Scenario of extracurricular activities on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Little Prince. Scenario of the performance "On the way of friendship with a small prince" for children of the preparatory group Stage Little Prince Exupery

Scenario of extracurricular activities on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Scenario of extracurricular activities on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Little Prince. Scenario of the performance "On the way of friendship with a small prince" for children of the preparatory group Stage Little Prince Exupery

Kononkova Svetlana Aleksandrovna, teacher-organizer
State Regional Budget Educational Institution "Murmansk Corrective School - Boarding No. 3"
Scenario of a musical fairy tale for school theater
"Little Prince"
(based on the fairy tales A. De Saint-Exupery "Little Prince")
Little Prince
rose flower

Phonogram 1. "Little Prince" M.Tariverdiev (minus)
A small prince appears on the scene.
Prince (on the background of music):
Listen! After all, if the stars ignite - it means that it is necessary to anyone? So - someone wants them to be? .. So it is necessary that every evening in the sky lights at least one star?!
Music sounds louder. The little prince "looks into the sky", then slowly leaves.
Picture 1. Little prince and pilot.
Music replaces motor noise.
Phonogram 2. "Sound of a falling aircraft." Pause.
A pilot comes to the scene. Insperse the aircraft (the layout-scenery is initially in the background), takes the tablet and pencil, thinks.
A pilot: It was necessary to happen that my plane crashes the accident here, in this lifeless desert ...
Little prince comes out. Suitable for a pilcher from the back, refers to it.
Prince: Draw me a lamb ...
Pilshchik: What? .. What a lamb? The pilot frightened around.
Pilshchik: You ... Who are you? How did you get here?
Prince: please draw me a lamb ...
Pilshchik: Are you alone? Where are your parents?
The prince silently shakes his shoulders.
A pilot: You see, my plane crashed an accident. I need help, I have very little water. Where are people?
Prince: No one here. Only you and I. Well, please draw a lamb. It is important!
Pilshchik: Well, good, good (draws)
Prince: No, he is too small, he will not survive with me. Draw another.
Pilshchik: Yes, wait for you with your lambs. You realize if I can't take off, then perished in this desert.
Prince (surprised): Do you know how to fly?
Pilshchik: Well, yes! Here is the plane, I fly on it. The plane flies, because inside it has a motor. But now the motor stalls and I can't fly ... Baby, tell me, where are the adults, with whom you came here?
Prince: I did not arrive, but flew away.
Pilshchik: FILLED? On what?
Prince: Neither. Just so - wanted and flew.
Pilshchik: one? Without adults?
Prince: There are no adults on my planet.
Lacchik: So you are on another planet?
Prince: Yes, and there is no lamb on my planet. But there is a rose. She is very beautiful, but she misses me without me ... Draw a lamb. He will be friends with a rose, and play with her until I do ...
A pilot (draws): Here you are lamb.
Prince (joyful): Thank you! Now I have my own lamb ... Listen, and lamb eating bushes?
Pilshchik: No, what?
Prince: sorry. If the lambs fir bushes, then mine, for sure, would eat all the baobabs ..
A pilot: What are the baobabs? .. You know, baby, probably, it's time to go to bed ... Maybe tomorrow we will come up with something with you ... And what is your name?
Prince: Prince. (The prince lies near the mockup of the aircraft in the sleeping position. The pilot holds his hand on his head.)
Pilshchik: Sleep, Little Prince. Good night ... (sits down next, "falls asleep")
Phonogram 3. "Song of the Star" (from k / movie "About the Red Hat")
Dance of girls - "Stars".
Phonogram 4. "Certain a desire" (minus) The pilot "wakes up", comes to the edge of the scene, speaks against the background of a short music
A pilot: Soon I learned that the little prince lives really not on earth, but on a tiny planet. We, people, call such planet asteroids. They are so small that they do not even give them names, but only numbers. Little prince lived on an asteroid b-612.
Music sounds louder. Then subsists. The pilot departs to the center of the scene. From the layout of the aircraft to it suitable for a small prince.
Picture 2. Prince and Baobabs.
Prince: Yes, my native planet is the most magnitude with the house. I live there completely alone, and I really lack a friend ... (thinks, looks at the drawing)
Music gradually verses, off.
(sighs) And yet it is a pity that the lambs do not eat baobabs?
Pilshchik: Why?
Prince: There are terrible, very harmful seeds on my planet ... These are the Baobab seeds. Seeds give sprouts, and I have to spill them every morning.
A pilot (surprised): Why?
Prince: Well, how do you not understand! If you do not sprinkle sprouts, then Baobabs will grow and fill the entire planet. And their roots will be held through and rupt the planet to pieces. And then…. (Pause) Even think about it!
Stars open an improvised curtain.
Phonogram 5. "Little children, do not go to Africa for a walk" (from M / film "Dr. Aibolit") (minus)
"Baobabs" appear on the "scene", sing a song.
1. Tell you, children
About a wonderful planet
On which the prince alone lives!
This prince guys -
Little Bolya.
We do not have a quiet life!
Chorus: we would germinate
Roots run
And this planet in the shreds spread.
We are not crocodiles,
And not evil toads.
We are simple Ba-O-Ba-ah!
2. This prince, kids,
Harmful boys
Early in the morning he rises a little light.
He loves to work,
Us unhappy, ruin
And grow us, poor, does not give!
Chorus: A ...
Curtain closes.
Prince (in the hall):
I have a solid rule, "rose in the morning, washed, he led himself in order - and immediately put in order his planet ... who else will take care of her, if not me? Who will spill baobabs every morning? Who will be cleaned volcanoes? On my planet there are three of them three - two act, and one for a long time. They, of course, are small - the knee-up. But every week I will definitely clean them - all three and extinct too. Who knows what can happen? (thoughtfully) Everyone must take care of its planet ...
Phonogram 1. "Little Prince"
Picture 3. Prince and rose.
Prince: Little, simple, very modest flowers grow on my planet. But one day ... Once from the grain brought to an unknown from where a tiny sprout appeared. He was not like other sprouts and I carefully followed him. And then ... Then an unusual bud appeared on it. I was looking forward to that I was about to happen some miracle.
Phonogram 6. Beautiful tender melody (on the background)
And it happened ... Once at dawn, the bud revealed and turned into a surprisingly beautiful flower.
Music sounds louder. "Stars" open the curtain.
Rose "wakes up", slightly sipping.
Rose: Ah, so I woke up.
Prince: how beautiful you are! Who you are?
Rose: I - Rose. The most beautiful and gentle creation in the whole universe. And notice, I was born with the sun! And you have to protect me and cares about me ... It's time to breakfast.
Prince: Of course, of course, now. (runs away, resorts from watering can, watering)
Rose: Brr, what cold water. Well, what are you standing! I'm cold. (coughs) Well, more likely, bring something, you have terrible drafts. (coughs stronger).
The prince brings and puts shirma.
- Now help me strad up!
The prince helps her, hesitated on the thorn.
Prince: Oh, you have such spiny spikes! Rose: Of course! In this world, it is impossible without spikes. But I'm not afraid of anyone! Let the tigers come! I'm not afraid of their claws!
Prince: But there are no tigers. And then, tigers do not eat grass.
Rose (offended, indignant): I'm not grass!
Prince: Sorry ... (in the hall) What is the difficult character of this flower! ... And it's still so beautiful ...
Phonogram 6.
The prince returns to rose.
Rose: You are ungrateful, and just do not care about me! And when I don't care about me, I chakhu and fading.
Prince: forgive me. I did not want to offend you ...
Rose: And still offended! And quickly remove this stupid screen, don't you see that she flashes me sunlight?
The prince removes Shirm, goes to the fore.
Prince: At first she asks to put Shirma, then it is offended by the fact that I did not remove it. She is very capricious! .. But I ... I still love her. Because it is beautiful!
Phonogram 7. "Song of Sieglase". (minus)
Rose sings a song.
1. I will tell you, friends, frankly,
That such one in the universe
I am so alone in the universe
Advanced like a star!
I am a capricious a bit,
Honorava, barbed a little,
And proud, and Plaxiv a little.
But madly beautiful always!
Oh! Petals have red roses.
So fresh and so beautiful.
And gets all in a row
Their magic aroma.
The most gentle and wonderful
Their magic aroma.
2. And at least it is not modest, probably
But my prince loves me immensely
And ready to speak daily
About my beauty unearthly.
He carries me surrounding me
And water clouds water
From the winds and the heat saves
And with delight admits me.
Prince (in the hall): I loved this beautiful flower so much. I was glad to serve him - to protect from the cold wind and the scorching sun. I wiping the rose for a purest key water every day. But she was always unhappy. Her empty words so wounded my heart. I began to feel very unhappy ...
Phonogram 8.
In vain I listened to her! Never listen to what colors say. We just need to look at them and breathe their aroma ...
Then I did not understand this. I decided to leave my planet, go on a journey and see what is happening in other places ... and Rose? (Pause) let him live like wants!
A dumb scene, the prince turns away, but the rose stretches with "petals" to it. He is waiting for something to tell him something, but she is silent.
Prince: Farewell.
Rose: You throw me? ... (with sadness) Well, well! Just know that I still love you. I was so stupid. Forgive me and try to be happy.
Prince: ... (It is silently)
Rose: Now go ...
Phonogram 8.
Curtain closes.
Prince (in the hall): I'm hard to leave it, but I already decided ...
(Rose) I will miss you. Goodbye, Rose!
Picture 4. Prince and king.
Prince: To begin with, I decided to visit the most close asteroid. The king lived on that asteroid.
The curtain opens. The king is sitting on the throne.
Phonogram 9. "Everyone can kings ..." A. Pugacheva. (minus)
Girls - "Stars" sing a song.
There was yes was, I lived yes,
He lived yes there was one king.
He wanted to edit the country and people.
Only apparently forgot
He completely forgot
What on the planet is at all alone.
And thought that king
That power is endowed
And maybe everyone around you.
But, unfortunately, everything.
What he is capable of
On the throne alone to ride.
And it seems not stupid
Was a star that monarch
And with honor to perform
I am ready for my role.
But the stars order
And the sun order
No one, no king. 2 times
The prince comes to the throne of the king.
King: And here is a subject!
Prince (surprised): I am a subject?
King: Well, yes! For me, all people are subject to me. After all, I am a king! Come, I want to consider you! (Prince yawns).
King: Etiquette does not allow to yawn in the presence of a monarch ... I forbid you to yawning.
Prince: Sorry, I'm inappropriate. I was long in the way and did not sleep at all ...
King: Well, then I command you to yawn. I haven't seen anyone for many years to yawn. I am curious. So yawa! That is my order!
Prince: But ... I can no longer ...
King: um, um ... then ... then I command you to yawn, then do not yaws.
Prince: Your Majesty, can I ask you?
King: We command, ask!
Prince: Your Majesty ... What do you rule?
King: Everyone! (drives around hand)
Prince: everyone? And is it all yours?
King: Yes! And everything around me obey!
Prince: and stars?
King: Well, of course, the stars obey. I do not suffer disobedience!
Prince: Your Majesty, I really love to look at the sunset. Please make mercy, put the sun to roll!
King: There will be a sunset. I will require the sun to go. But first wait for favorable conditions.
Prince: And when the conditions are favorable?
The king: (rushes into the mantle, pulls the notebook looks into it) it will be ... Today it will be exactly seven hours forty minutes of the evening. And then you will see how my commandment will be exactly.
Prince (disappointed): Okay, I have time.
King: Stay! I will appoint you to the Minister.
Prince: Minister What?
King: Well ... Minister of Justice.
Prince: But there is no one to judge!
King: how to know. I have not yet examined the whole kingdom.
Prince: (Looks around, looks behind the scenes) But here it is true, there is no one ... besides you!
King: then judge yourself. This is the hardest. To judge yourself - much more difficult than others.
Prince: I myself can judge anywhere. To do this, I have no need to stay with you.
King: It seems to me, somewhere on my planet lives the old rat. I often hear how she scraps at night. You could judge her. From time to time sentence it to the death penalty. But then every time you need to be pregnant. It is necessary to take care of the old rat, because it we have one.
Prince: No. This is not for me. Sorry, I have time. All the best!
Phonogram 10. King's voice is heard.
King: I appoint you to the ambassador! ..
Prince (in the hall): Strange people - these adults!
Picture 5. Prince and geographer.
Music sounds quieter.
Prince: I was placed several asteroids. They live very strange adults ...
I was on the planet, where my lord lives, who never snuffled the flower in his life and never glanced at the stars. He put the numbers all his life and never loved anyone. He considered himself a serious man. And in fact he is not a man, but a mushroom ...
And on another planet, I met a man in a funny hat. He wanted them all admire. He considered himself all the more beautiful, everyone is smarter, everyone is elegant and richer. Although there was no longer on his planet ... The strange people are these adults! ..
Here, it seems one more.
Girls - "Stars" open the curtain.
Sits a geographer in the mantle, writes something in the thick book. Prince comes to him.
Prince: Hello.
Geographer: Aaaa! That traveler arrived! Where are you from?
Prince: What a huge book! What are you doing here?
Geographer: I am a geographer!
Prince: What is a geographer?
Geographer: This is a scientist who knows where the seas, cities, rivers and desert are located.
Prince: How interesting! Your planet is probably very beautiful! Do you have oceans?
Geographer: I do not know this.
Prince (disappointed): Oh ... and there are mountains?
Geographer: I do not know.
Prince: and cities, rivers, deserts?
Geographer: And I don't know that too.
Prince: But you are a geographer!
Phonogram 11. "Song of the Star" (minus)
1. Among the scientists of the world geographers in honor.
They need - praise them and honor!
Seas and oceans, deserts, mountains, rivers -
So it is important to take all this.
We write in fat books
Stories of those who wander
In different, amazing places.
That's just a pity, of course
Something that we write about
Alas, not destined to see us!
There on Earth, on Earth
Somewhere in the sea depth
New underwater stone appeared.
And on the moon, on the moon
On blue boulder
Krater some strange appeared.
Many mysterious places
There are cosmic dala.
Someone will ever tell about them.
And to new rivers, mountains,
To new seas, cities
The book you will always indicate the right way.
Geographer: I am a geographer, not a traveler. Geographer is too important face. I can't leave my office and look for the mountains, the sea and oceans. Not yet. We, geographers, accept travelers, write their stories, we demand evidence.
Here you are a traveler and appeared from afar. Tell me about your planet! ..
Prince: Well, it's not so interesting on my planet ... I have everything very small. There are three volcanoes. Two act, and one for a long time.
Geographer: What do you prove that one is really ground?
Prince: I do not know ...
Geographer: bad. (Pause) Well, what else can you tell?
Prince: I also have a flower, he ...
Geographer: we are not interested in flowers.
Prince: But why, because it is the most beautiful thing that I have.
Geographic: books on geography are the most precious books in the world. They never agrees. It does not often happen to make the mountain to move from the place or to dry the ocean.
And your flower - what? Today it is, and tomorrow it is no longer.
Prince: So, my flower should disappear?
Geographer: Of course.
The prince goes to the fore.
Prince: My rose is so weak ... She has nothing to protect himself from the world. She has only four spikes ... And I threw it .. And she was completely alone ... Rose, my rose ...
(Decisively) No! I still have to fly further.
(turns to geographed) Where will you advise me to go?
Geographer: to visit the planet Earth. They say a very good planet!
Prince: Well, well, earth, so earth! .. Farewell!
Phonogram 10.
Picture 6. Prince and Fox
Fox: Hello!
Prince (Looking around): Hello!
Fox: I'm here. Under the apple tree. (carefully comes out, comes closer and immediately forth ago)
Prince: What beautiful you are! Who are you?
Lis: I -LIS ... And you?
Prince: And I am the prince.
Fox (surprisingly bypassed it): at and-inz?
Prince: Well, yes. Prince. And I'm so sad ... play with me!
Fox: I can not play with you.
Prince: Why?
Fox: you see, I'm not tamed.
Prince: How is it tamed?
Phonogram 12. "Blue Puppy Song" (minus)
Fox sings.
1. On a clear day and in the days of bad weather
I have no happiness in the life.
Age of my foxes is overshadowed -
I'm not tamed with anyone!
2. And for a small prince
I am an ordinary fox!
I'm sad, fate Klyan -
Ah, tame me!
Fox: You see while you are just a little boy for me, exactly the same as one hundred thousand other boys. And I do not need me. And I don't need you either. I am an ordinary fox for you, exactly the same as one hundred thousand other foxes. But, if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only light for me in the whole. And I will be one in the whole world for you ... Do you understand?
Prince: It seems yes. There is one rose ... Probably she tamed me ...
Fox: Maybe, but not about her now, I have a boring life. But, if you tame me, my life is exactly the sun lick. Then among thousands of steps of other people, I will recognize your steps and go to you ... And there you see wheat ripes in the fields. She will always remind me of your Golden Hair ... Please tap me!
Prince: I would be happy. But I have so little time. I still need to find friends!
Fox: tame me and you will have a friend.
Prince: What should I do?
Fox: And you come to this place every day. I will wait for you, and from this my life will be much happier ...
Prince (in the hall): So I made friends with the fox. I tamed it. But there ... somewhere there, on a small planet I was waiting for a rose. My rose. And I had to rush to her.
Fox (sighing): I will cry for you.
Prince: I would not want to hurt you, but you wished you myself so that I had tamed you.
Fox: Yes, I really wanted it.
Prince: Now you will be bad!
Fox: No, good. I will remember you, remember your steps, your golden hair. I can not forget you. And I know that I will never see you again, but I will still hope to hope ... and wait.
And you ... You must understand that your rose is the only one in the world. And she is so road to you, because you gave her the whole soul.
Prince: Rosa gave me her fragrance, illuminated my life. I should not have run ... But then I was too young and still did not know how to love ...
Lis: Remember, you are forever responsible for all who tamed. You are responsible for your rose. Go back to her ... Goodbye ... And know: Zorko is one heart. The most important eyes will not see. (goes out).
Prince (in the hall): Goodbye ...
Picture 7. Prince and pilot
The prince remains one. Sits on the forefront, looks at his star. Then he lowers his head, stuck in his knees.
Phonogram 1.
It turns out the pilot and sits next to the prince.
Lather: This story told me a small prince ...
And in the meantime, I almost ended the water. I could not fix my plane, and I was destined to die from thirst.
The pilot goes to the plane, continues to repair it.
Prince "wakes up."
Prince: Good morning! What are you doing?
Pilshchik: What and yesterday, Chiny Airplane.
Prince: Strange People - Adults. They think that they are engaged in a serious thing, and do not see that the time spend the time ...
Pilshchik: What are you talking about?
Prince: Look how beautiful the sun goes back! Isn't it more important than the repair of the aircraft, see how the sun rises?
Pilshchik: (short) I do not know.
Prince: Lis, with whom I became friends ...
The pilot: my dear, but you understand the same, I'm not up to Fox!
Prince: Why?
Pilshchik: You do not understand how great danger. You never experienced hunger or thirst. You are pretty sunny beam. And I ... I really need water, otherwise I will die from thirst ...
Prince: Well, if you have a friend, even if you need to die. So I am very glad that I became friends with the fox. Water is needed and heart ...
A pilot: Yes, of course (departs from the plane, comes to the prince)
Prince: It's like a flower. If you love the flower - the only thing that does not have any of the millions of stars, - this is pretty: you look at him and feel happy.
Phonogram 1. (on the background)
Prince: My star is very small. I can't show you her. That's better. She will just be for you - one of the stars. And you love to look at the stars ... they will become you
friends. You will look at them and remember me ... (pause)
And now I have to go home. Farewell! .. (diverge)
Pilshchik: Goodbye, Little Prince ...
Phonogram 13. "Little Prince" (plus).
All participants in the presentation go to the scene.

Subject: "The path to the stars"

The form: Concert program.

Purpose: Create conditions for creative implementing adolescents.

Relevance: This is an event that is important for many children for creative self-discharge.

Place in the draft shift: The final case for the creative self-discharge of children.

Age composition : 10-15 years

General aged business.

A place : Scene of the Palace of Culture and Sports

Organizers: Teacher together with a children's creative group.

Equipment: MUZ. Software, video projector, screen, microphones, scenery for the scene, light music.

Summarizing: Observation with further analysis of the case of the case by the participants of the creative group.

Scenic move

(Lyrical music №1 sounds) .

Light-effect starry sky

Party and girl on a walk

Boy: -Look what starry sky!

Girl: What does it see on it?

Boy: -sons there shine distant fire!

Girl: What is the stars on the sky shine?

Boy: -No, among the stars and the planet fly.

Planets, comets, constellation

Your name is all on the journey.

And with them the planet Earth.

That on which you live and me!


1. Dance "Non-Department"

2. Just "My Generation" - Starodamova Svetlana

(lyrical music sounds)

Starry sky

Outgoing boy and girl holding hands.

Girl : Where are we going, my friend?

Boy : - I want to show you a place where the stars live.
Girl : - Stars live in the sky, and laugh there joyfully, like millions of small buboins ..

Boy : - Yes, but in this place the stars not only laugh, they sing, dancing - they are amazing ...
Girl: - And together they are a whole world?
Boy: - The amazing world of creativity and talent.

( multivieties on stage )

__________________________________ Dance "Plug" ____________________________

(Boy with a girl, girl pulls the boy by hand)

(Light sky, but not bright.)

Girl: Look soon, see, I see, I see in the star haze

the constellation "Veselinka", there is a cheerful little people dancing, and sings.

Boy: at the constellation amateur, there is a girl like a picture

rolling along the path

Up, re, mi, fa, salt and la,

"Hello, my song! ",

(sit on the steps)

3. Song "Russian boots" -Osyannikova Marina

Boy:Do you want to make a desire right now?

Girl: Right now?

Boy:yes, look how many stars fall from the sky, you can make your most cherished desire and it is necessary to get sick!

(The girl climbed and his desire)

(The light turns off the gun in the form of a star.)

Together with a thousand girlfriends

And glittered, and glitter, and now suddenly fell.

Boy: You are not just watching, and the desire to make.

He knows everyone that then the dream is fulfilled.

(Film )

4. Song "Vera" - Shalchmetova Alina

( lIR sounds. music )

Girl: And why are the stars ignite?

Boy :

so it is necessary to someone

So someone wants them to be

So - someone needs it.

Girl: Look, look, it seems to me, I see one ....

5. Song "Something Got A Hold" - Sokolova. Elizoveta

Girl : Do you really say that the stars are actually angels? And they watch us from heaven?

Boy : Yes,good angels to us arriveWith the most wonderful planets in the world.Even to the one who naively thinksAs if there are no angels in space.

6. Song "White Swans" - Permenova Sonya, Kazakov Lera

(The boy comes out of the scene and tries to count the stars, knocks out)

Girl :What are you doing?

Boy : I'm trying to count the stars ... But something does not work. Let me give me?

Girl : Well, what? How can I calculate the stars? They are so many!

Boy : But at least we try.

Voice behind the scene : In the sky of the stars consider Well, then go home And you drink me tea We ask all night with you.

(They are going away)

7. Song "Lonely" -Molodtsov Fedor

______ 8. Dance "Lezginka _____________________

Girl: But tell me why stars will shine only at night?

Why can't we observe the beautiful shine of the stars in the afternoon?

Boy: Why can't we? Want to show you one of the brightest bright stars. Let's go for me.

(takes her hand and go)

9. Song "New Generation" - Mavluta Camila

Over the earth at night late

Only hand out

You grab the stars:

Next seems they.

You can take a peacock feather,

Take the arrows on the clock,

Ride a dolphin

Shower on scales.

Over the earth at night late

If you throw a look into the sky,

You will see, like borders,

There are constellations hang.

Over the earth at night late

Only hand out

You grab the stars:

Next seems they.

10. Song "Flowers under the snow" - Kolava Alina

(The young man and the girl go from different sides and face and raise each other. Lyric music sounds)

Youth and girl: After all, if the stars are lit -

so it is necessary to someone?

So - someone wants them to be?

So - someone needs it!

Junior : I seem to understand who needs the radiance of stars.

Girl : Maybe right here and now we need to be with you?

(Fool, looking at the stars)

11. Starfall - Pestov Hadijat (verse)

12. Song "Birth of the Star" - Shilova Slavia

It: Two stars over the foggy planet, That will go out, then their light will flash ...

I hope and faith warmed, About love I am writing my own ... Sonnet ...

She is: Bright outbreak face lit up - You sent a long-awaited answer. I probably fell in love today In this star mysterious light ...

13. Song "New Day" - Cachenko Maria

14. Gymnast-Galich Ksenia

( comes out girl with young men)

Youth: I thought for a long time, what did you guess when our first star fell?

Girl: (A little embarrassed) I can say one thing that my desire has already come true.

Youth: I am very happy for you!!! And look at the sky.

Girl : Star Pad ... .. And let's commemorate all together that all our desires come true !!!

___________________________ 15._Final song ____________________

The end.

The purpose of the lesson: Teach children feel responsible for people, animals and learn to love them.

Registration: A poster dedicated to St. Exupery, drawings of students to the fairy tale "Little Prince".

Epigraph: "We are responsible for those who have tamed .."

Preliminary preparation:

  1. Performance on the guitar Chancests Milano (or audio recording "My Golden City" performed by Boris Grebenshchikov).
  2. Message student about the life of Saint Exupery.
  3. Disposable aphorisms from the fairy tale "Little Prince".
  4. Scene "Little Prince and Rose".
  5. Scene "Little Prince and Lis".


One student performed on the guitar Kanzona Milano.

Teacher: Guys, we did not accidentally start our lesson from Chancen Milano, more famous for us as the song "My Golden City" performed by Boris Grebenshchikov. This song begins with the words "under the sky blue ...". The life of the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery, who was known as a fearless pilot was connected with the sky. He saved his friends many times, injured accidents. Somehow a close friend of Saint-Exupery Henri Giaome, to whom the writer devoted his book "Planet of People", fulfilling the next flight, crashed in Andes. Antoine 5 days circled over the mountains until he found his friend.

Guillaume: Lyzhok in the snow, I saw you, and you did not notice me.
Antoine was surprised: how could you know what I'm looking for you?
Giomee smiled: who else would decide to fly so low in the peaks of the mountains?

Teacher: What does this episode say? What kind of person was Saint Exupery? (Post of the student about the biography of the writer)

Teacher: And now let's talk about the fairy tale "Little Prince". What is this work? Who is dedicated to? Why is this fairy tale called philosophical? What types of characters are found in the work? (Rose, Fox, Snake, Desert). Let's talk about each of them.
So rose.

Scene "Little Prince and Rose"

"Oh, I woke up by nasil ... I apologize ... I'm still completely disheveled ...
The little prince could not restrain the delight:
- How beautiful you are!
- Yes, truth? - was a quiet answer. - And notice, I was born with the sun.
It is time to breakfast. Be so kind, take care of me ...

The little prince was very embarrassed, found a watering can and watering the flower with a key water.
It was soon that the beautiful pride and offensive, and the little prince was completely angry with her. She had four spikes, and one day she told him:
- Let the tigers come, I'm not afraid of their claws!
"There are no tigers on my planet," the little prince objected. - And then, tigers do not eat grass.

"I'm not her grass," the flower noticed quietly.
- Excuse me...
"No, tigers are not terrible to me, but I'm terribly afraid of drafts." You do not have a screen?
"Plant, and is afraid of drafts ... very strange ... - thought a little prince." What is the difficult character of this flower. "
- When the evening comes, cover me with a cap. You have too cold here. Very uncomfortable planet. Where I arrived from ... Where is Shirma?
- I wanted to go after her, but I could not hear you!

Then she silent stronger: let him still peak conscience!
Although a little prince loved a beautiful flower, and glad to serve him, but soon in his soul awakened doubts. Empty words he took to heart and began to feel very unhappy.
- In vain I listened to her. Never listen to what colors say. We just need to look at them and breathe their aroma. My flower drank all my planet with fragrance, and I did not know how to rejoice. These conversations about claws and tigers ... They would have to touched me, and I was angry ...
I did not understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not according to words, but on affairs. She gave me her fragrance, illuminated my life. I should not have run. For these miserable hectares and tricks it was necessary to guess tenderness. Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I was not able to love yet.

Teacher:What conclusion can we make from this scene? Where did the little prince headed? Who did he meet with? What disappointment comprehends him on earth?
Now let's talk about the fox, who revealed the most important secret to a small prince.

The scene "Little Prince and Fox" is played:

That's where the fox appeared.
"Hello," he said.
- Hello, - Little Prince answered politely and looked back, but did not see anyone.
"I'm here," voice heard. - Under the apple tree ...

- Who are you? - asked a little prince. - What are you beautiful!
"I am Lis," said Fox.
"Play me with me," asked a small prince. - I am so sad...
"I can't play with you," said Fox. - I am not tamed.
"Oh, I'm sorry," said the little prince.
But, thinking, asked:
- And how is it to tame?
"You're from that," the fox noted. - What are you looking for here?
"I am looking for people," said the little prince. - And how is it to tame?
- People have a gun, and they go hunting. It is very uncomfortable! And they are bold chickens. Only that they are good. Are you looking for chickens?
"No," said the little prince. - I am looking for friends. And how is it to tame?
- This is a long forgotten concept, - explained Fox. - It means: Create ties.
- Titles?
"That's it," said Fox. "You're only a little boy for me for me, exactly the same as one hundred thousand other boys." And I do not need me. And I don't need you either. I am only a fox for you, exactly the same as one hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only light for me in the whole. And I will be one in the whole world for you ...
"I'm starting to understand," said the little prince. - There is one rose ... Probably she tamed me ...
"Very perhaps," Fox agreed. - On earth, everything is not happening.
"It was not on earth," said the little prince.

The fox was very surprised:
- On another planet?
- Yes.
- And on that planet there are hunters?
- Not.
- How interesting! And chickens there?
- Not.
- Not in the world of perfection! - sighed fox.
But then he spoke again about the same:
- I have a boring life. I will hunt for kuras, and people hunt me. All chickens are the same, and people are all the same. And I live is boring. But if you tame me, my life is like the sun lies up. Your steps I will distinguish between thousand others. Having walked down the human steps, I always run away and hiding. But your gait will call me, exactly music, and I will leave my asylum. And then - look! See, Won there, in the fields, ripens wheat? I do not eat bread. Colosum I do not need. Wheat fields do not talk about anything. And it is sad! But you have golden hair. And how wonderful will be when you tame me! Golden wheat will remind me of you. And I will love the rustle of the nonsense in the wind ... Lis fell silent and looked at the little prince for a long time. Then said:
- Please ... tame me!
"I would be happy," answered a little prince, "but I have so little time." I still have to find friends and find out different things.
"You can only find out those things that tame," Fox said. - People have no time to learn anything. They buy things ready in stores. But there are no such shops where they would be traded by friends, and therefore people no longer have friends. If you want you to have a friend, tame me!
- What should I do for this? - asked a little prince.
"We must be patient," answered Fox. - At first, Sit Won there, gone, on the grass - like this. I will look at you to look at you, and you are silent. Words only interfere with understanding each other. But every day sit down a little closer ...
The next day came the little prince again at the same place.
"It's better to always come in the same hour," the foxa asked. "For example, if you come at four o'clock, I already feel happy from three o'clock. And the closer to the appointed hour, the happier. At four o'clock I will start worrying and worrying. I recognize the price of happiness! And if you come every time at another time, I do not know what hour to cook your heart ... It is necessary to observe the rites.

- What are the rituals? - asked a little prince.
"This is also something forgotten for a long time," explained Fox. - Something that is why one day it becomes not similar to all other days, one hour - to all other hours. Here, for example, my hunters have such a ritual: they dance on Thursdays with rustic girls. And what is this wonderful day - Thursday! I go for a walk and reach the vineyard itself. And if the hunters danced when they have, all days would be the same, and I never knew the rest.
So little prince tamed fox. And then the hour of farewell.
"I will cry for you," the fox sighed.
"You yourself are guilty," said the little prince. - I didn't want you to hurt; You yourself wished me to tame you ...
"Yes, of course," said Fox.
- But you will cry!
- Yes of course.
- So you feel bad from this.
"No," objected Lis, "I feel good. Remember what I spoke about the golden ears.
He is silent. Then he added:
- Look to look again on roses. You will understand that your rose is the only one in the world. And when you come back to say goodbye to me, I will open one secret to you. It will be my gift to you.
Little prince went to look at roses.
"You don't look at my rose at all," he said to them. - You're still nothing. No one has tamed you, and you have not tamed anyone. So was my first fox. He did not differ from one hundred thousand other foxes. But I made friends with him, and now he is the only light in general.
Roses were very embarrassed.
"You are beautiful, but empty," the little prince continued. - For the sake of you, I will not want to die. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, say that she is exactly the same as you. But I am one more expensive for all of you. After all, it is her, and not you, I watered every day. Her, and not you covered with a glass cap. She was blocked by a screen, protecting from the wind. For her killed caterpillars, only two or three left the butterflies to be brought. I listened to how she complained and how boasting, I listened to her, even when she was silent. She is mine.
And the little prince returned to the fox.
"Farewell ..." he said.
"Farewell," said Fox. - Here is my secret, it is very simple: the heart is only one heart. The most important eyes will not see.
"You won't see the most important eyes," repeated the little prince to better remember.
- Your rose is so expensive for you because you gave her all your days.
"Because I gave her all my days ..." - repeated the little prince to better remember.
"People forgot this truth," said Fox, "but you don't forget: you are forever responsible for everyone who tamed." You are responsible for your rose.
- I am responsible for my rose ... - repeated the little prince to better remember.

Teacher: What conclusion can be made from this scene? What feelings experienced a little prince? Do you know that Saint-Exupery loved animals very much? He cared for a dog, cat, monkey, gazelle, hyienna and chameleon. In the letter of the mother in 1927, he told: "I tamed chameleon. Take yourself - this is my task. She is suitable for me. Nice word! " And in 1928, in a letter, Gabriel said his sister, Gabriel writer about his new pet: "I bring up a fenk-phenka, is also called a lonely fox. He is less than the cat, and he has a huge ears. He is charming! "
We did not talk about snake and the desert, as well as about the pilot. What do you tell me about them? How does the fairy tale ends? What wisdom opens with a writer? What aphorisms did you write out?
And now let's solve the crossword. ( Attachment 1 )

Teacher: At the end of the lesson, I would like me to remember everything about what they said, and looked at the presentation. (

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