonderful wife," - said Jubilee.

Anna Yurevna Netrebko. Born on September 18, 1971 in Krasnodar. Russian opera singer (soprano). People's Artist of Russia (2008).

Has Cossack roots.

Father - geologist engineer, mother - communication engineer.

He has a senior sister Natalia (born in 1968), she is married, living in Denmark.

Since childhood, loved to sing and actively developed its vocal data. Engaged in music and vocals, was the soloist of the Kuban Pioneer's Choir, who worked at the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren of the Krasnodar Territory.

Different not only excellent vocal data, but also its beauty - high, slim, spectacular girl from his youth attracted the attention of men.

He participated in the beauty contest "Miss Kuban - 88", where he ranked second and received a prize for this: TV. By the way, the contest led Alexander Maslyakov. As Anna told, on Miss Kuban - 88, her sister Natalia called, and the competition itself, according to her, more reminded KVN.

In the show "Tonight" Anna told about the details of his acquaintance with Yusif: it happened in Italy, and he appeared in her life when she was very bad - did not fit the business and pumped a lot of problems. But the light and pleasant in the communication of Yusif MiG dispelled her Handra. Gradually, they began serious relationships.

"But you can try. I have always been against marriages, families, children. But after 35 I was tired of living for myself. I wanted a child, I wanted to have someone else who I would give my love. So it turned out to be Thiago. But how did One person can live a whole life 0 for me while the question is. But I hope to live it with Yusif. He immediately made a proposal, said: I would like to marry me, I want children from you, "Anna said.

Wedding took place in the Vienna Town Hall, and the wedding was very magnificent, the guests were many of the stars of the domestic show business. The head of the bride was decorated with a precious crown, which was specially made for Nesrebko, a Jewelry House of Chopard from white gold and diamonds of fantasy cut worth about 2 million euros.

"Alcohol I don't drink only before the play. And so ... no, there are certainly some restrictions. I, for example, can not swing the press, because the pits of the press are first reduced when there is not enough breathing. And I need, on the contrary They relax them to be a major breath. ... But I don't want any diets or wondering. I am comfortable in my weight, in my height. I want to be what I am, "says Netrebko.

Anna Netrebko:

2003 - Anna Netrebko. Woman - Voice (Anna Netrebko: The Woman, The Voice) (Documentary)
2004 - Princess Diaries 2: How to Become Queen (Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, The) - Kameo
2005 - Fraviata (La Traviata)
2006 - Great Presentations (Great Performances) - Kameo
2007 - Romeo and Juliet (Romeo et Juliette) (film play) - Juliet
2008 - Bohemia (La Bohème) - Mimi
2010 - Anna Netrebko. Diva Diary (Anna Netrebko - West-Eastern Diva) (Documentary)
2013 - Stalingrad - Vocaliz Angelo Badalamerty (vocals)

Discography Anna Netrebko:

1997 - Glinka: Ruslan and Lyudmila
1998 - Prokofiev: Engagement in the monastery
2001 - Prokofiev: Love for three oranges
2003 - Prokofiev: Selected Works
2003 - Opera Aria
2004 - SemPre Libera
2005 - Violetta - Aria and Duets from "Traviata" Giuseppe Verdi
2005 - Verdi: Fraviat
2006 - Mozartov Album
2006 - Russian album
2006 - Prokofiev: Engagement in the monastery
2006 - Donizetti: Love Drink
2006 - The Berlin CONCERT: Live From The Waldbühnen (A. Netrebko, R. Villazon, P. Domingo)
2007 - Duets (with Roland Villason)
2008 - Souvenirs.
2008 - Vincenzo Bellini: Opera Kapulenti and Monteckets (Juliet)
2008 - Jacomo Puccini: Opera "Bohemia" (Mimi)
2010 - In The Still of Night Anna Netrebko and Daniel Barenboim. Romances
2013 - Verdi (Verdi)
2013 - Britten War Requiem
2014 - Giovanna d'Arco
2014 - R. Strauss: Vier Letzte Lieder & Ein Heldenleben
2015 - Tchaikovsky: Iolanta
2016 - Verismo.

Name: Anna Netrebko (Anna Netrebko)

Age: 45 years

Place of Birth: Krasnodar

Height: 173 cm

Weight: 68 kg

Activity: opera singer (soprano)

Family status: married

Anna Netrebko - Biography

Anna Netrebko is a famous opera singer whose popularity and glory has long been outside Russia. Her voice attracts a lot of people, forcing him to listen to her singing again and again. But, besides a wonderful voice, nature gave it and charming external data. Therefore, around her personal life a huge number of rumors. The biography of this opera singer is so interesting, because it has a huge amount of white spots.

Anna Netrebko - Childhood

It is believed that the family, where the future famous opera singer was born, leaving his roots to the Cuban Cossacks, although the parents of Anna were no longer called. She was born in Krasnodar on September 18, 1971. Anna's father worked all her life with an engineer and had no relation to music. The same can be said about Mom, who worked as a geologist. Singing a girl began early, but where such a passion for music originated in it, no one can say. She sang everywhere, and she liked it very much.

Anna Netrebko - Education

When the singer Anna Netrebko studied even at school, then unexpectedly for all she becomes the soloist of the Kuban Pioneeria ensemble. This musical group at that time successfully performed in the local Palace of Pioneers. It had a great influence on the further fate of the young and promising singer. The girl quickly realized that she had a congenital musical talent, so desired to improve and develop it.

That is why the young and singer Anna Netrebko went to Leningrad as soon as school exams were handed over. An application was submitted to enter the music school, the entrance exams were successful, and Anna was soon credited to the course of Tatiana Swan. But, after studying two years, without graduating from his studies, she throws a school and applies to the Conservatory named after Rimsky - Korsakov, which was located in St. Petersburg. Despite the big contest, the exams were successful. This happened in 1990, and got a gifted and talented girl to the course of Tamara Novichenko.

Career Anna Netrebko

The new page in the creative biography of the singer begins from the moment the charming and talented girl begins to study at the conservatory. At this time, it actively participates in the All-Russian competitions held among vocalists. The first competition in which the young opera singer participated, was held in Smolensk, and Irina Archipova, who, having heard the performance of Anna, was amazed by her talent. Therefore, the girl easily won his first premium. It gave her confidence in his power and the desire to strive to continue to conquer new peaks, improving their skills.

Participation in such competitions made it possible to pass the future opera singer to listen to the Mariinsky Theater, which passed successfully, and the girl almost immediately received her first role. She immediately surprised and conquered the famous director Valery Gergiev, who gladly gave her a major role in his performance. But immediately it turned out that the girl had already worked in their theater, but the cleaner. The fact that such a gift is washes for two years the floors in their theater, for the director, has become a real surprise.

The first debut in the biography of the opera singer took place in 1994, and this role was so successful that now the audience often saw a talented and charming Anna, which performed a variety of parties in various performances. Therefore, the fact that she became one of the leading soloists of this theater on Mariinsky, no one was surprising. Soon she, together with the troupe of his theater, began to tour.

Speeches were held not only in Russia, but also beyond. It is known that it was the performance in San Francisco brought her special popularity and glory. Beautiful opera singer Anna Netrebko became known and in demand internationally. The whole world spoke about the new perfect and talented opera star.

At the moment, Anna Yuryevna enters the top 10 of the most famous and popular Russian performers. She has many awards and medals, ranks and premiums. But the young and talented singer is not going to stop at this, so she will be able to surprise his listeners more than once with his beautiful creativity.

Anna Netrebko - Biography of personal life

More recently, the personal life of the beautiful singer Opera Anna Netrebko was not known. A young and charming singer tried to anyone and not talk about themselves. It is known that one time the young star had a rapid novel with a dancer Nikolai Zubkovsky, but their gap had no less violently and scandalously. As rumors claimed, Anna Yurevna had to endure the beatings of this man.