Semenko. Poets of Pushkin Powder

Semenko. Poets of Pushkin Powder
Semenko. Poets of Pushkin Powder

Batyushkov K.N. Born K. N. Batyushkov on May 18, 1787 in the noble
Brought up in St. Petersburg, in private pensions, where
well studied foreign languages, thoroughly
I got acquainted with the literature and myself began to write poems.
According to the memories of contemporaries, the appearance of Batyushkova
Accurately answered the ideas of people began the XIX century. about
The fact that the poet should be.
Pale face, blue eyes, thoughtful look. It
read poems by a quiet, soft voice, in his eyes
There was inspiration.

O.E. Mandelshtam - Batyushkov

As if a walk with a magical cane,
Little father lives with me,
He fuses in the darity,
Sniffs rose and duff sings.
For a minute, not believing in the separation,
It seems that I bowed to him
In a light glove Cold hand
I am with feverish envy.
He grinned. I prayer: "Thank you," and did not find words from embarrassment:
No one - these sounds of bends ...
And never - this talk will!
Our torment and our wealth
Boldly, he brought the noise of poems and the bell of the Brotherhood,
And the harmonic spill of tears.

Zhukovsky Vasily Andreevich


Zhukovsky V.A.

"We would make more Peter with a genius
Great. " The poet attached exceptional importance
content, objectives of art.
Son of the captive Turkhany and the Russian landowner
Deep sympathy treated fate
Fortress intellectuals.
More than half of all written by Zhukovsky
Make up translations.
Zhukovsky opened Goethe, Schiller to the Russian Reader,
Bairon, Walter Scott, Ulanda, Burger, Sauti, BR.
Grimm, Jung and many other less significant, but
no less well-known Western European poets
and writers.

A.S. Pushkin - "Zhukovsky" (1818)

You're right, you are doing for a few
Not for envious judges
Not for wise
Other people's judgments and Westa,
But for the friends of talent strict,
Sacred Truth of Friends ...
... who enjoyed beautiful
In lovely got a lot
And your delight performed
Delight flame and clear.

Davydov Denis Vasilyevich


Davydov Evgraph Vladimirovich


Davydov D.V.

Davydov created only about fifteen
"Hussar" songs and messages. Volume
his creativity is generally small, but the next
left in Russian poetry
Davydov's manner remains forever
Exceptional thanks to Ov


Do not awaken, do not awaken
My madness and spice
And fleeting dreams
Do not return, do not return!
Do not repeat me the name of that
Which memory is the flour of life,
How on a stranger song
Execution of land native.
Do not resurrect, do not resurre
I forgot to attack
Give a rest to the alarms of passion
And wounds are not annoying.
Ile not! Sorvi Pokrov Down!
I feel easier for sorrowfulness,
Than false cold-rod,
What is my deceptive peace.

Delvig Anton Antonovich


D. Samoilov "Poems about Delvig"

Delvig ... Laziness ... Mladia Virgo ... Morning ...
Weak blizzard ...
Puts from the humor of the Children's Christmas tree.
And what to actually disturb the spirit
Blond blizzards ... Delvig ... Virgo ...
Sweet Dreams… …
No - no, it's not for nothing that the ideal is stored,
Poison-owned! ..
Oh Delvig, you reached this lazy thing
Large not everyone reached!

Delvig A.A.

Memoirs, letters, poems reported to
We are the appearance of detail - sloth, drowsy and
Anton Delvig was born on August 6, 1798 in
Moscow. He took place on the Father from the ancient,
But the impoverished kind of Baltic barons.
Studied Delvig first in private boarding, and
Then in the Tsarskoye Lyceum, where the closest
His companion was A. S. Pushkin.

Vyazemsky Peter Andreevich


Vyazemsky P.A.

"How many times do you, gracious sovereigns and
Milkness despot, told that I did not
I want to write anything or as another or how
Karamzin, nor as Zhukovsky, nor as Turgenev,
And I want to write as Vyazemsky ... "
Unlike the lyrical hero of Davydov,
The image of the author in the poetry of the Vyazemsky purely
Intellectual. At the same time, the acuity of intelligence
in Vyazemsky verses, as well as courage at D.
Davydova seems to be a property of nature.

Vyazemsky P.A.

Vyazemsky on the slope of years seemed to himself
only a debris of past generations, but it is not
Began one of his best
poems with the words "I survived and much and
many ... ", deceased after forty one year
After the death of Pushkin, he for these four
decades together with Russian lyrics
approached the new poetic turn
Opened after his death.

Kyhelbecker Wilhelm Karlovich


Kyhelbecker VK

Friend of Pushkin and Griboedov, companion Goethe,
who inspired interest in the young then
Russian poetry, passive literary
critic (but, according to the review of Pushkin, "Man
delivered with pen in hand), philologist-erudite,
Brilliant lecturer - promoter of liberty
and Russian literature in Paris, legendary
Poet Chudak, laugh for literary
enemies and even friends, a possible prototype
Pushkin Lensky ...

Kyhelbecker VK

Kyhelbecker, like other Decembrists, firmly
stood on the educational positions and at the same time learned
The revolutionary sense of enlightenment.
Decembrists understood the improvement of man and
Societies as a rework, restructuring, transformation.
The most characteristic type of Decembrist - type
political enthusiast.
Enthusiasm - the basis of a personal psychic warehouse
Kyhehelbecker, the basis of his life behavior,
Political beliefs, aesthetic theories.

Languages \u200b\u200bNikolai Mikhailovich


Languages \u200b\u200bN.M.

Languages \u200b\u200bfrom the very beginning of his poetic field
Preparing for glory and triumphs.
"The time will come when I have a lot, a lot
new and when my poems will be a hundred times
more than ... "
"And then ... oh, then a lot, very much, maybe
Beautiful expects me ... "
"Just give me a health god, and I put on miracles in
The world is literary ... Everything will go to my hill, time
Missing my duffet ... "
In letters to native languages \u200b\u200bcompletely concentrated
On their talents and successes in the present and future.

Languages \u200b\u200bN.M.

The property of nature is in the language and
Languages \u200b\u200bwas close here not to the tradition of Bairon,
creating the first in European literature
Freedom-loving character, and to Denis Davydov.
Davydov and languages \u200b\u200b- in this their originality -
Draws not the general general type "exceptional"
Personality, and "National Character", Sheaven
Romantics delete and strong passions.
Languages \u200b\u200bdid it consciously and stubbornly. All properties
"Nature" is filed in his verses as the properties of Russian
National character.

Baratsky Evgeny Abramovich


Baratynsky E.A.

"Reading the poems of Baratynsky, you can not
refuse him in his sympathy because
that this person is strongly feeling
thought he who lived like not everyone
given to live, "wrote about Bratan

Baratynsky E.A.

E. A. Baratsky born February 19, 1800
of the year in the Tambov province, in the noble
In 5 years, the boy learned Russian literacy, and in
6 years spoke well in French and Poetalian.
Later he continued his studies in St. Petersburg
first in private board and then in
Page case.

Poets of Pushkin Powder

They contributed to their creativity
National Literature.
They have improved the storm, made a lot
new topics - social, historical, personal -,
Closed poetry to the people.
But the main merit is that they are sensitive
responded to the needs and interests of their people,
promoted the ideas of patriotism, performed in
Protection of the rights and dignity of man.
And poems them are close to us today sincerity

Dmitriev Mikhail Alexandrovich (1863)

"Now the time is transitional!" The enlighteners say.
I'm really fashionable
Tired, to blame.
- in the word little consolation,
The word is sound, the question is not!
Let them simply, without a revelation,
Will they say loud: where are we going? ...
Here's how we will be with the transitions
We are without bread - what then?
Before smart nations
Will be ashamed, gentlemen!

One of Odnoklassniki Pushkin in Lyceum was Wilhelm Karlovich Kühelbecker (1797-1846), born in Liflandia (the territory of the current Latvia and Estonia) in the family of Russified German nobles.
In his lyceum he had a nickname Kyukhl. He was tenolong, awesome and shy, for which he received his portion of ridicule from classmates. However, in general, they treated him well. This is what is written about him in the "Russian biographical dictionary" (1896-1918, ed. Russian historical society):

Already in the lyceum manifested his passion for the poem, but he could not cope with the technique of our renovation for a long time, for which he was frequent to ridicules from his famous subsequent comrades; In the stylistic errors against the Russian language, he was repulsed completely thoroughly A. I. Turgenev even in the 1820s. But as a kind, cute companion Kyhehelbecker loved his classmates very much, including Pushkin, Delvig, Pushchin, Baron Corf, and others. Kyhelbekeveu-Youth attained everyone who knew him, his ability to sincerely get involved, his sensitivity, kindness of the heart, gullibility; These features did not like even serious tests in his character, which fell to the share of the ill-fated writer in continuation of his life. Griboedov wrote about him: "He is given to every conversational with the most sincere hobby, heinous and love"; Zhukovsky told him: "You are created to be kind ... You have a tender heart"; kn. Vyazemsky found in it "a lot of decent respect and compassion"; For Pushkin, he was always "Lyceum Life Cute Brother." Yes, and the whole range of his acquaintances, among whom were almost all outstanding our writers of that time (Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Delvig, Great, Baratynsky, Griboedov, Oroevsky, Turgenev, KN. Vyazemsky, etc.) Always treated him with a welcome, Everyone has compared him in his misfortunes, so often hesitated him, and all that could have tried to ease his existence. In 1823, V. I. Tumansky wrote to him: "Some inevitable Fatum manages your days and your talents and seduces those and others from the direct path."

Whether in 1817, or in 1818 - so far it is not fixed, Pushkin wrote an epigram
For dinner, I knew
And Yakov locked the door of the laughter -
So it was me, my friends,
And kehelbecker and nausea.

He did it not with evil - Kyhelbecker, Delvig and Pushchin were his best friends. However, Kuhl was offended and caused Pushkin on a duel.
As Yuriy Tyanyan writes, the first information about this duel is fixed on the story of a classmate Pushkin Fyodor Matyushkina and a note of Dalya about Pushkin's duels, written shortly after the death of Pushkin. These information was published by the historian Podr Bartenev: "Kyhehelbecker shot the first and gave miss. Pushkin threw a gun and wanted to hug his comrade, but he cried furiously: Shoot him, shoot! Pushkin Nasil convinced him that it was impossible to shoot, because the snow was fought in the trunk. Dide was postponed, and then they came up. "
The same tynyanov brings another version, according to which the duel was, but not between Pushkin and Kyhehelbecker:

In 1875, "Russian Starne", No. 6 were published "Biographical notes about Kühelbecker, collected by the editors with the assistance of his family" (a link to the son of Mikhail Wilhelmovich Kyhehelbecker, daughter Justina Wilhelmovna Kosovo and the niece Alexander Grigorievna Glinka). These notes were mostly distorted (and somewhere supplemented) by the editors of Yu. V. Kosovo's editorial office, which represents basicly the "notes" with the "notes" with the "notes that appeared in 1858.
In the note on his father Yu. V. Kosovo, by the way, he writes: "In the Lyceum, he became friends with many of his comrades and remained with them in intercourse until the death of death, despite the difference in their subsequent fate, [in short, he came up with Pushkin, Delvig , Gorchakovy, Yakovlev]; Most of them fell out honors and glory, on it - imprisonment and expulsion. Almost one of them I. Yves. Pushchin was his companion not only on the benches of lyceum, but also in the mines of Siberia. A friendship of his friendship with Pushkin remained more reliable and noble monuments than empty quatrains, given by the Hypper. In many separate poems, especially in their oots on the 19th of October (Lyceum anniversary), Pushkin with love and respect mentions his friend, calling him with his brother "on Muse and fate." By the way, it is mentioned here - and about the duel that Kyhehelbecker had the words of Grech with Pushkin - [in fact], if I existed, then only in the imagination of Mr. Grech or the most descending everything invented by him in the form of a witty joke. - still in a lyceum, or that hour, at the exit of it, Kyhehelbecker really fought with one of his comrades - but not with Pushkin, but with the Pushchin; Right of the Greek hit the similarity of the names (Belligent!). The reason for the fight is unknown to me, I only know that he did not prevent them from mutual respect and that I am now obliged by I. I. Pushchina the opportunity to publish the paper of the Father, as they were collected and saved to them. "
It is not necessary to underestimate this daughter's testimony due to the special relations of Kyhehelbecker's children to the Pushchina, after the death of the Father who had caught them; The same allows the categorical statement of Kosovo to erect the Pushchina's personal story.
Nevertheless, the fact of some quarrel of Pushkin and Kyhehelbecker, one way or another associated with a duel, have to be considered established, due to the presence of direct evidence of Matyushkina and Daly, which Bartenev refers.

On December 14, 1825, Wilhelm Kyhehelbecker was among the Decembrists in the Senate Square. He is trying to shoot in the Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, but the pistol gives off twice. This mischief saved the life of two - and Mikhail Petrovich himself, and Kyhelbekevera - in the case of a successful shot, he would be a sixth across the Decembrist. Kyhehelbecker fled and, intending to hide abroad, arrived in Warsaw, where he was recognized by the signs reported by his former friend - Bulgarine. Sentenced to the death penalty, he was pardon at the request of the Great KN. Mikhail Pavlovich, and sentenced to eternal hard work replaced by a single conclusion in the fortress.
On October 12, 1827, by decree of the king from the Shlisselburg Fortress, Kyhelbecker was sent to the artantic companies in the Dinaburg fortress (now in Daugavpils, Latvia).
October 13, a week before the annual lyceum meeting of 1827, Pushkin left Mikhailovsky to St. Petersburg. On October 14, there was an unexpected meeting of Kyhehelbecker and Pushkin on the deaf postal station of the Chalaza.
"We rushed to each other in the arms," \u200b\u200bPushkin later recorded in the diary, "the gendarmes removed us ...". To my friends really did not give - Kuhl hastily sent further. Pushkin rushed on the mud after the Arrest cart, but the Dozha Feldgerer crushed him into the yekhaka and kept like insane.
That's what I wrote in my report Transferring Kühelbecker Feldgerer Podgorny:

"Mr. on duty General of the General Staff of His Imperial Majesty General Adjutant and Kavaleru Potapov Feldgerer Podgorny
I was sent by the month of the 12th in the mountains. Dinaburg with state criminals, and on the way, having arrived at the station station, suddenly rushed to the criminal Kyhehelbecker who went out of Novorzhev to S.-Petersburg someone G. Pushkin and began to talk to him after kisses. I, seeing this, I sent the most advantageous as the first and those two for the stake from the station, in order not to give them to talk, and he himself remained for writing a gyrintegient and pass to the gods. But the city of Pushkin asked me to give Kyhehelbeker money, I refused to him. Then he, G. Pushkin, shouted and, threatening to me, said that on arrival in St. Petersburg, at the same minute, he was reporting to his imperial majesty, as for the avoidance, to say with the other, and let him give him the money over Premina also say the Adjutant General Benkendorf. Pushkin himself, G. Pushkin, announced to me that he was planted in the fortress and then released why I still prevented him to have a confusion with the arrestant, and the criminal Kyhehelbecker said to me: this is Pushkin who composes. October 28, 1827. "

Artist Oleg Korovin displaced this meeting in the picture "Meeting. Pushkin and Kühelbecker."

In 1831, Kühelbecker was sent to Sveaborg, and in 1835 it was determined to settle in the city of Barguzin Irkutsk province (now the village of Barguzin Barguzinsky district of Buryatia).
In Barguzin, his brother Mikhail Karlovich was already lived, also the exiled Decembrist. Mikhail Karlovich opened a free school in his home for locals, in which he may have taught Wilhelm Kyhehelbecker.
The link Kyhehelbecker continued to write poems, was engaged in translations from European and ancient languages. On January 15, 1837, he was married to the daughter of the Barguzin Eposheaster of Drozide Ivanovna Atenova (1817-1886).
In the future, lived in the Akshinsky fortress and in Kurgan, where he lost sight. On January 28, 1846, Kyhehelbekeve was allowed to go to Tobolsk for treatment, where he arrived on March 7, 1846. On August 11 of the same year, he died from Chakhotka.
Here is one of his last poems written in 1846:
Fate Russian poets
Gorky fate of poets of all tribes;
We age all the fate execute Russia;
For glory and fishing was born;
But the young man in liberty was in love ...
Having pulled the loop dangling out.
Not he alone; Others after him
Beautiful seduced sovereign,
I shook a rociety ...
God gave fire to their heart, the light of the mind,
Yes! feelings in them are enthusiastic and dusting, -
Well? They are thrown into black prison,
Brown frost hopeless links ...
Or the disease gave night and MGLU
On the eyes of the inspirational inspired;
Or the hand of loveless contempt
Schle takes them to their sacred brow;
Or the rebellion will raise the Mobile Deaf,
And the mobile on the part will ruin,
Whose Perununs bleaching flight
Siagani would have poured the country native.

Wilhelm Kühelbecker was born 10 (21) June in St. Petersburg, in the family of Russified Germans-nobles.

Father - Stat adviser Karl Kyhehelbecker (December 28, 1748 - March 6, 1809), Saxon Nobleman, Agronom, First Director of Pavlovsk (1781-1789).

The younger brother is Mikhail Karlovich Kyhehelbecker.

Petersburg. English Embankment, where there was a collegium of foreign affairs.

Griboyedov's signatures, Kühelbecker, Pushkin and others under the obligation on non-disclosure of official secrets and Decree of Peter I "On those present in the College", given in 1817 upon admission to the Foreign Affairs College.

Korela Fortress - Kexgolm Fortress

Convicted by I category on July 10, 1826. Sentenced to hard work for a period of 20 years. July 27, 1826 translated into the Kexgolm fortress. On August 22, 1826, the cautious term was reduced to 15 years.

On October 12, 1827, by decree of the king, instead of Siberia sent to the artantic companies in the Dinaburg fortress. April 15, 1831 sent to Revel through Riga. From Revel on October 7, 1831 sent to Sveaborg.

The ruins of the North Fort of the Dinaburg Fortress.

Dinaburg fortress.

"Death of Byron", 1824;

"Shadow Ryleev", 1827),

"Argivyan", 1822-1825,

"Prophyus Lyapunov", 1834,

Izhorsky (publ. 1835, 1841, 1939),

"Eternal liquid", (publ. 1878),

"Last Column", Roman (1832-1843; publ. In 1937)

"Diary" (written in conclusion, publ. In Leningrad in 1929)

Collection of the poems of the Decembrists. - Leipzig, 1862. - T. 2;

Selected works: in 2 tons - M., 1939;

Selected works: in 2 tons - m.; L., 1967;

Gorky Fate poets of all time:

Heavy all fate execute Russia


God gave. fire their heart, the light of the mind,

Yes! Feelings in them enthusiastic and dusting, -

Well? They are thrown in black prison

Sorrow frost hopeless from sulks ...


So, in October 1818, Kyhelbecker, who came to the royal village for the celebration of the Lyceum Anniversary, wrote: "... Many of us roam the relatives, according to the protected places where we spent the best years of our life ... Sitting in the same cell in which it was sitting Six years. Forgets everything that he happened to him since his release, and imagines that he is the same pupil, the same lyceum. "

Without exception, the graduates of the lyceum subsequently remembered the six years, lived in the royal village.

3 Batyushkov K.N. K. N. Batyushkov was born on May 18, 1787 in the noble family. Brought up in St. Petersburg, in private pensions, where foreign languages \u200b\u200bstudied well, it was thus acquainted with the literature and began to write poetry himself. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, the appearance of Batyushkova accurately responded to the ideas of people began the XIX century. About how there should be a poet. Pale face, blue eyes, thoughtful look. He read poems with a quiet, soft voice, in his eyes the inspiration glowed.

4 O.E. Mandelshtam - Batyushkov as if a walk with a magical cane, the delicate meadow, he lives with me, he swears in the honey, sniffs with a rose and sings Daphne. Without a minute, I do not believe in the separation, it seems, I bowed to him, in a light glove, I am a cold hand with a feverish envy. He grinned. I prayer: "Thank you," and did not find it from embarrassment of words: no one has the bends of these sounds ... and never - this will talk to ox! Our torment and our wealth boldly he brought - the noise of the poem and the bell of the fraternity, and the harmonic spill of tears.

6 Zhukovsky V.A. "We have a writer with a genius would make more Peter the Great." The poet attached the exceptional meaning of the content, the purpose of art. The son of the captive Turkish and the Russian landowner, he treated the fate of fortress intellectuals with deep sympathy. More than half of all written by Zhukovsky make up translations. Zhukovsky opened the Russian reader Goethe, Schiller, Bairon, Walter Scott, Ulanda, Burger, Sauti, Br. Grimm, Jung and many other less significant, but no less well-known Western European poets and writers.

7 A.S. Pushkin - "Zhukovsky" (1818) you are right, you are doing for a few, not for envious judges, not for the primeguishable strangers and news, but for friends of talent, strict, sacred truth of friends ...... who enjoyed beautiful in the beautiful I received a lot and your delight I enlightened with a delighted flame and clear.

10 Davydov D.V. Davydov created only about fifteen "hussar" songs and messages. The volume of his work is generally small, but the trail left to them in Russian poetry is indeloved. Davydov's manner forever remained exceptional due to his straightness.

11 Romance Do not awaken, do not awaken my madness and spice, and the fleeting dreams do not return, do not return! Do not repeat the name of the one that the memory is the flour of life, as in a foreign song of the song is fragmented by the exile of the Earth. Do not resurrect, do not resurrect me forgotten to attack, let me relax the alarms of passion and wounds, do not annoy the alive. Ile not! Sorvi Pokrov Down! It makes it easier for me to be very good than false colder than my deceptive peace. 1834.

13 D. Samoilov "Poems about Delvig" Delvig ... Laziness ... Mlada Virgo ... Morning ... Weak blizzard ... Puts from the humor of the Children's Christmas tree. And why in fact we are disturbing the spirit of times! Blond blondes ... Delvig ... Virgo ... Sweet sleep ... ... no - no, it's not for nothing that the ideal belonging to the genera! .. Oh Delvig, you have achieved this lazy thing, which did not everyone achieved difficulty!

14 Delvig A.A. Memoirs, letters, poems reported to us the appearance of Deligus - sloth, drowsy and careless. Anton Delvig was born on August 6, 1798 in Moscow. He took place on his father from the ancient, but the impoverished kind of Baltic barons. She studied Delvig first in a private boarding house, and then in the Tsarsko Selo Lyceum, where the closest companion was A. S. Pushkin.

16 Vyazemsky P.A. "How much I have time, gracious sovereigns and mildly despot, I didn't want to write anything, neither as another, nor as Karamzin, nor as Zhukovsky, nor as Turgenev, but I want to write like Vyazemsky ..." Difference from the lyrical hero of Davydov, the image of the author in the poetry of the Vyazemsky purely intellectual. At the same time, the intellect's acuity in the verse of Vyazemsky, as well as courage at D. Davydov, seems to be a property of nature.

17 Vyazemsky P.A. Vyazemsky on the slope of years seemed to himself only by a wreck of past generations, but it is not. Began one of his best poems with the words "I experienced a lot and many ...", who died in forty-one, after the death of Pushkin, he was approaching new poetic strokes after his death over the past four decades, which opened after his death.

19 Kyhelbecker V.K. Friend of Pushkin and Griboedov, the interlocutor Goethe, who was inspired by the interest in the young then Russian poetry, passionate literary critic (but, according to the review of Pushkin, "a man-made person with a pen in his hands"), philologist-erudite, brilliant lecturer promoter of liberty and Russian literature in Paris , legendary poet kran, mad for literary enemies and even friends, possible prototype of Pushkin Lensky ...

20 Kyhehelbecker V.K. Kyhelbecker, like other Decembrists, firmly stood on educational positions and at the same time hesitated the revolutionary meaning of enlightening. Decembrists understood the improvement of man and society as a rework, restructuring, transformation. The most characteristic type of Decembrist type of political enthusiast. Enthusiasm The basis of the personal psychic warehouse of Kyhelbecker, the basis of its life behavior, political beliefs, aesthetic theories.

22 Languages \u200b\u200bN.M. Languages \u200b\u200bfrom the very beginning of his poetic field prepared for glory and triumphs. "The time will come when I have a lot, there is a lot of new things and when my poems will be worth a hundred times more than ..." "And then ... oh, then a lot, very much, maybe I am beautifully awaiting me ..." "Just give me a health God, and I made miracles in the world of literary ... Everything will go to my mountain, time will dwell on my duffer ..." In letters to native languages, focused on their talents and successes in the present and future.

23 Languages \u200b\u200bN.M. The property of nature is in the language and freedom. Languages \u200b\u200bwere close here not to the tradition of Bairon, who created the first freedom-literary character in European literature, but to Denis Davydov. Davydov and languages \u200b\u200bIn this, their originality draws not the general-time-based type of "exceptional" personality, but a "national character", washed by romantics delete and strong passions. Languages \u200b\u200bdid it consciously and stubbornly. All properties of "nature" are served in his verses as the properties of a Russian national nature.

26 Baratynsky E.A. E. A. Baratsky was born on February 19, 1800 in the Tambov province, in the noble family. In 5 years, the boy learned Russian diploma, and in 6 years he spoke well in French and Italian. Later, he continued his studies in St. Petersburg first in a private board, and then in a package case.

27 Pushkin Poets poets with their work they contributed to the development of national literature. They have improved the poetry, made many new topics - social, historical, personal -, brought poetry to the people. But the main merit is that they sensitively responded to the needs and interests of their people, promoted the ideas of patriotism, defended the rights and dignity of man. And the poems of their close to us today's sincerity of their feelings.

28 Dmitriev Mikhail Alexandrovich (1863) "Now the time is transitional!" - The enlighteners are proud. I'm really a word of fashionable, to blame. - There is little comfort in the word, the word - the sound is not the question! Let them simply, without a reveal, will say out loud: where are we going? ... Here's how we will with the transitions we do without bread - what then? Before smart nations will be ashamed, gentlemen!

Home\u003e Lesson

Wilhelm Karlovich Kyhehelbecker

(1797 – 1846)

Wilhelm Karlovich Kühelbecker - Poet, playwright and literary critic. Born in St. Petersburg, in the Russified German family. In 1811 he entered the Tsarskoyel Lyceum, Delvig and Pushkin became his friends. In 1820, Kyhehelbecker traveled abroad, visited Germany, Italy, France. In Paris, he successfully read lectures on Russian literature. In Germany met Goethe. In 1825, in St. Petersburg, Kühelbecker joined the Northern Society. After the defeat of the December uprising, he tried to flee from Russia, but was captured in Warsaw. He was sentenced to the death penalty, which was replaced by 20 years of platforms. Then this measure was changed - 10 years Cyhelbecker spent in solitary conclusion, and in 1835 he was referred to Siberia. Patient with tuberculosis, who lost his eyesight Kyhelbecker died in Tobolsk. Early works of the poet is to sentimentalism. Gradually, civil and winsted moods begin to prevail in his poems. In Kyhehelbecker's poetry, civilian traditions of classicism and enlightenment with the trends of revolutionary romanticism were peculiar. In the lyrics, the poet appears by a singer-citizen, a fighter for folk benefit. Lg Kyhehelbecker opposes tyranny, is ready to safely enter into battle and take death. After 1825, notes of despair and grief are increasingly sound in the work of Kyhehelbecker. 1827. Shadow Ryleev. Ryleev's shadow in the terrible those walls, where John, in infancy devoid of the bugs, in the darkness was sharpened by 1 mole of a blinded murderer - in darkness, on a narrow coin, a singer lay, fan of Freedom Freedom 2. Rezhezhen, excommunicated from allia, he was looking for happiness in liberty. But you will not come back the days of the past: it's time for hopes and dreams, and you, dreams, you, ghosts of golden - not to grant the iron to you! Then (it was not a dream) in the darkness of the dungeon - heavenly vision saved - the sound of a solemn grip 3 - a frightened singer put up the man: on the clouds, the image appeared, a familiar image. "I carry a comrade Hi from the country where there is no tyrant, where the world is eternal, where the eternal light, where there is no storm or fogs. Blessed and Slary, my lot: Freedom to the Russian people can mighty voice, I felt and died for freedom! Lucky, I captured the love of the earth with the birth of blood - and you, I know, Flamened to the depletion of pure love. The coming of your eyes expose I in the consolation - Believe me, did not sacrifice dreams: hopes will be execution! " Sloved the walls, dissolved the gate - the singer erected enthusiastic eyes - and sees: in Russia, the Saint Freedom, happiness and peace. 1827 W.What does the LG Kyhehelbecker believe? At what point of life, the hero of the poem is the image of Rylene? D.… 1838.October 19. W."October 19," - the day of the Lyceum anniversary. Alexander Pushkin has repeatedly dedicated his poems of this memorable for all Lyceumov Date: 1825. On October 19, "(" Rhines the Forest of the Crimson of His His ... ". October 19, 1827 (" Bog to help you, Rz4i my ... "). October 19, 1828 (" Diligently praying to God ... ") Like Pushkin, Kyhelbecker dedicated his poem to this day. (Is reading.) October 19, Blessed, who fell like a young man Achille, beautiful, powerful, brave, magnificent, in the middle of the field of victories and glory /, performed by the disadvantaged forces! Blessed! His face, always young, the radiance of immortality grief, glitters, as the sun is forever gold, as the first Eden dawn. And I am one among the people alien to me stand in the night, helpless and sickly, over the scary all hope of my grave, over the gloomy coffin of all my friends,. At that, the coffin is the bottomless, the lightning struggle, the last one fellible to me the poet ... And here again the lice of the sacred day; But there is no Pushkin between you. He will not bring new songs to you, and your Persix will not be plumped with you, he will not drink with you a cozy bowl: he walked to transcendental friends. He is now singing with our Delvig; He is now with Griboedovo: For them, for them, my soul is whining; I greedily argued with them! Time and me! For a long time, fate threatens to me the executions of an unbearable blow: she deprives me of the gift, with whom my spirit is inextricably merged. So! I suffered the years sharpening, expulsion, and worm, and orphanhood; But under the shield of the saint inspiration, but here the deity was burned in me! Now it's time! Not a flame, not Perun killed me; No, the ladder of the swamps, the coffin is pressing the needs and care, and I am a clef from the forced strings. I am an angel of the song Paradise in the dwellers once built from dreams of malicious; But without him, I do not do the corpse of the soul of corpses as coldt and dumb? Fate Russian poets. 1845. Gorky Fate poets of all tribes; 188 Ugea than all the fate of Russia executes Russia: for glory and fishing was born: but the young man in love was in love ... he pulled the loop dorling out. Not he alone; Others, after him, beautifully seduced by the Sonya, shook a good fat ... God gave fire to their heart, the light of the mind. Yes! Feelings in them are enthusiastic and dusting: what? They are thrown into a black prison, dried frost with hopeless reference ... or the disease brings night and MGLU 1 on the eyes of the inspirational inspired; Or the hand of the love-seekers of the contempt 2 silt bullet to their sacred chel; Or the rebellion will raise the black ones. 3, and the mobile ones will break, whose perunuals bleaching 4 flights of the Siagan would pour the country's native country. 1845 W.Kyhelbecker began sad for Russian poetry list. Can you continue it? D.

Antonangonovich Delvig

W.. Anton Antonovich took place from the family of Russified German barons. He was born in Moscow. In 1811 he entered the Tsarskoyel Lyceum, where he became close to Cuchelbecker and Pushkin. Some time after the end of the lyceum, he joined the opposition youth - made friends with Ryleev and Bestuzhev. In 1830, Delvig founded his newspaper. Active participation in the creation of the newspaper accepted Pushkin. Supported the newspaper Zhukovsky, Wings, Vyazemsky. But the newspaper existed for long: in 1831 the newspaper was closed. In the same year, Delvig fell ill and died. Delvig acquired fame with his elegions, romances and Russian songs. Delvig, as Pushkin noted, sought to harmonious, classical harmony. The poem "Elegy" was laid on music A.Alyabyev. M.Glinka. M. Yakovlev, and "Russian Song" - A. Alyabyev.<1821 или 1822> Elegy. 1825. Russian song.

Alexander Ivanovitz Polezhaev (1804 - 1838)

Gicolai Mikhailovich Languages \u200b\u200b(1803 - 1846)

W.And now check how you did at home task number 19 in notebook.Task 19. Read the poems of the two authors from the Pushkin Powder poets circle - A. I. Polezhaeva (1804-1838) "Song of the dying swimmer" and N. M. Langov (1803-1846) "Swimmer". Compare these poems. 1828. . A. Polezhaev "Song of the dying swimmer."

Here is the glooming of the azure! Here's a spinner stormy! The wind whistles, thunder rattles, the sea moans - they are far away ... sinking, a blowing shoe!

All Cenebeger is surveillant, everyone is scary of the abyss. Gluff without the bottom-see right! As the sworn, the enemy is threatened, here ninth runs!

Mountain, grief! He will overtake: in the noisy ferochelne will die! The coffin is ready ...

Crash Gromovovna Puchinous Waters - Very Desert Demisse!

Dar of the Tweatvenitis, the guest of the attainnation of settlement -zhizn Ile MiG! Not getting used to you, -and breaking up with a dream!

Sophisticated nature of nature, indiscriminate freedom, -s-off the young Lewis Sea Foot Fair Fresh Runs.

On the plans of the mirror, on the bauded, gliding: and shoutulin moisture-filled Valya courage-felling!

As futures on the air, a sniperstrannik in the world, alone, like a shuttle, Uz Lyubov did not know, burning thirst for blood!

1829. N. Yuzykov "Swimmer" First, a few words about the authors. Alexander Polezhaev (1804 - 1838) was the extramarital son of a rich landowner and his fortress, which after the birth of the son was married to Marzanin Ivan Polezhaev. In 1826, Alexander Polezhaev graduated from Moscow University, and a year earlier they were written by the poem "Sasha", which went on the lists. For this poem, one month after graduation, Polezhaev was given to the soldiers of the Butyrsky Infantry Regiment, and in 1829 he was sent to the Caucasus. In Moscow, with a policeman, Polezhaev returned in 1833. In the difficult years of soldier, he was addicted to the guilt and once got drunk and sold the ammunition. For this Polezhaev was subjected to cruel bodily punishment. And only shortly before the death of the poet, finally produced in ensigns, which greatly facilitated his fate. Polezhaev's poetry expressed a revolutionary protest in the years of reaction after the suppression of the Decembrist uprising. His hero is at the same time "friend of freedom" and "captive". Nikolai Languages (1803 - 1846) - The son of a rich landowner, studied at the St. Petersburg Mountain Cadet Corps, then at the Institute of Corps of Engineers of Communications. Then, not by king the course, went to Derpt (now Tartu) and began to study at the Faculty of Faculty of Local University. But from there he returned to Petersburg, not king the course. In 1838, seriously sick went abroad. He died in his homeland in Moscow. The literary creativity of the language began fun, naughty, woln-loving poems. But after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising, his work acquires a more moderate, conservative character. Poem "Swimmer", with whom you worked at home was a popular song. Comparison of the poems "Song of the dying swimmer" and "Swimmer". Results of the discussion.And now let's summarize your homework: what is the similarity and what the difference is the poem "about swimmer" of these poets? All romance deny the world around, but their paths are beginning to disperse. LG Languchov arms with the elements, continues to fight, Lg Polezhaeva has come tortured, does not see the meaning in continuing to combat rock.

Evgeny Abramovich Bratsynsky

Evgeny Abramovich Baratsky was born in a poor noble family. He studied in the Page Corps, from which he was excluded in 1816 for the non-delegate act with the prohibition of entering any service, except for the military. Junior mischief, entailed uniformly strict punishment, heavily affected the further fate of the poet. From 1820 to 1825, he served a non-commissioned officer in Finland. In 1825, thanks to the troubles of friends, the officer rank was received, and in 1826 he retired and moved to Moscow. In 1843, the poet visited Germany, in France, and then sailed to Naples. In Italy, Baratsky suddenly fell ill and died suddenly. The literary position of the poet was under the direct impact of public sentiments associated with the movement of the Decembrists. In their views, he was attracted by freedom of feelings and thoughts, but he did not sympathize with their revolutionary aspirations. The main topics in his lyrics are the collapse of romantic illusions, the fate of the poet and the place of art in life. W.Evgeny Abramovich Baratsky is the most significant of Pushkin Powers.<1821> Definition Definition 1 Do not tempt me without need to return the tenderness of your: Disappointed alien all the sevenches of the former days! I do not believe in confidence, I don't believe in love and I can not get to be found again and changed the dreams again! The blind longing of mine is not multiple, do not start about the same words and, the friend of the thoughtful, patient in his denotion is not disturbing! I sleep, I sleep sweetly; Forget the experienced dreams: in my soul my one excitement, and not love you awaken. <1821> It sounds a romance to music M. Glinka "Do not tempt me without need ..." <1823> Two shares Two shares gave two shares of providence to the choice of wisdom of human: or hope and excitement, Ile hopelessness and peace. Believe that the hope of a seductive, who is inexperienced by an inexperienced mind, only by Molve visiting the fate of a mocking sign. Naughty, boiling boiling! Fly, wings are given to you; For you and plans shiny, and hearts are fiery dreams! But you, the fate who experienced, whipped the jellies, sorrowing power, you, knowing the existence of yourself on a painful part! Drive away their swarm is prestivatory; So! Live life in silence and take care of the saving of your inactive soul. Blessed, like the corpses of the dead from coffins, Walking with the words of awaken, get up with a gnashing of teeth, "so you, warming in the soul of desire, madly at their deception, wake up only for suffering, for pain of new former wounds. <1823> W.What two life positions reflects LH? What share is closer and why? And you? D.… <1828> "My gift is poor, and my voice is not loud ..." * * * My gift is poor, and my voice is not a loud, but I live, and on Earth my someone is kindly of being: it will find a distant one descendant in my verses; How to know? My soul will be with his soul in carrying, and as I found a friend in a generation, I will find the reader in the offspring. <1828> W.How does the LG appreciate his poetic gift and its purpose? D.W.What genre do you attribute this poem? D.Elegy. W.Elegy as a genre usually implies love topics. And here? D.Here is more like a philosophical theme.<1834> "Spring, spring! How the air is clean! ... " * * * Spring! Spring! How the air is clean! How clear the sky! His lazoria is alive blindly blinding my eyes. Spring, spring! How high on the wings of the breeze, caressing to the sunshine, the clouds fly! Fucking streams! Shine streams! The river, the river carries the ice raised ridge to the triumphant ridge! Another Tree is naked but in the old leaf grove, as before, under my foot and shumen and soul. Under the Sun, the most invisible zhunronok sings the spots anthem in spring in a bright embroidery. What with her, what's with my soul? With a stream she is a stream and a bird's bird! Gumbles with him, flies in the sky with her! Why so pleases her and the sun and spring! Does the daughter of the elements, in Peter, are she? What needs! Happy, who is on him for the obligation of thought of drinking, who is far from her he, wondering, will take! <1834> ? How do you understand the meaning of the sixth stanza? W.With the poem "Spring., Spring! As the air is clean! ... "You got acquainted in the elementary school. Do you remember what the features of this poem emphasized your attention? D.W.In this poem relating to landscape lyrics, a bright picture of the spring is created using sound (reads, focusing on the sound pattern of the poem). <1835> The last poet. W.Like many other poets, Baratansky reflected on the role of the poet and poetry. Listen to the poem "Last Poet" (reads fragments of poem). The last poet of the eyelids march through its iron, in hearts, and the common dream of an hour from the hour by pressing and useful distinct, shamelessly busy. The children's dreams were disappeared when the child's enlightenment of poetry was disappeared, and not the clashes of it, industrial concerns are made. For the unlawful freedom, Elladay came to life 1, collected their peoples and the capital raised; It bloom on science again, wearing a Pont of trade cargo, but the lira sounds in the primitive paradise muses are not heard. Glitters winter of a flinting world, glitters! Surov and pale man; But green in the fatherland of Omir Hills, forests, bargains of the azure rivers. Parnas flowers! Before it, as in Oh, the caustal key is a living jet beats; An unexpected son of the last forces of nature - there was a poet, "he goes and sings. Heats, simple, Lon love and beauty, emptiness and bustle; The fleeting sufferment is frivolous goals, better mortal, in the days of unborn joy feels the earth. Fans of Urania 2 cold sings, alas! He grace passions; As a suspicion of Eaol, the hearts of people fruitfully fruitful; Living breathing is developed, fantasy rises from them, as there is no time aphrodite from the frothy bunch of waters of the sea. And why do not let your dreams smile? With a hot heart, we will conquer the thinking, not it! Believe the sweet beliefs of you caressing the freight and the Otradnaya Candle of the compassionate heavens! Harsh laugh by him answer; He stopped his fingers on the strings, closed the mouth, broadcasting semi-permanents, but the Gordea chapter did not stop; His feet in his thoughts directs in a silent wilderness, into a deserted edge; But the light of the idle verta is not, and there is no solitude on earth! A man is unobvious the sea is a blue one, and freely, and spacious, and it is friendly; And the person did not change from the day, in which Apollo raised the eternal shone for the first time in the sky. It is noise in front of the Rye Levvada. On her, the singer, the rebellious Duma is full, standing ... Suddenly flashed in Ochachi. Voice of waves ... Where I buried the mistress of the Fao Molded Love Unfortunate Fire, the Pet of Apollo will be buried there, his useless gift! And still shines a cold luxury light, silver and gives out his lifeless skeleton; But in embarrassment, a man leads a man of the marine shaft, and from noisy waters, he is moving with a teaching soul!<1835> W.What does Lg about the poet think? Why is he last? Is it optimistic about LG into the future? D.

Alexey Vasilyevich Koltsov

Alexey Vasilyevich Koltsov occupies a special place among Pushkin Powder poets. He was born in Voronezh in the Family of Misdenin. The nine-year-old boy was given to the local county school, but did not finish it, as it was forced to help his father in cattle trafficking. In 1830, he met with N. V. Stankevich, who became interested in poems of the young man. Two years later in Moscow, Stankevich introduced him to V. G. Belinsky, who later became a friend of the poet. In 1836, Koltsov visited Petersburg, where he was warmly met by poets - V. A. Zhukovsky, I. A. Krylov, A. S. Pushkin, P. A. Vyazemsky and others. In the flourishing of bright dating, the poet died untimely. For the first time in Russian poetry, Koltsov created an image of a lyrical hero - a carrier of thoughts and aspirations of the labor nation. This hero is peculiar to the Bogatyr delete, unrestrained fun, depth and sincerity of feelings, the latitude of nature. Poetry Koltsov reproduces the people's life and the inner world of a simple person in the forms of close folk poetry. The most famous work of the poet was the poem "separation" ("at the dawn of foggy adolescence ..."), which was laid on music with different composers. 1831. . And a pahahar.

Song Pahar

Well, dragging, sivan, a lot of decade! Tell iron about raw land. The beauty of the dawn in the sky caught fire, from the Big Forest the sun coming out. Fun on arable land Well, dragging, sivan! I am my friend with you, servant and owner. I am having fun of the harrow and housing, the cart is preparing, the grain smells a merrily I look at the huzno, on the sindy, milk and I feel ... Well, dragging, siling! Pashenka, we are early with a silence, the grain will finish the cradle of the holy. It is pushed, the mother of the ground raw will sweat; Will out in the grass field - well! Cutting, siling! It will be released in the field of grass - grows and spikes, pulls to sing, fall into gold fabrics. It will take our sickle here, crests will be raised here; Sweet will be rest on swallowing heavy! Well, dragging, sivan! I will feed the fellowship, weigh the water, water key. With a quiet prayer, I will plow, sow: rude me, God, bread - my wealth! 1831
W.What features of the poem "Pahar" song indicate folklore sources of Koltsov's creativity? D.… 1837. Forest.

(Dedicated to A.S. Pushkin's memory)

What, the dense forest, thought, blurted out with sadness? What bova-strongman enchanted, with a uncoated head in battle, you stand - droke and do not tire with a mimic cloud-bore. Delicious Green Helmet The raw whirlproof - and dispelled in the dust. The raincoat fell to the legs and crumbled ... You stand - droke and do not destroy. Where was the speech high, the power proud, the valor of the royal? You have, it was, on the night of the silent fuel and nightingale song ... You have, it was, the days - the diverse, - the friend and there is no more cool ... You have, it was, late in the evening with a rude conversation goes: it will open it black, it will open You wind-cold. And you pray to her by a noisy voice: "Torius back! Keep about! " She will be swamped, will play it ... Fucking your breasts, you are soaked; Introduced, waking up: only whistling around, voices and hum ... The storm will reflect the leisher, the witch, and carries his clouds for the sea. Where is your green can now? You have been soooched all, boldly ... Wound, fell silent ... Only in Necice is a complaint about a rampant. So, Dark Forest, Bova Bova! You have a battles all my life, you did not master you strong, so Dorusaled autumn black. Know, while sleeping for unarmed strength, the enemy was punched. From the Bogatyr shoulders removed the head - not a big mountain, but straw ... 1837.
W.The poem "Forest" rings responded to the death of Pushkin. How did this event affect the text of the poem? What is the feature of this reflection? D.… 1840. Parting. Separation at the dawn of foggy youth, I loved the whole soul with a cute; He was in her eyes heavenly light, on her face burned love fire. That before it you, Morning May, you, Dubrava-mother Green, Steppe-grass - Parcel Silk, Zarya-evening, night-wizard! You are good - when there is no it, when you share your sadness, and with her - at least it would not be; With it winter - Spring, night - a clear day! Do not forget me as the last time I told her: "Forgiven a sweet one! So know. God ordered - part, but someday I'll see ... "There was everything flashed in fire with fire, the white snow is overlapping, - and, sobbing, how insane, my chest hung. Do not go, wait! Give me time to strangle the sadness, sadness to smell, on you, on a clear falcon ... "I did the Spirit - the word froze ... 1840 W.What folk genre served as the origin of this poem7 D.W.The poem "separation" is the most famous work of the poet, it was repeatedly transferred to different composers to music. Listen to one of these arrangements. (Song sounds).

1 P and and T-POET (Old Russian).

2 P A R N A C - Mountain in Greece, on which, on the representation of the ancient Greeks, a patron of art God Apollo and 9 muses, patrons of art and sciences lived.

3 x and r and t s are the three ancient Greek goddesses of beauty and fun.

4 N and P E R S N and K - sincere friend.

5 A o n and d - the same as the muse.

6 f E b - Apollo.

1 F and A L - in the ancient Greeks and Romans - a flat low bowl.

2 V and to C - Bog of wine and fun, patron of viticulture and winemaking.

3 P A R N - Evarist Desire de Fore (1753-1814), the French poet, whose work is highly valued Batyushkov and Pushkin.

4 ELISION - In ancient Greek mythology, the illuminated world, where the souls of the righteous are bliss.

5 About the memory of the heart! - Aphorism belongs to the French teacher and the philosopher Mascue (1772-1846).

1 t and r and with - Greek name Dniester.

2 C E R E R A 1) in the ancient Roman mythology, the goddess, patroness of agriculture; 2) One of the amoves planets.

3 About m and l about th, s e r dts u n e z a b v e n o y - it is understood by A.F. Furman (1791 - 1850), with which Batyushkov was engaged, but he learned that the bride does not like him and left Petersburg.1 Melchiedek - Bible King, High Priest (literally: "Tsar of Truth"). 1 Brut Mark Julius (85-42 BC. E.) - In ancient Rome, the head (together with the Cassie) of the conspiracy in 44 g. Against Caesar. According to legend, one of the first defended him a dagger. 2 orega-and-nuniz Raphael (1785-1823) is the Spanish revolutionary, who led the uprising of 1820, which marked the beginning of the Spanish revolution. After the revolution was KazNen.1 John Vi Antonovich, nominal Russian emperor (1740-1741), overthrown from the throne in infancy and enclosed in the Shlisselburg fortress. Killed in 1764 2 singer, fan of Flame Freedom ... - Here the poet inspectorates itself.3 Tsevnitsa - Russian and Ukrainian spirit musical instrument. Type of flutes of the Greek God Pan.1 or the disease leads night and MGLU - in 1845 Kyhehelbecker Olemp.

2 or the hand of lovelessly designed - we are talking about the death of A. S. Pushkin.

3 or a rebellion will raise the Mobile deaf - it means the death of A. S. Griboyedov in 182944 Perun - in the Slavic mythology God thunderstorms (thunder); peruns -lightning.

1 Wide fame The poem received as a romance to music M. I. Glinka.

1 Ohllad came to life ... -In 1830, Greece was freed from the Turkish yoke 2 y r and n i in Greek mythology, Muse Astronomy.1 C A F O according to legend, the ancient Greek poetess Safo (SAPFO) (the end is the beginning of the century. BC. E.) Rushed into the sea from the Levka Rock because of the unrequited love for the young man in Far.