Keyword counter. Myths about WordStat or how to most accurate traffic on key requests

Keyword counter. Myths about WordStat or how to most accurate traffic on key requests

The frequency of the query is the number of times that users entered this request in the search engine for the last month.

What do the frequency of the request in Yandex and Google?

This term is used to designate the quantitative indicator, which is determined by the number of search queries (keywords / phrases) entering the search engine for a fixed period. Most often in 30 days. This indicator is used in several spheres: advertising, internet marketing, website promotion.

Depending on the amount of use, requests are divided into:

  • High-frequency (HF). Consist of 1 or 2 words. The query falls into this category if there are over 10,000 people per month according to statistical services. The removal of the site in the top according to this type of requests is a complex process due to a high level of competition.
  • Mid-frequency (sch). The total number of appeals to the search engine according to such requests lies in the border from 1000 to 10,000. The level of competition is lower than that of the RF, but they give good attendance. The values \u200b\u200bof the SC conversion indicator range from average to high.
  • Low-frequency (LF). Requested from 100 to 1000 times a month. Serve to promote resources and increase target traffic.
  • Micronzcuprem (microns) - up to 100 requests per month.

How to check the frequency of the query?

Search engines are developing their own services to determine the frequency of requests. In order to use them, you need:

  1. Register.
  2. Authorize
  3. Enter the search query you are interested in.

Analysis of the search query frequency in Yandex.

The yandex product is called Yandex Wordstat. It works with all search query wordforms, eliminates question forms and prepositions. To check the request with the pretext - you need to add "+" in front of it. Example:

The result of a simple search will be presented in the form of a total queries for the intended key and the phrases in which it is contained. If you need to get the result in the Wordstat on a specific word form form, you will have to pose with the use of special operators: quotes, exclamation mark, plus, minus. The principle of use is similar to what is used in Yandex Direct.

Virtual hosting sites for popular CMS:

Just query:

Total queries containing this word are almost 4.5 million. These 4.5 million include other queries, so-called "tails":

Now we use the operator "". The request entered in quotes will be shown without "tails":

Almost 35,000. But the quotes do not fix the wordformes. Those. These 40,000 also includes "laptops" and "laptop" and "laptops". To fix the word form, an exclamation mark is used:

Suppose we are interested only in information requests. Then, using the "-" operator, you can cut off commercial requests:

How to find out the frequency of the query word in Google?

The Google Statistical Service is called Google AdWords (in general it is created to keep contextual advertising, but requests for requests can be viewed and not raging the balance). With it, they receive data on the search queries made in the system. The service allows you to choose a region and language, shows the frequency and competitiveness of keywords. Google AdWords is suitable for comparing popularity of search queries, allows you to track the dynamics of their popularity on schedules.

Also, as in VORDSTAD - you can set the desired region, minus-words and (in the vordstate the story you need to look for each request separately) - the period of statistics.

What is useful knowledge of such statistics?

Based on these objective data, which reflects the needs and preferences of users, the optimizer can comply with the semantic site core. A similar strategy helps to avoid unnecessary time and money in an attempt to create a resource on unpromising topics or compete with giants that occupy the first positions in the top of the search engines.

Also, this information in the hands of the siene becomes a useful tool in increasing the efficiency of resource promotion. Depending on the goals and tasks, it can adjust the predominance of HF, SC, or LF requests. Promotion of the site in search engines for high-frequency requests increases the number of unique users.

But this type of optimization is the most expensive in temporary and financially. Yandex uses policies forced inhibition of promoting resources on RF requests. First, the site is obliged to earn a reputation and demonstrate the positive dynamics of development. Only after the fulfillment of these conditions, the resource may qualify for the right to compete in the top.

SC and LF requests have high conversion, but low competition, which reduces the cost of promotion. At the same time, they help improve the quality of the audience and achieve traffic growth.

The averaged layout layout of search queries looks like this:

  • RF - from 10 to 15%;
  • Sch - 20-40%;
  • NC, microns - from 45 to 70%.

What else should be known about requests?

There is a keyword category, the frequency of requests which directly depends on the time of year or a specific month. Attendance of sites, the semantic kernel of which consists of such key, fluctuates by analogy with a high and low season in the tourist business. The study of seasonality helps to prepare a resource and do without traffic loss. You can get this statistics via Yandex Wordstat (query history tab) or using the Key Collector program.

Competitive requests coincides with frequency not always. The magnitude of this indicator is influenced by the features of the target audience, the query themes, the number of optimized resources and the degree of optimization. The more factors participate in the promotion of the request, the higher the competitiveness.

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Today, once again we dive into the Puchins "Yandex Wordstat" and deal with how to find out the number of requests for the keywords suitable to the subject of the site. It is necessary if you want to evaluate how many people looking for your goods and services, optimize the site pages under the search engines or run the shielding context by which users will click like mad. Let's see what functions of the selection services will be useful to assess and collect the semantic kernel, and find out how to work with. Go.

Why is it important to know the number of requests by keywords in Yandex?

To begin with, we define why we need it at all.

  • To collect the semantic kernel to optimize the site;
  • To collect keywords to run an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct or Google AdWords.

Everything is simple here. To attract traffic from and context, you need:

  • Make the target page of the site relevant in the eyes of the search engine and the user.
  • To trace the request to be fairly frequency and not too competitive, otherwise transitions will not be in both cases.

Go to the essence of the question.

How to find out the number of requests in Yandex?

To do this, you can use the service. It helps to select keywords, watch the number of hits on requests, including in dynamics and depending on the selected region. Let's go through each item.

Checking keywords in WordStat Yandex

Suppose we knocked the request "flower delivery". Wordstat immediately gave us 267,090 shows a month, with this phrase, and, in broad compliance. This means that the results take into account all requests in which the "flower delivery" was mentioned and there were 267 with a small thousand.

Do not confuse shows and requests, they are considered differently. The user's request enters once, and the show is considered every transition to the issuance page. If I'm looking for the delivery of colors, I entered the query alone. At the same time, each time I turn to the next page in the search results, a new display is counted.

Just below the service issues a list of requests in which they met the specified, while all of them are all included in the main result. That is, the Wordstat goes from the common to the private: first shows how many shows for such keywords was for the month, and then details this statistic. For example, the shows on request "flower delivery inexpensive" was 18,892 and all of them are included in the total 267 090.

Now we'll figure it out how to find out the number of requests to "Yandex" for specific keywords. Suppose we want to figure out how many times people requested exactly the combination of "flower delivery" without any additional clarifications. This will help us search operators. First we list them all:

  • "" - quotes. It helps to search only asked keywords, but in any word form (they need them).
  • ! - Exclamation point. Does the same, only without taking into account different words. That is, if you request "! Delivery! Flowers", the results will be shown precisely on this request, without taking into account all the "delivery of flowers", "Flowers delivery" and so on.
  • + - plus. Forces Wordstat to take into account alliances and prepositions.
  • - - minus sign. In this case, when drawing up a report, these words will not be taken into account. Example: "Flower delivery is free."
  • (|) - brackets and straight slash. We need to combine statistics on multiple requests to the report.

Let's go back to our example. Let's check and find out the number of requests to "Yandex" by keywords "flower delivery" in any word form.

Already less - 16,409 shows. Now we will exclude the rest of the word form:

The number of shows declined even more. Let's try to use other operators:

The latter operator helps when checking the number of keywords in Yandex in several requests. We got a sample on requests:

  • flower delivery;
  • delivery of bouquets;
  • order flowers;
  • order bouquets.

Now we will analyze the remaining tabs. First, let's see what users are looking for mobile devices.

Now we learn how to see the number of requests to Yandex in a specific region. Let it be the city of Kazan. To do this, go to the "By Regions" tab. For more accurate results, we will look for ""! Delivery! Flowers "" in exact configuration. We get:

The first digit is the number of impressions, and the second is regional popularity. If it is more than 100%, then interest in the query in the region is increased, and if less is low.

Last tab remains: "Query History". Go there and see a schedule for changing the frequency of requests. He looks like this:

As you can see, at the end of January of each year, people abruptly undermine and begin to look for bouquets with delivery. I wonder why?

We will deal with the other functions of the Wordstat. In the Region tab, there is a map mode. There you can see the popularity of the request in different countries of the world and regions of Russia.

On the main search page there is a right column with requests encountered with the specified. Sometimes it is useful and helps to expand the semantic kernel.

Checking keywords in Google

Now we'll figure it out how to turn the same thing in Google. Here you can use the search engine's own service - Google Keyword Planner Tool. You can get into it from the Main page Google AdWords - the desired link is in the tab "Tools".

To use the service, register with "Adords". From the "Yandex" analog Keyword Planner differs in the main interface and convenience: "Caps" it does not require, and minus words can be specified directly in the search settings. The "Google" tool issues keywords immediately in accurate configuration. It is worth considering that the competition tab is "advertising" here, and not "search".

Other query and keyword queries tools

If you collect information manually laziness, you can use special parser service. The problem is that almost all of them are paid. Exceptions are, for example, Slobel service. This is the same paid keycollector with trimmed functions. It helps to look for keywords on Vordstat, check the frequency and competitiveness of requests, determines the relevance of the pages and unloads the data in Excel. From the elder brother - KeyCollector "A - it is distinguished by the fact that it does not give statistics on Google AdWords. But it will come down.

Frequency and competitive requests in Yandex

In addition to the number of impressions, you need to know the competitiveness and frequency of requests: they are high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (s), low-frequency and, respectively, highly average and low-competitive (VC, SC, NK). Dependence is usually direct - the frequency request, the higher it is competition, but there are exceptions (and they are your goal). Highly accurate and competitive requests look at the most promising, but in fact most often turn out to be ineffective. It is very difficult to break through them very hard, so the bet on them is a bet on the Budget fusion. Much tastier average and low-frequency requests. If you do everything right, they will help bring traffic to the site and find new customers. Calculate the competitiveness and frequency of requests in Yandex will help any parser. "Hands" can also be done, but this is a topic for a separate article.

In order to competently build a strategy of an advertising campaign or promotion, you must know the number of requests for keywords in Yandex, their frequency and competitiveness. You can do this either using native search services or parser programs. In any case, you still have a serious analysis of the collected semantic kernel, because it is not enough to collect keywords - it is necessary to cut off too much, and make a plan to optimize the page or the advertising campaign strategy.

One of the first steps in optimization and SEO-Promotion is the analysis of search queries. Some beginner specialists already at this stage of work make mistakes that negatively affect the entire advance process. Since the Russian-speaking Internet pays great attention to the promotion of sites in Yandex, let's talk about how to properly analyze requests in this search engine.

How to analyze Yandex search queries?

Optimization begins with analyzing search queries. The most affordable tool for its holding is the Yandex WordStat service ( At first glance, the service works simply and for its development is not required long. It is enough to register a search query, choose if necessary, the desired region and get results about the popularity of the word or phrase from users. However, with this approach, you will not consider the characteristics of the system, and they play a key role in the analysis process.

How to use Yandex Wordstat service?

To use the tool for searching and analyzing keywords, you must have an email on Yandex. By registering the mailbox on, you will not only get access to Vordstat, but also be able to use other useful services from Yandex. Memetric, webmaster, catalog, Yandex Direct, add your company to the directory of organizations.

As for the service analysis service, it is created, first of all, for users of the system of contextual advertising Yandex.Direct. However, it is no less in demand in SEO when creating a semantic kernel for the site. In the work of Wordstat, there are a number of restrictions that need to be taken into account during the assessment of the popularity of requests. Let's talk more about them.

Word selection on

If you enter a search query in the appropriate field on the WordStat service page, you will see the results displayed in two columns. For example, you use the request "St. Petersburg Hotel". In the left column there are queries containing a key expression, in the right - all requests that were used with the main key expression.

Thus, in addition to the information about the popularity of the main request, you will receive data on which requests did people who searched the "St. Petersburg Hotel", and what kind of word formations they were entered when searching for the necessary data. Key expressions from the right column can be used to expand the semantic kernel in order to increase the flow of target traffic. With their help, you will attract even more interested users.

Operators Yandex Wordstat.

Many novice experts believe that the number next to the keyword is the real number of user requests. In fact, the system reflects the information about all the requests in which the expression "St. Petersburg Hotel" was used: jobs Hotel St. Petersburg, Hotel for Dogs St. Petersburg, Hotel Oktyabrskaya St. Petersburg, etc. Most key phrases simply do not suit you to promote the site. It makes no sense to take into account the number of such requests when choosing. How to proceed? It is necessary to use special tools - operators.

  • In order to find out how many real requests were made on a specific word, it is necessary to issue this word with quotes (""). At the same time, you exclude from the search those options that contain additional phrases.
  • If you want to get results on accurate entry, you will need to put an exclamation mark before the keyword ("!"). Thus, you exclude from the results of those options in which declination is used.
  • If a search query contains a few words, then an exclamation mark should be placed before each ("Hotel! St. Petersburg"). So you can cut out unnecessary options and carry out an almost accurate analysis of the request in Yandex. However, this result will not be 100%. Why? Everything is simple. Yandex Wordstat service is focused on contextual advertising, so it displays information not about the number of requests for one month, but about the number of impressions. The difference is that when analyzing, views not only the first (top) pages, but also the second, third, and others are taken into account. Of course, most users do not enter the first page of issuing. But still the probability of accounting other pages is and you can not forget about it.
  • The "+" operator is used to account for unions and prepositions used in key expression. The search engine ignores these speech particles. So that they are taken into account when analyzing requests, it is necessary to put the "+" sign before each union and the pretext. Then you will receive an accurate number of hits for key expression.

Search for regions requests

Under the search string of Yandex Wordstat is the panel with three tabs:

  • according to
  • by region
  • query history

If the switch is set to "According to" position, Yandex shows the total number of requests for the last 30 days. When it is necessary to analyze the popularity of keywords in a separate region or city, use the "By Regions" tab or the "All Regions" button. Such an analysis is necessary for the selection of geotestile requests, which will move your site.

If you implement your products and services in St. Petersburg and the region, it is necessary to assess the popularity of requests in this region. Click on the "All Regions" tab and in the list that appears, select the appropriate city.

You will receive information about the popularity of the query regarding the region to which the website promotion is calculated. These data are more valuable to optimize and create an advertising campaign than general information (by country).

Assessment of the geotependence of search queries helps to understand how much the key phrase is popular with residents of a separate region. This is necessary to optimize the budget for promotion. You can select geospendent requests that will attract the site more customers.

Open the "By Regions" tab, to find out in which cities and areas there is an increased interest in your services. Here you can see the total number of impressions per month, as well as regional popularity.

Evaluating the indicators of regional popularity, you can find out the level of demand in a particular region. If the indicator exceeds 100% - this means that in the region there is an increased interest, if the value is below 100% - the interest is reduced. Data can be viewed in the list format or on an interactive map. Choose a convenient option to analyze information on request and regions.

Query history

The query history tab is needed to evaluate the seasonality of demand and view its dynamics by months and weeks. If you are promoting seasonal goods or services, without analyzing statistics for months, just can not do. Estimation of seasonality requests will help to select keywords under which it is necessary to optimize the site first.

SEO-promotion of the site takes several months. Search robots should index new content to add your site to the results of issuing and make it noticeable for the target audience. If you sell summer tires, it is necessary to start promoting this request long before the occurrence of seasonal demand. Already in winter, it should be placed on the website relevant content with keywords to get a maximum customer and high sales at the peak of demand (March-July).

Through the query history, you can trace the formation of popularity. For example, the Request "Thor Steinar" is used by people since 2013, and its analogue in the Cyrillic expression "Thor Steiner" began to use only since 2014.

Site Optimization: Analyze and Choose

Start selection of requests for website promotion. Now you are familiar with the features of the evaluation of keywords in the Yandex service and can work more effectively with VORDSTAT. Use the analysis of Yandex requests when compiling the semantic kernel to select the words and phrases that will lead to your site target audience. Avoiding errors in the first stage of optimization, you will achieve the best results in your work.

The selection of keywords is the initial and most important stage of the search engine optimization process.

Semantic kernel - A set of key phrases and words by which users will find your site in search engines.

The incorrectly composed semantic kernel of the site is fraught with promotion on unsuitable search queries or highly competitive keywords, which will not bring a noticeable result. Therefore, keywords must be oriented first of all by the user.

How is the analysis, selection and keyword statistics?

Yandex is the largest search engine Runet, therefore keyword statistics on Yandex - a priority guide to promoting a website on the Russian market.

Yandex.Direct is the service of placing contextual advertising in the said search engine. For a successful advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct keywords need to select the most thorough way.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Budget savings advertising campaign. The main secret of the efficiency of advertising in the Yandex.Direct system is the low cost of attracting the client. If you do not pay attention to this, the advertising campaign will be ineffective and expensive;
  • Best ad conversion. Your site should visit only the necessary and solvent customers who find on it exactly what they were looking for. In the case of an illiterate approach to the selection of keywords, your site will attend disinterested people.

How to make an effective search for keywords Yandex?


Yandex. Avordstat is a specialized tool that allows you to search for keywords Yandex.Direct based on user search queries.

The principle of its work is simple: you specify the word for which you want to view statistics, after which the system displays all key phrases in which the specified word is used.

Advantages of the Yandex.Vordstat service:

  • Easy to use;
  • Display statistics both target and associative queries;
  • As Yandex is a search leader of the Runet, the keyword statistics of Yandex - an extremely weighty detail in promoting Russian websites.

Disadvantages of the Yandex. Avdtat:

The service does not display the number of users who appealed to the key request, and provides information only about the number of appeals on request.

Thus, the real number of users who applied to the Yandex search with a specific query will be at times less than displayed in the service statistics.

The top line of query statistics displays all requests that include the key you studied. Statistics of key queries of Yandex specifically and the case in which you need to be displayed only with the help of special operators.

An example of the selection of keywords in Yandex.Usordstat

Check the keywords of Yandex, which users are requested in the search engine, is nothing complicated.

Navigate to the service website and select the region if necessary:

Consider as an example selection of keywords Yandex on request " semantic kernel»:

Those numbers that are located next to each request are a preliminary assessment of the number of monthly shows.

Inquiry " semantic kernel"Has 6295 shows for the month. The service has special operators, allowing you to check keywords in Yandex. For example, "quotes" will allow you to take into account shows solely by the word and wordforms without additional words.

When requesting " semantic kernel"The shows were taken into account on various forms of the phrase, as, for example" semantic kernel», « semantic kernel", but not " semantic web resource core" Exclamation mark allows you to consider the word in this version of writing.

By adding quotes and exclamation mark, we will see that checking the keywords Yandex shows 1270 accurate entries:

This request is low competitive and subject to promotion. However, Yandex key requests are such in which the difference between the total digital query and accurate entry reaches 10-20 times.

As practice shows to promote such key phrases and words does not make sense. In addition, associative phrases on your request are displayed in the right column, which will also expand the semantic core of the website.

Thus, the analysis of keywords Yandex is a powerful website promotion tool on the Internet. Have a good promotion!

Good bad

Greetings, dear readers Website. Today I will tell you about the service statistics of keywords Yandex Wordstat - how to use it properly, which syntax is supported and what operators will be useful to you to obtain reliable data. Many webmasters incorrectly interpret the numbers, as a result of which real traffic turns out to be significantly lower than the expected.

- It is good because it gives information first-hand - directly from the search engine, in addition, it allows you to twist-thrust data from different sides - look into history, watch demand by regions and do a lot more.

These figures show the demand of the audience and allow you to understand - it is worth it or not to invest resources in the promotion of the project for selected requests. The end data is used to configure the Yandex Direct and Google AdWords (Contextual Advertising Services) and for SEO Promotion (Search Engine Optimization).

The main features of Yandex Wordstat

First, let's get acquainted with the common features of the service. It has an input field (similar to search) and several checkboxes whose switching shows:

  1. The total number of requests with the possibility of laying to desktop (stationary computers), mobile and tablet PCs.
  2. Distribution of requests by region - what is useful for regional sites.
  3. The history of requests - shows the change in demand over time, which allows you to identify trends and cyclical demand. A very useful option for seasonal sites.

The main window looks like this:

Here we see the number of phrases containing this request. Below, the table shows the numbers according to different phrases with the specified key, and on the right requests, which are close in meaning to the specified (good tip to expand the semantic kernel of the site).

According to general statistics, it is impossible to predict traffic, as it takes into account a lot of unnecessary phrases. To have "correct numbers" you need to use special operators - they will be discussed below.

Shared numbers are good, but if you, for example, a store that works only in St. Petersburg, then the final data of the search engine carry little use - you need to know the demand in the northern capital. For this, the point "by regions" is set:

Now we see that the potential of St. Petersburg is 6 thousand requests from the total 80s.

The demand for many subjects is not constant. Even such a request, as "" has vibrations of popularity 2 times in different periods (graph below). Try to see the historical schedule on request "buy winter tires" or "flower delivery". To take a look at the schedule from the past set the point on the "Query History":

At first glance, everything seems simple and understandable, but if you enjoy That's how in the forehead, then you will receive significantly overestimated numbers, as in the examples above, the data is not shown not by accurate requests, but in all phrases, in which they enter.

Clarifying syntax in Yandex Wordstat

Let's take a look at the syllable showing the statistics on the request "keyword". We see that this phrase was mentioned by users in the search engine more than 62 thousand times during the month.

And it seems that the search in the top 1 search on it will bring the site at least 15-20 thousand monthly traffic. Looking ahead, I will say that in real life the site that occupies the first position in the search for this request receives no more than 200 visitors on it - the difference is 100 times not a joke.

Imagine that you have invested in the promotion of your project 100 thousand, hoping that we earn 200, and buyers turned out to be 100 times smaller and you earned 2 thousand - this is the failure of the entire business plan.

It may seem that the statistics of requests from Yandex are lying and need to look for another tool. But do not rush, you just need to learn how to use the Wordstat.

There is such a thing - the syntax of search queries is when adding special characters allows you to set the search engine more accurate search criteria. The query syntax works both in the usual search and Yandex Wordstat - let's learn to use it.

1. Excel down all too much (quotes)

The first reason for the overestimated results in query statistics is not only the phrase that you entered in the service line, but also all phrases in which it enters.

Please note that in the example above we see the numbers not only the request "keyword", but also "keywords Yandex", "keyword statistics", etc. News This list is summed.

But, if we take our request in quotes, then all the prefixes and tails will not go into account. It turns out like this:

Now we see that the figure of 62 thousand queries decreased to 1906 is significantly closer to the truth, but not yet ideal.

2. Get rid of wordform (exclamation mark)

Inquiries "Keyword", "keywords", "keyword", etc. We consider different, but the search engine, by default, considers them the same in the same way that again blurs the statistical data.

In order to exclude from monthly shows, unnecessary word forms are enough to put an exclamation mark before each word from the query, as in the example below:

Now we see only 411 requests, but these are the most cases when the user has entered only the selected words in the necessary cases and declines.

3. Compliance with the word order (square brackets)

Another not obvious search engine's chip is indifference to the word order in the phrase. For Yandex, the request "keyword" and "word key" - the same thing. In this phrase, this moment is not critical, but there are requests, where much depends on the word of words.

Operator Square brackets () is responsible for saving the order of words.

4. Accounting for prepositions in statistics (plus words)

The following feature of search engines - they do not take into account the prepositions in statistics. It is believed that these words do not bear the semantic load and they can be neglected.

To account for predictions, you will have to use an additional operator - this is a plus sign.

Using "+" you can include the desired pretexts and discard the phrases that do not contain them. Written like this:

5. Exception of accounting for individual words (minus words)

Often, it is necessary to get general statistics on the phrase, without specifying it with quotes, but without taking into account certain additives. For example, selling some kind of service, we need to calculate the demand for it. Naturally, there are people who wish to get it for free - they are not desirable to take them into account.

To exclude the word "free" we can operate "minus". However, minus removes any words behind him from statistics, not only "free."

This is how this syntax is used:

At the same time, you can use any number of minus words, separating them with spaces and putting it before each sign "-".

6. Combining statistics on similar requests

There is a possibility of not only to clarify requests, but on the contrary, to combine data on similar phrases.

How it works: let's say you have 4 keys for which the page promotion is planned - this is Yandex Wordstat, Yandex Wordstat, Yandex Wordstat and Yandex Wordstat.

We can take general statistics on all 4 requests. To do this, use parentheses and a vertical line (direct slash). Inside the brackets we share the options.

Example: (word1 | Word2) the same part

Blocks with round brackets can be somewhat, and the total part may not be absent, as in the screenshot below:


At the same time, several different operators can be used in the query - it allows you to accurately learn from the search engine demand for certain topics in a different period of time and in different regions.

Remember that when searching for disregarding, special syntax may distort the real picture of tens of times.

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